●房屋各部分Parts of house 墙壁wall 花岗岩granite屋面roof 承重墙bearing wall 水磨石terrazzo 屋脊ridge 隔间partition 砌块masonry坡屋顶pitched roof 空心墙cavity wall 混凝土concrete单坡屋顶pent roof, lean-to roof 防火隔断(分区) compartmentation 预制混凝土pre-cast concrete 人字屋顶gable roof 剪力墙shear panel 钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete 四坡顶hipped roof 墙裙wainscot 钢筋steel reinforcement 屋面排水沟valley 窗间墙pier 水泥cement卷材防水屋面membrane roof 幕墙curtain wall 抹灰,灰泥plaster, stucco 找平层screed-coat 电梯elevator, lift 熟石灰hydrate of lime, slaked-lime 防水层damp-proof course 自动扶梯escalator 砂浆mortar泛水flashing 地板,楼面floor 抹灰层floated coat屋顶层garret 夹层楼面entresol,mezzanine 饰面finish阁楼penthouse, loft, attic 楼座balcony 木砖grounds, timber brick 天台roof-deck 楼板slab 石膏gypsum晒台drying stage 天花板ceiling 石膏板plaster slab组合烟囱chimney stack 壁炉andiron,fireplace,grate 夹胶玻璃plyglass屋檐eave 地下室basement 胶合板plywood, clip-board 屋面排水roofing drainage 防火fire-cut 脚手架scaffolding 檐沟,明沟gutter 防火门fire door 悬臂cantilever水落管down-pipe, downspout 耐热涂料heat-resisting paints 叠涩,牛腿corbel雨棚canopy, awning 绝热heat insulation 遮阳sun shading柱廊colonnade 门槛head-rail, sill●制图与构图用语走廊corridor 柱子column,post,pillar 草图sketch, draft中庭atrium 柱头column cap, head 图纸drawing山墙gable 斜撑knee brace 施工图working drawings女儿墙parapet 悬索catenary 工程project山花pediment 梁beam 方案plan隅石砌quoins 基础梁grade beam 总图grid阳台balcony, veranda 钢板梁plate girder 总平面site 阳台栏杆balustrade 工字梁I-beam 平面floor阳台栏杆柱baluster, banister 过梁lintel, lintol, head 立面elevation平台terrace 椽子purlin 正立面facade台阶steps 基础foundation 剖面section梯子ladder 碎石垫层hard core 详图detail 梯级step 混凝土地基concrete foundation 门厅上部upper foyer楼梯staircase(=step) 基座、柱础pedestal 比例尺scale= 楼梯踏步平板tread 独立基础isolated footing 透视图,表现图rendering 楼梯踏步竖板riser 放大基础spreading footing 透视perspective 楼梯休息平台landing 条形基础strip footing 轴测isometric perspective直角转弯平台quarter-space landing 梯宽run of stair 筏式基础mat foundation浮筏基础floating foundationAxonometric projection轴线axis建筑面积floor area, architecture area 梯高rise of stair 沉箱基础caisson相对标高relative elevation/level 楼梯扶手rail, railing 化粪池cesspool, septic tank 层高,净空headroom, headway 回转梯corkscrew staircase,caracole 伸缩缝expansion joint室内interior 踏步突沿nosing 冷桥thermal bridge室外exterior 窗子window 散水wash, apron 室内装修interior decoration 百叶窗blinds, louvers 披水板weathering-board 装饰ornament 旋转窗balance window 桁架truss广场square, plaza, public square 平开窗,窗叶casement 组合桁架composite truss 流线circulation 窗扇sash 框架framework中旋窗awning window 模板formwork 解构deconstruction 空间space, spatial 上下推拉窗double-hung window 拱券arch比例proportion 屋顶通气窗clerestory 穹顶dome门窗亮子transom窗框window frame 窗台sill,cill采光顶sunroof天窗sunlight老虎窗dormer-window 通风窗ventlight 平拱flat arch筒拱vault, vaulted roof半圆穹顶concha瓦shingle, tile砖brick瓷砖ceramic tile玻璃砖glass blocks统一unity均衡balance协调harmony尺度scale韵律rhythm风格style功能function关系relationship 落地窗French window 大理石marble1●房屋House 服务入口service entry ●冷暖气Cooling and heating高层建筑high-rise building 换鞋处mud room 电风扇electric fan社区housing complex 游艺室games room 煤气暖炉gas heater (stove)家舍house 活动室activities room 石油暖炉kerosene heater(=stove) 茅舍cottage 音乐室music alcove 电暖炉electric heater(=stove) 平房one-story house,bungalow,工人房maid bedroom 暖气片panel heating plain-house 台球室billiards room 散热器radiator二楼two-story house温室greenhouse 冷气机air cooler 公寓(建筑) apartment house●家具Furniture 空调机air-conditioner 公寓(房间) apartment(flat)(英)方桌square table 中央暖气central heating(system) 别墅villa圆桌round table 局部暖气space heating花园洋房garden house长方桌rectangle table●几何名词寄宿舍dormitory( 美)伸缩桌extension table 直线line 供膳出租房间board and lodging小桌side table 曲线curve出租房间room for rent( 美)凳子stool 圆弧arc 乡村旅舍country inn有肘的椅子armchair 圆circle 供膳寄宿舍boardinghouse摇椅,安乐椅rocking chair 椭圆ellipse 大厦mansions, edifice藤椅rattan chair 三角形triangle大楼building塑料椅plastic chair 正方形square 预制装配式房屋pre-fabricate house帆布椅deck chair 矩形rectangle 小木屋shack折椅folding chair 多边形polygon 一个单元one unit沙发sofa 螺旋线spiral 车库garage长椅couch 平行六面体parallelepiped 报告厅auditorium, lecture hall桌子,餐桌table 球体sphere 多功能厅multi-use hall玻璃桌子glass table 半球hemisphere阅览室browsing room, reading room塑料桌子acrylic table●相关专业名称茶室refreshment room木制饭桌wooden-table 结构structure 操作间cab, utility room●庭院Yard 电气electric work ●居住Dwelling家宅院messuage 给排水plumbing 套房suit门廊porch, covered porch 暖通HVAC,主人套房master suit 门厅,前厅lobby 敞廊loggia前院front yard( 美);forecourtHeating/Ventilation/Air Condition城市规划city planning大厅hall, main hall 中院(英) court yard●其他过厅gallery后院back-yard(美) GRC 玻璃纤维增强复合材料起居间living RM,family RM (Glass-fiber Reinforced Composite)侧院quiet yard聚会厅gathering RM,keeping RM PVC 聚氯乙烯小庭院garth休息厅lounge, sitting RM客厅parlor衣帽间cloakroom更衣、衣橱间walk-in-closet, W.I.C. 厨房kitchen餐厅dinning room早餐厅nook, breakfast room 食品、餐具间pantry, butlery浴室,洗手间bathroom盥洗室toilet room卫生间water closet,W.C.前室,门厅foyer寝室,卧房bedroom主人房master bedroom书斋,书房study, library工作室,画室studio私室,书斋den化妆室boudoir, dressing RM ,powder RM婴儿室nursery客房guestroom壁厨closet, ambry洗衣间laundry room地窖cellar储藏室storage 天井patio, patios, hypaethral花园garden树篱hedge围场enclosure花架arbor bower草坪lawn花坛flowerbed灌木bush, brush撒水器sprinkler假山rockery亭子,阁楼pavillion小径path车道driveway游泳池pool围墙fence●前门Front door会发谐音钟声的门door chime警报器buzzer门铃doorbell门环doorknocker窥孔peephole门把knob门柱doorjamb锁眼keyhole转门swinging door建构tectonic风格style古典主义Classicalism哥特复兴式Gothic Revival巴洛克风格Baroque洛可可Rococo文艺复兴Renaissance帕拉迪奥风格Palladian新艺术运动Art Nouveau理性主义Rationalism折衷主义Eclecticism粗野主义Brutalism风格主义Mannerism构成主义Constructivism国际主义风格International Style功能主义Functionalism表现主义Expressionism现代主义Modernism新古典主义Neo-Classicism可持续建筑Sustainable Architecture健身房exercise RM折门fold-away (accordion) door2。
initial data 原始数据
initial design 原设计
initial drying shrinkage 原始干缩
initial investment 初期投资
initial prestress 初预应力
initial rate of absorption 吸收初速率
infrared radiation 红外辐射
infrared radiator 红外线辐射器
infrared ray curing 红外线养护
infrared rays 红外线
infrastructure 下部结构
ingredient 组成部分
ingredients of concrete 混凝土成分
induced draft 诱导通风
induced draft fan 排气式通风机
induction air conditioning system 吸气式空气第系统
induction flowmeter 感应量计
induction furnace 感应电炉
induction welding 感应焊接
inspection cap 检查口盖
inspection certificate 技术检查报告
inspection chamber 检查人孔
inspection cock 检查阀
inspection cover 检查盖
inspection door 检查口
inspection eye 检查孔
improved land 改良地
improved wood 改良木材
【导语】以下是⽆忧考整理的建筑英⽂专业词汇⼤全,⼀起来看看吧!!a. DESIGN BASIS 设计依据b. DESIGN STAGE 设计阶段c. CLIMATE CONDITION ⽓象条件d. GENERAL ROOM NAME 常⽤房间名称e. ROOFING & CEILING 屋⾯及天棚f. WALL(CLADDING) 墙体(外墙板)g. FLOOR & TRENCH 地⾯及地沟h. DOORS 、GLASS、WINDOWS & IRONMONGERY(HARDWARE)门、玻璃、窗及五⾦件 I. STAIRCASE、LANDING & LIFT(ELEVATOR)楼梯、休息平台及电梯 j. BUILDING MATERIAL WORDS AND PHRASES 建筑材料词汇及短语【 Bricks and Tiles 砖和⽡】【Lime, Sand and Stone 灰、砂和⽯】【Cement, Mortar and Concrete ⽔泥、砂浆和混凝⼟】【Facing And Plastering Materials 饰⾯及粉刷材料】【Asphalt (Bitumen) and Asbestos 沥青和⽯棉】【Timber ⽊材】【Metallic Materials ⾦属材料】【Non-Ferrous Metal 有⾊⾦属】【Anti-Corrosion Materials 防腐蚀材料】【Building Hardware 建筑五⾦】【Paint 油漆】 k. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TERMS 其它建筑术语【Discipline 专业】【Conventional Terms ⼀般通⽤名词】【Architectural Physics 建筑物理】【Name Of Professional role 职务名称】【Drafting 制图】a. DESIGN BASIS 设计依据计划建议书 planning proposals 设计任务书 design order 标准规范standards and codes 条件图 information drawing 设计基础资料 basic data for design ⼯艺流程图 process flowchart ⼯程地质资料 engineering geological data 原始资料 original data 设计进度 schedule of designb. STAGE OF DESIGN 设计阶段⽅案 scheme, draft 草图 sketch 会谈纪要summary of discussion 谈判 negotiation 可⾏性研究 feasibility study 初步设计preliminary design 基础设计 basic design 详细设计 detail design 询价图 enquiry drawing 施⼯图 working drawing, construction drawing 竣⼯图 as built drawingc. CLIMATE CONDITION ⽓象条件⽇照 sunshine 风玫瑰 wind rose 主导风向 prevailing wind direction (平均)风速 maximum (mean) wind velocity 风荷载 wind load (平均)降⾬量 maximum (mean) rainfall 雷击及闪电 thunder and lightning 飓风 hurricane 台风 typhoon 旋风 cyclone 降⾬强度rainfall intensity 年降⾬量 annual rainfall 湿球温度 wet bulb temperature ⼲球温度 dry bulb temperature 冰冻期 frost period 冰冻线 frost line 冰冻区 frost zone 室外计算温度 calculating outdoor temperature 采暖地区 region with heating provision 不采暖地区 region without heating provision 绝对⼤⽓压 absolute atmospheric pressure 相对湿度 relative humidity d. GENERAL ROOM NAME 常⽤房间名称办公室 office 服务⽤房 service room 换班室 shift room 休息室 rest room (break room) 起居室 living room 浴室 bathroom 淋浴间 shower 更⾐室 locker room 厕所 lavatory 门厅 lobby 诊室 clinic ⼯作间 workshop 电⽓开关室 switchroom ⾛廊 corridor 档案室 archive 电梯机房 lift motor room 车库 garage 清洁间 cleaning room 会议室(正式) conference room 会议室 meeting room ⾐柜间 ward robe 暖风间 H.V.A.C room 饭店 restaurant 餐厅 canteen, dining room 厨房 kitchen ⼊⼝ entrance 接待处reception area 会计室 accountant room 秘书室 secretary room 电⽓室 electrical room 控制室 control room ⼯长室 foreman office 开关柜室 switch gear 前室 antecabinet (Ante.) ⽣产区 production area 马达控制中⼼ Mcc 多功能⽤房 utility room 化验室 laboratory room 经理室 manager room 披屋(阁楼) penthouse 警卫室 guard housee. ROOFING AND CEILING 屋⾯及天棚⼥⼉墙 parapet ⾬蓬 canopy 屋脊 roof ridge 坡度 slope 坡跨⽐ pitch 分⽔线 water-shed ⼆毡三油 2 layers of felt & 3 coats of bitumastic 附加油毡⼀层 extra ply of felt 檐⼝ eave 挑檐 overhanging eave 檐沟 eave gutter 平屋⾯ flat roof 坡屋⾯ pitched roof ⾬⽔管 downspout, rain water pipe)(R.W.P) 汇⽔⾯积 catchment area 泛⽔ flashing 内排⽔ interior