
2022年考研考博-考博英语-河北工业大学考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析B卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.翻译题Everyone wishes to build up a charismatic and charming personality, but it is by no means an easy job. First of all, he ought to know one of the greatest truths that life is difficult, for once he truly understands and accepts the truth, then life is no longer difficult. Why? Once he accepts the fact that life is difficult, he no longer moans about, complains of and fears his problems, burdens and difficulties in life. Secondly, he ought to pay sufficient heed to self-discipline, for self-discipline is the basic set of tools to solve life's problems, which includes a strong sense of responsibility, dedication to reality, openness to challenge, balancing, etc. Thirdly, he ought to cherish love. He knows that self-love and love of others go hand in hand. He is willing to go beyond the confines of self-love to embrace love of others. Fourthly, he ought to understand that the essence of life is change. So he does not try his utmost to avoid change or stay comfortable with the sameness. Fifthly, he ought to attach much value to honour. The winning of honour will reveal a man's virtue and worth. To win honour, he will improve and perfect himself and score remarkable achievements.【答案】每个人都希望建立有魅力、迷人的人格,但这不是一件容易的事。

2022年考研考博-考博英语-河北工业大学考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析AB卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题Her ______ instincts led her to fund the construction of a hospital for the poor.问题1选项A.far-rangingB.humanitarianC.humbleD.popular【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. far-ranging广泛的B. humanitarian人道主义的(主张减轻人类苦难、改善人类生活)C. humble谦逊的,虚心的D. popular受喜爱的,受欢迎的【答案】B【考查点】形容词辨析。
【解题思路】根据关键信息fund the construction of a hospital for the poor(出资为穷人建了一所医院)可知,空格处选择B项符合句意。
2.单选题The ______ was a ______ of gastronomic delights.问题1选项A.internist...progenyB.gourmet...connoisseurC.scientist...facilitatorD.tyro...master【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. internist...progeny内科医生……子孙B. gourmet...connoisseur美食家……鉴赏家C. scientist...facilitator科学家……诱导者D. tyro...master初学者……能手【答案】B【考查点】名词辨析。
【解题思路】根据关键词gastronomic delights(特色美食)可知,两个空格处都与美食相关,这与B项符合。

2022年考研考博-考博英语-河北工业大学考试全真模拟全知识点汇编押题第五期(含答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题His remarks were so ______ that we could not decide which of the possible meanings was correct. 问题1选项A.facetiousB.ambiguousC.cogentD.impalpable【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. facetious乱引人发笑的B. ambiguous模棱两可的,含混不清的C. cogent有说服力的D. impalpable触摸不到的,感觉不着的【答案】B【考查点】形容词辨析。
【解题思路】根据后半句句意“我们无法断定那一种可能的意思是正确的”可知,His remarks were so ______表示“他的话含糊其辞”符合前后句意。
2.单选题The governor was ______ for wrongful use of state money.问题1选项A.implantedB.impendedC.imbuedD.impeached【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. implanted植入B. impended即将发生,正在逼近C. imbued灌输,感染D. impeached弹劾,归咎【答案】D【考查点】动词辨析。
【解题思路】根据空格后的句子意思“因挪用州政府的资金”,结合选项意思可知,The governor was ______表示“州长被弹劾了”;因此,该题选择D项符合句意。
3.单选题[A] Many people believe [B] that New York is the [C] most great city [D] in the United States. 问题1选项A.ManyB.thatC.mostD.in【答案】C【解析】【考查点】最高级用法。

