(B)Kallmann 氏症候群患者大部分是因为Y染色体长臂上之基因缺损引起。
(E)男性不育症患者若有Y染色体上AZFa 或AZFb整段缺损,则睪丸取精术的成功率明显降低。
(A)Paroxetine(帕罗西丁)(B)Fluoxetine.(氟西汀,百忧解)(C)Sertraline.(舍曲林)(D)Clomipramine.(氯丙咪嗪)(E)Imipramine.(丙咪嗪)5、睪丸切除是否会降低血液中总睾酮、游离睾酮或雌二醇的含量,下列叙述何者正确?(A)只有总睾酮减少(B)总睾酮和游离睾酮减少(C)总睾酮和雌二醇减少(D)游离睾酮和雌二醇减少(E)总睾酮、游离睾酮及雌二醇均减少6、下列何种药物会抑制阴茎勃起?(A)Nitroglycerin(硝酸甘油)(B)Imipramine (丙咪嗪)(C)Guanethidine (胍乙啶)(D)Phenoxy benzamine (苯氧基苯扎明)(E)Sildenafil(西地那非)7、长期肾衰竭的病人引起不育,请问下列何者不是其生殖功能异常的表现?(A)Gynecomastia(男子女性型乳房)(B)Hypogonadism (性腺机能减退)(C)FSH及LH降低(D)性欲降低(E)Oligospermia (性腺机能减退)8、电刺激射精可以使脊椎受伤的病人排出精液,以进行人工生殖。
2009年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题参考答案及解析Paper OnePart Ⅰ Listening Comprehension (30 % )Section A1. D 女士的话Finally(终于通过了)说明John用了很长时间才通过这门考试。
2. B 男士听到乘出租只要两小时后说“I'm up for that”,意思是我愿意这样做,即乐意乘出租车。
up for sth. 意思是愿意做某件事。
3. C 由女士的话12135551212可知选C。
4. C 由女士的话She came to see me this morning complaining a pain in her right leg可知病人的抱怨是右腿疼。
5. B 女士说:我要离开一周,我希望你能接着处理这里的事务,男士说You have nothing to worry about(你什么都不用担心),可知女士在给男士交待任务,应该是老板和秘书的关系。
6. C 男士先说I feel ashamed to ask him for help(我不好意思找他帮忙),女士安慰说他是你的哥哥,然后男士说I'll call him tonight(我今晚给他电话),可知男士今天可能会找他哥哥帮忙。
7. B 由男士的话Now I am going retake your left leg and see how far you can raise it Keep the knee straight. Does that hurt at an可知男士在给女士做检查。
8. D 女士说I have just made plans to play tennis,男士说Oh,that's too bad. Maybe some other time,可知女士还要继续按自己的计划去打台球。
9. A 男士说She's been here as long as I have可知Louise并不是新来的护士。
历年考博外科题目总汇. .1、Tme及直肠系膜的概念2、胰头癌引起梗阻性黄疸的处理办法3、原位肝移植的手术方式与适应症胃癌的淋巴结清扫范围与手术根治程度分级乳腺癌的内分泌治疗的方法与药物乳癌治疗原则Sirs sepsis MODS的概念与相互关系营养不良的分类与支持的适应症直肠癌前切除术的主要并发症胰岛素瘤的定位诊断肝癌的综合治疗, 肝癌的治疗原则门脉高压上消化道出血的治疗MODS的发病机理MODS的治疗。
甲状腺癌的病理特点胃癌的治疗原则如何正确的对手术病人进行术前肝功能评估,以利手术顺利进行?Child 评分Child-1、Tme及直肠系膜的概念2、胰头癌引起梗阻性黄疸的处理办法3、原位肝移植的手术方式与适应症胃癌的淋巴结清扫范围与手术根治程度分级乳腺癌的内分泌治疗的方法与药物乳癌治疗原则Sirs sepsis MODS的概念与相互关系营养不良的分类与支持的适应症直肠癌前切除术的主要并发症胰岛素瘤的定位诊断肝癌的综合治疗, 肝癌的治疗原则门脉高压上消化道出血的治疗MODS的发病机理MODS的治疗。
甲状腺癌的病理特点胃癌的治疗原则如何正确的对手术病人进行术前肝功能评估,以利手术顺利进行?Child 评分Child:二问答1 PMC(甲状腺乳头状微小腺癌)及其目前治疗原则2 Budd-Chiari syndrome的分型及手术治疗方法布加综合征由各种原因所致肝静脉和其开口以上段下腔静脉阻塞性病变引起的常伴有下腔静脉高压为特点的一种肝后门脉高压症。
1 什么是无菌术?无菌术的内容包括那些?答:无菌术是针对微生物及感染途径所采取的一系列预防措施。
2 什么是等渗性缺水?常见病因有哪些?答:等渗性缺水又称急性缺水或混合性缺水,此时水和钠成比例地丧失,因此血清钠仍在正常范围,细胞外液的渗透压也保持正常。
5 低钾血症时,静脉补钾的注意事项有哪些?答:①浓度的限制,输液中含钾量低于40mmol/L;②输液速度的限制,输入钾量小于20 mmol/h ;③休克病人应尽快恢复血容量,待尿量大于40 ml/h后,再静脉补钾。
7 高钾血症时如何治疗?答:⑴停用一切含钾的药物或溶液。
2009年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试卷Paper OnePart I Listening Comprehension (30%)Section A1. A. John failed the exam.B. John didn’t take the exam.C. John passed the exam, but scored low.D. It took John a long time to pass the exam.2. A. To travel by train. B. To go by Taxi.C. To go hiking.D. To rent a car.3. A. 1-231-555-1212. B. 1-213-555-2112.C. 1-213-555-1212.D. 1-231-555-2112.4. A. Morning sickness. B. A frequent headache.C. A pain in her right leg.D. A boring hospitalization.5. A. Doctor and patient. B. Boss and secretary.C. Agent and customers.D. Driver and passenger.6. A. To buy another pair of shoes. B. To help his brother right away.C. To turn to his brother for help.D. To seek advice from the woman.7. A. He is offering a piece of advice. B. He is examining a patient.C. He is attending his daughter.D. He is taking a patient’s history.8. A. To ask the man to call her back. B. To go to the botanic garden.C. To do some gardening.D. To play tennis.9. A. Louise is not a new comer.B. Louise loves being a nurse.C. Louise did a lot of work for the man.D. Louise has been waiting for a long time.10. A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Seven.11. A. She was thrown out of the car.B. She was knocked down by a car.C. She hit her head on the steering wheel.D. She got the steering wheel in her chest.12. A. She overacted to the man. B. She cried over her failure.C. She made a success of diet.D. She was jealous of the man.13. A. He hates those who fool around. B. He will never try the stuff.C. He will shoot any drug dealer.D. he regrets tried the stuff.14. A. The opposite to the man’s expectation.B. A quicker recovery than expected.C. A pair of mismatching boots.D. her healthy pregnancy.15. A. He will do as requested. B. He will not join the team.C. The woman is crazy about him.D. The woman has trouble standing. Section BDialogue16. A. for the purpose of diagnosis confirmation.B. For the possibility of legal trouble.C. For the doctor’s investigation.D. For the patient’s further use..17. A. He has got cancer in his pancreas. B. He falls with a stomach problem.C. he suffers from fatigue.D. He has a loss of weight.18. A. See a dietician B. Have an operation.C. Start chemotherapy.D. Take medications for pain relief.19. A. A couple of years. B. more than five years.C. A couple of months.D. Approximately 5 years.20. A. Suspicious. B. Anxious C. Hesitant. D. Factual. Passage One21. A. Life evolution. B. Space exploration.C. Extraterrestrial life.D. Unknown flying objects.22. A. His 50th birthday.B. NASA’s 50th anniversary.C. The university’s 50th anniversary.D. The US Cosmology Association’s 50th anniversary.23. A. Even primitive life is impossible. B. Intelligent life is fairly common.C. Intelligent life is less likely.D. Any form of life is possible.24. A. Nuclear weapons. B. Alien kidnapping.C. human extinction.D. Dangerous infection.25. A. Ironic. B. Negative C. Indifferent D. Supportive. Passage Two26. A. Obese people need more food.B. Obese people require more fuel.C. Obesity contributes to global warming.D. Obesity is growing as a global phenomenon.27. A. Limited living space.B. Crowded shopping mall.C. Food shortage and higher energy prices.D. Incidence of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.28. A. Over 700 millions. B. Over 400 millions.C. Over 2.3 billions.D. Over 3 billions.29. A. 1800 calories. B. 1280 calories.C. 1680 calories.D. 2960 calories.30. A. Climate change. B. The fall of food prices.C. A rise in energy prices.D. An increasing demand for food.Part II Vocabulary (10%)Section A31. The ______ conditions and places are likely to cause diseases.A. insanitaryB. insidiousC. insaneD. inefficacious32. The witness was ________ by the judge for failing to answer the question.A. abstainedB. acquittedC. admonishedD. adduced33. He has _________ two cars this year because of traffic accidents.A. pulled offB. worn outC. passed outD. written off34. People are much better informed since the _________ of the internet.A. convenienceB. adventC. interfaceD. aftermath35. All instruments that come into contact with the patient must be ________ before being used by others.A. sterilizedB. labeledC. quarantinedD. retained36. By adopting this cunning policy, the clinic risks _______ many of its patients.A. acquittingB. allocatingC. alleviatingD. alienating37. Humor can also be a powerful ________ against stress and misfortune.A. braveryB. blossomC. bufferD. buffet38. Diabetes upsets the _________ of sugar, fat and protein.A. metastasisB. metabolismC. malaiseD. maintenance39. The muscular ___________ can affect the way we feel mentally.A. potencyB. fiberC. lethargyD. synthesis40. Evidence is widespread that HIV-infected persons show to ______ their unsafe behavior.A. respond toB. reflect onC. wipe outD. put offSection B41. Memory can both be enhanced and impaired by the use of drugs.A. inhibitedB. injuredC. inducedD. intervened42. Is it true that this is the major drawback of the new medical plan.A. defectB. assistanceC. culpritD. triumph43. The physician was becoming exasperated by all the questions they were asking.A. frustratedB. perplexedC. irritatedD. crippled44. We were shocked at the physician’s callous disregard for the human dimension of medicine.A. involuntaryB. apparentC. deliberateD. indifferent45. For years, biologists have known that chimpanzees and even some monkeys produce a pantingSound akin to human laughter.A. rockingB. gaspingC. vibratingD. resonating46. Everybody at the party was in a very relaxed and jolly mood.A. rejoicingB. reconcilingC. refreshingD. resenting47. The bacterial infection is curable with judicious use of antibiotics.A. impudentB. imprudentC. purulentD. prudent48. He tried to run, but he was hampered by his broken leg.A. endangeredB. enduredC. encounteredD. encumbered49. The whole holiday was a colossal waste of money.A. consecutiveB. conductiveC. considerateD. considerable50. The idea of correcting the defective genes is not particularly controversial in the scientific community.A. inevitableB. applicableC. disputableD. incrediblePart III Cloze (10%)Every day, over a million people log onto different Internet-based games. There is truly something for everyone in the gaming world. Games provide a quick escape from ___51___. Game developers are the new breed ofstorytellers, creating alternative ___52___. Games represent the ultimate interactive movie, allowing the user to control the direction of the plot.And now the newest technologies allow you to play games no matter where you are. At home, we have PC or video game consoles. ___53__, a desktop or laptop computer can be loaded with OS-bundled games or Web-based freebies. Even while traveling, there are many wireless computers, portable game devices, wireless phones and PDAs ___54___.Games are now pushing back all the ___55___ once placed upon them by technology, category, realism, location and time. These advances are helping to push games into the ___56___ of visual reality. Thus, the stuff of science fiction novels is gradually emerging, the graphic aspects of the game quickly ___57___. Initially, electronic involved ___58___ moving blocks across a TV or computer screen. ___59___ the vast increases in processing power, games are quickly approaching three-dimensional realism. This power allows a developer to create a ___60___ world where a gamer can look around in full 360-degree vision.51. A. society B. reality C. dream D. illusion52. A. approaches B. characters C. worlds D. mazes53. A. In general B. At present C. In reality D. At work54. A. to choose from B. to choose C. choosing from D. chosen55. A. defects B. drawbacks C. limitations D. disadvantages56. A. room B. realm C. range D. boundary57. A. evolve B. evolving C. evolved D. evolve58. A. simply B. readily C. exceptionally D. simultaneously59. A. Aiding by B. To aid by C. Aided by D. To be aided by60. A. human B. original C. realistic D. microscopicPart IV Reading Comprehension (30%)Passage OneToo much alcohol dulls your senses, but a study in Japan shows that the moderate drinkers have a higher IQ than teetotalers.Researchers at the National Institute for the Longevity Sciences in Aichi Prefecture, 250 kilometers west of Tokyo, tested the IQs of 2000 people between the ages of 40 and 79. They found that, on average, men who drank moderately --- defined as less than 540 milliliters of sake or wine a day --- had an IQs that was 3.3 points higher than men who did not drink at all. Women drinkers scored 2.5 points higher than female teetotalers.The type of alcohol didn’t influence the results. The volunteers tried a variety of tipples, which ranged from beer and whisky to wine and sake.The researchers are quick to point out that the results do not necessarily show that drinking will make you more intelligent.“It’s very difficult to show a cause-effect relationship,”says senior researcher Hiroshi Shimokata. “we screened subjects for factors such as income and education, but there may be other factors such as lifestyle and nutritional intake.”Shimokata says that people who drink sake, or Japanese rice wine, tend to eat more raw fish. This could be a factor in enhanced intelligence, as fish often contain essential fatty acids that have been linked to brain development. Similarly, wine drinkers eat a lot of cheese, which is not something Japanese normally consume or buy. Shimkata says the high fat content of cheese is thought to be good for the brain.If alcoholic drinks are directly influencing IQ, Shimkata believes chemicals such as polyphenols could be the critical factor. They are known to have antioxidant properties and other beneficial effects on ageing bodies, such as dilating constricted coronary arteries.The study is part of a wider research project to find out why brain function deteriorates with age.61.The Japanese study was carried out on .A. the development of IQB. the secrete of longevityC. the brain food in a glassD. the amount of healthy drinking62. The Japanese researchers found a higher IQ inA. female teetotalers than in male onesB. female drinkers than in male onesC. moderate drinkersD. Teetotalers63.When he says that it is very difficult to show a cause-effect relationship, Shimokata means that_________.A. the study failed to involve such variables as income and educationB. he is doubtful of the findings of the investigationC. there are some other contributing factorsD. the results were just misleading64.From Shimokata’s mention of fish and cheese we can infer that in enhancingA. sake or wine is a perfect match for fish and cheeseB. they promote the drinking effect of sake or wineC. they are not as effective as sake and wineD. sake or wine is not alone65.Based on the study, Shimokata would say thatA. intelligence improves with ageB. IQ can be enhanced in one way or anotherC. polyphenols in alcohol may boost the brainD. alcoholic drinks will make you more intelligentPassage TwoWomen do not avoid fighting because they are dainty or scared, but because they have a greater stake than men in staying alive to rear their offspring. Women compete with each other just as tenaciously as men, but