






Bachelor of Science in Economics Physics

May 20xx





Five terms University Honors (GPA higher than 3.5)

James B. Angell Scholar (Two consecutive Aterms)

William J. Branstrom Freshman Prize (awarded to top 5% of freshman class/Fall 20xx)

Course Highlights:

Econometrics, International Finance, Modern Physics, Law and Philosophy



Ann Arbor, MI

Summer Analyst, Corporate Rates FX Derivatives

Sept. 20xx - present

Developed over 50 client interest rate and foreign currency exposure profiles from financial statements

providing seniormarketers research to develop client-specific hedging strategies.

Worked with analysts to structure and price various derivative products while creating unique and novel methods to presenthedging recommendations to clients.

Created real interest rate monitoring tool to study the effect of rate changes on foreign exchange levels. The tool became partof regular research materials and was published in JPMorgan’s FX Markets Weekly.

Wrote daily and weekly interest rate and foreign exchange market updates, summarizing news and data from various sourcesto inform clients of recent market movements, trends and outlooks.


Ann Arbor, MI

Peer Advisor

Sept. 20xx - present

Coach clients on career related issues by assessing client needs and connecting with appropriate resources/services.

Develop and conduct group presentations on career topics to student organizations.

Create outreach strategies to better market the Career Center and its resources to the campus community and improveoff-site presentations.


Ann Arbor, MI

Intern, Economics Department

June - August 20xx

Created a long-term economic model based on industry and macroeconomic variables (i.e. GDP, gasoline prices,unemployment rates, interest rates, and demographics data) to simulate and forecast automotive sales.

Streamlined methods to calculate and forecast buying propensities based on data from third party sources. Reducedprocessing time from two weeks down to three hours.

Studied and explored strengths of accepted industry leading indicators to improve automotive industry trend forecasting.

Regularly presented results to Chief Economist and other executives.

Sole undergraduate intern in office.



Ann Arbor, MI


20xx - 20xx

Branded organization’s message through website content resulting in increased media usage.

Redesigned website to improve user experience.

Lead Actor

Performed lead roles in dance dramas for audiences of 3000+.

Collaborated with other actors building trusting relationships to create a strong presentation for the audience.


Ortonville, MI

Program Director

20xx - 20xx

Supervised volunteer and paid staff in program planning and execution for camp population ages 5-16.

Created policies and implemented new practices to achieve national accreditation.

Facilitated small group conversations on conflict resolution and group dynamics.









外企应聘电子版英文简历模板 对于英文简历的写作、参加笔试和面试,都应该作好充分的准备。有关这一方面的技巧,我们将在今后进行介绍。下面搜集外企应聘电子版英文简历模板,欢迎阅读! 外企应聘电子版英文简历模板CAREER OBJECTIVE Efficient supervisor seeks a team leader position to help increase productivity and meet or exceed company goals. BACKGROUND SUMMARY Extensive and diversified supervisory experience in computer,office furniture,and boat manufacturing operations.Particularly effective in increasing productivity and capavcity.Demonstrated ability to learn new skills quickly.Able to supervise new departments without prior experience and meet production goals.Successfuily motivate employees.Excellent interpersonal skills.Gained reputation for honesty and placed in a position of trust. SUMMARY OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS Supervised the start-up of second shift shipping department.Trained new employees,reached full capacity while maintaining quality and production goals. Instructed Quality Development courses. Participated in upgrading assembly systems at Lennon and Epstein Systems. Consistently met and/or surpassed production goals.Supervised same day shipping of orders. Participated with Lennon management team in the move of logistics,service operations from St.Paui to Winona facility.Received cash


外贸业务员的英文简历范文 把最有价值的内容放在中,无关痛痒的不需要浪费篇幅,使用语言讲究平实、客观和精练,太感性的描述不宜出现。通常简历的篇幅为A4纸版面1-2页,不宜过长,也不宜有半页,出现一页半的情况时,最好能压缩为一页。 Female 24 years old, Education: bachelor degree Working fixed number of year: students Expected salary: negotiable Work location: guangzhou huadu - xinhua Objective: international trade chief/manager Project management will data analysis

