The Analysis of Catherine in A Farewell to Arms






关键词:《永别了,武器》;欧内斯特·米勒尔·海明威;弗雷德里克·亨利;男性气概A Brief Analysis of the Main Character's Manliness inA Farewell to ArmsAbstracts:A Farewell to Arms is one of the representative novels of Hemingway in his early time,which was also praised as a classic masterpiece of modern literature。

According to Hemingway’s own experience of the war,with war and love as the main line,this book talks about the American youth Frederic Henry went to northern Italy volunteered as an ambulance driver during World War I , and the love story between Henry and the British nurse Catherine Barkley. This paper takes manliness as the theme,analyzes Henry's personality from the perspectives of courage,willpower,self-control,self-confidence, responsibility and honor, as well as his attitude to life,war and love.Key words:A Farewell to Arms; Ernest Miller Hemingway;Frederic Henry;manlinessLiterature Review1.Ernest Miller Hemingway and A Farewell to ArmsErnest Miller Hemingway (1899–1961)was an American novelist,short story writer,and journalist. His economical and understated style had a strong influence on 20th-century fiction, while his life of adventure and his public image influenced later generations. Hemingway produced most of his work s between the mid—1920s and the mid-1950s, and won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954. He published seven novels, six short story collections, and two non-fiction works。



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尤金奥尼尔《榆树下的欲望》中伊本的悲剧命运分析最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 在归隐中相遇—论梭罗与陶渊明的诗意人生2 论广告英语的用词特点3 论《隐形人》中的象征主义4 The Importance of the Translators’Overall Qualities In Translation5 概念整合对英语移就的认知解读6 英汉职业委婉语中“礼貌原则”之对比分析7 《杀死一只知更鸟》中主人公的成长危机8 母语在小学英语学习中的正迁移9 英汉化妆品说明书对比及汉译策略10 双关语在日常生活中的应用11 生态女性主义视阈下赛珍珠的《大地》12 A n Analysis of Main Characters in Wuthering Heights13 文档所公布均英语专业全英原创毕业论文。

原创Q 799 75 79 3814 英汉“悲”、“喜”情感隐喻的认知比较研究15 肯德基本土化战略的实施研究16 A Comparison of the English Color Terms17 王尔德《温夫人的扇子》中女性的道德观分析33 O n the Symbolic Meaning of the Marlin in The Old Man and the Sea34 A Comparative Study of Jane Austen and Emily Dickinson35 T he Destruction and Degeneration of Heroines in William Faulkner’s Works36 中英礼貌用语差异37 改写理论视角下看葛浩文《狼图腾》的英译38 《麦田里的守望者》中的霍尔顿形象分析39 颜色词的中英对比翻译40 解析《德伯家的苔丝》中女主人公的反叛精神和懦弱性格41 语境顺应视角下英语情景喜剧中幽默字幕翻译--以《生活大爆炸》为例42 论“美国梦”对美国文学的影响43 从合作原则看《白象似的群山》中的对话44 《老人与海》中的孤独45 T he Gothic Beauty and Spiritual Essence of Allan Poe’s Short Stories46 天使还是悲剧制造者——浅析安吉克莱尔对苔丝悲剧的影响47 浅析电影《阿甘正传》中的美国价值观48 从依恋理论看《呼啸山庄》主人公希斯克利夫悲剧性格的形成49 莎士比亚《李尔王》中的女性角色塑造50 文化视角下探析刘半农翻译观的嬗变---从《小说大观》到《新青年》51 英语专业学生词汇学习策略特点研究52 城市公共标识翻译技巧及问题分析53 从礼貌原则角度分析电影《暮光之城》中的对白54 T he Same Experience, Different Life—The Comparison between Jane Eyre and Lin Daiyu55 论《傲慢与偏见》中简奥斯丁的女性主义56 浅议中西方餐桌礼仪的文化差异及翻译57 格莱斯合作原则及其对言语交际的影响58 如何培养大学生英语阅读理解技能59 A Comparison of the English Color Terms60 T he Contrast between Carrie’s “Fall” and “Rise”61 论密西西比河对马克•吐温和《哈克贝利•费恩历险记》的影响62 中学生英语互助学习研究63 T he Religious Thoughts in The Pilgrim’sProgress64 语法翻译法视角下的中学生英语家教辅导65 从用餐礼仪看中美核心价值观差异66 中西方传统习俗的对比研究——出生礼,婚礼,葬礼67 浅谈英语科技文献汉译时应注意的几个方面68 试论“选择性”口译的应用——从释意派理论角度分析口译工作中的变译现象69 译者主体性视角下的翻译策略—杨氏夫妇《聊斋志异》英译本个案研究70 浅析中美两国隐私观的差异71 精神危机下的自我救赎--对索尔贝娄《赫索格》中社会异化与身份认同的解读72 论《马丁伊登》中一个成功者的幻灭73 《永别了武器》悲剧特征的分析74 功能对等理论透视下的影视片名翻译75 《紫色》中女主人公西丽妇女主义的形成76 论图片和卡片在中学英语教学中的合理应用77 美国梦的破灭——约瑟夫•海勒《第二十二条军规》中的黑色幽默解析78 毛姆眼中的简奥斯丁79 A n Analysis on the Differences of DieteticCulture between the East and the West from English Translation of Chinese Menu80 《白鲸》的象征意义和悲剧内涵分析81 背景知识在翻译中的重要性82 《老人与海》中圣地亚哥的人物分析83 通过电视广告看中美思维模式差异84 第二次世界大战中的温斯顿丘吉尔85 从简•奥斯汀作品中的礼仪看英国人的社交心理86 英语电影片名的汉译要求及赏析87 A Feminist Analysis of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen88 内地与港台海外电影片名翻译的比较89 影响英语专业学生理解英语习语的因素调查90 从生态女性主义角度看《德伯家的苔丝》中的爱情悲剧91 从哲学角度看中西餐具文化的差异92 中西方礼貌用语的差异93 从“绯闻女孩”与“我的青春谁做主”中浅析中美青年婚姻爱情观的异同94 文化全球化语境下中英婚姻习俗的对比研究95 从语言功能考察汉语公示语英译96 英汉互译中不可译现象的文化阐释97 欧内斯特•海明威《雨中猫》和田纳西•威廉斯《热铁皮屋顶上的猫》中的女主人公的对比分析98 小说《紫色》和《妻妾成群》中女主角不同命运的的比较99 谭恩美《喜福会》中人物对话含义及其功能分析100 浅析文化差异对中西商务谈判的影响101 《飞屋环游记》的人物设置特色分析102 母语在中学英语教学中的作用103 约翰济慈的女性化倾向分析104 A Brief Analysis of the Auspicious Culture in the Wedding Custom Between China and Western Countries105 《太阳照常升起》中的“女性化”研究106 学习动机对大学生英语学习的影响107 论《红字》中的孤独感108 浅谈外贸英语的翻译标准109 《荆棘鸟》中女性主义及女性意识觉醒的解读110 《追风筝的人》中哈桑自我牺牲精神的研究111 论《教授的房子》中圣彼得教授对自我的追求112 从语境视角看英译汉字幕翻译——以《梅林传奇》为例113 Strategies of Activating Middle School Classrooms for Effective English Learning114 从合作原则和礼貌原则的角度分析赵丽蓉的小品115 论《最蓝的眼睛》里黑人女性身份的迷失116 中西谚语的文化比较研究117 中文学术讲座报道的体裁分析118 《老人与海》中的象征主义119 浅析远大前程中皮普转向成熟的过程120 中美跨文化交际中的高低语境文化对比研究121 浅析中式菜名的英译122 An Analysis of Catherine in A Farewell to Arms123 中美服饰的文化差异分析124125 英汉谚语中“爱”的情感隐喻对比研究126 浅析马克思主义女性主义视角下的凯瑟琳127 On Symbolism in The Wizard of Oz128 论建构主义理论指导下英语口语教学方法129 从归化与异化之争看四字格的运用130 对盖茨比的美国梦幻灭的分析131 多媒体教学在中学英语教学中的利与弊132 A Withering Rose:An Analysis of Tess’s Tragedy133 Color Words in Chinese and Western Literature134 A Contrastive Study of Politeness Principle in English and Chinese135 美国吸血鬼小说中女性形象研究——以《吸血鬼编年史》、《暮光之城》和《吸血鬼日记》为例136 [毕业论文](经贸英语系毕业论文)以海尔集团为例浅析售后服务在企业营销中的作用137 论《紫颜色》中黑人妇女的反抗138 An Analysis of the Heroine of the Scarlet Letter139 《阿Q正传》中文化负载词的翻译140 论《红字》里“A”字的象征意义141 生存危机和渴求改变——黑色幽默小说的主体研究142 基于精细加工理论的英语词汇学习研究143 浅析《爱玛》中女主人公的女性意识144 《德伯家的苔丝》中的象征解析145 英文商标的汉译146 A Feministic Study of the Theme of “The Chrysanthemums”(开题报告+论文+文献综述)147 新经济原则在商品买卖会话中的运用148 On the Tragic Death of Martin Eden149 刺激学生学习英语的情感因素的手段的研究150 《呼啸山庄》中的哥特元素分析151 简论颜色词的文化内涵和翻译152 抽象名词词义内涵及其翻译策略153 解读《最蓝的眼睛》中的姐妹情谊154 通往女性自由之旅--论约翰·罗伯特·福尔斯《法国中尉的女人》155 从《虎妈战歌》看中美家庭教育的差异156 丁尼生《鹰》与休斯《鹰之栖息》的对比分析157 语码转换———从正式场合到非正式场合158 约翰•斯坦贝克女性观流变初探159 论英语演讲开场的决定性因素和相关策略160 谈丽莉的悲剧--不够懦弱到随波逐流,又不够勇敢到逃离反抗161 浅析中美电影中英雄主义的异同--以《功夫熊猫》和《霍元甲》为例162 从语域理论角度分析商务发盘函的翻译策略163 Three Discriminations to Little Black American Girls in The Bluest Eye164 跨文化广告传播中的语用失误研究165 浅析嘉莉妹妹成功的原因166 高级英语课堂中教师角色研究167 功能翻译理论关照下的新闻英语标题翻译168 英语广告中仿拟的关联分析169 广告英语的文体特征研究170 从《紫色》中的意象看黑人女性身份的自我重塑171 中英文数字文化对比及其翻译172 论建构主义理论下初中英语教师的课堂角色定位173 论汉英翻译中基本颜色词的不同情感174 The Gothic Elements in Edgar Allan Poe’sWorks175 《辛德勒名单》主人公性格分析176 中西方婚礼礼服颜色的对比研究177 对乔治艾略特作品中的独特女性意识的研究——以《米德尔马契》为例178 Are Indians Prisoners of Their Race?-An Analysis of the Sources and Rise of National Awareness179 《潜鸟》女主人公——皮格特•托纳尔悲剧的探析180 跨文化交际中的肢体语言差异181182 从“啃老”现象看后啃老族的生活态度183 《理智与情感》的现实主义特征184 浅析《德伯维尔家的苔丝》中造成苔丝悲剧的因素185 从《阿Q正传》译本看民族文化的可译性186 Cultural Difference between Chinese and American Advertisement187 英汉双语词典中的语用信息188 中学生词汇自主学习对阅读能力影响初探189 简•奥斯丁的婚姻观在《傲慢与偏见》中的体现190 用合作原则分析男性广告语的诉求191 CBI理论诠释及在英语教学中的应用192 英汉颜色词语象征意义的对比193 简•爱性格魅力分析194 女性主义视角下《白象似的群山》与《莳萝泡菜》中男性形象的对比研究195 浅谈儿童文学在儿童成长中的作用-弗朗西斯•霍奇森•伯内特《小公主》和《秘密花园》之比较196197 An Analysis of Sexism in English Proverbs 198 《丧钟为谁而鸣》中罗伯特.乔丹性格的多视角分析199 从广告层面比较研究中美文化差异200 Views on Marriages in Pride and Prejudice in the Perspective of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs。



