



100个精选替换词在手,托福作文不再怕1.important =crucial (extremely important),significant(amount or effect large enough to be important)mon=universal, ubiquitous(if something is ubiquitous, it seems to be everywhere)3.abundant=ample(enough and usually extra), plentiful(enough for people's needs and wants)4.stick=adhere, cling(hold on something tightly)5.neglect=ignore.(difference: neglect means someone has not paid enough attention to something; ignore means no attention.)6.near=adjacent(two things next to each other), adjoin(the same as adjacent)7.pursue=woo(man woos woman, old-fashioned), seek(if you seek sth, you try to obtain it. FORMAL)8.accurate=precise(precise is exact and accurate in all details), exact(correct in every detail)9.vague=obscure(unknown or known by only a few people)10.top=peak, summitpetitor=rival, opponent(especially in sports and politics)12.blame=condemn(if you condemn something, you say it is very bad and unacceptable)13.opinon=perspective, standpoint(means looking at an event or situation in a particular way)14.fame=prestige(describe those who are admired), reputation15.build=erect(you can erect something as buildings, FORMAL), establish16.insult=humiliate(do something or say something which makes people feel ashamed or stupid)plain=grumble (complain something in a bad-tempered way)18.primary=radical (very important and great in degree), fundamental19.relieve=alleviate (alleviate means you make pain or sufferings less intense or severe)20.force=coerce into(coerce means you make someone do something s/he does not want to),compel21.enlarge=magnify(magnify means make something larger than it really is)plex=intricate(if something is intricate, it often has many small parts and details)23. Lonely=solitary (if someone is solitary, there is no one near him/her)24.small=minuscule(very small), minute25.praise=extol(stronger than praise), compliment(polite and political)26.hard-working=assiduous(someone who is assiduous works hard or does things very thoroughly)27.difficult=arduous (if something is arduous, it is difficult and tiring, and involves a lot of efforts)28.poor(soil)=barren, infertile(used to describe the soil is so poor that plants cannot be planted on it)29.fragile=brittle, vulnerable(someone who is vulnerable is easily hurt emotionally or physically)30.show=demonstrate (to demonstrate a fact means tp make it clear to people.)31.big=massive(large in size, quantity, or extent), colossal(use this word, you emphasize something’s large), tremendous(INFORMAL)32.avoid=shun(if someone shuns something, s/he deliberately avoid that something or keep away from it.)33.fair=impartial(someone who is impartial is able to give a fair opinion or decision on something.)34.attack=assault (physically attack someone), assail (attack violently)35.dislike=abhor(abhor means you hate something to a extreme extent for moral reasons), loathe(dislike very much)!36.ruin=devastate (it means damage something very badly, or utterly destroy it.)39.always=invariably(the same as always, but better than always)40.forever=perpetual(a perpetual state never changes), immutable(something immutable will never change or be changed)41.surprise=startle(it means surprise you slightly), astound(surprise you to a large degree),astonish(the same as astound)42.enthusiasm=zeal (a great enthusiasm), fervency (sincere and enthusiasm)43.quiet=tranquil(calm and peaceful), serene(calm and quiet)44.expensive=exorbitant(it means too expensive that it should be)45.luxurious=lavish(impressive and very expensive), sumptuous(grand and very expensive)46.boring=tedious(if you describe something tedious, you mean it is boring and frustrating)47.respect=esteem(if you esteem someone, you respect and admire him/her. FORMAL)48.worry=fret(if you fret about something, you worry about it)49.cold=chilly(unpleasantly cold), icy(extremely cold)50.hot=boiling(very hot)51.dangerous=perilous(very dangerous, hazardous(dangerous, especially to people's safety and health)52.nowadays=currently53.only=unique(the only one of its kind), distinctive;54.stop=cease(if something ceases, it stops happening or existing)55.part=component(the components of something are the parts that it is made of)56.result=consequence(the results or effects of something)57.obvious=apparent, manifest58.basedon=derived from can see or notice them very easily)60.quite=fairly61.pathetic=lamentable(very uncomfortable and disappointing)62.field=domain(a particular field of thought, activities or interest)63.appear=emerge(come into existence)64.whole=entire(the whole of something)65.wet=moist(slightly wet), damp(slightly wet),humid(very damp and hot)66.wrong=erroneous(incorrect or partly correct)67.difficult=formidable68.change=convert(change into another form)69.typical=quintessential(this word means represent a typical example of something)70.careful=cautious(very careful in order to avoid danger), prudent(careful and sensible)71.ability=capacity, capability(the same as ability)72.strange=eccentric(if some one is eccentric, s/he behaves in a strange way, or his/her opinion is different from most people)73.rich=affluent(if you are affluent, you have a lot of money)e= utilize (the same as use)75.dubious=skeptical(if you are skeptical about something, you have doubts on it.)76.satisfy=gratify (if you are gratified by something, it gives you pleasure and satisfaction)77.short=fleeting, ephemeral(if something is ephemeral, it lasts a short time)78.scholarship=fellowship79.angry=enraged(extremely angry)80.smelly=malodorous(used to describe an unpleasant smell)81.ugly=hideous(if something is hideous, it is very ugly or unattractive)82.attractive=appealing(pleasing and attractive), absorbing(something absorbing can attract you a great deal)83.diverse=miscellaneous(a miscellaneous groups consists of many different kinds of things)84.disorder=disarray, chaos85.crazily=frantically(used to describe someone who behaves in a wild and uncontrolled way)86.rapid=meteoric(ATTENTION: meteoric is only used to describe someone achieves success quickly)87.ordinary=mundane(very ordinary and not at interesting or unusual)88.despite=notwithstanding(FORMAL)89.best=optimal(used to describe the best level something can achieve)90.sharp=acute(severe and intense)91.unbelievable=inconceivable(if you deem something inconceivable, you think it very unlike to happen )92.puzzle=perplex(something perplex someone means it confuses and worries him/her because he/she does not understand it)93.method=avenue(away of getting something done)94.famous=distinguished(used to describe people who are successful in their career)95.ancient=archaic(extremely old and extremely old-fashioned)96.decorate=embellish(embellish means make something look more attractive via decorating it with something else)97.possible=feasible(if something is feasible, it can be done, made or achieved)98.so=consequently, accordingly99.rare=infrequent (doesn’t ha ppen often)100.greedy=rapacious(greedy and selfish)。





1. 认为:think--hold—maintain—assume—argue—claim—deem—reckon2. 获得: get--obtain—gain—achieve—acquire—have aess to3. 有:have--own—possess4. 帮助:help--assist—facilitate—give a hand to—act as a contributing factor to5. 使用,利用:use--utilize—exploit—take advantage of6. 给,提供:give--provide—offer—afford—confer7. 想要:want--desire—be eager for8. 好的:good—positive—beneficial—effective—constructive—superior9. 坏的:bad—negative—harmful—damaging—devastating—deteriorating—inferior10. 许多,大量:many--a vast number of—numerous—a wealth of—a host of—a multitude of11. 各种各样的:different kinds of—a variety of, a wide range of—diverse—diversified12. 人们:people—individuals—citizen—the public13. 开展,增长:development—improvement—progress—progression—advancement—growth—flourish—prosperity—boost14. 促进,推动:develop—improve—promote—enhance—strengthen—upgrade—boost15. 重要:important—significant—essential—critical—crucial—vital—pivotal16. 重视:focus on—emphasize—highlight—attach importance to –give priority to17. 无视:ignore—neglect—overlook—turn a blind eye to—fail to take into aount18. 观点:idea—opinion—view—standpoint—notion—concept—thought—assumption19. 原因,因素:reason—cause—factor—contributor—trigger20. 优点:advantage—merit—benefit—virtue—upside—strength21. 缺点:disadvantage—demerit—defect—drawback—downside—weakness22. 解决,处理:solve—resolve—work out—fix—handle—deal with—cope with –tackle23. 关于:in terms of—when it es to—as to—in regard to – relating to—with respect to—concerning—regarding—involving24. 采取,实施:adopt—undertake—carry out—initiate—implement—launch25. 措施,方案:measure—action—approach—policy—initiative26. 改变:change—transform—alter—shift—switch—convert27. 探讨,分析:explore—analyze—examine—depict—illustrate28. 反驳,冲突:contradict—conflict with—challenge—deny—oppose—cast doubt on—counter--refute29. 普遍一般:mon—universal—ubiquitous30. 足够:enough—sufficient--plentiful—abundant—ample31. 坚持:stick—adhere—cling32. 追求:pursue—seek33. 确切,准确:exact—aurate—precise34. 顶端:top—peak—summit35. 竞争者:petitor—rival—opponent36. 名声:fame—reputation—prestige37. 建立:build—establish—erect38. 根底的,根本的:primary—fundamental—radical39. 缓解:relieve—alleviate—ease--lighten40. :poor—needy—impoverished—poverty—stricken41. 富有:rich—wealthy—affluent—well-off42. 流行:popular—prevailing—prevalent—pervasive43. 鼓励,刺激:encourage—motivate—stimulate—spur44. 保持:keep—preserve—conserve--retain—remain—maintain45. 完成:finish—plete—aomplish—fulfill46. 破坏,危害:destroy—damage—impair—undermine—jeopardize47. 幸福:happiness—cheerfulness—well-being48. 教育:education—schooling—parenting—upbringing49. 年轻人:young people—youth—youngsters—adolescents50. 老年人:old people—the elderly—senior citizen—the aged51. 责任:responsibility—obligation—liability52. 工作:job—career—employment—profession53. 娱乐,消遣:enjoyment—entertainment—pastimes—recreation54. 孩子:children—kid--offspring—descendant55. 起作用:play a…role in—exert a … part in—perform a …function in56. 对...有影响:have a … effect on—exert a … influence on… exercise a … impact on57. 充满:be filled with—be awash with—be inundate with—be saturated with—be flooded with58. 努力: struggle for—strive for—aspire after—spare no efforts for59. 从事:take up—set about—go in for—embark on--be engaged in60. 在当代:in contemporary society—in present-day society—in this day and age。



