中英文礼貌用语的差异毕业论文中英文礼貌用语的差异毕业论文Contents摘要...……………………………………………………......………….i Abstract……………………………………………….……….….……..i i Introduction............................................................. . (1)Chapter 1 A Comparative Analysis of Politeness Maxims inE n g l i s h a n dChinese…........................................(2)1.1E n g l i s h P o l i t e n e s sM axims…..….............................................…(2)1.2C h i n e s e P o l i t e n e s sM axims…...................................................(3)Chapter 2 The Main Performance of Different Expression BetweenC h i n e s e a n d E n g l i s h o nP o l i t e n e s s (5)2.1T e r m s o f Address……………...............…………….................(5)2.2T e r m s o f G r e e t i n g s a n d Farewells (7)2.3T e r m s i n C o m p l i m e n t s a n d t h e R e s p o n s e s t oC o m p l i m e n t s (9)2.4T e r m s o f E u p h e m i s m a n d Taboo......................................................1 3 Chapter 3 The Reasons, Effects and Strategies of DifferentE x p r e s s i o nB e t w e e nC h i n e s e a n d E n g l i s h o nP o l i t e n e s s (18)3.1 The Reasons of Different Expression Between Chinese andE n g l i s ho n Politeness.............................................(18)3.2 The Influence of the Different Expression Between Chinesea n dE n g l i s h o n Politeness................................................. ......................2 23.3 The Strategies to the Different Expression Between Chinesea n dE n g l i s h o nPoliteness................................................. ......................2 4 Conclusion.................................................................... .......2 6 Bibliography............................................................... .. . (27)AcknowledgementIntroductionWhen we communicate with other people, we have to obey a lot of rules of manners which have rooted in our daily life. If not, there would appear many misunderstandings. Every nation has its politeness. People use different politeness language in different situations. And we can say politeness language plays an important role in our communication with people around us.People from different countries may have different manners,thus they could encounter difficulties in their communication. As the development of our country, the internationalism is becoming more and more rapidly. We need to communicate with people of the world. But they have their own attitudes towards things which maybe a little bit different or totally different from ours. If we do not understand the cultures of them, absolutely, we will have a lot of difficulties in this process. Sometimes, we are likely to understand one thing in our own perspective. Today, a better understanding of people who come from other cultures is very important. Especially in the cross-culture communication. This article is written tointroduce the different expression between Chinese and English on politeness from different perspectives.Chapter 1A Comparative Analysis of Politeness Maxims in Englishand ChineseIn the past decades, researchers focused on the politeness principle as an important pragmatic principle. The function of politeness, as a social phenomenon, is maintaining social order, reducing conflicts and misunderstanding in communications. We can make our behavior polite with the help of some politeness maxims, such as Cr ice’s Cooperative Principle, Leech’s politeness principles and Gu Yueguo’s politeness principles.1.1 English Politeness MaximsAmong the principles proposed by pragmaticists to explain the phenomena in the use of language in conversation, Crice’s Cooperative Principle is one of the basic ones. But Leech thinks that it fails to explain all the phenomena in language use, especially fails to explain why people tend to use many indirect speech acts to violate Cooperative Principle, so he puts forwardthe Politeness Principle. Here are his six politeness maxims.(1)T act Maxim: It means minimize cost and maximize benefit toothers.(2)G enerosity Maxim: It means minimize benefit and maximizecost to selfs.(3)A pprobation Maxim: It means minimize dispraise and maximizepraise of others.(4)M odesty Maxim: It means minimize praise and maximizedispraise of self.(5)A greement Maxim: It means minimize disagreement betweenself and others while maximize agreement between self and others.(6)S ympathy Maxim: It means minimize antipathy between self andothers while maximize sympathy between self and other.1.2 Chinese Politeness MaximsIn China, the real study of politeness only began in the 1980s when pragmatics was introduced into China. The most important figure in this area is Gu Yueguo. He is a student of Leech and comes from Beijing Foreign Studies University. On the basis of Chinese culture, Gu used L eech’s principle of politeness for reference and summed up four features of Chinese politeness, and later developed them into five politeness。
如果一个人想要客气的表达他的观点,他可以说:“I have a different opinion(我有不同的意见)”。
“Do you agree with me (你同意我的想法吗?)”,而不用太多的文
来表达意思,比如说“I have some different thoughts on this
的礼貌用语较复杂,例如当问一个人他是否同意人的观点时,除了可以问“Do you agree with him(你同意他的想法吗?)”外,还可以说“May I have your opinion on this(您能就此发表意见吗?),这种表达方
AbstractLanguage, as part of culture, is influenced by culture. So is courtesy. Courtesy language is the important part of the culture. All the courtesy languages are the mirrors to their cultures. Different cultures between China and West lead to different politeness principles. Courtesy language plays a very important role in the cross-cultural communication. It is the basic element to keep a good relationship. Whether the use of courtesy languages is proper or not will directly influence the communication. This article tries to analyze the cultural differences between Chinese and Western courtesy languages in their causes and effects on the cross-cultural communication, such as: addressing, greeting, compliments and responses and taboos. And, the paper deeply analyzes the causes for the differences from the histories, customs and social norms. The purpose is to know the use of the courtesy language and improve cross-cultural communication.Key words: courtesy language; cultural difference; cross-cultural communication摘要语言既是文化的载体,又是文化的一部分,语言受到文化的影响,是文化的一面镜子。
中西方礼貌原则的文化差异英语毕业论文渭南师范学院本科毕业论文题目:中西方礼貌原则的文化差异Study on the Cultural Differences between Chinese and EnglishPoliteness PrinciplesByYang XueA Thesis Presented to School of Foreign Languages ofWeinan Normal Universityas Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree ofBachelor of ArtsMay 13, 2012Class: Class 1 of 2008Advisor: Yang Xue毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明原创性声明本人郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是我个人在指导教师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的成果。
