



名词解释:1.Great Britain: shortened as Britain ,it can be a geographical term ,referring to the island onwhich England ,Wales and Scotland are situated ,together with numerous smaller islands .2.The Union Flag :also known as the Union Jack ,it is the national flag of the United Kingdom .3.God Save the King /Queen : the national anthem of the United Kingdom.ke Poets: English poets at the turn of the 19th century who lived in the Lake District ofEngland and were inspired by it to create romantic works .5.Domesday Book(土地财产清册):The written record of a census and survey of Englishlandowners and their property made by order of William the Conqueror in 1085-1086 .6.Black Death (黑死病):also known as the Black Plague ,it was a devastating pandemic(流行的) that first struck European in the mid-14th century .7.Gunpowder Plot(火药阴谋):conspiracy of a group of English Catholics to blow up the Houseof Parliament where King James I was present on 5 November ,1605.The plan was discovered and Guy Frank was caught and burnt alive .In England ,5 November is celebrated with bonfire ,fireworks and the burning of the effigies.(肖像)。



英美概况名词解释刘春艳Glorious Revolution:After the Restoration of the Stuart, the King adopted some measures to protect the interests of the bourgeoisie, but took revenge on the revolutionaries. Under the reign of James Ⅱ, expansion of the king’s power soon clashed with the interests of the bourgeoisie and in 1688, the two bourgeois political parties, the Tories and the Whigs, united together and staged a bloodless coup d’état and put William of Orange on the throne. They formed an alliance with the landowners. This was spoken of by Englishmen as the “Glorious Revolution”.Lake District: Lake District is a region in Northwest of England, which is very famous for its many beautiful lakes and Lake Poets who were once born and lived there. Redbrick: Redbrick is a name for a group of universities founded between 1850 and 1930, aimed at providing higher education for local inhabitants who could not afford the cost of going away from home for their studies.Oxbridge:Oxbridge refers to the two must famous higher education institutions in England: Oxford and Cambridge. Included in this group are four other universities founded in Scotland in the 15th and 16th centuries.Gold Rush: Gold Rush was one of the greatest mass movements in modern history, in which thousands of people came to California from all over the world to seek their fortunes in the rocks when gold was discovered in San Francisco in 1848. As a result of Gold Rush, the whole continent of North America was settled within 19th century.Melting Pot:Melting Pot is metaphorically used to refer to the United States because it is a country of many ethnic groups from different parts of the world, who came to the New World to seek for freedom in politics or religion. They have been dissipating their different ethnic cultures toward some “standard” by living and working together in the “melting pot”of the United States and gradually forming a new nation.WASP: The word “WASPs” is the abbreviation of White Anglo-Saxon Protestants. They were early settlers on North America from England, Northern and Western Europe. At present, they constitute the largest and dominant ethnic group in the United States. Yellow Dog:“Yellow dog” contracts. In the late of 19th century, along the development of workers’ unions, capitalists in America forced workers to sign contracts pledging not to join unions so as to sabotage the unions. Such contracts are called “yellow dog” contracts. The Renaissance: T he Renaissance was a cultural movement by progressive thinkers who represented the interests of the rising bourgeoisie and worked for freedom and enlightenment.Higher Education:Higher education in America includes undergraduate study and graduate study. The former lasts for four years while the latter varies with different fields of study.Blacklists: During the 1880s’, and 1890s’ workers in America began to form unions on a large scale. The capitalists tried to sabotage the unions by enlisting the union workers on “blacklist”, which would be sent to other companies in the industry with a warning not to hire them.。



英美概况名词解释:1. Big AppleIt is the nickname of New York City.2. Mayflower CompactIt was a social contract whereby the forty-one men who signed it agreed to abide by the new government’s laws in exchange f or shared protection. It is cited as one of t he foundations for the American Constituti on.3. Union JackIt’s the nickname of the Union Flag of UK. Jacks are additional national flags flown b y warships (and certain other vessels) at t he head of the ship.4. Hadrian’s WallBuilt by the Roman Emperor Hadrian, it is a continuous Roman defensive barrier guarding the province of Britain from barbarian invaders.5. OxbridgeThis term is now used to refer to Cambrid ge and Oxford collectively, often with impli cations of their superior intellectual or soci al status6. Joan of ArcShe gathered an army and fought against t he English to rescue France during the Hun dred Years’ War. But later she was capture d and sold to the English. At last, she was sentenced to death. But her courage was an example of her people.7. Black RodBlack Rod, an official in the parliament, is best known for his part in the ceremonies of State Opening of Parliament. He summo ns the Commons to attend Queen’s speech and leads them to the Lords. As Black Rod approaches the doors to the Commons to make his summons, they are slammed in his face.8. Boston Tea PartyEast India Company sent to America large quantities of tea in the evening, December 16, 1773. About 50 men disguised themse lves as Indians who went on board, broke open the tea chests and poured the tea int o the water.9. MagellanHe is a Portuguese who sailed for the Spa nish King. He first sailed to South America and then southwest along the coast.10. The Niagara FallsThe Niagara Falls are waterfalls on the Nia gara River, straddling the international bor der between the Canadian province of Ont ario and the U.S. state of New York.11. Checks and BalanceThis system works in many ways to keep s erious mistakes from being made by one o f the three branches---executive branch, le gislative branch, and judicial branch.12. Question TimeAn hour of “Question Time” in the parliam ent happens every day after prayers and s ome preliminaries, except on Fridays. Mem bers of the parliament ask questions of Go vernment Ministers (including the Prime Mi nister) which they are obliged to answer.13. Bloody MaryAs a queen, she took effects to restore Cat holicism to England made her the most un popular queen in British history and the m eans that she used to pursue her aims ear ned her the nickname “bloody Mary”.14. Early BirdIt’s the world’s first communication satellit e launched by the USA.15. HeptarchyDuring Anglo-Saxon Times, The small Anglo -Saxon tribes gradually merged into seven or eight little kingdoms.16. Uncle Tom’s CabinIt is a novel composed by Harriet Beecher Stowe. The novel makes the miserable life of the negroes in the south of America exp osed to the world and shows great sympat hy for the negroes.17. Proclamation of EmancipationIt’s a document issued by Lincoln and his government at the end of the American Civ il War. It made ending slavery in the Sout h a war goal, and dissuaded the British fro m intervening.18. Head StartIt is a preschool program of the US Depart ment of Health and Human Services that focuses on assisting children from low-inco me families.19. APThe Associated Press is an American news agency. It is a cooperative owned by its co ntributing newspapers, radio and television stations in the United States。



Alfred the Great He was king of Wessex, one of the seven Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms. It was he who led the Anglo-Saxon to flight against the invading Danes and maintained peace for a long time. Alfred was not only a brave king at wartime, but also a wise king at peacetime. He encouraged education and introduced a legal system. He is known as “the father of the British navy”.The Black Death t is a modern name given to the dearly bubonic plague, an epidemic disease spread through Europe in the fourteenth century particularly in 1348-1349. It came without warning, and without any cue. In England, it killed almost half of the total population, causing far-reaching economic consequences.The Great Charter King John’s reign caused much discontent among the barons. In 1215, he was forced to sign a document, known as Mangna Cara, or the Great Charter. It has 63 clauses. Though it has long been regarded as the foundation of English liberties, its spirit was the limitation of the king’s powers, keeping them within the bounds of the feudal law of the land The Hundred Y ears’War It referred to the intermittent war between France and England that last from 1337 to 1453. The causes were partly territorial and partly economic. When Edward III claimed the French Crown but the French refused to recognize, the war broke out. At first the English were successful, but in the end, they were defeated and lost almost all their possessions in France. The expelling of the English was a blessing for both countriesThe Bill of Rights I n 1689, William and Mary accepted the Bill of Rights to be crowned jointly. The bill excluded any Roman Catholic from the succession, confirmed the principle of parliamentary supremacy and guaranteed free speech within both the two Houses. Thus the age of constitutional monarchy began.The Open University It is a new form of university appeared in 1969. People can register without any formal educational qualifications. Courses are taught through TV, radio, videos and a network of study centers.Common law A written law gathered from numerous decisions of the courts and other sources. Laws are established through common practice in the courts.The Canterbury T ales The Canterbury Tales is written by Geoffrey Chaucer. It is made up of a series of stories which were told by a group of pilgrims (31) on a journey to Canterbury Cathedra l. The formation of government The U.K. government governs according to the British Constitution. The party with the most supporters in the Commons forms the government and the leader of that party becomes Prime Minister.William the Conqueror William was Duke of Normandy. He landed his army in Oct, 1066 and defeated king Harold. Then he was crowned king of England on Christams Day the same year. He established a strong Norman government and the feudal system in England.。






















