


题目的第一个要求To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?属于传统的片表达观点或现象发表看法并进行论证的形式。
第二个要求则要对not important和will be easier 之间的关系进行论证。
雅思写作Task2题目:It is undeniable that so many kinds of languages and dialects exit in the multi-cultural world, which causes some complex and embarrassed situations while communicating with people holding different languages. Some predict that if some lesser-known languages vanish, we may enjoy a much easier lingual atmosphere. Personally I think it is entirely wrong.雅思写作Task2范文:Admittedly, to eliminate some languages that have been used in some certain parts of the world will make people's communication easier. Namely, English and other international languages will bridge over the lingual barriers to some extent. However, if a language disappears, theculture behind it will not exist then shortly. Besides, the living habits and traditions relying on those language features will also die out with the loss of a language itself.When it comes to the reasons for my disagreement, two aspects should be listed: for one thing, as mentioned above, language is no more than a way of communication. It is more likely to be a better symbol on special occasions, like some famous directors will thank all his helpers in English on stage when he is awarded by Oscar, but he will definitely thank his homeland in his native language at last, which represents a national pride vividly. For another, if it is possible to remove some lesser-known languages, some substitution will be used as English and French recently. However, the problem is the translation is not so perfect to transfer each cultural meaning and indication from a native surrounding to a western lingual way. The missing translation will lead to the loss of cultural diversity subconsciously.In sum, some lesser-known languages should not be widely used for the globalization, but the preservation of those cultural-valued legacies should never stop until the extinction of the human beings.作文结构分析:此范文根据题目的要求相应地分为四段,第一段介绍题目背景并表明个人立场(positions);第二段开始做出让步,转而提出自己的反对意见;第三段阐迷自己持反对意见的两方面主要的原因;第四段再次强调自己的主张。

雅思写作大作文高分开头模板之观点类写作雅思写作大作文高分开头模板之:观点类写作这里主要有提供一种观点(To what extent do you agree or disagree/Do you agree or disagree?);提供两种观点(Discuss both sides);提供优缺点比较(advantages outweigh disadvantages?)。
一,提供1种观点的雅思写作开头模板1. People still have mixed views on whether。
(本文要讨论的话题)In this essay, I will examine the view that。
(转述题目中提供的那种看法)2. The issue of whether。
(辩论话题)has received much public attention. In this essay, I will explore the opinion that。
(改写题目所给的观点)3. A criticism often heard these days is that。
(辩论话题)They say that。
(转述题目所给观点)I disagree/ agree with this point of view for。
reasons.4. In these days, the issue of whether。
(辩论话题)has aroused people’s discussion. Some people believe that。
(改写题目所给观点)I disagree/ agree with this point of view and I will analyze the issue in the following passage.5. Recently, the issue of。


问题解决类: 写法一: 第一段:背景句+改写题目+文章内容 第二段:原因1+措施1 第三段:原因2+措施2 第四段:原因3+措施3 第五段:总结建议+预测 写法二: 第一段:背景句+改写题目+文章内容 第二段:原因1,2, 3 第三段:措施1,2, 3 第四段:总结建议+预测
分析:关键信息 personal success, theoretical knowledge , 那么就围绕这几个单词写一个陈述句。
开头句一: People have long been interested in identifying the forces that contribute to personal achievement.
(1)Task Achievement
the number of words
avoid digression
(2)Lexical Resources
use 7/8 big words
use words in right situation
(3)Grammar Range and Accuracy
参考答案: 开头句一: The influence of advertising on our buying behaviors is a subject matter.
开头句二: In recent years, much more attention than ever before has been paid to the influence of advertising on our buying behaviors.

