
医学英语词根(Medical English roots)后缀的意义的例子- AC有关属于,关于心脏:属于心心脏(病)的铝属于医疗:属于药物AR属于分子:指一个分子分子的与…有关属于:属于纤毛纤毛睫毛的,纤毛的,毛状的酶酶酶淀粉酶:任何酶把淀粉糖淀粉酶可小小,少,贫乏,小气卵泡:小体腔或囊小囊,(头发的)毛囊电子仪器仪器耳镜检查耳:仪器(检查耳朵用的)耳镜食管有关:属于喉喉喉的,喉音的- IA条件;质量异常的恐惧症恐惧,害怕IC有毒的:有关毒素有毒的;因中毒引起的ICS的研究;一个科学名称:儿科研究的儿童,他们的发展和疾病儿科学在物质上物质胰岛素:物质(激素)的胰腺中的胰岛产生胰岛素主义的过程或状态酗酒:酒精是酒精中毒酗酒成瘾是专门从事精通于......的人药理学家:专业医生在药物药理专家研究-炎症指的是......部位的炎症鼻炎的鼻腔炎症鼻炎,鼻粘膜炎-(i)与整体的关系;与与......相关内膜的子宫子宫内膜内衬:我的特点是止咳药:一种抑制咳嗽的药物。
止咳药让小;小液滴:一滴小滴-行动发展的结果或产物:发展或正在发展的事物;成熟的行为-避免类似;喜欢像粘液:类似于粘液粘液样的- OLE小;小中心粒:在中心体中的小结构致密细胞中心粒;中心体- OMA肿瘤;膨胀是指人的皮肤纤维瘤:皮肤纤维瘤皮肤纤维瘤-或-二要么一个人或物受体:一种感觉神经末梢,对各种刺激感受器,受体中的特征;有关:这是垂悬悬吊式,悬带⑥果糖:水果糖存在于蜂蜜和水果果糖-诊断异常情况:一个隐藏嵌甲嵌甲指甲异常情况各种关于有毒的:属于毒;还含毒有毒的,分泌毒素的-一些体核糖体:核酸核糖体身体-嗯结构;事物;物质结构,物质镁:白色金属化学物质镁(金属元素)Y条件;行为;过程营养不良疾病引起的营养不良或代谢营养不良下面是最常用的复合后缀的列表后缀的意义的例子-痛痛;痛痛;条件:在联合关节痛疼痛——ASE酶蛋白酶:消化酶蛋白酶原始胚胎胚,胚胎,人类胚胎成血细胞:原始细胞血胚细胞,原始血细胞癌的恶性肿瘤,结缔组织相关组织的恶性肿瘤腺癌发展的恶性肿瘤腺组织腺癌发展意为突出;腹胀突出;膨胀,延伸食管膨出:食管的食管突出异常膨穿刺手术穿刺手术穿孔穿刺:一种流体穿刺术吸入腔穿刺术- Capnia二氧化碳二氧化碳血液二氧化碳血液二氧化碳缺乏缺席-杀杀杀菌剂:(物质)可以杀死细菌杀菌剂-碎屑细胞吞噬细胞:细胞,尤其是白细胞,它可以包围并摧毁其他细胞噬菌细胞-痛痛舌痛:在舌舌痛疼痛-扩张/膨胀扩张;扩张(膨胀,扩张)肺不张:出生肺不张的肺完全膨胀术手术切除或切除术:手术切除的胃胃切除术-浆液水肿黏液水肿水肿过度积累:条件时引起的甲状腺不能产生足够的甲状腺激素粘液腺瘤病,粘液水肿-血液状况白血病几种恶性疾病,血液中的白细胞数量异常白血病形式-呕吐呕吐呕吐吐血:血咯血呕吐;吐血代的东西产生或prouduces病原体微生物或能够产生疾病病菌剂,病原体成因:生产生产精子发生在睾丸精子发生精子的形成和发展-珠蛋白蛋白质血红蛋白:含铁的红细胞产生的蛋白质血红素诊断:诊断知识识别疾病通过知识和考试的本质或存在的过程- G图像;图像心电图:用于诊断心脏病的心脏肌肉或心脏电活动的图形记录。

医学英语词汇常用词根汇总前缀1. cor- or cardi(o)- 心的heart--- cordiform 心形的---cordate心脏形的--- cardialgia 心痛--- cardiogram心电图2. hepato- pref肝liver--- hepatodynia 肝痛--- hepatoma肝细胞瘤--- hepatopathy 肝病--- hepatotoxin肝毒素3. pulmo- or pneumo- or pneumat(o)- 肺lung or air--- pulmometry肺容量测定法--- pulmonitis 肺炎--- pneumobacillus 肺炎杆菌--- pneumonectasis 肺气肿--- pneumatolysis 肺气化--- pneumatometer 肺活量计4. lien(o)- or spleen(o)-脾splee--- lienitis 脾炎--- lienectomy 脾切除--- splenotomy 脾切开术--- splenomegaly 脾肿大5. ren(o)- or nephr(o)- kidney--- renin 肾索--- renography肾X线照相术---nephritis 肾炎--- nephrolithiasis肾石病6. oro- or stomat(o)- mouth--- oropharynx 口咽--- oronasal口鼻的--- stomatology 口腔病学--- stomatitis口腔炎7. labio- or cheil(o)- lip--- labiodental唇齿音--- labioplasty唇成形术cheilectropion 唇外翻cheiloschisis唇裂8. denti- or odonto- pref. tooth-- dentist--- dentiscalprum牙刮---odontoprosthesis 牙体修复术—odontoseisis牙松动9. linguo- tongue--- lingua舌—linguiform舌装的--- lingulate 舌装的---linguodental舌齿音10. gingiv- or ulo- 牙龈gum---gingivectomy龈切除术—gingivitis齿龈炎---ulorrhagia龈出血---ulorrhoea 龈糁血11. palato- or urano- 腭palatine---palatitis腭炎---palatogram口盖图---palatograph腭动扫描器palatography腭位图的制作12. pharyngo- 咽pharynxpharyngalgia咽痛pharyngocele咽囊肿pharyngoplasty咽成形术pharyngoplegia咽肌麻痹13. laryngo- 喉larynx,throatLaryngalgia喉痛laryngemphraxis喉阻塞laryngostenosis 喉狭窄laryngoxerosis喉干燥14. esophag(o)- 食管esophagusEsophagectasis食管扩张esophagectopy食管异位esophagocele食管突出esophagotomy食管切开术15. gastr(o)- stomachgastrin 胃泌激素gastrectasia胃胀gastroanastomosis 胃吻合术gastroptosis胃下垂16. enter(o)-肠intestineenterelcosis 肠溃疡enteremphraxis肠阻塞enterorrhagia 肠出血enterocolostomy 小肠结肠吻合术17. colo- or coli- or col- pref结肠. colon colicodynia 结肠痛colimycin结肠霉素coloclysis结肠灌洗colonorrhea粘液性结肠炎18.proct(o)- or archo-直肠rectumProctectomy直肠切除术proctitis 直肠炎proctoscope 直肠镜- proctoscopy直肠镜观察术19.ano-肛门anusAnogenital肛门与生殖器的anorectal肛门直肠的anorectum肛门直肠部anoscope肛门镜20. vesico- or cysti- or cysto- 膀胱bladder Vesicotomy膀胱切开术cystirrhagia膀胱出血cystocele 膀胱彭出cystourethritis膀胱尿道炎21. thoraco- chest or 胸thoraxThoracocyllosis胸畸形thoracicolumbar 胸腰的thoracoschisis 胸裂thoracoplasty胸廓成形术22. ventro- or coeli(o)- or laparo- 腹部belly、abdomenVentrotomy剖腹术coelialgia腹痛Coeliorrhaphy腹腔缝术laparotome剖腹术23. bili- or chole-胆bilebilichol 胆汁醇- biligenic生胆汁的cholecyst胆囊cholelithiasis 胆石病24. oculo- or ophthalmo- eyeoculist 眼科医生oculomotor 眼球运动的ophthalmoplegia眼肌麻痹ophthalmoscope检眼镜25. lacrimo- or dacryo-眼泪tearlacrimator 催泪物质-lacrimal 泪腺的lacrimatory agent 催泪剂lacrimation 泪26. palpebro- or blepharo-眼睑eyelidpalpebra 眼睑palpebral 眼睑的blepharochalasis 眼睑皮肤松弛症blepharospasm眼睑痉挛27. kerato-角角质horn or comeakeratectasia 角膜膨胀keratinase 角蛋白酶keratoplasty 角膜成形术keratosis角化症28.auri- or oto- earauriphone 助听器auristilla滴耳剂otorrhea耳液溢,耳漏otosclerosis 耳硬化症29.naso- or rhino- noseNasitis鼻炎nasopharynx 鼻咽rhinocleisis鼻腔闭塞rhinocnesmus 鼻痒30.broncho- or bronch- 支气管pref. bronchus; bronchialBronchiectasis支气管扩张bronchiolitis细支气管炎bronchorrhagia支气管出血bronchospasm支气管痉挛31. gonado- 生殖腺seedGonadectomy性腺切除术gonadotrophin 促性腺激素gonadotrope 生殖腺32. andro- 男的雄性的maleandrocentrism大男子主义androgen 雄激素andrology 男科学androsterone 雄淄酮33. gyne- or gyneco- femaleGynecic女性的gynecium 雌蕊雌蕊群gynecologist 妇科医生gynecopathy 妇科病34. vagino- or colpo- 阴道vaginaVaginectomy阴道切除术vaginotomy阴道切开术colpoptosis 阴道下垂colporrhaphy阴道缝合术35. oophor- 卵巢ovaryOophorectomy卵巢切除术oophorectomize切除。

1. 肌肉:myo-
2. 骨骼:osteo-
3. 神经:neuro-
4. 心脏:cardio-
5. 血液:hemo-(也可以写作hemat-)
6. 肝:hepat-
7. 肾:nephr-(也可以写作renal-)
8. 肺:pulmo-(也可以写作pneumo-)
9. 皮肤:derm-(也可以写作cuti-)
10. 鼻子:rhino-
11. 眼睛:ophthalmo-(也可以写作ophthalm-)
12. 心脑血管:cardiovascular-
13. 呼吸:respir-
14. 消化:gastro-
15. 骨折:fract-
16. 细菌感染:bacteri-
17. 环境:ec-(也可以写作environ-)
18. 代谢:metab-(也可以写作metaboli-)
19. 感染:infect-
20. 炎症:inflamm-(也可以写作-itis)