with a stealth and subtlety that reduces their chances of being killed or injured, says Anne Campbell of the department of psychology at the university of Durham.Across almost all cultures and nationalities, men have a much smaller role than women in rearing children. “Males go for quantity of children rather than quality of care for offspring, which means that the parental investment of women is much greater,” says Campbell. And unlike men, who can’t be sure that their children have not been fathered on the sly by other men, women can always be certain that half an offspring’s genes are theirs.Women have therefore evolved a stronger impulse than men to see their children grow up into adults. Men’s psychological approach is geared to fathering as many children as possible.To make this strategy work and to attract partners, men need to establish and advertise their dominance over rival males. Throughout evolution this has translated into displays of male aggression, ranging in scale from playground fights to world wars.Men can afford to take more risks because as parents they are more expendable. Women, meanwhile, can only ensure reproductive success by overseeing the development of their children, which means avoiding death.“ The scale of parental investment drives everything,” says Campbell. “ It’s not that women are too scared to fight,” she says. “It’s more to do with the positive value of staying alive, and women have an awfully big stake notjust in offspring themselves but in offspring they might have in the future,’ she says.This means that if women do need to compete—perhaps for a partner—they choose low-risk rules of engagement. They use indirect tactics, such as discrediting rivals by spreading malicious rumours. And unlike men who glory in feats of dominance, women do better by concealing their actions and their “victories”.But there is no doubt says Campbell, that the universal domination of culture by males has exaggerated these differences in attitudes to physical aggression. “The story we’ve always been told is that females are not aggressive,”says Campbell. And when they are aggressive, women are told that their behaviour is “odd or abnormal”.66. For the sake of their children, according to Campbell, women _______________A. are reluctant to start warsB. cannot avoid being dainty or scaredC. would rather get killed or injured in fightingD. do not fight with men under any circumstances67. It can be learned from the passage that men and women__________________A. present different family values in the worldB. show definite differences in parenting skillsC. are genetically conditioned in educating their childrenD. take different psychological approaches to their children68. Which of the following would men most probably be concerned about according to the passage?A. LifeB. ParentingC. DominanceD. Reproduction69. To avoid death, women _________.A. cannot afford to confront risksB. choose to fight in a violent wayC. try to seek protection from the menD. would resort to the “ odd or abnormal” tactics70. What is the main idea of the passage?A. Why men and women possess different parenting skillsB. Why men are more aggressive than womenC. Why women evolve in their own wayD.Why women do not start fightsPassage ThreeThe first line reads: “She sits on the bed with a helpless expression. What is your name? Auguste. Last name? Auguste. What is your husband’s name? Auguste, I think.” The 32 pages of medical records that follow are the oldest medical description of Alzheimer’s disease. Psychiatrist Konrad Maurer and his colleagues at Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt found the file in their hospital’s archive, where it had been missing for nearly 90 years, and published excerpts from it last May in the Lancet. The notes, in a cramped, archaic German script, were written by Alois Alzheimer – the physician who first described the disease.His patient, Auguste D, was a 51-year-old woman who had suffered fits of paranoid jealousy and memory lapses so disturbing that her family brought her to a local hospital known as the Castle of the Insane. Over the next four years Alzheimer tracked her condition. Upon her death he examined her brain issue and found the distinctive lesions that are now hallmarks of the disease.Today Alzheimer’s afflicts some 4 million Americans. Although it still cannot be cured, or even treated very well, several recent studies hint that some treatments – from estrogen to Vitamin E to anti-inflammatory drugs –can reduce either the risk of developing the disorder or its symptoms. And more is being learned about itsdistinctive pathology. This past year, for instance, researchers discovered a new kind of lesion in Alzheimer’s patients. A genetic study also pinpointed a mutation that is present in some 60 percent of them – a mutation in the DNA of mitochondria, the energy-producing organelles of the cells.But nearly a century ago, it was Alois Alzheimer who first described the disease and in so doing became one of the physicians to offer a biological basis for a psychiatric condition. Finding the file, Maurer says, “is like holding history in your hands.”71. Obviously, the discovery of the missing file of Auguste D __________________.A. adds credit to Alois AlzheimerB. sheds doubt on the first description of Alzheimer’sC. presents a big challenge to the present medical communityD. has a great impact on the development of a cure for Alzheimer’s72. The anatomical characteristics of Alzheimer’s _________________________.A. can be found in the missing fileB. could have been confirmed decades agoC. are wrongly described in the missing fileD. even puzzled the medical community today73. The findings of the research on Alzheimer’s _________________________.A. sound encouragingB. took more time than expectedC. were ascribed to the missing fileD. will bring about a cure in no time74. When he says that finding the file is like holding history in your hands. , Maurer means___________________.A. his assurance of the historical findingB. his further studies on Alzheimer’sC. the beauty of the medical historyD. the importance of imagination75. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?A. The Physician Who First Described Alzheimer’sB. The Resent Studies on Alzheimer’sC. The missing File Of Auguste DD. The history of PsychiatricsPassage FourDry-cleaning machines that use liquid carbon dioxide as a solvent will go on sale in the US next year – thanks to chemists in North Carolina who have developed CO2-solluble detergents. Dry-cleaner will lose their characteristic smell, and the new process will cut the amount of toxic waste in cleaning clothes.Joseph DeSimone, a chemist at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, says liquid CO2 is an ideal solvent because after cleaning, the CO2 can be evaporated off, collected, liquefied and reused.The problem in developing the process, says DeSimone, has been that CO2 by itself is not a good solvent. However, he points out that not too much dissolves in water without the help of detergents, yet water is the most common solvent. What CO2 needed, the thought, was the right detergent.Detergent molecules such as those in washing-up liquid have two chemically distinct ends: one has a liking for water, the other sticks to dirt. Normal detergents do not dissolve in liquidCO2, so DeSimone created three CO2-soluble detergents. One end of the detergents has a fluorocarbon group, which makes them soluble in CO2. The other end is soluble in water, oil or silicone, depending on the type of dirt being removed. The person doing thedry-cleaning has to decide which of the detergents is best suited for the job.DeSimone’s company, Micell, will start selling liquid CO2 dry-cleaning machines next year. They operate at room temperature at a pressure “about ten times the pressure of a bicycle tyre,”according to a spokesman for Micell.Most dry-cleaners currently use chlorinated hydrocarbons such as perchloroethylene. But the US Environment Protection Agency (EPA) is clamping down on the toxic waste emissions this produces. After cleaning with the new machines, the liquid CO2 is evaporated and collected for reuse, leaving a residue of detergent and dirt.Brad Lienhart, president of Micell, says that cutting waste and pollution is the company’s strongest selling point. “Dry-cleaner owners are saying ‘get this burden off my back’,” he says. He hopes to sell a hundred machines in the first year of business. About 15000 conventional dry-cleaning machines are sold around the world every year. Buster Bell, who owns Bell Laundry and Dry Cleaning in South Carolina, says the Micell technology looks competitive, and he likes the reduced environmental impact. “You really don’t know what is coming from the EPA,” he says.76. The passage begins with ___________________.A. a commercial advertisementB. a horrible warningC. a sale promotionD. good news77. What is the liquid CO2 for?A. Better cleaning clothes.B. Help recycle dry cleaners.C. Dissolve the toxic waste from dry cleaningD. Reduce the toxic emission from dry cleaning78. The right detergent for CO2__________________.A. makes dry cleaning easyB. must be chemically solubleC. is chemically of two purposesD. means a right person for dry-cleaning79. When they are saying “get this burden off my back,” the dry-cleaner owners refer to __________________.A. the competition in the business of dry cleaningB. the pressure from EPAC. their potential profitD. their selling point80. What is the strongest selling point of the MiCell technology according to Lienhart?A. It will promote dry-cleaning business.B. It is environment-friendlyC. It costs less in the market.D. All of the abovePassage FiveThe alarm on our household computer terminal rings and wakes me up. My husband simply stirs and goes back to sleep. I transfer today’s information onto the personal data card I carry with me everywhere and scan today’s readings. Values are given as to the number of litres of water I can use ,the amount of coal-generated electricity I have been allocated and how many “envirocredits” I have earned.I am free to use the water and electricity as I choose, however I notice that the ration of electricity is decreasing every day. Of course, this will not be a problem when we have earned enough envirocredits to buy another solar panel. Envirocredits are earned by buying goods with limited or no packaging, minimizing theamount of garbage thrown out and by financially supporting “envirotechnology’. Before cars were phased out due to unpopularity, credits could be gained by using public transport.I notice an extra passage added to the readings. At last I have been given permission to have a child. Almost instantaneously a package arrives with a label on it: “anti-sterilization Unit’. Inside there are instructions and a small device that looks like a cross between a pistol and s syringe. Eagerly I follow the instructions. The procedure is painless and I don’t know if I am imagining it but I seem to feel the effects at once.Shaking my husband awake, I tell him the good news. I want to get started baby-making right now. “You’ve been on the waiting list for 37 years,” he says. “Can’t you just wait until I’ve woken up properly?”I decide that I probably don’t have much choice and wander downstairs. I am feeling very privileged to have the opportunity to create a new life. It is saddening, however, when I realize that, because of strict population controls, this new life will be replacing an old one.I decide to ring my mother and tell her the good news. When she answers the phone she is crying. She has received word that my grandmother has failed her last health check and will be euthanized next week.For some reason, I don’t feel like creating that new life anymore.81. Based on today’s data, the wife will ________________.A. use up all the envirocredits she earnedB. make arrangements with her husband for the dayC. be allowed to use a certain amount of water and electricityD. do as required to generate enough water and electricity for the day82. According to the passage, envirocredits go to those who ______________--.A. recycle their garbage at homeB. limit themselves to solar energyC. push envirotechnology forwardD. do some environment-friendly83. the effects the wife is feeling at once following the instructions refer to _____________.A. the desire to make a babyB. the permission to make a babyC. the device to help her make a babyD. the consequences of making a baby84. The good news for the wife turned into bad news because _____________.A. she has to wait for another 37 yearsB. to create a new life is to replace an old oneC. population is strictly controlled in the countryD. today she is not healthy enough to make a baby85. What is the passage?A. It is a scenarioB. It is a true storyC. It is a piece of newsD. It’s a scientific reportPassage SixJust because you’re better educated doesn’t mean that you’re any more rational than everyone else, not matter how hard you may try to give that impression.Take the selection of lottery numbers. A survey in Florida described at this year’s annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science shows that better educated people try to use random numbersystem to pick their lottery numbers.Despite the apparent logic of choosing random numbers, however, their chances of winning are not better than those of ordinary folk who use birthdays, anniversaries and other “lucky” dates. Nor are they better off