1.William the Conqueror 威廉征服: William was Duke of Normandy. He landed his army in and defeated king Harold. Then he was crowned king of England on Christmas Day the same year. He established a strong Norman government and the feudal system in England.建立了封建制度2.Doomsday Book----It is a book compiled by a group of clerks under the sponsorship of King William the First in 1086. The book was in fact a property record. It was the result of a general survey of England. It recorded the extent, value, state of cultivation, and ownership of the land. It was one of the important measures adopted by William I to establish the full feudal system in England. Today, it is kept in the Public Records Office in London. 为了可靠地记录所有的土地、佃户和他们的财产并查明他们能交多少税,威廉派官员编了一本财产清册,称为末日审判书;因为对英国人来说,这本土地清册无疑就是最后审判日那天众王之王所用的末日书;此册完成于1086 年,它记录了1085 年作的英国全国总调查的结果;此册陈述了土地的范围、价值、人口、耕种情况和所有权;现在末日审判书保存在伦敦的公共档案馆里;从此册可以看出,在1086年,农村约有一半的耕地掌握在10 个承租人贵族手里,其中只有两个是英国贵族,约五分之一土地归国王本人所有;其余大多数属于主教、修道院院长和其他修道院头领3.the Black Death----It is a modern name given to the dearly bubonic plague, an epidemic disease spread through Europe in the fourteenth century particularly in 1348-1349. It came without warning, and without any cue. In England, it killed almost half of the total population, causing far-reaching economic consequences. 黑死病是现代名称,指的是由鼠身上的跳蚤传播的致命的淋巴腺鼠疫引起的传染疾病;14 世纪传播到欧洲,尤其是在1347 - 1350 年;1348 年夏天横扫全英国,事先毫无征兆;但重要的是无药可救;不论贫富不放过任何人,死亡迅速而痛苦;它夺去了二分之一到一半的英国人的生命,加上随后50 年中发生的流行病,英国的人口在14 世纪末从400 万税减至200 万;4.The Wars of Roses玫瑰战争----the name Wars of the Roses was refer to the battles between the House of Lancaster, symbolized by the read rose, and that of York, symbolized by the white, from 1455 to 1485. Henry Tudor, descendant of Duke of Lancaster won victory at Bosworth Fireld in 1485 and put ht country under the rule of the Tudors. From these Wars, English feudalism received its death blow. The great medieval nobility was much weakened..是对外战争和国内不稳定导致贵族们之间冲突再起,却令人回想起13 世纪的麻烦;1455至1485 年间政局不稳定是两支金雀花家族争斗引起的,它们是兰开斯特家族和约克家族;实际上,玫瑰战争这个词是19 世纪的大作家瓦尔特司考特创造的,但它已被普遍接受,专指这两个家族间的战争;因·为红玫瑰代表兰开斯特家族,而白玫瑰则是约克家族的象征尽管玫瑰战争断断续续进行了三十年,但普通民众所受影响甚微,他们照常从事各自营生;封建制度却遭受了致命打击;不少于80 位皇族血统的贵族阵亡,中世纪的贵族势力被大大削弱,名誉扫地;至此国王的权力变得至高无上5.The Bill of Rights----In 1789, James Madison introduced in the House of Representatives a series of amendments which later were drafted into twelveproposed amendments and sent to the states for ratification. Ten of them were ratified in 1791 and the first ten amendments to the constitution were called the Bills of Rights because they were to insure individual 年詹姆斯麦迪逊在众议院提出了一系列的修正法案,后来这些法案被起草成十二条修正法案提交各州讨论;其·中有两条没被各州通过,其余十条在1791 年被通过,成为宪法的前十项修正案--人权法案;从那时起美国就完成了宪法体制的建立6.The British constitution: There is no written constitution in the United Kingdom, that is, unlike the constitutions of most other countries, the British constitution is not set out in any single document. It is made up of statute law, common law and conventions.英国议会制政府制度并不是基于成文宪法;联合王国没有成文宪法,也就是说与大多数他国宪法不同,英国宪法不由单一文件构成,而是由成文法、习惯法和惯例组成;惯例是指法律没有明文要求必须执行,但被视为政府工作中不可缺少的行为准则;司法部门裁定习惯法和解释成文法; 7.The Great lakes----The Great Lakes are the five lakes in the northeast. They are Lake Superior which is the largest fresh water lake in the world, Lake Michigan the only one entirely in the ., Lake Huron, Lake Eire and Lake Ontario. They are all located between Canada and the United States expect Lake Michigan.美国最重要的湖泊就是五大湖;这五大湖包括:苏必利尔湖--世界上最大的淡水湖,密歇根湖唯一完全在美国境内的湖,休伦湖,伊利湖和安大略湖;除密歇根湖全部属美国外,其他均为美国和加拿大之间的界湖;8.The Emancipation Proclamation-解放宣言---After the Civil war began, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation to win more support at home and abroad. It granted freedom to all slaves in areas still controlled by the Confederacy. 1863年1月1日,林肯总统发表了解放宣言,正是解放美国所有的奴隶;9.checks and balances: 制衡the United states has three separate branches of government: the of government: the legislative, executive ,andjudicial .Each branch has a portion of constitutional authority and can check or block the actions of the other branches. The three branches are thus in balance. the three branches are thus in balance .this is a system of checks and balances美国政府的三个分支:在政府立法,执行,和司法;每个分支具有宪法权力的一部分,可以检查或其他部门的行为块;三个部门是平衡三个部门是平衡的;这是一个制衡制度;10.The Great Depression: It refers to the economic depression started from the New York stock market collapse on October24, that, thousands of banks and businesses failed. Many people lost their jobs, It was due to the New Deal started in 1933 and the defense buildup before and during World War II that the United States finally recovered from the Great Depression大萧条:它指的是在经济萧条的october241929纽约股票市场崩溃的开始;之后,银行和数千家企业失败;许多人失去了他们的工作,这是由于新政开始在1933之前和第二次世界大战期间,美国从大萧条中恢复的最后的国防建设11.Industrial revolution: The Industrial Revolution refers to the mechanization of industry and the consequent changes in social and economic organization in Britain in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Britain was the first country to industrialize工业革命:工业革命是指工业的机械化,并在第十八年末和第十九世纪初英国社会和经济组织的变化随之而来;英国成为第一个工业化的国家12.The New Deal-新政---In order to deal with the Depression, President Franklin Roosevelt put forward the New Deal program. It passed a lot of New Deal laws and set up many efficient social security systems. The New Deal helped to save American democracy and the development of American economy. "罗斯福确实马上开始行动;在进入白宫后的第一个100 天里,他使国会通过了许多法案,旨在阻止经济状况的进一步恶化,帮助需要帮助的人们正如罗斯福总统所说,这些措施的目的在于"拯救美国的民主";这些措施确实有助于克服当时资本13.Counterculture: 反主流文化Counterculture was a movement of revolt against the moral values, the aesthetic standards, the personal behavior and the social relations of conventional society. 反文化是对运动的道德价值观的反叛,审美标准,个人行为和社会关系的传统;14.Constitutional monarchy君主立宪制----It is a political system that has been practiced in Britain since the Glorious revolution of 1688. According to this system, the Constitution is superior to the Monarch. In law, the Monarch has many supreme powers, but in practice, the real power of monarchy has been greatly reduced and today the Queen acts solely on the advice of her ministers. She reigns but does not rule. The real power lies in the Parliament, or to be exact, in the House of Commons. 这是一个政治制度,已实行在英国1688的光荣革命以来;根据此制度,宪法是优越的君主;在法律上,君主具有最高权力,但在实践中,君主制的实力已大大减少,今天女王行为完全在她的部长的建议;她统治但不规则;真正的力量在于议会,或者更确切地说,在下议院;15.The hundred years war:英法百年战争The Hundred Years War was a series of wars between England and France.The background of the Hundred Years War went as far back as to the reign of William the Conqueror.When William the Conqueror became king in 1066 after his victory at the Battle of Hastings, he united England with Normandy in France.William ruled both as his own.。




下面是对英美概况中一些重要名词的解释:1. 英国(United Kingdom):由英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰四个国家组成的岛国。


2. 美国(United States of America):由50个州组成的联邦共和国,位于北美洲。


3. 英语(English):英国和美国的官方语言,也是世界上被广泛使用的语言之一。


4. 联合国(United Nations):成立于1945年的国际组织,致力于维护国际和平与安全、促进全球合作与发展。


5. 环境保护(Environmental Protection):指保护和改善环境,减少对环境的破坏。


6. 市场经济(Market Economy):一种经济体制,以市场为基础,由供求关系决定资源配置和价格形成。


7. 民主制度(Democracy):一种政治制度,主权由人民拥有,通过选举和公民参与来决定国家事务。


8. 文化多样性(Cultural Diversity):指不同文化在一个社会、国家或地区共存,并且相互影响、交流的现象。






1. William the Conqueror 威廉征服: William was Duke of Normandy. He landed his army in Oct.1066 and defeated king Harold. Then he was crowned king of England on Christmas Day the same year. He established a strong Norman government and the feudal system in England.建立了封建制度2. Doomsday Book----It is a book compiled by a group of clerks under the sponsorship of King William the First in 1086. The book was in fact a property record. It was the result of a general survey of England. It recorded the extent, value, state of cultivation, and ownership of the land. It was one of the important measures adopted by William I to establish the full feudal system in England. Today, it is kept in the Public Records Office in London. 为了可靠地记录所有的土地、佃户和他们的财产并查明他们能交多少税,威廉派官员编了一本财产清册,称为《末日审判书》。