Graduated in June xx Jilin university zhuhai college of business English Excel: skilled experience: 3 years Language skills: English is better Name: certificate issued by the university English four levels of time: in June xx issued by institutions: the national college English test band 4 and band 6 mittee Certificate of title: college English level 6 issue of time: in June xx issued by institutions: the national college English test band 4 and band 6 mittee Certificate of title: the national puter level certificate Issued by time: in June xx issued by institutions: puter organization The name of the certificate: mandarin level 2 grade a Issued by time: in September xx issuing authority: department of education


---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ 人事职员英文简历范文 Name: XXX Sex: Female National: Han Political features: members Education: tertiary Profession: public relations secretary Graduate institution: Nankai University Department of Chinese The course: secretarial, clerical writing, public relations practices, school talks, interpersonal psychology, public relations, public relations language, application writing, political economy, philosophy, foreign culture, file management, such as China’s cultural history. Another: Xu Guozhang English self-study have been 1-4. Undergraduate education is the administration of academic qualifications and English II. And I have a driving license. I have in the international standard of the work of large-scale 1 / 13


建筑设计师助理免费英文简历模板 ng: border-box; word-wrap: break-word; font-size: 0px; font-family: Helvetica Neue , Microsoft YaHei , Helvetica, Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif; white-space: pre-wrap; position: relative; padding: 0px; margin: 1mm 1.5mm; min-height: 22pt; line-height: 0;”> In accordance with requirements of the scheme design, assisted designer modeling scheme Collect large amounts of data, learning a lot of new European architecture practice 考官们经常采用的一个基本策略就是尽量让应试者多讲话,你在面试时一定要注意管紧自己的嘴巴,以免画蛇添足。 二、留足进退的余地,随机应变 面试当中,对那些需要从几个方面来加以阐述,或者圈套式的问题,要注意运用灵活的语言表达技巧,不要一开始就把话讲死。

三、稳定自己的情绪,沉着理智 有时面试时,考官会冷不防地提出一个令应试者意想不到的问题,这时,你需要的是稳定情绪,千万不可乱了方寸。 四、不置可否地应答,同样讨好 应试场上,考官时常会设置一些无论你作肯定的回答还是作否定的回答都不讨好的问题。而你模棱两可的回答,能让自己置于一个有利的位置。 五、圆好自己的说辞,滴水不漏 在面试中,有时考官提的问题并没有什么标准答案,这就要求应试者答题之前要尽可能考虑得周到一些,以免使自己陷于被动。面试在某种程度上就是一种斗智,你必须圆好自己的说辞,方能滴水不漏。 六、不拘一格的思维,歪打正着 面试中,如果考官提出近似于游戏或笑话式的过于简单化的问题,你就应该多转一转脑子,想一想考官是否另有所指,是否在考察你的智商、情商或是职商。如果是,那就得跳出常规思维的束缚,以求收到歪打正着的奇效。


售货员英文简历表格 很多的人会觉得求职是一件简单的事情,如果你也有这样的一个想法,那么久真的是打错特错了,有很多的人就是因为在求职中做的不好,从某种意义上而言,也可以说是缺乏某种经验,而让我们不得不和好的工作机会失之交臂,好的工作机会应该要考我们自己去把握的,毕竟在这个竞争激烈的社会中,没有天上掉馅饼的事情,你想要做的所有的事情,都必须要依靠自己的努力才能够实现,你可能也会在某个时候眼红别的人,你会觉得奇怪,为什么曾经和自己处在一个层面上的人,现在会过的比自己好,也可以说,为什么自己原本很优秀,却过的好不如别人,关于求职的经验,你有究竟知道多少呢 我们在求职之前,充分的准备是非常必要的,你可千万不要小看了这些准备,这些准备,恰恰也就是你取得成功的关键所在。在求职之前,首先应该要做好一份个人简历,个人简历的模板我们可以自己设计,这样会让你的个人简历更加有新意。当然也就能够吸引人事部专员的眼球了,但是,如果你对于模板的制作没有经验,那么也无关,你可以选择在络上下载简历模板,还是有很多样式的简历模板可以选择的。个人简历的制作,最为重要的一点就是一定要将自己的优点和特长彰显出来,在这个时候,你可以不要再谦虚了。Name:fwdqNationality:China (Mainland)Current

