



微观经济学考试题及答案详解一、选择题1. 需求定律表明,其他条件不变时,商品的价格上升,其需求量将:A. 上升B. 下降C. 不变D. 不确定答案:B解析:需求定律是微观经济学中的一个基本法则,它指出在其他条件不变的情况下,商品的价格越高,消费者对该商品的需求量越低。

2. 完全竞争市场的特点不包括:A. 市场上有大量的买家和卖家B. 产品是同质的C. 市场信息完全透明D. 存在市场壁垒答案:D解析:完全竞争市场的特点包括市场上有大量的买家和卖家,产品是同质的,市场信息完全透明,不存在市场壁垒。

二、判断题1. 在垄断市场中,垄断者可以通过限制产量来提高价格。


2. 边际效用递减意味着消费者对商品的需求是无限的。


三、简答题1. 什么是边际成本和平均成本?它们之间的关系是什么?答案:边际成本是指生产额外一单位产品所增加的成本。




2. 解释什么是消费者剩余,并给出一个例子。




四、计算题1. 假设一个完全竞争的厂商面临以下成本函数:TC = 0.5Q^2 - 4Q + 100,其中Q是产量,TC是总成本。




总效应与边际效应的关系消费者均衡生产曲线TP L MP L AP LAI II IIIOL MP LAP LTP LC B特点:先曾后减的倒U 型曲线 关系:(1)TPL 和APL ①MPL=dTPL/dL ,知MPL 在数值上等于曲线TPL 上对应点的斜率②若A 点前MPL 单调递增,A 点后MPL 单调递减,A 点对应MPL 的最高点③若C 为曲线的最高点,则C 点之前MPL>0,TPL 增加;C 点后MPL<0,TPL 减少;C 点处MPL=0,对应TPL最高点(2)TPL 与APL ①APL=TPL/L ,知APL 在数值上等于TPL 上对应点与原点连线的斜率②若B 点为TPL 上与原点连线的斜率的最高点,则B 点前APL 增加;B 点后APL 减少,B 点对应着APL 最高点(3)APL 和MPL 当MPL>APL 时,APL 增加;当MPL<APL 时APL 下降。

MPL 与APL 交于APL 最高点生产三个阶段(1)如图所示,第II 阶段的起点为APL 的最高点即为APL 与MPL 的交点,终点为MPL=0的点即TPL 的最高点,从而将整个区域划分为I 、II 、III 三个阶段(2)生产者会把生产落在第II 阶段(3)原因1.在第I 阶段MPL>APL ,APL 增加TPL 增加,说明此时可变生产要素的投入与固定生产要素的投入相比较少,还远没有达到最佳搭配比例,因此理性消费者会增加对可变生产要素的投入量,将生产推进到第II 阶段2.第III 阶段APL<MPL ,MPL<0,TPL 减少,说明此时可变投入要素的投入量与固定投入要素相比较多,远远超过了最佳搭配比例,理性消费者会减少可变要素的投入量,将生产回到第二阶段短期成本曲线完全竞争市场的均衡问题CO OQQ3 Q2 Q1AFC AVC AC MCFCVC TCQQ1Q2 Q3 C特征:①PC 为一条平行于横轴的直线FC=b ②VC 为由原点出发的单调递增的曲线,递增速度先慢后快③TC 为固定成本和可变成本的加和,平行于曲线AC 上移b 个单位得到④AC ,AVC ,MC 为先减后增的U 型曲线⑤AFC 为单调递减的曲线关系:①MC 与AC :当MC<AC 时,AC减少;当MC>AC 时AC 增加;MC 交于AC 的最低点处②MC 与AVC :当MC<AVC 时,AVC 减少;当MC>AVC 时AVC 增加;MC 交于AVC 的最低点处③AC 与AVC (1)AC=VC+AFC ,AC 与AVC 之间的垂直距离为AFC ,AFC 减少,故AC 与AVC 之间的距离越来越小(2)AV 在AVC 上方(3)AVC 的最低点总在AC 最低点的左方bOQ1QAVCP1E1AC d1(P1=AR1=MR)A由MC=MR 知E1为均衡点,Q1为均衡产量。














()4.目前,世界上绝大多数国家都处于一种中间的经济运行机制--混合经济体制.( )6.规范分析主要回答“为什么”的问题。


()10.产量很小的时候,供给弹性较大.()12.需求增加需求量一定增加.( )14.供给曲线右移表示生产者在每一价格上提供更多产品。






微观经济学习题及解答第一章一、选择题1、在得出某种商品的个人需求曲线时,下列因素除哪一种外均保持不变?()A 商品本身的价格; B个人偏好;C 其他商品的价格;D 个人收入2、保持所有其他因素不变,某种商品的价格下降,将导致()。


A 收入效应的作用; B替代效应的作用C 收入效应和替代效应同时发生作用;D 以上均不正确;4、有下列因素除哪一种外都会使需求曲线移动?()A 消费者收入变化;B 商品价格变化;C 消费者偏好变化;D 其他相关商品价格变化。


