influence of American culture(美国文化对中国的影响)




英语专业毕业论文选题题目On Man’s Tragic End--Viewed from The Old Man and the Sea从老人与海看人的悲剧Some Fresh Thoughts on English Teaching in Classroom英语课堂教学的新思考On Conrad’s Narrative Technique—-From “Nostromo”从“Nostromo”看康拉德的叙事技巧A contrastive study of Directional verbs in Chinese and English中英趋向动词的比较研究Semantics' Influence on Structure语义对结构的影响The Impact on Structures Change by Cognition认知对结构变化的影响Social Psychological Factors and Their Influence on Ell社会心理因素和他们对语言学习的影响Learner-Centered College English Teaching“以学习者为中心”的大学英语教学Contextual Restriction in Translation语境对翻译的限制Contrastive Analysis of English-Chinese Tourism Texts英汉旅游篇章对比分析Amplification and Omission in Translation翻译中的信息增减Three Techniques in English—Chinese Alternating Translation中英互译中的三个技巧Analysis of Tess’Tragedy苔丝悲剧的分析Translation and Business-oriented Terms经贸术语及其翻译Application of Games in Middle School English Teaching游戏在中学英语教学中的运用Transformational Technique of Parts of Speech in Translation翻译中词性转换的技巧Non-verbal Behaviors for Activating Students in English Classes英语课堂中激活学生的非语言行为Application of Absolute Construction in Interpretation独立主格在口译中的运用Effect on Translation from Different English-Chinese Modes of Thinking中英思维方式的差异对翻译的影响On Ways of Breaking Cultural Barriers in Translation of Human Names如何克服人名翻译中的文化障碍On Translation of Chinese Dishes论中国菜名的英译On Translation Skills of Traditional Chinese Medical Terms论中医用语的翻译技巧On Influence of Cultural Differences on Understanding English and Chinese Advertisements论文化差异对解读英汉广告的影响On Aesthetic Association and Translation of Names of Commodities 论审美联想与商品名的翻译On Changes of Business Etiquettes in Cross-Cultural Communication 论跨文化交际中商务礼仪的变迁On Tragic Fate of the Heroin in Life论<一生〉中女主人公的悲剧命运On Language Communication Skills in Business Negotiation论商务谈判中语言沟通技巧On Comprehending and Usage of Euphemism in Business Negotiation论商务谈判中委婉语的理解和运用On Influence of American Culture on Import and Export Commodities论美国文化对进出口商品翻译的影响On Application of Nonverbal Means in Communication论非语言形式在交际中的运用Cultural Gap and Mistranslation英汉文化差异与误译On The Nature and functions of Metaphor论隐喻的本质与功能On the Status and Role of the Translator in Literary Translation论文学翻译中译者的地位与作用On the Origin, Word—Formation and Translation of English Neologisms浅谈英语新词的产生、构成及翻译On Discourse as the Unit of Translation浅谈以语篇为翻译单位A Study on Punctuation and Omission in Simultaneous Interpretation论同声传译中的断句与省略The Comparison and Translation of “Nine" in Chinese and WesternCulture英汉数字“九”的文化对比与翻译The length and width of the English study in the translation part of the TEM8从英语专业八级卷翻译部分看英语学习的广度和深度A Brief Study on the Translation of English News Titles英语新闻标题翻译初探Knowledge Base in Professional Interpreting论专业口译的基础知识On Translation Techniques of Loanwords浅谈外来语的翻译A Study of Application and Translation of Idiomatic Usages of English Preposition浅谈英语介词惯用法的运用与翻译Strategies and Impact on Education from China's Entry into WTO WTO 对中国教育的影响及对策The Cultural Influence on English Expressions and Word Choices文化对英语表达和词汇的影响Application of Inverted Sentences in English浅谈英语中的倒装Decomposition and Translation of Ambiguous Structures歧义结构的化解与翻译The Orientation of Nonfiction in Contemporary English Literature英语记实文学在当代文学中的定位On Presenting New Teaching Materials of Junior English论中学英语教学材料的呈现Function of Discourse in Translation语篇功能在翻译中的表现Function of Translation in English Teaching翻译在英语教学中的地位The Regional Differences between Chinese and Western Culture中西文化差异之地域文化差异Non-equivalence between Chinese and English Idioms and Intercultural differences英汉习语的不等值现象于跨文化差异Usage and Translation of Numerals in English Expressions英语中数量词组中的用法和翻译技巧A Contrastive Study of the Formation of English and Chinese Antonyms论英汉反义词的形成Various Factors Reducing the Efficiency of English Learning论影响英语学习成效的各种因素Chicago as a Mirror of American Social Problems电影《芝加哥》所透析出的美国社会问题A Contrastive Study of Animal Cultural Implication between Chinese and English英汉语动物文化含义比较On the Development of English New Words英语新词的发展On the Usage of English Abbreviations on the Internet谈网络英语中的缩略语My View on Rhett in Gone with Wind白瑞德――理想化的男人,斯嘉丽真正的灵魂---——我读《飘》中的白瑞德The Cultural Difference between Chinese and Western Food试论中西餐饮文化差异On American Dream —————-Viewed from 《Sister Carrie》从《嘉莉妹妹》看美国梦My view on the Classic Standpoint of love of Jane Austin从《爱玛》看简.奥斯丁的古典主义爱情观A Contrastive Study of Punctuation in Chinese and English英汉标点符号比较On the Relationship between Lexical Cohesion and Textual Coherence词汇的衔接与语篇的连贯On The Efficient ways to improve Listening Comprehension in English论提高英语听力的几种有效方法Thought Discrepancies Embodied in English and Chinese Languages 思维差异在英汉语言中的体现The Effect of Positive Emotional Factors in English Teaching英语教学中学生情感态度的培养Influences of Chinese Dialectical Accent over English Pronunciation 汉语方言对英语发音的影响A Contrastive Analysis of English-Chinese Conversational Implication 英汉会话含义的解析Cultural Divergence and Schema of Reading in Mother Tongue and the Second Language母语和第二语言阅读的文化差异与认知体系Language Development of Pre—school Children and English Teaching幼儿言语发展及幼儿英语教学A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Prosodic Features从英汉对比角度浅析英汉节律特征The Influences of Chinese-British Cultural Differences on International Business Protocol中英文化差异对国际商务礼仪的影响A Probe into the Characteristics of English Affix System浅谈英语词缀系统的特点Color words and Chinese and Western Cultural Differences颜色词与中西文化的差异A Comparative Study between American Sign Language and American English美国手势语和美国英语比较The Relationship between the Psychological Characteristic of Middle School Student and English Study中学生心理特征与英语学习的关系A Tentative Study on English Hyperbole浅论英语夸张修辞Influence of Pragmatism on American Ideas of Values实用主义对美国人价值观的影响Sino-western Cultural Shock and the English Study中西文化冲突与英语学习Comparisons of Sino-U。

美国文化对中国文化的冲击和影响 ppt课件

美国文化对中国文化的冲击和影响 ppt课件
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概述 饮食方面 节日方面 影视方面 文化价值观念
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概述 饮食方面 节日方面 影视方面 文化价值观念
改革开放以来我国发生了翻天覆地 的变化,包括政治、经济、文化等 各个方面。
改革开放前,我国处于一 个相对封闭的环境,人民 生活水平低下,经济、农 业、工业、教育、交通…… 都比较落后。
肯德基、麦当劳等快餐 食品在我国遍地开花, 适应当今快节奏的生活, 吸引了大量的顾客,改 变了中国人细嚼慢咽的 饮食习惯。
近年来,西方的情人节、 圣诞节等节日在我国隆重 程度已快赶上春节了,尤 其是情人节在我国大中城 市和在校大学生中日渐流 行,而我国传统的七夕节 反而过的人少一点。
改革开放后,中国从一个相对封闭的环境中走出来, 而且这种开放的步子越来越快,如今的中国焕然一新。
随着全球化的发展和我国对外开放 的深化,世界各国的文化交流日益频繁 和密切,西方文化更是以不可阻挡之势 大规模进入我国境内,对人们的生活产 生了重大影响。



阿尔曼•托夫勒在他的《权利的转移》一书中所说的: “世界已经离开了暴力与金钱控制的时代,而未来世 界政治的魔方将控制在拥有强权人的手中,他们会使 用手中掌握的网络控制权、信息发布权,利用英语这 种强大的文化语言优势,达到暴力金钱无法征服的目 的。”
世界许多发展中国家都感受到了来自美 国文化霸权的压力,甚至西方其他国家 也对此感到忧虑,法国总统希拉克曾说: “当今世界正面临着单一文化的威胁”, 反映出了他对美国文化霸权主义对于本 国文化所造成的压力的担忧。
Harvard University哈佛大学 耶鲁大学
利 用 培 教 植 在育 中 美 文 国 国化 文 网交 化 罗流 代 大进 言 批行 人 青文 年化 人渗 才 ,