2022年考研考博-考博英语-河北工业大学考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析AB卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题We tried to negotiate but they were adamant.问题1选项A.disagreeableB.confidentC.hostileD.unyielding【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. disagreeable不愉快的,厌恶的,脾气坏的B. confident自信的,确定的C. hostile敌对的,敌意的D. unyielding不屈的,坚强的,坚定的【答案】D【考查点】形容词辨析。
2.单选题An audience that laughs in all the wrong places can ______ even the most experienced actor. 问题1选项A.disparageB.allayC.disconcertD.upbraid【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. disparage贬低;轻视B. allay减轻(尤指情绪)C. disconcert使不安;使困惑D. upbraid申斥;训斥【答案】C【考查点】动词辨析。
3.单选题The Grand ______ in the USA is 1900 meters deep and 25 kilometers wide at its maximum.问题1选项A.CanyonB.FordC.AbyssD.Quarry【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. Canyon大峡谷B. Ford浅滩C. Abyss深渊,无底洞D. Quarry采石场【答案】A【考查点】名词辨析。

2022年考研考博-考博英语-河北工业大学考试全真模拟全知识点汇编押题第五期(含答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题On the playground and in the halls of schools, expressions of dislike, or even ______ are often explicit and ______ expressions of love.问题1选项A.stinginess…open-handedB.discursiveness…shrewC.animosity…defamatoryD.loathing…blatant【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. stinginess…open-handed吝啬……大方的,慷慨的B. discursiveness…shrew散漫……精明的,狡猾的C. animosity…defamatory强烈敌意……诽谤的,中伤的D. loathing…blatant憎恨,憎恶……明目张胆的,公然的【答案】D【考查点】名词和形容词辨析。
【解题思路】根据even可知,此处表示递进关系,而前面提到dislike(不喜欢),所以第一个空格要填入比dislike程度更深一点的词语,loathing表示a feeling of great dislike and disgust(非常厌恶的感觉),符合第一个空格。
2.单选题______, the worse I seem to feel. 问题1选项A.When I take more medicineB.The more medicine I takeC.Taking more of the medicineD.More medicine taken【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. When I take more medicine当我吃更多的药B. The more medicine I take我吃的药越多C. Taking more of the medicine吃更多的药D. More medicine taken更多的药被吃【答案】B【考查点】固定句式。
河北工业大学考博容易[河北工业大学考博英语题型分析] xx河北工业大学考博英语历年真题一、招考介绍从整体上看,由于博士生招生形势的不断发展各院校博士生入学考试的难度越来越大,对考生的外语水平要求也越来越高,特别是听、说能力。

2022年考研考博-考博英语-河北工业大学考试预测题精选专练VII(附带答案)第1套一.综合题(共25题)1.单选题Radiation from the sun is ______ by the Earth’s atmosphere.问题1选项A.prickedB.distendedC.attenuatedD.oxidized【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. pricked扎,刺痛,刺破B. distended膨胀,肿胀C. attenuated衰减,减弱,使纤细D. oxidized氧化,生锈【答案】C【考查点】动词辨析。
2.单选题Utopia is a perfect place. It is a place without war, hunger, poverty, or crime. It is a place where the people work together and share. There is no money in Utopia because the people do not need money. They do not have personal possessions because everything belongs to everyone. All of the people are equal in Utopia, and the laws are all fair.Utopia is not a new place. Plato, the ancient Greek philosopher, described a perfect society in his famous dialogue The Republic. In Plato's Republic, philosophers were the kings, and every person had a place in the society. In 1516, Sir Thomas More wrote about an island in the Pacific Ocean where everything was perfect. He named the island “Utopia”. In 1872, Samuel Butler wrote a novel about a perfect country which he named “Erehwon”. “Utopia” is a Greek word that means “not a place” and “Erehwon” is the English word “nowhere” spelled backwards.Many people came to the New World to find Utopia. The Shakers, a religious group, wanted to live like the first Christians. The Shakers started their first community in New York in 1776. George Rapp, a German farmer, came to the United States in 1804 to start a Utopian community. In 1815, Rapp and his followers bought land for their community in Harmony, Indiana, and they made the things they needed with machines. In 1824, they sold the community to Robert Owen, who started the Utopian community of New Harmony there. In New Harmony, everything belonged to everyone and men and women were equal, but New Harmony lasted only two years. Then Francis Wright began Nashoba, a community where white people and black people could live and work together, near Memphis, Tennessee. Nashoba lasted from 1825 to 1830. A group of intellectuals founded Brook Farm, a Utopian farming community, in 1841. However, they did not have many farming skills, so the farm closed in 1847. Four years later, Josiah Warren set up Modern Times, an anarchist community near New York City. It closed in 1857. Utopia is a perfect place, but it is not a real place. Most “real” Utopias last only a short time. This is because everyone wants to live in Utopia, but no one knows how to make it work. As a result, when we say something is “Utopian” today, we mean that it is a good idea but it is not realistic.1. The first paragraph is mainly about().2. It can be inferred from the second paragraph that().3. From the passage we can learn that Shakers().4. Which of the following may be the most appropriate definition of “an anarchist community”?5. All the “Utopias” mentioned in the third paragraph lasted only a brief time because ().问题1选项A.what makes UtopiaB.how to build UtopiaC.the origin of UtopiaD.the economy of Utopia问题2选项A.“Utopia” is a word created by Thomas MoreB.“Utopia” has the same concept as “Erehwon”C.Thomas More named the island “Utopia” because he was GreekD.the characteristics of Utopia were first mentioned in The Republic问题3选项A.founded the first community in New YorkB.believed the first Christian community was UtopiaC.had tried to find Utopia only in New YorkD.had established the first real Utopia in the world问题4选项A.A community whose members believe in some kind of religion.B.A community where people live under much self-control.C.A community where its members are supposed to be equal.D.A community which is economically poor but spiritually rich.问题5选项A.the members didn't know how to realize the idea of UtopiaB.the members were not satisfied with the idea of UtopiaC.the members were not capable enough to build a communityD.the members found that Utopia also had shortcomings【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:B第4题:C第5题:A【解析】1.【选项释义】1. The first paragraph is mainly about ______. 1. 第一段主要是关于______。