【A】Ⅰ,a-一个aneurism动脉瘤(一个扩大的动脉状态)a + neur + ism∣∣∣一个扩大状态Ⅱ,an-无anoxemia缺氧血症an + ox + emia∣∣∣无氧血症Ⅲ,angei-,angi-,angio- 血管1,angeitis脉管炎 7,angiochondroma血管软骨瘤angei + itis angio+chondr+oma∣∣︱︱︱血管炎血管软骨瘤(angei-中的i被去掉了)2,angiectasis血管扩张 8,angiodermatitis皮血管炎angi + ectasis angio+dermat+itis∣∣︱︱︱血管扩张血管皮炎3,angitis脉管炎 9,angiolipoma血管脂肪瘤ang + itis angio+lip+oma∣∣︱︱︱脉管炎血管脂肪瘤(angi-不的I被去掉了)4,angioblast成血管细胞 10,angioneuromyoma血管神经肌瘤angio + blast angio+neuro+my+oma∣∣︱︱︱︱血管成…细胞血管神经肌瘤5,angiocardiography心血管造影术11,angioparalysis血管麻痹病angi + cardio + graphy angio+paraly+sis∣∣∣︱︱︱血管心脏照相术血管麻痹病6,angiocardiopathy心血管病angio+cardio+pathy︱︱︱血管心病Ⅳ,arter-,arteri-,arteria-,arterio-动脉1,artery动脉arte + ry︱︱动脉 n.suf(名词后缀)(arter-中的r被去掉了)2,arterial动脉的arteri + al︱︱动脉 a.suf(…的)(形容词后缀)3,arteriarctia 动脉缩窄arteri + arct + ia︱︱︱动脉缩窄病4,arteriectasia 动脉扩张arteri + ectas + ia︱︱︱动脉扩张病5,arteriectomy 动脉切除术arteri + ectomy︱︱动脉切除术7,angiochondroma血管软骨瘤angio+chondr+oma︱︱︱血管软骨瘤(angei-中的i被去掉了)8,angiodermatitis皮血管炎angio+dermat+itis︱︱︱血管皮炎9,angiolipoma血管脂肪瘤angio+lip+oma︱︱︱血管脂肪瘤(angi-不的I被去掉了)10,angioneuromyoma血管神经肌瘤angio+neuro+my+oma︱︱︱︱血管神经肌瘤11,angioparalysis血管麻痹病angio+paraly+sis︱︱︱血管麻痹病Ⅴ,asthma-气喘1,asthma气喘2,asthmatic气喘的asthmat+ic︱︱气喘 a.suf(…的)Ⅵ,ather-athero-粥样的1,atheroma 粥样(粉)瘤ather + oma︱︱粥样(粉)瘤2,atherogenesis 粥样硬化形成athero + gene + sis︱︱︱粥样产生病(指硬化)3,atherogenic 致粥样硬化的athero + gen + ic︱︱︱粥样致 a.suf(…的)4,atheromatosis 粥样硬化病athero+matosis︱︱粥样病5,atheronecrosis 粥样坏死athero+necro+sis︱︱︱粥样坏死病6,atherosclerosis 动脉粥样硬化athero + sclero + sis︱︱︱粥样硬化病7,atherosis 粥样硬化athero + sis︱︱粥样病Ⅶ,atri- atrio- 心房1,atrial 心房的 5,atriotome 心房切开刀atri + al atrio + tome︱︱︱︱心房 a.suf 心房 (切开)刀2,atrium 心房 6,atriotomy 心房切开术atri + um atri + otomy︱︱︱︱心房 n.suf 心房切开术3,atriocarotid (心)房颈动脉的 7,atrioventricular 房室的atrio + carotid atrio + ventricul + ar︱︱︱︱︱心房颈动脉的心房室 a.suf(与…有关的)4,atrioseptopecy 房间隔修补术atrio + septo + pexy︱︱︱心房间隔修补术【B】Ⅰ,bi-1,bicuspid 二尖瓣,二尖瓣的 2,bigemina 二联脉bi+cuspid bi + gemin + a︱︱︱︱︱二尖(瓣) 二成对 n.sufⅡ,brady- 徐缓、迟缓1,bradycardia 心动过缓 3,bradydiastole 心舒张期延长brady + cardia brady+diastole︱︱︱︱过缓心(动) 延长舒张期2,bradycrotic 脉搏徐缓的brady+crotic︱︱徐缓脉搏的【C】Ⅰ,capil-, capillar-, capillar-, capillari-, capillaro- 毛细(血管) 1,capillary 毛细血管的 5,capillariomotor 毛细血管运动capill + ary capillario+motor︱︱︱︱毛细血管 a.suf(与…有关的) 毛细血管运动2,capillarectasis 毛细血管扩张 6,capillarioscopy 毛细显微镜检capillar + ectasis capillario+scopy︱︱︱︱毛细血管扩张毛细镜检查3,capillaritis 毛细管炎 7,capillaropathy 毛细管病capillar+itis capillaro+pathy︱︱︱︱毛细炎毛细管病4,capillarity 毛细现象或作用capillari + ty︱︱毛细 n.suf(表特性)Ⅱ,cardia-, cardio- 心1,cardiac 心的 7,cardiant 心兴奋剂cardi + ac cardi + ant︱︱︱︱心 a.suf( …的) 心药剂(医学上)(cardia-中的a被省略)2,cardialgia 心痛,胃灼痛 8,cardiasthma 心性喘息cardi + algia cardi + asthma︱︱︱︱心,胃痛心喘息3,cardiamorphia 心畸形 9,cardiovascular 心血管的cardia + morphia cardio + vascul + ar︱︱︱︱︱心形态病心血管 a.suf4,carditis 心炎 10,cardiophonography 心音图card + it is cardio+phono+graphy︱︱︱︱︱心炎心血管 a.suf5,cardiogenic 心原性的 11,cardiopulmonary 心肺的cardio + gen + ic cardio+pulmon+ary︱︱︱︱︱︱心原 a.suf心肺 a.suf6,cardiomegaly 心肥大cardio+megaly︱︱心肥大Ⅲ,catherter 导管catheterization 导管插入catheter+iz+ation︱︱︱导管化 n.sufⅣ,circula- 循环circulation 循环circula + tion︱︱循环 n.suf(表抽象含义)Ⅴ,coron- 冠状coronary 冠状的coron + ary︱︱冠状 a.sufⅥ,cyan-, cyano-, cyanot-, 青紫、绀、蓝、氰1, cyanamide氰酰胺 3, cyanotic青紫的,紫绀的cyan + amide cyanot + ic∣∣∣∣氰酰胺青紫 a.suf(…的,属…的)2, cyanosis紫绀cyano + sis∣∣绀病态医学英语词根词缀表a 前缀无ab 前缀从...离开acantho 词根棘,刺acetabulo 词根髋臼acouo 词根听觉acro 词根顶,肢acromio 词根肩峰ad 前缀向...靠近,到...上adeno 词根腺adipo 词根脂肪的adreno 词根肾上腺aero 词根气agglutino 词根凝集agra 后缀严重的疼痛albo 前缀白algesi 词根痛觉的感受algia 后缀痛alveolo 词根肺泡alveolo 词根牙槽amnio 词根羊膜amphi 前缀两侧ampullo 词根壶腹amylo 词根淀粉an 前缀无ana 前缀向上,重回到andro 词根雄aneurysmo 词根异常扩大angino 词根阻塞ankylo 词根弯曲ano 词根肛门ante 前缀在前anti 前缀抗aorto 词根主动脉apico 词根顶apo 前缀离去,从appendico 词根阑尾appendo 词根阑尾aquo 词根水arterio 词根动脉arteriolo 词根小动脉arthro 词根关节articulo 词根关节ase 后缀酶astro 词根星atelo 词根不完全的,有缺陷的athero 词根脂肪堆积atrio 词根腔audio 词根听觉auro 词根耳auro 词根金auto 前缀自axio 词根轴balano 词根龟头bary 前缀重、压baso 词根碱bi 前缀双,倍bili 词根胆汁blast 后缀母细胞blenno 词根粘液blepharo 词根睑brachy 词根短bronchio 词根支气管bronchiolo 词根细支气管broncho 词根支气管bucco 词根颊bulbo 词根球部burso 词根滑液囊caco 词根坏calcaneo 词根跟骨calci 词根钙capillo 词根非常小的血管capnia 后缀二氧化碳carcino 词根癌carcinoma 后缀癌cardio 词根心carpo 词根腕cata 前缀向下cautero 词根燃烧ceco 词根盲肠cele 后缀突出、积水celio 词根腹cemento 词根牙骨质centesis 后缀穿刺术centi 前缀百分之一cerebello 词根小脑cerebro 词根大脑cerumino 词根耵聍cervico 词根颈cervico 词根颈,宫颈cheilo 词根唇chemo 词根化学chlorhydro 词根盐酸chloro 前缀绿chole 词根胆汁cholecysto 词根胆囊choledocho 词根总胆管chondro 词根软骨chromo 词根颜色cineo 词根活动circum 前缀环行clasis 后缀破裂clast 后缀破坏用器械claviculo 词根锁骨cleisis 后缀关闭clysis 后缀洗co 前缀与...在一起cocco 词根球菌coccygo 词根尾骨cochleo 词根耳蜗collo 词根胶colo 词根结肠colpo 词根阴道conjunctivo 词根结膜contra 前缀反,对抗coreo 词根瞳孔,虹膜corneo 词根角,角膜corono 词根冠costo 词根肋cranio 词根颅骨crine 后缀分泌cryo 词根冷crypto 词根隐藏culdo 词根囊袋、窝cuti 词根皮肤cyano 前缀蓝cyclo 词根环cysto 词根膀胱,囊cyte 后缀细胞dacryo 词根眼泪dactylo 词根指头de 前缀去denti 词根牙齿dentino 词根牙本质dermato 词根皮肤dermo 词根皮肤di 前缀双,倍dia 前缀通过diaphoro 词根汗diaphragmato 词根膈diaphragmo 词根膈diplo 前缀双,倍dipso 词根渴dis 前缀离开duodeno 词根十二指肠dys 前缀坏,痛,困难ectasia 后缀扩张ectasis 后缀扩张ecto 前缀外ectomy 后缀切除术ego 前缀我embryo 词根胚胎emeo 词根呕吐emia 后缀血的状况emia 后缀血emphraxis 后缀梗阻en 前缀内encephalo 词根脑endo 前缀内部entero 词根小肠epi 前缀外,上epididymo 词根附睾epiglotto 词根会厌episio 词根外阴ergo 词根工作,能力erythro 前缀红esophago 词根食道esthesio 词根感觉eu 前缀好,正常eustachio 词根咽骨管ex 前缀在外,离开exo 前缀在...之外extra 前缀在外,超过fasciculo 词根束fascio 词根筋膜febri 词根发热feca 词根粪便femoro 词根股骨fero 词根传递,输送ferro 词根铁fibrino 词根纤维素fibro 词根纤维fibro 词根纤维fibulo 词根腓骨fistulo 词根瘘folliculo 词根小腔,囊galacto 词根乳gameto 词根配子ganglio 词根神经节gangliono 词根神经节gastro 词根胃genito 词根生殖器gero 词根年龄geronto 词根年龄geusia 后缀味gingivo 词根牙龈glauco 前缀灰绿glio 词根胶质,粘globo 词根球glomerulo 词根小球glosso 词根舌gluco 词根糖glyco 词根糖gnatho 词根颌gnosis 后缀知识gonado 词根性腺gono 词根生殖器gram 后缀记录granulo 词根结节graph 后缀记录graphy 后缀记录gravido 词根妊娠gyneco 词根女性halo 词根盐haplo 前缀单hebe 前缀青年hecto 前缀百helcosis 后缀溃疡形成hemato 词根血hemi 前缀半hemo 词根血hepato 词根肝hernio 词根疝hidro 词根汗histo 词根组织holo 词根整个humero 词根肱骨hyalo 词根透明的hydro 词根水hyper 前缀超过,高hypno 词根睡眠hypo 前缀低hystero 词根子宫ia 后缀状况iatrics 后缀愈合iatry 后缀愈合ictero 词根黄疸idio 词根自己ileo 词根回肠ilio 词根髂骨immuno 词根免疫in 前缀在内in 前缀不in 后缀素incudo 词根砧骨infra 前缀在下ino 词根纤维inter 前缀在...之间intra 前缀在内iono 词根离子ionto 词根离子irido 词根虹膜iro 词根虹膜ischio 词根坐骨ism 后缀状况iso 词根异,相等ist 后缀者itis 后缀炎ium 后缀部分jejuno 词根空肠kal 词根钾karyo 词根核kerato 词根角质,硬kerato 词根角膜kilo 前缀千kinesia 后缀移动kleisis 后缀关闭klepto 词根偷窃kypho 词根驼背labio 词根唇labyrintho 词根迷路lacrimo 词根眼泪,泪小管lalia 后缀言语lamino 词根椎板laparo 词根腹壁laryngo 词根喉leuko 前缀白linguo 词根舌lipo 词根脂肪lithiasis 后缀结石litho 词根石lobo 词根叶logist 后缀学者logy 后缀学科lordo 词根弯曲luco 词根光,透明lumbo 词根腰lympho 词根淋巴lysis 后缀溶解malacia 后缀软化malleo 词根锤骨mammo 词根乳房mandibulo 词根下颌骨mania 后缀极端、强制、偏见masto 词根乳房maxillo 词根上颌骨mediastino 词根纵隔mega 词根大megalo 词根大melano 前缀黑meningio 词根脑膜meningo 词根脑膜meno 词根月经mento 词根颏mento 词根精神、心理mero 词根部分mesentero 词根肠系膜meso 词根中间的meta 前缀超过,在后metacarpo 词根掌骨metatarso 词根柘骨meter 后缀测量工具metro 词根子宫metry 后缀测量micro 词根微milli 前缀千分之一mono 前缀单muco 词根粘液multi 前缀多musculo 词根肌肉muto 词根变化,突变myco 词根真菌myelino 词根髓myelo 词根脊髓,骨髓myo 词根肌肉myoso 词根肌肉myringo 词根耳鼓myxo 词根粘液narco 词根麻木naso 词根鼻natri 词根钠necro 词根死亡neo 词根新nephro 词根肾neuro 词根神经nigro 前缀黑nodo 词根结nucleo 词根核obstetrico 词根产科occluso 词根牙(牙合) oculo 词根眼odonto 词根牙齿odynia 后缀痛oid 后缀象...样的olecrano 词根肘oligo 词根少oma 后缀瘤omento 词根网膜omphalo 词根脐onco 词根肿瘤,块onycho 词根甲,甲床ooo 词根卵子oophoro 词根卵巢ophthalmo 词根眼opia 后缀视觉or 后缀器具,者orchido 词根睾丸orchio 词根睾丸orexi 词根食欲oro 词根口orrhagia 后缀大量流出orrhaphy 后缀缝合术orrhea 后缀流出、分泌orrhexis 后缀破裂ortho 词根直的osis 后缀病理状况osteo 词根骨ostomy 后缀造口或吻合oto 词根耳ous 后缀含...的,分泌...的ovario 词根卵巢ovo 词根卵子oxo 词根氧oxy 词根氧palato 词根腭pallio 词根减轻palpebro 词根睑pancreato 词根胰腺papillo 词根乳头状突起par(t)o 词根娩出para 前缀旁,异parasympathetico 词根副交感parasympathico 词根副交感parasympatho 词根副交感parathyroido 词根甲状旁腺patello 词根髌骨pathy 后缀病理状况pectoro 词根胸pelvo 词根骨盆penia 后缀不足peno 词根阴茎pento 前缀五pepsi 词根消化pepti 词根消化per 前缀通过peri 前缀周围perineo 词根会阴peritoneo 词根腹膜pexy 后缀固定phaco 词根晶体phago 词根吞噬phalango 词根指骨phallo 词根阴茎pharmaco 词根药pharyngo 词根咽pharyngo 词根咽philo 词根嗜phlebo 词根静脉phobia 后缀害怕photo 词根光,透明phrenia 后缀精神、心理phrenico 词根膈神经phreno 词根膈phylaxis 后缀保卫physis 后缀生长pilo 词根毛发pinealo 词根松果体plasia 后缀形成plasm 后缀形成的东西plasmo 词根浆plasty 后缀成形plegia 后缀麻痹pleuro 词根胸膜pnea 后缀呼吸pneumo 词根气,肺pneumono 词根气,肺poiesis 后缀产生polio 前缀灰白poly 前缀多polypo 词根息肉post 前缀在后pre 前缀在前pro 前缀在后procto 词根肛门和直肠pros 前缀到,靠近,附上prostato 词根前列腺prostho 词根假牙,义肢pseudo 词根假psycho 词根精神、心理ptosis 后缀下垂ptyalo 词根唾液ptyo 词根唾液pubio 词根耻骨pubo 词根耻骨pulmo 词根肺pulmono 词根肺pupillo 词根瞳孔pyelo 词根肾盂pyloro 词根幽门pyo 词根脓pyro 词根热quadri 前缀四quarto 前缀四rachio 词根脊柱radico 词根根治radio 词根放射ramo 词根分支recto 词根直肠reno 词根肾reticulo 词根网retino 词根视网膜retro 词根向后rhino 词根鼻roentgeno 词根X线rub 前缀红saccharo 词根糖sacculo 词根小囊sacro 词根骶骨saliva 词根唾液salpingo 词根管salpingo 词根管,输卵管sarco 词根肉sarco 词根肉瘤sarcoma 后缀肉瘤scapulo 词根肩胛schesis 后缀抑制排出schizo 词根分裂schizo 词根分裂sclero 词根巩膜sclerosis 后缀硬化scolio 词根弯曲scope 后缀镜scopy 后缀镜检查scroto 词根阴囊seco 词根切semi 前缀半semino 词根精子septo 词根腐败sero 词根血清sialadeno 词根唾液腺sialo 词根唾液sidero 词根铁sigmoido 词根乙状结肠silico 词根硅sino 词根窦somato 词根体somni 词根睡眠sono 词根声sopori 词根沉睡spasmo 词根痉挛spermato 词根精子spermo 词根精子sphinctero 词根括约肌sphygmo 词根脉搏spino 词根脊髓spiro 词根呼吸splanchno 词根内脏spleno 词根脾spondylo 词根椎骨stapedo 词根镫骨staphylo 词根束stasis 后缀制止、停止stasis 后缀停止stenosis 后缀狭窄stereo 词根立体sterno 词根胸骨stero 词根固stetho 词根胸stomato 词根口sub 前缀在下submaxillo 词根下颌骨succo 词根分泌sudoro 词根汗super 前缀在上supra 前缀高于surgery 后缀外科surgico 词根外科sympathetico 词根交感sympathico 词根交感sympatho 词根交感syn 前缀合成syndesmo 词根韧带synovio 词根滑液syringo 词根瘘管tacho 词根快速talo 词根踝,距骨tarso 词根踝,跗骨taxis 后缀排列tel 词根远的tele 词根远的tendino 词根腱tendo 词根腱teno 词根腱terato 词根畸胎testo 词根睾丸tetra 前缀四thalamo 词根丘脑therapy 后缀治疗thio 词根硫thoraco 词根胸thrombo 词根凝thymo 词根胸腺thyro 词根甲状腺thyroido 词根甲状腺tibio 词根胫骨toco 词根出生,分娩tome 后缀切开器具tomy 后缀切开术tono 词根紧张度tono 词根紧张tonsillo 词根扁桃体topo 词根地方toxico 词根毒toxo 词根毒trachelo 词根子宫颈tracheo 词根气管trans 前缀通过,穿过tri 前缀三tricho 词根毛发triplo 前缀三tripsy 后缀压碎tropin 后缀激素tubulo 词根小管tumo 词根肿瘤,肿胀tussi 词根咳嗽tympano 词根鼓室ulno 词根尺骨ultra 前缀超umbilico 词根脐unguo 词根甲,爪uni 前缀单uretero 词根输尿管urethro 词根尿道uria 后缀尿uro 词根尿utero 词根子宫utriculo 词根小囊uvulo 词根悬雍垂vagino 词根阴道vago 词根迷走神经valvo 词根瓣varico 词根扭曲的静脉vaso 词根血管vaso 词根输精管veno 词根静脉ventriculo 词根脑室ventro 词根腹侧venulo 词根小静脉verruco 词根疣vertebro 词根椎骨vesico 词根膀胱vesiculo 词根精囊vestibulo 词根中耳的中部viro 词根病毒vito 词根生命vulvo 词根外阴xantho 前缀黄zoo 词根生物。

