
关键词:海藻酸钠水凝胶释药0 引言高分子凝胶是由三维网络结构的高分子和溶胀介质构成,网络可以吸收介质而溶胀,介质可以是气体或者液体。


海藻酸钠的研究与应用进展作者:彭琪琪来源:《大经贸》 2019年第7期彭琪琪【摘要】海藻酸钠(SA)是从褐藻类的海带或马尾藻中提取的一种天然多糖类物质,是由β-D-甘露糖醛酸和α-L-古洛糖醛酸按(1→4)键连接而成,具有pH敏感性和一定的黏附性,安全环保,成本低廉,广泛应用于医疗、食品包装、环境污染治理等领域[1]。

氧化海藻酸钠交联壳聚糖载药复合体系的制备及其药物缓释初步研究*张 旭1,2,顾志鹏1,徐源廷1,李 华1,余喜讯1,2(1.四川大学高分子科学与工程学院,四川成都610065;2.四川大学苏州研究院,江苏苏州215123)摘 要: 为获得一种新型的药物释放复合体系,本实验首先通过乳化交联法制备壳聚糖(CS)包载四环素(TC)微球,然后利用氧化海藻酸钠交联聚磷酸钙/壳聚糖(CPP/CS)复合材料,用冷冻干燥法制备了载药微球复合体系。
关键词: 氧化海藻酸钠;壳聚糖;聚磷酸钙;复合体系;药物缓释中图分类号: R318.08文献标识码:A文章编号:1001-9731(2011)05-0894-031 引 言目前,很多疾病如慢性骨髓炎等的治疗[1]需在病灶部位保持较为稳定的抗生素药物浓度,同时还要修复因疾病造成的骨缺损。

后来Ohya 等[6 ] 首次报道了采用共价交联法,制备内含5-氟尿嘧啶(5- Fu) 抗癌药物的壳聚糖纳米粒子。

广东化工2021年第2期· 6 · 第48卷总第436期壳聚糖纤维/壳聚糖/海藻酸钠水凝胶溶胀性能与抑菌性能王浩然,邓言权,李濠镜,姚浩然,邵宗磊,李阳雪,张大伟*(材料科学与工程学院东北林业大学,黑龙江哈尔滨150000)[摘要]制备了壳聚糖(CS)/海藻酸钠(SA)复合水凝胶,并通过加入吸水性壳聚糖长纤维、45 %壳聚糖水刺无纺布、80 %壳聚糖水刺无纺布、100 %壳聚糖水刺无纺布、100 %壳聚糖针刺无纺布这五种纤维,增强复合水凝胶的力学性能,探究了复合水凝胶的吸水溶胀性能与抑菌性能。
[关键词]壳聚糖;海藻酸钠;壳聚糖纤维;水凝胶[中图分类号]TQ [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1007-1865(2021)02-0006-02Preparation and Preperties of Chitosan Fiber/Chitosan/Alginate Hydrogel Wang Haoran, Deng Yanquan, Li Haojing, Yao Haoran, Shao Zonglei, Li Xueyang, Zhang Dawei*(College of Materials Science and Engineering, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150000, China) Abstract: Pick to adopt chemical crosslinked chitosan (CS)/sodium alginate (SA) composite hydrogels, and by adding water imbibition of chitosan long fiber, 45 % chitosan spunlace nonwoven spunlace nonwovens, 80 %, 100 % chitosan spunlace nonwoven, 100 % chitosan acupuncture non-woven these five kinds of fiber, enhance the mechanical properties of composite hydrogel, explore the absorbent composite hydrogel swelling properties, mechanical properties, antibacterial properties.The results showed that the swelling ratio of hydrogel in distilled water was significantly decreased after adding fiber. In alkaline environment, the swelling ratio of hydrogel was significantly increased. In neutral environment, the swelling ratio of hydrogel was the lowest.The mechanical properties of the composite hydrogel increased significantly after fiber was added.After the addition of fiber, the composite hydrogel still had some bacteriostasis, and the hydrogel without fiber showed a general bacteriostasis, while the one with the addition of absorbent chitosan long fiber had the best bacteriostasis.Keywords: Chitosan;sodium alginate;chitosan fiber;hydrogel水凝胶作为一种新型的高分子材料,是最具吸引力的软材料之一,具有三维网络结构和可调的物理和化学性质[1]。

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河北科技师范学院学报 第24卷第1期,2010年3月Journa l ofH ebeiNor m alUn i v ersity of Science &Techno logy Vo.l 24No .1M arch 2010壳聚糖/海藻酸钠水凝胶的制备及其在药物控释中的应用郑学芳,刘 纯,廉 琪,贾丹丹,田宏燕,王东军*(河北科技师范学院理化学院,河北秦皇岛,066600)摘要:以戊二醛(GA )为交联剂,壳聚糖作为聚阳离子组分,海藻酸钠作为聚阴离子组分,制备了壳聚糖(CS)海藻酸钠(SA )水凝胶。
探讨了改变溶液的p H 值和交联剂用量等条件对两种水凝胶溶胀性能的影响。
交联剂含量、p H 对CS S A 水凝胶溶胀率的影响较大,且在酸性条件下的水凝胶的溶胀率远大于碱性条件下的溶胀率,包埋在此水凝胶中的牛血清蛋白(BSA )释放随载药介质的p H 值的变化而显著不同,p H 值为1.0条件下载药的水凝胶释药率大于p H 值为7.4,9.18条件下的释药率。
关键词:壳聚糖;海藻酸钠;牛血清蛋白;控制释放中图分类号:O 636.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672 7983(2010)01 0008 04水凝胶对外界刺激如pH 值、溶剂、盐浓度、光等能产生相应的体积变化,广泛应用于药物控制释放、固定化酶、物料萃取、生物材料培养、提纯、蛋白酶的活性控制等领域[2~4]。
海藻酸钠(SA )是一种广泛存在于各类棕色海藻中的天然高分子,可与多价阳离子形成简单的凝胶,成胶条件温和,该类凝胶对机体无毒性,适合作为药物包埋材料。
笔者以戊二醛为交联剂,壳聚糖作为聚阳离子组分,海藻酸钠作为聚阴离子组分制备壳聚糖/海藻酸钠水凝胶(CS SA ),并通过改变溶液的pH 值和交联剂用量等因素来探讨水凝胶的溶胀性能变化。



海藻酸钠纳米复合材料在药物传递、组织工程和生物医学等领域具有广泛的应 用前景。然而,要实现这些应用,仍需解决一些挑战性问题。首先,需要进一 步优化制备工艺,提高材料的产量和稳定性。其次,需要深入研究海藻酸钠纳 米复合材料与生物体的相互作用机制,以实现其安全性和有效性的提高。最后, 需要加强针对纳米材料潜在毒性的研究,以避免可能的副作用。
总之,海藻酸钠的提取研究进展不断推动着该领域的进步和发展。随着科技的 不断进步和研究的深入,相信未来会有更多的创新和突破,为人类带来更多的 福祉。
海藻酸钠壳聚糖微载体是一种新型的生物相容性良好的药物载体,具有良好的 应用前景。它是由海藻酸钠和壳聚糖两种天然高分子材料通过化学交联反应制 备而成的。这种微载体具有载药量大、生物相容性好、易于降解等优点,在药 物传递、基因治疗、组织工程等领域受到了广泛。
3、易于降解:海藻酸钠和壳聚 糖在体内可被自然降解,具有较 好的生物降解性,对环境友好。
1、海藻酸钠和壳聚糖的溶液制备:将海藻酸钠和壳聚糖分别溶于适量的溶剂 中,制备成一定浓度的溶液。
2、微载体制备:将两种溶液混合后,加入交联剂,经搅拌、均质、透析等步 骤,制备成海藻酸钠壳聚糖微载体。
3、药物负载:将药物溶于溶剂中,与海藻酸钠壳聚糖溶液混合,通过物理吸 附或化学键合作用将药物负载于微载体上。
海藻酸钠纳米复合材料的制备方法主要包括物理法、化学法和生物法等。其中, 物理法主要包括纳米粒子的分散和海藻酸钠的溶液混合等步骤,化学法则是利 用改性剂对海藻酸钠进行改性并接枝到纳米粒子表面,生物法则利用微生物发 酵或基因工程等技术将海藻酸钠与纳米粒子结合。
海藻酸钠纳米复合材料具有优异的性能,如高透明度、良好的生物相容性和抗 菌性等。在药物传递方面,海藻酸钠纳米复合材料可以作为药物载体,提高药 物的稳定性和疗效。在组织工程领域,这种材料可以作为细胞支架,促进细胞 的粘附和增殖。然而,目前海藻酸钠纳米复合材料仍存在一些问题,如制备过 程复杂、成本较高以及可能存在的纳米粒子毒性等问题。

二、材料与方法本研究所需的主要材料包括壳聚糖(CS,脱乙酰度≥95%,分子量100,000-300,000 Da)、海藻酸钠(SA,粘度≥200 mPa·s)以及模型药物(本实验选用布洛芬作为模型药物,纯度≥98%)。
还需要戊二醛(GA,分析纯)、氯化钠(NaCl,分析纯)、氯化钙(CaCl ₂,分析纯)、氢氧化钠(NaOH,分析纯)等化学试剂。

图1 壳聚糖的分子结构式Fig.1 Molecular structure of chitosan1 CS类水凝胶的制备制备CS类水凝胶的方法有物理交联法、化学交联法、酶交联法、互穿聚合物网络交联法等,其中使用最多的方法是物理交联法、化学交联法和酶交联法。


二、壳聚糖与海藻酸钠的性质与特点1. 壳聚糖壳聚糖是一种天然多糖,具有良好的生物相容性和生物可降解性。
2. 海藻酸钠海藻酸钠是从褐藻中提取的多糖,其特点是具有阴离子性和凝胶性质。
三、基于壳聚糖与海藻酸钠的改性聚合物的制备方法1. 壳聚糖与海藻酸钠的共混将壳聚糖和海藻酸钠按一定质量比例混合,经过溶液处理和高速搅拌,使两者充分交互吸附,形成均匀的混合物。
2. 化学交联反应通过引入交联剂,如乙二醇二醚、聚乙二醇二醇等,在壳聚糖与海藻酸钠的共混物中进行交联反应。
四、壳聚糖与海藻酸钠改性聚合物的结构表征1. 红外光谱分析利用红外光谱仪对改性聚合物进行测试分析。
2. 扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察利用SEM对改性聚合物的表面形貌和微观结构进行观察。
五、壳聚糖与海藻酸钠改性聚合物的性能测试1. 吸水性能测试将改性聚合物样品放置于含水环境中,测量吸水量来评估其吸水性能。
2. 力学性能测试通过拉伸试验测试改性聚合物的力学性能,如抗拉强度、断裂伸长率等。


第54卷 第3期 2024年3月中国海洋大学学报P E R I O D I C A L O F O C E A N U N I V E R S I T Y O F C H I N A54(3):060~069M a r .,2024基于壳聚糖的抗菌可注射自愈性水凝胶的制备及其生物相容性研究❋曹亚婵1,刘晓坤2,党奇峰1,刘成圣1❋❋(1.中国海洋大学海洋生命学院,山东青岛266003;2.青岛海洋生物医药研究院,山东青岛266075)摘 要: 为了解决传统水凝胶作为敷料或支架在生物体内应用时所表现出的抑菌活性低㊁生物相溶性差和机械性能差等问题,本文以氧化普鲁兰多糖(O P )为交联剂,分别同硫醇化季铵盐壳聚糖(N A C -Q C S )和己二酸二酰肼(A D H )发生动态化学反应,首次制备出一种可注射的自愈性抗菌的水凝胶 N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶,并对水凝胶的物理化学性质㊁抑菌活性和生物相容性进行研究㊂实验表明:N Q C -O P -A D H 对E s c h e r i c h i a c o l i 和S t a p h l o c o c c u a u r e u s 均表现出较高的抑菌活性,抑菌率分别为84%和99%;溶血率小于2%,具有良好的血液相容性;对培养24㊁48和72h 的L 929细胞显示出较低的细胞毒性;在N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶表面和内部的培养至第5天的L 929细胞仍具有良好的生长状态,特别是表面培养过程中有较多细胞迁移到N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶内部,表明N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶具有良好的细胞相容性㊂成胶后的N Q C -O P -A D H 可顺利通过注射器,无堵塞现象发生,且具有良好的自愈能力㊂关键词: 硫醇化季铵盐壳聚糖;普鲁兰多糖;自愈性水凝胶;抑菌活性;细胞相容性中图法分类号: Q 539;Q 819 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1672-5174(2024)03-060-10D O I : 10.16441/j.c n k i .h d x b .20220142引用格式: 曹亚婵,刘晓坤,党奇峰,等.基于壳聚糖的抗菌可注射自愈性水凝胶的制备及其生物相容性研究[J ].