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8.2 课后习题详解


1. 某投资者以3美元的价格买入欧式看跌期权,股票价格为42美元,执行价格为40美元,在什么情况下投资者会盈利?在什么情况下期权会被行使?画出在到期时投资者盈利与股票价格的关系图。

An investor buys a European put on a share for $3. The stock price is $42 and the strike price is $40. Under what circumstances does the investor make a profit? Under what circumstances will the option be exercised? Draw a diagram showing the variation of the investor's profit with the stock price at the maturity of the option.



图8-1 投资者的利润

2. 某投资者以4美元的价格卖出一欧式看涨期权,股票价格为47美元,执行价格为50美元,在什么情况下投资者会盈利?在什么情况下期权会被行使?画出在到期时投资者盈利与股票价格的关系图。

An investor sells a European call on a sbare for $4. The stock price is $47 and the strike price is $50. Under what circumstances does the investor make a profit? Under what circumstances will the option be exercised? Draw a diagram showing the variation of tlle investor's profit with tlle stock price at the maturity of the option.



图8-2 投资者的利润

3. 某投资者卖出一欧式看涨期权同时买入一欧式看跌期权,看涨及看跌期权的执行价格均为K ,到期日均为T ,描述投资者的头寸。

An investor sells a European call option with strike price of K and maturity T and buys a put with the same strike price and

maturity. Describe the investor's position.


,即在任何情况下投资者的收益均为。投资者的头寸与执行价格为K 的远期合约短头寸头寸相同。

4. 解释经纪人为什么向期权的承约方而不是向买方收取保证金。

Explain why brokers require margins when clients write options but not when they buy options.


5. 一股票期权的循环周期为2月份、5月份、8月份及11月份,在以下几个日期有哪种期权在进行交易。(a)4月1日及(b)5月30日。

A stock option is on a February, May、August, and November cycle. What options trade on (a) April I and (b) May 30?


6. 一家公司宣布2对1的股票分股,解释执行价格为60美元的看涨期权条款会如何变化。

A company declares a 2-for-1 stock sprit. Explain how the terms change for a call option with a strike price of $60.


7. 一个雇员股票期权与一个正规的交易所交易或场外交易的美式期权的区别是什么?

"Employee stock options issued by a company are different from regular exchange traded call options on the company's stock because they can affect the capital structure of the company." Explain this statement.


8. 一家企业的资金部主管计划采用外汇期权对冲外汇风险。列举以下两种交易市场的优缺点:(a)费城股票交易所市场,(b)场外交易市场。

A corporate treasurer is designing a hedging program involving foreign currency options. What are the pros and cons of using (a) the Philadelphia Stock Exchange and (b) the over-the-counter market for trading?


9. 假定某欧式看涨期权的价格为5美元,该期权持有人有权以100美元的价格买入股票,假定这一期权一直被持有至到期日。在什么情形下期权持有人会盈利?在什么情形下持有人会盈利?在什么情形下期权会被行使?画出在期权到期时期权长头寸的价格与股票价格的关系图。

Suppose that a European call option to buy a share for $100.00 costs $5.00