雅思(IELTS)是国际英语语言测试系统(International English Language Testing System)的英文缩写,是被全球认可的用于衡量非母语国家人员英语水平的考试。
范文题目:Some people think that in order to solve traffic and transportation problems, people should be encouraged to use bicycles instead of cars and motorcycles. To what extent do you agree or disagree?1. 引言部分交通和运输问题是当今社会面临的一个严重挑战。
2. 自行车的优势自行车具有环保的特点。
3. 自行车的局限性然而,自行车并非适用于所有的交通出行场景。
4. 观点总结在解决交通和运输问题时,鼓励人们使用自行车是一种行之有效的途径。
剑桥雅思15 test2 写作task2

剑桥雅思15 test2 写作task2

Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy things we really do not need. Others say that advertisements tell us about new products that may improve our lives. Which viewpoint do you agree with?Model Answer 1:I think that everyone can divide all advertising products and services into useless ones and useful ones. It is like looking through an information desk when you pay attention to those messages that interest you. Take me for example.I do not like jewelry. It does not mean I do not have it at all, I have a couple of inexpensive rings as gifts from my parents. I just think, people pay too much attention to this stuff. I believe it is the result of mass advertising. Every day when I am watching TV, listening to the radio orreading the paper I notice many ads about getting an expensive ring, chain, necklace or ear-rings. From my point of view these kinds of advertising contaminate people's minds. In this case you are encouraged to buy things you do not really need. They make you believe you need such products in order to succeed or be happy.From the other side, I think that advertisements of the new detergents with up-to-date formulas to help you maintain your cloth in perfect conditions, the new cars with some extra futures that make your traveling more comfortable and sports goods that make your life healthier may help you to improve your life.Recently my husband and I saw an ad on the Internet about a very interesting and inexpensive vocation to Japan for a week. Is not it awesome? We like traveling. So now we are planning to find out more about it and, may be, make reservations. I believe that without advertisements we would be unaware about plenty of oppotunities that may make your life happier, easier and less stressful.My point is that every person has his own scale of values. So if he is vegetarian he will consider an ad about meat products useless for him.Model Answer 2:The purpose of advertising is to tell the consumer about any new product or service or any new promotion on the existing product and service. We need it so we can make good decisions when we go shopping. Advertising tells us when new and improved products become available and lets us know which ones have the best price.Through advertising we learn about new products. For example, many grocery stores now sell prepackaged lunches. These are very convenient for busy parents. They can give these lunches to their children to take to school. Busy parents don’t have time to look at every item on the store shelf, so without advertising they might not know about such a convenient new product.Even products we are familiar with may be improved, and advertising lets us know about this. Most people use cell phones, but new types of cell phone service become available all the time. There are different plans that give you more hours to talk on the phone, you can send text messages and photos, and next week probably some even newer type of service will be available. By watching advertisements on TV it is easy to find out about new improvements to all kinds of products.Advertisements keep us informed about prices. Prices change all the time, but everyone can look at the ads in the newspaper and see whatthe latest prices are. Advertisements also inform us about sales. In fact, some people buy the newspaper only in order to check the prices and plan their weekly shopping.Advertisements improve our lives by keeping us informed about the latest products developments and the best prices. Advertisements serve a useful purpose.。

雅思观点类写作正⾯⽴论 同学们准备好迎接雅思考试了吗?店铺雅思栏⽬为⼤家提供雅思观点类写作正⾯⽴论,希望对⼤家备考雅思有所帮助哦! 雅思观点类写作正⾯⽴论 ⼀.提出论点 ⽆论是针对agree or disagree, advantages&disadvantages还是discuss&opinion类的题⽬,都要求考⽣要求有⾃⼰的⽴场,可以是正⾯的,反⾯的,甚⾄是中⽴的。
⽐如题⽬: Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(2014年8⽉预测题) Do you think the development of internet is a positive or negative trend?(2013.07.18真题) Some people believe that time spent on television, video and computer games can be valuable for children. Others believe this has negative effects on a child. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.(2008.01.10真题) 对于这三道题⽬,如果考⽣想要从正⾯⽴论,只需⽀持正⽅观点即可。
也就是说针对第⼀道agree or disagree的题⽬,给出“agree”的⽴场,也就是“⼤学应该在每个学科都招收同等数量的男⼥学⽣”;第⼆道advantages&disadvantages的题⽬,考⽣应当肯定“⽹络发展的优点⼤于缺点”;⽽第三道discuss&opinion的题⽬中给出的两个观点,考⽣应当⽀持的是“花时间看电视、录像以及玩游戏是对孩⼦有益的”。

写作部分题目观点与思路A 类1.政府是否应该资助理科生,因为科学家为社会贡献大。
