
一、TEM4 便条的基本要求(一) 格式(format)正确TEM4 便条的格式与普通英文书信格式基本相同。
具体来说,它应有日期(date)、称呼(saluwfion)、正文(body)及结尾(ending),结尾包括结尾套语(complimentary close)和签名(signature)。
例如,2008 年4 月21 日通常写成April 21,2008 或April 21 st,2008;当然,由于是非正式书信,也可以去掉年份,写成Ap l 2l 或April 21st(不过,这种写法,只是最近两年才被TEM4 接受),或者写成21/4/2008 或4/21/2008。
2.称呼称呼是指写便条人对收便条人的称谓,一般都以Dear 开头,写在日期下一两行、留出左页边空白,顶格写。
TEM4 试卷中一般对写便条人与收便条人之间的关系作了提示。
提示中的you 指的是写便条人,提到的另一方便是收便条人。
称呼时,一般只需在其名字前加Dear 即可,如Dear Susan,Dear Tom。
若此人有头衔(social title),称呼时,便要保留其头衔,例如Dr.Herce,要称Dear Dr.Pierce,不称Dear Pierce。
如果提示中的另一方是以Mrs Wang 或Mr Wang 出现,称呼时。

商务信件及事务信的有用句型:(一)、索赔信:1.The goods we ordered on Mar.15,2004 have arrived in damaged condition.我方于2004年3月15 日订购的货物到货,但已受损。
2.As the goods are urgently required, we must ask you to dispatch them by air.由于我方急需该商品,因此请求你方施行空运。
3.The quality of your shipment for our order is not in conformity with the agreed specifications,we must therefore lodge a claim against you for the amount of····因你方装船质量不符合商定规格,所以我方必须向你方提出索赔。
4.On opening the cases, we found that we have received……..一开箱,我们发现收到·····5.We should be obliged if you would forward us replacement for the machine as soon aspossible.若你方尽快更换那台机器,我方将不胜感激。
(二)、投诉信:6. We have to make complaints about the quality of a camera…..我方对你的相机质量提出投诉。
7. We have to complain you about….which has caused us much trouble.我们不得不向你方抱怨给我方造成很大麻烦的·····8. I’m sorry to point out the defect in……很抱歉,我得指出···的毛病。