28. the Great LakesThe Great Lakes are the most important lakes in the United States. They are Lake Superior, which is th e largest fresh water lake in the world, Lake Michigan——the only one entirely in the U.S.——Lak e Huron, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. They are all located between Canada and the United States except Lake Michigan.29. New EnglandNew England is made up of six states of the North-East. They are Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, M assachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. It is sometimes called the birthplace of America.30. baby boom“baby boom” refers to the great increase of birth rate between 1946 and 1964. People born in this peri od are called baby bammers31. the Chinese Exclusion ActIt was passed by the U.S. Congress in may, 1882. It stopped Chinese immigration for ten years.32. the Bill of RightsIn 1789, James Madison introduced in the House of Representations a series of amendments which later were drafted into twelve proposed amendments and sent to the states for ratification. Ten of them were r atified in 1791 and became the first ten amendments to the Constitution——the Bill of Rights.33. the Emancipation ProclamationDuring the Civil war, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation to get more support for the Union a t home and abroad. It granted freedom to all slaves.34. the Constitutional ConventionIn 1787, a conference was held in Philadelphia to consider what should be done to make the Articles of Confederation adequate. All the delegates agreed to revise the Articles of Confederation and draw up a new plan of government. After struggle, the Constitution was ratified at last. This conference is called th e Constitutional Convertion.35. the Progressive MovementThe Progressive Movement is a movement demanding government regulation of the economy and social c onditions. It spread quickly with the support of large numbers of people across the country. It was not a n organized campaign with clearly defined goals.36. the Peace ConferenceThe Peace Conference or the Paris Conference, began on January 18, 1919. The conference was actually a conference of division of colonies of Germany, Austro-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire and the grabb ing of as much as possible from the defeated nations. It was dominated by the Big Four (the United Sta tes, Britain. France, and Italy)37. the Truman Doctrine:On March 12, 1949, President Truman put forward the Truman Doctrine in a speech to the joint session of Congress. The Truman Doctrine meant to say that the U.S. government would support any country w hich said it was fighting against Communism.38. the Marshall PlanOn June 5, 1947, the Secretary of State George Marshall announced the Marshall Plan, which meant that in order to protect Western Europe from possible Soviet expansion, the United States decided to offer Western European countries economic aid.39. the New FrontierIt was the President Kennedy’s program which promised civil rights for blacks, federal aid to farmers and to education, medical care for all and the abolition of poverty.40. checks and balances:The government is divided into three branches, the legislative, the executive and the judicial, each has pa rt of the powers but not all the power. And each branch of government can check, or block, t he actions of the other branches. The three branches are thus in balance. This called “checks and balances”.21. Why did the early settlers come to America? Who were the Pilgrims? Who were the Puri tans? What were the features in the colonial period which had influence on later American develop ment?——The early settlers came to America either for the opportunity to realize their dreams and better thei r lives or for the freedom from religious and governmental persecution. The Pilgrims were persons who s uffered religious persecution in England and went to Holland and later moved to America in 1620. The Puritans were the members of a Protestant group in England who wanted to purify the Church of Englan d. Dissatisfied and threatened in England, they saw America as a refuge and migrated to America since 1630. There were a number of features in the colonial period which had influence on later American dev elopment. They were: representative form. of government, rule of law, respect of individual rights, religio us tolerance and a strong spirit of individual enterprise.22. What were the causes of the War of Independence?——The economy in the thirteen colonies developed very fast and people wanted more power to detemi ne their own business. But the policy of the British government was to bring the development under con trol and to collect more taxes from the colonies. On April 19, 1775, on their way to Concord to seize t he military supplies of the militia there, the British soldiers met armed militiamen. The shots were fired, the War of Independence began.23. What was unusual about the Article of Confederation? What was the struggle at the Cons titutional Convention? How was the conflict solved?——The Article of Confederation was unusual in many ways. First, it provided for no king. The drafter s blamed the troubles with Britain on king George III. So they decided not to have a king but to havea republic. This was revolutionary. Second, while the Articles created a central government in the form. of a Congress, the emphasis was still on state powers. Third, the Articles of Confederation was a written constitution for the United States. No important country in the world at that time, including Britain, had a written constitution. At the Constitution Convertion the delegates all agreed it was impossible to try to patch up the Articles of Confederation, and decided to ignore them and draw up a new plan of govern ment. Here contradictions emerged between the bigger states and smaller states, between the industrial co mmercial interests and landed interests, etc. In the end, the conflict was resolved by the “Great Comprom ise” of July 16, giving each state and equal vote in the Senate but making representation in the House r eflect the size of each st ate’s population.24. Why did the Civil War break out?How did the war end?——In the early 1800s, the Northern states turned from farming to manufacturing. Black slavery soon d isappeared in the North. But things were different in the South. The South expanded both its agriculture and its slavery. The problem of slavery became a serous political issue. The abolitionists tried to abolish slavery while the South tried to keep it. When Abraham Lincoln was elected President, the Southern sta tes broke away and formed a new nation. Then Lincoln was determined to maintain the Union and the war broke out on April 12, 1861, Lincoln realized that he could win support for the Union at home and abroad by making the war a just war against slavery. So he issued Emancipation Proclamation. Thus En gland and France stood by the Union’s side. Many black slaves joined the Union Army. After a series o f battles, Robert Lee could no longer hold Richmond. He surrendered on April 9, 1865. The Civil War e nded.25. What were the contents of the New Deal?——The New Deal included the following contents;(1) establishment and strengthening of government regulation and control of banking, credit and currency systems, overcoming the financial crisis and restriction of certain extreme practices of financial capital; (2) federal government management of relief and establishment of social security system such as the for mation of the Civilian Conservation Crops and the setting-up of the Tennessee Valley Authority;(3) stimulation of the recover of industry and agriculture;(4) formulation and implementation of federal labour laws to raise the role of labour in the relations of production;(5) improvement of the situation of minorities and members of certain religious groups.26. What was the impact of the Vietnam War-on American society?——The Vietnam War had a great impact on American society.(1) The United States was weakened as a result of the long war.(2) American society had never been so divided since the Civil War.(3) There was serious disagreement with in the ruling circle.(4) The image of the United States, especially the image of the American armed forces, was discredited.27. Who was McCarthy and what was McCarthyism?——Joseph R. McCarthy was U.S. Senator. He started his campaign by saying on Feb. 9, 1950 that he had the names of over 200 Communists in the State Department. His campaign of accusation and anti-C ommunist hysteria was called McCarthyism.28. What is counterculture? What are some of the forms of counterculture?——Counterculture is a movement of revolt against the moral values, the aesthetic standards, the person al behavior. and the social relations of conventional society.Revolutionaries became models for some people. Many young people experimented with drugs. Music, es pecially rock music, became the chief vehicle for the counterculture attack on the status quo.29. What are the functions of the Congress?——The Congress has many functions, but the most central is the passage of law. One of the most im portant non-legislative functions of the Congress is the power to investigate. A second important power is to compel testimony from unwilling witness and to cite for contempt of Congress witness who refuse to testify, and for perjury those who give false testimony.30. What are some of the characteristics of American education?——(1) Formal education in the United States consists of elementary, secondary and higher education.(2) Public educations is free and compulsory.(3) Diversity is considered to be an outstanding characteristic of American education.(4)Education is a function of the states, not the federal government.Write about 150 on the following topic.1. Why and how did the English Parliament come into being?——After king John died in 1216, his son became Henry III. He filled the most important offices with foreigners, undertook an expensive war which ended in the loss of a large land and demanded more mo ney to enable his son to be king of Sicily. So the barons rebelled. Under the leadership of Simon de M ontfort, they defeated the king in 1264. In 1265, Simon de Montrort summoned the Great Council to me et at Westminster, together with two knights from each country and two citizens from each town. This meeting has been considered as the earliest parliament. The Great Council developed later into the Lords and the Commons known as a parliament. Both Houses were called to agree to taxation. The Commons could present petitions to the king which were the first parliamentary bills. But Parliament only met by royal invitation. Its role was to offer advice, not to make decisions. The most important part of Parliame nt was the House of Lords.2. How did the Civil Wars break out? What were the consequences of the Civil Wars? ——Charles I, also believed “the Divine Right of kings”. His prerogative rights should not be challenge d by anyone. It encouraged confrontation with Parliament, whose members had become increasingly Purit an in sympathy. He managed to rule England for 11 years without Parliament. But in 1640, Charles needed money and feared the invasion of the Scots and had to call the Long Parliament. Then a whole serie s of measures were introduced by the Parliament limiting the authority of the Crown while increasing its own. Thus, by 1642, the king and the commons were at each other’s throats, war was inevitable. In 16 42, the first Civil War broke out. By autumn 1646, Parliament held most of England and next year Char les was captured but escaped. He made a deal with the Scots who invaded England but were defeated b y Cromwell. Thus was the beginning of the Second Civil War. In November 1648, the king was capture d again and condemned to death.The English Civil Wars have been seen a conflict between Parliament and the king, but also as a conflic t between the economic interests of the urban middle classes and the traditional economic interests of the Crown. The English Civil Wars not only overthrew feudal system in England but also shook the founda tion of the feudal rule in Europe. It is generally regarded as the beginning of modern world history.3. Tell briefly the history of the two-party system in the United States. What are the characterist ics of the two major parties in the United States today?——Political parties are the basis of the American political system. In general, America has a two-party system. This means that two major political parties-now the Democrats and the Republicans-dominate po litics at the federal, state and local levels. There have been four periods in the history of political parties in America. The first periods of the party system began with the first two major parties or camps——the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists led by Alexander Hamilton. Most of the Anti-Federalists later ac cepted the Constitution with the Bill of Rights, and began to call themselves Democratic-Republican. Afte r the 1828 election of Andrew Jackson, the Democratic-Republican Party split. The main faction, led by Andrew Jackson, called themselves the Democratic Party, while the faction opposed to Jackson formed th e Whig Party in 1834. As the struggle over slavery intensified, the majority of the Whig Party, part of t he democrats, and other anti-slavery elements founded in 1854 the Republican Party. The third phase of t he two-party system ran from the 1860s to the 1920s with the Republican Party dominating the political scene for most of the time. The fourth period began with Franklin D. Roosevelt’s coming into power an d lasted till the 1980s. In this period, for about 50 years, with short interruptions, the Democratic Party was dominant.The Two major parties are really not very different today. But this does not mean there is not difference between them. On economic issues, the Democrats traditionally favour government intervention while the Republicans stress the role of the market more. On social issues the Democrats support a strong social security system while the Republicans oppose large government social security programs. In spite of these differences, the two parties both believe in individualism, defend capitalism and uphold private ownershi p of means of production. In terms of organization the two parties are actually loose political coalitions.4. What were the causes and consequences of the War of 1812?——The causes leading to the war were the following:(1) A war between Britain and France was going on in Europe. First the American government adopteda policy of not allowing trading with both countries. Later the U.S. government changed its policy by stating that if any of the two countries gave up its blockade against American shipping, the U.S. world lift the prohibition. In 1811, the U.S., on the condition that France would drop its blockade against America n shipping, lifted the ban. This angered the British.(2) The Americans resented the British practice of impressing or forcibly removing seamen from America n ships on the grounds that they were British subjects.(3) The U.S. wanted to take advantage of the War in Europe, when Britain and France had no time to l ook after their interests in the New World, to expand into Canada or Spanish Florida. This harmed the i nterests of the British.——The war had great impact on the development of the Unite States. Firstly, the war made people re alize the importance of a strong national government. Secondly, the war strengthened the feeling of natio nal unity and patriotism. Thirdly, for almost 10 years after the war, the Americans turned their attention to the devlopment of the western part of the continent. Fourthly, it made both Britain and the United Sta tes realize their disputes should be slove through negotiation. A shaky peace in 1814 turned into lasing p eace between the two countries.5. What role does the community college play?What functions does it perform?What is it important in American higher education?What is the guiding principle of such a college?——The community college as an institution is one of the most important innovations in the history of American higher education more accessible and in meeting the needs of educated adults, employees of l ocal business, professional requiring certification as well as community organizations.It performs five main functions. First, it prepares students for transferring to a BA program at a four-yea r institution. Second, it provides vocational training for people who are already working or expect to be working in the future. Third, it gives remedial instruction to higher school students who are underprepare d for college academically and adults who did not learn basic skills in elementary or secondary school. F ourth, it offers recreational, cultural activities for adults who are not seeking regular vocational or academ ic skill. Fifth, it absorbs students in a four-year program who are not qualified into a lower-status vocati onal program.The guiding principle of community college is higher education for everyone and the philosophy that equ ality must mean equal opportunity for self-realization and for the recognition of individual differences.。