drainage 外排⽔exterior drainage 滴⽔ drip 屋⾯排⽔ roof drainage 找平层 leveling course 卷材屋⾯ built-up roofing 天棚 ceiling 檩条 purlin 屋⾯板 roofing board 天花板 ceiling board 防⽔层 water-proof course 检查孔 inspection hole ⼈孔 manhole 吊顶 suspended ceiling, false ceiling 檐板(窗帘盒) cornicef. WALL (CLADDING) 墙体(外墙板)砖墙 brick wall 砌块墙 block wall 清⽔砖墙 brick wall without plastering 抹灰墙 rendered wall ⽯膏板墙 gypsum board, plaster board 空⼼砖墙 hollow brick wall 承重墙 bearing wall ⾮承重墙 non-bearing wall 纵墙 longitudinal wall 横墙 transverse wall 外墙 external (exterior) wall 内墙 internal (interior) wall 填充墙 filler wall 防⽕墙 fire wall 窗间墙 wall between window 空⼼墙cavity wall 压顶 coping 圈梁 gird, girt, girth 玻璃隔断 glazed wall 防潮层 damp-proof course (D.P.C) 遮阳板 sunshade 阳台balcony 伸缩缝 expansion joint 沉降缝 settlement joint 抗震缝 seismic joint 复合夹⼼板 sandwich board 压型单板 corrugated single steel plate 外墙板 cladding panel 复合板 composite panel 轻质隔断 light-weight partition ⽜腿 bracket 砖烟囱 brick chimney 勒脚(基座) plinthg. FLOOR AND TRENCH 地⾯及地沟地坪 grade 地⾯和楼⾯ ground and floor 素⼟夯实 rammed earth 炉渣夯实 tamped cinder 填⼟ filled earth 回填⼟夯实 tamped backfill 垫层 bedding course, blinding ⾯层 covering, finish 结合层 bonding (binding) course 找平层 leveling course 素⽔泥浆结合层 neat cement binding course 混凝⼟地⾯ concrete floor ⽔泥地⾯ cement floor 机器磨平混凝⼟地⾯ machine trowelled concrete floor ⽔磨⽯地⾯ terrazzo flooring 马赛克地⾯ mosaic flooring 瓷砖地⾯ ceramic tile flooring 油地毡地⾯ linoleum flooring 预制⽔磨⽯地⾯ precast terrazzo flooring 硬⽊花地⾯ hard-wood parquet flooring 搁栅 joist 硬⽊⽑地⾯ hard-wood rough flooring 企⼝板地⾯tongued and grooved flooring 防酸地⾯ acid-resistant floor 钢筋混凝⼟楼板 reinforced concrete slab (R.C Slab) ⼄烯基地⾯ vinyl flooring ⽔磨⽯嵌条 divider strip for terrazzo 地⾯做2%坡 floor with 2% slope 集⽔沟 gully 集⽔⼝ gulley 排⽔沟 drainage trench 沟盖板 trench cover 活动盖板 removable cover plate 集⽔坑 sump pit 孔翻边 hole up stand 电缆沟 cable trenchh. DOORS,GLASS,WINDOWS & IRONMONGERY(HARDWARE)门、玻璃、窗及五⾦件⽊ (钢)门 wooden (steel) door 镶板门 panelled door 夹板门 plywood door 铝合⾦门 aluminum alloy door 卷帘门 roller shutter door 弹簧门 swing door 推拉门 sliding door 平开门 side-hung door 折叠门 folding door 旋转门 revolving door 玻璃门 glazed door 密闭门 air-Tight door 保温门 thermal insulating door 镀锌铁丝门 galvanized steel wire mesh door 防⽕门 fire door (⼤门上的)⼩门 wicket 门框 door frame 门扇 door leaf 门洞 door opening 结构开洞 structural opening 单扇门 single door 双扇门double door 疏散门 emergency door 纱门 screen door 门槛 door sill 门过梁 door lintel 上冒头 top rail 下冒头 bottom rail 门边⽊ stile 门樘侧料 side jumb 槽⼝ notch ⽊窗 wooden window 钢窗 steel window 铝合⾦窗 aluminum alloy window 百叶窗 (通风为主) sun-bind, louver (louver, shutter, blind) 塑钢窗 plastic steel window 空腹钢窗 hollow steel window 固定窗 fixed window 平开窗 side-hung window 推拉窗 sliding window ⽓窗 transom 上悬窗 top-hung window 中悬窗 center-pivoted window 下悬窗 hopper window 活动百叶窗 adjustable louver 天窗 skylight ⽼虎窗 dormer window 密封双层玻璃 sealed double glazing 钢筋混凝⼟过梁 reinforced concrete lintel 钢筋砖过梁 reinforced brick lintel 窗扇 casement sash 窗台 window sill 窗台板 window board 窗中梃 mullion 窗横⽊ mutin 窗边⽊ stile 压缝条 cover mould 窗帘盒 curtain box 合页(铰链) hinge (butts) 转轴 pivot 长脚铰链 parliament hinge 闭门器 door closer 地弹簧 floor closer 插销 bolt 门锁 door lock 拉⼿ pull 链条chain 门钩 door hanger 碰球 ball latch 窗钩 window catch 暗插销 insert bolt 电动开关器 electric opener 平板玻璃 plate glass 夹丝玻璃 wire glass 透明玻璃 clear glass ⽑玻璃(磨砂玻璃) ground glass (frosted glass) 防弹玻璃 bullet-proof glass ⽯英玻璃quartz glass 吸热玻璃 heat absorbing glass 磨光玻璃 polished glass 着⾊玻璃 pigmented glass 玻璃⽡ glass tile 玻璃砖glass block 有机玻璃 organic glassI. STAIRCASE, LANDING & LIFT (ELEVATOR) 楼梯、休息平台及电梯楼梯 stair 楼梯间 staircase 疏散梯 emergency stair 旋转梯 spiral stair (circular stair) 吊车梯 crane ladder 直爬梯 vertical ladder 踏步 step 扇形踏步 winder (wheel step) 踏步板 tread 档步板 riser 踏步宽度 tread width 防滑条 non-slip insert (strips)栏杆 railing (balustrade) 平台栏杆 platform railing 吊装孔栏杆 railing around mounting hole 扶⼿ handrail 梯段⾼度 height of flight 防护梯笼 protecting cage (safety cage) 平台 landing (platform) 操作平台 operating platform 装卸平台 platform for loading & unloading 楼梯平台 stair landing 客梯 passenger lift 货梯 goods lift 客/货两⽤梯 goods/passenger lift 液压电梯hydraulic lift ⾃动扶梯 escalator 观光电梯 observation elevator 电梯机房 lift mortar room 电梯坑 lift pit 电梯井道 lift shaftj. BUILDING MATERIAL WORDS AND PHRASES 建筑材料词汇及短语Bricks and Tiles 砖和⽡红砖 red brick 粘⼟砖 clay brick 瓷砖 glazed brick (ceramic tile) 防⽕砖 fire brick 空⼼砖 hollow brick ⾯砖 facing brick 地板砖 flooring tile 缸砖 clinkery brick 马赛克 mosaic 陶粒混凝⼟ ceramsite concrete 琉璃⽡ glazed tile 脊⽡ridge tile ⽯棉⽡ asbestos tile (shingle) 波形⽯棉⽔泥⽡ corrugated asbestos cement sheet Lime, Sand and Stone 灰、砂和⽯⽯膏 gypsum ⼤理⽯ marble 汉⽩⽟ white marble 花岗岩 granite 碎⽯ crushed stone ⽑⽯ rubble 蛭⽯ vermiculite 珍珠岩pearlite ⽔磨⽯ terrazzo 卵⽯ cobble 砾⽯ gravel 粗砂 course sand 中砂 medium sand 细砂 fine sand Cement, Mortar and Concrete ⽔泥、砂浆和混凝⼟波特兰⽔泥(普通硅酸盐⽔泥) Portland cement 硅酸盐⽔泥 silicate cement ⽕⼭灰⽔泥pozzolana cement ⽩⽔泥 white cement ⽔泥砂浆 cement mortar ⽯灰砂浆 lime mortar ⽔泥⽯灰砂浆(混合砂浆) cement-lime mortar 保温砂浆 thermal mortar 防⽔砂浆 water-proof mortar 耐酸砂浆 acid-resistant mortar 耐碱砂浆 alkaline-resistant mortar 沥青砂浆 bituminous mortar 纸筋灰 paper strip mixed lime mortar ⿇⼑灰 hemp cut lime mortar 灰缝 mortar joint 素混凝⼟plain concrete 钢筋混凝⼟ reinforced concrete 轻质混凝⼟ lightweight concrete 细⽯混凝⼟ fine aggregate concrete 沥青混凝⼟ asphalt concrete 泡沫混凝⼟ foamed concrete 炉渣混凝⼟ cinder concrete Facing And Plastering Materials 饰⾯及粉刷材料⽔刷⽯ granitic plaster 斩假⽯ artificial stone 刷浆 lime wash 可赛银 casein ⼤⽩浆 white wash ⿇⼑灰打底 hemp cuts and lime as base 喷⼤⽩浆两道 sprayed twice with white wash 分格抹⽔泥砂浆 cement mortar plaster sectioned 板条抹灰 lath and plaster Asphalt(Bitumen) and Asbestos 沥青和⽯棉沥青卷材 asphalt felt 沥青填料 asphalt filler 沥青胶泥 asphalt grout 冷底⼦油 adhesive bitumen primer 沥青玛啼脂 asphaltic mastic 沥青⿇丝 bitumastic oakum ⽯棉板 asbestos sheet ⽯棉纤维asbestos fiber Timber ⽊材裂缝 crack 透裂 split 环裂 shake ⼲缩 shrinkage 翘曲 warping 原⽊ log 圆⽊ round timber ⽅⽊square timber 板材 plank ⽊条 batten 板条 lath ⽊板 board 红松 red pine ⽩松 white pine 落叶松 deciduous pine 云杉 spruce 柏⽊ cypress ⽩杨 white poplar 桦⽊ birch 冷杉 fir 栎⽊ oak 榴⽊ willow 榆⽊ elm 杉⽊ cedar 柚⽊ teak 樟⽊ camphor wood 防腐处理的⽊材 preservative-treated lumber 胶合板 plywood 三(五)合板 3(5)-plywood 企⼝板 tongued and grooved board 层夹板 laminated plank 胶合层夹⽊材 glue-laminated lumber 纤维板 fiber-board ⽵⼦ bamboo Metallic Materials ⾦属材料⿊⾊⾦属 ferrous metal 圆钢 steelbBar ⽅钢 square steel 扁钢 steel strap,flat steel 型钢 steel section (shape) 槽钢 channel ⾓钢angle steel 等边⾓钢 equal-leg angle 不等边⾓钢 unequal-leg angle ⼯字钢 I-beam 宽翼缘⼯字钢 wide flange I-beam 丁( 之)字钢 T-bar (Z-bar) 冷弯薄壁型钢 light gauge cold-formed steel shape 热轧 hot-rolled 冷轧 cold-rolled 冷拉 cold-drawn 冷压cold-pressed 合⾦钢 alloy steel 钛合⾦ titanium alloy 不锈钢 stainless steel ⽵节钢筋 corrugated steel bar 变形钢筋 deformed bar 光圆钢筋 plain round bar 钢板 steel plate 薄钢板 thin steel plate 低碳钢 low carbon steel 冷弯 cold bending 钢管 steel pipe (tube) ⽆缝钢管 seamless steel pipe 焊接钢管 welded steel pipe ⿊铁管 iron pipe 镀锌钢管 galvanized steel pipe 铸铁cast iron ⽣铁 pig iron 熟铁 wrought iron 镀锌铁⽪ galvanized steel sheet 镀锌铁丝 galvanized steel wire 钢丝 steel wire mesh 多孔⾦属 expanded metal 锰钢 managanese steel ⾼强度合⾦钢 high strength alloy steel Non-Ferrous Metal 有⾊⾦属⾦ gold ⽩⾦ platinum 铜 copper 黄铜 brass 青铜 bronze 银 silver 铝 aluminum 铅 lead Anti-Corrosion Materials 防腐蚀材料聚⼄烯 polythene, polyethylene 尼龙 nylon 聚氯⼄烯 PVC (polyvinyl chloride) 聚碳酸酯 polycarbonate 聚苯⼄烯 polystyrene 丙烯酸树酯 acrylic resin ⼄烯基酯 vinyl ester 橡胶内衬 rubber lining 氯丁橡胶 neoprene 沥青漆 bitumen paint 环氧树脂漆epoxy resin paint 氧化锌底漆 zinc oxide primer 防锈漆 anti-rust paint 耐酸漆 acid-resistant paint 耐碱漆 alkali-resistant paint ⽔玻璃 sodium silicate 树脂砂浆 resin-bonded mortar 环氧树脂 epoxy resin Building Hardware 建筑五⾦钉⼦ nails 螺纹屋⾯钉spiral-threaded roofing nail 环纹⽯膏板钉 annular-ring gypsum board nail 螺丝 screws 平头螺丝 flat-head screw 螺栓 bolt 普通螺栓 commercial bolt ⾼强螺栓 high strength bolt 预埋螺栓 insert bolt 胀锚螺栓 cinch bolt 垫⽚ washer Paint 油漆底漆primer 防锈底漆 rust-inhibitive primer 防腐漆 anti-corrosion paint 调和漆 mixed paint ⽆光漆 flat paint 透明漆 varnish 银粉漆aluminum paint 磁漆 enamel paint ⼲性油 drying oil 稀释剂 thinner 焦油 tar 沥青漆 asphalt paint 桐油 tung oil, Chinese wood oil 红丹 red lead 铅油 lead oil 腻⼦ puttyk. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TERMS 其它建筑术语。
