



前旗三中2022-2023学年度第二学期线上教学学情检测七年级语文试题温馨提示:本试题满分120分,答题时长120分,请认真将答案对应题号写到答题卡上,需要涂卡的题用2B 铅笔规范涂卡。


一、积累与运用(共34分)1.下列加点词语使用有误的一项是( ) (2分) A .雾霾天气里,司机小心翼翼....地开着车。

B .他想不起把钥匙放在哪儿了,在抽屉里翻来覆去....地找了好几遍也没有找到。

C .母亲信服..地点点头,便去拿外套。

D .美并不是要打扮得花枝招展....,作为中学生,朴素大方就是美。

2.下列句子没有语病的一句是 ( )(2分) A .通过体育锻炼,使我的身体素质增强。

B .有没有坚定的意志,是一个人在事业上能够取得成功的关键。

C .看到他的照片,我便想起了当年我们一起玩耍、同桌共读的情景。

D .他在这里下了车,我断定他大概是本地人。

3.下列文学常识搭配不正确的一项是( )(2分) A 、《金色花》——《泰戈尔诗选》——法国——泰戈尔B 、《再塑生命的人》—《假如给我三天光明》—美国——海伦·凯勒C 、《天上的街市》——《郭沫若全集》——诗——郭沫若D 、《狼》——《聊斋志异》——蒲松龄——清代4.依次填入下面句中横线处与上下文衔接最恰当的一项是( )(2)分时间都去哪儿了?在这个忙碌的时代,“忙”逐渐成了一种生活状态。

有的人因为忙于生计, ,失去了许多与家人共享天伦的快乐;有的人因为忙于仕途, ,错过了许多与朋友交流思想的时光;有的人因为忙于玩乐, ,错失了许多与他人放飞梦想的机会……所以,我们应该在流淌的时间里经营好自己的幸福人生。

A .虚度了年华 淡忘了友情 淡漠了亲情 B .淡漠了亲情 淡忘了友情 虚度了年华 C .淡漠了亲情 虚度了年华 淡忘了友情 D .淡忘了友情 淡漠了亲情 虚度了年华 5.根据拼音写汉字或给加点字选择正确的读音。

人教版六年级数学下册期末学情评估试卷附答案 (7)

人教版六年级数学下册期末学情评估试卷附答案 (7)

人教版六年级数学下册期末检测卷★测试时间:90分钟★满分:110分★题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 附加题 总分 得分一、我来认真填一填。

(21分)1.(贺州·期末)一个数由4个千万、8个十万、3个千组成,这个数写作( ),改成用“万”作单位的数是( )万,四舍五入到万位约为( )。

2.7.08公顷=( )公顷( )平方米0.06升=( )毫升 3吨80千克=( )吨。

3.一张桌子坐6人,两张桌子拼起来坐10人,三张桌子拼起来坐14人,照这样计算,如果坐38人,需要拼( )张桌子才能坐下。

4.把一个圆柱削成最大的圆锥,体积减少了1.2立方分米,圆柱的体积是( )立方分米。

5.一套西服原价350元,商家搞活动“买四送一”,这套西服实际降低了( )元。

6.12a =23b ,那么b 比a 少( )(填百分数)。

7.已知A =B +1(B 为非零自然数),则A ,B 的最大公因数是( ),最小公倍数是( )。

8.甲数是36,比乙数大20%,乙数是( )。

9.(长沙·期中)一根8米长的钢管,截去14后又截去14米,还剩( )米。

10.一个数的75%是150,这个数的25是( )。

11.如果3a =5b (a ,b 均不为0),那么a ∶b =( )∶( )。

12.把红、黄、蓝、白四种颜色的球各8个放到一个袋子里,至少要取( )个球,才可以保证取到两个颜色相同的球。

13.一个三角形三个内角的度数比是1∶1∶2,这个三角形的最大内角是( )度。

如果其中较短的边长5厘米,那么这个三角形的面积是( )平方厘米。


(10分)1.因为0表示什么也没有,所以0 ℃表示没有温度。

( )2.圆的周长和直径成正比例关系。

( )3.一个圆锥的底面半径扩大为原来的3倍,它的体积也扩大为原来的3倍。

( )4.如果3x =4y (x ,y 不为0),那么x 和y 成正比例关系。

( )5.北京某天的气温是-3 ℃到8 ℃,这天的温差是5 ℃。

部编版九年级语文下册第二单元学情评估 附答案 (7)

部编版九年级语文下册第二单元学情评估 附答案 (7)








冀教版七年级英语上册Unit 7 学情评估含答案

冀教版七年级英语上册Unit 7 学情评估含答案

冀教版七年级英语上册Unit 7 学情评估第一部分听力Ⅰ. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)1. A. a day B. a matchC. a card2. A. history lesson B. math clubC. robot show3. A. make a snowman B. play snowball fightsC. dance in snow4. A. Tina likes spring best.B. Tina likes all the seasons.C. Tina shows her favourite season.5. A. It will take us about one month to do our work.B. Our work will last about two months.C. Our work is easy to do.Ⅱ. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)6. A. Thank you. B. That's OK.C. Good for you.7. A. I'm fine. B. Interesting.C. It's warm and sunny.8. A. It's Sunday. B. On August 1st.C. At 7: 30.9. A. No, I'm not. B. Yes, there is.C. Yes, it is.10. A. How is the weather ? B. What is the temperature?C. Why do you like spring?Ⅲ. 听对话和问题,选择正确答案(共8小题;每小题1分,满分8分) 11. What is the story about ?12. What season does Lucy like best?13. What is Tony doing now?A. He is flying a kite.B. He is riding a bike.C. He is taking a walk.14. How is the weather now?A. Rainy.B. Cloudy.C. Sunny.15. Where will Tony go ?A. He will go to school.B. He will go home.C. He will go to the park.16. Where is Mary from?A. The Flower City.B. The Ice City.C. The Spring City.17. What is the weather like in Jim's city in winter?A. Warm.B. Cold.C. Hot.18. What can they do in Harbin in winter?A. Go skiing and make snowmen.B. Enjoy sunny days and climb the mountains.C. Play on the beach and go swimming.Ⅳ. 听短文和问题,选择正确答案(共7小题;每小题1分,满分7分)19. Whom can Zhang Hong fly kites with?A. Her friends.B. Her classmates.C. Her parents.20. When is the Spring Festival this year?A. On 10th January.B. On 29th February.C. On 10th February.21. Which holiday does Zhang Hong like best?A. Children's Day.B. The Spring Festival.C. National Day.22. What grade is David in?A. Grade 1.B. Grade 7.C. Grade 2.23. How many students are there in David's class?A. 19.B. 20.C. 39.24. When is Grace's birthday?A. On December 12th.B. On December 20th.C. On December 25th.25. When does David have a big dinner?A. On his birthday.B. On Christmas Eve.C. On Christmas Day.Ⅴ. 听短文填空(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)第二部分语言运用Ⅵ. 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)It's July now. Linda has a__31__ summer vacation. She doesn't want to stay in England. It's not very hot, but it is always __32__. Linda doesn't like rain. “Why not go and __33__ Aunt Nancy in Canada? My aunt can make delicious food for me. I can do __34__ interesting things like drinking orange juice by the pool and climbing the mountains. It's fun,” Linda is very __35__to think about that. “Let me __36__ an e-mail to Aunt Nancy this evening. ”When Linda is thinking about her vacation in__37__,she gets a call. It is __38__ her friend Amy. “Hi, Linda. Come and spend your vacation in Australia with me. It's winter now. It's cold and windy. We can go __39__ every day,” Amy says on the __40__. Linda doesn't know__41____ she should go. Finally, she is going to spend time in Australia.Australia is a good __42__ for people to have fun. People can have a good time on beautiful __43____and near the lake. There are many interesting __44____ in each season like swimming and going fishing. So hundreds of visitors go to Australia every year.Linda has a good time in Australia. She____45____ to visit it again.31. A. small B. longC. tidyD. thin32. A. windy B. sunnyC. rainyD. cloudy33. A. visit B. callC. missD. show34. A. much B. littleC. someD. any35. A. scared B. correctC. quickD. happy36. A. sign B. sellC. writeD. find37. A. China B. AustraliaC. ThailandD. Canada38. A. from B. aboutC. withD. over39. A. shopping B. skatingC. hikingD. swimming40. A. map B. deskC. sofaD. phone41. A. what B. whereC. whoD. how42. A. place B. phraseC. presentD. problem43. A. castles B. beachesC. museumsD. restaurants44. A. excuses B. gamesC. fightsD. topics45. A. enjoys B. helpsC. hopesD. learnsⅦ. 短文填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)Hello, my name is Xiaoyi. I am 46. ______ smart weather robot. Today, I will tell you something about the seasons in Hebei. There are four seasons here in a year. The first one is spring. The weather 47. ________(warm) up and everything begins to grow. Flowers are 48. ______ bloom. It is a colourful season. Summer is the 49. ________(two) one. It is 50. ________(real) hot. Autumn is the best season. People can go 51. ________ (camp)or hiking on weekends. 52. ________ the weather is cool and sunny in this season. But in late autumn, sometimes it is 53. ________(fog). Winter is the coldest season of a year. But there are many important 54. ________(festival). My owner(主人) likes the Spring Festival best. And he enjoys 55. ________(ski) down from the hill in winter. What season do you like ? Please tell me!第三部分阅读Ⅷ. 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)A56. What do you think we should take on June 24?57. When will the highest (最高的) temperature be?A. On June 25.B. On June 26.C. On June 27.D. On June 28.58. What can we learn from the report?A. It's best to take a raincoat on June 28.B. It's a good idea to wash cars on June 22.C. It's will be a nice day for a picnic on June 27.D. It's a good time to go to the beach on June 25.BThere are four seasons in a year in China. Spring comes in February. May, June and July make the summer season. August, September and October are the autumn months. Winter is from November to January.But near the North Pole(北极) there are only two seasons. They are winter and summer. In winter, nights are long. For more than two months, you can't see the sun,even at noon. In summer, the days are long. For more than two months, the sun never goes down and there is no night.The people living near the North Pole are called Inuit(因纽特人). In summer, they live in tents(帐篷) and catch deer for food. In winter, they live in small round snow houses. They travel around by using dogs to carry their things. They make holes in the ice and catch fish and seals(海豹).59. In China, spring is from February to ________.A. MayB. MarchC. AprilD. December60. The two seasons near the North Pole are ________.A. spring and autumnB. summer and winterC. spring and summerD. spring and winter61. The Inuit live in ________ in winter.A. tentsB. snow housesC. big housesD. holesCThe summer holiday is coming. Cindy and her friends are talking about their plans for this summer holiday through WeChat. Here is their WeChat group.62. This summer holiday, Linda plans to ________.63. What can we know about Cindy?A. She is good at English.B. She is a kind and helpful girl.C. She doesn't like reading books.D. She will go on a camp.64. Where may Anna go this summer holiday?A. To Beijing.B. To Chongqing.C. To Hainan.D. To Xi'an.65. What can we infer from the passage?A. Zoe thinks Cindy's plan is boring.B. Dale is excited about his holiday plan.C. Anna doesn't want to work in the library.D. Linda is going to be busy this summer holiday.DHere comes autumn! It is the third season of the year. In China, autumn arrives around September. It is still a little warm, but it gets colder and colder. The days also get shorter and shorter. The leaves on the trees begin to turn yellow or red. The air is fresh. It's a great season for kids to play outside. What do children do in autumn in different countries?In China, students often have an autumn picnic. Usually, they go to an amusement park(游乐场) or out into nature. For example, kids in Shenzhen like to climb mountains in Nanshan. Most children also like to play games with their classmates, like soccer.Japanese students often go hiking with their parents or classmates when the leaves are red or yellow. It is a perfect way to get exercise. Mountain climbing in nice weather is also a good choice(选择).For most children in the US, biking is a good autumn activity. Take a mountain bike ride and you can find new roads. Playing in leaf piles(堆) is popular, too. Kids jump onto a leaf pile. They are happy to see the colorful leaves fly all around. They also make leaf rain. It's a lot of fun.In the UK, school kids love to camp outside with their parents. They make food over the fire and tell ghost stories.66. What is autumn like in China?A. The weather is hot.B. The nights get longer and longer.C. All the leaves on the trees turn green.D. It's a great season for children to stay inside.67. What do Chinese students love doing?①going to an amusement park②going out into nature③swimming④skiingA. ①②B. ②④C. ①②③D. ①②③④68. What does the underlined word “perfect” in the third paragraph mean?A. importantB. greatC. healthyD. difficult69. What can we know from the last two paragraphs?A. Kids in the US and UK enjoy hiking.B. School kids in the UK like camping outside with their classmates.C. Playing in leave piles is popular with American children.D. Children in the UK don't like telling ghost stories.70. What can be the best title for the text?A. Kids love sportsB. Kids love autumnC. Kids in different countriesD. Kids' favourite autumn activities Ⅸ. 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)Do you like the Spring Festival? Here, I would like to share my trip to Handan during the Spring Festival with you all. Susan is my Chinese friend. She is quitebeautiful with big eyes and brown hair. This year, I go to China to celebrate (庆祝) the festival with her family. It must be a nice tour with a lot of interesting things to do. So I take a plane from Los Angeles to Shanghai and then take another plane to Handan. I plan to stay in Handan for a week.Susan's father drives us to visit Susan's grandparents in the countryside. They are planning to celebrate the festival with them for a few days. Now Susan's family are busy getting ready for the festival. At the moment, Susan's grandma is cooking dumplings. Susan's grandpa is making red lanterns(灯笼). Where is Susan? She is cleaning the house. She wishes to sweep (扫) away all the bad luck(运气). On the New Year's Eve, we will have a big family dinner and watch a special show—the Spring Festival Gala Evening (春节联欢晚会) on TV.71. What does Susan look like?_________________________________________________________________ 72. Where is the writer (作者) from?_________________________________________________________________ 73. What are Susan's grandparents doing?_________________________________________________________________ 74. Why does Susan clean the house?_________________________________________________________________ 75. What do you often do during the Spring Festival?_________________________________________________________________第四部分情景交际Ⅹ. 补全对话(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)A: Hi, my name is Mary. I'm from Canada.B: Hi, Mary. I'm Li Hua. I'm from China.A: Is the weather wet in spring in China?B: 76. ____________________. It's always wet and warm in April and May.A: 77. ________________________________________?B: It's cool in September and October.A: Great! I will go to China in autumn. 78. _____________________________?B: I like to have a picnic with my friends during that days.A: 79. ________________________________________?B: I like winter best.A: 80. ________________________________________?B: Because I like going skating in winter and it is good for our health.A: You are right.第五部分写作Ⅺ. 书面表达(满分15分)81. 一年四季,景色不同,特点各异。