英语专四便条写作(1) Requesting for something(2) Giving reason(s) for making the request * to show courtesy and appreciation Tentative/Formal/Polite:Would you mind doing this …?I was wondering if you could/would do this …?Would it be possible for you to do this …?Would you be so kind as to do this …?Would you be kind enough to do this …?I wonder if you would mind doing this …?I would appreciate it if you would/could do this…?I wo nder if you could/would do me a great favor that…?I would be most grateful for your consideration of this request.I am sorry to trouble you, but I need to seek help from you …I would greatly appreciate it if you could (help me)….I would like to know fu rther information about …We wonder if you could send us …2.Apologies(1) A regretful opening (2) Something apologized for(3) An explanation for the error or the failure(4) Sometimes a suggestion for remedy *Useful ExpressionsI am sorry (that)…I’m (really/very/awfully/extremely) sorry about–ing / not–ing…I am sorry about-ing / not-ing…I am sorry but…Sorry about-ing / not-ing…I am afraid I … I am sorry.I feel terrible for…I feel awful about…Unfortunately , I …I am regretful about/for…I regre t…I must (do) apologize for …Please accept my apologies.I can assur e you that we will …Much to my regret that I may not be able to keep my promise because …Tentative expressionsWe would like each of you to …If you are interested in …We hope you wi ll …Mary would guide you how to get here.It would be good if you came …4.NoticesUseful expressionsDo notPlease don’t …… on Thursday, May 13, at 9:00 a.m. …For more information, please contact … at …5. Invitation(1) The invitation itself(2) Details of the event the recipient in invited to(3) The reason for the event or invitation(4) An expression of hope for the invitee’s acceptanceUseful ExpressionsI would like to ask you to come …I would like to invite you to …You are cordially invite d to …Please accept the invi tation to come …I am pleased to invite you to …I would like to extend to you an invitation to …We hope you will be attending / joining us …We are most pleased / honored to be able to extend to you an invitation to …… cordially invite(s) you to …Request(s) the pleasure of your company for …6. Acceptance(1) Not too short – to avoid sounding impolite(2) Express gratitude and pleasure for the invitation or the offer(3)Restate the date just to make sure there is no mistake about itUseful ExpressionsThank you for …Thanks for …It was delightful / nice / wonderful / marvelous to get …It was delightful / nice / wonderful / marvelous to be invited to …Your invitation / offer is / was very welcome / a delightful / wonderful / lovely surprise …Your suggestion / offer is interesting …I think there is a lot of (some) merit in your suggestion / offer …I am enthusiastic about your suggestion …I would / will be delighted /pleased / happy to accept your …How wonderful / nice o f you to invite / ask me to …It is very nice / great of you to invite …7. Refusal(1)An expression of appreciation for the invitation or offer(2)An explanation for the refusalUseful ExpressionsInformal:I am sorry that / but I …I am sorry to have to …It was good / kind / nice of you to … , but …More formal :Thank you for your … , but …Thank you so much for you … , but …I appreciate your … but it is not possible / quite impossible for me to …I am very grateful for your …, but …8. Congratulations(1) a congratulatory expression(2)a mention of the event for which the congratulations are written(3) an expression of good feelings, such as a compliment, a hope … (and sometimes * how)Useful ExpressionsCongratulations on your success/ achievements.It was good / great to hear …I am glad / happy / delighted / pleased / excited / thrilled to hear …What wonderful / great / exciting news! …You cannot imagine how happy / delighted / excited I was to hear / when Iheard …I congratulate you on …Please allow me to congratulate you on/upon …Please accept my heartiest congratulations on …I want to congratulate you with all my heart.Please allow us to give out most sincere congratulations on this exciting occasion.Please allow me to extend my hea rty co ngratulations on … to you.We take this opportunity to express our best wishes to you.A word of congratulation just does not seem enough, so I am sending you a giftthat I am sure you will find useful.9. Thanks(1) express your genuine feelings: gratitude, joy, pleasure(2) for what you thank your reader for(3) mention a few details that especially pleased you as recipient of kindness(4) Thanks & greeting again; your hope to return the helpUseful ExpressionsInformal:Many thanks for …Thank s very muc h for … // Thanks a lot for …More formal :I must write to thank you for …I am writing to thank you for …I (deeply) appreciate …Polite :Please accept my sincere appreciation of …It was very kind / nice / sweet / thoughtful of you to …I am truly grateful for …10. Instruction(1) Clearly state what you want your readers to do(2) Sometimes you may want to itemize your instructions with numbers; or giveeach in a separate line(3) Imperative sentences are frequently employed; but be alert to your tone whenwriting to different individuals or for different purposesUseful ExpressionsThe infinitive form of the verbs often used in instructions.Collect … Find out … Bring in …Also commonly used is the courtesy expression “please”Pleas e do … Go to …, please.Other expressions include the following.The best way to … is to …You can …You would need …11. Sympathy & Condolence(1) Begin with a brief mention of the unfortunate incident and your feelings aboutit(2) Your letter can include comforting words(3) When writing about setbacks, you should sound uplifting and encouraging.(4) Conventionally, you should close your letter with an offer of help.Useful ExpressionsI was very sorry/ upset / saddened / shocked to hear of / lea rn of …I was deeply s addened to hear of …Our deepest sympathy is with you.Please accept my sympathies …I cannot tell you how much I feel for you …I commiserate with you …I was grieved / distressed / pained to hear of …I was shocked at the news of ….You have my sympathies …No words can describe my grief / sorrow …I want to offer my sincere sympathies …I appreciate how you must feel …I just want you to know I will always be there for you …May these flowers in some way help to express our heartfelt sympathy.We wish to express our sympathy in your loss and to let you know that ourthoughts are with you.Please accept our deepest sympathy and convey our best wishes to …Our hearts are with you in your sadness.I am writing to express my deepest sympathy.12. Greeting(1)Account of what one has achieved in the past year(2)If you send this letter on behalf of your family, you should let your reader catchup on the major events of each member(3) Mostly about happy eventsUseful ExpressionsMerry Christmas and happ y New Year! …First, let us wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year! …We have a wonderful / fruitful / good year …Another year has rolled around …It’s been another interesting / good / fruitful / exciting year here …… is still doing ..… undertook …We hope all is well with you …。

2. Accepting an invitation
A note of accepting an invitation a. appreciation of being invited b. his/her certainty if having a good time c. his/her assurance of being punctual, his/her apology for having to be late d. his/her offer help e. his/her looking forward to the occasion
9. The help you give me is sincerely valued. 10. I hope everything will be well with you. 11. Please let us know if you want more information. 12. I hope you always enjoy yourself. 13. I wish you every success in the coming year. 14. Please remember me to your family. 15. With best regards to your family. 16. All the best. 17. With love and good wishes.
Workshop 4 You are Kate, write a note of accepting your friend, Rebecca’s invitation to her birthday/Christmas party/housewarming party.

