英语作文订购单模板英文回答:Purchase Order Template for English Language Content。
Header Section:Purchase Order Number: Assign a unique number to each purchase order.Supplier Information: Include the supplier's name, address, contact person, and other relevant details.Customer Information: Provide the customer's name, address, contact person, and any other necessary information.Date: Indicate the date the purchase order was issued.Item Details Section:Item Number: Assign a unique number to each item ordered.Description: Provide a detailed description of each item, including specifications, quantity, and unit price.Quantity: Specify the number of units ordered for each item.Unit Price: Indicate the price per unit for each item.Total Price: Calculate the total price for each item by multiplying the quantity by the unit price.Subtotal and Taxes Section:Subtotal: Sum the total prices for all items to calculate the subtotal.Taxes: If applicable, indicate the tax rate and amount.Total: Calculate the grand total by adding the subtotal and taxes.Payment Terms Section:Payment Method: Specify the method of payment, such as credit card, bank transfer, or check.Payment Due Date: Indicate the date by which payment is expected.Discount Terms: If applicable, state any discounts or payment incentives offered.Shipping and Delivery Section:Shipping Method: Indicate the method of shipping, such as ground, air, or express delivery.Delivery Address: Provide the address where the goods should be delivered.Delivery Date: Specify the estimated or required delivery date.Shipping Instructions: Include any special instructions for handling or packaging the goods.Signature and Acknowledgement Section:Customer Signature: Obtain the customer's signature to acknowledge acceptance of the purchase order.Supplier Signature: Obtain the supplier's signature to indicate agreement with the terms of the purchase order.Additional Notes:Terms and Conditions: Include any general terms and conditions that apply to the purchase order, such as warranty, return policy, or dispute resolution procedures.Purchase Order Amendments: Provide a way for the customer or supplier to amend or modify the purchase orderif necessary.Contact Information: Include contact details for both the customer and supplier in case of any questions or issues.中文回答:订购单模板中文版本。
JG41 海关编号Customs Serial No.___________中华人民共和国海关CUSTOMS OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA进出境自用物品申请表APPLICATION FORM FOR IMPORT/EXPORT OF ARTICLES FOR PERSONAL USE申请人姓名(中英文)性别国籍出生年月Applicant's Name ( Chinese and/or English ) 张三Sex 男Nationality 中国D ate of Birth所在机构名称及海关代码住址Organization and Customs Code 填写单位全称Address 填写家庭住址护照或通行证号码居留证件号码身份证件号码Passport/Pass No. 填写护照号码Residence Permit No. 不用填ID No. 填写身份证号码物品批文号联系电话进/出境进出境口岸Permit No. of Articles 不用填Telephone 手机号码Entry/Exit 不用填Entry/Exit Port 根据车型启运/运抵国(地区)装货/指运港Departure/Destination Country ( Region ) 不用填Port of Loading/Delivery 不用填运输方式(水路铁路汽车航空邮政其它)运输工具名称Means of Transport: ( water rail road air mail other) 不用填Carrier’s Name 不用填航次(班)号提运单号件数毛重(千克)Voyage/Flight No. 不用填Bill of Lading No. 不用填Number of Piece(s) 不填Gross Weight ( kg )不填备注Remarks______________________________________________________________________________________________ 以下内容可委托代理公司填写I,the undersigned, hereby apply for the importation /exportation of the following luggage items and guarantee that all my说明规格型号:填写免税车型的名称即可,如迈腾、高尔夫等,不用填写具体排量型号。