在高校设立奖学金项 目,使青少年对美国 产生崇拜、感激之情, 吸引他们毕业后自愿 到美国定居或到美国 在华的外企工作。 利用教育优势,放宽美国的留学政策, 不断从中国的高等院校乃至中学选拔比 较优秀或家庭经济条件比较优越的学生 出国留学
利用文化产业的优势进行文化渗透——通过大规 模文化产品输出,宣扬美国的娱乐文化、消费文 化和生活方式。
面对美国消费文化,尤其是媒体(电影、 电视节目、图书、音像制品和网络服务等) 冲击着中国文化市场(特别是在中国加入世 界贸易组织后,这些文化冲击变得更加明显、 更加强烈、更加趋于白热化),中国青少年 的价值观念已பைடு நூலகம்已经潜移默化地西方化或美 国化。一部分青少年的文化价值重心偏向西 方文化,“西化”思想在这些青少年中深受 欢迎。
借助大众媒介进行文化扩张——.利用网络文化 上的垄断地位进行文化渗透
在网络技术迅速发展的今天,网络的公开性、全球性使美国等西方发达国 家能够十分方便地突破国界和地域限制来推行文化霸权,渗透价值观念, 扩张文化影响,从这个意义上说,网络文化成为实现霸权主义和强权政治 强有力的“武器”。美国凭借网络资源方面的优势,在国际互联网上到处 推销“网络影视”、“网络图片”等思想文化,这些思想文化反映了美国 的国家形象、生活方式和价值取向等,以潜移默化的方式影响着“网民” 的政治倾向、道德品质、人生价值和文化素质,甚至民族的感受和价值判。 面对美国网络文化的强大冲击,中国大部分民众如果过多地接触可能会产 生亲近感、信任感,甚至认同和依赖。这种文化侵入不仅会模糊青年一代 对本民族文化的认可和民族身份的认同,削弱民族感,甚至使他们成为崇 拜美国文化的人。



In spite of endless talk of考研真题In spite of “endless talk of difference,” American society is an amazing machine for homogenizing people. There is “the democratizing uniformity of dress and discourse, and the casualness and absence of difference” characteristic of popular culture. People are absorbed into “a culture of consumption” launched by the 19th-century department stores that offered “vast arrays of goods in an elegant atmosphere. Instead of intimate shops catering to a knowledgeable elite.” these were stores “anyone could enter, regardless of class or background. This turned shopping into a public and democratic act.” The mass media,advertising and sports are other forces for homogenization.Immigrants are quickly fitting into this common culture, which may not be altogether elevating but is hardly poisonous. Writing for the National Immigration Forum, Gregory Rodriguez reports that today’s immigration is neither at unprecedented level nor resistant to assimilation. In1998 immigrants were 9.8 percent of population; in 1900, 13.6 percent .In the10 years prior to 1990, 3.1 immigrants arrived for every 1,000 residents; in the 10 years prior to 1890, 9.2 for every 1,000. Now, consider three indices of assimilation-language, home ownership and intermarriage.The 1990 Census revealed that “a majority of immigrants from each of the fifteen most common countries of origin spoke English ‘well’ or ‘very well’ after ten years of residence.” The children of immigrants tend to be bilingual and proficient in English. “By the third generation, the original language is lost in the majority of immigrant families.” Hence the description of America as a “graveyard” for languages. By 1996 foreign–born immigrants who had arrived before 1970 had a home ownership rate of 75.6 percent, higher than the 69.8 percent rate among native-born Americans.Foreign-born Asians and Hispanics “have higher rates of intermarriage than do U.S.–born whites and blacks .” By the third generation, one third of Hispanic women are married to non-Hispanics, and 41 percent of Asian–American women are married to non-Asians . Rodriguez notes that children in remote villages around the world are fans of superstars like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Garth Brooks, yet “some Americans fear that immigrants living within the United States remain somehow immune to the nation’s assimilative power.”Are there divisive issues and pockets of seething anger in America?Indeed. It is big enough to have a bit of everything. But particularly when viewed against America’s turbulent past, today’s social indices hardly suggest a dark and deteriorating social environment .21.The word “homogenizing”(Line 2, Paragraph 1) most probably means[A] identifying[B] associating[C] assimilating[D] monopolizing22.According to the author, the department stores of the 19thcentury[A] played a role in the spread of popular culture[B] became intimate shops for common consumers[C] satisfied the needs of a knowledgeable elite[D] owed its emergence to the culture of consumption23.The text suggests that immigrants now in the US[A] are resistant to homogenization[B] exert a great influence on American culture[C] are hardly a threat to the common culture[D] constitute the majority of the population24.Why are Arnold Schwarzenegger and Garth Brooks mentioned in Paragraph 5?[A] To prove their popularity around the world[B] To reveal the public’s fear of immigrants[C] To give examples of successful immigrants[D] To show the powerful influence of American culture25.In the author’s opinion, the absorption of immigrants into American society is[A] rewarding[B] successful[C] fruitless[D] harmful解析:21.The word“homogenizing” (Line2,Paragraph1)most probably means“homogenizing”(第一段第二行)一词的大致意思是[A]identifying 识别确认[B]associating 联系,联合[C]assimilating 吸收,同化[D]monopolizing 独占,垄断【答案】C【考点】词义题。



美国文化对中国社会影响英文作文The Influence of American Culture on Chinese SocietyIntroductionIn today’s globalized world, the influence of American culture can be felt in almost every corner of the globe, including China. The impact of American culture on Chinese society is evident in various aspects of life such as food, fashion, entertainment, and language. This essay will explore the influence of American culture on Chinese society and discuss the implications of this cultural exchange.American Influence on Chinese FoodOne of the most noticeable ways that American culture has influenced Chinese society is through food. American fast food chains such as McDonald's, KFC, and Pizza Hut have become immensely popular in China, with their distinctive flavors and convenient dining options appealing to Chinese consumers. In addition, Chinese people have also embraced American-style cooking techniques and ingredients, leading to the fusion of American and Chinese cuisines.American Influence on Chinese FashionAmerican fashion trends have also left a mark on Chinese society. Western-style clothing, such as jeans, t-shirts, and sneakers, has become increasingly popular in China, especially among the younger generation. American fashion brands like Nike, Adidas, and Calvin Klein are highly sought after in China, reflecting the influence of American fashion on Chinese consumers.American Influence on Chinese EntertainmentThe influence of American culture on Chinese entertainment is evident in the popularity of American movies, music, and television shows in China. Hollywood blockbusters regularly top the box office in China, while American pop music dominates the airwaves. American television shows like Friends and Game of Thrones have also gained a loyal following in China, highlighting the global appeal of American entertainment.American Influence on Chinese LanguageThe impact of American culture on Chinese society can also be seen in the adoption of English as a second language. English language proficiency is increasingly valued in China, with many Chinese students studying abroad in English-speaking countries like the United States. American slang and expressions have alsomade their way into everyday Chinese language, reflecting the influence of American culture on Chinese communication.Implications of American Cultural Influence on Chinese SocietyThe influence of American culture on Chinese society has both positive and negative implications. On the positive side, the exchange of cultural ideas between the two countries has led to greater cultural diversity and understanding. Chinese people have been exposed to new ideas, perspectives, and experiences through their engagement with American culture, enriching their lives in the process.However, the growing influence of American culture in China has also raised concerns about cultural imperialism and the erosion of traditional Chinese values. Some critics argue that the spread of American culture in China has led to the homogenization of global culture, with American ideals and values dominating at the expense of local traditions and customs.ConclusionIn conclusion, the influence of American culture on Chinese society is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that hasboth positive and negative implications. While the exchange of cultural ideas between the two countries has enriched Chinese society in many ways, it has also raised concerns about the impact of cultural imperialism and the erosion of traditional Chinese values. As the dynamics of cultural exchange continue to evolve, it is essential for both Chinese and American societies to engage in open dialogue and mutual respect to promote cultural diversity and understanding.。