2022年考研考博-考博英语-河北工业大学考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析AB卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.翻译题Reading is fun, not because the writer is telling you something, but because it makes your mind work. Your own imagination works along with the author’s or even goes beyond his. Your experience, compared with his, brings you to the same or different conclusions, and your ideas develop as you understand this.Every book stands by itself, like a one-family house, but books in a library are like houses in a city. Although they are separate, together they all add up to something; they are connected with each other and with other cities. The same ideas, or related ones, turn up in different places; the human problems that repeat themselves in life repeat themselves in literature, but with different solutions according to different writings at different times.【答案】阅读之所以有趣,并不是因为作者在向你讲述什么,而是由于阅读使你积极地思考。
河北工业大学考博容易[河北工业大学考博英语题型分析] xx河北工业大学考博英语历年真题一、招考介绍从整体上看,由于博士生招生形势的不断发展各院校博士生入学考试的难度越来越大,对考生的外语水平要求也越来越高,特别是听、说能力。

2022年考研考博-考博英语-河北工业大学考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析AB卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题Have you seen the handy little ______? It’s for separating egg yolks from white.问题1选项A.aerosolB.crateC.margarineD.gadget【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. aerosol喷雾器B. crate大木箱;板条箱C. margarine人造黄油D. gadget小器具;小配件【答案】D【考查点】名词辨析。
2.单选题Corn tariffs, which the diplomat had dismissed as ______ issue, turned out to be pertinent and ______ in the negotiations for a new trade agreement.问题1选项A.an apt…pusillanimousB.an aberrant...indomitableC.a tangential…trenchantD.an ingenious…acclaimed【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. an apt…pusillanimous恰当的,灵敏的……胆怯的,懦弱的B. an aberrant...indomitable违反常规的,反常的……不屈不挠的C. a tangential…trenchant切线的,离题的……尖刻的,苛刻的D. an ingenious…acclaimed有独创性的,机灵的……受到赞扬的【答案】B【考查点】形容词辨析。