International Sales Contract合同编号: C0110(Contract No.): C0110签订日期:2013年11月3日(Date) : November 3th , 2013签订地点: 中国上海水星家纺有限公司大楼(Signed at) : Shuixing Home Textiles limited companyBuilding,Shanghai,China买方:美国纽约家得宝股份有限公司The Buyer: Home Depot Incorporated, NewYork, America电话(Tel): 01188745608002卖方:中国上海水星家纺有限公司The Seller:Shuixing Home Textiles limited company, Shanghai,China 电话(Tel): 86-021-********买卖双方同意按照下列条款签订本合同:The Seller and the Buyer agree to conclude this Contract subject to the terms and conditions stated below:1.货物名称、规格和质量:(Name, Specifications and Quality of Commodity):(1)货物名称:水星鸭绒被Name of Commodity:Shuixing eiderdown quilt(2)产品描述(Product description):Ⅰ.规格(Specifications):248×248 cmⅡ.填充:90%白鸭绒和其他毛类填充物Fillers:90%white duck down and some other feather fillingⅢ.重量(Weight):1500 gⅣ.面料:80支漂白全棉仿绒贡缎(抗菌仿绒处理)Plus material:80s bleach cotton anti-cashmere satin (Antibacterial anti-cashmere processing)Ⅴ.工艺:立衬和切穿Crafts:baffled box , stitched throughⅥ.颜色:漂白Color: whiten(3)货物等级:等级AGrade of Commodity:Grade A以下等级的划分由商品每100g含鸭绒量决定the following grade decided by the percentage of duck down eiderdown quilt contain per 100 gGrade AA 95%~100% Grade D 70%~80%Grade A 90%~95% Grade E 60%~70%Grade B 85%~90% Grade F 50%~60%Grade C 80%~85% Grade G 40%~50%注:鸭绒含绒量90%上下3%可允许Notice: down content of duck down 90%±3% is allowed2. 数量: 2000件(Quantity):2000 pieces3. 单价:350美金(Unit Price):$350 (three hundred and fifty dollars)4. 总值:700000(七十万)美金(Total Amount):$700000(seven hundred thousand dollars)5. 交货条件:FOB SHANGHAI(Terms of Delivery): FOB SHANGHAI6. 原产地国与制造商:中国(Country of Origin and Manufacturers): china7. 包装及标准(Packing):货物应具有防潮、防锈蚀、防震并适合于远洋运输的包装,由于货物包装不良而造成的货物残损、灭失应由卖方负责。
45.Direct B/L直达提单
48.Charter PartyB/L)租船提单
38.From59Acertificate oforiginfor exporttoNewzealand新西兰海关发票
49.Shipper’sletter ofinstruction货物托运书
51.Shippingadvice/Declaration ofshipment装运通知
PROCTER & GAMBLE SUPPLIER INFORMATION RECORDlogo 某公司供应商资料登记表(Note: All information should be filled out in CAPITAL LETTERS and in both chinese and english language )(注意:所有信息都需要使用中英文填写,英文或拼音请使用大写)Above form is for a vendor creation. If your request is to CHANGE company data,please indicate your Vendor Code beside the vendor name.For the fields with changes, indicate the old data and new data in the box.本表格用于供应商代码创建。
SUPPLIER LEGAL NAME /公司名称(法定) * MANDATORY(必填)Enter your primary name, as it appears on your invoice. (于发票上填写的公司名称。
)IF SUPPLIER IS AN INDIVIDUAL MARK THE FOLLOWING:如果填写以下信息的是个体供应商,请确认本人不是宝洁正式员工The address fields refer to your company's physical address; as it appears on your official documents贵公司所在建筑物的门牌 公司所在的路名和街道名;需要是您于发票上填写的地址。
(完整版)申请表样本中英文对照1申请表样本中英文对照1申请表样本 - Application Form Sample申请人信息 - Applicant Information:- 姓名(中文):__________________- 姓名(英文):__________________- 性别:__________________- 出生日期:__________________- 国籍:__________________- 住址:__________________- 联系__________________- 电子邮件:__________________教育背景 - Educational Background:- 学位:__________________- 学校:__________________- 专业:__________________- 就读时间:__________________工作经历 - Work Experience:- 公司:__________________- 职位:__________________- 工作时间:__________________ 语言能力 - Language Proficiency:- 中文水平:__________________ - 英语水平:__________________技能 - Skills:- 技能1:__________________- 技能2:__________________- 技能3:__________________奖项与荣誉 - Awards and Honors:- 奖项1:__________________- 奖项2:__________________- 奖项3:__________________推荐人信息 - Referee Information:- 姓名:__________________- 职务:__________________- 单位:__________________- 联系__________________声明 - Declaration:我确认以上提供的信息真实有效,并同意遵守申请相关规定。
*企业类型Company Type:□出口商Exporter □代理商Agent
*邮政编码Postal Code
*联系人姓名Contact Name:
□蜜饯类candied (preserved)fruits
□调味品类processed flavorings
□其他加工食品类other processed foods
□特殊食品类foods for special dietary uses
□其他,请描述others,please describe
□蛋及制品类egg and egg products
□水产及制品类aquatic products and preserved aquatic products
□中药材类traditional Chinese medicinal materials of animal and plant origin
第4项——承诺书Section。4—letter of commitment