高中英语文学作品主题分析单选题40题1. In "Jane Eyre", the main character's pursuit of love and independence reflects the theme of _____.A. social hierarchyB. feminismC. romanticismD. tragedy答案:B。


选项A“social hierarchy”《 社会等级制度)在作品中有所体现,但并非主要主题。

选项C“romanticism”《 浪漫主义)并非作品核心主题。

选项D“tragedy” 悲剧)也不准确。


2. The relationship between Elizabeth and Darcy in "Pride and Prejudice" mainly showcases the theme of _____.A. class struggleB. true love conquers allC. family valuesD. social etiquette答案:B。

在 傲慢与偏见》中,伊丽莎白和达西的关系主要体现了“true love conquers all” 真爱战胜一切)的主题。

选项A“class struggle”《 阶级斗争)不是主要的。

选项C“family values”《 家庭价值观)有一定体现,但不是核心。

选项D“social etiquette” 社交礼仪)不是重点。

3. In "Jane Eyre", the character of Rochester is often associated with the theme of _____.A. redemptionB. deceptionC. betrayalD. revenge答案:A。



《英美文学史》考试形式:闭卷考试时间:90分钟×1.5´= 15´)The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has impacted AmericanWriters who are ___________ tend to develop and promote mannerism, dress, speech, of a particular region. They try to be informative about the peculiaritiesIn his novel ________________, Theodore Dreiser portrays a girl who is totally the mercy of forces she cannot control. Alone and helpless, she moves along like mechanism driven by desire and catches blindly at any opportunities for a better ’s definition of ___________, “that which presents an intellectual and an instant of time”, is an agreement with his perception ofIn the poem __________________, T.S. Eliot portrays the image of an ineffectual, tragic twentieth-century Western man, possibly the modern intellectualThe Great Gatsby (1925).Most of ___________ works are set in the American South about people from a smallThe Old Man and the Sea is _____________.’s novel_____________. Multiple Choices: Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter ×1´= 15´)a great poet B. a dramatist C. a literary critic D. a great novelist.Henry James wrote the following novels EXCEPT ________________.B. Daisy MillerThe Wings of Dove D. The Golden BowlHe is regarded as the foremost writer of the Great Depression during the 1930s.C. He belongs to the Lost Generation.D.He writes about the poverty-stricken people in their sufferings.4. Which of the following is Willa Cather’s novel?A. Main StreetB.My AntoniaC.The Great GatzbyD.The Triumph of the Egg5.Which of the following is NOT William Faukner’s novel?A. Their Eyes Were Watching GodB. The Sound and The FuryC. A Rose for EmilyD. Light in the August6. Which one of the following descriptions about the Hemingway hero is true?A. Hemingway Hero is also called code hero.B.Hemingway Hero is an average man of decidedly masculine tastes, sensitive and intelligent.C.The typical Hemingway hero is one who, wounded but strong, more sensitive and wounded because stronger, enjoys the pleasures of life (sex, alcohol, sport) in face of ruin and death and maintains, through some notion of a code, an ideal of himself.D. The typical Hemingway hero is one who was the pioneer in the frontier.7. Which one of the following writers does NOT employ colloquial style in his writings?A. Mark TwainB. Sherwood AndersonC. Nathaniel HawthorneD. William Faulkner8. Which one of the following writers can be cataloged as Southern Literature writers?A.William FaulknerB.Henry JamesC. Nathaniel HawthorneD. Ernest Hemingway9. Which one of the following writers is NOT a dramatist?A. Kate ChopinB. Eugene O’neillC. Tennessee WilliamsD. Arthur Miller10. The American writers who are awarded Nobel Prize for literature include the following writers BUT___.A. Eugene O’NeillB. Ernest HemingwayC. John SteinbeckD. Ezra Pound11. American naturalists tend to adopt the following concepts except_______.A.Dawin’s ideas of evolutionB.The ideas of Herbert SpencerC.Emerson’s transcendentalismD.French Naturalism12. The secular ideals of the American Enlightenment were exemplified in the life and career of_________.A. Thomas HoodB. Benjamin FranklinC. Thomas JeffersonD. George Washington13. Transcendentalists recognized ______as the "highest power of the soul".A. intuitionB. logicC. data of the sensesD. thinking14.Led by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Ralph Waldo Emerson and ______; there arose a kind of teaching of transcendentalism in the early 19th century.A. Herman MelvilleB. Henry David ThoreauC. Mark TwainD. Theodore Dreiser15. Edgar Allan Poe put forward the following literary ideas EXCEPT_______.A. Poems should be as long as Homer’s epics.B. Melancholy is thus the most legitimate of all the poetic tones.C. He stressed the principle of concentration and thematic totality.D. Poems should be short enough so that it can be read at one sitting.III. Match the Writers and Works under the Two Columns (10×2´=20´)1. T.S. Eliot a. The Great Gatsby2. F. Scott Fitzgerald b. The Sound and the Fury3. William Faulkner c. Native Son4. John Steinbeck d. The Grapes of Wrath5. Sherwood Anderson e. Moby Dick6. Richard Wright f. The Scarlet Letter7. Herman Melville g. The Raven8. Edgar Allen Poe h. The Waste Land9. Harriet Beecher Stowe i. Uncle Tom’s Cabin10.Kate Chopin j. The Triumph of the Eggk. The AwakeningIV. Identify the following selected excerpts and write down the name of the authors and the works. (5×4´=20´)1. Because I could not stop for Death—He kindly stopped for me—The carriage held but just Ourselves—And Immortality.Author:__________________(full name)Works: ___________________2. Standing on the bare ground, — my head bathed by the blithe air, and uplifted into infinite space, —all mean egotism vanishes. I become a transparent eye-ball;I am nothing; I see all; the currents of the Universal Being circulate through me;I am part or particle of God.Author:__________________(full name)Works: ___________________3. Once I said to myself it would be a thousand times better for Jim to be a slave at home where his family was, as long as he'd got to be a slave, and so I'd better write a letter to Tom Sawyer and tell him to tell Miss Watson where he was. But I soon give up that notion for two things: she'd be mad and disgusted at his rascality and ungratefulness for leaving her, and so she'd sell him straight down the river again; and if she didn't, everybody naturally despises an ungrateful nigger, and they'd make Jim feel it all the time, and so he'd feel ornery and disgraced. Author:__________________(full name)Works: ___________________4.The apparition of these faces in the crowd;Petals on a wet, black bough.Author:__________________(full name)Works: ___________________5. NONE of them knew the color of the sky. Their eyes glanced level, and were fastened upon the waves that swept toward them. These waves were of the hue of slate, save for the tops, which were of foaming white, and all of the men knew the colors of the sea. The horizon narrowed and widened, and dipped and rose, and at all times its edge was jagged with waves that seemed thrust up in points like rocks. Author:__________________(full name)Works: ___________________V. Explain the Following Terms (4×5´=20´)RealismFree verseHemingway HeroesRomanticismVI. Answer the following questions according to the materials. (1×10´=10´) Passage OneI couldn’t forgive him or like him, but I saw that what he had done was, to him, entirely justified. It was very careless and confused. They were careless people, Tom and Daisy—They smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made...Questions1. Who is the author of the novel from which the selection is from?2. What is the narrator’s attitude toward such persons as Tom and Daisy?英美文学史试卷A 参考答案I. 1. colloquial 2. local colorists 3. Sister Carrie 4. Imagism5. T.S. Eliot6. The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock7. American Dream8. Faulkner’s9. Santiago 10. The Scarlet LetterII.1.D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.A 10.D 11. C12. B 13.A 14.B 15.AIII.1. h 2. a 3. b 4. d 5. j 6. c 7. e 8. g 9. i 10. kIV.1.Author: Emily DickinsonWorks:Because I could not stop for Death2. Author:Ralph Waldo Emersonworks: Nature3. Author: Mark TwainWorks: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn4. Author: Ezra PoundWorks:In a Station of the Metro5. Author: Stephen CraneWorks: The Open BoatV.Explain the Following Terms (4×5´=20´)Realism: In American literature, the Civil War brought the Romantic Period to an end. The Age of Realism came into existence. It came as a reaction against the lie of romanticism and sentimentalism, as Everett Carter put it. Realism turned from an emphasis on the strange toward a faithful rendering of the ordinary, a slice of life as it is really lived. It expresses the concern for common place and the low, and it offers an objective rather than an idealistic view of human nature and human experience. Realist literature finds the drama and the tension beneath the ordinary surface of life. A realist writer is more objective than subjective, more descriptive than symbolic. Realists looked for truth in everyday truths. The representative writers are William Dean Howells, Mark Twain and Henry James. Free verse: Free verse is poetry that has an irregular rhythm and line length and that attempts to avoid any predetermined verse structure. It is poetry without a fixed metrical pattern, having a loosely organized rhythm. It uses the cadences of natural speech. Although free verse had been used before Whitman—notably in Italian opera and in the King James translation of the Bible—it was Whitman who pioneered the form and made it acceptable in American poetry. It is to be found in the work of some 19th-century American poets, e.g. Whitman and Stephen Crane, and it has been commonly employed only since World War I, its early users including the Imagists, Sandburg, Masters, Pound and E.E. Cummings.Hemingway Heroes:"Hemingway Heroes" refer to some protagonists in Hemingway' s works. Such a hero usually is an average man of decidedly masculine tastes, sensitive and intelligent. And usually he is a man of action and of few words. He is such an individualist,alone even when with other people, somewhat an outsider, keeping emotions under control, stoic and self-disciplined in a dreadful place where one can not get happiness.For instance, Frederic Henry in A Farewell to Arms is completely disillusioned. He has been to the war, but has seen nothing sacred and glorious. Romanticism: American Romanticism: The Romantic Period stretches from the end of the 18th century till the outbreak of the Civil War. A rising America with its ideals of democracy and equality, its industrialization, its westward expansion, and a variety of foreign influences such as Sir Walter Scott were among the important factors which made literary expansion and expression not only possible but also inevitable in the period immediately following the nation's political independence. Yet, romantics frequently shared certain general characteristics: moral enthusiasm, faith in value of individualism and intuitive perception, and a presumption that the natural world was a source of goodness and man's societies a source of corruption. Romantic writers include Washington Irving, James Fennimore Cooper, Emerson, Thoreau, Hawthorne and Melville, etc. Such romantic writers placed increasing value on the free expression of emotion and displayed increasing attention to the psychic states of their characters. Heroes and heroines exhibited extremes of sensitivity and excitement. The novel of terror became the profitable literary staple. A preoccupation with the demonic and the mystery of evil marked the works of Poe, Hawthorne, Melville, and a host of minor writers. The New England poets, such as Longfellow and Bryant formed a different school from Emerson, Thoreau, Whitman, Dickinson and Poe.VI. Answer the following questions according to the materials. (1×10´=10´) Passage One: F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby. The narrator shows his disliking and disgust towards such irresponsible persons like Tom and Daisy.-----精心整理,希望对您有所帮助!。



