
1. GPIO(General Purpose Input/Output)GPIO是单片机中的通用输入输出引脚。
2. ADC(Analog to Digital Converter)ADC是模数转换器的英文缩写,用于将模拟信号转换为数字信号。
3. UART(Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter)UART是一种通用的异步串行通信接口。
4. PWM(Pulse Width Modulation)PWM是一种脉冲宽度调制技术。
5. I2C(Inter-Integrated Circuit)I2C是一种串行通信总线协议,由Philips公司在上世纪80年代推出。
6. SPI(Serial Peripheral Interface)SPI是一种串行的外设接口协议,用于在单片机和外部设备之间传输数据。

1. Microcontroller - 单片机2. Microprocessor - 微处理器3. Firmware - 固件4. Hardware - 硬件5. Embedded system - 嵌入式系统6. Interrupt - 中断7. Timer - 定时器9. Counter - 计数器10. Analog to digital converter (ADC) - 模数转换器11. Digital to analog converter (DAC) - 数模转换器12. Input/output (I/O) - 输入输出13. Port - 端口14. Pin - 引脚15. Memory - 存储器16. Flash memory - 闪存17. Random access memory (RAM) - 随机存取存储器18. Read only memory (ROM) - 只读存储器19. Electrically erasable programmable read only memory (EEPROM) - 可擦写可编程只读存储器21. Universal asynchronous receiver transmitter (UART) - 通用异步收发器22. Inter-integrated circuit (I2C) - 串行总线23. Serial peripheral interface (SPI) - 串行外设接口24. Pulse width modulation (PWM) - 脉宽调制25. Direct memory access (DMA) - 直接内存存取26. Debugging - 调试27. In-circuit debugging (ICD) - 端口调试28. Debugger - 调试器29. Integrated development environment (IDE) - 集成开发环境30. Bootloader - 引导程序32. System on chip (SoC) - 系统芯片33. Low power consumption - 低功耗34. Power management unit (PMU) - 电源管理单元35. Crystal oscillator - 晶振36. Clock cycle - 时钟周期37. Bit - 位38. Byte - 字节39. Word - 字40. Assembly language - 汇编语言41. C programming language - C语言42. High level language - 高级语言44. Integrated circuit (IC) - 集成电路45. Field programmable gate array (FPGA) - 现场可编程门阵列46. Printed circuit board (PCB) - 印制电路板47. Soldering - 焊接48. Surface mount technology (SMT) - 表面贴装技术49. Through-hole technology (THT) - 通孔技术。

单片机常用英语单词中文名称; 英文名称; ;简记术语单片机; Single Chip Micocomputer or MicoControler Unit ;SCM or MCU在线烧录(往芯片写入程序);In System Programming ; ISP在线仿真;In Circuit Enulator ;ICE复位;reset ;RST编程选通使能端;Program Strobe Enable ; PSEN看门狗;WatchDog数据指针寄存器;Data Pointer Register; DP特殊用途寄存器;Special Purpose Register; SPRPSW寄存器 ; PassWord Register; PSW奇偶校检位P位; ParityBit 溢出位OV位; Overflow寄存器组选择位; Register Select; RS(0/1)进位校检位 ;堆栈指针; StackPointer; SP堆栈;stanck推入;push弹出;popIE中断寄存器;Interrupt Register ; IE溢出中断;Overflow Interrupt计(时)数器;Timer计数器高位;TimerHigh Bit ;TH计数器低位; TimerLow Bit ;TL计数器模式控制寄存器; Timer Model Control Register;TMOD计数器控制寄存器; Timer Model Control Register;TCON串行端口控制寄存器 ; Serial Control Regiter ; SCON 串行模式控制寄存器; Serial Model Control Register;SMOD开始位;Start Bit 结束位;Stop Bit 字节数据高位 ;MSB 字节数据低位; LSB传输控制寄存器; Pass Control Register; PCON停止运行设置位; Power Down Bit; PD位闲置模式设置位; Idel Model Set Bit; IDL位辅助寄存器; AUXR闲置模式下看门狗控制位; Watchdog idle model control bit;WDIDLE看门狗复位; Watchdog reset中断服务程序; Interruput Service Routine宏; macro寄存器组; Register Bank中断优先级寄存器; Interrupt Register波特率; Baud Rate中断向量; interrupt vector数据校检; Data Polling计数器溢出; TimeroverFlow ; TF串行时钟信号;Serial Clock singal; SCK看门狗重置寄存器; WatchdogTimer Reset SFR; WDTRST SFR ;UART移位寄存器锁存器串行锁存器 ;SBUF堆栈随机存储器 ; Stanck RAM ;SRAM脉宽;Purse Width Model ;PWM应用中编程 ; In Application Programing ;IAP数据总线DB模拟/数字信号转换;A/D个人计算机;PC读写控制线;CB总线;BUS晶体振荡器频率;fosc 机器周期;MC状态周期; S 拍;P输入/输出;I/O电源正极;VCC 电源负极;VSS /GND 外加电源;VPD插座;JP主器件发送-从器件接收数据口;MOSI()主器件接收-从器件发送数据口;MOSO()IT0/T1 串行输入口;RXO 串行输出口;TXD累加器;ACC程序状态字;PSW紫外线擦除存储器;EPROM只读存储器;ROM随机存储器;RAM 可编程控制器;PROM 电擦除存储器;EEPROM 门控位;GATE串行数据线;SDA串行时钟线;SCL IC器件间;I2C1.microcontroller 微控制器2.microprocessor 微处理器3.integrated circuit 集成电路4.processor core 内核5.peripheral 外围设备6.chip 芯片7.embedded application/system 嵌入式应用/系统8.Mixed signal 复合信号9.analog 模拟ponent 元件;组成11.power consumption 功耗、能耗12.interrupt 中断13.external 外部的14.internal 内部的15.package 封装16.flash memory 闪存17.semiconductor 半导体18.interrupt service routine (ISR) 中断例程19.overflow 溢出20.hardware 硬件21.software 软件22.interface 接口23.general purpose input/output (GPIO) 通用输入/输出24.sensor 传感器25.analog-to-digital converter (ADC) 模数转换器26.timer 计时器、定时器27.register 寄存器28.Serial Interface (SI) 串行接口29.Parallel Interface (PI) 并行接口30.bus 总线 网络32.circuit 电路33.Central Processing Unit (CPU) 中央处理器34.discrete 分立元件;离散的35.clock generator 时钟发生器36.crystal oscillator 晶振piler 编译器38.simulator 模拟器,仿真器39.Interrupt latency 中断延迟40.buffer 缓冲器41.interrupt nesting 中断嵌套42.priority level 优先级43.accumulator 累加器44.synchronous 同步的45.asynchronous 异步的46.shift register 移位寄存器47.configuration 配置48.clock frequency 时钟频率49.Integrated Development Environment (IDE) 集成开发环境50.executable 可执行的51.instruction 指令,用法说明52.built-in 内置,嵌入的53.reset 复位54.bootstrap loader 引导程序parator 比较器56.in-circuit debugging 仿真调试57.interrupt resource 中断源58.instruction set 指令集59.addressing mode 寻址方式60.division 除法61.multiplication 乘法62.subtraction 减法63.addition 加法64.Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) 精简指令集65.encode 编码,编码器66.decode 译码,解码67.operand 操作数,运算对象68.load 加载69.mainframe 主机70.offset 偏移量71.parameter 参数,系数72.immediate addressing 立即寻址73.direct addressing 直接寻址74.register addressing 寄存器寻址75.register indirect addressing 寄存器间接寻址76.indexed addressing 变址寻址77.relative addressing 相对寻址78.decrement (DEC) 渐减79.increment (INC) 渐加80.binary 二进制81.octal system 八进制82.decimal 十进制83.hexadecimal 十六进制84.Exclusive-or (XOR) 逻辑异或85.XNOR 逻辑同或86.rotate 循环plement 补集,补码88.Boolean 布尔89.subroutine 子程序90.branch 分支bel 标号92.input 输入93.output 输出94.array 数组,阵列tch 锁存器96.low-order 低位97.high-order 高位98.peripheral device 外围设备99.low end 低端100.high end 高端101.low power 低功耗102.high power 大功率103.integrated circuit (IC) 集成电路104.oscilloscope 示波器105.Least Significant Bit (LSB) 最低有效位106.Most Significant Bit (MSB) 最高有效位107.active high 高电位有效108.active low 低电位有效109.capacitor 电容110.resistor 电阻111.inductor 电感112.variable resistor 可变电阻113.full-duplex 全双工114.half-duplex 半双工115.on-chip 片上116.off-chip 片外117.Variance 方差。

