公司组织结构图 英文版

• 1.U型组织结构 它的特点是管理层级的集中控制。 它的特点是管理层级的集中控制。 (1)直线结构(Linear structure)。直线结构的组织形式是 沿着指挥链进行各种作业,每个人只向一个上级负责,必须绝对地服 从这个上级的命令。
• (2)职能结构 职能结构(Functional structure)。职能结构是按职能实行专 职能结构 业分工的管理办法来取代直线结构的全能式管理。下级既要服从上级 主管人员的指挥,也要听从上级各职能部门的指挥。
• 区域式组织结构
• 区域式组织结构 区域式组织结构是根据组织的用户所在的不同地 区来对组织的结构进行整合,在结构中,每个地 理单位包括所有的职能,以便在该地区生产和销 售产品。 • 下面以苹果计算机公司的例子来说明区域性的组 织结构图。
• 矩阵组织结构有三点要求: :
• 任务不一致的团队必须共享人、 资源; 任务不一致的团队必须共享人、财、资源; • 任务不一致的团队必须设法共同服务客户; 任务不一致的团队必须设法共同服务客户; • 两个或更多的组织融合成相互依赖的组织。 两个或更多的组织融合成相互依赖的组织。 • 在矩阵结构中,不同部门的员工必须通力合作,所以公司 在矩阵结构中,不同部门的员工必须通力合作, 发展得越久、规模越大,就越需要组织模型的变动, 发展得越久、规模越大,就越需要组织模型的变动,也更 加需要矩阵式的组织模型。 加需要矩阵式的组织模型。
• 2.在学校你最不喜欢的课程是什么?为什么?
• 参考:这个问题外企招聘者最想从求职者口里听到: 我可能对个别科目不是特别感兴趣,但是正因为 这样,我会花更多的时间去学习这门课程,通过 学习对原本不感兴趣的科目也开始有了兴趣,对 于本来就有兴趣的科目我自然学习得更认真,所 以各门课的成绩较为平衡。通过这样的问题,外 企可以找到对任何事情都很感兴趣的求职者。

保安部组织结构图ORGANIZATION CHART OF E.S. DEPARTMENT保安部经理岗位职责MANAGER一、岗位名称:保安部经理Position Name:The manager of E.S. department二、岗位级别:经理Position Quality: Manager三、直接上司:副总经理、总经理Immediate Superior G.M. 、R.M.四、下属对象:保安部文员、监控领班Immediate Subordinate The secretary of E.S.department五、岗位概要:在副总经理、总经理的直接领导下,全面负责保安部的工作。
Job Description六、主要职责:Primary Responsibilities1、负责分管保安部行政事务和保安业务方面的工作。

世界企业组织架构完整版世界企业组织架构HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】1.沃尔玛(Wal-Mart Stores)美国涉及领域:沃尔玛的战略标志是:天天低价,商品的挑选范围宽广,较大比例的名牌商品,使顾客感到友善而温馨的商店环境,较低的营业成本,对新的地理含义上的市场举行训练有素的扩张,创新性的市场营销,以及优良的售后服务保证。

