4.货币金融学有什么特殊的研究和学习方法?5.学习货币金融学的意义是什么?第二章货币与货币制度习题练习(一)单项选择题1.实物货币是指()A.没有内在价值的货币 B. 不能分割的货币 C. 专指贵金属货币 D. 作为货币价值与普通商品价值相等的价值2.货币作为价值尺度所要解决的是()A. 实现商品的交换B. 表现特定商品的价值C. 在商品之间进行价值比较的难题D. 使人们不必对商品进行比较3.商品流通与物物交换的区别在于()A. 前者包括许多商品的交换,而后者只包括两种商品B. 前者是指以货币为媒介的商品交换的总体,后者则是指包括两种商品C. 前者是指以货币为媒介的商品交换的总体,后者则是不以某种商品为媒介的各种商品之间的交换D.前者是指不以货币为媒介的商品交换的总体,后者则是没有货币的两种商品之间的交换4.劣币是指实际价值()的货币。
A. 等于零B. 等于名义价值C. 高于名义价值D. 低于名义价值5.本位货币是()A. 是一个国家货币制度规定的标准货币B. 本国货币当局发行的货币C. 以黄金为基础的货币D. 可以与黄金兑换的货币6.典型的金银复本位制是()A. 金银比价由政府和市场共同决定的金银两本位制B. 金银的比价由市场决定的金银两本位制C. 金银的比价由政府规定的金银两本位制D. 金银比价由银行规定的金银两本位制7.跛行本位制是指()A. 银币的铸造受到控制的金银两本位制B. 金币的铸造受到控制的金银两本位制C. 以金币为本位货币的金银复本位制D. 以银币为本位货币的金银复本位制8.纸币本位制是以()的货币制度。
A. 银行券为本位货币B. 可以自由兑换黄金的本位货币C. 信用货币为本位货币D. 纸币为本位货币9.典型的金本位制是()A. 金块本位制B. 金汇兑本位制C. 虚金本位制D. 金币本位制10.本位货币在商品流通和债务支付中具有()的特点。
答:根据商业银行的存款创造能力公式,存款=1/法定准备金率 - 现金漏损率,可计算出该国商业银行的存款创造能力为990亿美元。
第一章货币与经济练习题一、选择题(含单项选择与多项选择)1、货币的两个基本职能是:AC 。
A、交易媒介B、支付手段C、价值尺度D、价值贮藏2、在下列经济行为中,货币执行支付职能的是ABCD 。
A、发放工资B、交纳税款C、银行借贷D、分期付款3、货币在执行 D 职能时,可以是观念上的货币。
A、交易媒介B、价值贮藏C、支付手段D、价值尺度4、下列说法哪项不属于信用货币的特征AD 。
5、一般情况下,货币流动性结构的变动与通货膨胀间的关系是:BD 。
A、高通货膨胀时,货币的流动性比率会下降B、高通货膨胀时,货币的流动性比率会上升C、通货紧缩时,货币的流动性比率会上升D、通货紧缩时,货币的流动性比率会下降6、下列有关币制说法正确的是 C 。
A、平行本位制下会产生“劣币驱逐良币”的现象B、双本位制下容易出现“双重价格”的现象C、金银复本位制是一种不稳定的货币制度D、双本位制下金币作为主币,银币为辅币7、实物货币形态中被人们选择作为货币的商品必须具有ABCD的特性:A、价值含量较大B、易于保存C、容易分割D、人们都乐于接受8、信用货币具有的特征是ABD :A、是价值符号B、是负债货币C、可以任意发行D、国家强制性9、价值尺度与价格标准的区别在于ABCD :A、内在与外在B、目的与手段C、自发与人为规定D、变化不一样10、货币危机性最大的职能是 B :A、通手手段B、支付手段C、贮藏手段D、国际货币11、我国的货币层次划分中一般将现金划入 A 层次:A、M0 B、M1C、M2D、M312、货币层次控制重点的确定原则有ABC :A、相关性B、可测性C、可控性D、流动性13、虚金本位制也叫 D :A、金币本位制B、金块本位制C、生金本位制D、金汇兑本位制14、金银复合本位制的主要缺陷是ABC :A、造成价值尺度的多重性B、违反独占性和排他性C、引起兑换比率的波动D、导致币材的匮乏15、金银复本位制向金本位制的过渡方式是 C 。
试卷名称:《货币金融学》17一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共12分)1、下列属于资本市场的有(B)A同业拆借市场B股票市场C票据市场D大额可转让定期存单市场2、提高利率会使企业利润相对(A)A减少B增加C不受影响D不一定3、下列不属于货币市场的是(D)A银行同业拆借市场B票据市场C回购市场D证券市场4、中央银行在公开市场上大量抛售有价证券,意味着货币政策(B)A放松B收紧C不变D不一定5、工资率的提高超过劳动生产率的提高引起的通货膨胀属于(B)A 需求拉动型的通货膨胀B 成本推动型的通货膨胀C 结构性通货膨胀D 混合型通货膨胀6、财政赤字导致的通货膨胀,属于(A)类型A需求拉上型B成本推动型C混合推动型D结构型7、目前各国划分货币层次的主要依据普遍是金融资产的(B)A安全性B流动性C收益性D全都是8、浮动汇率制度下,汇率是由(D)决定的。
A货币含金量 B 外汇市场供求状况变动的幅度C中央银行 D 市场供求9、在金本位制下,汇率波动的界限是(D)A黄金书出点B黄金输入点C铸币平价D黄金输入点和输出点10、一张差半年到期的面额为2000远的票据,到银行得到1900元的贴现金额,则年贴现率为(A)A 5%B 10%C 2.56%D 5.12%11、剑桥方程式重视的是货币的( B )A 交易功能B 资产功能C 避险功能D 流动性功能12、下列关于利率对储蓄的影响的表述,正确的是( B )A 在其他条件不变的情况下,利率越高,广义储蓄量越多B 在其他条件不变的情况下,利率越高,狭义储蓄量越多C 在其他条件不变的情况下,利率越高,狭义储蓄量越少D 利率不影响广义储蓄的构成二、多项选择题(每小题2分,共12分)1、一般来说,货币政策具有如下特征(ACDE)A货币政策是一种宏观经济政策B货币政策是一种直接的控制措施C货币政策是一种调整社会总需求的政策D货币政策是一种较长期的经济政策E货币政策是一种逆向调节政策2、商业信用的主要形式有(ABCD)A商品赊销 B 预付定金或货款C货币借款 D 分期付款3、利率按其决定主体的不同可以分为(ACDE)A市场利率 B一般利率 C官定利率D优惠利率 E公定利率4、按交易标的物可以把金融市场划分为(ABCDE)A衍生工具市场 B票据市场 C证券市场D黄金市场 E外汇市场5、商业银行资金来源的筹措主要依靠(ABC)A吸收活期存款 B吸收储蓄存款 C吸收定期存款D发行股票 E发行债券6、典型的信托行为要涉及的关系人有(ABE)A委托人 B 受托人 C中间人 D代理人 E受益人三、判断题(每小题3分,其中判断1分,改错2分,共15分)1、由于现代中央银行是国家机构的一部分,所以中央银行可以向财政部提供直接贷款,弥补财政赤字。
( )2、易货经济的效率很低,因为想要达成,必须实现“需求的双重吻合”。
( )3、由于货币具有较好的流动性,通常成为人们价值贮藏的首选。
金融市场与金融机构基础(第17章) 英文版答案
![金融市场与金融机构基础(第17章) 英文版答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ed6ebacf0c22590102029d7f.png)
ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS FOR CHAPTER 17(Questions are in bold print followed by answers.)1. What are the three factors contributing to the significant changes in the common market over the past 50 years?The stock markets have also changed since the early 1960s, due to (1) institutionalization (small investors now play only a minor role); (2) changes in government regulations, e.g. disclosure, types of trades, margin requirements; (3) innovations, e.g. computer technology permits program trading.2.a. How does common stock differ from preferred stock?b. Why is preferred stock viewed as a senior corporate security?a.Preferred stock is entitled to a fixed participation in the form of dividends of the earnings ofthe company. Dividends must be declared and ordinarily they are at the discretion of the board. Common stock is entitled to the residual cashflow, and is junior to the preferred stock both in terms of distribution and liquidation preference.b.Preferred stock is considered a senior instrument because dividends must be paid before anydistribution of dividends can be made to the common stockholders. Also, in a liquidation, the preferred stockholders are paid before the common stockholders, who are considered residual claimants.3. What is the difference between ordinary dividends and qualified dividends and how is each treated for tax purposes?Ordinary dividends are taxed at the income tax bracket. Qualified dividends receive preferential tax rate, either 5% or 15%, depending on the individual’s re gular income tax rate.4. What is meant by a long-term capital gain and how is it treated for tax purposes?Long-term capital gains are appreciations in value of the stock that has been held for more than one year. It is entitled to preferential tax rat e, either 5% or 15% depending on the individual’s regular income tax rate.5. The following quote is taken from Wayne H. Wagner, “The Taxonomy of Trading Strategies,” in Katrina F. Sherrerd (ed.), Trading Strategies and Execution Costs (Charlottesville, VA: The Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts, 1988).When a trader decides how to bring an order to the market, he or shemust deal with some very important issues; to me, the most importantis: What kind of trade is this? It could be either an active or a passivetrade. The type of trade will dictate whether speed of execution ismore or less important than cost of execution. In other words, do Iwant immediate trading (a market order); or am I willing to forgo theimmediate trade for the possibility of trading less expensively if I amwilling to “give” on the timing of the trade (a limit