单片机英文文献资料及翻译单片机(英文:Microcontroller)Microcontroller is a small computer on a single integrated circuit that contains a processor core, memory, and programmable input/output peripherals. Microcontrollers are designed for embedded applications, in contrast to the microprocessors used in personal computers or other general purpose applications.A microcontroller's processor core is typically a small, low-power computer dedicated to controlling the operation of the device in which it is embedded. It is often designed to provide efficient and reliable control of simple and repetitive tasks, such as switching on and off lights, or monitoring temperature or pressure sensors.MEMORYMicrocontrollers typically have a limited amount of memory, divided into program memory and data memory. The program memory is where the software that controls the device is stored, and is often a type of Read-Only Memory (ROM). The data memory, on the other hand, is used to store data that is used by the program, and is often volatile, meaning that it loses its contents when power is removed.INPUT/OUTPUTMicrocontrollers typically have a number of programmable input/output (I/O) pins that can be used to interface with external sensors, switches, actuators, and other devices. These pins can be programmed to perform specific functions,such as reading a sensor value, controlling a motor, or generating a signal. Many microcontrollers also support communication protocols like serial, parallel, and USB, allowing them to interface with other devices, including other microcontrollers, computers, and smartphones.APPLICATIONSMicrocontrollers are widely used in a variety of applications, including:- Home automation systems- Automotive electronics- Medical devices- Industrial control systems- Consumer electronics- RoboticsCONCLUSIONIn conclusion, microcontrollers are powerful and versatile devices that have become an essential component in many embedded systems. With their small size, low power consumption, and high level of integration, microcontrollers offer an effective and cost-efficient solution for controlling a wide range of devices and applications.。

四、单片机的应用领域单片机广泛应用于各种电子产品中,以下是几个主要的应用领域:1. 汽车电子:单片机在汽车电子中扮演着重要的角色,可以实现引擎控制、车身控制、安全控制等功能,提高了汽车的性能和安全性。
2. 家用电器:单片机被应用于各种家电产品,如空调、洗衣机、电视等。
3. 工业控制:单片机在工业自动化领域中得到广泛应用。
4. 通信设备:单片机在通信领域中扮演重要角色,如手机、电子支付终端等。

单片机缩写的英文全称英文缩写:MCS-51:Micro Computer System-51PSW(Processor Status Word)中的标志位:CY:CarryAC:Auxiliary CarryF0:Flag 0RS:Register SelectOV:OverflowP:Parity指令:MOV (Move)MOVC (Move Code)MOVX (Move External)XCH (Exchange)XCHD(Exchange low-order Digit)PUSHPOPAJMP (Absolutely Jump)LJMP (Long Jump)SJMP (Short Jump)JMP (Jump)JZ (Jump Zero)JNZ (Jump Not Zero)JC (Jump if Carry)JNC (Jump if Not Carry)JB (Jump if Bit is set)JNB (Jump if Not Bit)JBC (Jump if Bit is set and Clear Bit)CJNE (Compare and Jump if Not Equal)DJNZ (Decrease and Jump if Not Zero)ACALL (Absolutely Call)LCALL (Long Call)RET (Return)NOP (No Operation)ADDADDC (Add with Carry)SUBB (Subtract with Borrow)MUL (Multiply)DIV (Divide)INC (Increase)DEC (Decrease)ANL (Logical AND)ORL (Logical OR)XRL (Logical Exclusive OR)CPL (Complement)CLR (Clear)SETB (Set Bit)RL (Rotate Left)RR (Rotate Right)RLC (Rotate Left with the Carry flag) RRC (Rotate Right with the Carry flag) XCHDSWAPDA (Decimal Adjust)ORG (Origin)DB (Define Byte)DW (Define Word)EQU (Equal)DATAXDATA (External Data)BITEND。