最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 古典诗歌中典故的翻译2 中西饮食文化对比研究3 Scarlett O'Hara and Feminism4 英汉恭维语及其应答对比研究5 DOTA游戏英雄名称汉译策略6 英语经济新闻标题翻译在模因传播中的分析7 回译在翻译教学中的作用8 论《德伯家的苔丝》中的女性主义意识9 从文化差异角度来分析习语的翻译10 从认知语境角度探究社交语用失误的原因11 浅析简•奥斯丁在《傲慢与偏见》中的女性主义12 英语委婉语的语用分析13 奥巴马胜利演讲的语篇分析14 《缅湖重游》之语义分析15 从用餐礼仪看中美核心价值观差异16 对《最蓝的眼睛》黑人的悲剧命运的分析17 中美肥胖问题比较研究18 《尤利西斯》与《春之声》中意识流手法的不同19 女性哥特视角下的《蝴蝶梦》研究20 哈代小说《绿林荫下》的视觉呼唤21 析《麦田里的守望者》霍尔顿•考尔菲德的性格特征22 肯尼迪演讲的语音衔接分析23 英语中法语借词刍议24 小说《嘉莉妹妹》中女性成长的分析25 布什总统演讲词中幽默话语的语用功能分析26 从fans和PK看西方文化对汉语言文化的冲击与影响27 简析中西方译者翻译《论语》的差异性28 东西方恐怖电影的文化差异29 功能对等理论视角下汉语新词的翻译30 《丧钟为谁而鸣》中罗伯特.乔丹性格的多视角分析31 从中英文动物隐喻看中国与英语国家的文化差异32 The Essence of Democracy and Freedom: An Interpretation of the Animal Farm33 奥巴马竞选总统获胜演讲的文体分析34 《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》中玛吉的悲剧成因35 浅析《洛丽塔》中亨伯特的分裂人格36 外语教学中文化意识的培养37 The Comparison of Table Manners between China and Western Countries38 苔丝的悲剧成因浅析39 A Comparison between Chinese and American Family Education40 商务演讲中的跨文化障碍41 从跨文化角度对商标翻译的研究42 An Analysis of the Cultural Differences between Chinese Martial Arts and Western Boxing43 浅析多丽丝•莱辛《天黑前的夏天》中凯特的多重身份44 教师在英语自主学习中的作用45 A Southern Elegy—a Feminist Study on Faulkner’s A Rose for Emily46 论美国精神在《阿甘正传》中的反映47 商务英语中缩略词的运用及翻译48 克里斯加德纳的成功之路——电影《当幸福来敲门》评析49 Comparison between English and Chinese Euphemism from Perspective of Communicative Functions50 顺应理论视角下《红楼梦》中委婉语的英译51 论《儿子与情人》中保罗的爱情悲剧52 从文化角度探析品牌名称的翻译方法53 优秀小学英语教师课堂词汇互动教学的运用分析54 英汉语言性别歧视对比研究55 A Comparative Study on the Protagonists’ Growth in Native Son and Invisible Man56 商务谈判中的模糊语的使用57 诠释《儿子与情人》中儿子、母亲、情人之间的关系58 浅析叶芝诗歌中的象征主义特征59 论个人主义对美国英雄电影的影响60 从关联理论看中国电影名称的翻译61 英汉衔接手段对比分析--基于The Old Man and the Sea及其译本的对比分析62 探究汉英翻译的中式英语现象63 古诗英译中意象与意境的处理64 基于学习共同体的自主学习模式研究65 艾米丽·狄金森的诗歌主题分析66 对《草叶集》两个汉译本的比较研究67 从弗吉尼亚.伍尔夫的《夜与日》看女性同性爱主题的写作模式68 英汉动物词语隐喻意义的对比分析69 跨文化交际中的体态语70 汉英招呼语的对比研究71 《织工马南》中的因果关系说72 论《动物庄园》的反讽艺术73 《呼啸山庄》和《暮色》系列的对比研究:《呼啸山庄》再次热销引发的思考74 On Nabokov’s “Lolita” and Its Adaptation into the Movie by Stanley Kubrick75 《麦琪的礼物》主题与写作手法分析76 On Self-destruction of Laura in Flowering Judas77 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英汉广告语篇中语法衔接手段对比研究113 《永别了武器》中战争对人类所造成的毁灭114 论自然主义在《野性的呼唤》中的体现115 女性主义角度解读《董贝父子》中伊迪丝的堕落女性形象116 从关联理论分析辛弃疾的诗词翻译117 A Comparison of Chinese and American Food Cultures118 从许渊冲“三美论”评析《声声慢》三个译本119 Cultural Differences in the American-Context Chinese Movies120 On the C-E Translation of Public Signs121 企业英文简介中的概念语法隐喻分析122 NBA和CBA的文化差异分析123 An Analysis of Catherine in A Farewell to Arms124 浅谈当代大学生炫耀性消费文化125 浅析《时间机器》的反宗教主义126 臻于完美的人物魅力——对简•奥斯丁《劝导》中的女主人公的分析127 论译语本土化的可行性与局限性128 探析《劝导》中安妮的成熟形象129 欧内斯特•海明威《雨中猫》和田纳西•威廉斯《热铁皮屋顶上的猫》中的女主人公的对比分析130 浅析《蝇王》中的人性黑暗131 The Word Use and Translation of English News132 分析《土生子》中的种族主义的恶性影响133 评爱伦坡哥特式小说中的恐怖美134 Wessex Women: Female Characters in Thomas Hardy's Novels135 论《宠儿》中的象征意象136 与身体器官有关的中英文习语对比研究137 用交际翻译理论看英语文学书名汉译138 中英酒俗对比139 动物习语中文化意象的比较与翻译140 中国英语在中国文化输出中的作用141 论《哈克贝利费恩历险记》中的对比及效果142 从合作原则和礼貌原则的角度分析外贸函电中否定信息的传递143 从功能对等角度看信用证英语的翻译144 伊丽莎白.贝内特与简.爱的婚姻观之比较145 跨文化交际背景下英语禁忌语探析146 《了不起的盖茨比》中乔丹•贝克的人物分析147 英汉基本颜色词对比研究148 美国俚语的文化及特征149 Comparison of Chinese Lunar New Year and Western Christmas Day—from the Perspective of the Ways of Celebrations150 跨文化交际中的移情及其能力的培养151 电影《狮子王》中象征手法的运用152 中国文化特色词汇的音译与中国文化的传播153 现代英语新词分析154 A Study of Cultural Presupposition in Idioms155 影视字幕翻译原则——从文化角度进行研究156 论中美婚礼习俗的差异与融合157 从英汉广告语言特点分析中西方文化价值观158 A Study of Nonverbal Communication159 哈里的迷惘与自我救赎——《乞力马扎罗的雪》的哲学解读160 从《竞选州长》看马克•吐温的幽默艺术161 对《璃琅三部曲》中爱尔兰人的人性分析162 A Study on Chinglish of EFL Learners in Junior High Schools in China163 埃德加爱伦坡的文学理论在《厄谢府倒塌》中的应用164 英语委婉语及其翻译165 从女性主义角度看《觉醒》中爱德娜的女性主体意识觉醒166 《红字》的悲剧成因分析167 关联理论视角下的英语新闻标题研究168 “美国梦”的幻灭——论《人与鼠》的社会悲剧169 The Application and V alue of Formative Assessment to English Teaching and Learning (ETL) in Middle Schools170 从跨文化角度对商标名称的研究171 从信息层面探析语言翻译中的动态对等原则172 西丽自我身份的寻求——《紫色》的女性主义解读173 On Wisdom of Tao in Tao De Jing and the Subjectivity of Translator--Based upon Translations of Wu(无)and You(有)174 威廉福克纳与弗兰纳里奥康纳短篇小说女性角色分析175 高中英语课堂师生互动研究176 A Study of the Human Relations in Sons and Lovers177 A Research on the Translation of the Chinese Dish Names178 初中英语课堂教学现状调查179 图式理论在英语阅读教学中的应用研究180 中美基础教育对比研究181 初中英语教学中的角色扮演182 On Success of Gone with the Wind183 简•奥斯汀《诺桑觉寺》中人物对爱情和婚姻的不同态度184 顺应理论视角下《红楼梦》中社交指示语的英译研究185 《名利场》的女性主义解读186 《傲慢与偏见》中婚姻观对当代中国的现实意义187 从关联理论看《博物馆奇妙夜》的字幕翻译188 国际商务谈判中的文化差异分析189 对《最蓝的眼睛》黑人的悲剧命运的分析190 爱伦坡的分析方法在“厄舍屋的倒塌”中的应用191 《贵妇的画像》的过渡性特征的分析研究192 《隐形人》(混战)中的象征手法分析193 影响中国高中英语课堂中任务型教学实践的因素194 空间介词在英汉时间表达中的隐喻性用法对比研究195 浅析《德伯家的苔丝》中苔丝的悲惨命运196 《鲁滨逊漂流记》中‘星期五’的意义197 Chinese Translations of English Film Titles:A Perspective of Functional Equivalence198 大学生英语听力两种辅助活动实证研究199 增译法在商务英语汉译中的应用200 语境顺应视角下英语情景喜剧中幽默字幕翻译--以《生活大爆炸》为例。