中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版),2024,54(3):60-69.C a o Y a c h a n ,L i u X i a o k u n ,D a n g Q i f e n g ,e t a l .P r e p a r a t i o n a n d b i o c o m p a t i b i l i t y o f a n t i b a c t e r i a l i n je c t a b l e c h i t o s a n -b a s e d h y d r o g e lf o r s e l f -h e a l i ng b i o m a t e r i a l [J ].P e r i o d i c a l o f O c e a n U n i v e r s i t y of C h i n a ,2024,54(3):60-69. ❋ 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(31400812)资助S u p p o r t e d b y t h e N a t i o n a l N a t u r e S c i e n c e F o u n d a t i o n o f C h i n a (31400812)收稿日期:2022-03-07;修订日期:2022-04-07作者简介:曹亚婵(1992 ),女,硕士生㊂E -m a i l :c a o ya c h a n @163.c o m ❋❋ 通信作者:刘成圣(1967 ),男,博士,教授㊂E -m a i l :l i u c s @o u c .e d u .c n近年来,各种各样的水凝胶材料作为药物载体㊁组织支架或伤口敷料被广泛应用于生物体,为医学领域的研究提供新的思路和方向[1]㊂其中水凝胶敷料因具有可以保持湿润的伤口环境㊁吸收组织渗出物㊁允许氧气通透和促进伤口愈合等优点[2-3]而备受关注㊂但是目前研究的传统水凝胶敷料在受到外力刺激后,其网络结构的完整性会受到损害,影响水凝胶的使用和寿命[4],若水凝胶本身具有自愈能力便可以解决这一问题㊂同时,传统水凝胶的抑菌活性低,因此往往会引起作用部位的微生物感染,而且尽管不少研究者额外装载了抗菌成份,如抗生素[5]或金属银颗粒[6],但随着多种耐药菌株的出现,细菌的耐药性问题日益突出[7]㊂此外在抗菌成分被完全释出后,水凝胶就会失去抗菌活性㊂因此,研发具有抗菌可注射的自愈性水凝胶备受期待㊂换句话说,在生物医学材料领域中,设计能够解决当前水凝胶使用完整性和抑菌性问题的新型抗菌性自愈合水凝胶迫在眉睫㊂海洋生物医用材料是生物医用材料中的重要分支,因其具有资源丰富㊁功能独特㊁生物安全㊁成本低廉的优点而备受生物材料界的广泛关注[8]㊂其中,壳聚糖(C h i t o s a n ,C S)作为地球上第二大可再生资源,主要通过广泛存在于昆虫㊁甲壳类硬壳和真菌细胞壁的甲壳质脱乙酰而获得㊂C S 具有抑菌㊁止血㊁愈创㊁减少疤痕增生㊁吸附等生物学功能并可被降解,经过物理化学修饰的C S 衍生物,已被广泛应用于生物医学领域㊂C S只可溶于部分稀酸溶液(乙酸㊁盐酸㊁硝酸和甲酸等),而不溶于碱液㊁强酸和水,致使其应用受到很大限制[9]㊂C S 分子链上存在大量游离氨基㊁羧基和羟基等活泼基团,可作为反应位点对其进行化学改性,从而获得溶解性和生物性能更好的C S 衍生物㊂根据先前的研究,对C S 的改性主要有羧基化反应[10]㊁季氨化反应[11]㊁烷基化反应[12]㊁酰化反应[13]㊁硫醇化反应[14]以及其他化学修饰[15]㊂本研究通过取代反应和酰胺反应,首次分别对甘3期曹亚婵,等:基于壳聚糖的抗菌可注射自愈性水凝胶的制备及其生物相容性研究油三甲基氯化铵(G T M A C)和N-乙酰半胱氨酸(N-A c-e t y l-L-C y s t e i n e,N A C)进行C S的氨基接枝,以制备溶解性和生物性能更好的N-乙酰半胱氨酸季铵盐壳聚糖(N A C-Q C S)㊂具有无毒性和良好生物相容性的普鲁兰多糖(P u l l u l a n)经过高碘酸钠氧化后,生成含醛基的氧化普鲁兰多糖(O P)㊂以O P作为交联剂:与N A C-Q C S上的氨基发生席夫碱反应生成亚胺键;与己二酸二酰肼上的酰肼基团发生缩合反应生成酰腙键㊂N A C-Q C S上的巯基经氧化作用生成二硫键㊂在上述3种动态共价键的作用下,成功制备出N Q C-O P-A D H 水凝胶㊂随后,研究了N Q C-O P-A D H水凝胶的化学结构㊁形态㊁溶胀率㊁胶凝时间㊁可注射性㊁自愈性㊁抑菌性和生物相容性㊂1试剂㊁材料和仪器试剂:C S(分子量为410k D a,脱乙酰度(D D)为95.88%)产自青岛百成海洋生物资源有限公司;甘油三甲基氯化铵(G T M A C)产自国药集团;N-乙酰半胱胺酸(N A C)产自国药集团;O P产自国药集团;己二酸二酰肼(A D H)产自国药集团;其他试剂均为分析纯㊂材料:L929细胞由中国海洋大学海洋生命学院生物化学实验室捐赠;大肠杆菌(E s c h e r i c h i a c o l i)和金黄色葡萄球菌(S t a p h y l o c o c c u s a u r e u s)由青岛大学附属医院馈赠;动物实验程序是根据1986年英国动物(科学程序)法案和相关指南进行的,并获得海洋生命学院伦理委员会批准(S M X Y N o.20190909S0208)㊂仪器:傅里叶红外扫描仪(A V A T A R-360,美国, N i c o l e t);冷冻干燥机(F D-1D-50,北京博医康实验仪器有限公司);扫描电子显微镜(S-3400N,日本日立有限公司);荧光共聚焦显微镜(N i k o n A1R,日本尼康公司)㊂2实验方法2.1N Q C-O P-A D H水凝胶的制备根据先前的制备方法[16],经纯化得到季铵盐壳聚糖(Q C S)㊂取1g Q C S溶于80m L蒸馏水中备用㊂将4g N-C y s溶于20m L蒸馏水中,并依次加入4.73gE D C和2.84g N H S,用1m o l/L H C l溶液调p H=5.0,活化1h,结束后将其慢慢滴加到Q C S溶液内,调节最终反应液p H=5.0㊂室温下避光搅拌反应6h,再在4ħ下避光透析5d,冷冻干燥后获得N A C-Q C S 样品㊂将1g普鲁兰多糖溶于100m L蒸馏水中,加入0.53g N a I O4,在室温下避光搅拌反应16h后,再加入0.67g甘露醇反应2h,使未参加反应的N a I O4失活㊂反应结束后,用透析袋透析5d,冷冻干燥后得到氧化普鲁兰多糖(O P)[17]㊂将一定量的N A C-Q C S㊁O P和A D H分别溶于p H=7.4的磷酸缓冲盐溶液(A h o s p h a t e b u f f e r s a-l i n e,P B S)中,将O P溶液加入N A C-Q C S与A D H混合的溶液中并立即搅拌均匀,一定时间后形成透明的N Q C-O P-A D H水凝胶㊂2.2N Q C-O P-A D H水凝胶的性质表征2.2.1F T-I R和S E M表征本文利用F T-I R(傅立叶变换红外光谱)对C S㊁N A C-Q C S㊁O P和N Q C-O P-A D H水凝胶进行表征,通过官能团的改变,证明产物的成功制备㊂然后利用S E M(扫描电子显微镜)观察N Q C-O P-A D H水凝胶的微结构和形态㊂2.2.2成胶时间、可注射性和宏观自愈性研究本文通过管倒置法检测水凝胶的胶凝时间[18]㊂将N A C-Q C S㊁A D H和O P溶液迅速混合均匀,在室温下,每隔10s将试管倒置,若混合物在倒置后60s内不再流动则判定溶液已成胶,记录此时的时间为成胶时间㊂将N A C-Q C S溶于混有甲基蓝(0.002%,w t/v o l)的P B S中,随后加入A D H和O P溶液混合均匀,迅速将溶液转移至注射器,待其完全成胶后,推动注射器,观察水凝胶是否可以通过针头挤出而不堵塞,并在室温下放置4h,观察其通过注射器后能否再愈合为完整水凝胶[1]㊂这里选用宏观自愈实验来评价N Q C-O P-A D H水凝胶的自愈性能㊂制备3个水凝胶圆盘(直径20m m,厚度3m m),其中一个为未染色的透明水凝胶,另2个分别用中性红和甲基蓝染色,每个水凝胶圆盘等分成3片,3种颜色的水凝胶各取一片,组合成含有不同颜色的水凝胶圆盘㊂在室温下放置4h,观察此组合水凝胶圆盘是否会自愈合为一个整体,然后将其用镊子提起并保持在空中,观察其是否有损坏,以检验其自愈合能力㊂2.2.3溶胀动力学研究本文研究N Q C-O P-A D H 水凝胶在0.01m o l/L P B S(p H=7.4)溶液中的溶胀行为,评估其吸收渗出液的能力㊂将冷冻干燥后的水凝胶进行称量后,完全浸入盛有5m L P B S的烧杯内,并置于37ħ培养箱中,每隔一定时间t将胶取出,用吸水纸除去其表面多余水分,并记录其质量㊂待水凝胶质量达到最大且不再变化时,记录此时的质量㊂干态下水凝胶在t时刻的溶胀率(S w e l l i n g r a t i o,S R)R S和平衡溶胀率(E q u i l i b r i u m s w e l l i n g r a t i o,E S R)R E S的结算式分别为R S=M t-M0M0,(1)R E S=M s-M0M0㊂(2)16中国海洋大学学报2024年式中:M t表示t时刻水凝胶的质量;M0表示初始干燥时水凝胶的质量;M s表示水凝胶的最大稳定质量㊂2.3水凝胶的抑菌活性将E.c o l i和S.a u r e u s用无菌P B S稀释为单位体积(单位:m L)的细菌群落总数(C F U)为1ˑ105的细菌悬浮液㊂在48孔板的每个孔中依次加200μL N Q C-O P-A D H的前体溶液,待其成胶后,在每个水凝胶上滴加10μL细菌悬浮液,37ħ培养2h后,每孔中加入1m L无菌P B S,然后悬浮剩余存活细菌,再从中取15μL细菌悬浮液涂布在琼脂平板上,37ħ培养24h,对琼脂平板上的菌落进行计数㊂将直接悬浮在1m L P B S中的10μL细菌悬浮液用作阴性对照㊂抑菌率R 的计算式为R=Q c-Q hQ c㊂(3)式中:Q h表示用水凝胶培养的细菌数量;Q c表示用P B S培养的对照组细菌数量㊂2.4水凝胶的生物相容性2.4.1溶血实验取预先冻干的N Q C-O P-A D H水凝胶研磨成粉末并悬浮于1m L生理盐水中,37ħ温浴1h㊂将新鲜抽取的4m L小鼠血液在含有0.2m L 肝素钠抗凝血剂的抗凝管内混匀,并加入5m L生理盐水稀释血液㊂然后在含有样品的离心管内加入60μL 稀释血液,轻轻混匀,置于37ħ孵育1h㊂用离心机1200r/m i n离心5m i n后取上清液,并将上清液加入96孔板中,用酶标仪测波长在545n m处的吸光度值㊂实验以蒸馏水作为阳性对照,生理盐水作为阴性对照㊂溶血率(H e m o l y s i s r a t e,H R)R H的计算式为R H=(V O D,s-V O D,n e)(V O D,p c-V O D,n c)ˑ100%㊂(4)式中:V O D,s为实验组样品的吸光度值;V O D,n c为阴性对照组(生理盐水)的吸光度值;V O D,p c为阳性对照组(蒸馏水)的吸光度值㊂2.4.2细胞毒性实验用噻唑蓝(M T T)比色法检验N Q C-O P-A D H水凝胶的细胞毒性㊂N Q C-O P-A D H 水凝胶在细胞培养液中分别浸提1㊁6㊁12和24h,浸提液用孔径0.22μm的滤膜过滤除菌备用㊂向96孔板依次加入200μL L929细胞悬浮液(8ˑ103个/m L),37ħ孵育12h,吸出每孔内的细胞培养液,并向每两行孔内分别加入一种浸提时间的浸提液(200μL),四个时间点的浸提液依次加入96孔板内㊂该实验中,共培养了3板96孔板的细胞,这三板细胞需在37ħ下分别培养24㊁48和72㊂结束后,向每孔加入各20μL M T T培养4h㊂取出96孔板,去除每孔内的溶液,加入200μL二甲基亚砜(D M S O),放入37ħ恒温摇床继续培养15m i n,用酶标仪测波长在490n m处的吸光度值㊂细胞存活率(C e l l v i a b i l i t y)R c v的计算式为R c v=V O D,sV O D,cˑ100%㊂(5)式中:V O D,s为实验组样品的吸光度值;V O D,c为空白对照组的吸光度值㊂2.4.3水凝胶的细胞表面培养在24孔板的每孔中加入500μL N Q C-O P-A D H前体溶液,待成胶后,在每个水凝胶上加入500μL L929细胞悬液,在37ħ下分别培养1㊁3和5d(每隔1d换一次培养液)㊂相应培养时间结束后,吸出孔内的细胞培养液,并用P B S轻轻荡洗3次,加入4μm o L/m L钙黄绿素乙酰氧基甲酯(C a l c e i n-A M)200μL,37ħ培养15m i n,吸出C a l c e i n-A M溶液,用P B S小心清洗3次,确保水凝胶上的C a l-c e i n-A M清洗干净㊂最后将24孔板避光放置在激光共聚焦显微镜下观察,将激发波长调节为490n m,将发射波长调节为515n m㊂在490n m波长激发下,活细胞为黄绿色,然后进行表面拍摄和3D拍摄,并收集图像㊂2.4.4水凝胶的细胞包埋培养将离心得到的L929细胞悬浮在O P溶液中,加入N A C-Q C S和A D H溶液迅速混匀,以制备包埋有细胞的N Q C-O P-A D H水凝胶,在每份水凝胶上加入500μL细胞培养液,然后在37ħ下分别培养1㊁3和5d(每隔1d换一次培养液)㊂用C a l c e i n-A M溶液对活细胞进行染色,以评估细胞活力,然后在激光共聚焦显微镜下进行3D拍摄,并收集图像㊂3结果与讨论3.1N Q C-O P-A D H水凝胶的制备和性质表征3.1.1N Q C-O P-A D H水凝胶的合成路线、F T-I R和S E M表征 N Q C-O P-A D H水凝胶的合成路线如图1所示,红外光谱如图2所示㊂同C S相比,N A C-Q C S 光谱中在1481c m-1处出现一个新的强峰,此峰对应于G T M A C的甲基带特征峰[19]㊂由于N A C上的 C O O H与C S主链上 N H2发生酰胺化反应,生成新的酰胺基团,所以在N A C-Q C S光谱中1649c m-1处的酰胺Ⅰ谱带和1303c m-1处的酰胺Ⅲ谱带强度增强,而1610c m-1处的酰胺Ⅱ谱带减弱㊂N A C-Q C S 在2516和524c m-1处出现微弱的新峰分别是N A C 中 S H和 S S 特征峰[20-21]㊂以上发现说明G T-M A C和N A C均成功接枝在C S的 N H2上,生成新的产物N A C-Q C S㊂在O P光谱中1733c m-1处出现的醛基伸缩振动峰表明 C H O成功引入O P中㊂但在N Q C-O P-A D H 水凝胶的光谱中,此醛基峰和N A C-Q C S主链上 N H2在1610c m-1处的 N H弯曲振动峰消失,说明醛基和氨基发生席夫碱(S c h i f f b a s e)反应,从而生263期曹亚婵,等:基于壳聚糖的抗菌可注射自愈性水凝胶的制备及其生物相容性研究成亚胺键[22]㊂据[23-24]文献报道,O P 的醛基和A D H的酰肼基团反应生成的酰腙键本应该在1639c m -1处有 C O 吸收峰,但在水凝胶光谱中此峰没有出现,而是在1655c m -1处形成一个大峰,此峰的形成可能是由于酰腙键的 C O 吸收峰同N A C -Q C S 中的酰胺Ⅰ谱带和 NC 吸收峰发生了叠加[25]㊂在N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶的光谱中,523c m -1处存在S S 微弱的吸收峰,2516c m -1处的 S H 特征峰消失,归因于水凝胶中 S H 含量太少,并且在成胶过程中一部分被氧化为 SS [20]㊂以上结果证实N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶是通过动态席夫碱㊁酰腙键和二硫键交联形成的㊂图1 N A C -Q C S (a )㊁O P (b )和N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶(c)的合成路线F i g .1 T h e s y n t h e t i c r o u t e o f N A C -Q C S (a ),O P (b ),a n d N Q C -O P -A D H h y d r o ge l (c )36中 国 海 洋 大 学 学 报2024年图2 C S ㊁N A C -Q C S ㊁O P 和N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶的红外光谱F i g .2 F T I R s pe c t r a of C S ,N A C -Q C S ,O P ,a n d N Q C -O P -A D H h y d r o ge l 图3是液氮快速冻干的N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶的扫描电镜图㊂水凝胶内部有清晰的多孔状结构,孔径大多为40μm 左右,使水凝胶具有同外界交换气体和液体的能力,孔的大小也适合细胞迁移到水凝胶中,并在基质内均匀分布,进行营养物和代谢产物的交换[26]㊂((a )500ˑ;(b )1000ˑ.)