—I am going to be a teacher.
8.Yao Ming is one of the best basketball pin the world.
9.My aunt works in the police station, and she is p.
5They all took part in the 2002________ _______(足球杯决赛).
(1)They________ the basketball match yesterday.
(2)By hard work she________ the first place in the math exam.
14.After working for a long time, he stoppedand(放松一下).
15.Mr. Lee is(受欢迎的) with his students.
16. Let’s c_______ Liu Xiang on.
17. Work hard, and your f_______ is not a dream.
1. Our class is going mountain climbing this weekend.
Every student is(excite).
2. Jane prefers _______ (row).
3.Running can help you keep _______(health).
21.would you like to_______ (参加)the school English club?
22.Yaoming will play for our national______(队).
Unit1Topic1 44 到 /遍及40 球 /法庭1 几乎 /差不多45 ⋯ 有益41 然而 /可是2 学期 / 46 保持健康42 跟随 /仿效 / 跟得上3 加油 /喝彩47 ⋯ 加油43 世 /百年4 / Topic2 44 巧克力5 /得 1 帮助 / 恩惠45 疲的 /累的6 更喜 /宁愿 2 有病的 /不健康的46 容易地7 自行 3 介意 v/思想 n 47 英里8 划船 /排 4 / 践48 新的9 一点 /一些 5 吸烟 / 冒烟 /烟49 代替 /替10 加入 /接 6 在某50 /性11 俱部7 大声地51 建造 /建筑12 排球8 安静地52 感 /得 / 摸13 比者 /手9 法付 /管理53 成 /得14 梦 /做梦10 我自己54 患病15 成 /种植 /成11 粗心的 / 55 整理床16 跳舞者12 机会 /可能性56 离17 将来13 得分 /球 /目57 立刻 /上18 到达 /达到14 与 ..打仗 /打架 /争58 尽⋯最大力19 反 /着15 生气的59 关小 /小20 激的16 没有什么60 上 /立即21 离开 /剩下17 ..提供 /端上 /招待61 上22 黄金 /金色的18 迅速地62 也 /有23 牌 /章19 的63 使⋯更壮 /增 /加24 憾的事 / 羞愧20 分 /一会儿Topic325 极的 /主的21 准好的 1 /做主人招待 /主人26 跑者 /滑行装置22 清楚地 2 外国人27 /唱片23 再一 /又一 /的 3 外国的28 小24 法国 4 地址29 棒球25 俄国 5 理由 /原因 /理30 十分 /漂亮的26 旅行 6 可能 /大概31 周末27 令人激的7 烤的32 流行的 /大众的28 令人疲的8 或 /可能33 心 /心29 比 / 9 种植 /播种 /植物34 健康的 /健壮的30 加拿大人 /的10⋯ .好35 适合的 /健康的 /适合31 明 /造 v 11 洞36 放松 /松32 学院12 足地 /的/ 充足37 肺 /肺33 室内13 使充 /填空 /装38 大成人34 甚至 /更14 土 /泥 /地球 /大地39 今后35 得分 /球 /分数15 摘 /拾起 /采集40 到达某地36 到⋯里 /向内16 院 /院41 同⋯比37 /旁17 共和国42 身去某地38 子18 者43 参加 /加入39 投 /仍19 草 /草20 参者 /拜者27 直到⋯才⋯35 卷心菜21 改善 /更新28 照36 三明治22 境29 ⋯ 做 /核37 牛肉23 我自己30 躺下38 西柿24 代的31 最好做39 西瓜25 希腊32 日日夜夜40 茄子26 格言33 开水41 各种各的27 形物 /打 /声34 在夜晚42 放弃28 象征 /志35 患感冒Topic329 最少 /最少量Topic2 1 赶快30 喜的 1 健康 2 者31 喜 2 今晚 332 至少 /不少于 3 指甲 4 播 /延伸 /展开33 用 ..填 4 一餐 5 在⋯中34 与⋯交朋友 5 没有 6 的35 大量 /多 6 文章 / 物品 /冠7 野生的 / 野的36 和 ..玩得高7 促使 / 引起 /原因8 最后 /于Unit2 Topic1 8 癌9 /察1 牙痛9 垃圾 / 乱物10 病人 /有耐心的2 牙科医生10 草坪 /草地113 咳嗽11 能量 /精力12 自行4 背痛12 必要的13 勇敢的5 13 垃圾箱14 斗6 流行性感冒14 疼痛15 妻子7 胃疼15 病 /疾病16 回答 /答案8 疼16 它自己17 任 /9 沸 /开 /煮17 可能 /也18 救 /省10 起 /抬起 /散 /梯18 空的 / 19 恨 /11 白的19 胃20 她自己12 糟糕的 /可怕的20 菌21 他 /她 /它自己13 21 人的22 /外公14 喉22 身体23 奶奶 /外婆15 糖果23 穿 /从始致24 中16 刷 /擦 / 24 皮 /皮肤25 后17 牙25 空气 /大气26 得愉快18 互网26 酸的 /有酸味的27 /看法 / 考19 小心 /在乎 /照27 弄整 /干的28 照 /喜20 重的 /的 /真的28 /除29 回来 /想起来21 片29 比30 通 /通22 有病的 /患病的30 富 / 31 离⋯ .23 大量 /充足31 少于32 不得不24 大量的32 33 一直25 两个都 /既⋯又 .. 33 香34 做除26 担心34 草莓35 做运36 和⋯交20 等等Topic337 赶快21 友 /友情 1 淋浴 /雨38 先 /干吧22 知 /学 2 收音机 / 无Review of Unit1-2 23 每日的 /日常的 3 同意 /允1 危的24 洗澡 /浴室 /澡盆 4 景 /布景2 考 / 25 是否 5 一般 /不怎么3 活26 看的 6 令人愉快的 /舒适的4 公元前27 可的 /美好的7 同意某人的看法5 从 ..以来 /从那起 /由于28 惰的8 英俊的6 荣誉 /尊敬29 愚蠢的 /笨的9 的 / 使人悲的7 意思 /含30 出去 /熄10 做鬼 /做苦8 自己 /有31 ⋯ 感趣11 大笑 /嘲笑9 型 /打字32⋯等等12 敲10 /建立 /表格 /形式Topic2 13 神圣的11 成年人 1 音会 /演奏会14 祈祷 /祈求12 伸手 /脚 ..着 / 到达 2 大 / 会堂 /道15 解决13 孩子 /儿童 3 把 ..借16 停止做事14 /弄 4 磁 / 音17 关的15 假 5 歌手 / 歌唱家18 太⋯而不能16 地 6 小提琴19 /碟 /形物17 在某人去⋯的路上7 鼓20 前天18 失 /迷路8 音的 /好音的21 快的 /高的19 ⋯送行9 器 / 工具Unit4 Topic120 从那起10 家 1 考Unit3Topic1 11 民的 2 天空1 高的12 广告3 清晰的 / 明亮的2 收集13 付 /⋯ 酬 /工4 自然 /性3 的 /重的14 古典的 /的5 薄的 /瘦的4 余好15 爵士6 母牛 /奶牛5 油画16 每日的 /日常的7 羊皮 /服者6 石17 的 /易的87 硬18 音家9 兔 /家兔8 感趣的19 成 /会10 上面的9 表演 /扮演 /行 /法令20 11 /高 /10 小21 出生 /生12 玫瑰花11 空的 /多余的22 国籍13 蛇12 画志23 重 /重量 n 14 狐狸13 分享24 高 /高度 n 15 昆虫14 大众的通俗的25 千克 /公斤16 喂 /养15 假期 /休假26 每人 /人人17 以⋯食16 池塘27 来吧 /赶快18 /17 没有人 /也不 /渺小人物28 19 雨林18 画 /油漆 /粉刷29 建立 /建20 覆盖 /遮盖19 30 民歌21 表面22 成千上万18 真的 /确的31 部分 /段 /部23 黑暗的 /暗淡的19 在⋯花32 不久前 /最近24 森林20 下Review of Unit3-425 控制21 典 /字典 1 真的 /忠的26 气候22 找 2 笑27 木 /木材23 注意 /心 3 海 /海28 合成橡胶24 以⋯开始 4 蝴蝶29 保25 写信⋯ 5 富于幽默的30 事 / 26 按 / /出版社 6 云 /云状物 /阴影31 事 /上27 按 /扣 /扣7 同 /一起32 成 /化28 塞子 /把⋯塞住8 某人上33 大的 /巨大的29 把⋯插9 如 /例如34 湖30 无用的10 向⋯要35 海 /海洋Topic3 11 把⋯在一起36 活着的 1 余下 / 保留 /仍是12 按序 /按秩序37 滴 /掉下 /落下 2 拉 /拖 /拉力38 在危状 3 拆39 西南 4 破不堪的 /旧的40 露地 /土地 5 政府41 6 重建42 死 /弄死7 皇帝43 南虎8 奇迹 / 惊 /想知道44 南 /南方9 建筑者45 毛皮 /皮子10 活的 /况的 /的46 熊11 金宝 /富47 狼12 地下的 /地Topic2 13 殿1 机器人14 和园2 科学家15 西的 /向西的 /西部3 出16 埃及4 情况 /形17 国王5 修 /修理18 墓6 向 / 朝/于19 展会7 子 /板 /盆子20 金字塔 /角形8 行星21 世界名的9 信息22 古代的 /古老的10 把⋯当成23 由⋯成11 人造的 /人工的24 百万个12 物 /物体 / 25 称⋯的重量 /重13 气球26 吨14 求 /号召 /提倡27 埃及人 /埃及的15 外星人28 从那起16 叫醒29 把⋯看做17 醒来30 民族 /国家--- 去式 ---- 去分1)read _______ ______-cut 切 /割 _______ ______ let _______ ______ put 放_______ ______cost 花 / _____ ______ hit 撞 / _______ ______ set 安排 _______ ______ hurt 使 ..痛 _____ ______ 2) run 跑 _____ ______ come 来_____ ______ become 成 _____ ______3)blow 吹 _____ ______ draw 画 _____ ______ grow 生 _____ ______know 知道 _____ ______ fly _____ ______4)begin 开始 ____ ______ drink 喝 _____ ______ sing 唱 _____ ______swim 游泳 _____ ______ ring 打 _____ ______ 5)wear 穿 _____ ______ forget 忘 _____ ______ speak _____ ______ freeze _____ ______ choose_____ ______ 6)teach 教 _____ ______ catch 捉 /抓 _____ ______ 7)eat 吃forbid 禁止giveridesee 看write 写fall落下8)am/is 是are 是do 做go 走take 拿9)bring来fight打架think思考10)feed 喂meet 遇get 得到hold 有babysit照看sit坐winfind11)feel感到keep 保持leave 离开sleep 睡sweep12)build建造hear 听make制造mean意思send 送 , 寄spend 花deal 理13)have 有 , 吃lay 放lose 失pay 付sayselltell告stand 站14)beat 打15)bear 生hang 吊死挂learn学lie躺show ⋯看spell拼写burnsmellshine 照耀dream 做梦wake 醒hide 藏16)can 能may 也must 必shall将要will会。