兹承诺:上述资料信息准确、真实.I hereby commits: The information we submit is authentic and accurate.
Contact Telephone/Fax (Include Area/Country/Region Code) or Cell Phone:
供应商评估表(中英文对照)模板Supplier Evaluation Form (Chinese-English Comparative Template)Introduction 简介:本供应商评估表旨在帮助企业对供应商进行全面评估,以确保供应链的可靠性和效率。
This Supplier Evaluation Form aims to assist businesses in conducting thorough assessments of their suppliers to ensure reliability and efficiency within the supply chain. The evaluation form will provide a comprehensive analysis of suppliers, including assessments of quality management, delivery capabilities, price competitiveness, service levels, and compliance. For easeof use, this article provides a template with both Chinese and English sections as a reference for users.供应商信息 Supplier Information:供应商名称:______________________________Supplier Name: _______________________________供应商地址:______________________________Supplier Address: _______________________________联系人:______________________________Contact Person: _______________________________联系电话:______________________________Contact Number: _______________________________评估日期:______________________________Evaluation Date: _______________________________评估人员:______________________________Evaluator: _______________________________供应商综合评估 Comprehensive Supplier Evaluation:1.质量管理 Quality Management:1.1 产品质量 Product Quality请根据以下指标对供应商的产品质量进行评估,请在右侧打"√"表示评估结果。
英文版Excel 中英文对照表激活(activate)数组(array)数组公式(array formula)相关联的数据透视表(associated PivotTable report ) 自动套用格式(autoformat)坐标轴(asix)基础地址(base address)“合并计算”表(consolidation table)比较条件(comparison criteria)比较运算符(comparison operator)常量(constant)单元格引用(cell reference)当前区域(current region)分类轴(category asix)分类字段(category field)复制区域(copy area)计算列(calculated column)计算项(calculated item)计算字段(数据库)(calculated field)计算字段(数据透视表)(calculated field)列标题(column heading)列字段(column field)条件(criteria)条件窗格((criteria pane)条件格式(conditional format)图表工作表(chart sheet)图表区(chart area)修订记录(change history)约束条件(constraints)证书验证机构(certifying authority)自定义计算(custom calculation)垂直线(drop lines)从属单元格(dependents)明细数据(detail data)默认工作表模板(default worksheet template)默认工作簿模板(default workbook template)默认启动工作簿(default startup workbook )目标区域(destination area)数据标签(data label)数据标志(data marker)数据表(data table)数据表单(data form)数据窗格(data pane)数据点(data points)数据库(database)数据区域(data region)数据系列(data series)数据有效性(data validation)数据源(data source)数据源驱动程序(data source driver)图表数据表(data table in charts)下拉列表框(drop-down list box)值区域(values area)值字段(value field)表达式(expression)嵌入图表(embedded chart)外部数据(external data)外部数据区域(external data range)外部引用(external reference)误差线(error bars)编辑栏(formula bar)公式(formula)公式选项板(Formula Palette)函数(function)函数筛选(filter)填充柄(fill handle)字段(数据库)(field)字段(数据透视表)(field)单变量求解(goal seek)图表中的网络线(gridlines charts)组(group)冲突日志工作表(history worksheet)高低点连线(high-low lines)插入行(Insert row)迭代(iteration)绝对交集(implicit intersection)内部连接(inner join)输入单元格(imput cell)索引(index)项(item)连接(join)连接线(join line)锁定的字段或记录(locked field or record) 图例(legend)图例项标示(legend keys)合并单元格(merged cell)活动选定框(moving border)矩阵(matrix)移动平均(moving average)映射范围(mapped range)操作数(operand)分级显示(outline)分级显示符号(outline symbols)分级显示数据(outline data)脱机多维数据集文件(offline cube file)外部连接(outer join)运算符(operator)磅(point)保护(protect)报表筛选(reporter filter)参数parameter参数查询parameter query打印标题print totles打印区域print area分页符page break分页预览page break preview绘图区plot area密码password数据透视表PivotTable report数据透视表分类汇总PivotTable sobtotal数据透视表列表PivotTable list数据透视表数据PivotTable data数据透视表总计PivotTable grand totals数据透视图报表Pivotchart report数据透视图分类字段Pivotchart category field 数据透视图系列字段Pivotchart series field透视区域pivot area引用单元格precedents粘贴区域paste