Suffix Meaning Example -ac pertaining to属于,关于cardiac : pertaining to the heart 心脏(病)的 -alpertaining to medical : pertaining to medicine -ar pertaining to molecular : pertaining to a molecule分子的-ary pertaining tobelonging tociliary : pertaining to the cilia 睫毛的,纤毛的,毛状的 -aseenzyme 酶 amylase : any enzyme that converts starch to sugar 淀粉酶 -clesmallness 小,少,贫乏,小气 follicle: a small bodily cavity or sac 小囊,(头发的)毛囊 -ean instrument 仪器 auriscope: an instrument for examining the ear (检查耳朵用的)耳镜 -ealpertaining to laryngeal: pertaining to the larynx 喉的, 喉音的 -iacondition; quality phobia: abnormal fear 恐惧,害怕 -ic pertaining to toxic: pertaining to toxin有毒的;因中毒引起的-ics study of; name of a science paediatrics: study of children, theirdevelopment and diseases 儿科学-ine/in substance 物质 insulin :substance (hormone) producedby the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas胰岛素-ism process or condition alcoholism: excessive drinking of alcoholwhich becomes addictive 酒精中毒-ist one who specializes in 精通于……的人pharmacologist: a doctor who specializesin the study of drugs 药理专家 -itis inflammation refers to a part i n ……部位的炎症rhinitis: inflammation of the nasal passages鼻炎,鼻粘膜炎-(i)um relation to a whole; related to 与……相关 endometrium: inner lining of the uter子宫内膜-ive characterizes by antitussive: a drug that suppressescoughing止咳药-let tiny; small droplet: a tiny drop 小滴-ment the result or product of an acti on development: thing which develops or is being developed;action of becoming mature-oid resembling; like像mucoid: resembling mucus 粘液样的-ole little; small centriole: the small dense structure in themiddle of the centrosome细胞中心粒;中心体-oma tumor; swelling refers to a doe r dermatofibroma: fibrous tumor of the skin 皮肤纤维瘤-or/-er either a person or thing receptor: a sensory nerve ending thatresponds to various stimuli感受器,受体-ory characterized by; pertaining to suspensory: which is hanging down悬吊式,悬带-ose sugar fructose: fruits sugar found in honeyand some fruit 果糖-osis abnormal condition onychocryptosis: abnormal condition ofa hidden nail 嵌甲-ous pertaining to poisonous: pertaining to poison; alsocontaining poison 有毒的,分泌毒素的-somes bodies ribosome: the body of nucleic acid核糖体-um structure; thing; substance 结构,物质magnesium: a white metallic chemical substance 镁(金属元素)-y condition; act; process dystrophy: disorder caused by defectivenutrition or metabolism 营养不良The following is a list of the most commonly used compound suffixesSuffix Meaning Example-algia pain; painful; condition arthralgia: pain in a joint 关节痛--ase enzyme protease: digestive enzyme 蛋白酶-blast embryo胚,胚胎,人类胚胎hemocytoblast: blast cell 血胚细胞,原始血细胞-malignant tumor developingfrom connective tissue 相关组adenocarcinoma: malignant tumor developing from glandular tissue 腺癌carcinoma 织的恶性肿瘤-cele protrusion; distention突出;膨胀,延伸esophagocele: abnormal distention of the esophagus 食管突出-centesis surgical puncture 手术穿孔paracentesis: surgical puncture of a cavityfor the aspiration of fluid 穿刺术-capnia carbon dioxide 二氧化碳acapnia: absence of carbon dioxide血液二氧化碳缺乏-cide kill germicide: (substance) which can killgerms杀菌剂-clast cell phagocyte:cell, especially a white bloodcell, which can surround and destroy othercells 噬菌细胞-dynia pain glossodynia: pain in the tongue 舌痛-ectasia/ -ectasis expansion; dilation(膨胀,扩张)a telectasis: incomplete expansion of thelungs at birth 肺不张-ectomy surgical excision or removal of gastrectomy: surgical removal of thestomach胃切除术-edema excessive accumulation ofserous fluid 水肿myxoedema: condition caused when the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone 粘液腺瘤病,粘液水肿-emia blood condition leukemia: any of several malignant diseaseswhere an abnormal number of leucocytesform in the blood 白血病-emesis vomiting 呕吐hematemesis: the vomiting of blood 咯血;吐血-gen something that produced orprouduces pathogen: a microorganism or agent capable of producing disease 病菌,病原体-genesis production 生产spermatogenesis: formation and developmentof spermatozoa in the testes精子发生-globin protein蛋白质hemoglobin: an iron-containing proteinproduced by erythrocytes 血红素-gnosis knowledge diagnosis: the process of identifying thenature or presence of a disease throughknowledge and examination-gram image; picture electrocardiogram: a graphic record ofthe electrical activity of heart muscle orheartbeat used in the diagnosis of heartdisease.Abbr. ECG and EKG. Syn. cardiogram 心电图-graph(y) process of recording记录过程electocardiography: the process of making or recording electrocardiograms. Syn. cardiography 心电图记录-iasis condition; state情况,状况cholelithiasis: the formation of gallstones 胆石症-iatry/ -iatrics healing, frequently refers to abranch of medicine 康复,常指医学的一个分支podiatry: treatment of foot disorders足部医疗-lith stone cholelith: a gallstone; a stone formed inthe gallbladder 胆结石-logy the study of cytology: the science study of cells 细胞学-logist one who studies and treats urologist: a physician who specializesin the practice of urology 泌尿科医生-lysis breakdown, destruction hemolysis: the destruction or breakdown ofred blood cells with release of hemoglobin溶血-malacia softening osteomalacia: softening of bone 骨软化-mania extreme compulsion orpreoccupation强迫症kleptomania: a morbid, uncontrollable compulsion to steal 盗窃癖-megaly giant acromegaly: a condition in which there isan enlargement of the facial bones as wellas those of the lungs 肢端肥大症-metry/ -meter measurement spirometry: measurement of the volumeof air inhaled and exhaled or the air capacityof the lungs肺(活)量测定(法),呼吸量测定(法)-odynia pain cardiodynia: pain in the heart region 心痛,胸痛-one hormone荷尔蒙,激素parathormone: which regulates calciumbalance among the blood, bones, andteeth甲状旁腺激素-opia a defect in the eye眼睛的毛病myopia: being short-sighted 近视-opsy to view biopsy: excision of live tissue for microscopicdiagnosis活检-osis morbid condition病态的sclerosis: abnormal hardening 硬化症-osmia smell anosmia: loss of the sense of smell嗅觉丧失-ostomy process of making an opening into or a connection between gastrostomy: surgical construction of an opening from the surface of the abdomen into the stomach胃造口术造瘘-oxialevel of oxygen 氧水平 hypoxia : a low oxygen level or a lack of oxygen in body tissues 组织缺氧 -pathydisease; diseased condition ophthalmopathy : any eye disease 眼病 -penia deficiency leukopenia : deficiency of leukocytes inthe blood. Syn. leukocytopenia 白细胞减少症-pepsia digestioneupepsia : good digestion 消化良好 --pexya fixing or setting firmly in place by suturing 缝合固定 hepatopexy: surgical fixation of a displace liver 肝固定术 -phagia/phagyeating; swallowing 吃,吞咽 dysphagia: difficulty in swallowing 吞咽困难 -phil attraction 吸引,具有吸引力的事物basophil: type of leucocyte or white bloodcell which contains granules 嗜碱性粒细胞 -phobia fear xenophobia: irrational fear of strangers对外国人的恐惧,憎恶-plasia formation; development hyperplasia: overdevelopment or enlargementof an organ or tissue 增生,数量型肥大-phonia voice dysphonia: difficulty in speaking 发声困难 -plasmformation; growth or substance of formation cytoplasm: jelly substance in the cell 细胞浆 -plasty surgical repair osteoplasty : surgical repair of the bone骨整形术,骨成形术--plegia stroke; paralysis 中风 thermoplegia: heat or sunsrtoke 热射病-pnea breathingeupnea : normal breathing 呼吸正常,平静呼吸 --ptosis a falling, the dropping or sagging of an organ 器官下移 hepatoptosis : abnormally low position ofthe liver 肝下垂-ptysis spitting 分散 melanoptysis : spitting of the spleen黑色痰液;咳黑痰-poiesis production hemopoiesis: production of blood cells造血作用,生血作用-rrhage/ -rrhagiabursting forth of blood 出血 menorrhagia: very heavy bleeding duringmenstruation 月经过多 -rrhaphy surgical sewing or suturingsplenorrhaphy : suture of the spleen 脾修补术-rrhea overflow hydrorrhea: watery discharge 液溢-(o)rrhexis splitting or rupture 撕裂,破裂,疝气amniorrhexis: rupture of the amniotic ac羊膜破裂-sarcoma malignant tumor developing fro m connective tissue liposarcoma: malignant tumor containing fat 脂肪肉瘤-schesis a holding back; suppression ofdischarge阻碍;抑制排放uroschesis: suppression of urine闭尿,尿潴留-sclerosis a hardening dermatosclerosis: hardening of the skin硬皮病-scope instrument for viewing stethoscope: an instrument for performingmedicate ausculation听诊器-scopy process of examining visually hepatoscopy: examination of the liver 肝检查-spasm involuntary contraction angiospasm: sudden contraction of themuscles in a blood vessel血管痉挛-stasis suppression; stoppage; control;arrest抑制,中止hemostasis: the arrest of bleeding 止血,止血法-stenosis abnormal narrowing of a duct o r canal管、道德异常狭窄laryngostenosis: abnormal narrowing of the larynx 喉狭窄-stomy surgical opening to the outside of the body造口colostomy: surgical operation to make an opening from the colon结肠造口术-tention pressure hypertention: high blood pressure 高血压-therapy treatment physiotherapy: treatment of diseaseby physical means物理疗法--tion process hospitalization: the process of beinghosipitalized住院-tocia labor; birth 生产embryotocia: abortion 流产-tome tool for incision arthrotome: instrument for cutting a joint关节刀-tomy process of cutting into gastrotomy: incision of the stomach 胃切开术-tropia turning 转弯,变向esotropia: turning inward of the eye内斜视-trophy nourishment or development of an organ器官的营养、发育dystrophy: disorder caused by defective nutrition or metabolism营养不良-uria a condition of the urine(小便)dysuria: difficultly in passing urine 排尿困难-version turning eversion: a turning outward外翻,翻转Here is a table of the most commonly used prefixesPrefix Meaning Examplea-/an- without; not aphasia: the inability to understand writtenor spoken words or to speak meaningfully失语症ab- away from abortion: expulsion from the uterus流产ad- to; toward; near adnasal: near the nose 近鼻的acro- a point or tip acronyx: growing into the flesh嵌甲alb- white albino: a person lacking normalpigmentation白发病者amb-/ ambi- both ambisexual、bisexual: (person) who is sexuallyattracted to both males and famales 双性恋amphi-/ ampho- both; both sides amphicentric: beginning and ending inthe same vessel起止同源的血管ana- up; back again anabolism: process of building up complexchemical substances on the basis of simplerones 合成代谢Angio- a blood vessel angioma: benign tumor formed of bloodvessel血管瘤ante- before antenatal: during the period betweenconception and childbirth 出生前的,怀孕期的anti- against antidepressant: (drug) used to treatdepression抗抑郁剂audi- hearing; sound audiometry: science of testing hearing听力测定auto- self autoantibody: antibody formed to attack thebody’s own cells自身抗体bi- two; twice bicellular: two cells两室的bio- living organisms生命体biochemistry: chemistry living tissues生物化学brady- slow bradycardia: slow rate of heart contraction,shown by a slow pulse rate心动过缓carcin- carcinoma or cancer癌;瘤 carcinogen: a cancer-causing substance致癌物cata- downwards; under; against;along with cataract: condition where the lens of theeye gradually becomes hard and opaque白内障centi- one hundredth百分之一centimeter: unit of measurement of length(=one hundredth of a meter)厘米co(n)- with or together consanguineous: blood relationship血亲的,血缘的,密切的contra- against contraception: prevention of pregnancyby using devices or drugs 避孕法,节育法de- removal or loss decaffeinated: (coffee) with the caffeineremoved 脱去咖啡因的deca- ten decagram: ten grams 十克deci- tenth deciliter: unit of measurement of liquid(=one tenth of a little)1/10公升di- two diglossia: a double tongue使用两种语言dia- through; between; apart; across diathermy: process of (treating) through heat 透热疗法dis- reversal or separate disintegrate: to come to pieces分解,破裂dys- bad; difficult; disordered dysarthrosis: deformity or malformationof a joint关节变形echo- sound echocardiography: ultrasonography of theheart心回波描记,超声心动描记术ect-/ ecto- outside or outer ecchondroma: benign tumor on the surfaceof cartilage or bone外生软骨瘤en- in; within enostosis: benign growth inside a bone内生骨疣endo- inside endocardium: membrane which lines theheart心内膜epi- on; over epidermis: outer layer of skin表皮ery- red erythrocyte: mature non-nucleated redblood cell红细胞eso- inward; within(向内)esotropia: turning inward of the eye内斜视eu- good eugenics: study of how to improve the humanrace by genetic selection优生学ex-/ exo- out of exhale: to breath out 呼出extra- outside extracapsular: outside a capsule囊外的hemi- half hemiplegia: severe paralysis affecting oneside of the body 偏瘫,半身麻痹,半身不遂hydro- water hydrocele: collection of watery liquid foundin a cavity such as the scrotum阴囊积水hyper- higher or too much hyperglycaemia: excess of glucose in theblood高血糖症hypo- less or too little hypokalaemia: deficiency of potassium inthe blood 低血钾in- in or into inbreeding: breeding between a closelyrelated male and female 近亲交配in- not incoherent: not able to speak in a waywhich makes sense语无伦次infra- below or beneath infrapatellar: below or beneath the patella髌inter- between interlobular: between lobules小叶间的intra- inside intramedullary: inside the bone marrow orspinal cord 髓内itro- into introvert: person who thinks only about himselfand his own mental state性格内向的人mal- bad or abnormal malfunction: abnormal working of an argan机器等运转失常;失灵;出现故障meta- changes metaplasia: change of one tissue to another化生,转化,组织变形micro- very small microcyte: abnormally small red bloodcell小红细胞mid- middle midcarpal: between the two rows of carpalbones腕骨间的milli- one thousandth milligram: unit of measurement of weight 毫克mis- error or wrong miscarriage: spontaneous abortion流产multi- many multigravida: a woman who is pregnantandhas been pregnant at least twicebefore 经产孕妇noct- at night nocturia: passing abnormally large quantityof urine when asleep in bed at night夜尿症nona- nine or the nineth nonagon: flat shape which has ninesides九边形octa- eight octan: every eight days八日热;每隔八日发一次的odont- teeth odontology: study of teeth and associatedstructures, and their disordersonco- tumours oncology: scientific study of new gowths肿瘤学oro- mouth orolingual: pertaining to the mouth andtongue口与舌的pachy- thickening pachysomia: condition where soft tissues of thebody become abnormally thick躯体肥厚pali-/ palin- against; pathologic repetition病态的重复palindromic: (disease) which recurs复发的,再发的pan-/pant-/ panto- all pancytopenia: abnormal depression of allthe cellular elements of the blodd全血细胞减少症para- similar to or near; changedor beyond paralyse or paralyze: to weaken (muscles) so that they cannot function使麻痹,使瘫痪pen-/ penta- five pentosuria: excretion of pentoses in the urine戊糖尿per-through percutaneous: done or administered through the skin 经皮的,由皮的 peri-around pericystitis: inflammation of tissue around the bladder 膀胱周炎 pero- deformed or defective 畸形有缺陷的peromelia: congenital deformity of the limbs四肢不全 pharmaco -drugspharmacology: study of drugs or medicines, and their action, properties and characteristics 药理学,药物学 pleo-/ pleio-too manypleokaryocyte: condition where a greater than normal number of cells in cerebrospinal fluid 多核细胞 pluri- morepluriglandular: pertaining to or affecting several glands 多线性的 pneum-/ pneunmo-air or the lungs; breathingpneumonia: inflammation of a lung 肺炎 poly- touching many organspolyphagia: condition where a patient eats too much; morbid desire for every king of food 多食症,杂食症 post- after or laterpostprandial: after a meal 餐后的 pre- before of in front ofpremature: early or before the normal time 过早的,早产 presby- old agepresbyopia: an old person’s sight fails gradually 老花眼 pro-/ supin-/ pron- before or in front oflying on the backbend forwardprognosis: prediction of the outcome of a disease 预测;预后 quadri-/ quint- fourfive/fifthquadruplet or quad: one of four babies born to a mother at the same time 四胞胎 radio- ray or radiationradiotherapy: treating a disease by exposing the affected part to radioactive 放射疗法 semi- halfsemiptosis: the downward sagging of half or part of an organ 轻度睑下垂 sub- undersubmucous: under the mucous membrane 粘膜下层的;粘膜下的 super- above; extremelysuperalbuminosis: abnormal increase of albumin 白蛋白过多 syn- with; joint syndesmosis: joint where the ones are tightlylinked by ligaments 韧带联合supra- above; over suprarenal: (situated) above a kidney 肾上腺tachy- fast tachycardia: rapid beating of the heart 心动过速tetra- four tetracycline: antibiotic used to treat a widerange of bacterial diseases 四环素trans- across; through; beyond transmission: the transfer, as of a disease,from one person to another 传染tri- three tricephalus: a fetus with three heads 三头畸胎ultra- beyond; excess ultrasonics: the science dealing with ultrasonicsound waves 超声波学uni- one uniglandular: affecting only one gland 单腺的xen(o)- strange; foreign xenograft: a graft of tissue transplant betweenanimals of different species 异种移植物。