An Analysis of Differences of Politeness Principle betweenChinese Culture and English CultureAbstract:Politeness is a symbol of the human civilization and a means for maintaining a harmonious interpersonal relation. Politeness is a social statute that constrains people‟s behaviors in any society. However, it shows different characteristics in Chinese culture and western culture. In recent years, scholars have shown great interest in politeness. In the west, Goffman‟s notion of face, Brown and Levinson‟s Face Theory and Geoffrey N. Leech‟s Politeness Principles are the representatives; in China, Professor Gu Yueguo‟s Five Notions of the Politeness is the pioneer in this field. This paper attempts to throw light on the differences of politeness principles between Chinese and western culture and its reasons based on the basic introduction of polite principles in Chinese and western culture. The better understanding of these differences and reasons can improve the English learners‟ cultural sensitivity, reducing pragmatic failure. Also, it can help them get the effective communication through the proper modes of politeness.Key words: Polite Principles,Cultural Differences, ReasonsTable of ContentsI. Introduction (1)II. Polite Principles in Chinese and English Culture (2)2.1 Politeness Principles in Chinese Culture (2)2.2 Politeness Principles in English Culture (3)III. Differences of Politeness Principles between Chinese Culture and English Culture (5)3.1 Terms of Address (6)3.2 Thanks and Apology W ords (7)3.3 Contents of the Conversation (7)3.3.1 Compliment and Modest Words (8)3.3.2 Euphemisms and Taboos (8)3.3 .3 Greeting and Farewell Words (9)IV. Reasons of Differences of Politeness Principles between Chinese Culture and English Culture (10)4.1 Different Values Influenced by Cultural Background (10)4.1.1 V alues of Chinese Culture (10)4.1.2 V alues of English Culture (11)4.2 Different Ways of Thinking Influenced by Cultural Backgrounds (12)4.2.1 Chinese Ways of Thinking (12)4.2.2 Western Ways of Thinking (12)V. Conclusion (12)Bibliography (14)Chinese title, abstract, key words (15)An Analysis of Differences of Politeness Principle betweenChinese Culture and English Culture I.IntroductionPoliteness is a universal phenomenon and it can be observed in all languages and cultures. In addition, it plays an important role in human communication: it helps to establish, maintain or consolidate harmonious interpersonal relationships and facilitate social interactions. Politeness as an observable phenomenon is something superficial and a reflection of specific cultural values in the language. Thus, while admitting the universality of politeness, we should realize the cultural characteristics of politeness that is, due to the influences of cultural value orientations, the actual manifestations of politeness and the standards for its judgment differ substantially from culture to culture. To explore politeness, we should consider its cultural specificity and accordingly go into the depth where cultural values are firmly rooted. Only in doing so can we uncover the essence of politeness and successfully account for its cross-cultural differences. We view politeness as one of the major social constraints on human interaction which regulates participants‟ communication behavior by constantly reminding them to take into consideration the feelings of the others (He ziran,2003:57). Politeness is a universal phenomenon, which can be observed in every society. People connect, communicate, and cooperate with each other. To some extent, the globe is a huge society; however, it can operate safe and sound. Except some laws and regulations, the social ethics plays a significant role in maintaining the social order, keeping the harmonious interpersonal relationships, reducing social conflict and misunderstandings. Among the social ethics, politeness is a key factor that can not be neglected. It is of great necessity to consider the feelings of others in order to establish mutual comfort and enhance rapport.With the trend of globalization, people in the diplomatic, intellectual, and business circles have more chances to connect with the foreigners. Through the political, economicaland cultural exchange, people around the world are getting closer and closer. However, more and more problems occur. Realizing the difficulties on our way to globalization, we need to know some basic polite Principle in communication so that a healthier discourse pattern can be adopted (Hu zhuanglin, 2007:98-99). There is a famous saying which goes like this: Courtesy costs nothing. But what is polite in one culture may be impolite in another. Thus, we should do in Rome as Romans do. Polite Principle is further highlighted. Many scholars in growing number attach great importance to the politeness Principles. This paper intends to research into the differences of polite principles between western and Chinese culture and its reasons in the hope to achieve a better understanding of them, to raise our cultural awareness and to promote English-Chinese cross-cultural communication. It also is hoped that it can give some inspirations to the college students and readers.II. Polite Principles in Chinese Culture and English CulturePolite theory is used to accounts for the redressing of the affronts to face posed by face-threatening acts to addressees (Gu Yueguo ,1992:30) . First formulated in 1978 by Penelope Brown and Stephen Levinson, polite theory has since been expanded academia‟s perception of politeness (Wikipedia, part 1). In the English culture, on the basis of Brown and Levinson‟s Face Theory and Grice‟s Cooperative P rinciples, Geoffrey N. Leech (1983:132) developed the face theories and formulated the polite Principles.2.1 Politeness Principles in Chinese CultureDue to different values, different cultural orientations and different ways of thinking, languages are different greatly from one another in expressing and understanding politeness. And in different cultures, the importance of each politeness maxim is different. Some cultural associations in the east (such as China and Japan) prefer modesty maxim; English-speaking countries (especially England) focus on tact maxim; the countries around the Mediterranean prefer generosity maxim to modesty maxim. Based on Leech‟s theory and Chinese politeness features, Prof. Gu Yueguo studies the politeness phenomenon in the C hinese culture. He summarizes the polite Principles with Chinese characteristics.According to Gu Yueguo there are basically four notions underlying the Chineseconception of “politeness”,which reads respectfulness, modesty, attitudinal warmth, and refinement. Respectfulness is self‟s positive appreciation or admiration of other concerning the latter‟s face, social status, and so on. …Modesty‟ can be seen as another way of saying …self-denigration‟. …Attitudinal warmth‟ is self‟s demonstration of kindness, consideration, and hospitality to other. Finally, …refinement‟ refers to self‟s behavior to other wh ich meets certain standards. The four essentials are elaborated into politeness maxims. Gu Yueguo (1992:37) demonstrates four maxims:(1) the self-denigration maxim;(2) the address term maxim;(3) the tact maxim and the generosity maxim;(4) the Principles of Balance, and the Principles of Sincerity;According to the characteristic of Chinese culture, Gu Yueguo(1992:43) has proposed five politeness maxims:(1) Self-denigration Maxim: a). Denigrate self;b). Elevate other;(2) Address Term Maxim, which requires addressing your interlocutor with an appropriate address form;(3) Refinement Maxim, which requires using refined language, including the use of euphemisms and indirectness, and avoid foul language;(4) Agreement Maxim, which maximizes agreement and harmony between interlocutors, and minimizes disagreement between them;(5) Virtues-words-deeds Maxim, which minimizes cost and maximizes benefit to other at the motivational level, and maximizes benefit received and minimizes cost to self at the conversational level.2.2 Politeness Principles in English CultureTalking about the polite principles in English culture, we should know that it mainly includes Brown and Levinson‟s Face Theory and Geoffrey Leech‟s Politeness Principles. These two theories have important roles in politeness principles in English culture.Brown and