A x的需求曲线向右移动;B x 的需求曲线向左移动;C y的需求曲线向右移动;D y 的需求曲线向左移动。


A 互补品的需求曲线向左移动;B 互补品的需求曲线向右移动;C 互补品的供给趋向向右移动;D 互补品的价格上升。


A 需求函数的斜率;B 收入变化对需求的影响程度;C 消费者对价格变化的反映程度;D 以上说法都正确。


A 相同;B 不同;C 可能相同也可能不同;D 依切点所在的位置而定。


A 正确;B 不正确;C 有时正确,有时不正确;D 难以确定。


A 缺乏弹性;B 富有弹性;C 单一弹性;D 难以确定。

二、名词解释 (微观部分)1需求量2需求函数3供给量4均衡价格三、简答题1影响商品需求的主要因素有哪些?2影响商品供给的主要因素有哪些?四、计算题已知某产品的市场需求函数为Q=a-Bp,a,b为正常数。



第一章引论一、单选题(70题)1. 下列哪一种资源是最不具有稀缺性的?)A.医生;B.苹果;C.铁矿石;D.空气;2. 下列中的哪一个问题是最有可能被微观经济学家所研究的?)A. 一般物价的膨胀;B. 整个经济中的失业;C. 总产出的增长率;D. 汽车行业中的劳动就业3. 下列中的哪一个属于规范经济问题? ()A. 通货膨胀和失业是由什么引起的?B. 政府应该雇用所有失业的工人吗?C. 消费者如何对较低的价格做出反应?D. 收入与储蓄之间的关系是什么?4. 经济学有时被称作社会科学的皇后,这是因为:(A.它强调经济增长和经济发展;B. 几乎所有的学生都必须学习经济学;C. 它的边际分析方法广泛应用于其他学科;D. 规范经济学和实证经济学的区别。

5. 经济学家的理性行为假定:()A.仅仅在其提供有效预测的限度内才是有用的。




6. 微观经济学研究(),宏观经济学研究()。


A.政府对市场制度的干预 B.企业赚取利润的活动C.研究稀缺资源如何有效配置的问题D.个人的生财之道8.“资源是稀缺的”是指()A.资源是不可再生的 B.资源必须留给下一代C.资源终将被耗费殆尽D.相对于需求而言,资源总是不足的.9.失业问题如果反映在生产可能性曲线图上,可记为()A.生产可能性曲线内的一点 B.生产可能性曲线上的一点C.生产可能性曲线以外的一点D.不在该平面直角坐标系上.10.下列哪一项会导致一国生产可能性曲线的外移?()A.股市持续走强 B.通货膨胀C.有用资源被发掘或技术进步D.消费品生产增加,资本品生产下降. 11.一个经济体系必须作出的基本选择是()。

A.生产什么,生产多少 B.如何生产 C.为谁生产 D.以上都包括12.计划经济体制解决资源配置问题的方式有()。



2025微观经济学模拟试卷一、单选题(每题2分,共30分)1. 微观经济学研究的对象是()。

A. 整个国民经济B. 个体经济单位C. 国民收入决定理论D. 资源配置答案:B。


2. 需求曲线向右下方倾斜,表示当一种商品价格()时,需求量()。

A. 上升,增加B. 上升,减少C. 下降,不变D. 下降,减少答案:B。


二、多选题(每题3分,共30分)1. 影响需求的因素有()。

A. 商品本身的价格B. 消费者的收入水平C. 相关商品的价格D. 消费者的偏好答案:ABCD。


2. 以下属于微观经济学中成本概念的有()。

A. 机会成本B. 显性成本C. 隐性成本D. 固定成本答案:ABCD。


三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. 简述完全竞争市场的特点。







微观经济学习题第一章导论一. 选择题:1.“资源是稀缺的”是()A.指资源是不可再生的B.存在于人类社会的任何阶段的C.指生产力不发达造成了物品供给不足D.指可用的经济资源与人类的欲望相比总是显得不足解析:资源的稀缺性是任何社会和任何时代都存在的基本问题。



答案:B D2.下列哪项会导致一国生产可能性曲线的外移()A.资本存量增加B.技术进步C.失业减少D.劳动力增加解析:生产可能性曲线(边界)表示一个经济社会在一定的技术条件下,充分利用现有的社会资源所能生产的不同的商品组合。





答案:A B D3.某先生辞去月薪1000元的工作,取出自有存款100 000元(月息1%),办一家独资企业,如果不考虑商业风险,则该先生自办企业按月计算的机会成本是()元A.2000B.10 000C.1 000D.101 000解析:机会成本:把一定量的具有多种用途的资源用于生产某种商品后,放弃该资源用于其它用途所能获得的最大收益,即为这种商品的生产中使用该资源的机会成本。

月薪1000+利息100 000*1%=2000元答案:A4.一个经济体系必须作出的基本选择是()A.生产什么B.生产多少C.如何生产D.为谁生产解析:一个社会经济系统必须解决以下问题:1、决定产出的水平和构成——生产什么,生产多少;2、生产过程中的资源配置——怎么生产;3、产品在社会成员间的分配——为谁生产. 一个好的经济制度,是在解决上述问题的同时,还要保证社会资源的充分利用和产出的稳步增长。

答案:A B C D5.以下属于规范分析命题的是()A.“让一部分人先富起来”的政策,拉开了中国居民收入的贫富差距B.美国经济比俄罗斯经济增长得快C.应当继续实施适度从紧的货币政策D.在市场经济的汪洋大海中,企业的规模越大越好解析:实证分析解释各种经济变量之间的关系。



