2020年高考英语冲刺卷 全国卷(三)
![2020年高考英语冲刺卷 全国卷(三)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/402cc0ec168884868762d6ce.png)
绝密★启用前2020年高考英语冲刺卷全国卷(三)注意事项:1、答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2、请将答案正确填写在答题卡上1.Yourcreativityandideascanhelpotherteachers.Submityourartlessonplanoractivitytoday.Don’tforgettoincludeadditionalresourcedocumentsoraphoto.WetChalkPaintingGrades:K-4thLessonPlanObjectives:Developmentoffinemotorskills(协调性)andcreativelyexpressingthechild’sideasandthoughtsbyanewmedium.MaterialsNeeded:Coloredchalk,water,drawingpaper,sponge,andnewspapers.LessonProcedure:Dipthecoloredchalkintowateranddrawonthepaper.Anotherwayistoputthedra wingpaperonnewspapers,dampenitwithawetsponge,andthendraw.Submittedby:JackSidewalkDrawingGrades:K-5thLessonPlanObjectives:Developmentofthecreativeprocessbydoingartisticdrawingsinanewway anddevelopmentoffineandgrossmotorskills(全身协调性).MaterialsNeeded:Sidewalkoroutdoorchalkandlotsofsidewalk.LessonProcedure:Givethechildrenthechalkandletthemdrawwhatevertheychooseonthesidewal k.Youmayalsoconsiderusingthisinteachingsomeotherlessons(i.e.science).Submittedby:PeterRose一ColoredLorgnetteGrades:AnyMaterialsNeeded:Halfaneggcarton(包装盒),scissors,glue,coloredpaper,scotchtape(通明胶带),andaseveninchstick.LessonPlanObjectives:Childwillconstructanobjectthatallowsthemtoviewtheworldinavarietyof colorsandwilllearnwhycertainobjectsintheircoloredenvironmentlookthewaytheydowhencertaincolo rsaremixed.LessonPlanProcedure:Cutwindowsinthebumpsofhalfaneggcarton.Gluecirclesofcoloredcellop haneoverthewindowswithrubbercement.Tapeonastickforaholder.Submittedby:Jennifer1.WhichartlessonplanispresentedbyJennifer?A.WetChalkPainting.B.SidewalkDrawing.C.Rose-ColoredLorgnette.D.RainbowFan.2.WhatcommonmaterialdoesWetChalkPaintingandSidewalkDrawingrequire?A.Scissors.B.Chalk.C.Stick.D.Sponge.3.Rose-ColoredLorgnetteisaimedat___________.A.encouragingthechildtopaintatwillB.developingthechild’smotorskillsC.expressingthechild’sideasandthoughtsD.betteringthechild’sunderstandingofcolors2. Iheldmybreath,tryingnottosighoutloud.Myseventeen-year-oldsonArthurandIwereleavingaholid ayworkfunctionandtherewasplentyofleftoverfoodthattheorganizersweretryingtogiveaway.Immediat elyArthurhonedinonalargedishoftiramisuthatnooneelsewanted.Itwasenoughdessertforfourpeople,an dArthur’sdoctorhadwarnedusaboutwatchinghissugarintake.“Please,Gwen?Please?”Ithadbeenalongday,andeventhoughArthurtendstogetexhaustedbysocialsituationsthatarenotpartofh isregularroutine,heaccompaniedmetothedinnerandcharminglychattedwithmycolleaguesuntilitwasti metogohome.Thetiramisu,Ireasoned,washisreward.Aswelefttherestaurant,Arthurstoppednexttoourcartolookatsomething.Standingaboutfivefeetawaywasagentlemanwithhiswornjacket,stompinghisfeetandrubbinghishand stogetherinanattempttowardoffthecold.Everyfewsecondshesmiledandtriedtospeaktothepeoplewho werewalkingbywithoutpayinghimanyattention.Atthatmoment,thegentlemanspottedmysonwatching him.“Heyman,doyouhappentohaveanysparechange?”Arthurcheckedhisemptypocketsandthenlookedatmebriefly. Ishookmyhead.Arthurfrownedandthe nhesaidsomethingthattookmybreathaway."No,Idon't.Butareyouhungry?Doyouliketiramisu?Here,youcanhavemine.Ittasteslike...”I blinkedbacktearsasIwatchedtheman’ssmilebroadenevenmoreinappreciationbecauseIknewhisjoy wasn’tabouttiramisu.Mysondidn’tjustgivethefoodandwalkaway.Heengagedthemaninconversation, perhapsthefirstonethisgentlemanhadallday.Hetreatedthemanasaperson,withrespect.Thesmileonthe man'sfacetoldmethiswastherealreasonforhishappiness.Peoplewithautismdefinitelyhavefeelingsandemotions.Autisticscanandmostdefinitelyareempatheti ctoothers’feelingseveniftheydon’tknowhowtoexpressit.Beingkinddoesn’thavetobedifficultorcompl ex.1.WecaninferthatArthurbeggedhismomtoallowhim _______.A.togiveawaytheleftoverfoodB.toattendaholidayworkfunctionC.tochatwithhercolleaguesD.toeatabigtiramisu2.WhatmadeArthurfrown?A.Thewriterdidn'thaveanysparechange.B.Themanaskedhimforhistiramisu.C.Hefeltcoldwalkingpasttheparkinglot.D.Nobodypaidhimanyattention.3.Accordingtothewriter,thegentlemanwashappybecause __________.A.hegotsomethingdelicioustoeatB.hewastreatedwithrespectbyArthurC.hehadsomethingtotalkwithArthurD.hegotsomesparechangefromArthur4.WhatlessondidthewriterlearnfromArthur?A.Peoplewithautismvaluelogicoveremotion.B.Autisticpeoplefeelpainfuleasily.C.Peoplewithautismhavefeelings.D.Kindnesshastobecomplex.3.OnNovember10,nineminicheetahrobots,builtbyresearchersattheMIT,controlledbytheirhumancrea tors,showedtheirsuperiorathleticabilities.Thefour-leggedmachinesbeganwithawarm-uprunacrossthe field.Theythentookturnsplayingwithasoccerball.Asoftenhappensingames,acoupleoftheteammembe rsgotintoafightandpushedeachotheruntilbothfellontotheirbacks.Fortunately,theymadeupandendedth eirperformancewithaperfectbackflip(后滚翻),onethatwouldmakeevenaworld-classgymnastproud! Thoughtheserobotsresembletheirpredecessors,theCheetah3,theyaremuchlighter,weighingjust20pou nds.Andtheycanbendandswingtheirlegswide,givingthemtheabilitytowalkeitherright-side-uporupsid edown.Theycanalsowalkatabouttwicethespeedofanaverageperson'swalkingpace.Themachinescanal soquicklyrightthemselvesifkickedtothegroundandperform360-degreebackflipsfromastandingpositi on.UnliketheCheetah3,theminirobotsarebuiltusingcheap,easytofindparts.Thismeansthatifalegormotorb reaks,itcanbeeasilyreplacedusingoff-shelfparts."IfyouwanttochangesomethinginCheetah3,youhavet odoatonofredesign,"saysleaddeveloperBenjaminKatz.Theteam,whichhastenofthefour-leggedmachines,planstobuildadditionalunitsandlendthemtootherun iversityroboticlabs.Hebelievesthiswillenableotherengineerstoteachtherobotsdifferentskills."Eventu ally,I'mhopingwecouldhavearoboticdogracethroughanobstacle(障碍)course,whereeachteamcontrolsaminicheetahwithdifferentmethods,andwecanseewhichmethodis moreeffective,"Katzsays.TheMITteam'sreasonfordevelopingtherobotsisnotjustforentertainment.Theyhopethatsomedaypacks of"cheetahs"willassistfirstresponderswithsearchandrecoverytasksfollowingnaturaldisastersandwor kalongsidefirefighters.1.Whatismainlytalkedaboutinparagraph1?A.Afiercematchbetweenminirobots.B.Minirobots'soccerandgymnasticskills.C.Assessmentofminirobots'newfunctions.D.Similaritiesbetweenrobotsandhumanathletes.2.Whatcanminicheetahrobotsdo?A.Theycanwalkontheirheads.B.Theycancorrecttheirmistakes.C.Theycanbackflipevenwhenlying.D.Theycanplaysoccerballwithhumans.3.HowdotheminirobotsdifferfromtheCheetah3?A.Theircostislower.B.Theycanruntwicefaster.C.Theirappearanceischanged.D.They'rebetterreceivedbycustomers.4.WhydoesKatzwanttohavearoboticclograce?A.Toentertainpeople.B.Topromoteroboticresearch.C.Toteachrobotsdifferentskills.D.Toselectrobotsforrescuework.4.Arecenttroublingstudyshowedthat"fakenews"spreadsignificantlyfaster,deeperandmorebroadlytha nthetruth,withtheeffectevenmorepronouncedwhenregardingpoliticalnewsasopposedtoreportingonn aturaldisasters,financeorscience.Sohowcanweencourageindividualstoseekaccurateonlinecontent?L eadingscholarsaretryinghardtodealwiththisquestion. Processingnewinformationrequiresaconsiderablementaleffort,especiallywhenthatinformationconfli ctswithyourexistingworldview.Ittakesvulnerability(易伤性)andthewillingnesstoadmityoumaybewrong.Butwithagreatamountofconflictinginformationavaila ble,who'stosaywhat'sactuallytrueandwhat'sfalse?Ifyoucan'ttell,whynotjustmakelifeeasyandgowith whatsupportsyourcurrentbeliefs?Sowhatoptionsdowehave?Manysuggestthataddressingtheissuebyreformingadultbehaviorisaimingto ofarfromthesource.Analternativesolutionisusingearlyeducationtohelpindividualsrecognizethesepro