


























2021国家开放大学电大专科《综合英语(1)》期末试题及答案(试卷号:2158)| . V (KMbular )and SlmclurcDirvdions : Bcnvuth each nt the following sentences, there arc rour choices marked A. B. C ant D. ChfKtse the one thul bt^l completes the sentcnciL Mark your answer (»n the ANSWER SHEE1\ (20 points)1. 丁he result of the experiment was quite _______ from what I expected.A. different away C MarneD. similar2. He grnduated from the university 10 years ago and still kept in __________________ with Severn classmates,A< toiwhB ・ track每 search D. line3. Shr m«de up her ___________ t o Ntart her own company>A. brainB. mindC. ideaD. thoughtL Shr could nota decision about what to wear in lhe party.A. doB. rnukeC. arriveD. decide5. On you fell me which place you ______________ ?A. think over Be have out of mind C, have in the mind IX have in mind6. Sfw opened the door ___________ the fresh air to come in.A. ofB. forC. intoD. let1. Vigorous exercise helps prevent illness «nd z rm punantweighv contruLA. of ti. 9 C. withD- for8. _H ・ve you moved into the new *Noi ycu The room ____________________ ."9. A MibjcrlK thr nicchnnmm ol th©t cquiprncnl.A. whirh l hr re rcintiniH** to br intennr (irhntrA. has been paintedC. paints 玖 is puntedD. being paintedIk which contihuo tu be intenhr drbdtrC nn which t! < <)ntinnr«< to hr inirnne drlmtrIl whftt cununueH to br ihtrfme (I C I MI I C!()• Ar anr times _ n ronuntir VIWHHI of thr hoinrlrM* WMn<lcrrr<i who lived rnrrfrrr I IVVR mid nnnwered to no one>A. there i・B・ there arcC. there were IX there wa»[| 4 SIluulkifiMl Dlnlnuue*DlrectlotiM: Chmxie A. H «r C to complete eneh conv«rvntion t using the nentcncvt bclow t Mark your un^rr <in the ANSWER SHEE I. (20 points)IL - Iki you •tlonu with your hrathrr1*A. Ns we hnvrh f t been there before.K I I)VK your pnrdon? Yem Arc pulling niy lw<?• Yz. mojit of the timc<12. Iki you mind niy upming ihr window? It f»MI hut ludny,A. Yew. you c?itn dcuH. Yr— H C I DCMO11 nuHirr t(\ No. mH nl nil.13. — Mny I help you find Mjmrthingt or nrr you |iE looking?A. 1 nrn trying io find xoructhing for my dmight"H. Nat dinner is nearly ready.C. I hnt righL TH hove th/H blue ont\1 >L May I «ivc you n hand?A.How nmny hnnch d“ you hwvc?Thnnk you. You nrr »(> kind.C. I don11 need n lift n<)WM(lny5.15. Iluvr you vimtrd Hong Kong?A. Sorry# I'm plAnnmK io RO to New York.H. No・ bui I*vc heard n 15 nn exciting city.C. Yes. ii a lohK wAy to my hometown.16. Have you been to Sydney?A. No. I(h<ln e t go therr last year.B. No< but 1 hope to go there sometime next year>C. No, I wouldn f t go with thenu1 7.— Let me help you get the books back.A. Ycs e I can RH them mywlLIk Pm nil set. Bui thnnks imyway.C. Reftlly? Could you tell mt why?18. Why dnn*! we go gel coffer somewhere?A. Thata Rood idgB. 11 vr lost a !ol of weight.C. Wr used to go there very often.1 r L — Could you tell me where the tissues arc. please?A. It S under a big tree in front of the art building.B. All the woy m the back, against the walLC. PH go to the store and get ytomc more.20. — W<n〔l 1 won f l be nble to moke it. I hnvr n dentist appointnienf at 3: 30 onFndny<A. Could you po^ibly change it lo、onw olhrr dny。



国家开放大学电大专科《开放英语2》2021期末考试及答案(试卷号:2205)第一8B分交际用值(共计10分,每小制2分}1-5题:阅读下面的小对话,判断答活是否恰当,恰当的选A(Rmhl),不恰当的选B (Wrong). 井将答案写在答)8纸上L When did you (ir>t come to China?—10 years ago.A. RightB. Wrong2. —How is the weather today?—1'rn fine> thank you.A, Right B. Wrong3. — Whm are you going to do thift evening?— I went there with some fnrnd$.A. R IH MB. Wrong4. Have you been to America?―Pvc never been there but I hope to go there in the futureA. RighiB. Wrong—What time will the next train leave?—At 8. 19.A. RightB. Wrong第二部分词汇与结构(共计30分,每小J® 2分)6—20 a :阅读下面的句子,从A、H、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的81佳选项,并在答器纸上写出所选的字母符号。