他们的行为体现了①生命是脆弱的,要珍视生命②生命是坚韧和顽强的,不需要呵护③生命虽然平凡,但也能时时创造伟大④生命价值在于贡献,不能索取个人利益A.①②B. ②④C. ①③D. ③④3.“中小学生要把学习健康知识、急救知识,特别是心肺复苏纳入考试内容,把健康知识、急救知识的掌握程度和体质健康测试情况作为学校学生评优评先、毕业考核和升学的重要指标。




”从中可以看出,蒋张子怡能够①不求进步,知足常乐②接纳自己,乐观坚强七年级道德与法治第1 页共8 页③直面挫折,自信自强④挑战权威,我行我素A. ①②B. ②③C. ③④D. ①④5.怎样的人生是值得的?下列理解正确的是①自食其力,不顾他人的一生②关注社会,奉献社会的一生③财富多多,地位高高的一生④无私助人,奉献爱心的一生A.①②B. ②④C. ①③D. ②③6.右边漫画主要告诉我们A. 生活难免有挫折挫折是我们生命成长的一部分B. 人生道路上的阻碍,都会成为成功的转机C. 挫折是把“双刃剑”,要培养面对挫折的勇气D. 挫折是我们人生经历中的唯一宝贵财富7.“高高的青山上,萱草花开放”,“让它开遍我等着你回家的路上,好像我从不曾离开你的身旁”。

部编版七年级语文上册第六单元学情评估 附答案 (7)

部编版七年级语文上册第六单元学情评估 附答案 (7)

















(只填序号)(2分)①________ ②________(2)从括号内选择符合语境的词语分别填入甲、乙处。

人教版七年级英语下册UNIT 7 学情评估含答案

人教版七年级英语下册UNIT 7 学情评估含答案

人教版七年级英语下册UNIT 7 学情评估一、单项选择。

(每小题1分,共10分)1. —Is Russia ____Asian country or ____European country?—It belongs(属于) to Europe.A. an; anB. an; aC. a; anD. a; a2. —What is Paul doing ____ the river?—Oh, he is writing ____ his parents.A. in; toB. in; atC. by; toD. by; at3. Mr. Brown isn't here. Can I ____ him?A. have a word withB. speak toC. say hello toD. take a message for4. —How many ____ do we have in the kitchen?—Two. That's not enough.A. bottles of juicesB. bottle of juicesC. bottles of juiceD. bottle of juice5. It is often ____ here in winter. Look! It's ____.A. snows; snowingB. snowy; snowingC. snow; snowyD. snowy; snows6. —Where's my mom, Dad?—In the kitchen. She ____ chicken noodles for you now.A. cooksB. is cookingC. doesn't cookD. isn't cooking7. [易错题]Tony has a good time ____ English at school.A. studyB. to studyC. studyingD. studies8. Tom hardly eats breakfast, ____?A. isn't heB. is heC. doesn't heD. does he9. —____,Sam?—Terrible. I have lots of work to do and I lost my phone this morning.A. What's thatB. How's it goingC. May I speak to youD. Where are you going10. —My English is poor. Could you help me with it?—____.A. Thank youB. Me, tooC. No problemD. See you二、完形填空。

部编版七年级语文上册第二单元学情评估 附答案 (7)

部编版七年级语文上册第二单元学情评估 附答案 (7)











(10分)在抗美援朝战争中,全国人民团结一致、同仇敌忾.__①__(A.kài B.gài),中国人民志愿军将士__甲__(A.向死而生B.舍生忘死)、浴血奋战,谱写了气壮山河的英雄赞歌,创造了世界战争史上以弱胜强的光辉典范。









2023-2024学年广东省韶关市七年级上学期期中数学质量检测模拟试题一、单选题9.当4x =-时,多项式3242x x ---与32534x x x ++-的和是()A .0B .4C .4-D .2-10.观察并找规律:122=,224=,328=,4216=,5232=,6264=,72128=,82256=,那么20182的个位数是()A .2B .4C .6D .8二、填空题三、计算题四、应用题五、解答题22.随着手机的普及,微信的兴起,许多人抓住这种机会,做起了“微商”,很多农产品也改变了原来的销售模式,实行了网上销售.刚大学毕业的夏明把自家的冬枣产品放到网上销售,他原计划每天卖100斤冬枣,但由于种种原因,实际每天的销售量与计划量相比有出入.下表是某周的销售情况(超出的量记为正数,不足的量记为负数.单位:斤,1斤500=克)六、计算题23.某城市居民生活用电基本价为每度a元,若每月用电超过70度,超出部分按基本价的150%收费.(1)若用户三月份用电30度,则应收费________元;(2)若用户三月份用电为100度,则应收费________元;(3)由(1)(2)可得:若平均价格________a元(选填“<”“>”或“=”),则用电量一定超过70度;(4)若每月用电量超过y度,超过部分按基本电价的150%收费,某户五月份用电84度,则应收费多少元.答案:【分析】(1)根据前三天销售量相加计算即可;(2)将销售量最多的一天与销售量最少的一天相减计算即可;(3)先将各数相加求得正负即可求解;(4)将总数量乘以价格差解答即可.【详解】(1)解:435300296--+=(斤).故296.(2)()21829--=(斤).故29.(3)达到了.理由:435148216170+--+-+-=>∴本周实际销售总量达到了计划销售量.(4)()()17100783+⨯⨯-7175=⨯3585=(元).答:夏明这一周一共收入3585元.本题考查正数和负数的问题,有理数的四则运算.解题的关键是读懂题意,列式计算.23.(1)30a(2)115a(3)>(4)84y >,则应收费84a 元,或84y <,则应收费()1260.5a ay -元【分析】(1)三月份没有超过70度,则用电基本价格为每度a 元,根据电费=用电量×单价列式即可.(2)三月份用电超过70度,超出部分按基本电价的150%收费,前70度按基本价格为每度a 元收费,超出的按每度1.5a 元收费.(3)根据(1)(2)的结论可得结论.(4)根据“基本电费+超出部分电费”列出代数式,再整理即可.【详解】(1)∵3070<,∴三月份用电量没有超过70度,∴三月份的电费为:30a (元);故30a ;(2)∵10070>,∴三月份电费为:7010070150%115a a a +-⨯⨯=(),故115a ;(3)由于超出部分的每度电的收费多150%10.5a a ⨯-=()元,故当平均价格大于a 元时,则用电量一定超过70度,故>;(4)根据题意得:当84y ≥时,应缴纳电费为84a 元;当84y <时,应缴纳电费为:()()84150%1260.5ay y a a ay ⎡⎤+-⨯=-⎣⎦元.本题考查了列代数式,整式加减的应用,明确计费方式是解答本题的关键.。



2024~2024学年度(上)开发区第一次学情检测七年级英语试卷(考试时间:100分钟满分:100分)(特殊提示:请把答案写在答题纸上)第I卷 (客观题共55分)一、听力(共20小题,每小题1分,计20分)第一部分听对话回答问题,听两遍。

( ) 1. What is in the tree?A. B. C.( ) 2. What does Tom’s mother do?A. B. C. ( ) 3. What club is Sandy in?A. B. C.( ) 4. What is Kitty’s English teacher like?A. B. C.( ) 5. Where is Sandy from?A.EnglandB. ChinaC. America( ) 6. What is Simon’s brother good at?A.BasketballB. TennisC. Football( ) 7. How does Tom go to school on rainy days?A.By bikeB. By carC. By bus( ) 8. What does Jane have for breakfast?A.BreadB. CakesC. Rice( ) 9. Who cooks lunch for Lily?A.Her motherB. Her grandmotherC. Her father ( ) 10. What is Joe’s favourite animal?A. CatsB. BirdsC. Dogs其次部分听对话和短文回答问题,听两遍。


( ) 11. What day is it today?A.MondayB. TuesdayC. Wednesday( ) 12. What time does David go to play basketball?A. At 4:30 p.m.B. At 4:50 p.m.C. At 5:30 p.m.听第一篇短文,回答13-15小题。

人教版九年级英语下册UNIT 7 学情评估试卷附答案

人教版九年级英语下册UNIT 7 学情评估试卷附答案

人教版九年级英语下册UNIT 7学情评估九年级英语·上(R版)时间:120分钟满分:120分第一部分听力(四大题,20分)一、短对话理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)1. What can't be used at Tony's school?A. B. C.2. Where are they talking?A. B. C.3. How old is Bill according to the conversation?A. Under 16.B. 16.C. Over 16.4. What does the woman ask Mr Li not to do?A. Leave the door open.B. Close the door.C. Repair the door.5. What does the boy probably think of the new school rules?A. They're relaxing.B. They're strict.C. They're interesting.二、长对话理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面一段对话,回答第6、7小题。

6. What did Anna and her mom argue about?A. Using the phone.B. Playing games.C. Watching TV.7. What does Anna's dad advise Anna to do?A. Talk to her mom politely.B. Write her mom a letter.C. Give her mom a hug.听下面一段对话,回答第8至10小题。