For:1.The social development is based on science, as any high technological product derives from scientific theories.2.The payment for those who are engaged in science is still at a low level, which should be changed. Therefore, the support from the government is indispensable.3.Emphasis from the government will ignite the passion of citizens so that science will be promoted to a higher level.Against:Science and arts should be placed equally1.Itcannot b e deniedthatthe m odernmaterial aspect o f civilizationis createdby the modern technology. It is scientists’ hard work that prospers the material life.2.Our life is greatly enriched by the works of arts, such as literature, painting and mu1233.Without the contribution from the workers of the arts, such as social workers, litterateurs and legist, the society cannot remain healthy, peaceful and stable, and people cannot engage in the scientific work in a good environment. Therefore, it is necessary to put equal emphasis on the science and arts.2、衡量政府成功是否以经济繁荣为标志?For:1.The economy is the criterion of a country or government’s success.2.The economy is the fundamental of everything.3.Without economic prosperity, happiness is just the castle in the air.4.The economic situation is the most objective criterion.5.A powerful economy is the cornerstone of social development. With a strong economy, we can have a comprehensive welfare system accessible to all citizens.6.With a sound economy, our people will have sufficient access to free medical care and education.7.Alongwith e co n o m ic prosperity, our national defensesystemwill be g reatly enhanced.Against:1.The criter ion of a country or government’s success should be citizens’ satisfaction to the country or the g overnment.2.The criterion of a country or government’s success should be the country’s comprehensive strength.3.With money while devoid of sense of security, life will become dull and monotonous.4.M o n e y is o m n ip o t e n t,so t h at e co n o m ic le ve l isn’t e ve ryt h in go f a co u nt ry.5.Without a sense of security, a democratic atmosphere, economic prosperity doesn't mean everything.6.It is not uncommon that in some countries that boast so-called economic prosperity, corruption and discrimination are prevalent.3、强迫退休制度For:1.Every one is human with limited energy and vigor; therefore, after an exhaustingworkinglife, one tends to beincreasingly slow bothinmindand action. Remaining in one’s post would undoubtedly impair one’s physical and emotional health.2.When one reaches an old age, he/she tends to be more conservative and reluctant to accept new ideas and innovations. They are likely to adhere to past practices and old ways. One’s originality and creativity will dry out. They always hesitate to strive forward.3.Too many old people remaining in high positions will hinder the developmentof society.4.Offer more employment opportunities and promotion to the young so that they will be able to give full play to their talent.5.If one never stops working, what’s the point of life?Against:1.Different occupations have their diverse traits and distinguishing features. Some jobs call for special psychological requirements. For example, professors, doctors and research fellows are always required to work into their seventies for their richexperience and a cademic achievements, while professional athletes, suchas gymnasts, retire even at the age of twenty.2.Some people think working gives them the mentalsatis fa ct io n/co nte n t me n t anda role in society. If they areobligedtowithdraw from work to complete domesticity, they will feel that they are abandoned by the society and useless. Work brings social and personal esteem.3.It is regarded as a breadwinning process. Retirement will bring about some financial troubles.4.It is unfair to some people who have studied for years to obtain a higher degree. If they are required to retire at the same age as those who receive shorter schooling, the y ca n n o t e njoy thesame l engthof working. It i s also a great waste of talents.5.Thanks to the improvement in medical science, people enjoy a much life sp an/e xp e cta n cy.W e sh ou ld r e d e fin e t h e t e rm“o ld a g e”.6.Chronological age is not always a true indicator of one’s capabilities.7.It would be more economical to some employers to retain the old hands than to spend more time and money training greenhands.8.Older workers usually are more stable, skilled and experienced than younger ones. It is deemed as an economic asset.Conclusion/suggestion:1.One’s retirement age should be decided according to one’s own conditions and willingness. We shall adopt aflexible andrational retirement age sothat different age can have a chance to give play to their talents and wisdom.2.We should implement the policy of mandatory retirement, because it really brings us a good many benefits. The policy is not only good to the old, but also beneficial to the young.4、体罚是否为好的教育方式FOR:1.We should teach children to respect discipline.2.Discipline is the basis of all achievement.3.Children are hardy