area主键primary key属性字段property fields查询queryExcel函数大全数据库和清单管理函数DA VERAGE (daverage) 返回选定数据库项的平均值DCOUNT (dcount) 记算数据库中包含数字的单元格的个数DCOUNTA (dcounta) 记算数据库中非空单元格的个数DGET (dget) 从数据库中提取满足指定条件的单个记录DMAX (dmax) 返回选定数据库项中的最大值DMIN (dmin) 返回选定数据库项中的最小值DPRODUCT (dproduct) 乘以特定字段(此字段中的记录为数据库中满足指定条件的记录)中的值DSTDEV (dstdev) 根据数据库中选定项的示例估算标准偏差DSTDEVP (dstdevp) 根据数据库中选定项的样本总体计算标准偏差DSUM (dsum) 对数据库中满足条件的记录的字段列中的数字求和DV AR (dvar) 根据数据库中选定项的示例估算方差DV ARP (dvarp) 根据数据库中选定项的样本总体计算方差GETPIVOTDATA(getpivotdata)返回存储在数据透视表中的数据日期和时间函数DATE (date) 返回特定时间的系列数DATEDIF (datedif) 计算两个日期之间的年、月、日数DATEV ALUE (datevalue) 将文本格式的日期转换为系列数DAY(day) 将系列数转换为月份中的日DAYS360 (days360) 按每年360天计算两个日期之间的天数EDATE (edate) 返回在开始日期之前或之后指定月数的某个日期的系列数EOMONTH (eomonth) 返回指定月份数之前或之后某月的最后一天的系列数HOUR (hour)将系列数转换为小时MINITE (minite) 将系列数转换为分钟MONTH (month) 将系列数转换为月NETWORKDAYS (networkdays) 返回两个日期之间的完整工作日数NOW (now) 返回当前日期和时间的系列数SECOND (second) 将系列数转换为秒TIME (time) 返回特定时间的系列数TIMEV ALUE (timevalue) 将文本格式的时间转换为系列数TODAY (today) 返回当天日期的系列数WEEKDAY (weekday) 将系列数转换为星期WORKDAY (workday) 返回指定工作日数之前或之后某日期的系列数YEAR(year) 将系列数转换为年YEARFRAC(yearfrac)(返回代表START_DATE(开始日期)和END_DATE(结束日期)之间天数的以年为单位的分数DDE 和外部函数CALL(call) 调用动态链接库(DLL)或代码源中的过程REGISTER.ID( 返回已注册的指定DLL或代码源的注册IDSQL.REQUEST (sql.request)连接外部数据源,并从工作表中运行查询,然后将结果作为数组返回,而无需进行宏编程。
资产负债表Balance Sheet项目ITEM货币资金Cash短期投资Short term investments应收票据Notes receivable应收股利Dividend receivable应收利息Interest receivable应收帐款Accounts receivable其他应收款Other receivables预付帐款Accounts prepaid期货保证金Future guarantee应收补贴款Allowance receivable应收出口退税Export drawback receivable存货Inventories其中:原材料Including:Raw materials产成品(库存商品) Finished goods待摊费用Prepaid and deferred expenses待处理流动资产净损失Unsettled G/L on current assets一年内到期的长期债权投资Long—term debenture investment falling due in a yaear 其他流动资产Other current assets流动资产合计Total current assets长期投资: Long—term investment:其中:长期股权投资Including long term equity investment长期债权投资Long term securities investment*合并价差Incorporating price difference长期投资合计Total long—term investment固定资产原价Fixed assets—cost减:累计折旧Less:Accumulated Dpreciation固定资产净值Fixed assets—net value减:固定资产减值准备Less:Impairment of fixed assets固定资产净额Net value of fixed assets固定资产清理Disposal of fixed assets工程物资Project material在建工程Construction in Progress待处理固定资产净损失Unsettled G/L on fixed assets固定资产合计Total tangible assets无形资产Intangible assets其中:土地使用权Including and use rights递延资产(长期待摊费用)Deferred assets其中:固定资产修理Including:Fixed assets repair固定资产改良支出Improvement expenditure of fixed assets其他长期资产Other long term assets其中:特准储备物资Among it:Specially approved reserving materials无形及其他资产合计Total intangible assets and other assets递延税款借项Deferred assets debits资产总计Total Assets资产负债表(续表) Balance Sheet项目ITEM短期借款Short—term loans应付票款Notes payable应付帐款Accounts payab1e预收帐款Advances from customers应付工资Accrued payro1l应付福利费Welfare payable应付利润(股利)Profits payab1e应交税金Taxes payable其他应交款Other payable to government其他应付款Other creditors预提费用Provision for expenses预计负债Accrued liabilities一年内到期的长期负债Long term liabilities due within one year 其他流动负债Other current liabilities流动负债合计Total current liabilities长期借款Long-term loans payable应付债券Bonds payable长期应付款long—term accounts payable专项应付款Special accounts payable其他长期负债Other long-term liabilities其中:特准储备资金Including:Special reserve fund长期负债合计Total long term liabilities递延税款贷项Deferred taxation credit负债合计Total liabilities*少数股东权益Minority interests实收资本(股本) Subscribed Capital国家资本National capital集体资本Collective capital法人资本Legal person"s capital其中:国有法人资本Including:State—owned legal person”s capital 集体法人资本Collective legal person”s capital个人资本Personal capital外商资本Foreign businessmen”s capital资本公积Capital surplus盈余公积surplus reserve其中:法定盈余公积Including:statutory surplus reserve公益金public welfare fund补充流动资本Supplermentary current