建筑英语词汇大全一、建筑基础词汇1.1 建筑类型(Building Types)•Building: 建筑物•House: 房屋•Office Building: 办公楼•Skyscraper: 摩天大楼•Warehouse: 仓库•Hospital: 医院•School: 学校•Hotel: 酒店•Shopping Mall: 购物中心•Museum: 博物馆1.2 建筑组成(Building Components)•Foundation: 基础•Wall: 墙体•Roof: 屋顶•Floor: 地板•Staircase: 楼梯•Ceiling: 天花板•Window: 窗户•Door: 门•Column: 柱子•Beam: 横梁1.3 建筑结构(Building Structures)•Structure: 结构•Frame: 框架•Wall Structure: 墙体结构•Roof Structure: 屋顶结构•Reinforced Concrete: 钢筋混凝土•Steel Frame: 钢结构•Timber Frame: 木结构•Masonry: 砌体结构二、建筑施工词汇2.1 建筑施工工艺(Construction Techniques)•Excavation: 挖掘•Concrete Pouring: 浇筑混凝土•Formwork: 模板•Reinforcement: 钢筋•Masonry Work: 砌筑工作•Roofing: 屋面施工•Plumbing: 水暖工程•Electrical Wiring: 电气布线•Finishing Work: 室内装饰2.2 施工机械设备(Construction Machinery)•Excavator: 挖掘机•Bulldozer: 推土机•Crane: 起重机•Concrete Mixer: 混凝土搅拌机•Scaffolding: 脚手架•Jackhammer: 打桩机•Generator: 发电机•Welding Machine: 焊接机2.3 施工人员(Construction Personnel)•Engineer: 工程师•Architect: 建筑师•Foreman: 领班•Construction Worker: 建筑工人•Electrician: 电工•Plumber: 水电工•Carpenter: 木工•Painter: 油漆工三、建筑材料词汇3.1 建筑常用材料(Common Building Materials)•Concrete: 混凝土•Brick: 砖块•Steel: 钢材•Wood: 木材•Glass: 玻璃•Tiles: 瓷砖•Cement: 水泥•Asphalt: 沥青•Insulation: 绝缘材料3.2 建筑涂料材料(Building Coating Materials)•Paint: 油漆•Varnish: 清漆•Primer: 底漆•Solvent: 溶剂•Pigment: 颜料•Resin: 树脂•Sealer: 封孔剂•Epoxy: 环氧树脂3.3 建筑装饰材料(Building Decorative Materials)•Wallpaper: 壁纸•Tile: 瓷砖•Laminate: 层压板•Carpet: 地毯•Curtain: 窗帘•Ceiling Tile: 吊顶板•Molding: 装饰线条•Chandelier: 吊灯•Decoration: 装饰品四、建筑项目管理词汇4.1 建筑项目管理流程(Construction Project Management Process)•Planning: 规划•Design: 设计•Budgeting: 预算•Procurement: 采购•Construction: 施工•Quality Control: 质量控制•Project Schedule: 项目进度•Risk Management: 风险管理•Project Closeout: 项目收尾4.2 建筑项目管理人员(Construction Project Management Personnel)•Project Manager: 项目经理•Project Coordinator: 项目协调员•Quantity Surveyor: 工料测量员•Site Supervisor: 现场主管•Contract Administrator: 合同管理员•Safety Officer: 安全员•Quality Inspector: 质量检验员•Stakeholder: 利益相关者以上是一份简要的建筑英语词汇大全,涵盖了建筑基础、建筑施工、建筑材料和建筑项目管理等方面的词汇。
建筑工程专业 英语
建筑工程专业英语词汇(1)建筑工程专业英语词汇(2)建设,建筑,修建 to build, to construct 充水试验 filling water test 建筑学 architecture 错边量 unfitness of butt joint 修筑,建筑物 building 底圈 foundation ring 房子 house 真空度检漏vacuum degree leak test 摩天大楼 skyscraper 公寓楼 block of flats (美作:apartment 丁字焊缝 tee welding block) 渗透探伤 oil whiting test 纪念碑 monument 充水试验 filling water test 宫殿 palace 内侧角焊缝接头 interior angle welding line 庙宇 temple joint 皇宫,教堂basilica 基础沉降 foundation settlement 大教堂 cathedral 测量基准点 datum mark 教堂 church 稳定性试验 stability test 塔,塔楼tower 排气阀 outlet valve 十层办公大楼 ten-storey office block 角钢angle steel 柱 column 构件 component part 柱列 colonnade 机械损伤 mechanical damage 拱 arch 缩孔 shrinkage cavity 市政 town planning (美作:city planning) 折迭 enfoldment 营建许可证,建筑开工许可证 building 碳钢管 carbon steel tube permission 公称直径 nominal diameter 绿地 greenbelt 预埋件 embedded part 建筑物的三面图elevation 轴测图axonometric drawing 设计图plan 布置图arrangement diagram 比例尺scale 氧乙炔气割oxyacetylene gas cutting 预制 to prefabricate 低合金钢管 low alloy steel 挖土,掘土excavation 热影响区 heat affected area 基 foundations, base, subgrade修磨 polish 打地基 to lay the foundations 砂轮片 grinding wheel 砌好的砖列course of bricks 等离子plasma panel 脚手架scaffold,scaffolding 质量合格证书 certification of fitness 重皮 coldlap 原材料raw material 凹凸unevenness 底板bottom plate 缩口necking down 垫层 cushion 端面 head face 侧壁 sidewall 倾斜偏差 dip deviation 中心线 center line 外径 external diameter 条形基础 strip footing 砂轮 grinding wheel 附件 accessories 管件 pipe casting 型钢profile steel 单线图single line drawing 钢板steel plate 平齐parallel and level 熔渣 slag 两端 two terminals 飞溅 welding spatter满扣 buckle 定位焊 tacking 螺栓紧固 bolton 引弧 generating of arc 1周边 periphery 熄弧 quenching of arc 焊道 welding bead 附加应力 additional stress 坡口 beveled edges 同轴度 axiality 外观检查 visual inspection 平行度 parallelism 重皮 double-skin 随机stochastic 水平方向弧度radian in horizontal 允许偏差allowable variation direction 重直度verticality 成型 molding 水平度 levelness 直线度 straightness accuracy 隔离盲板 blind plate 焊缝角变形welding line angular 氩弧焊argon arc welding distortion 压盖螺栓 gland bolt 水平度 levelness 间距spacing 铅垂度 verticality 有效期 period of validity 翘曲变形 buckling deformation 担任 take charge of undertake 角尺angle square 焊条 welding rod 对接焊缝 butt weld 碳钢焊条carbon steel 母材 parent metal 焊丝 welding wire 法兰密封面 flange sealing surface 熔化焊 melting 夹层 interlayer 钢丝steel wire 表面锈蚀浓度surface corrosion 气体保护焊gas shielded arc welding concentration 烘干drying 挠曲变bending deformation 清洗ablution 超声波探伤ultrasonic testing/ ultrasonic 制度s ystem examination 焊接工艺welding procedure 压力容器 pressure vessel 相应 corresponding 预制下料prefabrication baiting 手工电弧焊manual electric arc welding 排版直径 set-type diameter 焊缝 welding line 手工钨极manual tungsten electrode 中幅板center plate 打底render 测量方法 measuring method 电源 power source 基准点 datum mark 交流 alternating current 跳焊 skip welding焊件 weldment 允许偏差 allowable variation 管壁厚度 pipe thickness 补强板 stiffening plate 对接焊缝 butt weld 开孔tapping 工件壁厚workpiece 对接接头banjo fixing butt jointing 飞溅物 splash 角钢 angle iron 沾污 smirch 安装基准圆 installation fundamental 油污 oil stain circle 细锉 smooth file 吊装立柱 hoisting upright column 铣刀 milling cutter 焊接钢管welded steel pipe 氧化膜oxide film 向心斜拉筋centripetal canting pull rope 脱脂处理 ungrease treatment] 带板 band plate 棉质纤维 cotton fibre 槽钢胀圈 channel steel expansion ring 丙酮 acetone 环口 collar extension 硫 sulfur 局部变形 local distortion 2焊剂 welding flux 环缝 circumferential weld 顶板 top plate钢板steel plate 拱顶vault 纵向焊缝longitudinal weld longitudinal seam 顶板加强肋stiffening rib 筒节shell ring 对接 butt joint 封头 end socket 胎具 clamping fixture 卷管reelpipe 卷板机plate bending rolls 强度试验strength test 中心支架center bearing bracket 起弧arc starting 椭圆度ovality 穿堂风 draught 等分线 bisectrix 熔合 fusion 搭接宽度 lap width 反面 reverse side 点焊 spot welding 整体 integral 搭接焊 overlap welding 封堵 block up 对称 symmetrically 焊口 weld bond 螺旋爬梯 cockle stairs 医用胶布 medical proof fabric 放料阀 baiting valve 高频 high frequency 液位计content gauge 焊炬 welding torch 芬兰维萨拉 Vailsla OY 美国美科"Met-coil, USA" 建筑工程专业英语词汇翻译(4) 集中式空调系统 centralized air conditioning system 综合分析判断 comprehensive analysis and 裙房 annex judgement 热源heat source 变压器transformer 平面位置的空间space of planimetric 抽芯loose core position 过道aisle 密封性能sealing performance 三相电容three phase capacitance 机房machine room 节点 timing 芯棒 core rod 专业 "profession or discipline 都可以,要都市规划与土地开发Urban g and Land 根据上下文" Development 连体法兰 coupling flange 社区开发及工业区开发垂直井笼vertical well cage Community Development and Industry Park 变风量variable air rateDevelopment 施工面展开 construction unfolds 开发许可申请Development Permit 违约行为 noncompliance 土地使用变更计划 Land Use Rezoning Plan 合同交底- contract presentation 主要计划及细部计划Master Plan and Detail 管理承包商Management Contractor Plan party 都市计划更新计划 Urban Renewal Plan 工程量work amount 都市设施Urban Design 实施的形象进度progress of 建筑设施Architecture Design implementation 大地工程 Geotechnical Engineering 完工资料as-built documentation 工址调查 Site Investigation 文整 clear-up 现地试验与室内试验In-Situ and Laboratory 审核review Test 汽车式起重机Autocrane 基础工程Foundation Design 深化图纸 deepen drawing 3深开挖工程及建物保护Deep Excavation and 设备配置计划equipment furnishment plan Building Protection 结构预埋配合阶段Structure 新生地及软弱地层改良Reclamation and Soft pre-embedment assistance Ground Improvement stage 山坡地开发与水土保持Slope land 精装修阶段Fine fitment stage Development, Soil and Water Conservation 工程施工阶段Construction stage 潜盾隧道与岩石隧道Shield Tunnel and Rock 工程竣工阶段 Completion stage Tunnel 台钻 Bench drill 大地工程施工顾问Geotechnical Construction 冲击钻Churn drill Consultant 手电钻 Electric portable drill 土壤材料试验 Soil andMaterial 砂轮切割机Abrasive cutting off machine 结构工程Structural Engineering 角钢卷圆机 Angle iron rolling machine 各类钢筋混凝土、预力混凝土、钢结构及钢管道切断器Pipe cutting machine 骨钢筋混凝土结构 Structures of R.C., 铜管调直机 Copper pipe straightening Prestressed Concrete, Steel, and SRC machine 桥梁、高层建筑、地下结构物、隧道、深开管道压槽机Book joint setting machine 挖挡土结构Bridges, High-Rise Buildings, for pipes Underground Structures, Tunnels, Retaining 管道压槽机Book joint setting machine Structures for Deep Excavations for pipes 桥梁安全检测、评估及维修补强Bridge 角向磨光机 Angle polishing machine Inspection, Assessment, and Rehabilitation 电动套丝机 Electric threading machine 钢结构细部设计及制造图Steel Structural 电动卷扬机Electric winch Detail Design and Shop Drawings 电动试压泵Motor-driven pressure test 厂房工程 Industrial Plant pump 工业厂房-石化工厂、钢厂、电厂、气体厂、手动试压泵 Manual pressure test pump科技工业厂房、一般性厂房Industrial 阀门试压机Valve pressure test device 阀门试压机Valve pressure test device Plants--Petroleum and Chemical, Steel, Power, TDC(F)风管加工流水线TDC(F)air Gas, High-Technical and General Plants ductwork fabrication 环保设施工厂-垃圾焚化厂、垃圾掩埋场、污stream line 水处理厂及相关管线Environment Protecting等离子切割机 Plasma cutting machine Plants--Incineration Plants, Garbage Disposal TDC(F)法兰条成型机 TDC(F) flange Plants, Waste Water Treatment Plants and strip shaping mill Piping System 勾码成型机 Forming machine for flange 设备支撑结构、管架、操作平台 Equipment clamp Supporting Structures, Pipe Racks, Operating TDC(F)风管加工成型机 TDC(F) duct Platforms fabrication shaping mill 设备基础 Equipment Foundations 多普勒超声波流量检测仪Doppler 厂区一般土木及公共设施General Civil ultrasonic flow detector Works and Utilities of Plants 温、湿度传感器"Temperature, humidity 运输工程Transportation Engineering senor" 运输规划 Transportation Planning 精密声级计Precision sound level meter 停车场设施工程规划、设计Engineering 风管漏风量测试仪、风室式漏风测试装 Planning& Design for Parking Facilities 置 "Duct air leakage 建筑交通维持计划 Traffic Control & tester, airchamber air leakage testing 4Management during Construction device" 风罩式风量测试仪 Air hood air rate 水利及港湾工程 Hydraulic and Harbor tester Engineering 微压计、毕托管、热球(电)风速仪营建管理Construction Management "Micromanometer , 估价及工程预算制作 Estimates and pitot tube, hot bulb(electrical) Engineering Budget Works anemoscope" 营建管理 Construction Management 潜水泵 Submerged pump 工程监造 Construction Supervision 电动弯管机 Electric pipe bender 施工计划 Construction Plan 铜管弯管机 Copper pipe bender 工程进度控管 Schedule Control during 液压弯管机Hydraulic pipe bender Construction 电动剪刀Electric clipper 施工规划 Construction Specifications 液压铆钉钳Hydraulic riveting clamp 环境工程Environmental Engineering 线槽电锯 Trunking electric saw 环境影响评估 Environment