柯达胶卷kodak UltraMax400
kodak i4000型系列扫描仪 设置指南
i4000 型系列扫描仪TWAIN 应用程序的扫描设置指南A-61653_zh-cn使用 TWAIN 数据源启动“扫描验证工具” (2)“扫描验证工具”对话框 (2)使用 TWAIN 数据源 (4)我应该如何开始? (4)创建新的“设置快捷方式” (5)更改影像设置 (6)更改设备设置 (7)“柯达扫描仪”主窗口 (8)“影像设置”窗口 (12)预览区域 (13)“常规”选项卡 (14)“尺寸”选项卡 (16)“调整”选项卡:黑白 (19)“调整”选项卡:彩色或灰度 (21)“增强”选项卡 (23)高级影像设置 (25)“高级”选项卡 (25)“内容设置”选项卡 (29)根据文档内容创建彩色/灰度或黑白影像,示例1 (31)为文档的每一面创建多个影像,示例 2 (33)为文档的每一面创建不同设置,示例 3 (35)“设备设置”窗口 (37)设备 -“常规”选项卡 (38)设备 -“打印机”选项卡 (40)设备 -“重张进纸”选项卡 (43)“诊断”窗口 (45)诊断 -“常规”选项卡 (46)诊断 -“调试”选项卡 (47)诊断 -“日志”选项卡 (48)柯达 i4000 型系列扫描仪提供可利用影像处理功能来处理已扫描影像以改善其质量的功能。
本指南中的信息提供关于使用 TWAIN 数据源的操作程序以及功能说明。
相同的功能应当也在您使用的扫描应用程序(即:Kodak CaptureSoftware)的用户界面上提供。
启动“扫描验证工具” 1.选择开始 > 程序 > Kodak > Document Imaging > Scan ValidationTool(扫描验证工具)。
2.在“驱动程序类型”中选择TWAIN,以及在“驱动程序”中选择KODAK Scanner i4200/i4600。
Kodak Magnus 400E:入门级CTP系统
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Ca o P 8 0 :采用 “ U I " 1色颜料墨水系统 n n iF 0 0 L CA 2
佳 能 公 司 大 幅 面 喷 墨 打 印 机 ia eR G AF 系列新产品——4 英寸幅 : m gP O R 4 宽i 8 0 近 日隆重上市 。新 品i 80 满足 了 ; P 00 F P 00 F 大幅面艺术行 业 、数码打样领 域诸 多需求 , 是佳能大幅 面打 印机产 品线 的有力扩充 。 i F00 8 0 采用 ” U A”1 色颜 料墨 水 P L CI 2 系 统 ,以及 高 密度打 印头技 术FNE ( u I I F 一 I
Ko a g u 0 E:入 门级CT 系统 d k Ma n s 4 0 P
柯达 最近推 出了的一款 新的入 门级Ma n s T 系统——Ma n s 0 E g u C P g u 4 0 ,这款产 品将 在今年春季正式上市销 售 。据悉 ,Ma n s 0 E g u 4 0 瞄准的是 中小规模的商业 E ̄ 企业 ,特别是那些此前 尚未接触过C P p, J T 技术 的中小商业印
以生产不同规格 的版 材。而其加网标准 是1 5 英寸 ,分辨率为2 0 d i 线/ 7 4 0 p。 这# C P ¥ T 设备及配套产品 的出现 ,让 中小规模 的印刷厂从传统 制版 工艺转 变为数码制版 工艺变得更容易 。而
且以打 包产品的方式进行 销售 ,可以让用户的安装和 使用变得更加简单 ,从而让用户轻松享受C P T 带来 的生产效
质和高 速度输 出的同步提升 。而且通过 与光
的三原 色相 同的R 的3 GB 种特 色 墨水和 浓 淡
两种灰 色墨水的使用 ,实现 了更广色域 的色彩再 现性 、更清晰亮丽 的色彩 表现 和更高的层次感 。此外 ,7 0 和 0 mI 30 3 mI 两种可选大容 量墨水盒的使用 ,大型液 晶操作 面板的采用 ,以及选购件 自动卷 纸收纸器等装置的采 用,为 有大量输 出需求 的用户提供 了高可靠性和高可操作性 。
7(0.18 毫米)
3.9(0.10 毫米)
3.9(0.10 毫米)
5 英寸. 5 英寸. 5 英寸. 5 英寸.
1,000 英尺 1,000 英尺 2,000 英尺 2,000 英尺
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1 A = 黑色珐琅铝;S = 黑色钢板。 2 II 型穿孔,符合 ISO 14546 标准。 3 柯达标准双边穿孔。 4 粘合的胶卷槽。 5 Vinten 片轴。
ISO 14546 卷筒编号
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柯达 卷筒 编号
AEROGRAPHIC RA Duplicating Aerial RA Duplicating AEROGRAPHIC RA Duplicating AEROGRAPHIC Direct Duplicating High Resolution Aerial Duplicating High Resolution Aerial Duplicating
一次性胶片相机发展简史及五款机型推荐作者:暂无来源:《海外星云》 2020年第12期法国滑板品牌Hélas 使用型号为 Kodak FunSaver 的一次性胶片机为 2020 夏季系列拍摄型录,在海洋和蓝天的背景下,胶片的质感提供了柔和的色彩与清新的摄影氛围,成为当季Lookbook 最大的亮点之一。
20世纪 80 年代,在胶片相机正式诞生的一个世纪之后,尽管体积与重量都有了极大的飞跃,但当时的便携式相机不仅售价高昂、拍摄流程也很繁琐:拍摄者需要挑选合适规格的胶卷,将其正确安装进机器,半按快门进行对焦,拍摄完毕后的冲洗环节也十分不便——对摄影爱好者、普通用户而言,他们急需一款更方便的摄影器材;对于胶片厂商来说,在相机销量稳定的时期,不得不开辟新的市场促进销量。
作为先导者与革新者,FUJIFILM 首先尝到了这一蓝海市场的“螃蟹”。
仅在发布的 1986 第一年内,FUJIFILM 制造的 FUJICOLOR QuickSnap就售出了超过一百万台,并在此后的 30 年中卖出了超过 17 亿台。
截止 2020 年,通过FUJICOLOR QuickSnap 拍摄的相片总数与 Instagram 数据库中的相片数量相若,接近 500 亿张。
塑料制成的机身,依靠提前设计好的卡口固定,有机玻璃制成的镜头大大压缩了成本,使用纸质包装以及贴纸进行装饰……一次性胶片相机的一切设计都以“节约成本”为核心,但在成本控制之外,大部分厂商所研发的一次性胶片机,也大都贯彻了从 FUJIFILM 处得来的“任何人都能轻松拍摄”的理念:1/100 秒的快门速度带来的稳定成像,F11 固定光圈带来的超大景深和闪光灯支持下的夜间拍摄,“过于便利”的一次性胶片相机成为数码相机之前,摄影界的绝对统治者。
比起复杂的、具有超过 1000 个零件的标准胶片机,一次性胶片相机仅有约 30 个部件,在便携程度和价格上具有了更大的优势;同时,因为构造更为简单,一次性胶片相机也有着更好的稳定性,能适应更复杂多变的环境。
December 2006 • TI-2434TECHNICAL DATA / NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTINGKODAK INDUSTREX M100 FilmFEATURES / CUSTOMER PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS•For critical radiography, especially with high voltage x-rays and gamma rays •Can be used with direct x-rays or with lead foil screens •For manual or machine processing•Medium speed, very high contrast, high definition (excellent sensitivity)•Very fine grainTHICKNESSCLASSIFICATIONEXPOSURE CONDITIONS: 8 mm Copper Filtration, HVL 3.5 mm Copper (220 kV), Lead screens.AVAILABLE PACKAGING FORMATSSheet FilmNon-Interleaved (NIF) (M100-1): This form of packaging is generally supplied in packs of 100 sheets, and is for use when film is to be loaded into metal or plastic cassettes, or exposure holders, with or without lead screens.Pb Contactpak (M100-7): In INDUSTREX Pb Contactpak packaging, industrial X-ray films are placed between two lead screens, which absorb the undesirable longerwavelengths of scattered radiation. The lead screens also intensify the image by emitting secondary electrons caused by the radiographic exposure. Lead screens are made up of a thin lead layer of 27-microns (1-mil)Base / Support 0.18 mm (7.0 mils)Emulsion 25 microns (1.0 mil); 12.5 microns each side Overcoat 10 microns (0.4 mil); 5 microns each side T otal0.22 mm (8.4 mils)KODAK INDUSTREX 43IC ProcessorKODAK INDUSTREX Single Part Developer Replenisher,8 minutes at 79°F (26°C)EN-584-1C2ASTM 1815-96Class I ISO 11699-1T1comprising a low percentage of antimony and tin,laminated on a paper sheet. The lead foil features a protective overcoat which prevents human contact with the lead, protects the film from potential "lead smudge" artifacts, and also provides static protection as the film and screens are separated.Lead Screens*Thickness not drawn to scale.The film type is identified on the package as well as embossed on the film itself. The package is laser-scored for easy opening, and has a butt edge which is invaluable for accurate positioning in difficult situations where the image needs to fall right up to the edge of the pack. The sandwich of lead screens and film is vacuum sealed in a lighttight, water and oil resistant, ready-to-expose flexible package, providing superb film/screen contact for optimum image quality.READY-PACK II Film (M100-2): These films areindividually vacuum sealed in lighttight, water-resistant, flexible packages. The package is laser-scored for easy opening. The film type is identified on the package as well as embossed on the film itself. The package has a butt edge which is invaluable for accurate positioning in difficult situations where the image needs to fall right up to the edge of the pack.Roll FilmREADY-PACK (M100-381): The film is supplied in a long, lighttight roll sandwiched between two yellow-black paper polyethylene layers. The rolls are of 60- or 100-metre lengths in a variety of widths. The film is provided in a dispenser box and is cut to length by the user in a darkroom.NIF bulk roll (M100-359): The film is supplied on acardboard core in rolls 150 metres long in three widths: 60 mm, 70 mm and 100 mm. The film must be loaded into a cassette in a darkroom.LayerApproximate Thicknessprotective overcoat1.5 micron lead *27.5 micronspaper *70 micronsSAFELIGHT RECOMMENDATIONSUse a KODAK LED Safelight (660 nm red) or a red safelight filter (i.e. KODAK 1, 1A, or 2 Safelight Filter) in a suitable safelight lamp equipped with a 15-watt bulb. Keep the film at least 4 feet (1.2 metres) from the safelight.Note: Other safelight filters (i.e. KODAK 8 and GBX-2 Safelight Filter) which block radiation at 550nm and shorter wavelengths are also suitable for use.STORAGE AND HANDLINGHandle film carefully to avoid physical strains such as pressure, creasing, or buckling.It is important to realize that meeting the chemical and physical requirements does not by itself ensure thatrecords will not deteriorate. It is essential to provide proper storage conditions. ASTM E 1254 gives details of storage conditions. ISO 18911 and ISO 18902 give, for processed films, recommended storage conditions and specifications for the respective enclosure materials.Unexposed50 to 70°F (10 to 21°C), 30 to 50% RH. Properly shield from x-rays, gamma rays, or other penetrating radiation.ExposedKeep cool, dry, and properly shielded from penetrating radiation. Process as soon as possible after exposure.Processed60 to 80°F (15 to 27°C), 30 to 50% RH.RELATIVE EXPOSUREKODAK INDUSTREX Films for Various Processing ConditionsEXPOSURE CONDITIONS: 8 mm Copper Filtration, HVL 3.5 mm Copper (220 kV), Lead screens* M100 Film in 8 min 79°F (26°C) cycle is assigned a relative exposure of 1.KODAKINDUSTREX FilmsKODAK INDUSTREX Processor KODAK INDUSTREX Chemicals8 min 79°F (26°C)DR50 1.6M100* 1.0MX1250.6T2000.4AA 4000.3HS8000.15RELATIVE EXPOSURE FOR VARIOUS ENERGY LEVELSFor each exposure condition, M100 Film is assigned a relative exposure of 1.00.KODAK INDUSTREX Processor, 8 minute 79°F (26°C) cycle.