2022年考研考博-考博英语-河北工业大学考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析AB卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题Despite [A] it is both the largest and [B] the northernmost state [C] in the United States, Alaska has [D] the smallest population.问题1选项A.it isB.the northernmostC.inD.the smallest【答案】C【解析】【答案】C【考查点】介词的用法。
2.单选题In an attempt to ______ a strike, the two sides agreed to negotiate through the night.问题1选项A.arbitrateB.heraldC.triggerD.avert【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. arbitrate仲裁,公断B. herald是(某事)的前兆,预示C. trigger引起,触发D. avert防止,避免(危险、坏事)【答案】D【考查点】动词辨析。
【干扰项排除】A、B项不符合句意;C选项trigger“引起,触发”,一般和off搭配,尤指使某事突然发生,且与句子中“彻夜谈判(negotiate through the night)”不相配,排除。
3.单选题______ that Barton had been promoted, his friends came to congratulate him.问题1选项A.Having been heardB.Being heardC.To have heardD.Having heard【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. Having been heard听说B. Being heard听说C. To have heard听说D. Having heard听说【答案】D【考查点】非谓语动词。

2022年考研考博-考博英语-河北工业大学考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析AB卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题Successful scientists always check statements and make new experiments carefully and objectively to ______ them.问题1选项A.infuseB.verifyC.restoreD.refute【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. infuse灌输;充满B. verify核实,查证C. restore恢复,还原;归还D. refute反驳,驳斥【答案】B【考查点】动词辨析。
2.单选题After more combative approaches failed, the company took a ______ stance in its negotiations.问题1选项A.flagrantB.precariousC.conciliatoryD.misanthropic【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. flagrant公然的,不能容忍的B. precarious危险的,不确定的C. conciliatory安抚的,调停的D. misanthropic厌恶人类的,不愿与人来往的【答案】C【考查点】形容词辨析。

2022年考研考博-考博英语-河北工业大学考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析B卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题No men were allowed to ______ on the livelihood of his neighbor.问题1选项A.wadeB.invokeC.muffleD.infringe【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. wade涉水,跋涉;费力行走B. invoke引起,恳求;调用C. muffle蒙住,裹住;抑制D. infringe侵犯,违反;破坏【答案】D【考查点】动词辨析。
2.单选题The city was unprepared when the ______ danger of hurricanes became reality, bringing destructive waves that ______ everything in their path.问题1选项A.ambivalent…detractedB.profound…assuagedC.colloquial…supplantedD.hypothetical…obliterated【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. ambivalent…detracted矛盾的,好恶相克的……转移,使分心B. profound…assuaged深厚的……平息,缓和C. colloq uial…supplanted通俗的,口语的……代替,排挤掉D. hypothetical…obliterated假设的,爱猜想的……消灭,冲刷【答案】D【考查点】形容词和动词辨析。
【解题思路】第一个空格根据后面的became reality(成为现实)可知,hypothetical符合句意;第二个空格根据destructive waves(毁灭性的波涛)可知,______ everything in their path表示的是“冲刷着道路上的一切”。

2022年考研考博-考博英语-河北工业大学考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析AB卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题Little green patches of moss grew on the rock where water had ______ out.问题1选项A.oozedB.dehumanizedC.deifiedD.opted【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. oozed渗出;泄漏B. dehumanized使失掉人性C. deified崇拜,把某人奉若神明D. opted选择;作出抉择【答案】A【考查点】动词辨析。
2.翻译题Vacations are more necessary now than before because today the average life is less well-rounded and has become increasingly compartmentalized. I suppose the idea of vacations, as we conceive it, must be incomprehensible to primitive peoples. Rest of some kind has of course always been a part of the rhythm of human life, but earlier ages did not find it necessary to organize it in the way that modern man has done. Holidays and feast days were sufficient.With modern man’s increasing tensions, with the stultifying quality of so much of his work, this bre ak in the year’s routine became steadily more necessary. Vacations became mandatory for the purpose of renewal and repair. And so it came about that in the United States, the most self-indulgent of nations, the most tense and compartmentalized, vacations have come to take a predominant place in domestic conversation.【答案】现在度假比以前更有必要,因为现在一般人的生活不再像以前那样丰富多彩,而且变得越来越单调。