Impact 开孔器Tapper Assessment 电动空压机Electric air compressor 环境监测 Environmental Monitoring 液压千斤顶Hydraulic jack 地下水监测系统 Groundwater Monitoring 液压手推车Hydraulic trolley 污水处理厂Wastewater Treatment Plant 焊条烘干箱Welding rod drying box 污水下水道Sewage System 手拉葫芦Chain block 噪音振动防治Noise and Vibration 道(垫)木 Sleeper 垃圾焚化厂兴建工程 Waste Incinerator 转速表 Tachometer 废弃物处理系统工程 Waste Treatment & 电流钳型表 Clip-style ammeter Disposal 压力表 Pressure gauge 共同管道 Common Ducts 接地电阻测试仪 Earthing resistance 管道及附属设施之规划设计 Planning and testing device Design of Common Ducts Structures and 氧气表 Oxygen gauge 乙炔表Acetylene gauge Subsidiary Facilities 对讲机 Walkie talkie 经济效益分析 Economic and Efficiency 文件和资料 documents and information? Analysis 建设单位 Construction unit 财务评估Financial Evaluation 安装单位 Installation unitz 管理维护办法及组织订定Regulation for the 建筑工程专业英语词汇翻译(3) Management, Maintenance and Organization 送气air supply 电流衰减装置current attenuation 电力复合脂electric force compounded grease 气体延时保护装置time delay 电缆敷设cable laying 熄弧 quenching of arc 电缆槽架 cable channel 成型molding 主干线 trunk line 钢印代号 steel seal 弯头 angle fitting质量分析 quality analysis 剥落处 exfoliation 负责人 principal 银粉 aluminum powder 审批 examine and approve 支持点 supportpoint 补焊工艺 repair welding 拆装 disassembly and assembly 压缩机 compression pump 畅通 smooth 平焊法兰 welded flange 电压等级electric pressure 测试流程图test flow chart 通断实验onoff 5加固措施 reinforcement measure 终端头 terminals 校验 verify余度 remaining 升压 boost pressure 标记牌 notice plate 读数 offscale reading 表册 statistical forms 满刻度值 full-scale value 电缆桥架 cable testing bridge 盲板 blind plate 电机 electric machine压力表 pressure meter 相对湿度 relative humidity 强度 intensity杂物sundries 目测eye survey, visiual inspection 耐压试验withstand voltage test 半径radius 照明器具ligthing paraphernalia 公式 formula 铭牌 nameplate 管路 pipeline 验收规范acceptance specification 严密性leakproofness 接线wiresplice 导电膏 conductive paste 试运 test run 压接 compressionjoint 进线口 incoming line 地上连接 overground 带电 electrified 埋深 buried depth 盘车转子 jigger rotor 接地线 earth wire 二次回路 secondary circuit 说明 description 中心线 center line 分线盒junction box 触头contactor 接地装置earthing deivce 配电power distribution 交叉across 成套whole set 塑料保护管protection tube 楼板 floor slab 塑料带 plastic tape 备件 duplicate part, spare part 防腐处理 preservative treatment 包装 packing 接地极earthing pole 器材equipment 接地电阻测试earth resistance 导线 conducting wire 防雷接地 lightning protection 脱落 fall off 遵守 comply with 规范 specification 避雷网 lightning conduction 电器electrical appliance 引下线down lead 断路器line breaker 搭接焊overlap welding 机械联锁mechanical interlocking 避雷针 lightning rod 碰撞 collision 轻便 portable 镀锌制品zinc coating 断接卡breaking of contact 电阻resistance 配电装置 power distribution equipment 集中接地装置 centralized 串联 cascade connection 干线联接 main line 并列 paratactic 单独 solely 机组 machine set 6。
A-frame A型骨架A—truss A型构架abrasion 磨耗;磨蚀abrasive cut-off machine 磨切机abrasive grinding machine 磨机(火石机)abrasive particle 磨粒absorption 吸收abutment 桥台;拱座abutting end 邻接端acceleration 加速acceleration lane 加速车道acceleration pedal 加速器踏板accelerator 催凝剂;加速器;催化剂acceptance criteria 接受准则access 通路;通道access door 检修门;通道门access lane 进出路径access panel 检修门access point 入口处;出入通道处access ramp 入口坡道;斜通道access road 通路;通道access shaft 竖井通道access spiral loop 螺旋式回旋通道access staircase 通道楼梯access step 上落踏板;出入踏板access tunnel 隧道通道accessible roof 可到达的屋顶;有通道的屋顶accessory 附件;配件accident 事故;意外accidental collapse 意外坍塌accommodate 装设;容纳accredited private laboratory 认可私营实验室accumulator 储压器;蓄电池accuracy limit 准确度极限acetylene cylinder 乙炔气(风煤)樽acid plant 酸洗设备;酸洗机acid pump 酸液泵acid tank 酸液缸acoustic couplant 声耦合剂acoustic coupler 声耦合器acoustic lining 隔音板acoustic screen 隔声屏acrylic paint 丙烯漆料acrylic sheet 丙烯胶片(阿加力胶片)active corrosion 活性腐蚀active earth pressure 主动土压力active oxidation 活性氧化actual plot ratio 实际地积比率actuator 促动器;唧筒;激发器adapt 改装adaptor 适配器;适配接头(万能苏);转接器;接合器addition 增设;加建additional building works 增补建筑工程additional horizontal force 额外横向力additional plan 增补图则additional vent 加设通风口additive 添加剂adhesive 黏结剂;胶黏剂adhesive force 附力adit 入口;通路;坑道口adjacent construction 相邻建造物adjacent level 相邻水平adjacent site 相邻地盘adjacent street 相邻街道adjoining area 毗邻地区adjoining building 毗邻建筑物adjoining land 毗邻土地adjoining structure 毗邻构筑物adjustable 可调校adjuster 调节器adjustment 调校;调整admixture 掺合剂;外加剂advance directional sign 前置指路标志;方向预告标志advance earthworks 前期土方工程advance warning sign 前置警告标志advance works 前期工程aeration 灌气aeration tank 曝气池aerial 天线aerial rapid transit system 架空快速运输系统aerial ropeway 架空缆车系统aerial view 鸟瞰图aerofoil 翼型aerosol 悬浮微粒;喷雾affix 贴附aftercooler 后冷却器afterfilter 后过滤器agent 作用剂;代理人aggregate 骨料;集料;碎石aggregate area 总面积aggregate grading 骨料级配aggregate superficial area 表面总面积aggregate usable floor space 总实用楼面空间agitator 搅拌器;搅动机air bleeding 放气air blower 鼓风机air brake 气压制动器air circuit 空气回路air circuit breaker 空气断路器air cleaner 空气滤清器air compressor 空气压缩机air compressor governor 空气压缩机调压器air conditioning 空气调节air cooled chiller 风冷式冷冻机air cooler 空气冷却器air cooling system 空气冷却系统;风冷系统air coupling valve 空气联接阀air curtain fan 风帘风扇air cylinder 气缸;气筒air damper 风闸;气流调节器air distribution system 配气系统air distributor 空气分配器air dryer 空气干燥器air duct 通风管道;气槽air entrained cement 加气水泥;伴水泥air entraining agent 加气剂air exhaust 排气口air filter 空气滤器;风隔;隔尘网air filter chamber 空气过滤室air flowmeter 风量计;空气流量计air gap 气隙air grill 空气格栅air inlet 进风口;进气孔air inlet louver 进气百叶air inlet port 进气口air intake 进风口;进气孔;入气口air intake duct 进风槽air intake filter 进气过滤器air isolating cock 空气隔断旋塞air line breathing apparatus 气喉型呼吸器具air line strainer 进气管道隔滤器air outlet 出风口air outlet grille 空气出口栅格air particle 空气粒子air passage 风道air pipe/pipework 通气管;送气管air piston 空气活塞air pressure gauge 气压表air pressure switch 气压掣air pressurization system 空气加压系统air receiver 空气储存器air reservoir 储气缸air restrictor 空气节流器air shuttle valve 阻气阀air sprayer 喷涂器air spring 空气弹簧air strainer 空气隔滤器;空气滤网air supply outlet 供气出口air supply valve 供气阀air tank 空气箱air valve 进出气阀;放气阀air valve pit 进出气阀井;放气阀井air vent cock 通风管旋塞air ventilator 空气通风器air—operated damper 气动风闸airshaft 通风竖井airtight cover 气密盖airy dry varnish 风干清漆alarm 警报;警报器alarm bell 警钟alarm buzzer 警报器alga 水藻align 对准;调直;定线alignment (road)路线;线向(特指道路中线的位置与方向)alignment plan (road)路线平面图alkali—silica reaction 碱矽反应alkaline aggregate reaction 碱性集料反应alkaline pump 碱液泵alkaline tank 碱液缸alkalinity 碱度all—purpose road 混合车道;综合车道alley 巷allowable load 容许载重;容许荷载allowable stress 容许应力alloy 合金alloy steel bar 合金钢筋条alluvial deposit 冲积土层;冲积物alteration 更改;改建;改动alternating current (a。
1. building([ˈbɪldɪŋ],名词) - 建筑物;大楼。
- This is a very tall building.(这是一座非常高的大楼。
)2. architect([ˈɑːkɪtekt],名词) - 建筑师。
- The architect designed a beautiful house.(这位建筑师设计了一座漂亮的房子。
)3. structure([ˈstrʌktʃə(r)],名词/动词)- 名词:结构;构造。
例如:The structure of the bridge is very strong.(这座桥的结构非常坚固。
)- 动词:构造;组织。
例如:They structure the company in a new way.(他们以一种新的方式组建公司。
)4. foundation([faʊnˈdeɪʃn],名词) - 基础;地基;基金会。
- The foundation of the building is very deep.(这栋建筑物的地基很深。
)5. wall([wɔːl],名词) - 墙。
- There is a picture on the wall.(墙上有一幅画。
)6. floor([flɔː(r)],名词/动词)- 名词:地板;楼层。
例如:The floor is made of wood.(地板是木制的。
)I live on the fifth floor.(我住在五楼。
)- 动词:铺地板。
例如:They floor the room with tiles.(他们用瓷砖铺房间的地板。
)7. ceiling([ˈsiːlɪŋ],名词) - 天花板。
- There is a lamp on the ceiling.(天花板上有一盏灯。
)8. window([ˈwɪndəʊ],名词) - 窗户。
- Open the window, please.(请打开窗户。
建筑领域英语专业词汇汇总:建筑基础、施工与工程、建筑技术与设备、环境与可持续性1.建筑基础2.三通一平:Site preparation, including water supply, electricity supply,and road access3.土方工程:Earthwork, including excavation, filling, and leveling4.给排水工程:Water supply and drainage engineering, including pipes,pumps, and reservoirs5.施工与工程6.施工组织:Construction organization, including scheduling, resourceallocation, and management7.工程管理:Project management, including cost, time, and qualitycontrol8.质量与安全:Quality and safety, including inspection, testing, and riskmanagement9.建筑技术与设备10.建筑设计软件:Building design software, such as AutoCAD, Revit, andSketchUp11.数字化技术:Digital technology, including BIM (Building InformationModeling) and CAD12.智能设备:Intelligent devices, such as robots, sensors, and monitoringsystems13.环境与可持续性14.绿色建筑:Green building, including energy-efficient design and useof sustainable materials15.可持续性设计:Sustainable design, emphasizing reduction ofenvironmental impact and use of renewable resources16.海绵城市:Sponge city, a urban planning concept that manages waterresources effectively。