* In accordance with ISO 7004 standard. Without lead screens † In accordance with ISO 7004 standard - EN 584-1 Lead screens ‡ 8 mm Copper filtration. 100/200 microns lead screens § 100/200 microns lead screensAUTOMATIC PROCESSINGNotice: Observe precautionary information on product labels and on the Material Safety Data Sheets.See Kodak publication TI-2621, Processing KODAKINDUSTREX Films , for additional information on automatic processing.EXPOSURE CONDITIONS: 200/220 kV, ISO/ANSI/EN Conditions, KODAK INDUSTREX ChemicalsFilm Characteristics (Sensitometric)* Contrast calculated between net densities of 1.5 and 3.5.Recommended Replenishment RatesThe consistency of the radiographic quality is related to the accurate adjustment of the replenishment rate.Replenishment should maintain the chemical equilibrium, replacing the components used by the film.* For optimum archivability, a 10% increase in fixer replenishment rate may bedesirable.INDUSTREXFilms ISO 120kV *EN 220kV †Iridium ‡Cobalt §DR50 2.3 1.6 1.6 1.6M100 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0MX1250.—0.15——KODAK INDUSTREX Processor / Cycle Base + Fog Contrast *M43IC, 8 min 79°F (26°C)0.19 5.4M43IC, 5 min 86°F (30°C)0.19 5.25M35, 10.5 min 86°F (30°C)0.194.8Solution Replenishment Volumeper 35 x 43 cm (14 x 17 inch) sheetper m 2Developer 100 mL 665 mL Fixer180 mL *1200 mLWashing and DryingWashing: Follow the processor manufacturer'srecommendation for wash flow rate, or adjust flow to achieve the equivalent of the wash tank capacity every five minutes, or twelve tank volumes per hour. Insufficient wash flow can adversely affect the life expectancy of processed radiographs. Wash flow rate should be increased if chemical spot tests or other analyticalmethods reveal a high level of retained chemicals in the processed film. For best results, the wash tank should be drained daily and left empty when not in use.Drying: Follow the processor manufacturer'srecommendation for dryer settings. In general, the dryer should be set to a temperature slightly above (3°C/5°F) the lowest temperature required to eliminate any signs of tackiness in films exiting the dryer.MANUAL PROCESSINGNotice: Observe precautionary information on product labels and on the Material Safety Data Sheets.See Kodak publication TI-2643, Guide to Manual Processing of NDT Films , for additional information on manual processing.Film Characteristics (Sensitometric)* Contrast calculated between net densities of 1.5 and 3.5.Development ConditionsBase + Fog Contrast *5 min 68° (20°C)0.19 5.03 min 75° (24°C)0.195.3DevelopmentDevelop with rack and tank, using properly replenished solutions.•Remove film and hanger 5 seconds before end of development. DO NOT ALLOW EXCESS DEVELOPER TO DRAIN BACK INTO THE TANK. Normally this will carry out the proper amount of solution to permit correct replenishment.•Use floating covers on developer tanks to reduce oxidation and evaporation; store developer replenisher in a closed container. •Fill the developer and fixer tank to its original level each morning with developer or fixer replenisher solution (topping off).•Discard solution after adding two tank volumes of replenisher to tank, or at least once a month, and refill with fresh solution.Stop, Fix, Wash and Dry StepsStop baths check development, prevent most spots or streaks, and prolong the life of the fixing bath.Immerse the film in fixer for 3 to 6 minutes , agitating for 5 seconds every 30 seconds . Film should remain in fixer for twice the time it takes to "clear" it (when the milky look disappears). Never fix film for less than 3 minutes.KODAK Hypo Clearing Agent may be used following the fixer to reduce washing time and conserve water. First rinse films in running water for 30 seconds, the use Hypo Clearing Agent for 1 to 2 minutes, followed by a final running water wash for 5 minutes.T emperature RecommendedT ime(Minutes)Agitation KODAK INDUSTREX Single Part Developer Replenisher68°F (20°C)72°F (22°C)75°F (24°C)79°F (26°C)5432Intermittent (5 seconds every 30 seconds)T emperatureRecommendedT ime Agitation KODAK Indicator Stop Bath, or acetic acid (diluted to 3.5%) solution 60 to 85°F 16 to 30°C30 to 60 secondsContinuous, ModerateKODAK Rapid Fixer, KODAK INDUSTREX Manual Fixer, or KODAKINDUSTREX LO Fixer and Replenisher 60 to 85°F 16 to 30°C3 to 6 minutes, or twice the clearing timeVigorous for 15 seconds, then intermittent (5 sec every 30 sec)Running water wash(8 volumechanges per hour)60 to 85°F 16 to 30°C 10 to 30MinutesKODAK INDUSTREX M100 FilmAerial and Industrial MarketsEASTMAN KODAK COMPANY • ROCHESTER, NY 14650-0505Revised 12-06Printed in U.S.A.KODAK INDUSTREX M100 Film KODAK Publication No. TI-2434NOTICE: While the sensitometric data in this publication are typical of production coatings, they do notrepresent standards which must be met by Kodak. Varying storage, exposure, and processing conditions will affect results. The company reserves the right to change and improve product characteristics at any time.To minimize water spots and drying marks, use KODAK PHOTO-FLO Solution after washing.Dry in a dust-free area at room temperature or in a suitable drying cabinet. Temperature not to exceed 120°F (50°C).Recommended Replenishment RatesMaintain chemical activity and solution level in the developer tank by adding 100 mL (3.38 fluid ounces) of replenisher according to instructions for each 14 x 17-inch (35 x 43 cm) film processed. Stir vigorously after each addition. Replenish the fixer tank at the rate of 180 mL (6 fluid ounces) per 35 x 43 cm (14 x 17 in) sheet of film processed.CURVESCharacteristic Curves, Manual ProcessingCharacteristic Curves, Machine ProcessingKodak, Industrex, Ready-Pack, and Photo-flo are trademarks.。
价格低廉KODAK柯达:KODAK EB-3 100色彩饱和一般颗粒一般反差一般特点:一款低端入门级反转片,各项指数不如富士RDP3有特点,颜色偏灰偏蓝,用这个不如用高端彩负划算。
KODAK 100G艳丽颗粒细反差一般特点:和富士RDP3同级别的胶卷,但没有RDP3的色彩有个性,属于更平和型,颜色偏冷,看适用题材而定。
KODAK 100VS极艳丽颗粒极细反差一般特点:和富士RVP系列同级别的胶卷,对红黄表现突出,尤其适用类似宗教题材,日出日落,色彩呈洋红,蓝色部分容易偏紫不容易碧蓝,比RVP偏灰反差略低,比RVP适合拍人像,但还是尽量避免。
其它品牌:agfa CT100艳丽颗粒细反差一般特点:中规中矩的胶卷,agfa的偏红,讲不出有什么特色,价格也不算便宜。
kodak tmax400 特性及冲洗
October 2007 • F-4043TECHNICAL DATA / BLACK-AND-WHITE FILMKODAK PROFESSIONAL T-MAX 400 FilmKODAK PROFESSIONAL T-MAX 400 Film ⁄400TMY is a continuous-tone panchromatic black-and-whitenegative film especially useful for photographing dimly lighted subjects or fast action, for extending flash distance range, and for photographing subjects that require good depth of field and fast shutter speeds with maximum image quality for the film speed. It is also useful for scientific and biomedical work, especially whenfluorescence photography is required. It has high speed (ISO 400/27° in most developers), very high sharpness, very fine grain, and very high resolving power; it allows a high degree of enlargement.SIZES AVAILABLECatalog numbers and packaging may differ from country to country. See your dealer who supplies KODAK PROFESSIONAL Products.DARKROOM RECOMMENDATIONSDo not use a safelight. Handle unprocessed film in total darkness. Do not develop this film by inspection.Note: The afterglow from fluorescent lights may fog this film. Make sure your darkroom is completely dark before you handle unprocessed film.STORAGE AND HANDLINGStore unexposed film at 75°F (24°C), or lower, in the original sealed package. For protection from heat in areas with temperatures consistently higher than 75°F (24°C), you can store the film in a refrigerator. If film has been refrigerated, allow the package to warm up to room temperature for 2 to 3hours before opening it.Load and unload roll-film cameras in subdued light, and rewind the film completely before unloading the camera. Total darkness is required when you