八年级上册英语单词测试题(仁爱英语)仁爱英语:八年级上册英语单词测试:Unit 1 Topic 11、在期间___________________________2、prep. 对着,反对___________________________3、n练习,实践___________________________4、v. 加油,欢呼;喝彩;n. 欢呼声,喝彩声___________________________5、为……加油___________________________6、n. 队,组___________________________7、v. 获胜,赢得8、v. 更喜欢,宁愿(选择)___________________________ 9、v. 骑自行车___________________________ 10、加入,参加,连接___________________________ 11、adv. 相当,很,十分___________________________ 12、滑冰,溜冰___________________________ 13、科学家___________________________ 14、划船,一排,一行___________________________ 15、n. 俱乐部;纸牌中的梅花___________________________ 16、v. 溜冰,滑冰___________________________ 17、v. 滑雪; n. 滑雪;滑雪板___________________________ 18、n. 排球19、n. 网球___________________________20、乒乓球___________________________21、n. 比赛者,选手___________________________22、女警察___________________________23、男警察___________________________24、n. 梦,梦想; v. 做梦___________________________25、v. 成长,生长;发育;种植;变成___________________________26、长大成人,成长___________________________27、n乐手,音乐家___________________________28、n. 将来___________________________29、今后30、飞行员,驾驶员___________________________ 31、跳跃___________________________ 32、花费,度过___________________________ 33、锻炼,练习___________________________ 34、棒球___________________________ 35、擅长于,精通的___________________________ 36、周末___________________________ 37、参加,加入___________________________ 38对有益___________________________ 39、n. 遗憾;可惜___________________________ 40、n. 健康,保健41、流行的,大众的___________________________ 42、到处,遍及___________________________ 43、世界,地球___________________________ 44心脏,心___________________________ 45、肺脏,肺___________________________ 46、后天___________________________ 47、健康的,健壮的___________________________ 48、适合,安装___________________________ 49、保持健康___________________________ 50、相当好___________________________ 51、晚饭,晚餐52、放松,轻松___________________________ 53、. 著名的___________________________ 54、队友___________________________ 55、激动的,兴奋的___________________________ 56、令人不愉快的,坏的___________________________ 57、离开;把……留下,剩下;n. 假期,休假___________________________ 58、动身去某地___________________________ 61、遗憾,同情,可惜,怜悯___________________________ 62、邮差___________________________ 63、钓鱼的人___________________________八年级上册英语单词测试:Unit 1 Topic 2n. 帮助;恩惠;好意、___________________________ _3、患病,病倒___________________________4、乐意于……___________________________5、踢,踹,___________________________6、传球,传递,及格___________________________7、帮某人一个忙___________________________8、在某方面做的好___________________________9、确定,肯定___________________________10、在某处___________________________11、扔,投,掷___________________________12、对某人大声说13、争论,打架___________________________ 14、尽某人最大努力___________________________ 15、协同工作,配合___________________________ 16、生气的___________________________ 17、对生气___________________________ 18、讨论,谈论___________________________ 19、无关紧要的东西,没有什么___________________________ 20、完成,做好,结尾,结局___________________________ 22、祖父,爷爷___________________________ 23、发明,创造___________________________ 24、发明者,创造者25、运动场,法庭___________________________26、关小,调低___________________________27、在户外,在野外___________________________28、世纪,百年___________________________29、起初___________________________30、室内的___________________________31、变得,变成___________________________32、进入,到里面___________________________33、形成,产生___________________________34、目标,进球得分,射门___________________________35穿过,贯穿___________________________36、一旁,一侧37、篮球运动的篮子___________________________ 38、遵守规则,跟随,仿效___________________________ 39、例子,样品___________________________ 40、例如,举例___________________________ 41、抓住,举办___________________________ 42、技能,技艺___________________________ 43、作为,当做___________________________ 44、比___________________________ 45、得分,进球___________________________ 46、爱好者,热爱者___________________________ 47、板球48、最重要的___________________________ 49、人,个人___________________________ 50、英雄,豪杰___________________________ 51、草坪,草地___________________________ 52、得分,观点___________________________ 53、碰撞,击球___________________________ 54、球棒,球拍,蝙蝠___________________________ 55、令人激动的___________________________ 56、接力赛___________________________ 57、好吗?要不要?___________________________ 58、信息,消息59、剧场,戏院___________________________ 60、电话线路___________________________ 61、现代的___________________________ 62、奥林匹克运动会___________________________ 63、奥林匹克运动会的___________________________ 64、箴言,格言___________________________ 65环形物,铃声,打电话___________________________ 66、象征,标志___________________________ 67、战立,位于,忍受___________________________ 68、代表,象征___________________________ 69、最少的70、至少,不小于___________________________ 71、现今,现在___________________________ 72、竞争,对抗___________________________ 73、机会,机遇___________________________ 74、主办国___________________________ 75、开头,开端___________________________ 76、是否___________________________ 77、金子,金色的___________________________ 78、奖章,勋章___________________________ 79、差,严重的___________________________ 80、能够,有能力的81、真正的___________________________10、杯子___________________________ 83、另一___________________________84、破,碎,打破___________________________85、自由泳___________________________86、游泳者___________________________87、记录,唱片___________________________88、获得成功的___________________________89、男性的,男的___________________________90、牙买加的___________________________91普遍的,广泛的___________________________92、将认为___________________________八年级下册英语单词测试:Unit 2 Topic 11、n. 牙痛___________________________ 2、n. 牙科医生___________________________ 3、患感冒___________________________ 4、n. ≈ v. 咳嗽___________________________ 5、adj. (发炎)疼痛的,酸痛的___________________________ 6、n. 背痛___________________________ 7、休息___________________________ 8、n. 发烧;发热___________________________9、n. 流行性感冒___________________________10、n. 胃疼___________________________11、n. 头疼___________________________12、在夜晚___________________________13、n. 咖啡___________________________14、n. 茶;茶叶___________________________15、pron. 大量,众多,充足;n. 充足,大量___________________________16、大量,充足,丰富___________________________17、v. 沸腾;烧开;煮……___________________________18、开水___________________________19、v. 举起,抬起;(云、烟等)消散; n. (英)电梯20、interj. (引起注意或表示兴趣、惊讶或生气)嘿,喂___________________________21、adj. 苍白的,灰白的___________________________22、adj. 糟糕的;可怕的___________________________23、v. be的过去分词___________________________24、日日夜夜___________________________25、想要……,感觉要……___________________________26、n. 