order)?a.What is meant by a market order?b.Why would a market order be placed when an investor wants immediate trading?c.What is meant by a limit order?d.What are the risks associated with a limit order?a. A market order is one which is sent to the floor for immediate execution as soon as it isreceived. The buyer or seller receives the market price at the time the trade is executed.b. A market order is executed as soon as possible.c. A limit order is executed when the price reaches a predetermined level.d.The limit may not be reached. The investor cannot predict the timing of the execution.6. Suppose that Mr. Mancuso has purchased a stock for $45 and that he sets a maximum loss that he will accept on this stock of $6.What type of order can Mr. Mancuso place?He will put a sell stop order setting the stop price at $45.7.a.What is a program trade?b.What are the various types of commission arrangements for executing a programtrade and the advantages and disadvantages of each?a. A program trade is an institutional buy or sell of a large basket of stocks.b.If a program trade is executed on an agency basis, commissions are bid for by a group ofbrokerage firms. The advantage is that the commissions tend to be lower, but the disadvantage is that the execution price may not be the best because the impact costs and the potential for front-running. Dealers can also execute a program trade on a principal basis, which means that they buy or sell the amounts from inventory and bear the risk of distribution. The advantage is that the investor knows the trading price in advance, but pays a higher commission.8.a.Explain the mechanics and some key rules of a short sale.b.What restrictions are imposed on short selling activities?a. A short seller borrows the stocks to sell on the market, giving the proceeds of the sale to hisbroker as collateral. Should prices decline he will buy the stocks, return them to the broker and obtain the sales proceeds.b. A short sale must be announced at the time the order is given , and it can occur only after anuptick in the market price of the stock. The short seller is also responsible for paying any dividends due on the stocks before he covers them with a purchase.9. What role does the broker call rate play in a margin purchase?The broker call rate is the rate paid on a bank loan by a broker, who is lending the cash to a customer buying stocks on margin. The broker will normally add a slight service charge to this fee. This rate will affect the margin transaction’s profitability.10.a.What is meant by maintenance margin when stocks are purchased on margin?b.What is meant by debit balance?c.What is meant by credit balance?a.The maintenance margin is the minimum amount of equity in the investor's margin account. Ifthe value of the securities changes enough to erode the value of equity, the investor must provide additional cash to supplement the amount posted.b. A debit balance is the value of the equity less the borrowed amount in a margin purchase.c. A credit balance is the value of the equity plus the borrowed amount in a short sale.11. The following statements are taken from Greta E. Marshall’s article “Execution Costs: The Plan Sponsor’s View,” which appears in Trading Strategies and Execution Costs, published by The Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts in 1988. (The publication is the product of a conference held in New York City on December 3, 1987):a.“There are three components of trading costs. First there a re direct costs which maybe measured—commissions. Second, there are indirect—or market impact—costs.Finally, there are the undefined costs of not trading.” What are market impact costs, and what do you think the “undefined costs of not trading” represent?b.“Market impact, unlike broker commissions, is difficult to identify and measure.”Why is market impact cost difficult to measure?a.Market impact costs are the increases in the bid-ask spread faced by investors who wish toexecute large transactions on a timely basis. Large transactions tend to drive prices in a direction which is adverse to the investor. The “undefined costs of not trading” are opportunity costs that investors face because they failed to make a transaction at the proper time to take advantage of a certain price.b.It is difficult to determine how much of a change in price is due to ordinary market fluctuationsand how of the price rise or drop is due to the costs of absorbing a large trade. The opportunity cost of not trading is also difficult to measure.12.a.What is meant by “soft dollars”?b.What is the concern with soft dollars?a.Soft dollars is compensation to customers in the form of information and preferential timingwhich is “paid” by broker/dealers in exchange for commitments of orde r flow.b.The concern is that the client is not free to shop around for the best bid or best offer, net ofcommissions, for all their transactions, but have to do an agreed amount of transaction volume with the specific broker/dealer. The SEC does not ban soft dollars, but it does regulate it.13.a.What is meant by tick size?b.What is the tick size for common stock?a.The tick size is the minimum price variation for a security.b.The minimum tick size is a penny.14. Why were price limits and collars imposed on stock in the United States?Circuit breakers and trading collar rules halts trading when certain temporary forces, such as emotional trading or a panicked market, threatens stability of market prices. These reforms were made after the stock market crash of October 19, 1987.15.a.What is meant by the circuit breaker rule?b.What is meant by the trading collar rule?a. A circuit breaker is a set of trading rules that stop trading once