
以下是与家装相关的一些常用英文单词和短语的解释:1.Interior design 室内设计:室内设计是指通过设计和布置室内空间,以实现功能性、美观和舒适性的目标。
2.Home decor 家居装饰:家居装饰包括家具、壁纸、窗帘、地毯、灯具等与室内装饰相关的物品和材料。
3.Renovation 翻新:翻新是对已有建筑、房屋或室内空间进行改造和修复的过程。
4.Remodeling 改造:改造是对建筑、房屋或室内空间进行全面的变革和重构。
家居空间Living room 客厅客厅是家庭生活中最常用的空间之一,用于接待客人、放松休息和家庭娱乐。
以下是一些与客厅相关的英文单词和短语:•Sofa 沙发•Coffee table 茶几•Television 电视•Bookshelf 书架•Carpet 地毯•Curtain 窗帘•Fireplace 壁炉Bedroom 卧室卧室是人们用于睡眠和休息的私人空间。
以下是一些与卧室相关的英文单词和短语:•Bed 床•Mattress 床垫•Wardrobe 衣柜•Nightstand 床头柜•Dresser 梳妆台•Mirror 镜子•Lamp 灯Kitchen 厨房厨房是烹饪和准备食物的空间。

随着社会的发展,住房条件不断改善,越来 越多的人已经不满足于房子的功能仅仅是满足 居住行为而已。现代人离传统的大家庭居住模 式越来越远,体现自我价值、突显住户个性的 小 户型近年来受到很多人追捧,特别是受到年轻 人的追捧。这些人不再介意空间是否宽敞,交 通是否便利,小区的规划是否合理,他们在乎 的 是室内设计一定要简洁、明快、充满时尚感。 极 简主义设计风格恰恰迎合了这些需求,它创造 了安静、淡定的空间环境,是一种高品质的体 现,俨然已经成为时下很流行的一种设计风格。
为了避免空间过于单调无味,那么家具在极简主义室内设计的作 用就显得尤为重要。大量使用单一造型的家具,它的布置要体现 整体感、统一性,使家具的设计和摆放与其存在的环境相融合。 在设计方面要充分考虑家具的功能性,外部造型保持简洁,内部 设计合理的收纳空间,特别是卧室的擘橱、厨房的吊柜等要尽量 迎合用户的生活习惯和使用习惯。色彩大多选用黑白灰三种颜色 作为主要颜色,简单但不失优雅。在材料的选择上遵守“减少” 的原则,避免多种材料的拼合和复杂的加工工艺,周围的装饰元 素要少,把淡色系元素相应的减少,这样可以使陈设品更加的突 出。更加富有现代感,突出内在的感染力,营造出超凡脱俗的室 内环境。这种设计在某种程度上能使人的心情放松、平 静、安宁,迎合现代人的心理需求。

外文翻译----室内设计风格with a nod to the past。
This style is perfect for those who want a fun and playful vibe in their home。
Think geometric shapes。
pop art。
and vintage furniture.XXX。
This style is perfect for those who want a clean and clutter-free space。
Think neutral colors。
clean lines。
XXX.nal XXX。
This style is perfect for those who love XXX furniture。
intricate patterns。
and warm colors.Industrial XXX。
This style is perfect for those who want a modern and edgy vibe in their home。
Think exposed brick。
metal accents。
and raw materials.XXX r design is all about free-XXX style。
This style is perfect for those who want a cozy and relaxed atmosphere in their home。
Think vibrant colors。
mixed patterns。
and plenty of plants.No matter what style you choose。
make sure it XXX.XXX journey。
it'XXX this process。
you'll begin to develop a sense of your personal preferences and what designs you're XXX styles。
室内设计 外文翻译 外文文献。室内设计风格

室内设计风格XXX and clean lines。
This style is perfect for those whowant a fresh and fun look in their home。
The use of XXX to the space.nal XXX colors。
intricate patterns。
This style is perfect for those who XXX are often made of wood and feature XXX.XXX emphasizes clean lines。
neutral colors。
and a clutter-free space。
Furniture pieces are often sleek and modern。
with a XXX.XXX design is a mix of different styles and ds。
XXX and n。
as it combines XXX.XXX what style you choose。
it's important to stay true toyour own personal XXX and happy。
With the right design style。
your home can XXX you look forward to coming back to every day.To begin your design journey。
XXX peruse us designs。
you'll start to develop a sense of your preferences and dislikes。
This process will also introduce you to the vast array of XXX.XXX colors and materials。

Accessories (配饰): white and pale.