从《看得见风景的房间》分析E.M.福斯特笔下的女性意识最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 从生态和消费的角度解读《瓦尔登湖》中梭罗的思想2 “适者生存”在《野性的呼唤》中的释义3 An American Nightmare: A Naturalistic Approach T o Clyde in An American Tragedy4 中西方聚会文化差异比较研究5 Doomed Tragedy out of Desire-Driven Morbid Personalities in Nabokov’s Lolita6 从文化角度浅析新闻英语的翻译7 动物词汇的英汉互译策略8 商标翻译中的文化差异9 The Heartbroken Images in the Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde10 Imagery Translation in Classical Chinese Poetry11 认知视阀下的轭式修辞研究12 文化语境与语言交际能力的培养13 从《简爱》看世纪女性地位及女性意识的觉醒14 论中西饮食文化差异15 浅谈英汉谚语的翻译——从跨文化角度出发16 从礼貌原则角度分析电影《暮光之城》中的对白17 论《一个小时的故事》中马拉德夫人女性意识的觉醒18 论汉语成语中数字英译的语用等效性19 中英报刊新闻标题语言特色探讨20 《了不起的盖茨比》中黛西的人物性格分析21 中文商标英译研究22 从女性主义看《兔子,跑吧》中女性形象23 从《简爱》看电影对名著的改编24 A Study of Narrative Strategies in Beloved25 中学英语教学中课堂活动的组织和实施26 Analysis on Paul Morel’s Life Passages from the Perspective of Lawrence’s Unconscious27 浅析科技英语翻译中的逻辑错误28 以拉康的镜像理论分析电影《法国中尉的女人》29 徒劳的追求——对《宠儿》中黑尔的悲剧分析30 从里奇的礼貌原则角度分析《老友记》中的言语幽默31 从最佳关联原则看口译中的“归化”和“异化”32 Error Analysis in C-E Translation of Public Signs33 论商标名称的翻译对品牌形象的影响34 交际教学法在高中英语语法教学中的研究35 中西方文化差异在初中英语词汇教学中的体现36 旅游景点标志翻译初探37 《哈利波特》中的励志精神38 《红字》中的象征主义39 英语混成新词建构新解:多元理论视域40 English Teaching and Learning in China's Middle School41 网络英语的缩略词的构成特征及其应用研究42 论《爱玛》中简奥斯丁的社会理想43 英语国家姓氏文化研究44 试论金融英语词汇的特点与翻译45 浅析中英恭维语4647 《鲁滨逊漂流记》中鲁滨逊的资产阶级特征48 幽默元素在英语电影和电视剧中的翻译49 中法餐桌文化对比50 比较研究王维与华兹华斯的自然观51 论《呼啸山庄》中两代人之间不同的爱情观52 中美企业文化差异研究53 英语基本味觉词“甜/苦”的隐喻机制54 Effects of First Person Narration on Thematic Expressionin Araby55 论教师的非语言行为在课堂教学中的作用56 英语文学课外学习活动组织方式的探讨57 跨文化商务谈判中的语用原则分析58 《了不起的盖茨比》中美国梦的破灭59 语境与商务英语信函写作60 教师的个性与语言教学61 从中英文动物隐喻看中国与英语国家的文化差异62 从华裔少女的自传《此时,彼地》看中美两国校园文化差异63 中法餐桌文化对比64 An Analysis of The Woman Warrior from the Perspective of Construction of Discrete Identity in Chinese American Community65 An Analysis of Scar lett’s Character66 试论《出狱》中“房子”的意象67 《老友记》中的对话分析68 斯威夫特和笛福眼中的英国社会——基于对《格列佛游记》和《鲁滨逊漂流记》的比较69 论《太阳照常升起》中“迷惘一代”的反叛与抗争70 On Chinese-English Translation of Public Signs: Problems and Suggested Solutions71 从成长教育理论视角解读奥利弗?退斯特的生活经历72 中式菜肴命名的文化内涵与英译73 Sexism in English Language74 中餐菜名的英译与饮食文化传播75 A Discussion of the Cultural Conflicts and the Integration in the Mother-Daughter Relationships in THE JOY LUCK CLUB76 从功能对等理论看汉语文化负载词的英译77 A Popular Form of Subtitles Translation by Fansub Group on the Internet78 英语国家国歌中爱国主义的话语建构79 网络英语交际对会话合作原则的影响80 On Self-destruction of Laura in Flowering Judas81 从足球看中西文化差异82 拜伦式人物—艾米莉?勃朗特——《呼啸山庄》的弗洛伊德解读83 适者生存——解析《野性的呼唤》中的生存法则84 英语词汇在日常生活中对现代汉语词汇的影响85 卡森?麦卡勒斯《心是孤独的猎手》福柯式解读86 《嘉莉妹妹》中嘉莉的女性主义形象分析87 从心理学角度看霍尔顿的内心世界88 欧?亨利短篇小说的特点89 《推销员之死》中主角威利的性格分析90 从《老人与海》中看海明威的人生哲学91 Resurrection of Self-consciousness in Rebecca92 Deconstructing Master Model:A Study on Val Plumwood’s Critical Ecofeminism93 抽象名词词义内涵及其翻译策略94 关于初中生外语学习焦虑的分析95 英语专业本科毕业论文摘要的体裁分析96 爱默生的自然观--生态批评视域下的《论自然》(开题报告+论)97 身体语言在跨文化交际中的重要作用98 从《哈利波特与火焰杯》看文学翻译中的文化冲突99 初中英语课堂教学的任务型活动设计100 An Analysis of Jude’s Pursuit of Love in Jude the Obscure101 《可以吃的女人》女性主义解读102 浅析《傲慢与偏见》中伊丽莎白和达西关系的转变103 论《紫色》中的姐妹情谊104 经贸翻译中英汉词汇研究105 从文化差异视角论旅游文本翻译中的词汇空缺106 浅谈英语俚语107 Etiquette and Protocol on Intercultural Business Negotiation108 从禁忌语的差异看中英文化的差异109 A Southern Elegy—a Feminist Study on Faulkner’s A Rose for Emily110 论罗伯特?佩恩?沃伦《国王的人马》中对真理与自我认知的追求111 零售创新典范及其对中国零售业的启示112 修辞手法在TED演讲中的运用113 《远大前程》和《了不起的盖茨比》中悲剧英雄的伟大之处对比114 探析《夜访吸血鬼》中的孤独115 汉语被动句的英译116 《玻璃动物园》中的逃避主义解读117 基于认知的颜色词隐喻研究118 从关联理论的角度看《围城》中言语幽默的翻译119 朋克摇滚的反叛与灵魂乐的激情120 从功能对等理论看英文歌名翻译121 英汉禁忌语异同之分析与比较122 从《一间自己的屋子》看弗吉尼亚伍尔芙的女性主义意识123 从功能对等理论看《哈利波特》小说中魔法生物名的翻译124 从文化视角浅谈旅游英语翻译125 The Function of Symbols in the Feminist Novel Possession126 鼓励性教学方法在中学英语教学中的应用127 经典英语电影台词的语言特征和文化态度128 从个人英雄主义角度解读《肖申克的救赎》129 艾米莉狄金森死亡诗歌的解读130 An Analysis of Catherine in A Farewell to Arms131 中国英语与中式英语的对比研究——从英汉民族思维差异的角度132 从《瓦尔登湖》看梭罗的自然观133 从《绝望主妇》析字幕翻译的目的和归化策略134 农村学生英语学习情感障碍分析135 功能对等视角下记者招待会古诗词翻译策略研究136 商务信函中委婉语的语用功能分析—基于xx公司商务往来信函137 Social Criticism in Wordsworth’s Concept of Nature138139 A Study of Angel Clare’s Multiple Personalities in Tess of the D’Urbervilles140 遗忘曲线在记忆英语词汇中的运用141 On Freudian Interpretation of Dreams In Sense and Sensibility142 论《了不起的盖茨比》中“盖茨比”人物象征主义的运用143 从《虎妈战歌》看中西方家庭教育的差异144 从顺应理论的角度对广告翻译的分析145 《夜访吸血鬼》中的模糊性别观146 论《大卫?科波菲尔》中人物个性与时代背景的关系147 (英语系经贸英语)浅谈成本领先策略对于企业发展的影响--以格兰仕为例148 通过苔丝透析托马斯?哈代的现代女性意识149 《野性的呼唤》中的自然主义分析150 《雾都孤儿》中的浪漫主义与现实主义151 英语单词记忆中存在的主要问题和解决方法152 从违反合作原则的角度解读会话含义153 哈里的迷惘与自我救赎——《乞力马扎罗的雪》的哲学解读154 论英语习语的语言和文化功用155 英语基本味觉词“甜/苦”的隐喻机制156 论“美国梦”对美国文学的影响157 《红字》中海斯特性格分析158 A Brief Discussion on Creative Treason in Poetry Translation—Based on the Chinese Versions of The Isles of Greece 159 论杰里米·边沁的功利主义160 浅析《老人与海》中的英雄主义161 对英文广告中模糊语言美学功能的理论探究162 文化视阈下英汉数字“九”的对比研究163 功能目的论视角下的企业外宣资料的英译研究164 裘德悲剧成因的分析165 朗读在中学英语教学中的作用166 从会话含义理论看《家有儿女》167 论马克?吐温的种族观--以《哈克贝利?芬历险记》为例168 国际商务函电的礼貌原则研究169 政论文的英译特点170 从英语中性别歧视词看西方女性社会地位之变化171 On Womanism in Alice Walker’s The Color Purple172 《月下独酌》两种英文译本之对比研究173 从萨丕尔-沃尔夫假说看中英谚语的文化意象174 论《远离尘嚣》中女主人公的悲剧原因175 中英数字习语的翻译176 英语商业广告中幽默的语用分析177 论《最后的莫西干人》中的印第安情结178 浅析《贵妇画像》中的心理描写179 试比较《汤姆索亚历险记》与《哈克贝利芬历险记》中主人公性格异同点180 灵魂救赎者—《七个尖角阁的老宅》中菲比的人物分析181 简析《雾都孤儿》中善与恶在人物塑造上的体现182 从《小公主》看童话对于当今的现实意义183 Comparaison entre l’Histoire d’A Q et l’Etranger184 从新闻用语特点对比中西方文化差异185 《撞车》中美国多元文化主义的分析186 论翻译中的衔接与连贯187 Negative Transfer and the Errors Committed by Chinese English Learners188 从《野性的呼唤》看杰克?伦敦的人生观189 英汉习语渊源对比及其常用分析方法190 基于马斯诺需求层次理论的《老人与海》主人公人物分析191 On the Narrative Arts of Hemingway's Short Stories----A Case Study of"A Clean Well-lighted Place"192 中西文化中婚礼的对比研究193 跨文化交际中的母语文化研究194 从《看得见风景的房间》分析E.M.福斯特笔下的女性意识195 An Analysis of Angel's Ambivalent Personality In T ess of the D'Urbervilles196 从文化角度看品牌名称翻译197 中美婚姻价值观对比198 迷失的童年——从成长小说的角度解读伊恩?麦克尤恩的《蝴蝶》199 The Elementary Stage Translation Teaching Design for Undergraduate English Majors。



