
页眉内容材质/材料BV/CT- 瓷砖/人造石/马赛克CA-Carpet 地毯DL- 灯具FA- 布饰面/皮革/窗纱窗帘FUR- 家具GL-Glass 玻璃/镜子HW- 洁具/五金LP-Laminated Plastic 防火板MT-Metal 金属PB- 石膏板PL- 乳胶漆/肌理涂料PLT-Plant 植物PT-Paint 油漆ST-Stone 花岗岩/大理石/玉石WC-Wall Covering 墙面饰材(墙纸)WD-Wood/Timber 实木/木饰面/木地板终饰种类B-With Bevelled Edges 带斜边(车边)E-Etching Grossed Finish 蚀刻饰面(磨砂)E-B -Etching Finish With Bevelled Edges 带斜边蚀刻面F-Frosted Finish 浸蚀饰面F-B -Frosted Finish With Bevelled Edges 带斜边的浸蚀饰面H-Hairline Finish 拉丝饰面ND-Non-directional Finish 乱纹饰面OX-Oxidized Finish 氧化饰面S.-Satin Finish 缎光饰面P.-Polished Finish 抛光饰面HA-Hammered Finish 凿毛饰面FL-Flamed Finish 火烧饰面MA-Matted Finish 毛光饰面CL-Clear Lacquer Finish 亮漆饰面OSCL-Oil Stain Clear Lacquer Finish 油性着色剂清漆饰面FC-Fluorine Coat Finish 涂氟层饰面ZC-Zinc Coat Finish 镀锌饰面WX-Waxed Finish 上蜡饰面G-Gloss Finish 光泽罩面(饰面)30G-30%Gloss Finish 30%有光泽的饰面50G-50%Gloss Finish 50%有光泽的饰面70G-70%Gloss Finish 70%有光泽的饰面页脚内容。

材质 /材料 BV/CT-瓷砖 /人造石 /马赛克 CA-Carpet地毯 DL-灯具 FA-布饰面 / 皮革 / 窗纱窗帘 FUR-家具 GL-Glass玻璃 /镜子 HW- 洁具/五金LP-Laminated Plastic 防火板 MT-Metal 金属PB- 石膏板PL- 乳胶漆 /肌理涂料PLT-Plant 植物PT-Paint油漆 ST-Stone花岗岩 /大理石 /玉石 WC-Wall Covering墙面饰材(墙纸) WD-Wood/Timber 实木 / 木饰面 /木地板终饰种类B-With Bevelled Edges 带斜边(车边)E-Etching Grossed Finish 蚀刻饰面(磨砂)E-B -Etching Finish With Bevelled Edges 带斜边蚀刻面 F-Frosted Finish 浸蚀饰面F-B -Frosted Finish With Bevelled Edges H-Hairline Finish 拉丝饰面 ND-Non-directional Finish 乱纹饰面OX-Oxidized Finish氧化饰面 缎光饰面 抛光饰面WX-Waxed FinishG-Gloss Finish 30G-30%Gloss Finish 50G-50%Gloss Finish 70G-70%Gloss Finish 上蜡饰面 光泽罩面(饰面) 30%有光泽的饰面 50%有光泽的饰面 70%有光泽的饰面HA-Hammered Finish FL-Flamed Finish MA-Matted Finish 凿毛饰面 火烧饰面 毛光饰面亮漆饰面 CL-Clear Lacquer Finish OSCL-Oil Stain Clear Lacquer Finish FC-Fluorine Coat Finish 油性着色剂清漆饰面ZC-Zinc Coat Finish涂氟层饰面 镀锌饰面 带斜边的浸蚀饰面 FinishFinish。

外文文献翻译(含:英文原文及中文译文)文献出处:Y Miyazaki. A Brief Description of Interior Decoration [J]. Building & Environment, 2005, 40(10):41-45.英文原文A Brief Description of Interior DecorationY Miyazaki一、An interior design element1 Spatial elementsThe rationalization of space and giving people a sense of beauty is the basic task of design. We must dare to explore the new image of the times and technologies that are endowed with space. We should not stick to the spatial image formed in the past.2 color requirementsIn addition to affecting the visual environment, indoor colors also directly affect people's emotions and psychology. Scientific use of color is good for work and helps health. The proper color processing can meet the functional requirements and achieve the beauty effect. In addition to observing the general laws of color, interior colors also vary with the aesthetics of the times.3 light requirementsHumans love the beauty of nature and often direct sunlight into theinterior to eliminate the sense of darkness and closure in the interior, especially the top light and the soft diffuse light, making the interior space more intimate and natural. The transformation of light and shadow makes the interior richer and more colorful, giving people a variety of feelings.4 decorative elementsThe indispensable building components such as columns, walls, and the like in the entire indoor space are combined with the function and need to be decorated to jointly create a perfect indoor environment. By making full use of the texture characteristics of different decorative materials, you can achieve a variety of interior art effects with different styles, while also reflecting the historical and cultural characteristics of the region.5 furnishingsIndoor furniture, carpets, curtains, etc., are all necessities of life. Their shapes are often furnished and most of them play a decorative role. Practicality and decoration should be coordinated with each other, and the functions and forms of seeking are unified and changed so that the interior space is comfortable and full of personality.6 green elementsGreening in interior design is an important means to improve the indoor environment. Indoor flowering trees are planted, and the use ofgreenery and small items to play a role in diffusing indoor and outdoor environments, expanding the sense of interior space, and beautifying spaces all play an active role.二、The basic principles of interior design1 interior decoration design to meet the functional requirementsThe interior design is based on the purpose of creating a good indoor space environment, so as to rationalize, comfort, and scientize the indoor environment. It is necessary to take into account the laws of people's activities to handle spatial relationships, spatial dimensions, and spatial proportions; to rationally configure furnishings and furniture, and to properly resolve indoor environments. V entilation, lighting and lighting, pay attention to the overall effect of indoor tone.2 interior design to meet the spiritual requirementsThe spirit of interior design is to influence people's emotions and even influence people's will and actions. Therefore, we must study the characteristics and laws of people's understanding; study the emotions and will of people; and study the interaction between people and the environment. Designers must use various theories and methods to impact people's emotions and sublimate them to achieve the desired design effect. If the indoor environment can highlight a certain concept and artistic conception, then it will have a strong artistic appeal and better play its role in spiritual function.3 Interior design to meet modern technical requirementsThe innovation of architectural space is closely related to the innovation of structural modeling. The two should be harmonized and unified, fully considering the image of the structural Sino-U.S. and integrating art and technology. This requires that interior designers must possess the necessary knowledge of the type of structure and be familiar with and master the performance and characteristics of the structural system. Modern interior design is in the category of modern science and technology. To make interior design better meet the requirements of spiritual function, we must maximize the use of the latest achievements in modern science and technology.4 Interior design must meet the regional characteristics and national style requirementsDue to differences in the regions where people live, geographical and climatic conditions, the living habits of different ethnic groups are not the same as cultural traditions, and there are indeed great differences in architectural styles. China is a multi-ethnic country. The differences in the regional characteristics, national character, customs, and cultural literacy of various ethnic groups make indoor decoration design different. Different styles and features are required in the design. We must embody national and regional characteristics to evoke people’s national self-respect and self-confidence.三、Points of interior designThe interior space is defined by the enclosure of the floor, wall, and top surface, thus determining the size and shape of the interior space. The purpose of interior decoration is to create a suitable and beautiful indoor environment. The floor and walls of the interior space are the backdrop for people and furnishings and furnishings, while the differences on the top surface make the interior space more varied.1 Base decoration ----- Floor decorationThe basic surface ----- is very important in people's sights. The ground floor is in contact with people, and the line of sight is near, and it is in a dynamic change. It is one of the important factors of interior decoration. Meet the following principles:2 The base should be coordinated with the overall environment to complement each other and set off the atmosphereFrom the point of view of the overall environmental effect of space, the base should be coordinated with the ceiling and wall decoration. At the same time, it should play a role in setting off the interior furniture and furnishings.3 Pay attention to the division, color and texture of the ground patternGround pattern design can be roughly divided into three situations: The first is to emphasize the independent integrity of the pattern itself,such as meeting rooms, using cohesive patterns to show the importance of the meeting. The color should be coordinated with the meeting space to achieve a quiet, focused effect; the second is to emphasize the pattern of continuity and rhythm, with a certain degree of guidance and regularity, and more for the hall, aisle and common space; third It emphasizes the abstractness of the pattern, freedom, and freedom, and is often used in irregular or layout-free spaces.4 Meeting the needs of the ground structure, construction and physical properties of the buildingWhen decorating the base, attention should be paid to the structure of the ground floor. In the premise of ensuring safety, it is convenient for construction and construction. It cannot be a one-sided pursuit of pattern effects, and physical properties such as moisture-proof, waterproof, thermal insulation, and thermal insulation should be considered. need. The bases are available in a wide variety of types, such as: wooden floors, block floors, terrazzo floors, plastic floors, concrete floors, etc., with a wide variety of patterns and rich colors. The design must be consistent with the entire space environment. Complementary to achieve good results.