Eight styles
1Chinese 2New Chinese
5Jane European 6European-style
3Rococo 4Baroque
7Mediterranean 8South-East Asia
Chinese redbud 紫荆花 Greenish MlilOiymrfcolohswiede含兰r 羞花草
T H A N K S !
Jane European
Eight styles
1Chinese 2New Chinese
5Jane European 6European
3Rococo 4Baroque
7Mediterranean 8South-East Asia
emphasize ornate(华丽的)decoration, strong colors, exquisite(精美的 ) shape to reach an elegant decorative effect.
Mint 薄荷
Lavender 薰衣草
Cactus 仙人掌
Kaffir lily君子兰
TWO TIPES 2Unsuitable for indoor
Narcissus 水仙
Aka red 一品红 Corn poppy虞美人 Olaender夹竹桃
and obvious characteristics.

学术定义发表日期:2010-8-26室内陈设设计:(英文中称interior ornament or decoration;Furnishing Vision)指在室内设计的过程中,设计者根据环境特点,功能要求,审美要求,使用对象要求,工艺特点等因素,精心设计出高舒适度,高艺术境界,高品位的理想环境。

课程名称:室内设计英语课时: 2课时教学目标:1. 知识目标:学生能够掌握室内设计的基本英语词汇和表达方式,包括材料、风格、颜色、布局等。
2. 能力目标:培养学生运用英语进行室内设计讨论和交流的能力。
3. 情感目标:激发学生对室内设计行业的兴趣,增强跨文化交流的意识。
教学内容:1. 室内设计基本词汇和表达2. 室内设计风格介绍3. 室内设计布局与材料4. 室内设计英语口语练习教学过程:第一课时一、导入1. 通过展示不同风格的室内设计图片,激发学生对室内设计的兴趣。
2. 引导学生用英语描述图片中的设计元素。
二、室内设计基本词汇和表达1. 教授室内设计相关词汇,如:floor(地板)、wall(墙面)、ceiling(天花板)、furniture(家具)、decoration(装饰)等。
2. 通过例句和对话,让学生学会使用这些词汇。
三、室内设计风格介绍1. 介绍几种常见的室内设计风格,如:现代简约、中式、北欧、田园等。
2. 每种风格用英文进行简要介绍,并让学生用英语描述这些风格的特点。
四、室内设计布局与材料1. 介绍室内设计的布局原则,如:空间利用、动线规划等。
2. 介绍常用的室内设计材料,如:木材、石材、玻璃、金属等。
五、课堂练习1. 分组讨论:学生分组,用英语讨论并设计一个简单的室内空间。
2. 每组派代表用英语介绍自己的设计方案。
第二课时一、复习1. 回顾第一课时的教学内容,检查学生对室内设计英语词汇和表达的掌握情况。
二、室内设计英语口语练习1. 角色扮演:学生分成两组,一组扮演室内设计师,另一组扮演客户,用英语进行沟通。
2. 设计一个室内空间:学生分组,用英语讨论并设计一个室内空间,包括风格、布局、材料等。
三、总结1. 回顾本节课的学习内容,总结室内设计英语的关键点。
2. 鼓励学生在日常生活中多运用英语进行室内设计交流。
教学评价:1. 课堂参与度:观察学生在课堂上的发言和互动情况。
2. 口语表达能力:评估学生在角色扮演和讨论中的英语口语表达能力。

蓝与白:这是比较典型的地中海颜色搭配。 地中海风格”的建筑特色是,拱门与半拱 门、马蹄状的门窗。建筑中的圆形拱门及 回廊通常采用数个连接或以垂直交接的方 式,在走动观赏中,出现延伸般的透视感。 家中的墙面处(只要不是承重墙),均可运用 半穿凿或者全穿凿的方式来塑造室内的景 中窗。这是地中海家居的一个情趣之处。 “地中海风格”的最大魅力,恐怕来自其 纯美的色彩组合。
日式风格以淡雅、简洁为主要特点,有浓郁 的日本民族特色,一般采用清晰的线条,居室 布置优雅、清洁,有较强的几何感,木格拉 门,半透明樟子纸和榻榻米木板地台为其风 格特征.传统的日式家居将自然界的材质大 量运用于居室的装修、装饰中,不推崇豪 华奢侈、金碧辉煌,以淡雅节制、深邃禅 意为境界,重视实际功能。
作为欧洲文艺复兴时期的产物,古典主义 设计风格继承了巴洛克风格中豪华、动感、 多变的视觉效果,也吸取了洛可可风格中 唯美、律动的细节处理元素,受到了社会 上层人士的青睐。特别是古典风格中,深 沉里显露尊贵、典雅浸透豪华的设计哲学, 也成为这些成功人士享受快乐,理念生活 的一种写照。
高雅而和谐是新古典风格的代名词。白色、 金色、黄色、暗红是欧式风格中常见的主 色调,少量白色糅合,使色彩看起来明亮、 大方,使整个空间给人以开放、宽容的非 凡气度,让人丝毫不显局促。新古典是在 传统美学的规范之下,运用现代的材质及 工艺,去演绎传统文化中的经典,它不仅 拥有典雅、端庄的气质,并具有明显的时 代特征。
美式乡村风格非常重视生活的自然舒适性,充分显现出 乡村的朴实风味。乡村风格的色彩多以自然色调 为主,绿色、土褐色较为常见,特别是墙面色彩选择上, 自然、怀旧、散发着质朴气息的色彩成为首选。 壁纸多选用纯纸浆质地,布艺也是美式乡村风格中重要 的运用元素,本色的棉麻是主流,布艺的天然感 与乡村风格能很好地协调;各种花卉植物、异域风情饰品、 摇椅、小碎花布、铁艺制品等都是乡村风格中常 用的东西。


古往今来由于女性特殊的生理本能,女性风格的装饰艺术在历史上一直占有很大的市场空间,尤其是十七至十八世纪在意大利文艺复兴发展起来的具有强烈女性特征的巴洛克艺术(BAROQNE ART)装饰风格更是风靡和影响了整个欧洲,其艺术语言多少的影响了紧跟其后的是新艺术运动的产生与发展。

典 雅
典 雅
主义 风 格
随着现代主义或古典风格的高度运用和 发展,多数室内装饰要么倾向造型华丽、 色彩丰富,追求华美、鲜艳的效果和讲 究的装修,要么就极其简洁,大量运用 直线条和玻璃金属等材料,使家倾向于 酒店化或办公化之间,为使自己的家不 流于俗化,一种带有极强文化品味的装 饰风格应运而生,这就是雅致主义。
雅致主义打破现代主义的造型形式和装 饰手法,注重线型的搭配和颜色的协调, 反对简单化,讲求模式化,注重文脉, 追求人情味,在造型设计的构图理论中 吸取其它艺术或自然科学概念,把传统 的构件通过重新组合出现在新的情境之 中,追求品味和和谐的色彩搭配,反对 强烈的色彩反差和重金属味道,从风格 上讲类似于后现代主义或新古典主义。
现代 风 格
现代简约是一种追求简洁、实用的装 饰风格,要求功能性很强,具有很强的 时代气息和实用意义,这种风格比较 适合青年成功人士,也因其实用性很 强。 1.年龄层:中青年年(25岁至40岁 之间) 2.职业身份:中青年白领阶层及 工薪阶层 。 3.适合户型:多以中小平层公寓、 复式均可
现代 风 格
英文的“avant-garde”在中国文学中常 被译作“先锋”或者在视觉艺术中译作“前 卫”。在30年代以至于后来的80年代,许多 “先锋”的同义语词常常被广泛运用,比如 “现代”、“新潮”、“新”、“革命”等, 用以指代前卫文学和艺术。 前卫即是现代, 同时,还有很多类似“新潮”、“新具 象”“新野性”等现代的代名词。直至80年 代末,一批年轻的艺术家和批评家开始使用 “前卫”一词。在1980年代末和1990年代初, 中国前卫艺术的“非艺术独立性”或者是它 的“政治性和社会性”为它赢得了“前卫” 的称号,中国和其他的非西方文化区域的现 代性和前卫性永远是另类的、特定的和处于 变异中的。现代前卫用在室内设计里面,就 意味着个性的彰显和与众不同的品位体现。
室内设计 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 室内设计风格