英语写作常见同义词汇总(1)解决solvedeal withcope withhandleresolveaddresstackle(2)损害damagehurtinjureharmimpairunderminejeopardize(3)给与giveofferrenderimpartprovidesupplyafford(4)培养developcultivatefoster(5)优势advantagemeritvirtuebenefitupsidestrength(6)缺陷disadvantagedemeritdrawbackdownsideweakness(7)使迷惑puzzlebewilderperplexbaffle(8)重要的keycrucialcriticalimportantsignificantvitalsubstantialindispe nsableimperative(9)认为thinkbelieveinsistmaintainassertconcludedeemholdargueb e convincedbe firmly convincedbe fully convinced(10)保护protectconservepreserve(11)确保assureensureguaranteepledge(12)有害的badbaneful evilharmfuldetrimental(13)要求requestdemandneedsrequisition(14)消除eliminateclearremoveclear uptake awaysmooth away(15)导致lead tobring aboutresult incausespark offconduce toprocureinducegenerate(16)因此sothereforethushenceconsequentlyas aconsequenceaccordinglyas a resultbecause of thisas a result of this(17)增长至grow torise toincrease togo up toclimb toascend tojump toshoot to(18)降低至dip tofall todecline todecrease todrop togo down toreduce toslump todescend tosink toslide to(19)保持稳定level outdo not changeremain stableremain stillremain steadybe stablemaintain the same levelremain unchangedbe stillremain the same levelstay constantkeep at the same levellevel offstabilizekeep its stabilityeven out(20)急剧地dramaticallydrasticallysharplyhugelyenormouslysteeplysub stantiallyconsiderablysignificantlymarkedlysurprisinglystriki nglyradicallyremarkablyvastlynoticeably(21)平稳地steadilysmoothlyslightlyslowlymarginallygraduallymoderat elymildly(22)宣称allegeassertdeclareclaim(23)发生happenoccurtake place(24)原因reasonfactorcause(25)发展developmentadvanceprogress(26)有益的usefulhelpfulbeneficialprofitablerewardingadvantageous (27)影响influenceimpacteffect(28)明显的clearobviousevidentself-evidentmanifestapparentcrystal-cl ear(29)占comprisetake upaccount forconstituteconsist ofmake upoccupyholdcompose(30)与...相比compared withcompared toin comparison within comparison tobycomparison withby comparison to(31)对比而言by contrastin contraston the other handon the contraryconversely(32)展示showrevealillustratedemonstratedepictpresentrepresentde scribe(33)大约approximatelyalmostaboutaroundnearlyroughly(34)波动fluctuatego ups and downsdisplay a fluctuationdemonstrate a fluctuation(35)事实上practicallyin practiceessentiallyin essencein realityin effectin factas a matter of factit is a fact that(36)换言之namelythat is to sayin other wordsto put it like thisto put it differentlyto put it from another wayto put it from another angle。



写作基础要点之同义替换基础50组1. 重要的 - crucial, vital, important, significant, essential2. 增长 - increase, grow, expand, rise, boost3. 减少 - decrease, reduce, shrink, diminish, lower4. 影响 - impact, influence, effect, affect, result in5. 优点 - advantage, benefit, merit, asset, strength6. 缺点 - disadvantage, drawback, downside, weakness, flaw7. 原因 - reason, cause, factor, motive, explanation9. 改善 - improve, enhance, upgrade, refine, ameliorate10. 问题 - problem, issue, challenge, difficulty, obstacle12. 支持 - support, assist, back, uphold, endorse13. 反对 - oppose, object, resist, contradict, challenge14. 必要 - necessary, essential, required, needed, vital16. 区别 - difference, distinction, contrast, disparity17. 解释 - explain, clarify, elucidate, illustrate, interpret18. 重要性 - importance, significance, weight, value, importance19. 增加 - add, include, incorporate, supplement, append20. 有效的 - effective, efficient, productive, successful, constructive21. 无效的 - ineffective, inefficient, unproductive, unsuccessful22. 难题 - challenge, difficulty, puzzle, problem, obstacle23. 要求 - requirement, demand, prerequisite, necessity, condition24. 必须 - must, have to, need to, be required to, be obligated to25. 提供 - provide, offer, supply, furnish, give27. 重视 - value, appreciate, esteem, cherish, treasure28. 忽视 - ignore, neglect, overlook, disregard, underestimate29. 合适的 - suitable, appropriate, fitting, proper, apt30. 不合适的 - unsuitable, inappropriate, unfitting, improper, wrong31. 重复 - repeat, replicate, duplicate, echo, reiterate33. 贡献 - contribute, provide, give, donate, yield34. 担心 - worry, be concerned, be anxious, be troubled, fret35. 责任 - responsibility, duty, obligation, accountability37. 神秘的 - mysterious, enigmatic, arcane, puzzling, baffling38. 值得 - worth, deserving, deserving of, merit, value39. 运气 - luck, fortune, chance, fate, destiny40. 优秀 - excellent, outstanding, exceptional, superb, remarkable41. 糟糕 - terrible, awful, dreadful, horrible, disastrous42. 快速 - fast, quick, rapid, speedy, swift43. 懒惰 - lazy, indolent, idle, inactive, slothful44. 健康的 - healthy, fit, well, robust, in good health45. 不健康的 - unhealthy, sickly, unwell, ailing, poor health46. 准确 - accurate, precise, exact, correct, right47. 错误 - wrong, incorrect, mistaken, erroneous, flawed48. 明显 - obvious, evident, clear, apparent, manifest49. 非常 - very, extremely, highly, greatly, exceedingly50. 终止 - end, terminate, conclude, finish, cease这只是一些常用的同义替换表达,希望对您的写作有所帮助。



高考英语写作高分同义替换(一)1 好处/优点(benefit)除了benefit/advantage之外,还有下面这些词可以表示好处/优点:merit、virtue、blessing、boon、good①merit常用作复数merits。


Economists reconsider the merits of industrial policy, but some flaws are hard to fix.经济学家重新考虑了产业政策的优点,但有些缺陷很难修复。

This report will explore the merits and demerits of remote working.这篇报告将探讨远程工作的优缺点。

②virtue可以用于短语have the virture of有着...的优点。

One of the virtues of this job is the flexible hours.这份工作的一个优点就是工作时间灵活。

This means of transport has the virtue of convenience.这种交通方式有便利这一优点。


由于是对事物的描述,因此经常作为表语:be ablessing/boon。

Autonomous vehicles are a blessing/boon to humanity.自动驾驶汽车对人类来说是福音。



We must work together for the good of the community.我们必须为了社区的利益而共同努力。

【for the good of sb/sth为了...的利益】For employers, remote working may do more harm than good.对于雇主来说,远程工作可能弊大于利。



