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Unit 4语法篇



The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.


(2)最高级前可加one of ,即:one of +the +形容词最高级+名词复数,表示最….的之一。

He is one of the smartest students in this school. 他是这所学校中最聪明的学生之一

(3)有时被最高级修饰的名词前还可用不定冠词,但这时不含比较的意思,只是表示非常很。如: Their performance was a greatest success. 他们的演出非常成功。

1. English is one of_______ spoken in the world.

A. the important languages

B. the most important languages

C. most important language

D. the most important language

2. —Tom, are you ________ boy in your class?

—No, but John is. I'm shorter than him.

A. the tallest

B. the shortest

C. the youngest

D. the oldest

3. She prefers football because she thinks it's ________ among all sports.

A. interesting

B. more interesting

C. the most interesting

4. --- Who ran of all in the sports meeting?

--- Hector did, I think.

A. fast

B. faster

C. the fastest

D. more fast

5. The Changjiang River is longer than river in China.

A. another

B. any

C. other

D. any other

1. 黄河是中国的第二长的河。

The Yellow River is ________________river in China.

2. 你是你们班最高的学生之一吗? (词数不限)

Are you in your class?

3. 梅比她班里的其他任何学生都高。

Li Mei is taller student in her class.

4. 明是我们队个子最高的队员,他(球)打得也最棒。

Li Ming is player in our team, and he

plays .

5. 天安门广场比任何其他广场都大。

Tian'anmen Square is bigger than square in Beijing.

6. 位于中心大街的那家超市拥有最好的服务。

The supermarket on the Center Street has service. 7. 城里哪家店的衣服最贵?

Which has

the clothes ?

8. 你们认为这个城市的空气怎么样?

do you the air in the city?

9. 我的相机比你的价格便宜得多。

My camera is yours.

10. 成龙是最受欢迎的动作片演员之一。

Jackie Chan is one of action movie actors.


1. Which is , the sun, the earth or the moon?

A. big

B. bigger

C. the biggest

D. biggest

2. Of all the cities, Dalian is .

A. very beautiful

B. the most beautiful

C. beautifuler

D. beauty

3. He is the most popular all the players.

A. in

B. of

C. on

D. /

4. The store sells their clothes in town.

A. cheapest

B. the cheapest

C. the most cheaply

D. the cheapliest

5. --- A number of volunteers willing to teach in China's rural areas. --- Yes, the number is getting .

A. is; bigger and bigger

B. are; bigger and bigger

C. is; more and more

D. are; more and more


Are the days 6 in summer or in winter? In China the days 7 longer in summer. There are 8 than sixteen

9 of daylight in the middle 10 summer. In

11 there are only about eight hours of 12 . When is the weather warmest in China? It is the 13 during the summer months. During the winter it is often very 14 . In spring and autumn the weather is usually neither very hot nor very cold. The south has a 15 summer. The north has a cold winter.

6. A. longer B. longest C. long D. short

7. A. is B. am C. are D. be

8. A. many B. much C. most D. more

9. A. days B. hours C. years D. months

10. A. of B. on C. at D. for

11. A. spring B. winter C. summer D. autumn

12. A. day B. light C. daylight D. clouds

13. A. hot B. hottest C. hotter D. cold

14. A. wet B. hot C. cool D. cold

15. A. wind B. rain C. hot D. warm