以下是一些必备的土建工作英语词汇总结:1. 基础 Foundation2. 桩 Pile3. 混凝土 Concrete4. 钢筋 Reinforcement Steel5. 模板 Formwork6. 土方开挖 Earthwork Excavation7. 回填 Backfill8. 混凝土浇筑 Concrete Pouring9. 钢筋加工 Reinforcement Steel Fabrication10. 混凝土养护 Concrete Curing11. 混凝土试块 Concrete Sample Block12. 混凝土强度 Concrete Strength13. 钢筋连接 Steel Connection14. 混凝土表面处理 Concrete Surface Treatment15. 排水系统 Drainage System16. 砌筑 Masonry17. 抹灰 Plastering18. 石膏石膏 Plaster of Paris19. 瓷砖 Tile20. 油漆 Paint21. 木工 Carpentry22. 水电安装 Plumbing and Electrical Installation23. 通风系统 Ventilation System24. 消防系统 Fire Protection System25. 安全设施 Safety Facilities26. 验收 Acceptance Check27. 保修 Warranty28. 工程记录 Project Records29. 施工计划 Construction Plan30. 工程量清单 Bill of Quantities31. 工程预算 Project Budget32. 工程结算 Project Settlement33. 工程变更 Engineering Change Order (ECO)34. 工程延期 Extension of Time (EOT)35. 索赔 Claims36. 分包 Subcontracting37. 材料 Material38. 供应商 Supplier39. 施工机械 Construction Equipment40. 工作许可证 Work Permit41. 环境影响评估 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)42. 安全培训 Safety Training43. 安全演习 Safety Drill44. 施工图纸 Construction Drawings45. 技术规格 Technical Specifications (TS)46. 工程管理 Project Management (PM)47. 项目管理软件 Project Management Software (PMS)48. 工程进度监控 Project Progress Monitoring (PPM)49. 工程质量管理 Project Quality Management (PQM)50. 工程安全管理 Project Safety Management (PSM)51. 合同管理 Contract Administration (CA)52. 成本估算 Cost Estimation (CE)53. 工程变更指令 Engineering Change Directive (ECD)54. 工期延误索赔 Extension of Time Claim (ETC)55. 工程保险 Project Insurance (PI)56. 验收测试和演示 Acceptance Test and Demonstration (ATD)57. 项目后评估 Post-project Evaluation (PPE)58. 项目总结 Project Summary (PS)59. 项目移交 Project Handover (PH)60. 项目审计 Project Audit (PA)61. 项目团队 Project Team (PT)62. 项目经理 Project Manager (PM)63. 工料测量师 Quantity Surveyor (QS)64. 总承包商 General Contractor (GC)65. 分包商 Subcontractor (SC)66. 设计顾问 Design Consultant (DC)67. 承包商 Contractor (C)68. 发包人 Employer (E)69. 工料合同 Labour and Materials Contract (L&M)。
建筑英文大全1. 概述建筑是人类文明发展的重要组成部分,是人们居住、工作、学习和娱乐的场所。
2. 建筑材料•Concrete:混凝土•Steel:钢铁•Brick:砖•Wood:木材•Glass:玻璃•Ceramic:陶瓷•Stone:石材•Clay:黏土•Tile:瓷砖•Asphalt:沥青3. 建筑结构•Foundation:基础•Beam:梁•Column:柱•Wall:墙•Roof:屋顶•Floor:地板•Ceiling:天花板•Staircase:楼梯•Balcony:阳台•Elevator:电梯4. 建筑类型•Residential building:住宅建筑•Commercial building:商业建筑•Educational building:教育建筑•Government building:政府建筑•Industrial building:工业建筑•Hospital building:医院建筑•Sports facility:体育设施•Cultural facility:文化设施•Religious building:宗教建筑•Skyscraper:摩天大楼5. 建筑流程•Design:设计•Planning:规划•Construction:建设•Renovation:翻修•Demolition:拆除•Inspection:检查•Permit:许可证•Budget:预算•Project management:项目管理•Quality control:质量控制6. 结论本文档提供了一份建筑英文大全,包括建筑材料、建筑结构、建筑类型和建筑流程等方面的词汇。
o ring 圆形截面环oak 栎树oakum 麻絮obelisk 方尖碑object 对象object of construction production 工程项目oblique butt joint 斜对接oblique projection 斜投影oblique scarf 斜接榫oblique section 斜截面obscured glass 毛面玻璃observation 观测observation light 碍航物灯标observation of the work 操奏视observation point 观测点observational data 观测资料occupancy 居住occupancy load 收容能力;居住载荷occupancy rate 居住率occupant space requirements 居住空间标准occupants 居住者occupied zone 实占地域ocher 袅ochre 袅ocrate process 四氟化硅处理ocrated concrete 四氟化硅混凝土oder suppression 臭气排除odor 臭气odor control 四氟化硅处理odorimeter 气味计odour 臭气off center load 偏心荷重off formwork concreting 无模壳灌筑混凝土off grade size 不合格粒径off ground hauler 越野土运机off loading ramp 卸载斜坡道off peak electric heating 非峰期电供热off peak load 非峰值负载off peak period 非高峰时间off set joints 错缝off shore boring 海底钻探off shuttering concreting 无模壳灌筑混凝土off the site work 现场外工作office 机关office building 办公楼office furniture 办公室设备offset 突层offset bend 迂回管弯头offset yield strength 条件屈服强度offshore boring island 钻井平台offshore structures 海上结构物offstream storage 停运贮藏池ogee s形曲线ogee arch 葱形拱ogee curve s形曲线ohio cofferdam 俄亥俄围堰oil 油oil bath air filter 油浴空气过滤器oil buffer 液压缓冲器oil fired heater 烧油空气加热器oil fired heating system 烧油供热系统oil paint 油漆oil pipeline 油管oil stain 油蚀oil trap 集油器oil washed air cleaner 油浴空气过滤器oil well cement 油井水泥omnia concrete floor 咬封混凝土楼板omnia concrete plank 咬封混凝土板on job laboratory 工地实验室on off valve 双位阀on site connection 就地连接once through water supply system 单柳水系统ondol 炕one brick wall 单砖墙one centered arch 单心拱one coat work 单层粉刷one component material 单一性材料one degree system 单自由度系统one family dwelling 单户住宅one hand block 小型砌块one hand tile 小型砌块one hinged arch 单铰拱one off design 专用设计one off houses 临时房屋one pass aeration tank 单道曝气池one pipe circulation 单管式循环one pipe heating system 单管供热系统one pipe loop system 单管环路系统one pipe system 单管系统one room dwelling 单间住宅one roomed flat 单间公寓one side welding 单面焊one sided connection 单面连接one span two hinged frame 单跨度双铰接框架one storey house 单层房屋one way slab 单向配筋板one way street 单行道one way system 单向配筋方式one way valve 单向阀onramp 斜坡弯道opal glass 乳色玻璃opaque ceramic glazed tile 不透谜瓷釉瓷砖open air intake works 无压取水结构open air plant 露天装置open air water power plant 开启式水力发电站open boarding 开缝铺板法open box section 敞开箱形构造截面open caisson 沉井open caisson foundation 沉井基础open cornice 敞檐open cut tunneling 泌隧道工程open deck car park 开敞式停车建筑物open distribution 开启分送open ditch drainage 排水玫open drain 排水玫open drainage 排水玫open eaves 敞檐open expansion tank heating system 自由膨胀水箱式供热系统open floor 露瞄栅楼板open frame girder 空腹桁架梁open hood 开口式通气罩open joint 渺open mortise 开口榫眼open newel stair 露眯柱旋梯open pan mixer 敞口盘式混合料open parking structure 开敞式停车建筑物open pier construction 空架式突堤结构open piping 外露管道open pit 露天开采坑open plan 开敞布置open return steam heating system 直接蒸汽供热系统open riser stair 露盲步楼梯open roof 露幂顶open section 开口断面open sheathing 版面疏松的衬板open sheeting 版面疏松的衬板open slating 疏铺石板open space 空地open stairway 露氓梯open steam heating system 直接蒸汽供热系统open storage area 露天堆场open storage ground 露天堆场open storm drainage 露藐水排水沟open tendering 公开招标open territory 空旷地区open timber floor 露木楼板open timbering 版面疏松的衬板open traverse 开路导线open type exhaust canopy 开式排气雨棚open valley 屋面天沟open vent 开式通风口open web 空腹open web girder 空腹大梁open web steel joist 空腹钢铁托梁open well 露幂井open well stair 露幂井楼梯open wharf 透空式码头open wiring 眠布线opening 孔opening bridge 开合桥opening light 开敞式窗洞opening of bids 开表openwork jetty 透空式码头opera house 歌剧院operable partition 开闭式间壁operable transom 开敞式气窗operable wall 开闭式间壁operating floor 操专operation 操作operation drawing 加工图operation schedule 椎程序operational range 操锥围operational waste 操耗operator 操妆optical sag 视光垂度optical square 光学直角器optimal design 优化设计optimization 最优化optimum city size 最佳城市大小optimum condition 最佳条件optimum design 最佳设计opus latericium 嵌砖混凝土墙opus quadratum 方石筑墙or equal specification 被承认等同的技术条件orbit 轨道orchard garden 果园order 柱型式样order of technical assignment 技术任务指令orderly construction territory 有次序的工程地区ordinary concrete 普通混凝土ordinary construction 一般构造ordinary dense concrete 普通密实的混凝土ordinary lime mortar 普通灰浆ordinary portland cement 普通硅盐水泥ordinary red brick 普通红砖ordinary reinforced concrete 普通钢筋混凝土ordinary structural concrete 普通结构混凝土ordinate 纵坐标ordnance bench mark 水准基点organic binder 有机粘结剂organic content 有机质含量organic impurity 有机不洁物organic silt 有机质淤泥organic test 有机物试验organic wastes 有机废水organism of production 生产组织organization 机构oriel 凸窗oriental type park 东方式公园orientation of building 房屋定位orifice meter 孔极量计orifice tube test 坍落度筒测定origin of force 着力点original cross sectional area 起始横截面面积original drawing 原图ornament 装饰ornamental architecture 盛饰建筑ornamental concrete 装饰混凝土ornamental concrete finishing 装饰混凝土修整ornamental forest 风景林ornamental glass 装饰玻璃ornamental motif 装饰肘ornamental panelling 装饰镶板ornamental part 装饰配件orthogonal anisotropic plate 正交蛤异性板orthogonal projection 正投影orthography 正投影orthotropic plate 正交蛤异性板orthotropic structures 正交蛤异性结构oscillating machinery 振动机械oscillating screen 振动筛oscillation 振动oscillation conveyor 振荡式输送机osmose 渗透ossature 骨胳out port 外港outbuilding 附属房屋outdoor air 外伸架临时顶撑outdoor air inlet 外部空气outdoor exposure test 野外曝露试验outdoor furniture 户外七outdoor installation 户外装置outdoor paint 室外用油漆outdoor power station 开启式水力发电站outdoor powerhouse 开启式水力发电站outdoor temperature 室外温度outer court 外院outer door 外门outer fiber 外部纤维outer forces 外力outer harbor 外港outer lining 外门窗框outer slope 外侧坡度outer string 楼梯外侧小梁outer support 外支座outer wall 外墙outfall 排水口outfit 装置outflow channel 泄水渠outhouse 屋外厕所outlay of production 生产经费outlet box 引出箱outlet opening 排出口outlet tunnel 排水隧道outline 轮廓outline drawing 轮廓图outline of house 房屋轮廓outline specification 一般技术规格outmost fiber 外部纤维output data 输出数据outrigger 外伸架outrigger base 悬臂板outrigger scaffold 排出脚手架outrigger shore 外伸架临时顶撑outside air 外部空气outside air opening 外部空气通道outside architrave 外门窗框outside casing 外门窗框outside coating 外部涂刷outside column 外部柱outside corner moulding 角条outside door 外门outside film coefficient 外表面传热系数outside finish 外饰面outside foundation line 外部地基线outside glazing 外部装配玻璃outside scaffolding 外部脚手架outside temperature 室外温度outside wall 外墙outside window 外部窗outstreet 郊区outwork 野外椎oval arch 椭圆形拱oven 炉ovendry wood 烘干木材over dwelling 居住区过密over mortared concrete mix 多灰浆混凝土混合料overall coefficient of heat transfer 总传热系数overall depth of section 截面总高度overall dimensions 综合尺寸overall height 总高度overall length 总长overall size 总尺寸overbridge 天桥overburden 复盖层overburden excavator 剥土电铲overburden pressure 积土压力overburden stripping 覆盖层剥除overcrossing 上跨交叉overcrowded city 挤集型城市overcrowding 拥挤过度overdesign 超裕度设计结构overdeveloped city 过度发展的城市overdevelopment 地下水池的枯燥overdosage 超量配料overfall gap 溢水口overflow dam 溢劣overflow pipe 溢淋overflow stand 溢淋overground part 地上部分overhand work 从内墙砌砖overhang 悬突体overhaul 大修overhead crane 高架起重机overhead crane girder 桥式吊车梁overhead distribution 架空配电overhead door 升降门overhead heating system 上分式供热系统overhead illumination 天花板照明overhead line 架空线路overhead pipeline 架空管道overhead water storage tank 高架蓄水箱overhead welding 仰焊overhead wire 架空线路overhead work 高空工作overhung door 悬挂式推拉门overlap 重迭overlapping construction schedule 综合施工进度表overlay paper 混凝土覆盖纸overload 过载overload limiter 超载限制器overload protection 过载保护overlying ground 上面覆盖overpass 上跨桥overpass for pedestrians 