7 0.350 0.345 0.441 4.0 8 0.120 0.136 0.082 1.0
9 0.062 0.073 0.058 4.0 10 0.034 0.041 0.021 1.0
11 0.033 0.062 0.073 2.0 12 0.051 0.031 0.032 0.5
13 0.089 0.082 0.079 2.0 14 0.034 0.033 0.031 0.5
0.012 0.006
0.005 0.007
0.009 0.005
0.004 0.006 0.002
0.005 0.001
0.003 0.001
0.003 0.003
0.004 0.003 0.003
0.003 0.004
0.001 0.002
0.004 0.002
0.004 0.003 0.001
5 1.109 1.096 0.788 4.0
7 0.313 0.325 0.291 4.0
9 0.099 0.111 0.043 4.0
11 0.446 0.421 0.324 2.0
13 0.149 0.171 0.233 2.0
15 0.025 0.033 0.015 2.0
17 0.046 0.055 0.061 1.5
0.001 0.003
0.000 0.001
0.001 0.002
0.002 0.001 0.001
限定值 (%)
5 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.3
1.IEC 61000-4-7:此标准涉及谐波测量的方法和设备的标准。
2.IEC 61000-2-4:这是关于谐波电流测量的标准。
3.IEC 61000-2-2:此标准适用于公用电网,规定了电网公共接入点处的各次谐波电压含有的THDv约为8%。
谐波频率与基波频率的比值(n=fn/f1) 称为谐波次数。
电网中有时也存在非整数倍谐波,称为非谐波(Non-harmonics )或分数谐波。
谐波实际上是一种 干扰量,使电网受到“污染”。
目前公司常用测试输入电流谐波的仪器有TEK 系列示波器(可采用WAVESTAR 软件进行谐波分析),测试输出电压谐波的仪器有GW GAD-201G (失真仪)和TEK 系列示波器(可采用WAVESTAR 软件进行谐波分析)。
使用下面的方法计算信号的THD : () ++++++=272625242322211A A A A A A A THD 其中A 1是幅频特性中基波的幅值,而A 2 、A 3、A 4、A 5、……分别是2、3、4、5、……次谐波的幅值。
选取不同数量的谐波分量,可以计算出对应的THD 值。
采用WAVESTAR 软件进行分析可以得到完整谐波分析数据,下图为分析得出的柱型图,从图中可以针对各次谐波异常的状况采取相应的对策进行改善: Harmonic magnitude as a % of the fundamental amplitude0.0%0.7%1.5%2.2%3.0%3.7%4.4%5.2%5.9%6.6%7.4%8.1%Voltage:Current: Ch 1# Harmonics: 20Type: Current Magnitude波峰因数定义为交流信号峰值与有效值之比(峰均比),典型的波峰因数是: 正弦波:1.414;方波: 1;25%的占空比的脉冲:2 。
波峰因数(CREST FACTOR )的概念在UPS 行业是用来衡量UPS 带非线性负载的能力,对线性负载(R LOAD )而言,正弦波电流峰值Ipeak 与均方根值Irms 之比为1.414:1;在非线性负载(RCD LOAD )时,波峰因数则被认定为:在相同的有功功率条件下,非线性负载的电流峰值与非线性负载电流均方根值之比。
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WT210/230 简要中文操作手册
操作: (1)按 SETUP 键,进入设置菜单 (2)通过上下翻页键∧或∨,选择如上左图示的 MATH 功能,按 ENTER 键确认,进入到下图 (3)通过上下选择键∧或∨,选择 ,按 ENTER 键确认
(4)按 START 键,开始积分。 (注:停止测试时按 STOP,并注意按 RESET 进行复位) (5)如下图示,按显示 C 右边的 FUNCTION 键,按到显示 C 第一个字母为 平均功率。
,此时显示 C 上显示值为
PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建
PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建
WT210/230 简要中文操作手册
显示 A 显示 B
显示 C
WT210 功能:电压量程设置键 当电压或电流量程选择不适当的时候, LED 会点亮。 调整到合适的量程 LED 关。 数据更新时,LED 随 更新时间闪烁。
WT210/230 简要中文操作手册
操作: (1)按 SETUP 键, (2)通过∧或∨键,选择 (3)按 ENTER 键确认。 (4) 再通过∧或∨键, YES。 (5)再按 ENTER 键确认即 可。
6、设置显示位数 操作: (1)按 SETUP 键, (2)通过∧或∨键,选择 (3)按 ENTER 键确认。 (4)再通过∧或∨键,选择 Hi 或 Lo。 (5)再按 ENTER 键确认即 可。 注:Hi 时显示位数为 5 位; Lo 时显示位数为 4 位。
Bulletin WT300E-01CNWT300E 系列数字功率计The world'sbest seller5专业30性能空间30多年紧凑型功率计的专业经验与可靠性保证2534/25351992WT110/WT130********2012201519151979YOKOGAWA 成立第一台紧凑型数字功率计诞生2509WT210/WT230WT300系列最新款紧凑型数字功率计WT300E 系列WT300E 系列产品4WT300E 系列特点与优势WTViewerFreePlus 软件显示画面性能卓越、可靠性高同时测量所有参数WT300E 系列不但可以测量所有交直流参数,也可以在没有改变测量模式的情况下同时执行谐波测量和积分测量。
WTViewerFreePlus 软件可用于监视和保存所有这些参数数据,最多可达200个。
便捷的测量功能• 最大值保持功能可以保持RMS/PEAK 电压&电流、有功功率、无功功率和视在功率的最大值。
• 线路滤波器和频率滤波器功能这些滤波器功能将为基波测量过滤掉不需要的噪声和谐波成分。
WT300E 系列可以在积分模式下快速地自动切换量程,这不但可省去上述重复测试的麻烦,还可保证积分的连续性和准确度。
该功能不但可以测量正负瓦时,还可以测量安时以及DC 电流。
峰值因数“6A ”模式在CF=6A 的情况下,电压和电流的最大额定输入变为量程的260%,最大可显示到280%。
特点与优势快速显示和数据更新率WT300E 系列拥有快速显示和最大100ms 的数据更新率,可为用户缩短测试过程的工时。
U-电压 I-电流 P-有功功率 S(VA)-视在功率 Q( var)-无功功率 TIME-积分时间 PF-功率因数 U%-电压THD 值 I%-电流THD 值 VHz-电压频率 AHz-电流频率 Wh-能耗
主要内容: 1. 示波器的基本界面及应注意的一些问题; 2. 用示波器捕捉到的一些波形; 3. WT3000和WT230的基本界面及常用的参数; 4. Chroma电源; 5. 34970A温度采集仪。
示波器型号 MSO4054B DPO3054 DPO 2024 TDS 1012C-SC 带宽 500MHZ 500MHZ 100MHZ 100MHZ 采样速率 2.5GS/S 2.5GS/S 1GS/S 1GS/S
1. Input Range +30 V to –20 V (输入范围+30 V 至–20 V)连 接器仅用于MSO3000 型号上 的P6316 数字探头。 2. 通道1、2、(3 或4)。具 有TekVPI 通用探头接口的通道 输入。 3. 辅助输入。触发电平范围 从+8 V到8 V 可调。最大输入 电压为450V(峰值),300V RMS。输入电阻是1 MΩ ± 1% 并联11.5 pF ±2 pF电容。 4. PROBE COMP(探头补偿)。 用来补偿探头的方波信号源。 输出电压:0 – 2.5V,幅度± 1%(在1 kΩ±2% 之后)。频 率:1 kHz。 5. 接地。 6. 应用模块插槽。