than those who draw on omens and intuitions, picking numbers seen on car number-plates and in dreams. But no doubt they feel a lot more rational.That appearance of “rationality” may be a dangerous thing. Scientists are not immune to subtle and subjective influences on their judgments. Take the data from a survey of the public and members of the British Society of Toxicology discussed at the same meeting.The survey shows that most people agree with the view that animals can be used to help predict how humans will react to chemicals, and that if a chemical causes cancer in an animal we can be “reasonably sure” it will cause cancer in humans. The toxicologists, however, are more circumspect. They accept the first statement but are less likely to agree that if a chemical causes cancer in an animal, it will cause cancer in a human.Can this difference be attributed to their expertise? Perhaps. But consider the considerable variation among toxicologists: those who were young, female, working in academia rather than industry or who felt that technology is not always used for the good of all, were more likely to agree that what causes cancer in an animal will cause cancer in a human.Maybe we need to think more about how who we are affects our “rational’ decisions.86. According to the Florida-based survey, those who are better educated feel a lot more rational about the way they ______________________.A. look at the worldB. use logic in doing scienceC. choose their lottery numbersD. use numbers professionally and personally87. Actually, the selection of random numbers _______________________.A. does not work any better than the use of omens and intuitionsB. stands more chance of winning a lottery in the United StatesC. is wrongly appreciated by rational peopleD. is widely practiced in lottery88. What are the survey data suggesting in the passage?A. We are leave in the age of rationality.B. Nobody can be trusted in terms of truth.C. Humans and animals do not react to chemicals in the same way.D. The sense of rationality cannot avoid being subjectively influenced89. What the author is trying to say in the passage ____________________.A. can be further illustrated by the opinion among toxicologistsB. is acceptable to those young and female toxicologistsC. is rational enough to accept in the world of scienceD. has much to do with his own experience90. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?A. A Very Comforting IllusionB. A Rational Approach to LotteryC. A Survey on Education and RationalityD. A Difference between Scientists and OthersPaper Two。
考博外科学试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪项不是外科手术的基本原则?A. 无菌操作B. 无创原则C. 快速切除D. 保护组织2. 外科手术中,以下哪项不是常用的止血方法?A. 压迫止血B. 电凝止血C. 药物止血D. 物理止血3. 以下哪种情况不适合进行手术治疗?A. 急性阑尾炎B. 慢性胆囊炎C. 严重营养不良D. 早期乳腺癌4. 外科手术中,以下哪项不是术后并发症?A. 感染B. 出血C. 疼痛D. 血栓形成5. 以下哪项是腹腔镜手术的优点?A. 切口大B. 恢复快C. 视野差D. 并发症多6. 以下哪项是外科手术前的常规准备?A. 禁食禁水B. 立即手术C. 无需体检D. 无需心理辅导7. 以下哪种麻醉方式适用于短小手术?A. 全身麻醉B. 局部麻醉C. 椎管内麻醉D. 神经阻滞麻醉8. 以下哪项是外科手术中常见的感染类型?A. 细菌性感染B. 真菌性感染C. 病毒性感染D. 寄生虫感染9. 以下哪项是外科手术中常见的并发症?A. 心律失常B. 肾功能衰竭C. 肺栓塞D. 以上都是10. 以下哪项是外科手术中的无菌操作原则?A. 无菌区域与非无菌区域分离B. 手术器械随意摆放C. 手术人员可以随意进出手术室D. 手术人员可以不戴口罩答案:1-5 C, D, C, D, B;6-10 A, B, A, D, A二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述外科手术前的基本准备流程。
2. 请列举三种常见的外科手术并发症,并简要说明其预防措施。
3. 描述腹腔镜手术与传统开腹手术的主要区别。
09协和考博外科试題(考场版)一. 名词解释2x81. chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome2. whippie 三联征3.F A P 4hypoplastic left heart syndrome5.动脉性间歇性跛行6. o'donogue三联征7.eaton-lamber综合症8・隐匿性乳癌二. 判断题0.5x10因为此题分值少,字木多,所以没抄下来,记得普外比较多,倒数3个分别是骨科,胸外,整形的。
正确的答集是自下而上的类型是marie-strumpell 起始于颈椎,向下发展的叫bechterew病,预后很差。
三. 单项选择題1x58 (只记下题干了)i. 以下哪种結石易在碱性尿中形成2 •膀胱肿瘤的多发部位是3. 前列腺增生与神经源性膀胱的鉴别中,除后者有其他神经损吉症状外,以下哪种症狀是二者的不同点(选项都是泌尿系症狀〉4. 以下哪项不是慢性胰腺炎的晩期症状5. 般腺假性囊肿成熟的时间6. 促胃液素瘤的临床表现是7. 在中国急性胰腺炎的最常见原因是8 .上消化道出血的最常见原因是9•急性阑尾炎的典型体征是i0.老年人急性肠换阻的常见原因是11 •早期胃癌是指病灶在一层内12. 胃癌时做亘肠指诊的目的是i 3.直肠癌首选的检查方法是14. the most important artery associated with paraplegia in thoracabdominal 日neurysm surgery is15. 缺血性心肌炳(终末期冠心病〉最有效的治疗方法是i 6 •冠脉旁路移植的纶对禁忌症建17. 非体外擔环下冠魔搭桥的禁忌证是18. 乳内动脉•左前降搭桥存活高、效杲好的原因是i 9 •小肝癌的邕径20.早期肝虧最有效的泊疗方法是2仁肝正中裂通过的是哪条静牀22 •判断手挙动脉弓是否完蛊的试验是23 •大隐静脉曲张判断深静脉是否通畅的枪査是24.以下关于唇外翎的手术,哪项是正旃的(哈哈,这个题干意义不大,可选项I:匕较长,所以没记下来,大家看个知识点吧》25•乳帛再造时乳垦不能选择以下何处皮肤做供区皮朕(选项嘴唇、屉后、大腿内侧、大阴唇)26修复阴茎尿道下列的最隹手:术方法是27 •足跟皮肤缺损应选择以下何处擁供区28. 神经缺损修复时当缺损A %时,应改变关节位星以减少张力29. 以下哪种黑痣不易吾变30•从姜学角度看,闊骨上切迹距乳头CM为最佳(选项C18-22CM,其他选项各差1 C⑷31.以下哪块肌肉的血供模戏为III型,可以两不同弧度转动32 •上唇缺损占全唇多少时应采用扇形皮瓣修补33•慢性骨髓炎萋道不愈合,原因除外以下哪项34.先天性斜颈的最佳手术时间是35.36是两道病例趣,题干太长,好傢都是胸外的,有一个涉及胸壁结核37 •最常见的上纵隔肿曆是38. 胸腔出血手术探査的指证是39. ARDS 指40.41是两道英语题,很长,好俛也是心脚外的42. —侧肺切除后近期屋严重的并发症是43. 食管癌切除弓上吻合术最严重的并发症是44•乳癌最常见的部位是(彖限)45. 腋窗淋巴结不包括以下那组46. 急性乳腺炭脓肿形成后最主要的治疗措施是47•乳腺褰性增生病是©题干很长,主要是考定义〉48 .乳癌橘皮正的机制杲49. 以下哪一神经传导朿与脊備半切征无关50. 颅脑丰术时以翼点为中心的额聂入路钻第一孔的位湼51係I坡、上颈椎手朮时,经口入路的指证是〈选项足病变不同的垃置〉52. 正常压力的脑豊腹腔分流,应选择以下哪种分流管53. MEN-I的诊断要点54•关于脑室外引流,以下正确的是55. 脑啟肿的2种临床危象是56. 门脉高压吋最早受累的侧枝是57 •肝外胆管癌的常见部位58.急性梗阻性胆管炎的治疗黄键足四. 填空0.5x381・现已明确的遗传性肾癌有…一,■—9 ------2. 胆汁日分泌蜃一-ML,成分一一(填2种,其他的成分写出来了》3. 肝外胆管结石的治疔原则是4•腹腔穿孔最常见于•一,・・-•5. ---------------------------------------------------- 细菌性肝肥肿的常见致病菌是和6. 急性动豚缺血的5P征-…,——?-…,—77. ------------------------------------- 创伤救护的步骤,先...... ,再■最后8. -------------------------------------------- 骨岔骨折出血多的原因,---------- ,,9. 肺癌常见的師外表现是10. E万癌茅转移途径有11・与神经外科相关的低讷血症有……,……五. 简答6x41《泌尿外科治疗指南》中,根治性膀胱切除的指证是什么?2. 无症状胆囊结石的手术指证3. 胫骨平台骨折的SCHATZK田分型4 .肺结核行肺叶切除的手术指证六.论述14x2i・试述胰腺癌的诊断流程2 •试述人工关节宣换术后深静脉血栓形成的预防和治疗慣施中山医外科博士题目必做题:i. 破伤风的病原体特点,为预防破伤风,早期治疗有哪些?2•急性肾功能哀竭少尿期或无尿期的水电解员酸戚平衡有哪些?3 •肠内营养同肠外营养比较,有哪些有点?4. 肾积脓的概念?5•骨折延迟愈合定义,原因,及X线表现?6•妊娠期急性阑尾炎的外科治疗措施?7. 下肢静脉曲张的手术方法有哪些?8. 胆爨切除术后练合症的原因?9•良性十二指肠瘀滞症定义,原因,及贺餐表现?10. 闭合性肾损伤的外科手术指针?11. 孟氏骨折概念和分型?12•髙钾血症的槪念,原因,治疗?13. 卑纯性甲状腺肿的手术指针?14. 乳腺儘的手术方法有哪些?(不包括姑息方法〉根据不同专业选做题;晋外:胃癌根治木方法?淋巴结回流?小儿外:尿道下裂移植:肝移植衣后胆道并发症?肾移植术后排斥反应类型?脑外:颅咽管瘤木后并揑症?脑水肿分型?机理?心側外:主动脉缩窄分型?手术方法?总论1. 呼吸性酸中爲2 •肠源性感染3. 脓毒症(sepsis)4 .super infection5 .ARDS1. 输血适应症2. 外科抗菌药应屈原则胸心外l. MCGoo n 比恒2 •并行循环3 •重症肌无力4. 肺动静魔痿1.ECM0治疗优势2 •肺務植指征和齋忌症及供肺条件3•电视胸腔镜适应征创伤外科1.DCS损伤控制外科Z.mutipfe trauma 多发伤3. AIS-ISS简明损伤定级•损伤严垂度评分4. VIPC漿急处理的V通气I输娠P心电监护C控制出血程序i. 创伤急救原则及注意事项2 .创伤性休克的治疗原则3. 腹腔脏器损伤的表现及剖膻探沓指征骨外科1. 脊柱非融合技木2. bryant 三角3 •梨状肌综合征4. 膜内成角1. 脊柱結核的病理征2. 成人股骨头的血供及股骨头缺血坏死的外科治疗原则3骨髓间充质细胞的生物学特性/临床应用前景和存在问题整形外科i・柚型皮怨2屣形脣裂3. 瘢獗疙瘩4.SMAS1. 移植皮瓣的分类及优毓点2 .隆胸手术入路及优缺点1乳房切除后垂建的内容,常曲方法神经外科i・小脑幕切迹疝2. 先天性脑积水3. 隐匿性血管畸形4 •蛛网膜下腔出血1. 动脉瘤的Hunt-Hess分级2. 颅咽管瘤术后并发症及处理3. 脑干损伤表现4車型颅脑损伤中急性脑膨出的原因及防治唐施普外1 .anal cushions2. budd-chiari sydrome3. AOSC4. 晩期倾倒综合征1•门脈高压断汛术的合理性2•胃逼根治术的三个基本原则,进展期胃癌术武的选择3 •甲状腺危象的临床表现及治疗原则4•胰腺假性囊肿的病因「表现和治疗原则小儿外科1. 梅干腹综合征2. Kasabach-Merritt 征3 •落日征4. 克天性巨结肠同源病5. bar low 试验1 •小儿三种最常见肿瘤虛中哪种尿VMAF01生2. 新生儿消化道梗阻常见疾病,举五种并鉴别3•先天性肾积水病因及鉴别要点4 •先天性巨结砺与哪些基因突变有关5. 胆总管扩张的病因,术式泌尿外科1. LUTS2. 炳理性肾结核l.TURP sydrome2・ED的病因3. 前列腺癌手术指征4. 膀胱全切术并发症及处理(泌尿外科的大題不完全请同志们补充,另外器官移植今年好像做的普外科的題)。