四、wall decorationIn the scope of indoor vision, the vertical line of sight between the wall and the person is in the most obvious position. At the same time, thewall is the part that people often contact. Therefore, the decoration of the wall is very important for the interior design. The following design principles must be met: 1 IntegrityWhen decorating a wall, it is necessary to fully consider the unity with other parts of the room, and to make the wall and the entire space a unified whole.2 PhysicalThe wall surface has a larger area in the interior space, and the status is more important and the requirements are higher. The requirements for sound insulation, warmth protection, fire prevention, etc. in the interior space vary depending on the nature of the space used, such as the guest room, high requirements. Some, while the average unit canteen, requiresa lower number.3 ArtistryIn the interior space, the decorative effect of the wall plays an important role in rendering and beautifying the indoor environment. The shape of the wall, the partition pattern, the texture and the interior atmosphere are closely related to each other. In order to create the artistic effect of the interior space, the wall The artistry of the surface itself cannot be ignored.The selection of wall decoration styles is determined according to the above principles. The forms are roughly the following: plasteringdecoration, veneering decoration, brushing decoration, coil decoration. Focusing on the coil decoration here, with the development of industry, there are more and more coils that can be used to decorate walls, such as: plastic wallpaper, wall cloth, fiberglass cloth, artificial leather, and leather. These materials are characterized by the use of It is widely used, flexible and free, with a wide variety of colors, good texture, convenient construction, moderate prices, and rich decorative effects. It is a material that is widely used in interior design.五、Ceiling decorationThe ceiling is an important part of the interior decoration, and it is also the most varied and attractive interface in the interior space decoration. It has a strong sense of perspective. Through different treatments, the styling of lamps and lanterns can enhance the space appeal and make the top surface rich in shape. Colorful, novel and beautiful.1 Design principlesPay attention to the overall environmental effects.The ceiling, wall surface and base surface together make up the interior space and jointly create the effects of the indoor environment. The design should pay attention to the harmonization of the three, and each has its own characteristics on a unified basis.The top decoration should meet the applicable aesthetic requirements.In general, the effect of indoor space should be lighter and lighter. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the simple decoration of the top decoration, highlight the key points, and at the same time, have a sense of lightness and art.The top decoration should ensure the rationality and safety of the top structure. Cannot simply pursue styling and ignore safety2 top design(1) Flat roofThe roof is simple in construction, simple in appearance, and convenient in decoration. It is suitable for classrooms, offices, exhibition halls, etc. Its artistic appeal comes from the top shape, texture, patterns, and the organic configuration of the lamps.(2) Convex ceilingThis kind of roof is beautiful and colorful, with a strong sense of three-dimensionality. It is suitable for ballrooms, restaurants, foyers, etc. It is necessary to pay attention to the relationship between the primary and secondary relationships and the height difference of various concavo-convex layers. It is not appropriate to change too much and emphasize the rhythm of rhythm and the artistry of the overall space. .(3) Suspended ceilingV arious flaps, flat plates or other types of ceilings are hung under the roof load-bearing structures. These ceilings are often used to meetacoustic or lighting requirements or to pursue certain decorative effects. They are often used in stadiums, cinemas, and so on. In recent years, this type of roof has also been commonly used in restaurants, cafes, shops, and other buildings to create special aesthetics and interests.(4) Well format ceilingIt is in the form of a combined structural beam, in which the main and secondary beams are staggered and the relationship between the wells and beams, together with a ceiling of lamps and gypsum floral designs, is simple and generous, with a strong sense of rhythm.(5) Glass ceilingThe halls and middle halls of modern large-scale public buildings are commonly used in this form, mainly addressing the needs of large-scale lighting and indoor greening, making the indoor environment richer in natural appeal, and adding vitality to large spaces. It is generally in the form of a dome, a cone, and a zigzag. In short, interior decoration design is a comprehensive discipline, involving many disciplines such as sociology, psychology, and environmental science, and there are many things that we need to explore and study. This article mainly elaborated the basic principles and design methods of interior decoration design. No matter what style belongs to the interior design door, this article gives everyone a more in-depth understanding and comprehension of interior design. If there are inadequacies, let the criticism correct me.中文译文室内装饰简述Y Miyazaki一室内装饰设计要素1 空间要素空间的合理化并给人们以美的感受是设计基本的任务。

室内设计英语词汇中英文翻译客厅 Livingroom卧室 Bedroom书房 Study阁楼 Loft楼梯 Stair楼梯间 Stir Well玄关 Entrance卫生间 Bathromm厨房 Kitchenground plan 平面图floor, storey 层ground floor 第一层 (美作:first floor)flat 套 (美作:apartment)stair well 楼梯间lift shaft (美作:elevator shaft)fire escape 防火梯staircase 楼梯goods lift 公务电梯 (美作:freight elevator) central heating 暖气ventilation shaft 通风井air conditioning 空调air-conditioned 带空调的flooring (一块)地板floorboard 地板(总称)parquet 木条地板herringbone parquet 人字形木条地板tile 瓷砖terrazzo 磨石子地wall 墙main wall 承重墙partition wall 隔断墙plastering 抹灰skirting board 壁脚板to whitewash 粉刷facade 建筑物正面window 窗basement 地下室penthouse 遮檐,披屋attic, garret 阁楼kitchen 厨房dining room 饭厅living room 起居室lounge 吸烟室,大厅bathroom 浴室toilet 卫生间chimney 烟囱fireplace 壁炉gutter 排水沟drainpipe 雨水管,落水管ceiling 天花板flat roof, roof garden 屋顶平台,屋顶花园roof 屋瓦顶tile, roof tile 瓦sand 沙cement 水泥mortar 灰泥plaster 石膏concrete 混凝土reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete 钢筋混凝土gravel 碎石brick 砖slate 石板marble 大理石beam 梁,木梁girder 钢梁corrugated iron 波状钢timber 木料,木材pipes 钢管wiring 电器设备promoter 创办人architect 建筑师quantity surveyor 施工技术员draftsman 绘图员civil engineer 道路工程师builder 建筑工人foreman 工头master builder 营造商,建筑工程队队长(master) bricklayer 泥瓦匠,砌砖工匠hodman, hod carrier 小工plasterer 抹灰工welder 焊工joiner 工匠electrician 电工glazier 玻璃工匠plumber 管道技工plumber's mate 管道工painter, decorator 油漆工crane driver 吊车司机方案:Design, Scheme初步设计:Primary Design施工图 CD: Construction Design Fuction 功能区Light 灯具Droplight 吊灯吸顶灯Entrance 入口Living room 客厅Sitting room 起居室Embed light 嵌灯Dinning room 餐厅Daylight lamp 日光灯Kitchen 厨房Reflect down light 筒灯Office 书房Quartz down-light 石英灯Master bedroom 主卧房Votage track light 射灯Quest bedroom 客卧Track light 轨道灯Children bedroom 儿童房Picture light 镜画灯Hiding light 暗藏灯管Projection room 视听室Dressing room 更衣室Wall lamp 壁灯Storeroom 储藏室Reading lamp 台灯Master bathroom 主卫Floor lamp 落地灯Bathroom 卫生间Bathroom fixture 卫生洁具Wash room 洗衣房Staircase 楼梯Washbowl 洗手台[台盆] Aisle 过道Water faucet 水龙头Closestool 座便器Gazebe 阳台Urinal 小便斗Garden 花园Bathtab 浴缸Swimming pool 游泳池Shower bath 淋浴房Furniture 家具Wiring 电器设备Cupboard 厨房橱柜Television 电视机Drink box 酒柜Sound box 音响Bar 吧台Washer 洗衣机Dinning table 餐桌Bedstand 床头柜Bed 床Bookcase 书柜Chest of drawers 五斗矮柜Electrical outlet 插座Chest of drawers 藏衣柜Switch 开关TV set 电视柜Air-condition 空调Tea table 茶几Immersion heater 电热水壶Sofa 沙发Electric cooker 电饭褒Reclining chair 躺椅Macrowave oven 微波炉Chair 椅子Refrigeratory 冰箱American interior design; 美国室内设计American interior designer; 美国室内设计师Residential design; 私家住宅设计;Villa design (single family home design); 别墅设计;Office design; 办公室设计;Commercial design; 非住宅设计(商务楼设计;写字楼设计;公共场所设计)Californian interior design; 加州室内设计Californian interior designer; 加州室内设计师Model home design; 样板房设计Clubhouse interior design;会所室内设计American furniture design;美国家具设计Foreign interior design; 外国室内设计Foreign interior designer; 外国室内设计师PLAN —设计方案Interior design –室内设计Exterior 室外Landscape design –景观设计Architecture design –建筑设计designer –设计师baseplan –基础建筑图floor plan –平面图elevation -立面图RCP = 天花吊顶设计 = Reflected Ceiling Planelectric plan = 电线走线图furniture plan –家具布置平面图interior plant plan –室内植物摆放图window schedule –窗表door schedule –门表美国室内设计有两种合同:一种叫做specification,就是只设计,不负责采购室内陈设;另外一种是turnkey,字面意思就是交钥匙,设计师负责设计同时也负责采购室内全部用品用具,包括家具、摆设、艺术皮、画、床上用品、地毯等。