Interior design stylesMary v .knackstedt shanghai 2004Abstract:Architectural style derived from a variety of interior design style, according to designers and owners of the different aesthetic and loving, and turned into a variety of body.Although the hybrid design style eclectic, using a variety of style, but the design is still Originality, in-depth scrutiny shape, color, material and so the overall composition and visual effects.Key words:Style Classical Simple ExquisiteArticle:HOW DO YOU CHOOSE AN interior design style that suits you and your home? You can draw inspiration from numerous styles but try to keep to a similar theme so your interior is coordinated.Modern retro interior design incoprates bright colours and bold patternsThe best place to start is by looking at styles that appeal to you, which suit your budget and lifestyle. You will soon work out what you like and what you don’t. After looking through a few of these you will begin to understand the design process, along with the wide variety of materials and styles available.Don’t be afraid to experiment with different colours and materials; and decorate the room in a style that suits its purpose. There’s nothing better than a room flooded with sunlight so take full advantage of all the natural light in each room.Interior design style and genre, an indoor environment in the spirit of the art modeling and functional areas. Interior design style and genre and construction is often the furniture as well as in close connection with the style and genre; sometimes to the corresponding period of the painting, plastic arts, and even literature, music, etc. in close connection with the style and genre; sometimes to the corresponding periodof the painting, plastic arts, and even literary, musical style and genre, such as their origin and mutual influence. For example, in architecture and interior design of the"post-modernism" and the meaning of the word, and "camp style" is the distinctive characteristics of a plastic arts schools. Can be seen that the construction addition to interior design and material art materials, engineering and technology beyond the characteristics of close contact, and also literature, music and painting, sculpture and other categories of communication between the arts.The formation of interior design styles, different ideas and characteristics of the times, by creative ideas and performance, and gradually developed into a representative form of interior design. The form of a typical style, usually in the humanities and local factors and is closely related to natural conditions and the need for creativity in design and modeling characteristics. The formation of external and internal style factors.Although the performance in the form of style, but the style of art, culture, social development, such as profound connotation; from this deeper meaning, the style does not stop or equivalent form. A style or genre, once formed, it can turn a positive or a negative impact on culture, arts and many social factors can not be limited to as a form of performance and visual experience.The style of interior design features in the embodiment of art and creative personality at the same time, relatively speaking, to that style across a longer time, will include wide geographical. Interior design style can be divided into: Traditional style, modern style, post-modern style, natural style, as well as hybrid style.Architectural style derived from a variety of interior design style, according to designers and owners of the different aesthetic and loving, and turned into a variety of body. Here, to brief Members on the present 10 kinds of the more common style of interior design.Classical Style (luxurious rich)The rise in the age of just decoration, decoration of most of the pursuit of prosperity is more luxurious style. Especially in the early 20th century, interior decoration to show off their status is often a special form. Owners will be asked to design a variety of