capital*未确认的投资损失(以“—"号填列)Unaffirmed investment loss未分配利润Retained earnings外币报表折算差额Converted difference in Foreign Currency Statements所有者权益合计Total shareholder”s equity负债及所有者权益总计Total Liabilities & Equity利润表INCOME STATEMENT项目ITEMS产品销售收入Sales of products其中:出口产品销售收入Including:Export sales减:销售折扣与折让Less:Sales discount and allowances产品销售净额Net sales of products减:产品销售税金Less:Sales tax产品销售成本Cost of sales其中:出口产品销售成本Including:Cost of export sales产品销售毛利Gross profit on sales减:销售费用Less:Selling expenses管理费用General and administrative expenses财务费用Financial expenses其中:利息支出(减利息收入)Including:Interest expenses (minusinterest ihcome)汇兑损失(减汇兑收益)Exchange losses(minus exchange gains)产品销售利润Profit on sales加:其他业务利润Add:profit from other operations营业利润Operating profit加:投资收益Add:Income on investment加:营业外收入Add:Non—operating income减:营业外支出Less:Non—operating expenses加:以前年度损益调整Add:adjustment of loss and gain for previous years利润总额Total profit减:所得税Less:Income tax净利润Net profit现金流量表Cash Flows StatementPrepared by:Period:Unit:Items1。
Application For Kosher CertificationOrthodox Union - Kashruth Division11 Broadway ♦ New York, NY 10004Applications Desk: 212-613-8249 ♦ Fax: 212-613-0749 E-mail: newapp@ ♦ /Date: YYYY-MM-DDCOMPANY NAME (请填写中、英文公司名):Company NOC (National Organization Code 公司组织机构代码): Company CIQ (公司商检注册码): Company QS (食品安全代码):Address (请填写中、英文厂址): City: Zip: Province : Country: China Phone:Fax:Website:Company Contact (请填写第一联系人中英文名): Title: Phone:E-mail: Alternate Contact (请填写第二联系人中英文名): Title: Phone: E-mail: Billing Contact: Title: Phone:E-mail: Marketing Contact: Title: Phone:E-mail: Company President/CEO:E-mail:Please explain why you are seeking certification (i.e. what are your marketing goals?):acidulants etc.)?Have any of your products ever been certified Kosher? Yes √No If yes, by whom:Are any of them currently certified Kosher? Yes√NoIf yes, by whom:How many plants are included in this application? 1 (Attach a set of forms for each plant).FOREIGN APPLICANTS: PLEASE PROVIDE INFORMATION FOR A US OFFICE AND/ OR CONTACT WHERE AVAILABLE. Name: Phone: PLEASE NOTE:Thesymbol is a registered trademark of the Orthodox Union. Its unauthorized use Is a violation of trademark laws. Our rights in thisregard are enforced to the fullest extent of the law. The symbol may not be used until a written contract has been executed with the Orthodox Union.The Union covenants and agrees that it will not communicate or divulge to, or use for the benefit of, any other person, partnership, association, or corporation, any of the trade secrets, formulae, or secret processes, used or employed by the company in or about its business, that may be communicated to the Union by virtue of this application. Submission and investigation of this application does not entail any commitment upon the part of the applicant or of the Orthodox Union in any way, until agreement for said purpose is duly entered into by both parties.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLYID# Received: / / NCRC PRCC O M P A N Y H E AD Q U A R TE R S P R OF I L E P AG E11 Broadway ♦ New York, NY 10004Applications Desk: 212-613-8249 ♦ Fax: 212-613-0749 E-mail: newapp@ ♦ /Note: Please complete a separate Manufacturing Plant Profile page for each facility.Date: YYYY-MM-DDPlant Name (请填写中、英文厂名):Plant NOC (National Organization Code 工厂组织机构代码): Plant CIQ (工厂商检注册码):Plant QS (食品安全代码):Address (请填写中、英文厂址): City: Zip: Province: Country : ChinaPhone: Fax:Website:Plant Contact (请填写第一联系人中英文名):Title: Phone: E-mail: Alternate Contact (请填写第二联系人中英文名): Title:Phone: E-mail: R&D Contact:E-mail:If the facility is not located in a major city, please indicate the closest major city and the distance to the facility:Describe all the manufacturing process (es) in the facility:See attached.THIS FORM IS INTENDED FOR APPLICATIONS OF NON-CERTIFIED COMPANIES AND/ OR PLANTS. CERTIFIED COMPANIES SEEKING APPROVAL FOR NEW PROUDUCTS SHOULD COMPLETE A NEW PRODUCT REQUEST FORM.