8. What's the relationship between the two speakers?A. Classmates.B. Mother and son.C. Brother and sister.9. What do the two speakers want to do?A. Do some social work.B. Have part-time jobs.C. Get their ears pierced.10. Who will the boy call next?A. Kelly.B. Uncle James.C. His teacher.三、短文理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)11. How many rules are about Alice's living habits?A. Five.B. Seven.C. Twelve.12. What does Alice like doing?A. Drawing.B. Dancing.C. Reading.13. Where does Alice want to work?A. In a restaurant.B. In a library.C. In a club.14. What is Alice not allowed to do?A. To get her ears pierced.B. To choose her own clothes.C. To get her driver's license.15. What does Alice want to be?A. A teacher.B. A doctor.C. A pilot.四、信息转换(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)第二部分英语知识运用(两大题,30分)五、单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)21. Kevin has only enough money for the bag or the shoes. That is a hard ____ tomake because he likes them both.A. choiceB. giftC. ruleD. trick22. —Was Betty ____ hurt?—Yes. Each time she moved her arm, she cried.A. widelyB. mainlyC. badlyD. nearly23. [易错题]There is something wrong with Helen's watch. She wants to get it ____.A. repairingB. to repairC. repairD. repaired24. —The people in the village look very happy now!—That's true. The local government has ____ them out of the poor situation.A. forcedB. drivenC. liftedD. shown25. —How's the new restaurant?—It's ____. We waited a long time for the food to arrive.A. wonderfulB. excitingC. difficultD. awful26. The journey to Congjiang is a great ____ for Steve to learn more about the magicplaces that he has known from books and pictures.A. introductionB. competitionC. suggestionD. chance27. During the Tang Dynasty (唐朝), nearly everything produced in the world ____ onthe streets of Chang'an.A. is foundB. has been foundC. will be foundD. could be found28. The tour guide has made the route (路线) of the school trip, so we don't need to____ that.A. be afraid ofB. be sure ofC. be sorry forD. be worried about29. [易错题]—What should we do in our daily life?—Listen to teachers and parents more and never ____.A. go backB. take backC. look backD. talk back30. —Mom, can I watch The Readers with you now?—____. But you can watch it after finishing your homework.A. Not at allB. No wayC. No problemD. Never mind六、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)AA new law(法律) in New York allows people to bring their dogs to restaurants.Some people __31__ eating with dogs is great. They argue that it's good for dogs. They say owners don't have to leave their pets alone at home or in cars when they eat out. But some people are __32__ about eating next to dogs. They say dog hair can create unclean conditions. Also, dogs can annoy customers __33__ barking(吠叫) or making a mess.Should dogs be __34__ in restaurants? Here is what two students think.YES! As long as dogs are well-behaved(很乖的) and clean, there's no __35__ why they shouldn't be allowed in restaurants with their owners. If restaurants allow dogs in, people can spend more time with their __36__. That will make them happier.If someone doesn't want to eat near dogs, he can eat in another part of the restaurant. __37__ he can go to a restaurant that doesn't allow dogs in.Victoria Gonzalez, North CarolinaNO! Dogs __38__ be allowed in restaurants. They can cause health problems. Some people are allergic(过敏的) to dogs, so being around dogs could be __39__ for them. Also, some dogs could annoy customers by jumping on them or stealing their food. Some dogs might even hurt customers. If that __40__,restaurants may end up losing customers and money.Josh Cramer, Wisconsin31. A. hope B. thinkC. hearD. see32. A. happy B. sureC. worriedD. honest33. A. by B. inC. onD. with34. A. allowed B. eatenC. drawnD. hidden35. A. time B. placeC. problemD. reason36. A. kids B. petsC. customersD. parents37. A. But B. IfC. OrD. So38. A. would B. wouldn'tC. shouldD. shouldn't39. A. safe B. easyC. dangerousD. important40. A. happens B. remainsC. failsD. stopsBHave you ever been in a rush to get to school and had no time to eat breakfast? You are not __41__. This has happened to many students. So should students be __42__ to eat at school?Some schools and teachers are __43__ about food and drink at school. Students mustn't eat in the classroom. Mrs. Hammond, an eighth-grade English teacher, says, “I don't __44__ my students eating in the classroom, because they leave crumbs and wrappers (食物碎屑和包装纸) there. They make a big __45__ and it drives me crazy.”Some teachers and students don't think eating at school is a __46__. Mrs. Deltenre, a Spanish teacher, says, “I think it's OK if my students eat at school. Students usually get very __47__ when it is close to lunch time. Eating in the classroom can cause a mess, but they really just have to __48__ their mess. Students can do much better at school when they aren't hungry.”The effect (影响) of hunger on __49__ is surprising. Teachers expect students to do well at school. But when students are hungry, they can't concentrate (集中注意力) on their studies. They may keep looking at the clock. This is why students need to __50__ to keep their brain working properly.41. A. alone B. slowC. carelessD. lazy42. A. punished B. allowedC. trainedD. invited43. A. happy B. silentC. sorryD. strict44. A. see B. hateC. wantD. remember45. A. decision B. messC. planD. promise46. A. problem B. ruleC. factD. symbol47. A. thirsty B. hungryC. tiredD. angry48. A. put up B. make upC. end upD. clean up49. A. education B. societyC. cultureD. the family50. A. sleep B. exerciseC. eatD. play第三部分阅读理解(两大题,45分)七、补全对话(有两项多余)(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)A:You are using your mobile phone again while crossing the street.51. ________ B:No. What happened?A:A girl was knocked down by a car because she was using her mobile phone.B:52. ________A:As we all know, mobile phones make it easier for us to communicate with others.53. ________B:You're quite right. I won't do it again.54. ________A:We shouldn't use them when we are driving. And we shouldn't talk on them for too long.B:55. ________A:No, we can't. Using mobile phones isn't allowed on the plane.B:Oh, I see.八、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AThe rules for Puge Hot Spring(温泉)56. Which of the following is allowed at Puge Hot Spring?A. Smoking.B. Staying with children.C. Eating in the pool.D. Speaking loudly.57. Visitors come here in order to ____.A. look after the childrenB. stay in the hot water for fun and healthC. lie on the beach and enjoy the sunlightD. make other people happy58. What are the rules used for?A. Telling visitors what to do and not to do.B. Asking people to visit Puge Hot Spring.C. Telling visitors to have a rest.D. Telling people where Puge Hot Spring is.BWe all know that the classroom environment is very important.The following suggestions can be used in many ways.Create student-centered space. Your classroom is meant to be a workplace for your students.They should have enough room to work and move around, and there should be different seating choices for them.Keep your classroom fresh and clean.Not only will your tables, desks and shelves look clean but they will make the classroom smell fresh.Students really enjoy being in a clean classroom. I believe that it can make them concentrate on their study.Help students organize their personal space.Providing students with lots of time to store their materials will help them stay organized.At the beginning, it may seem like time-wasting.However, it will be a time-saving activity once it becomes a habit.Make good use of natural light and air. We know that sunlight is good for our health and our brains.In hot months, natural air can also change the temperature in your classroom.59. Which of the following is NOT true?A. The classroom environment is very important to students.B. There are four suggestions on how to improve the classroom environment.C. It's not necessary to give different seating choices to students.D. It is helpful to help students organize their personal space.60. What does the underlined word “it” refer to?A. Natural light.B. A good desk.C. A clean classroom.D. A good teacher.61. Who is the passage written for?A. Doctors.B. Parents.C. Policemen.D. Teachers.62. The writer writes the passage to ____.A. show off his/her knowledgeB. give suggestionsC. sell his/her productsD. tell teachers how to teach studentsCRecently, a junior high school sent several students back home because they broke the school uniform(校服) rules. Should students wear school uniforms? The Young World magazine held a discussion on this topic(话题).Kennedy: The school uniform is very important, because it always reminds me that I am supposed to go out of my way to study hard. It also helps prevent school bullying(欺凌). If everyone wears the same clothes, it is impossible to laugh at other people's clothing.Manson: The uniform has to be earned(挣得) through efforts. Students should start school with no uniforms. As they make progress at school, they start wearing it. I always think children need to be proud of their school. The uniform is important for this reason. So make students earn it! If they don't perform well, they should not be allowed to get one.Moorhead: In my opinion, kids don't have to wear uniforms. There should be more choices open to kids in education. They ought to develop their independence and be themselves. Their personalities should be expressed through their own clothes at school. And different clothes could be one way of showing their understanding of beauty. Besides, they make the school lively and colorful.Patrick: I can see the advantages of wearing school uniforms. They play a very important role in managing schools. However, a school should not depend heavily on uniforms to improve students' behavior. Teaching them how to express themselveswith confidence(自信) is more important.63. What does the writer mean to do in Paragraph 1?A. Explain an opinion on a subject.B. Introduce a topic for discussion.C. Provide a way to solve problems.D. Tell us the advantages of uniforms.64. Which of the following is Manson's opinion?A. Students have the right to get school uniforms for free.B. Students performing well needn't wear school uniforms.C. Students should be encouraged to earn school uniforms.D. Students who get good grades can choose their clothes.65. According to Patrick, what is more important?A. Managing schools by uniforms.B. Improving students' behavior.C. Wearing school uniforms.D. Helping students express themselves.66. What can we learn from the text?A. Kennedy can't stand school uniforms.B. Moorhead is against school uniform rules.C. The writer holds the same opinion as Patrick's.D. Everyone can get school uniforms according to Manson.DUsually, there are a lot of school rules for students to follow.However, in New Zealand, there is an unusual school called Deep Green Bush School set up by Moncarz.In this school, there are no lessons, no homework and no tests.“We don't do things like telling kids it is time to write or learn.When they get interested in doing it, they do it,” says Moncarz.Read on to see what people think of this school.Wang Qiang, 13, ChinaThe school sounds wonderful, but I don't think it's a good idea for students to study in it.The society is developing so fast.If we study at such schools, we may notcatch up with others one day.Jackie Green, 14, EnglandWhat a great school! If my parents allow me to study in it, I will definitely go.However, they always tell me that I should follow rules at school and that if I break school rules, they will punish me by making me do housework.Bob Smith, 15, AmericaHow exciting the school sounds! If there is a school like Deep Green Bush School in the neighborhood, I will go.And I believe my parents will support me.In their opinion, I'm old enough to make my own decisions.Amy Fisher, 12, CanadaI'll never ever go to study in such schools.We go to school to get knowledge, not to play.And there's no doubt that my parents won't allow me to go to schools like Deep Green Bush School.67. What do we know about Deep Green Bush School?A. Its classrooms are green.B. There are a lot of rules in it.C. It's the best school in New Zealand.D. It's quite different from common schools.68. The youngest of the four comes from ____.A. ChinaB. CanadaC. EnglandD. America69. What does Amy Fisher think of Deep Green Bush School?A. Terrible.B. Exciting.C. Wonderful.D. Unusual.E[跨学科综合题]As the “Double Reduction” policy (“双减”政策) was introduced on July 24, 2021, students have time to do after-school activities. We did a survey among 300 students from No.6 Middle School. The following diagram (图表) shows the situation at present.It is clear from the survey that most students have a proper plan for their after-school activities. That's why the students and their parents support the policy. It can lower students' learning stress and help students focus(集中) better on their study. Also, students can get new skills from the activities and make more friends.However, some parents worry that the policy will lead to worse grades because students will have less time to study and get less help from after-school training classes. And they can no longer see the rankings (排名) after each exam. It makes them guess and worry about what level(水平) their children are at.No matter what people think of the policy, our government hopes students will face less schoolwork pressure with the help of it.70. ____ students in the survey choose to draw or practice calligraphy in after-schoolactivities.A. 21B. 24C. 36D. 6071. Of all the after-school activities listed in the survey, ____ is the most popular.A. watching TVB. learning musicC. playing sportsD. chatting online72. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. The policy was introduced on June 24, 2021.B. Chatting online has a bad influence on students.C. After-school training classes are the best choice for most students.D. Not all parents have the same opinion on the policy.阅读下面的短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的词数要求)。

2024年秋 人教版七年级英语上册 UNIT 7 学情评估(含答案)

2024年秋 人教版七年级英语上册 UNIT 7 学情评估(含答案)