blemsandapplycritical(批评的)thinkingtotheinformationtheyconsume.Currently,thereisapushintheUStoincludeInternetinformat ionclassesintoprimaryandsecondaryschoolcurriculums.Themovement,whichhasreceivedsomesupp ort,aimstomakefact-checkingseemlikesecondnaturetoindividualsatanearlyage.Primaryandsecondaryschoolaresupposedtobesupplyingstudentswiththeskillstheyneedtodevelopinto productive,informedmembersofoursociety.Asoursocietydevelops,thecurriculumweareteachingours tudentsneedtodevelopaswell.Weneedtogofurtherandalsoinstructouryouthononlineinformationlitera cy(识读).TheInternetisanamazingtool,buttouseitmosteffectivelywehavetoacceptitsbenefitswhilealsoundersta ndingthewaysinwhichitmakesusvulnerable.Ifstudentsarestilllearningdatedpracticessuchaswritingin school,shouldn'ttheybelearninghowtoconsumetheInternetresponsiblyaswell?1.Whatmakesitdifficulttodistinguishfakefromrealnews?A.Theconstantchangeincurrentbeliefs.B.Theinfluenceofdifferentexperts'beliefs.C.Theeasyandpeacefullifeofmodempeople.D.Thelargeamountofconflictinginformation.2.WhatdocurrentInternetinformationclassesfocuson?A.Buildingstrongbeliefsinstudents.B.Inspiringhumannatureinstudents.C.Developingstudents'criticalthinking.D.TeachingthebasicsofInternetinformation.3.Whyshouldwemakechangestostudents'curriculums?A.Toreformtraditionalwaysofeducation.B.Toseeknewapproachestoearlyeducation.C.Tomakeadjustmentsforfuturedevelopment.D.Tomakeroomforindividualizeddevelopment.4.Whichofthefollowingcanbeasuitabletitleforthetext?A.WeShouldTeachMediaLiteracyinSchoolB.SchoolEducationRequiresEvolutionC.SeekAccurateOnlineContentEarlyD.FakeNewsIsontheRise5.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
时候是 65 岁),第三段第一句话可知,研究老龄化的人口统计学家谢尔盖.谢尔波夫和谢尔 盖.桑德森大力提倡推翻全球对老龄化的“一刀切”式定义。故选 B。
34.C 细节理解பைடு நூலகம்。根据最后一段第二句可知,个人年龄取决于我们个人的特点。故选 C。 35.C 推理判断题。根据最后两段可知,谢尔波夫认为,年轻与年老是相对的概念,他们的 共同参照标准是预期寿命,在不同的国家,尤其是发达国家与欠发达国家之间,人们的教育 程度、死亡率、获得医疗服务的机会和预期寿命都不相同,对“老”的概念自然不同。而在不 同的人之间,“老”的定义也相差甚远。故选 C。
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届高三练习题三 全国卷
1 页(共 8 页)
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百 师 联 盟 2020 届 高 三 练习题 三
1—5 BCBCC 阅读理解
good grasp of life and traditional Chinese culture in ancient times.
2020高考冲刺卷英语试题(可编辑打印)+答案解析+评分标准 (2)
![2020高考冲刺卷英语试题(可编辑打印)+答案解析+评分标准 (2)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e2ce2213312b3169a451a461.png)
1.What does the man advise the woman to do?A.Buy her roommate a new mobile phone.B.Find a quieter place for her roommate.C.Ask her roommate not to speak loudly.2.How will the woman probably go to the gallery?A.By bus.B.By subway.C.By car.3.Who is Jeff?A.Lisa's boss.B.Lisa's boyfriend.C.Lisa's teacher.4.Where does the conversation probably take place?A.At a cinema.B.At a concert.C.At a restaurant.5.How many boys are there in the picture?A.10.B.19.C.20.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6.When did Patrick move out?A.This week.st week.st month.7.How did Patrick feel after moving out?A. Worried.B. Puzzled.C. Happy.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。
2020年全国高考三轮冲刺整合卷 英语(一、二、三答案)
![2020年全国高考三轮冲刺整合卷 英语(一、二、三答案)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/28807cd3f01dc281e53af0d9.png)