Place:GuangzhouHeight/Weight:178 cm75 kgMarital Status:SingleAge:31 yearsCareer ObjectiveApplication type:JobseekerPreferred job title:Foreign Trade/ImportExport Specialist/Assistant: Foreign trade specialist 、 Real Estate Sales: translator 、Marketing Director/Manager/Supervisor: assistantWorking life:7Title:No titleJob type:Full timeExpected Start date:In a weekExpected salary:¥3500~¥6499Preferred working place:Guangzhou No preference No preferenceWork experienceCompany"s name:****CO., LimitedBegin and end date: XX09XX02Enterprise nature:Private enterprisesIndustry: Real Estate / ConstructionJob Title:salesJob description:My duty is mainly about newlybuilt building needs good communications with customers,and detailed introducing spirits and corperations are strongly have a lot of expericnce in for leaving:coming to Guangzhou for furtherCompany"s name:****CO., LimitedBegin and end date: XX03XX08Enterprise nature:Private enterprisesIndustry: Internet/EcommerceJob Title:sales clerkJob description:this job is referred


外企个人英文简历范文 basic information name: sex don\t: female people race: the han nationality birth: january 27, 1987 body high: 163 cm body weight: 60 kg households record: now is located in guangdong zhanjiang, guangdong zhanjiang graduate school: guangzhou kang big professional technology institute study calendar: the specialized subject professional name: graduated from financial accounting year: XX term: two years or above post says: objective position properties: the post job category: financial/audit/tax-accounting financial/audit/tax-finance/accounting assistant financial/audit/tax-a cashier job title: accounting; accounting assistant; cashier work areas: xia zhan jiang city mountain; zhan jiang city zone; salary: rmb 2500 / month do not need to provide housing starting time: skills expertise language: english level 2; standard mandarin computer ability: certificate national computer rank examination level 1; education training education experience: time school education


有经验外贸业务员个人简历模板导读:本文是关于有经验外贸业务员个人简历模板,希望能帮助到您! ◆求职意向 人才类型:普通求职 应聘职位:贸易 工作年限: 4 职称: 求职类型:全职可到职日期:随时 月薪要求: 3000~3499元希望工作地区:南沙区,广州, ◆工作经历 温州**机械有限公司起止年月:2013-04 ~ 2014-04 公司性质:私营企业所属行业:房地产/建筑 担任职位:外贸业务员 工作描述:公司是集生产,研发,销售不锈钢栏杆配件为一体的生产厂家。主要职责: *通过网络、展会(主要是国外展会)等途径开发新客户。 *国外客户来厂参观及验货的接待及安排。 *跟进订单全过程,如确认客户图纸,品质要求,跟进生产进度。租船订舱,安排报关,熟练制作CO, FORM A 等出货单据。 *解决生产、验货、出货出现的各种问题。 *与技术部沟通,改进产品以保证产品的使用性能及安全性。 *根据客户要求及图纸研发新产品,不断满足市场要求。

*处理售后客户投诉如产品尺寸等问题。 离职原因:需回广州 温州**电器洁具有限公司起止年月:2011-09 ~2013-03 公司性质:私营企业所属行业:房地产/建筑 担任职位:外贸业务员 工作描述:公司是集生产,研发,销售排气扇等电器和卫浴产品为一体的生产厂家。在宇东平台更广,成才较快。主要职责:*通过网络、展会(参加每年2次的广交会)等途径开发新客户。 *与客户谈判价格等各条款,带客户参观工厂,争取订单。 *根据客户要求安排样品,定期跟进客户,促成订单。 *与客户和公司内部沟通解决生产、验货及出货过程中出现的各种紧急问题。 *跟进订单执行全过程,包括租船订舱,安排商检报关,及出货后制作相关单据安排电放或原件寄给客户,熟练制作CI, PL, CO 等单据。 *处理售后客户投诉如产品质量等问题。 离职原因: 深圳**通科技有限公司起止年月:2009-07 ~2011-08 公司性质:私营企业所属行业:通信/电信/网络设备 担任职位:外贸业务员 工作描述:公司是集生产,研发,销售无线上网卡等网络产