the market reaches certaindownside benchmarks.b. A trading collar restricts index arbitrage trading. If the DJIA moves up or down 2% fro theprevious closing value, program trading orders to buy or sell the S&P 500 stocks as a part of the index arbitrage strategies must be entered with directions to have the order executions affected in a manner that stabilizes share prices.16. What are the three general types of stock market indicators?Stock market indicators can be classified into three groups: (1) those produced by stock exchanges based on all stocks traded on the exchange; (2) those produced by organizations that subjectively select the stocks to be included in indexes; (3) those where stock selection is based on an objective measure, such as the market capitalization of the company.17. What is the difference between a market-value-weighted index and an equally weighted index?While the stock market indicators rise and fall in unison, several factors differentiate these. One of these is the relative weight assigned to the stock in the index. A market value weighted index is weighting by the market value of the company (capitalization). An equally weighted index will assign weight to each company equally regardless of its market value. The Dow Jones Industrial is a price-weighted index, where as value line composite average is an equally weighted index.18. What are the main features of the S&P 500 common stock index?The S&P 500 index is broad based measurement of changes in stock market conditions of 500 widely held common stocks. The composition of the 500 stocks is flexible. It represents stocks chosen from the two major national stock exchanges and the over-the-counter market.19. “The stocks selected for the S&P 500 are the largest 500 companies in the United States.” Indicate whether you agree or disagree with thi s statement.Disagree .The index captures overall stock market conditions as reflected by a broad range of economic indicators.20. There are participants and analysts in the stock market that are called chartists or technical analysts. What does the theory that the market is weak-form efficient say about these investors’ chances of beating the market?The weak form of the efficient market hypothesis states that past prices cannot predict future trends. Price changes are statistically independent of each other. Thus chartists or technical analysts may not gain superior returns.21. The November 1985 prospectus of the Merrill Lynch Phoenix Fund, Inc., a mutual fund, stated the following investment objective:Based upon the belief that the pricing mechanism of the securitiesmarkets lacks perfect efficiency so that prices of securities of troubledissuers are often depressed to a greater extent than warranted by thecondition of the issuer and that, while investment in such securitiesinvolves a high degree of risk, such investments offer the opportunityfor significant capital gains.What does this strategy assume about the pricing efficiency of the stock market?This strategy assumes pricing inefficiency of the stock market. The prices of these securities do not reflect the true intrinsic value and thus may offer opportunities for reaping abnormal returns.22. Why should an investor who believes that the market is efficient pursue an indexing strategy?This is a strategy that capital market theory suggests captures the efficiency of the market. If the market is truly efficient, investors cannot outperform a market index after adjustments for risk and transaction costs.。
货币练习题一、选择题(含单项选择与多项选择)1. 货币的两个基本职能是()。
A、交易媒介B、支付手段C、价值尺度D、价值贮藏2. 货币在执行()职能时,可以是观念上的货币。
A、交易媒介B、价值贮藏C、支付手段D、价值尺度3. 下列说法哪项不属于信用货币的特征()。
4. 我国的货币层次划分中一般将现金划入()层次:A、M0B、M1C、M2D、M35. 虚金本位制也叫()。
A、金币本位制B、金块本位制C、生金本位制D、金汇兑本位制6. 金银复合本位制的主要缺陷是()。
A、造成价值尺度的多重性B、违反独占性和排他性C、引起兑换比率的波动D、导致币材的匮乏7. 金银复本位制向金本位制的过渡方式是()。
A、平行本位制B、双本位制C、跛行本位制D、金块本位制8. 下列哪种经济体中,支付体系的效率最低?()。
A、使用黄金作为商品货币的经济体B、易货经济C、使用不兑现纸币的经济体D、使用通货和存款货币的经济体9. 下列哪种经济体中,商品和服务可以直接交换成另外的商品和服务?()。
( )2、易货经济的效率很低,因为想要达成,必须实现“需求的双重吻合”。
( )3、由于货币具有较好的流动性,通常成为人们价值贮藏的首选。
第1章为什么研究货币、银行与金融市场1、外汇市场就是A、决定利率得场所;B、用其她国家货币表示得一国货币得价格决定得场所;C、决定通货膨胀率得场所; D、出售债券得场所。
3、以下哪种属于债务证券,即承诺在一个特定得时间段中进行定期支付?A、债券; B、股票; C、金融中介;D、外汇。
6、如果一家公司发行股票,意味着它A、在向公众借款; B、引入了新得合伙人,这个合伙人会拥有公司一部分资产与收益;C、买入了外国货币;D、承诺在一个特定得时间段中对证券持有人进行定期支付。
7、下列哪种就是金融中介得案例?A、储户在信用社存款,信用社向成员发放新车贷款;B、一个退休得人购买了IBM公司所发行得债券;C、一个大学生购买了IBM所发行得普通股; D、上述都就是金融中介得案例。
8、在美国,下列哪种就是最大得金融中介机构?A、保险公司; B、财务公司;C、银行; D、共同基金。
答案:1、B2、C 3、A 4、 D 5、 B 6、 B 7、A 8、C9、 D 10、 A11、B 12、C13、C 14、D 15、D第2章金融体系概览1、下述哪种情况属于直接融资?A、您向富兰克林人寿保险公司支付人寿保险得保费,该公司向购房人发放抵押贷款;B、您通过巴尼得经纪人买入通用电气公司得债券;C、您在第一国民银行存入10万美元,该银行向哈德瓦公司发放10万美元得贷款;D、上述情况都不属于直接融资。
米什金《货币金融学》(第11版)笔记和课后习题详解-第5篇 国际金融与货币政策【圣才出品】
![米什金《货币金融学》(第11版)笔记和课后习题详解-第5篇 国际金融与货币政策【圣才出品】](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/51a97d707f1922791788e85e.png)
第5篇国际金融与货币政策第17章外汇市场17.1 复习笔记1.外汇市场(1)汇率汇率就是两种不同货币之间的兑换比率,也就是以一国货币表示的另一国货币的价格。
货币金融学习题及参考答案一.单项选择题1.信用起源于()A、商品交换B、货币流通C、生产社会化D、私有制2.在信用关系的价值运动中,货币执行的职能是( )A、价值尺度B、流通手段C、支付手段 D、储藏手段3.美国同业拆借市场也称()A、贴现市场B、承兑市场C、联邦基金市场 D、外汇交易市场4.资本市场是指()A、短期市场B、一级市场C、发行市场D、长期市场5.劣币是指实际价值( )的货币A、等于零B、等于名义价值 C、高于名义价值D、低于名义价值6.( )是提供金融服务和产品的企业。
A、金融市场B、金融体系C、金融中介 D、金融工具7.货币市场交易与资本市场交易相比较,具有( )的特点。
A、期限短B、流动性低 C、收益率高 D、风险大8.同业拆借市场是金融机构之间为( )而相互融通的市场。
A、减少风险B、提高流动性 C、增加收入D、调剂短期资金余缺9.政策性金融机构是()的金融机构。
A、与商业银行没有区别B、不以营利为目的C、由政府支持不完全以营利为目的D、代表国家财10.本位货币是指( )A、一个国家货币制度规定的标准货币B、本国货币当局发行的货币B、以黄金为基础的货币D、可以与黄金兑换的货币11、由政府或政府金融机构确定并强令执行的利率是()A、公定利率B、一般利率C、官定利率D、固定利率12.信托最突出的特征是对信托财产()的分割A、使用权B、租赁权C、所有权D、代理权13.世界上第一家现代银行――英格兰银行产生于( )A、1690年B、1694年C、1580年D、1587年14.金融监管按大类分可分为证券、保险、( )等监管机构A、信托B、银行C、基金D、投资15."格雷欣法则"这一现象一般发生在()A、银本位制B、金银复本位制C、双本位制D、平行本位制16.假定原始存款为200万元,法定准备率为20%,存款总额可扩大为()A、4000万元B、3600万元C、3000万元D、5000万元17.一张面额为1000元的一年期的汇票,3个月后到期。