★形容词:1. 贫穷的:poor = needy = impoverished = poverty-stricken2. 富裕的:rich = wealthy = affluent = well-to-do = well-off3. 优秀的:excellent = eminent = top = outstanding4. 积极的,好的:good = conducive = beneficial=advantageous5. 消极的,不良的:bad = detrimental= baneful =undesirable6. 明显的:obvious = apparent = evident =manifest7. 健康的: healthy = robust = sound = wholesome8. 惊人的:surprising = amazing = extraordinary = miraculous9. 美丽的:beautiful = attractive = gorgeous = eye-catching10. 有活力的:energetic = dynamic = vigorous =animated11. 流行的:popular = prevailing = prevalent= pervasive1.Everywhere 普遍的Widespread、Prevalent、Overflow、Rampant2.Good 好的Beneficial、Advantageous3.Harmful 有害的Inhumane、Detrimental、Baneful4.Rich 富有的Wealthy、Affluent5.Poor 贫穷的Impoverished7.Serious 严重的Severe8.Obvious 明显的Manifest、Apparent、Evident 9.cheap 便宜的Economical、Inexpensive ★动词:1. 提高,加强:improve = enhance= promote = strengthen = optimize2. 引起:cause = trigger = endanger3. 解决:solve =resolve =address = tackle =cope with = deal with4. 拆除:destroy = tear down = knock down = eradicate5. 培养: develop = cultivate = foster = nurture6. 激发,鼓励:encourage = motivate = stimulate = spur7. 认为:think = assert= hold = claim = argue8. 完成:complete = fulfill = accomplish= achieve9. 保留:keep = preserve = retain = hold10. 有害于:destroy = impair = undermine = jeopardize11. 减轻: ease = alleviate = relieve = lighten1.Improve 提高:Promote、Advance、Enhance2.change 改变:Transform3.Emphasize 强调:Highlight、Stress、Address(这是个9星级用法)4.Develop培养:Agriculture、Cultivate、Nurture5.Break 破坏:Impair、Undermine这两个词指的是抽象意义上的破坏Jeopardize、Devastate6.Keep 保存Preserve、Conserve 保护资源7.deal With解决Tackle、Address(这也是高难度用法,很牛)、Resolve 8.need 需要Require、necessitate、call for★名词:1. 影响:influence= impact2. 危险:danger = perils =hazard3. 污染:pollution = contamination4. 人类:human beings= mankind = human race5. 老人:old people= the old = the elderly = the aged = senior citizens6. 幸福:happiness = cheerfulness = well-being7. 老师:teachers = instructors = educators = lecturers8. 教育:education = schooling = family parenting = upbringing9. 青少年:young people = youngsters = youths = adolescents10. 优点:advantage = merits = superiority = virtue11. 责任:responsibility = obligation = duty = liability12. 能力:ability = capacity = power = skill13. 职业:job = career = employment = profession14. 娱乐:enjoyment = pastimes = recreation= entertainment15. 孩子:children = offspring = descendant= kid1.Forefather 祖先Ancestor、Predecessor2.Difference不同Gap(简单但是牛)、Distinction3.Crime 犯罪Delinquency、Criminal Act4.Environment 环境Circumstance、Atmosphere、Surrounding、Ambience5.Pollution 污染Contamination6.Human 人类The human race Humanity Humankind7.Danger 危险Peril、Hazard8.In modern society 在当今社会In contemporary society In present-day society In this day and age★短语:1. 充满了:be filled with = be awash with = be inundate with = be saturated with2. 努力:struggle for = aspire after = strive for = spare no efforts for3. 从事:embark on = take up = set about = go in for4. 在当代: in contemporarysociety = in present-day society= in this day and age5. 大量的: a host of = a multitude of = a vast number of = a vast amount of★插入语1.indeed的确,2.surely无疑,3.however然而,4.obviously显然,5.frankly坦率地说,6.naturally自然,7.luckily (或happily)for sb.算某人幸运,8.fortunately/luckily 幸好,9.honestly真的, 10.briefly简单地说, 11.strange to say说也奇怪, 12.needless to say不用说,13.most impor tant of all最为重要是, 13.worse still更糟糕的是, 14.ina few words(或in sum,in short)简而言之, 15.in other words换句话说,16.in a sense在某种意义上, 17.in general一般说来, 18.in my view在我看来, 19.in conclusion总之, 20.in summary概括地说, 21.in fact事实上, 22.in the first place 首先,23.in addition此外,24.of course当然, 25.to my knowledge据我所知, 26.for instance(或example)例如, 27.as a matter of fact事实上,28.strictly speaking严格地说, 29.generally speaking一般地说,30.judging from…根据……判断,31.to be sure无疑, 32.to sum up概括地说, 33.to tell the truth老实说, 34.I am sure 我可以肯定地说,35.I believe我相信, 36.I wonder我不知道, 37.that is也就是说,38.it seems看来是,39.as I see it照我看来, 40.what is important (serious)重要(严重)的是1解决: Solve, deal with, cope with, handle, resolve, address, tackle2损害:Damage, hurt, injure, harm, impair, undermine, jeopardize3给与:Give, offer, render, impart, provide, supply, afford4培养::Develop, cultivate, foster5优势:Advantage, merit, virtue, benefit, upside, strength6 缺陷:Disadvantage, demerit, drawback, downside, weakness7 使迷惑:Puzzle, bewilder, perplex, baffle8 重要的:Key, crucial, critical, important, significant, vital, substantial, indispensable, imperative9 认为:Think, believe, insist, maintain, assert, conclude, deem, hold, argue, be convinced, be firmly convinced, be fully convinced10 保护:Protect, conserve, preserve11确保:Assure, ensure, guarantee, pledge12 有害的:Bad, baneful evil, harmful, detrimental13 要求:Request, demand, needs, requisition14 消除:Eliminate, clear, remove, clear up, take away, smooth away15 导致:Lead to, bring about, result in, cause, spark off, conduce to, procure, induce, generate16 因此:So, therefore, thus, hence, consequently, as a consequence, accordingly, as a result, because of this, as a result of this17 增长至:Grow to,rise to,increase to,go up to,climb to,ascend to,jump to,shoot to18降低至:Dip to,fall to,decline to,decrease to,drop to,go down to,reduce to,slump to,descend to,sink to,slide to19保持稳定:Level out,do not change,remain stable,remain still,remain steady,be stable,maintain the same level,remain unchanged,be still,remain the same level,stay constant,keep at the same level,level off,stabilize,keep its stability,even out20 急剧地:Dramatically,drastically,sharply,hugely,enormously,steeply,substantially,considerably,significantly,markedly,surprisingly,strikingly,radically,remarkably,vastly,noticeably21平稳地:Steadily,smoothly,slightly,slowly,marginally,gradually,moderately,mildly22 宣称:Allege, assert, declare, claim23 发生:Happen, occur, take place24 原因:Reason, factor, cause25 发展:Development, advance, progress26 有益的:Useful, helpful, beneficial, profitable, rewarding,advantageous27 影响:Influence, impact, effect28明显的:Clear, obvious, evident, self-evident, manifest, apparent, crystal-clear29占:Comprise, take up, account for, constitute, consist of, make up, occupy, hold, compose30与…相比:Compared with,compared to,in comparison with,in comparison to,by comparison with,by comparison to31对比而言:By contrast,in contrast,on the other hand,on the contrary=,conversely 32展示:Show, reveal, illustrate, demonstrate, depict, present, represent, describe33 大约:Approximately,almost,about,around,nearly,roughly34波动:Fluctuate,go ups and downs,display a fluctuation,demonstrate a fluctuation 35事实上:Practically,in practice,essentially,in essence,in reality,in effect,in fact,as a matter of fact,it is a fact that36换言之:Namely,that is to say,in other words,to put it like this,to put it differently,to put it from another way,to put it from another angle.1.individuals,characters, folks替换people ,persons2: positive, favorable, rosy (美好的),promising (有希望的),perfect, pleasurable , excellent, outstanding, superior替换good3:dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill (有害的)替换bad 如果bad做表语,可以有be less impressive替换Eg.An army of college students indulge themselves in playing games, enjoying romance with girls/boys or killing time passively in their dorms. When it approaches to graduation ,as a result, they find their academic records are less impressive.4.(an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of ,a host of, many, if not most)替换many.注:用many, if not most 一定要小心,many后一定要有词。



英语写作常用同义词替换提笔忘字,一个单词一篇文章重复不下十遍,就是不知道该怎么替换?各类词汇,多做储备;各类文章多做输入,何愁不会才思如泉涌?下面,李向老师给你整理了英语写作中常用的同义词替换,赶紧背起来!形容词贫穷的:poor 、needy 、impoverished 、poverty-stricken=destitute富裕的:rich 、wealthy 、affluent 、well-to-do 、well-off优秀的:excellent 、eminent 、top 、outstanding积极的,好的:good 、conducive 、beneficial、advantageous消极的,不良的:bad 、detrimental、baneful 、undesirable明显的:obvious 、apparent 、evident 、manifest健康的: healthy 、robust 、sound 、wholesome惊人的:surprising 、amazing 、extraordinary 、miraculous美丽的:beautiful 、attractive 、gorgeous 、eye-catching有活力的:energetic 、dynamic 、vigorous 、animated流行的:popular 、prevailing 、prevalent、pervasive普遍的:everywhere、widespread、prevalent、overflow、rampant好的:good、beneficial、advantageous有害的:harmful、Inhumane、detrimental、baneful富有的:rich、wealthy、affluent、well-off贫穷的:poor、impoverished、destitute、needy严重的:serious、severe明显的:obvious、manifest、apparent、evident便宜的:cheap、Economical、Inexpensive、cost-saving重要的:key、crucial、critical、important、significant、vital、substantial、indispensable、imperative有害的:bad、baneful evil、harmful、detrimental急剧地:dramatically,drastically,sharply,hugely,enormously,steeply,substantially,considerably,significantly,markedly,surprisingly,strikingly,radically,remarkably,vastly,noticeably平稳地:steadily,smoothly,slightly,slowly,marginally,gradually,moderately,mildly 有益的:useful、helpful、beneficial、profitable、rewarding,advantageous明显的:clear、obvious、evident、self-evident、manifest、apparent、crystal-clear动词提高,加强:improve 、enhance、promote 、strengthen 、optimize引起:cause 、trigger 、endanger解决:solve 、resolve 、address 、tackle 、cope with 、deal with拆除:destroy 、tear down 、knock down 、eradicate培养:develop 、cultivate 、foster 、nurture激发,鼓励:encourage 、motivate 、stimulate 、spur认为:think 、assert、hold 、claim 、argue完成:complete 、fulfill 、accomplish、achieve保留:keep 、preserve 、retain 、hold有害于:destroy 、impair 、undermine 、jeopardize减轻: ease 、alleviate 、relieve 、lighten提高:improve、promote、advance、enhance、boost改变:change、Transform、vary强调:emphasize、highlight、stress、address培养:develop、agriculture、cultivate、nurture破坏:break、impair、undermine这两个词指的是抽象意义上的破坏jeopardize、devastate 保存:keep、preserve、conserve 保护资源解决:deal with、tackle、address、resolve需要:need、require、necessitate、call for解决:solve、deal with、cope with、handle、resolve、address、tackle损害:damage、hurt、injure、harm、impair、undermine、hamper、jeopardize 给与:give、offer、render、impart、provide、supply、afford培养:develop、cultivate、foster优势:advantage、merit、virtue、benefit、upside、strength缺陷:disadvantage、demerit、drawback、downside、weakness使迷惑:puzzle、bewilder、perplex、baffle认为:think、believe、insist、maintain、assert、conclude、deem、hold、argue、be convinced、be firmly convinced、be fully convinced保护:protect、conserve、preserve确保:assure、ensure、guarantee、pledge要求:request、demand、needs、requisition消除:eliminate、clear、remove、clear up、take away、smooth away导致:lead to、bring about、result in、cause、spark off、conduce to、procure、induce、generate因此:so、therefore、thus、hence、consequently、as a consequence、accordingly、as a result、because of this、as a result of this增长至:grow to,rise to,increase to,go up to,climb to,ascend to,jump to,shoot to降低至:dip to,fall to,decline to,decrease to,drop to,go down to,reduce to,slump to,descend to,sink to,slide to保持稳定:level out,do not change,remain stable,remain still,remain steady,be stable,maintain the same level,remain unchanged,be still,remain the same level,stay constant,keep at the same level,level off,stabilize,keep its stability,even out宣称:allege、assert、declare、claim发生:happen、occur、take place原因:reason、factor、cause发展:development、advance、progress影响:influence、impact、effect占:comprise、take up、account for、constitute、consist of、make up、occupy、hold、compose与…相比:compared with,compared to,in comparison with,in comparison to,by comparison with,by comparison to对比而言:by contrast,in contrast,on the other hand,on the contrary、,conversely 展示:show、reveal、illustrate、demonstrate、depict、present、represent、describe 大约:approximately,almost,about,around,nearly,roughly波动:fluctuate,go ups and downs,display a fluctuation,demonstrate a fluctuation 事实上:practically,in practice,essentially,in essence,in reality,in effect,in fact,as a matter of fact,it is a fact that换言之:namely,that is to say,in other words,to put it like this,to put it differently,to put it from another way,to put it from another angle名词影响:influence、impact危险:danger 、perils 、hazard污染:pollution 、contamination人类:human beings、mankind 、human race老人:old people、the old 、the elderly 、the aged 、senior citizens幸福:happiness 、cheerfulness 、well-being老师:teachers 、instructors 、educators 、lecturers教育:education 、schooling 、family parenting 、upbringing青少年:young people 、youngsters 、youths 、adolescents优点:advantage 、merits 、superiority 、virtue责任:responsibility 、obligation 、duty 、liability能力:ability 、capacity 、power 、skill职业:job 、career 、employment 、profession娱乐:enjoyment 、pastimes 、recreation、entertainment孩子:children 、offspring 、descendant、kid祖先:forefather、ancestor、predecessor不同:difference、gap、distinction犯罪:crime、delinquency、criminal act环境:environment、circumstance、atmosphere、surrounding、ambience污染:pollution、contamination人类:human、the human race、humanity、humankind危险:danger、peril、hazard在当今社会:in modern society、in contemporary society In present-day society In this day and age短语充满了:be filled with 、be awash with 、be inundate with 、be saturated with努力:struggle for 、aspire after 、strive for 、spare no efforts for从事:embark on 、take up 、set about 、go in for在当代:in contemporarysociety 、in present-day society、in this day and age大量的:a host of 、a multitude of 、a vast number of 、a vast amount of插入语indeed的确,surely无疑,however然而,obviously显然,frankly坦率地说,naturally自然,luckily (或happily)for sb算某人幸运,fortunately、luckily幸好,honestly真的,briefly简单地说、strange to say说也奇怪,needless to say不用说,most impor tant of all最为重要是,worse still更糟糕的是,in a few words(或in sum,in short)简而言之,in other words换句话说,in a sense在某种意义上,in general一般说来,in my view在我看来,in conclusion总之,in summary概括地说,in fact事实上,in the first place首先,in addition此外,of course当然,to my knowledge据我所知,for instance(或example)例如,as a matter of fact事实上、strictly speaking严格地说,generally speaking一般地说,judging from…根据……判断、to be sure无疑,to sum up概括地说,to tell the truth老实说、I am sure我可以肯定地说,I believe我相信,I wonder我不知道,that is也就是说,it seems看来是,as I see it照我看来,what is important (serious)重要(严重)的是★其它individuals、characters、folks替换people 、personspositive、favorable、rosy (美好的),promising (有希望的) perfect、pleasurable、excellent、outstanding、superior替换gooddreadful、unfavorable、poor、adverse、ill (有害的)替换bad 如果bad做表语,可以be less impressive替换EgAn army of college students indulge themselves in playing games、enjoying romance with girls、boys or killing time passively in their dorms When it approaches to graduation 、as a result、they find their academic records are less impressive(an army of、an ocean of、a sea of、a multitude of 、a host of、many、if not most)替换many注:用many、if not most 一定要小心,many后一定要有词。