常用表达法: I’m fortunate in having you among my friends and I’m so proud of you and happy for you. It is a well-deserved recognition of your hard work .
感谢便条(Note of Thanks)
April 2nd ,2011 Dear Tony, I’ve got two tickets for a computer fair at China International Exhibition Center this Saturday. There you may find the brand new products of some top computer companies across the world .I know you are very interested in computer .So would you like to join me ?Please let me know before Friday. Yours, Mike
I’m writing to express my sincere gratitude for …
It’s very nice you to …
邀请便条:(Note of Invitation) 首先,要简要交代邀请对方做 什么;而后再对要做的事情做 进一步的说明,或者解释邀请 的原因;最后诚恳地希望对方 能够接受邀请。
写便条感谢对方时,首先要交代致谢 的原因;然后进一步说明对方的帮助 给自己带来的益处;最后再次向对方 表达由衷的谢意。

TEM4 便条写作对格式的要求很严格。具体来
说,它应有日期(date)、称呼(saluwfion)、正 文(body)及结尾(ending),结尾包括结尾套语 (complimentary close)和签名(signature)
the class. It is remarkable of you to be so devoted and considerate to our class I definitely want to join you, especially after having been up to my neck in my term paper for weeks. Marry told me that the event falls on May holiday. Have you come up with where we go and how? We have great expectations for it .Please let me know what happens as soon as possible.What if we get together some time this evening?
2002年 You have heard that your friend, Jack, wishes to sell his walkman. Write him a note expressing your interest in it, asking him about its condition and offering a price for it.

a April 20,
Dear Fiona,
I am going to hold a dinner party with several other friends of ours. The party will be held in Room 6 of Lijing Hotel at 5:00 p.m. today, I sincerely hope you can attend and we will have a very happy time together. Please let me know whether you can make it.
April 20,
Dear Fiona,
Here is a piece of good news for you. The * will give a performance in the * tomorrow evening. I am sure that you will be happy to watch it .The performance will begin at seven o’clock sharp. I will wait for you at the theater entrance. Please let me know whether you can make it at your earliest convenience.
Respectful yours,
April 20,
Dear girls and boys in Class 0403,
This Saturday evening, from 7 p.m. to 9 p. m., at Singeing dining hall, there will be a ball held by Class 0301. We warmly invite you to take part in it. There you can enjoy yourselves with dance, music and various games. And we’ll have a chance of communication, which will enhance the friendship between us. Come and enjoy ourselves together.

April 14, 2003 Dear Miss Nancy,
Much to my regret I was unable to keep my promise to attend your birthday party last Saturday, owing to the fact that my little son was suddenly taken ill early that day.
Grading specifications - Format: 3 points - Content: 6 points
* Purpose * Organization * More or less words: deduce 1 point * Grammar, spelling errors: 3=1 point
1. Apologize for failure to turn up for the appointment 2. The reason for failure to turn up 3. Make a request for another meeting 4. Suggest the time for the requested meeting
April 14, 2010 Dear Victoria,
I was surprised not seeing you at my party yesterday until I terribly realized that I forgot to invite you. I am really sorry, Victoria. I planned to invite you when I borrowed your cook yesterday morning. However, you know, I saw you were really busy answering the phone from your mother at the time, so I forgot to invite you. Please accept my apology, Victoria. I hope that you can come to my home tomorrow afternoon and we can have tea together.

八. 推荐类便条 【框架陈列】
Date Dear , I have learned that . In my opinion, On the other hand, . Please think about it and . . On the one hand, .
五. 邀请类便条 【框架陈列】
Date Dear , I’m writing to invite you to . Since , I’m sure you will be very interested in . So may I have the honor of your company? If so, please let me know as soon as possible. I’m looking forward to your reply. Sincerely yours, Signature 【框架示例】 Write a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation: Your have got two tickets to a concert given by a famous pop band / orchestra. Write a note to your friend, Hilda/ Mike, describing briefly what it is and inviting her/ him to come with you. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness.

Write a note of about 50—60 words based on the following situation:
9 a. m., May 11
Dear Mike,
I've got two tickets to a concert given by the famous pop band Nightingale. Yesterday I waited in a long queue in order to buy them because I've been looking forward to listening to this concert. It is to begin at 7 p. m. tomorrow. I have no classes tomorrow. Are you also free tomorrow? Would you like to come with me? When your classes are over, please phone me.

英语应用文写作之便条便条 (Notes)便条是书信旳一种形式,常用旳有请假条和留言条两种。
一、请假条(Written Request for Leave)这里所讲旳请假条包括病假条、事假条以及续假条等。
1. 请病假(Asking for Sick Leave)April 24,Dear Prof. Smith,I am very sorry to apprise (=inform) you that I am unable to attend school today owing to a bad cold. I enclose doctor’s certificate and ask you for sick leave of three days.Your student,Li YongEncl.: doctor’s certificate for sick leave亲爱旳史密斯专家:非常抱歉,我因患重感冒今天不能到校上课,现附上医生证明并向您请病假三天。
附:医生证明您旳学生:李勇4月24日2.请事假(Asking for Business Leave)May 15,Dear Director Zhang,A telegram has just come to hand saying that my mother is seriously ill and urging me to go home at once. Because of this I should very much like to have a leave of three days, beginning on May 15. I hope that my request will be given due consideration.Very truly yours,Zhao LiangEncl.: a telegram from my home亲爱旳张主任:我刚刚收到一封我母亲病重、催我立即回家旳电报。