【关键词】美国文化价值观;中国大学生;行为方式;思想观念;人生观教育0 IntroductionThe implementation of China‟s reform and opening up has brought unprecedented opportunities and challenges to all fields of society. It introduces western culture, technology, and advanced productive force and meanwhile there is some negative affect on many fields of our country.Nowadays, America is one of the most developed countries in the world. Its culture greatly influences many other areas all over the world. Obviously, Chinese college students are also influenced by American culture. With the influence of American culture, they become more confidence and independent. Besides, they work hard to compete with others. However, they have not get the real quintessence of the American culture. They blindly pursue individual freedom and pay much attention to their creature comfort (Coben, 25).The purpose of this paper is to research the effective measures to eliminate the harmful trends of these students. The analysis of the influence shows that it is very important for college students to know the real quintessence of American culture. Then adopt it to build college students‟ character. Now, the society needs talented persons who have high qualities. Facing with unprecedented challenges and opportunities, College students should cultivate themselves to be all-round talents.The paper consists of five parts. Part one is “an introduction of some parts of American culture”. Part two is “influence of American culture on Chinese college students”. Part three is “an analysis of the influence of American culture on college students”. Part four is “character education”. Part five is “conclusion”.1 Analysis1.1 An Introduction of Some Parts of American Culture“Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law,custom and members of capabilities and habits acquired by a man as a member of society” (Deng,2). As we know, American culture, especially American values, beliefs and characteristics,has influenced many other areas all round the world.1.1.1 Some Basic American Values and Beliefs1)Individual Freedom and Self-relianceAmericans love freedom. Freedom is so much a part of American life that it is often taken for granted.But this is not the freedom of the individual is probably the most basic and most strongly hold of all American belief. By “freedom”, Americans mean the desire and ability of all individuals to control their own destiny without outside interference from the government, a ruling noble class,the church or any other organized authority.The desire to be free of controls was a basic value of new nation 1776, and it was continued to attract immigrants to this country.Besides, Americans believe that one must learn to rely on oneself or risk losing freedom. This means achieving both financial and emotional independence from their parents as early as possible,usually by age 18 or 21. “It means that Americans believe they should take care of themselves, solve their own problems and “stand on their own two feet”(Deng, 33).This strong belief in self-reliance continues toady as a basic American value. It is perhaps one of the most difficult aspects of the American character to understand, but it is profoundly important. Americans believe that they must be self-reliant in order to keep their freedom. If they rely too much on support of their families or the government or any organization, they may not be free to do what they want.“By being dependent, not only do they risk losing freedom, but they also risk losing the respect of their peers”(Deng, 33). Even if they are not truly self-reliant, most Americans believe they must at least appear to be so. In order to be in the mainstream of American life, to have power and respect, one must be self-reliant. Although receiving financial support from charity,family, or the government, which is allowed. However,“many people believe that such individuals are settling a bad example, which may weaken the American character as a whole” (Deng, 35).2)Equality of Opportunity and CompetitionIt is important to understand what American mean when they say they believe in equality of opportunity. “They do not mean that everyone is, or should be, equal. However, they do mean each individual should have an equal chance for success. For them, equality means that everyoneshould have an equal chance to enter the race and win”(Deng, 34). In other words, equality of opportunity may be a thought of as an ethical rule. It helps ensure that the race for success is a fair one and that a person does not win just because he or she was born into a wealthy family.If much of life is regarded as a race, then a person must run the race in order to succeed; a person must compete with others.“If every person has an equal chance to succeed in the United States,then it is every person‟s duty to try. Americans match their energy and intelligence against that of their neighbors in a competitive co ntent for success”(Deng, 34).“The pressures of competition in the life of an American begin in childhood and continue until retirement from work. Learning to compete successfully is part of growing up in the United States”(Deng, 36).3)Material Wealth and Hard Work“The heart of the argument of individualism concerned the growth of the concept of private individual property,and ownership”(Macafarlane, 192). Materialism means placing a high value on material possessions. But Materia lism is a word that most American find offensive. “To say that a person is …materialistic‟ is an insult. To an American this means this person values material possession above all else”(Deng, 35). Americans do not like to be called materialistic because they feel that this unfairly accuses them of loving only material things and of having no religious values. In fact, Americans do have other values and ideals. Nevertheless acquiring and maintaining a larger number of material possessions is of much importance to most Americans.Probably material wealth is the most widely accepted measure of social status in the United States. Because Americans rejected the European system of hereditary aristocracy and titles of nobility, they had to find a substitute for judging social status. “The quality and quantity of individual material possessions became the accepted measure of success and social status”(Deng,35).As we know, Americans almost hard work. The North American continent was rich in natural resources when the first settlers arrived, but all these resources were undeveloped. Only by hard work could these natural resources be converted into material possessions and a comfortable standard of living. Hard work has been in those necessary and rewarding for most Americans throughout their history. Because of this, they have come to see material possessions as the natural reward for their hard work. In some ways,material possessions are seen not only as tangible evidence of people‟s work, but also of their abilities. Most Americans believe that if a person works hard, it is possible to have a good standard of living. There is, however, considerable social pressure not only to maintain a good standard of living but also to improve it .It is easier to understand what Americans are thinking and feeling if we can understand what these basic values are and how they influences almost every facet of life in the United States. The sixbasic values presented in this part-- individual freedom, self-reliance, equality of opportunity,competition, material wealth and hard work--can help us understand some aspects of American character and they strongly influence life in the United States and that in China.1.2 Influence of American Culture on Chinese College Students1.2.1 Possitive Influence of American CultureDuring college students‟ studying of the their courses, they have learned more and more knowledge and culture. Among them,“the most influenced culture is American culture”(Collins,5). “With the influence of American culture, Chinese college students have become more independent and self-reliance”(Waites, 25). Most of them try to live by their hands. They utilize their spare time to earn some money instead of being supported by their parents. They usually work as tutors or do some part-time jobs, and so on. With the working experience, besides money, they have benefited a lot.Besides,“nowadays college students are more confident and most of them believe equality of o pportunity”(Waites, 26). At the beginning of the first term of their college‟s life, most of them made a speech to campaign for being a monitor or some other posts. They cherish every opportunity and try their best to run for it. They believe every one should have an equal chance to compete with others.And consciousness of competition and hard work has greatly appeared in students‟ minds,especially for the graduating students. With the encourage of some American youths‟ successful experience, for example, when Bill Gates was 19 years old, he set up his Microsoft company.20-year-old Dell created Dell company…etc., Chinese college students begin to carve out career for themselves. Indeed, there is great influence of American culture on Chinese college students. However, there also is some negative affect.1.2.2 Negative Affect of American CultureCollege students who are the representatives of advanced Chinese culture are regarded as the successor of the country‟s construction. Howeve r, with the negative affect of American culture,present cultural situation in many colleges is not optimistic. “Some college students are uninterested in Chinese culture and even sniff at it”(Waites, 31). “Many students pay more attention to American cult ure instead of Chinese culture”(Stroey, 162). Now the college students except students majored in Chinese classicism music, few of them are willing to learn Chinese classicism music, Chinese literature, and Chinese history. Indeed, traditional Chinese culture is facing great challenge.Besides, many college students blindly adore nearly everything from America. They like fast food, such as KFC,Macdonald‟s instead of Chinese food, although Chinese food is muchhealthier than fast food. And some of them are the crazy fans of films of Hollywood. They become lost facing American culture. “They persist in pursuing individually and freedom”(Storey, 256). They become self-centered. They believe they are the best and do not want to cooperate with others. They have nearly no sense of discipline. What is worse, gradually they seldom respect and care about the collective and others.So college students, facing American culture, please consider carefully what is the real quintessence of American culture. Otherwise, you will be misled by some negative factors.1.3 An Analysis of the Influence of American Culture on College Students1.3.1 Real Quintessence of American CultureCulture is the incarnation of a national power, which is the important symbol of both a nation and a country. Any nation has its own culture. To develop his own culture, people from any country should learn others‟ quintessence. What the most important is that you must know the real quintessence. American is a country that respect individuality and advocate individual freedom,individualism. What they emphasize is not to be cold to others and to be self-centered, but to strive and innovate independently. Common people‟s successful stories are the quintessence of t he “American dreams (Coben, 45)Carnegie who used to be a penniless apprentice, has been a steel magnate now. Lincoln is a famous American president, who used to be a common people. They are all nonesuch for common Americans.In many countries all over the world, personal relationship and his family background are the necessary qualifications for his individual success. For example, in Italy, if you want to succeed,first you need the godfather's help. If you are in Africa, people must get the Tribal chief's recommendation. However, in the United States, people will benefit from their relationship, but more important are personal diligent spirit, talent intelligence, and enterprising courage with the friendly personality. America is a country in which people have to do nearly every thing all by themselves. People believe firmly that everyone has equal opportunity. There, your family background does not support your success, and no one can help you succeed Individual progress is only attributive to your endless efforts.Besides,Americans have get a truth from their country‟s great change: since the wilderness can become the good farms, villages can become the cities. So, in the world, if you work unremittingly, you can achieve anything. Anything is possible. That is optimistic spirit. And the quintessence of optimistic spirit is that anything depends on human effort.Facing the future, they are full of confidence, make great efforts to innovate, and pursue the victory.These are the real quintessence of American culture, from which is the right thing we should learn to cultivated ourselves.1.3.2 Some harmful trendsChinese culture has been contributing greatly to the development of human being, whose language and character, literary quotation, literature and art, science and technology, arts and crafts, philosophy and religions,and moral theory all show Chinese culture‟s great witchery.However, with the affect of many foreign culture, especially American culture, some college students are lost themselves. They begin to adore American culture blindly, instead of learning the essence American culture to develop and innovate our culture. What is worse, some of college students have little interest in traditional Chinese culture. Some good traditional arts are nearly facing a crisis of no successor. However, many college students are busy with studying occidental arts, musical instruments, and western culture. Obviously we are following others without our own minds. As we know,Indian science and technology lags far behind China‟s. However,India‟s industry of software is quite developed, we still have a long way. The reason to the problem is that Hindus refuse to use the foreign software products, such as: IBM, while we accept them. We go after others and use others‟ culture to consider instead of mine. Such a serious situation, let we have to face it and think about our own way.1.4 Character EducationIn American history, the educational system had ever met the similar problems, like ours,which caused lots of social problems. After pursuing a new program--character education, there was a virtuous circle in the educational system. So it is high time that we introduced this program to our educational system, firstly to our class (Ryan, 16).1.4.1 The Importance of Character Education“Good character is known the good, loving the good,and doing the good”(Ryan, 5). These three ideals are intimately concerned. We are born both self-centered and ignorant, with our primitive impulses reigning over reason. The point of a nurturing upbringing and education is to bring our inclinations; feelings, and passions into harmony with reason.“Knowing the good includes coming to un derstand good and evil. It means developing the ability to sum up a situation, deliberate, choose the right thing to do,and then do it” (Ryan,5).“Loving the good means developing a full range of moral feelings and emotions, including a love for the good and contempt for evil,as well as a capacity to empathize with others” (Ryan,6).“Doing the good means that after thoughtful consideration of all the circumstances and relevant facts we have the will to act” (Ryan, 6).Character education helps stu dents “know the good, love the good,and do the good”, which involves the head, the heart, and the hand, in an integrated way. It needs our obligation,patience to achieve students‟ character,and we must take the responsibility for students‟ character education. If we compare the society to a big building, then, the students are like the bricks. If all the bricks are not qualified enough, the society will also be destroyed sooner or later.1.4.2 Views, Values or VirtuesView, values and virtues, which is the most important part in character education? Let us analyze the differences. “Virtues are cultivated from within the individual and actually improve character and intelligence. Views are simply intellectual positions, and values evoke neither a moral commitment nor the promise of leading a good life. Additionally unlike views and values, virtue is not passive. Virtue is both the disposition to think, feel, and act in morally excellent ways, and the exercise of this disposition”(Ryan, 45). So the facts show that virtue should be the key point in character education.1.4.3 Building a Community of VirtueEvery kind of plant has a kind of environment to grow, so does virtue. In order to carry out character education, we must build a community of virtue where responsibility, hard work,honest and kindness are modeled, taught, expected, celebrated, and continually practiced (Ryan, 56).We should realize the teaching power of a school ethos and take actions that support a community of virtue. We should spare no effort to advocate traditional virtues of the two cultures,and aim higher, create resonance, institute meaningful service encourage students ownership,remember the little things, build close relationship and care enough to correct others. Community of virtue is very necessary for the character education entering a virtuous circle.1.4.4 Cultivating Character through a CurriculumAs teachers,we should cultivate students‟ character in the class. First, the colleges must add character education to the curriculum. In class, we can teach them from little things to the philosophy of life. We must bring the moral heritage of the two cultures into focus. “We have the responsibility to increase students‟ moral literacy, ignite the moral imagination, promote the moral discourse,and foster moral integrity in class”(Ryan, 114).1.4.5 Engaging Parents in Character EducationIt is not enough to do these above all for character education. One point this paper intends to add is to engage parents in this program. What we should do is to make them create a community of goodexamples and consciously build their family. Besides, we should persuade them of becoming involved in their children‟s school life, although they are very busy.These are the five points in character education. We really hope that the introduction of character education will bring a great change to our teaching system. If we will make it, we will have full confidence to help our students to know the good, love the good, and do the good.2 ConclusionNowadays, human material civilization has been developing at a fast speed. However, we should not forsake the moral heritage of human cultures, because they are the spiritual treasure that we must pass from generation to generation. Fortunately, character education is a big help to our education system, to our nation, or even to the whole world. Looking into the future, we are full of boundless confidence. We believe that we will develop our students to be international communicators with high qualities who will keep pace with times and represent the orientation of advanced culture.【reference】[1]Chambers, Iain. Popular Culture: The Metropolitan Experience[M]. London:Routledge, 1986.[2]Coben, Stanley, and Lorman Ratner, eds. The Development of An American Culture[M]. 2nd ed. New York:St. Martin‟s Press, 1983.[3]Collins, Stanley, and Lorman Ratner, eds. The Development of An AmericanCulture[M]. 2nd ed. New York:St. Mantin‟s Press, 1983.[4]Day, Gary, ed. Readings in Popular Culture: Trivial Pursuits[M]. London:Macmillan, 1990.[5]Fiske, John. Understanding Popular Culture[M]. Winchest: Unwin Hyman,1989.[6]Gans, Herbert, J. Popular Culture and High Culture: An Analysis and Evaluation of Taste[M]. New York: Basic Book, Inc, Publishers, 1974.[7]Macfarelan, Alan. The Culture of Capitalism[M]. New York: Basil Blackwell Ltd., 1987.[8]Storey, John, ed. Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: A Reader[M]. 2nd ed. London:Prentice Hall, 1998.[9]Waites, Bernard, Tony Bennett and Graham Martin, eds. Popular Culture: Past and Present[M]. London: Routledge, 1982.[10]邓炎昌,主编.现代美国社会与文化第一卷[M].上海:高等教育出版社,1988.[责任编辑:杨玉洁]。