人力资源管理的英文简历模板 以下是关于人力资源管理的英文简历模板,希望内容对您有帮助,感谢您得阅读。 公司名称:河南科隆新能源有限公司 工作时间: 2012-02-14 至 2015-11-30 公司规模: 500~1000人 所在部门:综合管理部 工作分类:人力资源/管理/招聘/绩效招聘培训主管 职位月薪: 2000~2999 工作描述:河南科隆新能源有限公司是河南科隆集团下属子公司。主营电池正极材料,同行业排名前十。 2012年2月—2014年3月历任公司招聘培训人事专员,招聘培训主管 2014年3月—2014年11月任新能源下属子公司郑州实业公司综合管理部部长(管理企管人力招标专员1人、采购1人、关务2人、后勤保卫3人),自身负责薪资绩效管理工作2014年11月—2015年12月由于自身原因调动回新乡工作,由于岗位的原因调动回新能源公司本部做锂电研究所一线生产、仓库管理。 公司名称:河南科隆集团 ·

工作时间: 2011-07-08 至 2012-02-15 公司规模: 1000人以上 所在部门:招标办、人力资源部 工作分类:其它其他 职位月薪: 1500~1999 工作描述:招标办: 1、负责集团所有招标档案的整理,并导入公司招标管理审价平台里。 2、联系供应商,审核供应商的资质和报价,根据各个公司的报价进行谈价,并汇总后报领导审批,下中标通知书给采购部门。 3、学习公司的招标管理制度 人力资源部 1、跟着招聘主管和培训主管学习培训和招聘流程,学习公司的人力资源相关制度 公司名称:广发证券安阳文峰大道营业部 工作时间: 2010-07-15 至 2011-06-15 公司规模: 500~1000人 所在部门:营销部 工作分类:客户服务/咨询顾问客服经理 职位月薪: 1500~1999 ·


航空专业英文简历模板 li zhang(张丽) room8888, international intelligence tower, zhongguancun east rd #20,100000 86-10-82600072 86-159******** january23, xxxx mr. james jones, hr director fly right avionics enterprises 1212spring street los angeles, california90211 dear mr. jones, this letter is to express my interest in brining my years of experience in airline operation and ground security to your firm. in these troubled times, i know i can add to public safety and security in the transportation industry. as my enclosed resume indicates, my background includes more than two decades of services at us airways with significant experience in: aircraft accident investigation as a member of the us airways disaster team. security checkpoints where i handled countless calls for assistance


客服的英文简历模板 annie smith 69 n. grant street, mid lake city, california 84301 cell :( 988) 598-1331 email: andrew.smith@anymail. career objectives:to gain the position of a customer service billing administrator where my skills and experience will contribute towards the growth of the organization. core petencies: good knowledge of mathematics that can handle plex billing tasks excellent analytical and problem solving skills proficient in puter applications like excel, word and outlook excellent interpersonal and munication skills ability to handle multiple tasks and meet deadlines proficient in handling tasks independently as well as a part of the billing team ability to handle sensitive and private information in a professional manner


外企推荐的超完美简历模板 目录 英文简历模板1(毕业生) (2) 英文简历模板2(有工作经验者) (3) 英文简历模板3(秘书) (4) 英文简历模板4(翻译) (5) 英文简历模板5(律师) (6) 英文简历模板6(前台) (7) 英文简历模板7(后勤) (9) 英文简历模板8(会计师) (10) 英文简历模板9(管理员) (11) 英文简历模板10(销售助理) (12) 英文简历模板11(人事助理) (13) 英文简历模板12(市场主管) (14) 英文简历模板13(培训协调员) (16) 英文简历模板14(工业工程师) (17) 英文简历模板15(人力资源总监) (18) 英文简历模板16(酒店文职人员) (20) 英文简历模板17(人力资源招聘专员) (21) 英文简历模板18(客户服务代表) (22)

英文简历模板1(毕业生) Room 212 Building 343 Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084 (010) 62771234 Email:good@ Zheng Yan --------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective To obtain a challenging position as a software engineer with an emphasis in software design and development. Education 1997.9-2000.6 Dept.of Automation,Graduate School of Tsinghua University, M.E. 1993.9-1997.7 Dept.of Automation,Beijing Insititute of Technology,B.E. Academic Main Courses Mathematics Advanced Mathematics Probability and Statistics Linear Algebra Engineering Mathematics Numerical Algorithm Operational Algorithm Functional Analysis Linear and Nonlinear Programming Electronics and Computer Circuit Principal Data Structures Digital Electronics Artificial Intelligence Computer Local Area Network Computer Abilitees Skilledin use of MS Frontpage, Win 95/NT, Sun, javabeans, HTML, CGI, , Perl, Visual Interdev, Distributed Objects, CORBA, C, C++, Project 98, Office 97, Rational RequisitePro, Process,Pascal, PL/I and SQL software English Skills Have a good command of both spoken and written English .Past CET-6, TOEFL:623;GRE:2213 Scholarships and Awards 1999.3 Guanghua First-class Scholarship for graduate 1998.11 Metal Machining Practice Award 1997.4 Academic Progress Award