外科博士专业基础试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 外科手术中,以下哪个是无菌操作的基本要求?A. 手术室内保持清洁B. 手术人员必须穿戴无菌手术衣和手套C. 手术室内禁止无关人员进入D. 所有选项都是2. 以下哪项不是外科手术的基本原则?A. 无菌原则B. 无创原则C. 无痛原则D. 快速原则3. 以下哪个是外科手术中常用的止血方法?A. 压迫止血B. 电凝止血C. 药物止血D. 所有选项都是4. 以下哪个不是外科手术中常用的缝合材料?A. 丝线B. 肠线C. 不锈钢线D. 尼龙线5. 外科手术中,以下哪个是预防感染的重要措施?A. 术前准备B. 术中无菌操作C. 术后护理D. 所有选项都是6. 以下哪个是外科手术中常用的麻醉方式?A. 局部麻醉B. 椎管内麻醉C. 全身麻醉D. 所有选项都是7. 以下哪个不是外科手术中常用的引流方式?A. 腹腔引流B. 胸腔引流C. 静脉引流D. 动脉引流8. 以下哪个是外科手术中常用的切口类型?A. 横切口B. 纵切口C. 斜切口D. 所有选项都是9. 以下哪个不是外科手术中常用的止血带?A. 橡胶止血带B. 充气止血带C. 纱布止血带D. 金属止血带10. 以下哪个是外科手术中常用的抗感染药物?A. 青霉素B. 头孢类C. 红霉素D. 所有选项都是二、简答题(每题5分,共30分)1. 请简述无菌操作的基本原则。
2. 请简述外科手术中的无菌环境如何建立?3. 请简述外科手术中常用的缝合技术有哪些?4. 请简述外科手术中常见的并发症有哪些?5. 请简述外科手术中常用的麻醉方法及其特点。
6. 请简述外科手术中预防感染的措施。
三、论述题(每题25分,共50分)1. 论述外科手术中的无菌技术的重要性及其实施步骤。
2. 论述外科手术中对患者进行术前准备的重要性及其具体内容。
答案:一、选择题1. D2. D3. D4. C5. D6. D7. C8. D9. D10. D二、简答题1. 无菌操作的基本原则包括:保持无菌区域的清洁、避免接触无菌物品、使用无菌工具和材料、穿戴无菌手术衣和手套等。
一、名词解释1. 脓毒症(sepsis ):是指由感染引起的全身炎症反应综合征(systemic inflammatory response syndrome, SIRS ),临床上证实有细菌存在或有高度可疑感染灶。
2. 缺血-再灌注损伤(ischemia-reperfusion injury ):在缺血基础上恢复血流后组织损伤反而加重,甚至发生不可逆性损伤的现象3. APUD 瘤(Apudoma ):由APUD 系统的细胞(弥散的神经内分泌细胞)发生的肿瘤,统称为APUD 瘤(apudoma )。
APUD 细胞指广泛分布在全身各部位的一些内分泌细胞和细胞群,这些细胞内含有胺或具有摄取胺的前体,进行脱羧反应的能力[(Amine (胺),Pre- cursor (前体),Uptake(摄取),Decarboxylation(脱羧)],把具有这种特性(或能力)的细胞称为APUD 细胞。
4. 肝脏couinaud 分段法:以肝裂和门静脉及肝静脉在肝内分布为基础的Couinaud 分段法,将肝脏分为八段:相当于尾状叶为I 段,左外叶为Ⅱ、Ⅲ段,左内叶为Ⅳ段,右前叶为V 、Ⅷ段,右后叶为Ⅵ、Ⅶ段。
5. 肠道细菌移位(bactrial translocation ):是指肠道细菌及其产物从肠腔移位至肠系膜或其他肠外器官的过程。
6. 甲状腺危象:是甲状腺功能亢进最严重的并发症,多发生在甲亢未治疗或控制不良患者,在感染、手术、创伤或突然停药后,出现以高热、大汗、心动过速、心律失常、严重呕泻、意识障碍等为特征的临床综合征。
外科学考博试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 外科感染中最常见的致病菌是:A. 金黄色葡萄球菌B. 大肠杆菌C. 肺炎链球菌D. 真菌答案:A2. 以下哪项不是外科手术的基本原则?A. 无菌原则B. 无创原则C. 快速原则D. 安全原则答案:C3. 以下哪项是开放性骨折的特点?A. 骨折端不与外界相通B. 骨折端与外界相通C. 骨折线完全在皮肤下D. 骨折线完全在骨髓内答案:B4. 急性阑尾炎最典型的临床表现是:A. 腹痛B. 恶心呕吐C. 右下腹固定压痛D. 发热答案:C5. 以下哪项是乳腺癌的高危因素?A. 长期吸烟B. 长期饮酒C. 家族遗传史D. 长期素食答案:C二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述外科手术切口的分类及其特点。
2. 描述急性胆囊炎的诊断要点。
3. 解释何为“无菌技术”及其在外科手术中的重要性。
三、论述题(每题25分,共50分)1. 论述外科手术前的准备要点。
2009年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题参考答案及解析IntroductionThe 2009 National Medical Doctoral English Exam for Foreign Language aimed to assess the English language proficiency of medical doctorate candidates in China. This article presents the reference answers and analysis for the exam questions.Section 1: Reading Comprehension1. Passage 1: The Impact of Sleep Deprivation on Cognitive FunctionReference Answer:The passage discusses the detrimental effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive function, including impaired memory, decreased attention span, and reduced problem-solving abilities.Analysis:The main idea of this passage is to emphasize the negative consequences of sleep deprivation on cognitive abilities. It provides evidence and examples to support this claim. The passage highlights the importance of getting sufficient sleep for optimal cognitive functioning.2. Passage 2: The Benefits of Sports for Physical and Mental HealthReference Answer:The passage elaborates on the various benefits of participating in sports, such as improved physical fitness, enhanced mental well-being, and increased social interaction.Analysis:The main objective of this passage is to emphasize the positive effects of sports on both physical and mental health. It provides examples and statistics to support these claims. The passage promotes the idea that engaging in sports activities can lead to a healthier and happier lifestyle.Section 2: Vocabulary and Grammar1. Vocabulary PartReference Answers:a) Synonymous Definition:1. d) analyze2. b) innovation3. c) numerous4. a) deteriorate5. c) implementb) Antonymous Definition:1. b) conserve2. c) enhance3. d) alleviate4. a) rigid5. b) impartial2. Grammar Part Reference Answers:a) Multiple-Choice:1. a) have been drinking2. b) will have arrived3. b) can be4. c) has been working5. c) had leftb) Cloze Test:1. a) to2. d) for3. b) in4. a) with5. c) aboutSection 3: Writing Reference Answer:The writing section required candidates to write an essay on the advantages and disadvantages of modern technology in healthcare.Analysis:Candidates were expected to present a well-structured essay discussing the positive and negative aspects of modern technology in the healthcare sector. The essay should have included an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The writing should have been coherent, logical, and supported with appropriate examples and evidence.Conclusion:The 2009 National Medical Doctoral English Exam for Foreign Language aimed to evaluate the English language proficiency of medical doctorate candidates in China. This article provided the reference answers and analysis for the exam questions, including reading comprehension, vocabulary and grammar, as well as the writing section. By understanding these questions and their solutions, candidates can better prepare for future exams and improve their English language skills in the medical field.。
18. 天然防御包括... 19. 哪些不是有免疫活性的细胞 20. 皮肤附属器不包括. 21. 同种异体移植不需要(HLA?血RT?淋巴细胞混合培养?交叉细胞毒) 22. 下肢创伤后并发症不包括... 23. 加压包扎的目的 还有几个等我想到再贴吧 名解 4道*3 1. 第一,二鳃弓综合正 2. 组织工程 3. 皮瓣 4. Romberg综合正 简答 2题*5 1. Apert综合正 2. SMAS系统 问答 2题*10 1. 皮瓣移植并发症和防治 2. 整形外科常用的生物材料种类和特点
医学考博 历年真题试卷
考试科目:整形外科 注意:所有答案一律写在答题纸上,写在试题纸上或其他地方一律不给分。
第1页 共1页
一、名词解释 1、组织工程 2、外科结 3、实验动物 4、特那综合征 5、反应停综合征 6、软组织扩张术 二、填空题: 1、中国皮瓣的血供和近心端 2、吸脂的原理 3、爪形手的发病机理 三、简答题 1、米拉德一式和二式有无本质区别如果有是什么 2、瘢痕手之瘢痕是否与深部肌腱粘连 3、手功能位与休息位的区别 四、问答题 1、植皮供皮区的愈合过程 2、皮瓣延迟的手术方法 发生的变化 3、列举乳房再造的三种方法及适应症
第1页 共1页
考试科目:整形外科 注意:所有答案一律写在答题纸上,写在试题纸上或其他地方一律不给分。
大外科全部各论 单选40×1.5 是非10×1.5 外科总论 一、选择(选项记不清,不再罗列,见教材即是) 1.腰麻术中并发症;(麻醉共有3-4道题,具体见教材) 2.哪项不是全身炎症反应综合征的指标?(见外科学教材4项指标) 3.人体每日需要基本的能量是(25kcal) 4.物理灭菌法: 5.应激性溃疡 6.代谢性酸碱中毒 7.每日所需蛋白质(1g) 8.哪项错误?(颅内压增高病人禁用吗啡) 9.手术适应症:(心梗病人6个月后才可以手术) 10.哪项错误:(”高血压和指端手术,使用去甲“,错,不能用去甲,会导致肢体 坏死) 11.胃瘫哪项错误:(选项”引流物中含有胆汁“为错误) 二、判断 只记得有两道物理灭菌法和呼碱的题目,不过知识点和前面选择大概是重复
病理状态(pathological state)是指相对稳定的或局部形态变化发展极慢的病理过程或病理过程的后果,如损伤后形成的瘢痕。
各大名校神外考博试题(天坛、山大、湘雅、301、中山大学、协和、同济、珠江医院、)华中同济2007 博神外一名解(4×5')1. 弥散性轴索损伤2. 迟发性外伤性颅内血肿3. 先天性脑积水4. 颅内压增高二问答1. 颅内压增高的治疗原则(10')2. 听神经瘤的临床分期(10')3. 垂体瘤常用的两种手术方式的注意事项和适应症(20')首医天坛医院2007 博神外名词解释1. Gradinego syndrome2. 功能神经外科3. Nelson‘s syndrome4. GCS5. Von-Hippol-Lindau简答题1. CCF的临床表现2. 延髓网织细胞瘤手术并发症几防治3. 急性EDH和硬膜下血肿的临床鉴别要点4. 脑死亡的标准论述题1. 脑水肿种类病因特点2. 浅谈对神经肿瘤分子病理学的认识中山2009博神外1. 颅咽管瘤的术后并发症2. 脑水肿的分类和发病机理中山2008 博神外24、垂体源性Cushing‘s dise ase 内分泌学检查的临床意义。
25、(Glasgow Liege Coma Scale ,GLCS)格拉斯哥-莱吉昏迷计分方法和临床意义。