单片机的英文称为:Single-Chip Microcomputer

单步运行 (Step)、
在线仿真功能 (On-line emulator function)
跟踪运行 (Trace)
在线仿真器 (In Circuit Emulator,简称ICE)
中断允许寄存器 (IE,Interrupt Enable)
中断优先权寄存器 (Interrupt Priority)
交通指挥灯 traffic light
倒计时 countdown
片内 RAM on-chip Data RAM
Ch1 Hardware System of Single Chip Microcomputer
PC (Personal Computer)
机中央处理单元(CPU,Central Processing Unit)
计数器 (counter) 定时器 (Timer)
定时器工作方式寄存器 (TMOD,Timer mode)
定时器控制寄存器 (TCON,Timer control)
启动定时器 (TR,Timer Run)
定时器满标志位 (TF,Time Full)
仿真器 (emulator)
工具软件 (facility and software)
电源 ( power supply)
通信电缆 (Communication Cable)
运行 (Execute)、
Ch6 The Expanded Systห้องสมุดไป่ตู้m of Single Chip Microcomputer

单片机英语词汇Microcontroller English VocabularyIntroductionIn the field of electronics and embedded systems, microcontrollers play a vital role. Whether it's in consumer electronics, industrial automation, or Internet of Things (IoT) devices, microcontrollers are extensively used for controlling and monitoring various applications. This article aims to provide an overview of commonly used English vocabulary related to microcontrollers.1. MicrocontrollerA microcontroller is a miniature computer system on a single integrated circuit (IC). It consists of a central processing unit (CPU), memory, and input/output peripherals. Microcontrollers are designed for specific tasks and typically used in embedded systems where they control and interact with other electronic components.2. Embedded SystemAn embedded system is a combination of hardware and software designed for a specific function. It is integrated into a larger system and performs dedicated tasks. Microcontrollers are often at the heart of embedded systems, providing the intelligence and control required for the system to function.3. PeripheralA peripheral refers to an external device connected to a microcontroller. It allows the microcontroller to interact with the outside world, such as sensors, actuators, displays, and communication interfaces. Examples of peripherals include analog-to-digital converters (ADC), digital-to-analog converters (DAC), UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter), and GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) pins.4. InterruptAn interrupt is a signal generated by a peripheral or internal event that momentarily suspends the normal execution of the program. Interrupts allow critical tasks to be handled immediately, ensuring real-time responsiveness. Common types of interrupts include timer interrupts, external interrupts, and communication interrupts.5. FirmwareFirmware refers to software that is permanently stored on a microcontroller's memory and provides low-level control over its hardware peripherals. It is responsible for initializing the microcontroller, managing peripherals, and implementing specific functionalities. Firmware is typically written in assembly language or a high-level programming language like C.6. BitA bit, short for binary digit, is the smallest unit of digital information. It can represent either a 0 or a 1. Microcontrollers internally process data in terms of individual bits, allowing for precise control over binary operations. Bits are combined to form bytes, which are commonly used for data storage and manipulation.7. OscillatorAn oscillator generates a stable and accurate clock signal that provides timing for various operations within a microcontroller. The clock signal determines the speed at which the microcontroller executes instructions and controls the timing of data transfer. Common types of oscillators include crystal oscillators and ceramic resonators.8. Interrupt Service Routine (ISR)An Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) is a specific section of code that is executed when an interrupt occurs. It is responsible for handling the interrupt event and performing necessary actions. ISRs are typically written to respond to specific interrupt sources and can be customized based on the application's requirements.9. Serial CommunicationSerial communication is the process of transmitting data one bit at a time over a single data line. It is commonly used for communication between microcontrollers, sensors, and other peripherals. Serial communication protocols such as UART, SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface), and I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) are widely used in microcontroller-based systems.10. Real-Time Operating System (RTOS)A Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) is a specialized operating system designed for applications that require precise timing and responsiveness. RTOS provides task scheduling, resource management, and communication mechanisms tailored for real-time systems. It allows forconcurrent execution of multiple tasks and ensures critical tasks meet their timing deadlines.ConclusionIn conclusion, a thorough understanding of microcontroller-related English vocabulary is essential for professionals and enthusiasts working in the field of electronics and embedded systems. This article has provided a concise overview of key terms related to microcontrollers. By familiarizing yourself with these terms, you will be better equipped to communicate and comprehend technical documentation, participate in discussions, and deepen your knowledge in this exciting domain.。

正文:大点1: AVR(Advanced Virtual RISC)系列单片机- ATmega328P: 一款常用的AVR单片机,其特点包括8位RISC结构、32KB闪存、2KB SRAM等。
- ATmega16: 另一款常见的AVR单片机,其特点包括8位RISC结构、16KB闪存、1KB SRAM等。
- ATtiny85: 一款小型的AVR单片机,特点包括8位RISC结构、8KB闪存、512B SRAM等。
大点2: PIC(Peripheral Interface Controller)系列单片机- PIC16F877A: 一款常用的PIC单片机,其特点包括8位RISC 结构、14KB闪存、368B SRAM等。
- PIC18F452: 另一款常见的PIC单片机,其特点包括8位RISC 结构、32KB闪存、1536B SRAM等。
- PIC12F675: 一款小型的PIC单片机,特点包括8位RISC结构、1KB闪存、64B RAM等。
大点3: STM32(STMicroelectronics 32-bit)系列单片机- STM32F103C8T6:一款常用的STM32单片机,其特点包括32位ARM Cortex-M3核心、64KB闪存、20KB SRAM等。

