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The Mozart Effect:How Music Makes You Smarter

1、Have you ever noticed how your favorite music can make you feel better? Well, new research studies now show how music can make you smarter too! Scientists at Stanford University, in California, have recently revealed a molecular basis for the Mozart Effect, but not other music. Dr. Rauscher and her colleague H. Li, a geneticist, have discovered that rats, like humans, perform better on learning and memory tests after listening to a specific Mozart sonata.


2、A book called The Mozart Effect by Don Campbell, has condensed the world's research on all the beneficial effects of certain types of music.


Some of the hundreds of benefits of the Mozart Effect are:

∙Improves test scores

∙Cuts learning time

∙Calms hyperactive children and adults

∙Reduces errors

∙Improves creativity and clarity

∙Heals the body faster

∙Integrates both sides of the brain for more efficient learning

∙Raises IQ scores 9 points (research done at University of California, Irvine)•提高测试成绩








Study Reveals How Music Makes You Smarter

3、In 1996, the College Entrance Exam Board Service conducted a study on all students taking their SAT exams. Students who sang or played a musical instrument scored 51 points higher on the verbal portion of the test and an average of 39 points higher on math. Major corporations such as Shell, IBM, and Dupont, along with hundreds of schools and universities use music, such as certain Baroque and Mozart Effect pieces, to cut learning time in half and increase retention of the new materials.



4、According to the research outlined in the book, musical pieces, such as those of Mozart referred to as the Mozart Effect, can relieve stress, improve communication and increase efficiency. Creativity scores soar when listening to Mozart. In my teacher and parent training seminars, I have been using the Mozart Effect music for years as a strategy to reduce learning time and increase student memory of the material.


5、Music activates the whole brain and makes you feel more energetic and there is a well-documented link between music and learning. In the workplace, music "raises performance levels and productivity by reducing stress and tension, masking irritating sounds and contributing to a sense of privacy", says Don Campbell, author of The Mozart Effect.


6、Mr. Campbell has compelling new evidence to show how music, specifically called the Mozart Effect, used properly, calms students with such problems as ADHD and even helped autistic children. He says "43 of the world's largest industrial companies provide music to their employees." Dupont used a music listening program in one department that cut its training time in half and doubled the number of people trained. Another corporation using music found that clerical errors decreased by one third.


7、Dr. Georgi Lozanov, the renowned Bulgarian psychologist, developed a methodology for teaching foreign languages that used baroque music with a beat pattern of about 60 beats per minute. Students learned in a fraction of the normal time. In a single day, one half of the normal vocabulary and phrases for the term (up to 1000 words or phrases) were learned. In addition, an added benefit was that the students had an average of 92% retention of what they had learned!Dr.Lozanov proved conclusively that by using certain Baroque pieces, foreign languages can be mastered with 85-100% effectiveness in 30 days, when the usual time is 2 years. Students learning with the Baroque Music were able to recall their second language with nearly 100% accuracy even after they had not studied it for four years!