喉咙___________________________27、躺下___________________________28、n. 糖果___________________________29、v. 刷;擦; n . 刷子___________________________30、n. (pl. teeth)牙齿31、n. 互联网,因特网___________________________32、n. 照顾,护理;小心;v. 介意……,在乎;关心___________________________33、关心,照顾___________________________34、n. 医生,大夫;博士___________________________35、adv. 还,还是,仍然,依旧___________________________36、n. X光照片;x射线;x光___________________________37、adj. 严重的;严肃的;认真的___________________________38、给……做体检,给……做健康检查;核对,检查___________________________39、n. 药丸,药片___________________________40、担心,烦恼___________________________41、n. 忠告,劝告,建议___________________________42、n. 出租车___________________________八年级上册英语单词测试:Unit 2 Topic 143、adv. 真诚地___________________________44、adj. 有病的,患病的;(想)呕吐的___________________________45、n. 冰___________________________46、n. 冰激凌___________________________47、感冒药___________________________八年级上册英语单词测试:Unit 2 Topic 21、v. 促使,引起,使发生;n. 原因,起因___________________________2、n. 健康,卫生___________________________ 3、adv .≈ n. 今晚,今夜___________________________ 4、adj. 想睡的,困倦的,瞌睡的___________________________ 5、n. 药___________________________ 6、n. 指甲___________________________ 7、n. 一餐(饭)___________________________ 8、prep. 没有___________________________ 9、n. ;东西,物品;冠词___________________________ 10、v. 吸烟;冒烟; n. 烟___________________________ 11、n. 癌___________________________ 12、n. 废弃物,垃圾;v. 乱丢杂物___________________________13、n. 垃圾箱___________________________14、n. 草坪;草地___________________________15、n. 能量,精力___________________________16、adj. 必需的,必要的___________________________17、adj. 足够的,充分的;adv. 足够地,充分地;n. 足够,充足___________________________18、n. 疼痛,疼___________________________19、n. 病,疾病___________________________20、pron. 它自己___________________________21、v. aux.(ay的过去式,助动词)可能,也许,或许__________________________22、adj. 空的___________________________23、n. 胃,胃部___________________________24、n. 细菌,病菌___________________________25、进入,达到___________________________26、adj. 人的,人类的___________________________27、n. 身体___________________________28、prep. 穿(通)过;从始至终;adv. 穿(通)过;自始至终,全部___________________________29、n. 皮,皮肤;兽皮___________________________30、interj. (惊奇,高兴或有所表现时用)哈___________________________31、n. 疾病___________________________32、n. 空气;大气___________________________33、adj. 馊(味)的,酸臭的;酸的,有酸味的___________________________34、v. 弄整洁,弄干净;adj. 整洁的,干净的___________________________35、v. 扫除,扫___________________________36、v. 吐唾沫;吐痰___________________________37、当众;公开___________________________38、prep. ≈ conj. 比___________________________39、n. 财产,财富___________________________40、adj. ≈ adv. 较少的;少于,小于___________________________八年级下册英语单词测试:Unit 2 Topic 241、选择___________________________42、n. 香肠,腊肠___________________________ 43、n. 草莓___________________________ 44、n. 牛肉___________________________ 45、n. 卷心菜,洋白菜___________________________ 46、n. 西红柿,番茄___________________________ 47、n. 土豆,马铃薯___________________________ 48、薯条___________________________ 49、n. 三明治(夹心面包片)___________________________ 50、n. 茄子___________________________ 51、n. 西瓜___________________________八年级下册英语单词测试:Unit 2 Topic 31、v. 赶快;急忙___________________________2、赶快,快点___________________________3、n. 记者,新闻工作者___________________________4、n. 问题; v. 询问___________________________5、(尤指经某人允许)开始,开始做,着手,干吧,干下去;走在前面,领先___________________________6、v. 传播;延伸;展开___________________________7、 prep. 在……中间,在(三个以上)之间___________________________8、v. 防止,预防___________________________9、一直___________________________10、adv. 最后;最终,终于___________________________ 11、adj. 拥挤的___________________________ 12、. 远离……___________________________ 13、n. 分机号码___________________________ 14、稍等一会儿,请稍等___________________________ 15、v. 检查;诊察___________________________ 16、n. 病人;adj. 有耐心的,能忍耐的___________________________ 17、给……打电话___________________________ 18、n. 消息,音信___________________________ 19、n. 自行车___________________________ 20、n. 滑旱冰___________________________21、adj. 不健康的;会致病的___________________________ 22、急救___________________________ 23、n. 愉快,幸福___________________________ 24、另一方面___________________________ 25、adj. 不高兴的,伤心的___________________________ 26、v. 防止,避免___________________________ 27、adj. 有帮助的,有益的___________________________ 28、adj. 危险的___________________________ 29、abbr. 非典型性肺炎___________________________ 30、pron. 她自己___________________________ 31、pron. 他/她/它们自己___________________________32、一种,一类___________________________33、(战争、火灾等)突然发生,爆发___________________________34、pron. 几个,数个,一些___________________________35、n. 战斗;战役___________________________36、adj. 勇敢的___________________________37、照顾(病人);照料;喜欢___________________________38、n. 记者,新闻通讯员___________________________39、v.回答,答复;回信;(作出)答案n.回答,答复;回信;答案___________________________40、n. 责任,义务___________________________41、v. 救,挽救;节省___________________________42、中药八年级下册英语单词测试:Review of Units 1--21、v.劝告,忠告,建议___________________________2、n. 考试,测试;检查;审查___________________________3、上交;交纳___________________________4、adv. 到处___________________________5、adj. 自己的; v. 拥有,所有___________________________6、n. 类型; v. 打字___________________________7、n. 一套,一组,衣服;装备,设备; v. 设置___________________________8、v. 组织;建立;n. 表格;形式;结构___________________________9、n. 茶杯,杯子10、世界杯___________________________11、n. 成年人___________________________12、v. 伸手(脚等)够到;达到___________________________13、n. 错误; v. 弄错___________________________14、错误地___________________________15、v. 死___________________________16、公元前___________________________17、prep. 从……以来;adv. 从那时以来;conj. 从……以来,……以后;由于___________________________18、从那时起___________________________19、n. 荣誉,光荣;v. 尊敬;给予荣誉20、n. 意义,含义___________________________21、pron. 自己;自身___________________________22、n. 奶奶;外婆___________________________23、n.(本分)工作,职业;职责;生意,交易;事业___________________________八年级下册英语单词测试:Unit 3 Topic 11、adj.空闲的,多余的,剩余的___________________________2、在某人空闲时间___________________________3、n. 