embedded symbolic luxury decoration, such as painting the glassceiling, fireplaces, decorative panels, decorative wood and so on, but basically similar to the Baroque style combined with the material there The main decorative way. Simple style (arbitrary)The 20th century, in some areas a Home heat. Due to technical and material constraints, the time has not yet the true sense of the Home Designer for guidance, so casual is the best portrayal of that time. Owners have begun the pursuit of a clean and bright indoor effect. Today, this style is still the most first-time home buyers are the first choice for the decoration.Exquisite style (noble solemn)After nearly 10 years of exploration, with the improvement of living standards of residents, opening to the outside world increased, people began to yearn for and the pursuit of high-quality life. From about the mid-20th century, there is the decoration of the decorative use of sophisticated materials and furniture, especially at this time, the designer of the domestic into the ranks of Home Design, which has brought a new concept of decoration.Natural style (art)The beginning of the 20th century decorative boom has brought many people to the concept of decoration. A large number of emerging market, Taiwan, Hong Kong journal of decorative eye-opener for people, before we dare to imagine such a small garden, culture, decorative stone walls and decorative stone such as tactics have appeared in the reality of the design. In particular, we used to see red elm caused by large-scale use of "national renovation a yellow" after the phenomenon of the decoration, close to nature has become a people one of the objectives pursued. Natural style of advocacy, "return to nature," highly aesthetic nature, combined with the natural order in today's high-tech, high-paced social life, so that people can achieve the balance of physical and psychological, so indoor use of wood, fabric, stone and other natural materials shows that the material texture, fresh and elegant. In addition, because of their similar aims and practices, which may be classified as a natural style of garden-style category. Pastoral style sought in indoor environment performance of leisurely, comfortable, natural life of the countryside, and is often the use of naturalwood, stone, rattan, bamboo and other materials simple texture. Coincidentally in the green room settings, creating a natural, simple, elegant atmosphere.Light style (bold Dafang)The mid-20th century, home design ideas have been a lot of liberation, people began to pursue a wide range of design, including modernism, postmodernism, such as the design of a series of more comprehensive system formed in the interior design. Turning to the decoration of people, these "isms" frequently appear in the mouth. This style basically cherry wood finishes as a major.Soft style (smooth independent)In the last century, the beginning of this century, a kind of smooth pursuit in the club like a little luxury design all kinds of real estate properties in the model room and the office appeared, and then appear in a large number of home decoration in general. This style of art is a relatively simple compared to emphasize the content and yet decorative forms, and gradually formed a black walnut wood decorative panels for the main style. Among them, the simplicity and minimalism the beginning of the surface. Style (quiet gentle)This is not in the last century, the beginning of this century as a design style, it is basically a wallpaper based on the surface as the main decoration material, combined with the woodworking practices Mixing this style emphasized the harmony of proportion and color. People will be the last part