高架人行道overpressure protection 超压防护oversailing course 挑出砖层oversanded mix 多砂混合料oversite concrete 地基混凝土板层overslabbing 混凝土板铺路overstressing 超限应力overstretching 超限应力overturning moment 倾覆力矩overvibration 过度振动owner 甲方owner architect agreement 所有人和建筑师合同owner contractor agreement 所有人和承包人合同owner's inspector 甲方检查员oxidation capacity 氧化能力oxidation column 氧化塔oxidation lagoon 氧化池oxidation pond 氧化池oxide 氧化物oxidized linseed oil 氧化亚麻油oxyacetylene cutting torch 氧快切割机oxychloride cement 氯氧水泥oxygen 氧oxygen deficit 缺氧oxygenator 氧合器ozonation 臭氧处理ozonator 臭氧化发生器ozone 臭氧ozone treatment 臭氧处理ozonized air 缺氧ozonizing chamber 臭氧化窒pack 束package dealer 总承包者packaged air conditioner 小型空气第器packaged boiler 移动式锅炉packaged building program 综合建筑计划packaged concrete 包装混凝土packed heat insulation 填充式绝热packed joint 堵塞接缝packing 填满packless valve 无填料阀pad 承梁垫石padding 涂底漆paddle 小闸门paddle aerator 叶轮式曝气器paddle loader 桨叶式装载机paddle mixer 桨叶式搅拌机padlock 挂锁padstone 承梁垫石pagoda 塔pail 水桶paint 颜料paint base 油漆打底paint blaster 涂料喷雾器paint brush 漆刷paint gun 喷漆枪paint ingredient 涂料成分paint kettle 油漆锅paint peeling 涂漆层剥皮paint pot 油漆锅paint roller 漆滚筒paint spray gun 喷涂枪paint spraying 喷漆paint spraying machine 喷漆机painter's hand tools 漆工手工具painting 涂油漆painting work 涂装工作pair of doors 双门palace 宫殿palatial architecture 宫殿式建筑pale 桩palette knife 但刀paling 栏栅palisade 栏栅pallet 但板palletized load 架装荷载pan 铰链孔pan floor 盘式楼板pan humidifier 盘式加湿器pan mixer 盘状拌和机pane 窗玻璃pane of glass 门墙玻璃块panel 镶板panel air system 嵌入式空气系统panel built house 预制墙板式房屋panel construction 壁板式构造panel cooler 板式冷却器panel cooling 嵌入式降温panel door 镶板门panel heating 板壁供热panel lighting 格式照明panel load 节点载荷panel node 节点panel point 节点panel radiator 嵌入式散热器panel shuttering 镶板式模壳panel strip 嵌条panel type house 预制墙板式房屋panel wall 幕墙panel work 镶板工作panelled ceiling 格子平顶panelling 镶板pantile 波形瓦pantry 备餐间paper 纸paper backed lath 用纸鬃层的板条paper board 纸板paper filter 纸过滤器paper form 纸模papering 糊纸parabola 抛物线parabolic arch 抛物线拱parabolic curve 抛物曲线parabolic girder 抛物线梁parabolic shell 抛物线状薄壳paraffin 蜡parallel chord truss 平行弦桁架parallel flow heat exhanger 并两热交换器parallel lay rope 顺扭交绳parallel stair 平行楼梯parallel swivel bench vice 平行轮轴钳工台虎钳parallel wire unit 平行钢丝束parallelepiped 平行六面体parallelism 平行parallelogram 平行四边形parallelogram of forces 力平行四边形parameter 参数parapet 女儿墙parent matrix 原结合料pargeter 灰泥工paring chisel 消錾park 公园park architecture 公园建筑parker truss 帕克式桁架parking area 停车场parking lot 停车场parking place 停车场parking tower 塔式停车处parkway 林荫干道parlour 接待室parquet 拼花地板parquet block 镶木地板条块parquet floor 镶木地板part 零件part drawing 零件图part in bending 受弯部分part in compression 受压部分part in tension 受拉部分part swing shovel 部分旋转式电铲partial air conditioning 局部空调partial cover plate 部分盖板partial prestressing 部分的预应力partial safety factors 部分安全系数partially drowned weir 局部潜堰partially prestressed composite construction 部分预应力组合结构partially separate system 部份分僚水系统particle 粒子particle board 碎木板particle shape 颗粒形状particle size 粒子大小particle size analysis 粒度分析particle size distribution 粒径分布particle size distribution curve 粒度分布曲线parting agent 脱模隔离涂料partition 隔板partition beam 隔壁梁partition block 隔墙块partition board 隔墙板partition tile 隔壁用花砖partition wall of glass bricks 玻璃块间壁party wall 共用隔墙pass 通道passage 通道passageway 通道passenger elevator 乘客电梯passenger flow 旅客怜passenger lift 乘客电梯passive earth pressure 被动地压paste 软膏paste content 浆状物含量paste paint 厚漆paste volume 浆状物含量pat 试饼pat mortar 扁饼灰泥patand 地梁patching 补坑patching compound 修补混合料patching mix 修补混合料patent glazing 无油灰装玻璃paternoster 链斗式升降机path of seepage 渗哩路patio 庭院patten 柱基础patter 抹板pattern 模型pattern decoration 花样装饰patterned finish 花纹装修patterned paper 花纹纸patternmaker 制模工人paumelle 可折较链paved median 铺面中央分隔带paved shoulders 铺砌的路肩pavement 铺装pavement base 铺路基础pavement concrete 路面混凝土pavement design 路面设计pavement marking machine 路面标线机pavement overlay 路面罩面pavement saw 铺面锯机pavement slab 铺路板paver 混凝土搅拌摊铺机paver's hammer 铺砌工锤pavilion 展览馆分管凉亭pavilion roof 攒尖式屋顶paving asphalt 铺路沥青paving blocks 铺面块体paving brick 铺地砖paving flag 铺路石板paving slab 铺路板paving stone 铺路石paving train 联合铺路机pea gravel 豆粒砾石pea gravel grout 豆砾石薄浆pea grit 豆粒砾石pea shingle 豆粒砾石peak arch 尖拱peak demand 最大需要量peak discharge 最大量peak load 最大载荷peak stress 高最大应力pearl 珍珠pearlite 珍珠岩peasant market 农民市场peat 泥炭peat brick 泥炭砖peat soil 泥沼质土peaty soil 泥沼质土pebble 砾石pebble clarifier 砾石清净器pebble dash 小卵石涂抹pedestal 柱脚pedestal foot 大放脚pedestrian bridge 人行桥pedestrian guard rail 人行道栏杆pedestrian overcrossing 人行天桥pedestrian protection 行人保护装置pedestrian railing 人行桥栏杆pedestrian subway 人行隧道pedestrian traffic 行人交通pediment 人形墙peeling 剥皮peference mark 基准点peg 短桩pegging out 定界pell mell construction 抛筑pelleted mineral wool 颗粒状矿棉penalty 罚款penalty clause 违约罚金条款pencil 束pencil rod 细钢杆pendence 斜度pendentive dome 三角穹圆顶pendentives 穹隅pendulum 振子pendulum bearing 摇摆式支座pendulum saw 摆锯penetrability 透入性penetration 贯穿penetration probe 贯穿探针penetration test 贯入试验penetration treatment 浸透处理penning gate 直升式泄水闸门penstock 水压管pentagon 五角形penthouse 小棚屋penthouse apartment 屋顶公寓pentroof 单坡屋顶penumbra 半影percent compaction 压实百分数percent fines 细粒含量百分率percent of elongation 伸张度percent of void 孔隙率percentage by volume 体积百分率percentage by weight 重量百分比percentage reinforcement 配筋比率percolating water 渗透水percolation 渗漏percolation gauge 渗透计percussion drill hammer 冲魂锤percussion drilling 冲魂percussion penetration method 撞会入法perennial stream 常流perforated brick 有孔砖perforated casing well 滤管井perforated ceiling board 穿孔天花板perforated plate 凿孔板perforated wall 穿孔墙performance characteristic 工棕性performance test 性能试验perimeter 周边perimeter beam 圈梁perimeter grouting 周边管浆perimeter heating 周边供热perimeter wall 围墙perimeter zone 周边区域period 周期peripheral stress 圆周应力periphery 周围perlite 珍珠岩perlite concrete 珍珠岩混凝土perlite mortar 珍珠岩灰浆permafrost 永冻土带permanent construction 永久性结构permanent deflection 永久变位permanent deformation 残余变形permanent hardness 永久硬度permanent load 固定负载permanent moment 固定矩permanent position 固定位置permanent set 残余变形permanent shuttering 永久式模板permanent stream 常流permanent structure 永久性结构permeability 渗透性permeability apparatus 渗透装置permeability coefficient 渗透系数permeability of soil 土壤渗透性permeability reducing admixture 减渗外加剂permeable groyne 透水折劣permetallurigcal cement 炉渣水泥permissible deflection 允许挠度permissible load 容许荷载permissible stress 容许应力permissible stress method 容许应力法permissible velocity 容许速度permission 容许personnel job hoist 施工人员升降机perspective drawing 透视图pervibrator 插入式振捣器petroleum asphalt 石油沥青petroleum bitumen 石油沥青petroleum stove 石油火炉petroleum tar 石油焦油phantom drawing 透视图phase 相phenolic resin cement 酚醛尸水泥phenomena 现象photo elastic analysis 光弹性分析photo elastic test 光弹性试验photoelasticity 光弹性photograph 相片photometer 光度计photosynthesis 光合酌phreatic line 浸润线phreatic water 不承压地下水piano wire concrete 钢弦混凝土pick dressing 风镐修琢picket fence 尖桩篱栅picknometer 比重瓶piece 一块piedroit 墙壁平柱pier 桥墩pier cap 墩帽pier construction 支柱结构pier foundation 墩基础pier head power station 堤头水力发电站piezoelectric pick up 压电拾声器piezometer 压力计piezometer tube 测压管piezometric head 测压管水头piezometric level 测压管水位pig iron 生铁piggery 猪圈pigment 色素pigmented finish 着色装饰pilaster 附壁柱pilaster face 半露柱面部pilaster side 半露柱边pile 堆pile after driving 二次打桩pile and cribwork foundation 桩木格笼基础pile and fascine revetment 桩木排护岸pile band 桩箍pile bent 桩排架pile cluster 桩群pile dolphin 桩式系船柱pile drawer 拨桩机pile driver 打桩机pile driving 打桩pile driving by vibration 振动打桩pile driving equipment 打桩设备pile driving formula 打桩公式pile driving frame 打桩架pile driving hammer 桩锤pile driving plant 打桩装置pile driving pontoon 打桩船pile driving rig 打桩装置pile extension 接桩pile extractor 拨桩机pile ferrule 桩箍pile follower 打桩帽pile footing 桩基础pile foundation 桩基础pile framing 桩框架pile grillage 桩格排pile group 桩群pile hammer 桩锤pile head 桩头pile helmet 桩盔pile hoop 桩箍pile jacking 顶桩pile jetting 水冲沉桩pile load capacity 桩荷载容量pile pedestal 桩台座pile pier 桩式桥墩pile positioning 桩定位pile ring 桩箍pile row 桩列pile shoe 桩靴pile sinking 打桩pile splicing 接桩pile stockage 桩列pile tip 桩头pile toe 桩头pile top 桩头piled quay 横栈桥码头pilework 桩结构piling 排桩pillar 柱pillar crane 塔式起重机pilot channel 子槽pilot cut 子槽pilot flame 引燃火焰pilot lamp 指领示灯pilot trench 子槽pilot tunnel 导洞pimple 小突起pin 针pin connected construction 销连接结构pin connection 销连接pin ended column 栓端柱pin joint 销连接pinch bar 橇杆pine 松树pinholes 小孔pioneer road 施工便道pipe 管pipe anchor 管锚pipe bender 弯管器pipe bending machine 弯管器pipe box 绝热管套pipe bridge 输送管桥pipe casing 桩套管pipe clamp 管夹pipe coil 蛇形管pipe column 管柱pipe cooler 管式冷却器pipe cutter 割管机pipe cutting machine 截管机pipe erector 管安装工人pipe fitter 管安装工人pipe hanger 管吊架pipe in pipe 管套管热交换器pipe insulation 管绝缘pipe joint 管子接头pipe lagging 管绝缘pipe laying 装管工程pipe lifting tongs 管吊装夹具pipe losses 管道损失pipe rigging 管诉pipe run 管道pipe section 管道pipe shell 管外壳pipe thread sealing tape 管螺纹嵌缝带pipe tonge 管子钳pipe tracer 管保护用电加热带pipe transport of concrete 混凝土管输送pipe vice 管子虎钳pipe welding machine 焊管机pipelayer 管道安装工pipeline 导管pipeline construction 管道施工pipeline conveyance 管道运送pipeline heating and refrigerating 热冷供应管线pipeline refrigerating 冷供应管线pipeline transport 管道运输pipemaking machine 制管机pipeway 管沟pipework 配管piping 配管piping diagram 管系图pise 泥土建筑piston 活塞piston pump 活塞式泵pit 地坑pit gravel 坑砾石pitch 