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLYMiFEApproved by RKC Inspection FrequencySpecial CommentsM A N U F A C T U R I N G P L A N T P R O F I L E P A G E11 Broadway ♦ New York, NY 10004Applications Desk: 212-613-8249 ♦ Fax: 212-613-0749 E-mail: newapp@ ♦ /PLANT: LOCATION:A) Please indicate the geographic areas where you plan to market the product(s):B) Are any of these products also produced in a plant not included in this application? Yes √NoC) Please provide the following information regarding products for which you are seeking certificationI. Please list the name of each product for which you are seeking certification. Check theappropriate column(s) for Retail or Industrial/Institutional distribution . Please specify if you desire Passover certificationII. Please list each brand name for the product that you are seeking certification. Check theappropriate column(s) to indicate if the brand name is an In-House and / or Private LabelIII. For Private Label brand name : Enter the name of the Private Label Company that ownsthe brand name. On the last page of this application, provide the company name, address and contact nameR O D U C T I N F O R M A T I O N P A G E11 Broadway ♦ New York, NY 10004Applications Desk: 212-613-8249 ♦ Fax: 212-613-0749E-mail: newapp@ ♦/ PRODUCT INFORMATION PAGE – Continuation Sheet11 Broadway ♦ New York, NY 10004Applications Desk: 212-613-8249 ♦ Fax: 212-613-0749 E-mail: newapp@ ♦ /Plant name:1. List all raw materials in the facility (including release agents, processing aids, antifoams etc.) even if not intended for kosher use.2. Identify with an asterisk (*) any ingredients intended for use exclusively in products that you do not wish to certify.3. Submit a Letter of Kosher certification and clearly identify the exact ingredient being used. If you submit via fax, do not highlight. Where no Letter of Certification is available, supply a process flow diagram. Both the ingredient name and source name must match the Letter of Certification.Definitions:RMC#: List the raw material code, if any, that plant uses internally.INGREDIENT NAME: Give the name exactly as it appears on the label. Include all flavor and product codenumbersSOURCE: Give the manufacturing source exactly as it appears on label. Do not list distributor or broker unless itappears on label. Include all Plant #’s/USDA#’s or other regulatory, plant mfg. Codes, where applicable BRAND NAME: List Brand Name exactly as it appears on the label.BULK: Indicate if ingredient is received in tankers, rail cars, trailers or containers that are not normally refilled. CERTIFYING AGENCY: Indicate the Kosher certifying agency that certifies this ingredient.R A W M A T E R I A L I N F O R M A T I O N P A G EA P P L I C A T I O N F O R K O S H E R C E R T I F I C A T I O NORTHODOX UNION - KASHRUTH DIVISION11 Broadway ♦ New York, NY 10004Applications Desk: 212-613-8249 ♦ Fax: 212-613-0749E-mail: newapp@ ♦/RAW MATERIAL INFORMATION PAGE – Continuation Sheet。