前缀1. cor- or cardi(o)- 心的heart--- cordiform 心形的---cordate心脏形的--- cardialgia 心痛--- cardiogram心电图2. hepato- pref肝liver--- hepatodynia 肝痛--- hepatoma肝细胞瘤--- hepatopathy肝病--- hepatotoxin肝毒素3. pulmo- or pneumo- or pneumat(o)- 肺lung or air--- pulmometry肺容量测定法--- pulmonitis 肺炎--- pneumobacillus 肺炎杆菌--- pneumonectasis 肺气肿--- pneumatolysis 肺气化--- pneumatometer 肺活量计4. lien(o)- or spleen(o)-脾splee--- lienitis 脾炎--- lienectomy 脾切除--- splenotomy 脾切开术--- splenomegaly 脾肿大5. ren(o)- or nephr(o)- kidney--- renin 肾索--- renography肾X线照相术---nephritis 肾炎--- nephrolithiasis肾石病6. oro- or stomat(o)- mouth--- oropharynx 口咽--- oronasal口鼻的--- stomatology 口腔病学--- stomatitis口腔炎7. labio- or cheil(o)- lip--- labiodental唇齿音--- labioplasty唇成形术cheilectropion唇外翻cheiloschisis唇裂8. denti- or odonto- pref. tooth-- dentist--- dentiscalprum牙刮---odontoprosthesis 牙体修复术—odontoseisis牙松动9. linguo- tongue--- lingua舌—linguiform舌装的--- lingulate 舌装的--- linguodental舌齿音10. gingiv- or ulo- 牙龈gum---gingivectomy龈切除术—gingivitis齿龈炎---ulorrhagia龈出血---ulorrhoea 龈糁血11. palato- or urano- 腭palatine---palatitis腭炎---palatogram口盖图---palatograph腭动扫描器palatography腭位图的制作12. pharyngo- 咽pharynxpharyngalgia咽痛pharyngocele咽囊肿pharyngoplasty咽成形术pharyngoplegia咽肌麻痹13. laryngo- 喉larynx,throatLaryngalgia喉痛laryngemphraxis喉阻塞laryngostenosis 喉狭窄laryngoxerosis喉干燥14. esophag(o)- 食管esophagusEsophagectasis食管扩张esophagectopy食管异位esophagocele食管突出esophagotomy食管切开术15. gastr(o)- stomachgastrin 胃泌激素gastrectasia胃胀gastroanastomosis 胃吻合术gastroptosis胃下垂16. enter(o)-肠intestineenterelcosis 肠溃疡enteremphraxis肠阻塞enterorrhagia 肠出血enterocolostomy 小肠结肠吻合术17. colo- or coli- or col- pref结肠. colon colicodynia 结肠痛colimycin结肠霉素coloclysis结肠灌洗colonorrhea粘液性结肠炎18.proct(o)- or archo-直肠rectumProctectomy直肠切除术proctitis 直肠炎proctoscope 直肠镜- proctoscopy直肠镜观察术19.ano-肛门anusAnogenital肛门与生殖器的anorectal肛门直肠的anorectum肛门直肠部anoscope肛门镜20. vesico- or cysti- or cysto- 膀胱bladder Vesicotomy膀胱切开术cystirrhagia膀胱出血cystocele 膀胱彭出cystourethritis膀胱尿道炎21. thoraco- chest or 胸thoraxThoracocyllosis胸畸形thoracicolumbar 胸腰的thoracoschisis 胸裂thoracoplasty胸廓成形术22. ventro- or coeli(o)- or laparo- 腹部belly、abdomenVentrotomy剖腹术coelialgia腹痛Coeliorrhaphy腹腔缝术laparotome剖腹术23. bili- or chole-胆bilebilichol 胆汁醇- biligenic生胆汁的cholecyst胆囊cholelithiasis胆石病24. oculo- or ophthalmo- eyeoculist 眼科医生oculomotor 眼球运动的ophthalmoplegia眼肌麻痹ophthalmoscope检眼镜25. lacrimo- or dacryo-眼泪tearlacrimator 催泪物质-lacrimal 泪腺的lacrimatory agent 催泪剂lacrimation 泪26. palpebro- or blepharo-眼睑eyelidpalpebra 眼睑palpebral 眼睑的blepharochalasis 眼睑皮肤松弛症blepharospasm眼睑痉挛27. kerato-角角质horn or comeakeratectasia 角膜膨胀keratinase 角蛋白酶keratoplasty 角膜成形术keratosis角化症28.auri- or oto- earauriphone 助听器auristilla滴耳剂otorrhea耳液溢,耳漏otosclerosis 耳硬化症29.naso- or rhino- noseNasitis鼻炎nasopharynx 鼻咽rhinocleisis鼻腔闭塞rhinocnesmus 鼻痒30.broncho- or bronch- 支气管pref. bronchus; bronchialBronchiectasis支气管扩张bronchiolitis细支气管炎bronchorrhagia支气管出血bronchospasm支气管痉挛31. gonado- 生殖腺seedGonadectomy性腺切除术gonadotrophin 促性腺激素gonadotrope 生殖腺32. andro- 男的雄性的maleandrocentrism大男子主义androgen 雄激素andrology 男科学androsterone 雄淄酮33. gyne- or gyneco- femaleGynecic女性的gynecium 雌蕊雌蕊群gynecologist 妇科医生gynecopathy 妇科病34. vagino- or colpo- 阴道vaginaVaginectomy阴道切除术vaginotomy阴道切开术colpoptosis阴道下垂colporrhaphy阴道缝合术35. oophor- 卵巢ovaryOophorectomy卵巢切除术oophorectomize切除。

医学英语词根汇总cyt (cell)cytology(细胞学)leukocyte(白细胞)blast(germ, bud) blastoderm (胚层) osteoblast (成骨细胞)kary(nucleus)karyosome(核粒) karyoplasm (核质,核浆)hist, histi(tissue) histophysiology (组织生理学) histonomy(组织发生律)organ(organ)g organelle(细胞器) organogeny (器官发生)nucle(nucleus) 核nucleosis(核增生) nucleoid(核样的)granul(granule)o granulocyte (粒细胞) granuloblast (成粒细胞) 颗粒hydro-(water, hydrogen)hydrocarbon (烃) hydrionic(氢离子的) oxy-(oxygen, hydroxyl)oxyacid(含氧酸) oxycholine (羟基胆硷)carbo-(carbon, carbonic acid)carbohydrate (碳水化合物) carbophilic (嗜碳酸气的)nitro-(nitrogen,NO group)nitrobenzol (硝基苯) nitrogenous (含氮的)chloro-(chlorine) chlorination (氯化作用)tetrachloride (四氯化物)sulfo-sulpho-(sulfur)sulfonamide (磺胺)sulfoxide(硫氧化物)phospho-( phosphorus)phosphopenia (磷质缺少)phosphokinase (磷酸激酶)fluoro-(fluorine) fluoridation (加氟作用)fluorosis(氟中毒)iodo-(iodine)iodometry(碘定量法)iodite(亚碘酸盐)natri-(sodium)naturemia(钠血症)natriuresis (尿钠排泄)kali-(potassium) hyperkaliemia (高钾血)calci-, calco-(calcium) calcibrivic (缺钙的)calcophorous (含钙的)chromo-(color) chromosome (染色体) chromoscope (色觉检查器) erythro-(red) erythroblast (成红细胞) erythromycin (红霉素).leuko-, leuco-(white)。
医学英语 词根

1. -cardio-:与心脏有关,如-cardiology(心脏病学)。
2. -dermat-:与皮肤有关,如-dermatology(皮肤病学)。
3. -gastro-:与胃有关,如-gastroenterology(胃肠病学)。
4. -hepat-:与肝脏有关,如-hepatology(肝脏病学)。
5. -neuro-:与神经有关,如-neurology(神经病学)。
6. -patho-:与疾病有关,如-pathology(病理学)。
7. -pedi-:与儿童有关,如-pediatrics(儿科学)。
8. -psycho-:与心理有关,如-psychiatry(精神病学)。
9. -surg-:与手术有关,如-surgery(外科学)。
10. -ortho-:与正直、正确有关,如-orthopedics(矫形外科学)。

前缀1. cor- or cardi(o)- 心的 heart--- cordiform 心形的 ---cordate心脏形的 --- cardialgia 心痛 --- cardiogram心电图2. hepato- pref肝 liver--- hepatodynia 肝痛 --- hepatoma肝细胞瘤--- hepatopathy肝病 --- hepatotoxin肝毒素3. pulmo- or pneumo- or pneumat(o)- 肺 lung or air --- pulmometry肺容量测定法 --- pulmonitis 肺炎--- pneumobacillus 肺炎杆菌--- pneumonectasis 肺气肿--- pneumatolysis 肺气化--- pneumatometer 肺活量计4. lien(o)- or spleen(o)-脾 splee---lienitis 脾炎--- lienectomy 脾切除--- splenotomy 脾切开术 --- splenomegaly 脾肿大5. ren(o)- or nephr(o)- kidney--- renin 肾索--- renography肾X线照相术---nephritis肾炎 --- nephrolithiasis肾石病6. oro- or stomat(o)- mouth--- oropharynx 口咽--- oronasal口鼻的--- stomatology 口腔病学 --- stomatitis 口腔炎7. labio- or cheil(o)- lip--- labiodental唇齿音--- labioplasty唇成形术cheilectropion唇外翻 cheiloschisis唇裂8. denti- or odonto- pref. tooth-- dentist--- dentiscalprum牙刮---odontoprosthesis 牙体修复术—odontoseisis牙松动9. linguo- tongue--- lingua舌—linguiform舌装的--- lingulate 舌装的--- linguodental舌齿音10. gingiv- or ulo- 牙龈 gum---gingivectomy龈切除术—gingivitis齿龈炎---ulorrhagia龈出血---ulorrhoea 龈糁血11. palato- or urano- 腭 palatine---palatitis腭炎---palatogram口盖图---palatograph腭动扫描器palatography腭位图的制作12. pharyngo- 咽 pharynxpharyngalgia咽痛pharyngocele咽囊肿pharyngoplasty咽成形术pharyngoplegia咽肌麻痹13. laryngo- 喉 larynx,throatLaryngalgia喉痛laryngemphraxis喉阻塞laryngostenosis喉狭窄laryngoxerosis喉干燥14. esophag(o)- 食管 esophagusEsophagectasis食管扩张esophagectopy食管异位esophagocele食管突出 esophagotomy食管切开术15. gastr(o)- stomachgastrin 胃泌激素gastrectasia胃胀gastroanastomosis胃吻合术gastroptosis胃下垂16. enter(o)-肠 intestineenterelcosis 肠溃疡enteremphraxis肠阻塞enterorrhagia肠出血enterocolostomy 小肠结肠吻合术17. colo- or coli- or col- pref结肠. coloncolicodynia 结肠痛colimycin结肠霉素coloclysis结肠灌洗 colonorrhea粘液性结肠炎(o)- or archo-直肠 rectumProctectomy直肠切除术proctitis 直肠炎proctoscope直肠镜- proctoscopy直肠镜观察术肛门 anusAnogenital肛门与生殖器的anorectal肛门直肠的anorectum肛门直肠部anoscope肛门镜20. vesico- or cysti- or cysto- 膀胱 bladderVesicotomy膀胱切开术cystirrhagia膀胱出血cystocele 膀胱彭出cystourethritis膀胱尿道炎21. thoraco- chest or 胸 thoraxThoracocyllosis胸畸形thoracicolumbar 胸腰的thoracoschisis 胸裂thoracoplasty胸廓成形术22. ventro- or coeli(o)- or laparo- 腹部 belly、abdomenVentrotomy剖腹术coelialgia腹痛Coeliorrhaphy 腹腔缝术laparotome剖腹术23. bili- or chole-胆 bilebilichol 胆汁醇- biligenic生胆汁的cholecyst 胆囊cholelithiasis胆石病24. oculo- or ophthalmo- eyeoculist 眼科医生oculomotor 眼球运动的ophthalmoplegia眼肌麻痹ophthalmoscope检眼镜25. lacrimo- or dacryo-眼泪 tearlacrimator 催泪物质-lacrimal 泪腺的lacrimatory agent催泪剂lacrimation 泪26. palpebro- or blepharo-眼睑 eyelid palpebra 眼睑palpebral 眼睑的blepharochalasis 眼睑皮肤松弛症 blepharospasm眼睑痉挛27. kerato-角角质 horn or comeakeratectasia 角膜膨胀keratinase 角蛋白酶keratoplasty 角膜成形术keratosis角化症or oto- earauriphone 助听器auristilla滴耳剂 otorrhea耳液溢,耳漏 otosclerosis 耳硬化症or rhino- noseNasitis鼻炎nasopharynx 鼻咽 rhinocleisis鼻腔闭塞rhinocnesmus 鼻痒or bronch- 支气管 pref. bronchus; bronchial Bronchiectasis支气管扩张bronchiolitis细支气管炎 bronchorrhagia支气管出血bronchospasm支气管痉挛31. gonado- 生殖腺 seedGonadectomy性腺切除术gonadotrophin 促性腺激素gonadotrope 生殖腺32. andro- 男的雄性的 maleandrocentrism大男子主义androgen 雄激素andrology 男科学 androsterone 雄淄酮33. gyne- or gyneco- femaleGynecic女性的gynecium 雌蕊雌蕊群gynecologist 妇科医生gynecopathy 妇科病34. vagino- or colpo- 阴道 vaginaVaginectomy阴道切除术vaginotomy阴道切开术colpoptosis阴道下垂colporrhaphy阴道缝合术35. oophor- 卵巢 ovaryOophorectomy卵巢切除术oophorectomize切除。

生物专业英语词汇——词素(词根)部分一、表示数量的词素0.aetio- 初1. haplo,mono,uni :单,一,独Unilateral 单侧的unipolar 单极的uniaural 单耳的unobsal 单底的unicentral 单中心的unicelluar 单细胞的unidirectional 单向的unifocal 单灶的uniocular 单眼的unipara 初产妇unit 单位。
haploid 单倍体monoxide一氧化碳monoatomic单原子的2,bi-、di-、diplo-、amb-、amphi-、ampho、二、双(1)bibiacuminate有二尖端的biangulate 有两角的bicarbonate 重碳酸盐biauricular 双耳的biaxial双轴的bicavity 双腔的biceps 二头肌biconvex 双凸的bivalent 双价的bivalve 双瓣的。
(2)di-diacetate 双醋酸盐diacetyldiphenolisatin 双醋酚酊diacid 二酸diamide 二酰胺dihybrid 双因子杂种dihyudrochlorothiazide 双氢克尿塞diphosphate 双磷酸盐diad 二分体disome 双染色体disomi 双躯干畸胎。
(3)diplo-diplobacillus 双杆菌dipliblastic 二胚层的diplicocus 双球菌diploid 二倍体diploneural 双重神经支配的diplopia 复视diplostreptococcus 双链球菌。
(4)ambi-,amb-,ambo-二,两侧,复ambilateral 两侧的ambiopia 复视ambivalent 矛盾情绪的(两方面情绪的)ambiocularity 能同等ambosexual 两性的。
(5)amphi- 二,两侧,两端、amphibia 两栖类amphichroic 两性反应的amphigenesis 两面三刀性生殖amphinucleolus 双核仁amphipeptine 两性胨。