一 试 卷 结 构 本 试 卷 满 分 为 !D# 分 #考 试 时 间 为 !"# 分 钟 , 二 命 题 思 想 本试卷命题的主导思想是考查学生英语语言知识和 语 言 技 能#突 出 主 干 知 识#注 重 学 科 素 养 以 及 知 识 的 覆 盖 面# 强化考查学生语言综合运用的能力#尤其是运用英语获取信息-处理信息#以及分析问 题 和 解 决 问 题 的 能 力(注 重 语 言 的实用性和交际性#重视真实环境中的语言理解和语言运用(注重选材的人文性-时代 性 和 思 想 性#体 现 对 学 生 情 感 态 度-文化意识等综合人文素养的考查#使学生能够充分展示 个 性 和 思 维 的 多 样 性 与 开 放 性#不 断 促 进 中 学 英 语 教 学 改 革,本试卷立足于激发学生学英语的兴趣#鼓励学生 的 进 步#让 学 生 体 验 到 学 习 英 语 的 成 功#分 享 快 乐#建 立 自 信#通 过考试#使学生了解英语学习过程中的成功与失败#调整学习策略和方法#使他们在今 后 的 英 语 学 习 中 更 富 有 成 效(本 试卷立足于教师的专业成长#促进高中英语教学的科 学-规 范-健 康 和 有 序 的 发 展#通 过 考 试#使 教 师 了 解 英 语 课 改 的 动 态 #反 馈 教 学 信 息 #对 教 学 进 行 反 复 调 整 #从 而 提 高 自 己 的 教 学 水 平 , !$第一部分听力#包括两节,材料来源于英语国家 的 生 活 会 话#具 有 明 显 的 口 语 特 征#听 起 来 自 然-真 实#符 合 在 非测试状态下英语口语在社会生活中运用的真实情景(所 选 材 料 题 材 广 泛#涉 及 英 语 国 家 日 常 生 活 的 许 多 方 面#有 利 于全面有效地检测学生在不同实际生活环境中对所学语言的感悟和接受能力(材料 由 Q 段 对 话 和 ! 段 独 白 构 成#总 词 数为P##左右,除一些专有名词外#材料中没有生词(题干和选项较为简短#各 选 项 的 长 度-难 度-结 构 基 本 一 致(语 速 一 般 为 !E#>!J#3):, "$第二部分阅读理解#包括两节,第一节共四篇文章#突出对学生语篇能力-逻 辑 思 维 能 力 的 考 查#重 视 科 学 性 与 规范性,第一篇是广告类阅读#介绍了明尼苏达大学孔子学 院 开 设 的 几 门 关 于 中 国 语 言 和 文 化 短 期 课 程 的 一 些 相 关 信息(第二篇是文化类阅读#介绍了风格时尚是什么#如 何 实 现 自 我 的 风 格 时 尚(第 三 篇 是 故 事 类 阅 读#讲 述 了 中 国 艺 术家蔡国强利用烟花的视觉和物理力量来创作艺术!!!&天梯'烟花表演(第四篇是文 化 类 阅 读#作 者 在 中 国 旅 行 期 间 接触到了各种各样的中国艺术,作者被不同类型的中国艺术所感动,这四篇文章在选材上继续保持了题材和体裁广 泛的特点#均为原汁原味的英文#知识性-趣味性强#文 化 韵 味 浓 厚, 题 目 为 细 节 理 解 题-推 理 判 断 题-代 词 指 代 题-标 题归纳题-词义猜测题等#难易适中#题材丰富#内容积极向上#有很强的可读性,第 二 节 是 七 选 五#主 要 考 查 考 生 对 文 章的整体内容和结构以及上下文逻辑意义的理解和掌握#体现了.普通高中英语课程新标 准/&用 英 语 获 取 处 理 和 运 用 信息的能力#逐步获取用英语思维能力'的阅读学习和 教 学 理 念, 该 题 型 命 题 形 式 仍 然 具 有 客 观 题 的 特 点#又 与 完 形 填空具有异曲同工之妙#只是选项少#以句子形式出现#考查目的和侧重点不完全 相 同 而 已, 本 文 是 教 育 类 阅 读#用 训 练员训练鲸鱼的例子告诉我们要营造一个好的环境, B$第三部分英语知识运用#包括两节,第一节完形填空#是一种综合型试题,本 题 注 重 考 查 学 生 的 阅 读 能 力 和 词 汇运用能力,本文是故事类阅读#当托尼在他的手机 上 收 到 一 条 拨 错 号 码 的 信 息 时#他 没 有 忽 略 它, 相 反#他 聚 集 了 六个孩子中的五个#拍了张照片#寄给另一端的女孩 西 德#只 是 为 了 给 她 一 点 鼓 励, 文 章 具 有 很 强 的 可 读 性-欣 赏 性, 文章考点选项设计以实词为主#主要涉及名词-动词-形容词-副词#重点考查了对上 下 文 逻 辑 的 理 解#具 有 很 强 的 区 分 度,第二节主要考查学生对.普通高中英语课程新标准/所要求的基本语法知识-词 汇-习 语 和 较 为 简 单 的 表 达 方 式 的 把握情况#着重在语篇层面考查学生的语法分析能力,从该题的设置来看#有以下 三 个 特 点) 考 查 语 法)每 一 个 设 空 都必定涉及某一条或某几条语法规则#不会单纯考查单词的拼写和词组的用法,考 查 语 境)该 题 采 用 短 文 的 形 式 来 考查语法的目的就是要利用短文有较强的语境的特点来命题,因此#学生要填出正确 答 案#至 少 需 要 理 解 整 个 句 子 的 意思或各分句之间的逻辑关系#或者需要理解前后几 个 句 子#甚 至 整 个 段 落 或 篇 章, 考 点 分 散)基 本 及 !# 个 语 法 点#至 少 也 得 有 L 个 语 法 点, 本 文 是 一 篇 新 闻 报 道#由 中 央 电 视 台 *CC=T+和 教 育 部 *I][+联 合 制 作 的 .开 学 第 一 课 /已 经 成 为 家 长 和 学 生 在 秋 季 开 学 第 一 天 的 必 修 课 , E$第四部分写作#包括两节,第一节短文改错#考查 学 生 的 纠 错 能 力 和 准 确 运 用 英 语 语 言 的 能 力#在 考 查 学 生 理 解能力的同时#还涉及谓语动词-形容词-副词-非谓语动词-名词单复数-代词-连 词-冠 词 等#也 涉 及 句 型 结 构-行 文 逻 辑及固定搭配,本文是一封信件#作者将去美国进行 为 期 两 周 的 旅 行#向 美 国 朋 友 =-: 征 求 去 美 国 哪 些 城 市 旅 游 的 建议和其他一些去美国旅行的信息,第二节书面表达#是 一 封 英 文 邮 件#要 求 学 生 以 李 华 的 身 份 给 交 换 生 K(40'写 一 封电子邮件#告知她本周日的安排#因爷爷生日而把教 她 制 作 中 式 早 餐 的 时 间 改 到 下 午, 写 作 要 点 已 经 给 出#学 生 注 意 认 真 分 析 要 点 #理 解 要 点 要 表 达 的 含 义 , 内 容 贴 近 现 实 生 活 #总 体 难 度 不 高 ,
赢战2020高考英语百日冲刺卷 03第一部分听力(略)第二部分阅读理解第一节阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项ADear Sara,As we drove off from Columbia,I wanted to write a letter to you to tell you all that is on mymind.First,I want to tell you how proud we are. Getting into Columbia College shows what a greatwell-rounded student you are.Your academic,artistic,and social skills have truly blossomed in the last fewyears.Whether it is getting the highest grade in mathematics, completing your elegant fashion design,successfully selling your painted running shoes,or becoming one of the top speakers in Model UnitedNations,you have become a talented and accomplished young woman. You should be as proud of yourselfas we are.College will be the most important years in your life. It is in college that you will truly discover whatlearning is about. This will be the period where you go from teacher-taught to master-inspired,after whichyou must become a self-learner. So do take each subject seriously,and even if what you learn isn’t criticalfor your life,the skills of learning will be important to you forever.Follow your passion in college. Take courses you think you will enjoy. Don’t be trapped in wh think or say.Do your best in classes,but don’t let pressure get to you. Your mother and I have noexpectations for your grades.If you graduate and learn something in your four years,we would feel happy.So please don’t give yourself pressure.,and asked what she wanted me to say. She thought and said,I told your mom