



106 Marriott Hotel Design in Haikou 海口天利万豪酒店设计撰文 唐佳 北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司第一设计所北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司第一设计所副室主任,国家一级注册建筑师、高级建筑师。


1 项目概况海口天利万豪酒店项目位于海口市海南国际会展中心用地西北部,距离海口市中心区约25min 车程,距离海口机场约40min 车程,北侧紧邻琼州海峡,地理位置优越。


整个项目由五星级酒店、SPA 别墅、餐饮、后勤服务区等几部分组成。

建筑规模7.7万m 2,客房数约400间。

2 设计原则作为高端休闲度假酒店,项目在设计上以创造独特的顾客体验为核心原则。





3 总体布局通过对基地及周边环境进行深入调研,方案试图在有限的用地上,以景观为核心,将酒店的多种复杂功能有机组合在一起,做到既各自独立,又完美融合,达到功能与形态的高度统一。




注: 所有送审的图纸及相关文件必须是阶段性完成及完整一套,一般审核的时间需要大概十五个工作天 (business days)
注: 所有送审的图纸及相关文件必须是阶段性完成及完整一套,一般审核的时间需要大概十五个工作天 (business days)
注: 所有送审的图纸及相关文件必须是阶段性完成及完整一套,一般审核的时间需要大概十五个工作天 (business days)
注: 所有送审的图纸及相关文件必须是阶段性完成及完整一套,一般审核的时间需要大概十五个工作天 (business days)
注: 所有送审的图纸及相关文件必须是阶段性完成及完整一套,一般审核的时间需要大概十五个工作天 (business days)
注: 所有送审的图纸及相关文件必须是阶段性完成及完整一套,一般审核的时间需要大概十五个工作天 (business days)
注: 所有送审的图纸及相关文件必须是阶段性完成及完整一套,一般审核的时间需要大概十五个工作天 (business days)
注: 所有送审的图纸及相关文件必须是阶段性完成及完整一套,一般审核的时间需要大概十五个工作天 (business days)。



探讨高端商务酒店设计理念及要素——以前海华侨城JW万豪酒店设计为例Exploration on the Design Concepts and Elements of High-end Business Hotels: A Case of JW Marriott Shenzhen Bao'an白 鹂 | Bai Li李世宇 | Li Shiyu中图分类号 TU982.29 文献标识码 B 文章编号 1003-739X(2024)03-0131-06 收稿日期 2023-09-10摘 要 该文结合深圳前海华侨城JW万豪酒店的设计、建设与运营,创新性地提出高端商务酒店的概念,探讨高端商务酒店的设计理念、要素及功能配置。



关键词 高端商务酒店 商务酒店 会议酒店 城市豪华酒店 细分市场Abstract Ta ki ng J W Ma r riott Shen zhen Bao'a n a s a n exa mple, we i n novatively propose t he conc ept of h igh-end busi ness hotels, and explore the design concepts and elements and the functional configuration of high-end business hotels. High-end business hotels should be a combination of business hotels, conference hotels, and urban luxury hotels, which belong to the Upper Upscale and Upscale hotels in international STR standards. According to the GB/T14308-2010 standard of China, it belongs to the category of five-star rating. High-end business hotels are selection of market segmentation. A hotel in a segmented market, not only has sufficient market competitiveness, but also can bring great development impetus to the region where it is located. Keywords High-end business hotel, Business hotel, Conference hotel, Urban luxury hotel, Segmented market随着20世纪初全球经济飞速发展,生产与交通现代化,社会财富不断增长,商旅服务需求急剧增加,1908年纽约的斯代特雷野牛酒店,被视为现代酒店业的开端,酒店经过了两百多年的发展,类型多种多样。



万豪酒店施工组织设计1. 介绍本文档旨在详细介绍万豪酒店的施工组织设计。


2. 项目概况本项目是位于某城市中心区域的一座高档酒店,占地面积约XXXX平方米,总建筑面积约XXXX平方米。

酒店共设有XXX 间客房,包括标准客房、豪华套房和行政套房等。


3. 施工组织设计目标为了确保本项目的施工质量和进度控制,施工组织设计的目标如下:•保证施工安全,确保工作人员的生命财产安全;•确保施工质量,达到国家和酒店品牌的标准要求;•合理组织施工流程,确保施工进度按计划进行;•进行合理的资源配置,控制施工成本。

4. 施工组织架构4.1 项目经理部项目经理部是整个施工组织架构的核心部门,负责整体项目的管理与协调。


4.2 施工班组施工班组是施工过程中的执行部门,根据项目经理部的指导进行施工工作。



4.3 施工管理部门施工管理部门负责协助项目经理部进行项目管理和监督。



5. 施工流程施工流程是施工组织设计的核心内容之一,合理的施工流程能提高施工效率和质量。

本项目的施工流程包括以下几个主要阶段:5.1 前期准备阶段•召开项目启动会议,明确项目目标和任务;•制定施工计划,确定施工阶段和工期;•准备施工现场,进行土地平整和临时设施搭建。