最新200份英语专业全英免费原创毕业论文参考选题都是近期写作1 《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿的追求和理想的分析2 xx大学翻译方向学生发展规划3 析《远大前程》主人公匹普的性格成长历程4 Motivation’s Cultivation and Maintenance in English Learning5 Feminism in Eileen Chang's works6 从《荆棘鸟》中三个女性形象解读女性主义发展7 中西酒店文化比较及探讨8 Cooperative Principle in Business Letters9 《宠儿》中塞丝的性格特征分析10 论《呼啸山庄》中的叙述技巧11 广告英译汉中的创译原则12 麦当劳法则及其在美国社会的影响13 英语学习能力与风格的性别差异研究1415 英语广告语篇的会话含义分析16 中美家庭教育文化对比及其根源分析17 A study on Lin Y utang’s Translation standards:faithfulness,fluency and beauty18 从商标翻译看中西文化差异19 Analysis on Ambiguity in The Scarlet Letter20 浅谈英语教学中的”合作学习法”21 两性语言差异分析22 中国菜名英译的恰当方法23 论英美文学作品中的人名寓意及翻译24 从功能分析的角度试析广告英语中语言的性别差异25 从文化角度探析中英基本颜色词的比较和翻译26 威廉布莱克的《经验之歌》中主题的多面性27 救赎之旅—浅析《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿考菲尔德的成长经历28 阿加莎克里斯蒂侦探小说中的罪犯形象29 On China English as A Localized V ariety of English and its Implications for ELT30 英汉文化中颜色词语象征意义的对比研究31 It的用法与翻译32 从情景喜剧《老友记》浅析美国俚语的幽默效果33 浅析《呼啸山庄》希斯克利夫人物形象及其悲剧意义34 浅谈英汉人体部位的隐喻35 广告英语的修辞特点36 《鲁滨逊漂流记》两个翻译版本的文体分析37 《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》一文中守旧因素的象征运用38 探究中学生厌倦学习英语39 澳大利亚传记文学中的土著文化:以《我的位置》为例40 Investigation of Cultural Difference in English-Chinese Advertisement Translation from Rhetoric Perspective41 设计中国际主义风格与民族主义风格的平衡42 从《变形记》透视家庭环境对塑造儿童健康心理的影响43 论习语翻译中文化因素的异化和归化44 英汉颜色词的文化差异及其翻译45 An Analysis of the Pragmatic Functions of the English Past Tense46 课外作业对高中英语学习的作用研究47 英语委婉语的认知分析48 《爱玛》的婚姻观分析49 浅析造成盖茨比悲剧的因素50 英汉基本颜色词的文化内涵对比及其翻译51 比较《百万英镑》和《阿Q正传》52 中西方灾难新闻差异性研究-文化与传媒53 A Comparative Analysis of V anity Fair and Great Expectations54 分析《了不起的盖茨比》中美国梦的二元性55 The Principles and Approaches of Brand Name Translation56 概念隐喻在英语专业词汇学习中的应用57 英汉习语的文化内涵对比分析58 对《一小时的故事》的批评分析59 汽车商标词的翻译特征和方法60 英汉亲属称谓的差异与翻译技巧61 A Comparative Study of Jane Eyre and V anity Fair——From the Perspective of Governess in Victorian Age62 浅析《老人与海》中桑提亚哥的性格63 英汉音节结构对比64 《呼啸山庄》中希斯克利夫的人物性格65 商标词翻译的本土化66 论《了不起的盖茨比》中“盖茨比”人物象征主义的运用6768 吸血鬼传说对英国文化的影响69 中国的超前消费以及其对“八十后”的影响70 英汉形合意合的对比性研究及其对翻译的启示71 词组词汇学习方法72 合作教学理论在初中英语阅读中的运用73 汉语中的英语外来语74 农村学生英语学习情感障碍分析75 禅宗思想在艾米莉迪金森诗歌中的体现76 An Analysis of Catherine in A Farewell to Arms77 对英文广告中模糊语言美学功能的理论探究78 Analysis of The sound and the Fury79 论《飘》中思嘉丽的性格特征80 An Analysis of the Distorted Male and Female Relationships in Sons and Lovers81 “适者生存”在《野性的呼唤》中的释义82 王尔德童话中的美学观和内在矛盾83 非规范性法律文书的文体特征探究84 解读《嘉莉妹妹》中的新女性形象85 《推销员之死》中美国梦破灭的主要原因86 论英语听力难点及解决方法87 从花语的不同含义浅析中西方文化差异88 试比较《汤姆索亚历险记》与《哈克贝利芬历险记》中主人公性格异同点89 The Rose in the “Heights”—An Analysis on Catherine’s Personality in Wuthering Heights90 论《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》中麦琪的悲剧91 论广告定位中的文化冲突及对策92 浅析习语翻译中的中西文化差异及其应对策略93 从《喜福会》透视中美文化冲突与融合94 《红楼梦》人名翻译的归化与异化95 存在主义与海明威的“硬汉形象”96 《推销员之死》中的反英雄主义97 浅谈英语习语的特点及其汉译98 《贵妇画像》主题和写作艺术特征99 Cultural Differences in the Non-V erbal Communication100 “一只陷入囹圄的小鸟”——苔丝的悲剧命运分析101 从功能翻译理论浅谈公示语翻译102 从功能派翻译理论的角度看商标名称的英译103 浅议英语语言中的委婉及其应用104 中美民族性格差异及其文化渊源105 王尔德家庭道德观在《认真的重要性》中的体现106 狄更斯的人道主义思想在《双城记》中的体现107 从《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》与《水浒传》比较分析西方骑士精神与中国侠义精神108 叶芝:无望的爱情,多变的风格109 浅谈英语委婉语的作用和原则110 A Probe into For Whom the Bell Tolls: the Eco-awareness of Hemingway111 善与恶二元关系的整合与分离——试分析《厄舍古屋的倒塌》的道德内涵112 美国电影作品中英雄主义所隐含的美国社会文化113 论远大前程中皮普的道德观114 论汤亭亭《女勇士》中的和谐观115 Exploration of Dickens’ Humanitarianism in Great Expectations116 A Study of Cultural Presupposition in Idioms117 初中英语词汇的学习118 浅析《威尼斯商人》中的金钱观119 从英汉“狗”的习语看中西方文化差异120 A Brief Analysis of the Syntactic Features of English Contracts121 论《呼啸山庄》中希斯克利夫的矛盾情感122 An Analysis of Conflicts between Heroines in The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie123 《欢乐之家》孤独灵魂的自我发现124 An Archetypal Study of J.D.Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye125 《威尼斯商人》中夏洛克形象新析126 美国个人主义与中国集体主义的比较127 中美篮球背后的青年文化128 影响中国高中英语课堂中任务型教学实践的因素129 新闻报道的倾向性分析——语言学视角130 A Tactics Study of English Listening Teaching in Basic Education Stage131 汉英谚语的语意对比132 英源外来词的翻译方法133 从男性角色解读《简爱》中的女性反抗意识134 《莎乐美》中月亮的意象——从原型批评视角进行分析135 交际法在初中英语教学中的运用136 用合作原则分析男性广告语的诉求137 从感观的角度看汉语外来词的翻译138 Culture Differences between China and English-speaking Countries: A View of Body Language139 On Translators’ Subjectivity in Literary Translation—Based on the different Chinese versions of Bacon’s essay Of Studies140 从合作原则看卡尔登的性格特点141 《儿子与情人》与《雷雨》中母子关系的对比142 论个人主义对美国英雄电影的影响143 中美企业文化研究144 英语复合名词的认知语义研究145 《弗兰肯斯坦》的悲剧性146 《紫色》的生态女性主义解读147 从语域和博客语篇角度解读博客传播148 论流行网络词汇的汉英翻译149 商标翻译的美学特征和技巧150 Listening in Interpretation151 商务谈判中的礼貌策略研究152 The Death Image of Emily Dickinson’s Poetry153 A Comparison Between the Novel and Movie of A Clockwork Orange154 朱虹翻译作品中的女性主义意识研究155 浅析《动物庄园》中极权主义形成的必然性156 谈网络英语缩略语的构词特点及用法157 英语动物习语的研究及翻译158 Maternal Love in The Millstone159 伍尔夫的《达罗卫夫人》中的意识流和象征主义手法分析160 浅析商务英语的语言特点及翻译161 Transcendentalism in Thoreau's Walden162 英语定语从句的理解与翻译163 从语言的角度分析《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿的儿童形象164 英汉思维差异与翻译策略165 浅析中西价值观差异对跨文化交际的影响及其解决方法166 The Characters and Personality of American Slang167 会话含义在商务谈判中的运用168 论摇滚音乐在西方文化之中的地位169 在关联理论观照下电影名称翻译探析170 勃莱特.阿什利--《太阳照常升起》中的新女性171 论合作语言学习在英语精读课上的应用172 不同的音乐折射不同的文化173 中国英语与中式英语之比较174 论《呼啸山庄》中希思克利夫的性格175 英语汉源借词研究176 从电影《功夫熊猫》看中国英语的发展177 从《汤姆叔叔的小屋》看基督教对美国黑奴的精神救赎178 以超验主义视角对瓦尔登湖中寂寞观的分析179 《喜福会》中的中美文化冲突180 浅析《伟大的盖茨比》中的爱情观181 Resurrection of Self-consciousness in Rebecca182 国际商务合同的用词特点及翻译183 A Comparison between Scarlett O’Hara and Jane Eyre from the Perspective of Feminism 184 从功能对等理论角度看校训的汉英翻译原则185 《推销员之死》中男主人公悲剧命运分析186 中英文化差异与英语教学187 缺乏包容性:浅析简爱中女主人公的性格塑造188 浅析《老人与海》中桑提亚哥的性格189 浅析习语翻译中的语用失误190 浅析合作原则和礼貌原则在商务信函中的运用191 《夏日鸟笼》的女性主义解读192 从《胎记》看霍桑对科学的态度193 评爱伦坡哥特小说中的恐怖美194 对比研究中西文化中的委婉语195 从餐桌礼仪看中西文化差异196 英语习语陷阱及其学习策略197 认知语境与人名隐喻的翻译研究—基于《红楼梦》英译文的个案研究198 论林纾翻译小说中的翻译策略199 英文歌曲名称翻译浅析200 《日用家当》中的黑人文化意象分析。

