2013届牛津英语第一轮复习课件 Module5 Unit2(1)

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◆There has been some decrease in military spending this year. 今年的军费开支有所减少。
December 5, 2020
decrease to+数字 减少到…… decrease by+数字 减少了…… decrease in/of sth. 减少……的量 on the decrease 在减少中 grow to/increase to/rise to/climb to+数字 增加到…… grow by/increase by/rise by+数字 净增了……
ranged+adv./prep. ◆Their ages range from 25 to 50.
December 5, 2020
①It is beyond
of my ability.
②There will be an increase
0 to
他休息了几天,身体很快复原了。 ◆I'll drive to the airport to pick you up at 8 o'clock.
December 5, 2020
Kathy ______ a lot of Spanish by playing with native boys and girls.
December 5, 2020
句型探究 1. as; who 2. raise/voice; using 3. six; much 4. asked
December 5, 2020
1. When the speech is over,we will open the floor for the question.
作及物动词时,后可接名词、代词、动名词,以及 whether, where等引导的不定式或从句,不接that引导的 名词性从句。
◆He was debating whether to go for a walk or to visit a friend.
December 5, 2020
4. queue up
5. pick out
6. under way
7. in / with regard to 8. let off
9. do one’s part
10. cut back on
11. run out(of) 12. be stocked with
13. have a lasting effect on
December 5, 2020
②She ______ that she should go.
A. discussed B. argued
C. debated
D. voiced
December 5, 2020
3、 decrease vt. & vi. 减少 n. 减少, 减少量
◆People should decrease the mount of the fat they eat. 人们应该减少脂肪的摄入。
3 percent.
tourist class
luxury hotels.
①the range ②in the range of ③ranges from; to
December 5, 2020
2、 debate vi. & n. 辩论,争论,考虑
December 5, 2020
1. arrivals 2. conservation 3. reservation 4. impression 5. productive
December 5, 2020
1. open the floor 2. use up
3. clean up
experience). 这种工作我(没经验)做不了。
December 5, 2020
1、 range
vi. (在一定范围内)变化,变动 range from A to B/range between A and B vt.(按一定位置或顺序)排列,排序 range sb./sth.+adv./prep.(常用被动语态)=sb./sth.be
December 5, 2020
①They ______ about the plan for half an hour at the meeting and didn't reach an agreement in the end. A. debated B. debate C. settled D. settle
内 out of range(of sth.)在视觉/听觉范围之外
December 5, 2020
1、 range ◆The price range is from $100 to $500.
价格从100美元到500美元不等。 ◆This type of work is outside/beyond/out of my range(of
December 5, 2020
pick up ①拾起,捡起 ②无意中学会 ③收听,接收 ④恢复健康,恢复体力 ⑤去接
December 5, 2020
◆She picked up all the pieces on the floor when she left the classroom.
当她离开教室时,她把地上所有的碎片都捡了起来。 ◆She soon picked up some French when she went to live in France.
December 5, 2020
The scenery here is ______ and all the visitors are deeply ______.
A. impressive; impress B. impressed; impressionists C. impression; impressionists D. impressive; impressed
2. It is my duty to help people in trouble as I can.
3. What if the forests are wiped out by human?
4. This is the way(that/inwhich) they hide from their responsibility to the society.
Module5·Unit2 The environment(1)
December 5, 2020
1. costom ; costomer 2. environmental; environmentally 3. responsibility; responsibly 4. administrate
December 5, 2020
◆My radio can pick up the BBC programs very clearly. 我的收音机能非常清晰地收听到英国广播公司国际
广播节目。 ◆He soon picked up after a few days' rest.
作不及物动词和名词 [C,U]时,常和on, about, over 等介词连用。
◆We have been debating about current affairs. 我们最近正在就时事问题进行辩论。 ◆A fierce debate on the tax cut was going on. 一场围绕着减税的讨论正在激烈进行中。 ◆Their findings have failed to stop the debate over how
works. 这些儿童作品水平之高,给我们留下了深刻印象。
December 5, 2020
◆I am deeply impressed with her talent for music. =Her talent for music impresses me deeply. 她的音乐天赋给我留下很深的印象。
best to treat the disease. 他们的发现并没有阻止有关该病症最佳治疗方案的争
论。 December 5, 2020
debater n. 参加讨论者,争论者 debatable adj. 有争议的
December 5, 2020
argue, debate, discuss, quarrel都含有“争论”之意, 它们之间的区别在于: argue 指一方坚持自己的意见、立场和观点,通过争 论企图说服对方(argue with sb. about/over sth.); debate 多指公开的、在正式场合举行的辩论或严肃 的争论,双方各自陈述理由,交锋、往返的意味较 强; discuss 指为了解决问题或弄清对方的观点而进行的 讨论、磋商; quarrel 争吵、争论,含与人发生口角的意思。
December 5, 2020
M5—U2. Reading. mp3
December 5, 2020
1、 range
n. ①[C](常用单数)(变动或浮动的)范围,界限,区域 beyond/outside the range of超出了……的范围 in the range of在……范围内 ②[C](常用单数)种类;一系列 a wide/full/great/diverse range of一系列;各种 ③ 视觉或听觉范围 in/within range(of sth.)在可及的范围内,在视觉/听觉范围
December 5, 2020
cut across 走捷径 cut away 切除,剪掉 cut in 插嘴,干预 cut off 切断,停掉 cut down 削减,砍倒 cut up 切碎 cut out 裁剪出;切掉 cut short 使停止,中断
A. picked up B. pick out C. made up D. turned out
A 考查动词短语词义辨析。依据句意排除。 pick up 偶然间学会;pick out 挑出; make up 组成,构成;turn out 原来是。
December 5, 2020
2、cut back on 削减,缩减,相当于cut down on。 ◆Try to cut back on foods containing too much fat and sugar. 要尽量少吃脂肪和糖分含量过高的食品。
D 第一空是说风景“给人印象深刻的”;第 二空的意思是“对……印象深刻”。
December 5, 2020
M5—U2. Project. mp3
1、 pick out ◆She was picked out from hundreds of applicants for the
job. 她从数百个工作申请者中被挑出来了。 ◆He picked out his sister from the crowd. 他从人群中认出了他的妹妹。
December 5, 2020
4、 impress vt. 给……留下印象
be impressed with/by 对……印象深刻 impress sth.on / upon sb.= impress on / upon sb. sth. 使某
人对某物印象深,使某人铭记某物 ◆We're very impressed with the excellence of the children's
◆My father impressed on me the value of hard work. 我父亲让我明白了努力工作的重要性。
◆She impressed me as a scholar. 她给我留下了学者的印象。
December 5, 2020
impressive adj. 给人印象深的 impression n. 印象 leave / make a deep impression on… 给……留下深刻 印象