of a wall and the ceiling the same color, and the wall with the use of a light texture of the wallpaper. The whole style of it is elegant and quiet, with no trace of the impetuous.City style (independent personality)The 21st century, the housing reform, and many young first-time home buyers who appear to have this style impetus. Young people have just bought a house, many of them cos I'm always skint, but this time the real estate and are essentially rough Housing (a non-basic style of decoration), and these young people are forced to carry out the renovation of the revolution . Limited by its financial resources, people are starting to come through a variety of forms has been stressed that "decoration" of perception, in which large-scale use of bright colors is a typical example. It will be athome in the large-scale use of a variety of colors, sometimes even in the same space, the use of three or more than three colors.Fresh style (freehand pastel)This is a simple and derived under the influence with a "petty bourgeoisie" flavor of the interior design style. Particularly as many of the emergence of single people, the petty bourgeoisie in the style of a great deal of variety in the decoration of the apartment. As many times, they do not, such as the residents like the elderly and the children of members, so do not consider the decoration of many of the functions of the problem. They are often stressed and dull of an arbitrary. White纱帘buoyant with a soft fabric of the sofa, and then stacked with a variety of colors of the pillow pile to form a full atmosphere of the interior space lazily.Chinese style (retro)With the emergence of large number of modernist doctrine, the rise of the domestic and a retro style, it is the revival of Chinese-style decoration. Chinese painting, calligraphy and the Ming and Qing furniture constitute the most important elements of Chinese design. However, these expensive retro furniture has become a major obstacle to the lovers.Hybrid styleIn recent years, the architectural design and interior design in general has diversified, inclusive of the situation. Indoor layout also tends to have a modern and practical, but also learn the characteristics of traditional, in the decoration and furnishings in the ancient and modern China and the West melting into one, such as traditional screens, and table setting, with modern style decoration of the walls, windows and doors, a new type of sofa; European classical glass lamps and wall decoration, with the traditional oriental furniture and furnishings in Egypt, and so short. Although the hybrid design style eclectic, using a variety of style, but the design is still Originality, in-depth scrutiny shape, color, material and so the overall composition and visual effects.室内设计风格杰里米•迈尔森上海2004摘要:从建筑风格衍生出多种室内设计风格,根据设计师和业主审美和爱好的不同,又有各种不同的幻化体。


美式风格的室内设计目录摘要 (12)Abstract (13)1 绪论 (14)1.1 课题研究背景 (14)1.2设计需求 (14)2 美式风格综述 (15)2.1 美式风格的起源 (15)2.2 美式风格的特点 (15)3 设计理念 (16)3.1 灯光设计 (16)3.2 空间布局 (16)3.3 家具设计 (17)3.4 色彩搭配 (17)3.5 人体工程学 (17)4 设计说明 (17)4.1 户型布局说明 (17)4.2 客餐厅、阳台 (17)4.3 卧室 (18)4.4 卫生间 (19)4.5 厨房 (19)5.1 市场调研 (20)5.2 实地考察 (20)5.3 实地测量 (21)5.4 了解客户需求 (21)5.5 设计方案的构思 (21)5.6 设计方案的更改 (21)5.7 实物模型的制作 (22)5.8 设计方案的缺点及应用软件 (22)结论 (23)参考文献 (23)致谢........................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