Hemingway’s view on love and anti-war ideas

Hemingway’s view on love and anti-war ideas

Hemingway’s view on love and anti-war ideasin A Farewell to Arms【Abstract】In Ernest Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms, he described the conflict between war and love , and illustrated that war destroyed people’s happiness and dream. In this novel, Catherine is not only beautiful, smart and brave, but also faithful to love. She could pay everything for her love. This paper focuses on briefly discussing Catherine, especially her view on love which also reflects Hemingway’s, and then analyzes Hemingway’s strong anti-war ideas. War is brutal and ruthless, and it destroys people’s humanity and happy life. Love in war becomes the source of joy and pain. Love is definitely wonderful, but when in wa r it’s just only the unapproachable phantom.【Key words】Hemingway; war; view on love; anti-war ideas1. IntroductionErnest Hemingway, the famous American writer, was one of the representatives of “the lost generation”. His distinctive writing style, ch aracterized by economy and understatement, influenced 20th-century fiction, as did his apparent life of adventure and the public image he cultivated. He produced most of his work between the mid-1920s and the mid-1950s, and his career peaked in 1954 when he won the Nobel Prize in Literature. A Farewell to Arms is one of his masterpieces. Because of the similarities between the hero and Hemingway himself, many people regard it as a semi-autobiographical novel. This novel is about the tragic romance between an American soldier Frederic Henry, and Catherine Barkley, a British nurse. Frederic Henry who volunteered for service with the Italian army in World War I and fell in love with Catherine, with whom he deserted from the retreating Italian front. Having escaped to Switzerland, they lived in harmony and happily until the tragic end of Catherine’s pregnancy, during which both she and the child died. Through the experiences of hero and heroine, Hemingway eulogized the beautiful and unselfish love. Meanwhile, the author criticized the evil of war deeply and expressed his anti-war thought clearly.2. Catherine’s view on loveLove is definitely wonderful, but when in war it’s just only the unapproachable phantom. Catherine had suffered painful trauma in love, so she understood better the true meaning of love, and treasured the love she had owned. She hoped to achieve her life value through the beautiful and romantic love with Henry. She’s quite strong, independent, brave and wisdom. Moreover, she could pay any cost for love without hesitation. Based on her deep understanding of love, Catherine revealed the great power of love. She proved that love’s beyond death.3. Hemingway’s view on love in warActually, Catherine’s view on love also reflects Hemingway’s. War bri ngs tremendous trauma to human, both in physical and spirit. Where there is a war, there is full of separation and death. Where there has love, there shows people’s humanity. The cruel reality reflects the value of life and the beauty of love.In A Farewell to Arms, American soldier Frederic Henry gradually becamespiritual emptiness and hatred war from a hot-blooded young man for the harsh environment of war. He hospitalized in Milan after he had wounded in war. There he fell in love with an English nurse, Catherine Barkley. With his growing feelings for Catherine deeper and deeper, Henry found the true meaning of life and love. Love had become the compensation for this war. After Henry’s recovery, he went back to the front. The desperation of his beloved one and the defeated in the battlefields deepened Henry’s weariness to the war. His love for Catherine was so strong that he chose to jump into the icy river, before being executed and escaped. Henry could desert the war, but he would never desert his love. He was forced to flee with Catherine to Switzerland. They began their sweet and wonderful life. Though it’s a very short duration, the two lovers did enjoy their true love and romantic days. In Lausanne, Catherine gave birth to their child. Unfortunately, the baby was still born and Catherine died in childbirth. Her death left the desolate and alone feeling for Henry. His dream of leading a decent life broke into smithereens.Love can be an antidote for the painful feelings of war, but it can not change the basic unforgiving hardness of the world. In an indifferent and uncaring universe, love between Henry and Catherine, though beautiful, is doomed to failure. On the surface, Catherine died from hemorrhages. Below the surface, it’s the war that brought to her pain and death. In fact, it’s the devil of the war that led to their tragic romance. Henry not only made his farewell to the war, but also to his unforgettable love.4. Hemingway’s anti-war ideasA Farewell to Arms is a tragic love story. It develops with the themes of war and love. Through his novel, Hemingway expressed his strong disgust against war and his anti-war ideas. To a great extent, this novel is successful to tell us the anti-war character of Henry. Attracted by war propaganda with enthusiasm, Henry volunteered for ambulance service in the war. However, the harsh reality denied him. In the bloody battlefield, Henry experienced the brutality of war and injustice. The innocent young people was deceived and fooled, so the feeling of anti-war welled up in his heart. Henry got confused, deeply lost in a mental crisis which he could not overcome on his own. Meanwhile, he tried to escape from reality. So he was addicted to drinking and love affairs, and wanted to join into a new different future. How ever, it’s the war that made him lost everything; it’s the war that brought him the painful experience, the threat of death and separation with his lover. War can not passive to avoid, and also can not positive to choose. The only result that a war can bring to human is the complete destruction in spirit and the unbearable loneliness in life. Hemingway’s anti-war idea isa complicated reflection of his worldview on the war issue.5. ConclusionIn A Farewell to Arms, Hemingway told us clearly his view on love and anti-war ideas. He spoke highly to the beautiful and unselfish love between Henry and Catherine, and condemned strongly to the devil of war that brought endless pain for people. Love is beautiful and remarkable. It brings pleasure and satisfaction in people’s heart, gives everyone courage and hope, and makes the world better and better. However, war is bitter and painful, and it destroys people’s humanity and happy life. Love in war it’s just only the unapproachable phantom.References:[1] 吴翔林2005.9,英美文学选读:增订版[C].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司[2] Ernest Hemingway 1994. A Farewell to Arms. Arrow Books Ltd[3] Scott & Donaldson 1977. By Force of Will: The Life and Art of Ernest Hemingway. New York: Viking Penguin[4] Baker & Carlos 1969. Ernest Hemingway: A Life Story.New York: Penguin Books.[5] Si, S.Y. 2005. Theme,Style and Symbolism of A Farewell to Arms. New Column of Educational and Cultural Development, 3, 341-2.。

备选 英文

备选 英文

A Farewell to Arms(课堂PPT)

A Farewell to Arms(课堂PPT)

Catherine Barkley (British nurse) 11
An analysis of Henry
• 1.The attitude of war : • From full-hearted (满腔热
情)to disgustful(深恶痛绝) • 2.The attitude of life : • From taking the life as a
• 《老人与海》
A Farewell to Arms
• a semi-autobiographical novel
• a first-person account of American Frederic Henry
• The title is taken from a poem by 16th-century English dramatist George Peele.
• its publication cemented his stature as a modern American writer.
• 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century.
• It was first adapted to film
Main Works
• The Sun Also Rises (1926):
• 《太阳照常升起》
• A Farewell to Arms (1929):
• 《永别了,武器》
• For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940):
• 《丧钟为谁而明》
• The Old Man and the Sea (1952):



3 叶永别了袁武器曳的情节发展

3.1 亨利和凯瑟琳的相识 叶永别了袁武器曳以主人公亨利在意大利参战开篇并展开情节遥 一
开始袁亨利并没有意识到战争的残酷性袁反倒觉得野我知道我不会死 的遥照我看来袁这次战争对于我的危险性袁就好比是电影中的危险性遥冶 亨利在当时社会思潮的感召下袁只是单纯地怀着年轻人的英雄梦赶赴 战场遥 亨利在战场上开救护车袁这一稍显轻松的任务让亨利觉得有些 无聊遥 为了打发时间袁他经常和牧师还有雷纳尔一起打牌尧喝酒遥 正如 小说开场时对景物的描述 野路上除了落叶外, 白白漫漫, 空无一物冶袁 此时的亨利袁消极颓唐袁百无聊赖遥
2 叶永别了袁武器曳的书名题目
叶永别了袁武器曳的原著书名渊A Farewell to A rms冤本身已经暗示了 这部小说中战争与爱情的双重线索遥 中文译语只能体现出野战争冶这一 条线袁但是在原著中袁英文单词野 Arms 冶本身就有两种意义院野武器冶和 野臂膀冶要 要要野武器冶自然是和战争相连袁而野臂膀冶则是指爱人的臂膀袁 借指爱情遥 正如原著书名所暗示的那样袁人生的悲剧不仅在于从战争 中逃离出来袁跟武器永别曰也在于和爱人分离袁跟爱情永别遥
员 叶永别了袁武器曳的创作背景
创作源于生活遥 正如美国著名的悲剧理论家席华尔所言院野悲剧创 作是艺术家采取行动的一种方式袁反抗命运的一种方法遥 因此我们在 很多伟大的悲剧中可以感到艺术家似与剧中人声气相通而直接联
Al系l遥 冶R[1] 海ig明h威t的s很多R作es品e都r带v有e明d显.的自传性质袁叶永别了袁武器曳也 不例外遥 该小说是根据他自己的第一次世界大战的参战经历创作的遥 海明威在高中毕业后袁怀揣英雄梦想袁立志要参军作战袁但最终因为视 力原因而被红十字会吸纳为救护车驾驶员前往欧洲战场遥 1918 年 7 月袁海明威因为严重的膝伤而住院疗养遥 在住院期间袁他爱上了一名美 国护士袁尽管最终求婚被拒袁但这段情感经历还是给他本人以及以后 的文学创作带来了深刻的影响遥 在小说叶永别了袁武器曳中袁海明威根据自己的参战经历塑造了一 个美国军官亨利的形象遥 亨利在当时政府的宣传和鼓动下袁为了野神圣 正义冶尧野自由民主冶而来到前线战场遥 后来因为受伤住进战地医院遥 在 医院治疗时袁亨利遇到了来自英国的护士凯瑟琳并与之上演了一幕凄 美的爱情悲剧遥 由此可见袁叶永别了袁武器曳带有非常明显的自传色彩遥 历史上袁海 明威生活的时代袁是一个充满了动荡和危机的时代遥 一战爆发后袁很多 年轻人为了实现心中的英雄梦而走上战场遥 但残酷的现实告诉他们院 战争只是相互残杀袁战争夺走人的生命袁战争也毁灭人的信念遥 从最初 的为理想而参战到最后意识到战争毫无意义袁海明威的领悟代表了当 时一大批美国青年在精神思想上的转变过程遥 正是在这样的背景下袁 海明威创作了小说叶永别了袁武器曳遥