客厅 Livingroom卧室 Bedroom书房 Study阁楼 Loft楼梯 Stair楼梯间 Stir Well玄关 Entrance卫生间 Bathromm厨房 Kitchenground plan 平面图floor, storey 层ground floor 第一层 (美作:first floor)flat 套 (美作:apartment)stair well 楼梯间lift shaft (美作:elevator shaft)fire escape 防火梯staircase 楼梯goods lift 公务电梯 (美作:freight elevator) central heating 暖气ventilation shaft 通风井air conditioning 空调air-conditioned 带空调的flooring (一块)地板floorboard 地板(总称)parquet 木条地板herringbone parquet 人字形木条地板tile 瓷砖terrazzo 磨石子地wall 墙main wall 承重墙partition wall 隔断墙plastering 抹灰skirting board 壁脚板to whitewash 粉刷facade 建筑物正面window 窗basement 地下室penthouse 遮檐,披屋attic, garret 阁楼kitchen 厨房dining room 饭厅living room 起居室lounge 吸烟室,大厅bathroom 浴室toilet 卫生间chimney 烟囱fireplace 壁炉gutter 排水沟drainpipe 雨水管,落水管ceiling 天花板flat roof, roof garden 屋顶平台,屋顶花园roof 屋瓦顶tile, roof tile 瓦sand 沙cement 水泥mortar 灰泥plaster 石膏concrete 混凝土reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete 钢筋混凝土gravel 碎石brick 砖slate 石板marble 大理石beam 梁,木梁girder 钢梁corrugated iron 波状钢timber 木料,木材pipes 钢管wiring 电器设备promoter 创办人architect 建筑师quantity surveyor 施工技术员draftsman 绘图员civil engineer 道路工程师builder 建筑工人foreman 工头master builder 营造商,建筑工程队队长(master) bricklayer 泥瓦匠,砌砖工匠hodman, hod carrier 小工plasterer 抹灰工welder 焊工joiner 工匠electrician 电工glazier 玻璃工匠plumber 管道技工plumber's mate 管道工painter, decorator 油漆工crane driver 吊车司机方案:Design, Scheme初步设计:Primary Design施工图 CD: Construction Design Fuction 功能区Light 灯具Droplight 吊灯吸顶灯Entrance 入口Living room 客厅Sitting room 起居室Embed light 嵌灯Dinning room 餐厅Daylight lamp 日光灯Kitchen 厨房Reflect down light 筒灯Office 书房Quartz down-light 石英灯Master bedroom 主卧房Votage track light 射灯Quest bedroom 客卧Track light 轨道灯Children bedroom 儿童房Picture light 镜画灯Hiding light 暗藏灯管Projection room 视听室Dressing room 更衣室Wall lamp 壁灯Storeroom 储藏室Reading lamp 台灯Master bathroom 主卫Floor lamp 落地灯Bathroom 卫生间Bathroom fixture 卫生洁具Wash room 洗衣房Staircase 楼梯Washbowl 洗手台[台盆] Aisle 过道Water faucet 水龙头Closestool 座便器Gazebe 阳台Urinal 小便斗Garden 花园Bathtab 浴缸Swimming pool 游泳池Shower bath 淋浴房Furniture 家具Wiring 电器设备Cupboard 厨房橱柜Television 电视机Drink box 酒柜Sound box 音响Bar 吧台Washer 洗衣机Dinning table 餐桌Bedstand 床头柜Bed 床Bookcase 书柜Chest of drawers 五斗矮柜Electrical outlet 插座Chest of drawers 藏衣柜Switch 开关TV set 电视柜Air-condition 空调Tea table 茶几Immersion heater 电热水壶Sofa 沙发Electric cooker 电饭褒Reclining chair 躺椅Macrowave oven 微波炉Chair 椅子Refrigeratory 冰箱American interior design; 美国室内设计American interior designer; 美国室内设计师Residential design; 私家住宅设计;Villa design (single family home design); 别墅设计;Office design; 办公室设计;Commercial design; 非住宅设计(商务楼设计;写字楼设计;公共场所设计)Californian interior design; 加州室内设计Californian interior designer; 加州室内设计师Model home design; 样板房设计Clubhouse interior design;会所室内设计American furniture design;美国家具设计Foreign interior design; 外国室内设计Foreign interior designer; 外国室内设计师PLAN —设计方案Interior design –室内设计Exterior 室外Landscape design –景观设计Architecture design –建筑设计designer –设计师baseplan –基础建筑图floor plan –平面图elevation -立面图RCP = 天花吊顶设计 = Reflected Ceiling Plan electric plan = 电线走线图furniture plan –家具布置平面图interior plant plan –室内植物摆放图window schedule –窗表door schedule –门表美国室内设计有两种合同:一种叫做specification,就是只设计,不负责采购室内陈设;另外一种是turnkey,字面意思就是交钥匙,设计师负责设计同时也负责采购室内全部用品用具,包括家具、摆设、艺术皮、画、床上用品、地毯等。

.精选范本一、材质中英文对照表1. 摇粒绒:Polar Fleece2. 珊瑚绒:coral fleece / soft terry3. 羊羔绒:Berber fleece / polyester fauxsherpa4. 短毛绒:short plush5. 长毛绒:long plush6. 毛绒:fur7. 天鹅绒:velvet8. 拖把绒:cord velour 9. PV 绒: PV plush 10. 毛巾布:terry 11. 灯芯绒:corduroy12. 双色毛绒:two-tone faux fur 13. 毛线针织:knitting14. 麂皮绒:microfiber/microsuede 15. 格利特:glitter 16. 亮片:sequin 17. 佳积布:nylex 18. 尼龙布:nylon 19. 汗衫布:jersey 20. 沙丁布:satin 21. 网布:mesh 22. 帆布:canvas23. 斜纹棉布: cotton twill 24. PU25. 镜面PU :patent PU 26. 平纹PU :smooth PU 27. EV A 28. 点塑底:fabric with dot / skid free dot/nonskid dot 29. TPR30. PVC 注塑:PVC injected二、鞋子装饰物(ornament )1. 松紧带:elastic gore2. 魔术贴:velcro3. 电绣:embroidery4. 蝴蝶结:bow5. 爱心:heart6. 鞋带:lace7. 鞋眼:eyelet8. 人造钻石:rhinestone 9. 搭带:strap 10. 拉环:loop 11. 毛球:POM12. 织唛标:Woven label 13. 烫印:heat seal 14. 贴片:patch 15. 拉链:zipper三、颜色1. 豹纹:leopard/ cheetah2. 斑马纹:zebra3. 虎纹:tiger4. 米黄色:beige5. 桃红色:fuschia6. 淡紫色:lilac7. 海军蓝:Navy8. 咖啡色:Brown9. 迷彩:camo 10. 湖水蓝:blue atoll/ turq / lake blue 11. 格子:plaid / gingham 12. 紫色:purple 13. 灰色:grey/gray 14. 条纹:strip15. 银光粉:neon pink 16. 金属色:metallic 17. 栗色:chestnutAI Artwork 设计稿。

在室内设计中,很多术语需要使用中英文对照,以下是一些常用的室内设计术语与对应的英文翻译:1. 室内设计 Interior design2. 空间规划 Space planning3. 设计布局 Design layout4. 材料选择 Material selection5. 色彩搭配 Color coordination6. 家具摆放 Furniture placement7. 灯光设计 Lighting design8. 装饰品选择 Decoration selection9. 墙面处理 Wall treatment10. 地面处理 Floor treatment11. 窗帘选择 Curtain selection12. 空调布局 Air conditioning layout13. 平面图 Floor plan14. 剖面图 Sectional plan15. 立面图 Elevation plan16. 饰面材料 Finishing material17. 承重墙 Load-bearing wall18. 非承重墙 Non-load-bearing wall19. 抗震设计 Seismic design20. 防水处理 Waterproof treatment21. 施工图 Construction drawing22. 三维设计 3D design23. 翻新装修 Renovation24. 工艺美术 Decorative art25. 排风系统 Ventilation system26. 空调系统 Air conditioning system27. 通风系统 Ventilation system28. 照明系统 Lighting system29. 沙发 Sofa30. 床 Bed31. 餐桌 Dining table32. 椅子 Chair33. 书架 Bookshelf34. 电视柜 TV cabinet35. 橱柜 Kitchen cabinet36. 墙壁 Wall37. 地板 Floor38. 顶棚 Ceiling39. 窗户 Window40. 镜子 Mirror41. 窗帘 Curtain42. 地毯 Carpet43. 灯具 Lighting fixtures44. 花盆 Flower pot45. 装饰画 Wall art46. 装饰品 Decoration47. 绘画 Painting48. 柜台 Counter49. 凳子 Stool50. 酒柜 Wine cabinet以上是一些常见的室内设计术语及其英文对照。

建筑五金门窗幕墙最完善中英文对照表(2500对)泊桑比Poisson’s Ratio铝板Alum. Panel铝塑材切割Cutting、milling暖通空调HVAC=Heating、Ventilation & Air Conditioning设置可见度Set up the visibility(玻璃)固定爪Spider fixing(胶)凝固cure(门、窗魄力外)的装饰格栅decorative sash bar (受力)临界点、相变点critical point (填塞的)水泥砂浆Grouting(与墙体)安装附件wallattachment(柱)间距紧凑closeinterval构件Element90度转角连接材90°Corner1秒钟峰值净压力1-secNet External Pressure1秒钟峰值压差1-sec Peakdifferential Pressure1秒钟外部峰值压力1-secpeak external pressureE额定荷载rated loadH型钢H-type steelLow-E镀膜玻璃Low-E(low-emissivity ) coatedglassT型螺栓T-head boltwall矮墙、女儿墙Podium安全防火隔热fire-safinginsulation安全荷载safe load;safety load安全荷载系数safety loadfactor安全帽protecting cap;safety helmet安全门detention/securitydoors安全系数safetyfactor/coefficient安锁冒头Lock rail安装标准installationbenchmark安装程序installationprocedure安装方法报告书installation methodstatement安装工程erection work安装就位erecting and setting安装孔Pilot hole安装容差installation tolerance安装施工资格installation qualification暗铰Secret-hinge暗匣Blind pocket奥氏体Austenitic百叶(窗)louver; shutter; Persian blinds百叶、百页Louver百叶窗Jaiousie Window Vane百叶窗架Jaiousie Window Holder百叶跨度length of the louver百叶帘venetion blind百叶铝板aluminum louver panel 百叶式出气口louvered airoutlet百页片Blade搬运handling板、仪表板Panel板;板块board; plate;panel;slab板材plate板料Panel veneer板面上胶Surface gluing办公椅五金配件Officechair hardwareaccessories办公椅中管配件Officechair central tubeaccessories半钢化玻璃Halfstrengthened glass半钢化玻璃Heatstrengthened glass半钢化玻璃heatstrengthened glass; halfstrengthened glass半径radius;semidiameter半透明的translucent半隐框玻璃幕墙semi-exposed framingglass curtain wall半隐框幕墙semi-exposedframing glass curtain wall棒、竿Rod保安配置Securityconfiguration包装packaging薄板Sheet薄板sheet; thin slab薄垫片Shim薄膜film;membrane薄膜玻璃film glass薄膜防水membranewaterproofing薄片Lip薄片Lip薄片、唇Lips薄片整修Veneer trimming 保安配置Security configuration保护(涂)层protective coating保温(岩)棉insulation 保温板heated board保温材料insulation material保温层insulating layer保温顶棚heat insulated ceiling保证(书)warranties报价bid;quote报价单quotation备注remark背板back-pan比例scale比例proportion避雷保护lightning protection 避雷针Lighting protectionair terminal边框outer frame边料、尾料ffcuts边缘荷载edge load边缘块edge block编号numbering;serialnumber变电站transformersubstation变化系数variationcoefficient变量Variable变形Deform变形Deformation变形deform; deformation变形缝movement joint变形能力Movementcapacity变形能力deformationcapacity变硬Stiffen标称nominal标记mark/marking;indicator; label标价bid price标价单bid sheet标签label;checklist标示display标书bid标志signage标准版本standardsversion标准尺寸typicaldimension标准的Typical标准构件standardelement标准间隔材料standardspacer material标准节点typical detail标准值characteristicvalue表面处理finish表面处理工具Equipment for surface treatment表面涂层surface coating 表面压缩应力surface compression stress冰雪处理与缓和ice and snow management and mitigation丙烯酸喷涂Crylic acid coating丙烯酸喷涂Duracron波纹corrugation波纹不锈钢板corrugated S.S. plate波纹拉丝不锈钢板stainless steel finish corrugated波形玻璃corrugated glass波形的corrugated波形垫片corrugated gasket 波形铝板corrugatedaluminum sheet玻璃安装材料glazingmaterial玻璃安装商glazier玻璃板glass plate玻璃采光顶glass skylight玻璃槽口glazing option玻璃窗;玻璃装饰glazing玻璃窗标准glazingstandards玻璃窗工艺glazingworkmanship玻璃刀glass cutter玻璃垫板Glass Pad玻璃垫片Glass AdjustBoard玻璃钢glass reinforcedplastic玻璃固定fixing for glass玻璃间隔条glazingspacer玻璃扣条glazing bead玻璃肋式点支承幕墙Glassrib