其中涉及到我对智能化设计的认识和设计,对综合布线的认识以及实际的设计,以及对5A 运用在实际中的功能分析。




关键字:酒店管理 智能化 综合布线 需求分析目录1 方案总体设计思想 (4)1.1人们对现代型涉外公寓酒店的需求分析 (4)1.1.1安全性 (4)1.1.2舒适方便 (4)1.1.3经济性 (4)1.2万豪大酒店智能化系统工程概述 (5)1.3智能化子系统性能分析 (5)1.3.1综述 (5)2 各子系统分析 (8)2.1结构化综合布线系统(PDS) (8)2.1.1综合布线系统综述 (8)2.1.2综合布线系统设计依据 (8)2.1.3综合布线系统优点 (8)2.1.4综合布线系统设计目标 (9)2.1.5建筑结构评估 (9)2.1.6综合布线系统的结构 (10)2.1.7综合布线系统说明 (12)2.1.8接地系统 (17)2.1.9线缆铺设及路线 (17)2.2楼宇自控系统(BAS) (18)2.2.1总述 (18)2.2.2楼宇自控系统的控制功能内容 (19)2.2.3设备选型 (20)2.3消防系统(FAS) (21)2.3.1设计依据 (21)2.3.2设计目标 (21)2.3.3设计原则 (21)2.3.4监控范围和功能 (22)2.3.5系统集成 (24)2.4停车场管理子系统(CPS) (25)2.4.1停车场系统概述 (25)2.4.2系统设计特点 (26)2.4.3系统主要功能 (26)2.4.4系统软件简介 (26)2.5综合保安及闭路电视监控系统(SMS&CCTV) (27)2.5.1系统概述 (27)2.5.2产品选型 (28)2.5.3功能描述 (28)2.5.4方案设计 (29)2.6卫星及有线电视系统(CATV) (30)2.6.1设计综述 (30)2.6.2手机接受系统 (30)2.7紧急广播及背景音乐系统(PAS) (31)2.7.1概述 (31)2.7.2设计依据 (31)2.7.3设计说明 (31)2.7.4系统特点 (31)2.8程控交换机系统(PABX) (32)2.8.1 设计要求 (32)2.8.2程控交换机简介 (32)2.9电子会议系统(E MS,选择项目) (32)2.9.1 系统概述 (32)2.9.2系统设计 (33)2.9.3数字会议系统 (33)2.9.4同声传译系统 (34)2.9.5电视会议系统 (34)3 酒店管理系统 (36)3.1简介 (36)3.2软件说明 (36)3.3管理系统功能介绍 (36)4 服务承诺 (38)4.1售后服务承诺 (38)4.2对人员培训的承诺: (38)结束语……………………………………………………………………………………………39致谢…………………………………………………………………………………………… (41)1方案总体设计思想近几年随着网络技术的发展,在计算机网络应用、软件开发上有了很深的研究;同时我们也感到现在的楼宇智能化正在和IT技术相融和、信息化大酒店正在成为未来的发展趋势。



追求至善凭技术开拓市场,凭管理增 创效益 ,凭服 务树立 形象。2020年10月26日星期 一下午6时13分 55秒18:13:5520.10.26

严格把控质量关,让生产更加有保障 。2020年10月 下午6时 13分20.10.2618:13Oc tober 26, 2020

作业标准记得牢,驾轻就熟除烦恼。2020年10月26日星期 一6时13分55秒 18:13:5526 October 2020
CaoHeJing Renaissance Hotel
CaoHeJing Renaissance Hotel
CaoHeJing Renaissance Hotel
Guestroom-Corriod& Lift Lobby
树立质量法制观念、提高全员质量意 识。20.10.2620.10.26Monday, October 26, 2020

人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月。18:13:5518:13:5518:1310/26/2020 6:13:55 PM

安全象只弓,不拉它就松,要想保安 全,常 把弓弦 绷。20.10.2618:13:5518:13Oc t-2026- Oct-20
TK房– 大理石 TK – Marble
台面 – 大理石 Table- Marble
墻面 – 大理石 Wall-Marble
CaoHeJing Renaissance Hotel
CaoHeJing Renaissance Hotel



俱乐部休闲室俱乐部休闲室目录主题页码A 规划 (3)B 进入口/休息室 (3)C 接待区域 (4)D 支持业务区域 (5)E 客人休闲室 (6)F 服务食品室 (7)G 内部设计——装修 (7)H 系统特征 (8)万豪国际酒店集团机密及专有信息本设计标准的内容是万豪国际有限公司(万豪)的保密和专有信息,未经过万豪公司授权代表的直接同意,不得复制、公开、发布或使用此信息。



俱乐部休闲室A 规划1.总体要求:为俱乐部房间楼层的客人、物别套间或俱乐部房间的客人以及参加邀请功能的客人,提供居家式的俱乐部休闲室。



















本科生毕业设计任务书2020 年 02 月 25 日至 2020 年 06 月 25 日题目:多层旅馆设计姓名:汪良宾学号: 0学院:土木工程学院专业:土木工程年级:2004级指导教师:(签名)系主任(或教研室主任):(签章)设计任务(包括原始数据、技术要求、工作要求)建筑退缩道路红线建筑类型主干道次干道街区道路低层5M 3M 2M多层5M 3M 3M建筑退缩用地边界红线建筑类型布置朝向长边短边点状(短边)2米低层南北朝向-4米()×东西朝向多层南北朝向-4米()×东西朝向八、基地图计算书配套CAD图纸在爱建筑网下载全套毕业设计尽在爱建筑网工程地质勘察报告(摘录一)毕业设计的要紧内容1.用中、英文编写设计说明书:内容包括建筑和结构方案的概述,主要经济技术指标,主要内外装修做法及材料等。














