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修饰名词、做系动词的表语用形容词;修饰动词, 形容词或其它副词用副词

eg. He looks . (happy). He is singing . (happy).


1、Bill said that the mixture tasted__________(terrible,terribly).

“I’m__________(terrible,terribly) sorry,”said the woman.

2、The doctor said that the baby didn’t look___________(healthy, healthily).

They must make sure that all the animals can live___________(healthy, healthily)in the zoo. 二、形容词和副词的比较级和最高级








②可以与not as/so+adj/adv原级+as进行相互转换


①the+最高级+in/of+…此句型可以与“比较级+than any other+单数名词”相互转换

eg. Shanghai is the biggest in China.=Shanghai is bigger than any other city in China.

注意区别:New York is bigger than any city in China.

②one of the +形容词最高级+名词复数

eg. Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in the world.



②not so/as+adj/adv原级+as

He looks as as I. (serious)

Marry didn’t work so as her brother,(success)(变同义句)


①the+比较级, the+比较级表示“越……越……”

eg.The more, the better.-(多多益善。)

The harder one studies, the more progress one makes.

The larger the bus is, the more people it can carry.


Canada is of the two countries. A,larger B,more larger C,largerest D the largerest


eg.Our life is getting -(我们的生活越来越好了。)

China will become (中国将变得越来越漂亮了。)

④so+adj/adv +that……such+n+that……

Lily did her homework that she didn’t make a mistake.(careful)

The river has clean water that we can drink it direcrly. (so /such)


how he runs! (quick) clean water!

a clean river it is! beautiful!





形容词加ly变成的副词变比较级和最高级时,不管是几个音节都在词前加more, most


①true---truly terrible---terribly possible---possibly②far---far fast---fast hard---hard 注意区别:friend---friendly love---lovely live---lively



1、The song sung by zhou jielun sounds (well)

2、Tom now is studying (care)

3、We should eat (health)

4、I am sure of his (succeed)

5、Lily is than her sister.(clever)


1. The ice in the lake is about one meter ______. It’s strong enough to skate on.

A. long

B. high

C. thick

D. wide

2. -Can you speak Chinese, Peter ? -Yes, but only ______. A. little B. few C. a little D. a few

3. - ______ will Mr. Green go back to London? - In two weeks.

A. How often

B. How long

C. How soon

D. How far

4. Some young people are now ______ to buy private cars.

A. rather rich

B. very rich

C. rich enough

D. enough rich

5. It’s ______ nice of you to help him. A. true B. truly C. real D. really

6. Don’t go out. It’s raining ______. A. quickly B. heavily C. loudly D. hardly

7. Entering the house we found him lying on the ground with his mouth ______ and eyes______.

A. open ; close B . opened ; closed C. opened ; close D. open ; closed

8. Look ! ______ beautiful that lake is ! A. What B. How C. How a D. What a

9. - I’m sure I’ve got a bad cold.-- Take this medicine, and you’ll feel ______.

A. healthy

B. best

C. good

D. much better

10. – Excuse me, can you show me ______ to run the machine? - Certainly.

A. what

B. how

C. whether

D. where

11. I’m still hungry. Could I have two ______ pieces of bread, please?

A. much

B. many

C. more

D. most

12. - ______ do you have an English party ? - Twice a year.

A. How often

B. How long

C. How soon

D. When

13. - Who did it better, Bill or Henry? - I think Bill did just ______ Henry.

A. as well as

B. as good as

C. as better as

D. more badly than

14. Miss Gao asked a question, but it was ______ that nobody could answer it.

A. very difficult

B. too difficult

C. difficult enough

D. so difficult

15. Lucy said she hadn’t heard ______ music before.

A. such a beautiful piece of

B. a beautiful

C. so beautiful a

D. such a wonderful

16. I bought ______ exercise books with ______ money.

A. a few, a few

B. a few, a little

C. a little, a few

D. a little, a little

17. Li Ming did his homework ______. So he left school last.

A. easily

B. quickly

C. happily

D. slowly