关键字:室内;设计;风格;美式AMERICAN STYLE INTERIOR DESIGNAbstractThis paper mainly studies the interior design of color collocation, lighting design, ergonomics, space layout, furniture design. The style characteristic of American style, the origin of American style, the application of American style in modern householdWith the development of society and the improvement of people's living standard, the requirements for interior decoration are higher and higher, interior decoration style is more and more, American style has become the trend of people's choice in the domestic market.The design style of American interior design is free, comfortable and environmentally friendly, which is more in line with people's living concept. Interior design contains a lot of knowledge: color collocation, lighting design, ergonomics, technology and materials, architectural feng shui, construction and other aspects of the common integration to create the "house"..Interior design is not only for the pursuit of beauty and design, the most fundamental or around the "people" living in the house and design for "life".Key words: indoor; Design; Style; American1 绪论1.1 课题研究背景本设计方案是保定直隶新城魏女士家一套设计方案,该户型是一套两室两厅一卫一厨的90多平小户型住宅,位居18层采光良好。
室内与家具设计 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 中英对照 室内设计风格

室内与家具设计外文翻译外文文献英文文献中英对照室内设计风格XXX features classic furniture and ornate details。
XXX.XXX what style you choose。
it'XXX in your design。
This means taking a deeper look at the shapes。
XXX.When choosing a style。
consider your personal taste and the n of the space。
A XXX living room。
while a simple and nal style may be better for a home office.In the end。
the key to XXX it's classical。
or exquisite。
your XXX of your unique style and taste.XXX journey。
you'll start to develop a sense of your preferences and what doesn't appeal to you。
This process will also give you a better understanding of the design process and the vast array of XXX.Be bold and try out different colors and materials to decorate each room according to its intended purpose。
Maximizing natural light is always a great idea。

Interior design is an art form that involves the planning and decoration of spaces to create a visually pleasing and functional environment. It encompasses a wide range of elements, including furniture, lighting, materials, and color.Importance of Interior Design。
Interior design has numerous benefits, including:Improved well-being: Well-designed spaces can boost mood, reduce stress, and enhance overall health.Increased productivity: A well-organized and visually appealing workspace can help individuals concentrate and bemore productive.Enhanced aesthetics: Interior design transforms dull and uninspiring spaces into beautiful and inviting environments.Elements of Interior Design。
The primary elements of interior design include:Furniture: The selection of furniture determines the functionality and style of a space.Lighting: Proper lighting creates ambiance, highlights architectural features, and improves visibility.Materials: The choice of materials, such as wood, fabrics, and metals, influences the texture and durability of a design.Color: Color is a powerful tool that can evoke emotions, set the tone of a space, and create a cohesiveaesthetic.Principles of Interior Design。

精心整理客厅 Livingroom卧室 Bedroom书房 Study阁楼 Loft楼梯 Stair楼梯间 Stir Well玄关 Entrance卫生间 Bathromm厨房 Kitchenground plan 平面图floor, storey 层ground floor 第一层 (美作:first floor)flat 套 (美作:apartment)stair well 楼梯间lift shaft (美作:elevator shaft) fire escape 防火梯staircase 楼梯goods lift 公务电梯 (美作:freight elevator)central heating 暖气ventilation shaft 通风井air conditioning 空调air-conditioned 带空调的flooring (一块)地板floorboard 地板(总称)parquet 木条地板herringbone parquet 人字形木条地板tile 瓷砖terrazzo 磨石子地wall 墙main wall 承重墙partition wall 隔断墙plastering 抹灰skirting board 壁脚板to whitewash 粉刷facade 建筑物正面window 窗basement 地下室penthouse 遮檐,披屋attic, garret 阁楼kitchen 厨房dining room 饭厅living room 起居室lounge 吸烟室,大厅bathroom 浴室toilet 卫生间chimney 烟囱fireplace 壁炉gutter 排水沟drainpipe 雨水管,落水管ceiling 天花板flat roof, roof garden 屋顶平台,屋顶花园roof 屋瓦顶tile, roof tile 瓦sand 沙cement 水泥mortar 灰泥plaster 石膏concrete 混凝土reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete 钢筋混凝土gravel 碎石brick 砖slate 石板marble 大理石beam 梁,木梁girder 钢梁corrugated iron 波状钢timber 木料,木材pipes 钢管wiring 电器设备promoter 创办人architect 建筑师quantity surveyor 施工技术员draftsman 绘图员civil engineer 道路工程师builder 建筑工人foreman 工头master builder 营造商,建筑工程队队长(master) bricklayer 泥瓦匠,砌砖工匠hodman, hod carrier 小工plasterer 抹灰工welder 焊工joiner 工匠electrician 电工glazier 玻璃工匠plumber 管道技工plumber's mate 管道工painter, decorator 油漆工crane driver 吊车司机方案? :Design, Scheme初步设计:Primary Design施工图 CD: Construction Design Fuction? 