I’m writing this letter“Just ask her to take care of herself.” Please listen to your mother and take care of yourself.So please treasure your college years,make the best of your free time,and become an independentthinker; learn and grow through your successes and challenges.Love,Dad (&Mum)21.Sara’s performance in the last few years makes his parents________.A.annoyed B.proudC.upset D.concerned22.What did Father mainly write about in Paragraph 2?A.Learning skills. B.College courses.C.Learning attitude. D.Ways of self-learning.23.What do we know about Mom and Dad from the letter?A.They expect too much of Sara. B.They put lots of pressure on Sara.C.They love their daughter very much. D.They advise Sara to make more friends.BSquirrels aren't natural city dwellers(居民). 1986 the sight of one in a tree near New York's city hall so surprised passers-by that a newspaper published a report about the“unusual visitor”.Around that time, the tree-dwelling animals were being set free in America's urban areas to" create pockets of peace and calm like the countryside," says University of Pennsylvania historian Etienne Benson, who studied our relationship to squirrels over the course of five years.First, they were introduced to Philadelphia, then to New Haven, Boston, and New York City. Park visitors were encouraged to feed them, and security guards ensured their safety. In the 1910s a leader of the Boy Scouts of America(an organization teaching boys practical skills)said that teaching children to feed squirrels could show the rewards of treating a weaker creature with sympathy, says Benson.By the early 20th century, though, America began to regret the friendliness it had shown squirrels. Cities had once been filled with animals-from horses pulling goods to dairy cows, By the 1950s those working animals had been moved to the countryside. Pets and wild animals such as birds and squirrels were all that remained of the urban animal kingdom.Before long, people's enthusiasm for squirrels wore off, and they started to see them as annoyances.By the 1970s many parks banned feeding the creatures. Today, it is rare to find kids with their parents offering food to squirrels under a tree. And, unfortunately, with more and more buildings being constructedin the city, fewer inhabitable(适宜栖息的)areas are left for the little tree- dwelling animals.What would be lost if the last of these city dwellers were forced to leave?" I think there's something constructive to have other living creatures in the city that are not humans and not pets but share the landwith us," says Benson." It's a good thing to live in a landscape where you see other creatures going around making lunch. It's good for the soul."24.What's the purpose of introducing squirrels to Philadelphia?A. To entertain park visitors.B. To keep the natural balance.C. To encourage kids to protect animals.D. To make the urban life more peaceful.25. What was the Boy Scouts leader's attitude towardsA. Disagreeable.B. Doubtful.。
C.Most British people now feel doubtful of foods in big supermarkets.
D.Most British people have realized the problems facing farms and begin to save farms.
’ s generation tend to leave the farm for cities.
Oliver Robinson, 25, grew up in Yorkshire. But he never considered staying on his father
and grandfather life, but it doesn
most people buy food from the big supe rmarkets, hundreds of independent Farmers
’ Markets are
becoming popular.
“ I started going to Farmers
’ Markets in direct defiance of the big supermarkets. I seriously
A. abc
B. abd
C. acd
D. bcd
2.Why did Oliver Robinson refuse to stay on the farm?
A.He hoped for a simpler life.
B.He was fed up with a hard farm life.
C.Farm life was too demanding though he liked it.