2 .The ChunnelI n 1985 the British government and French government decided to build a channel tunnel, which is called “Chunnel”, under the Straits of Dover so that England and France could be joined together by road. The Chunnel was open to traffic in May 1994.3. Cockney:It refers to the person from the East of London. He is a Londoner who is born within the sound of Bow Bell. He has a special accent in his speech.4.Eisteddfod:Eisteddfod is the Welsh word for “sitting” National Eidteddfod is the most famous fe stival of music and verse in Wales. It takes place each August and lasts for about a week. The highlight of the festival is competition for the best epic poem about Wales written and read in Welsh. The winner is crowned Board, considered the supreme honour in Wales. In this way the Welsh people keep the Welsh language and culture alive.5.Stonehenge:It is a group of huge monuments of grant rock Slabs on salisbury plain in Southwest England built as long ago as the New Stone Age. It is generally believed that stonehenge served some sort of religious purposes.6. Beaker Folk:they were the people came to Britain from central Europe at about 2000BC. They were so called because they were fond of drinking and buried themselves in the bell-shaped beer container. They developed their own farming society.7.The Celts:The Celts came to Britain in three main waves. The first wave were the Gales, the second wave were the Brythons and the Belgae came about 150BC. The Celts were practised farmers. The Celtic tribes are ancestors of the Highland Scots, the Irish and the Welsh, And their languages are the basis of both Welsh and Gaelic. They religion was Druidism.8. St. Augustine:In 597,Pope Gregory I sent St. Augustine, the Prior of St. Andrew‟s Monastery in Rome, to England to convert the heathen English to Christianity. That year, St. Augustine became the first Archbishop of Canterbury. Augustine was remarkably successful in converting the king and the nobility, but the conversion of the common people was largely due to the missionary activities of the monks in the north.9. Alfred the Great:He was king of Wessex, one of the seven Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms. It was he who led the Anglo-Saxon to flight against the invading Danes and maintained peace for a long time. Alfred was not only a brave king at wartime, but also a wise king at peacetime. He encouraged education and introduced a legal system. He is known as “the father of the British navy”.10.Danelaw:It refers to the piece of land of England under the control of the Danish in the 9th century. The Danish and the Vikings capture York, an important center of Christianity. They could not conquer Alfred and had to stay in the north and east.11.The danegeld :It was the tax collected in 10th century. When Viking invaded England, theKing Ethelred the Unready tried paying the invaders to stay away. The Dane received the money but grew greedier. This marked the decline of Anglo-Saxon kingdom.12.Norman Conquest:The Norman Conquest of 1066 is perhaps the best-known event in English history. William the conqueror confiscated almost all the land and gave it to his Norman followers. He replaced the weak Saxon rule with a strong Norman government. So the feudal system was completely established in England.13. Domesday Book:It was the first survey of land in Britain under William to strengthen hisrule. It aimed at getting taxes. It was one of the important measures adopted by William I to establish the full feudal system in England. Today, it is kept in the Public Records Office in London.mon law:It was an unwritten law common to people in Britain. It is also called “Case law ” since it was based on former judgments and customs. It appeared under Henry Ⅱand now it has become part of British law of sources.15.Jury system:It was a system replaced old English and Norman way of trial in Henry II‟s day. At that time a jury was composed of twelve men and the jurors‟ function was to act as witnesses not to h ear evidences and give verdict. Now the jury decides the issue of guilt or innocence.16.Geoffrey Chaucer:He was an important English poet in the fourteenth century. His best known is The Canterbury Tales, which describes a group of pilgrims traveling to Canterbury to visit Thomas Becket‟s tomb. Because he was the first important English poet to write in English. He has been known as the “Father of English Poetry”.17.Magna Carta:It was also called the barons‟ Charter or the Great Charter in 1215.It has m any clause but the important one was that only the Grand Council could decide to collect money or not. And it has long been regarded as the foundation of English liberties but its spirit was to limit the king‟s power.18.Hundred Years’ War:It refers to the fight-and cease war between France and England that lasted for more than 120 years.(1337-457) The causes were partly territorial and partly economic. After three stages of the war was over, the English were driven out of France with only Calais in hand. The ending of the war is regarded as a blessing for both countries.19.Black Death:It was a disease or plague spread by rat fleas in 14th cen. It spread through Europe. Many people died and the population of England shrank. It caused labor shortage and other social problems.20.War of Roses It was a barons‟ war in 15th century in Engla nd. War of roses was so called because the warring sides used white & red roses as their families symbols. And the War lasted for decades/ many years. Many local nobles died and the feudal system got a heavy blow.21.Tudor Dynasty::It refers to the dynasty established by Henry Tudor after the War of Roses. Five Tudor monarchs ruled England and Wales for just over two hundred years. In a short time span they achieve a great deal. Henry VIII‟s and Elizabeth I are significant monarchies in English history.22.The English Reformation:It is a religious reform started in England during Henry VIII‟‟s rule. It was a gradual reform which lasted for years. As Henry became the Supreme Head of the Church of England, the Church of England was thought as a national church, especially after Bloody Mary, Protestantism and nationalism meant the same.23.Blood Mary:It is the nickname given to Mary I, the English Queen who succeeded to the throne after Henry VIII. She was a devout Catholic and had so many Protestants burnt to death that she is remembered less by her official title Mary I by her nickname Blood Mary.24.The Armada:It was the name for the Spanish fleet in the 16th century. As Mary Stuart of Scots was killed, the Spanish king sent his Armada to invade England. But it was defeated by the English at English Channel. Ever since then, England began to control the sea for many years and its Reformation survived.25.Renaissance:It was the revival of classical literature and artistic styles in European history. It was the transitional period between the Middle-Ages and modern times,. It was period of significant achievement and changes. 26.The English Renaissance:It was the rebirth of classical literature and artistic styles in English history in 15th -17th century. It had its own characteristics. And many great minds were produced.27.Elizabeth Drama:It refers to the literature form appeared under Elizabeth I. It began to excel only in the last decade of the 16th century and reached its height in the first 15 years of the 17th century. Its finest exponents were Marlowe, Johnson and Shakespeare. 28.Shakespeare:William Shakespeare was a dramatist and poet during the English Renaissance. He wrote many (37) plays, such as Merchant of Venice, Romeo and Juliet, and Hamlet , and Sonnets. He is generally regarded as the greatest writer in the English language29.Gunpowder Plot:It was a secret plan of the Roman Catholics to overthrow James 1. The Catholics planted barrels of gunpowder in the cellars of the House to kill James 1 but the plan failed. Now it is celebrated as a national holiday.30.Pilgrim Fathers:They were a small group of the first puritans who came to America in 1620 in a ship called Mayflower. They escaped religious persecution and wanted to practice their religion in other places. At last, they founded Britain‟s first settlement in the New World.31.The Civil Wars:It refers to the wars between Charles I and parliament in the 17th century in England. The wars had two stages. After the wars were over, Charles I was beheaded and a Commonwealth was established. It is also called the Puritan Revolution and generally regarded as the beginning of modern world history.32.The Glorious Revolution:It was a takeover or palace coup d‟etate with no blood shed in 1688. When James II hoped t o rule as a Catholic, the English politicians rejected James II, and appealed to a Protestant king, William of Orange, to invade and take the English throne. James II was forced to leave Britain. William and Mary who were the relatives of James II took power as joint monarchy. 33.The Bill of Rights of 1689:It refers to the law accepted by William and Mary after the Glorious Revolution. It includes: no Roman Catholic can be a monarchy, parliament hav more powers than the Monarchy and free speech in parliament. It marked the beginning of constitutional monarchy in England.34.Utilitarianism:A theory in the early 19th century which wanted governments to help majority of people happy. And the governments must reform to be efficient & not to interfere people‟s l ives.issez faire:It was an economic theory. Later, it became a radical idea of free trade of the economic policies of Britain in the 18th cen. Because they believe that the import and export duties interfered with the natural flow of trade.36.The Enclosure Acts:It was the policy in 18th century. Wealthier landowners were allowed to seize any land to which tenants prove no legal title and to divide it into enclosed fields. It became more frequent after the mid-40s and climaxed during the turn of the century .It had good as well as bad results.37.The Industrial Revolution:It refers to the use of machines in industry and the social and economic changes in Britain in the late 18th and early 19th century. The real … revolution‟ happened in textiles. Britain was by 19th century the … workshop of the world:”38.The Chartist Movement;A proletarian movement or campaign in the 19th century in Eng. It was to call for political changes. The People‟s Charter was put forward during the movement. But it ended in a failure.39.The Suffragettes:It was the militant feminist movement led by Mrs. Pankhurst before the First World War. Women‟s position in the society was gradually improved. Votes were granted to women over 30 as soon as the war was over and to all women in the same terms as men ten years later.40.The Beatles:It is the name of a band formed by four Liverpool boys in the sixties. They wrote their own music and words, using “ beat”, a new pop culture. They won the affection of people of all ages and social backgrounds.41.British Disease:It is the economic decline in Britain because of decades of balance of payment deficits. A lot of measures were taken to cure it but all failed.42.Keynesianism:A theory of British economist Keynes. The main idea is to have full employment and low inflation. Though it was welcome in the 50s and 60s, later it was rejected by the western countries.43.Thatcherism:A theory by British Prime minister, Thatcher in the 80s. The main idea is to privatize and to control inflation. It also turned out to be a failure in “curing” British diseases;45.Civil List:The money given to the monarchy. An annual grant to cover the expenditure/cost of the monarchy.3/4 of it goes to the Royal Household. And the rest to meet the need for public duties.46.Privy Purse:The revenue/income of the Duchy of Lancaster. It is used to cover the monarchy‟s privateexpenditure. And taxes should be paid.47.Shadow cabinet:It refers to the group of the official Opposition in the British parliament. The party wins the second largest number of seats form it. The aim of it are to improve the party‟s public image by actively join the policy-making the parliament so as to win the next general election.48.Parliament:It is the legislative branch in Br itain. The term “parliament” originally meant a meeting for parley or discussion. It appeared in 1265. It consists of the Sovereign, the House of Lords and the House of Commons.49.Civil Service:It is the dept. to hire govt. servants. Civil servants have to pass examinations. And Civil Service grades them.50.The Open Structure:It is the system of filling the senior levels of government posts with civil servants in Britain. There are common grades throughout the Civil Service 1 to7 , which cover grades from Permanent Secretary level to Principal level. Within the unified grades each post is filled by the person best qualified.51.Either way offences:They are the crimes in Britain. The crimes can be either serious or minor depend on the consequences/ results. And they are tried at two courts: the magistrate & crown court..52.JPS:It is the short form of the justices of the peace. They are also called lay magistrates and appointed on behalf of the Crown by the Lord Chancellor. The oldest appeared in the 14th cen.53.Welfare system:It is a system of govt. The govt. give money support to its citizens through its health centers and other facilities. In Britain, it is funded out of national insurance contribution and taxes.54..NHS:It is short form of National Health Service in Britain. It came into being in 1948. It is a largely free service. And its money mainly comes from general taxes.55.GP:It is the short form of a general practitioner in Britain. Sometimes he is known as a“ family doctor” since he may visit patients‟ houses. He treats patients but doesnot prepare medicine. He is self-employed and have contracts with the NHS.56.The social security system:It is the system to secure a basic standard o living for people needed money support in Britain. Large amount of money goes to the system and benefits are contributory and non-contributory ones. In this way , social stability is reached.57..Contributory benefits:T hey are the kinds of benefits people receive through the social security system in Britain. They are so called because people have to pay when they are at work before they receive/gain. They include retirement pension etc. The principle is to be mutually benefited.58.Church of England:I t is one of the two most important churches of Britain. It has strong connection/relation with politics. ex. the Crown is its head. It has two provinces. And only Parliament can make changes to it./ its form59.The Salvation Army:It is the organization of the Methodist Church in Britain. William Booth is the founder and within Britain it is second only to the Government as a provider of social services. It is served by hundreds of officers and runs many worship centers.60.Christmas:It is the greatest of Christian festivals to celebrate the birth of Christ on December 25th every year. Though it becomes too over-commercialized as to such a sacred holiday, still a great deal of genuine Christmas spirit remains. During the day, common people observe the custom of giving gifts and the habit of spending it with the family.61.Easter:It is the chief/main Christian festival on the first Sunday after the first full moon. It is to celebrate the rebirth of Christ. Easter eggs are eaten during the season. It is also closely associated with the coming of spring.62.Public school:It refers to the independent schools for older pupils which are long-established and have gaineda reputation for their high academic standards. The schools are single sex and expensive. Most of the members of the British Establishment were educated at a public school.64.Pantomime:It is a kind of play based on a traditional fairy tale and performed at Christmas time. It is developed out of dumb show with many forms such as dancing. Dan Leno was the one of the great pantomime actors. After the First World War. it began to decline.65.Great Famine:It referred to the period of time in the 1840s when the Irish suffered starvation/ hunger nationwide in Ireland. Crop (potato etc.) failures were main factors, along with some other reasons. The population declined sharply and large emigration started.(42)。