UNIT 7 学情评估一、听说应用(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分)(见《听说应用》)二、语法选择(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)It is Friday today. Cindy wants __31__ some things after school with her classmate, Bob. Cindy's parents like __32__ fruit, so she wants to take some fruit home. She buys some pears, apples and __33__ big orange. Bob buys a hat and a pair of __34__ for his brother. He thinks his brother will like __35__. But Cindy loses her watch on her way home. She is unhappy because her mother buys the watch for her on her __36__ birthday. The watch is so nice and she likes it very much. She calls 110 to ask policemen __37__ help. The policemen help her to look for her watch, __38__ they can't find it. Cindy has to go home. When she gets home, she __39__ her watch on the desk. She smiles __40__. “How do you find it, Mom?” asks Cindy. “Your teacher finds it in the classroom,” says her mother. Cindy says, “Haha, I will call my teacher to say thanks. ”()31. A. to buy B. buys C. buying ()32. A. eat B. eats C. eating()33. A. an B. a C. the()34. A. trouser B. trousers C. trousers' ()35. A. they B. their C. them()36. A. twelve B. the twelfth C. twelfth()37. A. for B. of C. from()38. A. so B. and C. but()39. A. find B. finds C. to find()40. A. happy B. happily C. happiness 三、完形填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)I'm Sally, a student in a middle school. The woman in thephoto is my mother.My mother is a welcome math teacher, and all her__41__ like her. They say she can always make math easy and __42__. In her free time, she loves shopping. I like __43__ best of all the school days. Why do I like it? __44__ the next day is Saturday and my mother has time to be with our family. Today is December 7 — it is her birthday. I want to __45__ her a sweater as the birthday gift.In the morning, I go to the G&T Store. I __46__ a nice purple sweater, but it's not the right size (尺码) for my mother. “Do you have a big one?” I ask. “Yes. How about this one? It is on __47__. The __48__ of it is only 50 dollars now,” the saleswoman says. “OK. I'll __49__ it,”I say.After I get home, my mother sees the sweater. “This sweater is nice. Is it yours?” she asks. “No, Mom. This sweater is for you. Happy birthday!” I say. “Thank you, my dear. I think this gift is __50__!” my mother says.()41. A. classmates B. studentsC. playersD. parents()42. A. interesting B. boringC. usefulD. difficult()43. A. Monday B. TuesdayC. FridayD. Saturday()44. A. So B. BecauseC. ButD. And()45. A. watch B. askC. collectD. buy()46. A. find B. listC. markD. play()47. A. fun B. dutyC. saleD. surprise()48. A. color B. priceC. heightD. mark()49. A. take B. sellC. enjoyD. blow()50. A. difficult B. differentC. internationalD. meaningful四、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)AJanuary is a busy month for Maria, a middle school student.()51. Jack's birthday is on January ____.A. 2ndB. 24thC. 25thD. 31st()52. Who is Jack?A. Maria's brother.B. Maria's friend.C. Maria's cousin.D. Maria's classmate.()53. Where does Maria go on January 26th?()54. When does her winter holiday begin?A. On January 17th.B. On January 18th.C. On January 19th.D. On January 26th.()55. Which is TRUE?A. Maria's school is thirty years old.B. The family trip is eight hours long.C. Maria wants to buy a shirt for Jack.D. Maria is not very free in January.BBirthdays are important for everyone. Different countries have different customs. In most countries, people have birthday cakes with candles. The number of candles is the person's age. The birthday person must make a wish and blow out the candles. If he or she blows out all the candles in one go, the wish will come true.◆In the UK, people sometimes put a candy in a birthday cake. The child with the candy is lucky.◆In Brazil, people like to eat candies on their birthdays.◆In Korea, people have cakes and a bowl of seaweed soup(海带汤)for a birthday. They think seaweed soup is good for health.◆In China, it is getting popular to have cakes on one's birthday. But many people still eat very long noodles for their birthdays. They never cut up the noodles because the long noodles are a symbol of a long life. In some places, Chinese people also eat eggs on their birthdays.◆In Japan, you should be polite(礼貌的). If they invite you to a party, you should feel very happy because they don't often invite too many people. The family usually go out for a big dinner to celebrate the day. People also sing the “Happy Birthday” song in Japanese at the party.They also blow out candles on a cake.All of these birthday customs may be different, but the ideas are the same. They bring good luck to the birthday person.()56. How many Asian countries are mentioned in the article?A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.D. Five.()57. What do people have on their birthdays in most countries?A. A candy.B. Birthday cakes.C. Seaweed soup.D. Long noodles.()58. What's the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “symbol”?A. 形象B. 雏形C. 象征D. 模型()59. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Chinese people seldom(很少)eat eggs on their birthdays.B. In Brazil, people like to eat candies on their birthdays.C. Japanese usually sing the “Happy Birthday” song in English.D. Japanese often invite too many people to have birthday parties. ()60. What's the passage mainly about?A. The Japanese history of birthdays.B. Chinese culture about birthdays.C. The song “Happy Birthday”.D. Birthday customs in different countries.C配对阅读。



2009—2010学年度第一学期期末学情阶段检测七年级数学试题(考试时间:120分钟;满分:130分)三四五合计合计人复核人题号一二17 18 19 20 21 22 23得分真情提示:亲爱的同学,欢迎你参加本次考试,祝你答题成功!1.请将密封线内的项目填写清楚.2.本试题共有23道题.其中1—8题为选择题,请将所选答案的标号填写在第8题后面给出表格的相应位置上;9—16题为填空题,请将做出的答案填写在第16题后面给出表格的相应位置上;17—23题请在试题给出的本题位置上做答.3.本试题采用等级制(A.B.C.D)评价.得分阅卷人一、选择题(本题满分24分,共有8道小题,每小题3分)下列每小题都给出标号为A、B、C、D的四个结论,其中只有一个是正确的.每小题选对得分;不选、选错或选出的标号超过一个的不得分.请将1—8各小题所选答案的标号填写在第8小题后面表格的相应位置上.1.下列图形中,含有曲面的是()①②③④A.①②B.①③C.②③D.②④2.下列四个数中,其相反数是负分数的是()A .-7B .-17C .5D .153.下列各题合并同类项,结果正确的是( )A .1349ab ab -=B .222527a b a b a b --=- C .2221257a a a -+= D .336235x x x +=4.如图,下列说法错误的是( )A .∠DAE 也可以表示为∠AB .∠1也可以表示为∠ABC C .∠BCE 也可以表示为∠CD .∠ABD 是一个平角5.下列方程中,是一元一次方程的是( )A .0y =B .32x y -=C .225x x +=-D .110x-= 6.如果每人都节约1分钱,那么全国13亿人将节约的总钱数是( )A .71.310⨯元B .71310⨯元C .81.310⨯元D .91.310⨯元7.“掷一枚均匀的骰子,3点朝上”这一事件是( )A .必然事件B .不可能事件C .不确定事件D .无法确定8.某种商品的进价为a 元,商场按进价提高50%后标价,当销售旺季过后,又以7折(即按标价的70%)的价格开展促销活动,这时这种商品的销售单价为( )A .a 元B .0.7a 元C .0.98a 元D .1.05a 元请将1—8各小题所选答案的标号填写在下表的相应位置上:二、填空题(本题满分24分,共有8道小题,每小题3分) 请将 9—16各小题的答案填写在第16小题后面表格的相应位置上.9.一个几何体由若干小正方体搭成,它的主视图、左视图和俯视图题 号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 答 案得 分 阅卷人A B DC E110.计算:2521(1)()35-+-⨯-得 . 11.如果代数式2423x x -+的值为11,那么代数式227x x --的值等于 . 12.已知:如图,线段AB =10cm , 点O 是线段AB 的中点,线段BC =3cm , 则线段OC = cm.13.在一次捐款活动中,七年级(3)班50名同学人 人拿出自己的零花钱,有捐5元、10元、20元的,还有捐 50元和100元的.下面的统计图反映了不同捐款数的人数 比例,那么该班同学平均每人捐款 元.14.一个袋子中已有红球5个,再放入 个白球,摇匀后,摸到白球的可能 性大(填入一个你认为合适的数即可).15.若32x +与314x --互为相反数,则x 的值为 .16.有一列数123,,,,,n a a a a ⋅⋅⋅从第二个数开始,每一个数都等于1与它前面那个数的倒数的差,若1513a =,则2009a = . 请将9—16各小题的答案填写在下表的相应位置上:题 号 9101112答 案题 号 13 14 15 16 答 案ABCO 50元 6%20元 12% 10元 20%5元60%100元 2%三、作图题(本题满分6分)用直尺、圆规作图,不写作法,但要保留作图痕迹.17.已知:线段a,b 求作:线段AB ,使AB =a +b解:结论:四、解答题(本题满分66分,共有5道小题) 18.(本小题满分18分) (1)计算: 221143(2)(1)(1)33-+⨯-⨯-÷-解:(2)化简:22233(2)(46)4x y x x y +--- 解: 得 分 阅卷人得 分 阅卷人ab(3)解方程:11(1)1(2)25x x -=-+ 解:19.(本小题满分8分) 如图是一个可以自由转动的转盘,自由转动这个转盘四次后得到4个数字,分别填在各个空格内(顺序自定),组成一个数.(1)你认为有可能得到的最小的数是多少?(2)利用这个转盘,可能得到的最大的四位数是多少? 可能得到的最小的四位数是多少?它们出现的可能性谁大?解:(1) (2)20.(本小题满分12分) 如图是某月的日历:(1)设由6个数形成的阴影方框中,最大的数为x ,这6个数的和为y ,请你用含x 的代数式 表示y ;(2)现想框出6个数的和为111,你能办得到吗?若能,请求出这六个数,若不能,请说明理由.解:(1) 得 分 阅卷人得 分 阅卷人(2)21.(本小题满分12分)某公司用A 、B 、C 三台机器加工生产同一种产品.公司统计部对2009年第三季度的生产情况进行了统计,并绘制了如下统计图,图①是三台机器的产量统计图,图②是三台机器产量的比例分布图(图中有部分信息未给出).得 分 阅卷人比例分布图产量统计图 500400 300 200 100 0产量/件A15%B 25%C图① 图②根据统计图提供的信息,请你解决下列问题: (1)图②中的各个扇形分别代表了什么? (2)计算图②中各个扇形的圆心角的度数;(3)写出B 机器的生产产量,并分别求出A 机器、C 机器的产量. 解:(1) (2) (3)22.(本小题满分16分) 如图,请你根据图形,求解下列问题:(1)在∠EOA ,∠EOC ,∠EOB ,∠EOD 中,哪些角是锐角?哪些角是直角?哪些角是钝角? 哪些角是平角?并用“<”把它们连接起来;(2)∠BOD 是哪两个角的和?(3)写出∠EOD ,∠EOC ,∠DOC ,∠EOA 中 某些角之间的两个等量关系;(4)如果∠EOD =∠COB ,试判断OB 与OD 的位置关系,并用符号表示. 得 分 阅卷人ABCDEO(2)(3)(4)五、附加题(本题满分10分)23.阅读材料,解决问题:由31=3,32=9,33=27,34=81,35=243,36=729,37=2187,38=6561,……,不难发现3的正整数幂的个位数字以3、9、7、1为一个周期循环出现,由此可以得到:因为3100=34×25,所以3100的个位数字与34的个位数字相同,应为1;因为32009=34×502+1,所以32009的个位数字与31的个位数字相同,应为3.(1)请你仿照材料,分析求出299的个位数字及999的个位数字;(2)请探索出22010+32010+92010的个位数字;201020102010解:(1)(2)(3)真情提示:亲爱的同学,请认真检查,不要漏题哟!2009—2010学年度第一学期期末学情阶段检测七年级数学试题参考答案及评分标准一、选择题(本题满分24分,共有8道小题,每小题3分)1、C2、D3、B4、C5、A6、A7、C8、D 二、填空题(本题满分24分,共有8道小题,每小题3分)9、 510、1715-11、-3 12、213、12.4 14、 6(答案不唯一) 15、7 16、85- 三、作图题(本题满分6分)17.略 (作图正确5分,结论1分). 四、解答题(本题满分66分,共有5道小题) 18. (1)10-(6分) (2)21122x y -+(6分) (3)117x =(6分) 19. 解:(1)0000 (2分)(2)7777(2分), 1000(2分), 它们出现的可能性一样大.(2分)20. 解:(1)设最大的数为x ,则其余的五个数分别为:1,2,7,8,9x x x x x -----……………………………………………………………2分∴ (1)(2)(7)(8)(9)627y x x x x x x x =+-+-+-+-+-=- …………………6分 (2)设最大的数为x ,由题意得:627111x -=解得:23x =,∴122x -=,221x -=,716x -=,815x -=,914x -=答:能办到,这六个数分别是23,22,21,16,15,14. ………………………………12分 21.解:(1)图②中扇形A 表示A 机器第三季度的产量占总产量的百分比扇形B 表示B 机器第三季度的产量占总产量的百分比扇形C 表示C 机器第三季度的产量占总产量的百分比………………………3分 (2) 扇形A 的圆心角度数为:15%×360°=54° 扇形B 的圆心角度数为:25%×360°=90°扇形C 的圆心角度数为:(1-15%-25%)×360°=216°……………………6分(3)B机器的产量为200件…………………………………………………………8分A机器的产量为:200÷25%×15%=120(件)……………………………………10分C机器的产量为:800×60%=480(件) …………………………………12分22.解:(1)∠EOD是锐角,∠EOC是直角,∠EOB是钝角,∠EOA是平角……………4分∠EOD<∠EOC<∠EOB<∠EOA ……………………………………………6分(2)∠BOD=∠BOC+∠COD …………………………………………………………8分(3)∠EOC=∠EOD+∠DOC∠EOA=2∠EOC(答案不唯一,只要正确写出两个即可)………………………14分(4)如果∠EOD=∠BOC那么OB与OD垂直,即OB⊥OD …………………………………………………16分五、附加题(本题满分10分)23.解: (1)由21=2,22=4,23=8,24=16,25=32,26=64,27=128,28=256,……,不难发现2的正整数幂的个位数字以2、4、8、6为一个周期循环出现,由此可以得到:因为299=24×24+3,所以299的个位数字与23的个位数字相同,应为8.………………2分由91=9,92=81,93=729,94=6561,……,不难发现9的正整数幂的个位数字以9、1为一个周期循环出现,由此可以得到:因为999=92×49+1,所以999的个位数字与91的个位数字相同,应为9.………………4分(2) 因为22010=24×502+2,所以22010的个位数字与22的个位数字相同,应为4;因为32010=34×502+2,所以32010的个位数字与32的个位数字相同,应为9;因为92010=92×1005,所以92009的个位数字与92的个位数字相同,应为1.∴4+9+1=14∴22010+32010+92010的个位数字为4 ………………………………………………………8分(3) 92010-22010-32010的个位数字为8 ………………………………………………………10分。

