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❖名词如果不加the/a的话,写成复数除information pollution discussion



Self-reliance and independence

forge their temper and spirit through hardships

Forge firm, lifelong friendships打造锻造坚定终生的友情.

a great deal on disciplined teamwork.====learn to co-operate、interaction,communication


Cultivate/development/breed up/foster/nurture/form

a.Public/social minded



d.Love、care and assistance / assistance and concern

3=教育年轻一代,民族文化传承,包括intangible cultural heritage National character/intangible cultural heritage

From one generation to the next

4=彰显国家民族特色和立国之本,走向世界,国家文化交流To promote international exchanges /communication




With the advent of globalization Western culture

have penetrated(渗透,后文使用invaded/同pervade)into China, thus leading to heated controversy.


➢支持者:西方文化的好处为超越障碍------享受自我放松生活For advocates,Western culture can go beyond national and cultural barriers/boundaries for Chinese people to enjoy life and relax themselves.

删{:(By following a trend of(随着。。。潮流)

such can compensate/provide


➢反对者:西方文化的危害-------公民精神道德行为堕落In contrast, opponent generally prioritize preserving traditional rituals and customs(保护传统的礼仪习俗)They assert the pernicious/injurious pervasion 恶性扩散of Westernized culture as incurring civic spiritual corruption堕落in morality and conduct. Challengers in China show great concerns over(为...担心)the Western culture invasion


In my view/From my standpoint,despite the good reasons by the advocates’defenses,,opponents’caveat 警告deserve better claims by highlighting the Western threatening impacts upon Eastern individual everyday life and national cultural independence.(这段比较难,建议自己改写为好记的)


◆对比:advocate :丰富个人幸福和人际交流的丰富多彩,


At first sight/Initially, {among other merits, the larger variety of enriched personal happiness and interpersonal communication do arise from practicing Western festive celebrations.改} For instance 举例, a day of conveying best wishes for friends and relatives on Christmas eve should be heart-warming to each other. By so doing,people can relax and enjoy via amusement and entertainment





b.对当地信仰和习惯(filial piety and collective values)


Be that as it may,尽管这样

on second thoughts, a wider range of defects缺点from such a popular fashion of Western culture can be discovered/analyzed. For example, it must be acknowledged for them to deal a fatal blow致命的打击on traditional Chinese culture and the sense of communal identity by reshaping /(reshape/creat/develop/build/)t he younger generation’s national and cultural identity. Next/And most centrally {删celebrating Western holidays will give rise to引起more lax 松懈standards of moral and lifestyle as sex and drinking might not be rare due to breaking down Confucian ethical norms.道德准则}It is t

exerting religious invasion施加宗教入侵

corrupting侵占和腐蚀local beliefs and habits,such as filial piety and collective values孝心和共同价值观.


To crown it all/Based on the above analyses/evaluation, it is quite reasonable to justify such a phenomenon when people gain more chances of interpersonal communication. Yet, more significantly, that celebrating foreign festivals is more and more popular seems to pose greater danger to Chinese traditional culture and belief as the