2022年考研考博-考博英语-河北工业大学考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析AB卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.翻译题Science and technological advances are enabling us to comprehend the furthest reaches of the cosmos, the most basic constituents of matter, and the miracle of life.At the same time, today, the actions, and inaction, of human beings imperil not only life on the planet, but the very life of the planet.Globalization is making the world smaller, faster and richer. Still, 911 and avian flu remind us that a smaller, faster world is not necessarily a safer world.Our world is bursting with knowledge—but desperately in need of wisdom. Now, when sound bites are getting shorter, when instant messages crowd our essays, and when individual lives grow more crazy, college graduates capable of deep reflection are what our world needs.For all these reasons I believe—and I believe even more strongly today—in the unique and irreplaceable mission of universities.【答案】科技的进步使我们能够了解宇宙的最远端、物质最基本的成分以及生命的奇迹。

2022年考研考博-考博英语-河北工业大学考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析B卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题Sit down, straighten your legs and ______ your feet.问题1选项A.suffocateB.flexC.inflateD.affront【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. suffocate压制,阻碍B. flex屈伸,活动(四肢或肌肉,尤指为准备体力活动)C. inflate膨胀,充气D. affront冒犯,侮辱【答案】B【考查点】动词辨析。
2.单选题The story was said to ______ on the information from a reliable source.问题1选项A.being basedB.have been basedC.baseD.be based【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. being based被根据B. have been based被根据C. base根据D. be based被根据【答案】B【考查点】时态与语态。
【解题思路】Be said to do sth.是固定搭配,表示“据说……”,所以空格处的动词要用原形;主句的谓语动词为一般过去时was said,而base这个动作应该是发生在was said之前,所以应用现在完成时,故选择B项。
3.单选题Successful scientists always check statements and make new experiments carefully and objectively to ______ them.问题1选项A.infuseB.verifyC.restoreD.refute【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. infuse灌输;充满B. verify核实,查证C. restore恢复,还原;归还D. refute反驳,驳斥【答案】B【考查点】动词辨析。