图3 N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶的S E M 电镜照片F i g .3 S E M i m a g e s o f N Q C -O P -A D H h y d r o ge l s 3.1.2水凝胶成胶时间、可注射性和宏观自愈性研究 N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶的成胶时间约为(82ʃ8)s,适宜的成胶时间可满足水凝胶作为注射性水凝胶应用于医学领域㊂同传统水凝胶相比,自愈合水凝胶能够在受到损伤后恢复其结构和功能,从而拥有更长的使用时间㊂具有可注射性的自愈合水凝胶可以通过微创方式进行体内药物递送,从而减轻患者疼痛,并能使微小创面得到更快恢复[27]㊂在本研究中,观察到N Q C -O P -A D H水凝胶从注射器的针头内挤出,没有堵塞针孔(见图4(a)),为给水凝胶向生物体的注射提供可能性,并且在4h 后又自愈合为完整的水凝胶形态(见图4(b)),这主要归因于水凝胶的黏度会随着剪切应力的增加而降低,即剪切稀化特性[28]㊂图4 N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶的注射过程(a )和4h 后自愈的水凝胶(b)F i g .4 I n je c t i o n p r o c e s s of N Q C -O P -A D H h y d r og e l (a )a n d s e l f -h e a li n g h y d r o ge l af t e r 4h (b )N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶的自愈过程照片如图5所示㊂水凝胶在室温下放置4h ,不施加任何外力的情况下,愈合为一个完整的水凝胶圆盘(见图5(c )),2种颜色水凝胶之间的界限变得模糊,当用镊子将其夹住并在空中保持静止时,水凝胶圆盘也能在自身重力作用下完好无损(见图5(d )),这表明愈合水凝胶的交界处并不是简单的粘合而是动态共价键的动态反应,在中性条件下实现了良好愈合,主要归功于水凝胶中N H 2和C H O 之间形成的动态亚胺键㊂动态共价键既有共价键的稳定性又有非共价键的可逆性,它可以在水凝胶网络中建立键生成和解离的内在动态平衡,从而赋予水凝胶自我修复的能力[29]㊂463期曹亚婵,等:基于壳聚糖的抗菌可注射自愈性水凝胶的制备及其生物相容性研究((a )水凝胶圆盘;(b )刚组合的水凝胶圆盘;(c )愈合4h 的自愈合水凝胶;(d )基于自身重力下的愈合水凝胶㊂(a )H y d r o g e l d i s k s ;(b )H y d r o ge l d i s k s j u s t c o m b i n e d ;(c )S e lf -h e a l e d h y d r og e l d i s k s a f t e rh e a li n g f o r 4h ;(d )S e l f -h e a l e d h y d r o g e l d i s k s b a s e d o n i t s o w n g r a v i t y.)图5 N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶的自愈过程照片F i g .5 P h o t o g r a p h s o f s e l f -h e a l i n g p r o c e s s o f N Q C -O P -A D H h y d r o ge l 3.1.3溶胀动力学和平衡溶胀率 N Q C -O P -A D H水凝胶的溶胀动力学曲线如图6所示㊂图6 N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶在P B S (pH=7.4)的溶胀动力学F i g .6 S w e l l i n g ki n e t i c s o f N Q C -O P -A D H h y d r o g e l s i n P B S (pH=7.4)在开始的60m i n 内,水凝胶表现出快速吸水的能力,溶胀率达到了(14.84ʃ0.71)g /g,这主要是由于N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶为多孔网状结构,这些孔之间相互连通,形成通道,水分子或溶剂分子通过对流方式快速进入到水凝胶内部,使水凝胶的体积随溶剂分子的进入而不断膨大,产生溶胀现象[30]㊂60m i n 时,水凝胶内部已含有大量的溶剂分子,随着时间的延长,溶剂分子进入水凝胶的速度减慢,致使水凝胶的溶胀率缓慢增加,最后达到溶胀平衡,最终的平衡溶胀率为(16.86ʃ0.25)g /g㊂N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶具有良好的溶胀性能,因此有助于吸收大量的渗出液,减少伤口浸润,为其在组织工程中的应用提供支持㊂3.2水凝胶的抑菌实验N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶对E s c h e r i c h i a c o l i 和S t a -p h l o c o c c u a u r e u s 的抑制率如图7所示㊂由式(3)计算出N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶对E .c o l i 的抑制率为84%,对S .a u r e u s 的抑制率为99%㊂可以看出,N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶对2种菌都显示出良好的抗菌能力,但是对S .a u r e u s (革兰氏阳性菌)的抑制作用优于对E .c o l i (革兰氏阴性菌)的抑制作用,可能是由于细菌细胞壁成分和结构的不同而导致的㊂革兰氏阳性菌的细胞壁由一层厚而致密的肽聚糖和磷壁酸组成,带负电荷的磷壁酸与N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶中带正电荷的季铵基团发生静电相互作用,破坏细菌细胞膜,致使细菌死亡㊂而革兰氏阴性菌的细胞壁由薄的肽聚糖层㊁外部脂多糖层和脂蛋白层等多层潜在屏障组成,不含有磷壁酸,依靠带有少量负电荷的脂多糖㊁蛋白质或磷脂同带正电荷的季铵基团发生静电相互作用,因此其作用强度较弱[31]㊂故N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶对革兰氏阳性菌的表面接触抑制率更高㊂3.3水凝胶的生物相容性3.3.1水凝胶的溶血性实验 N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶的溶血率如表1所示㊂实验结果表明,稀释的血液经过N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶作用后,其溶血率为(1.168ʃ0.055)%(小于2%),说明水凝胶不溶血,暗示着N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶有良好的血液相容性,可作为生物材料应用于组织工程㊂56中 国 海 洋 大 学 学 报2024年((a )和(b )分别展示当用p H=7.4的P B S 作为对照培养时E .c o l i 和S .a u r e u s 的生长情况;(c )和(d )分别展示水凝胶接触培养后E .c o l i 和S .a u r e u s 的生长情况;(e )水凝胶对细菌的抑制率㊂(a )a n d (b )s h o wt h e g r o w t h o f E .c o l i a n d S .a u r e u s w h e n p H =7.4P B S w a s u s e d a sc o n t r o l ,r e s p e c t i v e l y;(c )a n d (d )s h o w t h e g r o w t h o f E .c o l i a n d S .a u r e u s a f t e r h y d r o g e l c o n t a c t c u l t u r e ,r e s p e c t i v e l y ;(e )I n h i b i t i o n r a t e o f b a c t e r i a b y h y d r o ge l .)图7 N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶对E .c o l i 和S .a u r e u s 的表面抗菌活性F i g .7 S u r f a c e a n t i b a c t e r i a l a c t i v i t y a ga i n s t E .c o l i a n d S .a u r e u s o f N Q C -O P -A D H h y d r o ge l s 表1 N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶的溶血率T a b l e 1 H e m o l y s i s r a t e o f N Q C -O P -A D H h y d r o ge l 样本S a m pl e 545n m 波长下的吸光度O D 545溶血率H R /%蒸馏水D i s t i l l e d w a t e r1.536生理盐水N o r m a l s a l i n e 0.066N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶N Q C -O P -A D H H y d r o ge l 0.0831.168ʃ0.055注:N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶的溶血率(蒸馏水:阴性对照;生理盐水:阳性对照)㊂H e m o l y s i s r a t e o f N Q C -O P -A D H h y d r o g e l (d i s t i l l e d w a t e r :n e g-a t i v e c o n t r o l ;n o r m a l s a l i n e :po s i t i v e c o n t r o l ).3.3.2水凝胶的细胞毒性实验 不同浸提时间的N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶浸提液的细胞毒性如图8所示㊂实验结果显示,在培养L 929达24h 时,4个时间段的N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶浸提液均表现出促进细胞生长的趋势,细胞存活率均大于100%,这可能归因于水凝胶在细胞培养液中被浸提出的成分利于细胞生长,此成分被细胞作为营养物所利用,从而促进细胞生长;也有可能是在早期的培养过程中,N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶中带正电荷的季铵基团与细胞膜上带负电荷的磷酸基团发生相互作用,更好地促进细胞黏附㊂通过对24㊁48和72h 的细胞培养结果进行统计学分析发现,相同浸提时间的数据间并无显著性差异㊂随着培养时间延长至48和72h,细胞存活率没有明显的增长,除了同细胞培养液的营养成分不足和代谢物的积累有关之外,还可能由于培养一段时间后细胞铺满底部而导致生长空间有限,细胞间发生接触抑制,不利于细胞的生长㊂另一方面,N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶中含有季铵基团,在与细胞的长时间接触过程中,可能会对细胞膜产生作用,影响细胞的生长㊂但在整个培养过程中细胞存活率始终大于80%,符合一级细胞毒性评级,表明N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶具有良好的细胞相容性,故具有作为生物医学材料的应用潜力㊂(p <0.05;p <0.01.)