英语国家概况‎名词解释系列‎(1)Amerig‎o Vespuc‎c i----Amerig‎o Vespuc‎c i, a naviga‎t or, proved‎that the land was not India,but a new contin‎e nt. Theref‎o re, the land was named Americ‎a after.The Purita‎n s----The Purita‎n s were wealth‎y, well-educat‎e d gentle‎m en. They wanted‎to purify‎the Church‎of Englan‎d and threat‎e ned with religi‎o us persec‎u tion, the Purita‎n s leader‎s saw the New world as the a refuge‎provid‎e d by God for those He meant to save.英语国家概况‎名词解释系列‎(2)The Bill of Rights‎----In 1789, James Madiso‎n introd‎u ced in the House of Repres‎e ntati‎v es a series‎of amendm‎e nts which later were drafte‎d into twelve‎propos‎e d amendm‎e nts and sent to the states‎for ratifi‎c ation‎. Ten of them were ratifi‎e d in 1791 and the first ten amendm‎e nts to the consti‎t ution‎were called‎the Bills of Rights‎becaus‎e they were to insure‎indivi‎d ual libert‎i es.The Emanci‎p ation‎Procla‎m ation‎----After the Civil war began, Lincol‎n issued‎the Emanci‎p ation‎Procla‎m ation‎to win more suppor‎t at home and abroad‎. It grante‎d freedo‎m to all slaves‎in areas still contro‎l led by the Confed‎e racy. 英语国家概况‎名词解释系列‎(3)Pilgri‎m s Thanks‎g iving‎Day----The Pilgri‎m s in 1620, 201 of them sailed‎to the New World in a ship called‎Mayflo‎w er. The first winter‎after their arriva‎l was very cold and when spring‎came, half of them were dead. Then the Indian‎s came to their help and taught‎them how to grow corn. They had a good harves‎t that year. So they invite‎d the Indian‎s and held the first Thanks‎g iving‎celebr‎a tion in Americ‎a to give thanks‎to God.The Chunne‎l----In 1985 the Britis‎h govern‎m ent and French‎govern‎m ent decide‎d to build a channe‎l tunnel‎, which is called‎“Chunne‎l”, under the Strait‎s of Dover so that Englan‎d and France‎could be joined‎togeth‎e r by road. The Chunne‎l was open to traffi‎c in May 1994.英语国家概况‎名词解释系列‎(4)Eisted‎d fod----Eisted‎d fod‎is‎the‎Welsh‎word‎for‎“sittin‎g”‎Nation‎a l Eidted‎d fod is the most famous‎festiv‎a l of music and verse in Wales. It takes place each August‎and lasts for about a week. The highli‎g ht of the festiv‎a l is compet‎i tion for the best epic poem about Wales writte‎n and read in Welsh. The winner‎is crowne‎d Board, consid‎e red the suprem‎e honour‎in Wales. In this way the Welsh people‎keep the Welsh langua‎g e and cultur‎e alive. Cockne‎y----A cockne‎y is a London‎e r who is born within‎the sound of Bow Bells-the Bells of the church‎of St. Mary-LeBow in east London‎.英语国家概况‎名词解释系列‎(5)Stoneh‎e nge----It is a group of huge monume‎n ts of grant rock Slabs on salisb‎u ry plain in Southw‎e st Englan‎d built as long ago as the New Stone Age. It is genera‎l ly believ‎e d that stoneh‎e nge served‎some sort of religi‎o us purpos‎e s. The Celts----The Celts came to Britai‎n in three main waves. The first wave were the Gales, the second‎wave were the Brytho‎n s and the Belgae‎came about 150BC. The Celts were practi‎s ed farmer‎s. The Celtic‎tribes‎are ancest‎o rs of the Highla‎n d Scots, the Irish and the Welsh, And their langua‎g es are the basis of both Welsh and Gaelic‎. They religi‎o n was Druidi‎s m.英语国家概况‎名词解释系列‎(6)Norman‎Conque‎s t----The Norman‎Conque‎s t of 1066 is perhap‎s the best-known event in Englis‎h histor‎y. Willia‎m the conque‎r or confis‎c ated almost‎all the land and gave it to his Norman‎follow‎e rs. He replac‎e d the weak Saxon rule with a strong‎Norman‎govern‎m ent. So the feudal‎system‎was comple‎t ely establ‎i shed in Englan‎d.Alfred‎the Great----He was king of Wessex‎, one of the seven Anglo-Saxon Kingdo‎m s. It was he who led the Anglo-Saxon to flight‎agains‎t the invadi‎n g Danes and mainta‎i ned peace for a long time. Alfred‎was not only a brave king at wartim‎e, but also a wise king at peacet‎i me. He encour‎a ged educat‎i on and introd‎u ced a legal system‎. He‎is‎known‎as‎“the‎father‎of the Britis‎h na vy”.英语国家概况‎名词解释系列‎(7)St. August‎i ne----In 597,Pope Gregor‎y I sent St. August‎i ne, the Prior of St. Andrew‎’s‎Monast‎e ry in Rome, to Englan‎d to conver‎t the heathe‎n Englis‎h to Christ‎i anity‎. That year, St. August‎i ne became‎the first Archbi‎s hop ofCanter‎b ury. August‎i ne was remark‎a bly succes‎s ful in conver‎t ing the king and the nobili‎t y, but the conver‎s ion of the common‎people‎was largel‎y due to the missio‎n ary activi‎t ies of the monks in the north.Domesd‎a y Book----It is a book compil‎e d by a group of clerks‎under the sponso‎r ship of King Willia‎m the First in 1086. The book was in fact a proper‎t y record‎. It was the result‎of a genera‎l survey‎of Englan‎d. It record‎e d the extent‎,value, state of cultiv‎a tion, and owners‎h ip of the land. It was one of the import‎a nt measur‎e s adopte‎d by Willia‎m I to establ‎i sh the full feudal‎system‎in Englan‎d. Today, it is kept in the Public‎Record‎s Office‎in London‎.英语国家概况‎名词解释系列‎(8)Geoffr‎e y Chauce‎r----He was an import‎a nt Englis‎h poet in the fourte‎e nth centur‎y. His best known is The Canter‎b ury Tales, which descri‎b es a group of pilgri‎m s travel‎l ing to Canter‎b ury to visit Thomas‎Becket‎’s‎tomb. Becaus‎e he was the first import‎a nt Englis‎h poet to write in Englis‎h. He has been kno wn‎as‎the‎“Father‎of Englis‎h Poetry‎”.The Black Death----It is a modern‎name given to the dearly‎buboni‎c plague‎, an epidem‎i c diseas‎e spread‎throug‎h Europe‎in the fourte‎e nth centur‎y partic‎u larly‎in 1348-1349. It came withou‎t warnin‎g, and withou‎t any cue. In Englan‎d, it killed‎almost‎half of the total popula‎t ion, causin‎g far-reachi‎n g econom‎i c conseq‎u ences‎.英语国家概况‎名词解释系列‎(9)the Hundre‎d‎Y ears’‎War--------It referr‎e d to the interm‎i ttent‎war betwee‎n France‎and Englan‎d that last from 1337 to 1453. The causes‎were partly‎territ‎o rial and partly‎econom‎i c. When Edward‎III claime‎d the French‎Crown but the French‎refuse‎d to recogn‎i ze, the war broke out. At first the Englis‎h were succes‎s ful, but in the end, they were defeat‎e d and lost almost‎all their posses‎s ions in France‎. The expell‎i ng of the Englis‎h was a blessi‎n g for both countr‎i es.the battle‎of Hastin‎g s---------In 1066, King Edward‎died with no heir, the Witan chose Harold‎as king. Willia‎m, Duke of Norman‎d y, invade‎d Englan‎d. On Octobe‎r14, the two armies‎met near Hastin‎g. After‎a‎day’s‎battle‎, Harold‎was killed‎and his army comple‎t ely defeat‎e d. So this battle‎was very import‎a nt on the way of the Roman conque‎s t.The Wars of Roses玫‎瑰战争----the name Wars of the Roses was refer to the battle‎s betwee‎n the House of Lancas‎t er, symbol‎i zed by the read rose, and that of York, symbol‎i zed by the white, from 1455 to 1485. Henry Tudor, descen‎d ant of Duke of Lancas‎t er won victor‎y at Boswor‎t h Fireld‎in 1485 and put ht countr‎y under the rule of the Tudors‎. From these Wars, Englis‎h feudal‎i sm receiv‎e d its death blow. The great mediev‎a l nobili‎t y was much weaken‎e d.The Glorio‎u s Revolu‎t ion of 1688光荣‎革命---- In 1685 Charle‎s II died and was succee‎d ed by his brothe‎r James II. James was brough‎t up in exile in Europe‎,was a Cathol‎i c. He hoped to rule withou‎t giving‎up his person‎a l religi‎o us vies. But Englan‎d was no more tolera‎n t of a Cathol‎i c king in 1688 than 40 years ago. So the Englis‎h politi‎c ians reject‎e d James II, and appeal‎e d to a Protes‎t ant king, Willia‎m of Orange‎, to invade‎and take the Englis‎h throne‎.Willia‎m landed‎in Englan‎d in 1688. The takeov‎e r was relati‎v ely smooth‎, with no bloods‎h ed, nor any execut‎i on of the king. This was known as the Glorio‎u s Revolu‎t ion.英语国家概况‎名词解释系列‎(10)The Gunpow‎d er Plot of 1605火药‎阴谋案----The Gunpow‎d er Plot of 1605 was the most famous‎of the Cathol‎i c conspi‎r acies‎. On Nov. 5,1605, a few fanati‎c al Cathol‎i cs attemp‎t ed to blow King James and his minist‎e rs up in the House of Parlia‎m ent where Guy Fawkes‎had plante‎d barrel‎s of gun-powder‎in the cellar‎s. The immedi‎a te result‎was the execut‎i on of Fawkes‎and his fellow‎-conspi‎r ators‎and imposi‎t ion of severe‎anti-Cathol‎i c laws. The long-term result‎has been an annual‎celebr‎a tion on Nov. 5, when a bonfir‎e is lit to turn a guy and a firewo‎r k displa‎y is arrang‎e d.Blood Mary血腥‎玛丽----It is the nickna‎m e given to Mary I, the Englis‎h Queen who succee‎d ed to the throne‎after Henry VIII. She was a devout‎Cathol‎i c and had so many Protes‎t ants burnt to death that she is rememb‎e red less by her offici‎a l title Mary I by her nickna‎m e Blood Mary.英语国家概况‎名词解释系列‎(11)Thatch‎e rism撒‎切尔主义----The electi‎o n of 1979 return‎e d the Conser‎v ative‎Party to power and Margar‎e t Thatch‎e r became‎the first woman prime minist‎e r in Britai‎n. Her polici‎e s are popula‎r ly referr‎e d to as state-owned indust‎r ies, the use of moneta‎r ist polici‎e s to contro‎l inflat‎i on, the weakin‎g of trade forces‎unions‎, the streng‎t henin‎g of the role of market‎forces‎in the econom‎y, and an emphas‎i s on law and order.The Trade Union Act of 1871工会‎法----It legali‎z ed the trade unions‎and give financ‎i al securi‎t y. It meant that in law there was no differ‎e nce betwee‎n money for benefi‎c purpos‎e s and collec‎t ing it to suppor‎t strike‎action‎.英语国家概况‎名词解释系列‎(12)Agribu‎s iness‎农业产业----The new farmin‎g has been called‎“agribu‎s iness‎”, becaus‎e it is equipp‎e d and manage‎d like an indust‎r ial busine‎s s with a set of inputs‎into the proces‎s es which occur on the farm and output‎s or produc‎t s which leave the farm.Britis‎h diseas‎e英国病----The‎term‎“Britis‎h diseas‎e”‎is‎now‎often‎used‎to‎charac‎t erize‎Britai‎n’s‎econom‎i c declin‎e. 英语国家概况‎名词解释系列‎(13)Consti‎t ution‎a l monarc‎h y君主立宪‎制----It is a politi‎c al system‎that has been practi‎s ed in Britai‎n since the Glorio‎u s revolu‎t ion of 1688. Accord‎i ng to this system‎, the Consti‎t ution‎is superi‎o r to the Monarc‎h. In law, the Monarc‎h has many suprem‎e powers‎,but in practi‎c e, the real power of monarc‎h y has been greatl‎y reduce‎d and today the Queen acts solely‎on the advice‎of her minist‎e rs. She reigns‎but does not rule. The real power lies in the Parlia‎m ent, or to be exact, in the House of Common‎s.Privy Counci‎l枢密院----A consul‎t ative‎body of the Britis‎h monarc‎h. Its origin‎can be traced‎back to the times of the Norman‎Kings. After the Glorio‎u s Revolu‎t ion of 1688, its import‎a nce was gradua‎l ly dimini‎s hed and replac‎e d by the Cabine‎t. Today, it is still a consul‎t ation‎body of the Britis‎h monarc‎h, Its member‎s hip is about 400, and includ‎e s al Cabine‎t minist‎e rs, the speake‎r of the House of Common‎s, the Archbi‎s hops of Canter‎b ury and York, and senior‎Britis‎h and Common‎w ealth‎states‎m en.英语国家概况‎名词解释系列‎(14)The Nation‎a l Health‎Servic‎e----It is a very import‎a nt part of the welfar‎e system‎in Britai‎n. It is a nation‎w ide organi‎z ation‎based on Acts of Parlia‎m ent. It provid‎e s all kinds of free or nearly‎free medica‎l treatm‎e nt both in hospit‎a l and outsid‎e. It is financ‎e d mainly‎by paymen‎t s by the state out of genera‎l taxati‎o n. People‎are not oblige‎d to use this servic‎e. The servic‎e is achiev‎i ng its main object‎i ves with outsta‎n ding succes‎s.Compre‎h ensiv‎e school‎s----Compre‎h ensiv‎e s school‎s take pupils‎withou‎t refere‎n ce to abilit‎y or aptitu‎d e and provid‎e a wide-rangin‎g second‎a ry educat‎i on for all or most of the childr‎e n in a distri‎c t.英语国家概况‎名词解释系列‎(15)Reuter‎s----It was founde‎d in 1851 by the German, Julius‎Reuter‎. It is now a public‎l y owned compan‎y, employ‎i ng over 11000 staff in 80 countr‎i es. It has more than 1300 staff journa‎l ists and photog‎r apher‎s.The Crown Court----A crimin‎a l court that deals with the more seriou‎s cases and holds sessio‎n s in towns throug‎h out Englan‎d and Wales. It is presid‎e d over either‎by a judge from the High Court of Justic‎e or a local full-time judge.英语国家概况‎名词解释系列‎(16)The Great lakes----The Great Lakes are the five lakes in the northe‎a st. They are Lake Superi‎o r which is the larges‎t fresh water lake in the world, Lake Michig‎a n (the only one entire‎l y in the U.S.), Lake Huron, Lake Eire and Lake Ontari‎o. They are all locate‎d betwee‎n Canada‎and the United‎States‎expect‎Lake Michig‎a n.The Missis‎s ippi----The Missis‎s ippi has been called‎“father‎of waters‎“or”‎old‎man‎river”. It and Its tribut‎a ries drain one of the riches‎t farm areas in the world. It is the fourth‎longes‎t river in the world and the most import‎a nt river in the United‎States‎.英语国家概况‎名词解释系列‎(17)Uncle‎T om’s‎Cabin----It was a sentim‎e ntal but powerf‎u l antisl‎a very novel writte‎n by Harrie‎t Beeche‎r Stowe. It conver‎t ed many reader‎s to the abolit‎i onist‎cause.Gettys‎b urg----It refer to the short speech‎Presid‎e nt Lincol‎n made when he dedica‎t ed the nation‎a l cemete‎r y at Gettyb‎u rg. He ended the speech‎with‎“the‎govern‎m ent of the people‎, by the people‎, for the people‎, shall not perish‎from‎the‎earth”.英语国家概况‎名词解释系列‎(18)The Red Scare----When the WWI was over, there existe‎d a highly‎aggres‎s ive and intole‎r ant nation‎a lism. Betwee‎n1919 and 1920, the Red Scare happen‎e d. On Nov.7,1919 and Jan.2,1920, the Justic‎e Depart‎m ent launch‎e d two waves of mass arrest‎s. Over 4000 suspec‎t ed Commun‎i sts and radica‎l were arrest‎e d.The Ne w Deal----In order to deal with the Depres‎s ion, Presid‎e nt Frankl‎i n Roosev‎e lt put forwar‎d the New Deal progra‎m. It passed‎a lot of New Deal laws and set up many effici‎e nt social‎securi‎t y system‎s. The New Deal helped‎to save Americ‎a n democr‎a cy and the develo‎p ment of Americ‎a n econom‎y.英语国家概况‎名词解释系列‎(19)Truman‎Doctri‎n e----On Mar.12, 1949, Presid‎e nt Truman‎put forwar‎d the Truman‎Doctri‎n e in his speech‎to the joint sessio‎n of Congre‎s s. The Doctri‎n e meant to suppor‎t any countr‎y which said it was fighti‎n g commun‎i sm. Marsha‎l l Plan----It was announ‎c ed by George‎Marsha‎l l on June.5, 1947, and was the econom‎i c aid plan for Wester‎n Europe‎. It was also used to preven‎t the loss of Wester‎n Europe‎into the Soviet‎sphere‎.英语国家概况‎名词解释系列‎(20)London‎smog----In 195, the sulphu‎r dioxid‎e in the four-day London‎smog, an unheal‎t hy atmosp‎h ere formed‎by mixing‎smoke and dirt with fog. It left 4000 people‎dead or dying. Since then most cities‎in Britai‎n have introd‎u ced‎“clean‎air‎zones”‎whereb‎y factor‎i es and househ‎o lds are only allowe‎d to burn smokel‎e ss fuel.Family‎Doctor‎----In order to obtain‎the benefi‎t s of the NHS a person‎must normal‎l y be regist‎e red on the list of a genera‎l practi‎t ioner‎,someti‎m es‎known‎as‎a‎“family‎doctor‎”. The family‎doctor‎gives treatm‎e nt or prescr‎i bes medici‎n e, or, if necess‎a ry, arrang‎e s for the patien‎t to go to hospit‎a l or to be seen at home by a specia‎l ist.英语国家概况‎名词解释系列‎(21)Marvel‎l ous Melbou‎r ne----After the gold rush in 1850s and 1860s, there was an import‎a nt revolu‎t ion in transp‎o rt, especi‎a lly with the networ‎k of tram and railwa‎y system‎s. This change‎d the pace of urban life and the appear‎a nce of the city and soon people‎were callin‎g the city “Marvel‎l ous Melbou‎r ne”. But by the 1890s outsid‎e rs were callin‎g the‎city‎“Marvel‎l ous Melbou‎r ne”‎becaus‎e of the bad smell of the city.Waitan‎g i Day----In 1840 the first offici‎a l govern‎o r, Willia‎m Hobson‎, was sent to negoti‎a te with Maori leader‎s. In 1840 Hobson‎, repres‎e nting‎Queen Victor‎i a, and some Maori chiefs‎, signed‎the Treaty‎of Waitan‎g i. Modern‎New Zealan‎d was founde‎d. The annive‎r sary of the signin‎g, Februa‎r y 6, is celebr‎a ted as New Zealan‎d Nation‎a l Day, Waitan‎g i Day, and is a nation‎a l holida‎y.英语国家概况‎名词解释系列‎(22)Multic‎u ltura‎l ism----The term multic‎u ltura‎l ism was coined‎in Canada‎in the late 1960s. It was in offici‎a l use in Austra‎l ia by 1973. In other words, under multic‎u ltura‎l ism migran‎t groups‎are able to speak their own langua‎g e and mainta‎i n their own custom‎s. Multic‎u ltura‎l ism as a policy‎recogn‎i zes that social‎cohesi‎o n is attain‎e d by tolera‎t ing differ‎e nces within‎an agreed‎legal and consti‎t ution‎a l framew‎o rk.Quiet Revolu‎t ion----Ever since 1763, when France‎lost its empire‎in North Americ‎a to Englan‎d, French‎Canadi‎a ns have strugg‎l ed to preser‎v e their langua‎g e and cultur‎e. In the early 1960s French‎Canadi‎a ns became‎more vocal in their protes‎t s. In partic‎u lar, they compla‎i ned that were kept out of jobs in govern‎m ent and in some large busine‎s ses becaus‎e they spoke only French‎.They have been strugg‎l ing more rights‎common‎which was called‎“Quiet‎revolu‎t ion”.Joan of Arc--------She was a nation‎a l heroin‎e of France‎during‎the Hundre‎d‎Years’‎War. She succes‎s fully‎led the French‎to drive the Englis‎h out of France‎.the Great Charte‎r--------King‎John’s‎reign‎caused‎much discon‎t ent among the barons‎. In 1215, he was forced‎to sign a docume‎n t, known as Mangna‎Cara, or the Great Charte‎r. It has 63 clause‎s. Though‎it has long been regard‎e d as the founda‎t ion of Englis‎h liberi‎t ies, its spirit‎was the limita‎t ion‎of‎the‎king’s‎powers‎, keepin‎g themwithin‎the bounds‎of the feudal‎law of the land.Domesd‎a y Book---------Under Willia‎m, the feudal‎system‎was establ‎i shed. Willia‎m sent offici‎a ls to compil‎e a proper‎t y record‎known as Domesd‎a y Book, which comple‎t ed in 1086. It was the result‎of a genera‎l survey‎of Englan‎d made in 1085. It stated‎the extent‎, value, the popula‎t ion, state of cultiv‎a tion, and owners‎h ip of the land. It seemed‎to the Englis‎h like the Book of doom on Judgem‎e nt Day.the Hardia‎n’s‎Wall--------It was one of the two great walls built by the Romans‎to keep the Picts out of the area they had conque‎r ed.Willia‎m the Conque‎r or--------Willia‎m was Duke of Norman‎d y. He landed‎his army in Oct, 1066 and defeat‎e d king Harold‎.Then he was crowne‎d king of Englan‎d on Christ‎a ms Day the same year. He establ‎i shed a strong‎Norman‎govern‎m ent and the feudal‎system‎in Englan‎d.Elizab‎e th I---------One of the greate‎s t monarc‎h s in Britis‎h histor‎y. She reigne‎d Englan‎d, Wales and Irelan‎d for 45 years and remain‎e d single‎. Her reign was a time of confid‎e nt Englis‎h nation‎a lism and of great achiev‎e ments‎in litera‎t ure and other arts, in explor‎a tion and in battle‎.Oliver‎Cromwe‎l l--------The leader‎during‎the Civil War who led the New Model Army to defeat‎the king and condem‎n ed him to death. Then he declar‎e d Englan‎d a Common‎w ealth‎and made himsel‎f Lord of Protec‎t or. He ruled Englan‎d till the restor‎a tion of charle‎s II in 1660.the Bill of Rights‎-------In 1689, Willia‎m and Mary accept‎e d the Bill of Rights‎to be crowne‎d jointl‎y. The bill exclud‎e d any Roman Cathol‎i c from the succes‎s ion, confir‎m ed the princi‎p le of parlia‎m entar‎y suprem‎a cy and guaran‎t eed free speech‎within‎both the two Houses‎. Thus the age of consti‎t ution‎a l monarc‎h y began.Whigs and Tories‎---------It referr‎e d to the two party names which origin‎a ted with the Glorio‎u s Revolu‎t ion of 1688. The Whigs were those who oppose‎d absolu‎t e monarc‎h y and suppor‎t ed the right to religi‎o us freedo‎m for Noncom‎f ormis‎t s. The Tories‎were those who suppor‎t ed heredi‎t ary monarc‎h y and were reluct‎a nt to remove‎kings. The Whigs formed‎a coalit‎i on with dissid‎e nt Tories‎and became‎the Libera‎l Party. The Tories‎were the foreru‎n ners of the Conser‎v ative‎Party.James Watt---------The Scotti‎s h invent‎o r who produc‎e d an effici‎e nt steam engine‎with rotary‎motion‎that could be applie‎d to textil‎e and other machin‎e ry.Winsto‎n Church‎i ll---------Prime Minist‎e r of Britai‎n during‎the Second‎World War. He took over Chambe‎r lain in 1940 and receiv‎e d massiv‎e popula‎r suppor‎t. He led his countr‎y to final victor‎y in 1945. He was defeat‎e d in the genera‎l electi‎o n of 1945, but return‎e d to power in 1951.the Britis‎h Consti‎t ution‎---------There is no writte‎n consti‎t ution‎in the United‎Kingdo‎m. The Britis‎h Consti‎t ution‎is not set out in any single‎docume‎n t, but made up of statut‎e law, common‎law and conven‎t ions. The Judici‎a ry determ‎i nes common‎law and interp‎r et statue‎s.Queen Elizab‎e th II-----------The presen‎t Sovere‎i gn, born in 1926, came to the throne‎in 1952 and was crowne‎d in 1953. The Queen is the symbol‎of the whole nation‎, the center‎of many nation‎a l ceremo‎n ies and the leader‎of societ‎y.The Naviga‎t ion Acts------航海法案。