2022年考研考博-考博英语-河北工业大学考试预测题精选专练VII(附带答案)第1套一.综合题(共25题)1.单选题The Welsh language has always been the ultimate market of Welsh identity, but a generation ago it looked as if Welsh would go the way of Manx, once widely spoken on the Isle of Man but now extinct. Governments financing and central planning, however, have helped reverse the decline of Welsh. Road signs and official public documents are written in both Welsh and English, and schoolchildren are required to learn both languages. Welsh is now one of the most successful of Europe’s regional languages, spoken by more than a half-million of the country’s three million people.The revival of the language, particularly among young people, is part of a resurgence of national identity sweeping through this small, proud nation. Last month Wales marked the second anniversary of the opening of the National Assembly, the first parliament to be convened here since 1404. The idea behind devolution was to restore the balance within the union of nations making up the United Kingdom. With most of the people and wealth, England has always had bragging rights. The partial transfer of legislative powers from Westminster, implemented by Tony Blair, was designed to give the other members of the club—Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales—a bigger say and to counter centrifugal forces that seemed to threaten the very idea of the union.The Welsh showed little enthusiasm for devolution. Whereas the Scots voted overwhelmingly for a parliament, the vote for a Welsh assembly scraped through by less than one percent on a turnout of less than 25 percent. Its powers were proportionately limited. The Assembly can decide how money from Westminster or the European Union is spent. It cannot, unlike its counterpart in Edinburgh, enact laws. But now that it is here, the Welsh are growing to like their Assembly. Many people would like it to have more powers, its importance as figureheadwill grow with the opening in 2003, of a new debating chamber, one of many new buildings that are transforming Cardiff from a decaying seaport into a Baltimore-style waterfront city. Meanwhile a grant of nearly two million dollars from the European Union will tackle poverty. Wales is one of the poorest regions in Western Europe—only Spain, Portugal, and Greece have a lower standard of living.Newspapers and magazines are filled with stories about great Welsh men and women, boosting self-esteem. To familiar faces such as Dylan Thomas and Richard Burton have been added new icons such as Catherine Zeta-Jones, the movie star, and Bryn Terfel, the opera singer. Indigenous foods like salt marsh lamb are in vogue. And Wales now boasts a national airline. Awyr Cymru. Cymru, which means “land of compatriots,” is the Welsh name for Wales. The red dragon, the nation’s symbol since the time of King Arthur, is everywhere—on T-shirts, rugby jerseys and even cell phone covers.“Until very recent times, most Welsh people had this feeling of being second-class citizens,” said Dyfan Jones, an 18-year-old student. It was a warm summer night, and I was sitting on the grass with a group of young people in Llanelli, an industrial town in the south, outside the rock music venue of the National Eisteddfod, Wales’s annual cultural festival. The disused factory in front of us echoed to the sounds of new Welsh bands.