英语写作常用同义词替换英语写作常用同义词替换提笔忘字,一个单词一篇文章重复不下十遍,就是不知道该怎么替换?各类词汇,多做储备;各类文章多做输入,何愁不会才思如泉涌?下面,李向老师给你整理了英语写作中常用的同义词替换,赶紧背起来!形容词贫穷的:poor 、 needy 、 impoverished 、poverty-stricken=destitute富裕的:rich 、 wealthy 、 affluent 、well-to-do 、 well-off优秀的:excellent 、 eminent 、 top 、outstanding积极的,好的:good 、conducive 、beneficial、advantageous消极的,不良的:bad 、 detrimental、baneful 、undesirable明显的:obvious 、 apparent 、 evident 、manifest健康的: healthy 、 robust 、 sound 、wholesome惊人的:surprising 、amazing 、extraordinary 、 miraculous美丽的:beautiful 、attractive 、gorgeous 、 eye-catching有活力的:energetic 、dynamic 、vigorous 、animated流行的:popular 、prevailing 、prevalent、 pervasive普遍的:everywhere、widespread、prevalent、overflow、rampant好的:good、beneficial、advantageous有害的:harmful、Inhumane、detrimental、baneful富有的:rich、wealthy、affluent、well-off贫穷的:poor、impoverished、destitute、needy严重的:serious、severe明显的:obvious、manifest、apparent、evident便宜的:cheap、Economical、Inexpensive、cost-saving重要的:key、crucial、critical、important、significant、vital、substantial、 indispensable、 imperative 有害的:bad、 baneful evil、 harmful、detrimental急剧地:dramatically,drastically,sharply,hugely,enormously,steeply,substantially,considerably,significantly,markedly,surprisingly,strikingly,radically,remarkably,vastly,noticeably 平稳地:steadily,smoothly,slightly,slowly,marginally,gradually,moderately,mildly有益的:useful、 helpful、 beneficial、profitable、 rewarding, advantageous 明显的:clear、obvious、evident、self-evident、manifest、apparent、crystal-clear动词提高,加强:improve 、 enhance、 promote 、strengthen 、 optimize引起:cause 、 trigger 、 endanger解决:solve 、resolve 、address 、tackle 、cope with 、 deal with拆除:destroy 、 tear down 、 knock down 、eradicate培养:develop 、 cultivate 、 foster 、nurture激发,鼓励:encourage 、 motivate 、stimulate 、 spur认为: think 、 assert、 hold 、 claim 、argue完成:complete 、 fulfill 、 accomplish、achieve保留:keep 、 preserve 、 retain 、 hold 有害于:destroy 、 impair 、 undermine 、jeopardize减轻: ease 、 alleviate 、 relieve 、lighten提高:improve、promote、advance、enhance、boost改变:change、Transform、vary强调:emphasize、highlight、stress、address培养:develop、agriculture、cultivate、nurture破坏:break、impair、undermine这两个词指的是抽象意义上的破坏jeopardize、devastate保存:keep、preserve、conserve 保护资源解决:deal with、tackle、address、resolve 需要:need、require、necessitate、call for 解决:solve、 deal with、 cope with、handle、 resolve、 address、 tackle 损害:damage、 hurt、 injure、 harm、impair、 undermine、 hamper、 jeopardize 给与:give、 offer、 render、 impart、provide、 supply、 afford培养:develop、 cultivate、 foster优势:advantage、merit、virtue、benefit、 upside、 strength缺陷:disadvantage、 demerit、 drawback、downside、 weakness使迷惑:puzzle、 bewilder、 perplex、baffle认为:think、 believe、 insist、 maintain、assert、 conclude、 deem、 hold、 argue、 be convinced、 be firmly convinced、 be fully convinced保护:protect、 conserve、 preserve确保:assure、 ensure、 guarantee、 pledge 要求:request、demand、needs、requisition消除:eliminate、 clear、 remove、 clear up、 take away、 smooth away导致:lead to、 bring about、 result in、cause、 spark off、 conduce to、 procure、induce、 generate因此:so、 therefore、 thus、 hence、consequently、as a consequence、accordingly、 as a result、 because of this、as a result of this增长至:grow to,rise to,increase to,go up to,climb to,ascend to,jump to,shoot to降低至:dip to,fall to,decline to,decrease to,drop to,go down to,reduce to,slump to,descend to,sink to,slide to保持稳定:level out,do not change,remain stable,remain still,remain steady,be stable,maintain the same level,remain unchanged,be still,remain the same level,stay constant,keep at the same level,level off,stabilize,keep its stability,even out 宣称:allege、 assert、 declare、 claim 发生:happen、 occur、 take place原因:reason、 factor、 cause发展:development、 advance、 progress 影响:influence、 impact、 effect占:comprise、 take up、 account for、constitute、 consist of、 make up、 occupy、hold、 compose与…相比:compared with,compared to,in comparison with,in comparison to,by comparison with,by comparison to 对比而言:by contrast,in contrast,on the other hand,on the contrary、,conversely展示:show、reveal、illustrate、demonstrate、 depict、 present、 represent、describe大约:approximately,almost,about,around,nearly,roughly波动:fluctuate,go ups and downs,display a fluctuation,demonstrate a fluctuation事实上:practically,in practice,essentially,in essence,in reality,in effect,in fact,as a matter of fact,it is a fact that换言之:namely,that is to say,in other words,to put it like this,to put it differently,to put it from another way,to put it from another angle名词影响:influence、 impact危险:danger 、 perils 、hazard污染:pollution 、 contamination人类:human beings、 mankind 、 human race 老人:old people、the old 、the elderly 、 the aged 、 senior citizens 幸福:happiness 、cheerfulness 、well-being老师:teachers 、instructors 、educators 、 lecturers教育:education 、 schooling 、 family parenting 、 upbringing青少年:young people 、 youngsters 、youths 、 adolescents优点:advantage 、merits 、superiority 、 virtue责任: responsibility 、 obligation 、duty 、 liability能力: ability 、 capacity 、 power 、skill职业: job 、 career 、 employment 、profession娱乐:enjoyment 、pastimes 、recreation、 entertainment孩子:children 、offspring 、descendant、 kid祖先:forefather、ancestor、predecessor 不同:difference、gap、distinction犯罪:crime、delinquency、criminal act 环境:environment、circumstance、atmosphere、surrounding、ambience污染:pollution、contamination人类:human、the human race、humanity、humankind危险:danger、peril、hazard在当今社会:in modern society、in contemporary society In present-day society In this day and age短语充满了:be filled with 、 be awash with 、be inundate with 、 be saturated with 努力:struggle for 、 aspire after 、strive for 、 spare no efforts for从事: embark on 、 take up 、 set about 、go in for在当代: in contemporarysociety 、 in present-day society、 in this day and age 大量的:a host of 、 a multitude of 、 a vast number of 、 a vast amount of插入语indeed的确,surely无疑,however然而,obviously显然,frankly坦率地说,naturally自然,luckily (或happily)for sb算某人幸运,fortunately、luckily幸好,honestly真的,briefly简单地说、strange to say说也奇怪,needless to say不用说,most impor tant of all最为重要是,worse still更糟糕的是,in a few words(或in sum,in short)简而言之,in other words换句话说,in a sense在某种意义上,in general一般说来,in my view在我看来,in conclusion总之,in summary概括地说,in fact事实上,in the first place首先,in addition此外,of course当然,to my knowledge据我所知,for instance(或example)例如,as a matter of fact事实上、strictly speaking严格地说,generally speaking一般地说,judging from…根据……判断、to be sure无疑,to sum up概括地说,to tell the truth老实说、I am sure我可以肯定地说,I believe我相信,I wonder我不知道,that is也就是说,it seems看来是,as I see it照我看来,what is important (serious)重要(严重)的是★其它individuals、characters、folks替换people 、personspositive、 favorable、 rosy (美好的),promising (有希望的) perfect、 pleasurable、excellent、 outstanding、 superior替换good dreadful、 unfavorable、 poor、 adverse、ill (有害的)替换bad 如果bad做表语,可以be less impressive替换EgAn army of college students indulge themselves in playing games、enjoying romance with girls、boys or killing time passively in their dorms When it approaches to graduation 、as a result、 they find their academic records are less impressive(an army of、 an ocean of、 a sea of、 a multitude of 、a host of、 many、 if not most)替换many注:用many、 if not most 一定要小心,many后一定要有词。