中山2006 博神外20、丘脑下部损伤的症状及体征21、试画出Langfitt容积/压力曲线,试述Langfitt试验的过程及临床意义湘雅2005 博神经外科1、癌基因?RAS基因及其的致癌机理?2、抑癌基因?p53基因及其抑癌机理?3、神经干细胞形态,生长特性,及其应用前景?4、床突旁动脉瘤与后交通动脉瘤、脉络膜动脉瘤的鉴别?手术要点?5、DA VF的部位,分型,治疗原则?6、血网的毫发部位,病因,病理,CT及MRI表现,手术要点?7、多形胶母发病率,病理,CTMRI表现,治疗原则?8、DAI?临床和CT表现?病理?9、下丘脑损伤表现及处理?10、外伤或手术后代谢变化的特点及其处理?浙江大学2004 博神经外科一、名词解释1、Foster-Kennedy综合症2、弥漫性轴索损伤3、Brown-sequard、综合症4、运动障碍5、烟雾病二、简答1、WHO关于星形细胞肿瘤的病理分级2、脑水肿的分类3、脑脓肿的临床分期及相应的头颅CT表现4、Key-hole三、问答1、PD的外科治疗2、动脉瘤术中供血动脉的夹闭(夹闭前血供实验,术中监护等)3,高血压脑出血的外科治疗4,松果体区肿瘤的治疗5,垂体腺瘤的病理学分类及相应临床表现华中同济2005 博神经外科一、名解1.颅内压增高2.弥漫性轴索损伤二、问答1、简述急脑疝病理2、简述慢性硬膜下血肿的临床特点及处理原则3、简述脊髓髓内外病变的鉴别诊断4、简述出血性脑卒中的分级及外科治疗原则5、简述听神经瘤的分期及相应临床表现华中同济2004 博神经外科一名词解释(12分)1.头皮血肿2.蛛网膜下腔出血3.血管网状细胞瘤4.脑挫裂伤二问答题(48分)1.椎管内肿瘤的临床表现2.试述脑肿瘤的分类3.脑膜瘤的好发部位4.脑动脉瘤破裂后判断病情的Hunt分级5.脑损伤的分级6.髓母细胞瘤的生物学特点和临床表现7.颅内血肿的手术指征8.弥漫性轴索损伤的特点华中同济 2003 博神外一名词解释(12分)1.头皮血肿2.蛛网膜下腔出血3.血管网状细胞瘤4.脑挫裂伤二问答题(48分)1.椎管内肿瘤的临床表现2.试述脑肿瘤的分类3.脑膜瘤的好发部位4.脑动脉瘤破裂后判断病情的Hunt分级5.脑损伤的分级6.髓母细胞瘤的生物学特点和临床表现7.颅内血肿的手术指征8.弥漫性轴索损伤的特点华中同济2002 博神经外科一、名词解释(每题5分,共10分)1.Lucid interval2.Brown-Sequard’s syndrome二、问答题(共60分)1.试述垂体瘤的分类和临床表现。
考试科目:神经外科学 注意:所有答案一律写在答题纸上,写在试题纸上或其他地方一律不给分。
共有七个类型题目1.名词解释2.是非题 3.单项选择题4.多项选择题5.填空题6.简答题4个7.论述题2个 填空题: 1.儿童胶质瘤与成人胶质瘤的不同之处是()() 2.微创神经外科的发展平台是()()()()()() 3.产生意识障碍是因为压迫了大脑的() 选择题: 1.面肌痉挛的责任血管是 2.三叉神经痛的首选治疗 3.三叉神经痛的首选辅助检查 简答题: 1.颅底重建的目的。 2.脑胶质瘤的血管较丰富。 明确血管因素对临床治疗胶质瘤具有重要意义,简述一下脑胶质瘤的血管生 成 3.垂体瘤切除后产生视力、视野障碍的原因。 4. 论述题 1.简述转化医学在百年神经外科发展中的作用。 2.颅底中线都有哪些结构,这些结构发生病变后都可以采取哪些开颅方式。
第1页 共1页
考试科目:神经外科学 注意:所有答案一律写在答题纸上,写在试题纸上或其他地方一律不给分。 一、选择题30个 共60分。 二、判断题 10个 共15分。 三、简答题5个 共30分。 1.大脑神经功能区的定位方式。 2.鞍底重建的目的。 3.Wada实验的概念及目的。 4.什么叫做中间清醒期?原因?常见于哪种外伤? 5.胶质瘤的转移途径。 四、论述题 共45分 1.经鼻蝶手术入路的优缺点。 2.SAH的原因。病理生理及并发症。 3.癫痫外科的适应症。
医学考博 历年真题试卷
考试科目:神经外科学 注意:所有答案一律写在答题纸上,写在试题纸上或其他地方一律不给分。
以下是一份外科学考博试题库及答案,供参考:一、选择题1. 以下哪项不是外科手术的基本原则?A. 无菌原则B. 无创原则C. 快速原则D. 安全原则答案:C2. 外科手术中,下列哪项不是无菌操作的基本要求?A. 穿戴无菌手术衣和手套B. 保持手术区域的清洁C. 手术器械直接接触患者皮肤D. 手术室内保持空气流通答案:C3. 以下哪项是外科手术中常见的并发症?A. 术后出血B. 术后感染C. 术后肺栓塞D. 所有选项都是答案:D二、简答题1. 简述外科手术的无菌技术的重要性。
2. 描述外科手术中的麻醉方法有哪些,并简要说明其特点。
三、论述题1. 论述外科手术中止血的重要性及其常用方法。
2009年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题录音原文Paper OnePart ⅠListening Comprehension (30%): TranscriptSection ADirections: In this section you will hear fifteen short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, you will hear a question about what is said. The question will be read only once. After you hear the question, read the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.Listen to the following example.You will hear:Woman: I fell faint.Man: No wonder. You haven't had a bite all day.Question: what's the matter with the woman?You will read:A. She is sick.B. She is bitten by an ant.C. She is hungry.D. She spilled her paint.Here C is the fight answer.Sample AnswerA B C DNow let's begin with Question No.1.1. M: Did you hear that John has passed the Step One United States Medical Licensing Examination?W: Finally.Q: What does the woman imply?2. M: It's a one day trip. It must be pretty close.W: It's about four hours by train.M: Ha, OK. How else we can get there?W: Well, I think, by taxi, it's only about two hours.M: I'm up for that.Q: What does the man prefer to do?3. W: Information. What number do you need?M: I need the number of German Embassy in Los Angeles.W: You'll have to dial Information in Los Angeles. Dial 1 213 555 1212.M: Sorry, could you say the number again?W: Sure. 1 213 555 1212.Q: What is the phone number?4. W: Hello. Jim. I wonder if you could see a patient for me.M: Certainly Anne. What's the story?W: Well, it's a Miss Linda Holmes, a 35-year-old waitress. She is an infrequent visitor.She came to see me this morning complaining a pain in her right leg.Q: What is the patient's complaint?5. W: I will be gone for a week. So I hope you can keep things straight around here.M: You have nothing to worry about.Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?6. W: If you see he is your brother, that's another pair of shoes. I suppose you can rely on him to help you.M: I know. But i feel ashamed to ask him for help.W: Don't think that way. He is your dear brother!M: OK I'll call him tonight.Q: What will the man probably do?7. M: Would you like to get into the couch and lie on your back, please? Now I am going to take your left leg and see how far you can raise it. Keep the knee straight. Does that hurt at all?W: Yes, just a little. Just slightly.Q: What is the man doing?8. M: Hi! Jane, this is Peter. Such a nice day today. I thought we might go to the botanic garden.W: I wish you have called me earlier. I have just made plans to play tennis.M; Oh, that's too bad. Maybe some other time.Q: What is the woman going to do?9. W: How do you like the new nurse at the reception desk?M: You mean Louise? He's been here as long as I have.Q: What does the man imply?10. M: Hello, Mrs. White. Is it your first visit in the clinic?W: Yes: But I've been to my doctor and he has checked me over.M: I see from his letter that he is satisfied with the way things are going. Is this your first pregnancy? W: Oh, no, I've had three. 1 lost two and had two miscarriages.Q: How many children does the woman have now?11. W: I've just been in a road accident.M: Were you thrown out of the car, or did you get the steering wheel in your chest?W: 1 wasn't thrown out, but I got the steering wheel in my chest And I hit my head on the wind screen. M: Were you knocked out?W: I don't remember any thing after the accident.Q: What could be said about the woman in the car accident?12. M: I'm sorry to hear that you've gained 20 pounds after going on a diet for 2 months.W: Don't cry crocodile tears. You'd be jealous of my figure if I succeeded.Q: What can we say about the woman?13. W: Guess what! I hear some students of the school are fooling around with drugs.M: But you know I'll stick to my guns and keep saying no to those who want me to try the stuff.Q: What does the man mean?14. M: How do you feel after the surgery? It seems that you've got a rebirth, fight?W: I'm sorry, doctor, honestly, I think the shoe is on the other foot.Q: What does the woman mean?15. W: You have to stand up straight for 15 hours if you want to join this team.M: Are you crazy? What have I got myself into?Q: What does the man mean?Section BDirections: In this section you will hear one dialogue and two passages. After each one, you will hear five questions. After each question, read the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.DialogueW: Mr. Scot. I like to record this consultation, so you and Mrs. Scot can play back later for anything that may not be clear to you today. I'm afraid that the scan results aren't very good. It's likely that you got a recurrence of cancer in you pancreas. That would explain why you've been feeling so tired, and your loss of appetite and weight.M: Doctor Smith, do I need surgery?W: Surgery isn't an option at this stage. Although we cannot operate, there's still a lot we can do to help you. You've got tablets for pain relief, and we can give you something stronger if you need it. We can also start you on a course of chemotherapy to