英语专业四级考试便条写作To: Professor JohnsonFrom: [Your Name]Subject: Request for Makeup Exam Due to IllnessDear Professor Johnson,I hope this note finds you well. I am writing to inform you of my unfortunate circumstances regarding the upcoming English Proficiency Exam, which is scheduled for this Friday, November 20th.Unfortunately, I have fallen severely ill and have been advised by my doctor to rest and avoid any strenuous mental activity for the next few days. As a result, I will not be able to attend the exam as scheduled. I understand the importance of this exam and its impact on my academic progress, so I kindly request your understanding and consideration for a makeup exam.I have attached the medical certificate provided by my doctor, which outlines the nature of my illness and the recommended duration of rest. I assure you that this illness has hindered my ability to adequately prepare for the exam, and I believe that taking it under such conditions would not be fair to myself or to the evaluation process.I propose a date for the makeup exam that is convenient for both of us. I am available to take the exam anytime after my full recovery, estimated to be within the next week. I understand that this may cause some inconvenience, and I apologize for any disruption it may cause in yourschedule. However, I sincerely hope for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.I have been diligent in attending all classes and completing all assignments throughout the semester. This unforeseen illness has truly caught me off guard, and it is my utmost priority to ensure my academic performance is not compromised due to forces beyond my control.I greatly appreciate your attention to this matter and eagerly await your response. Should you require any further information or documentation regarding my situation, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email].Thank you for your understanding, support, and cooperation.Yours sincerely,[Your Name][Your Student ID]。

(1) Requesting for something(2) Giving reason(s) for making the request * to show courtesy and appreciation Tentative/Formal/Polite:Would you mind doing this …?I was wondering if you could/would do this …?Would it be possible for you to do this …?Would you be so kind as to do this …?Would you be kind enough to do this …?I wonder if you would mind doing this …?I would appreciate it if you would/could do this…?I wonder if you could/would do me a great favor that…?I would be most grateful for your consideration of this request.I am sorry to trouble you, but I need to seek help from you …I would greatly appreciate it if you could (help me)….I would like to know further information about …We wonder if you could send us …2.Apologies(1) A regretful opening (2) Something apologized for(3) An explanation for the error or the failure(4) Sometimes a suggestion for remedy *Useful ExpressionsI am sorry (that)…I’m (really/very/awfully/extremely) sorry about–ing / not–ing…I am sorry about-ing / not-ing…I am sorry but…Sorry about-ing / not-ing…I am afraid I … I am sorry.I feel terrible for…I feel awful about…Unfortunately , I …I am regretful about/for…I regret…I must (do) apologize for …Please accept my apologies.I can assur e you that we will …Much to my regret that I may not be able to keep my promise because …Tentative expressionsWe would like each of you to …If you are interested in …We hope you will …Mary would guide you how to get here.It would be good if you came …4.NoticesUseful expressionsDo notPlease don’t …… on Thursday, May 13, at 9:00 a.m. …For more information, please contact … at …5. Invitation(1) The invitation itself(2) Details of the event the recipient in invited to(3) The reason for the event or invitation(4) An expression of hope for the invitee’s acceptanceUseful ExpressionsI would like to ask you to come …I would like to invite you to …You are cordially invited to …Please accept the invi tation to come …I am pleased to invite you to …I would like to extend to you an invitation to …We hope you will be attending / joining us …We are most pleased / honored to be able to extend to you an invitation to …… cordially invite(s) you to …Request(s) the pleasure of your company for …6. Acceptance(1) Not too short – to avoid sounding impolite(2) Express gratitude and pleasure for the invitation or the offer(3)Restate the date just to make sure there is no mistake about itUseful ExpressionsThank you for …Thanks for …It was delightful / nice / wonderful / marvelous to get …It was delightful / nice / wonderful / marvelous to be invited to …Your invitation / offer is / was very welcome / a delightful / wonderful / lovely surprise …Your suggestion / offer is interesting …I think there is a lot of (some) merit in your suggestion / offer …I am enthusiastic about your suggestion …I would / will be delighted /pleased / happy to accept your …How wonderful / nice o f you to invite / ask me to …It is very nice / great of you to invite …7. Refusal(1)An expression of appreciation for the invitation or offer(2)An explanation for the refusalUseful ExpressionsInformal:I am sorry that / but I …I am sorry to have to …It was good / kind / nice of you to … , but …More formal :Thank you for your … , but …Thank you so much for you … , but …I appreciate your … but it is not possible / quite impossible for me to …I am very grateful for your …, but …8. Congratulations(1) a congratulatory expression(2)a mention of the event for which the congratulations are written(3) an expression of good feelings, such as a compliment, a hope … (and sometimes * how)Useful ExpressionsCongratulations on your success/ achievements.It was good / great to hear …I am glad / happy / delighted / pleased / excited / thrilled to hear …What wonderful / great / exciting news! …You cannot imagine how happy / delighted / excited I was to hear / when Iheard …I congratulate you on …Please allow me to congratulate you on/upon …Please accept my heartiest congratulations on …I want to congratulate you with all my heart.Please allow us to give out most sincere congratulations on this exciting occasion.Please allow me to extend my hea rty congratulations on … to you.We take this opportunity to express our best wishes to you.A word of congratulation just does not seem enough, so I am sending you a giftthat I am sure you will find useful.9. Thanks(1) express your genuine feelings: gratitude, joy, pleasure(2) for what you thank your reader for(3) mention a few details that especially pleased you as recipient of kindness(4) Thanks & greeting again; your hope to return the helpUseful ExpressionsInformal:Many thanks for …Thank s very much for … // Thanks a lot for …More formal :I must write to thank you for …I am writing to thank you for …I (deeply) appreciate …Polite :Please accept my sincere appreciation of …It was very kind / nice / sweet / thoughtful of you to …I am truly grateful for …10. Instruction(1) Clearly state what you want your readers to do(2) Sometimes you may want to itemize your instructions with numbers; or giveeach in a separate line(3) Imperative sentences are frequently employed; but be alert to your tone whenwriting to different individuals or for different purposesUseful ExpressionsThe infinitive form of the verbs often used in instructions.Collect … Find out … Bring in …Also commonly used is the courtesy expression “please”Pleas e do … Go to …, please.Other expressions include the following.The best way to … is to …You can …You would need …11. Sympathy & Condolence(1) Begin with a brief mention of the unfortunate incident and your feelings aboutit(2) Your letter can include comforting words(3) When writing about setbacks, you should sound uplifting and encouraging.(4) Conventionally, you should close your letter with an offer of help.Useful ExpressionsI was very sorry/ upset / saddened / shocked to hear of / lea rn of …I was deeply saddened to hear of …Our deepest sympathy is with you.Please accept my sympathies …I cannot tell you how much I feel for you …I commiserate with you …I was grieved / distressed / pained to hear of …I was shocked at the news of ….You have my sympathies …No words can describe my grief / sorrow …I want to offer my sincere sympathies …I appreciate how you must feel …I just want you to know I will always be there for you …May these flowers in some way help to express our heartfelt sympathy.We wish to express our sympathy in your loss and to let you know that ourthoughts are with you.Please accept our deepest sympathy and convey our best wishes to …Our hearts are with you in your sadness.I am writing to express my deepest sympathy.12. Greeting(1)Account of what one has achieved in the past year(2)If you send this letter on behalf of your family, you should let your reader catchup on the major events of each member(3) Mostly about happy eventsUseful ExpressionsMerry Christmas and happy New Year! …First, let us wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year! …We have a wonderful / fruitful / good year …Another year has rolled around …It’s been another interesting / good / fruitful / exciting year here …… is still doing ..… undertook …We hope all is well with you …。