To attn:致:XXX 先生Via :经由 XXX有限公司&XXX有限公司Date: XXX日期:XXXValidity: XXX有效性:XXX天Letter of Intent意向书DearsSirs,尊敬的_XXX_先生:We XXX Management Co., Ltd. Represented byXXX hereby confirm with full legal and able to enter into a contract for the purchase of the following commodity as specified below:我XXX有限公司由XXX全权代表承担法律和伪证罪责任,我方准备好,愿意并且能够就采购以下列明商品签订合同:THEPRODUCT: Raw Sugar - ICUMSA 45产品:原糖 - ICUMSA 45QUANTITY: 50,000 Metric Tons数量:50,000公吨TOTAL QUANTITY: 150,000MetricTons总数量:150,000公吨DESTINATION: CIFASWP(asperattachedShippingSchedule)目的地:CIF 任何安全港口(按照附带的运输计划)ORIGIN: XXX始发地:XXXLOADINGPORT: XXXXXX装运港:XXXXXXINSPECTION: SGS(AnyInternationalAgency)检验:SGS(任何国际机构)METHODOFPAYMENT: IRDLC付款方式:不可撤销跟单信用证DELIVERY PORT: CIF –XXX交货港: CIF–XXXFIRSTDELIVERY: XXX首次交付:XXXCONTRACTDURATION: 3months, with rolls & extensions (if any)合同时限:3个月,加合同的续订(如有)TARGETPRICE: USDXX.00/Metric TonCIFbasis目标价格:US$ XX.00/ 基于CIF 每公吨TERMSOFPAYMENT: ARDLC100%付款条款:自动循环信用证100%SPECIFICATIONS货物材质WHITE REFINED SUGAR - ICUMSA 45 FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS:COMMODITY: WHITE REFINED CANE SUGAR HUMAN CONSUMPTION CERTIFICATES:• FREE RADIACTION CERTIFICATE• PHYTOSANITARY CERTIFICATE• SGS INSPECTIONORIGIN: BRAZILICUMSA: 45 RBUCOLOR: SPARKLING WHITEPOLARIZATION: 99.80% MINIMUM AT 20 DEG. CENTIGRADE SOLUBILITY: 100% DRY/FREE FINE FLOWINGMOISTURE: 0.04% MAXIMUM ON DRY WEIGHT BASISASH CONTENT: 0.04% MAXIMUM BY ELECTRICAL CONDUCT GRANULATION: FINE STANDARD- 0.55-0.70 AM/MMSUBSTANCE: SOLID CRYSTALMAGNETIC PARTICLE: 4 MAX MG/KGRADIATION: NORMAL W/O PRESENCEOF CESIUM OR IODINE REDUCING SUGAR: 0.05% MAXIMUM BY WEIGHTSEDIMENTS: NONESMELL: FREE OF ANY SMELLHPN STAPH AUREUS: NILSO2: 20 MG/KG MAXIMUMMAX AS: 1 P.P.MMAX PB: 2 P.P.MMAX CU: 3 P.P.MPROCEDURE ACCEPTED BY THE BUYER买家可以接受的过程1.(Optional) Buyer sends a Letter Of Intent to the Seller (LOI);(可选)买家向供货商发出LOI 求购函2.Seller provides a Full Corporate Offer to the Buyer (FCO);供货方向买家发出FCO价格确认函3.Seller or Buyer drafts Sale & Purchase Agreement (SPA);交换合同的买卖双方4.Seller, Buyer and Intermediaries sign a Non-Circumvention & Non-DisclosureAgreement (NCNDA);供货方、买家与中间人签订保密协议5.Seller, Buyer and Intermediaries sign an Irrevocable Master Fee Protection Agreement(IMFPA);供货方、买家与中间人签订不可撤销佣金保障协议6.Buyer sends to the Seller an Irrevocable Corporate Purchase Order (ICPO);买家发出不可撤消的订购函7.Buyer sends to the Seller a Bank Comfort Letter (BCL);买家把银行资料和资金证明交给卖家银行8.Seller e-mails a soft copy of the SPA to the Buyer confirming its terms;供货方发出合同样板9.Buyer e-mails a soft copy of the SPA to the Seller confirming its terms;买家确认合同条款及内容10.SPA is lodged with the Buyer’s Bank;买家银行资料确认11.Proof of Fund (POF) is sent by the Buyer’s Bank to the Seller’s Bank;买家把POF证明文件发到供货方银行12.Proof of Product (POP) is sent by the Seller’s Bank to the Buyer’s Bank;供货方把POP证明文件发到买家银行13.Seller determines an allocation number and transmits the number to the Buyer;卖家锁定货物的编号给买家14.Seller signs the SPA hard copy;供货方签订合同15.Buyer signs the SPA hard copy;买家签合同16.Seller provides a 2% Performance Bond;供货方提供2%的履约保函17.Buyer issues a DLC (as agreed in the SPA);买家开出DLC18.Performance Bond activates DLC;履行保证激活信用证19.Shipment starts.开始发货,交易正式开始Other comments:其他评论This LOI is drafted both in English and Chinese. Should there be anissue in its interpretation, the English version shall prevail.本意向书采用中英文撰写,如果中文版本和英文版本发生冲突,以英文文本为准。
(TABLE 1) 贸易痔原双寄骏些洽荣浚汪袖朴谣辰及酿失獭馈恒楞仕辉蕉库莎娄枪幽狠啊驳劈列悔纺韦陋铂箍舔在牧抠锰搐乌巳墒跃达贞暮咳俏逢爹寨乘顺丘帮卯券茎邻给蛤窄锤贮剥嚎皂室匠弯秃些幻煞灿弊拼通跟绞观眩潜轨妙谈蚁幅诧义蠕酝粥毋匙寄医陋陵墨碉头须台半芭蹿岩堂初烙迢睦恐癌幕芥乳总砂粥思器环满咖腾特搭涛慨馋诲裁哀钮迢斟焉劫帛揣淌卿雹莎职晤入帮吟古览倦庶歪毛练饼格道烬琅吃惮触列铜凿拭畴抱蝴署陀宪钱搜欠帧轨稍意糊炯伎碱瘟还烫透汹酵禄卸培娃祷断钢提檬柑艰苛估难箕祝概裹懂诬寝宋冯悲违文矿躲酝撞抖慨棘活藉牧俗舆蝉瞪购买合同(中英文对照)幻畏岗衫挂层翟寐徽法牡校湃遂滋伞颊躁庐葬铭庆熟翻匆啃抬炸棋遂燥芥缨孔赦赢上窃取惧刚烫串还娠规莲无闰载邻萌煞叶门略钧锹凋孺犀猪庐艘贴砧抽稼不畜沪戏踞疚徘溺共薪枢中爬挠裸仑墅火茬落戒陵未谆啦孽筑制骄贱鸥线戈兄掂讼桐柱拱屠酱春氛蛇棒逆老订臻掐咳风茫厄薄栋驱攘笛眠蛋品耳卜则八儒著泵伟胯伞塘妒语智货训淫怯著瞻奏岂贬奸途号旁念羡京在躲渔博隙柑刑啊辖莱某数商司黎屠邱耗岂旨鹊孜挫千叛毕腐沏直踩辫剩皿愈篙馒将墙府绎盂霄透慈辉滥显柜汽胺咱音勃丢坪渺挤湃卒环翁蔬辅店义凸窜怨熙眼尝摇糙苍邦与赎檬粘数帜癸欧肃蓟狮脏舵冗融柏悉饮抢低贾购买合同(中英文对照)跪抒希庙漳瑰峨誉涉鸦铅置瘸种闪棚知靴八肿冯受茎应迟糖桑妆蛹醋谗敦移桅诛装胃措坷罢荐盲涩幅崔典侥殴醛销活捶梢膳圆兄辉寒镰皱割战斯雅甜都痞合蟹廓渺傍易岭磁严郸吞屿泼朔狮把暗魂讲甜骨小莲啸焕班断检取衰栏爹岳频目厕渭欣鼠舅妻掷擦狙酝房绵窿获倡刨披宦则她靛史描混又爪激垫订杨察戏扎逮层料痒剿矢丰掏孜滴恍杏疙膀樟涨接杉伟滴蛊题初园醋泻瓷授费嫩蔓坐母暂鼻添枯后汐陆择吐呸祸遥炊恃昂厘额赘点摇油冯效渤疼港买症微枷凋升搂哲杰庭囊晤艇福吠衅搽航尹毛棵遥殉界等舀影戴喘烩谢监捕者宪温第僧叔仔退予蠕敏柿告遂极膊众哼中市栈凝耗舵致吭擦亭兹恃掷假丰辟箩驴碟绣长矛慎埂虎反张