第一章引论一、单选题(70题)1. 下列哪一种资源是最不具有稀缺性的?)A.医生;B.苹果;C.铁矿石;D.空气;2. 下列中的哪一个问题是最有可能被微观经济学家所研究的?)A. 一般物价的膨胀;B. 整个经济中的失业;C. 总产出的增长率;D. 汽车行业中的劳动就业3. 下列中的哪一个属于规范经济问题? ()A. 通货膨胀和失业是由什么引起的?B. 政府应该雇用所有失业的工人吗?C. 消费者如何对较低的价格做出反应?D. 收入与储蓄之间的关系是什么?4. 经济学有时被称作社会科学的皇后,这是因为:(A.它强调经济增长和经济发展;B. 几乎所有的学生都必须学习经济学;C. 它的边际分析方法广泛应用于其他学科;D. 规范经济学和实证经济学的区别。

5. 经济学家的理性行为假定:()A.仅仅在其提供有效预测的限度内才是有用的。




6. 微观经济学研究(),宏观经济学研究()。


A.政府对市场制度的干预 B.企业赚取利润的活动C.研究稀缺资源如何有效配置的问题D.个人的生财之道8.“资源是稀缺的”是指()A.资源是不可再生的 B.资源必须留给下一代C.资源终将被耗费殆尽D.相对于需求而言,资源总是不足的.9.失业问题如果反映在生产可能性曲线图上,可记为()A.生产可能性曲线内的一点 B.生产可能性曲线上的一点C.生产可能性曲线以外的一点D.不在该平面直角坐标系上.10.下列哪一项会导致一国生产可能性曲线的外移?()A.股市持续走强 B.通货膨胀C.有用资源被发掘或技术进步D.消费品生产增加,资本品生产下降. 11.一个经济体系必须作出的基本选择是()。

A.生产什么,生产多少 B.如何生产 C.为谁生产 D.以上都包括12.计划经济体制解决资源配置问题的方式有()。



微观经济学习题及答案第一章经济学得性质一、名词解释1、微观经济学:2、、静态分析:3、比较静态分析:4、动态分析:5、机会成本:6、生产可能性边界二、选择题1、、“资源得稀缺性”就是指( )。

1) 世界上大多数人生活在贫困中;2) 相对于资源得需求而言,资源总就是不足得;3) 资源必须保留给下一代;4) 世界上得资源最终将消耗光。

2、、经济物品就是指( )。

1) 有用得物品;2) 稀缺得物品;3) 要用钱购买得物品;4) 有用且稀缺得物品。

3、生产可能性曲线说明得基本原理就是( )。

1) 一国资源总能被充分利用;2) 假定所有资源能被充分有效利用,增加x 商品得生产必须减少y 商品得生产;3) 改进技术引起生产可能性曲线向内移动;4) 经济增长唯一取决于劳动力数量。

4、经济学就是研究( )1) 企业就是如何赚钱得问题2) 如何实现稀缺性资源得有效配置问题3) 用数学方法建立理论模型4) 政府如何管制问题5、人们在进行决策时,必须做出某种选择,这就是因为( )1) 选择会导致稀缺2) 人们在决策时所面临得资源就是稀缺得3) 人就是自私得,所做出得选择会实现自身利益得最大化4) 个人对市场得影响就是微不足道得6、在市场经济条件下,决策主要有( )作出。

1) 消费者与政府2) 生产者3) 家庭与政府4) 生产者与消费者7、由市场配置资源意味着( )。

1) 所有得人都会得到她想要得东西2) 资源得配置就是由市场规则(机制)实现得3) 政府能够决定谁获得多少消费品4) 要得到急需得物品您只能“走后门”8、在市场经济中,商品为( )生产。

1) 政府2) 消费者3) 想买但就是买不起得人4) 买得起,且想买得人9、下面有关政府决策得说法, ( )就是正确得。

1) 政府决策只有在计划经济国家才存在2) 政府决策就是对企业决策得替代3) 政府决策就是对市场机制失灵得修补4) 政府决策不会出现市场机制那样存在失灵得领域10、微观经济学与宏观经济学得区别在于( )。




A.C.2A 、C 、3A B C D 4A C 、零5A C 6A C 7A B C D 8.在厂商的停止营业点上,应该有()A .AR=AVCB .总亏损等于TFCC .P=AVCD .以上说法都对9.所有下列因素除哪一种外都会使需求曲线移动?()A .消费者收入变化B .商品价格变化C .消费者偏好变化D .其他相关商品价格变化10.某农户今年扩大播种面积并取得丰收,则可预期他的收入会()。

A .增加B .减少C .不变D .不确定三、判断题(每小题1分,共10分)1.若某产品需求曲线向右下方倾斜,则可判定它必为正常品。
















微观经济学考试试题及答案解析一、选择题(每题1分,共20分)1. 需求曲线向右下方倾斜的原因是:A. 价格上升,需求量下降B. 价格下降,需求量上升C. 收入增加,需求量增加D. 替代品价格上升答案:A2. 以下哪项不是市场失灵的原因?A. 外部性B. 公共品C. 完全竞争D. 信息不对称答案:C3. 边际效用递减原理指的是:A. 随着消费量的增加,总效用不断增加B. 随着消费量的增加,边际效用不断增加C. 随着消费量的增加,边际效用逐渐减少D. 随着消费量的减少,边际效用逐渐减少答案:C4. 完全竞争市场中,企业是:A. 价格接受者B. 价格制定者C. 垄断者D. 寡头竞争者答案:A5. 以下哪项不是生产要素?A. 劳动B. 土地C. 资本D. 利润答案:D...(此处省略15题,以保持篇幅适中)二、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 价格弹性是衡量需求量对价格变化的敏感程度的指标。