M O D U L E3F OOD & BEVERAGEInternational Design StandardsJ A N U A R Y 2 0 0 53 – Food & Beverage Marriott Hotel - InternationalF&B Outlets - Lounge & RestaurantsTable of ContentsSubject...................................................................................PageA.Program (1)B.Lobby Lounge (2)C.Bar / Pantry (6)D.Restaurants - General Space Planning (6)E.Restaurants – General Finishes (10)F.Restaurant - General FF&E (10)G.Three-Meal per Day Restaurant (12)H.Specialty Restaurant(s) (16)I.Leased Restaurant (Optional) (17)J.Entertainment Lounge (Optional) (17)K.Retail Coffee Kiosk (Optional) (19)L.System Features (19)Module Organization• This Module is a part of an integrated series of 17 Modules.• Coordination with information from other Modules is required.• The reference symbol <XX> is used to indicate a Module reference thatincludes additional information.Marriott Confidential and Proprietary InformationThe contents of the Design Standards are confidential and proprietary to MarriottInternational, Inc. and may not be reproduced, disclosed, distributed or usedwithout the express permission of an authorized representative of Marriott.Copyright, Marriott International, Inc., unpublished material. All rights Reserved3 - B January 2005 Design Standards - Copyright, Marriott International, Inc.Marriott Hotel - InternationalFood & Beverage - 3F&B Outlets - Lounge & Restaurants A. Program 1. F ood and Beverage (F&B) Criteria: The development of afood and beverage program for each Marriott projectrequires a market analysis that evaluates a variety of factors.Design restaurants and lounges to offer unique andimaginative dining experiences, which are competitive with2. gram: The following factors influence the F&Bam requirementsve facilitiesthin the project3. verage facilities. Refer to Marriott4. rovide the following F&B program facilities• ss included in• rea: Include as part of or associated withexternal restaurants in the market of the project.F&B Pro program:• Facility Progr • Hotel size• Availability of competiti • Hotel location / region• Quantity of function space• Availability of program area wi • Regional / cultural influences• Potential for use by general publicF&B Concepts: Based on a Marriott approved F&Bprogram, F&B concepts and menus are selected that guidethe design of food and be “Momentum” guidelines.F&B Spaces: P (at a minimum):• Lobby Lounge: 40 seats minimum• Bar / Pantry i ncluded in Lobby Lounge• 3-Meal per Day Restaurant: 120 seats minimumSpecialty Restaurant: 80 seats max. For Europe, aSpecialty Restaurant is not required, unle the Facilities Program or a resort location.Private Dining Aone restaurant.Design Standards - Copyright, Marriott International, Inc. January 2005 3 - 13 – Food & Beverage Marriott Hotel - International5. Entertainment Lounge(s) (Optional): These Facilitiesare only included in the hotel program under limitedconditions when reviewed and approved by Marriott.Refer to the Entertainment Lounge section below in thisModule for approval and management restrictions.B. Lobby Lounge1. P rogram: Provide seating areas for socializing andbeverage service in a "club room" atmosphere withhors d’oeuvre and bar service. A meeting space; a placeto see and to be seen by others; intimate seating and lowlighting; space for relaxing or light live musicalentertainment.2. Features:•Coordinate interior design with Lobby. Includepaneled walls, decorative ceilings and granitecounters.• Create the "club room" atmosphere using woodmolding, wood and stone paneled walls, upholsteredpanels, stone bar and table tops and built-in, flat panelTV equipment in millwork.•Incorporate food and beverage offerings.•P rovide for intimate live entertainment (piano + soloistor 3-piece musical ensemble).3. L ocation: Position lounge space in view of mainentrance to lobby and front desk as a coordinated “GreatRoom” concept.•If provided, entry and foyer should be minimal.•Locate for guests to relax, meet with other guests, orwait for hotel functions.• Integral part of Main Lobby area but passivelyseparated by planters, water features or floor levelchanges.•Exploit exterior views, when possible.•Near public restrooms.• Adjacent to secondary kitchen access or servicecorridors.•Beneficial if adjacent to restaurant to serve as waitinglounge.•Typically, positioned or organized around a focal point(library wall, significant furniture piece, buffet / table,bar or unique feature or view such as a grandstaircase).•In Asia and the Middle East, position the Loungeseating to be very visible so that guests can observeother guests patronizing the Lounge and hotel.3 - 2 January 2005Design Standards - Copyright, Marriott International, Inc.Marriott Hotel - International Food & Beverage - 3Example: Restaurant – Plan-1 Design Standards - Copyright, Marriott International, Inc.January 2005 3 - 33 – Food & Beverage Marriott Hotel - International4. Size/Area: Coordinate with Facility Program. Verify sizeand concept with Marriott.•Capacity: 2.6 m2 (28 sq. ft.) per seat, gross area toinclude seating, circulation and bar.•Seating: 40 seats minimum.•Ceiling Height: 3 m (9'-10") minimum.•Based on the concept, to provide a more intimatesetting, reduce the area to 1.6 m2 (18 sq. ft.) per seat.5. Spaces: Accommodate the following:• Reception Stand• Seating Area•Bar / Pantry (Storage Space)• Entertainment6. Reception Stand:•Locate near primary entrance. Include light, phone,writing surface, shelves, and storage.•Finishes: Stone or wood, complementary to finish ofLounge.7. L ounge Seating Area:•Provide a variety of seating arrangements to permitguests a choice between quiet, private seating oropen, visible seating and to accommodate the solitaryguest or small business group.•Seating Arrangement: 50% deuces and a mixture oflarger groupings. Regional and cultural norms maysuggest an adjustment to this percentage particularlyin Asia and Middle East where small business groupsare the norm.•May be used as additional seating for Lobby.•If Lobby Lounge is not programmed, includecomparable seating areas in Lobby.8. Entertainment: Limited space for entertainment thatmay include a two to three musical instrument setup,soloist, and/or baby grand piano. <13D>•Provide independent sound system <13D> andlighting <15C> controlled by bartender.• Discreetly locate a built-in, flat panel TV (wall orcasegood) to permit guests the option of viewing oravoiding the TV.9. Interior Design Features:Focal Point: Create a focal point design element forLobby Lounge. Feature a significant furniture piece,buffet, bar, library wall or unique architectural signatureelement.Furniture: Traditional or transitional style; avoidcontemporary styles. Enclose TVs in wood cabinets.3 -4 January 2005Design Standards - Copyright, Marriott International, Inc.Marriott Hotel - International Food & Beverage - 3Seating: Combination of inviting, cozy, and intimate loungeseating such as sofas, lounge chairs with end tables, lowcoffee tables, and cocktail tables with 2 and 4 seats.•Mix with some overstuffed seating and high-back loungeseating for drinking and eating. Provide leather seats forexposed frame seating.•Fully upholstered fabric seating is acceptable providedthat colors, patterns, and textures are durable and easyto maintain.•Provide bar stools at bar.•Provide many low level incandescent table lamps forintimate lounge lighting.Tables: Based on the concept, cocktail tables can be tea orcontinental height or tall bistro café tables for food andbeverage service as well as informal business meetings.Granite tops (do not use marble due to staining) or durableprotected finished wood; durable scratch and damageresistant finish.Lighting: Predominately table lamps for low level, intimateincandescent lighting.Artwork/Artifacts: Type and quality coordinated with Lobbyfor arrangement, display and focal points.Planters and Plants: Built-in detailed millwork planters withlive plants or large scale free standing planter pots.10. F inishes (Lobby Lounge): Typically, the interior LobbyLounge is an extension of the Lobby and requires the samematerials, finishes and design as the Lobby.Floor: Compatible and coordinated with finishes and colorsselected for Lobby. <2>•Entrance, Buffet, and Bar Area: Stone or wood; stone ordurable floor with rubber mats area behind bar withminimum slip resistance of 0.6 wet/dry.•Area Rugs: Best quality 100% wool, needle pointconstruction. <16C>•Carpet: Top quality Axminster carpet (80% wool, 20%nylon) with border. <16C> Bright, multi-colored andfeaturing dramatic traditional or transitional patterns.Walls and Ceiling: Coordinate with Lobby finishes.• See <2> for Lobby requirements.Design Standards - Copyright, Marriott International, Inc.January 2005 3 - 53 – Food & Beverage Marriott Hotel - InternationalC. Bar / Pantry1. Program: Provide beverage service and limited food forlounge and beverage service for restaurants.2. Features:•Server Station: Location for staff to complete servicetransactions (P.O.S.) <13B> and pick up beverages.