(5)感谢:1日期2称呼3内容(致谢原因、受益匪浅、再次感谢)4 Yours5署名
April 3rd, 2011
Dear Brown,
Thankyou very muchforbuying me the book on reading. This isthe verybook I need andit is of great help onmy completing the thesis. The updated sourceshave broadenedmy mind a great deal.
(1)道歉:1日期2称呼3内容(道歉、解释、补救措施、再道歉)4 Yours5署名
March4th, 2011
Dear Brown,
I would like to express my apologiesfornot being able to keep our appointmentforI had some urgent business to deal with out of town and did not come back until the next morning.Could wearrangeanother appointment some time next week?
Thankyou for your invitationagain. Talk to you soon.
(8)表示同情:1日期2称呼3内容(表示同情、鼓励、祝愿)4 Yours5署名

模版DateDear _____,I am so happy to learn that 祝贺事由. I would like to extend to you my utmost congratulations. / Please accept my warmest congratulations.(祝贺之意) It is a reward you richly deserve for your long-term efforts. / You really deserve it because…/ This meant your years of hard work have finally got paid, and it’s an achievement you can well be proud of. / 其它积极评价(对对方的肯定). I believe that 提出希望或祝愿./ Congratulations again and all good wishes for your future study/work/life.SignatureExampleDear Alice,I am so glad to hear of your winning the first prize in the piano contest last week. Everybody here is talking about your brilliant piano performance. I would like to extend to you my utmost congratulations. This meant your years of hard work have finally got paid, and it’s an achievement you can well be proud of. Congratulations again and all good wishes for your future study. (67words)Yours,Julie妙语:开头句型:Congratulations on your success/achievements!I am so glad to hear of your winning the prize in the…contest. Congratulations!Please accept my heartiest congratulations on your graduation from…Heartiest congratulations upon your…A word of congratulation just doesn’t seem enough, so I am sending you a gift that I am sure you will find useful.I want to congratulate you with all my heart.I warmly congratulate you on what you’ve achieved.I congratulate you on…Please add my warmest congratulations to…Allow us to give our most sincere congratulations on this exciting occasion.We take this opportunity to express our best wishes to you.Please allow me to congratulate you on...Please allow me to extend my hearty congratulations to you.结束用语I wish you all possible joy and happiness in the world.We hope you will have nothing but joy and happiness in your life together and in your chosen career.Wish you the best luck and happiness.Please accept my heartfelt congratulations!I would like to express my best wishes and warmest congratulations to you.Here is a word of cheer on your birthday from a warm friend,congratulations and all good wishes to you!二、咨询类这类便条主要用于就不清楚的事情向他人咨询或询问,如询问产品信息、咨询活动情况等。