Economics of Money, Banking, and Fin. Markets, 10e (Mishkin)Chapter 17 The Foreign Exchange Market17.1 Foreign Exchange Market1) The exchange rate isA) the price of one currency relative to gold.B) the value of a currency relative to inflation.C) the change in the value of money over time.D) the price of one currency relative to another.Answer: DQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy2) Exchange rates are determined inA) the money market.B) the foreign exchange market.C) the stock market.D) the capital market.Answer: BQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy3) Although foreign exchange market trades are said to involve the buying and selling of currencies, most trades involve the buying and selling ofA) bank deposits denominated in different currencies.B) SDRs.C) gold.D) ECUs.Answer: AQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy4) The immediate (two-day) exchange of one currency for another is aA) forward transaction.B) spot transaction.C) money transaction.D) exchange transaction.Answer: BQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy5) An agreement to exchange dollar bank deposits for euro bank deposits in one month is aA) spot transaction.B) future transaction.C) forward transaction.D) deposit transaction.Answer: CQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy6) Today 1 euro can be purchased for $1.10. This is theA) spot exchange rate.B) forward exchange rate.C) fixed exchange rate.D) financial exchange rate.Answer: AQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy7) In an agreement to exchange dollars for euros in three months at a price of $0.90 per euro, the price is theA) spot exchange rate.B) money exchange rate.C) forward exchange rate.D) fixed exchange rate.Answer: CQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy8) When the value of the British pound changes from $1.25 to $1.50, the pound has ________ and the U.S. dollar has ________.A) appreciated; appreciatedB) depreciated; appreciatedC) appreciated; depreciatedD) depreciated; depreciatedAnswer: CQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy9) When the value of the British pound changes from $1.50 to $1.25, then the pound has________ and the U.S. dollar has ________.A) appreciated; appreciatedB) depreciated; appreciatedC) appreciated; depreciatedD) depreciated; depreciatedAnswer: BQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy10) When the value of the dollar changes from £0.5 to £0.75, then the British pound has________ and the U.S. dollar has ________.A) appreciated; appreciatedB) depreciated; appreciatedC) appreciated; depreciatedD) depreciated; depreciatedAnswer: BQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy11) When the value of the dollar changes from £0.75 to £0.5, then the British pound has________ and the U.S. dollar has ________.A) appreciated; appreciatedB) depreciated; appreciatedC) appreciated; depreciatedD) depreciated; depreciatedAnswer: CQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy12) When the exchange rate for the Mexican peso changes from 9 pesos to the U.S. dollar to 10 pesos to the U.S. dollar, then the Mexican peso has ________ and the U.S. dollar has ________.A) appreciated; appreciatedB) depreciated; appreciatedC) appreciated; depreciatedD) depreciated; depreciatedAnswer: BQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy13) When the exchange rate for the Mexican peso changes from 10 pesos to the U.S dollar to 9 pesos to the U.S. dollar, then the Mexican peso has ________ and the U.S. dollar has ________.A) appreciated; appreciatedB) depreciated; appreciatedC) appreciated; depreciatedD) depreciated; depreciatedAnswer: CQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy14) On January 25, 2009, one U.S. dollar traded on the foreign exchange market for about 0.75 euros. Therefore, one euro would have purchased about ________ U.S. dollars.A) 0.75B) 1.00C) 1.33D) 1.75Answer: CQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Analytic skills15) On January 25, 2009, one U.S. dollar traded on the foreign exchange market for about 49.0 Indian rupees. Thus, one Indian rupee would have purchased about ________ U.S. dollars.A) 0.02B) 1.20C) 7.00D) 49.0Answer: AQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Analytic skills16) On January 25, 2009, one U.S. dollar traded on the foreign exchange market for about 1.15 Swiss francs. Therefore, one Swiss franc would have purchased about ________ U.S. dollars.A) 0.30B) 0.87C) 1.15D) 3.10Answer: BQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Analytic skills17) On January 25, 2009, one U.S. dollar traded on the foreign exchange market for about 3.33 Romanian new lei. Therefore, one Romanian new lei would have purchased about ________ U.S. dollars.A) 0.30B) 1.86C) 2.86D) 3.33Answer: AQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Analytic skills18) If the U.S. dollar appreciates from 1.25 Swiss franc per U.S. dollar to 1.5 francs per dollar, then the franc depreciates from ________ U.S. dollars per franc to ________ U.S. dollars per franc.A) 0.80; 0.67B) 0.67; 0.80C) 0.50; 0.33D) 0.33; 0.50Answer: AQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Analytic skills19) If the British pound appreciates from $0.50 per pound to $0.75 per pound, the U.S. dollar depreciates from ________ per dollar to ________ per dollar.A) £2; £2.5B) £2; £1.33C) £2; £1.5D) £2; £1.25Answer: BQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Analytic skills20) If the Japanese yen appreciates from $0.01 per yen to $0.02 per yen, the U.S. dollar depreciates from ________ per dollar to ________ per dollar.A) 100¥; 50¥B) 10¥; 5¥C) 5¥; 10¥D) 50¥; 100¥Answer: AQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Analytic skills21) If the dollar appreciates from 1.5 Brazilian reals per dollar to 2.0 reals per dollar, the real depreciates from ________ per real to ________ per real.A) $0.67; $0.50B) $0.33; $0.50C) $0.75; $0.50D) $0.50; $0.67E) $0.50; $0.75Answer: AQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Analytic skills22) When the exchange rate for the British pound changes from $1.80 per pound to $1.60 per pound, then, holding everything else constant, the pound has ________ and ________ expensive.A) appreciated; British cars sold in the United States become moreB) appreciated; British cars sold in the United States become lessC) depreciated; American wheat sold in Britain becomes moreD) depreciated; American wheat sold in Britain becomes lessAnswer: CQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Analytic skills23) If the dollar depreciates relative to the Swiss francA) Swiss chocolate will become cheaper in the United States.B) American computers will become more expensive in Switzerland.C) Swiss chocolate will become more expensive in the United States.D) Swiss computers will become cheaper in the United States.Answer: CQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Analytic skills24) Everything else held constant, when a country's currency appreciates, the country's goods abroad become ________ expensive and foreign goods in that country become ________ expensive.A) more; lessB) more; moreC) less; lessD) less; moreAnswer: AQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Analytic skills25) Everything else held constant, when a country's currency depreciates, its goods abroad become ________ expensive while foreign goods in that country become ________ expensive.A) more; lessB) more; moreC) less; lessD) less; moreAnswer: DQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Analytic skills17.2 Exchange Rates in the Long Run1) According to the law of one price, if the price of Colombian coffee is 100 Colombian pesos per pound and the price of Brazilian coffee is 4 Brazilian reals per pound, then the exchange rate between the Colombian peso and the Brazilian real is:A) 40 pesos per real.B) 100 pesos per real.C) 25 pesos per real.D) 0.4 pesos per real.Answer: CQues Status: Previous Edition2) The starting point for understanding how exchange rates are determined is a simple idea called ________, which states: if two countries produce an identical good, the price of the good should be the same throughout the world no matter which country produces it.A) Gresham's lawB) the law of one priceC) purchasing power parityD) arbitrageAnswer: BQues Status: Previous Edition3) The ________ states that exchange rates between any two currencies will adjust to reflect changes in the price levels of the two countries.A) theory of purchasing power parityB) law of one priceC) theory of money neutralityD) quantity theory of moneyAnswer: AQues Status: Previous Edition4) The theory of PPP suggests that if one country's price level rises relative to another's, its currency shouldA) depreciate.B) appreciate.C) float.D) do none of the above.Answer: AQues Status: Previous Edition5) The theory of PPP suggests that if one country's price level falls relative to another's, its currency shouldA) depreciate.B) appreciate.C) float.D) do none of the above.Answer: BQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy6) The theory of PPP suggests that if one country's price level falls relative to another's, its currency shouldA) depreciate in the long run.B) appreciate in the long run.C) appreciate in the short run.D) depreciate in the short run.Answer: BQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy7) The theory of purchasing power parity cannot fully explain exchange rate movements becauseA) all goods are identical even if produced in different countries.B) monetary policy differs across countries.C) some goods are not traded between countries.D) fiscal policy differs across countries.Answer: CQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy8) The theory of purchasing power parity states that exchange rates between any two currencies will adjust to reflect changes inA) the trade balances of the two countries.B) the current account balances of the two countries.C) fiscal policies of the two countries.D) the price levels of the two countries.Answer: DQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy9) If the real exchange rate between the United States and Japan is ________, then it is cheaper to buy goods in Japan than in the United States.A) greater than 1.0B) greater than 0.5C) less than 0.5D) less than 1.0Answer: AQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy10) According to PPP, the real exchange rate between two countries will always equalA) 0.0.B) 0.5.C) 1.0.D) 1.5.Answer: CQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy11) The theory of PPP suggests that if one country's price level rises relative to another's, its currency shouldA) depreciate in the long run.B) appreciate in the long run.C) depreciate in the short run.D) appreciate in the short run.Answer: AQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy12) In the long run, a rise in a country's price level (relative to the foreign price level) causes its currency to ________, while a fall in the country's relative price level causes its currency to________.A) appreciate; appreciateB) appreciate; depreciateC) depreciate; appreciateD) depreciate; depreciateAnswer: CQues Status: Previous Edition13) If the 2005 inflation rate in Canada is 4 percent, and the inflation rate in Mexico is 2 percent, then the theory of purchasing power parity predicts that, during 2005, the