• 在交流电路中,电压与电流之间的相位差 (Φ)的余弦叫做功率因数,用符号cosΦ表示, 在数值上,功率因数是有功功率和视在功 率的比值,即cosΦ=P/S
数字功率计_WT210-230 _20130129
![数字功率计_WT210-230 _20130129](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/cf1550dd80eb6294dd886c10.png)
±ଉ((ڦײፌۨܮٷଉ)ײ/(ۨܮଉ×)ײ0.0002×f%)ईኁ߸ၭ(WT210Ǘ5-200mAଉ)ײ ڍĽ0.01%DŽfڇڦ࿋kHză
*7 ྔև้Ljฉຎࠅ๕ڦ10Ԡă
ຨ้ፌٷሎႹኵ (1s)
Ⴤፌࠌٷఇۉუ (50/60Hz) ࠌఇᅞԲ(CMRR) ܋ᇑऐၒक़600Vrms
ጀǖፌٷଉײ၎ړᇀ600VĂ20AĂ 10V(EX1)ई200mV(EX2)ă
ۉඹ: ሀ13pF
ྔևǖሀ100kΩ)EX1:2.5/5/10V*5*, ሀ20kΩ)EX2:50/100/200mV*6Dž
● 频率范围广,适用于各种场合
0.5Hz起的低频测量,可用于评价循环换流器及电 机的启动。
● 确保精度:1%~130%
横河测试测量专属网站: /cn(中文) (英文)
功率分析仪详解:谐波测量的解析(一)要点1. 功率分析仪详解:谐波测量的解析(一)几乎所有的功率分析仪都有谐波测量功能,有的支持40次,有的支持100次,有的支持128次,这个值是不是越大就越好呢?这个功能又用在哪些测试领域呢?常规谐波测量,IEC 谐波测量以及FFT 都是与谐波有关的,他们之间有何区别,实际使用过程中又该如何选择呢?说到谐波,我们首先关注的参数就是THD(总谐波畸变率,总谐波畸变率就是各次谐波的均方根值除以基波值(有时候是除以总波值叫THF ),其值以百分比方式显示。
也就是说,用于计算THD 的谐波次数越大,THD 值就越大。
而谐波次数越多测试出来的THD 值离真实值就越接近。
接近真实值有什么用呢?那需要测试多少次谐波的THD 值才算比较接近真实值呢?THD 就是告诉你,被测信号里面含有多少谐波成分,是否足够“纯净”。
我们的常识里面谐波就是危害很大的,几乎没有好处(谐波当然也可以废物利用,比如供电线融冰),THD 的真实值可以最准确的告诉我们,被测信号的“纯度”,就像饮用水里面各种成分的含量一样,谐波就像水里面的漂白粉、重金属、有机物成分等,我们当然希望了解我们的饮用水里面所有各种成分的含量。
由于国内大部分仪器都只能测试40次或以内的谐波,所以目前国内的THD 测试标准还是沿用比较落后的40次。
作为全球最大的能源和功率分析仪器仪表制造商,横河可以为您提供多种不同领域的选择,其中包括(WT300系列数字功率分析计、WT1800高性能功率分析仪、WT3000高精度功率分析仪、WT210/WT230数字功率分析计、功率分析仪 WT500、CW240钳式功率分析计等)可以满足您的一切需求。
适用环境●工作温度:-10℃~+45℃●储存温度:-25℃~+70℃●相对湿度:≤95%不结露●海拔高度:≤2500m电磁兼容●静电抗干扰实验Ⅲ级(IEC61000-4-2)●辐射抗干扰试验Ⅲ级(IEC61000-4-3)●电快速瞬变脉冲群干扰试验Ⅳ级(IEC61000-4-4)●浪涌抗干扰试验Ⅳ级(IEC61000-4-5)●射频传导干扰试验Ⅲ级(IEC61000-4-6)●电磁场抗干扰试验Ⅲ级(IEC61000-4-8)技术参数◆网络三相三线、三相四线◆精度等级电流、电压:0.2级,功率、有功电能:0.5级,频率:0.05Hz,无功电能:1级◆输入电流额定值:AC1A、5A过负荷: 1.2倍额定值(连续);10倍额定值/1秒功耗:<0.2VA(每路)◆输入电压额定值:AC57.7V/100V、220V/380V(400V)过负荷: 1.2倍额定值(连续);2倍额定值/1秒功耗:<0.2VA(每路)◆工作电源工作范围AC85-270V频率45-65Hz功耗≤6VA(点阵式液晶)功耗≤4VA(字段式液晶)◆工频耐压2kV/1min交流有效值◆开关量输入4路干接点输入,内置+5V电源◆开关量输出输出方式:2或3路继电器常开触点输出触点容量:AC 250V/3A、DC 30V/3A◆脉冲输出输出方式:集电极开路的光耦脉冲,2路输出脉冲常数: 10000、40000、160000 imp/kW h◆通讯RS485接口MODBUS-RTU协议波特率38400、19200、9600、4800可设定外形及安装尺寸(mm)ACR220ELH的面框尺寸为96mm*96mm,开孔尺寸为88mm*88mm, 安装深度为85mm。
昱光WT210 WT230能源节省工具数字采样功率计说明书
![昱光WT210 WT230能源节省工具数字采样功率计说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/73fef1329a6648d7c1c708a1284ac850ad0204d4.png)
ENERGY SAVING TOOLS Digital Sampling Power Meters with Superior Cost PerformanceWT230WT210130% input1% inputFunctions and Features of the WT210 and WT230●A Wide Frequency Range Lets You Work on a Variety of Different Applications2: Conditions apply to accuracy from 110% to 130%.●Powerful Tools for Energy Measurement●Wide range of 5 mA to 20 AThe built-in 5 mA range lets you measure currents as low as 25 µA. This makes it possible to measure very low currents on such things as intermittent control equipment. The wide current range (5 mA to 20 A) means a single power meter can be used for applications such as Energy Star® measuremnts, to measure everything from standby-power to rated-power.GP-IB/serial interface (RS-232-C)ExternalD/A outputComparator outputRecorderClamp probe The WT230’s advanced specifications and its wide range of functions let you handle all your measurement applications from low-frequency equipment to high frequency inverters using a single power meter.One unit also handles standby low-power measurements and rated-power measurements (functions available with the WT210 only).960 01751552N E W wareSoft Fr ee WTViewer for the WT210/WT230Easily Acquire and Manage Power Measurement Data from Your PCSee 8 pages orBulletin 7604- 32E for