Levinson‟s influential theory is based on Grice‟s maxim theory and Goffman‟s“face” as the positive social value a person effective ly claims for himself by the line others assume he has taken during a particular contact‟ (Goffman, 1967:51) face can be likened to a person‟s public self-esteem or self-image, which can be damaged, maintained or enhanced in interaction with others (Leo, 2001:57). Brown and Levinson divided the notion of face into positive face and negative face, according to interactants‟ wants. Brown and Levinson define …positive face‟ as the positive and consistent image people have of themselves, and their desire for ap proval. On the other hand, …negative face‟ is “the basic claim to territories, personal preserves, and rights to non-distraction” (Brown and Levinson, 1987:61). Deviations from Gricean maxims are motivated by employing strategies to counteract so-called “f ace-threatening acts” (FTAs) by using these politeness strategies speakers communicate both their primary message and also the message that they intend to be polite, which has the status of a Gricean conversational implicature (Leo, 2001:57).Leech divides the Politeness Principles into six different maxims:(1) Act maxim: a) Minimize cost to otherb) Maximize benefit to other(2) Generosity maxim: a) Minimize benefit to self.b) Maximize cost to self.(3) Approbation maxim: a) Minimize dispraise of other.b) Maximize praise of other.(4) Modesty maxim: a) Minimize praise of self.b) Maximize dispraise of self(5) Agreement maxim: a) Minimize disagreement between self and other.b) Maximize agreement between self and other.(6) Sympathy maxim: a) Minimize antipathy between self and other.b) Maximize sympathy between self and other.(Leech 1983:132).Leech‟s Polite Principle is built on the basis of the concept of “cost” and “benefit”. Costrefers to the inconvenience or loss that the content of the interaction brings to the speaker and the hearer; benefit means the convenience or the advantage to the speaker and the hearer. The degree of politeness is consistent with the scale of indirectness, which can be observed superficially. As a matter of fact, the level of politeness is in contrast to other‟s cost or self‟s benefit. Generally speaking, the more the content of interaction benefits the hearer, the less the speaker‟s goods, thus the communication is politer. Otherwise, it is impolite. This is the essence of the phenomenon. This is why people choose to use euphemism or the indirect language to minimize the impolite speech. For example, when a woman is pregnant, it is impolite to say you are pregnant directly. However, it is better to say “She has canceled all her social engagements.” or “She is in an interesting condition.” The six maxims of Leech‟s Politeness Principles are interrelated with one another, restrained with one another and can not be understood in isolation.According to Leech, not all the maxims and sub-maxims are equally important. Of all the maxims, Tact Maxim is more powerful on conversational behavior than Generosity Maxim and Approbation Maxim is more powerful than Modesty Maxim. In all maxims, part a) is more important than part b) as it emphasizes not to impose or disagree in conversation (Sara, 2003:129). In all, the Principles are not motivated by the need of the cross-cultural communication; they seem to be derived from strategies used by English speakers. In addition, these Principles do not always apply to other culture. Though some of the maxims can be applied to other cultures, the differences still exist. In the English culture, individualism is the center of their value system. The privacy, freedom and personal realization are sacred and inviolable. Tact Maxim is frequently used. Even when the parents “order” their children to do something, they will follow the tact maxim in order not to threaten their children‟s nega tive face. People often use indirect and tactful language.For example:Would you please pass me the salt?Would you mind passing me the salt?Could you possibly pass me the salt?I was wondering if you could pass me the salt?…Some of the people can give order, request, suggestion or even threatening, while others have no choice but to accept the instructions unconditionally. In a word, Leech‟s Politeness Principle is measured by the speaker‟s and the hearer‟s benefit and cost.III. Differences of Politeness Principles between Chinese Culture and English CultureStemming from different cultural backgrounds, the Chinese politeness Principle and the English politeness Principle may have different response and explanation to the same politeness phenomenon. Different cultures may focus on different maxims. In the English-speaking countries, the tact maxim is the most important, which forms the core of the English language and culture. People usually follow this maxim when they perform the speech act, such as requesting, ordering or warning. While in the Chinese society, the self-denigration maxim is the core. This well explains why whenever Chinese people hear the compliment, they would negate the compliment and depreciate themselves to show modesty. In addition, we may observed that the Chinese place more emphasis in their talk on the needs of the group rather than those of the individual, but we can not conclude on the basis of these observations alone that they are genuine more altruistic than members of o ther communities. The major differences between Chinese and English politeness Principles are discussed as follows.3.1 Terms of AddressThe differences between the Chinese and English politeness Principles are also reflected in the terms of address. Every language has its own specific address system and its usage is closely related with the cultural background. When people greet, people in the English-speaking country use the terms of address as well. The terms of address show the social relationships between people. From top to bottom, there are social ranks, high or low, young and old. The change of the terms of address means the change of the relationship. Affected by the social structure, traditional ethics, blood relation and religious factors, Chinese address system is rather complicated than those of the English-speaking countries.Chinese people like to use the blood relations to call their family members and relatives; what‟s more, they call non-family friends and relatives, which is rare in the English-speaking countries. Owning to its social structure and cultural orientation, the interpersonal relationship of the English-speaking countries is totally different from that of Chinese. So the use of the address is varied as well. Generally speaking, English people like to call each other‟s name. This fully shows the cultural orientation of equality. Friends usually address each other‟s name (not including the family name). On the formal occasion, “Mr”, “Miss”, “Mrs” and some other appellations are often used. There are a few titles can be used to address others, except Doctor, Professor, President, etc. the terms of address in the Chinese culture is rather complicated. Chinese people like to add the title before someone‟s family name, such as Director Huang, Manager Ma, or Deputy Li. Thus, the addresses that Chinese people think is polite may be rude according to the English culture. For instant we add “small” or “old” before one‟s family name. This is considered rude in the English-speaking countries. People do not like to be named with words like small or old. When referring to old people, they use the senior citizen instead. For