2020年全国高考冲刺压轴卷 英语试卷及其详细解析
![2020年全国高考冲刺压轴卷 英语试卷及其详细解析](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1c2c698d9ec3d5bbfd0a7470.png)
1. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In the street.B. At a police station.C. In a public bathroom.2. What will the man possibly do on Friday?A. Leave Washington. D. C.B. Meet the woman.C. Take the woman to New York3. Who may Dr. Philips be?A. The man's old friend.B. The speakers' gardener.C. The woman's new neighbor.4. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Classmates.B. Teacher and student.C. Doctor and patient.5. Where will the woman go next?A. A bookstore.B. Her office.C. An employee's house.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
全国重点名校联盟2020届百校联考高考百日冲刺金卷全国Ⅰ卷 英语(三) Word版含答案
![全国重点名校联盟2020届百校联考高考百日冲刺金卷全国Ⅰ卷 英语(三) Word版含答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a79e7aa0453610661fd9f44e.png)
1. When should the speakers reach the airport?A. At 4:30.B. At 5:00.C. At 5:30.2. What will the man do next?A. Buy a phone.B. Make a call.C. Repair a phone.3. What does the man want to be?A. A teacher.B. A doctor.C. A writer.4. What do we know about the woman?A. She will move to Maine.B. She has lived in Maine for 20 years.C. Her son lives in Maine.5. What is the man probably doing now?A. Having a job interview.B. Visiting a company.C. Wandering in the market.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
第Ⅰ卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。
每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。
例:How much is the shirt?A. £19.15.B. £9.15.C. £9.18.答案是B。
1. What does the woman suggest the man do?A.Wake up now.B. Stay up longer.C. Go to bed early.2. Who does the raincoat belong to?A. The man.B. The woman’s brother.C. The man’s brother.3. What are the speakers doing?A. Walking to somewhere.B. Asking for directions.C. Waiting for the bus.4. Who might the man be?A. A store owner.B. A farmer.C. An animal doctor.5. What’s the man’s problem?A. He is annoyed by his reading.B. He is disturbed by the noise.C. He has no time for shopping.第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面5段对话或独白。
2020年高考英语冲刺模拟试卷(三)第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
A.Whether you're the new kid on the block at a company of 5 people or 50, introductions can be difficult.However, properly introducing yourself is a very important step in building both professional and personal relationships with your coworkers.You should first find out if your hiring manager is planning on sending out an email or introducing you in a team meeting. Then you will know your next steps, but ultimately it should be up to the human resources department or your supervisor to initiate early introductions.If he or she doesn’t follow through, then you’ll know you’ll need to take matters into your own hands.If you haven't been introduced to everyone already, don't be afraid to ask your supervisor if he or she is willing to introduce you to people you will be working with. You can handle it casually, so as not to sound demanding or upset. Just say, “I’ve started getting a feel for who works here a nd who I’ll be working with, but I’m still a little unclear. Think you’d have 10 minutes or so for a round of introductions this morning?”If your supervisor is inaccessible, use your common sense (or ask around) to figure out who you will likely be interfacing with and then introduce yourself to them in person if possible. If you work at a small company, it should be relatively easy to figure out who you’ll be collaborating with on a day-to-day basis.Starting a new job can be stressful. After all, on top of having a new job to do, you're meeting new people, and you're learning about your role in a new company. The more you prepare, the less stressful starting out will be.21. From the first paragraph, we know that _______.A. companies can be both large and smallB. introductions are too difficult to makeC. proper introductions are very importantD. to be professional is very important 【答案】:C【解析】:根据第一段原文“However, properly introducing yourself is a very important step in building both profe ssional and personal relationships with your coworkers.”可知,文章认为自我介绍对于职业发展和个人关系处理都是至关重要的。
(全国卷Ⅰ) 2020 年高考英语压轴卷(含解析)第Ⅰ卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上,录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。
第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。
从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。
1. What is the man doing?A. Reading a story.B. Watching a new film.C. Writing a detectivestory.2.What is the man’s suggestion?A. Buying a new refrigerator.B. Putting the refrigeratorfar away.C. Having the refrigerator fixed.3. What does the man hope to do?A. Attend a meeting.B. Watch a basketball match.C.Rest for a couple ofhours.4. What kind of music does the woman like best?A. Folk music.B. Pop music.C. Classical music.5. How does the woman feel?A. Excited.B. Indifferent.C. Disappointed.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
6. What did Tom do last night?A. He listened to the radio.B. He did his homework.C. He played the piano.7.What’s the possible relationship between the speakers?A. Sister and brother.B. Mother and son.C. Teacher and student.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
绝密★启封前全国卷Ⅰ高考压轴卷英语第Ⅰ卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30 分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上,录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。
1. What will the man do during the vacation?A. Wor in a clothes storeB. Travel around with SamC. Go to the countryside2. what's the probable relationship between the speaers?A. Husband and wifeB. Customer and waitressC. Wormates3. How does the woman sound?A. Ecited.B. Confused.C. Annoyed.4. What does the woman thin Tom needs?A. Punishment.B. Suggestions.C. Encouragement.5. Where does the woman find her mobile phone?A. On the tableB. On the chairC. In her bag.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。
6. What day is it today?A. ThursdayB. FridayC. Saturday.7. What is the woman going to do first?A. Call Mar's parents.B. Echange ticetsC. Watch a match听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题。
1. What color is the seven-dollar hat?A. Red.B. Black.C. White.2. What is the woman complaining about?A. The speaker is not humorous enough.B. The speaker is speaking in a low voice.C. The lecture room is too small for so many listeners.3. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a hotel.B. In a street.C. At a restaurant.4. What does the man order for his wife?A. Two pies and a cup of coffee.B. Two hamburgers and a glass of juice.C. Two hamburgers and a cup of coffee.5. What does the man want to do?A. To buy his girlfriend a birthday gift.B. To ask his girlfriend for a birthday gift.C. To help his girlfriend buy a birthday gift.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