remove film from the magazine or load and unload film holders.Store exposed film in a cool, dry place, and process it promptly.Protect processed film from strong light, and store it in a cool dry place. For more information, see KODAKPublication No. E-30, Storage and Care of KODAK Films and Papers—Before and After Processing .FEATURESBENEFITS•KODAK High-efficiency, Multi-zone T-GRAIN® Emulsions•World’s finest grained 400-speed black-and-white film•Allows for greater enlargement•Optimized Light Filtration technology •World’s sharpest 400-speed black-and-white film•Renders distinct edges and fine detail •400 speed•Additional speed for low light or fast actionEXPOSUREThe nominal speed of KODAK PROFESSIONAL T-MAX 400 Film is EI 400. It was determined in a mannerpublished in ISO standards. Because of its great latitude, you can underexpose this film by one stop (at EI 800) and still obtain high quality with normal development in most developers. There will be no change in the grain in the final print, but there will be a slight loss of shadow detail and a reduction in printing contrast of about one-half paper grade.When you need very high speed, you can exposeT-MAX 400 Film at EI 1600 and increase the development time. With the longer development time, there will be an increase in contrast and graininess with additional loss of shadow detail, but negatives will still produce good prints. You can even expose this film at EI 3200 with a longer development time. Underexposing by three stops and using three-stop push-processing produces a further increase in contrast and graininess, and additional loss of shadow detail, but the results will be acceptable for some applications.The speed numbers for this film are expressed as Exposure Indexes (EI). Use these exposure indexes with meters or cameras marked for ISO ⁄ASA or ISO ⁄DIN speeds in daylight or artificial light.The developer you use to process this film affects the exposure index. Set your camera or meter (marked for ISO ⁄ASA or ISO ⁄DIN speeds) at the speed for your developer given in the table.Note: The developers and exposure indexes in bold type are the primary recommendations.KODAK PROFESSIONAL Developer or Developer and Replenisher Use This ExposureIndexT-MAX 400 / 27°T-MAX RS 400 / 27°XTOLXTOL (1:1)400 / 27°400 / 27°D-76D-76 (1:1)400 / 27°400 / 27°HC-110 (B)320 / 26°MICRODOL-XMICRODOL-X (1:3)200 / 24°320 / 26°DURAFLO RT400 / 27°Under most conditions, you’ll obtain highest quality with normal exposure at the rated exposure index and normal development. For high-contrast scenes, you’ll obtain highest quality if you increase exposure by one or two stops and process the film normally.If normal development produces negatives that are consistently too low in contrast, increase the development time slightly (10 to 15percent). If negatives are toocontrasty, decrease the development time slightly (10to 15percent). See “Adjusting Film Contrast.”If your negatives are too thin, increase exposure by using a lower exposure index; if too dense, reduce exposure by using a higher exposure index.* Pushing exposure results in slight losses of quality compared with normalexposure and normal processing. You can also use other Kodak developers for pushing this film; however, T-MAX Developer, T-MAX RS Developer and Replenisher, and XTOL Developer produce higher-quality tone reproduction (better shadow detail) under these conditions.For high-contrast scenes, such as spotlighted performers under harshlighting, expose and process as indicated in the table. However, when detail in the deep-shadow areas is important to the scene, increase exposure by 2 stops and process your film normally.† Pushing exposure and processing by 3 stops increases contrast andgraininess and decreases shadow detail further. Expose and process a test roll to determine if the results are acceptable for your needs.Pushing Exposure * with KODAK PROFESSIONAL T-MAX Developer, KODAK PROFESSIONAL T-MAX RS Developer and Replenisher, and KODAK PROFESSIONAL XTOL Developer1-Stop Push 2-Stop Push 3-Stop Push †EI 800/30° Normal ProcessingEI 1600/33° 2-Stop Push ProcessingEI 3200/36° 3-Stop Push ProcessingAdjustments for Long and Short ExposuresAt the exposure times in the table below, compensate for the reciprocity characteristics of this film by increasing the exposure as shown.Filter CorrectionsIncrease exposure by the filter factor or the number of stops indicated when you use filters. For greatest exposure accuracy with a through-the-lens meter, take the meter reading without the filter over the lens, and then increase your exposure as shown in the table.Note: Filter factors for other Kodak black-and-white films are different.If Indicated Exposure T ime Is (Seconds)Use This Lens-Aperture AdjustmentORThis Adjusted Exposure T ime (Seconds)1/10,000None None 1/1,000None None 1/100None None 1/10None None 1None None 10+1/3 stop Change Aperture 100+1 1/2 stops300KODAK WRATTEN Gelatin Filter DaylightTungstenIncrease Lens Aperture By (f -stops)OR Increase Exposure By (Filter Factor)IncreaseLensAperture By (f -stops)ORIncrease Exposure By (Filter Factor)No. 8(yellow)2/3 1.61/3 1.3No. 11 (yellowish green)2412/33No 12 (deepyellow)121/3 1.3No. 15 (deep yellow)121/3 1.3No. 25 (red)3824No. 47 (blue) 3 1/310 4 1/320No. 58 (green) 2 2/36 2 2/36Polarizing Filter1 2/331 1/32.5PROCESSINGThese starting-point recommendations are intended to produce negatives with a contrast appropriate for printing with a diffusion enlarger. T o print negatives with acondenser enlarger, you may need to adjust the contrast by reducing your development time; see “Adjusting FilmContrast.” T ank development times shorter than 5minutes may produce unsatisfactory uniformity.MANUAL PROCESSINGSmall-Tank Processing (8- or 16-ounce tank)—RollsWith small single- or double-reel tanks, drop the loaded film reel into the developer and attach the top to the tank. Firmly tap the tank on the top of the work surface to dislodge any air bubbles. Provide initial agitation of 5 to 7inversion cycles in 5seconds, i.e., extend your arm and vigorously twist your wrist 180degrees.Then repeat this agitation procedure at 30-second intervals for the rest of the development time.Note: The development times in the tables are suggested starting points.Small Tank Processing, (8- or 16-ounce tank)—Rolls* The recommended standard dilution is 1:4.† We do not recommend using more dilute solutions of these developers thanindicated in the table. Dilute developers require longer development times; they give slightly higher film speed and a slight increase in graininess.‡ Development times shorter than 5 minutes may produce unsatisfactory uniformity.NR = Not RecommendedLarge-Tank Processing (1/2- to 3 1/2-gallon tank)—Rolls and SheetsAgitate continuously for the first 15 to 30seconds by raising and lowering the basket, rack, or spindle 1/2 inch. Do not agitate the basket, rack, or spindle for the remainder of the first minute. Then agitate once per minute by lifting the basket, rack, or spindle out of the developer, tilting it approximately 30degrees, draining it for 5 to 10seconds, and reimmersing it. Alternate the direction of tilting the basket, rack, or spindle.Note: The development times in the table are suggested starting points.Large-Tank Processing, (1/2- to 3 1/2-gallon tank)—RollsNR = Not RecommendedKODAK PROFESSIONAL Developer or Developer and Replenisher Development T ime in Minutes65°F (18°C)68°F (20°C)70°F (21°C)72°F (22°C)75°F (24°C)T-MAX *NR 63⁄461⁄4651⁄2T-MAX (1:7)†————81⁄4T-MAX (1:9)†————133⁄4T-MAX RS *NR 53⁄451⁄2541⁄2‡T-MAX RS (1:7)†————63⁄4T-MAX RS (1:9)†————111⁄4XTOL 71⁄461⁄261⁄453⁄451⁄4XTOL (1:1)†103⁄491⁄481⁄273⁄47D-7681⁄471⁄263⁄461⁄451⁄2D-76 (1:1)111⁄4101⁄491⁄298HC-110 (B)61⁄451⁄251⁄443⁄4‡41⁄2‡MICRODOL-X 113⁄4101⁄491⁄281⁄271⁄2MICRODOL-X (1:3)NR211⁄419171⁄4143⁄4KODAK PROFESSIONAL Developer or Developer and Replenisher Development T ime in