6> She's not tall _________ to play basketball.A.enough & tooC< very7. He likes to _________ c hess in his freeA. do B・ playC. goK. This i、 _ _ new mobile phunc- Do you like it?B. mine9< Somronr ntolc my hnndbnR when 1 ___________ « enp o( co(fce<A・ had & won havingC・・m hAvmu|0> 1 ___ him my bike last weekenda& hiredA> lentC. returnediL She ordered the fish.A. down f t 而(:.hasn f t she12. Mnry would likr to buy the hundb”.txpenRivc. 8. impossible ini polite第三邰分 句型变挽(共计15分.每小183分)号里的要求改耳句子•弁将答案后在答JS 纸上,2L Mnry dldn f t *tay nt homiL She went to aec Tim.(用 instead of 将两个句千合成一句)22. It wns a phce< He wanted to go there.(用 where 将两句合成一句)23. "I heard n noistr in my living room•n he 口i<L 《将句子改成间接引 iS>24. Tim saw 〔hem. They rurned hi% things tn n van.(用动伺 1叫 形式将两句合成一句)25. She forgot about the meeting yesterday.(用 what t| 对期娥部分提问) 第四部分 阅读理解B. dicin'l shein very beautiful but aho rnthcr A< thfttB< which C. whovc rtlwwyji enjoyedA. swimming l< to swim to Iriirn how to pl«y irnnia<A. cmilyC. buy15. Hr ^toppedI V when the dinner wax ready. A. wntchinnB. to watchC. watch16. Ai Huvc you typed the letter (or mv?B :A. You I have>C. Yes. Pve done.buy H flnt if I won the lottcryaA. wouldC ・ wntH to1 miBRed the train> ! arrived at work on time.A> Because B> Although 19. He bought two bookx.HL So was(\ So doen20< The m«n is• He is rude to otherA.A# pohtr(共计20分.每小蹭4分)26-30 H:阅读下列短文,从A.H.C三个逃项中选出一个正龄答案.并在答题纸上葛出所选的字毋符号。




每小题2分,共20分) “凡事预则立,不预则废”,说的是(D)的重要性。








A.权力影响力B.自身影响力C.组织影响力D.文化影响力 (A)认为人的需要由低级向高级分为五个层次,即生理的需要、保障或安全的需要、归属或承认的需要、尊重的需要、自我实现的需要。



A.目的性B.可行性C.可检验性D.协调一致性 10.能够反应企业资产创造利润的效率指标就是(D)。


每小题2分,共10分) 1现代组织理论强调组织结构的设计应具有弹性,也就是说(ABD)都要随环境的变化而变动。



读书破万卷下笔如有神中央广播电视大学开放教育专科入学水平测试题总分三题号一二得分第一部分《语文》分)(40分)分,共14、一语文知识(每小题得评卷人)B 1、下列加点字读音完全相同的一项是(石碇光腚.淀粉绽开A....刀镰江火镰濂B.廉洁....按捺鞍马案卷C.安排....愚笨寓言D.墙隅喁喁.....A )2、下列词语中没有错别字的一组是(恬静慈祥笨拙A.狭隘沏茶更迭B.安份伟岸累赘部置C.勘测联袂蹉商诅咒.盘踞D 苍茫)3、依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是(B,终于圆满结案。


形迹行迹A.调解行迹形迹.调解B形迹行迹C.斡旋行迹形迹.斡旋D)4、下列各句中,没有语病的一项是(A,“走”.他平时在家里计划写书或预备演讲稿子,总是一边想一边在屋里走来走去——不是A 简直是“跑”。


.只要顾客走到她的柜台,她就会送去亲切的问候,凡是真心要东西的顾客,她主动当好参C 谋,决不会空手而归。


其次是含有多种营养,食用方D 法多。

.读书破万卷下笔如有神5、从下列各句中选出表意简明的一项( C )A.明天上午八点,我将送他到飞机场上飞机。




6、在下列各句中,引号的作用与另外三项不同的一项是( A )。










A.卢梭B.杜威C.斯宾塞D.陶行知E.蔡元培2.教育的目的主要受( )因素的制约。

A.人口数量B.人口质量C.人口结构D.政治制度E.生产力发展水平3.我国现行的学校教育系统,在类别上包括( )。

A.基础教育体系B.职业技术教育体系C.高等教育体系D.成人继续教育体系E.特殊教育学校系统4.按照评价的不同目的,课程评价可分为( )。

A.诊断性评价B.总结性评价C.决策性评价D.研究性评价E.工作性评价5.“学为人师,行为世范”体现了教师工作的( )。


















A.社会性、虚构性、兴趣性和愉悦性、具体性、自主性B. 社会性、现实性、兴趣性和愉悦性、具体性、自主性C.社会性、虚构性、兴趣性和愉悦性、抽象性、自主性D.社会性、虚构性、兴趣性和愉悦性、具体性、参与性 2.学前儿童德育的主要方法有(A)。

A.说服、范例、练习、评价B.指导、范例、练习、评价C. 说服、规范、练习、评价D.说服、范例、练习、批评3.瑞士教育家裴斯泰洛齐的代表作是(D)。


A.漏爱开放专制放任B.溺爱民主专制放任C.溺爱民主强权放任D.溺爱开放强权放任5.属于学前教育功能的特征的是 (C)。


A.教学环境、安全环境、活动环境和交往环境B.生存环境、安全环境、活动环境和交往环境C.教学环境、安全环境、休息环境和交往环境D.生存环境、安全环境、休息环境和交往环境 7.不属于皮亚杰根据儿童智力发展阶段划分的游戏类别的是(B)。


