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1) She found it difficult to _____ herself
to the new surroundings.
A. adapt
B. force
C. fit in
D. change
2) These are English story books ____
Chinese students.
用disable, disabled, disability的正确形 式填空。
1. People come to agree that the _d_is_a_b_l_e_d should also be treated with respect.
2. People with _d_is_a_b_i_l_it_ie_s_ should not be looked down upon.
His ambition to become the Prime Minister is likely to be real.
suitable adj. 适合的;适宜的 e.g. Employers usually decide within
five minutes whether someone is suitable for the job. 雇主通常在 5 分钟内就能决定一个人 是否适合这份工作。
You clumsy guy!You’ve knocked over my coffee! 瞧你这笨蛋!你碰翻了我的咖啡! (2)(对人)不灵巧的,不圆滑的 She is a clumsy girl. 她不是一个机灵的女孩.
clumsy (3) be clumsy with sth / at doing sth
I don’t have money or time, _______,
I can’t accompany you to the Great
A. in a word B. in other words
C. in word
D. in plain words
6 clumsy (1)笨拙的,不灵巧的
company .
• 他能很快适应环境 • He is quick to ___a_d_a_p_t_h_im__s_e_l_f _to____new
adapt sth. for sth. 使适应, 使适合(新用途、新情况) e.g. The machine has been adapted for the work under water. be adapted from 根据……改编(改写) The play is adapted from a novel.
3. The unexpected accident _d_i_sa_b_l_e_d_ her from undertaking heavy work.
2. ambition n野心,雄心 1).他胸怀大志.
He has great ambitions. 2). My ambition is to be a teacher. 3).他要做首相的雄心可能会实现.
When he finished the running race, he was nearly out of breath.
当他完成了比赛, 几乎是上气不接下气。
take a deep breath 深吸一口气
be short of breath lose one’s breath hold one’s breath at a breath in the same breath
Language points for Reading I Language points for Reading II
disable disabled disability
v. 使……失去能力 adj. 伤残的
n. 伤残;无能;无力
e.g. Old age disabled him for hard labour. 年迈使他不能干繁重的工作。
A. adapted from B. adapted for
C. adapted to D. adapting for
8. microscope n 显微镜 telescope n. 望远镜
9. breath n.呼吸;气息 breathe v.呼吸 out of breath 上气不接下气
We ran so fast that we were all out of breath.
在…方面不灵巧 He is clumsy with chopsticks / at using chopsticks. 他使用筷子很笨拙。
7. adapt (vt) 使…适应,改编 adapt (oneself) to 适应…
• 他的生活方式无法适应公司 • He could not_a_d_a_p__t _h_is__w_a_y__o_f_li_fe__t_o the
5. in other words 换句话说 In other words, you'll have to wait here. 换句话说,你不得不等在这里。
word 的相关短语 keep one’s word 履行诺言 big words 大话 in a word 总而言之 word for word 逐字逐句
பைடு நூலகம்
4. beneficial adj 有益的;受益的 benefit n. 益处 v 得益 对什么有益 对什么有益 be beneficial to… = be of benefit to… A benefit B = B benefits from/by A
阳光对植物有益. Sunshine _i_s_o_f_b_e_n_ef_it_t_o__plants. Sunshine _i_s_b_e_n_e_fi_ci_a_l_t_o plants. Sunshine _b__en__ef_i_ts__ plants. Plants _b_e_n_e_fit_s_f_r_o_m_____sunshine.