图8 不同浸提时间的N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶浸提液对L 929细胞培养不同时间后的细胞活性F i g .8 C e l l u l a r a c t i v i t y of d i f f e r e n t e x t r a c t i o n t i m e s o f N Q C -O P -A D H h y d r og e l s e x t r a c t o n th e vi a b i l i t y of L 929c e l l s a t d i f f e r e n t c u l t i v a t i o n t i m e3.3.3水凝胶的细胞表面培养 应用于生物医学领域的材料必须具有良好的细胞相容性[27],故对N Q C -O P -A D H 进行细胞培养并检测细胞相容性是必不可少的㊂图9为N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶对L 929细胞表面培养1㊁3和5d 的荧光拍摄图片㊂实验结果显示,从第1天到第5天,水凝胶中绿色荧光强度逐渐变强,有大量的活细胞生长,且细胞增殖有明显增长的趋势(见图9(a ))㊂从3D 图片(见图9(b))可明显观察出,水凝胶内663期曹亚婵,等:基于壳聚糖的抗菌可注射自愈性水凝胶的制备及其生物相容性研究部也有大量细胞生长,且随时间的推移,细胞有向水凝胶深处迁移的趋势㊂主要归因于细胞接种在水凝胶表面后,由于水凝胶内部的孔状网络结构为细胞提供了迁移黏附空间,使细胞从表面迁移到水凝胶内部㊂实验结果初步表明N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶有良好的细胞相容性㊂图9 N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶表面培养L 929细胞荧光照片的平面图(a )和3D 图(b)F i g .9 P l a n v i e w (a )a n d 3D v i e w (b )o f f l u o r e s c e n t ph o t o s o f L 929c e l l s c u l t u r e d o n N Q C -O P -A D H h y d r o ge l s u rf a c e 3.3.4水凝胶的细胞包埋培养 将L 929细胞包埋在N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶内部,观察细胞生长情况,如图10所示㊂观察到包埋在水凝胶内部的细胞有良好的生长状态,且随着培养时间的增加,细胞数量增多,表明细胞在水凝胶内部有增殖行为㊂通过细胞表面培养和包埋培养,都显示出N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶有良好的细胞相容性,能为细胞提供良好的生长环境,为进一步应用于生物医学领域提供支持㊂图10 N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶包埋培养L 929细胞的3D 荧光照片F i g .10 F l u o r e s c e n c e p h o t o g r a ph s o f L 929c e l l s c u l t u r e d i n s i d e N Q C -O P -A D H h y d r o ge l 4 结论(1)以海洋生物材料C S 为基础材料,通过3种动态共价键的作用制备出新型N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶,该水凝胶具有孔径约为40μm 的三维网络孔状结构,且具有快速吸水的能力和良好的溶胀性能,有助于吸收伤口部位大量的渗出液,减少伤口浸润,为其在组织工程中的应用提供支持㊂N Q C -O P -A D H 能快速成胶,且成胶后仍有可注射性;被分割的水凝胶圆盘重新靠近组合时,可通过动态共价键自我愈合㊂(2)N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶对E .c o l i 和S .a u r e u s 的抑菌率分别为84%和99%,表现出良好的抑菌活性㊂(3)N Q C -O P -A D H 水凝胶其溶血率小于2%,可判定为不溶血材料;其在培养L 929细胞24㊁48和72h 过程中,细胞存活率始终大于80%,且L 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i b a c t e r i a l I n j e c t a b l eC h i t o s a n-B a s e d H y d r o g e l f o r S e l f-H e a l i n g B i o m a t e r i a lC a o Y a c h a n1,L i u X i a o k u n2,D a n g Q i f e n g1,L i u C h e n g s h e n g1(1.C o l l e g e o f M a r i n e L i f e S c i e n c e s,O c e a n U n i v e r s i t y o f C h i n a,Q i n g d a o266003,C h i n a;2.M a r i n e B i o m e d i c a l R e s e a r c hI n s t i t u t e o f Q i n g d a o,Q i n g d a o266075,C h i n a)A b s t r a c t:I n o r d e r t o s o l v e t h e p r o b l e m s o f l o w a n t i b a c t e r i a l a c t i v i t y a n d p o o r m e c h a n i c a l p r o p e r t i e s w h e n t r a d i t i o n a l h y d r o g e l s a r e u s e d a s d r e s s i n g s o r s c a f f o l d s i n v i v o.T h e a n t i b a c t e r i a l i n j e c t a b l e s e l f-h e a l i n g h y d r o g e l(N Q C-O P-A D H)w a s p r e p a r e d f o r t h e f i r s t t i m e b y d y n a m i c c h e m i c a l r e a c t i o n s b e-t w e e n t h i o l a t e d q u a t e r n a r y a m m o n i u m c h i t o s a n(N A C-Q C S)a n d a d i p i c a c i d d i h y d r a z i d e(A D H)u s i n g o x i d i z e d p u l l u l a n(O P)a s a c r o s s l i n k e r.T h e p h y s i c o c h e m i c a l p r o p e r t i e s,a n t i b a c t e r i a l p r o p e r t i e s,a n d b i o c o m p a t i b i l i t y o f t h e h y d r o g e l w e r e s t u d i e d.E x p e r i m e n t s s h o w e d t h a t N Q C-O P-A D H e x h i b i t e d h i g h a n t i b a c t e r i a l a c t i v i t y a g a i n s t E.c o l i a n d S.a u r e u s,w i t h a n t i b a c t e r i a l r a t e s o f84%a n d99%,r e s p e c-t i v e l y;h a d g o o d b l o o d c o m p a t i b i l i t y,w i t h a h e m o l y s i s r a t e o f l e s s t h a n2%;a n d p o s s e s s e d l o w c y t o t o x-i c i t y t o L929c e l l s c u l t u r e d f o r24,48a n d72h.T h e h y d r o g e l h a d g o o d c y t o c o m p a t i b i l i t y,b e c a u s e L929 c e l l s c u l t u r e d o n t h e s u r f a c e a n d i n s i d e o f t h e h y d r o g e l f o r5d a y s s t i l l h a d a g o o d g r o w t h s t a t e,a n d l o t s o f c e l l s m i g r a t e d i n s i d e t h e h y d r o g e l i n t h e p r o c e s s o f s u r f a c e c u l t u r e.T h e g e l a t i n i z e d N Q C-O P-A D H c o u l d p a s s t h r o u g h t h e s y r i n g e s m o o t h l y w i t h o u t c l o g g i n g,a n d h a d g o o d s e l f-h e a l i n g a b i l i t y.K e y w o r d s:t h i o l a t e d q u a t e r n a r y a m m o n i u m c h i t o s a n;p u l l u l a n;s e l f-h e a l i n g h y d r o g e l;a n t i b a c t e r i a la c t i v i t y;c y t o c o m p a t ib i l i t y责任编辑高蓓。

p H敏感性壳聚糖/海藻酸钠水凝胶的制备及其性能研究【摘要】目的制备壳聚糖/海藻酸钠硝苯地平水凝胶,考察不同浓度和比例的壳聚糖和海藻酸钠对药物的缓释作用,并考察水凝胶的pH敏感性。
结果壳聚糖浓度为0.4%、海藻酸钠浓度为1.5%、搅拌速度为160r/m in、壳聚糖溶液和海藻酸钠溶液的体积比为6: 1时为最佳工艺。
【关键词】 pH敏感性;硝苯地平;壳聚糖;海藻酸钠;释放度【Ab strac t】Ob jecti ve To prep are c hitos an-so diumalgin ate h ydrog els c ontai ningnifed ipine. pH-sensi tivebehev iourof hy droge ls in diff erent pH m edium wasinves tigat ed.Me thodsTo p repar e sus taine d-rel easehydro gelsof ni fedip ine w ith p lex c oacer vatio n,the sust ained rele ase e ffect of h ydrog els o n nif edipi ne wa s stu diedby al terin g the conc entra tionofch itosa n and sodi um al ginat e inthe c ourse of h ydrog elpr epara tion.Meanw hile,the d issol ution rate of t he pr epare d hyd rogel s was dete rmine d,an d pH-sensi tivebehev iourin di ffere nt pH medi um wa s inv estig ated.Resul ts Su stain ed-re lease hydr ogels cont ainin g nif edipi ne do n’t d issoc iatein si mulat ed ga stric flui d,butin s imula ted i ntest inalfluid nife dipin e dis socia te pl etely in f our h ours.Concl usion Thedisso lutio n rat e ofthe h ydrog els w as sl owerpared with themon t ablet s,and thehydro gelsshows pH s ensib ility. 【Ke y wor ds】p H-sen sitiv e ;ni fedip ine;chito san(c hitin);sod ium a lgina te ;d issol ution rate智能药物是利用高分子智能载体制备而成的,通过系统协调材料内部的各种功能,对环境可感知且可响应,它能对周围环境的刺激因素,如温度、pH值、离子、电场、磁场、溶剂、反应物、光或应力等做出有效响应并且自身性质也随之发生变化,能够达到定量、定时、定位靶向、高效、低毒,其释药行为与人体生理环境和相关病理要求一致的智能化效果,解决了常规片剂、胶囊、注射剂等药物不能按疾病本身要求释放药物且不良反应多的缺陷,降低药物毒副作用,使临床用药更科学、合理,达到了治疗疾病时用药的智能化和按需释放药物,减少给药次数,避免重复给药和盲目用药给患者带来的损伤,减轻患者的经济负担。

关键词:海藻酸钠水凝胶释药0 引言高分子凝胶是由三维网络结构的高分子和溶胀介质构成,网络可以吸收介质而溶胀,介质可以是气体或者液体。
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International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 50 (2012) 1299–1305Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirectInternational Journal of BiologicalMacromoleculesj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /i j b i o m acCytotoxicity and biocompatibility evaluation of N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan/oxidized alginate hydrogel for drug delivery applicationXingyi Li a ,Xiangye Kong b ,Zhaoliang Zhang a ,Kaihui Nan a ,LingLi Li a ,XianHou Wang c ,Hao Chen a ,∗aInstitute of Biomedical Engineering,School of Ophthalmology &Optometry and Eye Hospital,Wenzhou Medical College,270Xueyuan Road,Wenzhou 325027,ChinabState Key Laboratory of Biotherapy and Cancer Center,West China Hospital,West China Medical School,Sichuan University,No.1,Keyuan 4th Road,Chengdu 610041,China cDepartment of Lymphoma,Sino-US Center for Lymphoma and Leukemia,Tianjin Medical University Cancer Hospital and Institute,Key Laboratory of Cancer Prevention and Therapy,Tianjin