业余爱好,嗜好___________________________4、n. 连环画杂志___________________________5、n. 影碟,光盘___________________________6、adj. 感兴趣的7、对……感兴趣___________________________8、adj. 喜爱的,爱好的___________________________9、喜欢___________________________10、v. (戏)表演,扮演(角色),演出(戏);行动,做事;n. 法令,条例___________________________11、v. 收集,搜集___________________________12、v. 种植,播种;n. 植物___________________________13、n. 小说___________________________14、n. 绘画;油漆,粉刷;n. 油漆___________________________15、adj. 高兴的___________________________16、n. 价值,益处___________________________ 17、过去常常做某事___________________________ 18、n. 摇滚乐;岩石,大石块___________________________ 19、n. 油画,水彩画___________________________ 20、n. 石头,石料___________________________ 21、n. 玩偶,玩具娃娃___________________________ 22、n. 硬币___________________________ 23、v. 分享,共同使用___________________________ 24、n. 电子邮件___________________________ 25、n. 地址___________________________ 26、v.≈n. 讨厌;恨___________________________27、adj.(口语)(音乐、艺术等)大众的,通俗的___________________________28、n. 假期,休假___________________________29、n. 池塘___________________________30、pron. 没有人,谁也不;n. 渺小人物___________________________31、n. 秘密,内情___________________________32、v.≈n. 聊天,闲谈___________________________33、n. 网___________________________34、因特网___________________________35、adj. 有助休息的;令人放松的___________________________36、n. 友谊,友情___________________________37、n. 知识,学问___________________________ 38、adj. 日常的;每日的;adv. 每天; n. 日报___________________________ 39、n. 洗澡;浴室;澡盆___________________________ 40、con.j. 是否___________________________ 41、adj. 不友好的,有敌意的___________________________ 八年级下册英语单词测试:Unit 3 Topic 142、adj. 懒惰的___________________________ 43、adj. 丑陋的;难看的___________________________ 44、adj. 愚蠢的,笨的___________________________八年级下册英语单词测试:Unit 3 Topic 21、n. 音乐会;演奏会___________________________2、继续___________________________3、n. 语言___________________________4、v. 借(出),把……借给___________________________5、n. 磁带;录音带___________________________6、嬉蹦乐(节奏强烈,说唱形式的一种流行伴舞音乐) ___________________________7、n. 歌手,歌唱家___________________________8、n. 小提琴___________________________9、n. 鼓___________________________10、adj. 音乐的,爱好音乐的;n. 音乐片___________________________11、n. 乐器;工具,器械___________________________ 12、n. 艺术家___________________________ 13、n. 音乐家,乐师___________________________ 14、n. 价格,价钱___________________________ 15、adj. 民间的___________________________ 16、n. 绘画;图画,素描(画) ___________________________ 17、n. 广告___________________________ 18、v. 付钱,给……报酬;n. 工资___________________________ 19、adj. 古典的;传统的___________________________ 20、n. 爵士音乐,爵士舞曲___________________________ 21、n. 甲壳虫乐队___________________________22、adv. 迅速地,很快地___________________________ 23、adj. 日常的;每日的___________________________ 24、adj. 简单的,简易的___________________________ 25、以……而闻名___________________________ 26、民歌___________________________ 27、n. 乐队,乐团___________________________ 28、n. 爱尔兰___________________________ 29、最后,终于___________________________ 30、建立,创立___________________________31、n. 格莱美音乐大奖___________________________ 32、n. 成员,会员___________________________33、v. 继续___________________________34、n. 出生,诞生___________________________35、n. 香港___________________________36、n. 国籍___________________________37、n. 职业,工作___________________________38、abbr. (usic television的缩写)音乐电视频道___________________________39、n. 导演___________________________40、n. 重,重量___________________________41、abbr. (kilogra的缩写)千克,公斤___________________________42、n. 高,高度___________________________八年级下册英语单词测试:Unit 3 Topic 243、adj. 可爱的;美好的___________________________2、adv. 认真地,仔细地,小心地___________________________3、pron. 每人,人人___________________________八年级下册英语单词测试:Unit 3 Topic 31、n. 淋浴;阵雨___________________________2、n. 收音机,无线电___________________________3、adj. 烤的;v. 烤(肉)___________________________4、n. 鸭子___________________________5、v. 同意;应允___________________________6、n. (戏剧、电影等的)一场,场景,布景7、adj. 一般,不怎么样,凑合___________________________8、adj. 令人愉快的,舒适的___________________________9、同意某人的看法,与某人看法一致___________________________10、adj. 英俊的___________________________11、adj. 有用的,有益的___________________________12、adj. 难过的;(使人)悲伤的___________________________13、做鬼脸,做苦脸___________________________14、v. ≈ n. 笑,大笑;嘲笑___________________________15、adj. 神圣的___________________________16、v. 祈祷;祈求___________________________17、v. 解决(问题)18、停止做某事___________________________19、adj. 关闭的___________________________20、n. 工厂___________________________21、n. 盘,碟;盘装菜;盘形物___________________________22、adv. 快乐地,高兴地,幸福地___________________________八年级下册英语单词测试:Unit 4 Topic 11、n. 天,天空___________________________2、adj. 清澈的;清晰的;明亮的;清楚的___________________________3、n. 美丽,美人___________________________4、n. 自然;性质;种类5、n. 母牛,奶牛___________________________6、n. 马___________________________7、n. 母鸡___________________________8、n. ( pl.sheep)(绵)羊;羊皮;驯服者___________________________9、n. (pl. geese)鹅___________________________10、adj. 瘦的;薄的;稀的___________________________11、adv. 在……之上;adj. 上面的;prep. 在……上面___________________________12、n. 欢乐,高兴,乐趣___________________________13、n. 玫瑰花___________________________14、与……共有,与……分享15、n. 蛇___________________________ 16、n. 狐狸___________________________ 17、n. 昆虫___________________________ 18、n. 青蛙___________________________ 19、adj. 活着的;n. 生计___________________________ 20、v. 喂(养);饲养___________________________ 21、以……为食___________________________ 22、n. (热带)雨林___________________________ 23、v. 覆盖,遮盖;掩盖;n. 盖子;罩___________________________ 24、n. 地球;土,泥;大地___________________________25、n. 表面___________________________26、成千上万,几千___________________________27、adj. 黑暗的;暗淡的;深色的; n. 黑暗;暗处;日暮___________________________28、n. 森林___________________________29、v. ≈ n. 控制___________________________30、n. 气候___________________________31、n. 木头,木材;(pl.)树木,森林___________________________32、n. 橡胶;合成橡胶___________________________33、v. 保护___________________________34、adj. 