单片机的英文全称:Single-Chip Microcomputer

• BCD (binary coded decimal) 二进制编 码的十进制数
• IR • IRQ
(infrared radiation) 红外辐射 (interrupt request) 中断请求
• JFET (junction field effect transistor) 结型场效应晶体管
• DUT (device under test) 被测器件 • ESD (electro-static discharge) 静电放 电 • HTL (high threshold logic) 高阈值逻辑 电路
• LSI (large scale integration) 大规模 集成电路
• MOS (metal oxide semiconductor) 金属氧化物半导体 • OCS (optical communication system) 光通讯系统
单片机怎么翻 译
• 信息学专业词典:single chip computer. • 汉英计算机词汇:monolithic(单片 ) processor • 汉英计算机大词典:single-chip microcomputer,Single Chip Micyoco
Unit9中出Fra bibliotek的• FPGA Field-programmable Gate Arrays 现场可编程门阵列 • ASIC Application-specific ICs专用 集成电路
• GPP General-purpose Microprocessors (GPPS)通用微处理器
• CPLD Complex Programmable Logic Device复杂可编程逻器件 • EPLD(Erasable Programmable Logic Device)可擦除可编辑逻辑器 件 • PAL Programmable Array Logic 可变阵列逻辑

1.microcontroller 微控制器2.microprocessor 微处理器3.integrated circuit 集成电路4.processor core 内核5.peripheral 外围设备6.chip 芯片7.embedded application/system 嵌入式应用/系统8.Mixed signal 复合信号9.analog 模拟ponent 元件;组成11.power consumption 功耗、能耗12.interrupt 中断13.external 外部的14.internal 内部的15.package 封装16.flash memory 闪存17.semiconductor 半导体18.interrupt service routine (ISR) 中断例程19.overflow 溢出20.h ardware 硬件21.software 软件22.i nterface 接口23.g eneral purpose input/output (GPIO) 通用输入/输出24.s ensor 传感器25.a nalog-to-digital converter (ADC) 模数转换器26.t imer 计时器、定时器27.r egister 寄存器28.S erial Interface (SI) 串行接口29.P arallel Interface (PI) 并行接口30.b us 总线 网络32.c ircuit 电路33.C entral Processing Unit (CPU) 中央处理器34.d iscrete 分立元件;离散的35.c lock generator 时钟发生器36.c rystal oscillator 晶振37.c ompiler 编译器38.s imulator 模拟器,仿真器39.I nterrupt latency 中断延迟40.b uffer 缓冲器41.interrupt nesting 中断嵌套42.p riority level 优先级43.a ccumulator 累加器44.s ynchronous 同步的45.a synchronous 异步的46.s hift register 移位寄存器47.c onfiguration 配置48.c lock frequency 时钟频率49.I ntegrated Development Environment (IDE) 集成开发环境50.e xecutable 可执行的51.instruction 指令,用法说明52.b uilt-in 内置,嵌入的53.r eset 复位54.b ootstrap loader 引导程序55.c omparator 比较器56.i n-circuit debugging 仿真调试57.i nterrupt resource 中断源58.i nstruction set 指令集59.a ddressing mode 寻址方式60.d ivision 除法61.multiplication 乘法62.s ubtraction 减法63.a ddition 加法64.R educed Instruction Set Computer (RISC) 精简指令集65.e ncode 编码,编码器66.d ecode 译码,解码67.o perand 操作数,运算对象68.l oad 加载69.m ainframe 主机70.o ffset 偏移量71.parameter 参数,系数72.i mmediate addressing 立即寻址73.d irect addressing 直接寻址74.r egister addressing 寄存器寻址75.r egister indirect addressing 寄存器间接寻址76.i ndexed addressing 变址寻址77.r elative addressing 相对寻址78.d ecrement (DEC) 渐减79.i ncrement (INC) 渐加80.b inary 二进制81.octal system 八进制82.d ecimal 十进制83.h exadecimal 十六进制84.E xclusive-or (XOR) 逻辑异或85.X NOR 逻辑同或86.r otate 循环87.c omplement 补集,补码88.B oolean 布尔89.s ubroutine 子程序90.b ranch 分支bel 标号92.i nput 输入93.o utput 输出94.a rray 数组,阵列95.l atch 锁存器96.l ow-order 低位97.h igh-order 高位98.p eripheral device 外围设备99.l ow end 低端100.h igh end 高端101.low power 低功耗102.h igh power 大功率103.i ntegrated circuit (IC) 集成电路104.o scilloscope 示波器105.L east Significant Bit (LSB) 最低有效位106.M ost Significant Bit (MSB) 最高有效位107.a ctive high 高电位有效108.a ctive low 低电位有效109.c apacitor 电容110.resistor 电阻111.inductor 电感112.variable resistor 可变电阻113.full-duplex 全双工114.half-duplex 半双工115.on-chip 片上116.off-chip 片外117.Variance 方差(还没有整理完全,希望大家还有什么关于单片机的词汇再补充上去,然后方便的话上传到网上,分享分享更健康!!!)。

1. MCU - Microcontroller Unit(微控制器单元)MCU是单片机的常用缩写,它指的是整个单片机系统,包括中央处理器(CPU)、内存和各种外设。
2. CPU - Central Processing Unit(中央处理器)CPU是单片机中最核心的部分,负责执行指令和控制系统的操作。
3. RAM - Random Access Memory(随机存取存储器)RAM是用于临时存储数据的内存,它可以被CPU快速访问。
4. ROM - Read-Only Memory(只读存储器)ROM是单片机中的一个存储器类型,它存储了程序和数据,不允许对其进行修改。
5. EEPROM - Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (电可擦可编程只读存储器)EEPROM是一种可擦写的存储器,它可以多次擦除和编程,用于存储非易失性数据。
6. I/O - Input/Output(输入/输出)I/O指单片机与外部设备之间的数据交换接口,用于输入和输出数据。
7. ADC - Analog-to-Digital Converter(模数转换器)ADC用于将模拟信号转换为数字信号,以便单片机进行处理。
8. DAC - Digital-to-Analog Converter(数模转换器)DAC用于将数字信号转换为模拟信号,以便控制外部设备或输出模拟信号。
9. PWM - Pulse Width Modulation(脉宽调制)PWM是一种调节电平的技术,用于控制电流、电压或频率。