Minutes65°F (18°C)68°F (20°C)70°F (21°C)72°F (22°C)75°F (24°C)T-MAX NR 71⁄271⁄463⁄46T-MAX RS NR 61⁄2653⁄45XTOL 81⁄471⁄2761⁄253⁄4D-7691⁄281⁄473⁄4761⁄4HC-110 (B)761⁄453⁄451⁄25MICRODOL-X131⁄4111⁄2101⁄293⁄481⁄2Large-Tank Processing, (1/2- to 3 1/2-gallon tank)—SheetsNR = Not RecommendedNote: Do not use KODAK PROFESSIONAL T-MAX Developer to process sheet films.Tray Processing—SheetsProvide continuous agitation; rotate the sheets 90 degrees as you interleave them. Prewetting sheet film may improve tray process uniformity.Note: The development times in the table are suggested starting points.Note: Do not use KODAK PROFESSIONAL T-MAX Developer to process sheet films.Tray Processing—Sheets* Development times shorter than 5 minutes may produce unsatisfactoryuniformity.NR = Not RecommendedKODAK PROFESSIONAL Developer or Developer and Replenisher Development T ime in Minutes 65°F (18°C)68°F (20°C)70°F (21°C)72°F (22°C)75°F (24°C)T-MAX RS NR 61⁄2653⁄45XTOL 81⁄471⁄2761⁄253⁄4D-7691⁄281⁄473⁄4761⁄4HC-110 (B)761⁄453⁄451⁄25KODAK PROFESSIONAL Developer or Developer and Replenisher Development T ime in Minutes 65°F (18°C)68°F (20°C)70°F (21°C)72°F (22°C)75°F (24°C)T-MAX RS NR 51⁄2541⁄2*4*XTOL 63⁄4653⁄451⁄443⁄4*XTOL (1:1)93⁄483⁄4871⁄461⁄2D-7673⁄463⁄461⁄453⁄451⁄4D-76 (1:1)101⁄291⁄283⁄481⁄471⁄2HC-110 (B)53⁄451⁄443⁄4*41⁄2*41⁄2*Rotary-Tube Processing—Rolls and SheetsNote: The development times in the table are suggested starting points.Rotary-Tube Processing—Rolls* The recommended standard dilution is 1:4.† We do not recommend using more dilute solutions of these developers thanindicated in the table. Dilute developers require longer development times; they give slightly higher film speed and a slight increase in graininess.‡ Development times shorter than 5 minutes may produce unsatisfactory uniformity.Note: Do not use KODAK PROFESSIONAL T-MAX Developer to process sheet films.NR = Not RecommendedRotary-Tube Processing—Sheets* The recommended standard dilution is 1:4.† We do not recommend using more dilute solutions of these developers thanindicated in the table. Dilute developers require longer development times; they give slightly higher film speed and a slight increase in graininess.‡ Development times shorter than 5 minutes may produce unsatisfactory uniformity.Note: Do not use KODAK PROFESSIONAL T-MAX Developer to process sheet films.NR = Not RecommendedKODAK PROFESSIONAL Developer or Developer and Replenisher Development T ime in Minutes 65°F (18°C)68°F (20°C)70°F (21°C)72°F (22°C)75°F (24°C)T-MAX *NR 63⁄461⁄4651⁄2T-MAX (1:7)†————81⁄4T-MAX (1:9)†————133⁄4T-MAX RS *NR 53⁄451⁄2541⁄2‡T-MAX RS (1:7)†————63⁄4T-MAX RS (1:9)†————111⁄4XTOL 71⁄461⁄261⁄453⁄451⁄4XTOL (1:1)†103⁄491⁄481⁄273⁄47D-7681⁄471⁄263⁄461⁄451⁄2D-76 (1:1)111⁄4101⁄491⁄298HC-110 (B)61⁄451⁄251⁄443⁄4‡41⁄2‡KODAKPROFESSIONALDeveloper or Developer and Replenisher Development T ime in Minutes 65°F (18°C)68°F (20°C)70°F (21°C)72°F (22°C)75°F (24°C)T-MAX RS *NR 53⁄451⁄2541⁄2‡T-MAX RS (1:7)†————63⁄4T-MAX RS (1:9)†————111⁄4XTOL 71⁄461⁄261⁄453⁄451⁄4XTOL (1:1)†103⁄491⁄481⁄273⁄47D-7681⁄471⁄263⁄461⁄451⁄2D-76 (1:1)†111⁄4101⁄491⁄298HC-110 (B)61⁄451⁄251⁄443⁄4‡41⁄2‡FINAL STEPSRinse at 65 to 75°F (18 to 24°C) with agitation in KODAKIndicator Stop Bath or running water for 30seconds.Fix at 65 to 75°F (18to 24°C) for 3 to 5minutes with vigorous agitation in KODAK Rapid Fixer. Be sure to agitate the film frequently during fixing.Note: To keep fixing times as short as possible, we strongly recommend using KODAK Rapid Fixer. If you use another fixer, such as KODAK Fixer or KODAFIX Solution, fix for 5 to 10minutes or twice the time it takes for the film to clear. You can check the film for clearing after 3minutes in KODAK Rapid Fixer or 5minutes in KODAK Fixer or KODAFIX Solution.ImportantYour fixer will be exhausted more rapidly with this film than with other films. If your negatives show a magenta (pink) stain after fixing, your fixer may be near exhaustion, or you may not have used a long enough time. If the stain is slight, it will not affect image stability, negative contrast, or printing times. You can remove a slight pink stain with KODAK Hypo Clearing Agent. However, if the stain is pronounced and irregular over the film surface, refix the film in fresh fixer.Wash for 20 to 30minutes in running water at 65 to 75°F (18to 24°C) with a flow rate that provides at least one complete change of water in 5minutes. You can wash long rolls on the processing reel. To save time and conserve water, use KODAK Hypo Clearing Agent.Dry film in a dust-free place. To minimize drying marks, treat the film with KODAK PHOTO-FLO Solution after washing, or wipe the surface carefully with a photo chamois or a soft viscose sponge.PUSH PROCESSINGPush processing allows film to be exposed at higher speeds, however, push processing will not produceoptimum quality. There will be some loss in shadow detail, an increase in graininess, and an increase in contrast. The degree of these effects varies from slight to very significant depending on the amount of underexposure and push processing. The results are usually excellent with a 2-stop push, and acceptable with 3-stop push depending on the lighting and the scene contrast.Note: No increase in development time is required for a 1-stop push.Note: The development times in the table are suggested starting points.Small Tank Processing, (8- or 16-ounce tank)—RollsNR = Not RecommendedLarge-Tank Processing, (1/2- to 3 1/2-gallon tank)—RollsNR = Not RecommendedKODAK PROFESSIONAL Developer or Developerand Replenisher Development T ime in MinutesEI 1600EI 320068°F (20°C)75°F (24°C)75°F (24°C)T-MAX 81⁄271⁄481⁄4T-MAX RS 81⁄261⁄471⁄4XTOL 81⁄261⁄271⁄4XTOL (1:1)121⁄4910D-7691⁄47NR HC-110 (B)71⁄26NRKODAK PRO FESSIO NAL Developer or Developer and Replenisher Development T ime in Minutes EI 1600EI 320068°F (20°C)75°F (24°C)68°F (20°C)75°F (24°C)T-MAX RS 93⁄47NR 81⁄4XTOL93⁄471⁄21181⁄4Large-Tank Processing, (1/2- to 3 1/2-gallon tank)—SheetsNote: Do not use KODAK PROFESSIONAL T-MAX Developer to process sheet films.NR = Not RecommendedRotary-Tube Processing—RollsNR = Not RecommendedRotary-Tube Processing—SheetsNR = Not RecommendedKODAK PROFESSIONAL Developer or Developer and Replenisher Development T ime in Minutes EI 1600EI 320068°F (20°C)75°F (24°C)68°F (20°C)75°F (24°C)T-MAX RS 93⁄47NR 81⁄4XTOL93⁄471⁄21181⁄4KODAK PROFESSIONAL Developer or Developer andReplenisher Development T ime in MinutesEI 1600EI 320068°F (20°C)75°F (24°C)75°F (24°C)T-MAX 81⁄271⁄481⁄4T-MAX RS 81⁄261⁄471⁄4XTOL 81⁄261⁄271⁄4XTOL (1:1)121⁄4910D-7691⁄47NR HC-110 (B)71⁄26NRKODAK PROFESSIONAL Developer or Developer andReplenisher Development T ime in MinutesEI 1600EI 320068°F (20°C)75°F (24°C)75°F (24°C)T-MAX RS 81⁄261⁄471⁄4XTOL 81⁄261⁄271⁄4XTOL (1:1)121⁄4910D-7691⁄47NR HC-110 (B)71⁄26NRMACHINE PROCESSINGRoller-Transport ProcessorsKODAK VERSAMAT Film ProcessorsYou can process this film in roller-transport processors, such as the KODAK VERSAMAT Film Processor, Model 5, 11, or 411, with KODAK DURAFLO RT Developer Starter, KODAK DURAFLO RT Developer Replenisher, and KODAK Rapid Fixer.Processing Steps and Conditions for KODAK VERSAMAT FilmProcessorsThe recommended starting point machine speeds for processing KODAK PROFESSIONAL T-MAX 400 Film are as follows:You may need to use higher dryer temperatures (135 to 140°F [57 to 60°C]) to dry several sheet films processed in succession. If you are processing only roll films, a lower temperature will be adequate.Processing Conditions for Other Roller-Transport ProcessorsAdjust the machine speed so that the development time for normally exposed film is approximately 93seconds for T-MAX 400 Film. The development time is measured from the time the film enters the developer to the time it enters the fixer. Differences in machine design that affectagitation and crossover times from one tank to the next may require development-time adjustments.Replenishment