英语专四便条写作范文12类便条范文1. 通知NOTICEWe warmly invite you to take part in a ball to be held by the Mouse Club on this Saturday evening from 7 to 9 at Canteen 1. There you can enjoy yourselves with dance, food and various games. And we’ll have a chance of communication, which can enhance our friendship. Come and enjoy ourselves together.Mouse Club2. 接受邀请June 6Dear Tom,It’s so kind of you to invite me to the dinner party, and I am glad to be present. I will go to the place right after I finish my work at about 5 p.m. this afternoon. Thank you again for your hospitality and I am looking forward to seeing you soon.Yours, Jack3. 感谢邀请July 7Dear Tom,I’m writing to show my gratitude for your inviting me to your birthday party. That was a really wonderful party. I appreciate your consideratearrangement and wonderful performance. And it also offered me a chance to meet many old friends. I really enjoyed that night and I will keep it in my memory for life.Yours, Jack4. 祝贺August 8Dear Tom,I am so excited to learn that you’ve been admitted by Forest Cook Studies College as a graduate. Warm congratulations on the realization of your dream. This has meant years of your hard work, and you can really be proud of it. Your success is really an encouragement to me and I wish we can meet there next year. Best wishes to you.Yours, Jack5. 道歉Sept. 9Dear Minnie,12类便条范文I am sorry I missed seeing you last night. The fact is that my director at the last moment asked me to prepare an urgent cartoon and it had been about 10:30 when I finished it. I am terribly sorry. I would like to ask you out this weekend as an apology. Please give me a chance and I am waiting for your reply.Yours truly,Mickey6. 请求October 10,Dear Professor Tom,I am wondering if you could kindly e-mail the handout you distributed before your last night lecture on “How to Catch a Mouse”. I was late due to a minor traffic accident on my way, and it is a pity that I failed to get the handout. Your lecture is really instructive for my anti-cat union, so I will appreciate it if you could send a copy to nocat@. Heartfelt thanks.Yours sincerely,Jack7. 安慰November 11,Dear Tom,I felt very sorry indeed when I heard of your being bitterly beat by the hostess, and I am anxious to know how you are now.I am sure you are having a hard time. I wish you could take good care of yourself and have a speedy recovery. I’m looking forward to seeing you in the kitchen soon.Yours, Jack8. 投诉December 12Dear Sir or Madam,I bought a Nokia Z521 cell phone from your branch at Mouse Club on Saturday December 11 but now I find that for some reason I cannot make outgoing calls but can only receive calls. I would like you to change it for another of the same model or refund my money. I enclose a copy of the receipt and guarantee.Looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Tom9. 邀请January 1Dear Professor Jack,I am a mouse language major at Cat University and wonder if it is possible for you to give us a lecture on “The Peaceful Coexistence of Mouse and Cat”. We have heard so much about your theory and would love to listen to your12类便条范文lecturing it in person. We have provisionally booked the lecture hall for 2 p.m. on Tuesday January 3. Please let us know if this date is convenient for you.Yours sincerely,Tom10. 呼吁February 2Dear fellow mice,Some of you may have heard about Tom, our playmate, who has recently contracted Cat Flu. As this will mean a lengthy and expensive hospital stay and as her parents have limited financial resources, I am sure you would like to make a contribution towards the medical fees so that Tom can receive the best treatment. Donations can be made to the Save Tom Fund at the mouse branch of the Animal Protection Bank.Mouse Red Cross11. 请假March 3Dear Mr. Wilson,I am writing to ask for a leave of three days beginning on Oct.3 as a telegram from my parents has just arrived saying that my grandma is seriously ill and urging me to go home at once. I miss my grandma very much and I hope that my request will be granted.Yours sincerely,John Smith12. 推荐April 4Dear Tom,I’ve just come back from one-week stay in Hangzhou and I think it would be an ideal place for you to visit in summer. Hangzhou is well known for its West Lake, which deserves its fame as a paradise on earth. You would certainly love the foodstuff with local flavor. Remember to take some good hiking boots and a big rucksack for souvenirs.。