高考英语写作同义词替换1.好处 benefit:good/profit/improvement/increase/help2.问题 problem:difficulties/challenges3.担心 concern:worry/risk/fail to/4.人们 people:public/individuals/commonly wisdom/persons/ folk5.重要的 important:of importance /significant /essential/vital /crucial/critical/indispensable/big matter/value6.普遍的 common:ordinary/general/universal7.传统的 stereotype:traditional /conventional /old /unchanged/prevailing view/for a long time/ used to do8.有问题的 difficult:hard/tough9.理解 understand:grasp/catch10.一直 all the time:continually/continuously /constantly11.因此 as a result:so/as a consequence/ consequently12.在...之前 before:prior to/first13.开始 begin:commence/start/initiate/outset/threshold14.比...更好 better:superior/greater15.拥有 have:possess/own/be equipped with16.最后 in the end:eventually/finally/ultimately17.意识到 know:be aware of/be familiar with/realize18.越来越 more and more:increasing/growing/mounting19.钱 money:fund/resources/rewarding/revenue20.需要 need:demand/require/ask21.现在 now:at present/at this moment/currently/recently22.经常 often:frequently/usually/repeatedly23.很快地 quick(ly):rapid(ly)/prompt(ly)24.合适的 right:appropriate/correct/proper/reasonable25.突然的 sharp:abrupt/drastic/dramatic26.显示 show:demonstrate/reveal/indicate/manifest27.小的 small:minor/insignificant/marginal/trivial28.太多 too many:much/excessive/disproportionate29.关于 about:concerning/involving/relating to/with respect to/ with regard to/with reference to/regarding30.著名的 famous:well-known/noted/renowned/reputation/Outstanding /eminent/prominent31.贫穷的 poor:needy/impoverished/poverty32.好的 good:positive/favorable/rosy/promising/excellent33.坏的 bad:unfavorable/undesirable/poor/adverse/ill/Harmful34.事情 thing:affair/business/matter35.共同的 shared:common/collective/joint36.几乎不,很少 little:hardly/barely/rarely37.有帮助的,有回报的 helpful:beneficial/rewarding38.有希望的 hopeful:optimistic39.改变 change:vary/alter/shift/switch/modify/transform/turn/convert40.精确的 precise:accurate/exact41.恢复 revive:refresh/regain/restore42.没有偏见的 unbiased:unprejudiced/just/fair43.提高 raise:nurture/rear/foster44.增强 enhance:improve/promote/facilitate/boost45.下降 decline:fall/drop/decrease/slump/recede/regress/depress/reduce/plummet46.增加 increase:rise/more/mount/add47.繁荣 prosper:thrive/flourish/boom48.阻止 prevent:hinder/barrier/hamper/in the way49.产生 cause:give rise to/lead to/result in/trigger/bring about/ fuel/ contributeto/ignite/inspire/motivate50.吸引 attract:fascinate/appeal to/compelling51.改变 vary:change/alter/transform/modify/reshape/remake/remold52.指控,控告 accuse:blame/ charge/ criticize/sue/ condemn/ prosecute/denounce53.认为 maintain:argue /assert/assume/believe/contend/ hold/insist/imagine54.解决 address:approach/ cope with/handle with/deal with/resolve /solve/settle/tackle55.减少 decrease:decline/descend/drop/fall/diminish/reduce/go down56.增加 increase:climb/soar/surge/augment/go up57.缓解,减轻 relieve:alleviate/ moderate/ease/lighten/mitigate58.夸张 exaggerate:overstate/overrate/ overvalue/ overestimate59.承认 acknowledge:admit/ recognize/confess60.遵守 conform:comply/abide/ obey/observe61.把...认为成see…as…:view…as…/ regard …as…/ reckon …as…/ elect…as…/count…as…/deem …as…/accept...as.../dismiss...as...62.把...归因于owe …to…:attribute…to/ascribe…to/accredit …to…/ put …down to…63.依靠,依赖,取决于depend on …:rely on …/lean on …/count on…/ reckon on…/rest on …64.源自,因为originate from… :stem from …/ arise from /derive from …/ result from …/come from65.大会,会议 convention:meeting/conference/summit/congress/ assembly66.缺点,不足 disadvantage:weakness/shortcoming/defect/flaw/lameness67.优点 advantage:merit/virtue/strength/strong point68.环境 context:environment/surroundings/circumstance/settings69.重要的 crucial:critical/ vital /fateful/important/significant/essential 70.难以置信的 incredible:unbelievable/inconceivable/implausible/ fabulous71.客观的 objective:impartial/detached/ neutral/unbiased/ unprejudiced72.怀疑的 questionable:doubtful/ skeptical/ suspicious/incredulous/ dubious 73.可利用的 be available to:be accessible to74.易受伤害的 be susceptible to:be vulnerable to75.向...学习 take a page from:learn from76.不遵守某人的誓言break one’s promise:dishonor one’s promise77.受到...的限制 be limited by:be conditioned by78.源自于 derive from:stem from, arise from79.以...为中心 focus on:center on/concentrate on80.受到...批评 be under fire for:be criticized for81.责备 scor:criticize82.探索 explore:probe83.购买 buy:purchase84.扩大 enlarge:augment85.引导 direct:guide86.支付 cover:pay for87.同化 homogenize:assimilate88.重构 reshape:remold89.足够的 enough:adequate/sufficient90.没有意识地 unconsciously:without realizing91.不确定的 ambiguous:uncertain92.复杂的 complicated:complex93.长期的 chronic:durable94.重复的 repeated:frequent95.赞成的 favorable:acclaimed96.谦虚的 unpretentious:modest97.质疑的 uncertain:questionable, doubtful, skeptical98.直接的 straight up:frank99.机械的 mindless:mechanical100.不系统的 unsystematic:disorganized101.脆弱的 fragile:delicate102.苦涩的 bitter:distasteful103.担心的 worried:apprehensive104.有希望的 hopeful:optimistic105.悲观的 gloomy:pessimistic106.容忍的 tolerant:indulgent107.愤怒的 outraged:indignant/raged/enraged108.残忍的 cruel:inhuman109.未来 future:prospect110.道路 road:track111.好奇心 wonder:curiosity112.创新 innovation:creative mind113.精准性 accuracy:precision114.疯狂的 mad:craze115.滋养 practice:nurture116.后退recession:depression/regression/stagnation/slide117.处于危险中 on the cliff:be in risk/to be dangerous/on the rock 118.景色 view:natural scenes119.不良行为 drinking, drugs, casual sex:undesirable behaviors 120.广告预算 advertising budget:operational cost。