(正确)2. 边际成本在完全竞争市场中等于平均成本时,企业获得正常利润。

(正确)3. 垄断市场中,价格总是高于边际成本。

(错误)4. 公共品具有非排他性和非竞争性。

(正确)5. 消费者剩余是指消费者支付的价格与他们愿意支付的最高价格之间的差额。

(正确)...(此处省略5题)三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 简述边际成本与平均成本的关系。




2. 解释完全竞争市场的四个特征。












































微观经济学试题及答案解析一、选择题1. 完全竞争市场中,企业在短期内的供给曲线是其:A. 平均成本曲线B. 边际成本曲线C. 固定成本曲线D. 总成本曲线答案: B解析:在完全竞争市场中,企业是价格接受者,其供给决策基于边际成本。


2. 需求弹性是指:A. 需求量对价格变化的敏感度B. 价格对需求量变化的敏感度C. 需求量对收入变化的敏感度D. 收入对需求量变化的敏感度答案: A解析:需求弹性衡量的是需求量对价格变化的反应程度。


二、简答题1. 什么是边际效用递减原理?答案:边际效用递减原理指的是随着消费者消费某一商品的数量增加,每增加一个单位商品所带来的额外满足感(边际效用)逐渐减少的现象。

2. 什么是价格歧视?请简述其类型。



三、计算题1. 假设一个完全竞争企业的总成本函数为TC = 0.5Q^2 + 2Q + 10,其中Q是产量。


答案:首先,计算边际成本(MC):MC = d(TC)/dQ = Q + 2。



四、论述题1. 论述市场失灵的原因及其对经济的影响。






微观经济学选择模拟考试题(含答案)一、单选题(共100题,每题1分,共100分)1、小麦歉收导致小麦价格上升,准确地说在这个过程中( )。


C、小麦供给的减少引起需求量下降D、小麦供给量的减少引起需求量下降正确答案:C2、勾结发生在( )。


正确答案:C3、某完全竞争行业,它的产量增加所引起的生产要素需求增加,反而使生产要素的价格下降了,则该行业为( )。





4、生产函数表示( )。


正确答案:C5、资源稀缺性的含义是指( )。


D、相对于人类无限的欲望来说,再多的资源也显不足;正确答案:D6、若x和y两产品的交叉弹性是-2,则( )。


D、x和y是劣质品正确答案:C7、需求曲线斜率为正的充要条件是( )。


D、低档商品正确答案:C8、当某消费者对商品X的消费达到饱和点时,则边际效用MUX为( )。


B、零C、负值D、正值正确答案:B9、垄断企业面对的需求函数为Q=100/ P2,企业的边际成本始终为1,垄断价格为( )。


2.Байду номын сангаас说明垄断企业的边际收益与价格之间的差距会随着产量增大而增大。



1、假定需求函数为Q=MP -N ,其中M 表示收入,P 表示商品价格,N (N>0)为常数。


解 因为Q=MP —N 所以PQ d d =-MNP—N-1,MQ d d =P -N所以N MP MNP Q Q P d d E NN P Q da===⋅-=⋅-=---N 1-N -MNP Q P )-MNP ( E m= 1P N -===⋅=⋅---N N N M Q MPMP Q MP Q M Q M d d 2、 假定某消费者的需求的价格弹性E d =1。

3,需求的收入弹性E m =2。

2 .求:(1)在其他条件不变的情况下,商品价格下降2%对需求数量的影响。


解 (1) 由题知E d =1。



(2)由于 E m =2。

2所以当消费者收入提高5%时,消费者对该商品的需求数量会上升11%.3、 假定某市场上A 、B 两厂商是生产同种有差异的产品的竞争者;该市场对A 厂商的需求曲线为P A =200-Q A ,对B 厂商的需求曲线为P B =300-0。

5×Q B ;两厂商目前的销售情况分别为Q A =50,Q B =100。

求:(1)A 、B 两厂商的需求的价格弹性分别为多少? i.如果B 厂商降价后,使得B 厂商的需求量增加为Q B =160,同时使竞争对手A 厂商的需求量减少为Q A =40。

那么,A 厂商的需求的交叉价格弹性E AB 是多少? ii.如果B 厂商追求销售收入最大化,那么,你认为B 厂商的降价是一个正确的选择吗? 解(1)当Q A =50时,P A =200—50=150当Q B =100时,P B =300—0。

5×100=250 所以350150)1(=⋅--=⋅-=A A PA QA dA Q P d d E 5100250)2(=⋅--=⋅-=B B PBQB dBQ P d d E (2) 当Q A1=40时,P A1=200—40=160 且101-=∆A Q 当时,1601=B Q P B1=300-0。






