creatures.4.It moulds strong a n d r eal character.5.It helps to reinforce the authority of teachers and parents.6.Sometimes children will test the patience of their parents and teacher; teachers and parents should not be too permissive; otherwise they will spoil the children.7.Permissiveness results in undisciplined children.8.Parental laxity leads to the spread of juvenile delinquency.Against:1.Children shouldn’t be exposed to parental abuse (emotionally and physically).2.It seriously violates the legal rights and interests of children.3.It is tremendously cold-blooded and unhealthy, resulting in life-long adverse/negative repercussions/rebellious reaction.4.It endangers children’ physical and mental development.5.N o t“yo usp aret h e ro d”b u t“sp are”t h e“re act io nan d a t t e n t io n”an dyou spoil the child. We should employ moderate and appropriate discipline.6.It i s a kind o f brutality and c ruelty whichmay lead t o i njury or evendeathofthe student.7.Achieve the reverse r esult.8.Researchreveals that s t u d e n t s who s uffer fromcorporal p u n i s h m e n t t endtoresort to violence in their future life.5、小孩是学会竞争还是合作For Competition:petition is inevitable; it’s human nature.petition builds character; it strengthens our self-esteem.petition is regarded a s anopenand f air race where success goes to t he swiftest people regardless of their social status.petition is required to help us reach our fullest potential.5.Natural selection and survival of the fittest.For Cooperation:1.Cooperation offers us a break from the pressure and stress of competition.2.A win-win approach tends to fosters exploration of the root causes of the conflict and leads to constructive, sustainable solutions with positive expectation for future encounters.3.Cooperative g r o u p s display more coordinatedefforts, more divisionof labor, more acceptance of other ideas, and fewer communication difficulties than competitive groups.4.Two heads are better than one.5.Cooperation is marvelously successful at helping children to communicate effectively, to trust in others and to accept those who are different from themselves.6、广泛使用机器人是好事还是坏事For:1.The employment of robots on assembly lines saves a lots of labor forces.2.This trend not only improves the work efficiency, but also enhances accuracy.3.Robots can take the place of human beings and work in the dangerous environment or the places not accessible for us.4.Robots can work around the clock, never knowing tiredness.Against:1.As robots are designed by human beings, what they do is just to follow the instruction and preset programming by human being.2.Once there is something wrong with the electric or programms, robot willbecome a good-to-nothing machine.3.Robots cannot work creatively when confronted with complicated situations.4.With the excessive dependence on robots, human beings will degenerate into a kind of animals that only to take food.7、明星高薪是否合理?For:1.The stars are talented p eople.2.Their brilliant performances enrich people’s cultural/spiritual life, which partly contributes to the spiritual c ivilization.3.They bring great pleasure and happiness to ordinary people. They make money by means of their skills and they deserve it. No one forces you to pay for his/her performance. Both are willing.4.Some of the stars also have undergone painstaking training and practice. No pains, nogains. The road t o s uccess m a y not be easy for m ost p op s tars, whichmay set examples for the youngsters.5.Different occupations or professions can command a different amount ofmoney.6.They sacrifice a lot for what they gain including privacy.7.They bring benefits to the tertiary industry and prosper some professions like entertainment and related ventures.8.It is an inevitable outcome of the market economy. We should not make a fuss of it. It is decided by the market.Against:1.We should value the talents who promote the welfare of the society as a whole rather than these pop s tars.2.We c anlive without p opstars, but c ann ot w ithout a doctor or a teacher. Our society can proceed well without these stars.3.The value of knowledge is depreciating.4.Discourage /strike the initiative and zeal of people in other fields.5.Impose an adverse influence on the development of the next generation, which may easily become m oney-oriented.6.This phenomenon, to some extent, even contaminates the order of theday/general mood.7.What they pay cannot equal their gain.8.They make little contribution to the development of the society compared with the scientists.9.Withthe quick- earned money the pop star’s vanity may quickly expand and their souls may be distorted.Conclusion:It is essential that effective measures should be taken to redress such inequality and disparity. The government should levy heavier income tax on these stars in order to narrow the gap between the income of so-called pop stars and that of the ordinary professions such as doctors and teachers.G 类1. 