instance, in China, if we call someone “老李”, it actually shows ours respect for him. But if you call a foreigner “Old Brown”, he may think you are impolite or rude.3.2 Thanks and Apology W ordsThe words of thanks belong to the polite language. When one spends time and energy in helping another, it is the basic politeness for one to express his gratitude to the other part. In the aspect of “Thanks”, the English use “thank you” more often than the Chinese. For the English, everyone says “Thank you” even the family members have no exception. While in China, the more intimate the relationship is, the less they say “thank you” to each other. Saying “thank you” is considered to enlarge the interpersonal distance. When people are praised by others, they do not usually say “thank you”, so as not to leave an impression of immodesty. The differences also exist in different culture for using the words of apology. But Chinese people do not apologize very frequently. In China, when doing the wrong things or making mistakes, the authority and the elder do not need to apologize. It is the embodiment ofthe power. There are also some young people, even though their parents have done a lot for them, they seldom say “thank you” to their parents. Westerners consider attitudes like this as rude and unreasonable.3.3 Contents of the ConversationPeople who use different language may hold different views about the world. About one thing, people of different cultural backgrounds may have different ideas. For the English value, “individualism” is the core. They advocate individualism. Individual rights and the private property are inviolable, while the Chinese people appreciate collectivism, promoting mutual friendship. The English people focus on the concept of privacy, but the Chinese people prefer the intimacy. Respecting for individual privacy is one of the major values of the English ideology. In daily life, the English do not want to interfere in other‟s private business, particularly with regard to age, family, income, marital status. In China, on the contrary, nothing is private. People do not think these acts are intrusive other‟s private space. In their mind, it is natural and ordinary. In fact, these acts are beyond the English people‟s psychological limit and privacy. This may fail to achieve the communicative purpose and it may lead to other‟s indifference and alienation.3.3.1 Compliment and Modest W ordsLeech's Modesty maxim is equivalent to part of Gu‟s self-denigration maxim. When referring to self, one should depreciate oneself and be modest. When referring to other, one should show one‟s appreciation and respect to other. For the usag e of compliment and modest words, the Chinese and the English have significant differences. In the English-speaking countries, people usually adopt agreement maxim when they are praised. They seldom negate the praise in order not embarrass others. For example, an actor just finished his performance, one of his friend said to him: “Hey, you really did a good job tonight!” The actor may answer: “Well, thank you very much.” However, in China, it is the other way round, in the face of such recognition; one can not be so straightforward. It is customary to use "self-negation" or "deny" approach. China's historical and cultural traditions emphasize collectivism, resulting in a unique habit of modesty. In this case the Europeans may think Chinese are impolite becausethey have been rejected bluntly.3.3.2 Euphemisms and TaboosThe refined language maxim requires not using offensive language, being more tactful and less straightforward. In order to avoid rude words in the English language there are a number of taboo words and euphemisms. People use those words to avoid direct reference to something unpleasant or something embarrassing. These taboo words and euphemism can be widely used. They are the products of the conventional social orders and politeness Principles. To some degree, Chinese and English are the same in the use of taboo words. For example, talking about the body organs and sex on the public occasions is rude. The differences lie in the following aspects. The English do not like to ask people‟s privacy, such as age, income, marital status, political orientation, religious belief and so on. These inquiries may be considered inappropriate, offensive and unrespectable for other‟s privacy. However, it is common in China. If your friend introduces another friend to you, you may ask your new friend “where is your hometown? What do you do?” or “where do you live?” The common interpersonal communication may look weird in the foreigners‟ eyes. It is, to some degree, an act of invading their privacy rights.3.3 .3 Greeting and Farewell W ordsIt is natural to greet when people meet. The expressions may vary from one culture to another. In the English-speaking countries, there are some fixed greetings, such as: How are you? (In fact, people are not really care about other‟s health status), replies often go like this: Fine, thank you (Regardless of whether the listener really feel good). For greeting, Chinese people often say: "do lunch", "Where to", "Where to go" and so on, we think those expressions are very natural, it is just greeting. Hearing the Chinese style of greeting, foreigners may have a misunderstanding: Chinese people like to mind other‟s business. Respectively the English people often say: "Goodbye. Bye-bye. So long or See you later, tomorrow on the next morning". It is equivalent to Chinese like "Good-bye, Bye, now see, See you tomorrow, or see you next Monday." Chinese people sometimes say so. Although in the English-speaking countries, biding farewell is roughly the same, yet there are differentways to bid farewell. Compared with the English, Chinese are more subtle. Although the Chinese and the English are more or less the same in the farewell words, Chinese are more reserved.IV. Reasons of Differences of Politeness Principles between Chinese Culture and English CultureDifferent cultural factors may result in cultural differences, and consequently, the acknowledgment of the factors affecting the cultural differences will facilitate the understanding of such differences. However, it is impossible to cover all of the factors in this thesis, so the factors discussed here are some important ones. So, we can see there are many differences of politeness principles between the western and Chinese culture as we discussed in chapter three. In this chapter, we will talk about the main reasons from their different families‟ features and concepts as well as different values between them.4.1 Different Values Influenced by Cultural BackgroundsAnother cultural reason for differences between China and western countries is different value under the different cultural backgrounds. In the following, we will talk about the values in Chinese culture and western culture.4.1.1 Values of Chinese CultureIn spring and autumn and Warring‟s periods of China, Confucianis m, Taoism and other ideologies emerged. As different ideologies developed and combated each other, the basic framework of Chinese civilization was established. And then Confucianism became the foundation stone of Chinese philosophy system. Confucianism‟s c entral doctrine is that of the virtue of Ren. What is Ren? Ren is translated variously as goodness, benevolence, humanity and human-heartedness. In short, Ren means affection and love. For more than two thousand years it has molded and shaped the civilization of China and exerted a profound influence upon almost one fourth of the human