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1. When should the speakers reach the airport?A. At 4:30.B. At 5:00.C. At 5:30.2. What will the man do next?A. Buy a phone.B. Make a call.C. Repair a phone.3. What does the man want to be?A. A teacher.B. A doctor.C. A writer.4. What do we know about the woman?A. She will move to Maine.B. She has lived in Maine for 20 years.C. Her son lives in Maine.5. What is the man probably doing now?A. Having a job interview.B. Visiting a company.C. Wandering in the market. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a factory.B. In a store.C. At home.7. What does the man promise about the after-sales service?A. Free repair within three years.B. Free repair within three months.C. Return of goods within seven days.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。
8. What does the woman need?A. A new battery.B. A good relaxation.C. A travel agent.9. What will the speakers do next weekend?A. Go backpacking.B. Look for a travel agent.C. Try something online. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。
10. What does the man think of the woman?A. She is successful.B. She is a workaholic.C. She likes to flatter others.11. What kind of job is the woman fit for?A. Management.B. Marketing.C. Designing.12. What is the woman like?A. Confident and selfless.B. Proud and considerate.C. Modest and ambitious. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。
13. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Neighbors.B. Colleagues.C. Husband and wife.14. How should the woman do at the end of this street?A. Turn left.B. Turn right.C. Go straight.15. Where is the bank?A. On White Ave.B. On 14th Street.C. Opposite the supermarket.16. What is the woman's attitude toward buying some beer?A. Supportive.B. Indifferent.C. Unwilling.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。
17. What does the speaker suggest English learners do?A. Speak aloud.B. Read in silence.C. Spend as much time as possible.18. How often should a learner practice speaking English?A. Twice a week.B. 45 minutes a week.C. Four times a week.19. What does the speaker recommend when you have any questions?A. Turning to this website.B. Buying a grammar book.C. Watching TV20. What is the speaker mainly talking about?A. The importance of learning English.B. Ways of learning English.C. Online courses of learning English.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
AYou Can Fly More FrequentlyWith frequent flyer programs, you can fly practically for free!Sign up for mileage program-You can't gain miles if you don't sign up. Join frequent flyer programs, so you can start to earn those miles. Pick one or two airlines that you use most often and try to accumulate your points either by flying with them or their partners.Buy gifts and dine out-Most mileage programs have a merchant list where you can register several credit cards and then earn miles for each purchase you make through their participating shops or meal you have at restaurant partners. You're probably doing these things anyway, so why not make it count toward future travel?Use your credit card-Look for a card that gives you rewards. There are a ton of credit card companies that offer mileage cards that give you miles for each dollar you spend. In fact, you can get a free plane ticket just for signing up and using certain ones. Get a lump of up to 50,000 miles just by charging a minimum amount in the first three months. Use it for bills, groceries, gas and anything else you would normally use your bank account for and then pay it off at the end of the month. It'san easy way to earn miles and can add up really fast.Rent a car-Whenever you rent a car, you have the choice to include your frequent flyer member number. Some will charge a small sum of fee, but it can be more beneficial to pay less than a dollar a day to earn one or more miles per dollar spent on your rental. If you are a member of the rental club, you can get double benefits by also getting points for your rental.21. What should you do first if you want to get points while flying?A. Join flyer programs frequently.B. Sign to be a partner of an airline.C. Try your best to travel by plane.D. Sign up as a member of a certain airline.22. How can you earn free miles while making daily consumption?A. Deal with airline partnership shops.B. Buy daily necessities at the airport.C. Pay for all your purchases in cash.D. Register as many credit cards as possible.23. What is the purpose of this text?A. To introduce the airlines.B. To show airline services.C. To share money-saving tips on travel.D. To share ways of buying cheap tickets.BWhen Nolan was diagnosed with a rare cancer in May 2015, his doctors didn't think he'd make it through the first round of chemotherapy. But Nolan maintained a positive attitude. He says, "If you go into a negative headspace during treatment,you're giving yourself an emotional cancer along with the physical disease that is destroying your body.”Nolan remained optimistic throughout four rounds of chemotherapy and nine months of being in the hospital,although he admits he had his dark days. He acknowledged, "If I slipped into a dark place, it wouldn't be good.” After his first round of chemotherapy, Nolan was surprised to hear from his doctors that there was no cancer present in his body. Even with this good news, Nolan still had to complete three additional rounds of treatment and a bone marrow(骨髓)transplant,which occurred in February 2016.Nolan says that before his transplant, the doctors weren't sure if he was goingto survive the next four weeks. However, he drew strength from the love and support of his friends during treatment,who would visit weekly.In January 2017, Nolan came to CancerCare and joined a support group led by an oncology(肿瘤学)social worker. William Goeren, who is great about keeping the conversation going. Nolan found another home and a source of community in his support group, especially since three of the other men had also had transplants. In the group, they talk about the cancer and also discuss other things, like family or life in the city.Since completing his treatment, Nolan has returned to work as a musician and a conductor in the New York City area. He previously worked as a musical director and performed in Chicago, Illinois, as well as abroad in Hong Kong. In New