Steel strand玻璃类型表glass typeschedule玻璃门铰链Glass doorhinge玻璃密封垫glazinggasket玻璃密封条glazing tape玻璃面板glass panel玻璃面砖glass facing tile玻璃幕墙glass curtainwall; window wall; glasswall; glass panel wall;coated glass; twinkle wall玻璃腔glass pocket玻璃墙面glass wall face玻璃穹顶glass dome玻璃条锯glazing bead saw玻璃透光率transmittanceof glass玻璃温度应力thermal stress of glass玻璃屋顶glass roof;glazed roof玻璃压条glazing Bead玻璃压条glazing bead玻璃翼/肋glass fin玻璃原片primary glass玻璃砖glass block泊松比Poisson ratio补充文件supplement rider document不等边角钢Unequal angle steel不等边角钢Unequal angle 不等边角钢Unequal angle steel不规则荷载abnormal load不透明玻璃opaque glass 不透明的opaque不显眼的Inconspicuous 不锈钢stainless steel不锈钢stainless steel(S.S)不锈钢吊杆S.S rod不锈钢机制螺栓S.Smachine bolt不锈钢紧钉螺钉S.Sholding/set/stop screw不锈钢紧固件StainlessSteel Fastener不锈钢紧固件Fastener-Stainless Steel,不锈钢螺钉S.S screw不锈钢螺栓Stainless steelbolt不锈钢螺栓S.S bolt不锈钢暖气罩S.S heatingcover不锈钢自攻螺钉S.Sself-tapping screw部分开式滑道3/4extension slide部分透视图PARTIALPERSPECTIVES擦窗机、吊篮gondola擦窗机荷载gondola load擦窗器window cleaner擦窗设备BMU (buildingmaintenance unit)擦窗设备公司BMUsupplier擦窗设备荷载BMU loads材料审查报告materialstesting report采购订单purchase order采购活动procurementactivity采光玻璃屋顶skylightglass roof采光系数daylightingfactor采用预埋件embed model彩色夹层可视玻璃visionglazing with coloredinterlayer彩釉玻璃ceramic frit glass彩釉夹胶玻璃ceramic frit laminated glass参数parameter残余应力residual stress 操作级别Op class操作区Op field槽Channel槽、频道、通道Channel 槽、狭缝Slot槽钢channel steel;channel槽口notch侧、测向的、侧面的、旁边的lateral侧面的、旁边的Lateral侧塞块side block测试方案test proposal测压孔pressure tap测验实体模型testing mock-up 层间滑移Interstorey drift层间位移floor levelmovement双层幕墙Double SkinWall叉车fork lift truck插接件connector插销Espagnole茶色玻璃dark brownglass差值DIF产品保证productguaranties常数Constant常数Constant常温养护normaltemperature curing场地勘查field survey场地条件site condition超白钢化夹胶玻璃low-iron temperedlaminated glass超白钢化折弯夹胶玻璃low-iron tempered bentlaminated glass超高层建筑superhigh-rise building车间Shop车件Wooden bar车库门garage door撤除removal沉降缝Settlement joint沉头螺钉Countersunkscrew衬板lining衬垫bedding衬垫Bedding撑杆brace rod; stay bar成本核算cost accounting承包范围extent ofcontractor;scope承包商Contractor承包商;承包人contractor承压面bearing surface承压强度bearing strength承压墙bearing wall;carrying wall承载力carrying /bearing capacity承载力系数bearing capacity factor承重式滑道Heavy duty slide尺寸size/dimension尺寸公差dimensional tolerance;tolerance of dimension冲模press tools冲模Die冲模Die抽屉滑槽Drawer runner 抽屉锁Drawer-lock抽芯铆钉Blind rivet出入口access;openings 初步的Preliminary初步的Preliminary初步方案preliminaryscheme初步概算preliminaryestimate初步规划preliminaryplanning初步勘查preliminaryexploration初步设计图PRELIMINARIES初期养护initial curing初始应变initial strain雏型策划图SCHEMATICS储存storage穿孔perforation穿孔百叶perforatedlouver穿孔板perforated plate传热路系统heat-tracesystem传热系数heat-transfercoefficient窗洞window opening窗格window division窗格玻璃Pane窗合页window hinge窗框window frame窗帘匣pelmet窗棂window bar窗扇window sash; leaf窗台/槛window sill窗五金windowhardware& specialties垂直(方向)的vertical;vertically垂直挡雨板verticalrain-shield垂直度squareness垂直幕墙vertical curtainwall垂直于vertical to;perpendicular to磁锁Magnetic-lock磁锁mag-lock磁性拉手M Magnetic catch磁性撞锁magnetic push latch磁砖Tile雌料female material次支撑构件secondary support member粗糙rough;roughness 粗糙系数roughness factor 脆性Brittleness淬火玻璃heat-strengthened glass 存放期shelf life搭接、接合Bonding搭接、接合Bonding搭接、重叠、(柱式的)组合overlapping打胶sealant installation 打孔holes drilling; perforate大跨度结构long spanstructure大理石marble大理石板marble slab大理石墙面marble wallface大理石饰面marble finish大厅Lobby大厅Lobby大头钉、栓Pin大样图detail drawing代码、法规Code代码、法规Code带空隙的Interstitial带子、带形的Fillet带子、带形的Fillet单玻压条Single GlazingBead单层钢化玻璃Singleglass.temperd单层钢化玻璃Singletoughened glass单层钢化玻璃Singletoughened glass ,单层索网幕墙single-layercable-net curtain wall单剪连接one shear joint单片玻璃monolithic glass单切single cutting单位成本unit cost单位面积unit area单项产品Single item单一货源责任singlesource responsibility单元式幕墙unitizedcurtain wall弹性Elasticity弹性的Elastic弹性的elastic弹性密封胶elastomericsealant弹性模量elasticmodulus;modulus ofelasticity挡风板wind shield挡轨Screen sash Rail挡水板flashing挡雨板rain-shield导热heat conduction导热系数thermal conductivity灯槽light trough灯的安装和走线Light fixture and wiring灯荷载light load灯架light mounting灯具lighting等边角钢Equal angle等边角钢equal angle steel 等角透视图法INSOMETRICS等效荷载equivalent load 等效厚度equivalent thickness等压设计pressure equalization等于Be equivalent to低辐射镀膜玻璃Low-Ecoated glass低碳钢mild steel低温玻璃;退火玻璃annealed glass滴水Weep ,滴水槽Drip rail滴水槽檐drip edge抵抗Resistance抵抗Resistance抵抗(力)矩resistingmoment底部bottom底漆primer地带、地域、范围Terrain地带、地域、范围Terrain地弹门框Floor SpringDoor Frame地弹门连接件Floor SpringDoor Connecting地基沉降Foundationsettlement地接线Ground connection地面粗糙度groundroughness type地下管网undergroundnetwork of pipes地心引力、重力Gravity地震earthquake地震测试seismic rockingtesting地震荷载seismic load地震荷载Earthquakeload ,地震荷载作用效应组合系数seismic load actioncombination coefficient递呈、提交、服从Submission递呈、提交、服从Submission典型幕墙单元typicalcurtain wall unit点拨件spider点支承玻璃幕墙Point supporting glass curtain wall点支式幕墙point supporting curtain wall 电导管electrical conduit 电动开启窗automatic operable vent电泳喷涂Electrophoretic coating电泳喷涂Electrophoretic coating电子锁系统electrical locking systems垫块Setting block垫块、塞块、支撑块Setting block;Jack pad 垫片shim垫圈washer吊车、起重机Crane 吊顶ceiling吊顶板材ceiling tile吊顶荷载suspended-ceiling load吊顶梁ceiling beam吊顶龙骨ceiling joist吊顶幕墙overhangcurtain wall吊顶体系ceilingsuspension system;suspended ceiling system吊顶主龙骨main joist ofsuspended ceiling;mainrunner吊杆结构suspendingstructure吊杠臂Davit arm吊钩tie back吊挂系统Hanger system吊篮Gondola丁基玻璃密封条butylglazing tape丁基热熔密封胶butylsealant顶部、上总的T op顶部采光toplighting顶层top level顶横档top rail定期检查regularinspection定期清洁progressivecleaning定位(图)geometry定位块location blocks定位块setting block;location block定位螺丝set screw定位榫钉Locating dowel定义、精确度Definition定义;精确度definition动荷载dynamic load;moving load动力放大系数dynamicamplificatory coefficient动力系数dynamic factor 动态的、动力的Dynamic 动态连接链DLL洞口opening独立试验机构independent testing agent度转角连接件Tube 180镀膜玻璃coated glass镀锌galvanizing镀锌Galvanization镀锌Galvanize镀锌Zinc-plated镀锌处理galvanize镀锌的galvanized; zinc-plated镀锌钢板galvanized steel panel镀锌螺栓Galvanized Bolt 镀锌螺栓Galvanized Bolt 镀锌瓦楞钢板corrugated galvanized sheet 端部释放ends released端盖end cap端铣机end millingmachine端铣机铣刀milling cut短期强度short-termstrength短暂的Transient断桥隔热条thermal break断热材料thermal breakmaterial断热条thermal break堆积accumulation对称Symmetry对称的Symmetry对称荷载symmetricalload对讲装置intercoms对角线Diagonal对角线diagonal对接焊缝Butt welding对接焊接butt welding对接埋入焊Penetrationbutt对接埋入焊penetrationbutt对开梃Floating transom对齐销钉alignment rod对齐销钉alignment rod对准、成一条线align多工位冲床multioperationpress多功能建筑multi-purposearchitecture多功能裙楼multi-functional podium多叶片转台multiple plateturntable耳生噪音阻力self-generated noiseresistance发包contract award发包工程award work发光的Luminous发行、发布Issue法规要求regulatory requirements法兰flange法线(方向)的normal反复荷载cyclic load反光glisten; reflection of light反光玻璃anti-sun glass 反光度reflectance反力reaction;counterforce 反射玻璃Reflective glass 反射玻璃reflective glass 反射率reflective ratio反应、反作用reaction泛水区flashed area范围、广度Scope范围、广度Scope方案plan; scheme方程Formula方程Formula方通Square hollow section方头紧定螺栓Square-head set-bolt方头螺栓Square head bolt方形Square方形管Square hollowsection方形管square hollowsection防暴测试bomb blastprotection resistancetesting防爆门blast-resistantdoors防虫网insect screen防反射涂膜Anti-reflectivecoating防反射涂膜Anti-reflectivecoating防腐蚀corrosionprotection;antisepsis防腐蚀垫片anti-corrosionwasher防滑处理Anti-sliptreatment防滑垫Slide bearing pad防火Fire prevention防火fireprotection/prevention防火标准fire protectionstandard防火材料fire-proofmaterial防火等级fire-protectionrating防火堵料fire proof plug防火封堵墙fireproofclosure wall防火隔断fire proofpartition; fire stop防火构造fire proofconstruction防火卷帘fire shutter防火绝缘材料fire-safinginsulation防火可视玻璃fire rated vision glazing防火涂层Intumescent coating防火涂层intumescent coating防火岩棉Fire Stop mineral wool防火岩棉fire stop mineral wool防结露技术dew preventive technology防漏技术penetration preventive technology防鸟网bird screen防汽阻隔vapor barrier防视玻璃obscure glass防霜加热线de-icing heating cable防水water proof; water proofing 防水板、遮雨板Flashing防水板、遮雨板Flashing防水薄膜waterproofingmembrane防水层Membrane防水层Membrane防水层屋面系统membrane roof system防水海绵waterproofingsponge防水汽板vapour retarder;vapour retardant panel防碳化涂层anti-carbonation coating防锈白漆Anti-corrosivezinc paint防锈白漆anti-corrosivezinc paint防锈涂料antirust paint防眩玻璃glare controlglass防烟密封装置smoke seal防雨(水)板flashing防雨屏Rain screen防止旋转脱落Preventfalling off due to turning防撞anti-slam仿形铣床copy router仿形铣床模板routingtemplate仿形铣刀routing tools仿形钻床Copy router非标准的special非承重结构non-bearingstructure分包合同subcontract分包商Sub-contractor分包商subcontractor分布荷载distributed load分布离差dispersion分布众数mode分段完工stagedcompletion分格module;panel分格高度module height 分区墙Compart wall分析analyze;analysis分项系数distribution coefficient粉末喷涂Powder coating 粉末喷涂PPC;powder coating风道air passage风洞测试wind tunnel test/study风洞试验报告wind tunnel testing report风洞研究Wind tunnel study风格式样style风荷载wind load风荷载作用效应组合系数wind load action combination coefficient 风化的Etched风区fetch;air pressure 风压wind pressure封边Cap封盖Inter lock封口砖closer封烟板smoke seal封样approved sample峰值Peak峰值Peak蜂窝铝板aluminumhoney-comb panel否定、负数Negative扶手handrail;railing扶手、栏杆Railing服务管理器Servermanagement氟碳喷涂PVDF Coating氟碳喷涂PVF2 Coating氟碳喷涂PVDF coating;Fluorine Carbon;PVF2coating浮雕图案Relief pattern浮雕图案Relief pattern浮法(退火)玻璃Annealed glass浮法玻璃Float glass浮法玻璃float glass俯视图Planform辅助材料AuxiliaryMaterial辅助建筑accessorybuilding;subsidiarybuilding辅助框架sub-frame腐蚀corrode;corrosion/erosion负的、否定的Negative负风压区negative windpressure area负荷Bear负荷load; bear负荷等级load grade负剪力negative shear负弯矩negative bendingmoment负值negative value附加费用extra charges附加荷载additional load 附加建筑additional building附加条款additional clause附加弯矩secondary moment附件Accessories附属结构accessory structure附图attached drawings 复合铝塑板composite aluminum plastic改进的Modifiled盖帽Sash connector盖帽Inter Seal概率probability杆件Member.