间距;斜角pitch pocket 松脂孔pitch streak 松脂孔pitched roof 斜屋顶pitched work 砌石护坡pitching stone 铺砌片石pivot 轴颈;旋转轴pivoted window 旋转窗place 位置placeability 可灌筑性placement of concrete 浇灌混凝土placing 铺设placing boom 灌筑吊杆placing of concrete 浇灌混凝土placing sequence 灌筑次序placing train 灌筑列车plain bars 普通钢筋plain cement 清水泥plain concrete 无筋混凝土plain concrete column 无筋混凝土柱plain concrete construction 素混凝土结构plain girder 实腹梁plan 设计图plan view 平面图plane 平面;刨子plane cross section 水平断面plane frame 平面桁架plane of bending 弯曲平面plane of failure 破坏面plane of projection 投影面plane of section 切面plane of shear 剪断面plane of symmetry 对称面plane of weakness 薄弱截面plane sections hypothesis 平断面假定plane stress analysis 平面应力分析plane surface 平表面planing bench 刨台plank 板材plank floor 木板床planned stage construction 按计划建设planning 规划planning of houses 住宅计划planning permission 建筑许可planning standard specification 设计标准技术规范plant 工厂plant and process ventilation 工厂工程换气plant mix 厂拌混合料plant mixed concrete 厂拌混凝土plant room 机械设备间planting 绿化plasma 等离子体plaster 烧石膏plaster base 抹灰底层plaster concrete 石膏混凝土plaster mixer 灰泥混合器plaster mortar 粉刷用灰浆plaster mould 石膏模型plaster of cement 水泥抹灰plaster of paris 烧石膏plaster panel 石膏纤维板plaster rendering 粉刷plaster skin coat 抹灰面层plaster throwing machine 喷投灰泥机plaster work 抹灰工事plasterboard 石膏纤维板plastered wall 抹灰的墙plasterer 粉刷工plasterer's float 抹灰工抹子plasterer's hair 抹灰用毛发plasterer's trowel 抹灰泥刀plastering machine 喷投灰泥机plastic aggregates 塑胶集料plastic behavior 塑性动态plastic binder 塑性粘合剂plastic clay 可塑粘土plastic concrete 塑性混凝土plastic consistency 可塑稠度plastic consistency of concrete 混凝土塑性稠度plastic cracking 塑性开裂plastic deformation 塑性变形plastic design 塑性论设计plastic equilibrium 塑性平衡plastic flow 塑性怜plastic furniture 塑料家具plastic hinge 塑胶铰链plastic limit 塑性极限plastic moment 塑性力矩plastic mortar 塑性灰浆plastic paint 塑料涂料plastic pipe 塑料管plastic plywood 塑料胶合板plastic range 塑性范围plastic road 塑料公路plastic shrinkage 塑性收缩plastic shrinkage cracking 塑性收缩开裂plastic soil 塑性土壤plastic state 塑性状态plastic strain 塑性变形plastic window lights 塑料玻璃plasticity 塑性plasticity index 塑性值plasticity modulus 塑性模量plasticized cement 塑化水泥plasticizer 增塑剂plasticizing 塑化plasticizing agent 增塑剂plasticizing mineral powder 可塑性矿物粉末plastics 塑料plastics coating 塑料涂膜plastics finish 塑料涂膜plastification 塑性化platband 横带plate 板plate bending 板体弯曲plate girder 板梁plate girder bridge 板梁桥plate glass 平板玻璃plate type regenerator 板型换热器plate vibrator 振动板plated construction 板结构platform 站台;台架platform frame construction 平台式框架结构platform hoist 吊盘绞车platform ladder 椎台梯子plating 镀金playground 比赛场playing field 游戏场plaza 广场plenum duct 送气通道plenum heating 热风采暖plenum system 送气通风系统plinth 壁脚板plinth wiring 壁脚板配线plough 扫雪机;沟刨plow 扫雪机plug 塞子plug cock 塞嘴plug hole 排泄孔plug in connection 插入式连接plug socket 插座plug tap 塞嘴plug valve 塞嘴plugging leaks 堵渗漏plum 毛石块plumb line 铅垂线plumber's dope 管工蒙布漆plumbing 卫生管道工程plumbing fitting 管道配件plumbing fixtures 卫生七plumbing unit 卫生装备组合plumbing work 卫生管道工程plunger pump 滑阀泵ply 层plywood 胶合板plywood concrete forms 夹板混凝土模板plywood for structural use 结构用胶合板pneumatic caisson 压气排水沉箱pneumatic concrete placer 气动混凝土灌注机pneumatic conveying 气动输送pneumatic conveying of concrete 混凝土气力输送pneumatic conveying system 气动输送设备pneumatic drill 空气钻pneumatic feed 风动给料pneumatic hoist 气力升降机pneumatic pile hammer 气压桩锤pneumatic structure 充气结构pneumatic test 气压试验pneumatic tool 气动工具pneumatically applied mortar 喷射灰浆pneumatically operated concrete placer 气动混凝土灌注机pneumatically operated discharge gate 气动卸货门pneumatically placed concrete 喷混凝土pocket filter 袋状滤器point 点point block 塔式高层住宅point load 集中荷载point of application 酌点point of contraflexure 拐点point of support 支点point of zero moment 零力矩点pointed arch 尖拱pointed pediment 三角形檐饰poisson's ratio 泊松比poker vibrator 插入式振捣器polar moment of inertia 极惯性矩polder 围垦地pole 塔杆pole shore 支柱polish 抛光polishing 抛光pollutant 污染物质pollutant effluents 污染废水pollution 污染pollution load 污染负荷polyclinic 综合门诊所polyester 聚脂polyethylene 聚乙烯polyethylene coated craft paper 聚乙烯涂敷牛皮纸polygon 多边形polygon of forces 力多边形polymer 聚合物polymer cement concrete 聚合物水泥混凝土polymer concrete 聚合物混凝土polymer impregnated concrete 聚合物浸渍混凝土polymer modified cement mortar 聚合改性水泥灰浆polymer modified glass fiber reinforced concrete 聚合改性玻璃纤维加强混凝土polymer mortar 聚合物灰浆polystyrene board 聚苯乙烯板polystyrene foam balls 泡沫聚苯乙烯团块polystyrene foam concrete 泡沫聚苯乙烯混凝土polystyrene sheet 聚苯乙烯片polythene sheeting 聚乙烯料护板polyvinyl 聚乙烯polyvinyl acetate concrete 聚醋酸乙烯脂混凝土pond 池pontoon bridge 舟桥pontoon crane 浮筒起重机pool fishway 水塘鱼道poor bearing stratum 低承载性地层poor concrete 贫混凝土poor quality concrete 劣质混凝土pop corn concrete 大孔状混凝土population density 人口密度population equivalent 人口当量porcelain 瓷器pore volume 孔隙容积pores 气孔porosity 多孔性porous aggregate 多孔集料porous brick 多孔砖porous concrete 多孔混凝土porous diffuser plate 多孔扩散板port 港口port construction 港口建设portable barrack 可移动的工棚portable derrick crane 轻便转臂起重机portable grinder 手提式砂轮机portable scaffold 可移动脚手架portable structure 移动式结构portable tank 移动式水箱portable welder 移动式焊接机portal 入口portal crane 门式起重机portal frame 龙门架portal framed building 门形杆框架建筑portal structures 门形结构portland blast furnace cement 矿渣硅酸盐水泥portland cement 波特兰水泥portland cement clinker 波特兰水泥熟料portland cement concrete 硅酸盐水泥混凝土portland masonry cement 圬工波特兰水泥portland pozzolan cement 火山灰硅酸盐水泥portland pozzolan concrete 火山灰硅酸盐水泥混凝土portland slag cement 矿渣硅酸盐水泥position 位置position head 位势水头positioning of beams 梁的定位positioning of tendons 钢筋束配置positive bending moment 正弯矩positive moment 正力矩positive reaction 正反力positive reinforcement 正钢筋post 接线柱post and beam construction 梁柱结构post and beam structure 梁柱结构post and panel structure 立柱镶板式结构post buckling strength 弯曲后强度post cracking strength 开裂后强度post footing 柱基脚post office 邮局post shore 支柱post stressed concrete 后张法预应力混凝土post tension unit 后张拉单元post tensioned construction 后张拉结构post tensioned steel 后张拉钢筋post tensioning 后张拉post tensioning field log 后张拉椎现场记录pot construction 壶形结构pot floor 壶形楼面pot sink 洗涤盆potable water supply 饮水供给potential 潜力potential head 位势水头pothole 窝穴pour point 零poured concrete 灌浇混凝土poured in place concrete 现场浇筑混凝土pouring in lifts 层段浇灌powder 粉末powdered asphalt 粉状地沥青power 力power bender 动力钢筋弯曲机power conduit 水压管power consumption 动力消耗power dam 发电站拦水坝power float 机动抹板power house 发电厂power operated bush hammer 动力操卒石锤power plant 电站power shovel 机械铲power supply source 动力供应源power trowel 动力抹刀pozzolan 火山灰pozzolan cement 火山灰水泥pozzolanic aggregate 火山灰质集料pozzolanic materials 火山灰质材料practice ground 试验用地prap 接线柱pratt truss 普腊桁架prc 预应力钢筋混凝土pre post tensioned concrete 先张后张混凝土pre post tensioning 先张后张拉preaerator 预曝气装置precast concrete 预制混凝土precast concrete building 预制混凝土建筑物precast concrete cladding panel 预制混凝土骨架填充板材护墙板precast concrete connection details 预制混凝土连接机构详图precast concrete construction 预制混凝土构造precast concrete house 预制混凝土房屋precast concrete industry 预制混凝土工业precast concrete panel 预制混凝土墙板precast construction 预制工程precast factory 预制混凝土厂房precast floor 装配式地板precast member 预制混凝土构件precast nailable concrete plank 预制可受钉的混凝土板precast panel construction 预制的护墙板建筑物precast pile 预制桩precast prestressed concrete unit 预制预应力混凝土单元precast reinforced concrete 预制钢筋混凝土precast reinforced concrete construction 装配式钢筋混凝土结构precast structural concrete 预制结构用混凝土precast unit 预制混凝土构件precasting 预制构件precasting machine 预制机precasting yard 预制工住precipitation 降雨precision 精密度precision air conditioning 精密空气第prefab form 预制模板prefabricated building 装配式房屋prefabricated costruction 预制装配式结构prefabricated form 预制装配式模壳prefabricated heat insulatio 预成形绝缘层prefabricated house 预制装配式房屋prefabricated housing 预制装配式住宅建筑prefabricated panel 预制墙板prefabricated prestressed concrete beam 装配式预制钢筋混凝土梁prefabricated reinforced concrete 预制钢筋混凝土prefabricated reinforced concrete pile 装配式钢筋混凝土桩prefabricated structural element 预制结构构件prefabricated unit 预制构件prefabricated window wall unit 预制窗口墙单元prefabrication 预制法prefiring 预热试验preformed insulation 预成形绝缘层preformed pile 预制桩preheat coil 预热器preheater 预热器preheating 预热preliminary clarification tank 初步澄清池preliminary cube test 立方体初步试验preliminary design 初步设计preliminary drawings 初步设计图preliminary specifications 预制的施工说明preliminary treatment 预先处理preload construction of tank 预加荷载贮槽工程premature failure 过早损坏premature stiffening 瞬间凝佶premixed 预先拌合的prepackaged concrete 预填集料混凝土prepacked aggregate concrete 预填集料混凝土prepacked concrete 预填集料混凝土preparation 准备preparatory construction 准备工程preplaced aggregate concrete 预填集料混凝土prescribed mix 给定混合preservation 保存press 压床pressed bend 压制弯管pressed concrete 压制混凝土pressed glass 压制玻璃pressed sheet steel 压制的钢板材。