1、趋势类词汇上升动词类: increase; go up; rise up; grow up; jump up; surge; shoot up; keep an upward tendency下降动词类: decrease; go down; decline; fall down; drop; sink; dip; keep a downward tendency波动动词类: fluctuate持平动词类: remain the same; stabilize; remain stable; remain constant修饰动词的副词: slightly 轻微地; slowly 缓慢地; gradually 逐渐地; steadily 稳定地; rapidly 迅速地; moderately 温和地; 轻微地; significantly 明显地; sharply 明显地; dramatically急剧地; drastically 急剧地上升名词类: increase; rise; growth; jump; surge下降名词类: decrease; decline; fall; reduction; drop波动名词类: fluctuation修饰名词的形容词: slight; slow; gradual; steady; rapid; moderate; significant; sharp; dramatic; drastic2、极值类词汇和表达最高点: reach the peak/top/highest pointIncrease to the peak/top/highest point最低点: reach the bottom/lowest pointdrop to the bottom/lowest point占的最多: occupy/make up/take up/account for the largest proportion/number/percentage of …占的最少: occupy/make up/take up/account for the smallest proportion/number/percentage of…3、倍数的表达方式Double 是两倍/大一倍Increase/decrease three times 增长/减少了三倍4、大约的表达方式About/around + 数字数字 + or soApproximately + 数字5、常用的小作文的趋势句式表达句式一: 变化主体/图画中主体+趋势动词+副词+时间区间Eg: The number of aged people over 65 increased significantly from 1940-2000.The number of aged people over 65 dropped slightly from 1960-1980. The number of aged people over 65 fluctuated between 1 million and 1.2 million from 1940-1950.The number of aged people over 65 remained stable from 1930-1940.句式二: There be + 形容词 + 表示趋势的名词 + in+ 变化的主体+ 时间区间Eg: There was an significant increase in the number of aged people over 65 from 1940-2000.There was a slight decline in the number of aged people over 65 from 1960-1980.There was a fluctuation between 1 million and 1.2 million from 1940-1950.Task One一.文章开头图表类型:table; chart; diagram; graph; column chart; pie graph 描述:show; describe; illustrate; can be seen from; clear; apparent; reveal; represent内容:figure; statistic; number; percentage; proportion二.表示数据一般:have 10%; at 10%;over 10%最高低点:peaked; reached a peak/highpoint ;bottomed out; reached the bottom变化:recover略有回升;increase; jump; rise/rose; climb ;decrease; fall/fell; drop; decline; reducefluctuate浮动;摇摆不定remained steady/stable; stay the same; little/hardly any /no change 变化程度:sudden/suddenly突然的;意外的rapid/rapidly迅速的;飞快的;险峻的dramatic/dramatically戏剧性的;生动的significant/significantly有意义的;重大的;重要的sharp/sharply锐利的;明显的;急剧的steep/steeply急剧升降的steady/steadily稳固的;坚定不移的gradual/gradually渐进的;逐渐的slow/slowly缓慢的;不活跃的slight/slightly轻微的、略微地stable/stably稳定的表示范围:from…to…between…and…for…to…多长时间直到表示程度:almost adv.几乎;差不多nearly adv.几乎;密切地approximately adv.近似的;大约about adv.附近;大约;转向;左右;周围just over刚超过over adv.结束;越过;从头到尾exactly adv.正确地;严密地precisely adv.正好精确地;清晰地比例:20 per cent 20%one in three 1/3one out of every four 1/4三.常用词significant changes图中一些较大变化noticeable trend明显趋势during the same period在同一时期grow/grew增长distribute分布;区别unequally不相等地pronounced明显的average平均no doubt无疑地corresponding adj.相应的;通讯的represent vt.阐述;表现overall总体上讲except除外in the case of adv.在…的情况下in contrast相反;大不相同in conclusion adv.最后;总之in comparison相比之下inversely adv.相反地;倒转地in general通常;大体上;一般而言rang fromexcessive adj.过多的;过分的;额外lower v.降低;跌落elapse vi.时间过去;消逝category n.种类government policy政府政策market forces市场规率measure n.尺寸;方法;措施v.估量;调节forecast n.先见;预见v.预测上升、下降等变化趋1 to remain level/steady/stable/to level out/to remain constant/2 be the same as /stay the same as/3rapid/noticeable/great/sharp/obivious/conspicuous/apparent/dra matic/tremendous/steep/fast/considerable/overall/massive/significant/remarkable/huge/substantial/actual/sudden/4 slow/little/slight/gradual/steady/ stable/general/modest/5 increase/grow/go up/fly to/climb to/development/to soar/rock toa record high of /upward trend/rise/leap/6 decrease/ reduce/fall/decline/drop/downward trend/slump/plummet/7 to speed up/slow down/pause/cease/stop/start with/end with/diminish/vanish/disappear/8 by…%/at a…speed/a high/low/small/great percentage/by…amount/9 There is a minor fluctuation between A and B10 to fluctuate过渡性词语1 after that/afterwards2 in the meanwhile/at the same time/simultaneously3 to follow the steps4firstly…/secondly…/thirdly/next…/andthen/before…/not…until/can’t….unless/after that/in the end/5 one hand…on the other hand关键点的描述1 to peak at/to reach the highest point/to come to the summit/2 to bottom/to reach the bottom/the lowest point/to hit a trough/3 to account for/occupy/constitute/make up/其他1 to see/witness/find/experience2 to see the opposite trend高分表达:From the table/chart/diagram/figure;we can see clearly that…从图表中我们可以很清楚的看到…The chart shows the changes in the number of …over the period from…to…该表格描述了在…年到…年之间…数量的变化。



100组高分同义词替换Part 11、重要的;重大的important=crucial (extremely important), significant (amount or effect large enough to be important)2、共同的;通用的common=universal3、丰富的;充裕的abundant=ample (enough and usually extra), plentiful (enough for people’s needs and wants)4、坚持stick=adhere, cling (hold on something tightly)5、忽视;忽略neglect=ignore (difference: neglect means someone has not paid enough attention to something; ignore means no attention.)6、邻近的near=adjacent (two things next to each other), adjoin(the same as adjacent) 7、追求;寻求pursue=seek (if you seek sth., you try to obtain it. )8、精确的accurate=precise (precise is exact and accurate in all details), exact (correct in every detail)9、模糊的;不明确的vague=obscure (unknown or known by only a few people)10、最高的;最优的top=peak, summit11、竞争;比赛competition=rival, opponent (especially in sports and politics)12、责备;归咎于blame=condemn(if you condemn something, you say it is very bad and unacceptable)13、观点opinion=perspective, standpoint (means looking at an event or situation in a particular way)14、名声;名望fame=prestige (describe those who are admired), reputation15、建立;建造build=erect (you can erect something as buildings), establish16、侮辱;辱骂insult=humiliate (do something or say something which makes people feel ashamed or stupid)17、抱怨complain=grumble (complain something in a bad-tempered way)18、初级的;基本的primary=radical (very important and great in degree), fundamental19、解除;减轻relieve=alleviate (alleviate means you make pain or sufferings less intense or severe)20、促使;强迫force=compelPart 221、扩大;放大enlarge=magnify (magnify means make something larger than it really is) 22、复杂的complex=intricate (if something is intricate, it often has many small parts and details)23、孤独的;寂寞的lonely=solitary (if someone is solitary, there is no one near him/her)24、微小的small=minuscule (very small), minute25、赞扬praise=compliment(polite and political)26、勤勉的hard-working=industrious27、费力的difficult=arduous (if something is arduous, it is difficult and tiring, and involves a lot of efforts)28、贫瘠的poor(soil)=barren, infertile (used to describe the soil is so poor that plants cannot be planted on it)29、易碎的;易受攻击的fragile=vulnerable (someone who is vulnerable is easily hurt emotionally or physically)30、表明show=demonstrate (to demonstrate a fact means to make it clear to people.) 31、大量的;巨大的big=massive(large in size, quantity, or extent), tremendous32、避开;避免avoid=shun (if someone shuns something, she/he deliberately avoid that something or keep away from it.), escape33、公平的fair=impartial (someone who is impartial is able to give a fair opinion or decision on something.)34、攻击;袭击attack=assault (physically attack someone)35、讨厌dislike= hate36、毁灭;毁坏ruin=devastate (damage something very badly, or utterly destroy it.)37、固定attach=fix38、考虑take ...into account=consider39、一直;总是always=invariably (the same as always, but better than always)40、永久的forever=perpetual(a perpetual state never changes), immutable(something immutable will never change or be changed)Part 341、使震惊;使惊奇surprise=startle (it means to surprise you slightly), astound (surprise you to a large degree), astonish(the same as astound)42、热情enthusiasm=zeal (a great enthusiasm), fervency (sincere and enthusiasm) 43、安静的;平静的quiet=tranquil (calm and peaceful), serene(calm and quiet)44、昂贵的expensive=high-priced, dear, costly45、奢侈的luxurious=lavish(impressive and very expensive), sumptuous(grand and very expensive46、沉闷的;乏味的boring=tedious (if you describe something tedious, you mean it is boring and frustrating)47、尊重;尊敬respect=esteem (if you esteem someone, you respect and admire him/her. ) 48、担心;烦恼worry=fret (if you fret about something, you worry about it)49、寒冷的cold=chilly (unpleasantly cold), icy(extremely cold)50、热的;沸腾的hot=boiling (very hot)51、危险的dangerous=perilous (very dangerous), hazardous(dangerous, especially to people's safety and health)52、最近nowadays=currently53、只有;仅仅;唯一only=unique (the only one of its kind), distinctive;54、停止stop=cease (if something ceases, it stops happening or existing)55、部分;成分part=component (the components of something are the parts that it is made of) 56、结果;影响result=consequence (the results or effects of something)57、明显的obvious=apparent, manifest (can see or notice them very easily)58、基于;源自于based on=derived from59、确信be certain of=be sure of60、相当;非常quite=fairlyPart 461、可悲的pathetic=lamentable (very uncomfortable and disappointing)62、领域;区间field=domain (a particular field of thought, activities or interest)63、出现appear=emerge (come into existence)64、整个的whole=entire (the whole of something)65、湿润的;潮湿的wet=moist (slightly wet), damp (slightly wet), humid (very damp and hot)!66、错误的wrong=erroneous (incorrect or partly correct)67、艰难的difficult=formidable68、改变;转换change=convert (change into another form)69、特别的;具体的typical=characteristic, distinctive,representative70、小心的careful=cautious (very careful in order to avoid danger), prudent(careful and sensible)71、能力ability=capacity, capability (the same as ability)72、奇怪的;古怪的strange=eccentric (if some one is eccentric, she/he behaves in a strange way, or his/her opinion is different from most people)73.富有的;丰富的rich=affluent (if you are affluent, you have a lot of money)74、使用;利用use= utilize (the same as use)75、怀疑的dubious=skeptical (if you are skeptical about something, you have doubts on it), doubtful, questionable76、满足satisfy=gratify (if you are gratified by something, it gives you pleasure and satisfaction)77、短暂的short=fleeting, ephemeral (if something is ephemeral, it lasts a short time) 78、奖学金scholarship=fellowship79、生气的angry=enraged (extremely angry)80、有恶臭的;恶心的smelly=malodorous (used to describe an unpleasant smell)Part 581、丑陋的ugly=hideous (if something is hideous, it is very ugly or unattractive)82、吸引人的attractive=appealing (pleasing and attractive), absorbing(something absorbing can attract you a great deal)83、不同的;多样的diverse=various, different84、无秩序;是混乱disorder=disarray, chaos85、发狂的crazily=frantically (used to describe someone who behaves in a wild and uncontrolled way)86、快速的rapid=meteoric (ATTENTION: meteoric is only used to describe someone achieves success quickly)87、普通的;一般的ordinary=common, popular, familiar88、尽管despite=notwithstanding (FORMAL)89、最佳的;最好的best=optimal (used to describe the best level something can achieve)90、强烈的;尖锐的sharp=acute (severe and intense)91、难以置信的unbelievable=inconceivable (if you deem something inconceivable, you think it very unlike to happen92、使困惑puzzle=perplex (something perplex someone means it confuses and worries him/her because he/she does not understand it)93、方法;方式method=means, way, process94、出名的;著名的famous=distinguished (used to describe people who are successful in their career)95、古代的;陈旧的ancient=archaic (extremely old and extremely old-fashioned), antique, aged 96、装饰decorate=embellish (embellish means make something look more attractive via decorating it with something else)97、可行的;可能的possible=feasible (if something is feasible, it can be done, made or achieved) 98、因此;所以so=consequently, accordingly99、罕见的;稀少的rare=infrequent (doesn’t happen often)100、贪婪的greedy=rapacious (greedy and selfish)。