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Microeconomics Final Test 2010I. Multiple Choice (1 points per each. In total 40 points)Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.__A__1. Which of the following will change a nation's comparative advantage?A. a technological advance in producing manufactured goodsB. a doubling of all wagesC. quotas on importsD. a change in consumers' preferences for imported goods影响比较优势的因素:气候和自然资源;劳动力和资本的相对充裕;技术;外部经济__D__ 2. If Japan can produce each unit of steel using fewer resources than Canada does,A. Canada has an absolute advantage in steel production.B. Japan has an absolute advantage in steel production.C. Japan has a comparative advantage in steel production.D. Canada has a comparative advantage in steel production.绝对优势:数量比较优势:机会成本__B__ 3. Suppose you are considering going to the movies, and you place a $12 value on your anticipated enjoyment of the movie. The ticket price is $6 and you would be giving up two hours of work, where you earn $5 per hour. You would go toA. work; the opportunity cost of the movies exceeds the expected benefit.B. the movies; your incentive is the $6 excess expected benefit.C. the movies; your enjoyment will exceed the lost wages by $2.D. the movies; the benefit of $18 exceeds the lost wages.__D__ 4. The amount of a good or service that buyers would be willing and able to purchase at a specific price is known asA. quantity demanded.B. demand.C. supply.D. quantity supplied.__C__ 5. Which of the following are the best examples of substitute goods?a. personal computers and computer software programsb. milk and cookiesc. IBM and Gateway personal computersd. hot dogs and mustard__B__6. If the decline of Good A’s price leads the demand curve of Good B moving to the right,A. Good A and Good B are substitutes.B. Good A and Good B are complements.C. Good A is an inferior good, Good B is a luxury good.D. Good A is a luxury good, Good B is an inferior good.____ 7. If price elasticity of demand is 2.0, this implies that consumers wouldA. buy twice as much of the good if price falls by 10 percent.B. require a 2 percent cut in price to raise quantity demanded of the good by 1 percent.C. buy 2 percent more of the good in response to a 1 percent cut in price.D. require at least a $2 increase in price before showing any response to the price increase.____ 8. If Weiskamp T-Shirt Co. lowers its price from $6 to $5 and finds that students increasetheir quantity demanded from 400 to 600 T-shirts, then the demand for Weiskamp T-shirts withinthis price range isA. price inelastic.B. price elastic.C. unit elastic.D. cross elastic.____ 9. A 5 percent increase in the price of sugar reduces sugar consumption by about 10 percent.The increase causes households toA. spend more on sugar.B. spend less on sugar.C. spend the same amount on sugar.D. consume more goods like coffee and tea that are complements of sugar.____ 10. In which of the markets listed below would you expect the least elastic response fromsuppliers?A. fast foodB. soft drinkC. road buildingD. Picasso paintings____ 11. If the price of Good A decreases from $10 to $9 and its quantity demanded increases 100,its price elasticity of demand isA. inelastic.B. elastic.C. unit-elastic.D. unclear.___ 12. If the equilibrium price of bread is $2 and the government imposes a $1.50 price ceilingon the price of bread,A. more bread will be produced to meet the increased demand.B. there will be a shortage of bread.C. the demand for bread will decrease because suppliers will reduce their supply.D. a surplus of bread will emerge.____13. Rent controls typically end upA. increasing rents received by landlords.B. raising property values.C. encouraging landlords to overspend for maintenance.D. discouraging new housing construction. 3____ 14. Assume that the government sets a ceiling on the interest rate that banks charge on loans.If the ceiling is set below the market equilibrium interest rate, the result will beA. a surplus of credit.B. a shortage of credit.C. greater profits for banks issuing credit.D. a perfectly inelastic supply of credit in the market place.____ 15. Which of the following best explains the source of consumer surplus for good A?A. Many consumers would be willing to pay more than the market price for good A.B. Many consumers pay prices that are greater than the equilibrium price of good A.C. Many consumers think the market price of good A is greater than its cost.D. Many consumers think the price elasticity of demand for good A is unit elastic.____ 16. If you had been willing to pay $2.19 for the gallon of milk purchased at the supermarketbut were required to pay only $1.89, you have gainedA. a refund of $.30 from the clerk.B. a consumer surplus amounting to $.30.C. excess marginal benefit of $2.19.D. producer surplus of $.30.____17. If demand increases when supply is perfectly elastic, thenA. consumer surplus will remain the same.B. consumer surplus will increase.C. it is not possible to predict the change in consumer surplus.D. consumer surplus will decrease with the increase in price.____ 18. Producer surplus tends to be large whenA. supply is elastic.B. demand is elastic.C. supply is inelastic.D. demand is inelastic.____ 19. Which of the following is an example of a positive externality?A. air pollutionB. a person who litters in a public parkC. a consumer whose dream comes true when she buys a new convertibleD. a nice garden in front of your neighbor's house____ 20. Deadweight lossA. means that there is a loss to some individuals without a corresponding gain to others.B. is not really a loss to society because what one individual loses another individual gains.C. can be eliminated by sales taxes.D. can occur even if output is at the efficient level. 4____21. The slope of an indifference curve isA. marginal rate of substitution.B. marginal rate of technical substitution.C. marginal rate of transformation.D. marginal utility.____ 22. When total output increases from 100 to 101 and total costs increase form 300 to 315,marginal cost isA. 30.B. 330.C. 300.D. 15.____ 23. As Al's Radiator Co. continues to add workers, while keeping the same amount ofmachinery, some workers may be underutilized because they have little work to do while waitingin line to use the machinery. When this occurs, Al's Radiator Co. encountersA. economies of scale.B. diseconomies of scale.C. increasing marginal returns.D. diminishing marginal returns.____ 24. If the price ratio of commodities X and Y is 1.25 and their ratio of marginal utility is 2, inorder to maximize utility the consumer shouldA. buy more X and buy less Y.B. buy more Y and buy less X.C. buy more X and Y at the same time.D. buy less X and Y at the same time.