杆件Member感压胶带、压敏胶带PSA (pressure sensitiveadhesive)tape干打垒piled-up mass ofadobe=sun-dried mud干挂石granite cladding干密封gasket sealed干燥剂desiccant刚性Rigidity刚性Rigidity刚性垫层rigid fill刚性结点rigid joint刚性结构rigid structure刚性绝缘体RigidInsulation刚性绝缘体RigidInsulation刚性支承rigid support钢Mild steel钢板steel panel钢衬Reinforcement钢度rigidty;inflexibility钢化玻璃Tempered glass钢化玻璃temperedglass;钢化的Tempered钢化透明玻璃temperedclear/transparent glass钢化中空Low-E玻璃tempered insulated Low-Eglass钢化中空玻璃temperedinsulated glass钢角码Steel bracket钢结构式点支承幕墙Steelstructure point supportingcurtain wall钢筋reinforced bar钢筋混凝土reinforcedconcrete钢拉索steel cable钢码steel bracket钢门及门框steel doors &frames高层建筑high-risebuilding高度height高级碳纤维high-grade carbon fibre高温防火密封胶fire stop sealant高温防火岩棉fire stop wool高温喷涂pyrolytic coating高温喷涂浮尘玻璃pyrolytic-coated float glass格构diagrid; lattice;trellis格构分格panel格构结构latticed structure格式代码Format code格栅grille格子、隔栅Grille格子、网格Grid 隔板、隔舱Bulkhead隔断partition隔断衬板partition lining隔片Spacer隔热玻璃(单元)insulating glass unit隔热衬垫insulationblanket隔热挡板thermal baffle隔热数值thermal/insulation value隔声玻璃acoustical glass隔声材料acousticalmaterial隔声要求acousticrequirement隔音Acoustic attenuation个别的Individual各种类型的抽屉滑道Complete range of drawerslide铬Chrome根据According to工程(技术)Engineering工程、工作works工程、项目project工程编号(projectnumber)工程拨款projectappropriation工程测量engineeringsurvey工程估价明细表Bills ofQuantities工程进度progress ofworks工程量清单明细表Measured Work工程项目constructionitem工程造价constructioncost工地site工地质量控制经理on-site quality control manager 工形…I; I-shaped; I-head 工形柱H Column工业厂房和棚厂门industrial & hangar doors 工艺workmanship工艺说明书workmanship specification弓形门Bow door公差tolerance公共通道public passage 公共照明public lighting 公料male extrusion公制metric拱顶arched head拱肩spandrel拱肩玻璃spandrel glass 拱形arched共振、回声Resonance供电系统power supply system 供货商supplier供货商supplier供暖heating供暖系统heating system供应supply; provide;furnish; offer供应商Supplier沟槽、刻槽Groove钩锁Hook lock构件component/member/element构件式玻璃幕墙component glass curtainwall骨架结构skeleton-and-skin system固定端fixed end固定框Fixed Frame固定爪spider fixing固定装置Fixture故障defect刮刀spatula刮痕scratch挂钩hook挂件bracket、hanger管道、沟渠Conduit管件系统ductwork管井Shaft管井Shaft管状的、空心的Tubular惯性Inertia惯性inertia惯性矩Inertia moment惯性矩inertia moment光电幕墙photoelectriccurtain wall光泽Gloss规定specify规定标准specifiedstandards规范specifications/code规则页面Rules page硅胶嵌缝Silicone joint硅树脂Silicone硅树脂silicone硅酮结构密封胶structural silicone sealant硅酮密封剂silicone sealant硅酮耐候密封胶weather proofing sealant柜门滑道Pocket door slide 滚动痕迹roller mark过道passageway; corridor 过梁Lintel过滤网Filter net含沥青的Bituminous含沥青的Bituminous函数Function罕遇地震rare earthquake 焊缝welding line焊缝Welded seam焊缝Welding line焊接Welding焊接标准welding standards行心线Centroid合金Alloy合同工程量计量方法Preamble合同签订award ofcontract合页hinge合页、铰链hinge荷载、加载Load荷载、加载load荷载计算load calculation荷载模量load modulus荷载组合loadcombination恒荷载Dead load恒荷载dead load桁架truss桁架truss; girder横档Spandrel横过、交叉Across横框transom横梁、横档Transom横龙骨transom横向的Transverse后轮距rear track后片玻璃second lite厚单铝板5mm THK.Aluminum Plate 5mm厚复合铝板4mm THK.Composite AluminumPlastic 4mm户外门Exterior door护栏Guardrail花岗石Granite ,花岗岩granite花岗岩围护、干挂石Granite cladding花岗岩维护、干挂石granite cladding划痕scratch(es)滑动玻璃门sliding glasspanel door滑动门Sliding door滑移Drift环保的environmental friendly环状Rang缓冲板、挡板Baffle缓冲结构buffer structure 缓和mitigation回标总结General Sum回转、旋转Gyration回转、旋转Gyration绘图计划Map混合物composite混合物、混合Composite 混凝土Concrete混凝土Concrete混凝土蠕变和收缩Concrete creep and shrinkage混凝土外包Concrete encasement活动窗operable window 活动的、动态的Dynamic 活荷载live load机械通风百叶mechanicalventilation louvers机械装备mechanicalequipment机制螺钉machine screw机制螺栓Machine Bolt机制螺栓machine bolt基本参数basic parameter基本风压basic windpressure基本竣工substantialcompletion基本平面、海平面Baselevel基本平面、海平面Baselevel基本要求费用Preliminaries基础设施Infrastructure基准位置referencelocation基准选择Datum option基准值Reference value基座Plinth基座Plinth激活Activation极限尺寸size limits极限值extreme value集水槽gutter集中荷载concentratedload;point load几何参数geometrycoefficient几何定位、定位(图)Geometry几何图形geometry挤角机corner crimpingmachine挤角角码corner joint挤压Extrusion挤压硅胶extrudedsilicone挤压铝型材aluminumextrusion挤压应力pressure stress 计划、平面图、设计图Plan计划的、打算的Purposed 计划的、打算的Purposed 计算高度Calculating Height计算书engineering calculation;计算系数computing coefficient技术的、工业的Technical 技术规范technical specification技术设计Design Development技术性能technical performance技术要求technical requirements加工Fabricate 加工Fabrication加工容差fabricationtolerance加工商fabricator加工图fab. drawing加强棒、泡沫棒Backerrod加强棒、泡沫棒Backerrod加强层Diaphragm加强层Diaphragm加强件、加固物Reinforcement加强件、加固物Reinforcement加强角片、防滑片Cleat加强肋reinforcing rib加强片Stiffener加热线heating cable加速度Acceleration家具半成品及配件Semifinished furnitureproduct and accessories家具结构零件Furniturestructural parts家具金边饰条 DDecorative trims forfurniture家具零配件Furniture parts家具五金Furniturehardware家具用螺钉、螺帽Boltsand nuts for furniture家具用螺钉、螺帽Boltsand nuts for furniture夹层interlayer夹层玻璃Laminated glass夹层玻璃laminatedglass/laminate夹层的、夹胶的Laminated夹胶玻璃laminated glass夹具fixture; clamp夹丝玻璃Wired glass甲(一)级资质Grade Acertification/qualification 甲级Grade A甲级建筑幕墙专项设计资质Grade A certification of Curtain Wall Design假中停meeting rail假中梃Pseudo Mullion架空地板系统Raised floor system间隔条spacer间距spacing间隙gap/clearance监理Supervision Company兼容compatible兼容性compatibility兼容性测试compatibility test检修孔access hole剪力Shear force剪力shear force剪力墙shear wall 剪力墙Shear wall剪切shear剪切面shear front简单五金配件Simpleconnecting fittings简支梁Simply supportedbeam简支梁free beam;simply supported beam建设单位Owner建筑表现图:建筑词汇建筑钢结构architecturalsteelwork建筑设计顾问architecturaldesign consultant建筑主体primarystructure建筑主体钢结构primarysteel structure建筑主体混凝土primarystructure concrete溅涂浮法玻璃sputter-coated float glass键盘板滑道Keyboard slide交错排列形式staggeredpattern交底submittal交点crossing point/meetingpoint/node/intersectingpoint交货deliver/delivery胶带Adhesive tape胶带TAB;胶合板Plywood胶条gasket胶条、毛条Gasket角度angle角缝清理机cornercleaning machine角钢Angle steel角钢Angle steel角焊缝fillet weld角焊缝fillet weld角码bracket铰链Pivot铰链竖挡hinge stile脚轮滑道Ball bearing slide 脚轮滑道 B Ball bearing slide接触Contact接触面Contact surface接触面contact surface接缝、接合点joint接缝清洁剂joint cleaner 接合、搭接Bond接合、搭接bond;bonding接合、连接Splice接口界面interface节点section节点Node节点detail;node节点力nodal force节点图detail 节能环保设计energy-savingenvironmental friendlydesign节能技术energy-savingtechnology结构打胶structuralglazing结构分析structuralanalysis结构工程structuralengineering结构构件structuralmembers结构硅胶Structuralsilicone结构硅胶Structuralsilicone ,结构计算structuralcalculation结构胶Sealant结构胶structural silicone结构跨度structure span结构模型research model结构图structural drawing结构支撑structuralsupport截流器restrictor截面参数Sectionparameter解决方法页面Solutionpage解释Annotation金属板Plate金属的Metallic金属防虫网metal insectscreen金属覆面metal cladding金属结构metalwork金属拉手Matal handle金属幕墙metal curtainwall金属配件Metal fittings金属天花板底面metalpanel soffit金属涂层metallic coating 仅供参考for information only紧钉螺钉holding/set/stop screw紧定螺钉;止动螺钉set screw紧固材料fixings;fasteners紧固件fastener紧急出口Egress door紧急出口egress door浸透、浸入Penetration浸透;浸入penetrate/penetration经营理念business concept精确的计算precise measurements景观landscape净(净重)Net 净面内力Net in-planeforce静定梁staticallydeterminate beam静态的、静力的Static镜面不锈钢扶手mirrorstainless steel handrail局部的、地方性的Local局部的、地方性的local;partial矩形管Rectangle hollowsection矩形管rectangle hollowsection巨幅玻璃Monumentalglazing巨幅玻璃;浮雕玻璃monumental glazing拒门锁Cupboard-lock距离distance锯切程序Saw prog锯切中心cutting centre聚氨酯Porurethane聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料Styrofoam聚硫胶polysulfide聚乙烯泡沫填充棒backerrod卷帘roller shutter卷帘Shutter卷帘机roller shuttermachine卷帘门和格栅coilingdoors & grilles卷门coiling door均布荷载uniform load;uniformly load;uniformlydistributed load;evenload均方根值rms value均压的Pressure-equalized均压空腔pressureequalized cavity均匀uniformity均匀的uniform均匀的、分布的Distributed竣工图As-built drawing 开槽圆柱头螺钉Slotted cheese-head screw开窗法Fenestration开工commencement开口opening开口型铆钉Open type rivet开裂的Cracked开裂的Cracked开启扇operable vent;operable window开启扇口vent开启扇配件operable vent hardware勘查survey抗剪承载力shear bearing capacity抗剪强度permissible shear strength抗剪直径shear diameter抗拉承载力tensile bearingcapacity抗拉强度Tensile resistancestrength抗拉直径tensile diameter抗冷凝condensationresistance抗水玻璃water-resistantglass抗弯刚度bending rigidity抗弯强度flexural strength;permissible bendingstrength抗震设防烈度anti-seismic fortifyintensity壳体Shell壳体结构shell system可变动Variable可拆除挂板Demountablepanel可拆除挂板Demountablepanel可分割性Severability可更换面板系统replacablepanel system可见光反射率visible lightreflectance可见光反射率VisibleLight Reflectance ,可见光透光率Visible LightTransmittance可见光透光率visible