A.保育和教育B.体育和智育C.德育和智育D.保育、教育幼儿及为家长服务 9.人的好奇心、求知欲、想像力、创造性等重要的非智力品质形成的关键时期是(A)。




国家开放大学电大专科《综合英语(3)》2021期末试题及答案(试卷号:2160) 盗传必究I • Vocabulary and StructureDirection»: Beneath each of the rollowing M^ntrnceSg there are four chokes marked A t B e C and D. Choose the one that bcM completes the «cntcnce> Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)1. Mr. JohnsonR trnchcr who had done similar projrctR in the same field.A. dealt withB. told offC. led toD. told of2. Her mndpxrrnts lost everything during the in the thirties.A. renervation revelation C> reBolutionD. revolution3. Even though there hz been a with child prodigim for centuries« lherc h"been little 5cnou!i jitudy of them until recently^A< facility K fascination C. facultyIX ASSA^sinntion4. The ntom» of a rrrtwin 3ub!»lnnrc arc in 5uch a wny that they produce coherent light. A. excited B. produced C< crentedD. ehosen5. Acctrtnitnophcn enn cause dnmage in some people*A. livingB. liveC. liver D a Alive6.a mnn> holdiiiK the bear with n long leash.H. Would be (ollowinR behind D. Following behind would be growing up.wc nummern with myB.would u^t 10 spend 「). got used to itpend& Scuba diving is dangerous You could get by 血小、. * attucking B. Mttuck C. attackedD. to attack9. Laser buhl is created by a process stimulntrdA. calledB. calling C ・ is callingD.calleda chain of resunurnntM tn five ym”.& will hnve managed IX will br manftginR11. ClozeDirections : For each numbered blank In the following pu«agc. there urc four chokes marked A, B. C and D. Choose the best one und murk your ansMtr on Iht ANSWER SHEET. (/<: points)Excrcinr ix good for you. but mcmi people rcnlly know very little About how <o c-KcrciBc properly. So when you try < you enn run into trouble.At Following would be behind C. Behind following would br 7. When my brother and I were grandparem^ in BniwLA< nre used to jipcndinx C. uHtd to spend|0. With your business ncnset youA. manaRc C. are mnginKM“ny proplr 11 thnl when specific rnusclrji nrc exerrwd, (he Iin in ihc neighboring“rm in -hurnrd up n . Yrt the 12 卜 thm exercise hurm hi from ull over iha body.Studies Rhow muiick* which ire not J3 lo»r their Btrength very quickly. To regain it needs IK to 72 hourw And cxcrci!»r every othrr (Iny will krrp A nonn«l of phy 前如 Atrcnglh.To I I weight you should nlwayw " work up n good *wrni M when rxvrcii*ifiR. No nwcil1|h g only 15 body trrnpernturr lo prevetn over hca(inn. Thi ,in not lung hut water I OSM . 16 you rrpUce the liquid, you rcplncr the weight.Walkinx i» the bmt nnd runy to do cxcrcwc. li hrlpn the circulniion ol hlood 17_ the body, and hns n direct rffrrl on your overall (eeling of health. Experience Miy* ibm 20 minutes N d«y ii 18 amount.]9 your brenthmg doenn * t return to n<irm«l »t«te within minutrs nfter you finish cxcrctMnK. you've done IL A. believe 12a A. reply20 • wmh possibilitycxfttninvd lone rttinc* Oner nrotind pontiihlr But much(\ hope (\ rvuMon C. protectcd C. keep 11 know H.B.H ・H.B. B.tt. B.K B.f). IX D. 1). D. l>.1).I).【>・truth cured burn keg (ip 1( throughuulminute And ifmuch too• nn13. A. 14. A. 15. A. 16. A. 17. A.18; A. 19. A. 20. A.rxcrciMcdK«»n reduces While over(orturintrBut i( enoughc. c. c.(. c.C ・dr5troy» At with minimum 1( too much DI • Reading ComprehensionDirections : Each of the passages below is followed \ by some questions. For each question thereorcSur answers marked A. B, C and 1). Read the passages carehilJy und choose I he best answer to each of the questions. Mark your smswer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points) Questions 21 〜25 are based on the following passage^Most Americans believe that good education is quite necessary to democracy and social progress. Even during their colonial time the settlers attached great importance to setting up school (or their children, because these puritansC 清教徒)were firm believers in education. Tbty tned hard to eseblish enough schools for their children. The schools were not only to Mach children how to read, write and calculate but also to train clergymcnC 牧师).The first co!lege» Harvard• was set up in Massachuseit< in 1636. Scon ftfter> the colonial government P assed R law requiring every town of more than 10 fnmilics to have a school and school masw By the mid-eighteenth century HCVCFA ! well known colleges were founded» includingColumbia in New York nnd Princeton in New Jrr^ry. '「hey wrrc unrd to trnin youriK people.Education did not develop very fast in the South where big phmstiem 《农场)ownern did run want to build schools for the children of the poor workers and S I AVCK . Children from nch fanuheft usually went to England for higher eduvauem^ Chui WUM onr uf the rrowans why rhe South developed more dowly thnn the NorthsColonial schools laid the foundation for American rducatiannl system in which all the American Mch (x )hwere left to the c/irv of communities or I OCH I authority* (w ompu)M(.)ry education hns been carried out nnd primary nnd secondary ccfucation hg been open ro Anicrirtin children (rcc of charge (or runny yeiirs, 2L Edurnticin in menu Anicricanii^yes is .A. quire necessary for social developrncnT and democrncyB. important only for the enrlicMt settlers「• good 心ihry have many famaus universities【). the bams of working hard22. Which of the following was not a 顷k of school?A・ To frnin clergymen.B. To trarh children how to read and write.