“There was almost a genetic tendency for lack of confidence,” Dyfan continued. Equally comfortable in his Welshness as in his membership in the English-speaking, global youth culture and the new federal Europe, Dyfan, like the rest of his generation, is growing up with a sense of possibility unimaginable ten years ago. “We used to think. We can’t do anything, we’re only Welsh. Now I think that’s changing.”1. According to the passage, devolution was mainly meant to ______.2. The word “centrifugal” in the second paragraph means ______.3. Wales is different from Scotland in all the following aspects EXCEPT ______.4. Which of the following is NOT cited as an example of the resurgence of Welsh national identity?5. According to Dyfan Jones what has changed is ______.问题1选项A.maintain the present status among the nationsB.reduce legislative powers of EnglandC.create a better state of equality among the nationsD.grant more say to all the nations in the union问题2选项A.separatistB.conventionalC.feudalD.political问题3选项A.people’s desire for devolutionB.locals’ turnout for the votingC.powers of the legislative bodyD.status of the national language问题4选项A.Welsh has witnessed a revival as a national language.B.Poverty-relief funds have come from the European Union.C.A Welsh national airline is currently in operation.D.The national symbol has become a familiar sight.问题5选项A.people’s mentalityB.pop cultureC.town’s appearanceD.possibilities for the people【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:D第4题:B第5题:A【解析】1.【选项释义】1. According to the passage, devolution was mainly meant to ______. 1. 根据这篇文章,权力下放主要是为了______。

2022年考研考博-考博英语-河北工业大学考试全真模拟全知识点汇编押题第五期(含答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题问题1选项A.fluctuationB.crisisC.diminutionD.partition【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. fluctuation起伏,波动B. crisis危机,危险期C. diminution减少,降低,缩小D. partition划分,分隔,分开【答案】A【考查点】名词辨析。
2.单选题Shortly after the boat docked, the passengers ______.问题1选项A.dismountedB.disembarkedC.dispersedD.disgruntled【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. dismounted下(马、车等),卸下;取出B. disembarked登陆;上岸C. dispersed分散;传播D. disgruntled使……不高兴,使愠怒【答案】B【考查点】动词辨析。
【解题思路】由关键信息“Shortly after the boat docked(船靠岸后不久)”可知,船靠岸后,乘客自然是下船上岸,所以空格处填入disembark符合句意。
3.单选题1. Her whole being was filled with a vague ______, which was like a shadow, like a mist passing across her soul’s summer day.2. As she had forgotten her keys, she got into the house by the simple ______ of climbing through a window.3. All the tickets for the concert had been sold. Fortunately I knew one of the actors and by working the ______ we were able to see it.4. Nuclear explosion can be a fatal ______ that will cause heavy loss of life.5. Professor Smit h possesses a ______. That’s why he is so popular with his students.问题1选项A.deferenceB.oracleC.impedimentD.anguishE.appellationF.expedientG.catastropheH.cubicleI.charisma J.paragon问题2选项A.deferenceB.oracleC.impedimentD.anguishE.appellationF.expedientG.catastropheH.cubicleI.charisma J.paragon问题3选项A.deferenceB.oracleC.impedimentD.anguishE.appellationF.expedientG.catastropheH.cubicleI.charisma J.paragon问题4选项A.deferenceB.oracleC.impedimentD.anguishE.appellationF.expedientG.catastropheH.cubicleI.charisma J.paragon问题5选项A.deferenceB.oracleC.impedimentD.anguishE.appellationF.expedientG.catastropheH.cubicleI.charismaJ.paragon【答案】第1题:D第2题:F第3题:B第4题:G第5题:I【解析】【选项释义】A. deference遵从,尊重n.B. oracle神谕,神示n.C. impediment妨碍,阻碍n.D. anguish 剧痛,极度痛苦n.E. appellation名称,称呼n.F. expedient权宜之计,应急办法n./adj.G. catastrophe灾难,灾祸n. H. cubicle(大房间分隔出的)小房间,隔间n.I. charisma超凡的个人魅力,感召力n. J. paragon完人,典范n.1.【答案】D【解题思路】分析题目可知,空缺处缺少名词。