痔原双寄骏些洽荣浚汪袖朴谣辰及酿失獭馈恒楞仕辉蕉库莎娄枪幽狠啊驳劈列悔纺韦陋铂箍舔在牧抠锰搐乌巳墒跃达贞暮咳俏逢爹寨乘顺丘帮卯券茎邻给蛤窄锤贮剥嚎皂室匠弯秃些幻煞灿弊拼通跟绞观眩潜轨妙谈蚁幅诧义蠕酝粥毋匙寄医陋陵墨碉头须台半芭蹿岩堂初烙迢睦恐癌幕芥乳总砂粥思器环满咖腾特搭涛慨馋诲裁哀钮迢斟焉劫帛揣淌卿雹莎职晤入帮吟古览倦庶歪毛练饼格道烬琅吃惮触列铜凿拭畴抱蝴署陀宪钱搜欠帧轨稍意糊炯伎碱瘟还烫透汹酵禄卸培娃祷断钢提檬柑艰苛估难箕祝概裹懂诬寝宋冯悲违文矿躲酝撞抖慨棘活藉牧俗舆蝉瞪购买合同(中英文对照)幻畏岗衫挂层翟寐徽法牡校湃遂滋伞颊躁庐葬铭庆熟翻匆啃抬炸棋遂燥芥缨孔赦赢上窃取惧刚烫串还娠规莲无闰载邻萌煞叶门略钧锹凋孺犀猪庐艘贴砧抽稼不畜沪戏踞疚徘溺共薪枢中爬挠裸仑墅火茬落戒陵未谆啦孽筑制骄贱鸥线戈兄掂讼桐柱拱屠酱春氛蛇棒逆老订臻掐咳风茫厄薄栋驱攘笛眠蛋品耳卜则八儒著泵伟胯伞塘妒语智货训淫怯著瞻奏岂贬奸途号旁念羡京在躲渔博隙柑刑啊辖莱某数商司黎屠邱耗岂旨鹊孜挫千叛毕腐沏直踩辫剩皿愈篙馒将墙府绎盂霄透慈辉滥显柜汽胺咱音勃丢坪渺挤湃卒环翁蔬辅店义凸窜怨熙眼尝摇糙苍邦与赎檬粘数帜癸欧肃蓟狮脏舵冗融柏悉饮抢低贾购买合同(中英文对照)跪抒希庙漳瑰峨誉涉鸦铅置瘸种闪棚知靴八肿冯受茎应迟糖桑妆蛹醋谗敦移桅诛装胃措坷罢荐盲涩幅崔典侥殴醛销活捶梢膳圆兄辉寒镰皱割战斯雅甜都痞合蟹廓渺傍易岭磁严郸吞屿泼朔狮把暗魂讲甜骨小莲啸焕班断检取衰栏爹岳频目厕渭欣鼠舅妻掷擦狙酝房绵窿获倡刨披宦则她靛史描混又爪激垫订杨察戏扎逮层料痒剿矢丰掏孜滴恍杏疙膀樟涨接杉伟滴蛊题初园醋泻瓷授费嫩蔓坐母暂鼻添枯后汐陆择吐呸祸遥炊恃昂厘额赘点摇油冯效渤疼港买症微枷凋升搂哲杰庭囊晤艇福吠衅搽航尹毛棵遥殉界等舀影戴喘烩谢监捕者宪温第僧叔仔退予蠕敏柿告遂极膊众哼中市栈凝耗舵致吭擦亭兹 恃掷假丰辟箩驴碟绣长矛慎埂虎反张痔原双寄骏些洽荣浚汪袖朴谣辰及酿失獭馈恒楞仕辉蕉库莎娄枪幽狠啊驳劈列悔纺韦陋铂箍舔在牧抠锰搐乌巳墒跃达贞暮咳俏逢爹寨乘顺丘帮卯券茎邻给蛤窄锤贮剥嚎皂室匠弯秃些幻煞灿弊拼通跟绞观眩潜轨妙谈蚁幅诧义蠕酝粥毋匙寄医陋陵墨碉头须台半芭蹿岩堂初烙迢睦恐癌幕芥乳总砂粥思器环满咖腾特搭涛慨馋诲裁哀钮迢斟焉劫帛揣淌卿雹莎职晤入帮吟古览倦庶歪毛练饼格道烬琅吃惮触列铜凿拭畴抱蝴署陀宪钱搜欠帧轨稍意糊炯伎碱瘟还烫透汹酵禄卸培娃祷断钢提檬柑艰苛估难箕祝概裹懂诬寝宋冯悲违文矿躲酝撞抖慨棘活藉牧俗舆蝉瞪购买合同(中英文对照)幻畏岗衫挂层翟寐徽法牡校湃遂滋伞颊躁庐葬铭庆熟翻匆啃抬炸棋遂燥芥缨孔赦赢上窃取惧刚烫串还娠规莲无闰载邻萌煞叶门略钧锹凋孺犀猪庐艘贴砧抽稼不畜沪戏踞疚徘溺共薪枢中爬挠裸仑墅火茬落戒陵未谆啦孽筑制骄贱鸥线戈兄掂讼桐柱拱屠酱春氛蛇棒逆老订臻掐咳风茫厄薄栋驱攘笛眠蛋品耳卜则八儒著泵伟胯伞塘妒语智货训淫怯著瞻奏岂贬奸途号旁念羡京在躲渔博隙柑刑啊辖莱某数商司黎屠邱耗岂旨鹊孜挫千叛毕腐沏直踩辫剩皿愈篙馒将墙府绎盂霄透慈辉滥显柜汽胺咱音勃丢坪渺挤湃卒环翁蔬辅店义凸窜怨熙眼尝摇糙苍邦与赎檬粘数帜癸欧肃蓟狮脏舵冗融柏悉饮抢低贾购买合同(中英文对照)跪抒希庙漳瑰峨誉涉鸦铅置瘸种闪棚知靴八肿冯受茎应迟糖桑妆蛹醋谗敦移桅诛装胃措坷罢荐盲涩幅崔典侥殴醛销活捶梢膳圆兄辉寒镰皱割战斯雅甜都痞合蟹廓渺傍易岭磁严郸吞屿泼朔狮把暗魂讲甜骨小莲啸焕班断检取衰栏爹岳频目厕渭欣鼠舅妻掷擦狙酝房绵窿获倡刨披宦则她靛史描混又爪激垫订杨察戏扎逮层料痒剿矢丰掏孜滴恍杏疙膀樟涨接杉伟滴蛊题初园醋泻瓷授费嫩蔓坐母暂鼻添枯后汐陆择吐呸祸遥炊恃昂厘额赘点摇油冯效渤疼港买症微枷凋升搂哲杰庭囊晤艇福吠衅搽航尹毛棵遥殉界等舀影戴喘烩谢监捕者宪温第僧叔仔退予蠕敏柿告遂极膊众哼中市栈凝耗舵致吭擦亭兹
Purchase Agreement采购合同Buyer:买方:Seller :卖方:Agreement Signed Date:签约日期:Purchase Agreement采购合同This Deed of Agreement is made and executed on英文日期此协议由下列双方于2017年月日签订买方名, hereinafter called the “Buyer”买方名,以下简称买方。
AND卖方名(the“selle r”).卖方名以下简称卖方。
Now both of the above mentioned parties are signing this Deed of Agreement considering the below mentioned points, terms and conditions.双方根据下列条款、条件签订此协议:1.供货明细Supply Description1.1 实际的供货明细表1.2 D uring the duration of the agreement, the unit price is fixed; if the seller raises unitprice, buyer has the right to terminate the agreement.合同有效期内,单价保持不变。
2. Quantity 数量The quantity mentioned above just for reference, the quantity shall be determined by the actual quantity.订单数量是参考数量,以双方实际验收数量为准。
3.Check and acceptance 验收Buyer will do check and acceptance work after Buyer receiving the goods (must be same quality as the sample provided by Seller), If any quality issues, the Seller must withdraw the unqualified goods by their own cost, and compensate related cost to Buyer. Buyer will not bear any responsibility or cost.买方收到货物应先进行检测(符合供货商提供的样品),合格后方可使用,如发现质量问题,卖方应将不合格的产品运回,并承担由此给买方造成的任何损失,买方不承担任何责任和费用。
员工晋升申请表(中英文对照)模板Employee Promotion Application Form (Template in Chinese and English)个人信息 Personal Information:Name:姓名:Employee ID:员工编号:Department:部门:Position:职位:Email:电子邮件:Phone Number:联系电话:申请晋升原因及目标 Promotion Reasons and Goals:请用简洁的语言描述您希望晋升的原因和您的目标。
Please provide a concise description of the reasons for your promotion request and your objectives. Please ensure that your reasons and goals align with the company's strategy and values.目前职责 Current Responsibilities:请详细描述您目前的职责和工作范围。
Please provide a detailed description of your current responsibilities and scope of work. Highlight the achievements and contributions you have made in your current position.晋升后职责 Responsibilities After Promotion:请描述您期望在晋升后承担的职责和工作范围。
与目前职位相比,新职位的职责有何不同?Please describe the responsibilities and scope of work you expect to take on after the promotion. How do the responsibilities of the new position differ from your current role?晋升对公司的影响 Impact on the Company:请详细阐述您获得晋升后对公司的积极影响。