外贸业务员个人简历英文版 徐州招聘-徐州英才网 一口流利的英语口语是外贸工作人员的必备技能,同时应聘外贸业务员还需要英文简历的助力,外贸业务员个,供参考. englishversionofyourresume foreigntradesalesman name:nationality:china presentlocation:xuzhou:themanchunationality height:165cm60kg maritalstatus:singleage:32 jobsearchintentionandworkexperience job:foreigntradesalesman/foreigntrademerchandiser workexperience:5yearsorabovetitle:primary jobtype:fulltime,withinaweekofavailability personalexperience: companyname:jiangsubuildingmaterialsco.,ltd.2010- 09tothepresentforeigntradesalesman jobresponsibilities: 1,responsibleforinternationaltradebusinessdevelopment; 2,throughvariouschannelstofindandcontactthedealerbuildin gmaterialsproductsabroad.

reasonsforleaving:thecompanyscaleislimited,cannotprovide greaterdevelopmentspace. selfevaluation: haveacertainabilitytoopenupthemarket,excellentwritteneng lish,goodspokenenglishcanindependentlyreceivecustomersandfo reigncustomersfacetofacecommunication;haveteamspirit,cheerf ul,obeytheleadershiparrangement,abletoworkunderpressure;fam iliarwithforeigntradeandexportbusiness. contactdetails: 个人简历英文版中文翻译 外贸业务员简历 姓名:国籍:中国 目前所在地:徐州民族:满族 身材:165cm60kg 婚姻状况:未婚年龄:32岁 求职意向及工作经历 应聘职位:外贸业务员/外贸跟单员 工作年限:5年以上职称:初级 求职类型:全职,一个星期内可到职 个人工作经历: 公司名称:江苏建材有限公司2010-09~至今外贸业务员 岗位职责: 1、负责公司国际贸易业务拓展工作; 2、通过各种渠道寻找和接洽国外建材产品经销商.

人事主管英文简历 HR Supervisor

RESUME Strength ·More than 3 years hr working experience. ·Longing for working in multi-national companies with high reputation and good development opportunity. Personal Name: ××××Gender:Female Date of Birth: ×××× Martial Status: ×××××Email Address: ×××××××× Tel:(010) ××××××××Mobile Phone: ×××××××× Experience 3/××××-Present××××(China)Co.,Ltd HR supervisor ·Responsible for HR weekly highlight ,monthly measurement and presentation,daily schedule & meeting coordinating. ·Implementing internal & external recruitment ,new employee orientation and employee relations, drafting out the related policy and procedure and providing policy consultation service. ·Administration of PeopleSoft and partial C & B administration. ·Organizing and coordinating training ,being reponsible for orientation training. ·Dealing with some labor disputes. 8/××××-3/×××××××× Company HR assistant ·Keeping and updating emplyee's personal files. ·Checking for staff daily attendance ,statistic for staff absence and vacation record. ·Making the monthly personnel data report about the employee promotion /demotion and transfer. ·Assisting HR manager to make employee evaluation work. Education 9/××××-7/××××University of ××××Business Management Bachelor Speciality language Fluent In English and native in Mandarin.


XXX 性别: 民族 : 籍贯: 出生日期: 年 月 日 政治面貌: 专业: 电话: 电子邮箱: 教育背景 ·2006、9至今 XX 市XX 大学,XX 专业。 ·主修课程 高等数学、航空运输经济、市场营销、国际贸易、财务管理、战略 管理、市场营销、市场调查与预测、数据库原理、统计学原理与民 航统计、机场营运管理、会计学原理与民航运输会计、人力资源管 理、概率论与数理统计。 学生工作 ·2006-2008 担任学生会XX 部部长 负责XXXXXXXXXXXX ·2006-2008 担任XXX 办公室主任 主要负责会议计划和记录等。 所获荣誉 ·2006、12 校级优秀大学生 ·2007、12 校级优秀大学生 ·2007、4 校级优秀共青团员 ·2007、4 2007年全国第九届大学生篮球联赛东北赛区青年志愿者 个人信息 ·英语 CET-4,552,具有良好的读写能力。 ·计算机 熟练掌握Word, Excel, PowerPoint 等Office 办公软件,还精通Photoshop 系列软件。 ·个人爱好 乒乓球、旅游、读书、经济。 ·自我评价 责任心强,适应能力强,有良好的团队合作精神。 照 片