(L fo reach children maths.【)• To send children ro British universities.23. 1 he South America dzdoped slowly because —.A. children in the South wrni io England for higher educat tonK there were not many rich people in the Southc. not all rich children in the South had chances to go to school in EnghndIX eduention developed quite nlowly in lhe South24. American cducationfll jiyMem was built •on the B UMS of colonial eduratioruij nytiMmB. after norne lamous colleges were foundedC. by churrlwM ns they hoped TO irnin more clergymenD・ when rnnny children from rich families went to Englund25. Which of thr fallowinK stntcnwnU is true according ro rhe passanc?A. Pnncrton Univer>ity was founded Hround 】75g.H. Colornhia University was built in 1636,(:.Harvard University was founded by the American governmentsD. A law WAS panned by thr American government that a xchoul *hould be built m every town. Questions 26—30 art baxed on the following pauage.The United States tn a country made up of mnny different races. Usually they arr mixed together and can't be told from one /mother. But many of them still talk about where their an£cxtorn came【rum. It in Momcthing they arc proudThe original Amcncnns, of course were rhe Indiana. The so-cfllled white men who ihs came were mostly from England. But many came from other countries like Germany andFrance.()ne problem the United States has always had is discrimination. An new groups f^rne (o the United States, they found they were discriminated against. First it was 血Irish nnd Julians. Lntcr it was thr blacks. Almost every group has been able to hrwlly escape thib discnmmation. The only who have noi are lhe blacks. SurpriMrigly enough theworst discritnination today is shown towards tht Indians.One the Indians arc diacriminated against is that they have tried w hard to keep their identity. Of course they orc not the only ones who have done g The Japnncfir hnvr their Little Tokyo in Low /Xngckft and thr Chinese a Chinatown in New York. Thr Dutch.ilemtnt tn Pennsylvania Jilso stays separate from other people. Their towns Arc like something from rhe 19th century. They have a different reason from the other groups for staying separately. They live separately for religious reasons rather than keep together in a racial group.Although same groups have kept themselves separate nnd others have been discriminated against * all groups have helped make thr United States a great country. There g na group that has not helped in some way. And there is no group that can say they have done the most to rnnkv it a Kreat country.Many people mill come Irom other countries io help the United States grew. A good example 15 the /Xmrricnri project that let a rnan walk on lhe moon. It WM & scientist from Germany who was most responsible for doing that It is certain that in the future the United Sim” will wi ll nerd the help of people from all racial groups to remain n great country.对. Which of the following statementM can best describe lhe main idea of this passage?A・ The United Staten is a country made up of many different raccs« K EXscnminaTion is themost serious problem in the United Sluter C・ Ail races in the United States have helped mukr thecountry a great one.D. The prosperity of the United States is mainly due to the hard work of the most discriminated rncc».27. 】n the first paragraph the word 'old" means.A. separatedB. distinguishedC\ revealed D. made known28. 1 his passage implies rhai discnminntion ts a problem which.A. many races in the United States have experiencedB・ will siill be very serious in the United States in the futureC. has nlrcndy been solvrd in the United StatesD. is strongly opposed by many different races in the United States29. I he niain reason why the Indiana arr most discritninated ngain^t 甬that .A. they hnvr tried hard to krrp their rd诵岫K they hAvr tried hard to Hvr logoi her to keep their Indian cuiitoms厂. they nre the only ones who hjivr tried to keep thrir identityI). they diMcriminrtlc mnny other Mrs30. The Dutch live M^pnrntcly in Prnn»y|vnninA. to escape dincriminationB. to keep toRelhcr in ・ rncinl «roupC. to enjoy ihcrnHclvcH in their own lownnIX for rrliKioiift rc^MonsIV. TranslationDlrrrtion^: Put C4ich nf the following srntcncc« inIn or ( hinew, u、M* the word given inthe bracktt if any. Write ynur amewer on I he ANSWER SHEET, (15 points)31. A number of history^ most fnrnoti% prodigicu have nomclhinR rlR< in commoni they chdn'l livr v<*ry long lives,32. Tn win the lottery you only nerd luck, but to rnnnagr the chanKcs in your life thftt comr with I hr jnckpot < you need loK ol planning and wood ndvic ce33e Kven though the rr*ident^ ni Cnlifornh hav(ftlwnyn rcnlixcd ihut cnrthquukcft nrc a very real thrral • muMt wiy going through one i* nn experience ihut you ran* t hnvc itnnKinrd until it *« net unity luppcnrti.M.当JB人们没有祚险机会的时偎.眼的可能就姓从%些危阶的活劝.(2 undert/ikr>35. t卜五岁刿孩的一姻认为.儿子郸/远方的女孩产」认度的恋堂■杀为时KV T.这星他嬉谊个男孩的«M< (rchtlunRhip)V. WritingIHrtclUm: For thh part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a compotlllon In no lem ihnn 100 words IHI the topic ExurninuUori5 ncccirdlng to the infcirmHlhm uiven. Wrilr your unKwer on lhe ANSWER SHEET. (25 point*)36.U)有人认为用―的检M^TXi(2)4人队为考试不能检饮IW考生的贝尖偲加(3>你的观点.You can write the compmitkMl hi three paragniphii. Remember to write It neatly.a A A试题答案及评分标准(仅供参考)1 .第一部分(2。