•P.O.S.: Dedicated space for P.O.S. equipment locatedto minimize view by guest and to avoid conflict withservers picking up beverages. <13B>•Bar Access: Avoid bar top lift gates.3. Location:•Locate as part of Lobby Lounge and convenient torestaurant.•Locate bar in view of lounge entry to act as a passive“welcome” for guests; not concealed in back.•In Asia and Middle East, the bar is not the focal pointof the Lounge. Bar location may be influenced by lawsand customs regarding alcoholic drinks.4. Spaces:• Side Stand: Provide additional service stands forP.O.S. transactions and minimal service activities.•Back Bar: Area to display and store liquor bottles.•Pantry: Provide a support room adjacent to the bar.Provide facilities for coffee, beverage, clean andsoiled dish storage, bar support and side stand.Minimize direct views into Pantry.•Seating: Provided as part of Lobby Lounge.•Bar Finishes: Design bar, back bar and cabinetrycountertops with granite top. Include extensive andrichly appointed stone or millwork details to matchLobby finishes and decor.5. Security:•Provide lockable cabinets to store liquor bottles andtrays while bar is not in use. Or provide a partition tosecure the entire bar (coordinate requirements withMarriott.)D. Restaurants - General Space Planning1. Design Concept: Provide a destination restaurant withhigh quality food and beverage service.2. Location:•The success of a restaurant is dependent on location.Provide an easily visible location from lobby withfrontage on public circulation paths.•Adjacent to the Lobby Lounge, to act as a waitingarea.3 - 6 January 2005Design Standards - Copyright, Marriott International, Inc.Marriott Hotel - International Food & Beverage - 33. Exterior Entry:• Ideally, locate restaurant along building exterior andprovide street access separate and distinct from Lobbyentrance.• Provide distinct graphics to differentiate restaurant fromhotel.•If provided by hotel, provide separate Valet Parking.4. Entrance Foyer:• The foyer sets mood for facility.• Easy access from hotel public areas with prominentgraphics to identify entrance. <16B>• Directs guests and public to Reception Station.• Include Reception Station and coat check withreasonable security (based on climate and custom).• If restaurant is enclosed with a perimeter wall, designentrance to be securable when not in use. Coordinateclosure with interior design.5. Reception Station: (may be Host or Maitre d’)• Accommodate two reception positions.• Locate one reception point to greet guests, to controlaccess to room sections, handle guest checks, andsupervise coat check area.• Position to permit good eye contact with arriving guests.• Provide guests an opportunity to observe menu,restaurant interior and buffet, if possible.• Include waiting areas independent of dining area forsmall groups.• station in back-of-house along path tocted equipment.• servers to• at adjacent dining areas,unless dictated by concept.6. Service Stations: Design to integrate with restaurant interiordesign.• Dry service station required for every 75 seats; includingwater pitchers, coffee pitchers, house wine display,bread, linen, and tableware.+ Some concepts can be accommodated with one largefocal dry service station and several small drystations. Consider using casegoods or custommillwork to make the station a focal point of the space.Wet service station required for every 120 seats;including sink, coffee brewer, beverage equipment, andice. Locate main soiled dish drop.• Base size on concept and sele • Integrate P.O.S. into stations.Configure walls enclosing wet service stations to concealfood service equipment while permitting maintain visual contact with seating areas.Locate to minimize noise Design Standards - Copyright, Marriott International, Inc. January 2005 3 - 73 – Food & Beverage Marriott Hotel - International7. Building Level Differences: Design restaurants so thatentrance, buffet, kitchen and a portion of seating is onone building floor level to accommodate food serviceequipment and guests with disabilities.• Multi-level seating areas may be used to providevaried seating spaces and to take advantage of views.• Provide guardrail at open area level changes toprevent guests from accidentally stepping off ormoving off the upper floor level.8. Floor Level Changes: If seating areas incorporate smallchanges in floor levels within or connecting to otherspaces, comply with government regulations and thefollowing:•Avoid one and two riser stairs.•Handrails: Required at both sides; graspable shape.•Ramp(s): Include for guests with disabilities.•See “Stair Criteria” in Module <2>.9. Service Entrance:•Avoid views into kitchen from dining areas (unlessconcept is an exhibition kitchen).•Provide one entry and one exit door.•Include doors to kitchen with 0.9 m (3 ft.) wide clearopening and door vision panel; door swing not toexceed 90 degrees.•Provide entrance baffle to prevent kitchen noise andlight from entering dining area.10. Egress: At facilities with 50 or more seats, includeemergency egress <14> as follows:•Provide a minimum of two exits.•Primary exit may exit to the lobby.•Secondary exits must exit to the exterior through anexterior door, a protected corridor or stair enclosure.•Secondary exit shall not allow egress to or through thelobby.•Exiting through kitchen is not permitted.•Equip exit doors with local alarms and graphics /signage. <16B>11. Toilet Rooms: Provide in Lobby, in close proximity toRestaurant or Lounge entrance. <2>12. Janitor Closet: Provide a dedicated Janitor’s Closet tostore cleaning supplies and equipment to service all foodservice venues on a floor. Locate in close proximity toprimary food service venue.3 - 8 January 2005Design Standards - Copyright, Marriott International, Inc.Example: Restaurant – Plan-213. Storage Space: Provide space in each restaurant.• Large enough to accommodate child seats, trays, extra chairs, and similar furniture.• Locate to avoid obstruction to exits and general circulation.•Possible locations: at reception; at service stations;near kitchen entry.E. Restaurants – General Finishes1. Finish Schedule: See Module <GR> for finish materialmatrix.2. Floor / Base: Combination of hard surface and carpet,depending on food concept.•Hard surface, natural stone or other high quality and durable material at major traffic circulation areas, mainentry, surround at bar and buffet areas.•Slip Resistance: 0.60 wet/dry•Marble: Do not use marble for buffet floors because of food staining.•Carpet (main dining areas): Good coverage, dramatic pattern, bright and cheerful with rich contrastingcolors.•Base: Match floor and décor.3. Walls: On walls, include wainscot of wood panels,applied moldings, and similar fine detailing.4. Ceiling: Design ceilings to include such design elementsas millwork details and multi-level ceilings (coffers,domes or soffits).F. Restaurant - General FF&E1. FF&E Criteria: See Module <16C> for generalrequirements.2. Furniture: Traditional or transitional style; avoidcontemporary styles.•Dining Seats: Leather; fabric can be used on back of chairs and banquettes only; use treated fabrics.•Tables Sizes (Standard): Sizes vary based on menu, place setting, food concept, restaurant type, size andregional culture. Consult with Marriott to define tablesizes. Typically size the table 60 to 76 cm (24 to 30inches) wide per setting on a side by 90 to 107 cm (36to 42 inches) across.60 x 90 cm (24 x 36 inches) 2 places90 x 90 cm (36 x 36 inches) 4 places90 x 167 cm (36 x 66 inches) 6 places90 to 96 cm (36 to 38 inches) round café100 cm (40 inches) square 4 place (Asia)+ Larger table sizes require a proportionally larger restaurant area.+ Asian countries typically require larger table sizes to accommodate larger place settings and groups.•Table Top: Stone or protected durable finished wood.Avoid drop leaf table tops.•Table Bases: Ornate with durable finish; resistant to scratching and marring.•Hardware: Conceal in millwork.3. Seating: Arrange using 50% of tables as deuces andmixture of larger grouping combinations. Percentage may vary by design and concept.4. Buffet:•Locate where visible and accessible to most diningspaces and restaurant entry.•Provide a minimum of 10 – 15 cm (4 – 6 inch) of linear buffet counter per dining seat.•Provide buffet as multiple counters, not a single one.•Provide an area for a staffed station with kitchen access at the buffet.•Granite top (avoid marble because of staining); extensive millwork / casework base and details.•Coordinate buffet millwork and casework design with the design and theme of the restaurant concept.•Avoid a "cafeteria food service" image by integrating lighting, ceiling, floor, wall, and casework design to forma food service "show case" display.•Where exhaust hoods are required, conceal the hood elevations into casework or ceiling design.