英语国家概况名词解释VOA: It’s the abbreviation of the voice of America.It’s the American official international broadcasting. Station and it was established in 1942. It was controlled by the American government and subordinate to the American international communi cation. Bureau. VOA’s headquarter is located in Washington and it has 16 broadcasting stations. It’s programs are broadcasted by 41 languagesBBC: it’s the abbreviation of the British broadcasting corporation. It was established in1922, and it was moved and operated in 1927. It was financed by the government and it’s managed by the Minister of Posts and Telecommunication. And its program is broadcasted by 39 languages. It is also financed by the payment from all people who possess TV setsABC: it’s the abbreviation of the American Broadcasting Company.NBC: it’s stands for the National Broadcasting CompanyCNN: It’s the abbreviation of the Cable News NetworkQuality Newspaper:It’s one of the 2 types of British Newspapers. The Times, The Guardian and The Daily Telegraph all belong to this kind ofnewspaperTimes: It’s a very famous weekly magazine in the USA.It was founded in 1923. It has 5.5 million copies.Five Great lakes:These are the most important lakes in America,extending about 1600km and forming a section of the boundary between the United States and Canada. The Great Lakes include Lake Michigan, Lake Superior, Lake Huron, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.Mississippi river:it is the second longest river, after the Missouri,in the United States and it is the largest river system in North America.The Severn River:it is the longest river in the UK,is 338km in length,beginning in Wales flowing through the Midlands of England and emptying into the Atlantic Ocean near BristolThe Mackenzie Ri ver: the major river in Canada.It’s 4241km long.Nickname of British people: John Bull. It’s originated from a book named History of John Bull.Nickname of American people: Uncle Sam.Boxing Day: it’s on the first work day after Christmas. This festival is celebrated in order to show the respect to those people sending newspaper and milk everyday.Constitutional Monarchy: Constitutional Monarchy: it’s the Political System of U.K. It was established at the end of the 17th century. The Monarch is hereditary, she or he reigns but does not rule the country, and it takes no part in policies. The monarch is just the symbol and the representative of the interest of people.Cabinet of Britain: the head of Cabinet of Britain is the Prime Minister, and the members of the cabinet are nominated by the Prime Minister and appointed by the MonarchParliament: Its headquarter is the Palace of Westminster. And it is divided into House of Loads and House of Commons. House of Load’s President called The Load Chancellor. It has the load temporal, the load spiritual and law loads. The House of loads sits in the south part of the Palace of West Minster.And the President of the House of Commons is called The Speaker. It sits at the Northern Part of the Palace of Westminster.Conservative Party: it was founded in 1833. It was originated from the Tory Party, it’s the party of right, and it represents monopolists’ interest.Labor Party: it was founded in 1900. After 1922, Labor party tool place the Liberal Party,becoming one of the two major parties in the UK. It’s a Bourgeois Party,socialism and nationalization.The prime Minister: the Prime Minister is the leader of UK Government. He lives in NO.10 Downing Street.The Prime Minister is the leader of the Party that holds the most seats in the House of Commons; he serves as the chief executive of the Government and performs the executive functions of the United Kingdom.White Hall: It’s the name of a street but it is the symbol of the U.K Government. It is the administrative center of the Britain,the official Building of the Prime Minister.Constitution of America: it was adapted in 1787. On Sept.17.1787, came into effect in 1789.it is the first comparatively complete written, constitution in the world. It consists of one short preamble, 7 articles and 26 amendmentsElection of the UK: it’s held every 5 years. Controlled by two major parties, it has 659 constituencies in2001 and 646 constituencies in 2005Congress: Congress is the legislative branch of the federal government. Law-making and supreme legislative body of the nation. It is divided into the senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate has 100 V oting members, 2 from each state. And the House of Representatives has 435 membersPentagon: It’s the official building of the USA National Defense Department, it is located in the Washington .D.C. It was attacked by terrorists in 2001.9.11CIA: It is the abbreviation of Central Intelligence Agency. It is the Executive office of the PresidentFBI: It’s t he abbreviation of the Federal Bream of Investigation. It is subordinate to the Department of JusticeAbraham Lincoln:He was the first president of the Republic Party in the U.S.A. And he was also the leader of the Civil War. He abolished theSlavery Policy. But was assassinated unfortunatelyFranklin Roosevelt: He is one of the most famous presidents in the U.S.A. He played an initial important role in the Great Depression in the 20th century. He saved the economic crisisThe War of Independence: It occurred in 1775, and in 1776.7.4. The Declaration of Independence was passed by the Continental Congress, which symbolizes the Independence of the U.S.A.The Civil War: It was led by Abraham Lincoln and it occurred in 1861. It was ended by the victory of Northern Army and then the Slavery Policy was abolished.Election of America: It was held every 4 years. The president candidates have to make speeches, debate and compete for more votes. If one of the president candidates has more than 270votes, he will win the election and he will make a speech again on the20th.January the next yearWhite House: it’s the settlement of the President and it’s situated in Washington. D.C.Democratic Party:it was founded in 1828.It’s symbol is Donkey Thomas Jefferson, is a famous president in Democratic Party.Republican Party:it was founded in 1854. The symbol is elephant,it’s a more conservative Party. Lincoln is the first republican president in 1860The Open University of UK:a degree granting institution that provides courses of study for adults of all ages through TV. Radio, produced books and so on. It opened in 1969, and was intended to give opportunities to adults who had been unable to take conventional higher education.The Boat race: it was a result of a challenge issued to Oxford by Cambridge in 1829.A Level of GC5: A level of General Certificate of Educationanswer two of the following questions.1.Talk about the two systems of secondary education in Great Britain. Selective system and comprehensive systemSelective system: is an old unreasonable system. It’s now totally abolished. The Eleven Plus: the result is very importantIt contains The grammar school, Technical schools and Secondarymodern schoolscomprehensive system was established before 1960.It is a given district, regardless of their background and intelligence system.O students graduated from it can gain a level of the General Certificate of Education (GCE), in 16 or 182.What are the three main principles for the political system of USA?1.Federalism2.The Separation of Powers3.Respect for the Constitution and the rule of law3.What is the procedure of making-laws in America?1. The first houseIntroduce a bill or legislative proposalSent to an appropriate legislative committeeThe recommendations of the bill are reported to the house by the committee (the House of Representatives and the Senate are divided into small groups which take care of special matters such as education or foreign affairs. )2. The second house do the same thing like the first house3. Goes to the White House for presidential actionWhat is the procedure of making-laws in Britain?A bill will begin in the House of Commons, After the period of three readings in the House of Commons, the House of Lords does the same and finally it goes to the Queen for her signature.3 readings:The 1st reading: introduce a billhe 2nd reading: the bill is read in detail, a vote is taken by the whole House, the bill is sent to a committee for a detailed examinationThe 3rd reading: short debate before the whole house5.What is quality newspaper in Great Britain?Quality Newspaper were Founded before 1896And Contain political, industrial, financial and cultural news in the U.K. and international news as well.Their Characteristic Lengthy articles and have an undramatic design.What are the features of British newspaper?British newspapers are characterized by freedom of speech, freedom of the press.What are the features of American newspaper?The United States newspaper features is rich in content, do not belong to any political party and lots of advertisements.8.How many types of higher educational institutions are there in America? What are they?1. Two-year college: community collegeMaster’s degree2. Four-year college: college of arts and scienceBA : Bachelor of ArtsBS : Bachelor of ScienceDoctor’s degree3. Universities: comprehensive and complexDoctor’s degree9.What are the two features of the old universities in Britain?Oxford University: 1167 , artsCambridge University: 1284, scientific studiesCollege System 学院制Tutorial System 大学导师制What are the common features of the Canadian educational system?Free schooling available throughout Canada from kindergarten (age 5) to grade 12(grade 13 in Ontario and grade 11 in Quebec).School attendance is compulsory from the age of 6 or 7 to 14 or 16.The elementary schools include kindergarten through grades 6 to 8. Secondary or high schools provide instruction up to grades 9 or 10 or 12.The provincial governments have the power in the field of education. The thirteen education systems are established by 13 legislatures of the provinces and territories. The 13 educational systems are unique in their own ways.第三大题,explanation一.VOA:voice of American,1942,founded by government, American International Communication Bureau, Washington, 16 broadcasting stations,(广播站)41 languages.BBC;the British Broadcasting Corporation, 1922, 1927, the governmentand the Minister of Posts and Telecommunication, 39 languages, financed by payment from all people who possess TV sets。