Medical University,Tianjin 300060,Chinaa r t i c l ei n f oArticle history:Received 12February 2012Received in revised form 5March 2012Accepted 12March 2012Available online 20 March 2012Keywords:HydrogelBiocompatibility In vitro In vivoDrug deliverya b s t r a c tIn this paper,covalently cross-linked hydrogel composed of N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan and oxidized alginate was developed intending for drug delivery application.In vitro/vivo cytocompatibility and bio-compatibility of the developed hydrogel were preliminary evaluated.In vitro cytocompatibility test showed that the developed hydrogel exhibited good cytocompatibility against NH3T3cells after 3-day incubation.According to the results of acute toxicity test,there was no obvious cytotoxicity for major organs during the period of 21-day intraperitoneal administration.Meanwhile,the developed hydrogel did not induce any cutaneous reaction within 72h of subcutaneous injection followed by slow degra-dation and adsorption with the time evolution.Moreover,the extraction of developed hydrogel had nearly 0%of hemolysis ratio,which indicated the good hemocompatibility of hydrogel.Based on the above results,it may be concluded that the developed N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan/oxidized alginate hydrogel with non-cytotoxicity and good biocompatibility might suitable for the various drug delivery applications.© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.1.IntroductionIn recent years,numerous implant biomaterials including synthetic and natural materials have been widely used in the biomedical and pharmaceutical field [1–3].Hydrogels are a class of polymers very similar to soft tissue for their high water content,the mechanical properties (low modulus and elasticity),softness,oxy-gen permeability and excellent biocompatibility.According to the resource of materials,hydrogels can be divided into two classes:synthetic materials based hydrogel and natural materials based hydrogel.In the case of synthetic materials based hydrogels,there are presence of some disadvantages including inflammatory reac-tions,material migration as well as the difficulty of removal and so on.Recently,much attention have been oriented to the biocompat-ible,biodegradable hydrogels made from natural polymers that are susceptible to enzymatic degradation [4–6].Chitosan,the second abundant source in nature after cellu-lose,is an aminopolysaccharide obtained by the deacetylation of chitin [7–10].It is composed of N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc)and glucosamine (GlcN)residues.There are many parameters∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+8657788833806;fax:+8657788833806.E-mail addresses:dragonhaochen@ ,chehao@ (H.Chen).influencing the properties of chitosan including molecular weight (MW),degree of deacetylation (DD)and etc.[8].Chitosan is water insoluble,but can easily dissolve into some acidic aqueous solu-tion,such as acetic aqueous solution and etc.In order to improve the water solubility of this versatile cationic polysaccharide,several strategies are being made to modify chitosan including PEGtylation,carboxymethylation and etc.realizing its full potential application [7,11].In recent years,an increasing number of in situ gel sys-tems based on chitosan and its derivatives have been viewed in the literature for various pharmaceutical and biomedical applications [6,12].Alginic acid is mostly encountered as a high molecular weight linear copolymer composed of (1–4)-linked -d -mannuronic acid (M units)and ␣-l -guluronic acid (G units)monomers.The neutral-ized form,sodium alginate,as a common thickening agent,has been widely used in the food industry and biomedical field [13].Chi-tosan exists as a cationic polyelectrolyte yet such solution are not compatible with aqueous solutions of sodium alginate,which is an anionic polyelectrolyte.Our previous study has demonstrated that the novel chitosan covalent hydrogel based on N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan and oxidized alginate could be gained by simple mix-ing these two components with an expected weight ratio [14].Although numerous studies have demonstrated that chitosan and alginate were non-cytotoxic,biodegradable,biocompatible suit-able for further various drug delivery applications,its hydrogels0141-8130/$–see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2012.03.0081300X.Li et al./International Journal of Biological Macromolecules50 (2012) 1299–1305should be carefully checked before its further various drug deliv-ery applications[7,11].In this paper,our studies are focused on the cytotoxicity and biocompatibility evaluation of this novel hydro-gel by means of the in vitro cytocompatibility,acute cytotoxicity, subcutaneous implant test,skin irritation test,and hemolysis test.2.Materials and methods2.1.MaterialsN,O-carboxymethyl chitosan(the degrees of substitution of car-boxymethyl groups on both the amino(N-position)and primary hydroxyl(O-position)sites were approximately85%)and oxidized alginate(the oxidation degree of alginate was about27.8%)were successfully synthesized by our previous study[14].All other chem-icals used in this paper were analytic grade.Distilled water from Milli-Q water system was used to prepare the aqueous solutions.2.2.Preparation of N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan/oxidized alginate auto-gelling systemA calculated weight of oxidized alginate and N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan were dissolved into20ml distilled water to form6%(w/w) and4%(w/w)solutions,respectively.The solutions werefiltered and stored at4◦C overnight for the further usage.Auto gelling solutions were prepared as follows:2ml of N,O-carboxymethyl chi-tosan and oxidized alginate solutions with weight ratio of1:2were mixed at room temperature with gentle stirring to form homoge-neous solution.After that,the auto-gelling solution was placed at 37◦C for30min to form the N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan/oxidized alginate hydrogel.2.3.In vitro cytocompatibility testThe NH3T3cell was used to assess the in vitro cytocompat-ibility of hydrogels.The NH3T3cell was obtained from ACTT (USA)and cultured with DMEM(A)medium at37◦C and5%CO2. N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan and oxidized alginate were ster-ilized by cobalt-ray prior the test.Briefly,N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan/oxidized alginate auto-gelling solution wasfirst prepared by follows:5ml of