RatesDeveloper—Because most film loads will consist of avariety of film types, use an average replenishment rate of 0.20mL per square inch of film processed.Fixer—Use 0.55mL per square inch.Note: T-MAX Films require a higher-than-normal fixer replenishment rate.Step No. of Racks Path Length T emperature Model 11Models 5 and 411Develop 28.5 ft (2.6 m) 4 ft (1.2 m)80 ± 0.5°F (26.5 ± 0.3°C)Fix 312 ft (3.8 m) 6 ft (1.9 m)80°F (26.5°C) nominal Wash 28 ft (2.4 m) 4 ft (1.2 m)70 to 75°F (21 to 24°C)Dry8 ft (2.4 m)4 ft (1.2 m)105 to 140°F (40.5 to 60°C)ProcessorT-MAX 400 Film KODAK VERSAMAT Film Processor, Models 5 and 411 2.6 ft (0.8 m) per minute KODAK VERSAMAT Film Processor, Model 115.5 ft (1.7 m) per minuteLarge Tank Rack-and-Tank ProcessorsThe development times for large-tank rack-and-tank processors are based on a machine speed that transfers the film every 2minutes. The times given below arestarting-point recommendations for T-MAX RS Developer and Replenisher and XTOL Developer. Make tests to determine if results are acceptable for your needs.Replenishment RatesT-MAX RS Developer and Replenisher—Add 45mL (1.5 ounces) of replenisher solution for each 135-36 or 120 roll or 8x 10-inch sheet of film processed. Stir or recirculate the solution after each addition of replenisher solution.Note: Do not use T-MAX RS Developer and Replenisher to replenish T-MAX Developer. They are not designed to work together.XTOL Developer—Add 70mL (2.4 ounces) of replenisher solution for each 135-36 or 120 roll or 8x 10-inch sheet of film processed. Stir or recirculate the solution after each addition of replenisher solution.Push Processing: Roller Transport ProcessorsT o process pushed T-MAX 400 Film in a machine with DURAFLO RT Developer, use a normal machine process with the starting point speed shown in the appropriate table below.Large-T ank Rack-and-T ank ProcessingEI KODAK PROFESSIONAL Developer or Developer andReplenisherT ime (min) at 72°F (22°C)400/27°800/30°T-MAX RSor XTOL6 to 8EI Machine Speed KODAK VERSAMAT Film Processor, Models 5 and 411800/30° 2.6 ft (0.8 m)/min (normal)1600/33° 2.1 ft (0.6 m)/min KODAK VERSAMAT Film Processor, Model 11800/30° 5.5 ft (1.7 m)/min (normal)1600/33°4.5 ft (1.4 m)/minOther Roller-Transport Processors EI Development T ime 800/30°93 seconds (normal)1600/33°113 secondsPush Processing: Large Tank Rack-and-Tank ProcessorsThe development times for these processors are based on a machine speed that transfers the film every 2minutes. The times given below are starting-pointrecommendations. Make tests to determine if results are acceptable for your needs.* Development tme depends on agitation and tank size.CONTRAST ADJUSTMENTIf you want to increase or decrease film contrast from its normal value, you can adjust your standard development time. Your standard development time is the time that produces normal negative contrast based on your processing equipment and conditions, agitation, and processing technique.The table below provides adjustment factors for several developers. The factors are based on a developer temperature of 75°F (24°C) for KODAK T-MAXDevelopers and a temperature of 68°F (20°C) for the others. The “standard” for each developer is indicated by 1.0. To increase or decrease film contrast or to use a different developer temperature, find the adjustment factor in the table. Multiply the standard development time by this factor to find the development time to use for a different contrast or developer temperature (or both).Note: These tables apply to negatives you will print with a diffusion enlarger. If you use a condenser enlarger, shift your selection one column to the left.EIKODAK PROFESSIONAL Developer or Developerand Replenisher T ime * (min) at 72°F (22°C)800/30°T-MAX RS or XTOL 6 to 81600/3°T-MAX RS or XTOL8 to 10* If you select one of these factors, add one stop to your camera exposure.NR = Not recommendedRETOUCHINGYou can retouch KODAK PROFESSIONAL T-MAX Film in 120 and sheet sizes by applying liquid dyes to the base or emulsion side. You can also use retouching pencil on the base side after applying KODAK Retouching Fluid.IMAGE STRUCTUREThe data in this section are based on development in KODAK Developer D-76, at 68°F (20°C).* Determined according to a method similar to the one described in ISO 6328,Photography—Determination of ISO Resolving Power .† Read at a net diffuse density of 1.00, using a 48-micrometre aperture, 12Xmagnification.Development-T ime Adjustment FactorsT emperature20% Less ContrastNormal Contrast20% More Contrast 40% More ContrastKODAK PROFESSIONAL T-MAX Developer and KODAKPROFESSIONAL T-MAX RS Developer and Replenisher 68°F (20°C)0.9* 1.2 1.4NR 72°F (22°C)0.8* 1.1 1.3 1.775°F (24°C)0.7* PROFESSIONAL Developer D-76 and KODAKMICRODOL-X Developer 65°F (18°C) 1.0* 1.2 1.4 1.668°F (20°C)0.8* 1.0 1.2 1.470°F (21°C)0.7*0.9 1.1 1.372°F (22°C)0.7*0.8 1.0 1.275°F (24°C)0.6*0.70.9 1.0KODAK HC-110 Developer Replenisher (Dilution B)65°F (18°C)0.7* 1.2 1.6 2.168°F (20°C)0.6* 1.0 1.4 1.870°F (21°C)0.6*0.9 1.3 1.672°F (22°C)0.5*0.8 1.2 1.575°F (24°C)0.4*0.7 1.0 1.3KODAK MICRODOL-X Developer (1:3)75°F (24°C)0.8* Power *Diffuse rms Granularity †50 lines/mm (TOC 1.6:1)10200 lines/mm (TOC 1000:1)CURVES Characteristic CurvesNOTICE: The sensitometric curves and data in this publication represent product tested under the conditions of exposure and processing specified. They are representative of production coatings, and therefore do not apply directly to a particular box or roll of photographic material. They do not represent standards or specifications that must be met by Eastman Kodak Company. The company reserves the right to change and improve product characteristics at any time.Contrast Index CurvesModulation Transfer Function CurvesSpectral-Sensitivity Curves* The blue sensitivity of KODAK PROFESSIONALT-MAX Films is slightly less than that of other Kodakpanchromatic black-and-white films. This enables theresponse of this film to be closer to the response of thehuman eye. Therefore, blues may be recorded as slightlydarker tones with this film—a more natural rendition.KODAK PROFESSIONAL T-MAX 400 Film • F-404311KODAK PROFESSIONAL T-MAX 400 FilmFilm & Photofinishing Systems GroupEASTMAN KODAK COMPANY • ROCHESTER, NY 14650New 10-07Printed in U.S.A.KODAK PROFESSIONAL T-MAX 400 FilmKODAK Publication No. F-4043MORE INFORMATIONKodak has many publications to assist you withinformation on Kodak products, equipment, and materials. The following publications are available from dealers who sell Kodak products, or you can contact Kodak in your country for more information.E-30Storage and Care of Photographic Materials—Before and After ProcessingED-1Processing KODAK Black-and-White Films and PapersE103BF KODAK PROFESSIONAL Black-and-White Films E103CF Chemicals for KODAK PROFESSIONAL Black-and-White Films F-2Pathways to Black and WhiteG-23T oning KODAK Black-and-White Materials J-24KODAK HC-110 Developer J-78KODAK Developer D-76J-86KODAK T-MAX Developers J-109KODAK XTOL DeveloperThe following books are available from photo-specialty dealers who sell Kodak products:For the latest version of technical support publications for KODAKPROFESSIONAL Products, visit Kodak on-line at: /go/professional If you have questions about KODAK PROFESSIONAL Products,call Kodak.In the U.S.A.:1-800-242-2424, Ext. 19, Monday–Friday9 a.m.–7 p.m. (Eastern time)In Canada:1-800-465-6325, Monday–Friday 8 a.m.–5 p.m. (Eastern time)Note: The Kodak materials described in this publication for use with KODAK PROFESSIONAL T-MAX Films are available from dealers who supply KODAKPROFESSIONAL Products. You can use other materials, but you may not obtain similar results.F-5KODAK Professional Black-and-White Films R-20KODAK Black-and-White Darkroom DATAGUIDEKodak, Kodak Professional, Dataguide, D-76, Duraflo, Estar, HC-110, Kodafix,Microdol-X, Photo-Flo, T-Grain, T-Max, Versamat, Wratten, and Xtol are trademarks.。