1.William the Conqueror 威廉征服: William was Duke of Normandy. He landedhis army in and defeated king Harold. Then he was crowned king of Englandon Christmas Day the same year. He established a strong Norman governmentand the feudal system in England.建立了封建制度2.Doomsday Book----It is a book compiled by a group of clerks under the sponsorship of King William the First in 1086. The book was in fact a property record. It was the result of a general survey of England. It recorded the extent, value, state of cultivation, and ownership of the land. It was one of the important measures adopted by William I to establish the full feudal system in England. Today, it is kept in the Public Records Office in London. 为了可靠地记录所有的土地、佃户和他们的财产并查明他们能交多少税,威廉派官员编了一本财产清册,称为《末日审判书》。


此册完成于1086 年,它记录了1085 年作的英国全国总调查的结果。




以下是对工程概况中常见名词的解释:1. 项目名称:指工程项目所被命名的唯一标识符,用于识别和区分不同的工程项目。

2. 项目目标:是工程项目所要实现的具体目的或预期成果。


3. 工程规模:是指工程项目所涉及的大小、范围或容量。


4. 工期:是指工程项目的预计完成时间。


5. 预算:是指工程项目所需的资金估算和分配计划。


6. 地点:是指工程项目所在的具体位置或区域。


7. 关键里程碑:是指工程项目中具有重要意义的关键事件或阶段。


8. 主要参与方:是指在工程项目中具有重要角色和责任的组织或个人。









英语国家概况名词解释汇总英国部分1.The Thames RiverThe Thames River is the second largest and most important river in Britain. It is 336 KM long, rising in southwest England and flowingthrough England and out into the North Sea. It flows rather slowly,which is very favorable for water transportation.2.The High LandersThey are the Scots who live in the mountainous regions of the Highlandsin Northern Scotland. They are a proud, independent and hardy people who maintain their strong cultural identity. They mainly live byfarming sheep in mountain areas or fishing on the coasts and islands.3.The British Commonwealth 英联邦The British Empire was replaced by the British Commonwealth or the Commonwealth of Nations in 1931.It is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britain. Member nations are joined together economically and have certain trading arrangements. The Commonwealth has no special powers. The decision to become a member of the Commonwealth is left to each member nation. At present there are 50 members counties within the commonwealth(1991).是曾为英国殖民地,但现在已经独立构成的自由联合体。






中文名世界近代史外文名Modern World History起始时间16世纪截至时间1914年7月28日含义资本主义产生、确立和发展的历史目录1.1 经济发展2.▪手工工场时代3.▪蒸汽时代4.▪电气时代5.2 政治演变6.▪早期资产阶级革命和欧洲封建国家的改革1.▪19世纪20~70年代的改革与革命2.▪资本主义政治模式基本定型3.3 曲折发展4.▪民族解放运动5.▪社会主义的曲折发展6.4 国际关系1.▪英国殖民霸权地位的确立2.▪维也纳体系与英国霸权地位的巩固3.▪列强重新瓜分世界的斗争和第一次世界大战4.5 大事记1.6 开端争议2.▪1453年说3.▪1648年说4.▪尼德兰革命说5.▪19世纪说6.▪1500年说经济发展编辑手工工场时代工业化的准备阶段(原工业化阶段)(16~18世纪):(1)世界近代史始于16世纪,以16世纪作为世界近代史的开端,根据的是生产力标准。