18-19版:(步步高)(全国)Grammar—Revise Noun Clauses(as the

18-19版:(步步高)(全国)Grammar—Revise Noun Clauses(as the

Grammar—Revise Noun Clauses(as the Subject,Object and Predicative)Ⅰ.阅读理解AWalt Whitman was born in 1819 in Long Island,New York.Whitman received most of his education outside of the classroom.At the age of eleven,he worked in a law office as an office boy where he became interested in reading.He was soon reading the works of famous authors like William Shakespeare and Homer,and was well on his way to becoming one of America’s most well-known poets.By the time Whitman was seventeen years old,he had already worked as a printer’s learner,a worker,and a teacher.Though he disliked teaching,he excelled in the profession,developing a friendly relationship with his students; he even allowed them to address him by his first name.He also developed fresh teaching techniques and learning games to help his students with spelling and maths.In his early twenties,however,he gave up teaching to pursue(追求) a full-time career as a journalist and poet.When Walt Whitman first appeared as a poet,his arrival onto the American literary scene was met with controversy.His first collection of poems,Lea v es of Grass,was so unusual that no commercial publisher would print the work.In 1855 Whitman published,at his own expense,the first edition of his collection of twelve poems.Whitman’s poetic style was uncommon in the sense that he wrote poems in a form called parallelism(对句法),in which his goal was to copy the flow of the sea and the quickly-passing nature of human emotion.A common theme in Whitman’s poetry is self-realization.In his work,Whitman moves from conventional patterns of rhyme to create a unique rhythm and a multi-layered,but truly American voice.“Although Whitman was considered a revolutionary by many,there is little doubt he loved his country deeply.” In his writing,he used slang(俚语) and various images,or voices,to create a sense of national unity.For Whitman,the “proof of a poet is that his country absorbs him as affectionately as he has absorbed it”.Whitman has undoubtedly become a part of the cultural history and image of America.语篇解读本文介绍了Walt Whitman作为诗人所做出的贡献。