details.5ParameterVoltage15/30/60/150/300/600 VInput resistance: Approximately 2 M ΩInput capacitance: Approximately 13 pF Peak voltage of 2.8 kV or rms value of 2.0 kV (whichever is less)Peak voltage of 2.0 kV or rms value of 1.5 kV (whichever is less)Peak voltage of 1.5 kV or rms value of 1.0 kV (whichever is less)600 Vrms (with output connector protective cover), CA T II / 400 Vrms (without output connector protective cover) CA T II50/60 Hz, -80 dB or higher (±0.01% of range or less) with voltage input terminals shorted and current input terminals open and external input terminals shorted Reference value (up to 100 kHz): ±((Maximum range rating)/(Range rating) × 0.001 × f% of rng) or less (voltage range and 0.5-20 A current range and external input range 3)±((Maximum range rating)/(Range rating) × 0.0002 × f% of rng) or less (WT210; 5-200 mA range)Note: 0.01% or higher. f is in kHz. 3 Decuple the above-formula about the external input range.Resistance voltage dividerCurrentShunt input system Direct input:5/10/20/50/100/200 mA (WT210 only)1; 0.5/1/2/5/10/20 A (WT210/WT230)External input (optional): 2.5/5/10 V or 50/100/200 mVDirect input:Approximately 500 m Ω + approximately 0.1 µH (5-200 mA; WT210)Approximately 6 m Ω + 10 m Ω (max)2 + approximately 0.1 µH (0.5-20 A; WT210)Approximately 6 m Ω approximately 0.1 µH (0.5-20 A; WT230)External input: Approximately 100 k Ω (2.5/5/10 V), approximately 20 k Ω (50/100/200 mV)0.5-20 A (WT210/WT230): Peak current of 450 A or rms value of 300 A (whichever is less)5-200 mA (WT210): Peak current of 150 A or rms value of 100 A (whichever is less)External input: Peak value of 10 times range or less0.5-20 A (WT210/WT230): Peak current of 150 A or rms value of 40 A (whichever is less)5-200 mA (WT210): Peak current of 30 A or rms value of 20 A (whichever is less)External input: Peak value of 10 times range or less0.5-20 A (WT210/WT230): Peak current of 100 A or rms value of 30 A (whichever is less)5-200 mA (WT210): Peak current of 30 A or rms value of 20 A (whichever is less)External input: Peak value of 5 times range or lessInput typeRated values (ranges)Measuring instrument loss (input resistance)Maximum instantaneous allowed input (1 cycle, 20 ms duration)Maximum instantaneous allowed input (1 second duration)Maximum continuous allowed inputMaximum continuous common mode voltage (with 50/60 Hz input)CMRR600 Vrms across input terminal and caseFloating inputInput SpecificationsPlug-in terminal (safety terminal)Direct input: Large binding postExternal input: BNC connector (insulation type)Input terminal type A/D converterSimultaneous conversion of voltage and current inputs Resolution: 16 bitsMaximum conversion speed: Approximately 20 µs (approximately 51 kHz)Range switchingRanges can be set manually, automatically, or through online controls. Auto-range functionRange raising: When a measurement exceeds 130% of the rating, or when the peak value exceeds approximately 300% of the ratingRange lowering: When a measurement falls to 30% or less of the rating, and the peak value falls to approximately 300% or less of the rating for the low range Measurement mode switchingAny of the following, selected manually or through online controls: RMS (true rms value measurements for both voltage and current), V MEAN (calibration of average-value-rectified rms value for voltage; true rms value measurement for current), DC (simple averages for both voltage and current)Note: Current direct input and external sensor input cannot both be used at the same time. When