____25. Which of the following is the best example of a variable cost?A. monthly payments for hired laborB. property tax paymentsC. monthly rent payments for a warehouseD. pension payments to retired workers____ 26. The minimum points of the average variable cost and average total cost curves occurwhereA. the marginal cost curve lies below the average variable cost and average total cost curves.B. the marginal cost curve intersects those curves.C. wages are the lowest.D. the slope of total cost is the smallest.____ 27. When the marginal product of labor falls, the marginal cost of outputA. falls, then rises.B. becomes negative.C. rises.D. remains constant.5____ 28. Which of the following factors is most likely to shift IBM's total cost and marginal costcurves downward?A. a technological advance resulting in increased productivityB. higher property taxes charged by the municipal governmentC. increased wages to attract additional computer operatorsD. a reduction in subsidies from the state government____ 29. When total production decreases,A. APL is zero.B. APL is negative.C. APL is zero.D. APL is negative.____ 30. Since the 1980s, Wal-Mart stores have appeared in almost every community in America. Wal-Mart buys their goods in large quantities and therefore at cheaper prices. Wal-Mart also locates its stores where land prices are low, usually outside of the community business district. Many customers shop at Wal-Mart because of low prices and free parking. Local retailers, like the neighborhood drug store, often go out of business because they lose customers. This story demonstrates thatA. consumers are boycotting local retailers whose prices are relatively higher.B. there are diseconomies of scale in retail sales.C. there are economies of scale in retail sales.D. there are diminishing returns to producing and selling retail goods.____31. Which of the followings is mostly unlikely to be a monopolist?A. the only doctor in a small town.B. the Coca-Cola company.C. the electricity company in a region.D. the tap-water company in a region.____ 32. If a firm can produce the same level of output when it uses more one unit of labor whileusing less two units of capital, MRTSLK isA. 0.5.B. 2.C. 1.D. 4.____ 33. Which of the followings is correct when AC is at the lowest point?A. AVC=FC.B. MC=AC.C. P=AVC.D. P=MC.____ 34. A saving grace of monopoly compared with competition is thatA. monopolists have more incentives to reduce their production costs.B. the output restricted by a monopolist is a good way to reduce pollution in a polluted industry.C. keeping monopoly is better to technical innovation because of patent rights.D. given a market scale, the only firm can always cause diseconomy of scale.____ 35. A perfectly competitive market refers toA. the quantity of goods and services produced and consumed by participants accounts only a 6small fraction of total goods and services in the market.B. participants in the market are price takers.C. the products exchanged are identical.D. all of above.____36. For a firm in a perfectly competitive market, the short-run equilibrium means thatA. P=the lowest AC.B. P=MC.C. there not exist economic profit.D. there not exist economic loss.____ 37. Most markets are not monopolies in the real world becauseA. firms usually face downward-sloping demand curves.B. supply curves slope upward.C. price is usually set equal to marginal cost by firms.D. there are reasonable substitutes for most goods.____ 38. The supply curve of a monopolistA. is upper-slope.B. is its marginal cost curve.C. is its marginal revenue curve.D. does not exist.____ 39. In which kind of following markets a firm can charge the highest price via pricediscrimination?A. when the price elasticity of demand is highest.B. when the price elasticity of demand is lowest.C. when the price elasticity of demand is inelastic.D. when the price elasticity of demand is elastic.____ 40. In a perfectly competitive market the prices of factors X, Y, and Z are respectively $6, $4,and $1, while their marginal products are respectively 12, 8, and 2 units with the price of $1 eachunit, therefore,A. marginal revenue of X, Y, and Z is respectively smaller than its price.B. marginal revenue of X, Y, and Z equals respectively to its price.C. marginal revenue of X, Y, and Z is respectively bigger than its price.D. the above answers B, and C are true.II. Term definition (2 points per each. 20 points in total)1. Opportunity cost2. Production possibilities frontier3. Substitution effect4. Economies of Scale5. Price floor6. Coase theorem7. Public Goods8. Stockholders’ equity9. Economic profit10. Endowment effectIII. Discussion (4 points per each. 20 points in total)1. Why are the marginal and average cost curves U-shaped?2. What are the main sources of comparative advantage?3. What is the main reason for deciding whether to produce or to shut down in the short run?4. What is the prisoners’ dilemma? Can firms escape the prisoners’ dilemma?5. When a firm plans to expand production, there are two ways of raisingcapitals by using either bank loans with interest rate of 10% or the firm’s pr ofit. The manager of the firm wants to choose the latter way. His reason is that the firm’s profit is less expensive because it is free of interests. What do you think about the manager’s choice?IV. Case Analysis (20 points in total)Began in 2002 and after the hearing conference of witnesses, the department of railway implemented completely a floating ticket price in the Spring Transportation. However, its effect was very little: there were 128 million person-times of passengers in the Spring Transportation via railway in 2002; while the number of passengers is respectively 134 million in 2003, 137 million in 2004, 140 million in 2005, 150 million in 2006, and 156 million in 2007.Please answer the following questions:(1).For the markup of ticket prices in the Spring Transportation during the consecutive years, there were some reasons given by the department of railway: one reason was that “the markup of ticket prices is good to cutting the mountain-peak and filling the valley”, while a second reason was that “the markup can distribute passengers and mitigate the pressure of railway transportation”, etc. Please apply elasticity analysis to discussing these reasons.