妇女犯罪1.Th e rap idd e ve lo p m e n t o f so cie t y an dt h ech an g e s o f p e o p le’s va lu e o f t h eworld account mainly for the i ssue.2.With the eye-catching development of economy, many young women go out to find a job, which renders them more opportunities to contact the outsideworld.3.Women’s quality attributes partly to the rise of criminal rate.4.The prosperity and luxury in some metropolises are very attractive to some young women.5.Some of women leave the countryside in the hope that they can make a good fortune in the cities, where they often find themselves disappointed for lack of good education or skills.6.The over-description of violence on the media leads young women astray.Suggestion:1.The government should pay more attention to the problem and issue relevant laws to crack down young women crimes.2.We should strengthen education and raise the quality of people, helping them set up a correct outlook of the world.2. 家庭和睦问题Causes:1.Mobility. Nowadays many jobs require workers who are ready and able tomove off the land and to move again whenever necessary.2.Changes in customs and habits have a significant impact on people’s concept of and attitude towards familial life.3.Fierce competition. One has to work and study hard tomeet the d e m a n d of society and face the challenge. Both husband and wife have to go out workfull-t im e t o s u p p o rtt h e fam ily.To o o ccu p ie d t osp are t im e fo r o n e’s fam ily.4.In t his busy modernworld i nwhichmaterial thi ng s are muchvalued, peopleare attaching less importance to emotion and therefore are growing more and more isolated and i ndifferent.5.While fast urban development enables people to enjoy better living conditions, people have to spend more on commuting every day.Suggestion:1.Keep this line of communication open. Frank exchanges are of great importance.2.Eat a s a family. Dinner is a valuable o pportuni ty for the f amily to s pend t imet o g e t h e r.3.Never bring your office work home, and always keep in mind that home is home.4.Share the same p astimes.5.A loving atmosphere. Do what you can to create a tranquil harmonious home.6.When you are out, make sure that you call home regularly.3. 新生总是会由不适应的问题,为什么,如何解决Causes:1.Part of the difficulties they face over this period is due to a changed academic environment.2.When proceeding to a university or a new school overseas, a student may face a different set of academic norms and expectations.3.Challenges also come from their peers. To ensure that their study performance is equal to or better than their fellow students, they need to work very hard, under great psychological pressure.4.For many students, this may be their first foray beyond the borders of the family home, perhaps living in another city or country.5.These new students are likely to find it hard to get used to and blend into the local culture, especially in the case of overseas students.Suggestion:1.School authorities may play an important role in helping students to settlein.2.The orientation program could last long enough to enable students to feelat home.3.Such programs should be on a more individual basis so that new studentscan get a clearer picture of school rules and facilities.4.It would be a good idea for schools to organize some excursions andoutings during the first days.4.私立学校Public School1、 Public education is the fundamental way to prepare children from diverse ethnic,religious ,and class backgrounds to live as responsible citizens in ademocracy 。

雅思task2作文(精选五篇)第一篇:雅思task2作文雅思作文模板作文文套一A or BDepending on personal experience, personality type and emotional concern, we find that some people hold the idea of A meanwhile others prefer to B, from my point of view, it is more advisable to chose A rather than B.My arguments for this point are listed as follows.The main reason for my propensity for A is that___________________________.就理由进行解释_____________________.For instance,____________________Another reason can be seen by every one is that____________________________.就理由进行解释___________________For example,____________________The argument I support in the first paragraph is also in a position of advantage because_____________________________ Although I agree that there may be a couple of advantages of B, I feel that the disadvantages are more obvious.Such as________________.In a word, ______________.So, it is sagacious to support the statement that it is better to A.作文文套二A or B将原题复述________________________When faced with the decision of A of B, quite a few would deem that______________________, but others, in contrast, believe A/B as the premier choice and that is also my point.Among countless factors which influence-A/-B, there are three conspicuous aspects as follows.The main reason for my propensity fo _________is that___________________The second reason can be seen by every person that________.In addition, these reason are also usable when we consider that_________.There are some disadvantages in____________________另一种观点的缺点__________.In a word, _____________重复观点句并缩写理由__________.Taking into account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that___________.