2024年秋人教七年级英语上册 UNIT 7 学情评估卷(含答案)

2024年秋人教七年级英语上册 UNIT 7 学情评估卷(含答案)

UNIT 7 学情评估卷第一部分听力Ⅰ. 听句子, 选出句子中所包含的信息(共5小题;每小题1分, 满分5分) ( ) 1. A. a seat B. a sale C. a surprise ( ) 2. A. go out B. blow out C. come out ( ) 3. A. an important date B. a colourful balloon C. a shopping list ( ) 4. A. Jim and Mike will go shopping.B. Jim and Mike are having a party.C. Jim and Mike will have some food.( ) 5. A. Mary enjoys taking photos.B. Mary doesn’t like pictures.C. Mary likes drawing pictures.Ⅱ. 听句子, 选出该句的最佳答语(共5小题;每小题1分, 满分5分)( ) 6. A. On the desk. B. A basketball. C. A date.( ) 7. A. 12. B. Yes, it is. C. A balloon. ( ) 8. A. 150 yuan. B. Mum makes them. C. Behind the door. ( ) 9. A. Some fruit. B. By the lake. C. On 14th August. ( ) 10. A. Will you have dinner with me?B. Would you like to have a rest?C. Will you come to my birthday party?Ⅲ. 听对话和问题, 选择正确答案(共8小题;每小题1分, 满分8分)( ) 11. What does the man have?A. B. C.( ) 12. What is the boy looking for?A. B. C.********************************************************************* ( ) 13. What is Steven doing?A. He is having a birthday party.B. He is watching TV.C. He is listening to a song.( ) 14. Who is Tom?A. Steven’s friend.B. Steven’s brother.C. Steven’s cousin. ( ) 15. What’s Steven’s present for Tom?A. A book.B. A lamp.C. A ball.********************************************************************* ( ) 16. What is the date today?A. 14th October.B. 20th October.C. 21st October. ( ) 17. When is the woman’s birthday?A. 24th October.B. 27th October.C. 27th November. ( ) 18. What will the man do on 27th October?A. Go on a trip.B. Have a birthday party.C. Have a meeting. Ⅳ. 听短文和问题, 选择正确答案(共7小题;每小题1分, 满分7分)( ) 19. How many students are there in David’s class?A. 19.B. 39.C. 45.( ) 20. How old are the students?A. 11 or 12 years old.B. 12 or 13 years old.C. 13 or 14 years old.( ) 21. When does David have a big dinner?A. On 12th December.B. On 15th December.C. On 24th December.********************************************************************* ( ) 22. How old is Jenny?A. 11 years old.B. 12 years old.C. 13 years old. ( ) 23. What does Lily buy for Jenny?A. A football.B. A tennis ball.C. A volleyball. ( ) 24. What are Jenny’s favourite fruits?A. Apples and pears.B. Pears and grapes.C. Strawberries and pears.( ) 25. What’s Jenny’s favourite colour?A. Pink.B. Red.C. Purple.Ⅴ. 听短文填空(共5小题;每小题1分, 满分5分)第二部分语言运用Ⅵ. [2024石家庄九十三中月考]完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分) 阅读下面短文, 从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。



绵中英才2020年秋季初一数学入学学情检测数学题卷满分100分,时间90分钟一.选择题(每题3分,共36分)1.2020年3月抗击“新冠肺炎”居家学习期间,小华计划每天背诵6个汉语成语.将超过的个数记为正数,不足的个数记为负数,某一周连续5天的背诵记录如下:+4,0,+5,﹣3,+2,则这5天他共背诵汉语成语()A.38个B.36个C.34个D.30个2.下列说法:①有理数中,0的意义仅表示没有;②整数包括正整数和负整数;③正数和负数统称有理数;④0是最小的整数;⑤负分数是有理数.其中正确的个数()A.1个B.2个C.3个D.5个3.数轴上点C是A、B两点间的中点,A、C分别表示数﹣1和2,则点B表示的数()A.2B.3C.4D.54.如果单项式x2y m+2与x n y的和仍然是一个单项式,则m、n的值是()A.m=2,n=2B.m=﹣1,n=2C.m=﹣2,n=2D.m=2,n=﹣15.合并同类项m﹣3m+5m﹣7m+…+2013m的结果为()A.0 B.1007m C.m D.以上答案都不对6.在代数式:x2,3ab,x+5,,﹣4,,a2b﹣a中,整式有()A.4个B.5个C.6个D.7个7.下列各式中:①x=0;②2x>3;③x2+x﹣2=0;④+2=0;⑤3x﹣2;⑥x=x﹣1;⑦x﹣y=0;⑧xy=4,是方程的有()A.3个B.4个C.5个D.6个8.下列说法:①若a+b=0,且ab≠0,则x=1是方程ax+b=0的解;②若a﹣b=0,且ab≠0,则x=﹣1是方程ax+b=0的解;③若ax+b=0,则x=﹣;④若(a﹣3)x|a﹣2|+b=0是一元一次方程,则a=1.其中正确的结论是()A.只有①②B.只有②④C.只有①③④D.只有①②④9. 若a为有理数,且满足|a|+a=0,则()A.a>0B.a≥0C.a<0D.a≤010.解方程﹣=2有下列四个步骤,其中变形错误的一步是()A.2(2x+1)﹣x﹣1=12 B.4x+2﹣x+1=12C.3x=9D.x=311. (﹣2)2004-3×22003的值为()A.﹣22003B.22003C.﹣22004D.2200412.关于x的方程2|x|=ax+5有整数解,则整数a的所有可能取值的乘积为()A.9B.﹣3C.1D.3二.填空题(每题3分,共18分)13.如果“盈利5%”记作+5%,那么亏损3%记作.14.如果4x2m+2y n﹣1与﹣3x3m+1y3n﹣5是同类项,则m﹣n的值为.15.如图,数a,b,c在数轴上的位置如图,化简|a+b|+|2b﹣c|﹣|c﹣a|的结果是.16.小强在解方程时,不小心把一个数字用墨水污染成了x=1﹣,他翻阅了答案知道这个方程的解为x=1,于是他判断●应该是.17.我们规定一种运算:,例如:=2×5﹣3×4=10﹣12=﹣2.按照这种运算的规定,请解答下列问题:当x=时,=.18. 张老师在看兰州拉面制作中受到了启发,设计了一个数学问题:如图,在数轴上截取从原点到1的对应点的线段AB,对折后使点B到点A重合(往左对折),再沿两端均匀地拉成1个单位长度的线段,这一段称为一次操作(如在第一次操作后,原线段AB上的0变成﹣变成,等)那么在线段AB上(除A、B)的点中,在第二次操作后,恰好被拉到与重合的点所对应的数之和为.三.解答题(共6小题,共46分)19.(1)计算(每题3分,共6分)① ()22122316293⎛⎫--⨯+-÷- ⎪⎝⎭ ② ()224233210.5347⎛⎫⎛⎫-÷+⨯--- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭(2)解方程(每题3分,共6分)①4313343x x -=- ②211134x x +-=+20.(6分)现规定a b a b c d c d =-+-,试计算22232235xy x xy x x xy ------+,其中x =2,y =1.21.(6分)蜗牛从某点0开始沿一东西方向直线爬行,规定向东爬行的路程记为正数,向西爬行的路程记为负数.爬过的各段路程依次为 (单位:厘米):+5,﹣3,+10,﹣8,﹣6,+12,﹣10.(1)求蜗牛最后是否回到出发点?(2)蜗牛离开出发点0最远时是多少厘米?(3)在爬行过程中,如果每爬1厘米奖励一粒芝麻,则蜗牛一共得到多少粒芝麻?22.(7分)已知一个多项式(2x 2+ax ﹣y +6)﹣(2bx 2﹣3x +5y ﹣1)的值与字母x 的取值无关,求3(a 2﹣ab +b 2)﹣(3a 2+ab +b 2)的值.23.(7分)根据下面两种移动电话计费方式,解答问题.全球通神州行月租费30元/月0本地通话费0.30元/分0.40元/分(1)若一个月内本地通话时间为x分钟,试用含x的式子表示两种方式的费用.(2)当本地通话时间为多少时,两种方式的费用一样?(3)通话时间在什么范围内,选择方式一费用低?在什么范围内选择方式二费用低?24.(8分)我们知道,任何一个有理数都可以用数轴上一个点来表示,根据下列题意解决问题:(1)已知x=2,请在图1数轴上表示出x的点;(2)在数轴上,我们把表示数2的点定为基准点,记作点O,对于两个不同的点A和B,若点A、B到点O的距离相等,则称点A与点B互为基准等距变换点.例如图2,点A表示数﹣1,点B表示数5,它们与基准点O的距离都是3个单位长度,我们称点A与点B互为基准等距变换点:①记已知点M表示数m,点N表示数n,点M与点N互为基准等距变换点.Ⅰ.若m=3,则n=;Ⅱ.用含m的代数式表示n;②对点M进行如下操作:先把点M表示的数乘以,再把所得数表示的点沿着数轴向右移动2个单位长度得到点N,若点M与点N互为基准等距变换点,求点M表示的数;③点P在点Q的左边,点P与点Q之间的距离为8个单位长度,对Q点做如下操作:Q1为Q的基准等距变换点,将数轴沿原点对折后Q1的落点为Q2,Q3为Q2的基准等距变换点,将数轴沿原点对折后Q3的落点为Q4,…,依此顺序不断地重复得到Q5,Q6,…Q n,若P与Q n两点间的距离是4,直接写出n的值.。