理工英语(1) 第一某些交际用语(10分)1. -- My mother is retired. My father is a manager. ( A ) A. What do your parents do?2. -- What time does the train leave? ( C ) C. At half past five.3. -- Excuse me,how do I get to the gym,please? ( A ) A. You take the number 66 bus from the supermarket.4. -- What does your sister look like? ( B ) B. She's tall and wears glasses.5. -- Would you like to go with us? ( A ) A. I'd love to.第二某些词汇与构造(40分)6. John is C only accountant in my son's company. C. the7. There B four children in the picture. B. are8. We often have B supper at home. B. our9. B Chris worried about the presentation last week? B. Was10. I sometimes go to the pub A Friday. A. on11. London is A capital of Britain,and it is great city,too. A. the,a12. Have you got B cream,please? B. any13. Lily and Lucy are C a picture-book in their room C. reading14. I have two brothers. One is a driver, C is a policeman. C. the other15.- B is the man near the bank? -- Oh,he is Tom. B. Who16. Which is B ,the Yangtze River or the Yellow River? B. longer17. I'm sorry she's not in. Would you like to C a message? C. leave18. He goes to work A foot but comes back home taxi. A. on,by19. My aunt A for her friends at home. A. enjoys cooking20. B does the flat cost a month? B. How much21. Rose is C than Frank. C. much more easy-going22. He is a good student. He B early. B. always comes23.- I like documentaries on TV. -- So B I. B. do24. I C buy any wine. C. don't need to25. When A for London? A. is she flying第三某些阅读理解(20分)Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing in response to the advertisement in the Guardian newspaper on the………………………Yours faithfully,Jane Simson26. Jane Simson is a graduate from ( B ) B. Dangston University27. What would Jane like to apply for? ( A ) A. The post of Technology Sales Representative.28. What does Jane like very much? ( C ) C. She enjoys working in Business Technology29. Jane is good at speaking ( B ) B. French and German30. Why is Jane available for interview at any time in the next two weeks? ( A ) A. Because she wants to get the job.It is Sunday morning. Mrs Brown is working in the kitchen. She is cooking the Sundaydinner. On Sunday the Browns (布朗一家)…………………………..(饭菜).31. The Browns have their dinner in the evening on Sunday. ( B. Wrong )32. Mr Brown has a big family. ( C. Doesn't say. )33. Mr Brown doesn't go to work on Sunday.( A. Right. )34. Mr Brown likes working in the garden on Sunday. ( A. Right. )35. The family enjoy Mrs Brown's cooking.( A. Right. )第四某些翻译(30分)36.She workS in insurance——(在保险行业工作).37.You can't park in front Of the Office building——(在办公楼前).38.——Can l use the phone in the hall?I'm afraid not (恐怕不能).That’safaxmachineluseforwork.39. What would yOu 1ike to drink (想喝点什么),wineorbeer?40.YouneedtO reduce(your)temperature (退烧),肋youshouldtakesomeaspirins.41.He is not very tall and wears glasses.她个子不太高,带着眼镜。


















5 . A IO . D 15 . B 20 . A
23.处方药:系指必须凭医师处方方可调配、零售、购买和使用,并须在医务人员指导和监 控下使用的药品。
24.调剂学:是涉及药学诸学科和相关人文科学的研究药品调配技术和应用技术的学科。 25.前后台调配一核发调剂模式:由调配人员按照处方或调配单在药品架上选配药品,配 齐后交给前台药师核发药品的方式。
C.特殊人群教育用药指导手册 1()00
21.特殊人群教育用药指导手册的特点是()。 A.自我阅读教育理解有限,但受众面广 B.讲解教育利于交流,但组织烦琐受时间空间约束 C.针对性强,但更专业,需药师单个面对面咨询讲解后辅助使用 D.应特别提示日常用药注意事项及不良反应征兆的辨识方法等
A . 5
B . 4
C . 3
D . 2