lighttransmittance可见缺陷observabledefect可开启面板Operablepanel可开启面板Operablepanel可靠性Reliability可上人的Walkable可上人的Walkable可视玻璃vision glazing;可视位置visible location 可移动采光顶operable skylight客户、委托人Client空间网架space frame空气层Air gap空气渗透Air infiltration空气泄漏Air leakage空气循环heat exchanger 空气闸Air lock空隙、间隙Clearance空中花园hanging garden 孔径aperture扣盖capping库存Store库存编码Stock code跨度Span跨度span矿棉Mineral wool矿物纤维mineral fiber 框边jamb框底长Frame bottomlength框格窗Sash window框架frame框架、架子C Carcase框架式stick system框剪结构shear wall frameinteraction框梃Transom框梃Frame Mullion框筒结构framed tube框支承玻璃幕墙Sticksupporting glass curtainwall拉杆桁架式点支承幕墙Steel rod truss pointsupporting curtain wall拉花型抽芯铆钉Peel typeblind rivet拉力tensile strength拉力的、张力的Tensile拉力的、张力的Tensile拉伸强度tensile strength拉丝不锈钢板linenstainless steel panel拉索cable; wire拉索桁架式点支承幕墙Steel strand truss pointsupporting curtain wall拉索系统tension system栏杆railing肋Fin肋板Ribbed plate肋玻璃Fin glass (stiffen finglass)肋玻璃fin glass; stiffen finglass肋片fin application类型、型号、打字Type类型;型号type冷凝condenzation冷凝水condensation离地高度height toground力Force力臂The arm of force力臂arm of force; arm力矩Moment力矩Moment立即的Immediate立面elevation; façade立面承包商façade contractor立面出入口清洁façade access cleaning立面图ELEVATIONS立轴(窗)vertical pivot 立柱mullion沥青油Bituminous paint 沥青油Bituminous paint 例子、样本Example连接Joint连接junction; connection 连接材Coupling连接件Fastener、fixing; bracket; transitions;connector连接节点connectiondetail连线link;tie line连续梁Continuous beam连续梁continuous beam脸部、表面的Facial(facade)梁beam;girder两边支撑Support on twosides两边支撑Support on twosides裂缝Crack临界点Critical point临时标记temporarymarking菱形diamond菱形槽式钢结构diamondchannel steel structure菱形钢结构diamonddiagrid零件Part零件矩阵Part matrix零配件、元件Component六角螺栓Hexagon bolt龙骨、横竖龙骨frame(transom and mullion )楼板Slab楼板Slab楼层完面线finish floor楼梯间Stair box卵石层Pebble stone layer轮廓profile轮廓、外边线Outline罗纹成形紧固件threadforming fastener螺钉Screw螺钉、拧紧Screw螺距pitch螺栓Bolt螺栓bolt螺栓插销Bolt pin。


常见装饰材料中英文对照缩写1. 铝板:Aluminium Plate 缩写:ALP2. 石膏板:Gypsum Board 缩写:GB3. 薄膜:Film 缩写:FIL4. 背胶瓷砖:Adhesive Ceramic Tile 缩写:ACT5. 石制栏盘:Stone Handrail 缩写:SHR6. 瓷砖:Ceramic Tile 缩写:CT7. 橡胶墙地砖:Rubber Wall and Floor Tile 缩写:RWFT8. 墙纸:Wallpaper 缩写:WP9. 防水瓦:Waterproof Tile 缩写:WPT10. 立面涂料:Facade Coating 缩写:FC11. 地毯:Carpet 缩写:CRP12. 强化玻璃:Tempered Glass 缩写:TGL13. 聚苯板:Polystyrene Board 缩写:PSB15. 防腐木:Preservative Wood 缩写:PW16. 天然石材:Natural Stone 缩写:NS17. 硅藻石:Diatomite 缩写:DI18. 石膏板:Plasterboard 缩写:PB19. 水晶板:Crystal Plate 缩写:CP20. 人造石:Artificial Stone 缩写:AS21. 塑料板:Plastic Plate 缩写:PP22. 人造砂岩:Artificial Sandstone 缩写:ASS23. 玻化瓷砖:Glazed Ceramic Tile 缩写:GCT24. 仿青砖:Faux Brick 缩写:FB25. 仿石材:Faux Stone 缩写:FS26. 仿木纹板:Fauxwood Panel 缩写:FP27. 仿真石制板:Simulated Stone Panel 缩写:SSP28. 钢化玻璃:Tempered Glass 缩写:TGL29. 磁砖:Magnetic Tile 缩写:MT30. 金属抹灰:Metal Rendering 缩写:MR31. 纹理涂料:Textured Coating 缩写:TC32. 反光玻璃:Reflective Glass 缩写:RGL33. 墙面涂料:Wall Coating 缩写:WC34. 墙纸:Wallpaper 缩写:WP35. 油漆:Paint 缩写:PT36. 窗帘:Curtain 缩写:CRN。

Abele银白杨Abnormalwood 异常(木)材Acoustic acid board 吸音纤维板Acoustical board 吸(隔)音板Adjustable template 可调节的样板Adult wood 成年材African blackwood 非洲黑木黄檀ebony乌木African mabogany 非洲桃花心木African padauk 非洲紫檀大气干燥Aging 老化,陈化Air dryingAir seasoning 天然干燥Alaska fir 阿拉斯加冷杉木Alaska yellow cedar 阿拉斯加柏木Alder 赤杨类American ash 美国白蜡木beech山毛榉American eim 美国榆,白榆American plane 美国悬铃木American tulipwood美国鹅掌揪Annual ring 年轮Apron 望板Armor-plywood 金属贴面板slabs人造板Arris 棱ArtificialArtificial timber 人造木材Ash 白蜡木Aspen 白杨类Babool 阿拉伯胶树Back 背板Backboard背板衬板Bald cypress 落羽杉Back veneerBamboo 竹子Basswood 椴木,美国椴木Batten board 条板心细木工板Beech 山毛榉木Beech parquet 山毛榉拼花地板Bent wood (弯)曲木maple雀眼枫木板Birch 白桦,Birdseyefloor 拼花地板Block 塞角BlockBlockboard 细工木板Board 板材Bottom 底板Bowing 顺弯Branch wood 枝条材Brazilian mahogany 巴西桃花心木Bright sap 净面边材,无皮边材Broad leaf wood 阔叶材,硬材Brown ash 美国深色白蜡木Burl 树疤,树瘤Caul 垫板,衬板Cedar 雪松,杉木Ceylon ebony乌木Cherry樱桃木Chile pine 智利松Chinese chi (中国)漆树Chip 木屑# 1 common 普一级#2 common 普二级compreg 胶压木compressed wood 压缩木coniferous species 针叶树种continuous layer board 多层板软木cottonwood 三角叶杨,杨木(毛白杨类)corkrail 拉档crook 弯曲木crosscrotch 丫权cupping 翘弯curly birch 皱纹桦木板curved laminated wood 弯曲层积材plywood曲型合板cypress针叶树curvedDado 护墙板,墙裙Damp room panel 防潮镶板Decay 初腐Deciduousspecies 阔叶树种Décor panel 镶板,装饰板Delta wood 多层木Densified wood 强化木材Density of wood 木材密度Dent啃头Depth of cut 切削量(深度)Diffuse porous wood 散孔材Dimension 规格Dimension stock规格材Dimple djohar 波纹Door frame 鸡翅木Door lining 门框Dovetail 门衬板Dowel 燕尾榫Drawer front 圆榫Drawer side 屉旁板Dressed timber净材Eastern cottonwood (美国)东部杨木Eastern hemlock (加拿大)铁杉Eastern larch 落叶松Eastern white pine (美国)白松Ebony 乌木Edge cutting 封边Elm 榆木Elm burl 榆木树瘤薄木板End cutting 截头English plane 英国悬铃木Eucalyptus 桉木,桉树(类)Eucalyptus pom 柠檬铁皮桉木板ash白蜡木hop-hornbeam 欧洲穗子榆chestnut栗木Europeanhorse-chestnut七叶树European larch 欧洲落叶松European yew 欧洲紫杉Excelsior-board 木丝板Exotics 外来木Exterior plywood 室外用胶合板Face veneer 表面单板FAS 一级和二级FAX1F 单面一级Fibre board纤维板Fiddle back提琴背(板)影木Fiddle butt 乐器用材FiguredFigured sycomore 梧桐影木Fine wood board 纤维板Flakeboard 碎料板Flakes 薄片刨花Flame-retardant fibre building board 耐火纤维板Flat-grain lumber 平切纹板材地板Flush panel 平(光)镶板FlooringFormed plywood 模压(成型)胶合板Frame core flush panel 中空合板From sustainable forests 来自可持续发展的森林Furniture dimension stock 家具规格材Furniture plywood家具胶合板Furniture veneer制作家具用的薄片Gap 离缝Giant cedar (美国)侧柏Gloss 光泽度Grade of lumber 成材等级G raded分等级Grain 纹理Hackberry 朴树Band selected 手工挑选Hard board 硬质纤维板Hard maple 硬枫木,械树Hardy catapa (美国)梓树Heat board 心板Hickory 山核桃木High-density plywood 高密度胶合板High gloss 超光泽度High moisture resistant(HMR) 高强度抗湿Hipboard 细木工板Hole drilling 打眼Honey-comb core plywood 蜂窝心胶合板Huanghauli wood 黄花梨木Identification of timbers 木材识别Imitation wood 仿制材Imported timber 进口材Impregnated wood (合成树脂)浸渍木Indian camphor 印度樟木Indian chestnut 印度栗木Indian cinnamon印度肉桂Indian “laurel” 印度“月桂树” Insect attack虫眼Inserting panel 装板Install wood strip flooring 安装地板条larch 日本落叶松(red)pine赤松Japanese thuja 罗汉柏white pine五须松Joint flooring 企口地板Jointless flooring 无缝地板Karelian birch克若利安桦木板Kerf width 锯路宽度Khaya 非洲桃花心木Kiln dried pine 窑干松木Kiln drying 人工窑干燥Kind of timber 材种节子Kirl 紫花泡桐KnobKnock-down carcass 可随时拆卸的框架Knot 木节,节疤Laminate 层压Laminated wood 层积材,多层胶合木Leg 腿,脚Liquid cutting of wood 木材水力切割grade 原木等级Log 原木LogAluminum 铝Ball bearing slide脚轮滑道Bolt pin 螺栓插销Bolts and nuts for furniture 家具用螺钉,螺帽Brass 铜Carcase 框架,架子Castor 小脚轮Ceiling 天花板Central hinges 中央铰链Chrome 铬Complete range of drawer slide 各种类型的抽屉滑道Component 零配件,元件Concealed hinge 内藏铰链Cupboard-lock 拒门锁Decorative trims for furniture 家具金边饰条Door & window 门窗Drawer-lock 抽屉锁Drawer runner 抽屉滑槽Equipment for surface treatment 表面处理工具3/4 extension slide 部分开式滑道Faucet 水龙头Fixture 固定装置Full extension slide 全开式滑道Furniture fittings 家具五金Furniture hardware家具五金Furniture parts 家具零配件Furniture structural parts 家具结构零件Gas lift chassis 气压棒底盘Glass door hinge 玻璃门铰链Heavy duty slide 承重式滑道Hook lock 钩锁Keyboard slide 键盘板滑道Large head type 大头型Locating dowel 定位榫钉Lock rail 安锁冒头Magnetic catch 磁性拉手Magnetic-lock 磁锁magnetic push latch磁性撞锁work镶嵌装饰品Material 原材料MarquetryMetal fittings 金属配件Matal handle 金属拉手Mold模具Office chaircentral tube accessories 办公椅中管配件Office chair hardware accessories 办公椅五金配件Out set 外盖型套轮塑料Panel veneer 板料PlasticPlastic bolt and threaded axis 塑料螺帽及牙轴Pocket door slide 柜门滑道Prevent falling off due to turning 防止旋转脱落Secret-hinge 暗铰Semifinished furniture家具半成品semifinished product for interior fittings 装潢用半成品Simple connecting fittings 简单五金配件single item 单项产品Sliding door roller series 推拉门用轮系列sraight-lock 企口锁Surface gluing 板面上胶Veneer trimming 薄片整修Vertical upright 直挂格Wood-button 木纽Wood components 木制配件Wooden bar 车件Wooden cork 木塞Wooden curtain rod and ring 木制窗帘杆及吊环Woodscrew 木螺钉Wreathed hand-rail 扭弯扶手A brief introduction 简短介绍 A good brand 名牌Accommodate specific market requirements 提供详细的市场需求Account 帐目Account sales 售货清单Active balance of trade 外贸顺差Add value to your business 为业务升值Advance 预付,预支Advantage 优点Advantageous trade, profitable trade 赢利贸易Adverse balance of trade 外贸赤字Affordable price 可承受价Against all risks 全险Agreement on cooperation in the field of 关于。

常见装饰材料中英文对照缩写1. 薄膜玻璃(TFG) Thin Film Glass2. 石膏板(GP)Gypsum Board3. 内外墙涂料(IWWC)Interior and Exterior Wall Coatings4. 瓷砖(CT)Ceramic Tiles6. 瓷砖铺装(CTL)Ceramic Tile Laying7. 室内外地毯(IWRC)Interior and Exterior Rugs8. 地板(FL)Flooring9. 吊顶(CD)Ceiling10. 五金制品(MP)Metal Products11. 壁纸(WP)Wallpaper12. 塑料板(PP)Plastic Plates13. 门窗(WD)Windows and Doors14. 护墙板(WPB)Wall Protection Boards15. 吸音墙板(AWB)Acoustic Wall Boards16. 多层板(MLB)Multi-Layered Boards17. 墙面结构(WCS)Wall Construction System18. 吊顶系统(CPS)Ceiling System19. 防水材料(WM)Waterproof Materials20. 光源装饰(LD)Lighting Decoration21. 封闭材料(CM)Closing Materials22. 吊顶材料(CDM)Ceiling Materials23. 台面材料(TM)Tabletop Materials24. 涂料(P)Paint25. 绝缘材料(IM)Insulation Materials26. 装饰板(DB)Decorative Boards27. 栅格条(LG)Lattice Strip28. 墙体覆面(WMC)Wall Covering30. 门板(BP)Door Panel31. 橱柜(CAB)Cabinets32. 浮雕(FD)Relief33. 雕刻(EC)Engrave34. 射灯(FP)Floodlight35. 地毯(CRP)Carpet36. 挂画(HP)Hanging Pictures37. 评分表(GR)Grading Table38. 水磨石膏(FG)Faux Gypsum39. 石膏线(GW)Gypsum Wire40. 批刮石膏(GWP)Gypsum Scrape41. 涂刷石膏(GWP)Gypsum Wash42. 内外墙垫子(IWCP)Interior and Exterior Wall Padding43. 灰浆抹灰(MSC)Mortar Scretch44. 反射布(RR)Reflective Fabric。