TEM-4——Note Writing专四作文12种便条类型范文1.邀请便条:①发出邀请 aApril 18, 2010Dear Fiona,I am going to hold a dinner party with several other friends of ours . The party will be held in Room 6 of Lijing Hotel at 5:00 p.m. today , I sincerely hope you can attend and we will have a very happy tim e together. Please let me know whether you can make it.Yours,Amelia发出邀请bApril 18, 2009Dear Fiona,Here is a piece of good news for you. The *** will give a perform ance in the ** tomorrow evening. I am sure that you will be happ y to watch it .The performance will begin at seven o’clock sharp. I w ill wait for you at the theater entrance. Please let me know whether you can make it at your earliest convenience.Yours,Amelia发出邀请cApril 18, 2009Dear Professor Zhou,I am Amelia from class 052; I need you to give me some suggestio n on my project. If it doesn’t trouble you too much, shall we hav e a meet at your office tomorrow? Time is up to you.R espectful yours,Amelia发出邀请d(通知)April 18, 2009Dear girls and boys in Class 0403,This Saturday evening, from 7 p.m. to 9 p. m., at Singeing dining hal l, there will be a ball held by Class 0301. We warmly invite you to take part in it. There you can enjoy yourselves with dance, music an d various games. And we’ll have a chance of communication, whic h will enhance the friendship between us. Come and enjoy ourselve s together.Yours,MikeMonitor of Class 0301②接受邀请April 18, 2009Dear Amelia,It’s so kind of you to invite me to the dinner party, I would like to co me. I will go to the place right after I finish my work at about 5 p. m. this evening. (如果是办在家里:I shall be very happy to call at y our house right after I finish my work at 6:30 this evening.) Thank y ou again for your wonderful hospitality and I am looking forward t o seeing you soon.Yours,Fiona③拒绝邀请April 18, 2009Dear Amelia,It’s so kind of you to invite me to the dinner party, I would like to bu t I have a meeting to attend this evening, please give my best regard s to them all and I hope my absence will not cause you any serious i nconvenience, have fun.Yours,Amelia2.请假条April 18, 2009Dear Ms. Jiang,I am terribly sorry that I shall be unable to attend this morning two p eriods of English Class (I‘m terribly sorry to apply for ten days’ lea ve from the Aug. 23rd to Sep. 3rd)due to a bad cold and high feve r. I will show you the certificate from the doctor to support my application. I will go back to school as soon as I recover.(I promise I wil l do my best to catch the missed lessons on after I come back.)Wis h for your allowance.Yo urs respectfully,Amelia3.请求便条a.讲清事情的因由(为什么请求)b.请求行为c.请求实现方式d.致谢套句:请求帮助: Would you do me a favor? Would you be so kind as to…? / Could I trouble you to send this book for me?/ I wonder if you wou ld tell me…?/ If it is not too troublesome, could you…?/ I hope this r equest will not trouble you too much.请求允许:Please give me a few more days./May I have a loo k at your dictionary? / Would you mind if I opened the windo w? / I wonder if I could open the door. / Would it be possible to hav e a talk with you?请求做事(要求与暗示):Let’s go to the bookstore this afternoon./ I want to have a look at your book. / I wish you could…/ I woul d like ask you to clean the room./ You are making a big mess./ I fee l a bit hungry now. What time is it now?范文:April 18,2009Dear Professor Hu,I am very happy to have the chance to listen to your lecture on “Ame rican Literature”. But it is a pity that I was late that day due to an acc ident on my way to the lecture and failed to get the handout. Your lec ture is really instructive for my English study, so I wonder if you cou ldkindlye-mailthehandouttotheaddress:******************.c n .Heartfelt thanks.R espectfully yours,Amelia4.抱怨投诉便条(关键词complain, dissatisfaction)a.抱怨投诉行为b.投诉内容具体描述c.要求弥补纠正赔偿d.抱怨投诉者对弥补纠正赔偿等的敦促或威胁套句:行为描述I’m writing to bring your attention to the problems I hav e had with …Here’s the problem…解决方式的要求:It would be very kind( considerate) of you to…ad dress this problem soon. / take steps to rectify this situation soon. / tu rn it down a little? /敦促或威胁: Frankly, I really can’t put up with the situation any mo re. You must rectify the situation, or I will take it to the court. / If yo u can’t give me a satisfactory answer, I will complain it to the Consu mer Association.范文:April 18,2009Dear Sir or Madam,I went to your store to buy a Radio watch last Sunday. When I menti oned the high price, the No. 5 saleswoman replied in a sarcastic ton e, “Yo u can go ahead and buy a cheap fake from other stores”. She d idn’t know how to treat a prospective buyer! I hope you can improv e your service and give me a face-to-face apology. My telephone nu mber is 010-********.Sincerely yours,Amelia5.道歉便条a道歉的行为与内容,b具体理由,c弥补方法,d进一步致歉。