功能区Light? 灯具Droplight? 吊灯? 吸顶灯Entrance? 入口Living room? 客厅Sitting room? 起居室Embed light? 嵌灯Dinning room? 餐厅Daylight lamp? 日光灯Kitchen? 厨房Reflect down light? 筒灯Office? 书房Quartz down-light? 石英灯Master bedroom? 主卧房Votage track light? 射灯Quest bedroom? 客卧Track light? 轨道灯Children bedroom? 儿童房Picture light? 镜画灯Hiding light? 暗藏灯管Projection room? 视听室Dressing room? 更衣室Wall lamp? 壁灯Storeroom? 储藏室Reading lamp? 台灯Master bathroom? 主卫Floor lamp? 落地灯Bathroom? 卫生间Bathroom fixture? 卫生洁具Wash room? 洗衣房Staircase? 楼梯Washbowl? 洗手台[台盆] Aisle? 过道Water faucet? 水龙头Closestool? 座便器Gazebe? 阳台Urinal? 小便斗Garden? 花园Bathtab? 浴缸Swimming pool? 游泳池Shower bath? 淋浴房Furniture? 家具Wiring? 电器设备Cupboard? 厨房橱柜Television? 电视机Drink box? 酒柜Sound box? 音响Bar? 吧台Washer? 洗衣机Dinning table? 餐桌Bedstand? 床头柜Bed? 床Bookcase? 书柜Chest of drawers? 五斗矮柜Electrical outlet? 插座Chest of drawers? 藏衣柜Switch? 开关TV set? 电视柜Air-condition? 空调Tea table? 茶几Immersion heater? 电热水壶Sofa? 沙发Electric cooker? 电饭褒Reclining chair? 躺椅Macrowave oven? 微波炉Chair? 椅子Refrigeratory? 冰箱American interior design; 美国室内设计American interior designer; 美国室内设计师Residential design; 私家住宅设计;Villa design (single family home design); 别墅设计;Office design; 办公室设计;Commercial design; 非住宅设计(商务楼设计;写字楼设计;公共场所设计)Californian interior design; 加州室内设计Californian interior designer; 加州室内设计师Model home design; 样板房设计Clubhouse interior design;会所室内设计American furniture design;美国家具设计Foreign interior design; 外国室内设计Foreign interior designer; 外国室内设计师PLAN —设计方案Interior design –室内设计Exterior 室外Landscape design –景观设计Architecture design –建筑设计designer –设计师baseplan –基础建筑图floor plan –平面图elevation -立面图RCP = 天花吊顶设计 = Reflected Ceiling Planelectric plan = 电线走线图furniture plan –家具布置平面图interior plant plan –室内植物摆放图window schedule –窗表door schedule –门表美国室内设计有两种合同:一种叫做specification,就是只设计,不负责采购室内陈设;另外一种是turnkey,字面意思就是交钥匙,设计师负责设计同时也负责采购室内全部用品用具,包括家具、摆设、艺术皮、画、床上用品、地毯等。
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Jane European
Eight styles
1Chinese 5Jane European
2New Chinese
8South-East Asia
European style emphasizes ornate decoration, strong colors, exquisite shape of elegant decorative effect. 欧式风格强调以华丽的装饰、浓烈的色彩、精美 的造型达到雍容华贵的装饰效果。 Furniture style characteristics: the main features of the furniture is to emphasize the intensity, change and dynamic, sofa ornate cloth with exquisite carvings complement each other, put the noble shape and decorated floors together. 家具风格特征:家具的主要特色是强调力度、变 化和动感,沙发华丽的布面与精致的雕刻互相配合, 把高贵的造型与地面铺饰融为一体
Third, despite the structural logic, irrational combination anomalous results; 第三,不顾结构逻辑,采用非理性的组合,取得反常的 效果; Fourth, tend to naturally build a villa on the outskirts of the development of landscape art, made some of the open plaza in the city, the building gradually open, and the natural increase in the decorative theme; 第四,趋向自然,在郊外兴建了许多别墅,园林艺术有 所发展,在城里也造了一些开敞的广场,建筑也渐渐开敞, 并在装饰中增加了自然题材; Fifth, cities and buildings, have a joyful atmosphere. 第五,城市和建筑,都有一种欢乐的气氛。
New Chinese
Eight styles
1Chinese 5Jane European
2New Chinese
8South-East Asia
Rococo decorative art is pure court art, expressing characteristics common to the court art, focusing on decorative performance with obvious hedonism. 洛可可时期的装饰美术是纯粹的宫廷艺术,表 现了宫廷艺术共有的特征,注重装饰性的表现, 带有明显的享乐主义.