医学英语词根词缀Suffix Meaning Example-ac pertaining to cardiac: pertaining to the heart属于,关于心脏(病)的-al pertaining to medical: pertaining to medicine-ar pertaining tomolecular: pertaining to a molecule 分子的-ary pertaining to ciliary: pertaining to the ciliabelonging to 睫毛的,纤毛的,毛状的-ase enzyme 酶amylase: any enzyme that converts starch to sugar淀粉酶-cle smallness follicle: a small bodily cavity or sac小,少,贫乏,小气小囊,(头发的)毛囊-e an instrument 仪器auriscope: an instrument for examining the ear (检查耳朵用的)耳镜-eal pertaining tolaryngeal: pertaining to the larynx 喉的,喉音的-ia condition; quality phobia: abnormal fear 恐惧,害怕-ic pertaining to toxic: pertaining to toxin 有毒的;因中毒引起的-ics study of; name of a science paediatrics: study of children, their development anddiseases 儿科学-ine/in substance 物质insulin :substance (hormone) produced by theislets of Langerhans in the pancreas胰岛素-ism process or condition alcoholism: excessive drinking of alcohol whichbecomes addictive 酒精中毒-ist one who specializes in pharmacologist: a doctor who specializes in the 精通于……的人study of drugs 药理专家-itis inflammation refers to a part in rhinitis: inflammation of the nasal passages ……部位的炎症鼻炎,鼻粘膜炎-(i)um relation to a whole; related toendometrium: inner lining of the uter 子宫内膜与……相关-ive characterizes by antitussive: a drug that suppresses coughing 止咳药」-let tiny; small droplet: a tiny drop 小滴-ment the result or product of an action development: thing which develops or is beingdeveloped; action of becoming mature-oid resembling; like mucoid: resembling mucus像粘液样的-ole little; small centriole: the small dense structure in the middleof the centrosome细胞中心粒;中心体-oma-or/-er -ory -ose -osis -ous-somes -um-y tumor; swelling refers to a doereither a person or thingcharacterized by; pertaining tosugarabnormal conditionpertaining tobodiesstructure; thing; substance结构,物质condition; act; processdermatofibroma: fibrous tumor of the skin皮肤纤维瘤receptor: a sensory nerve ending that responds tovarious stimuli感受器,受体suspensory: which is hanging down悬吊式,悬带fructose: fruits sugar found in honey and some fruit果糖onychocryptosis: abnormal condition of a hidden nail嵌甲poisonous: pertaining to poison; also containingpoison 有母的,分泌毒素的ribosome: the body of nucleic acid 核糖体magnesium: a white metallic chemical substance 镁(金属元素)or metabolism 营养不艮The following is a list of the most commonly used compound suffixesSuffix Meaning Example-algia pain; painful; condition arthralgia: pain in a joint 关节痛--ase enzyme protease: digestive enzyme 蛋白酶-blast embryo胚,胚胎,人类胚胎hemocytoblast: blast cell血胚细胞,原始血细胞-carcinoma malignant tumor developing fromadenocarcinoma: malignant tumor developing connective tissue 相关组织的恶性from glandular tissue 腺癌肿瘤-cele protrusion; distention 突出;膨胀,esophagocele: abnormal distention of the延伸esophagus食管突出-centesis surgical puncture 手术穿孔paracentesis: surgical puncture of a cavity for theaspiration of fluid 穿刺术-capnia carbon dioxide 二氧化碳acapnia: absence of carbon dioxide 血液二氧化碳缺乏-cide kill germicide: (substance) which can kill germs杀菌剂-clast cell phagocyte:cell, especially a white blood cell,which can surround and destroy other cells 噬菌细胞-dynia pain glossodynia: pain in the tongue 舌痛-ectasia/ expansion; dilation(膨胀,扩张) atelectasis: incomplete expansion of the lungs at-ectasis birth 肺不张fluid 水肿gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone粘液腺瘤病,粘液水肿-emia blood condition leukemia: any of several malignant diseases where-emesis vomiting 呕吐an abnormal number of leucocytes form in the blood 白血病hematemesis: the vomiting of blood 咯血;吐血-gen something that produced orpathogen: a microorganism or agent capable of-genesis prouducesproduction 生产producing disease 病菌,病原体spermatogenesis: formation and development of-globin protein 蛋白质spermatozoa in the testes 精了发生hemoglobin: an iron-containing protein produced-gnosis knowledge by erythrocytes 血红素diagnosis: the process of identifying the nature or-gram image; picturepresence of a disease through knowledge andexaminationelectrocardiogram: a graphic record of the electrical activity of heart muscle or heartbeat used in the diagnosis of heart disease.Abbr. ECG and EKG Syn. cardiogram心电图-graph(y)process of recording electocardiography: the process of making or记录过程recording electrocardiograms. Syn. cardiography 心电图记录-iasis condition; state情况,状况cholelithiasis: the formation of gallstones 胆石症-iatry/ healing, frequently refers to apodiatry: treatment of foot disorders-iatrics branch of medicine 康复,学的一个分支常指医足部医疗-lith stone cholelith: a gallstone; a stone formed in thegallbladder 胆结石-logy the study of cytology: the science study of cells 细胞学-logist one who studies and treats urologist: a physician who specializes in the practiceof urology 泌尿科医生-lysis breakdown, destruction hemolysis: the destruction or breakdown of red bloodcells with release of hemoglobin 溶血-malacia softening osteomalacia: softening of bone 骨软化-mania extreme compulsion orkleptomania: a morbid, uncontrollable compulsion preoccupation 强迫症to steal盗窃癖-megaly giant acromegaly: a condition in which there is anenlargement of the facial bones as well as those of thelungs肢端肥大症-metry/ measurement spirometry: measurement of the volume of air-meter inhaled and exhaled or the air capacity of the lungs肺(活)量测定(法),呼吸量测定(法)-odynia pain cardiodynia: pain in the heart region 心痛,胸痛-one hormone荷尔蒙,激素parathormone: which regulates calcium balanceamong the blood, bones, and teeth 甲状旁腺激素-opia a defect in the eye眼睛的毛病myopia: being short-sighted 近视-opsy to view biopsy: excision of live tissue for microscopicdiagnosis 活检-osis morbid condition 病态的sclerosis: abnormal hardening 硬化症-osmia smell anosmia: loss of the sense of smell 嗅觉丧失-ostomy process of making an opening intogastrostomy: surgical construction of an opening or a connection between from the surface of the abdomen into the stomach造屡胃造口术-oxia level of oxygen 氧水平hypoxia: a low oxygen level or a lack of oxygen inbody tissues组织缺氧-pathy disease; diseased condition ophthalmopathy: any eye disease 眼病-penia deficiency leukopenia: deficiency of leukocytes in the blood.Syn. leukocytopenia白细胞减少症-pepsia digestion eupepsia: good digestion 消化良好--pexy a fixing or setting firmly in place byhepatopexy: surgical fixation of a displace liver 月干suturing缝合固定固定术-phagia/phag eating; swallowing 吃,吞咽dysphagia: difficulty in swallowing 吞咽困难y-phil attraction 吸弓|,具有吸弓[力的事物basophil: type of leucocyte or white blood cellwhich contains granules 嗜碱性粒细胞-phobia fear xenophobia: irrational fear of strangers 对夕卜国人的恐惧,憎恶-plasia formation; development hyperplasia: overdevelopment or enlargement of anorgan or tissue增生,数量型肥大-phonia voice dysphonia: difficulty in speaking 发声困难-plasm formation; growth or substance ofcytoplasm: jelly substance in the cell 细胞浆formation-plasty surgical repair osteoplasty: surgical repair of the bone 骨整形术,骨成形术--plegia stroke; paralysis 中风thermoplegia: heat or sunsrtoke 热射病-pnea breathing eupnea: normal breathing呼吸正常,平静呼吸--ptosis a falling, the dropping or sagging ofhepatoptosis: abnormally low position of the liver an organ器官下移肝下垂-ptysis spitting 分散melanoptysis: spitting of the spleen 黑色痰液;咳黑痰-poiesis production hemopoiesis: production of blood cells 造血作用,生血作用-rrhage/ bursting forth of blood 出血menorrhagia: very heavy bleeding during-rrhagia menstruation月经过多-rrhaphy surgical sewing or suturing splenorrhaphy: suture of the spleen 脾修补术-rrhea overflow hydrorrhea: watery discharge 液溢-(o)rrhexis splitting or rupture 撕裂,破裂,疝amniorrhexis: rupture of the amniotic ac 气羊膜破裂-sarcoma -schesis-sclerosis -scope-scopy -spasm-stasis-stenosis -stomy-tention -therapy--tion-tocia-tome-tomy-tropia -trophy malignant tumor developing fromliposarcoma: malignant tumor containing fat connective tissue 脂肪肉瘤a holding back; suppression ofuroschesis: suppression of urine 闭尿,尿潴留discharge阻碍;抑制排放a hardening dermatosclerosis: hardening of the skin 硬皮病instrument for viewing stethoscope: an instrument for performingmedicate ausculation 听诊器process of examining visually hepatoscopy: examination of the liver 肝检查involuntary contraction angiospasm: sudden contraction of the muscles ina blood vessel血管痉挛suppression; stoppage; control;hemostasis: the arrest of bleedingarrest抑制,中止止血,止血法abnormal narrowing of a duct orlaryngostenosis: abnormal narrowing of the larynxcanal管、道德异常狭窄喉狭窄surgical opening to the outside ofcolostomy: surgical operation to make an opening the body 造口from the colon 结肠造口术pressure hypertention: high blood pressure 高血压treatment physiotherapy: treatment of disease by physicalmeans物理疗法process hospitalization: the process of being hosipitalized住院labor; birth 生产embryotocia: abortion 流产tool for incision arthrotome: instrument for cutting a joint 关节刀organ 器官的营养、发育or metabolism 营养不艮-uria a condition of the urine (小便) dysuria: difficultly in passing urine 排尿困难-version turning eversion: a turning outward 夕卜翻,翻转Here is a table of the most commonly used prefixesPrefix Meaning Examplea-/an- without; not aphasia: the inability to understand written orspoken words or to speak meaningfully 失语症ab- away from abortion: expulsion from the uterus 流产ad- to; toward; near adnasal: near the nose 近鼻的acro- a point or tip acronyx: growing into the flesh 嵌甲alb- white albino: a person lacking normal pigmentation 白发病者amb-/ both ambisexual、bisexual: (person) who is sexually ambi- attracted to both males and famales 双性恋amphi-/ both; both sides amphicentric: beginning and ending in the sameanabolism: process of building up complex chemical substances on the basis of simpler ones 合成代谢angioma: benign tumor formed of blood vessel 血 管瘤antenatal: during the period between conception and childbirth出生前的,怀孕期的antidepressant: (drug) used to treat depression 抗 抑郁剂 audiometry: science of testing hearing 听力测定 autoantibody: antibody formed to attack the body’s ownce|M :& 抗体bicellular: two cells 两室的biochemistry: chemistry living tissues 生物化学 bradycardia: slow rate of heart contraction, shown by a slow pulse rate 心动过缓carcinogen: a cancer-causing substance 致癌物 cataract: condition where the lens of the eye gradually becomes hard and opaque 白内障 centimeter: unit of measurement of length(=one hundredth of a meter)厘米consanguineous: blood relationship 血亲的,血缘 的,密切的contraception: prevention of pregnancy by using devices or drugs 避孕法,节育法decaffeinated: (coffee) with the caffeine removed 脱去咖啡因的decagram: ten grams 十克deciliter: unit of measurement of liquid(=one tenth of a little)1/10 公升diglossia: a double tongue 使用两种语言 diathermy: process of (treating) through heat透热疗法disintegrate: to come to pieces 分解,破裂 dysarthrosis: deformity or malformation of a joint 关节变形echocardiography: ultrasonography of the heart 心 回波描记,超声心动描记术ecchondroma: benign tumor on the surface of cartilage or bone外生软骨瘤enostosis: benign growth inside a bone 内生骨疣 endocardium: membrane which lines the heart 心 内膜 epidermis: outer layer of skin 表皮ana- Angio- ante- anti-audi- auto- bibio-brady- carcin- cata- centi- co(n)-contra- dedeca-deci- di- dia-dis- dys-echo- ect-/ ecto- en- endo-epi-up; back againa blood vessel before against hearing; sound self two; twiceliving organisms 生命体 slowcarcinoma or cancer 癌;瘤 downwards; under; against; along withone hundredth 百分之一 with or togetheragainstremoval or lossten tenthtwothrough; between; apart; across reversal or separate bad;difficult; disordered soundoutside or outer in; withininside on; overery- red erythrocyte: mature non-nucleated red blood cell 红细胞eso- inward; within(向内)esotropia: turning inward of the eye 内斜视eu- good eugenics: study of how to improve the human race bygenetic selection 优生学ex-/ exo- out of exhale: to breath out 呼出extra- outside extracapsular: outside a capsule 囊夕卜的hemi- half hemiplegia: severe paralysis affecting one side of thebody偏瘫,半身麻痹,半身不遂hydro- water hydrocele: collection of watery liquid found in acavity such as the scrotum 阴囊积水hyper- higher or too much hyperglycaemia: excess of glucose in the blood 高血糖症hypo- less or too little hypokalaemia: deficiency of potassium in the blood低血钾in- in or into inbreeding: breeding between a closely related maleand female 近亲交配in- not incoherent: not able to speak in a way which makessense 语无伦次infra- below or beneath infrapatellar: below or beneath the patella 髌inter- between interlobular: between lobules 小叶间的intra- inside intramedullary: inside the bone marrow or spinal cord髓内itro- into introvert: person who thinks only about himself andhis own mental state 性格内向的人mal- bad or abnormal malfunction: abnormal working of an argan 机器等运转失常;失灵;出现故障meta- changes metaplasia: change of one tissue to another 化生,转化,组织变形micro- very small microcyte: abnormally small red blood cell 小红细胞mid- middle midcarpal: between the two rows of carpal bones 腕骨间的milli- one thousandth milligram: unit of measurement of weight 毫克mis- error or wrong miscarriage: spontaneous abortion 流产multi- many multigravida: a woman who is pregnant and has beenpregnant at least twice before 经产孕妇noct- at night nocturia: passing abnormally large quantity of urinewhen asleep in bed at night 夜尿症nona- nine or the nineth nonagon: flat shape which has nine sides 九边形octa- eight octan: every eight days八日热;每隔八日发一次的odont- teeth odontology: study of teeth and associated structures,and their disordersonco- tumours oncology: scientific study of new gowths 肿瘤学oro- mouthorolingual: pertaining to the mouth and tongue 口与舌的pachy- thickening pachysomia: condition where soft tissues of the body becomeabnormally thick 躯体肥厚pali-/ against; pathologic repetition ^^palindromic: (disease) which recurspalin- 的重复复发的,再发的pan-/pant-/ all pancytopenia: abnormal depression of all thepanto- cellular elements of the blodd 全血细胞减少症para- similar to or near; changed orparalyse or paralyze: to weaken (muscles) so thatbeyond they cannot function 使麻痹,使瘫痪pen-/ five pentosuria: excretion of pentoses in the urinepenta- 戊糖尿per- through percutaneous: done or administered through the skin经皮的,由皮的peri- aroundpericystitis: inflammation of tissue around the bladder膀胱周炎pero- deformed or defective 畸形有缺陷peromelia: congenital deformity of the limbs的四肢不全pharmaco- drugspharmacology: study of drugs or medicines, and their action,properties and characteristics 药理学,药物学pleo-/ too many pleokaryocyte: condition where a greater thanpleio- normal number of cells in cerebrospinal fluid 多核细胞pluri- morepluriglandular: pertaining to or affecting several glands多线性的pneum-/ air or the lungs; breathing pneumonia: inflammation of a lungpneunmo- 肺炎poly- touching many organs polyphagia: condition where a patient eats too much; morbid desirefor every king of food 多食症,杂食症post- after or later postprandial: after a meal 餐后的pre- before of in front ofpremature: early or before the normal time 过早的,早产presby- old age presbyopia: an old person's sight fai瑙gradually花眼pro-/ before or in front of prognosis: prediction of the outcome of a diseasesupin-/ lying on the back 预测;预后pron- bend forwardquadri-/ four quadruplet or quad: one of four babies born to aquint- five/fifth mother at the same time 四胞胎radio- ray or radiation radiotherapy: treating a disease by exposing the affected part toradioactive 放射疗法semi- half semiptosis: the downward sagging of half or partof an organ轻度睑下垂sub- under submucous: under the mucous membrane 粘膜卜层的;粘膜下的super- above; extremely superalbuminosis: abnormal increase of albumin白蛋白过多syn- with; joint syndesmosis: joint where the ones are tightlylinked by ligaments 韧带联合supra- tachy- tetra- above; over suprarenal: (situated) above a kidney 肾上腺fast tachycardia: rapid beating of the heart 心动过速four tetracycline: antibiotic used to treat a wide rangeof bacterial diseases 四环素trans- across; through; beyond transmission: the transfer, as of a disease, fromone person to another 传染tri ultra- three tricephalus: a fetus with three heads 三头畸胎beyond; excess ultrasonics: the science dealing with ultrasonicsound waves超声波学uni- xen(o)- one uniglandular: affecting only one gland 单腺的strange; foreign xenograft: a graft of tissue transplant betweenanimals of different species 异种移植物。