美国文化对中国文化的影响英文作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Influence of American Culture on Chinese CultureHi everyone! Today, I want to talk about how American culture has influenced Chinese culture. As we all know, China and America are two different countries with their own unique traditions and customs. But over the years, American culture has made its way into China and has had a big impact on our lives.One way that American culture has influenced Chinese culture is through movies and TV shows. We all love watching movies and TV shows, right? Well, many of the movies and TV shows we watch in China are actually from America. They are so popular and have become a part of our daily lives. For example, we enjoy watching Hollywood blockbusters like "Avengers" and "Jurassic Park." These movies have not only entertained us but also introduced us to American values like teamwork, bravery, and friendship.Another way American culture has influenced us is through food. American fast food restaurants like McDonald's and KFCare everywhere in China. We love eating hamburgers, French fries, and fried chicken! These foods have become so popular that they are now a part of our culture. But we also have our own traditional Chinese food, like dumplings and noodles, which are still very important to us.Music is another area where American culture has left its mark. American pop music has become incredibly popular in China. We listen to American songs and sing along to the lyrics even if we don't understand all the words. Artists like Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber have a huge fan base here. Their music has influenced our own Chinese music industry, and we now have more Western-style pop songs.American sports have also become popular in China. Basketball, for example, is now one of the most popular sports in our country. We watch NBA games and cheer for our favorite teams and players. We even have our own Chinese Basketball Association league. American sports have not only brought us joy but have also taught us about teamwork, discipline, and sportsmanship.American technology has also had a big impact on our lives. We use smartphones and computers every day, and many of these devices are made by American companies like Apple andMicrosoft. The internet has connected us with the world, and we can learn about different cultures and share our own with others. This exchange of ideas and information has made our world more connected than ever before.In conclusion, American culture has had a significant influence on Chinese culture. From movies and TV shows to food, music, sports, and technology, we can see the impact all around us. It's important to remember that while we embrace elements of American culture, we should also cherish and preserve our own Chinese traditions. Let's enjoy the best of both worlds!I hope you enjoyed reading my essay about the influence of American culture on Chinese culture. Remember, it's great to learn about different cultures and embrace new ideas, but it's also important to be proud of our own heritage.篇2The Impact of American Culture on Chinese CultureHello everyone! Today, I want to talk about how American culture has influenced Chinese culture. It's really interesting to see how different cultures can learn from each other and become even more awesome!First of all, let's talk about food. Yummy! American fast food, like hamburgers and french fries, has become really popular in China. Many people in China enjoy eating at American fast food restaurants. This has influenced Chinese cuisine as well. Now, you can find Chinese-style hamburgers and french fries in some local restaurants. It's like a cool fusion of both cultures!Next, let's talk about movies and music. American movies are super popular all around the world, including in China. We love watching exciting Hollywood movies with amazing special effects. American music, like pop and hip-hop, is also loved by many Chinese people. We even have Chinese singers who sing in English, just like American singers. It's so cool to see how American movies and music have influenced our entertainment industry.Another way American culture has influenced China is through fashion. American style clothing, like jeans and T-shirts, has become really trendy in China. Many young people like to wear American brand clothes and follow American fashion trends. It's fun to see how fashion can connect people from different cultures.Moreover, American holidays have also made their way into Chinese culture. Take Halloween, for example. It used to be aforeign holiday, but now many Chinese people celebrate it too. We dress up in costumes, go trick-or-treating, and have lots of fun. Christmas is another holiday that has become popular in China. People decorate Christmas trees, exchange gifts, and enjoy a festive atmosphere. It's great to have more reasons to celebrate and have fun together!Last but not least, let's talk about technology. American technology companies, like Apple and Microsoft, have had a huge impact in China. Many Chinese people use iPhones, iPads, and Windows computers. We can communicate with people from all over the world through social media and video calls. American technology has made our lives more connected and convenient.In conclusion, American culture has had a big influence on Chinese culture. From food to movies, fashion to holidays, and technology, we can see American elements blending with our traditional Chinese culture. It's like mixing two awesome things together to create something even more awesome! We can learn so much from each other and appreciate the beauty of different cultures. Isn't that amazing?I hope you enjoyed learning about the impact of American culture on Chinese culture. Let's continue to embrace diversityand celebrate the wonderful cultural exchanges between countries. Thank you!篇3The Influence of American Culture on Chinese CultureHi everyone! Today, I want to talk about how American culture has influenced Chinese culture. It's fascinating to see how different cultures can come together and learn from each other. Let's explore some of the ways that American culture has made an impact on our own Chinese culture!Firstly, one big influence is the popularity of American movies and TV shows in China. Many of us love to watch American movies like "Avengers" and TV shows like "Friends." These shows have not only entertained us but have also introduced us to American customs, traditions, and ways of life. We even learn some English words and phrases while watching them!Secondly, American fast food has become very popular in China. Who doesn't love a good hamburger or a delicious slice of pizza? American fast food chains like McDonald's and KFC can be found in almost every city in China. They have not only broughtyummy food but have also introduced a new dining experience to us. It has become a part of our daily lives!Moreover, American holidays like Halloween and Christmas have also made their way into Chinese culture. Halloween has become a fun celebration where children dress up in costumes and go trick-or-treating. Christmas has also become popular, with people exchanging gifts and decorating Christmas trees. These holidays have added more joy and excitement to our own traditional festivals.In addition, American music has influenced Chinese music in many ways. We often listen to American songs and even sing along to the catchy tunes. Some Chinese musicians have also collaborated with American artists, creating a fusion of both cultures in their music. It's amazing how music can bring people from different parts of the world together!Furthermore, American sports have gained popularity in China. Basketball, for example, has become a favorite sport for many Chinese kids. We watch NBA games and cheer for our favorite American teams and players. American sports have not only brought us entertainment but have also encouraged us to be active and play sports ourselves.Lastly, the Internet and social media have played a huge role in spreading American culture to China. We can easily access American websites, watch American videos, and connect with people from different countries. This has made it easier for us to learn about American culture and share our own Chinese culture with others.In conclusion, American culture has had a significant impact on Chinese culture. Through movies, fast food, holidays, music, sports, and the power of the Internet, we have embraced and incorporated elements of American culture into our own. It's a wonderful exchange of ideas and traditions that makes our world more diverse and exciting. Let's continue to learn from each other and celebrate the beauty of different cultures!I hope you enjoyed reading my essay!篇4The Influence of American Culture on Chinese CultureHi everyone! Today, I want to talk about something really cool—how American culture has influenced Chinese culture. Isn't it amazing how cultures from different countries can learn from each other and become even more awesome? Let's dive in and explore the impact of American culture on China!Firstly, one of the most noticeable influences is in the world of entertainment. American movies and TV shows have become super popular in China. We can watch exciting Hollywood blockbusters and enjoy thrilling TV series from America. This has not only brought us amazing stories and entertainment but has also influenced our own film and television industry. Chinese movies and TV shows have started to incorporate some of the techniques and styles we see in American productions, making them even more exciting and engaging.Next, let's talk about music. American music has made its way into our lives and hearts. We can hear catchy tunes from American artists on the radio, in shopping malls, and even in our favorite restaurants. Some Chinese musicians have been inspired by American music and have created their own unique sounds by blending elements of both cultures. This fusion of styles has given birth to new and exciting genres of music that we all love to listen to and dance along with!Another area where we can see the influence of American culture is in fashion. American fashion trends have influenced the way we dress and express ourselves. We can now find American brands in our local stores, and many young people enjoy wearing clothes that are inspired by American fashion. It's likewe're all part of a global fashion family, sharing ideas and styles with each other.Moreover, American culture has also influenced our way of thinking and living. We have adopted some American values, such as individualism and creativity. We now encourage independent thinking and the pursuit of personal goals. This has helped us become more confident and open-minded in our daily lives. We have also embraced American sports like basketball and baseball, which have become hugely popular across China. These sports have not only provided us with fun and excitement but have also taught us about teamwork and sportsmanship.Lastly, let's not forget about food! American cuisine has found its way onto our plates. We can now enjoy delicious hamburgers, hot dogs, and pizza right here in China. American fast food chains have become a part of our dining experience. But don't worry, we still love our traditional Chinese dishes too!In conclusion, the influence of American culture on Chinese culture has been significant and exciting. From entertainment and music to fashion and values, we have embraced many aspects of American culture and blended them with our own. This cultural exchange has made our lives more colorful and diverse. It's a wonderful thing to see how different cultures cancome together and create something truly amazing. So let's keep learning from each other and celebrate the beauty of cultural diversity!I hope you enjoyed learning about the influence of American culture on Chinese culture. Remember, embracing different cultures and ideas can make our world a better place.篇5The Influence of American Culture on Chinese CultureHi everyone! Today, I want to talk about something really interesting – the influence of American culture on Chinese culture. As you may know, culture is all about the way people live, their traditions, and the things they believe in. Let's explore how American culture has touched our lives in China!One of the most noticeable influences is the popularity of fast food. American fast food chains, such as McDonald's and KFC, have become really popular in China. Many Chinese people enjoy eating hamburgers, fries, and fried chicken, just like Americans do. It's a tasty way to experience a different culture!Another way American culture has influenced us is through movies and TV shows. American movies like "Avengers" and TVshows like "Friends" have become really popular in China. We love watching these shows and learning about American lifestyles and traditions. Sometimes we even try to imitate the characters and their cool way of talking!American music has also made its way into our lives. We listen to American pop songs and sing along to the catchy tunes. Artists like Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber are loved by many Chinese kids. Their music brings joy and fun to our lives, and we get to learn English while singing along!Sports is another area where American culture has made a big impact. Basketball, which was popularized by American athletes like Michael Jordan, has become one of the most loved sports in China. Many kids dream of becoming the next basketball superstar because of their influence. American football and baseball have also gained popularity, and we even have our own Chinese Super League for football!American holidays have also found a place in our hearts. Halloween, for example, has become really popular in China. We dress up in costumes, go trick-or-treating, and have a lot of fun. Christmas is also celebrated by many Chinese people, even though it is not a traditional Chinese holiday. We exchange gifts and decorate Christmas trees, just like they do in America.Language is another way American culture has influenced us. English has become an important language to learn, and many Chinese students study it in school. We watch American movies and TV shows to improve our English skills. Knowing English not only helps us communicate with people from different cultures, but it also opens up many opportunities for us in the future.In conclusion, American culture has had a significant impact on Chinese culture. From fast food to movies, music, sports, holidays, and language, we can see the influence everywhere. It's exciting to learn about different cultures and embrace the things we love from around the world. So, let's enjoy the best of both Chinese and American cultures!I hope you enjoyed reading about the influence of American culture on Chinese culture! Remember, it's great to appreciate different cultures and learn from each other.篇6The Influence of American Culture on Chinese CultureHi everyone! Today I want to talk about how American culture has influenced Chinese culture. It's really interesting to see how different cultures can learn from each other and make things even more exciting!First of all, let's talk about food. American fast food has become really popular in China. Who doesn't love a good burger or a delicious slice of pizza? McDonald's and KFC are everywhere in China now, and Chinese people enjoy their tasty meals. American food has brought a new flavor to China and has become a part of our daily lives.Next, let's talk about movies and music. Hollywood movies are so cool and exciting! Chinese people love watching American movies like "Avengers" and "Frozen." We learn about different cultures and get inspired by the stories. American music is also very popular in China. We listen to songs by Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, and many other American artists. It's fun to sing along and dance to their catchy tunes!American fashion has also influenced Chinese fashion. We see American style clothing in many stores in China. T-shirts with American flags or famous American brands are really popular. We like to wear clothes that make us feel stylish and trendy, and American fashion has definitely made an impact.Another important influence is language. English is widely taught in schools in China, and many children can speak English. We learn English to communicate with people from differentcountries, including America. It's really cool to be able to speak another language and understand different cultures better.Sports is another area where American culture has had an impact. Basketball, baseball, and American football are becoming more popular in China. We watch NBA games and cheer for our favorite teams and players. Some Chinese athletes even go to America to play these sports professionally. It's great to see how sports can bring people from different cultures together.Lastly, technology has been greatly influenced by American culture. American companies like Apple and Microsoft have created amazing gadgets and software that we use every day. We play games on our iPhones, use computers for schoolwork, and connect with friends through social media. American technology has made our lives easier and more fun!In conclusion, American culture has had a big influence on Chinese culture. From food to movies, fashion to language, and sports to technology, we can see the impact everywhere. It's wonderful to learn from different cultures and make our own culture even more diverse and exciting. Let's continue embracing the positive aspects of American culture while cherishing our own traditions and values.。