7(0.18 毫米)
3.9(0.10 毫米)
3.9(0.10 毫米)
表I 具有 ESTAR 片基的黑白胶片
三种不同厚度的 ESTAR 片基 (2.5 密耳、3.9 密耳、7 密耳)导致卷在标准航空胶片卷筒上的胶片长度也各不相 同。下面的部件列表说明了每种类型的胶片提供的标准长度。
胶片 规格 编号
4922 4932 4942 5332 536
5272 514 5282 530 5352
50 英尺 100 英尺 200 英尺 500 英尺 500 英尺
40 英尺 75 英尺 150 英尺 350 英尺 350 英尺
— 100 英尺 200 英尺 200 英尺
70 毫米 70 毫米 70 毫米 70 毫米 70 毫米
1,000 英尺 1,000 英尺 2,000 英尺 2,000 英尺
931 991 883 8973
884 8983 886 8993
949 952 9814 955
957 961 960
胶片 宽度
胶片长度 ( 无 导 片 或 拖 片)
ESTAR 薄 片基
( 2.5 密 耳)
ESTAR 片基 ( 3.9 密 耳)
ESTAR 厚 片基
(7 密 耳)
70 毫米 70 毫米 70 毫米 70 毫米 70 毫米
本系列胶片测评不定期更新,照片全部为本人拍摄,相机为35mm的佳能1N、美能达X-700以及中画幅的Mamiya RB67。
胶片家里自扫,用的EPSON V550。
---------------正文分割线---------------Kodak UltraMax 400柯达UltraMax 400是一卷C41工艺的彩色负片。
说完了UltraMax 400的优点,也不得不说它在宽容度和颗粒大小上跟专业卷有不小差距(在后面的测评里会详细说),不过说到底价格差距也是摆在那里的。
在曝光准确时,蓝天真的是“蓝”的再增加一点曝光,蓝色不光变“亮”了,还在一定程度变“浅”了而为了拍摄主体曝光准确让蓝天过曝,蓝色就会褪色成了成了靛青色由于是感光度400的高速卷和较好的色彩还原,在室内手持拍摄也能得到很好的效果如果要问为什么把柯达UltraMax 400作为第一个评测的胶卷呢?因为便宜啊,36张的在ebay上卖3.25美金(23人民币)(不过现在贵了),一开始我就屯了10卷。
kdaok 全胜400
3. Prinergy Option - Device Connectivity - 8 upPrint Console
6. Factory Installed – Autoloader Option with Rotator Unload Table
1. Prinergy E Refine and Output Software
2. Prinergy Basic Simplified Chinese Font Support (1 font)
胶片的味道——PS&LR电影级调色预设VSCO Film_乐山水很多人都喜欢胶片的味道,但不是每个人都有机会玩胶片相机,毕竟老旧的胶片相机有很多很多的不方便,今天推荐一套胶片滤镜,lightroom和photoshop上都可以用,那就是VSCOFilm,可以非常简单的将你的数码照片处理成胶片风格。
VSCO Film到目前为止,一共6套,这6套不是版本升级,每套都模拟了不同的胶片效果。
VSCO FILM 除了预设之外,还内附了常用相机的校准文件,配合预设使用效果更佳。
FILM 01:modern films 现代负片系列,模拟在产的专业负片的效果,包括:Fuji 160CFuji 400HFuji 800ZKodak Tri-XKodak T-MAX 3200Ilford HP5Kodak Portra 160Kodak Portra 400Kodak Portra 800Kodak Portra 800 HCFILM 02:classic films 经典负片系列,模拟已经停产的经典负片,包括:Fuji Neopan 1600Fuji Superia 100Fuji Superia 400Fuji Superia 800Fuji Superia 160Ilford Delta 3200Kodak Portra 160 NCKodak Portra 160 VCKodak Portra 400 NCKodak Portra 400 UCKodak Portra 400 VCFILM 03:instant films 即时显影系列(拍立得),收录了在产及停产的即时显影胶片,包括:Fuji FP-100cFuji FP-3000bPolaroid 665Polaroid 669Polaroid 690PX-70PX-100UVPX-680Time-Zero Polaroid (Exp.)FILM 04:slide films 正片系列,收录了在产和停产的经典反转片,包括:Agfa Scala 200Fuji Astia 100Fuji Fortia SPFuji Provia 100FFuji Provia 400XFuji Velvia 50Fuji Velvia 100Fuji Velvia 100FKodak E100GKodak E100VSKodak E200FILM 05:archetype films 原型系列,模拟胶片黄金时代市场占有率较大的几种经典胶片,包括:Agfa Vista 100Agfa Vista 400Agfa Vista 800Fuji Neopan 400 Kodak BW400CN Kodak Ektar 100 Kodak Gold 100 Kodak Gold 200 Kodak Max 800 Kodak Royal Gold 400 Kodak Ultramax 400Kodak Ultramax 800FILM 06 alternative process另类工艺系列,模拟胶片时代一些流行的另类发展和在电影上的发展的胶片效果,包括:(ps:负数是pull,低于正常。
PROCESSING Kodak black-and-white film
Small Tank Processing, Intermittent Agitation for Tanks That Can Be Inverted
Film Code
Rinse Wash aid
2:00 to 4:00* with KODAK Rapid Fixer
-OR5:00 to 10:00*
with other fixers
1:00 to 2:00
Agitate continuously for the first 30 seconds and at 30-second intervals after that with a hardening fixer.
Development Time (Minutes)
200C (680F)
KODAK HC-110 Developer
(Dilution B)
240C (750F)
T-MAX 400
400TMY 6
6 3/4
5 1/4
TRI-X 320
Also DK-50
Kodak 存储和处理未处理胶卷指南说明书
Tib5202May 2002Storage and Handling of Unprocessed FilmUpdated May 30, 2002Maintaining Film Quality with RefrigerationRefrigerating camera films reduces the photographic effects of long-term storage, but refrigeration cannot reduce the effects of ambient gamma radiation. Naturally occurring gamma radiation increases the D-min and toe densities and also increases grain. Higher speed films are affected more by gamma radiation than lower speed films. A camera film with an EI (Exposure Index) of 800 has a much greater change than an EI 200 film. Exposed and unprocessed film that has been properly refrigerated retains the speed and contrast of the exposure conditions, but the overall D-min, toe and grain will continue to increase. For more information on effects of radiation, click here: Film Storage Information.You should test camera films stored for longer than six months to ensure that the product will perform appropriately. If you must store film, a relative humidity (RH) of 50% is recommended at the following temperatures:•For general storage, store unexposed camera films at 13°C (50°F) or lower.•For periods exceeding six months, store unexposed camera films at -18°C (0°F) or lower.For more information on raw film stock, click here: Film Storage Information.Although very low temperatures do not damage film, you must allow sufficient time for the film to come to room temperature before loading it into a camera. Conditioning times depend on the roll size and the ambient temperature and humidity of the surrounding air. A 100ft 16 mm roll may take thirty minutes to come to room temperature, while a 1000ft 35 mm roll may take up to 3 hours. Use gradual warming to reduce moisture spotting and to avoid condensation on the film.Storage ConditionsShort Term (less than 6 months)Long Term (more than 6 months)Temp % RelativeHumidityTemp% RelativeHumidityRaw Stock(in original sealed cans)13°C (55°F)below 60%-18 to -23°C(0 to -10°F)below 60%Exposed Unprocessed (sealed in cans)-18 to -23°C(0 to -10°F)below 60%Not Recommended(see text below)Warm-Up TimeA detailed explanation of film storage is on the Kodak Motion Picture Imaging Technical support site. You can find other storage recommendations in the specific product technical datasheet for each film type, or read more on rawstock storage in Tips and Techniques and also in the publication H-2 Cinematographer ’s Field Guide.Frozen FilmFrozen film will be brittle and may crack during camera loading or transport. Furthermore, condensation may build up as the film equilibrates to the temperature of its environment. Condensation may cause ferrotyping and moisture static (tacky film) which may cause a static discharge.Let the film warm up to ambient temperature before the can is unsealed. This will prevent any cold-induced problems. Typical warm up times for 16 mm film is one hour (1) for a 14°C rise (25°F), 35 mm film is three hours (3) for 14°C rise (25°F). If the film is used in subzero temperatures there are devices available to warm the camera and magazines so that the film can run smoothly and silently. Contact your local Kodak Sales and Engineering Representative for more specific information.Newton’s Rings and FerrotypingConcentric bands of colored light, sometimes seen around the areas where two transparent surfaces, such as two pieces of glass or two pieces of film (as in contact printing) are not quite in contact, are referred to as Newton ’s Rings. The rings are the result of interference and occur when the separation between surfaces is of the same order as the wavelength of light.Ferrotyping describes a smooth and shiny blotch or series of blotches on the emulsion surface. Ferrotyping is caused by the presence of heat and/or moisture with pressure. Sources of ferrotyping can be improper drying conditions on the processing machine, the wound roll of film was wound under excess moisture (high humidity conditions), or the wound roll was subjected to high heat either before or after processing. For more information click here: ferrotyping.Effects of HumidityMotion picture raw stock is packaged in taped cans. Until opened, the cans are water and vapor tight and do not require humidity-controlled storage. However, avoid storage at relative humidities of 60 % or above. Such high humidities can damage labels and cartons (from moisture and mold) and can rust the cans.Note: Keep raw stock in its original taped can until you are ready to use the film.High humidity can promote mold growth and ferrotyping. Low humidity can create static marks when printing or cause buckling due to uneven moisture loss. Exposed film, particularly color film, deteriorates more rapidly than unexposed film. Kodak recommends exposing and processing all camera films soon after purchase and no longer than six months after Warm-Up Time (hours)for Sealed