主要的___________________________35、n. 事实,现实___________________________36、实际上,事实上___________________________37、组成;化妆;和解___________________________38、n. 湖___________________________39、n. 海,海洋___________________________40、n. 海洋___________________________41、n. 滴;v. 掉下,落下;投递;放弃___________________________八年级下册英语单词测试:Unit 4 Topic 142、在地球上,在世界上;(加强疑问句的语气)到底,究竟___________________________43、n. 洞,坑___________________________44、v. 使充满,装满;___________________________45、用……填满……___________________________46、v. 挖(洞、沟等);掘___________________________47、adj. 深的;厚的___________________________48、adj. 野生的,野的;未开发的,荒凉的___________________________49、处在危险状态___________________________50、 n. 熊;v. 承受,负担,承担;忍受;容忍___________________________51、n. 狼___________________________52、n. 西南___________________________53、n. 竹___________________________54、n. 陆地;土地;v. 登岸(陆);降落___________________________55、n. 鲸___________________________56、v. 杀死,弄死___________________________57、华南虎___________________________58、n.南部;南方;南风;南;adj.南(方)的;向南的;从南来的;adv.在南方;向南方;自南方___________________________59、n. 毛皮;皮子___________________________60、n. 骨头,骨质(pl.bones骨骼;骨骸)___________________________八年级下册英语单词测试:Unit 4 Topic 21、n. 机器人___________________________2、n. 科学家___________________________3、v. 出现___________________________4、取代,代替___________________________5、n. 情况,形势___________________________6、v. ≈ n. 修理,修补___________________________7、n. 机器,机械,装置___________________________8、n. 卡车,运货车;车皮;v. 装车;用货车运___________________________9、n. 修理,修补___________________________10、abbr. (unidentified flying object)不明飞行物___________________________11、prep. 向,朝,对于___________________________12、n. 盘子;板;片;牌;盆子___________________________13、n. 行星___________________________ 14、n. 信息___________________________ 15、把……错当成……___________________________ 16、adj. 人造的,人工的___________________________ 17、n. 物,物体;宾语___________________________ 18、n. 气球___________________________ 19、寻求,需要,号召,提倡___________________________ 20、n. 外星人___________________________ 21、n. 醒,醒来,叫醒___________________________ 22、醒来___________________________ 23、adj. 真实的,确实的___________________________ 24、n. 例子;榜样。
新版仁爱英语八年级上册词汇专项练习题白泥中学:谌文菊95.—What’s your a , please?—I’m thirteen years old.96. “Welcome!” the girl said to me with a friendly s .97.We Chinese people like p , We hate wars(战争).98.I don’t like r music. It’s too noisy.99.I need some money. Could you l me any?100.The question is too difficult. I can’t a it.101.There are sveral d swimming in the river.How happy they are!102.My father always watches CCTV n at 7:00p.m. 103.I saw lots of old things in the History M yesterday. 104.Tom ordered a cup of coffee and the waiter s it soon. 105.I can’t see anything in the room because it’s too d in it. 106.In the countryside, many people b wood(木材) to keep themselves warm in winter.107.—Are you h now?—Yes. I want something to eat.108.Without air, a man will be d soon.109.—What does that shop s ?—Books, of course. It’s a bookshop.110.I like c coins and I have over 200 different coins now.111.—What do you think of Zhu Bajie in the TV play?—He looks u but funny.112.—How d your coat is ! Take it off and wash it, please.—OK. I will.113.At the a of 22, Yao Ming started playing basketball in NBA. 114.—Did you b No.2 Middle School volleyball team yesterday?—Of course. We won in the end.115.Look at the blue (天空)。
新仁爱版八年级英语上册nit 1 Topic 1 词汇过关练习卷(附答案)
Unit 1 Topic 1 词汇过关练习卷一.根据汉语意思写出相应的单词。
1.在…期间2. 对着,反对3. 对,组4.练习,实践5. 更喜欢6.相当7.加入, 参加8. 滑冰9 .网球10.选手,运动员11.梦想12. 科学家13.音乐家14.飞行员15.男警察(复数)16.邮递员17.渔民(复数) 18.跳跃19. 花费,度过20.锻炼,练习21.棒球22.周末23.健康24.健康的25.流行的,受欢迎的26.世界27.心脏28.肺29.晚饭30.放松31.著名的32.队友33.激动的,兴奋的34.坏的35.离开36.遗憾,可惜二.翻译下列词组。
1.为我加油2.练习讲英语3.去划船4.去滑冰5.去骑自行车6.打乒乓球7.他最喜欢的选手8.做一个甜蜜的梦9.长大成人10.今后,将来11.跳高12.跳远13.擅长做某事14.参加,加入(活动)15.对…有益16.对…有害17.遍及全世界18.后天19.前天20.保持健康21最著名的22.动身去某地23.看到某人经常做某事24.看到某人正做某事25.暑假期间26.同某人进行一场篮球赛27.A与B两者28.效力于29.相当好30.一周两次31.使他强壮32,晚饭后33.到达北京34.呆长时间三. 翻译下列句子。
1. 你打算做什么? 我打算去打篮球。
--What you ? --- going basketball.2.暑假期间我经常看到你打网球。
I often you tennis the summer .3.在周日,我们打算同三班进行一场足球对抗赛。
We a soccer game Class Three on Sunday.4.你愿意来为我们加油吗?Would you like us ?5.游泳与划船,你更喜欢哪项运动?Which do you , swimming or ?= Which do you , swimming or ?6.你打算加入学校游泳队吗?you going to the school ?7.谁是你最喜欢的运动员?your ?8.姚明曾效力于NBA的火箭队。
仁爱八年级上词汇练习卷Unit1 topic1Ⅰ.词汇。
(10分)(A) 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。
1. Let’s c_______ Liu Xiang on.2. Work hard, and your f_______ is not a dream.3. He likes music. He wants to be a m______________when he grows up.4. The Big Big World is a very p_______ song.5. My grandma is old. There is something wrong with her h_______.(B) 用括号内所给单词旳合适形式填空。
6. Our class is going mountain climbing this weekend. Every student is (excite).7. Jane prefers _______ (row).8. Running can help you keep _______ (health).9. Listening to music can make us (relax).10. He practices (play) the piano (钢琴) every day.Unit1 topic2Ⅰ. 词汇。
1. The old man was born in the 19th c_______.2. You can t_______ the basketball from any part of the court.3. I’ll go s_______ else.4. Could you please give me a h_______?5. Listen! They’re t_______ about the weather.(B)根据句意及汉语提示填空。
1.Whatisyoursistergoingtobewhenshe________________ (长大)?(grow)2.She’sgoingto__________________(参加)thehighjumpandthelongjump.(take)3.Running___________________(对…有好处)ourheartandlungs.(good)3.Let’sgoand_______________________.(为他们加油)(cheer)4.Mybrother_____________________(擅长)扔____?(_10.I’备好放弃夜)_____远离必18.That’sagoodrestaurant.Wegothere_______________ ____(一直).(time)19.Ontheonehand,Ihavenotime.______________________ __(另一方面),Ihavenomoney.(hand)20.Don’t___________________(担心)yoursister.Shewillgetwellsoon.(worry)21.Manypeople_____________________(喜欢)traveling.(fond)22.Tom____________________(对…感兴趣)playingfootball.(interest)23.Couldyou_________________________(与…分享那个苹果)yourlittlesister?(share) 24.I___________________(过去常打)basketball,butnowIlikeplayingfootball.(use)25.LilyandI____________________(曾经)inthesameschool.(use)26.Chickenscan_________________________(为我们提供)eggsandchicken.(provide)27.MoYan__________________(以…着名)hisnovels(小说).(famous)28.TomspeaksEnglish_________________(和…一样好)Mary.(well)29.Theboxis__________________(如此重以致)nobodycanliftit.(so)轻而不做鬼灭而不门)(代表)洗淋而不是做)沉迷(继续吧)。