.' 材质/材料BV/CT- 瓷砖/人造石/马赛克CA-Carpet 地毯DL- 灯具FA- 布饰面/皮革/窗纱窗帘FUR- 家具GL-Glass 玻璃/镜子HW- 洁具/五金LP-Laminated Plastic 防火板MT-Metal 金属PB- 石膏板PL- 乳胶漆/肌理涂料PLT-Plant 植物PT-Paint 油漆ST-Stone 花岗岩/大理石/玉石WC-Wall Covering 墙面饰材(墙纸)WD-Wood/Timber 实木/木饰面/木地板终饰种类B-With Bevelled Edges 带斜边(车边)E-Etching Grossed Finish 蚀刻饰面(磨砂)E-B -Etching Finish With Bevelled Edges 带斜边蚀刻面F-Frosted Finish 浸蚀饰面F-B -Frosted Finish With Bevelled Edges 带斜边的浸蚀饰面H-Hairline Finish 拉丝饰面ND-Non-directional Finish 乱纹饰面OX-Oxidized Finish 氧化饰面S.-Satin Finish 缎光饰面P.-Polished Finish 抛光饰面HA-Hammered Finish 凿毛饰面FL-Flamed Finish 火烧饰面MA-Matted Finish 毛光饰面CL-Clear Lacquer Finish 亮漆饰面OSCL-Oil Stain Clear Lacquer Finish 油性着色剂清漆饰面FC-Fluorine Coat Finish 涂氟层饰面ZC-Zinc Coat Finish 镀锌饰面WX-Waxed Finish 上蜡饰面G-Gloss Finish 光泽罩面(饰面)30G-30%Gloss Finish 30%有光泽的饰面50G-50%Gloss Finish 50%有光泽的饰面70G-70%Gloss Finish 70%有光泽的饰面; .。

常见装饰材料中英文对照缩写材质/材料BV/CT- 瓷砖/人造石/马赛克CA-Carpet 地毯DL- 灯具FA- 布饰面/皮革/窗纱窗帘FUR- 家具GL-Glass 玻璃/镜子HW- 洁具/五金LP-Laminated Plastic 防火板MT-Metal 金属PB- 石膏板PL- 乳胶漆/肌理涂料PLT-Plant 植物PT-Paint 油漆ST-Stone 花岗岩/大理石/玉石WC-Wall Covering 墙面饰材(墙纸)WD-Wood/Timber 实木/木饰面/木地板终饰种类B-With Bevelled Edges 带斜边(车边)E-Etching Grossed Finish 蚀刻饰面(磨砂)E-B -Etching Finish With Bevelled Edges 带斜边蚀刻面F-Frosted Finish 浸蚀饰面F-B -Frosted Finish With Bevelled Edges 带斜边的浸蚀饰面H-Hairline Finish 拉丝饰面ND-Non-directional Finish 乱纹饰面OX-Oxidized Finish 氧化饰面S.-Satin Finish 缎光饰面P.-Polished Finish 抛光饰面HA-Hammered Finish 凿毛饰面FL-Flamed Finish 火烧饰面MA-Matted Finish 毛光饰面CL-Clear Lacquer Finish 亮漆饰面OSCL-Oil Stain Clear Lacquer Finish 油性着色剂清漆饰面FC-Fluorine Coat Finish 涂氟层饰面ZC-Zinc Coat Finish 镀锌饰面WX-Waxed Finish 上蜡饰面G-Gloss Finish 光泽罩面(饰面)30G-30%Gloss Finish 30%有光泽的饰面50G-50%Gloss Finish 50%有光泽的饰面70G-70%Gloss Finish 70%有光泽的饰面最新文件仅供参考已改成word文本。

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ET ST WF MT WP FF PT TP FC GL LM MI AL FB BW MO LI CU CP KE stone wood finishes matel wallpaper faux paint textured plaster fabric glass laminate and/or melamine mirror Cacrylic plaster board brick wall mosaic light curtain carpet keel
1.KE-01直径6mm吊筋轻钢龙骨(国标) 2.KE-02直径8mm吊筋轻钢龙骨(国标) 3.KE-03直径12mm吊筋轻钢龙骨(国标)
防火板(矿棉板、水泥板防、水石膏板等) (详见产品配饰图)
石材(墙地砖、踢脚线、人造石等) 木饰面 金属饰面(包括不锈钢、铜等) 墙纸 特殊彩绘工艺 涂料、油漆 造型、肌理批挡 墙面布艺软包或墙毡 玻璃 镜子 有机玻璃(亚克力) 石膏板墙 砖墙 马赛克 灯光 窗帘 地毯 龙骨 (详见产品配饰图) (详见产品配饰图) (详见产品配饰图) (详见产品配饰图) (详见产品配饰图) (详见产品配饰图) (详见产品配饰图) (详见产品配饰图) (详见产品配饰图)

材质/材料欧阳引擎(2021.01.01)BV/CT- 瓷砖/人造石/马赛克CA-Carpet 地毯DL- 灯具FA- 布饰面/皮革/窗纱窗帘FUR- 家具GL-Glass 玻璃/镜子HW- 洁具/五金LP-Laminated Plastic 防火板MT-Metal 金属PB- 石膏板PL- 乳胶漆/肌理涂料PLT-Plant 植物PT-Paint 油漆ST-Stone 花岗岩/大理石/玉石WC-Wall Covering 墙面饰材(墙纸)WD-Wood/Timber 实木/木饰面/木地板终饰种类B-With Bevelled Edges 带斜边(车边)E-Etching Grossed Finish 蚀刻饰面(磨砂)E-B -Etching Finish With Bevelled Edges 带斜边蚀刻面F-Frosted Finish 浸蚀饰面F-B -Frosted Finish With Bevelled Edges 带斜边的浸蚀饰面H-Hairline Finish 拉丝饰面ND-Non-directional Finish 乱纹饰面OX-Oxidized Finish 氧化饰面S.-Satin Finish 缎光饰面P.-Polished Finish 抛光饰面HA-Hammered Finish 凿毛饰面FL-Flamed Finish 火烧饰面MA-Matted Finish 毛光饰面CL-Clear Lacquer Finish 亮漆饰面OSCL-Oil Stain Clear Lacquer Finish 油性着色剂清漆饰面FC-Fluorine Coat Finish 涂氟层饰面ZC-Zinc Coat Finish 镀锌饰面WX-Waxed Finish 上蜡饰面G-Gloss Finish 光泽罩面(饰面)30G-30%Gloss Finish 30%有光泽的饰面50G-50%Gloss Finish 50%有光泽的饰面70G-70%Gloss Finish 70%有光泽的饰面。
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设计专业名词中英文对照作者:设计点击次数:177 来源:中英文设计专业名词中英对照设计的分类(英语) 1 设计 Design 2 现代设计 Modern Design 3 工艺美术设计 Craft Design 4 工业设计 Industrial Design 5 广义工业设计 Genealized Industrial Design 6 狭义工业设计 Narrow Industrial Design 7 产品设计 Product Design 8 传播设计Communication Design 8 环境设计 Environmental Design 9 商业设计 Comercial Design 10 建筑设计 Architectural11一维设计 One-dimension Design12二维设计 Tow-dimension Design13三维设计 Three-dimension Design14四维设计 Four-dimension Design15装饰、装潢 Decoration16家具设计 Furniture Design17玩具设计 Toy Design18室内设计 Interior Design19服装设计 Costume Design20包装设计 Packaging Design21展示设计 Display Design22城市规划 Urban Desgin23生活环境 Living Environment24都市景观 Townscape25田园都市 Gardon City26办公室风致 Office Landscape27设计方法论 Design Methodology28设计语言 Design Language29设计条件 Design Condition结构设计 Structure Design 形式设计 Form Design 设计过程 Design Process 构思设计 Concept Design 量产设计,工艺设计 Technological Design 改型设计 Model Change 设计调查 Design Survey 事前调查 Prior Survey 动态调查 Dynamic Survey 超小型设计 Compact type 袖珍型设计 Pocktable Type 便携型设计 Protable type 收纳型设计 Selfcontainning Design 装配式设计 Knock Down Type 集约化设计 Stacking Type 成套化设计 Set (Design) 家族化设计 Family (Design) 系列化设计Series (Design) 组合式设计 Unit Design 仿生设计 Bionics Design 功能 Function 独创性 Originality 创造力 Creative Power 外装 Facing 创造性思维 Creating Thinking 等价变换思维 Equivalent Transformationn KJ 法 Method of K.J 戈顿法 Synectice 集体创造性思维法 Brain Storming 设计决策 (Design) Decision Making T-W-M 体系 T-W-M system O-R-M 体系 O-R-M system 印象战略 Image Stralegy AIDMAN Law of AIDMA 功能分化FunctionalDifferentiation 功能分析 Functional Analysis 生命周期 Life Cycle30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48495051525354555657585960616263646566 Thought67 照明设计 Illumination Design 设计色彩方法(英)1色 Color2光谱 Spectrum3物体色 Object Color4固有色 Propor Color5色料 Coloring Material6色觉三色学说 Three-Component Theary7心理纯色 Unique Color8拮抗色学说 Opponent Color Theory9色觉的阶段模型 Stage Model of the Color Perception 10色彩混合 Color Mixing11基本感觉曲线 Trisimulus Valus Curves12牛顿色环 Newton's Color Cycle13色矢量Color V ector14三原色Three PrimaryColors15色空间Color S pace16色三角形 Color Triangle17测色 Colourimetry18色度 Chromaticity19XYZ表色系 XYZ Color System20实色与虚色 Real Color and Imaginary Color21色等式 Color Equation22等色实验 Color Matching Experiment23色温 Color Temperature24色问轨迹 Color Temperature Locus25色彩三属性 Three Attribtes and Color26色相 Hue27色相环 Color Cycle28明度 Valve29彩度 Chroma30环境色 Environmetal Color31有彩色 Chromatic Color32无彩色 Achromatic Colors33明色 Light Color34暗色 Dark Color35中明色 Middle Light Color清色 Clear Color 浊色 Dull Color 补色 Complementary Color 类似色 Analogous Color 一次色Primary Color 二次色 Secondary Color 色立体 ColorSolid 色票 Color Sample孟塞尔表色系 Munsell's Color System色彩工程 Color Engineering 色彩管理 Color Control 色彩再现 Color Reproduction 等色操作 Color Matching色彩的可视度 Visibility Color色彩恒常性 Color Constancy色彩的对比 Color Contrast色彩的同化 Color Assimilation色彩的共感性 Color Synesthesia 暖色与冷色 Warm Color and Cold Color 前进色与后退色 Advancing Color Receding Color 膨胀色与收缩色 Expansive Color and Contractile Color重色与轻色 Heavy Color and Light Color 色价 Valeur 色调 Color Tone 暗调 Shade 明调 Tint 中间调 Halftone 表面色 Surface Color 平面色 Film Color 色彩调和 Color Harmony 配色 Color Combination 孟塞尔色彩调和 Munsell's Color Harmony 奥斯特瓦德色彩调和 Ostwald's Color Harmony 孟 . 斯本瑟色彩调和 Moon.Spencer's Color Harmony 色彩的感情 Feeling of Color 363738 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 5556 57 58 59 60 616263646566676869707172奥斯特瓦德表色系 Ostwald's Color System 日本色研色体系 Practical Color Co-ordinate System73色彩的象征性 Color Symbolism74色彩的嗜好 Color Preference75流行色 Fashion Color76色彩的功能性 Color Functionalism77色彩规划 Color Planning78色彩调节 Color Conditioning79色彩调整 Color Coordinetion80色彩设计 Color Design 材料与加工成型技术(英)1材料 Material2材料规划 Material Planning3材料评价 Material Appraisal4金属材料 Metal Materials5无机材料 Inorganic Materials6有机材料 Organic Materials7复合材料 Composite Materials8天然材料 Natural Materials9加工材料 Processing Materials10人造材料 Artificial Materials11黑色金属 Ferrous Metal12有色金属 Nonferrous Metal13轻金属材料 Light Metal Materials14辅助非铁金属材料 Byplayer Nonferrous Metal Materials 15高熔点金属材料 High Melting Point Metal Materials16贵金属材料 Precions Metal Materials17辅助非铁金属材料 Byplayer Nonferrous Metal Materials 18高熔点金属材料 High Melting Point Metal Materials19贵金属材料 Precions Metal Materials20陶瓷 Ceramics21水泥 Cement22搪瓷、珐琅 Enamel23玻璃 Glass24 微晶玻璃Glass Ceramics25 钢化玻璃 Tuflite Glass26 感光玻璃Photosensitive Glass27纤维玻璃Glass Fiber28耐热玻璃 Hear Resisting Glass塑料 Plastics 通用塑料 Wide Plastics工程塑料 Engineering Plastics 热塑性树脂Thermoplastic Resin热固性树脂 Thermosetting Resin橡胶 Rubber 粘接剂 Adhesives 涂料 Paints 树脂 Resin 聚合物 Polymer 聚丙烯树脂 Polypropylene 聚乙烯树脂 Polyethylene Resin 聚苯乙烯树脂 Polystyrene Resin 聚氯乙烯树脂 Polyvinyl Chloride Resin丙烯酸树脂 Methyl Methacrylate Resin 聚烯胺树脂,尼龙 Polyamide Resin 氟化乙烯树脂 Polyfurol Resin 聚缩醛树脂 Polyacetal Resin 聚碳酸脂树脂 Polycarbonate Resin聚偏二氯乙烯树脂 Polyvinylidene Resin 聚醋酸乙烯脂树脂 Polyvinyl Acetate Resin聚烯亚胺树脂 Polyimide Resin 酚醛树脂 Phenolic Formaldehyde Resin 尿素树脂 Urea Formaldehyde Resin 聚酯树脂 Polyester Resin 环痒树脂 Epoxy Resin 烯丙基树脂 Allyl Resin 硅树脂 Silicone Resin 聚氨酯树脂 Polyurethane Resin 密胺 Melamine Formaldehyde Resin ABS 树脂 Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene 感光树脂 Photosensition Plastics 纤维强化树脂 Fiber Reinforced Plastic 印刷油墨 Printing I nk 印刷用纸 Printing Paper铜板纸 Art Paper 木材 Wood2930 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 545556575859606162636465Redin竹材 Bamboo 树脂装饰板 Decorative Sheet 蜂窝 机制板 Honey Comb Core Panel 胶合板 Veneer 曲木 Bent Wood 浸蜡纸 Waxed Paper 青铜 Bronge 薄壳结构 Shell Construction 技术 Technic 工具 Tool 金工 Metal Work 铸造 Casting 切削加工 Cutting 压力加工 PlasticWorking 压力加工 Plastic Working 焊接 Welding板金工 Sheetmetal