race. The core of the Chinese value has some relationship with the Confucianism. That is the well-known Five Relationships: ruler-minister, father-son, husband-wife, elder-younger brother and friend-friend. This was explained as“There should be affection between father and son, righteous sense of duty between ruler and minister, division of function between husband and wife, stratification between old and young, and good fait h between friends.” During the more than two thousand years of the feudal period, the ruling class arranges every thing by this relationship, and then formed a class society. In this kind of society, a minister owes loyalty to his ruler, and a child filial respect to his parent. As a result, humanity is neglected and people have no equality. In recent years, this kind of relations has changed greatly. People in China also hope to have an equal status, but the Confucianism is still rooted in people‟s mind, a nd it needs a long time to realize to be truly equal.4.1.2 Values of English CultureThe concept of Chinese values is usually placed in opposition with English values. Therefore, it is necessary to determine how people define English values. Some have stated that the modern English value system originated in Victorian England, and describe it as social norms and behaviors well-known in European people during that time. The core of English values is individualism. English values have three levels: 1) physical level –science, technology, business, public administration, and modern capitalist economics; 2) conceptual level – equal opportunity, the role of law; and time management; and 3) core values – open debate, equality, balance of power, Free speech and democracy( Zhangzhanyi, 1990:103). Different from China, religion plays an important role in English culture. The English speaking countries are generally considered as religious countries, and among all the religious groups by which people seek to worship, Christianity is by far the most influential in the west. Almost every phase of man‟s life is touched by religion, so much so that it has become part and parcel of English culture. Christianity is the religion based on the life and teaching of Jesus Christ, who is the founder of Christianity. According to the doctrine of Christianity, the Trinity is the union of the three forms of God, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Although in the English countries religion provides the customs and ceremonies that mark lif e‟s most important events-birth, coming of age, marriage, and death, religion has declined in importance in terms ofinfluencing behavior and philosophical outlook. Now when people need personal advice, they usually turn to psychiatrists or to professional counselors rather than to Fathers for help. Although, the power of the church cannot compare with the past, it still influences many aspects of people's daily life. For example, there are a few important festivals in the English countries is concern with Jesus Christ. Christmas day is a festival in celebration of the birth of the Jesus Christ on Dec.25 (Chenlinhua, 1998:67).4.2 Different W ays of Thinking Influenced by Cultural Backgrounds4.2.1 Chinese W ays of ThinkingChinese people lived in a vast and rich land in East Asian Continent in the North Temperate Zone. In ancient times, they enjoyed the favor from nature without too much fear. The stable agricultural society made Chinese people in harmony with nature. On one hand, Chinese people were clear that everything came from nature, and the relationship between man and nature was very close; on the other hand, nature was so mysterious to them that they were satisfied with what they had got, and they thought their existence relied on the bounty of nature. This kind of viewpoint resulted in the fact that Chinese people lacked the feelings of hostility to nature, and tried to seek for the harmony between man and nature. They made efforts in the stability of society and happiness of people. As for the traditional Chinese thought, Confucianist thought originated from the semi-closed continental surroundings and the small peasant economy. What‟s more, the Taoism influences Chinese thought pattern as well. LaoZi holds that the world is full of opposites and contradictions. In order to eliminate them to come to harmony, man must get to the level of “Wu Wei”, which derived from a point of Dao and De. Influenced by the above Chinese philosophy, Chinese thought pattern tend to be synthetic and subjective. Chinese way of thinking decides Chinese people express their polite culture more directly.4.2.2 Western Ways of ThinkingContrary to the Chinese, English speaking people usually consider the objective things。
中西礼貌用语的差异与文化影响 精品
中西礼貌用语的差异与文化影响Culture Differences Between Chinese and Western Courtesy Language郭靖经济学系经济Q0941班摘要:生活在不同文化背景与地域的人,由于道德价值观、文化习俗、行为规范上的差异,对礼貌语言的理解能力是不同的。
关键词:礼貌语言;中西文化;差异;影响KeyWords: courtesy language; Chinese andWestern cultures; difference一、中西文化对“礼貌”一词的解释不同,文化是一个群体(可以是国家、也可以是民族、企业、家庭)在一定时期内形成的思想、理念、行为、风俗、习惯、代表人物,及由这个群体整体意识所辐射出来的一切活动。
西方礼貌又是什么样的呢? 在《英汉辞海》中, polite解释的第三条是:属于高度文化的,或有特点的,表示出有修养、教养、雅致和温文的,有高度的受尊敬的习惯的。
如polite answer (有礼貌的回答) , polite letter (客气的信) 。
而在英语中,如果称呼“Mr.”或“Ms.”是一种非常正式的方式,常常用来表示对某种职业或身份的尊重,如“Mr. President”、“Ms. Manager”,而称呼“you”则是最普遍的口语方式。
在英文中,“thank you”是最常用的感谢用语,但是当你描述你所感激的事情时,你可能需要在这些话语中添加更多的信息,如“thank you for your help”、“thank you for your kindness”等。
中西方礼仪文化差异With China entry the WTO and will hold the Olympic game s in 2008, the relationship between China and Western in politics, economy, culture will become more and more close. It is undoubtedly that the etiquette will play an important role in this process. To the definition of etiquette, China and Western have a different understanding. As Chinese thinks that the etiquette is the common behavior standards that all the members must obey, and its purpose is to keep the normal living order of the society. In ancient China, a famous philosopher thinks that etiquette is a principal to deal with the relationship between man and supernatural beings, man and ghosts, man and men. There are also many words about etiquette in English. For example, courtesy which means courteous behavior, good manners; protocol which means system of rules governing formal occasion, e .g, meetings, between governments, diplomats, etc. And these words are all from the same French word etiquette. Of course, more spread and more profound cultural comment of the western etiquette is from the Classical Period, i.e., old Athens and Roma culture. Today, etiquette become the reflection and manifestation of one country's politics, economy, culture in people's social contact. And it include the principal and moral that people should obey in daily life. Etiquetteformed in the process of the deposition of culture and social contact. So every nation have their own etiquette standard which created with the spirit of this their nation. Because of this formed the cultural difference between different nations. As languages is the carrier of the human culture. This difference must reflect in the language of different nations. So in the following, we will take china, British and America as the re presentation of Western, to look at some cultural differencein etiquette, and then analyze the reasons. Furthermore, we will discuss how to learn western culture.