•At "grand buffet", consider high intensity halogen pin spots to highlight the display.•Integrate below counter storage and food service equipment into buffet casework. <10> Front panels ofbuffet cabinet are required to be removable to facilitatecleaning.•Provide and integrate design of sneeze guards into the buffet design to protect exposed food on the buffet.•If buffet is required to be concealed during evening dinner, provide detailed, high quality sliding screens ordoors on concealed tracks or provide another acceptablesolution to Marriott.5. Artwork / Artifacts:•High quality for various arrangements and displays.•Avoid contemporary theme.•Select artwork for theme of restaurant or regional influence.6. Planters and Plants:•Detailed millwork for built-in planters with live plants or large scale, free standing planter pots.•Artificial floral arrangements are not acceptable.7. Decorative Lighting Fixtures:• Include chandeliers, ceiling fixtures, wall sconces, recessed lighting, and wall washers.•Lighting control; three scene, pre-set dimmers. <15C>•Locate light controls out of guest view in service entrance.•Strip fluorescent lighting is not acceptable.G. Three-Meal per Day Restaurant1. Program: Provide facilities offering a varied menu thatgenerally includes breakfast, lunch and dinner (3-mealsa day).•Developing concepts for restaurants require coordination with the Facilities Program, marketstudies and Marriott.•Provide a buffet. Buffet may be utilized for breakfast only or for three meals per day.•Provide a distinctive fine dining or upgraded casual setting, dependent on restaurant format.• Typically a grand buffet and exhibition kitchen is required in Asia and Middle East2. Spaces: Accommodate the following:• Entrance•Reception Station•Waiting Area•Coat Area (climate option)• Seating Area•Buffet / Exhibition Cooking• Service Station• Storage Space•Cashier Station (only where required)• Private Dining Area (if not provided at Specialty Restaurant)3. Location: Locate based on the following criteria:•Visibility: The success of the restaurant is dependent on location. Provide an easily visible location fromlobby with frontage on public circulation paths.• Entrance: Design entrance to make a statement consistent with restaurant theme. Evaluate a directexterior entrance.•Kitchen: Direct access.• Daylight: Provide as much natural day light as possible.•Buffet: Provide direct access from kitchen. Visual display of buffet from restaurant entrance is preferred.4. Size/Area: Space includes seating, circulation and buffet.Coordinate with Facilities Program.•Fine Dining: 2.6 to 2.8 m2 (28 to 30 sq. ft.) per seat, gross area.•Casual Upgrade: 2.2 to 2.4 m2 (24 to 26 sq. ft.) per seat, gross area. Seating area to be 1.2 to 1.4 m2 (14 to16 sq. ft.) to emphasize a high energy experience.•Ceiling Height: 3 m (9'-10") minimum.5. Seating Area: Divide seating into two or more sections thatcan be closed during slow periods and can accommodate private dining.•Seating Types: Provide a variety of seating choices such as paired deuces (minimum 50% of tables) and 4 tops.Percentages may vary by region and concept.•Layout of seating should:+ Provide views of the buffet.+ Provide easy access from seating to the buffet and back. Avoid placing tables too close to the buffet soas to be disturbed by traffic to and from the buffet.+ Provide view of the exhibition kitchen, if provided, for Asia and Middle East.•Arrange seating with divider and or level changes to create intimate, semi-private groups of tables.•Use display shelves or cabinets or different elevations or combination of these spatial features as room divider.•Avoid "institutional" seating arrangements. Use both single seat and banquette seating based on foodconcept.P rivate Dining: Provide a seating area to accommodate 6.small groups that can be acoustically and visually separated from the main dining area.•Seat Quantity: Provide seat count as required by the Facilities Program; usually 12 to 30 seats.•Location: Integrate seating with restaurant seating so that private dining area can be opened when not in useto accommodate restaurant guests during peak use.•Entry: Adjacent to the restaurant entry foyer so guests do not have to traverse the main seating area.•Exterior View / Location: The private dining room can be located to take advantage of a prime exterior view orterrace location.7. Food Production:<10> 3-Meal per Day Restaurant food isproduced by a variety of methods, based on the F&B program variables listed in paragraph "A" of this Module. In order of priority, service is provided in the following manner:•Buffet / A’ La Carte: An enclosed a’ la carte kitchen supports the buffet service and the a’ la carte service.The breakfast buffet is provided as defined in the"Buffet Service" section.•A’ La Carte: An enclosed a’ la carte kitchen supports the a’ la carte service.•Exhibition Kitchen: An exhibition kitchen is integrated with a buffet line to support a self-serve buffet or a’ lacarte service.8. Service: In general, food is served utilizing one or moreof the following service types:•Buffet Service (Breakfast, "Marriott Cafe" and Grand)• Display Cooking• Exhibition Kitchen•A’ La Carte Service9. Buffet Service: Use of millwork furniture pieces orcasegoods as the base buffet design is highly encouraged.•It is preferred to break-up buffet counters to provide better customer access and avoid queuing.•For preparing food items in the dining area a chef’s station is typically incorporated, built-in or portable.•Provide rear access to buffet to allow food replenishment without interrupting the flow.Prepared food is served to guests in a self-service or semi-assisted service mode by one or combination of three buffet service types described below.Breakfast Buffet: Only Breakfast is served from this buffet; service for lunch and dinner meals is served "a la carte" from the kitchen. For evening dinner service, the breakfast buffet may be concealed or arranged into a feature display area as follows:•Concealed: If the breakfast buffet will be concealed when not in-use for evening meals, locate the buffet inan alcove, provide architectural screens or provide anacceptable alternate solution to Marriott. Food serviceequipment <10> typically is built-into a granitecounter.•Feature Display: If the breakfast buffet will be exposed to view when not in use for evening meals, arrangethe buffet for conversion into an attractive counter orcredenza with the addition of a floral display or F&Btheme items.+ Food service equipment for this buffet typically is not built-in the granite counter. Provide anundercounter-refrigerated top to chill food displaywithout use of ice pans.+ If space is limited, the buffet may be supplemented with movable casework or table set for beverage orfood service.+ For preparing food items such as omelets and waffles,a chef's station typically is included."Marriott Cafe" Buffet: Arrangement used to serve breakfast, lunch and dinner in buffet style with the following features:•Prominent feature of the 3-Meal per Day Restaurant intended to be used and seen throughout the day.•Arranged as combination of counters, islands or free standing cabinets.•Design typically incorporates built-in food service equipment and exhibition cooking. <10>Grand Buffet: Similar in concept to the Marriott Cafe, but more extensive in scope and is typically required in the Middle East and Asia. When required, provide as follows:•Typically, position as the focal point of the restaurant.•Arrange buffet in zones and separate counters for hot entries, cold items, and desert table.Focal Point Buffet:<10> When the buffet is designated a “focal point display buffet”, size of substantial proportion (millwork or casegood furniture) for continental breakfast, high tea, evening hors d'oeuvres or similar occasions.Permanent buffet is required for Middle East and Asia projects.•Fabricate from high quality, richly detailed, wood and/or stone with granite top.•Provide undercounter refrigerated coils to chill stone counter for cold food service without the use of ice andpans. Do not fabricate top with recessed food wells.10. Display Cooking Station: In conjunction with and in supportof the buffet, food is custom prepared to the guest's requestor freshly cooked to replenish the buffet. This service can include a single chef's station for preparing eggs at a breakfast buffet up to a limited cooking line supporting a grand buffet.11. Exhibition Kitchen: Certain restaurant concepts expose thefood preparation and cooking areas to the guests to showcase the facility's menu, culinary talents, and sanitation conditions. Exhibition kitchens may be integrated with a buffet, support a buffet or exist as a stand-alone feature.Coordinate seating at buffet with accessibility criteria, buffet height and views of Exhibition Kitchen.12. A’ La Carte Service: Guest selected menu items areprepared in a concealed and enclosed kitchen and served bya waiter.。