you operate current input terminals and external input terminals, please be careful.Since these terminals are electrically connected inside the instrument.1, Connect wires that match the size of the measurement current.2, Factory settingParameterVoltage/currentDC:0.5 Hz ≤ f < 45 Hz:45 Hz ≤ f ≤ 66 Hz:66 Hz < f ≤ 1 kHz:1 kHz < f ≤ 10 kHz:10 kHz < f ≤ 100 kHz:* Add ±10 µA to the current DC accuracy.1-130% of voltage/current range rating (for accuracy at 110-130%, add the reading tolerance × 0.5 to the above accuracy) Add the accuracy's reading tolerance (three months after calibration) × 0.5 to the accuracy three months after calibration.A low-pass filter can be inserted in the input circuit for measurement. The cutoff frequency (fc) is 500 Hz.Voltage and current: Add 0.2% of rdg at 45-66 Hz. Add 0.5% of rdg below 45 Hz.Power: Add 0.3% of rdg at 45-66 Hz. Add 1% of rdg below 45 Hz.±0.03% of range/°C at 5-18°C and 28-40°C.0.1/0.25/0.5/1/2/5 secondsData updating rate0.1 second 0.25 second 0.5 second 1 second 2 seconds 5 seconds Measurement lower limit frequency25 Hz10 Hz5 Hz2.5 Hz1.5 Hz0.5 Hz±(0.2% or rdg + 0.2% of rng)*±(0.1% of rdg + 0.2% of rng)±(0.1% of rdg + 0.1% of rng)±(0.1% of rdg + 0.2% of rng)±((0.07 × f)% of rdg + 0.3% of rng)±((0.5% of rdg + 0.5% of rng) ±((0.04 × (f-10))% of rdg)Active powerDC:0.5 Hz ≤ f < 45 Hz:45 Hz ≤ f ≤ 66 Hz:66 Hz < f ≤ 1 kHz:1 kHz < f ≤ 10 kHz:10 kHz < f ≤ 100 kHz:* Add ±10 µA × voltage reading to the power DC accuracy.For cos ϕ = 045 Hz ≤ f ≤ 66 Hz: ±0.2% of VA (VA is a reading value of apparent power)Reference data (up to 100 kHz): ±((0.2 + 0.2 × f)% of VA)Indicated value tolerance for 0 < cos ϕ < 1Add (tan ϕ × (effect when cos ϕ = 0)% of power reading to the above power accuracy.Note: ϕ is the phase angle between voltage and current.±(0.3% or rdg + 0.2% of rng)*±(0.3% of rdg + 0.2% of rng)±(0.1% of rdg + 0.1% of rng)±(0.2% of rdg + 0.2% of rng)±(0.1% of rdg + 0.3% of rng) ±((0.067 × (f-1))% of rdg)±(0.5% of rdg + 0.5% of rng) ±((0.09 × (f-10))% of rdg)SystemFrequency range Crest factorAccuracy (three months after calibration) (Conditions)T emperature: 23±5°C Humidity: 30-75% RHInput waveform: Sinewave Power factor: cos ϕ = 1 In-phase voltage: 0 V DCFrequency filter: ON at 200 Hz or less Scaling: OFFDisplay digits: 5 digits After CAL is executedNote: In the accuracy calculation formula, f is in kHz.Power factor effectNote: In the accuracy calculation formula, f is in kHz. Effective input rangeAccuracy (12 months after calibration)Line filter functionAccuracy with line filter on T emperature coefficient Display updating intervals Measurement lower limit frequencyDigital sampling; sum of averages methodDC, and 0.5 Hz to 100 kHz3 (with rated input) 300 (with minimum effective input)Measurement Functionsrng: Range rdg: ReadingLead/lag is detected correctly when phase difference equal to or greater than ±5° with both voltage and current inputs as sine waves equal to or greater than 50% of rated range-value, and the frequency is between 20 Hz to 2 kHz.Lead/lag detectingThe latest product information is available at our web site /tm/. Review the specifications to determine which model is right for you.Frequency MeasurementsMeasurement inputs :V1, V2, V3, A1, A2, or A3 (select one)Measurement system :Reciprocal system Measurement frequency ranges100 ms:25Hz ≤ f ≤100 kHz 250 ms:10Hz ≤ f ≤100 kHz 500 ms: 5Hz ≤ f ≤100 kHz 1 sec: 2.5Hz ≤ f ≤100 kHz 2.5 sec:1.5Hz ≤ f ≤50 kHz 5 sec:0.5Hz ≤ f ≤20 kHzAccuracy:±(0.06% of rdg)Conditions:Input equal to