一.Cultural differences on politeness between western and Chinese can be found in many aspects of daily communication, including addressing, greeting and parting, compliments, apologies, thanks, etc. In the following, we will look at some cultural different between China and western.1.Greeting and PartingWhen people meet acquaintances or friends, people usually greet each other. The purpose of greeting is to establish or maintain social contact. So formulaic expressions are often used, but such formulaic expressions often causes conflict because of the great culturaldifferences between Chinese and native English speakers. In English, people often employ the following expressions to greet each other "Good morning/evening/afternoon."Fine day, isn't it?"How is everything going?" Have you eaten yet?" What are you going to do?" Where have you been?"……Westerners treat them as real question. While in Chinese, we always say "你吃了吗?""你上哪里去?""你干什么去?"to show our consideration. Parting may be divided into two steps. Before the final prating, there is usual a leave-taking. Western and Chinese cultures have diverse ways to deal with leave-takings.Firstly, in English society, during the closing phase of an encounter, from "I" perspective, reasons for terminating the encounter are presented in mitigatory comments. Typical comments are associated with expressions of apology,such as "I" am afraid I must be off, I have to relieve the baby-sitter" etc.Western people believe that to be willing to visit and converse with someone is to have respect for him.; to terminate the visiting is not of one's own free will, but because of some other arrangements, therefore they always try to make their leaving sound reluctant by finding some reasons and apologize for it to make the leaving acceptable for both parties. English speakers often signal several times before leaving."Well, it's been nice to see you again. I do enjoy our talk and the lovely dinner, but I must be going soon". Thank you very much for asking me over. I hope we'll be able to get together again before long…"Consolidation in a wider range of common acquaintances also occurs, in expressions such as "Say hello to Jack for me" or "Remember me to John". In Chinese society, during the closing phase of and encounter, usually, from a "you "perspective, reasons for ending the encounter are set forth in mitigatory expressions. Such expressions include"你挺忙的,我就不多打扰了。
1. 礼貌用语
2. 时间观念
3. 饮食文化
4. 社交方式
中西礼节差异英文作文英文:As someone who has experienced both Western and Chinese cultures, I can say that there are definitely differencesin etiquette between the two. Let me give you some examples.In Western culture, it is common to shake hands when meeting someone new or in a professional setting. This is a way of showing respect and establishing a connection. In Chinese culture, however, there are different ways of greeting someone depending on the relationship and the occasion. For example, a younger person may bow slightly to an elder as a sign of respect, or two friends may give each other a hug.Another difference is in gift-giving. In Western culture, it is common to wrap gifts in colorful paper and present them to the recipient. However, in Chinese culture, the wrapping is not as important as the gift itself. It isalso customary to give gifts in pairs, such as two oranges or two red envelopes with money inside.One more example is in dining etiquette. In the West,it is polite to wait for everyone to be seated before beginning to eat. In China, it is customary to begin eating as soon as the dishes are served. In addition, it is common to use chopsticks in China, while in the West, knives and forks are more commonly used.Overall, these are just a few examples of the differences in etiquette between Western and Chinese cultures. It is important to be aware of these differences when interacting with people from different cultures, as it can avoid misunderstandings and show respect.中文:作为一个经历过西方和中国文化的人,我可以说两者之间的礼节确实有所不同。
毕业设计(论文)题目:中英文化中礼貌语的对比研究A Constructive Study of Politeness in ChineseAnd English Culture学生姓名:蔡美玲学号:0807060128专业班级:B08英语(国际商务)1班指导教师:唐红梅学院:外国语学院2012年4 月中英文化中礼貌语的对比研究摘要语言礼貌是一种普遍的社会现象,广泛地存在于人类社会生活之中。
关键词:礼貌用语; 礼貌原则; 文化; 差异对比A CONSTRUCTIVE STUDY OF POLITENESS IN CHINESEAND ENGLISH CULTUREABSTRACTLanguage Courtesy is a kind of common social phenomenon, which widely occurs in the human society of life, coordinating the people's social relationships and communication activity, maintaining interpersonal harmony,and avoiding the communication conflicts. As China entering the WTO and the forming of the globalized market, the relationship between China and the western countries has become closer, with more frequent activities in politics, economy and culture. So language courtesy is taking a more important role in our social life. In this process, the successful cross-cultural communication, to a great extent, depends on the selection of the appropriate politeness. This paper expounds the common features and different courtesy between Chinese and the western through a constructive study of politeness in Chinese and English culture. On the other hand, the paper expounds different politeness principle and the emphasis of the respective in different cultural background.Therefore, the study of this subject can conduct people to use the right polite language, avoiding the conflict that brings about the different culture courtesy and different culture according to the different occasions in the social process. At the same time, the paper can make the reader understand and master the western culture and the right way of communication. Finally, if the politeness principles are used in the English teaching and Learning, it will improve the students' comprehensive quality, and the ability of cross-cultural communication.Key words: polite language; politeness principle; culture;Contents1. Introduction (1)2. Different Principles of Politeness in Chinese and English (1)2.1 Politeness Principles of English (1)2.1.1 Brown and Levinson’s “face” theory (1)2.1.2 Grice Cooperative Principle (2)2.1.3 Leech’s Politeness Principle (2)2.2 Politeness Principles of Chinese (3)3. A Comparison between Chinese and English Politeness (5)3.1 Terms of Address (5)3.2 Humility Language and Formal L anguage (5)3.3 Terms of Privacy (6)3.4 Terms of Greeting (6)3.5 Terms of Thanks (7)3.6 Terms of Goodbye (8)3.7 Terms of Invitation (8)3.8 Differences Politeness of Cooking Culture (8)3.8.1. The Politeness of Atmosphere on T able (8)3.8.2 The Politeness of Customary Actions on T able (9)4. Reasons for the different & countermeasures (9)4.1 Reasons for the Difference (9)4.1.1 Confucianism and Christianity (10)4.1.2 Philosophy D ifferences (10)4.1.3 Differences of Culture, Thinking and V alue (10)4.2 Countermeasures (11)4.2.1 Countermeasures in English teaching (11)4.2.2 Countermeasures in communication (11)5. Conclusion (13)References (14)1.Introduction“As a universal phenomenon, politeness is observed in every society; its main functions are maintaining social order; maintaining friendly interpersonal relations; reducing conflicts and misunderstandings by means of polite speech acts so as to attain the aim of communication.”