在酒店内配备急救箱、灭火器等紧急救援设备,以便在紧急情况 下及时采取救援措施。
培训专业的紧急救援人员,确保他们具备应对各种紧急情况的能力 和技能。
制定详细的紧急救援流程,包括报警、疏散、急救等环节,确保在 紧急情况下能够迅速、有效地进行救援。
在酒店入口处设置独特的 标识,提升酒店形象,方 便客人识别。
规划宽敞的入口广场,提 供足够的停车空间,并设 置遮荫设施,方便客人上 下车。
设计优雅的入口通道,采 用特色植物或灯饰装饰, 营造出酒店特有的氛围。
利用喷泉、瀑布、水帘等动态水景,创造出活力、动感的氛围,为酒店增添生机与活力,提升整体景 观的观赏性。
提供瑜伽课程和瑜伽垫 等设施,供客人进行瑜
提供按摩服务,帮助客 人放松身心。
提供洗衣、烘干、熨烫等服务,满足客人需 求。









目录第一章编制依据-————---——-———--—---—-—-----—--—--—----——-——-—---——--———-———--——-—---—-—-—-—-—---—-———————---—--——-——--—---—-- 2第二章工程概述---—-———--—---—-—----————-————-—-------—---———--———-——-—-—-——-——---——-—--——-—----—-—-—-——--———---————-—-----—-2第三章工程特点及难点—--——---——————--—-—-—--—-———-————-———---—--——-——--———-—-—-———-——-—---—----———-—————--———--—--—-——-————3第四章施工组织管理及部署-——--——---—--—--——-——--———---—--——-——-—--—---—-—-———--————--—--—-——-—-————---—-—-———----———-—-4第五章施工进度计划及保障措施--—--—-————--———--———-———-----—-——--—-—-----——-------——-----—————-—----—---—---—---—--—38第一章编制依据1、化工部徐州地质勘察基础工程公司提供的岩土工程勘察报告。