at least 30% of voltage/current rated range.Frequency filter function ON at 200 Hz and below.Frequency filter cutoff frequency: 500 HzCommunication Functions (Optional for the WT210)GP-IB or serial interface (RS-232-C) (select one)GP-IBElectrical and mechanical specifications:Conform to IEEE Standard 488-1978 (JIS C1901-1987).Functional specifications:SH1, AH1, T5, L4, SR1, RL1, PR0, DC1, DT1, C0Protocol:Conforms to IEEE Standard 488.2-1992.Code used:ISO (ASCII) code Addresses:0-30 talker/listener addresses can be set.Serial interface (RS-232-C)Transmission mode :Asynchronous Baud rates:1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 bps62333Single-phase 3-wire Three-phase 3-wire (2 voltages, 2 currents)Three-phase 3-wire (3 voltages, 3 currents)Three-phase 4-wireVoltage ∑V (V1 + V3)/2(A1 + A3)/2W1 + W3(V1 + V2 + V3)/3(A1 + A2 + A3)/3W1 + W2 + W3var1 + var2 + var3VA1 + VA2 + VA3Current ∑A Active power ∑WPower factor PF , ∑PF Phaseangle deg, ∑degdegi =cos -1 (Wi/VAi)Reactive power var, ∑var Apparent power VA, ∑VA vari = (VA 2 - W 2)VAi = Vi × Ai Pfi = Wi/VAi ∑W/∑VA cos -1 (∑W/∑VA)VA1 + VA3var1 + var3(VA1 + VA3)(VA1 + VA2 + VA3)Notes1.This equipment's apparent power (VA), reactive power (var), power factor (PF),and phase angle (deg) are calculated from voltage, current, and active power.(Therefore, if the input contains a distorted wave, the values may not match those of other measuring instruments based on different measurement principles.)2.If either voltage or current falls to 0.5% of the range rating or less, then the apparent power (VA) and reactive power (var) are displayed as zero, and errors are displayed for power factor (PF) and phase angle (deg).3.The sign of the var of each phase is displayed with +(positive). In the ∑var calculation, the var value for each phase is calculated with a negative sign if the current input leads the voltage input, and with a positive sign if the current input lags the voltage input. Then the value of ∑ var may be displayed with –(negative).4.Apparent power (VA) and reactive power (var) cannot be calculated and displayed at the harmonics measurement mode.Display FunctionsDisplay unit:7-segment LED (light-emitting diode)Display areas:3V , A, W, VA, var (for each element), integration elapsed timeV , A, W, PF , deg (for each element, percentage (content percentage, THD)V , A, W, V/AHz, Vpk, Apk, ±Wh, ±Ah (for each element), MA THDisplay areaA B CDisplayed informationMeasurement parameters Maximum display Display resolutionV , A, W, VA, var PF deg ±Wh, ±AhVHz, AHz 99999±1.0000±180.0999999999990.001%0.01%0.1*0.0001%Input frequency/20,000Display digits: 4 or 5 digits (selectable by user).Factory default setting is 5 digits.Units:m, k, M, V , A, W, VA, var, Hz, h ±, deg, %Display updating intervals: 0.1/0.25/0.5/1/2/5 seconds Response time:Maximum 2 times the display updating interval (time requiredfor display value to enter accuracy range of final value with line filter off, when range rating abruptly changes from 0% to 100%,and from 100% to 0%)Maximum display:140% of voltage/current range rating Minimum display:About Vrms, Arms, and Ah, 0.5% of range rating.Less than 0.5% is zero suppression.Display scaling functionEffective digits:Selected automatically according to the digits in the voltage andcurrent ranges.Setting range:0.001 to 9999Averaging functionThere are two averaging methods (selectable by user):Exponential average Moving averageIn cases where response can be set and exponential average is used, the attenuation constant