value of the Canadian dollar in terms of Mexican pesos willA) rise by 6 percent.B) rise by 2 percent.C) fall by 6 percent.D) fall by 2 percent.Answer: DQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Analytic skills14) Assume that the following are the predicted inflation rates in these countries for the year: 2% for the United States, 3% for Canada; 4% for Mexico, and 5% for Brazil. According to the purchasing power parity and everything else held constant, which of the following would we expect to happen?A) The Brazilian real will depreciate against the U.S. dollar.B) The Mexican peso will depreciate against the Brazilian real.C) The Canadian dollar will depreciate against the Mexican peso.D) The U.S. dollar will depreciate against the Canadian dollar.Answer: AQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Analytic skills15) According to the purchasing power parity theory, a rise in the United States price level of 5 percent, and a rise in the Mexican price level of 6 percent causeA) the dollar to appreciate 1 percent relative to the peso.B) the dollar to depreciate 1 percent relative to the peso.C) the dollar to depreciate 5 percent relative to the peso.D) the dollar to appreciate 5 percent relative to the peso.Answer: AQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Analytic skills16) Higher tariffs and quotas cause a country's currency to ________ in the ________ run, everything else held constant.A) depreciate; shortB) appreciate; shortC) depreciate; longD) appreciate; longAnswer: DQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy17) Lower tariffs and quotas cause a country's currency to ________ in the ________ run, everything else held constant.A) depreciate; shortB) appreciate; shortC) depreciate; longD) appreciate; longAnswer: CQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy18) Anything that increases the demand for foreign goods relative to domestic goods tends to________ the domestic currency because domestic goods will only continue to sell well if the value of the domestic currency is ________, everything else held constant.A) depreciate; lowerB) depreciate; higherC) appreciate; lowerD) appreciate; higherAnswer: AQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy19) Everything else held constant, increased demand for a country's ________ causes its currency to appreciate in the long run, while increased demand for ________ causes its currency to depreciate.A) imports; importsB) imports; exportsC) exports; importsD) exports; exportsAnswer: CQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy20) Everything else held constant, increased demand for a country's exports causes its currency to ________ in the long run, while increased demand for imports causes its currency to________.A) appreciate; appreciateB) appreciate; depreciateC) depreciate; appreciateD) depreciate; depreciateAnswer: BQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy21) Everything else held constant, if a factor increases the demand for ________ goods relative to ________ goods, the domestic currency will appreciate.A) foreign; domesticB) foreign; foreignC) domestic; domesticD) domestic; foreignAnswer: DQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy22) Everything else held constant, if a factor decreases the demand for ________ goods relative to ________ goods, the domestic currency will depreciate.A) foreign; domesticB) foreign; foreignC) domestic; domesticD) domestic; foreignAnswer: DQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy23) An increase in productivity in a country will cause its currency to ________ because it can produce goods at a ________ price, everything else held constant.A) depreciate; lowerB) appreciate; lowerC) depreciate; higherD) appreciate; higherAnswer: BQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy24) If, in retaliation for "unfair" trade practices, Congress imposes a 30 percent tariff on Japanese DVD recorders, but at the same time, U.S. demand for Japanese goods increases, then, in the long run, ________, everything else held constantA) the Japanese yen should appreciate relative to the U.S. dollarB) the Japanese yen should depreciate relative to the U.S. dollarC) there is no effect on the Japanese yen relative to the U.S. dollarD) the Japanese yen could appreciate, depreciate or remain constant relative to the U.S. dollar Answer: DQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy25) If the U.S. Congress imposes a quota on imports of Japanese cars due to claims of "unfair" trade practices, and Japanese demand for American exports increases at the same time, then, in the long run ________, everything else held constant.A) the Japanese yen will appreciate relative to the U.S. dollarB) the Japanese yen will depreciate relative to the U.S. dollarC) the Japanese yen will either appreciate, depreciate or remain constant against the U.S. dollarD) there will be no effect on the Japanese yen relative to the U.S. dollarAnswer: BQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy26) If the inflation rate in the United States is higher than that in Mexico and productivity is growing at a slower rate in the United States than in Mexico, then, in the long run, ________, everything else held constant.A) the Mexican peso will appreciate relative to the U.S. dollarB) the Mexican peso will depreciate relative to the U.S. dollarC) the Mexican peso will either appreciate, depreciate, or remain constant relative to the U.S. dollarD) there will be no effect on the Mexican peso relative to the U.S. dollarAnswer: AQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Analytic skills27) If the Brazilian demand for American exports rises at the same time that