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向自己提过。 2进入职场 3如果你想得到好的工作,硕士学位就变得十分 有必要。 4 一场激烈的讨论 5 是的,乘火车要比乘船快得多。 6轮船对于我来说是一个躲避喧嚣的地方,是人 生旅游上一个宁静的客栈。 7它立刻受到人们的普遍欢迎和拥护。 8五天工作制不仅仅对个人和经济有好处,随着时间 推移,它会显示出更深远的意义。
SECTION B N O T E - W R I T I N G [ 1 0 M I N ] Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation: During the summer vacation you would like to invite your best friend to your home town. Write a note to him/her, extending your invitation and telling him/her how to get to your home town . Marks will be awarded for content, organization, language and appropriateness.
表示婉拒的便条包括: 收到邀请, 表示感谢, 阐述不赴邀的理由, 表示遗憾和良好祝愿。 表达婉拒的常用词汇有: I shall have to say no to your invitation… Very regretfully, … Unfortunately, it will be possible… Because of …, we find we cannot…
五部曲? 2)文体适中 文体通俗,倾向与非正式化、甚至口语化 的语言。如:We’re, It’s, If not, many thanks, I’m sorry. 3)内容“凝练” 哪怕只有60几个词汇,就可以把一件事情表 达的很清楚。如 (包含5个组成部分):
(4)Sincerely yours, (5) Zhang Hongyi
诚挚邀请对方参加某一活动;概括介绍活动内 容和安排;再次表示诚意。 邀请言语行为的语言特点:根据约会对象的不 同以及所约事情可能使对方付出的努力程度的 不同,可以有不同的语言表达形式。 熟悉、亲近: Let’s go to the movie. 稍有距离、礼貌: Shall we meet at the office to talk about the thesis topic?
1.格式 1)date:日期(1分): Sept. 21, 2007 April 7, 2007 2)addressing:称呼(1分): (P286) 3)ending: 结尾(1分):(P286) 包括套语(complimentary)和签名(signature) 2.内容和语言 少一个要点扣一分;拼写错误超过3个扣1分。 3.评分字数要求 不到40或超过80,扣1分。
邀请函的收信人或是欣然接受,或是表示婉拒。表示接受 的应包括: 感谢; 确切表示赴约,表示接受的常用词汇有: We are delighted to accept… It is with great pleasure… We are sincerely happy to join you… 如: April 7, 2009 Dear Mr. Tom, Please accept our hearty thanks for your kind invitation to your home dinner on Wednesday. Thank you for including us among the limited number of your guests. You may be sure we will join you on that day and we are looking forward to the pleasure of being with you. Yours sincerely, Li Hong
来自1Shall I continue to read for a Master degree after college graduation? —a question__________在去年的学年中我不止一次
向自己提过。 2进入职场 3如果你想得到好的工作,硕士学位就变得十分 有必要 4它立刻受到人们的普遍欢迎和拥护。 5五天工作制不仅仅对个人和经济有好处,随着时间 推移,它会显示出更深远的意义。 6. 大学体育运动无论对学生的身体健康,还是精神健 康都有很大的积极作用。 7. 参加游泳、慢跑、球类活动使他们的学习变得更丰 富、更充实。
(1)Feb.11, 2012
Dear Prof. Richards, (2) I’m sorry I couldn’t keep our 4 o’clock appointment. Prof. Sterne’s lecture lasted for a lot longer than I expected. I could meet you in the department office tomorrow at 5 p.m., if that is convenient for you. If not, please inform me at the cell phone number 1861234567 tomorrow morning. Thank you.(3)
测试要求:根据所给提示,在10分钟内 写一篇50-60个单词的便条、包括通知、 请贴等,分值10分,要求格式正确、语 言得体。 以下为10年便条真题题目:
2003——2012年10年便条真题题目分析 年份
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
A. Let’s go to the coffee bar near the school gate to have a chat.( between classmates, 同学casual) B. Shall we meet at the office tomorrow afternoon to talk about the teaching material? (between colleagues同事之 间, polite) C. President Zhang, if you have no other appointments tomorrow afternoon, shall we have a talk over the students’ dining condition? Time and place are up to you.( between the leader and a student or a teacher 领 导和学生/一般教师, large gap , formal)
May 6, 2008
Dear Mr. Tom, We are very appreciative of your so warmly including us among your selected guests for Wednesday. Most unfortunately, however, we shall be unable to avail ourselves of your kind invitation on account of a previous engagement for the same day. I have ordered the Xinxin Department Store to deliver you a trifle which please accept as a humble token of our felicitation on the party. With best wishes for a very jolly home dinner.
Directions: In this part, you are supposed to be Han Lei, president of the Students’ Union of Foreign Languages Department. You are allowed to write An Invitation Letter in no less than 100 words to Professor Smith, your American teacher, inviting him to be the judge of English dubbing competition. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, language and appropriateness.
注意:邀请语言与对方为所约事件所要 付出的努力有关。
如: A. Hey John, let’s have a dinner together. (not to much effort, casual) B. Professor Li, I want you to give me some suggestion on my project. If it doesn’t trouble you too much, shall we meet at your office this Friday morning at 9 o’clock? (hard work, too much effort, respectful and formal)