一、***是什么意思?1)Capital budgeting 资金预算2)Capital Structure 资金结构3)Net working capital二、组织结构图谁负责谁?三、The corporate firmForms of Business Organization●Attributes:●It is the cheapest business to form.●It pay no corporate income taxes.●The owner has unlimited liability.●Its life is limited.●It has difficulty in raising funds.1)The sole proprietorship 独资企业特点P72)The Partnership 合伙企业(The business is owned by two or more persons.)Attributes:特征@Initiation@Liability@ Life@ Ability to raise funds@Taxation@Controlling(1)General Partnership@ All partners agree to provide fraction of the work and cash and to share the profit and loss.@Each partner is liable for all of the debts .(2)Limited PartnershipOne or more partners are designated general partners and other partners are designated limited partners.3)The Corporation: 公司A corporation is owned by individuals who normally are not active in the day –to –day operation of that business.It is by far the most important form of business.Features:特征1.Starting@Starting a corporation is more complicated@Preparing articles of incorporation and a set of by laws:Name of corporationIntended lifeBusiness purposeNumber of shares of stockNature of the right granted to shareholdersNumber of members of the initial board of directors2. Three sets of distinct interests:ShareholdersDirectorsCorporation officer3.It is a legal entity.4.OwnershipOwnership is represented by shares of stock, it is easy to transfer ownership.5.Life6.The corporation has unlimited life7.LiabilityLiability is limited to the amounted invested in the ownership .8.Taxation: double taxation9.Raising funds: easyThe goal of financial management:Maximize the current value per share of the existing stock.1.5 Financial MarketsClassification of financial markets市场分类1.Money market vs capital market1) Money MarketThe market for debt securities that will pay off in the short term2) Capital MarketThe market for long-term debt and for equity shares (common stock, preferred stock, corporate and government bonds2.Primary Market vs Secondary Markets1) Primary Market一级市场Issuance of a security for the first time2)Secondary Markets二级市场Buying and selling of previously issued securitiesanized security exchanges vs over-the counter market (Securities may be traded in either a dealer or auction market1) Organized security exchanges are tangible entitiesNYSE2)OCT include all security markets eccept the organized exchanges.NASDAQ2.3 TaxesThe one thing we can rely on with taxes is that they are always changingMarginal vs. average tax ratesMarginal – the percentage paid on the next dollar earnedAverage – the tax bill / taxable income1) Average tax rate is tax bill divided your taxable income.2) Marginal tax rate is the tax you would pay (in percent) if you earned one more dollar.例题:Taxable Income Tax Rate$ 0 - 50,000 15%50,001-75,000 25%75,001-100,000 34%100,001-335,000 39%335,001-10,000,000 34%--------------------------------The tax rates apply to the part of income in the indicated range only, not all income.Suppose your firm earns $4 million in taxable income. Use table2.1,we can figure out tax bill as:.15($50,000)=$7,500.25(75,00-50,000)=6250.34(100,000-75,000)=8500.39(335,000-100,000)=91,650.34(4,000,000-335,000)=1246,100Total tax bill 1,360,000Average tax rate= 1,360,000/4,000,000 =34%EquationCash flows from the assets= Operating cash flow –Investment in NWC –Investment in fixed assets1.Operating cash flowDefinition: Operating cash flow refers to the cash generated from operations.Calculation:Method 1:OCF= Sales – Costs – TaxesMethod 2:OCF = EBIT + Depreciation – TaxesEgNabors, corporation.2005 Income Statement ($ in millions)Net sales $9,610Less: Cost of goods sold 6,310Less: Depreciation 1,370Earnings before interest and taxes 1,930Less: Interest paid 630Taxable Income $1,300Less: Taxes 455Net income $ 845Method1:Sales $9,610Less: cost 6,310Taxes 455Operating cash flow $ 2845Nabors, corporation2005 Income Statement ($ in millions)Net sales $9,610Less: Cost of goods sold 6,310Less: Depreciation 1,370Earnings before interest and taxes 1,930Less: Interest paid 630Taxable Income $1,300Less: Taxes 455Net income $ 845Method2:Earnings before interest and taxes $1,930Plus depreciation 1,370Less taxes 455Operating cash flow $ 2845Positive cash flows were generated from operations of $2845.2.Change in NWCDefinition:Net Working Capital =current assets – current liabilitiesNWC usually grows with the firmChange in NWC= ending net working capital – beginning net working capital3.Change in fixed assetsMethod 1:Ending gross fixed assets- Beginning gross fixed assets = Change in fixed assets Method 2:Ending net fixed assts - Beginning net fixed assets+ Depreciation= Change in fixed assets .Free cash flowCommon-Size Balance SheetsCompute all accounts as a percent of total assets(express each item as percentage of total assetsCommon-Size Income StatementsCompute all line items as a percent of sales(express each item as a percentage of total sales)Categories of Financial RatiosShort-term solvency or liquidity ratiosLong-term solvency, or financial leverage, ratiosAsset management or turnover ratiosProfitability ratiosMarket value ratiosComputing Liquidity RatiosMeaningLiquidity ratios are intended to provide information about a firm’s liquidity.Who are interested in liquidity ratiosshort-term creditorFeaturesTheir book value and market value are likely to be similar.CalculationCurrent Ratio = CA / CL (dollar or times)708 / 540 = 1.31 timesQuick Ratio (acid-test)= (CA – Inventory) / CL(708 - 422) / 540 = .53 timesCash Ratio = Cash / CL98 / 540 = .18 times3.3 The Du Pont IdentityIt is an integrative approach to ratio analysis.It evaluates firm’s return on equity (ROE)Definition of ROEROE = Net income / Total equityMultiply by 1(TA / TA) and then rearrange:ROE = (NI / TE) (TA / TA)ROE = (NI / TA) (TA / TE) = ROA * EMMultiply by 1 again and then rearrange:ROE = (NI / TA) (TA / TE) (Sales / Sales)ROE = (NI / Sales) (Sales / TA) (TA / TE)ROE = PM * TAT * EMROE = PM * TAT * EMProfit margin is a measure of the firm’s operating efficiency – how well it controls costs.Total asset turnover is a measure of the firm’s asset use efficiency – how well it manages its assets.Equity multipli er is a measure of the firm’s financial leverage.3.5 Long-Term Financial PlanningAnother use of financial statementsThe most comprehensive means of financial planning is to develop a series of pro forma, or projected, financial statements.External Financing Needed (EFN)The difference between the forecasted increase in assets and the forecasted increase in liabilities and equity.Formula: EFN=Assets×g- Spontaneous liabilities×g-PM×Projected sales×(1-d)External Financing Needed (EFN) can also be calculated as:The Internal Growth RateThe internal growth rate tells us how much the firm can grow assets using retained earnings as the only source of financing.The Sustainable Growth RateThe sustainable growth rate tells us how much the firm can grow by using internally generated funds and issuing debt to maintain a constant debt ratio.4.4 SimplificationsPerpetuityA constant stream of cash flows that lasts foreverGrowing perpetuityA stream of cash flows that grows at a constant rate foreverAnnuityA stream of constant cash flows that lasts for a fixed number of periodsGrowing annuityA stream of cash flows that grows at a constant rate for a fixed number of periodsZero Coupon BondsMake no periodic interest payments (coupon rate = 0%)The entire yield to maturity comes from the difference between the purchase price and the par valueCannot sell for more than par valueSometimes called zeroes, deep discount bonds, or original issue discount bonds (OIDs) Treasury Bills and principal-only Treasury strips are good examples of zeroesThe Fisher EffectThe Fisher Effect defines the relationship between real rates, nominal rates, and inflation.(1 + R) = (1 + r)(1 + h), whereR = nominal rater = real rateh = expected inflation rateApproximationR = r + h例子If we require a 10% real return and we expect inflation to be 8%, what is the nominal rate? R = (1.1)(1.08) – 1 = .188 = 18.8%Approximation: R = 10% + 8% = 18%Because the real return and expected inflation are relatively high, there is a significant difference between the actual Fisher Effect and the approximation.。