1Chinese 5Jane European
2New Chinese
8South-East Asia
New Chinese
The new Chinese-style is the interpretation of traditional Chinese style and cultural significance in the current background of the times.
New Chinese
"New Chinese" style is not absolutely elements stuffing, but through the understanding of traditional culture, put modern and traditional elements together to build things full of traditional charm to the modern aesthetic needs, so that the context of the traditional art handed down. “新中式”风格不是纯粹的元素堆砌,而是通过 对传统文化的认识,将现代元素和传统元素结合 在一起,以现代人的审美需求来打造富有传统韵 味的事物,让传统艺术的脉络传承下去。
Indoor use more symmetrical layout, elegant, simple and beautiful shape, strong color and mature. 室内多采用对称式的布局方式,格调高雅,造型简朴 优美,色彩浓重而成熟.
Eight styles
The Rococo is characterized by: harassment delicate, charming luxury, extravagance Korea Qianxiu, showing the feminine rhyme artificial temperament, keen on the performance practices crafted.Giving people a strong and dynamic visual impact and luxurious impression. 洛可可时期的装饰风格特征表现为:繁缛精致、华贵 妩媚、奢丽纤秀,呈现出阴柔之韵和矫揉造作的气质, 热衷于精雕细琢的表现手法.给人强烈的而充满动感的视 觉冲击力与豪华奢侈的印象.
8South-East Asia
Typically, the "Mediterranean style, several design elements: lime mud walls, continuous arcade with arches, ceramic tiles, sea blue roof tiles and windows and doors. 通常,“地中海风格”的家居,会采用这么几 种设计元素:白灰泥墙、连续的拱廊与拱门,陶砖、 海蓝色的屋瓦和门窗。 Mediterranean style is bright, bold, rich colors, simple, nationality and obvious characteristics. 地中海风格的基础是明亮、大胆、色彩丰富、 简单、民族性、有明显特色。
Eight styles
1Chinese 5Jane European
2New Chinese
8South-East Asia
Chinese style is represented by the Palace architecture interior design style of Chinese classical architecture. 中式风格是以宫廷建筑为代表的中国古典建筑的室内 装饰设计风格.
South-East Asia
This is a combination of the concept of a new living and leisure, the extensive use of wood and other natural raw materials such as rattan, bamboo, stone, bronze and brass, dark wood furniture,local gold wallpaper, silk texture of the fabric, lighting change reflects a stable and a sense of luxury. 这是一个新兴的居住与休闲相结合的概念,广泛地 运用木材和其他的天然原材料,如藤条、竹子、石材、 青铜和黄铜,深木色的家具,局部的一些金色的壁纸、 丝绸质感的布料,灯光的变化体现了稳重及豪华感.
Eight styles
1Chinese 5Jane European
2New Chinese
8South-East Asia
South-East Asia
Southeast Asian luxury style is a combination of design combined with the Southeast Asian nation of island specialties and exquisite cultural taste. 东南亚豪华风格是一个结合东南亚民族岛屿特色及 精致文化品位相结合的设计.
Eight styles
1Chinese 5Jane European
2New Chinese