苏教版(SJ)2022~2023学年十二月份学情检测试卷七年级数学时间:110分钟一、选择题(每题3分,计30分)1. 下列方程中是一元一次方程的是A. B. C. D. 44x x +=321x y +=2512x x -=30y +=2.如图,四个图形是由立体图形展开得到的,相应的立体图形顺次是( )A. 正方体、圆柱、三棱锥、圆锥B. 正方体、圆锥、三棱柱、圆柱C. 正方体、圆柱、三棱柱、圆锥D. 正方体、圆柱、四棱柱、圆锥3. 下列说法正确的是()A. 画射线OA =3 cmB. 线段AB 和线段BA 不是同一条线段C. 点A 和直线lD. 三条直线相交有3个交点4. 把图绕虚线旋转一周形成一个几何体,与它相似的物体是().A. 课桌 B. 灯泡 C. 篮球 D. 水桶5. 一个正方体的每个面都写有一个汉字,其平面展开图如图所示,则在该正方体中,和“崇”相对的面上写的汉字是( )A . 低 B. 碳 C. 生 D. 活6. 解方程,去分母正确的是( )312148x x -+-=A. B. 2(3)121x x --+=x C. D. 2(3)(12)1x x --+=2(3)(12)8x x --+=7. 下面四个几何体中,主视图与其它几何体的主视图不同的是()A. B. C. D.8. 下列方程变形中,正确的是( )A. 方程3x ﹣2=2x +1,移项,得3x ﹣2x =﹣1+2B. 方程3﹣x =2﹣5(x ﹣1),去括号,得3﹣x =2﹣5x ﹣1C. 方程x =,未知数系数化为1,得x =12332D. 方程﹣=1化成3x =610.2x -0.5x 9. 在直线a 上顺次取A 、B 、C AB =5cm ,BC =3cm ,如果O 是线段AC 的中点,那么线段OB 的长度是()A. 2cm B. 0.5cm C. 1.5cm D. 1cm10. 甲、乙两班共有98人,若从甲班调3人到乙班,那么两班人数正好相等.设甲班原有人数是x 人,可列出方程( )A. 98+x =x ﹣3B. 98﹣x =x ﹣3C. (98﹣x )+3=xD. (98﹣x )+3=x ﹣3二、填空题(每题3分计24分)11. 当=______时,代数式的值等于7.x 45x -12. 如果关于x 的方程2x +k 4=0的解是x = 3,那么k 的值是_____.13. 当=_________时,代数式与的值互为相反数.x 21x +58x -14. 如图所示,图中共有线段__条.15. 如图是一个正方体的展开图,相对两个面上的数字互为倒数,则b =______.16. 已知a 是一个两位数,b 是一个三位数如果把这个两位数放在这个三位数的前面,组成一个五位数,则这个五位数可以表示为______ .17. 用一个平面截长方体、五棱柱、圆柱和圆锥,不能截出三角形的是________.18. 用边长为10 cm 的正方形,做了一套七巧板.拼成如图所示的一座“桥”,则“桥”中涂色部分的面积为______cm.三、解答题(计96分)19. 下图中,(1)请在横线上直接写出第1个和第2个几何体的名称,(2) 第3个和第4个图形是某些几何体的平面展开图,请判断后在横线上写出相应的几何体的名称.___________ ___________ ___________ _____________20. 如图是由五个相同的小正方体搭成的几何体,画出它的三视图.21. 解下列方程:(1);(2).3(1)9x +=2121136x x --=-22. 阅读下表:解答下列问题:(1)猜测线段总条数N 与线段上点数(包括线段的两个端点)有什么关系;n (2)当时,求N 的值.10n =23. 整理一批图书,甲、乙两人单独做分别需要4h 、6h 完成.现在先由甲单独做1h ,然后两人整理完这批图书,那么他们合作整理这批图书的时间是多少?24. 若新规定这样一种运算法则:a ※b =a 2+2ab ,例如3※( 2)=32+2×3×( 2)= 3.(1)试求( 2)※3的值;(2)若( 5)※x = 2 x ,求x 的值.25. 如图,点C 在线段AB 上,线段AC =8,BC =6,点M 、N 分别是AC 、BC 的中点.(1)求MN 的长度;(2)根据(1)的计算过程与结果,设AC +BC =a ,其它条件不变,你能猜想出MN 的长度吗?请说明理由.26. 某中学组织七年级学生参观,原计划租用45座客车若干辆,但有15人没有座位;如果租用同样数量的60座客车,则多出一辆,且其余客车恰好坐满.试问:(1)七年级学生人数是多少?(2)原计划租用45座客车多少辆?27. 已知数轴上有A 、B 、C 三个点,分别表示有理数-24,-10,10,动点P 从A 出发,以每秒1个单位的速度向终点C 移动,设移动时间为t 秒.(1)用含t 的代数式表示P 到点A 和点C 的距离:PA = ,PC = .(2)当点P 运动到B 点时,点Q 从A 点出发,以每秒3个单位的速度向C 点运动,Q 点到达C 点后,再立即以同样的速度返回,运动到终点A.①在运动过程中,t为何值时P与Q重合?②在点Q开始运动后,P、Q两点之间的距离能否为2个单位?如果能,请求出此时点P表示的数;如果不能,请说明理由.苏教版(SJ)2022~2023学年十二月份学情检测试卷七年级数学时间:110分钟一、选择题(每题3分,计30分)1. 下列方程中是一元一次方程的是A.B. C. D. 44x x +=321x y +=2512x x -=30y +=D 【详解】根据一元一次方程的定义,选D.2.如图,四个图形是由立体图形展开得到的,相应的立体图形顺次是( )A. 正方体、圆柱、三棱锥、圆锥B. 正方体、圆锥、三棱柱、圆柱C. 正方体、圆柱、三棱柱、圆锥D. 正方体、圆柱、四棱柱、圆锥C 【分析】根据正方体、圆锥、三棱柱、圆柱及其表面展开图的特点解题.【详解】解:观察图形,由立体图形及其表面展开图的特点可知相应的立体图形顺次是正方体、圆柱、三棱柱、圆锥.故选:C .本题考查了立体展开图,解题的关键是掌握根据所给图形判断具体形状,也可根据所给几何体的面数进行判断.3. 下列说法正确的是()A. 画射线OA =3 cmB. 线段AB 和线段BA 不是同一条线段C. 点A 和直线l 的位置关系有两种D. 三条直线相交有3个交点C 【分析】根据平面图形的基本概念依次分析各选项即可作出判断.【详解】A.射线有一个端点,可以向一方无限延伸,B.线段AB和线段BA是同一条线段,D.三条直线相交有1、2或3个交点,故错误;C.点A和直线L的位置关系有两种:点在直线上和点在直线外,本选项正确.故选∶C.本题考查了平面图形的基本概念,熟练掌握平面图形的基本概念是解题的关键.4. 把图绕虚线旋转一周形成一个几何体,与它相似的物体是().A. 课桌B. 灯泡C. 篮球D. 水桶D【分析】如图本题是一个直角梯形围绕一条直角边为中心对称轴旋转一周根据面动成体的原理可知得到的几何体是圆台.【详解】解:把图绕虚线旋转一周形成的几何体,上下两个面是两个圆,中间是曲面,故和水桶相似,故选D本题考查几何图形旋转后得到的几何体.5. 一个正方体的每个面都写有一个汉字,其平面展开图如图所示,则在该正方体中,和“崇”相对的面上写的汉字是( )A. 低B. 碳C. 生D. 活A【详解】∵正方体中相对的面在展开图中隔一相对,∴和“崇”相对的面上写的汉字是“低”.故选A.6. 解方程,去分母正确的是( )312148x x -+-=A. B. 2(3)121x x --+=x C. D. 2(3)(12)1x x --+=2(3)(12)8x x --+=D【分析】分式两边同时乘以即可.8【详解】解:,31+2=148x x--两边乘以8得:.()()231+2=8x x --故选:D .本题主要考查解分式方程,掌握解分式方程的方法是解题的关键.7.下面四个几何体中,主视图与其它几何体的主视图不同的是()A. B. C.D.C【分析】找到从正面看所得到的图形比较即可.【详解】解:A 、主视图为长方形;B 、主视图为长方形;C 、主视图为两个相邻的三角形;D 、主视图为长方形;故选C .【点晴】本题考查了三视图的知识,主视图是从物体的正面看得到的视图.8. 下列方程变形中,正确的是( )A. 方程3x ﹣2=2x +1,移项,得3x ﹣2x =﹣1+2B. 方程3﹣x =2﹣5(x ﹣1),去括号,得3﹣x =2﹣5x ﹣1C. 方程x =,未知数系数化为1,得x =12332D. 方程﹣=1化成3x =610.2x -0.5x D【分析】按解方程的一般步骤,逐个计算确定变形正确的选择.【详解】解:方程3x −2=2x +1,移项,得3x −2x =1+2,故选项A 错误;方程3−x =2−5(x −1),去括号,得3−x =2−5x +5,故选项B 错误;方程x =,未知数系数化为1,得x =,故选项C 错误;233294利用分数的基本性质,﹣=1化成5x −5−2x =1,即:3x =6,故选项D 正确.10.2x -0.5x 故选:D .本题考查了一元一次方程的解法,掌握解一元一次方程的一般步骤并能灵活运用是解决本题的关键.9. 在直线a 上顺次取A 、B 、C 三点,使得AB =5cm ,BC =3cm ,如果O 是线段AC 的中点,那么线段OB 的长度是()A. 2cmB. 0.5cmC. 1.5cmD. 1cmD 【分析】作图分析,求出AC ,又因为O 是线段AC 的中点,则OC=AC ,求出OC 即可求出结论.12【详解】解:根据题意,在直线a 上顺次取A 、B 、C 三点,如下图所示由题意得,AC=AB+BC=8cm ,又∵O 是线段AC 的中点,∴OC=AC=4cm12∴OB=OC -BC=1cm故选D .此题主要考查线段中点的定义和线段的和差,熟练掌握线段中点定义是解题关键.10. 甲、乙两班共有98人,若从甲班调3人到乙班,那么两班人数正好相等.设甲班原有人数是x 人,可列出方程( )A. 98+x =x ﹣3B. 98﹣x =x ﹣3C. (98﹣x )+3=xD. (98﹣x )+3=x ﹣3D 【分析】直接根据两班人数正好相等列方程即可.【详解】解:设甲班原有人数是x 人,(98﹣x )+3=x ﹣3.故选:D .此题主要考查根据等量关系列方程,解题的关键是找出等量关系.二、填空题(每题3分计24分)11. 当=______时,代数式的值等于7.x 45x -3【详解】解:由=7,45x -得:=7+5,4x 即:4x=12,解得:x=3.故3.12. 如果关于x 的方程2x +k 4=0的解是x = 3,那么k 的值是_____.10【分析】把x = 3代入求k 即可.【详解】解:把x=−3代入方程2x +k −4=0,得:−6+k −4=0解得:k =10.故10.本题考查了方程的解,理解方程解的含义是解答本题的关键.13. 当=_________时,代数式与的值互为相反数.x 21x +58x -1【详解】试题解析:根据题意列方程:2x+1=5x-8,移项,合并同类项得-3x=-9,系数化为1,得x=3.考点:解一元一次方程.14. 如图所示,图中共有线段__条.6【分析】根据线段的定义解答即可.【详解】图中线段有DE ,DC ,DB ,CB ,EB ,EC .故答案为6.本题考查了线段的定义,线段的定义是:有两个端点,不延伸.15. 如图是一个正方体的展开图,相对两个面上的数字互为倒数,则b =______.25【详解】b 的对面是2.5,所以b =.25故答案为.2516. 已知a 是一个两位数,b 是一个三位数如果把这个两位数放在这个三位数的前面,组成一个五位数,则这个五位数可以表示为______ .1000a+b【详解】∵两位数扩大了1000倍,三位数的大小不变,∴这个五位数可以表示为1000a+b ,故答案为1000a+b.17. 用一个平面截长方体、五棱柱、圆柱和圆锥,不能截出三角形的是________.圆柱【分析】当截面的角度和方向不同时,圆柱体的截面无论什么方向截取,都不会截得三角形.【详解】解:长方体沿体面对角线截几何体可以截出三角形;五棱柱沿顶点截几何体可以截得三角形;圆柱不能截出三角形;圆锥沿顶点可以截出三角形.故不能截出三角形的几何体是圆柱.故答案为圆柱.18. 用边长为10 cm 的正方形,做了一套七巧板.拼成如图所示的一座“桥”,则“桥”中涂色部分的面积为______cm.50【分析】读图分析阴影部分与整体的位置关系;易得阴影部分的面积即为△ABC 的面积,是原正方形的面积的一半.【详解】观察得到阴影部分为正方形的一半,即为.2110=502 故答案为50.本题目考查了七巧板;正方形的性质.主要考查正方形对角线相互垂直平分相等的性质,读图也很关键.根据图形之间的关系得出面积关系是解题关键.三、解答题(计96分)19. 下图中,(1)请在横线上直接写出第1个和第2个几何体的名称,(2) 第3个和第4个图形是某些几何体的平面展开图,请判断后在横线上写出相应的几何体的名称.___________ ___________ ___________ _____________圆锥,长方体,四棱锥,三棱柱.【分析】由题意可知第一个几何体为圆锥体,第二个几何体为长方体,第三个几何体为四棱锥,第四个几何体为三棱柱.【详解】由图片可知第一个几何体为圆锥体,由图片可知第二个几何体为长方体,通过空间想象力第三个几何体为四棱锥,通过空间想象力第四个几何体为三棱柱,故答案为圆锥体,长方体,四棱锥,三棱柱.本题主要考查几何体的识别,熟练掌握几何体的名称是解答本题的关键.20. 如图是由五个相同的小正方体搭成的几何体,画出它的三视图.画三视图见解析.【详解】正视图 左视图 俯视图21. 解下列方程:(1);(2).3(1)9x +=2121136x x --=-(1)x=2;(2)x=1.5.【详解】试题分析:(1)去括号,移项.(2)去分母,去括号,合并同类项,移项,系数化1.试题解析:解:(1)方程整理得:x +1=3,解得:x =2.(2)去分母得:4x 2=6 2x +1,移项合并得:6x =9,解得:x =1.5.点睛:解方程的步骤:(1)去分母 (2)去括号 (3)移项(4)合并同类项 (5) 化系数为1.易错点:(1)去分母时,要给方程两边的每一项都乘以最小公倍数,特别强调常数项也必须要乘最小公倍数.(2)乘最小公倍数的时候,一定要与每一个字母进行相乘,不要漏掉某一个分母.(3)如果某字母项或某常数项前面是有符号的,那么乘最小公倍数的时候,这个符号不要丢掉.22. 阅读下表:解答下列问题:(1)猜测线段总条数N 与线段上点数(包括线段的两个端点)有什么关系;n (2)当时,求N 的值.10n =(1) ;(2)45.()12n n N -=【详解】试题分析:(1)(2)找规律可知是正整数前n 项和.试题解析:(1)根据规律可得数列规律是正整数的求和,利用(首项+末项)高可知,线段AB 有第n 点,⨯2÷1+2+3+4+……+n=.(12n n )-(2)由(1)公式有.10910452n N ⨯===时,点睛:找规律题需要记忆常见数列1,2,3,4……n1,3,5,7……2n -12,4,6,8……2n2,4,8,16,32 (2)n 1,4,9,16,25 (2)n 2,6,12,20……n (n +1)一般题目中的数列是利用常见数列变形而来,其中后一项比前一项多一个常数,是等差数列,列举找规律.后一项是前一项的固定倍数,则是等比数列,列举找规律.23. 整理一批图书,甲、乙两人单独做分别需要4h 、6h 完成.现在先由甲单独做1h ,然后两人整理完这批图书,那么他们合作整理这批图书的时间是多少?1.8h .【详解】试题分析:把工作总量看做1,求出甲乙工作效率,列方程求解.试题解析:解:设他们合作整理这批图书的时间是x h ,根据题意得:+(+ )x =1,解得:x =1.8,答:他们合作整理这批图书的时间是1.8h .141416点睛: 应用题的解题步骤:(1)弄清题意和题目中的已知数、未知数,用字母表示题目中的一个未知数(一般问题是什么就设什么是未知量);(2)找出能够表示应用题全部含义的一个相等关系;(3)根据这个相等关系列出需要的代数式,从而列出方程;(4)解这个方程,求出未知数的值;(5)检验方程的解是不是符合应用题题意的解;(6)写出答案(包括单位名称).24. 若新规定这样一种运算法则:a ※b =a 2+2ab ,例如3※( 2)=32+2×3×( 2)= 3.(1)试求( 2)※3的值;(2)若( 5)※x = 2 x ,求x 的值.(1)-8;(2);x=3.【详解】(1)利用题中新定义计算即可得到结果;(2)已知等式利用新定义化简,求出方程的解即可.解:(1)根据题中新定义得:(﹣2)※3=(﹣2)2+2×(﹣2)×3=4+(﹣12)=﹣8;(2)根据题意:(﹣5)2+2×(﹣5)×x=﹣2﹣x ,整理得:25﹣20x=﹣2﹣x ,解得:x=.271925. 如图,点C 在线段AB 上,线段AC =8,BC =6,点M 、N 分别是AC 、BC 的中点.(1)求MN 的长度;(2)根据(1)的计算过程与结果,设AC +BC =a ,其它条件不变,你能猜想出MN 的长度吗?请说明理由.(1)7;(2)MN=.12a 【详解】试题分析:(1) 由点M 分别是AC ,BC 的中点,得到MC,CN 值,可得MN 长度.(2)按照(1)的方法可求得MN = a.12试题解析:解:(1)由点M 、N 分别是AC ,BC 的中点,得MC = AC= ×8=4cm ,NC = BC = ×6=3cm ,∴MN=MC +NC =4+3=7cm.12121212(2)MN = a cm ,理由如下:12由点M 、N 分别是AC ,BC 的中点,得MC = AC ,NC = BC ,∴MN=MC +NC =AC +BC =(AC +BC )=AB =a (cm ).1212121212121226. 某中学组织七年级学生参观,原计划租用45座客车若干辆,但有15人没有座位;如果租用同样数量的60座客车,则多出一辆,且其余客车恰好坐满.试问:(1)七年级学生人数是多少?(2)原计划租用45座客车多少辆?(1)240;(2)5.【详解】此题注意总人数是不变的,租用客车数也不变,设七年级人数是x 人,客车数为,也可表1545x -示为+1,列方程即可解得.60x解:(1)设七年级人数是x 人,根据题意得=+1,1545x -60x解得:x=240.故七年级学生人数是240人.(2)原计划租用45座客车:(240﹣15)÷45=5(辆).故原计划租用45座客车5辆.27. 已知数轴上有A 、B 、C 三个点,分别表示有理数-24,-10,10,动点P 从A 出发,以每秒1个单位的速度向终点C 移动,设移动时间为t 秒.(1)用含t 的代数式表示P 到点A 和点C 的距离:PA = ,PC = .(2)当点P 运动到B 点时,点Q 从A 点出发,以每秒3个单位的速度向C 点运动,Q 点到达C 点后,再立即以同样的速度返回,运动到终点A .①在运动过程中,t 为何值时P 与Q 重合?②在点Q 开始运动后,P 、Q 两点之间的距离能否为2个单位?如果能,请求出此时点P 表示的数;如果不能,请说明理由.(1)t ,34-t ;(2)①21或;②t 为20、22、27、28时,PQ=2..点P 表示的数分别为:-4,-2,3,4.552【详解】试题分析:(1)数轴上求距离,利用大的(右边)坐标减去小的(左边)坐标,或者任意两个坐标作差再求绝对值. (2)根据题意求解绝对值方程.试题解析:解:(1)PA=t ,PC =34-t ,(2)①21或552②P 从A 到B 需要时间:14秒,QA =3(t -14),当Q 从A 到C 过程:PQ =|t -3(t -14)|=|42-2t |=2,42-2t =2得,t =20,42-2t =-2得,t =22,当Q 从C 往回,Q 到达C 需要时间:,343CQ =3(t -14-)=3t -76,PQ =|34-t -(3t -76)|=|110-4t |=2,110-4t =±2,t=27或t =28.343答:t 为20、22、27、28时,PQ =2.点P 表示的数分别为:-4;-2;3;4.点睛:绝对值方程(1)例如,(表示与0距离是a 的点),利用绝对值的性质,得x =,一定注意多解问题,按照()0x a a =≥a ±题意需要分类讨论.(2)推广=a ,则利用绝对值的性质x =,(表示与1距离是a 的点).1x -()0a ≥1a ±+第19页/共19页。