万豪酒店设计要求(英文)09-RHR-Module 9 Engineering and Maintenance

万豪酒店设计要求(英文)09-RHR-Module 9 Engineering and Maintenance
employees a convenient route to guestrooms. 2. Adjacent to BOH MEP areas to allow convenient passage to monitor building systems. Steps, Stairs & Ramps: See Module <16> - Loss Prevention. Windows & Safety Glass: See Modules <GR> and <16> for window, glass / glazing criteria, restricting window opening to 10 cm (4 inch) and for safety glass requirements.
Renaissance Hotels 9.1 A. Overview
Engineering & Maintenance Facilities - 9
Program: The criteria and “examples” included in this Module model generic plans for Engineering and Maintenance spaces. 1. Employee positions and responsibilities vary based on property type, size, location, the specific employee assignments and organization for the proposed spaces. 2. Regional customs, social factors, labor laws etc. may impact the program. Verify the applicable program requirements with Marriott International (MI). B. Related Areas & Spaces: Coordinate the following program areas with applicable Modules and the requirements in this Module. Generally, these spaces relate to engineering and maintenance management of the property: • Laundry Holding <11A> • Computer Room <13A> • Telephone Equipment and Room <13B> • T.V. / Video Equipment and Room <13C> • Lighting Controls / Dimming <15C> C. Spaces: As required by the approved project Facilities Program, accommodate the following: • Engineering / Maintenance Shops and Offices • Receiving Dock • Receiving & Service Corridors • Ancillary Facilities • Purchasing and Receiving Offices • Lighting Controls / Dimming • Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MEP) Equipment • Exterior Maintenanorridor



万豪国际酒店集团功能空间-6功能空间目录主题页数A.规划要求 (1)B.宴会厅 (3)C.前厅-设计 (8)D.会议室-设计 (9)E.董事会议室-设计 (10)F.活动隔断 (12)G.公共支持空间 (13)H.后勤功能服务空间 (14)I.宴会贮藏 (16)J.饮料贮藏 (16)K.宴会服务经理办公室 (16)L.宴会展示间(可选项) (17)M.花房(可选项) (17)N.功能/团队进口(可选项) (18)O.团队登记台 (18)P.功能空间-室内设计-通则 (18)Q.功能空间-家具、布艺与固定设备-通则 (19)R.系统特性 (20)编制说明• 本单元是17个系列单元中的一个分支部分;.• 执行中需要将其他单元的内容综合参考;• 标式符号<XX>是用于相关参考的具体单元的提示,以求获得进一步的咨询。