美国文化对中国青少年的影响 英语论文

美国文化对中国青少年的影响 英语论文

包头师范学院本科毕业论文Analysis on Impact of American Culture onChinese Teenagers美国文化对中国青少年的影响学生姓名:学院:专业:班级:学号:指导教师:二〇一四年五月AbstractCulture is one of the most important parts of a nation, and it also plays the important role helping the development of human civilization. Under the background of economic globalization, culture globalization has been gradually established in the past, cultural communication between China and American has been becoming more and more frequent. During the cultural communication of two countries, cultural collision and impact of each other are unavoidable. More and more Chinese people are influenced by American culture as well.Taking any index from clothes to food, music to TV shows, the massive presence of American cultural goods can be found in every corner of China. Among these people, Chinese teenagers are getting this culture impact more deeply. Teenagers are the most active group of the society. They are easy to accept new ideas and are eager to try new things. This paper will focus on American culture’s impact on Chinese teenagers in detailed aspects under the background of the cultural communication between China and America.Key words:American culture; Chinese culture; Chinese teenagers; cultural impact摘要文化是一个民族必要的组成部分之一,也是一个民族孕育一种文明的基础。



论美国文化对我国文化的影响和冲击理学院09级专业:数学与应用数学班级:0902 学号:200948350201 摘要:冷战后 ,随着国家软实力在国家力量中地位的突出 ,美国开始看重一种特殊的能力即利用自身软实力的优势来影响其它国家的能力。

































美国文化与中国文化的不同英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Differences Between American Culture and Chinese CultureCulture plays a significant role in shaping each country's people, behaviors, values, and traditions. The United States and China are two vastly different countries with distinct cultures that influence various aspects of daily life. In this essay, we will explore the differences between American culture and Chinese culture in terms of food, language, family values, and social etiquette.One of the most noticeable differences between American culture and Chinese culture is in their cuisine. American cuisine is known for its diversity and fast-food culture, with popular dishes like hamburgers, hot dogs, and pizza. In contrast, Chinese cuisine is rich in flavors and variety, incorporating ingredients like rice, noodles, vegetables, and meats. Chinese meals are often eaten communally, with dishes placed in the center of the table for sharing, while American meals are typically served in individual portions.Another difference between American culture and Chinese culture is in their language. The United States predominantly speaks English, while Chinese is the most widely spoken language in China. The English language uses the Latin alphabet, while Chinese characters are ideographic symbols that convey meaning through strokes and radicals. Additionally, Chinese is a tonal language, with different tones altering the meaning of a word, whereas English relies on intonation for emphasis.Family values also differ significantly between American culture and Chinese culture. In the United States, individualism is highly valued, and people often prioritize personal goals and achievements over family obligations. In contrast, family plays a central role in Chinese culture, with strong emphasis on filial piety, respect for elders, and collective decision-making. Chinese families are known for their close-knit relationships andmulti-generational households, while American families are more likely to be nuclear or blended.Social etiquette is another area where American culture and Chinese culture diverge. In the United States, casual dress and behavior are generally accepted, and personal space and privacy are respected. Punctuality is valued, and direct communication is preferred in business and social interactions. In China, however,formal attire and manners are important, and hierarchical relationships dictate behavior and communication. Saving face, maintaining harmony, and showing respect are essential components of Chinese social etiquette.In conclusion, American culture and Chinese culture are distinct in their food, language, family values, and social etiquette. These differences reflect each country's unique history, values, and traditions, shaping the way their people interact and perceive the world. By understanding and appreciating these cultural differences, we can foster mutual respect, empathy, and cooperation between the United States and China.篇2Differences Between American Culture and Chinese CultureCulture plays a significant role in shaping the values, beliefs, and behaviors of a society. American culture and Chinese culture, being two of the most prominent and influential cultures in the world, exhibit distinct differences that reflect their unique histories, traditions, and social structures. In this essay, we will explore some of the key differences between American culture and Chinese culture.One of the most noticeable differences between American culture and Chinese culture is the emphasis on individualism versus collectivism. American culture is characterized by individualism, which values personal independence, autonomy, and self-expression. In contrast, Chinese culture is rooted in collectivism, which prioritizes the needs of the group over the desires of the individual. This difference is evident in various aspects of both cultures, such as the importance of personal achievement in American society versus the emphasis on social harmony in Chinese society.Another significant difference between American culture and Chinese culture is the concept of time. In American culture, time is viewed as a commodity to be used efficiently and productively. Punctuality is highly valued, and individuals are expected to adhere to deadlines and schedules. On the other hand, Chinese culture has a more flexible attitude towards time, with a greater emphasis on relationships and interpersonal connections than strict adherence to time constraints.Cultural attitudes towards family also differ between American culture and Chinese culture. In American culture, the nuclear family (consisting of parents and their children) is typically the primary source of emotional support andsocialization. In contrast, Chinese culture places a strong emphasis on the extended family, including grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Family relationships are highly valued in Chinese culture, and individuals are expected to prioritize the needs of their family members above their own.Religion is another area where American culture and Chinese culture diverge. While religion plays a significant role in American society, with a majority of Americans identifying as Christian, Chinese culture has historically been influenced by Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. These belief systems emphasize different values and principles than Christianity, shaping the moral and ethical frameworks of their respective cultures.Food and cuisine also reveal differences between American culture and Chinese culture. American cuisine is diverse and varied, reflecting the country's status as a melting pot of different cultures and ethnicities. Fast food, such as burgers and pizza, is prevalent in American culture, with an emphasis on convenience and affordability. In contrast, Chinese cuisine is characterized by its use of fresh ingredients, complex flavors, and traditional cooking methods. The importance of food in Chineseculture is evident in the elaborate feasts and banquets that accompany important celebrations and holidays.In conclusion, American culture and Chinese culture are distinct in many ways, reflecting their unique histories, traditions, and social values. From attitudes towards individualism and collectivism to views on time, family, religion, and food, these differences shape the behaviors and beliefs of people in both societies. By understanding and appreciating these cultural differences, we can foster greater cross-cultural understanding and cooperation in an increasingly interconnected world.篇3Differences Between American Culture and Chinese CultureIntroductionCulture plays a vital role in shaping the identity of a nation. It reflects the values, beliefs, traditions, and practices of a society. The United States and China are two major countries with unique cultural backgrounds that have been developed over centuries. This essay will explore the differences between American culture and Chinese culture in various aspects such as social norms, values, communication styles, and traditions.Social NormsOne of the key differences between American culture and Chinese culture lies in their social norms. In American culture, individualism is highly valued, and people are encouraged to express their opinions, pursue their own goals, and strive for personal success. This reflects the American Dream, which emphasizes freedom, equality, and opportunity for all. On the other hand, in Chinese culture, collectivism is prominent, and people prioritize the needs of the group over their individual desires. Respect for authority, elders, and ancestors is also emphasized in Chinese society.ValuesAnother notable difference between American culture and Chinese culture is their values. In the United States, values such as independence, equality, diversity, and innovation are highly esteemed. Americans value personal freedom, equal rights, and the pursuit of happiness. This is evident in the country's democratic system, human rights, and vibrant multiculturalism. In contrast, Chinese culture places a strong emphasis on tradition, family, harmony, and hierarchy. Respect for elders, filial piety, and loyalty to one's family and community are deeply ingrained in Chinese values.Communication StylesCommunication styles in American culture and Chinese culture also differ significantly. Americans tend to be more direct, assertive, and individualistic in their communication. They value open and honest dialogue, express their opinions freely, and appreciate assertiveness and directness in communication. In contrast, Chinese communication is often indirect, implicit, and context-dependent. Chinese people value harmony, saving face, and maintaining relationships, so they may use nonverbal cues, gestures, and context to convey their messages.TraditionsTraditions are an integral part of culture and play a significant role in shaping societal customs, rituals, and celebrations. American culture and Chinese culture have rich and diverse traditions that reflect their historical, religious, and cultural heritage. In the United States, traditions such as Thanksgiving, Independence Day, Christmas, and Halloween are widely celebrated and cherished. These traditions highlight American values of gratitude, freedom, diversity, and community spirit. In China, traditions such as the Chinese New Year,Mid-Autumn Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, and Qingming Festival hold special significance. These traditions reflect Chinesevalues of family unity, prosperity, respect for ancestors, and harmony with nature.ConclusionIn conclusion, American culture and Chinese culture are distinct in their social norms, values, communication styles, and traditions. While both cultures have unique characteristics that define their identity, they also share common values such as respect, kindness, and the pursuit of happiness. Understanding and appreciating the differences between American culture and Chinese culture can help foster cultural awareness, mutual understanding, and cross-cultural communication in today's globalized world.。



s sometimes introduce concepts foreign to traditional Chinese culture, such as certain ideas on personal freedom.It greatly influence the views of youth. According to the official website of the Chinese Embassy in Nepal, Hollywood movies such as the "Harry Potter" series and "Finding Nemo" are extremely popular among Chinese youth.
In the late 20th century, the Internet was virtually unknown in China. Those well-known American companies almost all have branches in China, such as Microsoft, IBM. The prosperity of Chinese IT business still largely relies on technologies from those American companies.
In the late 70s communist clothing standards began to disappear, Western pop culture influenced clothing like jeans and novelty Tshirts to become popular among Chinese youth.