正文内容:1. MCU(Microcontroller)- 嵌入式微控制器- CPU (Central Processing Unit) - 中央处理器- ROM (Read-Only Memory) - 只读存储器- RAM (Random Access Memory) - 随机存储器- I/O (Input/Output) - 输入输出- ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter) - 模数转换器- UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter) - 通用异步收发器- I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) - 集成电路之间的串行通信接口- SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) - 串行外围设备接口- PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) - 脉宽调制2. EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory) - 可擦写可编程只读存储器- GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) - 通用输入输出- CAN (Controller Area Network) - 控制器局域网络- USB (Universal Serial Bus) - 通用串行总线- RTC (Real-Time Clock) - 实时时钟- DMA (Direct Memory Access) - 直接内存访问- ISP (In-System Programming) - 系统内编程- WDT (Watchdog Timer) - 看门狗定时器- POR (Power-On Reset) - 上电复位- LVD (Low Voltage Detection) - 低电压检测3. A/D (Analog-to-Digital) - 模数转换- D/A (Digital-to-Analog) - 数模转换- IDE (Integrated Development Environment) - 集成开发环境- MCU Core (Microcontroller Core) - 单片机核心- RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) - 精简指令集电脑- CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer) - 复杂指令集电脑- BCD (Binary-Coded Decimal) - 二进制编码十进制- OS (Operating System) - 操作系统- ISP (In-System Programming) - 系统内编程- FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) - 现场可编程门阵列4. GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) - 通用输入输出- ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter) - 模数转换器- PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) - 脉宽调制- SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) - 串行外围设备接口- I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) - 集成电路之间的串行通信接口- UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter) - 通用异步收发器- RTC (Real-Time Clock) - 实时时钟- WDT (Watchdog Timer) - 看门狗定时器- INT (Interrupt) - 中断- PIN (Pin Number) - 引脚编号5. IDE (Integrated Development Environment) - 集成开发环境- SDK (Software Development Kit) - 软件开发工具包- CMSIS (Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard) - 嵌入式MCU软件接口标准- HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) - 硬件抽象层- SPL (Standard Peripheral Library) - 标准外设库- RTOS (Real-Time Operating System) - 实时操作系统- API (Application Programming Interface) - 应用程序编程接口- GCC (GNU Compiler Collection) - GNU编译器集合- ICSP (In-Circuit Serial Programming) - 系统内串行编程- IAP (In-Application Programming) - 系统内应用编程- ISR (Interrupt Service Routine) - 中断服务子程序总结:以上是关于单片机英文缩写全称及中文名称的整理,本文列举了部分常见的缩写及名称,可以帮助读者更好地理解和运用单片机技术。

以下是一些单片机常见的名词解释:1. 处理器核心(Processor Core):单片机的处理器核心是其计算和控制的主要部分,包括中央处理器(CPU)、运算器(ALU)和控制器等。
2. 存储器(Memory):单片机的存储器分为内部存储器和外部存储器。
3. 输入输出接口(I/O Interface):单片机的输入输出接口用于与外部设备进行数据交互。
4. 定时器(Timer):定时器是单片机的一个重要外设,用于生成精确的时间延迟和定时事件。
5. 中断(Interrupt):中断是单片机的一种机制,可以在特定事件发生时打断程序的正常执行,优先执行相应的中断服务程序。
6. 片内外设(Peripheral):片内外设是指单片机集成在芯片内部的各种功能模块,例如ADC(模数转换器)、PWM(脉冲宽度调制器)、I2C(串行通信接口)等。
7. 编程(Programming):单片机的编程是指将用户的程序代码加载到单片机内存中,使单片机能够执行这些代码。

正文:一、常见的单片机英文缩写全称及其中文名称:1. MCU:Microcontroller Unit,中文名称为“微控制器单元”。
2. SOC:System-on-a-Chip,中文名称为“片上系统”。
3. ARM:Advanced RISC Machines,中文名称为“高级精简指令集机器”。
4. DSP:Digital Signal Processor,中文名称为“数字信号处理器”。
5. FPGA:Field-Programmable Gate Array,中文名称为“现场可编程门阵列”。
二、单片机英文缩写全称及中文名称的应用领域:1. 工业控制领域:- PLC:Programmable Logic Controller,可编程逻辑控制器,用于工业自动化控制系统。
- DCS:Distributed Control System,分布式控制系统,用于工业过程控制和监控。
2. 通信领域:- GSM:Global System for Mobile Communications,全球移动通信系统,用于移动通信。