常用医学英语词根词缀1.人体主要器官前缀名称通用名前(后)缀常用形容词示例心heart cardiao- cardial cardium / carditis / cardiology脑brain encepholo- cerebral cerebrum / encephalitis / encephalology肺lung pulmo- pulmonary pulmontiis / pulmonectomy / pulmonology肝liver hepato- hepatic hepatitis / hepatobiliary / hepatology胃stomach gastro- gastric gastritis / gastrointestinal / gastrology胆gallbladder chole- biliary holecystitis / cholinergic / cholecystectomy 肠intestine entero- intestinal enteritis / enterectomy / enterology脾spleen splen- splenic splenitis / splenectomy / splenology胰pancreas pancreato- pancreatic pancreatitis / pancreatectomy肾kidney nephro- renal/nephric nephritis / nephropathy / nephrology2.与人体系统、器官有关的前(后)缀名称通用名前(后)缀示例血blood hemo-/hemato hematology/hemoglobin/hematoma血管vessel vaso- vasopressor/cardiovasology/verebrovascular静脉vein veno- venography/intravenous/venoconstriction动脉artery arterio- arteriology/arteriole/arteriosclerosis肌muscle myo- mycology/myositis/myocarditis髓marrow myel-/myelo- myelocyte/myelitis/myeloma神经nerve neur-/neyro- neurology/neuritis/neuron细胞cell cyto-/-cyte cytology/cytoma/leukocyte尿urine uro-/ur- urology/urosurgery/urogenital体body somato-/some somatology/somatopsychic/chromosome3.与数字有关的前缀数字前缀示例一(单)mono-/uni- monomer/monoclone/carbon monoxide/unidirectional二bi-/di- bilateral/biphasiccarbon dioxide/dipeptide三tri- trilateral/triphasic/trigeminal nerve四tetra- tetramer/tetracycline/tetraplegia五penta- pentagon/pentachromic/pentachloride六hexa- hexachromic/benzene hexachloride(666)/hexacycliccompiund七hepta- heptachromic/heptaploid/heptavalent八octa- octahedral/octal system九nona- nonapeptide/nonagon十deca- decade/decagram/decaliter注:十位数的表示一般为:个位数前缀+deca,如:hexadecanol(十六烷醇),tetradecapeptide gastrin(十四肽胃泌素),octadecanoic acid(十八烷酸)4.颜色及与颜色有关的前缀颜色通用名前缀示例色color chrom-/chromo- chromosome/chromatin/chromatometer红red erythro- erythrocyte/erythrocyturia/erythrometer白white leuko- leukocyte/leukemia/leukocytuira黑black melano- melena/melanoma/melanoderma黄yellow xantho- xanthopsin/xanthosis/xanthoma蓝blue cyan-/cyano cyanosis/cyanopsia/cyanemia紫violet/purple绿green棕brown brown mixture / brown ring橙orange Victoria orange / ethyl orange / orange G粉红pink oink frothy sputum绯红crimson青铜bronzed bronzed diabetes注:有些病名的“蓝”“紫”“青”为同义,其前缀都为“cyano-”.5.与疾病和疾患有关的前(后)缀(1)含义前(后)缀形容词示例病patho- pathogen/pathology/pathogenesis/-pathy -pathic neuropathy/nephropathy/adenopathy病态-osis -otic neurosis/tuberculosis/schistosomiasis增多leukocytosis/erythrocytopenia/granulocytosis减少-penia -penic leukocytopenia/erythrocytopenia/granulocytopenia 无a-/an- atypical anuria/agranulocytopenia小/微-let droplet/platelet/leafletmicro- microscopy/microorganism/micronucleus大/巨macro- macroscopic macronucleus/macrophage-megaly splenomegaly/acromegaly/hepatomegaly复合/多poly- polyuria/polymer/polyopia全/泛pan- pancolectomy/panmyelosis/pandemic6.与疾病和疾患有关的前(后)缀(2)含义前(后)缀示例相反dis- disease/disorder/disability困难/障碍dys- dysfunction/dyspepsia/dyspnea不良mal- malfunction/malnutrition/malpractice炎症-itis appendicitis/bronchitis/arthritis瘤/块-oma lymphoma/adenoma/hematoma血症-emia leukemia/septisemia/bacteremia痛-algia/-algesia/alge-/algo- analgesia/hypoalgesia/algometer麻痹-plegia hemipleia/pamplegia/myoplegia流出-rrhea diarrhea/hypermenorrhea/rhinorrhea坏死-necrosis/necro-/necr- hepatonecrosis/myonecrosis/necrospermia结石litho-/-lith lithiasis/lithogenesis/cholelithes7.与方位有关的前缀含义通用词前缀示例上upper/superior pi-/supra- epidemic/epithelium/supracostal下lower/inferior infra-/sub- infracostal/subclavicular/subcutaneous前front/anterior/prior fore-/ante- forehead/anteroposterior/precirrhosis /pre-后back/posterior post-/retro- posthepatic/postprandial/retrocardiac内nner/internal in-/endo-/ento- inhalation/endoscopy/entocranial外outer/external ex-/exo- extract/excretion/exocardial间between inter- intermuscular/intercostal/intercourse旁/副on the side of para- parathyroid/paraprotein/pararenal周around peri- perioperative/pericarditis/peritoneum中心central centri-/centra- centrifugation/centralize/centronucleus /centro- 反/对opposite counter-/contra- counterpart/countershock/contraindication注:in vivo /in’vaivou/ 活体内; in vitro /in vaitrou/ 活体外或试管内;in situ /in’saitju:/ 原位8.与外科手术有关的前(后)缀含义前(后)缀示例切除-ectomy appendectomy/gastrectomy/splenectomy切开-tomy tracheotomy/hysterotomy/craniotomy切(割)-tome tracheotome/thoracotome吻合-stomy duodenoenterostomy/gastroesophagostomy成形术-plasty tracheoplasty/osteoplasty/myoplasty整(矫)形ortho- orthopedics/orthopod/orthotherapy造影-graphy angiography/nephrography/phlebography经…trans- transdominal/translateral/transurethral注:ortho-也是“正”“原”的前缀,如:ortho-acid(正酸)-graphy为方法,如:electrocardigraphy 心电图检查术;graph为仪器,如:electrocardigraph心电图机;gram为图象,文字,如:electrocardiogram心电图记录。

常用的医学英语词根词缀一、前缀:a- not, without, lessab- from, away from, offabs- from, away from, offad- increase, adherence, motion toward, very alge- painalgesi- painalgio- painalgo- painambi- around, on (both) sides, on all sides, both amyl- starch, polysaccharide nature or origin amylo- starch, polysaccharide nature or originan- not, without, -lessana- up, toward, apartante- beforeanti- against, opposing; curative; an antibody apo- separated from, derived fromarteri- arteryarterio- arteryarthr- a joint, an articulationarthro- a joint, an articulationaut- self, sameauto- self, samebacteri- bacteriabacterio- bacteriabi- twice, doublebio- lifeblasto- budding by cells or tissuebronch- bronchusbronchi- bronchusbroncho- bronchuscarcin- cancercarcino- cancercardi- the heart; esophageal opening of stomach cardio- the heart; esophageal opening of stomach cata- downcephal- the headcephalo- the headchem- chemistrychemo- chemistrychlor- green; chlorinechloro- green; chlorinechol- bilechondrio- cartilage; granular; grittychrom- colorchromat- colorchromo- colorcis- on this side, on the near sideco- with, together, in association, very, complete col- with, together, in association, very, complete com- with, together, in association, very, complete con- with, together, in association, very, complete cor- with, together, in association, very, complete carni- craniumcranio- craniumcry- coldcryo- coldcycl- a circle, a cycle; the ciliary bodycyst- the bladder; the cystic duct; a cystcysti- the bladder; the cystic duct; a cystcysto- the bladder; the cystic duct; a cystcyt- cell (-cyte cell)cyto- celldactyl- the fingers, the toesdactylo- the fingers, the toesde- away from, cessationderm- skinderma- skindermat- skindermato- skindermo- skindextr- right, toward or on the right side dextro- right, toward or on the right sidedi- separation, taking apart, reversal, not, un- dif- separation, taking apart, reversal, not, un- dir- separation, taking apart, reversal, not, un- dis- separation, taking apart, reversal, not, un- duodeno- the duodenumdynamo- force, energydys- bad, difficultect- outer, on the outsideecto- outer, on the outsideencephal- the brainencephalo- the brainend- within, innerendo- within, innerenter- the intestinesentero- the intestinesepi- upon, following, subsequent toergo- workerythr- red, rednesserythro- red, rednessesthesio- sensation, perceptioneu- good, wellex- out of, from, away fromexo- exterior, external, outwardextra- without, outside offerri- the presence in a compound of a ferric ion ferro- metallic iron, the divalent ion (Fe 2+)fibr- fiberfibro- fibergalact- milkgalacto- milkgloss- the tongueglosso- the tonguegluco- glucoseglyco- sugarsgnath- the jawgnatho- the jawgranul- granular, granule granulo- granular, granule gyn- womangyne- womangyneco- womangyno- womanhem- bloodhema- bloodhemat- bloodhemato- blood]hemi- one-halfhemo- bloodhepat- the liver hepatico- the liver hepato- the liverhidr- sweathidro- sweathist- tissuehistio- tissuehisto- tissuehydr- water; hydrogen hydro- water; hydrogenhyper- excessive, above normalhypo- beneath; diminution, deficiency; the lowest hyster- uterus; hysteria; ;late, followingileo- the ileum (回肠)infra- belowinter- between, amongintra- withinirid- the irisirido- the irisischi- the ischium (坐骨)ischio- the ischiumiso- equal, like; “isomer of”; samenesskaryo- nucleuskerat- the comea (角膜)kerato- the comeakin- movementkine- movementkinesi- motionkinesio- motionkineso- motionkino- movementlact- milklacti- milelacto- milklaryng- the larynx (喉)laryngo- the larynxlatero- lateral, to one side, a sidelepto- light (轻), slender (细), thin (薄), frail (弱) leuk- whiteleuko- whitelinguo- tonguelip- fat, lipidlipo- fat, lipidlith- a stone, calculus, calcificationlitho- a stone, calculus, calcificationlog- speech, wordslogo- speech, wordslymph- lymphlympho- lymphlys- lysis, dissolutionlyso- lysis, dissolutionmacr- large; longmacro- large; longmast- breastmasto- breastmeg- large, oversize; one millionmega- large, oversize; one millionmegal- largemegalo- largemelan- blackmelano- blackmening- meninges (脑脊膜)meningo- meningesmes- middle, mean, intermediacy; mesentery (肠系膜) meso- middle, mean, intermediacy; mesenterymeta- after, behind; joint action, sharingmicr- smallness; one-millionth; microscopicmicro- smallness; one-millionth; microscopicmon- singlemono- singlemorph- form, shape, structuremorpho- form, shape, structuremyx- mucus (粘液)myxo- mucusnoso- diseasenecr- death, necrosisnecro- death, necrosisnephr- the kidneynephro- the kidneyneur- a nerve, the nervous system neuri- a nerve, the nervous system neuro- a nerve, the nervous system oculo- eye, ocularodont- toothodonto- toothodyn- painodyno- painolig- few, littleoligo- few, littleoncho- onco-onco- tumor, bulk, volumeonych- fingernail (指甲), toenail (趾甲) onycho- fingernail, toenailoo- egg, ovary (卵巢)oophor- ovaryoophoro- ovaryophthalm- the eyeophthalmo- the eyeorchi- testis (睾丸)orchido- testisorchio- testisossi- boneosseo- bonyost- boneoste- boneosteo- boneovari- ovaryovario- ovaryovi- eggovo- eggoxa- the presence or addition of oxygen atom(s) oxo- addition of oxygenoxy- sharp; acid; acute; shrill; quick; oxygen pachy- thickpan- all, entirepant- all, entirepanto- all, entirepara- abnormal; involvement of two like parts path- diseasepatho- diseaseped- child; footpedi- child; footpedo- child; footper- through, thoroughly, intenselyperi- around, aboutphaco- lens-shaped; relation to a lens (晶状体,透镜)phago- eating, devouringpharmaco- drugs, medicinepharyng- the pharynx (咽)pharyngo- the pharynxphleb- veinphlebo- veinphon- sound, speechphono- sound, speechphor- carrying, bearing; a carrier, a bearer; phoria (隐斜视) phoro- carrying, bearing; a carrier, a bearer; phoriaphos- light (光)phot- lightphoto- lightphren- diaphragm (横膈膜); the mind; phrenic (膈膜的,精神的) phreni- diaphragm; the mind; phrenicphrenico- diaphragm; the mind; phrenicphreno- diaphragm; the mind; phrenicphysi- physical; natural; the science of physics physio- physical; natural; the science of physics physo- tendency to swell or inflate; air, gas phyt- plantsphyto- plantsplasma- plasma (血浆)plasmat- plasmaplasmato- plasmaplasmo- plasmapleur- rib (肋骨), side, pleura (胸膜,肋膜) pleura- rib, side, pleurapleuro- rib, side, pleurapluri- several, morepneo- breath, respirationpneum- air, gas; the lungs; breathing pneuma- air, gas; the lungs; breathing pneumat- air, gas; the lungs; breathing pneumato- air, gas; the lungs; breathing(-pnea breath, respiration)pod- foot, foot-shapedpodo- foot, foot-shaped(-pod foot, foot-shaped)post- after, behind, posteriorpre- anterior, beforepro- before, forward; precursor ofproct- the anus (肛门), the rectum (直肠)procto- the anus, the rectumpsych- the mindpsyche- the mindpsycho- the mindpyel- (renal) pelvis (骨盆):肾盂pyelo- (renal) pelvispyo- suppuration (化脓), an accumulation of pus, pus (脓) pyreto- feverpyro- fire, heat, feverrachi- the spinerachio- the spineradio- radiation (辐射), chiefly x-ray; radius (桡骨)re- again, backwardrect- the rectumrecto- the rectumretro- backward, behindrhin- the noserhino- the nosesalping- a tube:输卵管,咽鼓管salpingo- a tubesarco- muscular substance, flesh-likeschisto- split, cleftschiz- split, cleft, divisionschizo- split, cleft, divisionscler- hardness (induration) (硬化),sclerosis, the sclera (巩膜) sclero- hardness (induration), sclerosis, the sclerasemi- one-half; partlysial- saliva (涎), the salivary glands (唾液腺,涎腺)sialo- saliva, the salivary glandssigmoid- sigmoid, the sigmoid colonsigmoido- sigmoid, the sigmoid colonsito- food, grainsomat- the body, bodilysomatico- the body, bodilysomato- the body, bodilyspasmo- spasmsperma- semen (精液), spermatozoa (精子)spermato- semen, spermatozoaspermo- semen, spermatozoasplanchn- the viscera (内脏)splanchni- the viscerasplanchno- the viscerasplen- the spleenspleno- the spleenstaphyl- a grape, a bunch of grapes; staphylococci (葡萄球菌) staphylo- a grape, a bunch of grapes; staphylococcisteno- narrowness, constrictionstheno- strength, force, powerstom- mouthstoma- mouthstomat- mouthstomato- mouthsub- beneath, less than normal, inferiorsuper- in excess, above, superior, in the upper partsy- togethersyl- togethersym- togethersyn- togethersys- togetherthel- the nipples (乳头)thelo- the nipplestherm- heatthermo- heatthorac- the chest, the thorax thoracico- the chest, the thorax thoraco- the chest, the thorax thromb- blood clotthrombo- blood clotthyr- the thyroid glandtoco- childbirthtono- tone, tension, pressuretop- place, topicaltopo- place, topicaltox- a toxin, a poisontoxi- a toxin, a poisontoxico- a toxin, a poisontoxo- a toxin, a poisontrache- the trachea (气管) tracheo- the tracheatrans- across, through, beyond trich- the hair, a hairlike structure trichi- the hair, a hairlike structure tricho- the hair, a hairlike structure(-trichia the hair, a hairlike structure)tropho- food, nutrition(-trophy food, nutrition -trophic food, nutrition)uri- uric aciduric- uric acidurico- uric acidvas- a duct, a blood vesselvasculo- a blood vesselvaso- a duct, a blood vesselvesic- a vesica (膀胱), a vesiclevesico- a vesica, a vesiclexanth- yellow, yellowishxantho- yellow, yellowishzo- an animal, animal lifezoo- an animal, animal lifezym- fermentation (发酵), enzymes (酶)zymo- fermentation, enzymes二、后缀:-ad toward, in the direction of, -ward-ase an enzyme-ate a salt or ester of an “ic” acid-cidal killing, destroying-cide killing, destroying-cyte cell-dynia pain-gen producing, coming to be; precursor of -gram a recording-graph a recording instrument-ia a condition (…症)-iasis a condition, a state (皮肤、结石)症–igo 病–ism中毒症-ic pertaining to-ics organized knowledge, practice, treatment -ism condition, disease; a practice, doctrine -ismus spasm; contraction-ite the nature of, resembling-ites -y, -like-itides plural of –itis-itis inflammation (炎症)-lepsis a seizure (疾病的发作)-lepsy seizure-log speech, words-login study of; collecting-logy study of; collecting-megaly large-oid resemblance to-oma tumor, neoplasm-omata plural of –oma-one a ketone (-CO- 酮) group -oses plural of –osis-osis process, condition, state - osis (过多)症-pathy/patho disease-penia deficiency-pexy fixation, usually surgical -phage eating, devouring-phagia eating, devouring-phagy eating, devouring-phrenia of mind-plasia formation-plegia paralysis (麻痹,瘫痪) -pnea breath, respiration-pod foot, foot-shaped-poiesis production-rrhagia discharge-rrhaphy surgical suturing (缝合)-rrhea a flowing, a flux-scope an instrument for viewing-scopy the use of an instrument for viewing-stat an agent to prevent changing or moving -tome a cutting instrument; a segment, section -tomy a cutting operation-trichia the hair, a hairlike structure-trophic food, nutrition-trophy food, nutrition-tropic turning toward, affinity•疾病词缀•–ia 症•-iasis (皮肤、结石)症•–igo病•–ism中毒症•-emia血症•-lepsy发作•noso- 疾病•–osis (过多)症•–pathy, patho疾病•诊断词缀•-meter,-gram 图像•-graph, -scope 仪器•–metry, -graphy, scopy术•外科手术词缀•-tomy 切开•-ectomy切除•-stomy造口•-plasty造型术•-raphy缝合术•-pexy固定术•-centesis穿刺术•-triipsy,-rrhexis破碎术三、词根:。