2021国家开放大学电大专科《管理英语2》期末试题及答案(试卷号:盗传必究一、交际用语(共计2分.每小・2分)1-5 ■:迭择正确的语句完成下面对话,笄将签案序号写在答慧舐上.1. —Good morning 1 Sunshine Community Center! Miy 1 help you?A・ Ed like to book one air tickcLKm ghd to introduce myself to you.C> 1 need a plumber to repair the water pipe in my kiicheru2.— How's your mother doing?A. She i» very wellK Shr is very kind.C She is doing shopping now.—My name is Helen• and I was bom in I960. My major was electrical engineering.A. Tell me your name, please.& Tell me a little bit about yourself^ plense.C. Tell me how old you are« please4. 一Any suggestions for the project?A. I need your advice on iuB. I advise yt>u to put more hands in this projecuC Thanks far your suggestions5. — Hi. Helen> I'll have an interview tomorrow.A. Sure# you can. Take it easy.K I'm sorry to hear that.C ThMt,s tdl righuI —.二.illJC与场构(共计30分•每小Ifl 2分)6-20H:M)«下面的句于,从A.B.C三个选顼中选出一个能填入堂白处的正确逸顼•并将答案序号珊在答H»±.6. At the end of the dny« you wnnl nil nTtendees your event tn remember thi»key meAsage that you f vr iipcnt ■ long time rrinlnrang.A. leaveB. to leaveG leaving 3938)Pm afraid I can*t make it.7. Hr in ________ thh company.A. in ehargr of队 in th© charffe ofC> under the chArgc ol8. Hinng • good employ nuy cam much money #ind iimrt __________ ♦ it c«n win muchmore lor the compnny in future.A* what more B- at hit C. however9. They havr diMurccmrnt _ _ _ the plan of crlcbraling the founding of the rommunity.A. on B- in c /10. rhe quMlity of qurntionnaifr will _______ how murh infnrmntion we know from ourcustomerA<A. effectK Meet C. tnkeI6・ American younR people would mthcr _________ ndvlcc from strariKcrt*A. |{c(H. gettingC- gul17. Wliour tcxtlwxjk i ・ Thin?h _______ John It hna hh niime on 原A- cun 11 heK must be C. might bnIS. I he »uccrnh of our event in to the sponsor. B. ba Bed C. intended 11. The hcHing aynirm ol our opArtmentcommunity service center.A. dlMTUBMlOriG praiwe12. It i» only by agrreinu with thrir viewMtUAtion und »crnl the cujitonier nway happy.A. (tuMRentinK n |w )»n )blc nolutkun QBiiKtfOted M poftflble wlution13. The new year id J UKI• A. in cornerC ・ autrndi the earnerH. Look I _________A< Here are the bu» corncn.C- Thr but hrrr conir.|!i ・ Thr rnuBic ________ like thr NinRingA. hrarA C. wound*broke down no 1 mMdr ■ _______ CA II to the H compUint point find that you will rcnolve the K ・ pOAmble wlntionIl around the corner It Herr comen the bum • bird* It lint ent A. rclatrd19. The more information you can get* __________ in your GeldA・ the more competitive will you be B. you will be the morr competitiveC> the more competitive you will be20. We ________ it very much that you've come to give us a timely ride. Otherwise wewould mi" the imin.A. appreciate R expectG promine三、阅理解(共计io分,督小分)21-25・:阅读下列短文,从A、B、C三个遮现中堆出一个正•答案.并将答案序号写在答题纸上. Passage IAngry cuMomcrft tend to aim their disMtis/Action and complaints at staff members. If this happens to you# you should remember that they are actually exprexsinR their dissatisfaction about the company nnd not about you an an individuuL But if you wish to be MurccMful in nny bu«inritA t then you have to Iwn how to handlr Hngry cumomer»t lAUta brlow nre A few guidelines to help you drvelop your own prr»on«l mrnlrgy (or dcAlmg with Mfigry cuMomefBiNever nrguc buck. You miut stay calm nnd mm to Mnii^iy rhr cuwtomer even in the nio»i diHicuh sltUMtionib. It t« only by Mrcri” with ihrir virw iwinl and »ug«rMtinn n po”ibkj solution (tint you will rrwolvr the Aituarion and nrnd the cuMomrr aw«y huppy.U»e your cy mcm? yew mgiuh. M A U C turc vou n morr than i k RyliwtcninK corrfully> you will he able to undcrNtand why the cuntomrr in complairilnK. w thnt Mtm(B<rtciry Mepn can be lnkcn>Show that you C4iret U M every opportunily to cxprrsn your apology “nd undcrietnndin g. You have to uhow that you will 血rvrrything within your power to try nnd resolve rhe »ituation< I hts exhibition of your concern will win the customer over. There