如臧克家的叙事散文《说和做——记闻一多先生言行片段》,作为学者的闻一多潜心学术,是“做了再说,做了不说”;作为民主战士,情况就jiǒng hū bù tòng,而且yī fǎn jì wǎng了。





魏巍的通讯《谁是最可爱的人》,感受中国人民志愿军的英雄事迹和伟大胸怀……④我们青少年一定要发扬和继承革命先辈的光荣传统,坚忍不拔,自强不息,勇往直前!1、依次给文中2个加点字注音,完全正确的一项是( C )。

(2分)A.zhàng chìB.zàng zhìC.zāng zhìD.④zāng chì2、下列对文中2处拼音对应的词语的书写,完全正确的一项是( B )(2分)A. 炯乎不同一返既往B. 迥乎不同一反既往C. 炯乎不同一反既往D. 迥乎不同一返即往3、依次填入文中横线上的词语,最恰当的是( A )(2分)A.沦陷可歌可泣B.沉沦可歌可泣C.沦陷悲喜交加D.沉沦悲喜交加4.文中划线的①②③④都有语病,下面修改不恰当的一项是( B )(2分)A. 经过两个单元的语文旅行,我们了解了历史上众多杰出人物。

B. 光未然的诗歌《黄河颂》以颂歌的形式歌颂了中华民族伟大顽强。

C. 我从红军的身上学到了不怕困难,以苦为乐的革命乐观主义精神。

荣德基七年级英语上册UNIT 7 学情评估附答案

荣德基七年级英语上册UNIT 7 学情评估附答案

荣德基七年级英语上册 UNIT 7 学情评估附答案第一部分:听力(共20分)听力材料:1.W: What are you going to do next weekend? M: I am going to visit my grandparents. W: That sounds nice. Have a good time.2.M: What does your brother look like? W: He is tall and has short black hair. He also wears glasses.3.W: How often does the school library open? M: It opens every day from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.4.M: Can you play the piano? W: No, but I can play the guitar.5.W: What’s the matter, Jim? M: I have a headache andI feel tired.听力题目:1.Where is the man going next weekend?2.What does the woman’s brother look like?3.When does the school library open?4.What musical instrument can the woman play?5.How does Jim feel?听力答案:1.He is going to visit his grandparents.2.He is tall, has short black hair, and wears glasses.3.It opens every day from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.4.She can play the guitar.5.Jim has a headache and feels tired.第二部分:单项选择(共20分)1.What’s your plan for this weekend? ____________.– A. I’m going to the movies– B. I go to the movies– C. I went to the movies– D. I will go to the movies2.Helen is a talented singer. She _________ sing very well.– A. can– B. can’t– C. could– D. couldn’t3._________ are you going to do tomorrow? - I’m going to read a book.– A. What– B. When– C. Where– D. Why4.I saw a man _________ the street when I was walking home yesterday.– A. crossed– B. crossing– C. cross– D. to cross–What’s the matter with you? - I have a _________.– A. backache– B. stomachache– C. headache– D. toothache单项选择答案:1.A2.A3.A4.B5.C第三部分:完型填空(共20分)文章:Tom is a 1 boy. He is eleven years old. He lives in a small village with his parents and sister. He 2 school from Monday to Friday. The school is not very far, so he usually 3 to school. Tom’s 4 is a teacher at the same school.On Saturday morning, Tom has 5 . He often goes swimming with his friends or visits his grandparents. In the afternoon, he 6 basketball with his classmates in the school playground. Sometimes, he also 7 his friends’ houses to play computer games.On Sunday, Tom usually 8 with his family. They go to the park or go hiking in the mountains. Sometimes, they watch a movie at home. Tom likes Sundays because he can 9 .完型填空答案:1.clever2.attends3.walks4.mother5.free time6.plays7.goes to8.spends9.relax第四部分:阅读理解(共40分)阅读理解一:W: Hi Jack. What’s your plan for this weekend?M: I’m going to visit my grandparents. It’s their wedding anniversary.W: That sounds nice. Have a good time.M: Thanks.根据短文内容选择正确答案:1.Where is Jack going this weekend?– A. The movies– B. His friend’s house– C. His grandparents’ house– D. The park2.Why is Jack going there?– A. It’s his grandparents’ wedding anniversary.– B. It’s his parents’ wedding anniversary.– C. It’s his wedding anniversary.– D. It’s his friend’s wedding anniversary.3.How does the woman respond?– A. That sounds nice. Have a good time.– B. Sorry, I can’t go with you.– C. I d on’t want to go to your grandparents’ house.– D. You should visit your grandparents more often.阅读理解一答案:1.C2.A3.A阅读理解二:W: Hello, Mark. What are you doing?M: Hi Lily. I’m preparing for a speech contest. It’s next week. W: Good for you. What’s the topic?M: I t’s about historical buildings in our city. W: That sounds interesting. I hope you win. M: Thank you. I’ll do my best.根据短文内容选择正确答案:1.What is Mark preparing for?– A. A school competition.– B. A basketball game.– C. A job interview.– D. A speech contest.2.When is the speech contest?– A. Next week.– B. Tomorrow.– C. Next month.– D. Next year.3.What is the topic of Mark’s speech?– A. Historical buildings in their city.– B. Sports and games.– C. Science and technology.– D. Food and cooking.4.What does Lily hope?– A. Mark wins the speech contest.– B. Mark loses the speech contest.– C. Mark prepares well for the speech contest.– D. Mark talks about something different in his speech.阅读理解二答案:1.D2.A3.A4.A总结本文简要介绍了荣德基七年级英语上册 UNIT 7 的学情评估内容,并附带听力材料、听力题目及答案、单项选择题及答案、完型填空题及答案、阅读理解题及答案。

人教版七年级英语上册UNIT 7 学情评估含答案

人教版七年级英语上册UNIT 7 学情评估含答案

人教版七年级英语上册UNIT 7 学情评估第一部分(听力共30分)Ⅰ. 听选答案(共15小题,计20分)第一节: (共10小题,计10分)1. A. At 4: 30. B. At 5: 00.C. At 5: 30.2. A. On the 24th. B. On the 14th.C. On the 4th.3. A. September 1st. B. September 10th.C. March 8th.4. A. October. B. May. C. August.5. A. In Bill's room. B. In the classroom.C. In the school library.6. A. A dress. B. A watch. C. A bag.7. A. Watch a soccer game. B. Go to the book sale.C. Do his homework.8. A. On October 5th. B. On October 12th.C. On September 12th.9. A. On May 16th. B. On July 4th.C. On July 14th.10. A. On January 23rd. B. On January 24th.C. On January 25th.第二节: (共5小题,计10分)听第11段对话,回答第11、12小题。

11. How old is Danny?A. 12.B. 13.C. 14.12. When is Danny's birthday party?A. This afternoon.B. This morning.C. This evening.听第12段对话,回答第13 至15小题。