单片机常用英语单词中文名称; 英文名称; ;简记术语单片机; Single Chip Micocomputer or MicoControler Unit ; SCM or MCU在线烧录(往芯片写入程序);In System Programming ; ISP在线仿真;In Circuit Enulator ;ICE复位 ;reset ;RST编程选通使能端;Program Strobe Enable ; PSEN看门狗;WatchDog数据指针寄存器;Data Pointer Register; DP特殊用途寄存器;Special Purpose Register; SPRPSW寄存器 ; PassWord Register; PSW奇偶校检位P位; ParityBit溢出位OV位; Overflow寄存器组选择位; Register Select; RS(0/1)进位校检位 ;堆栈指针; StackPointer; SP堆栈;stanck推入;push弹出;popIE中断寄存器;Interrupt Register ; IE溢出中断;Overflow Interrupt计(时)数器;Timer计数器高位;TimerHigh Bit ;TH计数器低位; TimerLow Bit ;TL计数器模式控制寄存器; Timer Model Control Register; TMOD计数器控制寄存器; Timer Model Control Register; TCON串行端口控制寄存器 ; Serial Control Regiter ; SCON串行模式控制寄存器; Serial Model Control Register; SMOD开始位;Start Bit结束位;Stop Bit字节数据高位 ;MSB 字节数据低位; LSB传输控制寄存器; Pass Control Register; PCON停止运行设置位; Power Down Bit; PD位闲置模式设置位; Idel Model Set Bit; IDL位辅助寄存器; AUXR闲置模式下看门狗控制位; Watchdog idle model control bit; WDIDLE看门狗复位; Watchdog reset中断服务程序; Interruput Service Routine宏; macro寄存器组; Register Bank中断优先级寄存器; Interrupt Register波特率; Baud Rate中断向量; interrupt vector数据校检; Data Polling计数器溢出; TimeroverFlow ; TF串行时钟信号;Serial Clock singal; SCK看门狗重置寄存器; WatchdogTimer Reset SFR; WDTRST SFR;UART移位寄存器锁存器串行锁存器 ;SBUF堆栈随机存储器 ; Stanck RAM ;SRAM脉宽;Purse Width Model ;PWM应用中编程 ; In Application Programing ;IAP数据总线DB模拟/数字信号转换;A/D个人计算机;PC读写控制线;CB总线;BUS晶体振荡器频率;fosc 机器周期;MC状态周期; S拍;P输入/输出;I/O电源正极;VCC电源负极;VSS /GND 外加电源;VPD插座;JP主器件发送-从器件接收数据口;MOSI(P1.5)主器件接收-从器件发送数据口;MOSO(P1.6)Central Processing Unit 中央处理器CPURead Only Memory 只读存储器ROMErasable Programmable ROM 可擦除可编程只读存储器EPROMRandom-Access Memory 随机存取存储器RAMInput / Output输入/输出 I/O Interface接口Port端口Arithmetic Logical Unit 算术逻辑单元ALUIT0/T1 串行输入口;RXO串行输出口;TXD累加器;ACC程序状态字;PSW紫外线擦除存储器;EPROM 只读存储器;ROM随机存储器;RAM可编程控制器;PROM电擦除存储器;EEPROM门控位;GATE串行数据线;SDA串行时钟线;SCLIC器件间;I2CAccumulator累加器 ACCProgram Status Word 程序状态字PSWCarry进位标志位 C Auxiliary Carry ACWorking Register Bank Selection Bit 1 / 0工作寄存器区选择RS1 / RS0Overflow溢出 OV Parity奇偶性 P Program Counter程序计数器 PC Data Pointer数据指针 DPTR Stack堆栈Stack Pointer堆栈指针 SPSpecial Function Register 特殊功能寄存器SFRProgram Store Enable 访问外部程序存储器选通 PSENAddress Latch Enable 地址锁存允许ALEExternal Access 访问外部程序存储器 EAReset复位 RSTCrystal石英晶体 XTAL Receive Data串行接收 RXD Transmit Data串行发送 TXD Interrupt中断 INT Timer, Counter定时器,计数器Write写 WRRead读 RD Address Bus地址总线 AB Control Bus控制总线 CB Data Bus数据总线 DB The Low byte of DPTR DPLThe High byte of DPTR DPHThe Low byte of T0 / T1TL0 / TL1The High byte of T0 /TH0 / TH1T1Power Control电源控制 PCONTimer / CounterT/C控制 TCON ControlTimer / Counter Mode T/C模式 TMOD串行数据缓冲器Serial Buffer SBUFSerial Port Control 串行口控制SCONInterrupt Enable中断允许 IE Interrupt Priority中断优先级 IPIdle空闲 IDLPower Down掉电 PDClock Cycle时钟周期Machine Cycle机器周期Instruction Cycle指令周期1.microcontroller 微控制器2. microprocessor 微处理器3. integrated circuit 集成电路4. processor core 内核5. peripheral 外围设备6. chip 芯片7. embedded application/system 嵌入式应用/系统8. Mixed signal 复合信号9. analog 模拟10. component 元件;组成11. power consumption 功耗、能耗12. interrupt 中断13. external 外部的14. internal 内部的15. package 封装16. flash memory 闪存17. semiconductor 半导体18. interrupt service routine (ISR) 中断例程19. overflow 溢出20. hardware 硬件21. software 软件22. interface 接口23. general purpose input/output (GPIO) 通用输入/输出24. sensor 传感器25. analog-to-digital converter (ADC) 模数转换器26. timer 计时器、定时器27. register 寄存器28. Serial Interface (SI) 串行接口29. Parallel Interface (PI) 并行接口30. bus 总线31. net 网络32. circuit 电路33. Central Processing Unit (CPU) 中央处理器34. discrete 分立元件;离散的35. clock generator 时钟发生器36. crystal oscillator 晶振37. compiler 编译器38. simulator 模拟器,仿真器39. Interrupt latency 中断延迟40. buffer 缓冲器41. interrupt nesting 中断嵌套42. priority level 优先级43. accumulator 累加器44. synchronous 同步的45. asynchronous 异步的46. shift register 移位寄存器47. configuration 配置48. clock frequency 时钟频率49. Integrated Development Environment (IDE) 集成开发环境50. executable 可执行的51. instruction 指令,用法说明52. built-in 内置,嵌入的53. reset 复位54. bootstrap loader 引导程序55. comparator 比较器56. in-circuit debugging 仿真调试57. interrupt resource 中断源58. instruction set 指令集59. addressing mode 寻址方式60. division 除法61. multiplication 乘法62. subtraction 减法63. addition 加法64. Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) 精简指令集65. encode 编码,编码器66. decode 译码,解码67. operand 操作数,运算对象68. load 加载69. mainframe 主机70. offset 偏移量71. parameter 参数,系数72. immediate addressing 立即寻址73. direct addressing 直接寻址74. register addressing 寄存器寻址75. register indirect addressing 寄存器间接寻址76. indexed addressing 变址寻址77. relative addressing 相对寻址78. decrement (DEC) 渐减79. increment (INC) 渐加80. binary 二进制81. octal system 八进制82. decimal 十进制83. hexadecimal 十六进制84. Exclusive-or (XOR) 逻辑异或85. XNOR 逻辑同或86. rotate 循环87. complement 补集,补码88. Boolean 布尔89. subroutine 子程序90. branch 分支91. label 标号92. input 输入93. output 输出94. array 数组,阵列95. latch 锁存器96. low-order 低位97. high-order 高位98. peripheral device 外围设备99. low end 低端100. high end 高端101. low power 低功耗102. high power 大功率103. integrated circuit (IC) 集成电路104. oscilloscope 示波器105. Least Significant Bit (LSB) 最低有效位106. Most Significant Bit (MSB) 最高有效位107. active high 高电位有效108. active low 低电位有效109. capacitor 电容110. resistor 电阻111. inductor 电感112. variable resistor 可变电阻113. full-duplex 全双工114. half-duplex 半双工115. on-chip 片上116. off-chip 片外117. Variance 方差。