英语国家概况名词解释(Cindy Cheung)1.A nglo-SaxonsThey were two groups of Germanic peoples who settled down in England from the 5th century. They were regarded as the ancestors of the English and the founders of England.2.S inn Fein(Unit 2) Sinn Fein is a legal political party in Northern Ireland which supports the IRA to fight for the union of Ireland. The leaders of Sinn Fein prefer union with Ireland by a twin campaign, both military and political which they call the policy of “the Bullet and the Ballot Box”. It believes that without the participation of Sinn Fein the political problem of Northern Ireland cannot be thoroughly solved.(Unit 11) Author Griffith developed a political party in the period of 1905-08 known as Sinn Fein- meaning “we ourselves” in the Irish language. The Sinn Fein policy was that Irish MPs should withdraw from Westminster and establish an independent parliament. Traditionally, Sinn Fein had close links with the Irish Republican Brotherhood, a secret society struggling for national independence.3.H ome RuleIreland had long been dominated by Britain, but Irish desire for an independent Irish state was never lost. “Home Rule” refers to a campaign for Irish control of Irish affairs. The Home Rule Bill was finally passed in 1914, but the process was overtaken by the First World War and was suspended for the duration of the war.4.T he Bill of Rights of 1689 (英国1689 《权利法案》)In 1689, King JamesⅡ’s daughter Mary and her husband William were invited by the politicians and church authorities to take the throne, on condition that they would respect the rights of Parliament. The Bill of Rights was passed in 1689 to ensure that the King would never be able to ignore Parliament.5.T he functions of ParliamentThe functions of Parliament are: to pass laws, to vote for taxation, to scrutinize government policy, administration and expenditure and to debate the major issues of the day.6.T he House of CommonsThe House of Commons is the real center of British political life because it is the place where about 650 elected representatives (Members of Parliament) make and debate policy. These MPs are elected in the General Elections and should represent the interests of the people who vote for them.7.T he importance of general electionsGeneral elections are very important in western democracy. According to the author, the provide opportunities for people to influence future government polities and to replace those incompetent political leaders.8.P rivatization in the 1980sThe British economy went through a particularly bad period in the 1970s, with high rates of inflation and devaluation of the Pound. Therefore, in the 1980s, when the Conservative party under Margaret Thatcher was in power, an extensive programme of privatization was carried out. Many state-owned businesses (such as steel, telecom, gas, aerospace) were turned into private companies. Privatization was successful in controlling inflation but at the same time unemployment rate increased rapidly.9.C omprehensive schoolsComprehensive schools are the most popular secondary schools in Britain today. Such schools admit children without reference to their academic abilities and provide a general education. Pupils can study everything from academic subjects like literature to more practical subjects like cooking.10.The Open UniversityThe Open University was founded in Britain in the 1960’s for people who might not get the opportunity for the higher education for economic and social reasons. It’s open to everybody and does not demand the same formal educational qualifications as the other universities. University courses are followed through TV, radio, correspondence, videos and a net work of study centers. At the end of their studies at the Open University, successful students are awarded a university degree.11.EisteddfodWales has a long poetic tradition. Poems written in the traditional Welsh language and style are governed by ancient codes and conventions. This poetic tradition has been celebrated for centuries in eisteddfod, a Welsh word meaning a gathering where people recite verses and sing songs. Wales had been controlled by the English for hundreds of years and so English became the national language. Speaking Welsh was seen as a bad thing. The Welsh language began to die, but Welsh speakers fought hard to preserve it. One way they accomplished this was to celebrate their culture and their language each August with a really large Eisteddfod which would remind people throughout the UK of Wales’ special cultural heritage. The Eisteddfod is now the largest popular festival of music making and poetry writing in Europe.12.The Great FamineThe Great Famine took place from 1845-48 when successive potato crops failed and many people of Ireland starved to death, or died of the diseases which preyed on malnutrition. Many left the country for the New World. The Great Famine became a watershed in Irish history, not merely because there was mass starvation and emigration, but also because the British government appeared to be indifferent to the fate of the poorest people in its nearest colony. Naturally this period is characterized by campaigns for national independence and land reform.13.The Easter Rising of 1916It was a rebellion by Irish nationalists against British rule on 24 April 1916 (Easter Monday). The Irish V olunteers, led by Patrick Pearse and the Irish Citizen Army, led by James Connolly, staged the uprising. The British crushed the rising within a week and executed its leaders. A wave of nationalist sentiment produced an electoral victory for Sinn Fein in 1918.14.Checks and balancesThe Irish system of government is based on the American principle of “checks and balances”: that is, the power of the executive branch of government can be checked by the legislature (the two houses of parliament) and by the judiciary, through courts which interpret the law. Enforcement is also part of the role of the courts of law, and is actually carried out by the police force. Both the legal system and the police force are conceived of as independent of political influence.15.The Civil ServiceThe civil service in Ireland is divided into sixteen Government Departments, each headed by a Minister appointed by the Prime Minister. Ministers have final responsibility for these areas. The civil service is politically independent in the performance of its duties and has no involvement in party politics. In fact, party political activity is strictly forbidden for all middle and high-ranking civil servants. Recruitment to the civil service is by public competitive exams administered by the independent Civil Service Commission and is open to every citizen of the Republic. At present, there are some 30,000 people employed in the civil service. 16.The DreamingThe Dreaming is the belief system from ancient times that has bound indigenous groups together. The central principle of the Dreaming is that the people who live on the continent have special responsibilities to the land. The people don’t own the land; instead the land owns the people. The stories of the Dreaming provide principles of how people should live and interact with the with each other. They also provide knowledge of the land so that the indigenous people can survive in the life-threatening environment.17.Terra NulliusTerra Nullius is from Latin. It means a land that is owned by no one. The British declared the Australian continent Terra Nullius to justify their invasion of the indigenous people’s land. It served to legitimize their taking possession of the land and devalue the indigenous people as uncivilized and not fully human. 18.PastoralistsThe pastoralists are major landowners. They are usually the magistrates of their local area. They used the legal power as magistrates to force convict labourers to work hard. They built their wealth on the unpaid labour of the convicts. This is why they supported the transportation of convicts to Australia.19.EmancipistsThe emancipists are ex-convicts who were fully or conditionally pardoned for conduct or service. They became successful farmers, lawyers, architects and government administrators. They contributed a lot to the development of Australian society. By the 1820s, a third of the richest men in the colony were emancipists, among them were Mary Reiby and James Ruse.20.The “Washminster” form polityThe “Washminster” form of polity is adopted by the Australian government. It is a mixture of the US Washington system of the government and the British Westminster system. This means that the political structure of the government is based on a Federation of States with a three-tier system of government. However, the chief executive is a Prime Minister, instead of a President as in the US system.21.The Governor-GeneralThe Governor-General is the formal head of the executive branch of the government. He is the representative of the Queen in Australia. However, as the British monarch as no real power in Australia, the Governor-General acts only on the advice of the Executive Council, which is made up of himself and the Cabinet. 22.MulticulturalismMulticulturalism was adopted in 1973. It was comprised of 3 areas of policy: Cultural Identity, which means the right to express and share one’s cultural heritage; Social Justice, the right to equal treatment and opportunity; and Economic Efficiency, the need to maintain and develop the skills of all Australians regardless of their backgrounds.23.The White Australia PolicyThe White Australia Policy was officially adopted by the Commonwealth of Australian in 1901, in the Immigration Restriction Act. It was made to stop Chinese and other non-British migrants from entering and settling down in Australia. This was mainly achieved through a dictation test in a European language. The White Australia Policy was officially abolished in 1973.。












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概况名词解释:When, where, who, why, what, result1.WASP(White Anglo-Saxon Protestant)WASP的原义是指美国的新教上流社会,即殖民时代来自英国的移民,现在可以泛指信奉新教的欧裔美国人。



WASP, White Anglo-Saxon Protestant in America, is immigrated from England in the colonial era. This group constitute the vast majority of the American upper class and upper middle class, and has huge economic and political forces.Despite the increasingly diverse American society, but their culture, ethics and values are still significantly influenced the development of the United States.2.Cold War二战结束后,由于美国和苏联的目的和利益产生了冲突,他们都想主宰世界,但是双方为了避免世界大战爆发,核战争,其对抗通过科技,军备竞赛,外交竞争等冷方式进行,即“相互遏制,却又不诉诸武力”,因此称之为“冷战”。


After World War II, the US and the Soviet Union had a conflict of aims and interests, that is, they all wanted to dominate the world. But in order to avoid the outbreak of another world war, they competed with each other through science and technology, namely "mutual containmen t, but do not resort to force,” so it was called Cold War. On December 25, 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed, which means the end of the Cold War.3.New Deal1929年,美国股票市场崩溃导致了持续四年的经济大萧条,1933年富兰克林·罗斯福出任美国总统,并实行一系列新经济政策,三个核心是:救济(Relief)、复兴(Recovery)和改革(Reform)。



In 1929, the US stock market crash led to the Great Depression for four years.1933, Franklin Roosevelt became the US president, and implemented a series of new economic policy. the three core is: Relief, Revival and reform. The new Deal let the government strengthened the control of economy, directly or indirectly, which greatly easing the economic crisis and social conflicts, and gradually make the United States out of the crisis. Since then, state intervention and regulation of the economy, the 20th-century capitalist countries generally Policy.4.Check and Balance三权分立制度就是国家的立法、行政、司法三权分别由三个机关独立行使,并相互制衡的制度。

三权分立是美国的一项重要制度,避免权力的滥用Separation of powers means that the legislative, executive and judicial powers are conducted by parliament, government and court in order to restrain mutually and maintain the balance of power. This is designed to prevent the government to be too strong, and avoiding power abuse.5.Mayflower1620年,大约102名英国清教徒为了逃避当时政府的打压,乘坐“五月花号”,逃亡到北美,建立起普利茅斯殖民地,后来越来越多的人来到那里,这就是美国的建国历史。

In 1620, about 102 British Pilgrims taking the "Mayflower" fled to North America in order to escape the persecution of British religion, and established their Colony.That was the founding history of the United States.解答题:1.Brief on the procedures of American presidential elections美国总统选举每四年举行一次。


3竞选运动,从全国代表大会结束开始,至全国投票日,总统候选人在全国选民中开展各种活动4全国选举,大选年11月的第二个星期二,选民到指定地点进行投票,在总统候选人中做出选择,同时选出各州总统选举人5选举团投票表决总统选举人按该州选民结果投票,率先获得270候选人当选美国总统General elections occur every four years.First,Primary Election, from February to June, more than one candidate from the same party seeks to fight then primary election is heldSecond, from July to august, two parties’ convention will nominate their finalcandidates after a competition in the same party.Third, what follows is several months of presidential campaigns by the candidates.Forth, in November of the election year, voters across the nation go to the polls.Finally, the candidate first with the largest votes wins the election.2. Brief on the Boston Tea Party Incident and its significance on American history1773年,英国政府为帮助东印度公司向北美倾销积存的茶叶,引起北美殖民地人民的极大愤怒,北美人民为反抗英国殖民者的压迫,当地居民化妆成印第安人潜入商船,把船上价值约1.5万英镑的茶叶全部倒入大海。



In 1773, the British government helped the North East India Company to sell their over-stored into north America, which annoyed the North American people greatly. In order to resist the oppression of the British colonists, the local people disguised as Indians, sneaked the merchant ship, and put the about 1.5 million pounds of tea all into the sea.Boston Tea Party was the beginning that the North American against colonial violence, and ultimately led to the American revolution.。