PackagesFilm Package14°C (25°F) Rise 55°C (100°F)Rise Super 81 1 1/216 mm1 1 1/235 mm 35purchase. Immediately after exposure, return the film to its can and retape the can to help prevent any increase in moisture content. Process the film as soon as possible after exposure.Do not keep film in the camera or magazine longer than necessary. If you load magazines a long time ahead of use, protect them from excessive temperature and relative humidity until you need to load the camera.Humidity lower than 50 % usually increases static problems and dirt attraction to processed film. At very low humidity, film curl may become a problem (e.g. Newton’s Rings). See definition of Newton’s Rings above or go to Motion Picture Imaging’s storage information: Storage - Relative Humidity.Effects of ContaminantsCertain gases such as formaldehyde, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen peroxide, sulfur dioxide, ammonia, illuminating gas, motor exhaust, and vapors from solvents, mothballs, cleaners, turpentine, mildew or fungus preventatives, and mercury can damage unprocessed and processed film. Keep film away from such contaminants.Airport X-ray FogAirports use x-ray equipment to scan checked and carry-on baggage. Film can tolerate some x-ray exposure but excessive amounts result in objectionable fog (an increase in base film density and a noticeable increase in grain). The faster the film the greater the effects of the x-rays. Not only is there danger from X-rays, but security and customs agents may open containers of unprocessed film, ruining weeks of work.Write to the airport manager well in advance of your arrival and explain the relevant details of your trip. If possible, speak with the airport manager and customs people and make as many advance arrangements as possible. Give them your arrival time, flight number, and departure time. List the equipment and film you will be carrying. Ask if there are any steps you can take to expedite matters and ensure the safety of the film. Repeat the process on your return trip.If you are traveling overseas you may work with an export company or a customs broker. There are private companies that expedite the handling of international shipments and do all the necessary paper work. Check the telephone directory yellow pages under “Exporters.” You can also have the film processed where it was exposed. Eastman Kodak Company can help you find a local laboratory.For more information on avoiding airport x-ray fog to motion picture film see: /US/en/motion/ support/technical/xray4P.shtml#p. For more general x-ray fog information and to see examples of x-ray fogged film go to: /global/en/service/tib/tib5201.shtml.Kodak is a trademark of Eastman Kodak Company.。
比如,柯达Kodak的色彩胶卷具有高色彩灵敏度、易于发挥色彩表现力,适合拍拍摄风景类照片;柯尼卡美能达Fuji 的户外胶卷具有高对比度、敏感度,适合拍摄山水、沿岸类照片;黑白胶卷具有高灰度精细表现力、延迟能力,适合拍摄人物、抽象、古籍类照片。
彩色反转片品牌/彩色反转片/片速/缩写/分辨率/锐度/饱和度/颗粒度/反差/宽容度/片幅/评语爱克发RSX II 50(专业)50 RSX 50 很高很高增强特细中中35mm/120 颗粒细,锐度好,拍摄明亮风光时灰色对比度平衡,也适合拍摄特写富士 Velvia(专业) 50 RVP 很高特高提高特细中偏高窄 35mm/120/220/页片颗粒细,色彩明亮,暖调肤色平衡好富士 Pro 64T Type II(灯光专业型) 64 RTP II 高高增强很细中中 35mm/120/页片钨丝灯光色温平衡,颗粒细微,适用于摄影室内拍摄人像或静物柯达 Ektachrome 64(专业) 64 EPR 高高增强很细中中 35mm/120/220/页片曝光宽容度较宽,色彩明亮,颗粒细微,是专业摄影师喜爱的胶片柯达 Ektachrome 64T(专业) 64 EPY 高高增强很细中窄 35mm/120/页片钨丝灯光色温平衡,适用于摄影室内拍摄人像或静物柯达 64(专业) 64 PKR 高特高增强特细中偏高窄 35mm 颗粒细微,色彩真实,接近档案照片保存时间的要求。
有业余型胶片的提供爱克发 Ctprecisa 100 100 CT100 高特高增强特细中偏高中 35mm 锐度很好,色彩明亮,适用于拍摄人像、风光和档案文件富士 Astia 100(专业) 100 RAP 很高很高增强很细中中 35mm/120/220/页片影调柔和,肤色自然,色彩明亮。
适用于拍摄时装和产品富士 Provia 100F(专业) 100 RDP III 很高很高增强特细中中 35mm/120/220/页片颗粒特细,色彩亮丽,适用于时装、风光和人像摄影富士 Sensia 100 100 RA 很高很高增强特细高中 35mm 颗粒特细,适用于拍摄人像、自然风光、水下和特写,是Sensia II的重新命名柯达 Ektachrome 100(专业) 100 EPN 高高中等很细中中 35mm/120/220/页片灰色对比度平衡,色彩真实,适用于要求严格的目录、翻拍录制柯达 Ektachrome 100Plus(专业) 100 EPP 高高中等很细中中 35mm/120/220/页片色彩真实,灰色对比度平衡。
【新提醒】电影级调色预设VSCOVSCO Film 到目前为止,一共5套,这5套不是版本升级,每套都模拟了不同的胶片效果。
FILM 01:现代系列,收录了当下在产的专业负片,包括:Fuji 160CFuji 400HFuji 800ZKodak Tri-XKodak T-MAX 3200Ilford HP5Kodak Portra 160Kodak Portra 400Kodak Portra 800Kodak Portra 800 HCFILM 02:经典系列,收录了一些已经停产的经典负片,包括:Fuji Neopan 1600Fuji Superia 100Fuji Superia 400Fuji Superia 800Fuji Superia 1600Ilford Delta 3200Kodak Portra 160 NCKodak Portra 160 VCKodak Portra 400 NCKodak Portra 400 UCKodak Portra 400 VCFILM 03:即时显影系列,收录了在产及停产的即时显影胶片,包括:Fuji FP-100cFuji FP-3000bPolaroid 665Polaroid 669Polaroid 690PX-70PX-100UV+PX-680Time-Zero Polaroid (Exp.)FILM 04:正片系列,收录了在产和停产的经典正片,包括:Agfa Scala 200Fuji Astia 100Fuji Fortia SPFuji Provia 100FFuji Provia 400XFuji Velvia 50Fuji Velvia 100Fuji Velvia 100FKodak E100GKodak E100VSKodak E200FILM 05:原型系列,这个是新出的系列,收录了胶片时期市场占有率较大的几种消费级胶片,包括:Agfa Vista 100Agfa Vista 400Agfa Vista 800Fuji Neopan 400Kodak BW400CNKodak Ektar 100Kodak Gold 100Kodak Gold 200Kodak Max 800Kodak Royal Gold 400Kodak Ultramax 400Kodak Ultramax 800在VSCO FILM的每一套中同一胶片都包含多个适用于不同相机的预设,根据自己所拥有的设备,做个取舍,没必要所有预设都load进去,这样在使用时那个目录树会很长,很不方便。
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February 2009 • E-7023TECHNICAL DATA / COLOR NEGATIVE FILMKODAK ULTRA MAX 400 FilmKODAK ULTRA MAX 400 Film is a worry-free, easy-to-use high speed film designed for snapshooters. ULTRA MAX 400 Film gives you the flexibility you need to take consistently better pictures in more picture taking situations—better low-light picture quality with fewer underexposures, better results with zoom lenses, greater flash range, better "stop-action" photos, and reduced impact of camera shake.Even when enlarged, ULTRA MAX 400 Film delivers excellent sharpness and fine grain for crisp, clear pictures.Optimized color precision technology providesconsistently bright, vibrant colors with accurate skin-tone reproduction for natural-looking people pictures.ULTRA MAX 400 Film is designed for processing in KODAK FLEXICOLOR Chemicals for Process C-41. It is printing compatible with KODAK GOLD Films.STORAGE AND HANDLINGLoad and unload your camera in subdued light.Store unexposed film at 21°C (70°F) or lower in the original sealed package. Always store film (exposed or unexposed) in a cool, dry place. Process film as soon as possible after exposure.Protect negatives from strong light, and store them in a cool, dry place. For more information on storing negatives, see KODAK Publication No. E-30, Storage and Care of KODAK Photographic Materials—Before and After Processing .DARKROOM RECOMMENDATIONSDo not use a safelight. Handle unprocessed film in total darkness.EXPOSUREFilm Speed: ISO/DIN 400/27°Use these speed numbers in the table below with cameras or meters marked for ISO, ASA, or DIN speeds or exposureFEATURES ADVANTAGES BENEFIT •AdvancedT-GRAIN Emulsion technology •Antenna dyesensitization •Advanced development accelerators •Optimized color precision technology•True 400 speed •Outstanding underexposure latitude•Long flash range •Fine grain and high sharpness •Great skin tones and superb color•Better pictures under moreconditions (inside, outside, bad light, fast action)indexes. Do not change the film-speed setting when you use a filter if your camera has through-the-lens metering. For critical work, make a series of test exposures.DaylightUse the exposures in the table below for average frontlit subjects from 2 hours after sunrise to 2 hours before sunset.*Use f /5.6 for backlit close-up subjects.†Subject shaded from the sun but lighted by a large area of sky.Lighting ConditionsShutter Speed (seconds)Lens Opening Bright/Hazy Sun on Light Sand or Snow1/500f /16Bright or Hazy Sun (Distinct Shadows)*1/500f /11Weak, Hazy Sun (Soft Shadows)1/500f /8Cloudy Bright (No Shadows)1/500f /5.6Heavy Overcast, Open Shade †1/500f /4Electronic Flash:Use the appropriate guide number in the table below as a starting point for your equipment. Select the unit output closest to the number given by your flash manufacturer. Then find the guide number for feet or metres.To determine the lens opening, divide the guide number by the flash-to-subject distance. If negatives are too dark (overexposed), use a higher guide number; if they are too light (underexposed), use a lower number.