英语写作常用同义词替换100个1. people=individuals人们(Those who)2. many people=a majority of people 大多数人3. a lot of=a great deal of=plenty of 很多(修饰不可数名词)4. a great number of=a large quantity of=considerable amount of很多(可数名词)5. plentiful=abundant 丰富的,大量的6. expensive=pricy 贵的7. thing=item 东西,物品8. humans=human beings=human race 人类9. benefit=conduce to=help=contribute to 有助于(动词)10. harm=damage=endanger=undermine 危害(动词)11. beneficial=helpful=conducive(rewarding) 有好处的(形容词)12. harmful=detrimental=damaging有害的(形容词)13. education=schooling 教育14. think=believe=hold 认为15. oppose=object to=be against 反对16. support=be in favor of=be for 支持17. as for me=as far as I am concerned 对我来说18. in my opinion=from my perspective=in my viewpoint=personally 我的观点是19. as …develops=with the development of...=with the progress of…=a s…advances随着…的发展(注意什么时候用动词,什么时候用名词)20. quickly=rapidly=at an amazing rate=at an staggering rate 很快(副词)21. in addition=besides=furthermore=moreover 此外(提出新信息)22. because=as=for=since 因为(加句子)23. because of=due to=owing to 因为(加名词)24. reasons=factors 原因(名词)前面可以与(for)搭配25. so=thus=as a result=therefore=consequently=accordingly 因此26. however=nevertheless然而27. first=in the first place 第一28. on the one hand=in one aspect另外一方面29. in view of=considering=in the respect of=in light of 考虑到(介词短语,加名词后加逗号)30. replace=substitute 取代(动词)31. like=enjoy=be fond of=be fascinated with=prefer 喜欢(注意词性)32. pleasure=enjoyment 欢乐,享受(名词)33. hate=dislike不喜欢=be fed up with=be bored with 厌烦34. monotonous=dull and boring=tedious 无聊的,枯燥的35. pleasant=enjoyable 令人愉快的,享受的36. fast=efficient(efficiently) 快捷的,效率高的37. advantage=merit=strength=pros 优点38. disadvantage=demerit=weakness=cons=drawback 缺点39. if=on condition that=under the circumstance that 如果,在。



四六级英语作文高分100个同义词替换精髓词汇100个同义词替换精髓词汇1. important =crucial (extremely important),significant(amount or effect large enough to be important)mon=universal, ubiquitous(if something is ubiquitous, it seems to be everywhere)3.abundant=ample(enough and usually extra), plentiful(enough for people's needs and wants)4.stick=adhere, cling(hold on something tightly)5.neglect=ignore.(difference: neglect means someone has not paid enough attention to something; ignore means no attention.)6.near=adjacent(twothings next to each other), adjoin(the same as adjacent)7.pursue=woo(man woos woman, old-fashioned), seek(if you seek sth, you try to obtain it. FORMAL)8.accurate=precise(precise is exact and accurate in all details), exact(correct in every detail)9.vague=obscure(unknown or known by only a few people)10.top=peak, summitpetitor=rival, opponent(especially in sports and politics)12.blame=condemn(if you condemn something, you say it is verybad and unacceptable)13.opinion=perspective, standpoint(means looking at an event or situation in a particular way)14.fame=prestige(describe those who are admired), reputation15.build=erect(you can erect something as buildings, FORMAL), establish16.insult=humiliate(do something or say something which makespeople feel ashamed or stupid)plain=grumble (complain something in a bad-tempered way)18.primary=radical (very important and great in degree), fundamental19.relieve=alleviate (alleviate means you make pain or sufferings less intense or severe)20.force=coerces into(coerce means you make someone do something s/he does not want to),compel21.enlarge=magnify(magnify means make something larger than itreally is)plex=intricate(if something is intricate, it often has many small parts and details)23. Lonely=solitary (if someone is solitary, there is no one nearhim/her24.small=minuscule(very small), minute,25.praise=extol(stronger than praise), compliment(polite and political)26.hard-working=assiduous(someone who is assiduous works hard or does things very thoroughly27.difficult=arduous (if something is arduous, it is difficult and tiring, and involves a lot of efforts)28.poor(soil)=barren, infertile(used to describe the soil is so poor that plants cannot be planted on it)29.fragile=brittle, vulnerable(someone who is vulnerable is easily hurt emotionally or physically)30.show=demonstrate (to demonstrate a fact means tp make it clear to people.)31.big=massive(large in size, quantity, or extent), colossal(use this word, you emphasize something’s large), tremendous(INFORMAL)32.avoid=shun(if someone shuns something, s/he deliberately avoid that something or keep away from it.)33.fair=impartial(someone who is impartial is able to give a fair opinion or decision on something.)34.attack=assault (physically attack someone), assail (attack violently35.dislike=abhor(abhor means you hate something to a extreme extent for moral reasons), loathe(dislike very much)!36.ruin=devastate (it means damage something very badly, or utterly destroy it.)39.always=invariably(the same as always, but better than always)40.forever=perpetual(a perpetual state never changes), immutable(something immutable will never change or be changed)41.surprise=startle(it means surprise you slightly), astound(surprise you to a large degree),astonish(the same as astound)42.enthusiasm=zeal (a great enthusiasm), fervency (sincere and enthusiasm)#43.quiet=tranquil(calm and peaceful), serene(calm and quiet)!44.expensive=exorbitant(it means too expensive that it should be)45.luxurious=lavish(impressive and very expensive),sumptuous(grand and very expensive46.boring=tedious(if you describe something tedious, you mean it is boring and frustrating)47.respect=esteem(if you esteem someone, you respect and admire him/her. FORMAL)48.worry=fret(if you fret about something, you worry about it)49.cold=chilly(unpleasantly cold), icy(extremely cold)50.hot=boiling(very hot)51.dangerous=perilous(very dangerous, hazardous(dangerous, especially to people's safety and health)52.nowadays=currently53.only=unique(the only one of its kind), distinctive;54.stop=cease(if something ceases, it stops happening or existing)55.part=component(the components of something are the parts that it is made of)( h56.result=consequence(the results or effects of something)57.obvious=apparent, manifest58.basedon=derived fromcan see or notice them very easily)60.quite=fairly61.pathetic=lamentable(very uncomfortable and disappointing)62.field=domain(a particular field of thought, activities or interest)63.appear=emerge(come into existence)64.whole=entire(the whole of something)865.wet=moist(slightly wet), damp(slightly wet), humid(very damp and hot)!66.wrong=erroneous(incorrect or partly correct)67.difficult=formidable68.change=convert(change into another form)69.typical=quintessential(this word means represent a typical example of something)70.careful=cautious(very careful in order to avoid danger), prudent(careful andsensible)71.ability=capacity, capability(the same as ability)72.strange=eccentric(if some one is eccentric, s/he behaves in a strange way, orhis/her opinion is different from most people)73.rich=affluent(if you are affluent, you have a lot of money)e= utilize (the same as use)75.dubious=skeptical(if you are skeptical about something, you have doubts on it.)76.satisfy=gratify (if you are gratified by something, it gives you pleasure andsatisfaction)77.short=fleeting, ephemeral(if something is ephemeral, it lasts a short time)78.scholarship=fellowship79.angry=enraged(extremely angry)80.smelly=malodorous(used to describe an unpleasant smell)81.ugly=hideous(if something is hideous, it is very ugly or unattractive)#82.attractive=appealing(pleasing and attractive),absorbing(something absorbing canattract you a great deal)83.diverse=miscellaneous(a miscellaneous groups consists of many different kinds of things)84.disorder=disarray, chaos85.crazily=frantically(used to describe someone who behaves in a wild and uncontrolled way)86.rapid=meteoric(ATTENTION: meteoric is only used to describe someone achieves success quickly)87.ordinary=mundane(very ordinary and not at interesting or unusual)88.despite=notwithstanding(FORMAL)89.best=optimal(used to describe the best level something can achieve)/90.sharp=acute(severe and intense)91.unbelievable=inconceivable(ifyou deem something inconceivable, you think it very unlike to happen ^92.puzzle=perplex(something perplex someone means it confuses and worries him/her because he/she does not understand it)93.method=avenue(away of getting something done)94.famous=distinguished(used to describe people who are successful in their career)95.ancient=archaic(extremely old and extremely old-fashioned)96.decorate=embellish(embellish means make something look more attractive via decorating it with something else)/97.possible=feasible(if something is feasible, it can be done, made or achieved)98.so=consequently, accordingly99.rare=infrequent (doesn’t happen often100.greedy=rapacious(greedy and selfish)。