万豪国际版权所有, 非公开发行资料. 保留所有权利。

设计规范 – 版权所有,万豪国际酒店集团. 2005年1月版 6-B万豪国际酒店集团 功能空间-6功能空间设计规范- 版权所有, 万豪国际酒店集团. 2005年1月版 6 -11、通则:提空间功能空间包括一系列的大小不同房间 以为客人提供多样的会议、研讨、社交空间并能符 合市场的需要。

· 折衷的风格,带有温馨舒适的气氛,以及明亮、愉悦,对比强的色调。

· 选择与公共地区在质量与设计主题类似的,高档 次的装饰面与材料。

2、使用人数计算<14>:为了满足宴会厅与会议室不同 的功能活动,以0.65㎡/每人计算紧急疏散出口的 容 量(假设前厅不同时使用与疏散)。

3、空间规划: ·功能区域应与客房、客房走道,公共地区,主要 入口与酒店大堂分离,以减低对住店客人影响。

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  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
北京乐多港万豪酒店由国际知名酒店管理公司——万豪国际集团管理,集客房住宿、会议服务、温泉中心、餐饮、娱乐 于一体。拥有426间客房和套房,以及6栋独栋别院,简洁明快的空间设计,为客人倾情打造全新摩登万豪。 臻厨为宾客 提供24小时全新餐饮服务。大堂酒廊以国际餐饮理念引领食文化,让客人畅享各个多功能空间;万豪中餐厅提供传统典雅 而历久弥新的粤菜用餐体验!酒店6000余平米的万豪汤乐宫,引入原生态造园的设计理念与思路,打造了13间风格各异 的私密汤泉屋,以及富氧静泡汤区、草本养生汤区、动感滑水汤池、家庭温情汤区等9个汤池;室内区域配备Spa理疗温 泉区、无边界游泳池、健身区、儿童游乐区、休闲足疗区和娱乐区域,幽静而温馨的舒适空间,让宾客的身、心、灵全面 释放!
酒店拥有两个宴会厅及十四个会议室,1100平米的多功能无柱式万豪大宴会厅可与室外近千平米草坪无缝衔接,把会议 开在大自然里,放纵思想,静谧私享。
专业星级服务、完善先进的系统支持,为顾客提供国际级的尊贵享受。北京乐多港万豪酒店——每一丝细节的深思熟虑 都标榜着独具品味,每一处空间的倾心打造都融合着工作的严肃与享受的闲适。
作为率先入驻昌平区的国际品牌五星级酒店,北京乐多港万豪酒店依托于乐多港假日广场,与乐多港奥特莱斯和奇幻乐 园主题公园遥相呼应。酒店紧邻十三陵景区,距八达岭长城26公里,辐射生命科技园及上地信息产业基地;距中心城区35 公里,首都国际机场45公里。
Since twentieth Century the rapid development of hotel industry, hotel now in the comprehensive development of the current economic situation, it is not a simple solution to people accommodation place, now is more a symbol of city, also represents the image of a city. Many new hotels have emerged, more and more people pay more attention to the hotel arts and intelligent to bring people to enjoy, so we need to design a consideration to the hotel decoration and innovation, the hotel must be planning to do specific analysis and research. From the outside to the interior to a reasonable planning, the landscape and architecture integration, the combination of life and beauty, so that the hotel in the history of the evolution of prosperity and flourish.
BEI JING Le Duo Gang Wan hao jiu dian gui hua she ji bei jing chan shu
二十世纪以来酒店行业迅速发展,现在 的酒店在当前的经济形势下全面发展,它 已经不是一个简单的解决人们食宿的地方 了,现在更多的是一个城市的标志,也代 表了一坐城市的形象。很多新型酒店涌现 出来,更多的人更注重的是酒店的艺术和 智能带给人的享受,因此需要设计着考虑 到酒店的装饰性和创新性,必须对酒店规 划做针对性分析及研究。从室外到室内来 进行合理的规划,将景观和建筑相融合, 将生活与美相结合,让酒店在历史的演变 中欣欣向荣,蓬勃发展。
Hotel Amarin,克罗地亚半岛上的度假酒店 / STUDIO UP
Here to add your text, mainly to avoid large sections of text.Here todd your text.Here to add your text, mainly to avoid large.Here to add your text, mainly to avoid
北京乐多港 万豪酒店规划设计
Pla Marriott hotel
01 万豪酒店背景阐述 02 万豪酒店规划研究 03 万豪酒店设计理念 04 万豪酒店方案分析 05 万豪酒店效果展示
酒店文化更多的是酒店精神 通过丰富的文化底蕴和正能 量的信仰来支撑酒店的发展 所以酒店文化是酒店发展的 重要组成因素
酒店艺术是酒店的气质,它代表着酒店 形象,酒店艺术体现在室内和室外,室 外包括了外观、小景等,室内的艺术性 在舒适实用的前提下不收限制,可以表 现出不同风格的艺术形式
酒店的环境根据地理环境来分析 从地形、植景、水体等方面研究 应该有效的结合自然风光和地理 特征,将酒店与大自然相融合。
酒店意在给人提供舒适欢快的环 境,因此酒店使用的实用性和舒 适度是酒店建设的重点,因此在 酒店的建设中应该从客户的角度 出发满足大众人的需求