Word-Formation•homeo-相同,象;同一,同( homeostasis )hypno-睡眠(hypnosis / hypnotic / hypnotherapy )psych/o 心理,精神(psychotherapy )ovari/o-卵巢( ovarian )splen/o 脾( spleen )leuk/o白(leukemia )lymph/o 淋巴( lymphoma )melan/o 黑色( melanoma )onco-瘤,肿( oncology ) anti-抗, 防止( antioxidant )tox/o 毒,毒素( genotoxic )intra-内,内部的( intravenous ) crani/o 颅骨( craniosacral )-ic …的( psychosomatic )-iatry 医疗术,医治法( psychiatry ) diet 饮食( dietitian )chemo-化学( chemotherapy )oxy-氧,氧化( antioxidant )ven/o-,ven/i-静脉( venous )-stasis 停滞,淤积(homeostasis )-osis 状态,病态,病,症( hypnosis ) -therapy 治疗(chemotherapy )-emia 血症(leukemia )-oma 肿瘤(melanoma )-logy 学科,研究(oncology )-ant …剂(antioxidant )-ous …的,有…的,分泌…的( venous )Word Formationmuscul/o肌肉cardi/o心脏tend/o, tendin/o腱quadri-四trans-横跨, 越过, 在…的另一边vas/o管, 血管-al …的-ac …的( musculoskeletal, musculotendinous)( cardiac, cardiovascular )( tendon )( quadriceps )( transverse )( cardiovascular )( cardiac )( visceral )neur/o-神经Word Formation ( neuron, neurofibril)necle/o核( nucleus )gangli/o-, ganglion/o-神经节gli/o-胶, 胶质( ganglia )( neuroglia)peri-周, 周围( peripheral )-tic …的( sympathetic, antagonistic ) -ic…的( preganglionic)-atic…的( plasmatic )spin/o-脊柱( spinal, spine )micro-小, 微, 细( microtubule ) cerebr/o-脑( cerebrum, cerebral ) crani/o-颅骨( cranial )para-周, 旁, 副; 异常( parasympathetic ) pre-在前( preganglionic)post-在后( post ganglionic)enter/o-肠( enteric )dendr/o-, dendri-树( dendritic)axo-轴, 轴突( axon )medull/o 髓质( medulla )medull/o 髓质( cytoplasm )mito- 线( mitochondrial ) -ule (使小后缀)( spinule, tubule ) fibr/o- 纤维( neurofibril )Word Formation •atri/o-房( atrium )ventricul/o-室( ventricle )my/o-肌肉( myocardium )cardi/o-心( myocardium )de-去掉, 脱离( deoxygenate )-let (使小后缀)( platelet )arteri/o-动脉( artery )ven/i-, ven/o-静脉( vein, venous ) pulmo-, pulmon/o-肺; 气( pulmonary ) di-二, 双( carbon dioxide )urin/o-尿( urinary, urine ) endo-在内部( endocrine )erythr/o-红( erythrocyte )-cyte细胞( erythrocyte, phagocyte ) hem/o-, haem/o-血( hemoglobin ) lymph/o-淋巴( lymph, lymphatic ) ex(o)-外,在外( excrete )phago-吞噬( phagocytosis)leuk/o-白( leukocyte )inter-间, 中间( interstitial )nas/o鼻Word Formation ( nasal )epiglott/o-会厌( epiglottis )trache/o-气管( trachea )bronch/o-,bronchi/o-支气管( bronchi ) thorac/o-胸, 胸腔( thoracic )dia-通过; 区别, 分离( diaphragm ) pleur/o-胸膜( pleura )muc/o-黏液( mucous ) esophag/o-食管( esophagus ) alveol/o-小孔, 肺泡( alveoli )in-进入( inhale )ex(o)-排出( exhale )oxy-氧( oxygen, deoxygenated )Word Formation rect/o-直肠( rectum )an/o-肛门( anus )saliv/o-唾液( saliva )de-脱离, 分离( decompose, decontamination ) dis-分开, 分离(disassemble )peptid/o-肽( peptide , polypeptide)muc/o-黏液( mucosa)-gen原, 发生物( pepsinogen, glycogen )hydr/o-水( hydrolyze, hydrolysis ) gastr/o-胃( gastrin)-in…素, …剂( gastrin)duoden/o-十二,十二指肠( duodenum ) jejun/o-空, 空肠ile/o-回肠( jejunum )( ileum )fec/o-粪便( defecation, feces )carbo-碳( carbohydrate )-ate …酸盐( carbonate, bicarbonate ) tox/o- 毒,毒素( detoxification )syn- 连, 合, 联, 共( syndrome, synthesize )ex(o)- 外,在外( excretion )Word Formationur/o-尿( ureter, urethra )abdomin/o-腹( abdomen )-itis炎症( urethritis, cystitis )cyst/o-囊, 膀胱( cystitis, cystoscopy) pyel/o-肾盂( pyelonephritis, pyelogram) nephr/o-肾(nephron)vagin/o-阴道( vagina )dia-通过; 区别, 分离( diaphragm ) sperm/o-( spermicidal, spermicide)-cide杀( spermicidal )bio-生, 生命( antibiotics )anti-抑制, 对抗, 防止( antibody ) micro-小, 微, 细( microbe )-gram 图, 照片( pyelogram, radiogram ) -scopy检查(法)( cystoscopy)tri-三( trimethoprim)tetra-四( tetracycline )immun/o-免疫( immunoglobulin )2Word Formationmacro-巨大( macrophage )proto-原始,第一, 初( protozoa )-gen 原, 发生物( antigen )nitro-硝基( nitrogen, nitrogenous, nitric )cerebr/o-脑( cerebral, cerebritis)a-/an-无, 缺,非( asexual, anuria )iso-均等; 同种, 同族( isotype, isotope )3pro-原, 前immun/o-免疫( immunopathology, immunity)( pro-inflammatory, prodrome )inter-间, 中间( interleukin, interneuron )-osis 病态( necrosis )-cyte 细胞( cytokine )re-再,重Word Formation(reproductive, recombinant)-ic (therapeutic, somatic)-some 体(chromosome, somatic)gen/o 基因(genome, genotype )-in 剂,素(ionomycin)sperm/o, spermat/o 精子(sperm, spermatovum)Word Formation pharmac/o 药,药学( pharmacology, pharmacy)syn-联合,结合( synthetic )tox/o 毒, 毒素( toxicity )bio-生物, 生命( biosynthetic )arteri/o 动脉( arterial )immuno-免疫( immunosuppressant )path/o 病 ( pathology, pathogen ) tox/o 毒 ( toxicology )-osis 病态 ( metamorphosis )hybrid 杂交 ( hybridisation )-opsy (view) 检查 ( autopsy / necropsy; biopsy )-gen 原, 发生物 ( pathogen )pro- 原, 前 ( protist )pre- 在前 ( precursor )organ/o 有机, 器官 ( inorganic )a 无 ( abiogenesis, aseptic )macro- 巨大( macroscopic )-genesis 发生, 生成( biogenisis )-cle (使小后缀) ( vesicle )-coccus 球菌 ( staphylococcus )-rrhea 流出, 溢出 ( gonorrhea, diarrhea )aden/o- 腺 ( adenine; adenoma )thym/o- 胸腺 ( thymine; thymocyte )-form 具有…形状的 ( coliform )chlor/o- 氯 ( chloramphenicol / chloromycetin; chloroform )-phil(e) 嗜;亲 ( eosinophil; haemophilus )1. holistic medicine/health/healing2. alternative/alternate medicine3. modalities of diagnosis and treatment4. mainstream/conventional medicine ( care )5. health professionals/providers6. complementary therapy7. preventive care8. radiation / hormone therapy9. oral hygiene10. genotoxic agents11. synthetic interferon12. side effects13. physical therapists1.musculoskeletal system2.cardiovascular system3.digestive tract4.skeletal muscles5.connective tissues6.knee joints7.physical strain8.locomotor system1. nerve impulses2. central/peripheral/autonomic nervous system3. spinal cord4. cerebral cortex5. sleep-wakefulness cycles6. visceral organs7. energy metabolism8. sympathetic/parasympathetic nervous system9. preganglionic/postganglionic neurons10. brain stem11. autonomic ganglia12. target organs13. sensory fibers14. enteric nervous system15. gastrointestinal tract1. endothelial cells2. systemic/pulmonary circulation3. integumentary systems4. cellular metabolism5. oxygen molecules6. nutrient absorption7. endocrine/ lymphatic system8. interstitial fluid9. venous blood10. lymph nodes11. metabolic waste1.carbon dioxide2.upper/lower respiratory tract3.nasal cavities4.mucous membranes5.vocal cords6.thoracic cavity7.rib cage8.chronic/acute inflammation9.chronic obstructive pulmonary disease10.allery /allergic symptoms11.taste receptors12.salivary glands13.digestive tract14.hydrochloric acid15.gastric fundus mucosa16.amino acids17.pancreatic juice18.gastrointestinal system19.urinary tract infection20.reproductive system21.prostate gland22.spermicidal foam23.a frequent urge to urinate24.pubic bone25.a fullness in the rectum26.loose bowels27.intravenous pyelogram28.offending bacteria29.single-dose treatment30.a follow-up urinalysis31.injected and oral vaccines32.change in urinary pattern33.cerebral malaria34.innate/adaptive immune system35.(anti-/pro-) inflammatory cytokine36.nitric oxide37.toxic radicals38.inflammatory mediators39.systemic disease40.effector mechanisms41.anti-malarial vaccines42.merozoite proteins43.genetic variation1. reproductive / therapeutic cloning2. recombinant DNA technology3. self-replicating genetic element4. a bacterial plasmid5. a host cell6. extra-chromosomal circular DNA molecules7. human genome project8. restriction enzymes9.cloning vector10. artificial chromosomes11. lambda phage particles12. somatic cell nuclear transfer13. a donor adult cell14. a cloned embryo15. aging process16. stem cells17. gene therapy18. genetic engineering of organisms19. sequencing genomes20. degenerative diseases21. viable offspring22. compromised immune function23. mutations in the genes24. genetic imprint of DNA25. developmental abnormalities of clonedembryos1. Cerebrospinal fluid2. Specific defence mechanisms3. Postmortem examination4. Clinical signs and symptoms5. Diagnostic investigations6. Postmortem findings7. Clinical significance/manifestations8. Morbid anatomy9. Ionising radiation10. Carcinogenic chemicals11. Adverse effects12. light/electron microcopy13. Congenital disorders14. Solid tissues / lesion15. Antigen specificity16. Cell preparations17. Monoclonal antibodies18. Cancer diagnosis and screening19. Renal biopsies20. Electrolyte homeostasis21. Serum enzyme assays22. Cardiac enzymes23. Damage to cardiac myocytes24. Assays of blood coagulation factors25. Chromosome spreads26. Cytogenetic analysis27. Sequence of bases28. Amino acid synthesis29. In situ hybridisation30. Nucleic acids31. Tissue sections32. Oligonucleotide primers33. DNA microarrays34. Patterns of gene expression35. Sickle cell disease36. Osteogenesis imperfecta1. Chemical properties2. Biological effects3. Organic / analytical chemistry4. medicinal chemistry / products5. Synthetic drugs6. Side effects7. Optimal therapeutic outcomes8. Potential toxicity9. Clinical dosage10. Premature death11. Blood flow in specific vascular beds12. Drug actions13. Chemotherapeutic drugs14. Immunosuppressant agents15. Organ transplant operations16. Therapeutic management of disease17. Psychoactive drugs18. Drug addiction1. Parental organisms2. Pathogenic microorganisms3. Delivery wards4. Resident physician5. Puerperal fever6. Aseptic technique7. In widespread usage8. Chemotherapeutic agents9. Staphylococcus aureus10. Broad / narrow spectrum drugs11. Strains of bacteria.-。

1、-pharma: 这个词根意为“药物”,常出现在与药学相关的词汇中,如 pharmaceutical (制药的), pharmacology (药理学),pharmacist (药剂师), pharmacal (草药)等。
2、-cyte: 这个词根意为“细胞”,常出现在与细胞相关的词汇中,如 leukocyte (白细胞), erythrocyte (红细胞), platelet (血小板)等。
3、-gen: 这个词根意为“产生”,常出现在与产生相关的词汇中,如发电机 (electric generator), nitrogen generator (氮气发生器)等。
4、-sis: 这个词根意为“状态”,常出现在与疾病相关的词汇中,如insomnia (失眠症), diabetes (糖尿病)等。
5、-uria: 这个词根意为“尿”,常出现在与泌尿系统相关的词汇中,如 urinalysis (尿液分析), urosepsis (尿毒症)等。
6、-algia: 这个词根意为“痛”,常出现在与疼痛相关的词汇中,如neuralgia (神经痛), arthritis (关节炎)等。
7、-therapy: 这个词根意为“治疗”,常出现在与治疗相关的词汇中,如 chemotherapy (化学治疗), radiotherapy (放射治疗)等。
8、-ectomy: 这个词根意为“切除”,常出现在与手术相关的词汇中,如 appendectomy (阑尾切除术), nephrectomy (肾切除)等。
9、-cardia: 这个词根意为“心脏”,常出现在与心脏相关的词汇中,如 myocardia (心肌炎), arrhythmia (心律失常)等。