建筑常用英语词汇Chinese restaurant 中餐厅civil air defense 人防classical order 古典柱式Client 甲方coat room衣帽间,cloak room行李寄存处coffee 咖啡厅color match 配色color system 色彩系统common room, community room 公共活动室computer room 电子计算机房Concept & Master Planning 概念及总规划Conceptual Design 概念设计conference room 会议室constructivism 构成主义Contact 联系Cornice 飞檐corridor 走廊cottage 农舍courtyard house 庭院式住宅 Dentil 齿饰department 部门Design Basis 设计基础Design Code 设计规范Design Deliverable 设计成果Design Institution 设计院Design Narrative 设计说明Design Principle 设计原则Design Proposal 设计方案Design Reference设计参考Design Schedule 设计流程表Design Task 设计任务Detail 大样(建筑专用)dining room 餐室Dormer 天窗dormitory 宿舍Double-hung window 双悬窗Drawing 图,图纸Eave 屋檐Elevation 立面elevator apartment 电梯式公寓entrance hall 门厅entertainment center 娱乐中心entrance入口environment protection 环保environment 环境environmental art 环境艺术epidemic prevention 防疫Exchange 交流expressionism 表现主义exterior decoration 外部装饰exterior-corridor type apartment 外廊式公寓 FAR 容积率Final Design 最终设计fire protection 消防fire-fighting 防火floor 楼层Frieze 横条frontage 屋前空地functional space 功能空间functionalism 功能主义gallery 画廊,游廊General Positioning 总体定位General Site Profile 现场条件Gothic architecture 哥特式建筑Grading Design 竖向规划图Grading Planning 竖向规划Greek architecture 古希腊建筑Green ratio 绿地率Green System Planning 绿地系统规划ground floor 底层Guest Room 客房gymnasium 健身Hand-drawing 手绘hanging cabinet 吊柜highrise building 高层建筑hightech architecture 高技术建筑historical building preservation 古建筑保护hotel office building 酒店式办公楼house for the lderly 老年公寓 Illustrative Site Plan 规划总平面图Image Positioning 形象定位Image 意向图片Incoming 收到independent office 独立办公室information desk 问询处interior decoration 室内装饰Interior 室内International Style 国际风格Islamic architecture 伊斯兰建筑janitor's room 值班室key designer 主要设计师kitchen 厨房Land for industrial use 工业用地land parcel 地块Land Use Planning 用地规划landmark 地标Landscape Analysis Diagram 景观分析图Landscape Design 景观设计large suite 大套间light court/light well 天井living room 起居室Location Map 区位分析图mail/distribution room 收发室maisonette 两层独立公寓mannerism 手法主义Massing model 体块模型Master Plan 总平面图Material 材料,素材medium-sized meeting room 中型会议室Meeting Center 会议中心metabolism 新陈代谢主义mezzanine 夹层Model Company 模型公司Model 模型Modeling 建模modernism 现代主义Moulding 造型multi-family house 多户住宅multi-functional facilities 多功能设施Multifunctional restaurant 多功能餐厅Multi-paned 多格的multiple-use building 综合楼multistory building 多层建筑Muntin 门扇中梃;门中梃national style 民族风格neoclassicism 新古典主义neorationalism 新理性主义nursing home 养老院office building 办公建筑Office Complex 办公综合体one-story house, bungalow 平房 open space 开敞空间organic architecture 有机建筑Outgoing 发出Overall Controlling Detailed Planning 控制性详细规划Overall Planning 总规划平面图overhang 骑楼Overhang 突起Pane 窗格pedestrian circulation 人行流线Perspective 透视图phase 1 一期Plan 平面图Planning Principles 规划原则point block 点式住宅post-modernism 后现代主义Presentation汇报professional designer 专业设计师Project assistant 项目助理project manager 项目经理Project Scale 项目规模Project Schedule 项目流程表Projecting 伸出property management room 物业管理用房Publication Center 出版中心Radius 半径reading room 阅览室reception 前台,接待Red Line 用地红线Regulation 规章Renaissance architecture 文艺复兴建筑 Rendering Company 效果图公司Rendering 手绘,效果图residential building 居住建筑rest space 休息空间revivalism 复古主义Rococo architecture 洛可可建筑Roman architecture 古罗马建筑Romanesque architecture 罗曼式建筑roof slab 楼板row house, terrace house 联排式住宅sanitation 卫生设施Sash 窗扇Section 剖面图service room 服务间service/residential apartment 酒店式公寓shopping center 购物中心single family house/SF 独户住宅single-story building 单层建筑Site Condition Analysis 场地条件分析Site Photo 现场照片skip-floor apartment 跃层式公寓skyscraper 摩天楼slab block 板式住宅small-sized meeting room 小型会议室Soft Copy 电子文件solar building 太阳能建筑space configuration 空间构图standard room 标准间stepped house, terraced house 台阶式住宅storage room 储藏室street-front building perspective 沿街建筑透视图structuralism 结构主义study 书房sub-basement 半地下室substation/transformation substation 变电间super highrise building 超高层建筑support system 支撑体系surface parking 地面停车Technical Index 技术指标telephone exchange room 电话总机房terrace/deck 平台toilet 厕所top floor 顶层Total Building Area 总建筑面积Total Site Area 总用地面积Traffic Analysis Diagram 交通分析图Training Center 培训中心transportation 运输typical building perspective 典型建筑透视图Unit Type 户型Urban Planning 城市规划vehicle circulation 车行流线Vehicle Entrance 车行入口vernacular architecture 乡土建筑 Vertical 垂直的villa 别墅VIP Room 贵宾室wall unit, case unit 壁柜washroom 卫生间water heater room 开水间youth apartment 青年公寓Parapet 女儿墙Parapet Displacement 女儿墙位移Pieced Parapet 镂空女儿墙Parapet Gutter 女儿墙天沟---精心整理,希望对您有所帮助。
一、单词与词组enclosure n. 围墙(栏);封围edifice n. 大厦,大建筑物;体系compression n. 压力;压缩tensile a. 张力的,拉力的gridiron n. 梁格结构,格状结构skeleton n. 构架;草图;轮廓cantilever n. 悬臂梁,突梁correspondence n. 符合,一致;相应nave n. (教堂的)正厅;(火车站等建筑的)中间广场aisle n. 走廊,侧廊transept n. (教堂的)袖廊,翼部chapel n. 小礼拜堂apse n. 多边形(或半园形)凹室;耳(室)房module n. 模度(数,量);模件balustrade n. 栏杆,扶手colonnade n. 柱廊,柱列ornament n. 装饰(物)quarters n. 住处,住宅terrace n. 台地,露台condominium n. 共管式,公寓中独立拥有的一套房间tenant n. 房客,住户laundromat n. 自动洗衣店(间)plaza n. (城市中的)广场domain n. 范围,领域nomenclature n. 名称,术语circulation n. 交通路线landmark n. 地表、界标、地物spaciousness n. 宽敞,广阔orientation n. 方向,方位façade n. 正面,立面microclimate n. 小气候mall n. 林荫道,购物中心windswept a. 挡风的categorization n. 分类,分列入目录中signage n. 识标,位标二、翻译The plan of a structure, always the first consideration of an architect, is the resolution of these different purposes into an organization of spaces that will fulfill the intent of the building.[翻译] 建筑方案是建筑师首先要考虑的事,它把对建筑物的各种要求安排成为体现建筑意图的空间组合。
常见的建筑术语的英文翻译集之一以下是一些常见的建筑术语的英文翻译集合之一:1. 建筑设计- Architectural Design2. 建筑结构- Building Structure3. 建筑材料- Building Materials4. 建筑施工- Building Construction5. 建筑成本- Construction Cost6. 建筑风格- Architectural Style7. 建筑师- Architect8. 建筑规划- Building Planning9. 建筑模型- Architectural Model10. 建筑面积- Building Area11. 建筑高度- Building Height12. 建筑容积率- Plot Ratio13. 建筑法规- Building Codes and Regulations14. 建筑节能- Energy Efficiency in Buildings15. 建筑智能化- Intelligent Buildings16. 绿色建筑- Green Buildings17. 可持续建筑- Sustainable Buildings18. 建筑声学- Architectural Acoustics19. 建筑光学- Architectural Optics20. 室内设计- Interior Design21. 景观设计- Landscape Design22. 结构设计- Structural Design23. 给排水设计- Water Supply and Drainage Design24. 暖通空调设计- HVAC Design25. 电气设计- Electrical Design26. 消防设计- Fire Protection Design27. 智能化系统设计- Intelligent System Design28. 施工组织设计- Construction Organization Design29. 施工图设计- Construction Drawing Design30. 装饰装修设计- Decoration and Finishing Design31. 建筑声学设计- Architectural Acoustics Design32. 建筑光学设计- Architectural Optics Design33. 建筑热工设计- Architectural Thermal Design34. 建筑美学设计- Architectural Aesthetic Design35. 建筑环境设计- Architectural Environment Design36. 建筑风水学- Feng Shui37. 建筑日照分析- Solar Analysis for Buildings38. 建筑通风分析- Ventilation Analysis for Buildings39. 建筑声环境分析- Acoustic Environment Analysis for Buildings40. 建筑光环境分析- Daylighting Environment Analysis for Buildings41. 建筑热环境分析- Thermal Environment Analysis for Buildings42. 建筑面积计算- Building Area Calculation43. 建筑楼层高度- Storey Height44. 建筑消防设计- Fire Protection Design for Buildings45. 建筑结构安全评估- Structural Safety Evaluation for Buildings46. 建筑抗震设计- Seismic Design for Buildings47. 建筑防洪设计- Flood-resistant Design for Buildings48. 建筑工程招标- Building Engineering Tendering49. 建筑工程施工许可- Construction Permission for Building Projects50. 建筑工程造价咨询- Engineering Cost Consulting for Building Projects51. 建筑工程监理- Project Supervision for Building Projects52. 建筑工程验收- Acceptance of Building Projects53. 建筑工程质量检测- Quality Detection of Building Projects54. 建筑工程质量评估- Quality Evaluation of Building Projects55. 建筑工程质量保修- Quality Guarantee of Building Projects56. 建筑工程档案- Construction Project Archives57. 建筑工程安全- Construction Safety58. 建筑工程管理- Construction Project Management59. 建筑工程合同- Construction Contract60. 建筑工程保险- Construction Insurance61. 建筑工程材料- Construction Materials62. 建筑工程机械- Construction Machinery63. 建筑工程劳务- Construction Labor64. 建筑工程施工组织设计- Construction Organization Design for Building Projects65. 建筑工程施工图设计- Construction Drawing Design for Building Projects66. 建筑工程施工进度计划- Construction Progress Plan for Building Projects67. 建筑工程施工质量控制- Construction Quality Control for Building Projects68. 建筑工程施工安全管理- Construction Safety Management for Building Projects69. 建筑工程施工现场管理- Construction Site Management for Building Projects70. 建筑工程施工成本管理- Construction Cost Management for Building Projects71. 建筑工程施工环境保护- Environmental Protection in Building Construction72. 建筑工程施工节能管理- Energy-saving Management in Building Construction73. 建筑工程施工水土保持- Soil and Water Conservation in Building Construction74. 建筑工程施工质量控制要点- Key Points of Construction Quality Control for Building Projects75. 建筑工程施工安全控制要点- Key Points of Construction Safety Control for Building Projects76. 建筑工程施工质量验收规范- Acceptance Specification for Construction Quality ofBuilding Projects77. 建筑立面设计- Façade Design78. 建筑剖面设计- Section Design79. 建筑立面分析图- Façade Analysis Diagram80. 建筑剖面分析图- Section Analysis Diagram81. 建筑结构分析图- Structural Analysis Diagram82. 建筑平面图- Floor Plan83. 建筑立面图- Façade Drawing84. 建筑剖面图- Section Drawing85. 建筑轴测图- Axonometric Drawing86. 建筑渲染图- Architectural Rendering87. 建筑模型制作- Model Making88. 建筑绘画- Architectural Drawing89. 建筑表现图- Architectural Representation90. 建筑动画- Architectural Animation91. 建筑摄影- Architectural Photography92. 建筑信息模型- Building Information Modeling (BIM)93. 建筑环境评估- Building Environmental Assessment94. 建筑节能评估- Building Energy Efficiency Assessment95. 建筑可持续性评估- Building Sustainability Assessment96. 建筑健康评估- Building Health Assessment97. 建筑设备系统设计- Building Equipment System Design98. 建筑电气系统设计- Electrical System Design for Buildings99. 建筑给排水系统设计- Water Supply and Drainage System Design for Buildings 100. 建筑暖通空调系统设计- HVAC System Design for Buildings。
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