仁爱英语八年级上册词汇全册练习题集团文件版本号:(M928∙T898∙M248∙WU2669∙I2896∙DQ586-M1988)FOr PerSOnaI USe OnIy in StUdy and research; not for COnlmerCiaIUSe仁爱八年级上词汇练习卷UnitI t o p i c 1 1・词汇。
1・ Let, S C ______ LiU Xiang on.2.WOrk hard, and your f ________ is not a Clream・3.He IikeS music・ He WantS to be a m _______________ When he grows up.4・ The Big Big WOrId is a Very P ________ SOng・5・My grandma is Old・ There is SOmething WrOng With her h ・(B)用括号内页给单屈的适当形我填空。
6.OUr CIaSS is going mountain Climbing this Weekend・ EVery StUdent is _______ (excite)・7・ Jane PreferS _______ (row)・8.RUnning Can help you keep ________ (health)・9.LiStening to music Can make US ________ (relax)・10.He PraCtiCeS (PIay) the PianO (tlχ] ⅛) every day.UnitI topic2I・词汇。
1.The OId man WaS born in the 19th C _________ ・2.YOU Can t ________ the basketball from any Part Of theCOUrt・3.I' 11 go S _______ else・4.COUld you PIeaSe give me a h _________ ?5.LiSten! They, re t _________ about the Weather・(B)根据句意及汉语提示填空。
1.1 Section A1. I often saw Kate swimming /'dʊrɪŋ/ the summer holidays.2. Our team will play Team 2.3. Jack likes playing /'fʊtbɔːl/.4. Who (win) the basketball game last night?5. We are going to /tʃɪə(r)/ on our school team.Section B1. —What is Jim?—He is a /'saɪəntɪst/.2. —How cool he is!What does he do?—He is a /'paɪIlət/.3. —Who is he?—He is my uncle.He is a (music)4. —The radio(收音机) says that a heavy rain is coming.—Yes.All the (fisherman) on the sea(海洋) must come back now.5. —What are you going to be when you grow—I am going to be a policeman.That's my dream.Section C1. We are going to play /'beɪsbɔːl/ next week.2. She (exercise) two or three times a week.3. I'm going to Changsha this /'wiːkend/.4. Running is good the heart and lungs.5. Running Man is a very /'pɑːpjələ(r)/ show in China.Section DMao Buyi is a /'feɪməs/ singer(歌手). He is popular with youngpeople.The football fans are very /Ik'saɪtId/, because they are going towatch a wonderfulgame.3. It's bad our eyes to read in the sun.4. David is (leave) for Xiamen tomorrow.Let's go to say goodbye tohim.5. It's a /'pɪti/ that he didn't have time to cheer us on.1.2 Section A1. —Mike is /ɪl/ and he can't go to your party today.—I'm sorry to hear(听到) that.2. I didn't find my pencil here.I'll go /'sʌmweə(r)/ else to look for it.3. —Could you please /pɑːs/ me the baseball?—Sure.Here you are.4. —I'm sorry I didn't kick the ball you.—That's all right.5. Would you mind not (throw) those bottles around?Section B1. I always go for a walk with my /'grænfɑːðə(r)/ in the park.2. My teacher was always angry me when I did something wrong.3. /'nʌθɪŋ/ is difficult if you put your heart into it.4. He finished (read) the book before supper.5.Dad, you should tell Tom not to /faɪt/ with his friends.Section C1. I threw the basketball the basket and got two points(分).2. Dad always keeps me (do) my homework.3.When you live in my house, I hope you can /'fɒləʊ/ these rules.4. —Shenzhen is a beautiful city.—Yes.You can see a lot of flowers and trees on both (side) of the streets.I didn't like living in this new city at (one).Section D1. Can you tell me the /meɪn/ idea of the story?2. Frank was so excited that he couldn't say anything when he saw his/hɪrəʊ/.3. Edison was a quite clever /pɜː(r)sn/.He invented many things.4.Can we play soccer the grass, Mum?5. Jim is a football (love). He will not miss any football games.1.3 Section A1. We were so excited when we watched the (excite) game in ourschool.2. Ning Tao enjoys (read) novels at home.3. We had great fun (spend) our holidays in Xiamen.4. All the students are happy to /hɪə(r)/ that they will have a longvacation.5. MidAutumn Day is one the most important festivals in China.Section B1. We're going to watch a new movie in the /'θɪətə(r)/ this weekend.2. —May I speak to Anna?—Hold the /laɪn/, please.She is coming.3. Jane spends one hour her homework every day.4. Ding Ning isn't in.Can I take the /'mesɪdʒ/ for her?5. We'll have a school trip next weekend.What (excite) news it is!Section C1. Listen!The bell is (ring). It's time for class.2. Our hometown used to be quiet and small but now it's busy and/'mɒdn/.At the (begin) of the class meeting, the teacher told us aninteresting story.4. Mary (fell) ill, so she decided to see a doctor.5. The USA stands the United States of America.Section D1. We'll try to make her /fiːl/ at home.2. Lily was the first one come to school today.3. Tom was unhappy because he did (bad) in the math exam(考试).4. —Can you ride a bike?1.—Of course.I was /'eɪbl / to ride a bike when I was four years old.2.Hurry up (快点)! I don't want to miss the (begin) of themovie.答案根据语境、音标或单词提示写出单词。