Woek 马赛克 Mosaic 塑性成型 Plastic Working 灌浆成型 Slip Casting 挤出成型 Sqeezing 注压成型 Injection Molding 加压成型 Pressing 水压成型 Cold Isostatic Pressing 加压烧结法 Hot Pressing HIP 成型 Hot Isostatic Pressing 压缩成型 Compression Molding Pressing 气压成型 Blow Molding 压延成型 Calendering 转送成型 Transfer Molding 雌雄成型 Slash Molding 铸塑成型 Casting 喷涂成型 Spray Up 层积成型 Laminating100 FW 法 Fillament Winding101 粘接与剥离 Adhesion and Excoriation102 木材工艺 Woodcraft6667 68 69 70 71 7273 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 8687888990919293949596979899103竹材工艺 Bamboo Work104表面技术 Surface Technology105镀饰 Plating106涂饰 Coating107电化铝 Alumite108烫金 Hot Stamping109预制作 Prefabrication110预制住宅 Prefabricated House111悬臂梁 Cantilever112金属模具 Mold113型板造型 Modeling of Teplate114染料 Dyestuff115颜料 Artist Color 传播与传媒设计(英)1传播 Communication2大众传播 Mass Communication3媒体 Media4大众传播媒体 Mass Media5视觉传播 Visual Communication6听觉传播 Hearing Communication7信息 Information8符号 Sign9视觉符号 Visual Sign10图形符号 Graphic Symbol11符号论 Semiotic12象征 Symbol13象征标志 Symbol Mark14音响设计 Acoustic Design15听觉设计 Auditory Design16听觉传播设计 Auditory Communication Design 17图象设计 Visual Communication Design18视觉设计 Visual Design19视觉传播设计 Visual Communication Design 20图形设计 Graphic Design21编辑设计 Editorial Design22版面设计 Layout23字体设计 LetteringCI 设计 Corporate Identity Design 宣传 Propaganda 广告 Advertising 广告委托人 Adveertiser 广告代理业 Advertising Agency 广告媒体 Advertising Media 广告目的 Avertising Objectives 广告伦理Morality ofAdvertising 广告法规 Law of Advertising 广告计划 Advertising Planing广告效果 Advertising Effect广告文案 Advertising Copy广告摄影 Advertising Photography说明广告 Informative Advertising招贴画 海报 Poster 招牌 Sign-board 小型宣传册 Pamphlet 大型宣传册 Portfolio 商品目录 Catalogue 企业商报 House Organ 户外广告 Outdoor Advertising POP 广告 Point of Purchase Advertising 展示 Display 橱窗展示 Window Display 展示柜 Cabinet 博览会 Exposition 万国博览会 World Exposition 包装 Packaging 工业包装 Industrial Packing 标签 Label 企业形象 Corporate Image 企业色 Company Color 动画 Animation 插图 Illustration 书法 Calligraphy 印刷 Initial设计费 design fee24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 4546474849505152535455565758596061 标准 standard62 注册商标 registered trade mark 设计美学与设计实验(英)1美 Beauty2现实美 Acture Beauty3自然美 Natural Beauty4社会美 Social Beauty5艺术美 Artisitc Beauty6内容与形式 Content and Form7形式美 Formal Beauty8形式原理 Principles and Form9技术美 Beauty of Technology10机械美 Beauty of Machine11功能美 Functional Beauty12材料美 Beauty of Material13美学 Aesthetics14技术美学 Technology Aesthetics15设计美学 Design Aesthetics16生产美学 PAroduction Aesthetics17商品美学 Commodity Aedthetics18艺术 Art19造型艺术 Plastic Arts20表演艺术 Performance Art21语言艺术 Linguistic Art22综合艺术 Synthetic Arts23实用艺术 Practical Art24时间艺术 Time Art25空间艺术 Spatial Art26时空艺术 Time and Spatial Art27一维艺术 One Dimantional28二维艺术 two Dimantional29三维艺术 Three Dimantional30四维艺术 Four Dimantional31舞台艺术 Stagecraft32影视艺术 Arts of Mmovie and Television33环境艺术 Environmental Art34美术 Fine Arts戏剧 Drama 文学 Literature 意匠 Idea 图案 Pattern 构思 Conception 构图 Composition 造型 Formation 再现Representation 表现 Expression 构成 Composition 平面构成 Tow Dimentional Composition 立体构成 Three Dimentional Composition 色彩构成 Color Composition空间构成 Composition of Space 音响构成 Compositionand Sound 多样与统一 Unity of Multiplicity 平衡 Balance 对称 Symmetry 调和、和声 Harmony 对比Contrast 类似 Similarity 比例 Proportion 黄金分割Golden Section 节奏 Rhythm 旋律 Melody 调子 Tone 变奏 Variation 纹样 Pattern 形态 Form有机形态 Organic Form 抽象形态 Abstract Form 简化形态 Simptified Form 变形 Deformation 图学 Graphics 透视画法 Perspective 线透视 Linear Perspective 视点Eye on Picture Plane35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172 灭点 Vanishing Point73 平行透视 Parallel Persective74 成角透视 Angular Perspective75 斜透视 Obligue Perspective76 单点透视 Single Paint Perdpective77 两点透视 Tow-Point Perdpective78 三点透视 Three-Point Perdpective79 鸟瞰图 Bird's Eye View80 平面视图 Ground Plain81 轴侧投影 Axonometric Projection82 设计素描 Design Sketch83 预想图 Rendering84 模型 Model计算机书法 Computer Calligraphy 100 计算机图象处理 Computer Image Processing101 计算机音响构成 Computer Sound Composition 实验心理学与人机工程学 (英)1 人类工程学 Human Engineering2 人机工程学 Man-Machine Engineering3 工效学 Ergonomice4 人因工程学 Human Factors Engineering5 人因要素 HumanFactors6 人机系统 Man-Machine System85 粘土模型 Clay Model86 石膏模型 Plaster Model 87 木制模型 Wooden Model 88 缩尺模型 Scale Model89 原大模型 Mock Up 90 仿真模型 Finished Model 91 制造原形 Prototype 92 计算机图形学 Computer Graphics 93 框架模型 Frame Model 94 实体模型 SolidModel 95 计算机辅助设计 COMPUTEARIDED DESIGN 96 计算机辅助制造 Computer Aided Manufacture 97 计算机三维动画 98 Computer Three Dimentional 计算机艺术 Computer ArtsAnimation 997人体工程学 Human Engineering8人本位设计 Human Sstandard Design9实验心理学 Experimental Psychology10物理心理学 Psychophysics11感觉 Sensation12知觉 Perception13感觉阙限 Threshold of Senssation14心理量表 Psychological Scaling15视觉 Visual Perception16视觉通道 Visual Pathway17听觉 Hearing Perception18肤觉 Skin Sensation19视觉心理学 Visual Psychology20听觉心理学 Hearing Psychology21感光元 Photoreceptor Cell22明视、暗视、间视 Phootopic Vision ,Scotopic Vision , Mesopic Vision23光适应与暗适应 Photopic Adaptation andSscotopic Adaptation 24 格式塔,完形Gestalt25形状知觉 Shape Perception26轮廓 Conotour27主观轮廓 Subjictive Contour28图形与背景 Figure and Ground29图形与背景逆转 Reversible Figure30良好形状法则 Prinzip der Guten Gestalt31群化 Grouping32等质性法则 Fsctor of Similarity33伪装 Camouflage34形状的恒常性 Shape Constancy35大小的恒常性 Size Constancy36空间知觉 Space Perception37立体视 Stereopsis38运动知觉 Movement Perception39视错觉 Optical Illusion40残像 After Image41似动 Apparent Movement42视觉后效 Aftereffects in Visuvl43瀑布效应 Waterfall Effect视线记录仪 Eye Camera 听觉刺激 Auditory Stimulus 声压 Sound Pressure 声压水平 Sound Pressure Level 频谱 Spectrum 乐音与非乐音 Tone and Nontone 噪声 Noise 听觉阙限 Auditory Threshold 响度 Loudness 听觉掩蔽Auditory Masking 音乐心理学 Psychology of Music 音响心理学 Psychology of Sound 音的四属性 Four Attribute Sound 音高 Pitch 音色 Timbre 力度 Loudness 频率辨别阙限 Difference Threshold of Frequency 强度辨别阙限Difference Threshold of Loudness 混响 Reverberation 音源距离感 Distance Perception of Sound 音源方位感 Orientation Perception of Sound 立体声 Stereophony 语言心理学 Psycholinguistics 语言声谱 Language Spectrum 语言清晰度 Articulation 人体尺寸 Humanlady Size 作业空间 Work Space 模数 Module 心理尺度 Psychological Measure 动作分析 Motion Analysis 时间研究 Time Study 动作时间研究 Motion and Time Study 时间动作轨迹摄影 Chronocyclegragh 动迹 Traffic Line 光迹摄影 Luminogram 脑波 Brain Wave 生物钟 Bio-o'clock 44 45 46 47 48495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081睡眠 Sleep82疲劳 Fatigue83姿态 Body Posture84皮肤电反应 Galranic Skin Response85临界闪烁频率 Critical Flicker Frequence86肌肉运动学 Kinesiology87肌电图 Electromyography88形态学 Morphology89仿生学 Bionics90人、环境系统 Man-Environment System91照明 Hlumination92振动 Oscillate93气候 Climate94空气调节 Air Conditioning95功能分配 Functional Allocation 设计生产经营与评价(英)1工业工程学 Industrial Engineering2工业心理学 Industrial Psychology3科学管理法 Scientific Management4生产管理 Production Control5质量管理 Quality Control6系统工程 System Engineering7批量生产 Mass Production8流水作业 Conveyer System9互换式生产方式 Interchangeable ProdusctionMethod10标准化 Standardization11自动化 Automation12市场调查 Market Research13商品化计划 Merchandising14产品开发 Product Developement15产品改型 Model Change16产品测试 Product Testing17产品成本 Product Cost18营销学 Marketing19买方市场 Buyer's Market20卖方市场 Seller's Marker21促销 Sales Promotion22适销 Marketability23消费者 Consumer24购买动机调查 Motivation Research25深层面接法 Depth Interview26销售热点 Selling Point27卡通测试法 Cartoon Test28产品形象 Product Image29形象策略 Image Strategy30公共关系 Public Relations31运筹学 Operations Research32设计策略 Design Policy33艺术总监 Art Director 设计法规与标准(英)1知识产权 Intellectual Property2著作权 Copyright3工业产权 Industrial Property4专利 Patent5发明专利 Patent for Invention6实用新型 Utility Modle7外观设计专利 Registation of Design8注册商标 Registered Trade Mark9广告法 Advertising Law10反不正当竞争 Repression of Untair Competition11设计费 Design Fee12标准 Standard13德国工业标准 Deutsche Industrie Normen 设计思潮与流派(英)1学院派 Academicism2理性主义 Rationalism3非理性主义 Irrationalism4古典主义 Classicism5浪漫主义 Romanticism6现实主义 Realism7印象主义 Impressionism8后印象主义 Postimpressionism9新印象主义 Neo-Impressionisme(法)10那比派 The Nabject表现主义 Expressionism 象征主义 Symbolism 野兽主义 Fauvism 立体主义 Cubism 未来主义 Futurism 奥弗斯主义 Orphism 达达主义 Dadaisme ( 法 ) 超现实主义 Surrealism 纯粹主义 Purism 抽象艺术 Abstract Art 绝对主义,至上主义 Suprematism 新造型主义 Neo-plasticisme ( 法 ) 风格派 De Stiji 青骑士 Der Blaus Reiter 抒情抽象主义 Lyric Abstractionism 抽象表现主义 Abstract Expressionism 行动绘画 Action Painting 塔希主义 Tachisme ( 法 ) 视幻艺术 Op Art 活动艺术、机动艺术 Kinetic Art 极少主义 Minimalism 概念主义 Conceptualism 波普艺术 Pop Art 芬克艺术、恐怖艺术 Funk Art 超级写实主义 Super Realism 人体艺术 Body Art 芝加哥学派 Chicago School 艺术与手工艺运动 The Arts & Crafts 新艺术运动 Art Nouveau 分离派 Secession 构成主义 Constructivism 现代主义 Modernism 包豪斯 Bauhaus 阿姆斯特丹学派 Amsterdam School 功能主义 Functionalism 装饰艺术风格 Art Deco ( 法 ) 国际风格 International Style11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647 Movement48流线型风格 Streamlined Forms49雅典宪章 Athens Charter50马丘比丘宪章 Charter of Machupicchu 51斯堪的纳维亚风格 Scandinavia Style 52新巴洛克风格 New Baroque53后现代主义 Postmodernism54曼菲斯 Memphis55高技风格 High Tech56解构主义 Deconstructivism57手工艺复兴 Crafts Revival58准高技风格 Trans High Tech59建筑风格 Architecture60微建筑风格 Micro-Architecture61微电子风格 Micro-Electronics62晚期现代主义 Late Moddernism。