作文文套三单一命题式The answer of this statement depends on your own experience and life style.In my point view, buying computers is as important as, if not more important than, buying books.So it is sagacious to ____________.Among countless factors which influence the choice, these are three conspicuous aspects as follows.The main reason for my propensity for__________is that____________.Another reason can be seen by every person is that________________.Furthermore,______________.Inshort,_________________复述前文中的理由______________.作文文套四agree or disagreeSome people argue as if it is a general truth that a ____________________.But to be frank, I cannot agree with them.There are numerous reasons why I hold no confidence on them, and I would exploreonly a few primary ones here.The main problem with this argument is that it is ignorant o the basic fact that_________.Another reason why I disagree with the above statement is that I believe that______________.What is more, some students are interested in____________.In a word, ________________.作文文套五A or BSome people prefer to A.others believe B.When faced withthe decision of A or B, quite a few would claim that______________, but others, in contrast , deem A/B as the premier choice and that is also my point.There are numerous reasons why___________, and I would explore only a few of the most important ones here.The main reason why I agree with the above statement, however, is that_______.Take________as example, ________.There is another factor that deserves some words here.Such as ________________________.Similarly, these reasons are also usable when we consider that______________.(examples:___________).From the above you might got idea that I agree_______.(repeat the above three reason________).So, it is sagacious to support the statement that it is better to ___________.作文文套六Agree or disagreeSome people prefer to A, others believe B, Nowadays some may hold the opinion that ________________, but others have a negative attitude.As far as I am concerned, I agree/disagree that_______________.MY arguments for this point are listed as follows.One of the primary causes is that_______________________.Examples_______________.But there is a further more subtle point we must consider.Examples.What is more_______________.Examples___________General speaking, Recognizing the fact that should drive us to conclude that作文文套七A or BIn my point of view, A is as important as, if not more important than B.So it is sagacious to choose A.Among count less factors which influence A.there are three conspicuous aspects as follows.The above point is certainly true if A is considered.For exmaple,___________________Another reason why I agree with the above statement is that I believe that A is better than B.For instance,_______________It would probably not be too kindly disposed to the idea that B is not important.B________也好_________.In a word, to choose A or B is something of a dilemma to the public because they sometimes are confused by the seemingly good qualities of B, and neglect hte genuinely good aspects of A.For the reasons presented above, I strongly commit to the notion that A, but not B.作文文套八A or BWhen faced with the decision of A or B, quite a few would claim that A, but others, in contrast, deemB as the premier choice and that is also my point.This quite different view is based on the propensity of following points.We may look into every possible reason, however, fore most reason for B is ___________.For example, ___________.Also, ________________________.This is arbitrary to judge B according only to the excuse I mentioned in the above paragraph.Similarly, these reasons are also usable when we consider that________________.Admittedly, ________A也有好的地方______.By he same token, however, _________B更好_______.Taking into account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that_____________.作文文套九A or BWhen it comes to______________, Nevertheless, in my part, I prefer A rather than B as my inclination.My arguments for this point are listed as follows.I agree with the statement that _________without reservation since___________.Naturally___________.It can be given a concrete example__________.A more essential factor why I advocate theargument of _______is that.Obviously __________.Take the case of a thing that____________.Furthermore, what is worth noticing fact is that _________.This demonstrates the undeniable fact that_________.Of course, choosing B also has advantages to some extent,___ _____此处论述B的1-2优点_______.But if all these factors are contemplated, the advantages of A carry more weight than those of B.From what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that_____________.