a (一)前缀无ab 前缀从...离开acantho 词根棘,刺acetabulo 词根髋臼acouo 词根听觉acro 词根顶,肢acromio 词根肩峰ad 前缀向...靠近,到...上adeno 词根腺adipo 词根脂肪的adreno 词根肾上腺aero 词根气agglutino 词根凝集agra 后缀严重的疼痛albo 前缀白algesi 词根痛觉的感受algia 后缀痛alveolo 词根肺泡 alveolo 词根牙槽amnio 词根羊膜amphi 前缀两侧ampullo 词根壶腹amylo 词根淀粉an 前缀无ana 前缀向上,重回到andro 词根雄aneurysmo 词根异常扩大angino 词根阻塞ante 前缀在前anti 前缀抗 aorto 词根主动脉apico 词根顶apo 前缀离去,从appendico 词根阑尾appendo 词根阑尾aquo 词根水arterio 词根动脉arteriolo 词根小动脉arthro 词根关节articulo 词根关节 ase 后缀酶astro 词根星atelo 词根不完全的,有缺陷的athero 词根脂肪堆积atrio 词根腔audio 词根听觉auro 词根耳auro 词根金auto 前缀自axio 词根轴balano 词根龟头bary 前缀重、压baso 词根碱bi 前缀双,倍bili 词根胆汁blast 后缀母细胞brachy 词根短bronchio 词根支气管bronchiolo 词根细支气管 broncho 词根支气管bucco 词根颊bulbo 词根球部burso 词根滑液囊caco 词根坏calcaneo 词根跟骨calci 词根钙capillo 词根非常小的血管capnia 后缀二氧化碳carcino 词根癌carcinoma 后缀癌cardio 词根心carpo 词根腕cata 前缀向下cautero 词根燃烧 ceco 词根盲肠cele 后缀突出、积水celio 词根腹cemento 词根牙骨质centesis 后缀穿刺术centi 前缀百分之一cerebello 词根小脑cerebro 词根大脑cerumino 词根耵聍 cervico 词根颈cervico 词根颈,宫颈chemo 词根化学chlorhydro 词根盐酸chloro 前缀绿chole 词根胆汁cholecysto 词根胆囊choledocho 词根总胆管chondro 词根软骨chorio 词根绒膜chromo 词根颜色cineo 词根活动circum 前缀环行clasis 后缀破裂clast 后缀破坏用器械claviculo 词根锁骨cleisis 后缀关闭clysis 后缀洗co 前缀与...在一起cocco 词根球菌coccygo 词根尾骨cochleo 词根耳蜗collo 词根胶colo 词根结肠colpo 词根阴道conjunctivo 词根结膜contra 前缀反,对抗coreo 词根瞳孔,虹膜corneo 词根角,角膜costo 词根肋cranio 词根颅骨crine 后缀分泌cryo 词根冷crypto 词根隐藏culdo 词根囊袋、窝cuti 词根皮肤cyano 前缀蓝cyclo 词根环cyeso 词根妊娠cysto 词根膀胱,囊cyte 后缀细胞dacryo 词根眼泪dactylo 词根指头de 前缀去denti 词根牙齿dentino 词根牙本质dermato 词根皮肤dermo 词根皮肤di 前缀双,倍dia 前缀通过diaphoro 词根汗diaphragmato 词根膈diaphragmo 词根膈diplo 前缀双,倍dipso 词根渴dis 前缀离开dys 前缀坏,痛,困难ectasia 后缀扩张 ectasis 后缀扩张ecto 前缀外 ectomy 后缀切除术ego 前缀我embryo 词根胚胎emeo 词根呕吐emia 后缀血的状况emia 后缀血emphraxis 后缀梗阻en 前缀内encephalo 词根脑endo 前缀内部entero 词根小肠epi 前缀外,上epididymo 词根附睾epiglotto 词根会厌episio 词根外阴ergo 词根工作,能erythro 前缀红esophago 词根食道esthesio 词根感觉eu 前缀好,正常eustachio 词根咽骨管ex 前缀在外,离开exo 前缀在...之外extra 前缀在外,超过fasciculo 词根束fero 词根传递输送 ferro 词根铁fibrino 词根纤维素fibro 词根纤维fibro 词根纤维fibulo 词根腓骨fistulo 词根瘘folliculo 词根小腔,囊galacto 词根乳gameto 词根配子ganglio 词根神经节gangliono 词根神经节gastro 词根胃genito 词根生殖器gero 词根年龄geronto 词根年龄geusia 后缀味gingivo 词根牙glauco 前缀灰绿glio 词根胶质,粘globo 词根球glomerulo 词根小球glosso 词根舌gluco 词根糖glyco 词根糖gram 后缀记录granulo 词根结节graph 后缀记录graphy 后缀记录gravido 词根妊娠gyneco 词根女性halo 词根盐haplo 前缀单hebe 前缀青年hecto 前缀百helcosis 后缀溃疡形成hemato 词根血hemi 前缀半hemo 词根血hepato 词根肝hernio 词根疝hidro 词根汗histo 词根组织holo 词根整个humero 词根肱骨hyalo 词根透明的hydro 词根水hyper 前缀超过,高hypno 词根睡眠iatry 后缀愈合ictero 词根黄疸idio 词根自己ileo 词根回肠ilio 词根髂骨immuno 词根免疫in 前缀在内in 前缀不in 后缀素incudo 词根砧骨infra 前缀在下ino 词根纤维inter 前缀在...之间intra 前缀在内iono 词根离子ionto 词根离子irido 词根虹膜iro 词根虹膜ischio 词根坐骨ism 后缀状况iso 词根异,相等ist 后缀者itis 缀炎ium 后缀部分 jejuno 词根空肠karyo 词根核kerato 词根角质,硬kerato 词根角膜kilo 前缀千kinesia 后缀移动kleisis 后缀关闭klepto 词根偷窃kypho 词根驼背labio 词根唇labyrintho 词根迷路lacrimo 词根眼泪,泪小管lalia 后缀言语lamino 词根椎板laparo 词根腹壁laryngo 词根喉leuko 前缀白linguo 词根舌lipo 词根脂肪lithiasis 后缀结石litho 词根石lobo 词根叶logist 后缀学者logy 后缀学科lordo 词根弯曲luco 词根光,透明lumbo 词根腰lympho 词根淋巴malacia 后缀软化malleo 词根锤骨mammo 词根mandibulo 词根下颌骨mania 后缀极端、强制、偏见masto 词根maxillo 词根上颌骨mediastino 词根纵隔mega 词根大megalo 词根大melano 前缀黑meningio 词根脑膜meningo 词根脑膜meno 词根月经mento 词根颏mento 词根精神、心理mero 词根部分mesentero 词根肠系膜meso 词根中间的meta 前缀超过,在后metacarpo 词根掌骨metatarso 词根柘骨meter 后缀测量工具metro 词根子宫metry 后缀测量micro 词根微milli 前缀千分之一muco 词根粘液multi 前缀多musculo 词根肌肉muto 词根变化,突变myco 词根真菌myelino 词根髓myelo 词根脊髓,骨髓myo 词根肌肉myoso 词根肌肉myringo 词根耳鼓myxo 词根粘液narco 词根麻木naso 词根鼻natri 词根钠necro 词根死亡neo 词根新nephro 词根肾neuro 词根神经nigro 前缀黑nodo 词根结nucleo 词根核obstetrico 词根产科 occluso 词根牙(牙合)oculo 词根眼odonto 词根牙齿odynia 后缀痛oid 后缀象...样的olecrano 词根肘oma 后缀瘤omento 词根网膜omphalo 词根脐onco 词根肿瘤,块onycho 词根甲,甲床ooo 词根卵子oophoro 词根卵巢ophthalmo 词根眼opia 后缀视觉or 后缀器具,者orchido 词根睾丸orchio 词根睾丸orexi 词根食欲oro 词根口orrhagia 后缀大量流出orrhaphy 后缀缝合术orrhea 后缀流出、分泌orrhexis 后缀破裂ortho 词根直的osis 后缀病理状况osteo 词根骨ostomy 后缀造口或吻合oto 词根耳ous 后缀含...的,分泌...的ovario 词根卵巢ovo 词根卵子oxo 词根氧palato 词根腭 pallio 词根减轻palpebro 词根睑pancreato 词根胰腺papillo 词根乳头状突起par(t)o 词根娩出para 前缀旁,异parasympathetico 词根副交感parasympathico 词根副交感parasympatho 词根副交感parathyroido 词根甲状旁腺patello 词根髌骨pathy 后缀病理状况pectoro 词根胸pelvo 词根骨盆penia 后缀不足peno 词根阴茎pento 前缀五pepsi 词根消化pepti 词根消化per 前缀通过peri 前缀周围perineo 词根会阴peritoneo 词根腹膜pexy 后缀固定phaco 词根晶体phago 词根吞噬phalango 词根指骨pharmaco 词根药pharyngo 词根咽pharyngo 词根咽philo 词根嗜phlebo 词根静脉phobia 后缀害怕photo 词根光,透明phrenia 后缀精神、心理phrenico 词根膈神经phreno 词根膈phylaxis 后缀保卫physis 后缀生长pilo 词根毛发pinealo 词根松果体plasia 后缀形成plasm 后缀形成的东西plasmo 词根浆plasty 后缀成形plegia 后缀麻痹pleuro 词根胸膜pnea 后缀呼吸pneumo 词根气,肺pneumono 词根气,肺podo 词根足poiesis 后缀产生polio 前缀灰白 poly 前缀多polypo 词根息肉procto 词根肛门和直肠pros 前缀到,靠近,附上prostato 词根前列腺prostho 词根假牙,义肢pseudo 词根假psycho 词根精神、心理ptosis 后缀下垂ptyalo 词根唾液ptyo 词根唾液pubio 词根耻骨pubo 词根耻骨pulmo 词根肺pulmono 词根肺pupillo 词根瞳孔pyelo 词根肾盂pyloro 词根幽门pyo 词根脓pyro 词根热quadri 前缀四quarto 前缀四rachio 词根脊柱radico 词根radio 词根桡骨radio 词根放射ramo 词根分支retino 词根视网膜retro 词根向后rhino 词根鼻roentgeno 词根 X线rub 前缀红saccharo 词根糖sacculo 词根小囊sacro 词根骶骨saliva 词根唾液salpingo 词根管salpingo 词根管,输卵管sarco 词根肉sarco 词根肉瘤sarcoma 后缀肉瘤scapulo 词根肩胛schesis 后缀抑制排出schizo 词根分裂schizo 词根分裂sclero 词根巩膜sclerosis 后缀硬化scolio 词根弯曲scope 后缀镜scopy 后缀镜检查scroto 词根阴囊sebo 词根油脂semi 前缀半semino 词根精子septo 词根腐败sero 词根血清sialadeno 词根唾液腺sialo 词根唾液sidero 词根铁sigmoido 词根乙状结肠silico 词根硅sino 词根窦somato 词根体somni 词根眠sono 词根声sopori 词根沉睡spasmo 词根痉挛spermato 词根精子spermo 词根精子sphinctero 词根括约肌sphygmo 词根脉搏spino 词根脊髓spiro 词根呼吸splanchno 词根内脏spleno 词根脾spondylo 词根椎骨。
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常用医学英语词根词缀1.人体主要器官前缀名称通用名前(后)缀常用形容词示例心heart cardiao- cardial cardium / carditis / cardiology脑brain encepholo- cerebral cerebrum / encephalitis / encephalology肺lung pulmo- pulmonary pulmontiis / pulmonectomy / pulmonology 肝liver hepato- hepatic hepatitis / hepatobiliary / hepatology胃stomach gastro- gastric gastritis / gastrointestinal / gastrology胆gallbladder chole- biliary holecystitis / cholinergic / cholecystectomy 肠intestine entero- intestinal enteritis / enterectomy / enterology脾spleen splen- splenic splenitis / splenectomy / splenology胰pancreas pancreato- pancreatic pancreatitis / pancreatectomy肾kidney nephro- renal/nephric nephritis / nephropathy / nephrology2.与人体系统、器官有关的前(后)缀名称通用名前(后)缀示例血blood hemo-/hemato hematology/hemoglobin/hematoma血管vessel vaso- vasopressor/cardiovasology/verebrovascular静脉vein veno- venography/intravenous/venoconstriction动脉artery arterio- arteriology/arteriole/arteriosclerosis肌muscle myo- mycology/myositis/myocarditis髓marrow myel-/myelo- myelocyte/myelitis/myeloma神经nerve neur-/neyro- neurology/neuritis/neuron细胞cell cyto-/-cyte cytology/cytoma/leukocyte尿urine uro-/ur- urology/urosurgery/urogenital体body somato-/some somatology/somatopsychic/chromosome3.与数字有关的前缀数字前缀示例一(单)mono-/uni- monomer/monoclone/carbon monoxide/unidirectional二bi-/di- bilateral/biphasiccarbon dioxide/dipeptide三tri- trilateral/triphasic/trigeminal nerve四tetra- tetramer/tetracycline/tetraplegia五penta- pentagon/pentachromic/pentachloride六hexa- hexachromic/benzene hexachloride(666)/hexacycliccompiund七hepta- heptachromic/heptaploid/heptavalent八octa- octahedral/octal system九nona- nonapeptide/nonagon十deca- decade/decagram/decaliter注:十位数的表示一般为:个位数前缀+deca,如:hexadecanol(十六烷醇),tetradecapeptide gastrin(十四肽胃泌素),octadecanoic acid(十八烷酸)4.颜色及与颜色有关的前缀颜色通用名前缀示例色color chrom-/chromo- chromosome/chromatin/chromatometer红red erythro- erythrocyte/erythrocyturia/erythrometer白white leuko- leukocyte/leukemia/leukocytuira黑black melano- melena/melanoma/melanoderma黄yellow xantho- xanthopsin/xanthosis/xanthoma蓝blue cyan-/cyano cyanosis/cyanopsia/cyanemia紫violet/purple绿green棕brown brown mixture / brown ring橙orange Victoria orange / ethyl orange / orange G粉红pink oink frothy sputum绯红crimson青铜bronzed bronzed diabetes注:有些病名的“蓝”“紫”“青”为同义,其前缀都为“cyano-”.5.与疾病和疾患有关的前(后)缀(1)含义前(后)缀形容词示例病patho- pathogen/pathology/pathogenesis/-pathy -pathic neuropathy/nephropathy/adenopathy病态-osis -otic neurosis/tuberculosis/schistosomiasis增多leukocytosis/erythrocytopenia/granulocytosis减少-penia -penic leukocytopenia/erythrocytopenia/granulocytopenia 无a-/an- atypical anuria/agranulocytopenia小/微-let droplet/platelet/leafletmicro- microscopy/microorganism/micronucleus大/巨macro- macroscopic macronucleus/macrophage-megaly splenomegaly/acromegaly/hepatomegaly复合/多poly- polyuria/polymer/polyopia全/泛pan- pancolectomy/panmyelosis/pandemic6.与疾病和疾患有关的前(后)缀(2)含义前(后)缀示例相反dis- disease/disorder/disability困难/障碍dys- dysfunction/dyspepsia/dyspnea不良mal- malfunction/malnutrition/malpractice炎症-itis appendicitis/bronchitis/arthritis瘤/块-oma lymphoma/adenoma/hematoma血症-emia leukemia/septisemia/bacteremia痛-algia/-algesia/alge-/algo- analgesia/hypoalgesia/algometer麻痹-plegia hemipleia/pamplegia/myoplegia流出-rrhea diarrhea/hypermenorrhea/rhinorrhea坏死-necrosis/necro-/necr- hepatonecrosis/myonecrosis/necrospermia结石litho-/-lith lithiasis/lithogenesis/cholelithes7.与方位有关的前缀含义通用词前缀示例上upper/superior pi-/supra- epidemic/epithelium/supracostal下lower/inferior infra-/sub- infracostal/subclavicular/subcutaneous前front/anterior/prior fore-/ante- forehead/anteroposterior/precirrhosis /pre-后back/posterior post-/retro- posthepatic/postprandial/retrocardiac内nner/internal in-/endo-/ento- inhalation/endoscopy/entocranial外outer/external ex-/exo- extract/excretion/exocardial间between inter- intermuscular/intercostal/intercourse旁/副on the side of para- parathyroid/paraprotein/pararenal周around peri- perioperative/pericarditis/peritoneum中心central centri-/centra- centrifugation/centralize/centronucleus /centro- 反/对opposite counter-/contra- counterpart/countershock/contraindication注:in vivo /in’vaivou/ 活体内; in vitro /in vaitrou/ 活体外或试管内;in situ /in’saitju:/ 原位8.与外科手术有关的前(后)缀含义前(后)缀示例切除-ectomy appendectomy/gastrectomy/splenectomy切开-tomy tracheotomy/hysterotomy/craniotomy切(割)-tome tracheotome/thoracotome吻合-stomy duodenoenterostomy/gastroesophagostomy成形术-plasty tracheoplasty/osteoplasty/myoplasty整(矫)形ortho- orthopedics/orthopod/orthotherapy造影-graphy angiography/nephrography/phlebography经…trans- transdominal/translateral/transurethral注:ortho-也是“正”“原”的前缀,如:ortho-acid(正酸)-graphy为方法,如:electrocardigraphy 心电图检查术;graph为仪器,如:electrocardigraph心电图机;gram为图象,文字,如:electrocardiogram心电图记录。