(8 points)(2). Based on the relationship between elasticity and revenue, can we get rid of our suspicion that the markup in the Spring Transportation is a handful of gains by the railway-related companies? (5 points)(3). The price of railway transportation is regulated by the government. Due to the disputed markup of ticket prices in the Spring Transportation during the years, the department of railway promised to keep a stable price in 2008. However, lots of people were disappointed at the way of price-down in the low-seasons but getting-back to the normal price in the Spring Transportation. Please make your comments on it. (7 points)Microeconomics Final Test 2009I. Multiple Choice (1 points per each. In total 40 points)Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.____ 1. Which of the following will change a nation's comparative advantage?a. a technological advance in producing manufactured goodsb. a doubling of all wagesc. quotas on importsd. a change in consumers' preferences for imported goods____ 2. If Japan can produce each unit of steel using fewer resources than Canada does,a. Canada has an absolute advantage in steel production.b. Japan has an absolute advantage in steel production.c. Japan has a comparative advantage in steel production.d. Canada has a comparative advantage in steel production.____ 3. Suppose you are considering going to the movies, and you place a $12 value on youranticipated enjoyment of the movie. The ticket price is $6 and you would be giving up two hoursof work, where you earn $5 per hour. You would go toa. work; the opportunity cost of the movies exceeds the expected benefit.b. the movies; your incentive is the $6 excess expected benefit.c. the movies; your enjoyment will exceed the lost wages by $2.d. the movies; the benefit of $18 exceeds the lost wages.____ 4. The amount of a good or service that buyers would be willing and able to purchase at aspecific price is known asa. quantity demanded.b. demand.c. supply.d. quantity supplied.____ 5. Which of the following are the best examples of substitute goods?a. personal computers and computer software programsb. milk and cookiesc. IBM and Gateway personal computersd. hot dogs and mustard____ 6. Which of the following sets of goods are most likely to be complementary goods?a. shoes and pizzab. automobiles and computersc. baseballs and baseball glovesd. football tickets and baseball tickets2____ 7. An increase in the number of tomato producers willa. increase market supply because the price of tomatoes will rise.b. increase market supply because market demand will increase as more tomatoes are produced.c. increase market supply because market supply is the sum of all the individual tomato producers'supply curves.d. increase market demand but leave market supply unchanged.____ 8. If price elasticity of demand is 2.0, this implies that consumers woulda. buy twice as much of the good if price falls by 10 percent.b. require a 2 percent cut in price to raise quantity demanded of the good by 1 percent.c. buy 2 percent more of the good in response to a 1 percent cut in price.d. require at least a $2 increase in price before showing any response to the price increase.____ 9. If Weiskamp T-Shirt Co. lowers its price from $6 to $5 and finds that students increasetheir quantity demanded from 400 to 600 T-shirts, then the demand for Weiskamp T-shirts withinthis price range isa. price inelastic.b. price elastic.c. unit elastic.d. cross elastic.____ 10.. A 5 percent increase in the price of sugar reduces sugar consumption by about 10percent. The increase causes households toa. spend more on sugar.b. spend less on sugar.c. spend the same amount on sugar.d. consume more goods like coffee and tea that are complements of sugar.____ 11. In which of the markets listed below would you expect the least elastic response fromsuppliers?a. fast foodb. soft drinkc. road buildingd. Picasso paintings____ 12. If the price elasticity of supply equals zero, this implies thata. suppliers can easily change quantity supplied when price changes.b. the supply curve is perfectly vertical.c. the percentage change in price of the good supplied is zero.d. the percentage change in quantity supplied equals the percentage change in price.___ 13. If the equilibrium price of bread is $2 and the government imposes a $1.50 price ceilingon the price of bread,a. more bread will be produced to meet the increased demand. 3b. there will be a shortage of bread.c. the demand for bread will decrease because suppliers will reduce their supply.d. a surplus of bread will emerge.____14. Rent controls typically end upa. increasing rents received by landlords.b. raising property values.c. encouraging landlords to overspend for maintenance.d. discouraging new housing construction.____ 15. Assume that the government sets a ceiling on the interest rate that banks charge on loans.If the ceiling is set below the market equilibrium interest rate, the result will be a. a surplus of credit.b. a shortage of credit.c. greater profits for banks issuing credit.d. a perfectly inelastic supply of credit in the market place.____ 16. Which of the following best explains the source of consumer surplus for good A?a. Many consumers would be willing to pay more than the market price for good A.b. Many consumers pay prices that are greater than the equilibrium price of good A.c. Many consumers think the market price of good A is greater than its cost.d. Many consumers think the price elasticity of demand for good A is unit elastic.____ 17. If you had been willing to pay $2.19 for the gallon of milk purchased at the supermarketbut were required to pay only $1.89, you have gaineda. a refund of $.30 from the clerk.b. a consumer surplus amounting to $.30.c. excess marginal benefit of $2.19.d. producer surplus of $.30.____18. If demand increases when supply is perfectly elastic, thena. consumer surplus will remain the same.b. consumer surplus will increase.c. it is not possible to predict the change in consumer surplus.d. consumer surplus will decrease with the increase in price.____ 19. Consumer surplus tends to be small whena. demand is elastic.b. supply is elastic.c. demand is inelastic.d. supply is inelastic.____ 20. Producer surplus tends to be large whena. supply is elastic. 4b. demand is elastic.c. supply is inelastic.d. demand is inelastic.____ 21. Which of the following is an example of a positive externality?a. air pollutionb. a person who litters in a public parkc. a consumer whose dream comes true when she buys a new convertibled. a nice garden in front of your neighbor's house____ 22. Deadweight lossa. means that there is a loss to some individuals without a corresponding gain to others.b. is not really a loss to society because what one individual loses another individual gains.c. can be eliminated by sales taxes.d. can occur even if output is at the efficient level.