单片机常用英语单词中文名称; 英文名称; ;简记术语单片机; Single Chip Micocomputer or MicoControler Unit ;SCM or MCU在线烧录(往芯片写入程序);In System Programming ; ISP在线仿真;In Circuit Enulator ;ICE复位;reset ;RST编程选通使能端;Program Strobe Enable ; PSEN看门狗;WatchDog数据指针寄存器;Data Pointer Register; DP特殊用途寄存器;Special Purpose Register; SPRPSW寄存器; PassWord Register; PSW奇偶校检位P位; ParityBit溢出位OV位; Overflow寄存器组选择位; Register Select; RS(0/1)进位校检位;堆栈指针; StackPointer; SP堆栈;stanck推入;push弹出;popIE中断寄存器;Interrupt Register ; IE溢出中断;Overflow Interrupt计(时)数器;Timer计数器高位;TimerHigh Bit ;TH计数器低位; TimerLow Bit ;TL计数器模式控制寄存器; Timer Model Control Register; TMOD 计数器控制寄存器; Timer Model Control Register; TCON 串行端口控制寄存器; Serial Control Regiter ; SCON串行模式控制寄存器; Serial Model Control Register; SMOD开始位;Start Bit 结束位;Stop Bit 字节数据高位;MSB 字节数据低位; LSB传输控制寄存器; Pass Control Register; PCON停止运行设置位; Power Down Bit; PD位闲置模式设置位; Idel Model Set Bit; IDL位辅助寄存器; AUXR闲置模式下看门狗控制位; Watchdog idle model control bit;WDIDLE看门狗复位; Watchdog reset中断服务程序; Interruput Service Routine宏; macro寄存器组; Register Bank中断优先级寄存器; Interrupt Register波特率; Baud Rate中断向量; interrupt vector数据校检; Data Polling计数器溢出; TimeroverFlow ; TF串行时钟信号;Serial Clock singal; SCK看门狗重置寄存器; WatchdogTimer Reset SFR; WDTRST SFR ;UART移位寄存器锁存器串行锁存器;SBUF堆栈随机存储器; Stanck RAM ;SRAM脉宽;Purse Width Model ;PWM应用中编程; In Application Programing ;IAP数据总线DB模拟/数字信号转换;A/D个人计算机;PC读写控制线;CB总线;BUS晶体振荡器频率;fosc 机器周期;MC状态周期; S 拍;P输入/输出;I/O电源正极;VCC电源负极;VSS /GND 外加电源;VPD插座;JP主器件发送-从器件接收数据口;MOSI(P1.5)主器件接收-从器件发送数据口;MOSO(P1.6)IT0/T1 串行输入口;RXO 串行输出口;TXD 累加器;ACC程序状态字;PSW紫外线擦除存储器;EPROM 只读存储器;ROM随机存储器;RAM可编程控制器;PROM电擦除存储器;EEPROM 门控位;GATE串行数据线;SDA 串行时钟线;SCL IC器件间;I2CCentral Processing Unit 中央处理器CPURead Only Memory 只读存储器ROMErasable Programmable ROM 可擦除可编程只读存储器EPROMRandom-Access Memory 随机存取存储器RAMInput / Output 输入/输出I/O Interface 接口Port 端口Arithmetic Logical Unit 算术逻辑单元ALUAccumulator 累加器ACC程序状态字Carry 进位标志位 C Auxiliary Carry ACWorking Register Bank Selection Bit 1 / 0 工作寄存器区选择RS1 / RS0Overflow 溢出OV Parity 奇偶性P Program Counter 程序计数器PC Data Pointer 数据指针DPTR Stack 堆栈Stack Pointer 堆栈指针SPSpecial Function Register 特殊功能寄存器SFRProgram Store Enable 访问外部程序存储器选通PSENAddress Latch Enable 地址锁存允许ALEExternal Access 访问外部程序存储器EAReset 复位RSTCrystal 石英晶体XTAL Receive Data 串行接收RXD Transmit Data 串行发送TXD Interrupt 中断INT Timer, Counter 定时器,计数器Write 写WRRead 读RDAddress Bus 地址总线AB Control Bus 控制总线CB Data Bus 数据总线DB The Low byte of DPTR DPLThe High byte of DPTR DPHThe Low byte of T0 / T1 TL0 / TL1The High byte of T0 / T1 TH0 / TH1Power Control 电源控制PCON Timer / Counter Control T/C控制TCON Timer / Counter Mode T/C模式TMOD1.microcontroller 微控制器2.microprocessor 微处理器3.integrated circuit 集成电路4.processor core 内核5.peripheral 外围设备6.chip芯片7.embedded application/system 嵌入式应用/系统8.Mixed signal 复合信号9.analog模拟Serial Buffer 串行数据缓冲器SBUFSerial Port Control 串行口控制SCON Interrupt Enable 中断允许IEInterrupt Priority 中断优先级IP Idle空闲IDL Power Down 掉电PDClock Cycle 时钟周期Machine Cycle 机器周期Instruction Cycle指令周期ponent 元件;组成11.power consumption 功耗、能耗12.interrupt 中断13.external 外部的14.internal 内部的15.package 封装16.flash memory 闪存17.semiconductor 半导体18.interrupt service routine (ISR) 中断例程19.overflow 溢出20.hardware 硬件21.software 软件22.interface 接口23.general purpose input/output (GPIO) 通用输入/输出24.sensor 传感器25.analog-to-digital converter (ADC) 模数转换器26.t imer 计时器、定时器27.r