英语专业本科毕业论文参考题目英语专业本科毕业论文参考题目一.文学类1. A Study of Native American Literature 美国本土文学的研究2. Comment on Bernard Shaw’s Dramatic Art 评肖伯纳的戏剧艺术3. Influence of Mark Twain’s Works in China 马克吐温的作品在中国的影响4. On the Humour of Mark Twain 马克吐温的幽默观5. On the Tragedy of Loman’s Fami ly in Death of A Salesman 论《推销员之死》中罗曼一家的悲剧6. Rhetorical and Narrative Devices in A Farewell to Arms《永别了,武器》的修辞与描写手法7.The Influence of Wars on American Literature 战争对美国文学的影响8. The Linguistic Charms of the Adventures of Tom Sawyer《汤姆索亚历险记》的语言魅力9. On Translating the Allusions in Six Chapters of a Floating Life: an Intertextuality Approach从互文性角度看《浮死六记》中的典故翻译10. Paralanguage and Literature Translation -With Reflections on the Version of Dream of Red Mansions 副收言与文教翻译--对《乌楼梦》译本的思虑二. 翻译理论与实践1. Transformational Technique of Parts of Speech in Translation翻译中词性转换的技巧2. Cultural Gap and Mistranslation英汉文化差异与误译3. A Brief Study on the Translation of English News Titles英语新闻标题翻译初探4. On Translation T echniques of Loan words浅谈外来词的翻译5. Usage and Translation Skills of Numerals in English Expressions英语中数量在词组中的用法和翻译技巧6. Usage and Translation Skills of Numerals in English Expressions英语中数量在词组中的用法和翻译技巧7 .A Tentative Study on English Hyperbole浅论英语夸张修辞8. Features of Network Language and Its Translation网络用语的特点及其翻译9. Inter-translation of Humor of English and Chinese 英汉的幽默互译10. Alternating Translation of English and Chinese Attributives论英汉互译中定语的翻译11. On Political Factors in English-Chinese Translation翻译中政治因素的作用三.语言学及应用语言学1.On The Nature And functions of Metaphor论隐喻的本质与功能2.On the Origin, Word-Formation and Translation of English Neologisms浅谈英语新词的产生、构成及翻译3.Decomposition and Translation of Ambiguous Structures 歧义结构的化解与翻译4.A Contrastive Study of the Formation of English and Chinese Antonyms论英汉反义词的形成5.On the Usage of English Abbreviations on the Internet谈网络英语中的缩略语6.A Contrastive Study of Punctuation in Chinese and English英汉标点符号比较7.On the Relationship between Lexical Cohesion and Textual Coherence词汇的衔接与语篇的连贯8.Thought Discrepancies Embodied in English and Chinese Languages思维差异在英汉语言中的体现9.Influences of Chinese Dialectical Accent over English Pronunciation汉语方言对英语发音的影响10.Language Development of Pre-school Children and English Teaching幼儿言语发展及幼儿英语教学11.The Influence of Sino-British Cultures on Metaphors论中英文化对隐语的影响12.On Politeness Norms and Mistakes in Interactive Communication of Spoken English英汉口语中互动性交际的礼貌规范与失误13.Pragmatic Analysis on the Approximating Quantities with Numbers数词模糊语的语用分析/doc/7718748217.html,age and Translation of “and” 英文中的and 的用法与译法15.On the Motivation of Male Students' Interests of English Learning论男生的英语学习兴趣的激发四. 跨文化交际1.On Ways of Breaking Cultural Barriers In Translation Of Human Names如何克服人名翻译中的文化障碍2.On Influence Of Cultural Differences On Understanding English and Chinese Advertisements论文化差异对解读英汉广告的影响3.On Changes Of Business Etiquettes In Cross-Cultural Communication论跨文化交际中商务礼仪的变迁4.On Application Of Nonverbal Means In Communication论非语言形式在交际中的运用5.The Comparison and Translation of “Nine”in Chinese and Western Culture英汉数字“九”的文化对比与翻译6.The Influences of Chinese-British Cultural Differences on International Business Protocol中英文化差异对国际商务礼仪的影响/doc/7718748217.html,parisons of Sino-U.S Family Education中美家庭教育的比较8.A Contrastive Study on Chinese and English Exclamatory Words汉英感叹词对比研究9.On Sino-Western Cultural Differences from Numerical Idioms从数字习语看中西文化差异10.American movies and American characteristics 美国电影与美国民族特性11.Cultural Difference in the Traditional Chinese and Western Festivals 传统节日映照出的中西文化差异12.On the Embodiment of Cultural Specifications of Western Cartoon Movies论西方卡通片所体现的文化特质13..Cultural Differences between Chinese and Western Marriage中西婚姻文化差异五.商务英语1.On Aesthetic Association and Translation Of Names Of Commodities论审美联想与商品名的翻译2.On Influence Of American Culture On Import and Export Commodities论美国文化对进出口商品翻译的影响3.On Language Communication Skills In Business Negotiation论商务谈判中语言沟通技巧4.On Skills of Writing a Business Letter商业信函的写作技巧5.On the Characteristics of Business Negotiation Language and Its Translation商务谈判用语特点及翻译/doc/7718748217.html,nguage Characteristics and Skills for an English Tour Guide英语导游翻译的语言艺术与技巧7.The Application of Personification in Advertising广告英语中拟人的应用8.On the Abbreviations of Business English浅论商务英语的缩略语六.英语语音1. Sexism as Reflected in the Chinese and English Languages(英语和汉语中的性别歧视)2. Lexical Items as Means of Cohesion in English Texts(英语语篇中的词汇衔接手段)3. Lexical Cohesion in English(英语词语的接应关系)4. On English Oration as a V ariety of Language(论英语演说词)5. The Polite Language in the English Language 英语中的礼貌用语)6. Reflection on the English Taboo Words(谈英语的禁忌语)7. Stylistic Comparison Between Broadcast News and Newspaper News(英语广播新闻与报纸新闻文体比较)8. Stylistic Features of News Reporting(英语新闻报道的文体风格)9. A Comparative Study of Chinese and English Body Languages(中英手势语比较)七.翻译研究1. The Great Translator Yan Fu(伟大的翻译家严复)2. Gu Hongming: A Pioneer of Translating the Chinese Classics into English(汉英翻译的先驱-------辜鸿铭)3. On the Principles of Equivalence in Literary Translation(论文学翻译中的等值原则)4. A Brief Comment on E. A. Nida’s Concept of Translation(浅谈奈达的翻译观)5. Cultural Gaps and Untranslatability(文化差异与不可预性)6. Translating and the Background Information(翻译与背景知识)7. A Preliminary Study of Explanatory Translating(解释性翻译初探)8. Translating the English Articles into Chinese(英语冠词汉译)9. Translating the English Plural Nouns into Chinese(英语复数名词汉译)10. Translating the Lengthy English Sentences into Chinese(英语长句汉译)11. On Translating English Book Titles into Chinese(谈英语书名汉译)12. Views on the Chinese Version of Emma(关于汉译本《爱玛》的几点看法)13. A Reading of Fang Zhong’s Translation of The Canterbury Tales(读方重译《坎特伯雷故事集》)14. On the English Versions of Some of Du Fu’s Poems(评杜甫诗歌英译)15. Translating the Titles of Chinese Classic Poetry(中国古典诗歌标题英译)八.英语教学1.The Application of Phonological/Syntactic/Semantic Theory to ELT in Chinese Middle Schools(音位词/句法学/语音学理论在中国中学教学中的应用)2.The Application of Traditional/Structural/Transformational Linguistics to ELT in Chinese Middle Schools(传统语言学/结构语言学/转换语言学在中国中学英语教学中的应用)3.The Application of Theory of Behaviorism/ Cognitive Psychology to ELT in Chinese Middle Schools(行为主义/认知心理学理论在中国中学教学法中的应用)4. The Application of the Theory of Pragmatics/Discourse Analysis(语用学/话语分析理论应用)5.Teaching Grammar within a Communicative Framework(用交际法教语法)6. A Study on the Direct-Spelling Method(直接拼写法研究)7.Interaction in Oral English Teaching(英语教学中的互动)8.On Developing English Reading Skills(论英语阅读技能的培养)9. Analysis of Teacher Talk in Classroom by Speech Act Theory(英语语言行为理论分析课堂教师话语)10.On the Effective Factors of the SLA and the Englishment on Teaching(论二语习得的情感因素及其教学的启示)任务型教学法与3P教学模式的比较研究以下是我的大概构想1 Introduction2.什么是任务型教学法、3P教学模式3 任务型教学法的优缺点3. 3P教学模式的优缺点4. 两种教学模式运用到具体教学中的比较(高中英语课本)5. Conclusion。