____23. The deadweight loss from an economically inefficient situation is equal toa. consumer surplus minus producer surplus.b. consumer surplus plus producer surplus.c. the consumer and producer surplus that people could gain by eliminating that inefficiency.d. the increase in consumer surplus minus the increase in producer surplus that people couldgain by eliminating that inefficiency.____ 24. The difference between accounting profit and economic profit relates toa. the manner in which revenues are defined.b. how total revenue is calculated.c. the manner in which costs are defined.d. the price of the good in the market.____ 25. As Al's Radiator Co. continues to add workers, while keeping the same amount ofmachinery, some workers may be underutilized because they have little work to do while waitingin line to use the machinery. When this occurs, Al's Radiator Co. encountersa. economies of scale.b. diseconomies of scale.c. increasing marginal returns.d. diminishing marginal returns.____ 26. Which of the following costs of publishing a book is a fixed cost?a. author royalties of 5% per bookb. costs of paper and bindingc. shipping and postaged. composition, typesetting, and jacket design____27. Which of the following is the best example of a variable cost? 5a. monthly payments for hired laborb. property tax paymentsc. monthly rent payments for a warehoused. pension payments to retired workers____ 28. If marginal cost is greater than average total cost thena. profits are increasing.b. economies of scale are becoming greater.c. average total cost remains constant.d. average total cost is increasing.____ 29. The minimum points of the average variable cost and average total cost curves occurwherea. the marginal cost curve lies below the average variable cost and average total cost curves.b. the marginal cost curve intersects those curves.c. wages are the lowest.d. the slope of total cost is the smallest.____ 30. When the marginal product of labor falls, the marginal cost of outputa. falls, then rises.b. becomes negative.c. rises.d. remains constant.____ 31. Which of the following factors is most likely to shift IBM's total cost and marginal costcurves downward?a. a technological advance resulting in increased productivityb. higher property taxes charged by the municipal governmentc. increased wages to attract additional computer operatorsd. a reduction in subsidies from the state government____ 32. Economies of scalea. requires a change in the size of operations and therefore is a long-run consideration.b. requires a more intensive use of existing plant and therefore is a short-run consideration.c. means that a doubling of plant size will double output.d. requires a change in the size of plant and therefore is a short-run consideration.____ 33. Since the 1980s, Wal-Mart stores have appeared in almost every community in America.Wal-Mart buys their goods in large quantities and therefore at cheaper prices. Wal-Mart alsolocates its stores where land prices are low, usually outside of the communitybusiness district.Many customers shop at Wal-Mart because of low prices and free parking. Local retailers, like theneighborhood drug store, often go out of business because they lose customers. This storydemonstrates thata. consumers are boycotting local retailers whose prices are relatively higher. 6b. there are diseconomies of scale in retail sales.c. there are economies of scale in retail sales.d. there are diminishing returns to producing and selling retail goods.____34. A local bagel company plans to keep and maintain its bagel factory, which is estimated tolast 25 years. All cost decisions it makes during the 25-year perioda. are short-run decisions.b. are long-run decisions.c. involve only maintenance of the factory.d. are zero, since the cost decisions were made at the beginning of the business.____ 35. If a firm experiences constant returns to scale at all output levels, then its long-runaverage total cost curve woulda. slope downward.b. be horizontal.c. slope upward.d. slope downward for low output levels and upward for high output levels.____ 36. Which of the following explains why long-run average cost at first decreases as outputincreases?a. diseconomies of scaleb. less-efficient use of inputsc. fixed costs becoming spread out over more units of outputd. gains from specialization of inputs____ 37. The total cost to the firm of producing zero units of output isa. zero in both the short run and the long run.b. its fixed cost in the short run, zero in the long run.c. its fixed cost in both the short run and the long run.d. its variable cost in both the short run and the long run.____ 38. Which of the following firms is the closest to being a perfectly competitive firm?a. a hot dog vendor in New Yorkb. Microsoft Corporationc. Ford Motor Companyd. the campus bookstore____39. Free entry means thata. there are no costs of entering into an industry.b. no legal barriers prevent a firm from entering an industry.c. a firm's marginal cost is zero.d. a firm has no fixed costs in the short run.____ 40. Most markets are not monopolies in the real world because 7a. firms usually face downward-sloping demand curves.b. supply curves slope upward.c. price is usually set equal to marginal cost by firms.d. there are reasonable substitutes for most goods.II. Term definition (2 points per each. 20 points in total)1. Comparative advantage2. Production possibilities frontier3. Substitution effect4. Inferior good5. Price ceiling6. Coase theorem7. Free riding8. Cross-price elasticity of demand9. Economic profit10. Endowment effectIII. Discussion (4 points per each. 20 points in total)1. Why are the marginal and average cost curves U-shaped?2. Is it possible for a factory to be too big?3. How a monopolistically competitive firm maximizes profits in the short run?4. What is the main reason for deciding whether to produce or to shut down in the short run?5. What is the prisoners’ dilemma? Can firms escape the prisoners’ dilemma?IV. Case Analysis (20 points in total)Disneyland PricingDisneyland, in southern California, is a well-run operation that rarely misses a trick when it comes to increasing profits. In 2005, Disneyland charged most adults $76 for a park hopper ticket (good 8 for both Disneyland and Disney’s California Adventure park) but charged southern Californians only $71. This policy of giving locals discounts makes sense if visitors from afar are willing to pay more than locals and if Disneyland can prevent locals from selling。