will br o aigntfinint churiKe in their behaviour.Control your linger nnd be patient, l^rarn to relax and calm your»cH. Having pnticncr with your ruAtotncru ind with your«el( will go a Icing WAy in winning over hostile cuMonicrb<Th. ・bov<? guidrhnc^ are very iieielul in every mtuahOfi in life nnd you enn hucccM»(iilly tAckle hostile circumfiTnnrM by followinK thrtn. II you follow the alwHe fip«> you «r« on your w«y to iiuccredinR in your aircen 2L An|(ry cuMomcm tend K> aim thrir dikB«ti»rMctlon mid complaints at ____________ •A. <uff member!11 company tnanngrrBC tho>r whn accompany themZ2. When M customer »hout» ruikly m yom you should ____________ •A. Argue Uack and protect yourAtlf11 krep quirt nnd Iravr the cumorncr alonec keep CA I TTI and listen cnrcfully 10 the cuHtorner23. The underlined sentence in ParaRraph 3 mennn __________ •A. your mouth it no! more important for you than your cuirsK you should listen more thon you «peak.c you should talk more thun you li®trn-24. When dealing with nn nngry cu*iomcr t which i» NOT tlw right Attiturir?A. Be concerned.K Be pntienuC He /imusrcL25. Which of the following HtatrmetitK tn true dceordinK to the pnsKAgc?A. When the cu&mm complaint you needn f i limn carefully.K You needn r t say sorry to ihose angry custotiiers.CL You rthould relax yonrMcIf nnd try to undrrHtnnd the nngry cu^omrrfu 26-30tt:iWWSffl文内容判断tft出的Ul句是否正确.正•的写“ l”,错煤的号件,并将答祟勇在答命蛾上.PnMMgc 2Cro» training is 1 raining an employee to do n different part of the orKAnuation1A work< Trmning wurkrr A to do the task fhnt worker B does and Irmning B ro do A S tawk i« cross trftining. Cross iraininK is good for manager!^ because it provides more llrxihility in tnarugmg the workforce to get the job done. On th« other hand, vrosn training ha> Home benefits for the employer* ns wdL It letsi them Irarn nrw skilk. rnnke% them more VMlunbk. krep^ them simulated and reduces worker tioredom.C HJSR trnining ran be used in ftlmowt nny ponitiari in alrnoAt nny indujitry. I crona I rained some of my derngn engineers to «o O JI field instAlInfion trip» nnd get firathttiid knowlr.dgr of how their designs workrdt or didn * t work, in fhr field, ("ashirrt can bv trained TO mock nhclvcs and *tockrrs trained to cashier. Thin allows you tu quickly open ftddilionMl rcgifilrr. if the ciiKtumrr queut? gets too long.As you prrparr cross iraining phnskt yuu need to ronnider borli lhe company bcncfitji nnd the employee benefitsu Cnrclully sclrcr the employees to br cross trained. Some people like to learn new things. Some are more cumforuhlr to W I IHI they know. Don11 decidewhich employees are ready for n change based on their nge or prrformiinece26. Cros^ irfiininK i» trninmg an employer fa da A different job in dilkrrnt cumpiny.27. Crofts training is bcnrAonl not only fur rnnnn^ers hut M I W lar employee!*.2& Cros^ training can Apply to iilmOAt nny pamtlon wnd Mrng any industry^29. Whvn you prepArv cro*>« tr/tinirig planat the only con'iidcrnlion in the company benrfitn.30. Yuu enn decide which cmploym tu hr emm troinrd Mcconiing tn their四.WiftMtiZO分,鸟小614分),ll-3S:iW从以下AJkCH个迭】员中访出■伐・#,并再答*序号写在答■峨上•31. Whrn you *tnrt A jobtyuu mu»i Mtick to it.a. 一n你冲的r 件rfl,你就也待之以恒.b. 一R你典了一件m他它.c•当你开的一件r什的时候,他«us认AW.32. I hr old «nyinK "prnrlire rnnkc* perlcci" Applies to interview prcpuration too.A. 古IS“曲不肉口”也也用于招聃・B. ?|话“熟m生巧”时Mtf城冷备也JMS川的.c. 在一-闹试在格时我们常常用w占er M 生巧,•・33. Wr rnn't ponnibly thr work <lnnr by (let fiber.A. f・JI份的我们不卯fit做呢速珈I H.11卜月一所我们不"・做攻璃工作・C十月份后我们不娜施做完也巩工作.34. rhe more kmlhar intrrvIcwinK frrh lo you* the le»» anxiety you will feel with the procvNft<A.你附♦tOg熟卧OKU:过程中你的少.H,血试中眄A多.MiAW程中你Ml也也会少.C你贿辱的侦考~点・面试中的麻域就会少一点.35. In cunt mat 1Q oihrr countrirn. the U. S h«» nn national college entrunrr rjum.A"M比儿他国家而言,美l』《UH日家号城.H・勺11 flkM»«n比.美IN没,大林入学等城.G WlttttM他河家.黄国大学校“与此.试题答案及评分标准(仅供参考)一、交作用8!(共计10分.每小超2分)】一5删:逸择正编的18句完成下面对话.井将答案序号肓在答fit纸上.LC 2. A 3. B 4. B S. A二•切近与站构(共计3。