仁爱英语八年级上学期英语词汇练习及答案Ⅰ根据提示用后括号内的完成句子 .1.What is your sister going to be when she大) (? (grow)2.She’s going to参(加) the high jump and the long jump. (take)3.Running⋯(有好 ) our heart and lungs.(good)3.Let’s go and他.(加油 ) (cheer)4.My brother(擅) English.(good)5. She _____________________(打算)6.Would you mind不(扔) the bottles around? (throw)7. Do you know how American English形成?(8. Tom is kind. Many students want to(与他交朋友) . (make)9.The Winter Olympics are usually held(每四年) . (every)10.I’m ________________准( ) tomorrow’slesson now.(prepare)11.I think I can照 (好)myself. ( care)12.Mr. Wang always asks him _____________________不要(放弃 )studying. (give)13.The teacher asked us not to(熬夜.) ( stay)14.Please write down your answers(尽可能快). (as)15.You need to do more exercise to(增你的体) . (build)16.As a student, you should保持 ( 离 ) cigarettes(香烟). (away)17.Tomorrow is Sunday.We( 不必)get up early.(have)18.That’s a good restaurant.eWgo there ___________________(一直). (time)19.On the one hand, I have no time.(另一方面) , I have no money.(hand)20.Don’t___________________(担心)your sister. She will get well soon. (worry)21.Many people(喜) traveling. (fond)22.Tom ____________________(⋯感趣) playing football. (interest)23.Could you与⋯(分享那个苹果 )your little sister? (share)24.I ___________________(去常打) basketball, but now I like playing football. (use)25.Lily and I(曾)in the same school. (use)26.Chickens can _________________________(我提供) eggs and chicken. (provide)27.Mo Yan(以⋯著名) his novels(小). (famous)28.Tom speaks English _________________(和⋯一好) Mary. (well)29.The box is如此(重以致)nobody can lift it. (so)30.The boy is太年(而不能 ) go to school.(too)31.Sam often做鬼( )to his friends. (make)32 This kind of animal( ) many years ago. (die)33.I am太累(而不能)walk any longer. (too)34.Please(敲)’rooms. (knock)35.The Great Wall sometimes ___________________(代表) China. (stand)36.I前往() Wuhan tomorrow. (leave)37.I正(在洗淋浴) when the bell rang. (take)38.She went to the park(而不是做)his homework at home yesterday.(instead)39.The boy often _______________________沉迷(于40.—May I ask you some questions? —_______________.(吧). (go).41.There are各种(各的 ) trees in the forest. (kind)42.It’s hard for him to与⋯(交朋友) others.43.I want to把英(成)Chinese. (change)44.Reading skills(与⋯不同) writing skills. (different)45.If you don’tknow a word, you can找(它)in a dictionary.(look)46.This shop sells clothes, shoes, hats等等). ((so)47.I can chat with my mother面(面) on the Internet. (face)48._____________我(确信49.He(生) in a car accident last year. (lose)50.在(⋯的帮助下 )Li Ming, my Chinese has improved. (help)51.I’m ____________________不(确定是否 ) she remembers me now.(sure)52.The weather _________________________好()yesterday afternoon. (change)53.He wants to离()the city and spend a few days in the countryside. (get)54.Her skirt is比⋯(更美)yours. (beautiful)55.An umbrella will保 ( 你免于)the rain. (protect)56.I’ll __________________(得去做) my homework . (remember).57.Many people( 生)in the flood last year. (lose)58.He asked me去打(开)the radio for him. (turn)59.For the students,最重(要的 )thing is to keep healthy.(important).60.If you don’tchange your mind, I won’t___________________能()help you. (able)61.Try to keep calm when you are于(危 ). (danger)62.Tigers以⋯(食)small animals. (feed )63.___________________成(千上万的 ) people are singing on the playground. (thousand)64.We have越来(越少 ) fresh air to breathe in the .city(little)(在⋯中扮演重要角色)our life.66.This school⋯(提供一个 ) its students. (provide)67.Linda(醒来) at 6:30 every morning. (wake)68.I wanted to leave home for a living and my parents(同意) me. (agree)69.六(), he was able to ride a bike. (age)70.Please don’tspeak高声()in the library. (voice)71.When he was five years old, Henry could learn to swim独自 ).((by)72.I _________________用(完) my money yesterday.(run)Ⅱ用所的适当形式填空 .1.Can you finish ________ (write) the letter in an hour?2.Would you mind my _______ (park) the car here?3.He prefers _____________ (swim) to ___________ (skate).1 / 34.Jim _________ (write ) a letter last night.5.You’ d better_______ (see ) the doctor at once.6.After a month the artist was able _________ (draw) a beautiful horse in five minutes.7.Jim is good at _____________ (swim).8.My little brother __________ (go) to Wuhan three days ago.9.She spent lots of time ___________ (take) care of the poor child.10.I have something important _________ (tell) you.11.How about __________ (go) on a tour of Europe?12.Look! Jim ______________ (swim) in the river.13.Mr. Brown told the children ___________ (not play ) football in the street.14.What a nice day! Why not __________(have) a picnic.15._________ (play) basketball is Tom’shobby.16.She left the room without(say)goodbye to me.17.I found a boy_____________(cry) in the corner and came up to help him.18.It’s getting late. We have to ___________ (go ) home.19.Would you like ___________ (go) with me ?20.He decided ________________ (go) home at last.21.I want ____________ (finish) the work by the end of next month.22.Tom__________________ (play) football tomorrow.23.You’st night she stayed at home instead of __________ (go) to the movies.25.They all enjoyed _____________ (learn) to skate.26.Jacks’father gave up ____________ (smoke) last year.27.I ___________________ (be) a teacher when I grow up.28.Peter kept _____________ (ask) questions.29.I used to ______________ (get) up very late. But now I get up. early30.Stop _________(play) games. ’Letsbegin our class.31 Did you ____________(play ) football last Sunday?32.The teacher _______ (go) to school on foot every. day33.My mother __________________ (watch) TV when I got home last night.34.You shouldn’’stoo expensive.35.I will stay at home if it ___________ (rain) tomorrow.36May I __________(take) your order?37.What ________ you __________ (do) at this time yesterday?38.We ___________________ (have) a sports meet next week.39.I’m ill. I don’tfeel like __________ (eat) anything.40.The sad story made us __________ (cry).Ⅲ用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 .1.Their city is ___________ (clean ) than ours.2.Which do you like _________ (well), football or basketball?3.Which do you like __________ (well), football, volleyball or basketball?4.There are some _____________ (sheep ) on my ’sunclefarm.5.An earthquake ____________ (strike) my hometown three years ago.6.The plane landed _______ (safe).7.It will be much ___________ (easy) than you think.8.Don’tspend too much time ___________ (play) on the Internet.9.They were so ____________ (excite) because they won first place.10.Shanghai is one of the largest __________ (city) in China.11.