*BCPS = beam candlepower secondsAutomatic Flash Units: Set ISO / ASA selector to 400.Unit Output (BCPS)*Guide NumberDistance in FeetDistance in Meters3508526500100307001203610001404214001705020002006028002407040002808556003401058000400120Fluorescent and High-Intensity Discharge LightsFor best results without special printing, use thecolor-correction filters in the table below as starting points when you expose these films under fluorescent and high-intensity discharge lamps. Use exposure times of 1/60 second or longer to avoid the brightness and color variations that occur during a single alternating-current cycle.Though this film is tolerant of mixed-lighting situations, for best color results under uniform fluorescent orhigh-intensity discharge sources, use the exposure and filter recommendations given below. These recommendations are starting points.Actual filtration may vary between lamps and lamp manufacturers. Depending on the specific source,additional filtration or special printing may be required to achieve best results.Note: When you do not know the type of fluorescent lamps, try a 10C + 20M filter combination and increase exposure by 2⁄3 stop; color rendition may be less than optimum.Note: Some primary color filters were used in the tables above to reduce the number of filters and/or to keep the exposure adjustment to a minimum. Red filters were substituted for equivalent filtration in magenta and yellow. Blue filters were substituted for equivalent filtration in cyan and magenta.Adjustments for Long and Short ExposuresYou do not need to make any exposure or filter adjustments for exposure times of 1/10,000 second to 1 second.Exposures longer than 1 second may require compensation and filtration.Type of Fluorescent Lamp KODAK Color Compensating FiltersExposure AdjustmentDaylight 40R + 2⁄3 stop White 20C + 30M+ 1 stop Warm White 40B + 1 stop Warm White Deluxe 30B + 30C + 1 1⁄3 stops Cool White 30M + 2⁄3 stop Cool White Deluxe10C + 10M+ 2⁄3 stopType of High-Intensity Discharge Lamp KODAK Color CompensatingFilters Exposure Adjustment High Pressure Sodium Vapor 70B + 50C + 3 stops Metal Halide10R + 20M + 2⁄3 stop Mercury Vapor with Phosphor 20R + 20M+ 2⁄3 stop Mercury Vapor without Phosphor80R+ 1 2⁄3 stopsPROCESSINGProcess in KODAK FLEXICOLOR Chemicals for Process C-41.Information on replenishment rates is available online at /go/photofinishing.JUDGING NEGATIVE EXPOSURESYou can check the exposure level of the color negative with a suitable electronic densitometer equipped with a filter such as the red filter for Status M Densitometry or aKODAK WRATTEN Gelatin Filter No. 92. Depending on the subject and the light source used for exposure, a normally exposed color negative measured through the red filter should have the approximate densities listed below. These densities apply for the recommended light sources and correct processing of the negative.Densities of Properly Exposed and Processed Negatives*KODAK Publication No. R-27†Because of the extreme range in skin color, use these values only as a guide.For best results, use a KODAK Gray Card (gray side).PRINTING NEGATIVESThis film is optimized for printing on KODAK EKTACOLOR EDGE Paper, KODAK ROYAL Digital Color Paper, and KODAK PROFESSIONAL ENDURA Metallic Paper.Make color slides and transparencies by printing the negatives on KODAK PROFESSIONAL ENDURA Transparency Display Material or KODAKPROFESSIONAL ENDURA Clear Display Material.You can scan an image to a file and print digitally to KODAK EKTACOLOR EDGE Paper, KODAK ROYAL Digital Color Paper, KODAK PROFESSIONAL ENDURA Papers, KODAK PROFESSIONAL ENDURA Metallic Paper,KODAK PROFESSIONAL ENDURA Transparency Display Material, or KODAK PROFESSIONAL ENDURA Clear Display Material.Make black-and-white prints on any of the materials mentioned above using the recommendations in KODAK Publication CIS-274, Printing Black-and-White Images Without KODAK Black-and-White Papers .Area Measured on the NegativeDensity Reading The KODAK Gray Card * (gray side) receiving the same illumination as the subject0.80 to 1.00The lightest step (darkest in the negative) of a KODAK Paper Gray Scale receiving the same illumination as the subject1.20 to 1.40Normally lighted forehead of person with light complexion †1.10 to 1.40Normally lighted forehead of person with dark complexion †0.85 to 1.25RETOUCHINGNegatives on this film can be retouched on the emulsion side with retouching pencils, after applying a retouching fluid, such as KODAK Retouching Fluid.IMAGE STRUCTUREPrint Grain Index Magnification Table:The Print Grain Index number refers to a method of defining graininess in a print made with diffuse-printing illumination. It replaces rms granularity and has a different scale which cannot be compared to rms granularity.This method uses a uniform perceptual scale, with a change for four units equaling a just noticeable difference in graininess for 90 percent of observers.A Print Grain Index rating of 25 on the scale represents the approximate visual threshold for graininess. A higher number indicates an increase in the amount of graininess observed.The standardized inspection (print-to-viewer) distance for all print sizes is 14 inches, the typical viewing distance for a 4 x 6-inch print.In practice, larger prints will likely be viewed from distances greater than 14 inches, which reduces apparent graininess.Print Grain Index numbers may not represent graininess observed from more specular printing illuminants, such as condenser enlargers.The Print Grain Index numbers listed in this publication apply to the following standards:Negative Size:24 x 36 mm(135-size standard format)Print Size: 4 x 6 inches (10.2 x 15.2 cm)Magnification: 4.4X Print Grain Index:46CURVESNOTICE: The sensitometric curves and data in this publication represent product testedunder the conditions of exposure and processing specified. They are representative ofproduction coatings, and therefore do not apply directly to a particular box or roll ofphotographic material. They do not represent standards or specifications that must bemet by Eastman Kodak Company. The company reserves the right to change andimprove product characteristics at any time.MORE INFORMATIONKodak has many publications to assist you with information on Kodak products, equipment, and materials. Additional information is available on the Kodak website.The following publications are available from Kodak Customer Service and from dealers who sell Kodak products, or you can contact Kodak in your country for more information.E-30Storage and Care of KODAK Photographic Materials—Before and After ProcessingE-7022KODAK GOLD 100 and 200 FilmsE-7024KODAK ULTRA MAX 800 FilmE-4035KODAK PROFESSIONAL ULTRA COLOR FilmsE-4040KODAK PROFESSIONAL PORTRA FilmsE-7020KODAK EKTACOLOR EDGE PaperE-7021KODAK ROYAL Digital Color PaperE-4020KODAK PROFESSIONAL ULTRA ENDURA PaperE-4021KODAK PROFESSIONAL PORTRA and SUPRA ENDURA Paper sE-4038KODAK PROFESSIONAL ENDURA Transparency and Clear Display MaterialsFor the latest version of technical support publications for KODAKProducts, visit Kodak on-line at:If you have questions about KODAK Products, call Kodak.In the U.S.A.:1-800-242-2424, Monday–Friday9 a.m.–7 p.m. (Eastern time)In Canada:1-800-465-6325, Monday–Friday8 a.m.–5 p.m. (Eastern time)Note: The Kodak materials described in this publication are available from dealers who supply Kodak products. You can use other materials, but you may not obtain similar results.KODAK ULTRA MAX 400 FilmKodak, Kodak Professional, Edge, Ektacolor, Endura, Flexicolor, Gold, Max, Portra, Royal, Supra, T-Grain, Ultra, and Wratten are trademarks.Revised 2/09Printed in U.S.A.KODAK ULTRA MAX 400 FilmKODAK Publication No. E-7023Film & Photofinishing Systems GroupEASTMAN KODAK COMPANY • ROCHESTER, NY 14650。