毕业论文参考题目1.International strategies of China’s enterprises2.Body language and its impact on intercultural communication3.Nonverbal language and cross-cultural communication4.The importance of intercultural communication in business and daily life5.Dumping and anti-dumping in China6.Thomas Hardy and Tess of the D’Urbervilles7.CP and communicationputer-assisted language learning and computer-assisted instruction9.Ernest Hemingway and A Farewell to Arms10.Theodore Dreiser and Sister Carrie11.Deep Structure Translation: Translating Meaning12.The Significance of Learning Grammar in English Study13.Translation and Culture14.The Importance Grammar in Learning English15.Jane Eyre16.Exploring the Principles of Business English Translaton17.A Research on the Misunderstanding in Cross-cultural Communication18.The Linguistic Features of English Recruitment Advertisement19.Exploring the Application of English Chinese Abbreviation20.Mark Twain and His Adventure of Huckleberry Finn21.Contribution, the characteristic element in American culture22.A brief discussion about the means of English rhetoric23.A discussion about the spirit of freedom and equality embodied in Jane Eyre24.A discussion about William Wordsworth’s love for nature embodied in his poems25.A discussion about Charles Dickens’s criticism of bour geois society in DavidCopperfield26.Discussion on the function of linguistic Context27.The difference between American English and British English28.Individual Differences in Second Language Learning and their PedagogicalImplications29.Good Language Learning Strategies and the Role of the Teacher30.The Impact of Large-scale Language Tests on College English Teaching in China31.HR’s Role in Promoting Business Ethics32.Job Satisfaction Factors that will Grow in Importance33.Demographic Environment for Managing Human Resources in China34.Ernest Hemingway and His The Old Man and the Sea35.Charles Dickens: the Themes Present in His Novels36.. Nonverbal Behaviors and Its Impact on Intercultural Communication37.V ocabulary Acquisition Techniques in English Language Learning38.Cultural Differences and Their Impact on International Occasions39.The Social Significance of Jane Austin’s Pride and Prejudice40.The Social Criticism of George Bernard Shaw’s Mrs. Warren’s Profession41.Translating and the Background Information42.On Translating English Book Titles into Chinese43.A Brief Comment on the Several Chinese Versions of Jane Eyremon Errors in Translation : An Analysis45.English Idioms and the Translation46.How to Deal with Ellipsis in Translating47.Cultural Barriers in Understanding Western Humor48.Factors Affecting Communication49.The Influence of Cultural Factors on Advertisement50.An attitude towards Black People in “Gone with the Wind”51.An Analysis of Scarlet (etc.) in “Gone with the Wind”52.Problems in English Learning /Teaching in China53.Learning Strategies and their Relationship to Learning Achievement54.Culture Learning in Foreign Language Classrooms55.Effective Communication in Today’s Business Environment56.Management of the Style and Tone in Business Messages57.Shaping the Message to the Media for Effective Communication58.Influence of the Advanced Information Technology on Communication in theBusiness World59.Encoding and Decoding of Messages among Peoples of Diversified Cultures60.Business Communication in the Age of Information Technology61.Media Selection and Communication Efficiency62.A Great Woman---Jane Eyre63.The Symbol of Tess of the D’Urbervilles64.D.H. Lawrance’s View of Women65.The Theme Analysis of The Old Man and the Sea66.Byron’s Romanticism and Realism67.Cultural Impacts on Global Management68.Global Markets and Responsibilities69.Cultural Strategies for Global Management70.On “The Old Man and the Sea”71.On “The Call of the Wild”72.Dumping and Antidumping73.China’s Economic Growth and Foreign Trade74.Offshore Outsourcing75.Macro Economic Adjustment Measures and State-Owned Enterprises76.Privately-Owned Enterprises in China77.Price Control and Social Equalitycational Cost Differs to Different Social Groups79.The Impact of Cultural Differences on International Marketing.80.Therodore Dreiser and Sister Carrie.81.V ocabulary Acquisition Techniques In Second Language Learning.82.The Impact of joining WTO on The Development of China’s Development.83.The Research on Jane Eyre.84.Feasibility study on conduct of a coordinate FDI85.The Natural World in Thomas Hardy and D. H. Lawrence's Novels86.The Growing Sefl in Black American Autobiographies87.Issues in foreign/second language teaching/learning88.Research methods in education/applied linguistics89.A Comparative Study of the Translation of……90.Advertisement Translation-----from a Cultural Point of View91.Trademark Translation-----from a Marketing Point of View92.Strategies for Business Letter Translation93.Recreation and Literary Translation94.Political Document Translation95.Faithfulness in Literary Translation96.Translation Criteria Studies97.Translator Studies98.Translation Skills Studies99.The Study on the Translated Novels in Modern China100.The Role of Interprators in Business Negotiations101.The Study on Pofessional Tittles’ Translation102.The Study on Numbers’ Translation103.The Study on Passive V oice’s Translation104.Stylistic Features of Business English News105.Stylistic Analysis of Speeches by President Barack Obama106.An analysis of the Hero’s Distortion in Wuthering Heights107.Independent Spirits of Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice108.The American Dream and the Death of the Salesman109.Cultural Adaptation in Translating Brand Names110.Individualised English Learning and Project-based learning111.Cultural Gaps and Untranslatability112.Environmental Crisis and Ecocriticism113.Cross Cultural Issues in Business Project Management114.One the Religious Meaning of Moby Dick115.The Last Fisherman: A New Analysis of The Old Man and the Sea 116.Naturalism in Desire Under the Elms117.On the Space Narration of the Great Expectation118.Disillusionment of American Dream in Death of a Salesman119.Cultural Differences and English Language Study120.Cross-cultural Communication Issues in Business Activity121.Cultural Impact on Business Communicationnguage study and teaching methodology123.On language learning124.On Subtitle Translation -- from a Functionalist Perspective125.On Advertisement Translation -- from a Functionalist Perspective 126.On the Translation of Mo Yan's Works -- from a Linguistic Perspective 127.On the Translation of Mo Yan's Works -- from a Cultural Perspective 128.Translation of Tourism Text from Nord'Skopos Theory Perspective 129.Translation Theories and Thoughts of Liu Shicong130.Cross-cultural facotrs in Interpretation and Related Strageties131.Research on Ying Ruocheng's Drama Translation132.Advertisement Translation from the Translation Varition Perspective 133.female’s language features134.Pragmatic study of shop assistants’ language135.Cultural Differences of Color Words in English and Chinese.136.Pragmatic Features of Advertisement Language137.Cultural Differences of Compliments in English and Chinese138.The Color Purple: Black Women’s Search for identity.139.The Satire in My Fair Lady140.On Analysis of the ruin of the American Dream in the Great Gatsby141.An analysis of Chinese-American cultural difference in Mother-daughter Relationship reflected from the Joy Luck club.142.The difference in the Value of Mate-selection between China and America in the TV Series “The Big Bang Theory”.143.International Business.144.The functions of Business English.145.Pride and Prejudice146.Multinational corporate Management147.Evaluation of Staff’s performance148.Cultural Difference in Translation149.Intercultural communication & values150.American culture & American literature151.Ice managementnguage & culture153.An Empirical Study of Wash back Effect of CET-4 on English Teaching in Colleges154.An Empirical Study of Interactive Approach in College English Reading155. A Co relational Study between Writing Anxiety and the User of Writing Strategy of Chinese English Majors.156. A Study on the Effect of Teacher and Peer Feedback Integration on China’s EFL Writing157. A Study of Students’ Self-efficacy in Grading Teaching158.The Tragedy of a Young Woman: A Study of Henry James’ Daisy Miller159.The Choices of Two Sisters: A Study of Austen’s Sense and Sensibility160.Reason and Passion: A Study of Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility161.The Tragedy of a Pure Woman: A Study of Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles162. A Study of the Male Characters in Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles 163. A Study On Advertising Translation From the Perspective of Cultural Differences164.On Advertising Translation In the light of Factionalist Translation Theory 165.Dynamic Equivalence and Movie Translation166.Characteristics and Translation of English Advertising Texts167. A Tentative Analysis of Discourse Coherence and Its English Translation168. A Study of Trademark Translation from the Cultural Perspective169.The Application of Domestication and Foreignization to the Translation of English Advertisements170. A Study of the Translation of English Advertisements from the Cultural Perspective171.On the Translation of Titles of English Commercial Movies172.An Analysis of the Causes of Macbeth’s Tragedy in Shakespeare’s Macbeth莎士比亚《麦克白》中麦克白悲剧的成因之分析173. A Thematic Study of Mark Twain’ s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn马克·吐温《哈克贝利·弗恩历险记》的主题探索174.The Other American Dream-Interpreting Washington Irving’s “Rip Van Winkle”别样的美国梦-解析华盛顿·欧文的《瑞普·凡·温克尔》175.On The Characteristics of Gatsby in Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby菲茨杰拉德《了不起的盖茨比》中盖茨比的性格分析176. A Comparative Study of ____ and _____ 中英两部小说(主题或主人公)的比较性研究177.On the Dual Nature of the Character of Heath cliff in Wuthering Heights178.Reason and Passion: A Study of the Novel Wuthering Heights179.An Analysis of the Tragedy of Catherine in Wuthering Heights180.Darcy’s Transformation in Pride and Prejudice181.Elizabeth and Her Marriage—A Feministic Study of Jane Austin’s Pride and Prejudiceparison between chinese and American corporate culturesparision between Chinese and American Education System184.Brief comment on Moyan's works185.The Dark Half of Human nature (the tales of two cities )186. A study on how sound affects sense in poetry187.Intercultural Communication on Business Context188.An overview of Non-verbal Signs in Intercultural Communication pliments in Chinese and American Cultures: On Pragmatic 190.On Body Language in Intercultural Communication191.Effect on Translation from Different English-Chinese Modes of Thinking。