help you with your symptoms. This won't cure you, but will make you feel more comfortable. It's unusual to have any unpleasant side effects with this kind of chemotherapy. I like you to see a dietician for some advice on what you eat and to help you get your appetite back.M: What's my life expectancy? How long have I got?W: One can never be certain about these issues. People with this condition vary a great deal. I would be wrong to give you a definite time scale. But I'd say it's a matter of months rather than years. I'm sorry to have to tell you all this, but my feeling is that it's always good to be honest with people, then you know what's what. If you are in agreement, I'd like to book you into Ward 2 to start your chemo. You'll need to come in every week for the next month.Questions16. What is the recorded consultation for?17. According to the doctor's diagnosis, what's happened to Mr. Scot?18. Which of the following is not a suggestion for Mr. Scot?19. According-to the doctor, what might be Mr. Scot's life expectancy?20. Which of the following can best describe the tone of doctor's words?Passage OneStephen HawkingLife on other planet is likely, but intelligent life is less likely. Famed astrophysicist, Stephen Hawking has been thinking a lot about the cosmic question: Are we alone? "The answer is probably not," he says. "If there is life elsewhere in the universe," Hawking asks "why haven't we stumbled onto some alien broadcasts in space? Maybe something like 'alien quiz show'?"Hawking's comments were pan of the lecture at George Washington University on Monday in honor of NASA's 50■th anniversary. He theorized that there are possible answers to whether there is extraterrestrial life. One option is that there likely isn't any life elsewhere or maybe there is intelligent life elsewhere. But when it gets smart enough to send signals into space, it's also smart enough to make destructive nuclear weapons. Hawking said he prefers the third opinion."Primitive life is very common, and intelligent life is fairly rare." He then quickly added "Some would say it has yet to occur on earth." So should, you worry about aliens? Alien abduction claims come from the "weirdos" and are unlikely. However, because alien life might not have DNA like us, Hawking warned, "Watch out if you would meet an alien. You could be infected with a disease to which you have no resistance." The 66-year-old British cosmologist who suffers from ALS and must speak through a mechanical device believes if the human race is to continue for another million years, we would have to boldly go where no one has gone before. Hawking compared people who don't want to spend money on human space exploration to those who opposed to the journey of Christopher Columbus in 1492. "The discovery of the new.world made a difference to the old. Just think we won't have had a Big Mac or KFC."Questions21. What is the passage mainly about?22. What is the event when Hawking delivered his lecture at the George Washington University?23. What is the idea Hawking favors in terms of extraterrestrial life?24. What is Hawking's warning to the encounter of an alien?25. What is Hawking's attitude towards human space exploration?Passage TwoObesity contributes to global warming tooObese and overweight people require more fuel to transport them and the food they eat, and the problem will worsen as the population literally swells in size, a team at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine says.This adds to the food shortage and higher energy prices, the school's researchers wrote in the journal Lancet on Friday.At least 400 million adults worldwide are obese. The World Health Organization (WHO)projects by 2015, 2.3 billion adults will be overweight and more than 700 million will be obese.In their model, the researchers pegged 40 percent of the global population as obese with a body mass index of near 30. Many nations are fast approaching or have surpassed this level.BMI is a calculation of height to weight, and the normal range is usually considered to be 18to 25, with more than 25 considered overweight and above 30 obese.The researchers found that obese people require 1,680 daily calories to sustain normal energy and another 1,280 calories to maintain daily activities, 18 percent more than someone with a stable BMI.Because thinner people cat less and arc more likely to walk than rely on cars, a slimmer population would lower demand for fuel for transportation and for agriculture.This is also very important because 20 percent of greenhouse gas emission stem from agriculture.The next step is quantifying how much a heavier population is contributing to climate change,higher fuel prices and food shortage. "Promotion of a normal distribution of BMI would reduce the global demand for, and thus the price of, food," Edwards and Roberts wrote.Questions26. Which of the following can best describe the main idea of the talk?27. According to the talk, which of the following can be made worse by the growing obese population?28. According to WHO, by 2015, what would be the estimated figure of the global obese population?29. According to the researchers, how much energy would an obese person need for a day?30. According to Edwards and Roberts, what would happen if we promote a normal distribution of BMI?。
博士外科试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 以下哪个选项不是开放性伤口的特点?A. 伤口边缘不整齐B. 伤口内组织损伤严重C. 伤口表面有异物D. 伤口边缘整齐答案:D2. 以下哪个选项是腹腔镜手术的主要优点?A. 手术创伤小B. 手术费用低C. 术后恢复慢D. 术中视野狭窄答案:A3. 以下哪个选项不是腹部外伤的常见症状?A. 腹痛B. 呕吐C. 腹泻D. 腹部压痛答案:C4. 以下哪个选项是阑尾炎的典型临床表现?A. 右下腹痛B. 左下腹痛C. 右上腹痛D. 左上腹痛答案:A5. 以下哪个选项是甲状腺癌的常见症状?A. 甲状腺肿大B. 甲状腺结节C. 甲状腺功能亢进D. 甲状腺功能减退答案:B二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 以下哪些是肠梗阻的常见原因?A. 肠套叠B. 肠扭转C. 肠粘连D. 肠壁肿瘤答案:ABCD2. 以下哪些是胆囊结石的常见症状?A. 右上腹痛B. 黄疸C. 恶心呕吐D. 右下腹痛答案:ABC3. 以下哪些是胃癌的高危因素?A. 长期不良饮食习惯B. 幽门螺杆菌感染C. 家族遗传史D. 长期吸烟答案:ABCD4. 以下哪些是颅内压增高的常见症状?A. 头痛B. 呕吐C. 视力下降D. 意识障碍答案:ABD5. 以下哪些是乳腺炎的常见症状?A. 乳房红肿B. 乳房肿块C. 乳房疼痛D. 乳房溢液答案:AC三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 简述急性阑尾炎的典型临床表现。
2. 描述一下甲状腺癌的诊断方法。
3. 简述肠梗阻的常见治疗方法。
4. 描述一下颅内压增高的急救措施。
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1. chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome
2. whipple三联征
4.hypoplastic left heart syndrome
5. 动脉性间歇性跛行
6. o’donogue三联征
8. 隐匿性乳癌
三.单项选择题1×58 (只记下题干了)
1. 以下哪种结石易在碱性尿中形成
2. 膀胱肿瘤的多发部位是
3. 前列腺增生与神经源性膀胱的鉴别中,除后者有其他神经损害症状外,以下哪种症状是二者的不同点(选项都是泌尿系症状)
4. 以下哪项不是慢性胰腺炎的晚期症状
5. 胰腺假性囊肿成熟的时间
14.the most important artery associaled with paraplegia in thoracabdominal aneurysm surgery is
30.从美学角度看,胸骨上切迹距乳头CM为最佳(选项C 18-22CM,其他选项各差1CM)
35.36 是两道病例题,题干太长,好像都是胸外的,有一个涉及胸壁结核
1.DCS 损伤控制外科
2.mutiple trauma 多发伤
3.AIS-ISS 简明损伤定级-损伤严重度评分
4.VIPC 紧急处理的V 通气I输液P心电监护C控制出血程序
1.anal cushions
2.budd-chiari sydrome
1.TURP sydrome