York, he also organizes groups to perform and creates different arrangements for orchestras and ensembles to perform.24. Which of the following best explains “headspace" underlined in paragraph 1?A. Opinion.B. Mood.C. Situation.D. Manner.25. What do we know about Nolan?A. He was always optimistic.B. His doctors wrote a letter to him.C. His condition improved surprisingly.D. The later rounds of treatment are useless.26. What does Nolan and other members do in the support group?A. They talk about their illness and other issues.B. They help those who are in great need.C. They try to keep the conversation going.D. They try to find more people with cancer.27. What is the key to Nolan's recovery according to the author?A. Four rounds of chemotherapy.B. Drug treatment and operation.C. Strong will and doctors' help.D. Optimism and support from friends.CSpace Hotel Promises Guests A Truly Out-Of-This-World Vacation Looking for a true out-of-this-world vacation? Then you are in luck! On Thursday.April 5, Texas-based start-up Orion Span announced they were taking reservations for Aurora(极光)Station, the world's first luxury hotel in space, which is expected to launch in 2021 and begin welcoming visitors by 2022.The pill-shaped space station, which begins construction in 2019, will measure 43.5 feet long and 14.1 feet wide-about the size of a large private jet's cabin-when completed. It will accommodate four guests in two private suites and two crew members, most likely former astronauts. Hovering about 200 miles above Earth, Aurora Station will circle the planet once every 90 minutes, enabling guests to enjoy 16 spectacular sunrises and sunsets daily, as well as scores of the breathtaking northern and southern auroras that the hotel is named after.While admiring the beauty of our planet, tourists can cat non-astronaut food and drinks or entertain themselves with playing cards. Those hoping to do something more worthwhile will be able to engage in astronaut-like experiments such as growing food in a special environment. The Wi-Fi enabled spacecraft will make it easy for guests to share their experiences with friends and family members on Earth. At the end of the week and half-long vacation, returning guests will be treated to a special “hero's welcome", similar to the one experienced by astronauts returning from a real mission.Before the once-in-a-lifetime trip, guests will have to undergo the three-month-long special training learning how to move in a weightless environment, along with the basics of spaceflight and orbital mechanics. Also, before you start packing your bags, you will have to pay $ 9.5 million for the 12-day round-trip vacation.While several companies are planning to build hotels in space, Orion Span hopes to transform sections of used rockets floating in space into hotel rooms, instead of crowding the already messy skies with additional man-made objects.28. What can be learnt about Aurora Station?A. People can visit it now.B. It's construction will last for about 5 years.C. It can only hold four people in this station.D. It looks like a pill with the size of a small plane.29. Why is the station named Aurora Station?A. Because guests can enjoy spectacular auroras of the Earth.B. Because the station will give off auroras while travelling.C. Because the station will run around the auroras of the Earth.D. Because the hotel is lit up by the auroras of the Earth.30. What can guests do in a space hotel?A. Stay there as long as they like.B. Cook meals like they are at home.C. Communicate with their family.D. Receive welcome as a real hero.31. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A. There is little room for people to live on the earth.B. Too many space crafts have aroused people's concern.C. Space hotels will be necessary in the near future.D. Used rockets floating in space are easy to be recycled.DTeens and preteens who start the school day really early tend to weigh slightly more than those who start later. That's the finding of a new study of nearly 30,000 Canadians between the ages of 10 and 18. These data are the latest evidence that starting school too early can harm health."We know from earlier studies that when school starts too early, kids can't get the sleep they need," says Genevieve Gariepy. She works at McGill University in Montreal,Canada. Getting too little sleep can put kids at risk for a number of problems. Sleepy teens are more likely to be overweight, to have trouble concentrating and to struggle in school. They also are at higher risk of feeling depressed, using alcohol or drugs and getting in car accidents.As an epidemiologist(流行病学家), Gariepy is interested in patterns of disease. She studies teen obesity, or extreme overweight. In this study, she wanted to know how earlier school start times might be linked to weight."Overweight and obesity in adolescents is a big problem in North America,” she says. The number of overweight kids has grown over the past 30 years. About one in three U. S. and Canadian teens are now overweight or obese. Kids who don't sleep enoughmay be at higher risk. So Gariepy decided to find more about the impact of school start times.Her team collected start times of 362 Canadian schools and found that among 6" to 10" graders, those who started school earlier tended to be slightly heavier for their height. Every 10-minute delay in school start time was linked, on average, to a slightly lower weight among students who were the same sex, age and height. But it's not clear that changing school start time would help heavier kids lose weight. To know for sure, researchers would want to compare the same kids before and after changing to a later school start time.32. What is the function of the first paragraph?A. To introduce the main topic.B. To show concern for teenagers.C. To show the importance of the study.D. To offer advice on school starting time.33. What does Gariepy want to find out in her research?A. How to rid adolescents of being overweight.B. The links between school start times and teen obesity.C. Why more and more students are becoming obese.D. The most suitable sleep time for school students.34. What can we infer about the study of Gariepy and her team?A. A 10-minute delay is enough.B. Schools may value its conclusion.C. Its conclusion is reliable.D. More work remains to be done.35. What can be a suitable title of this text?A. Experts Worry about the Health of AdolescentsB. Overweight Becomes Common among TeenagersC. Study Links Weight to School Starting TimeD. Students Tend to Sleep Less Than Before第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项。