13. What does the girl want to buy for her brother?A. A hat.B. A T-shirt.C. A sweater.14. When is Nick's birthday?A. November 18th.B. December 18th.C. January 18th.15. How old is the girl's brother?A. 15.B. 16.C. 17.Ⅱ. 听填信息(每空不超过三个单词)(共5小题,计10分)16. Jack's grandfather's birthday is on ________________.17. Jack's grandfather is 76 years old and he likes ________________.18. Jack sells his ________________ at the school second-hand sale.19. Jack spends ________________ dollars on the gift.20. Jack's grandfather likes the gift very much because it's________________.第二部分(笔试共90分)Ⅲ. 完形填空(共20小题,计20分)第一节:Darby is a dog, and he is 15 years old this year. His __21__ birthday is coming. That is a big day for him. Mia and her brother Mike want to know how __22__ it.“__23__ can we do for Darby's birthday?” Mia asks.“We have to do some things for him to make him happy,” Mike says.Mia and Mike want to have a great party for __24__ dog. They ask Darby's good friends __25__ for it. And they buy Darby's favourite food at stores. But where can they have the party?The park is a good place, but Darby only goes there __26__ Sundays. The forest is nice, but Darby doesn't like there. Where does Darby want to go? Well, he wants to go to the zoo, __27__ all his friends are at the zoo. It's Darby's birthday. Darby sees all his friends at the zoo. They say “Happy birthday” to Darby and play gamestogether. It's so cool. Darby enjoys __28__ with his friends and he __29____ the birthday party. “I have __30__ good time today!” Darby says. “Thank you, Mia and Mike!”21. A. five B. fifthC. fifteenthD. fifteen22. A. celebrate B. to celebrateC. celebratesD. celebrating23. A. What B. HowC. WhenD. Why24. A. they B. themselvesC. theirD. them25. A. come B. comesC. comingD. to come26. A. for B. inC. onD. at27. A. or B. butC. soD. because28. A. play B. playsC. playingD. to play29. A. finish B. finishesC. lovesD. love30. A. an B. aC. /D. the第二节:Hi, I'm Sarah. Today is the fifth day of March and it is a __31__ day for my sister Tracy — it is her birthday. We do many things to __32__ it.First, our parents take us to a sports store. They buy Tracy a pair of ping-pong bats, because she loves __33__. Then we buy some fruit and a cake. Do we have a __34__ for Tracy? Yes, we have it in the evening. Ann, Kitty and Cindy __35__ the party. The three are all __36__ of No. 7 Middle School, and they are Tracy'sclassmates, __37__. Tracy gets a book from Ann and a radio from Kitty. What does she __38__ from Cindy? Cindy wants to give Tracy a nice T-shirt, __39__ she forgets(忘记) to take it. She says she'll bring it to Tracy next Monday.At the party, we __40__ some interesting games. We really have a good time!31. A. boring B. bigC. tidyD. right32. A. mean B. singC. celebrateD. know33. A. ping-pong B. baseballC. basketballD. football34. A. sale B. giftC. lessonD. party35. A. help to B. come toC. ask forD. think about36. A. students B. teachersC. womenD. boys37. A. well B. veryC. tooD. only38. A. buy B. getC. wantD. know39. A. after B. soC. andD. but40. A. sell B. takeC. playD. loseⅣ. 阅读理解(共15小题,计20分)第一节: (共10小题,计15分)AJanuary is a busy month for Maria, a middle school student.41. Jack's birthday is on January ____.A. 2ndB. 24thC. 25thD. 31st42. What does Maria do on January 26th?43. Which is TRUE?A. Maria's school is thirty years old.B. The family trip is eight hours long.C. Maria wants to buy a shirt for Jack.D. Maria is not very free in January.BTom's eighth birthday is on December 17. His parents want to have a birthday party for him. “I don't like parties, Mom,” Tom says. “Can we have some nice food on that day?”“OK,” Mom says. “Then we need to think about your birthday gift. It must be a surprise!”But it's one week away from (距离……) Tom's bir thday. That's seven days! “What will be my surprise gift?” Tom thinks.On the first day of the week, Tom thinks, “ I will perhaps get a pencil, so I can draw pictures like Ma Liang. ” On the second day, he thinks, “Oh, I will get a modelplane, so I can g o everywhere. ” On the third day, he thinks, “I'll get a pair of soccer shoes, so I can play my favourite sport. ” On the fourth day, he thinks…Then Tom's big day comes. Mom smiles and says, “Come and see!”You know what? It's Tom's brother Dave! He specially(专门地) comes back to say “Happy birthday” to Tom. “It is really a surprise! I love the gift!” Tom says happily.44. When is Tom's birthday?A. It's December 10th.B. It's December 12th.C. It's December 14th.D. It's December 17th.45. What does th e underlined word “perhaps” mean?A. alreadyB. onlyC. mayD. must46. What does Tom think he will get on the third day?A. A pencil.B. A model plane.C. A soccer ball.D. A pair of soccer shoes.47. What can be the best title(最佳标题) for the reading?A. Tom's birthday partyB. Tom's birthday wishC. A surprise giftD. A great brotherCIt is Tuesday. Peter won't have classes tomorrow because it isNational Child Day in Canada. Many countries have Children's Day,but they celebrate the day at different times. People in Canadacelebrate the day on November 20.There are so many interesting things to do for Peter and his brother John on National Child Day. In the morning, they go to an amusement park(游乐场) with their friends. They have a good time there.In the afternoon, Peter and John go to the movies (去看电影). They see the movie Orion and the Dark. Peter likes the movie so much, because he likes the friendship(友谊) between Orion and the Dark.Now it's evening, and it's party time! Peter and John play many interesting gamesand eat lots of delicious food.48. In Canada, people celebrate National Child Day on ____ this year.A. MondayB. TuesdayC. WednesdayD. Thursday49. Who is John?A. He's Peter's cousin.B. He's Peter's uncle.C. He's Peter's brother.D. He's Peter's father.50. Which is the right order(正确顺序)?a. Peter goes to a party.b. Peter goes to an amusement park.c. Peterwatches a movie.A. a-c-bB. c-b-aC. b-c-aD. b-a-c第二节: 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

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命题人:王树峰 复核人:郑丽兵

<-x x x },B={}|30x x -<,则A B I = ▲ .
2.34sin (cos )55
i θθ-+-()是纯虚数,则=θtan ▲ .
3.一个学校高三年级共有学生200人,其中男生有120人,女生有80人,为了调查高三复习状况,用分层抽样的方法从全体高三学生中抽取一个容量为25的样本,应抽取女生的人数 ▲ 人. 4.已知函数()3cos 2sin 2f x x x =+,则()f x 的最小正周期是 ▲ . 5.设b a ,为不重合的两条直线,βα,为不重合的两个平面,给出下列命题: ①若αα////b a 且,则b a //; ②若αα⊥⊥b a 且,则b a //; ③若βα////a a 且,则βα//; ④若βα⊥⊥a a 且,则βα//; 上面命题中,所有真命题的序号为 ▲ .
6.设变量x y ,满足约束条件30023x y x y x -+≥⎧⎪
,,,则目标函数2x y +的最小值为 ▲ .
7.已知向量(1,2),(,1),2,2,a b x c a b d a b ===+=-r r r r r u r r r
且c r ∥d u r ,则实数x 的值等于 ▲ .
t ←1 i ←2
While i ≤4
t ←t ×i i ←i +1 End While Print t
以上程序输出的结果是 ▲ .
9.在闭区间 [-1,1]上任取两个实数,则它们的和不大于1的概率是 ▲ .
10.已知二次函数)(2)(2R x c x ax x f ∈++=的值域为),0[∞+,则)1(f 的最小值为 ▲ .
11.在ABC ∆中,已知D 是AB 边上一点,若13
AD DB =u u u r u u u r ,12CD CA CB λλ=+u u u r u u u r u u u r ,
则=-21λλ ▲ . 12.已知抛物线y x 32=上的两点A 、B 的横坐标恰是方程02
=++q px x (,p q 是实常数
2(40)∆=->p q )的两个实根,则直线AB 的方程是 ▲ .
13.已知等差数列{}n a 首项为a ,公差为b ,等比数列{}n b 首项为b ,公比为a ,其中,a b 都是
大于1的正整数,且1123,a b b a <<,对于任意的*n N ∈,总存在*
m N ∈,使得3m n
a b +=成立,则n a = ▲ . 14.关于函数)(x f y =,有下列命题:
①若]2,2[-∈a ,则函数1)(2++=
ax x x f 的定域为R ;
②若)23(log )(2
1+-=x x x f ,则)(x f 的单调增区间为)2
③函数f (x )=log a (x +a
-4) ( a >0且a ≠1) 的值域为R ,
则实数a 的取值范围是04a <≤且1a ≠
④定义在R 的函数)(x f ,且对任意的R x ∈都有:
),1()1(),()(x f x f x f x f -=+-=- 则4是)(x f y =的一个周期。

其中真命题的序号是 ▲ .
明、证明或演算步骤. 15.(本小满分14分)
在ABC ∆中,角,,A B C 的对边分别为,,a b c ,且满足(2)cos cos b c A a C -=.
(1)求角A 的大小;(2)设2(0,1),(cos ,2cos )2
C m n B =-=u r r ,试求m n +u r r 的最小值.
直棱柱1111ABCD A B C D -中,底面ABCD 是直角梯形,∠BAD =∠ADC =90°,222AB AD CD ===.
(1)求证:AC ⊥平面BB 1C 1C ;
(2)在A 1B 1上是否存一点P ,使得DP 与平面BCB 1与平面ACB 1都平行?证明你的结论.
17.(本小满分15分)某房地产开发公司计划在一楼区内建造一个长方形公园ABCD ,公园由长方形的休闲区1111D C B A 和环公园人行道(阴影部分)组成.已知休闲区1111D C B A 的面积为4000平方米,人行道的宽分别为4米和10米(如图) (1)若设休闲区的长和宽的比
x C B B
A =1
1,求公园ABCD 所占面积S 关于x 的函数()x S 的解析式;
(2)要使公园所占面积最小,休闲区1111D C B A 的长和宽该如何设计?
18.(本小满分15分)已知椭圆)0(12222>>=+b a b
y a x 的离心率为23
顶点分别为A ,B ,AB=4,直线(22)x t t =-<<与椭圆相交于M ,N 两点,经过三点A ,
M ,N 的圆与经过三点B ,M ,N 的圆分别记为圆C1与圆C2. (1)求椭圆的方程;
(2)求证:无论t 如何变化,圆C1与圆C2的圆心距是定值; (3)当t 变化时,求圆C1与圆C2的面积的和S 的最小值.
B l :x =t
()2ln ,()3f x x x g x x ax ==-+-. (1)求函数()f x 的最小值;
(2)若存在(0,)x ∈+∞,使()()f x g x ≤成立,求实数a 的取值范围; (3)证明对一切(0,)x ∈+∞,都有2
)x x f x e e
>-成立. 20.(本小满分16分)
已知数列p a p S p S n a n n n n 其中满足项和为其前的各项均是正数,)1(,,}{2
(1)求数列}{n a 的通项公式; (2)设的取值范围;项和的前求数列n n n n
p n T n b b N n a b }{),(log 21
(3)是否存在正整数M ,使得7823741,a a a a a M n n >>-Λ时恒成立?若存在,求出相应的
M 的最小值;若不存在,请说明理由.
参考公式:21.[选做题]本题包括A 、B 、C 、D 四小题,请.选.定其中...两题..,并在相应的.....答题..区域..内作答...。



A .选修4-1:几何证明选讲(本小题满分10分)
已知C 点在圆O 直径BE 的延长线上,CA 切圆O 于A 点,
ACB ∠的平分线分别交AE 、AB 于点F 、D .
(1)求ADF ∠的度数; (2)若AB AC =,求AC
B .选修4-2:矩阵与变换(本小题满分10分)
已知二阶矩阵A 的属于特征值-1的一个特征向量为13⎡⎤
,求矩阵A .
C .选修4-4:坐标系与参数方程(本小题满分10分)
已知直线l 的参数方程:12x t y t =⎧⎨=+⎩
(为参数)和圆C 的极坐标方程:)4sin(22π

(1)将直线l 的参数方程化为普通方程,圆C 的极坐标方程化为直角坐标方程; (2)判断直线l 和圆C 的位置关系
D .选修4-5:不等式选讲(本小题满分10分)
已知x ,y 均为正数,且x >y ,求证:22
2232x y x xy y ++-+≥.


某陶瓷厂准备烧制甲、乙、丙三件不同的工艺品,制作过程必须先后经过两次烧制,当第一次烧制合格后方可进入第二次烧制,两次烧制过程相互独立.根据该厂现有的技术水平,经过第一次烧制后,甲、乙、丙三件产品合格的概率依次为0.5,0.6,0.4,经过第二次烧制后,甲、乙、丙三件产品合格的概率依次为0.6,0.5,0.75. (1)求第一次烧制后恰有一件产品合格的概率;
(2)经过前后两次烧制后,合格工艺品的个数为ξ,求随机变量ξ的期望. 23.(本小题满分10分)
如图,三棱锥P ABC -中,PB ⊥底面ABC 于B ,90,42BCA PB BC CA ∠====o
点,E F 分别是,PC PA 的中点,求二面角A BE F --的余弦值.。