U.S. productivity rises relative to Brazilian productivity, then, in the long run, ________, everything else held constant.A) the Brazilian real will appreciate relative to the U.S. dollarB) the Brazilian real will depreciate relative to the U.S. dollarC) the Brazilian real will either appreciate, depreciate, or remain constant relative to the U.S. dollarD) there is no effect on the Brazilian real relative to the U.S. dollarAnswer: BQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Analytic skills28) Explain the law of one price and the theory of purchasing power parity. Why doesn't purchasing power parity explain all exchange rate movements? What factors determine long-run exchange rates?Answer: With no trade barriers and low transport costs, the law of one price states that the price of traded goods should be the same in all countries. The purchasing power parity theory extends the law of one price to total economies. PPP states that exchange rates should adjust to reflect changes in the price levels between two countries. PPP may fail to fully explain exchange rates because goods are not identical, and price levels include traded and nontraded goods and services. Long-run exchange rates are determined by domestic price levels relative to foreign price levels, trade barriers, import and export demand, and productivity.Ques Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy17.3 Exchange Rates in the Short Run: A Supply and Demand Analysis1) The theory of portfolio choice suggests that the most important factor affecting the demand for domestic and foreign assets isA) the level of trade and capital flows.B) the expected return on these assets relative to one another.C) the liquidity of these assets relative to one another.D) the riskiness of these assets relative to one another.Answer: BQues Status: RevisedAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy2) The ________ suggests that the most important factor affecting the demand for domestic and foreign assets is the expected return on domestic assets relative to foreign assets.A) theory of portfolio choiceB) law of one priceC) interest parity conditionD) theory of foreign capital mobilityAnswer: AQues Status: RevisedAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy3) The theory of portfolio choice suggests that the most important factor affecting the demand for domestic and foreign assets is the ________ on these assets relative to one another.A) interest rateB) riskC) expected returnD) liquidityAnswer: CQues Status: RevisedAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy4) As the relative expected return on dollar assets increases, foreigners will want to hold more ________ assets and less ________ assets, everything else held constant.A) foreign; foreignB) foreign; dollarC) dollar; foreignD) dollar; dollarAnswer: CQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy5) When Americans or foreigners expect the return on ________ assets to be high relative to the return on ________ assets, there is a higher demand for dollar assets and a correspondingly lower demand for foreign assets.A) dollar; dollarB) dollar; foreignC) foreign; dollarD) foreign; foreignAnswer: BQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy6) When Americans or foreigners expect the return on ________ assets to be high relative to the return on ________ assets, there is a ________ demand for dollar assets, everything else held constant.A) dollar; foreign; constantB) dollar; foreign; higherC) foreign; dollar; higherD) foreign; dollar; constantAnswer: BQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy7) When Americans or foreigners expect the return on dollar assets to be high relative to the return on foreign assets, there is a ________ demand for dollar assets and a correspondingly________ demand for foreign assets.A) higher; higherB) higher; lowerC) lower; higherD) lower; lowerAnswer: BQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy8) Everything else held constant, when the current value of the domestic currency increases, the ________ domestic assets ________.A) demand for; increasesB) quantity demanded of; increasesC) demand for; decreasesD) quantity demanded of; decreasesAnswer: DQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy9) Everything else held constant, when the current value of the domestic exchange rate increases, the ________ of domestic assets ________.A) quantity supplied; does not changeB) supply; decreasesC) quantity supplied; increasesD) supply; increasesAnswer: AQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy17.4 Explaining Changes in Exchange Rates1) An increase in the domestic interest rate causes the demand for domestic assets to ________ and the domestic currency to ________, everything else held constant.A) increase; appreciateB) increase; depreciateC) decrease; appreciateD) decrease; depreciateAnswer: AQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy2) An increase in the domestic interest rate causes the demand for domestic assets to shift to the ________ and the domestic currency to ________, everything else held constant.A) right; appreciateB) right; depreciateC) left; appreciateD) left; depreciateAnswer: AQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy3) A decrease in the domestic interest rate causes the demand for domestic assets to ________ and the domestic currency to ________, everything else held constant.A) increase; appreciateB) increase; depreciateC) decrease; appreciateD) decrease; depreciateAnswer: DQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy________ and the domestic currency to ________, everything else held constant.A) right; appreciateB) right; depreciateC) left; appreciateD) left; depreciateAnswer: DQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy5) ________ in the domestic interest rate causes the demand for domestic assets to increase and the domestic currency to ________, everything else held constant.A) An increase; appreciateB) An increase; depreciateC) A decrease; appreciateD) A decrease; depreciateAnswer: AQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy6) ________ in the domestic interest rate causes the demand for domestic assets to shift to the right and the domestic currency to ________, everything else held constant.A) An increase; appreciateB) An increase; depreciateC) A decrease; appreciateD) A decrease; depreciateAnswer: AQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy7) ________ in the domestic interest rate causes the demand for domestic assets to decrease and the domestic currency to ________, everything else held constant.A) An increase; appreciateB) An increase; depreciateC) A decrease; appreciateD) A decrease; depreciateAnswer: DQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Analytic skillsleft and the domestic currency to ________, everything else held constant.A) An increase; appreciateB) An increase; depreciateC) A decrease; appreciateD) A decrease; depreciateAnswer: DQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Analytic skills9) ________ in the domestic interest rate causes the demand for domestic assets to ________ and the domestic currency to appreciate, everything else held constant.A) An increase; increaseB) An increase; decreaseC) A decrease; increaseD) A decrease; decreaseAnswer: AQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy10) ________ in the domestic interest rate causes the demand for domestic assets to shift to the ________ and the domestic currency to appreciate, everything else held constant.A) An increase; rightB) An increase; leftC) A decrease; rightD) A decrease; leftAnswer: AQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy11) ________ in the domestic interest rate causes the demand for domestic assets to ________ and the domestic currency to depreciate, everything else held constant.A) An increase; increaseB) An increase; decreaseC) A decrease; increaseD) A decrease; decreaseAnswer: DQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Analytic skills________ and the domestic currency to depreciate, everything else held constant.A) An increase; rightB) An increase; leftC) A decrease; rightD) A decrease; leftAnswer: DQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy13) Suppose that the Federal Reserve enacts expansionary policy. Everything else held constant, this will cause the demand for U.S. assets to ________ and the U.S. dollar to ________.A) increase; appreciateB) decrease; appreciateC) increase; depreciateD) decrease; depreciateAnswer: DQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Analytic skills14) Suppose that the Federal Reserve conducts an open market sale. Everything else held constant, this will cause the demand for U.S. assets to ________ and the U.S. dollar will________.A) increase; appreciateB) increase; depreciateC) decrease; appreciateD) decrease; depreciateAnswer: AQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Analytic skills15) An increase in the foreign interest rate causes the demand for domestic assets to ________ and the domestic currency to ________, everything else held constant.A) increase; appreciateB) increase; depreciateC) decrease; appreciateD) decrease; depreciateAnswer: DQues Status: Previous EditionAACSB: Dynamics of the global economy。
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二、单项选择题1、下列那种不属于间接融资( )。
A、你从当地银行申请抵押贷款B、保险公司借款给联想公司C、你从好友处借得1000元D、你购买共同基金的份额;2、按交易对象的不同,金融市场可分为 ( )。
A、一级市场B、二级市场C、现货市场D、资本市场4.如果你计划的投资期限不超过1年,你最可能投资于下列哪个市场?( )A、一级市场B、资本市场C、货币市场D、场外市场5、同业拆借市场是金融机构之间为()而相互融通的市场。
A、场外交易市场B、第四市场C、证券交易所D、第三市场三、多选题1.金融市场的参与者有 ( )。
A.居民个人 B.商业性金融机构 C.政府 D.企业 E.中央银行2.与货币市场相比,资本市场()。
A.流动性更强 B.交易期限较长的金融工具 C.价格波动较大D.收益率较高 E.上述所有选项都正确3.货币市场的主要交易对象有()。
A.大额可转让存单 B.商业票据 C.同业拆借 D.长期政府债券E.银行承兑汇票4.国库券市场的特点有()。
A.安全性高 B. 流动性强 C. 较高的税负 D 期限长 E. 大面额交易5、在流通市场上,参与国库券交易的有()A.商业银行 B.中央银行 C.证券交易商 D.企业 E.个人投资者6.关于大额存单的说法,正确的是()。
( )4、贴现银行持票据向其他银行申请贴现,称为再贴现。
( )5、公司制的证券交易所是不以盈利为目的的法人团体。
( )6、票据贴现实际上是将商业信用转化成了银行信用。
( )六、计算题1、某企业将6个月后到期,票面总额为10000元的商业票据贴现给银行,贴现率为6%,请问企业能够获得的资金是多少?支付给银行的利息是多少?2、某公司持有一张面额10000元的票据去银行办理贴现,该票据50天后到期,银行的年贴现率为12%,该公司可以从银行得到多少现款?3、某债券买入价99.65元,面额100元,还有9年到期,每年付息一次,利息率5%,计算直接收益率和到期收益率?第三章金融工具一、填空题1、股票是由股份公司发行的权益证券,代表持有者对公司资产和收益的。
A.流动性 B.风险性 C.杠杆性 D.收益性2.一般而言,金融资产的流动性与风险性、收益性之间的关系存在( )。
A.正相关 B.负相关 C.不相关 D.不确定关系3.如果债券是以低于面值购买的,到期收益率要()当期收益率;如果债券是以高于面值购买的,到期收益率要()当前收益率;A.低于高于 B.高于等于 C.等于低于 D.高于低于4.下列不属于短期债务工具的是()。
A.商业票据 B.银行承兑汇票 C.公司债券 D.大额存单5.一张差半年到期的面额为2000元的国库券,如果它的发行价为1800元,则年贴现率为( )。
A.5% B.10% C.20% D.5.12%6.关于商业票据的描述,错误的是()。
A.股息率固定 B.股息分派优先 C.剩余资产分配优先 D.具有优先认股权8.对于回购协议的说法错误的是()。
A.所涉及的证券主要是国债 B.回购协议交易流动性强,安全性高C.回购协议收益低于银行存款收益 D.是融通短期资金的行为9.我国发行的政府债券不包括()。
A.凭证式国债 B.记名国债 C.不记名国债 D.记账式国债10.地方政府债券有其独特的特点,与公司债相比,二者的一个重要的区别是()。
A.发行者 B.偿还担保 C.免税 D.发行方式11.可转换债券具有()双重特性。
A.债券和期权 B.债权和股权 C.债权和权证 D.股权和期权12.通常被称为“金边债券”的是()。
A.金融债券 B.政府债券 C.公司债券 D.可转换公司债券13.金融期货合约的特点不包括()。
A.标准化 B.可转让 C.即期交割 D.具有杠杆性14.金融期货种类很多,下面不属于金融期货的有()。
A.利率期货 B.外汇期货 C.股票指数期货 D.大豆期货三、多选题1.以下属于长期融通工具主要有( )。
A.公司债券B.政府债券C.股票D.银行票据E. 商业票据2.关于回购协议的叙述,正确的有()。
A.回购协议是一种短期融资的方式 B.标的物是有价证券C.回购协议市场的交易流动性强,安全性高 D.收益稳定且超过银行存款收益E.商业银行利用回购协议融入的资金要交纳存款保证金3.股票具有的特征包括()。
A. 收益性B. 风险性C. 流通性D. 参与性E. 不可偿还性4.债券与股票的区别有()。
A. 投资主体不同B. 期限不同C. 收益不同D. 风险不同E. 反映的经济关系不同5.按股票所代表的股东权利划分,股票可分为( )。
A. 记名股B. 优先股C. 不记名股D. 新股E. 普通股6.关于优先股票的论述正确的是()。
E .上面的表述都正确。
A.远期 B.期货 C.期权 D.优先股 E.互换8.与金融远期合约相比,金融期货合约的特点是()。
A.指定交易所 B.合约标准化 C.保证金与逐日结算 D.结束头寸的方法E.不同的交易参与者四、简述题1、请分析金融工具的特性。