can be selected. In cases where a moving average is used, the number of averages N can be selected from 8, 16, 32, and 64.Auto-range monitorAn LED turns on when the input value is outside the range set for the auto-range.MAX hold functionThis function can be used to hold V, A, W, VA, var, Vpk, and Apk at maximum values.MA TH functions System:When a function key on DISPLA Y C is pressed to select theMATH functions, it is possible to perform efficiency (WT230 only)and input crest factor measurements, as well as arithmetic calculations on DISPLAY A and B measurements. In addition, it is possible to display average active power for time-converted integrated power.Integration FunctionsDisplay resolution:The minimum display resolution changes together with the integrated value.Maximum display:-99999 to 999999 MWh/MAhModes:Standard integration mode (timer mode), continuous integration mode (repeat mode), manual integration modeTimer:Automatic integration start/stop based on timer setting.Setting range: 000 h:00 min:00 sec to 10000 h:00 min:00 sec (If the time is set to zero, manual mode is automatically set.)Count over flow:When the integrated value exceeds 999999 MWh/MAh or falls to at least -99999 MWh/MAh, the elapsed time is saved and the operation is stopped.Accuracy:±(display accuracy + 0.1% of rdg)Timer accuracy:±0.02%Remote control:Starting, stopping, and resetting can be controlled through external contact signals. This function is only available when option /DA4, /DA12 or /CMP is installed.Calculation FunctionsInternal Memory FunctionsMeasurement dataStored data WT210 (760401)WT230 (760502)WT230 (760503)Normal measurement Data for 600 samples Data for 300 samples Data for 200 samplesHarmonic measurement Data for 30 samples Data for 30 samples Data for 30 samplesStore interval:Display updating interval and 1 second to 99 hours, 59 minutes,and 59 secondsRecall interval:Display updating interval and 1 second to 99 hours, 59 minutes,and 59 seconds(Both can be set in 1-second increments.)Panel setting information :Four different patterns of panel setting information can be written/read.Harmonic Measurement Function (optional)System:PLL synchronization Measurement frequency range:Fundamental frequency in range of 40-440 HzMaximum display:99999Display digits: 4 or 5 digits (selectable by user).Factory default setting is 5 digits.Measurement parameters: V , A, W, deg (WT210), V1, V2, V3, A1, A2, A3, W1, W2,W3, deg1, deg2, deg3 (WT230), individual harmonic levels, rms voltage, rms current, active power, fundamental frequency PF ,harmonic distortion rate, individual harmonic contentMeasurement element: These parameters can only be measured simultaneously fora single specified input element.Sampling speed, window width, and analysis ordersThe values for these parameters vary according to the input fundamental frequency as shown below.Fundamental frequency Sampling speed Window width Analysis orders 40 ≤ f < 70 Hz f × 512 Hz 2 periods of f 50 70 ≤ f < 130 Hz f × 256 Hz 4 periods of f 50130 ≤ f < 250 Hz f × 128 Hz 8 periods of f 50250 ≤ f ≤ 440 Hz f × 64 Hz 16 periods of f 30FFT data length:1024FFT processed word length: 32 bits Window function:Rectangular Display updating interval:0.25/0.5/1/2/5 seconds Updating is slower during online output according to the communication speed and the number of parameters transferred.Accuracy:Add ±0.2% of range to normal measurement accuracy.Note:For nth-order component input, add ((nth order reading)× (10/(m+1))%) to the n+mth order and n-mth