N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan solution and5ml of oxidized alginate solution was mixed using a vortex mixer at room temperature.Immediately after mixing,the mixture was poured into a24-well cell culture dish at0.6ml or0.2ml for com-pletely or partly covering the bottom of the well,respectively.After incubation at37◦C for30min,the resultant gels adhered to the bottom of wells was rinsed with DMEM medium for three times. NH3T3cells suspended in the DMEM medium were seeded into each well at5.0×105cells/well.After24h,48h and72h incuba-tion,the morphology of cells surrounding gel was observed using an optical microscope(Olympus,Japan).In order to further evalua-tion the cytocompatibility of N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan/oxidized alginate hydrogel,NH3T3cells(5.0×105cell/well)was pre-mixed with N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan solution and then gelled with oxidized alginate solution at37◦C for30min.Subsequently,the cell supporter was incubated with DMEM medium for24h,48h and 72h,respectively.Finally,the morphology of cell inside the hydro-gel was observed with an optical microscope(Olympus,Japan).2.4.Acute toxicity testTen male and10female BALB/c mice,6weeks of age(18–22g), were used to evaluate the acute toxicity of N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan/oxidized alginate hydrogel.All experimental protocols and animal care complied with the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals,Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources,Table1Skin irritation test:criteria of classification of the cutaneous reactions.Cutaneous reaction Score Results None0Normal Sporadic or patchy erythema1Irritation Moderate confluent erythema2Irritation Severe erythema and edema3Irritationand were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of Wenzhou Medical College.Twenty mice were ran-domly divided into two groups:a treatment group and a control group,five male andfive female mice for each group.The mice of treatment group were injected with50ml/kg N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan/oxidized alginate auto-gelling solution into the abdomi-nal cavity once,and the mice of control group were injected with 50ml/kg saline solution into the abdominal cavity once.All the animals were observed continuously for21days after the adminis-tration,including the general conditions(the activity,energy,hair, feces,behavior pattern,other clinical signs,etc.),body weight,and mortality.At specific time point(7day,14day and21day),three mice from each group were sacrificed by cervical dislocation,and its major organs including heart,liver,spleen,lung and kidney were removed andfixed in10%formaldehyde solution.Finally,the fixed organs were embedded in paraffin,sectioned and stained with hematoxylin–eosin for the histopathologic examination.2.5.Subcutaneous injection testTwenty four BALB/c mice,6weeks of age(18–22g),were employed for subcutaneous injection of N,O-carboxymethyl chi-tosan/oxidized alginate hydrogel to evaluate the in vivo degradation behavior.Twenty four mice were randomly divided into two groups:a treatment group and a control group,twelve mice for each group.The mice from treatment group were injected with0.5ml N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan/oxidized alginate auto-gelling solu-tion in back subcutaneous tissue and the mice from control group were injected with0.5ml saline solution in back subcutaneous tis-sue.Three mice from each group were sacrificed at1,3,5and7day and the injection site were opened with a surgical scissors for obser-vation the state of hydrogel.Meanwhile,the tissue around with the injected site were carefully removed and subsequentlyfixed in10%buffered formaldehyde,stained with hematoxylin–eosin for further histopathological examination.2.6.Skin irritation testThree healthy New Zealand albino rabbits(2.3–2.5kg),were used to evaluate the skin irritation of N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan/oxidized alginate hydrogel.Briefly,0.5ml of N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan/oxidized alginate auto-gelling solution was directly subcutaneous injected on the left back skin next to backbone and0.5ml of saline solution was directly subcutaneous injected on the right back skin next to backbone for control.The cutaneous reaction surrounding the injection site was evaluated at 24h,48h and72h,using the criteria has been reported in Table1.2.7.Hemolysis testAccording to guide of biological evaluation of medical device(SFDA,China),the hemolysis of N,O-carboxymethyl chi-tosan/oxidized alginate hydrogel was carefully checked.Initially, 2ml of N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan/oxidized alginate auto-gelling solution was placed in an test tube at37◦C for12h to form the hydrogel.Subsequently,20ml of sterile saline was added into test tube with incubation at37◦C for another72h and then the top ofX.Li et al./International Journal of Biological Macromolecules50 (2012) 1299–13051301Fig.1.The morphology of NH3T3cells contact with N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan/oxidized alginate hydrogel as function with time. leaching solution was collected andfiltered with0.22m mem-brane for further usage.A8ml blood samples was freshly collected from three femalenormal rabbits into an anticoagulin tube and gently mixed.Thepooled blood was diluted with10ml saline solution for the furtherusage.The hemolysis test was performed by method as the follow-ing:Briefly,10ml of hydrogel extraction,distilled water and salinesolution were respectively poured into50ml test tube and placedat37◦C equilibrium for30min.After that,0.2ml of diluted bloodwas added to each test tube with gent shake and the resultant solu-tion was placed at37◦C incubation for another60min.Finally,theabsorbance of samples was recorded with a UV-visible spectrome-ter(UV-8000,Shanghai Metash Instrument Co.Ltd.)at545nm,andthe hemolysis ratio was calculated by the following formula:Hemolysis ratio(%)=A hydrogel extraction−A saline solutionA distilled water−A saline solution×100%3.Results and discussion3.1.Gel formation and in vitro cytocompatibility testThe novel covalently cross-linked chitosan based hydrogel was formed by simple mixing N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan solution with oxidized alginate solution at room temperature.Because of the coexistence of amino,hydroxyl,and carboxymethyl groups associated with N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan chain,the plentiful aldehyde and