[1]Both English and Chinese language has much different restriction in the pragmatic, among which the most important is the restriction of cultural factors. British linguists, Leech listed the six politeness principles according to the English culture characteristic, while Gu YueGuo analysed Chinese culture characteristic and had conclude five politeness principles in his work Politeness, Pragmatics and Culture. Comparing the politeness principles of Gu YueGuo and Leech we can find that there are many politeness norms of differences. It is an effective way to prevent pragmatic failures and promote the communication smoothly by analyzing and comparing these differences scientifically.2.Different Principles of Politeness in Chinese and EnglishPoliteness is the common phenomenon existing in social and group which is the symbol of human civilization and the tool of maintaining interpersonal harmony. People should comply with the politeness principles in order to avoid the failures that cause by different politeness 2.1 Politeness Principles of English2.1.1 Brown and Levinson’s “face” theoryPoliteness, in the interaction, can then be defined as the means employed to show awareness of another person’s face. [2]Early in the 1950s, E Goffman, the United States Scholar, had put forward the “Face Behavior T heory”from sociology. Then in 1978, Brown and Levinson had further put forward the “Mature Face T heory”which tried to take face as a common language phenomenon to research on the basis of Goffman in their work of Universals in Language Usage: Politeness Phenomena. The Mature Face Theory of Brown and Levinson is the firsttime to discuss the face problems of politeness systematically from anthropology and philosophy. They thought that face i s ,for every social member ,wanted to gain for the public self-image of them. In the process of interaction, people hope each other can maintain each other's face. Along with the face threat increasing, people use the higher politeness strategies to maintain their face. The face threat level depends on the difference of social distance and social power between the communications.Brown and Levinson divided the face into positive face and negative face. Then politenes s is also divided into the positive manner and negative manner. [3]2.1.2 Grice Cooperative PrincipleGrice, an American linguist, has put forward the Cooperative Principle in people’s conversation. He thought that, “in all the communicati on, the speaker and listener should follow some principles which make the process of communication develop toward the tacit understanding and cooperation. There are four maxims to embody the Cooperative Principle: (1) Quantity Maxim: the information you offer should accord with the conversation, justthe right amount(2). Quality maxim: what you said should be reasonable and true.(3). Relevant maxim: what you said should be related to the content of the front(4). Manner maxim: the word you said should be terse, clear, and systematical. [4]But some people do not comply with this social principle; even some of them violate those in social communication. In other words, the Cooperative Principle can't completely contain the kinds of conversation. According to this, the English linguist Leech thought the root of people violating the Cooperative Principle is that they want to comply with another principles — Politeness Principle. From the Pragmatics and Interpersonal Rhetoric, Leech summed up and classified the Politeness Principle during the social communication. Leech pointed that: the Cooperative Principle guides what we should say, so as to meet the expectations. However, the politeness principle can be maintained the friendship. So the Cooperation Principles and politeness principles can make a supplement each other which restrict people's conversation behaviors.2.1.3 Leech’s Politeness PrincipleEnglish scholar Leech, in his principles of pragmatics, put forward his politeness principle on the basis of Gricean framework. He believed that,”besides Cooperative Principle, Politeness Principle guides and constrains rational people’s conversation as well. It is closelyconnected with Cooperative Principle. Yet on the other hand, it solves the problem why people prefer to use indirect speech in conversation, which cooperative principle can not explain”. Leech’s Politeness Principle is elaborated into six maxims.(1). Maxim of tact: minimize cost to other, maximize benefit to other(2). Maxim of generosity: minimize benefit to yourself, maximize cost to yourself.(3). Maxim of approbation: minimize dispraise to other, maximize praise to other(4). Maxim of modesty: minimize praise of self, maximize dispraise of self,(5). Maxim of agreement: minimize disagreement between self and other; maximizeagreement between self and other.(6). Maxim of sympathy: min imize antipathy between self and other’, maximize s ympathybetween self and other. [5]This is the main content of Leech’s politeness principles. The above criteria have the different emphasis. For example, the maxim of tact and the maxim of generosity, maxim of approbation and maxim of modesty, which is the same, have two different aspects. The maxim of tact is referring to how to treat others which is applied to causative Verbal Behavior “request”. But the maxim of generosity is referring to how to treat self which is applied to commitment Verbal Behavior “promise to help”. Analogously, Approbation maxim is referring to how to treat others while Modesty maxim is referring to how to treat self. The Agreement maxim points out that it is not suitable to express directly the diversity viewpoint with other person. The last maxim, sympathy, stresses out that we should express common mood with others when people are in bad mood.2.2 Politeness Principles of ChineseLike the English speaking countries, the ancient Chinese have made an important discussion on politeness. “道德仁义非礼不成”, “人有礼则安。
中英礼貌用语对比研究 毕业论文
Cultural Differences between Chinese and English on Politeness中英礼貌用语对比研究摘要礼貌是人类文化的普遍现象,广泛的存在于人类社会生活之中,它不仅是人类社会活动的重要准绳,也是人类文明的主要标志。
为了顺利融洽的进行交际,除了建立良好的习俗差异意识,遵守“入境问禁,入国问俗,入门问佛”的礼仪,规范,更重要的还应重视移情,不管是说话人还是听话人,在认知心理上都要乐于接受对方d 的不同文化,想方设法去理解对方的用意。
而英语国家受西方文化影响,较崇尚对等式称呼,表现出平等的文化取向 。
中西方礼貌的差异英语作文In Western culture, people tend to be more direct and straightforward when communicating, often expressing their opinions and thoughts openly without much hesitation.In contrast, in Eastern culture, particularly in China, people tend to be more indirect and subtle in their communication, often using implicit language and non-verbal cues to convey their meaning.In Western culture, it is common to express one's gratitude and appreciation openly and directly, often with a simple "thank you" or a compliment.In Eastern culture, particularly in China, people may be more reserved in expressing their gratitude, often downplaying compliments and showing humility.In Western culture, it is considered polite to maintain eye contact when speaking with someone, as it showsattentiveness and respect.In Eastern culture, particularly in China, prolonged eye contact may be seen as impolite or confrontational, and people may avert their gaze as a sign of respect.In Western culture, it is common to address people by their first names, even in professional settings, as a way of showing friendliness and equality.In Eastern culture, particularly in China, people often use titles and formal terms of address to show respect and hierarchy in social and professional interactions.In Western culture, it is common to engage in smalltalk and casual conversation as a way of building rapport and establishing a friendly atmosphere.In Eastern culture, particularly in China, people may be more reserved in their communication, often avoiding personal topics and focusing on more formal or neutral subjects.。
6)另外,英语教学中,词汇的学习比重很大,而且大量的英语单词、短语、成语都具有和英语文化密切相关的内涵。Peter trudgill在《社会语言学》一书中指出:“一个社会所用语言中的词汇体现出该文化与其他文化的主要要差别”。
——what’s your name?
------where are you from?
------how old are you?
------Are you married?
------How much do you earn every month?
------How much is your coat?
------What religion do you believe in?