作文文套十______改写并复述题目______.There may be by one or two disadvantages to ___________________;however, I believe that there are far more advantages.My arguments for this point are listed as follows.First of all, perhaps one disadvantages to____________is that______________.For instance, __________________.Another drawback to _____________involves the possibility that____________.For example, ____________.Even though there may be one or two disadvantages to____________, the advantages far outweigh them.The main reason for my propensity for __________is that _________.For example_____________.Another reason for my inclination for _____________ is that _________________.For example, _________________.In a word, in spite of the fact that there may be a couple of disadvantages to _____________, I feel that the advantages are more obvious___________.重复优点__________.Taking into account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that _____________.作文文套十二A or B_______改写并复述题目______.The advantages of B carry more weight than those of A.There are numerous reasons why __________, and I would explore only a few of the most important ones here.One of the primary cause isthat_______________________.What is also worth noticing fact is that_____________________.Furthermore,________________________.Although I agree that there may be couple of disadvantages to________.I fell that the advantages are more obvious________._______________, Given the factors I have just outlined, I can only say that___________________.作文文套十三A or B_______改写并复述题目_______.When faced with the decision of A or B, quite a few would claim that ___________, but others, in contrast, deem A/B as the premier choice and that is also my point.Among countless factors which influence _________, there are three conspicuous aspects as follows.The main reason for my propensity for ________________ is that _____________.Another reason can be seen by every person is that___________________.The argument I support in the first paragraph is also in a position of advantage because ________________________.In a word, ___________.Taking into account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that ________.作文文套十四A or BFrom my point of view, it is advisable to choose A rather than B.My arguments for this point are listed as follows.The main reason for my propensity for ____________________ is that ________________.There is another factor that deserves some words here.In a word, ___________.While it is true that the argument, I disagree hold a little bit of water, I think_______________.作文文套十五agree or disagreeNowadays, some may hold the opinion that ____________________.But others have a negative attitude.As far as I am concerned, I agree that ____________.My arguments for thispoint are listed as follows.I agree with the statement that ______________________without reservation since ________________.Another reason why I agree with the above statement is that I believe that________________.In a word, ______________.Taking into account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that__________.第二篇:雅思写作Task2:女性参军最权威的国际教育服务平台雅思写作Task2范文:女性参军有人认为女性应该被允许加入陆军、海军、空军。

Research indicates that the characteristics we are born with have much more influence on our personality and development than any experiences we may have in our life.Which do you consider to be the major influence?Model Answer:Today the way we consider human psychology and mental development is heavily influenced by the genetic sciences. We now understand the importance of inherited characteristics more than ever before. Yet we are still unable to decide whether an individual’s personality and development are more influenced by genetic factors (nature) or by the environment (nurture).Research, relating to identical twins, has highlighted how significant inherited characteristics can be for an individual's life. But whether these characteristics are able to develop within the personality of an individual surely depends on whether the circumstances allow such a development. It seems that the experiences we have in life are so unpredictable and so powerful, that they can boost or over-ride other influences, and there seems to be plenty of research findings to confirm this.My own view is that there is no one major influence in a person's life. Instead, the traits we inherit from our parents and the situation and experiences that we encounter in life areconstantly interacting. It is the interaction of the two that shapes a person's personality and dictates how that personality develops. If this were not true, we would be able to predict the behavior and character of a person from the moment they were born.In conclusion, I do not think that either nature or nurture is the major influence on a person, but that both have powerful effects. How these factors interact is still unknown today and they remain largely unpredictable in a person’s life.。

雅思task2官方范文【导语】雅思写作Task 2是雅思考试写作部分的重要组成部分,它要求考生针对一个论题提出自己的观点并进行论述。
以下是一篇雅思Task 2官方范文,供大家参考和学习。