hydroxyl groups along the oxidized alginate chain, the Schiff base as well as hydrogen bond formation were expected after blending N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan and oxidized alginate solutions,yet resulting in the sol–gel transition of system as a function with time.And the more detailed description on the for-mation of N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan/oxidized alginate hydrogel has been presented in our previous study[14].Although numerous studies have demonstrated that the chitosan as well as alginate were non-cytotoxic,biodegradable and biocompatible polymer,its derivates should be carefully checked before its further application. The preliminary study on the in vitro cytotoxicity has been demon-strated that the developed hydrogel was non-cytotoxic against NH3T3cells[14].Herein,the further study on the cytocompati-bility of hydrogel was performed by observing the morphology of NH3T3cells surrounding or inside the hydrogel as a function with time.As depicted in Fig.1,it clearly observed that the NH3T3cells surrounding the gels adhered to,spread and grew on the cell cul-ture dish with the same morphology as those on normal cell culture dishes after24h,48h and72h of seeding,indicating that the devel-oped hydrogel was non-cytotoxic against surrounding NH3T3cells. However,for the cell of seeding on the completely covered hydro-gel,no cells were observed to spread and grew on the hydrogel and the major of cells were foundfloating and formed cell cluster after1302X.Li et al./International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 50 (2012) 1299–1305Fig.2.Hematoxylin and eosin staining of major organs (cardiac muscle,liver,spleen,lung and kidneys)after intraperitoneal administration of 50ml/kg N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan/oxidized alginate hydrogel.24h,48h and 72h of seeding,indicating that the surface of hydrogel was disadvantage for the cell adhesion and proliferation.However,the result of a lower adhesion of cells on the surface of chitosan derivative based hydrogel was not specific for N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan/oxidized hydrogels.It has been found to be difficult for cells to adhere to and grow on other chitosan and chitosan derivates based hydrogels [15,16].This might be explained by the excessive hydrophilicity of hydrogel surface was disadvantage for the cell adhesion and proliferation [17,18].Except that,the NH3T3cells were also encapsulated into the hydrogel during the hydrogel for-mation for evaluation the cell adhesion and proliferation in DMEM medium without differentiation factors up to 3days.According to Fig.1,it revealed that NH3T3cells with normal morphology were well spread and grew inside the hydrogel,further support-ing that the developed hydrogel with excellent cytocompatibility had the potential application in cell/scaffold.Therefore,we specu-lated that the covalent cross-linking between N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan and oxidized alginate did not compromise cell viability.Meanwhile,the porous structure of hydrogel provided a pathway that sufficient nutrients and oxygen from the medium could be delivered to the cells inside the hydrogel,yet supporting the cell growth and proliferation,which is in accordance with previousreport [1].Based on the above studies,it might be concluded that the developed hydrogel with a better cytocompatibility as com-pared to other injectable hydrogel systems based on methacrylated chitosan might have great potential application in the drug delivery and tissue engineering [19].3.2.Acute toxicity testAccording to the previous study,the acute toxicity test was per-formed by observing the state of rats as a function with time.No death of all rats was occurred during the whole 21-day periodical study,and no toxic response was found in mice.The rats exhib-ited normal energy,normal behavior,free movement,and shining hair.The mice were sensitive to sound,light,and other stimula-tions.There was no flare and no ulceration in the skin.They had no salivation or vomit,no mouth or nose dryness or edema,no running nose or eye secretion.The body weight of rats from N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan/oxidized alginate hydrogel group showed no significance difference compared with that from the saline solu-tion control group (data not shown).Furthermore,the major organs of rats from each group at specific time point was stained with hematoxylin–eosin for histopathologic examination,as presentedX.Li et al./International Journal of Biological Macromolecules50 (2012) 1299–13051303Fig.3.In vivo gel-formation and remove process of N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan/oxidized alginate hydrogel as function with time.in Fig.2.From Fig.2,we could clearly observe that cardiac myocytes from hydrogel groups are clear and arranging in good order,and no hemorrhage,necrosis,or inflammatory exudate was observed at7, 14and21days after administration.For the liver from hydrogel groups,no hepatocellar degeneration or necrosis,and no neu-trophil,lymphocyte,and macrophage infiltration was observed not matter at7days or21days.The normal microstructure of spleen, lung and kidneys tissue from hydrogel groups were also observed no matter at7days or14and21days.All these results suggested that the developed N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan/oxidized alginate hydrogel was non-toxic for the major organs after21days admin-istration suitable for the further various drug delivery application.3.3.Subcutaneous implant testIn order to investigate the in vivo destiny as well as biodegrad-ability of the developed N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan/oxidized alginate hydrogel,we observed the remove process of hydrogel in situ after S.C.injection as a function with time,as presented in Fig.3.According to Fig.3,it clearly observed that the trans-parent hydrogel was formed in situ after2h of S.C.injection, indicating that the quick gelation could take place as placing in physiological temperature and pH condition.Five days later,the transparent hydrogel became opaque gradually combined with the volume decrease as the time proceeding,indicating the degrada-tion or adsorption of hydrogel might be occurred.Seven days later, the beige hydrogel in situ was still observed suggesting the slow degradation or adsorption of hydrogel.The histopathologic exam-ination was also employed to evaluate microscopic changes of the tissue surrounding the inject site.As shown in Fig.4,it clearly observed that there is numerous neutrophil infiltration in the hydrogel at day1after injection,indicating that the degradation or adsorption of hydrogel was occurred.As well known to us, chitosan monomer can induce the migration of polymorphonu-clear leukocytes and macrophages in the applied tissue at the early stage[20,21].Because of the plenty of aminoglucose unite of N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan in the hydrogel,the numerous neutrophil infiltration in the hydrogel might be induced by the N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan component in the hydrogel,which is in accordance with the report of Matsunaga et al.