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..…arrived…... big, black, dark……. asked….. not only…....but……. however…… repeated. …..neither…nor…. “…….” I said……… not understand….. never…… looked& smiled…. Then ……. “………” he said…… a different….. understand each other……... do ………..
In England, each person speaks a different language.
The English understand each other, but I don't understand them! Do they speak English?
Try to retell the text.
Then he spoke slowly, but I could not understand him.
My teacher never spoke English like that!
The porter and I looked at each other and smiled.
Then he said something and I understood it. 'You'll soon learn English!' he said. I wonder.
I arrived in London at last. The railway station was big, black and dark.
I did not know the way to my hotel, so I asked a porter.
I not only spoke English very carefully, but very clearly as well.
The porter, however, could not understand me
I repeated my question severalБайду номын сангаасtimes and at last he understood.
he answered me, but he spoke neither slowly nor clearly. 'I am a foreigner,' I said.
1 2 3 4 5 6
railway railway station porter several foreigner wonder
1 铁路 2 火车站 3 搬运工 4 几个 5 外国人 6 想知道
railway station
Listen and answer the questions
1 When did the writer arrive? He arrived in London. It was big, black and dark. 2 How was the railway station? 3 Did the writer know the way to the station? No, he didn’t. 4 Who did the writer ask then ? He asked a porter. 5 Did the writer speak English clearly ? Yes, he did. 6 Could the porter understand the writer ? couldn’t. No, he 7 Did the porter answer the writer? Yes, he did. 8 Did he speak fast? No, he didn’t. He spoke slowly. 9 Could the writer understand him when he spoke slowly? No, he couldn’t. “ You’ll soon learn English.” 10 What did the porter say to the writer at last?