egister 寄存器28.Serial Interface (SI) 串行接口29.P arallel Interface (PI) 并行接口30.bus 总线 网络32.circuit 电路33.Central Processing Unit (CPU) 中央处理器34.discrete 分立元件;离散的35.clock generator 时钟发生器36.crystal oscillator 晶振piler 编译器38.simulator 模拟器,仿真器39.I nterrupt latency 中断延迟40.buffer 缓冲器41.interrupt nesting 中断嵌套42.priority level 优先级43.accumulator 累加器44.synchronous 同步的45.asynchronous 异步的46.shift register 移位寄存器47.configuration 配置48.clock frequency 时钟频率49.I ntegrated Development Environment (IDE) 集成开发环境50.executable 可执行的51.instruction 指令,用法说明52.built-in 内置,嵌入的53.r eset 复位54.bootstrap loader 引导程序parator 比较器56.in-circuit debugging 仿真调试57.interrupt resource 中断源58.instruction set 指令集59.addressing mode 寻址方式60.division 除法61.multiplication 乘法62.subtraction 减法63.addition 加法64.Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) 精简指令集65.encode 编码,编码器66.decode 译码,解码67.operand 操作数,运算对象68.load 加载69.mainframe 主机70.offset 偏移量71.parameter 参数,系数72.immediate addressing 立即寻址73.direct addressing 直接寻址74.r egister addressing 寄存器寻址75.r egister indirect addressing 寄存器间接寻址76.indexed addressing 变址寻址77.r elative addressing 相对寻址78.decrement (DEC) 渐减79.increment (INC) 渐加80.binary 二进制81.octal system 八进制82.decimal 十进制83.hexadecimal 十六进制84.Exclusive-or (XOR) 逻辑异或85.XNOR 逻辑同或86.r otate 循环plement 补集,补码88.Boolean 布尔89.subroutine 子程序90.branch 分支bel 标号92.input 输入93.output 输出94.array 数组,阵列tch 锁存器96.low-order 低位97.high-order 高位98.peripheral device 外围设备99.low end 低端100.high end 高端101.low power 低功耗102.high power 大功率103.integrated circuit (IC) 集成电路104.oscilloscope 示波器105.Least Significant Bit (LSB) 最低有效位106.M ost Significant Bit (MSB) 最高有效位107.active high 高电位有效108.active low 低电位有效109.capacitor 电容110.resistor 电阻111.inductor 电感112.variable resistor 可变电阻113.full-duplex 全双工114.half-duplex 半双工115.on-chip 片上116.off-chip 片外117.Variance 方差。
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看门狗复位;Watchdog reset
中断服务程序;Interruput Service Routine
寄存器组;Register Bank
中断优先级寄存器;Interrupt Register
波特率;Baud Rate
中断向量;interrupt vector
字节数据低位 ; LSB
传输控制寄存器;Pass Control Register ;PCON
停止运行设置位;Power Down Bit ; PD位
复位;reset ;RST
编程选通使能端;Program Strobe Enable ; PSEN
应用中编程 ; In Application Programing ;IAP
单片机; Single Chip Micocomputer or MicoControler Unit ; SCM or MCU
在线烧录(往芯片写入程序);In System Programming;ISP
在线仿真;In Circuit Enulator ;ICE
计数器模式控制寄存器;Timer Model Control Register ;TMOD
计数器控制寄存器 ;Timer Model Control Register ;TCON
串行端口控制寄存器 ;Serial Control Regiter ; SCON
在单片机的学习过程中总要接触很多的英文缩写、专有名词等,对于初学的人来说无论在理解还是记忆上都会有一些困难。这里把一些频率较高的词和英文缩写总结如下,其中有一部分把英文缩写的有原文也列出,便于有一些英语基础的单片机初学者联想记忆,亦知其缩写然知其所以缩写;Data Pointer Register ;DP
特殊用途寄存器;Special Purpose Register ;SPR
PSW寄存器 ; PassWord Register ; PSW
奇偶校检位P位 ;ParityBit
溢出位OV位 ;Overflow
寄存器组选择位;Register Select ; RS(0/1)
进位校检位 ;
IT0/T1 串行输入口;RXO
数据校检;Data Polling
计数器溢出;Timer overFlow ; TF
串行时钟信号;Serial Clock singal ; SCK
闲置模式设置位;Idel Model Set Bit ;IDL位
辅助寄存器 ;AUXR
闲置模式下看门狗控制位;Watchdog idle model control bit ;WDIDLE
串行模式控制寄存器;Serial Model Control Register ;SMOD
开始位;Start Bit
结束位;Stop Bit
字节数据高位 ;MSB
溢出中断;Overflow Interrupt
计数器高位;TimerHigh Bit ;TH
计数器低位; TimerLow Bit ;TL
堆栈指针;StackPointer ;SP
IE中断寄存器;Interrupt Register ; IE
看门狗重置寄存器;WatchdogTimer Reset SFR ; WDTRST SFR
串行锁存器 ;SBUF
状态周期; S
堆栈随机存储器 ; Stanck RAM ;SRAM
脉宽;Purse Width Model ;PWM