雅思写作常见同义词/近义词归纳总结解决(动词):Solve, deal with, cope with, handle, settle, resolve, address, tackle问题(名词): problem, matter, issue事件(名词): incident, affair, event教育(名词): education, schooling经济上的(形容词): economic, financial释放(动词): relieve,emancipate压力(名词): stress, pressure, strain,强调(动词): lay stress on, lay emphasis on, emphasize, accentuate, put the accent on 忽略(有意)(动词): ignore, turn a deaf ear to忽略(无意)(动词): neglect意识(名词): awareness(外界信号所产生的), consciousness(自我的)提高(动词): raise, facilitate, promote, boost up, enhance完善(动词): better, improve基本的(形容词): basic, fundamental,损害(动词):Damage, hurt, injure, harm, undermine,spoil给与(动词):Give, offer, render, impart, provide, supply, afford培养(动词):Develop, cultivate, foster优势(名词):Advantage, merit, virtue, benefit, strength, edge缺陷(名词):Disadvantage, demerit, drawback, downside, weakness大于,胜于(动词):outweigh, overshadow利弊兼有(名词):pros and cons使迷惑(动词):Puzzle, bewilder, perplex, baffle重要的(形容词):Key, crucial, critical, important, significant, vital, substantial, indispensable, imperative认为(动词):believe, insist, maintain, hold, argue, be convinced, be firmly convinced, be fully convinced保护(动词):Protect, conserve, preserve确保(动词):Assure, ensure, guarantee有害的(形容词):harmful, detrimental有益的(形容词):Useful, helpful, beneficial, profitable, rewarding,advantageous帮助(名词): help, assistance要求(名词):Request, demand, needs, requisition消除(动词):Eliminate, clear, remove, clear up, take away导致(动词):Lead to, bring about, result in, cause, generate, trigger, give rise to因此(连词):therefore, thus, consequently, as a consequence, accordingly, as a result,宣称(动词):Allege, assert, declare, claim发生(动词):Happen, occur, take place原因(名词):Reason, factor, cause发展(名词):Development, advance, progress影响(名词):Influence, impact, effect强加(动词): impose…on, exert …on, put …on, place…on明显的(形容词):Clear, obvious, evident, manifest, apparent事实上:in practice,essentially,in essence,in reality,as a matter of fact,it is a fact that换言之:Namely,that is to say,in other words,to put it like this,to put it differently,to put it from another way,to put it from another angle比如:such as(A, B and so on), say (A), as it did in the case of,拥有:enjoy, possess, have不可否认的是/毫无疑问的是:undoubtedly, there is no doubt that…, there is no denying that…, undeniably据说:it is said that…, it is reported that…责任(名词):responsibility, obligation承担(动词):undertake, bear, shoulder, take容易受到影响:be exposed to…, be vulnerable to…心理上的/精神上的(形容词):psychological, mental事实上(副词):indeed, actually总而言之:to sum up, in summary, to conclude展示(动词):Show, reveal, illustrate, demonstrate, depict, present, represent, describe增长至(动词):Grow to,rise to,increase to,go up to,climb to,ascend to,jump to,shoot to降低至(动词):fall to,decline to,decrease to,drop to,go down to,reduce to,slump to,descend to,保持稳定(动词):remain stable,remain steady,be stable,maintain the same level,remain unchanged,stay constant,level off,stabilize,keep its stability,even out急剧地(副词):Dramatically,drastically,sharply,hugely,enormously,steeply,substantially,considerably,significantly,markedly,surprisingly,strikingly,radically,remarkably,noticeably 平稳地(副词):Steadily,smoothly,slightly,slowly,marginally,gradually,moderately,mildly占(动词):Comprise, take up, account for, constitute, consist of, make up, occupy, hold, compose与…相比:Compared with,in comparison with,in comparison to,by comparison with对比而言:By contrast,in contrast,on the other hand,on the contrary=,conversely大约(副词):Approximately,almost,about,around,nearly,roughly波动(动词):Fluctuate,go ups and downs,display a fluctuation,demonstrate a fluctuation。



自考英语二作文同义词总结Certainly! Here's a summary of synonyms for common words that could be used in an English composition for a self-study exam, specifically for "English II" level:1. Important: crucial, significant, vital, key, major, essential, important, substantial.2. Good: excellent, fine, superior, beneficial, positive, advantageous.3. Bad: poor, adverse, negative, harmful, detrimental, substandard.4. Many: numerous, myriad, countless, abundant, plentiful, a multitude of.5. Little: few, scarce, limited, scant, sparse, insignificant.6. Big: large, huge, vast, enormous, massive, considerable.7. Small: tiny, petite, minuscule, diminutive, slight, minor.8. Happy: joyful, delighted, content, pleased, elated, cheerful.9. Sad: unhappy, sorrowful, dejected, melancholic, despondent, gloomy.10. Fast: quick, rapid, swift, speedy, hasty, expeditious.11. Slow: gradual, leisurely, sluggish, unhurried, slow-moving, delayed.12. Difficult: challenging, hard, tough, arduous, demanding, formidable.13. Easy: simple, effortless, uncomplicated, straightforward, facile.14. Beautiful: lovely, attractive, gorgeous, stunning, exquisite, aesthetic.15. Ugly: unattractive, unappealing, unsightly, repulsive, hideous, grotesque.16. True: accurate, factual, genuine, authentic, real, truthful.17. False: incorrect, untrue, deceptive, erroneous, fallacious, mistaken.18. New: fresh, novel, recent, modern, contemporary, innovative.19. Old: ancient, aged, antiquated, outdated, obsolete, elderly.20. Free: complimentary, gratuitous, liberal, unrestricted,unbound, unconfined.When writing an essay, using a variety of synonyms can help to avoid repetition and can often make your writing more interesting and sophisticated. However, it's important to use synonyms appropriately, ensuring that the substitute wordfits the context and does not alter the intended meaning.。

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1解决:Solve, deal with, cope with, handle, resolve, address, tackle
2损害:Damage, hurt, injure, harm, impair, undermine, jeopardize
3给与:Give, offer, render, impart, provide,supply, afford
4培养::Develop, cultivate, foster
5优势:Advantage, merit, virtue, benefit, upside, strength
6缺陷:Disadvantage, demerit, drawback, downside, weakness
7使迷惑:Puzzle, bewilder, perplex, baffle
8重要的:Key, crucial, critical, important, significant, vital, substantial, indispensable, imperative
9认为:Think, believe, insist, maintain, assert, conclude, deem, hold, argue, be convinced, be firmly convinced, be fully convinced
10保护:Protect, conserve, preserve
11确保:Assure, ensure, guarantee, pledge
12有害的:Bad, baneful evil, harmful, detrimental
13要求:Request, demand, needs, requisition
14消除:Eliminate, clear, remove, clear up, take away, smooth away
15导致:Lead to, bring about, result in, cause, spark off, conduce to, procure, induce, generate
16因此:So, therefore, thus, hence, consequently, as a consequence, accordingly, as a result, because of this, as a result of this
17增长至:Grow to,rise to,increase to,go up to,climb to,ascend to,jump to,shoot to
18降低至:Dip to,fall to,decline to,decrease to,drop to,go down to,reduce to,slump to,descend to,sink to,slide to
19保持稳定:Level out,do not change,remain stable,remain still,remain steady,be stable,maintain the same level,remain unchanged,be still,remain the same level,stay constant,keep at the same level,level off,stabilize,keep its stability,even out
22宣称:Allege, assert, declare, claim
23发生:Happen, occur, take place
24原因:Reason, factor, cause
25发展:Development, advance, progress
26有益的:Useful, helpful, beneficial, profitable, rewarding,advantageous
27影响:Influence, impact, effect
28明显的:Clear, obvious, evident, self-evident, manifest, apparent, crystal-clear
29占:Comprise, take up, account for, constitute, consist of, make up, occupy, hold, compose 30与…相比:Compared with,compared to,in comparison with,in comparison to,by comparison with,by comparison to
31对比而言:By contrast,in contrast,on the other hand,on the contrary=,conversely
32展示:Show, reveal, illustrate, demonstrate, depict, present, represent, describe
34波动:Fluctuate,go ups and downs,display a fluctuation,demonstrate a fluctuation 35事实上:Practically,in practice,essentially,in essence,in reality,in effect,in fact,as a matter of fact,it is a fact that
36换言之:Namely,that is to say,in other words,to put it like this,to put it differently,to put it from another way,to put it from another angle。