组织结构图:Organization Chart股份公司:Joint Stock Company(公司资本由多人出资认股组成。
):Limited Company(公司股东对公司债务承担的上限是其出资额。
)上市公司:Listed Company(公司发行的股票在证券交易所交易的股份有限责任公司。
)股东大会:Shareholder Meeting(决定公司政策,是股份公司的最高权利机关。
)董事会:Board of Directors(由股东大会选举,执行股东大会决定的委员会。
)执行董事:Executive Director首席执行官(美): CEO – Chief Executive Officer董事总经理(英):Managing Director总经理(中): General Manager(执行董事会决定,全面管理公司。
)首席运营官(美): COO – Chief Operating Officer常务副总经理(中):Deputy General Manager总裁(美): President(如果与CEO不是同一个人)(负责公司日常管理。
)人力资源部:Human Resource Department研发部:Research and Development Department采购部:Procurement Department / Purchasing Department生产部:Manufacturing Department / Production Department物流部:Logistics Department市场部:Marketing Department销售部:Sales Department售后服务部:After-sales Department生意发展部:Business Development Department行政部:Administrative Department首席财务官:CFO – Chief Financial Officer非执行董事:Non-executive Director独立董事:Individual Director(没有公司股票,不参与公司事物,只为公司出谋划策。

介绍组织架构英文作文英文:Organizational structure refers to the way in which a company or organization is arranged in order to achieve its goals and objectives. It is important to have a clear and well-defined structure in place to ensure that everyone within the organization knows their role and responsibilities.There are several types of organizational structures, including hierarchical, flat, matrix, and network structures. The hierarchical structure is the most common and is characterized by a top-down approach, with clear lines of authority and decision-making power. The flat structure, on the other hand, is more decentralized and allows for more collaboration and teamwork. The matrix structure combines elements of both hierarchical and flat structures, while the network structure is more fluid and flexible, allowing for a more dynamic approach to decision-making.In my current organization, we have a matrix structure. This means that we have multiple reporting lines, with employees reporting to both functional managers and project managers. This allows for more flexibility and collaboration, as employees are able to work on multiple projects and with different teams. However, it can also lead to confusion and conflict if not managed properly.It is important for organizations to regularly review and adjust their structure as needed to ensure that it continues to meet the needs of the organization and its employees. This may involve reorganizing departments, changing reporting lines, or even merging with other organizations.Overall, a clear and well-defined organizational structure is essential for the success of any organization. It helps to ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals and objectives, and allows for effective decision-making and collaboration.中文:组织架构是指公司或组织为实现其目标和目的而安排的方式。