—Thank you for your help. —It s’my _____________. (please)12.The trip was so ____________ (please) that we all enjoyed it.13.Tom has many ____________ (hobby),such as fishing, playing football, collecting stamps and so on.14.—How do you give your wishes to your friends far away?—By __________ (send) emails.15.Don’tplay football in the street’.sIt_______________. (danger)16.—Are elephants the ____________ (heavy) animals in the world?—No. The blue whales are.17.There are two _____________ (hundred) teachers in that school.18.______________ (thousand) of tourists visit the Greatall everyW day.19.I have ________ (many ) books than you.20.Many people lost their__________ (life) in that car accident.22.I think the book is very ______________ (use) .canW learn a lot from it.23.When we got to the shop, we found the door was ____________. (close)24.I ___________ (lend) my car to Jim yesterday.25.—What do you think of the movie? —I think it’s _____________. (wonder)26.I think pigs are ____________ (ugly) than cats.27.—When were you doing this time yesterday?—I was ____________(practice) the violin then.28.You should say no to ______________. (smoke)29.I think running is a good way to keep____________. (health)30.Doing sports is good for our _______________. (health)31.I take exercise ___________ (two) a week.32.I felt very sad because I did _________ (bad) in the long jump.33.Tom didn’34.11. The weather in the south is _________ (wet) than that in the north.35.We should eat more vegetables and ____________ (little) meat.36.My book is_____________ (lose), I can’tfind it.37.The good news brings me _____________ (please).38.The boy is _____________ (search) for some information on the Internet. now39.Did you enjoy ____________ (you) in the party yesterday, Bill?40.The kids can’ttake care of ___________ (them).41.My dream is to be a _____________ (science ) likeuan YLongping.42. The old tree has a history of over five _____________ (century)2 / 343.Tom will take part in the __________ (boy) 800-meter race in the sport meet.44.Jim plays the piano very __________. (good)45.Jim is ___________ (good) than me at English.46.—Can you tell me who __________ (win) the game yesterday?—Li Ming.答案Ⅰ根据汉语提示用题后括号内的单词完成句子 .1.grows up2. take part in3. is good for4. cheer on5. is going to buy6. not throwing 7 came into being 8. make friends with him 9. every four years 10 preparing for 11. take (good) care of 12. not to give up 13. stay up 14. as fast/soon as possible 15. build yourself up 16. stay/keep away from 17’.tdonhave to 18. all the time 19. On the other hand 20. worry about 21 are fond of 22. is interested in 23. share that/the apple with 24. used to play 25. used to be 26. provide us with 27. is famous for 28. as well as 29 so heavy that 30 too young to 31. makes faces 32. diedout 33. too tired to 34. knocked on/at the door 35. stands for 36. am leaving for/am going to leave for/will leave for 37. was taking a shower 38. instead of doing 39. loses himself in 40. Go ahead 41. all kinds of 42. make friends with 43. change English into 44. are different from 45. look it up 46. and so on 47. face to face’m 48sure.I (that) 49.lost his life 50. With the help of 51. not sure if/whether 52. changed for the better 53. get away from 54. more beautiful than 55. protect you from 56. remember to do 57. lost their lives 58. to turn on 59. the most important 60. be able to 61.in danger 62. feed on 63. Thousands of 64. less and less 65. play an important part in 66. provides alibrary for 67. wakes up 68. agreed with 69. At the age of six 70. in a high voice 71. by himself 72. ran out ofⅡ用所给动词的适当形式填空 .Ⅲ.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 .1. cleaner2. better3. best4. sheep5. struck6. safely7. easier8. playing9. excited 10. cities 11. pleasure 12. pleasant 13. hobbies 14. sending 15. dangerous 16. heaviest 17. hundred 18. Thousands 19.more 20. lives 21. himself 22. useful 23. closed 24. lent 25. wonderful 26. uglier 27. practicing 28.smoking 29. healthy 30. health 31. twice 32. badly 33. illness 34. wetter 35. less 36. lost 37. pleasure 38. searching 39. yourself 40. themselves 41. scientist 42. centuries 43. boys’ 44. well 45. better 46. won3 / 3。
仁爱英语八年级上册Unit1 Topic1词汇练习题一. 根据句意及首字母(或汉语)提示补全单词。
1. —Do you like playing t?—Yes, it’s my favorite sport.2.—How many players are there in a football t?—There are eleven.3.They would like to come and c______ us on. We arevery happy.4.—Do you row much ?—Yes, q a lot.5.Tom often plays tennis d the summer holiday.6.My d is to be a singer like Liu Huan.7. —What are you going to do in the f?—I am going to be a teacher.8.Yao Ming is one of the best basketball p inthe world.9.My aunt works in the police station, and she isp.10.Maria wants to be a s like Edison.11.Running is good for ourlegs,(心脏) and lungs.12.She is good at j. She is going to j oinin the high jump.13.Walking is a good way to keep f.14.After working for a long time, he stopped and ( 放松一下 ).15.Mr. Lee is(受欢迎的 ) with his students.16. Let ’s c_______ Liu Xiang on.17. Work hard, and your f_______ is not a dream.18. He likes music. He wants to be a m_______when he grows up.19.The Big Big World is a very p_______ song.20.My grandma is old. There is something wrongwith her h_______.21.would you like to_______ ( 参加 )the school English club?22.Yaoming will play for our national______() .23. A lot of people like the song very much.It's very____( 流行 ) .24.You can________( 放松 )yourself when you listen to music after a day's work.25.Kate's father is________( 出 )for Beijing the day after tomorrow.二用所的适当形式填空1. Our class is going mountain climbing this weekend. Every student is(excite).2. Jane prefers _______ (row).3.Running can help you keep _______(health).4Listening to music can make us(relax).5.He practices(play)the piano ( 琴 ) every day.三.根据提示及句子意思全句子。