The Analysis of Catherine in A Farewell to Arms

The Analysis of Catherine in A Farewell to Arms

The Analysis of Catherine in A Farewell to Arms 【abstract】catherine barkley, as the heroine in the novel a farewell to arms, has a rather complicated personality. the thesis, to begin with, analyzes her character in two sides with examples. one the one hand, she is obedient,maternal, mature and optimistic, yet on the other hand,she depends on love too much and is not confident enough. the thesis then analyzes catherine’s attitudes towards love,war and death. though her attitudes and experience, author express the cruelness of war and his hatred towards war.【key words】a farewell to arms;ernest hemingway;catherine;personalityintroductionin ernest hemingway’s semi—autobiographical novel a farewell to arms, catherine barkley, as the heroine, has rather complicated character. on the one hand, catherine appears to be a charming and beautiful lady who is admired by almost all of men. and on the other hand, catherine is not independent and not confident enough. she depends on love to much. and that is related to her fiancé’s death, which changes her attitude towards love and war.1 catherine’s personalityfirst of all, catherine is obedient and tender. in chapter 16, she said to henry,“but i will. i’’ll say just what you wish and i’’ll do what you wish and then you will never want any other girls, will you?”“i’’ll do what you want and say what you want and then i’’ll be a great success,won’’t i?” and when henry has to come back to the front,catherine consoles him instead of expressing her own sadness. she told henry,“do let’s please just be happy. you are happy,aren’t you? is there anything i do you don’t like? can i do anything to please you? would you like me to take down my hair? do you want to play?” secondly, she is maternal. she always calls henry “darling” and “boy” likes a mother rather than a lover. catherine thinks about him all the time and is never stingy to praise henry. when henry told her he once had gonorrhea, she even said:“i wish i’’d had it to be like you. i wish i’’d stayed with all your girls so i could make fun of them to you.”(in chapter38) thirdly,catherine is quite mature and reasonable. she knows how to keep their relationship. in chapter 21, when catherine told henry she had been pregnant for 3 months, she told henry,“oh, darling!”“you mustn’’t mind me.”“we were both together again and the self—consciousness was gone.”“wereally are the same one and we mustn’’t misunderstand on purpose.”“there’s only us two and in the world there’s all the rest of them. if anything comes between us we’re gone and then they have us.” fourthly, she is an optimistic girl. she always smiles to henry no matter how difficult the situation is. though she was pregnant when they escaped to switzerland, she still smiled at him, encouraged henry and tried her best to help henry.however, on the other hand, catherine is not independent and not confident enough. she always asked henry,“don’t i make a good wife?” she cares about henry too much and depends on henry and their love too much. she’s really crazy about it. even, catherine conceals her real feeling in order to comfort henry. in chapter 21, when she told henry she had been pregnant for 3 months, she repeated several time that “it doesn’t worry me.”“i haven’t worried about it.”but in fact, we can easily feel the anxiety from catherine. in addition, catherine is too peaceful during her pregnancy. usually, women who are pregnant always have bad temper and are capricious. yet catherine is still tender and obedient as usual. and that is unusual. nevertheless, i can understand catherine’s dependence and craziness towards love. theseformed because of her fiancé’s death, her disappointment towards war and also fearfulness of losing lover again.。

美国文学A Farewell to Arms

美国文学A Farewell to Arms

An analysis of Catherine

1.The consciousness of love: Love should be life standards 2. The consciousness of life: Life should be bright and wisdom

An analysis of Rinaldi :

Serving as a potent symbol of the inevitable [in'evitəbl] disintegration of happiness in life. Catherine infuses the weather with meaning as she and Henry lie in bed listening to the storm outside. As the rain falls on the roof, Catherine admits that the rain scares her and says that it has a tendency to ruin things for lovers.
novel’s fundamental argument that war offers more opportunities for senseless loss and destruction than for glory and honor. most characters remain ambivalent(矛盾) about the war, resentful of the terrible destruction it caused, doubtful of the glory it supposedly brought.
















收稿日期:2009209212作者简介:张岚(1974~ ),女,河南太康人,徐州师范大学讲师,英语语言文学硕士。


2009年12月第28卷 第12期绵阳师范学院学报Journal of M ianyang Nor mal University Dec .2009Vol .28 No .12一个富有悲剧意识和英雄气质的女性———《永别了,武器》中的凯瑟琳张 岚(徐州师范大学外国语学院,江苏徐州 221116) 摘 要:长期以来人们对海明威的《永别了,武器》中的女主人公凯瑟琳的评价各说一词,但总体上有两种相反的观点:要么是美丽、温顺的“天使”,要么是具有破坏力的“妖魔”。


关键词:《永别了,武器》;凯瑟琳;悲剧意识;英雄气质中图分类号:I 10614 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-612x (2009)12-0049-03 海明威的长篇小说《永别了,武器》以第一次世界大战为背景,讲述了美国中尉亨利与英国护士凯瑟琳的爱情故事。






A Farewell to Arms语句分析——再见了,它和她

A Farewell to Arms语句分析——再见了,它和她

A Farewell to Arms语句分析——再见了,它和她发表时间:2018-08-20T15:05:47.123Z 来源:《品读》1月下作者:杨宁周嘉丽楼亚柯[导读] A Farewell to Arms这本书为人熟知的译名是《永别了,武器》。



阅读这本书之前,我们一直以为这会是一本沉重烦闷且单调乏味,一味地描述战争侵略性和有害性的记叙文,直到我们慢慢读上手后(杭州师范大学浙江杭州 311121)A Farewell to Arms这本书为人熟知的译名是《永别了,武器》。





在第一次见面时, 凯瑟琳简单直接地用"How do you do?"打开了话题,交流中反义疑问句和特殊疑问句的交替使用表现出她急切而又克制矜持地想要更加多的了解亨利的情况,试探和好奇的意味不言而喻,而由于刚见面的生疏和拘束,亨利只是对凯瑟琳抛出的一系列问题简单地回答yes or no。




电影《魂断蓝桥》翻译中的中西方跨文化交流1. 引言1.1 介绍电影《魂断蓝桥》电影《魂断蓝桥》是一部1939年上映的经典爱情片,由美国导演沃尔特·朗格执导,凯瑟琳·赫本和亨利·方达主演。









1.2 阐述中西方跨文化交流的重要性中西方跨文化交流是当今世界不可忽视的重要议题。







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The Analysis of Catherine in A Farewell to Arms
【Abstract】Catherine Barkley,as the heroine in the novel A Farewell to Arms,has a rather complicated personality. The thesis,to begin with,analyzes her character in two sides with examples. One the one hand,she is obedient,maternal,mature and optimistic,yet on the other hand,she depends on love too much and is not confident enough. The thesis then analyzes Catherine’s attitudes towards love,war and death. Though her attitudes and experience,author express the cruelness of war and his hatred towards war.
【Key words】A Farewell to Arms;Ernest Hemingway;Catherine;Personality Introduction
In Ernest Hemingway’s semi—autobiographical novel A Farewell to Arms,Catherine Barkley,as the heroine,has rather complicated character. On the one hand,Catherine appears to be a charming and beautiful lady who is admired by almost all of men. And on the other hand,Catherine is not independent and not confident enough. She depends on love to much. And that is related to her fiancé’s death,which changes her attitude towards love and war.
1 Catherine’s Personality
First of all,Catherine is obedient and tender. In Chapter 16,she said to Henry,“But I will. I‟‟ll say just what you wish and I‟‟ll do what you wish and then you will never want any other girls,will you?” “I‟‟ll do what you want and say what you want and then I‟‟ll be a great success,won‟‟t I?” And when Henry has to come back to the front,Catherine consoles him instead of expressing her own sadness. She told Henry,“Do let’s please just be happy. You are happy,aren’t you?Is there anything I do you don’t like?Can I do anything to please you?Would you like me to take down my hair?Do you want to play?” Secondly,she is maternal. She always calls Henry “darling” and “boy” likes a mother rather than a lover. Catherine thinks about him all the time and is never stingy to praise Henry. When Henry told her he once had gonorrhea,she even said:“I wish I‟…d had it to be like you. I wish I‟‟d stayed with all your g irls so I could make fun of them to you.”(In Chapter38)Thirdly,Catherine is quite mature and reasonable. She knows how to keep their relationship. In chapter 21,when Catherine told Henry she had been pregnant for 3 months,she told Henry,“Oh,darling!”“You mustn‟‟t mind me.” “We were both together again and the self—consciousness was gone.” “We really are the same one and we mustn‟‟t misunderstand on purpose.” “There’s only us two and in the world there’s all the rest of them. If anything comes between us we’re gone and then they have us.” Fourthly,she is an optimistic girl. She always smiles to Henry no matter how difficult the situation is. Though she was pregnant when they escaped to Switzerland,she still smiled at him,encouraged Henry and tried her best to help Henry.
However,on the other hand,Catherine is not independent and not confident enough. She always asked Henry,“Don’t I make a good wife?” She cares about Henry too much and depends on Henry and their love too much. She’s really crazy
about it. Even,Catherine conceals her real feeling in order to comfort Henry. In chapter 21,when she told Henry she had been pregnant for 3 months,she repeated several time that “It doesn’t worry me.” “I haven’t worried about it.” But in fact,we can easily feel the anxiety from Catherine. In addition,Catherine is too peaceful during her pregnancy. Usually,women who are pregnant always have bad temper and are capricious. Yet Catherine is still tender and obedient as usual. And that is unusual. Nevertheless,I can understand Catherine’s dependence and craziness towards love. These formed because of her fiancé’s death,her disappointment towards war and also fearfulness of losing lover again.。