英文名 Room XXXBuilding North XX Civil Aviation University of China, Tianjin 300300 电话 (022) 电话Email: Gender: Female Birthplace: Date of Birth: June 1st, 1987 Political status: Y outh League EDUCATION ·Mar,2006 –present Civil Aviation University of China Tianjin Dept.of Business Administration. ·Academic Main Courses: Advanced mathematics、Principles of Statistics、Principles of Accounting、Management Information Systems、Information Retrieval、Economic law、Enterprise Strategy、International Trade、Marketing、Financ ial Management、Operations Research、Air cargo transportation、 Air transport economics、Strategic Management、Human Resource Management. WORK EXPERIENCE · 2006-2008 be the minister of the Editorial Department of theXXXUnion. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX · 2006-2008 be the Director of the Office Department of the Self-agency Primarily responsible for meeting organization and planning. AWARDS & HONORS · Dec 2006 Colonel-level excellent students, ·Dec 2007 Colonel-level excellent students, ·Apr 2007 Colonel-level excellent Y outh League, ·Apr 2007 as a Y oung volunteers of the 9th CUBA 2007 Northeast Region Matches. PERSONAL INFORMATION ·English ·A good command of both spoken and written English., ·CET-4,552. ·Computer ·Master user of Microsoft Office software, such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint; ·Familiar with applied program,including Photoshop etc. ·Interests ·Table-tennis, Traveling, Reading, Economy . ·Self-Evaluation ·Strong sense of responsibility, ·Good spirit of teamwork, ·Can learn new things well in short time. THANK YOU FOR READING


客服员工英文简历 RECEPTIONIST(General) Sandy Lin 15/F,TOWER2,BRIGHT CHINA,BUILDING1,BEIJING. QUALIFICATIONS: Over 25 years secretarial/administrative experience. div align=left>Skills:Typing (65 wpm),Dictaphone.Multi-line Phones/Switchboard,Ten key (110 kspm) Digital DECmate computer,bookkeeping,credit checks,statistical typing. Extensive business experience including accounting firms,legal firms,financial firms,insurance companies,transportation companies,medical environments,government agencies and non-profit groups. Offer common sense,ability to take initiative,quality orientation and the ability to see a job thorough. Outstanding communications skills...Extremely hardworking and dedicated. EMPLOYMENT: MARSTON CONVENT,Laramie,WY,1988-Present Receptionist Answer phone,greet visitors and provide information,tours,and literature.Record and monitor thank-you notes for all received donations.Perform light typing,filling,and word processing. WYOMING PUBLIC TELEVISION,Laramie,WY,1987-88 Telemarketer Solicit donations.Monitored the ordering of informative pamphlets,placards,buttons,tee-shirts,etc. RINALDO RANCH,Laramie,WY,1983-88


外企个人英文简历范文 name email professionalexperience XX-presentattorney emerson,lake&palmer,p.c.,atlanta,ga trialattorneyinmedium- sized,generalpracticelawfirmwithextensivecorporatedealings. areasofconcentrationhaveincludedenvironmental,publicutility ,generalbusinessandappellatelitigation. XX-XXassistantdistrictattorney athensdistrictattorney#39;soffice,athens,ga seniortrialattorneyresponsibleforprosecutingmajorfelonyc asesinthesuperiorcourt.supervisedcriminalinstigationsandtra inedassistantdistrictsttorneys.prosecutedoverthirtymajorfel onyjurycasesincludingmurder,rape,andchildabuse.briefedandar guedoverfortycasesbeforethesupremejudicialcourtandtheappeal scourt. XX-XXlawclerk/assistanttowncouncil townofmarietta,marietta,ga generalmunicipalandappellatelitigation. education georglainstititeoftechnology,atlanta,ga j.d.,XX,cumlaude.