---**Sample Answer for IELTS Writing Task 2:****Topic:** Some people believe that international trade and its benefits are important for the world"s economy, while others argue that it is harmful to the local industries and workers.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.**Introduction:**The issue of international trade has long been a subject of debate.While some argue that it is essential for the global economy, others contend that it has negative impacts on local industries and workers.This essay will explore both perspectives before presenting my own view on the matter.**Body Paragraph 1 - Benefits of International Trade:**Advocates of international trade emphasize its numerous benefits.Firstly, it allows countries to specialize in producing goods and services that they have a comparative advantage in, leading to increased efficiency and productivity.This, in turn, results in lowerproduction costs and more competitive pricing, benefiting consumers worldwide.Additionally, international trade promotes economic growth, creates job opportunities, and fosters innovation through the exchange of ideas and technologies.**Body Paragraph 2 - Drawbacks of International Trade:**However, opponents argue that international trade can be detrimental to local industries and workers.They contend that globalization often leads to the outsourcing of jobs to countries with cheaper labor, causing unemployment and income inequality in the home country.Furthermore, local industries may struggle to compete with imported goods, leading to their decline and the loss of cultural diversity.This can have a ripple effect on the local economy, affecting not only workers but also small businesses and the community as a whole.**Body Paragraph 3 - Personal View:**In my opinion, while international trade does present challenges, its benefits outweigh the drawbacks.The key lies in implementing effective policies to mitigate the negative ernments can protect local industries by imposing tariffs or offering subsidies, ensuring a level playing field.Additionally, investing in education and retraining programs can help workers adapt to the changing jobmarket.Ultimately, embracing international trade can lead to a moreinterconnected and prosperous world, provided that measures are taken to address its shortcomings.**Conclusion:**In conclusion, international trade plays a crucial role in the global economy, offering numerous benefits while posing challenges to local industries and workers.By adopting appropriate policies and strategies, we can maximize the advantages of international trade while minimizing its drawbacks.This balanced approach will contribute to the overall growth and development of societies worldwide.---请注意,以上范文仅供参考,实际考试中请根据具体题目要求进行作答。

例:Do you think it is better to send criminals to jail or let them receive education or job training?
Another reason can be seen by everyone is that_______________.就理由进行解释___________________For example,____________________
The argument I support in the first paragraph is also ina position of advantage because_________________. Although I agree that there may be a couple of advantages of B,I feel that the disadvantages are more obvious。Such as________________。
Sentence 3:personal opinion or brief description of the main body
支持:As far as I know, its benefits cannot justify its harmful effects.
IELTS大作文讲解:agree & disagree/what's your opinion类作文

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IELTS大作文讲解:agree & disagree/what's your opinion 类作文学生面授老师
教学目标1. 观点类作文理论分析
2. 掌握此类作文基本特征和写作方法
3. 学习写作思路,掌握写作套路
Express your opinion about…
(To what extent)do you agree or disagree?
What is your opinion about…?
How do you think about…?
➢Sentence 1 :background(general statement)
例:Some people who have been successful in the society don’t attribute their success to the theoretical
knowledge they learned from their university. Do you agree or disagree?
People have long been interested in identifying the forces that contribute to personal achievement.
The importance of theoretical knowledge to one’s success is a matter for debate.
考生能够记住一些开头句的句型,比如the importance of…to…is a matter for debate等,并将此运用在不同的题目练习中,这样就能够在考场上迅速写出开头段了。
➢Sentence 2: rephrase the topic(thesis statement) 第二句话:改写题目(点名论题)
例:Do you think it is better to send criminals to jail or let them receive education or job training?
很多考生会在开头段第二句把题目照抄上去:some people think that it is better to send criminals to jail or let them receive education or job training.这样的写法不会给考官留下好的印象。
1)加上常见句型—There is much controversy over whether to send criminals to jails or to let them receive education or job training.
2)改变句子成分的顺序-- some people think that to send criminals to jails is better than to let them receive education or job training.
3)改变句子成分—some people think that imprisonment is better than education or job training in treating criminals.
Some people think that it can decrease the violent crimes in society, while other people think that it。