美国文化对中国的影响:一种跨文化交融的视角In the modern era of globalization, the influence of American culture on China has become increasingly apparent. This influence is not just limited to popular culture, such as music, movies, and fashion, but also extends to areaslike education, business, and technology. The integrationof American culture into Chinese society has created a unique blend of traditional and modern values, shaping the way people think, act, and interact with each other.American popular culture has had a profound impact on China, particularly in the areas of music and cinema. Many young Chinese are familiar with American music genres like rock, rap, and jazz, and American movies and television shows are widely popular. This has led to a rise in the popularity of English language learning among Chinese youth, as they strive to understand the language and culturebehind their favorite music and movies.In addition to popular culture, American culture hasalso influenced Chinese education. The influx of American educational philosophies and methods, such as the emphasison critical thinking and innovation, has challenged traditional Chinese educational practices. This has led to a shift towards more innovative and student-centered teaching methods in many Chinese schools and universities. Business and technology have also been influenced by American culture. The influx of American brands and businesses has transformed Chinese consumer markets, and many Chinese companies have adopted American-style management practices and strategies. Furthermore, the widespread use of American technology products, such as smartphones and computers, has made American culture and values more accessible to the Chinese public.However, the influence of American culture on China is not entirely positive. There are concerns that the influx of American culture may erode traditional Chinese values and identities. Some argue that the over-emphasis on materialism and individualism in American culture may be leading to a loss of collective identity and social cohesion in Chinese society.Despite these concerns, the influence of American culture on China is undeniable. This influence hastransformed Chinese society in numerous ways, shaping the way people think, act, and interact with each other. As China continues to integrate into the global community, it will be important to strike a balance between maintaining traditional values and embracing new cultural influences. **美国文化对中国的影响:一种跨文化交融的视角** 在全球化的现代时代,美国文化对中国的影响日益显著。























美国文化对中国的影响英语作文The influence of American culture on China has been significant and far-reaching, impacting various aspects of Chinese society such as language, food, entertainment, and lifestyle. This influence has both positive and negative effects, and it is important to examine and understand the complexities of this cultural exchange.One of the most noticeable impacts of American culture on China is the widespread use of English. With the increasing globalization and the rise of the United States as a superpower, English has become a dominant language in international communication. As a result, many Chinese people, especially the younger generation, have embraced English as a means of connecting with the world. This has led to the integration of English words and phrases into the Chinese language, as well as the adoption of English as a second language in schools and universities.Furthermore, American fast food chains such as McDonald's, KFC, and Starbucks have become ubiquitous in Chinese cities, influencing the eating habits and preferences of the Chinese population. The popularity of American fast food has led to a shift towards a more fast-paced and convenient dining culture in China, impacting traditional Chinese cuisine and dietary habits. While the convenience and affordability of fast food are appealing to many Chinese consumers, there are concerns about the negative health effects of consuming such high-calorie and processed foods.In addition to food and language, American entertainment, particularly Hollywood movies and television shows, has also made a significant impact on Chinese popular culture. The influence of American entertainment can be seen in the widespread popularity of Hollywood blockbusters and American TV series in China. This has not only shaped the preferences and tastes of Chinese audiences but has also influenced the Chinese film industry, leading to the production of films that emulate the style and themes of American cinema.Moreover, the influence of American culture on China extends to lifestyle and consumerism. The rise of consumerism in China, fueled by the influence of American brands and products, has led to a growing demand for luxury goods and a materialistic mindset among the Chinese population. This has resulted in both positive and negative consequences, as the pursuit of material wealth and status has led to economic growth but has also contributed to social inequality and environmental degradation.Despite the pervasive influence of American culture in China, there are also concerns about the potential loss of traditional Chinese values and cultural identity. The dominance of American culture in the global arena has raised questions about the preservation of Chinese traditions and heritage in the face of Westernization. There is a growing sentiment among some Chinese people that the influx of American culture has led to the erosion of traditional values and customs, posing a threat to the authenticity of Chinese culture.In conclusion, the influence of American culture on China has been profound, shaping various aspects of Chinese society and sparking debates about the impact of globalization on cultural identity. While the exchange of cultures has enriched the lives of many Chinese people and contributed to the country's economic development, it is important to recognize and preserve the unique aspects of Chinese culture amidst the influx of foreign influences. As China continues to navigate its relationship with American culture, it is crucial to strike a balance between embracing global diversity and safeguarding the cultural heritage that defines the nation.。











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Influence of American CultureIn last June ,the film Transformers IV was on the screen and as has predicted,it attracted lots of Chinese to cinema and watchit.Finally ,it won 1,970,000,000 box office in China,which made a new record of film box in China.There are many other films popular among Chinese besides Transformers IV and have made such great success that many Chinese can remember them for a long time.In fact ,American culture affects Chinese not only in film ,but also in many other aspects ,such as music,TV series ,game and so on.Therefore,Chinese culture has changed more or less due to the wide-spread of American culture,which I regard it as beneficial to us. Here are some main aspects where American culture influences us.First,nowadays,with the development of internet and technology,people all over the world can hear the voice from America like Britney Spears or Taylor Swift,whose songs are surely attractive to us.It’s absolutely that American music is popular among Chinese and Chinese singers have been learning from it so that singers like Tayu Lo ,Jonathan Lee ,in China imitated American country music to compose their popular music and finally made a great success.For example,Jay Chou once composed a popularsong Cow Boy On The Run,which consists of many elements from American country music ,such as freedom andcasualness,therefore this famous song attracted many young men in China.Nowadays,U.S. and European-style rock music has heavily influenced Chinese popular music. Musicians like Wu Bai and other popular rock bands borrow from U.S. rock traditions, while adding influences of Chinese music. The resulting popular music is very different from traditional Chinese music, but is still distinctive to the Chinese culture.American country music has integrated into Chinese popular music .With the guidance of Americanmusic,Chinese popular music develops rather quickly and has produced many pieces of work which appeals to people.However,I think singers and composers in China oughtn’t rely on it,other than pay much attention to our traditional culture and then produce songs with Chinese characteristics.Second,American TV series have always been popular among China,especially the youth,due to the exciting plot,pretty actress,music,clothes and so on.Once in a while,the TV series Prison Break won numberless fans in China,which is consists four seasons.Prison Break is based on the life in a prison and revolves around two brothers:one has been sentenced to death for a crimehe did not commit, and the other devises an elaborate plan to help his brother escape prison and clear his name.It’s the exciting plot and excellent acting skills that attract audience.There’re many other TV series like Prison Break,which are popular among Chinese.Since there’re few interesting TV series in China,it’s probable that people tend to watch American TV series.However,Ameican drama presents the open-up ,free style of American culture,which influences Chinese gradually.During this process,people in China,especially the youth,tend to forget and even abandon their own traditional culture,which has its advantages.The government has banned some TV series like The Big Bang Theory,The Good Wife so that people can watch domestic drama .As far as I’m concerned,we should take its essence, goes to its dregs ,so our government needn’t ban American series ,but have to cut out some negative scenes.Besides,producers in China ought to produce TV series more interesting combined with traditional culture in order to protect the culture.Third,there’re other industries besides music and TV series where American culture influences us a lot.With the spread of these industries,Chinese economy has been influenced more or less.For example,American fast food has attracted many Chinese.As we allknow,KFC and McDonald’s are so popular among Chinese that they are always full of customers.However,some Chinese restaurants have to shut down due to few customers.There are many industries where American culture has influenced China a lot besides food industries.American culture of its corporation influences China not only in economy,but also in constitution of corporation,the regulation of the corporation and so on.It’s typical that the internet corporation Baidu learns from companies in Silicon Valley and creates a friendly environment,therefore it has made a great success.In my opinion,most of the companies in China can learn from companies in America,which makes more profits and produces more jobs,to develop better.In addition to movie,music,industries,American has an advantage above China in its cation is increasingly important in modern societies because it determines, in large measures, the success or failure of a nation in global competition. Thus,we ought to pay much attention to our culture.American education has been acknowledged by its free style while Chinese education has been blamed for its hard exams and many courses.As a result,American culture has attracted many Chinese students to go abroad for further-study,which causes the loss ofintelligence and is bad for the development of our country in the future.Maybe the deepest effect American culture has made on Chinese culture is in our educational system. Ru culture has influenced China for thousands of years, so Chinese traditional educational system has been accepted commonly, but it is widely believed that this kind of system is not positive in every aspect, especially in stimulating students' potential. But the American educational system is different. It is open. And for this reason, it is widely accepted by Chinese people.It’s high time that our government should take some measures.So, to revitalize our education, the government should try to develop China’s economy. Then we can increase its financial contribution to education to improve the facilities, the quality of teachers, and the management of schools. Also, we should balance the “resource disposal”between eastern and western areas, the cities and the countryside, and the key schools and other schools. Besides,we can develop our own education like Confucius so that we won’t always be influenced by American education.With these measures,our education is bound to improve a lot.To sum up, the influence of English culture towards Chinese culture is diversity . We cannot consider it good or bad absolutely . As far as I'm concerned , facing the spread of English culture , weshould discard their dross and select their essence .To avoid the conflict between different cultures, some people combine their local culture with the foreign culture and produce a new culture. Kung Fu Panda is a typical one. In this American film, the director set our Chinese culture as the basis. It proved to be a great success. This kind of cultural integration is helpful for us to know each other.In a word, not only should we spread our traditional culture, but also we’ll learn other excellent culture to broaden our minds. Every culture has its own value and wonderful part. Maybe it is so-called killing two birds with one stone. I hope cultural communication will be kept in a normal state instead of a temporary hotness so the tree of Chinese culture can tower in the forest of world culture.References[1] Select from the book《Log into the World ofCultures---Intercultural Communication》,published by Chongqing University Press .[2]Select from the paper《浅论美国文化在全球化影响下与其他文化的交互》。