order.D/A Output (optional)Output voltage:±5 V FS (maximum approximately ±7.5 V) for each rated value Number of outputs:12 parameters with /DA12 option; 4 parameters with /DA4 option Output data selection :Can be set separately for each channel.Accuracy:±(equipment accuracy + 0.2% of FS)D/A converter:12-bit resolution Response time:Maximum 2 times the display updating interval Updating interval:Same as the equipment's display updating interval Temperature coefficient:±0.05%˚C of FS Output typeD/A output7.5V 5.0V2.5V0.5V00.5Hz 100Hz10Hz1Hz1kHz10kHz Display value100kHz FrequencyIntegrationD/A output7.0V5.0Vt0Integration timeFor input equal to 140% of ratingFor rated inputt0: Rated setting timeOther parameters0V-100%-140%-5.0V -7.0V -7.5V5.0V7.0V 7.5V 140%100%D/A outputDisplay valueDisplay 140% 100% 0%-100%-140%Output 7.0V 5.0V 0V -5.0V -7.0VNote: For PF and deg, there is no output between ±5 and ±7 V. When an error occurs,approximately 7.5 V are output.7External Input (Optional)Select either /EX1 or /EX2 for the voltage output-type current sensor./EX1: 2.5/5/10 V /EX2:50/100/200 mV Specifications:See the section on input specifications.Comparator Output (Optional)Output method:Normal-open and normal-close relay contact output (pair)Number of output parameters and settings:Four parameters; can be set separately on each output channel.Contact capacitance:24 V/0.5 AD/A output (4-channel):See section on D/A output (optional)External Control Signal (with D/A or /CMP Option Only)External control signals :EXT -HOLD, EXT -TRIG, EXT -START, EXT -STOP , EXT -RESET ,INTEG-BUSYInput:TTL level negative pulseGeneral SpecificationsWarmup time:Approximately 30 minutesOperating temperature and humidity ranges: 5-40˚C, 20-80% RH (no condensation)Storage temperature :-25-60˚C (no condensation)Maximum operating elevation: 2000 metersInsulating resistance :50 M Ω or higher at 500 V DC across all of the following areas:Voltage input terminals (ganged) and case Current input terminals (ganged) and caseVoltage input terminals (ganged) and current input terminals (ganged)Voltage input terminals (ganged) of each element Current input terminals (ganged) of each element Voltage input terminals (ganged) and power plug Current input terminals (ganged) and power plug Case and power plugInsulating withstand voltage:3700 V for one minute at 50/60 Hz across all of the following areas:Voltage input terminals (ganged) and case Current input terminals (ganged) and caseVoltage input terminals (ganged) and current input terminals (ganged)Voltage input terminals (ganged) of each element Current input terminals (ganged) of each element Voltage input terminals (ganged) and power plug Current input terminals (ganged) and power plug1500 V for one minute at 50/60 Hz across case and power plug Power supply:Free power supply (100-240 V), 50/60 Hz frequency Consumed power:Max 35 VA for WT210, max 55 VA for WT230External dimensions for WT210:Approximately 213 × 88 × 379 mm (WHD) (excluding projections)External dimensions for WT230:Approximately 213 × 132 × 379 mm (WHD) (excluding projections)Weight:Approximately 3 kg for WT210, approximately 5 kg for WT230Safety standard Complying standard EN61010-1Overvoltage category (Installation category) II Pollution degree 2Emission Complying standard EN61326 Class AEN61000-3-2EN61000-3-3AS/NZS 2064 Class AImmunity Complying standard EN61326 Annex A■Exterior ViewUnit : mmWT210WT23021332728.51322113233425073233562131798819359760401Power cord Options-D-F -R -Q/C1/C2/EX1/EX2/HRM /DA4/CMPWT210 single-input element modelUL/CSA standard VDE standard AS standard BS standardGP-IB communication interfaceSerial (RS-232-C) communication interface External input 2.5/5/10 V External input 50/100/200 mV Harmonic measurement function 4-channel DA outputComparator and D/A, 4 channels eachModel number DescriptionSuffix codeSelect oneSelect one Select one Note: The WT210 communication interface cannot be changed or modified after delivery.760502760503Interface Power cord Options-C1-C2-D-F -R -Q/EX1/EX2/HRM /DA12/CMPWT230 2-input element model WT230 3-input element model GP-IB communication interfaceSerial (RS-232-C) communication interface UL/CSA standard VDE standard AS standard BS standardExternal input 2.5/5/10 V External input 50/100/200 mV Harmonic measurement function 12-channel DA outputComparator and D/A, 4 channels eachModel number DescriptionSuffix code Select oneSelect oneSelect one Model or part number751533-E2751533-J2751534-E2751534-J2751533-E3751533-J3751534-E3751534-J3SpecificationFor WT210 EIA standalone installation For WT210 JIS standalone installation For WT210 EIA connected installation For WT210 JIS connected installation For WT230 EIA standalone installation For WT230 JIS standalone installation For WT230 EIA connected installation For WT230 JIS connected installationOrder quantity11111111Product Rack mounting kit Rack mounting kit Rack mounting kit Rack mounting kit Rack mounting kit Rack mounting kit Rack mounting kit Rack mounting kitAsk Yokogawa for information on rack mounts in which WT210 and WT230 are combined.B9317WD B9284LK1.5 mm hex wrench External sensor cableFor fastening cable on 758931For external input; 50 cmModel numberDescription■Model Numbers and Suffix Codes■Rack mounts■Accessories (sold separately)■Standard AccessoriesPower cord, Power fuse, Current input protective cover, Rubber feet for the hind feet,24-pin connector (provided only on options/DA4, /DA12, and /CMP), User’s manualSingle-phase 2-wire Single-phase 3-wireThree-phase 3-wire (2 voltages, 2 currents)Three-phase 3-wire (3 voltages, 3 currents)Three-phase 4-wire760401✓––––760502✓✓✓––760503✓✓✓✓✓WiringModel■Wiring Types and Model Numbers366921Conversion adapter 1758921Fork Terminal Adapter758917Measurement leadsLabVIEW* Driver Software (Free)interface. See Bulletin 04L00L00-00E for details.。
IPB 电性能参数要求及测量方法一、 常用测试仪器清单图一 Chroma 63102 图二Chroma 61604 图三 WT210图四 示波器 VM5000 图五 TCPA300+TCP312 图六 TEKP5100二、 测试项目三、详细测试条件、方法及注意事项3.1基本IPB参数描述说明3.2输入特性测试项及测试条件及方法3.2.1 AC Input Current目的:验证电源在输入全电压范围内、最大负载下,输入电流是否符合规格。
3.2.2Inrush Current Test and I2T目的:验证电源在输入全电压范围内、最大负载下,开机冲击电流及I2T是否符合保险丝规格。
用Chroma 61604设值相位的步骤如下:Page/exi t →(PAGE CHOICE )选择3(output),即按下数字键3→ENTER→▼→在DEG:ON后输入相位90或270→ENTER→Page/exi t→Page/exi t→回到了原始界面,相位设置成功4)大水桶电容上的电全部放完,易测得最大结果。
5)用VM5000设置I2T计算公式方法如下:前提:假设用第一通道接电流探头测试冲击电流点击主界面上第一栏菜单键 Math→math setup→clear→editor→Integral(∫ydt)→CH1*CH1)→OK 设置完毕6)测试波形见下图3.2.3Efficiency目的:验证电源整机效率是否符合设计规格要求。
25针转接9针接口时针脚号对应表25针9针针脚号功能针脚号功能1 保护地2 TXD(O) 2 RXD(I)3 RXD(I) 3 TXD(O)4 RTS(O)8 CTS(I)5 CTS(I)7 RTS(O)6 DSR(I) 4 DTR(O)7 GND信号地 5 GND信号地20 DTR(O) 6 DSR(I)接线调试注意:Ø线路焊接要牢固Ø强烈建议不要带电插拔串口,插拔时至少有一端是断电的,否则串口易损。
2、WT210 230 串口RS232通讯设置及操作。
模式:常规、488.2、talking only、printer方式:全双工波特率:1200、2400、4800、9600起始位:1bit数据长度:7或8位奇偶(parity):Even(偶)、odd(奇)停止位:1或2位硬握:CA(RTS)、CB(CTS)、CC(DSR)、CD(DTR)数据格式预设值起始位数据长度奇偶停止位FOR_0 1 8 No 1FOR_1 1 7 Odd 1FOR_2 1 7 Even 1FOR_3 1 7 No 23、软件WTViever设置打开WTViever,按下面步骤。
该方法从源头上保证数据的采样频率为基波频率的整数倍,如IEC 61000-4-7标准就规定50Hz使用10倍基波采样率,采样数据经离散傅里叶变换即可得到各次谐波分量。