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一、单项选取题(每小题2分,共20分)1.正式确立邓小平理论作为党指引思想地位是在( )。

A.党十四大 B.党十五大C.党十六大2.“三个代表”重要思想以为,加强( )建设,是发展先进文化重要内容和中心环节。

A.社会主义政治文明B.社会主义精神文明C社会主义思想道德3.思想路线本质在于( ),在于不断地研究新问题,在摸索中迈进。

A.与时俱进 B.革命C.创新4.发展社会主义生产力,必要不断解决生产关系和上层建筑中( )环节和问题。

A.不适合思想路线 B.不适合生产力发展C.不适合社会主义制度5.党十七大通过党章,把( )同“富强民主文明”一起写入了基本路线。

A.和谐 B.进步C.发展6.党十七大报告在讲到走中华人民共和国特色新型工业化道路时强调,要坚持扩大国内需求特别是( )需求方针。

A.生产 B.消费C.出口7.咱们要把( )作为在解决改革发展稳定关系重要结合点。

A.改进人民生活 B.政策稳定C.改革力度8.解决国内民族问题基本政策是( )。

A.加快发展少数民族地区经济和文化B.增进各民族之间团结C.实行民族区域自治9.社会主义道德基本规定是( )。

A.爱祖国、爱人民、爱学习、爱劳动、爱中华人民共和国共产党B.爱祖国、爱人民、爱劳动、爱科学、爱社会主义C.爱祖国、爱中华人民共和国共产党、爱人民、爱科学、爱劳动10.构建社会主义和谐社会重要保证是( )。

A.坚持民主法制 B.坚持改革开放C.坚持以人为本二、多项选取题(每小题2分,共30分)11.咱们党在新世纪要带领人民实现三大历史任务是(A.提高拒腐防变和抵抗风险能力 B.完毕祖国统一C.维护世界和平与增进共同发展 D.推动当代化建设12.社会主义初级阶段基本大纲规定了党在这一时期(A.主线任务 B.基本目的C.基本路线 D.基本政策213.建设创新型国家,( }。

A.发展科技是核心 B.先进人才是核心C.发展教诲是基本 D.社会安定是保障14.在改革、发展和稳定互有关系中,( )。

A.改革是动力 B.发展是目C.改革是目 D.稳定是前提15.下列关于人民代表大会制度表述错误是( )。

A.人民代表大会制度是国内国体B.人民代表大会制度是国内政体C.人民代表大会制度实行首长负责制原则D.人民代表大会制度是国内主线政治制度16.下列说法对的是( )。

A.推动人全面发展,同推动政治,经济,文化发展和改造人民物质文化生活互为前提和保证B.生产力高度发展不直接等于人全面发展C.人全面发展是衡量社会发展与进步主线尺D.增进人全面发展是实现党最低大纲和最高大纲必然规定17.依照胡锦涛重要发言阐述,社会主义和谐社会重要内容和基本特性是( )A.安定有序、人与自然和谐相处B.诚信友爱、布满活力C.民主法制、公平正义D.自由幸福、互助合伙18.坚持“一种中华人民共和国原则”内涵是( )。

A.世界上只有一种中华人民共和国B.大陆和台湾同属于一种中华人民共和国C.中华人民共和国主权和领土完整不容分割D.反对外国势力干涉中华人民共和国统一和台湾势力搞“台湾独立”图谋19.国内对外政策基本原则重要有( )。

A.独立自主B.一国两制C.和平共处五项原则D.加强同第三世界国家团结与合伙20.党十七大指出,优良党风是凝聚党心民心巨大力量,要做到( )。

A.责为民所担 B.权为民所用C.情为民所系 D.利为民所谋21.说邓小平理论是马克思主义在中华人民共和国发展新阶段,是由于邓小平理论( )。

A.开拓了马克思主义新境界B.把对社会主义结识提高到新科学水平C.对当今时代特性和总体国际形势作出了新科学判断D.形成了新建设中华人民共和国特色社会主义理论科学体系22.科学发展观主线办法是统筹兼顾,即( )。

A.统筹城乡发展、区域发展 B.统筹经济社会发展C.统筹人与自然和谐发展 D.统筹国内发展和对外开放23.邓小平把(》联系起来,形成了对实事求是命题整体结识。

A.尊重群众创造精神 B.-切从实际出发C.理论联系实际 D.坚持在实践中检查真理和发展真理24.邓小平在巡视南方谈话中阐述了一系列重要思想,其中有( )。

A.关于社会主义本质思想B.关于筹划和市场都是经济手段思想C关于改革党和国家领导体制思想D.关于“三个有助于”思想25.公有制经济涉及( )。

A.国有经济 B.集体经济C.混合所有制经济中华人民共和国有成分D.混合所有制经济中集体成分三、阐述题(第26小题20分,第27小题30分,共50分)26.联系实际阐述,科学发展观是国内发展中华人民共和国特色社会主义必要长期坚持重大战略思想。






据记录,1990年,美国法定最低工资为每小时3. 80美元,当前是5.15美元,如果最低工资界限也以老板工资增长速度那样上涨,今天工人最低工资界限应当是每小时25. 50美元。





)材料2据世界银行报告,中华人民共和国社会基尼系数已扩大至0. 458。





试卷代号:中央广播电视大学-第一学期“开放专科”期末考试(开卷)邓小平理论概论试题答案及评分原则(供参照)一、单项选取题(每小题2分,共20分)1.B 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.A6.B 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.A二、多项选取题(每小题2分,共30分)11. BCD 12. BD 13. ABC 14. ABD 15. AC16. ABD 17. ABC 18. ABC 19. ACD 20. BCD21. ABCD 22. ABCD 23. BCD 24. ABD 25. ABCD三、阐述题(第26小题20分,第27小题30分,共50分)26.联系实际阐述,科学发展观是国内发展中华人民共和国特色社会主义必要长期坚持重大战略思想。




