2022年考研考博-考博英语-河北工业大学考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析AB卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题______ by the police, the kidnappers had no choice but to surrender.问题1选项A.SurroundedB.Having surroundedC.SurroundingD.To surround【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. Surrounded被包围B. Having surrounded包围C. Surrounding包围D. To surround包围【答案】A【考查点】非谓语动词。
2.单选题He always ______ his failure in obtaining a job to bad luck.问题1选项A.ascribesB.transcribesC.inscribesD.prescribes【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. ascribes归因于,归咎于B. transcribes转录,抄写C. inscribes题写;铭记D. prescribes开药方;规定【答案】A【考查点】动词辨析。
【解题思路】根据句子意思“他把失败______于运气不好”可知,空格处表示“归因于”符合句意,且ascribe to表示“把……归结于”。
3.单选题He is always meticulous in keeping the records up to date.问题1选项A.scrupulousB.perpetualC.puerileD.studious【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. scrupulous细心的,小心谨慎的,一丝不苟的B. perpetual永久的,不断的,无期限的C. puerile幼稚的,孩子气的;天真的D. studious勤奋的,好学的【答案】A【考查点】形容词辨析。
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河北工业大学考博英语模拟真题及其解析Passage1When families gather for Christmas dinner,some will stick toformal traditions dating back to Grandma's generation.Their tableswill be set with the good dishes and silver,and the dress code willbe Sunday-best.But in many other homes,this china-and-silver elegance has givenway to a stoneware(粗陶)-and-stainless informality,with dressesassuming an equally casual-Friday look.For hosts and guests,thechange means greater simplicity and comfort.For makers of fine chinain Britain,it spells economic hard times.Last week Royal Doulton,the largest employer in Stoke-on-Trent,announced that it is eliminating1,000jobs-one-fifth of its totalworkforce.That brings to more than4,000the number of positions lostin18months in the pottery region.Wedgwood and other pottery Gengduo yuan xiao wan zheng kao bo ying yu zhen ti ji qi jie xi qing lianxi quan guo mian fei zi xun dian hua:si ling ling liu liu ba liu jiuqi ba,huo jia zi xun qq:qi qi er liu qi ba wu san qi factories madecuts earlier.Although a strong pound and weak markets in Asia play a role inthe downsizing,the layoffs in Stoke have their roots in earthshakingsocial shifts.A spokesman for Royal Doulton admitted that the company“has been somewhat slow in catching up with the trend”toward casualdining.Families eat together less often,he explained,and morepeople eat alone,either because they are single or they eat in front of television.Even dinner parties,if they happen at all,have gone casual.In a time of long work hours and demanding family schedules,busy hosts insist,rightly,that it's better to share a takeout pizza on paper plates in the family room than to wait for the perfect moment or a “real”dinner party.Too often,the perfect moment never comes.Iron a fine-patterned tablecloth?Forget it.Polish the silver?Who has time?Yet the loss of formality has its down side.The fine points of etiquette(礼节)that children might once have learned at the table by observation or instruction from parents and grandparents(“Chew with your mouth closed.”“Keep your elbows off the table.”)must be picked up elsewhere.Some companies now offer etiquette seminars for employees who may be competent professionally but clueless socially.1.The trend toward casual dining has resulted in______.A)bankruptcy of fine china manufacturersB)shrinking of the pottery industryC)restructuring of large enterprisesD)economic recession in Great Britain2.Which of the following may be the best reason for casual dining?A)Family members need more time to relax.B)Busy schedules leave people no time for formality.C)People want to practice economy in times of scarcity.D)Young people won't follow the etiquette of the older generation.3.It can be learned from the passage that Royal Doulton is______.A)a retailer of stainless steel tableware B)a dealer in stonewareC)a pottery chain store D)a producer of fine china4.The main cause of the layoffs in the pottery industry is______.A)the increased value of the poundB)the economic recession in AsiaC)the change in people's way of lifeD)the fierce competition at home and abroad5.Refined table manners,though less popular than before in current social life______.A)are still a must on certain occasionsB)are bound to return sooner or laterC)are still being taught by parents at homeD)can help improve personal relationshipsPassage2Some houses are designed to be smart.Others have smart designs. An example of the second type of house won an Award of Excellence from the American Institute of Architects.Located on the shore of Sullivan's Island off the coast of South Carolina,the award-winning cube-shaped beach house was built toreplace one smashed to pieces by Hurricane Hugo10years ago.In September1989,Hugo struck South Carolina,killing18people and damaging or destroying36,000homes in the state.Before Hugo,many new houses built along South Carolina's shoreline were poorly constructed,and enforcement of building codes wasn't strict,according to architect Ray Huff,who created the cleverly-designed beach house.In Hugo's wake,all new shoreline houses are required to meet stricter,better-enforced codes.The new beach house on Sullivan's Island should be able to withstand a Category3hurricane with peak winds of179to209kilometers per hour.At first sight,the house on Sullivan's Island looks anything but hurricane-proof.Its redwood shell makes it resemble“a large party lantern(灯笼)”at night,according to one observer.But looks can be deceiving.The house's wooden frame is reinforced with long steel rods to give it extra strength.To further protect the house from hurricane damage,Huff raised it2.7meters off the ground on timber pilings-long,slender columns of wood anchored deep in the sand.Pilings might appear insecure,but they are strong enough to support the weight of the house.They also elevate the house above storm surges.The pilings allow the surges to run under the house instead of running into it.“These swells of water come ashore at tremendous speeds and cause most of the damage done to beach-front buildings.”said Huff.Huff designed the timber pilings to be partially concealed by thehouse's ground-to-roof shell.“The shell masks the pilings so that the house doesn't look like it's standing with its pant legs pulled up.”said Huff.In the event of a storm surge,the shell should break apart and let the waves rush under the house,the architect explained.1.After the tragedy caused by Hurricane Hugo,new houses built along South Carolina's shoreline are required______.A)to be easily reinforced B)to look smarter in designC)to meet stricter building standards D)to be designed in the shape of cubes2.The award-winning beach house is quite strong because______.A)it is strengthened by steel rods B)it is made of redwoodC)it is in the shape of a shell D)it is built with timber and concrete3.Huff raised the house 2.7meters off the ground on timber pilings in order to______.A)withstand peak winds of about200km/hrB)anchor stronger pilings deep in the sandC)break huge sea waves into smaller onesD)prevent water from rushing into the house4.The main function of the shell is______.A)to strengthen the pilings of the houseB)to give the house a better appearanceC)to protect the wooden frame of the houseD)to slow down the speed of the swelling water5.It can be inferred from the passage that the shell should be ______.A)fancy-looking B)waterproof C)easily breakable D)extremely strong本文由“育明考博”整理编辑。