——OH, your drsee is really nice.
------well, it is just so—so.
Foreign Language DepartmentGraduation ThesisCultural Differences of Chinese and WesternCourtesy LanguagesName: Ma XXClass: X-XMajor: EnglishAdvisor: Zhang XTime: May15th, 2013i黑龙江财经学院毕业论文(设计)任务书系别XX 系专业英语班级X级英本X学生姓名马XX2012年11月8日说明1、本任务书为我院各专业下达毕业论文(设计)任务之用。
关键词:礼貌原则;礼貌用语;对策AbstractLanguage, as a part of culture, is influenced by culture, so is courtesy. Courtesy language is the important part of the culture. All the courtesy languages are the mirrors to their cultures. Different cultures between china and west lead to different politeness principles. Courtesy language plays a very important role in the cross-cultural communication. It is the basic element to keep a good relationship. Whether the use of courtesy language is proper or not will directly influence the communication. According to the different principles of Chinese and Western courtesy languages, the paper makes a comparison study between them, and expounds the similarities and differences, as well as the reasons and countermeasures. Therefore, the study of this subject can conduct people to use the right polite language, avoiding the conflict that brings about the different culture courtesy and different culture according to the different occasions in the social process. At the same time, the paper can make the reader understand and master the western culture and the right way of communication. Finally, if the politeness principles are used in the English teaching and learning, it will improve the students comprehensive quality, and the ability of cross-cultural communication.Key Words: polite principle ; politeness language; countermeasure1 IntroductionWith the development of science and technology, communication among people from different countries and different cultures is more frequent and important. Our world is multicultural, when we communicate with people from another culture, we are not only affected by the difference of language, but also disturbed by the difference of culture, to ensure a successful understanding and communication, we should pay attention to politeness, one of the most universal phenomena in intercultural communication.As a universal phenomenon, politeness is observed in every society; its main functions are maintaining social order; maintaining friendly interpersonal relations; reducing conflicts and misunderstandings by means of polite speech acts so as to attain the aim of communication.Both English and Chinese language , among which the most important is the restriction of cultural factors. British linguists, Leech listed the six politeness principles according to the English culture characteristic, while Gu Yueguo analyzed Chinese culture characteristic and about Politeness, Pragmatics and Culture. Comparing the politeness principles of Gu Yueguo and Leech we can find that there are many politeness norms of differences. It is an effective way to prevent pragmatic failures and promote the communication smoothly by analyzing and comparing these differences scientifically.2 Different Principles of Politeness in Chinese andEnglishPoliteness is the common phenomenon existing in social and group which is the symbol of civilization and the tool of maintaining interpersonal an intercultural communication, interlocutors bear the different cultural backgrounds, the manipulation of politeness strategies is even more challenging, because it is natural tendency to evaluate other’s behaviour with the reference to one’s own criteria. Therefore, the comparative study of politeness principles in Chinese and English cultures becomes more and more important. Meanwhile to be familiar with different cultural backgrounds and to choose the right politeness maxims during communication are also very important.2.1 Politeness Principles of Chinese Courtesy LanguageLike the English speaking countries, the ancient Chinese important discussion on politeness. “道德仁义非礼不成。
比如,在英语中,“thank you”表示感激之情,而在中国,“谢谢”可能表示的是礼貌的客套话。
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Foreign Language DepartmentGraduation ThesisCultural Differences of Chinese and WesternCourtesy LanguagesName: Ma XXClass: X-XMajor: EnglishAdvisor: Zhang XTime: May15th, 2013i黑龙江财经学院毕业论文(设计)任务书系别XX 系专业英语班级X级英本X学生姓名马XX2012年11月8日说明1、本任务书为我院各专业下达毕业论文(设计)任务之用。
关键词:礼貌原则;礼貌用语;对策AbstractLanguage, as a part of culture, is influenced by culture, so is courtesy. Courtesy language is the important part of the culture. All the courtesy languages are the mirrors to their cultures. Different cultures between china and west lead to different politeness principles. Courtesy language plays a very important role in the cross-cultural communication. It is the basic element to keep a good relationship. Whether the use of courtesy language is proper or not will directly influence the communication. According to the different principles of Chinese and Western courtesy languages, the paper makes a comparison study between them, and expounds the similarities and differences, as well as the reasons and countermeasures. Therefore, the study of this subject can conduct people to use the right polite language, avoiding the conflict that brings about the different culture courtesy and different culture according to the different occasions in the social process. At the same time, the paper can make the reader understand and master the western culture and the right way of communication. Finally, if the politeness principles are used in the English teaching and learning, it will improve the students comprehensive quality, and the ability of cross-cultural communication.Key Words: polite principle ; politeness language; countermeasure1 IntroductionWith the development of science and technology, communication among people from different countries and different cultures is more frequent and important. Our world is multicultural, when we communicate with people from another culture, we are not only affected by the difference of language, but also disturbed by the difference of culture, to ensure a successful understanding and communication, we should pay attention to politeness, one of the most universal phenomena in intercultural communication.As a universal phenomenon, politeness is observed in every society; its main functions are maintaining social order; maintaining friendly interpersonal relations; reducing conflicts and misunderstandings by means of polite speech acts so as to attain the aim of communication.Both English and Chinese language , among which the most important is the restriction of cultural factors. British linguists, Leech listed the six politeness principles according to the English culture characteristic, while Gu Yueguo analyzed Chinese culture characteristic and about Politeness, Pragmatics and Culture. Comparing the politeness principles of Gu Yueguo and Leech we can find that there are many politeness norms of differences. It is an effective way to prevent pragmatic failures and promote the communication smoothly by analyzing and comparing these differences scientifically.2 Different Principles of Politeness in Chinese andEnglishPoliteness is the common phenomenon existing in social and group which is the symbol of civilization and the tool of maintaining interpersonal an intercultural communication, interlocutors bear the different cultural backgrounds, the manipulation of politeness strategies is even more challenging, because it is natural tendency to evaluate other’s behaviour with the reference to one’s own criteria. Therefore, the comparative study of politeness principles in Chinese and English cultures becomes more and more important. Meanwhile to be familiar with different cultural backgrounds and to choose the right politeness maxims during communication are also very important.2.1 Politeness Principles of Chinese Courtesy LanguageLike the English speaking countries, the ancient Chinese important discussion on politeness. “道德仁义非礼不成。