[20].With the time proceeding,the neutrophil infiltration in the hydrogel was gradually decreased.Seven days later,no neutrophil cells were observed in tissue at injection.However,there was a newfibrous capsule surrounding hydrogels,indicating that N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan/oxidized alginate hydrogel could be slowly degraded or adsorbed by neutrophil cells after S.C.injection.3.4.Skin irritation testBefore humans can be exposed to such substances,the tendency of new chemicals to cause skin irritation must be carefully checked. Assessment of skin irritation potential is an important part of any comprehensive toxicology programme for new chemicals and con-sumer products.Even today,thefinal preclinical safety assessment of chemicals is largely based on animal experiments[22].In this paper,the New Zealand albino rabbit was employed to evaluate the skin irritation of N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan/oxidized alginate hydrogel,and the result were summarized in Table2.According to Table2,we couldfind that the S.C.injection of hydrogel on the rabbit back skin did not induce any cutaneous reaction compared with that of S.C.injection of saline solution(negative control)in all the rabbit at24,48and72h of administration.This means that the developed hydrogel was a non skin irritation system,yet could be served as drug carrier for the transdermal/local drug delivery system without any skin irritation.3.5.Hemolysis testGenerally,in vitro erythorocyte-induced hemolysis is con-sidered to be a simple and reliable measure for estimating1304X.Li et al./International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 50 (2012) 1299–1305Fig.4.Hematoxylin and eosin stained sections tissue samples from injection site after N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan/oxidized alginate hydrogel subcutaneous injection (400×).blood compatibility of materials [23].The behavior of chitosan formulations in vivo can be predicted by investigating the degree of hemolysis [23,24].Previous study suggested that the blood com-patibility of chitosan and its derivates could be evaluated in terms of hemolysis [25].Notara et al.[26]has investigated the hemocom-patibility of chitosan-alginate physical gel and the result showed that chitosan-alginate physical gel has excellent hemocompati-bility suitable for further drug delivery application.Herein,the hemocompatibility of N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan/oxidized algi-nate hydrogel was preliminary evaluated by a simple colorimetry.As presented in Fig.5,the blood sample incubation with hydro-gel extraction solution showed no evidence of hemolysis,while the obvious hemolysis was observed in distilled water group.More specifically,as presented in Table 3,we could find that the sample from the N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan/oxidized alginate hydrogel group had about 0.97%of hemolysis ratio,which was far smaller than 5%international standard,indicating that the N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan/oxidized alginate hydrogel has excellent hemocompatibility suitable for various drug delivery applications.Table 2Cutaneous reactions in rabbit after administration of 0.5ml N,O-carbomethyl chi-tosan/oxidized alginate hydrogel as a function with time.Treatment and rabbit (3)Time (h)2448720.5ml saline solution 1(right)0002(right)0003(right)0.5ml N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan/oxidized alginate hydrogel 1(left)0002(left)0003(left)Fig.5.Hemolysis test on (a)distilled water,(b)saline solution and (c)hydrogel extractions.Table 3Results of the hemolysis test for N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan/oxidized alginate hydrogel extraction solutions.GroupsSamplesTotal of hemolysis ratio (%)123Distilled water 0.52570.55720.5456Saline solution0.12650.12260.12050.93±0.73Hydrogel extraction 0.13360.12460.1247Hemolysis ratio (%)1.780.460.55X.Li et al./International Journal of Biological Macromolecules50 (2012) 1299–130513054.ConclusionIn this paper,in vitro and in vivo compatibility of N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan/oxidized alginate hydrogel was carefully evaluated by means of in vitro cytocompatibility,acute cytotoxic-ity,subcutaneous injection test,skin irritation test,and hemolysis test before its further various drug delivery applications.In vitro cytocompatibility test revealed that the developed hydrogel was non-cytotoxic and well cytocompatibility against NH3T3cells after 3days of seeding.Acute cytotoxicity test suggested that the devel-oped hydrogel was non-toxicity for major organs suitable for the various drug delivery applications,while subcutaneous injection test revealed that the N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan/oxidized algi-nate hydrogel could slowly degraded or adsorbed after S.C.injection with time evolution.On the other hand,N,O-carboxymethyl chi-tosan/oxidized alginate hydrogel did not induce any cutaneous reaction after72h of the subcutaneous injection in rabbit model and did not cause any hemolysis after co-incubation with the blood solution.All these results strongly suggested that the developed N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan/oxidized alginate hydrogel was a safe, non-toxic carrier with well in vitro and in vivo compatibility suitable for the various drug delivery applications.AcknowledgementThis work was supported by Zhejiang Provincial Program for the Cultivation of High-level Innovative Health talents.References[1]R.Jin,L.S.Moreira Teixeira,P.J.Dijkstra,M.Karperien,C.A.Van Blitterswijk,Z.Y.Zhong,J.Feijen,Biomaterials30(2009)2544–2551.[2]H.Zitter,H.Plenk Jr.,J.Biomed.Mater.Res.21(1987)881–896.[3]S.Ozawa,S.Kasugai,Biomaterials17(1996)23–29.[4]N.Bhattarai,J.Gunn,M.Zhang,Adv.Drug 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