
前置放大器没有电源或电 检修放大器或提高电源电压规
外界强电磁场干扰 检查屏蔽线接地是否良好或排
4. 传感器的使用期在正常情况下,一般为半年至一年,视工作条件的恶劣程度而定。并
应定期进行拆洗。如发现轴或轴承有严重磨损时,应进行更换并重新标定。 6、故障及故障排除方法
传感器的故障一般可归纳为三点:第一、传感器或配套的显示仪表没有输出信号;第二、 流量为零仍有信号输出;第三、指示流量与实际流量不符。这些故障代表原因大致如表 6:
公称通径 DN(mm)
2、4、6 10 15 25
G G3/8" G1/2" G1" G1 1/4"
I(mm) L(mm)
重量(kg) 0.5 0.6 1.0 1.5
2、公称通径 DN6~25(公称压力 PN16、25Mpa 见图 3,表 4)
4~20mA 电流输出接线示意图:
8、现场显示表头概述 现场显示表与涡轮流量传感器通过 M14×1 螺纹座相连,螺纹应尽量拧到底,否则会漏计频

在一定的流量范围内,脉冲频率f 与流经传感器的流体的瞬时流量Q 成正比,流量方程为:kf Q ⨯=3600 式中:f ——脉冲频率[Hz];k ——传感器的仪表系数[1/m 3],由校验单给出。
若以[1/L]为单位kf Q ⨯=6.3 Q ——流体的瞬时流量(工作状态下)[m 3/h]; 3600——换算系数。
每台传感器的仪表系数由制造厂填写在检定证书中,k 值设入配套的显示仪表中,便可显示出瞬时流量和累积总量。

产品特点——————————————·优质合金涡轮,具有更高的稳流和耐腐蚀作用·进口优质专用轴承,使用寿命长·计量室和通气室隔绝,保证了仪表的安全性·流量范围宽(Qmax/Qmin≥20:1),重复性好,精度高(可达1.0级),压力损失小,始动流量低,可达0.6m3/h·仪表具有防爆及防护功能,防爆标志为ExdⅡBT6、ExiaⅡCT6,防护等级为IP65技术参数——————————————2.测量范围及工作压力公称通径型号标准量扩展耐压安装方式DN25 LWQ-25□——W3 0.5-4 4.0 法兰(螺纹)——W4 0.7-7 4.0——W5 1.5-15 4.0S1 3-30 W1 1.5-30 4.0S2 4-40 W2 2-40 4.0DN40 LWQ-40□S1 5-50 W1 2.5-50 4.0 法兰(螺纹)S2 8-80 W2 4-80 4.0DN50 LWQ-50□S1 10-100 W1 5-100 4.0 法兰S2 15-150 W2 8-150 4.0 法兰DN65 LWQ-65□S 15-200 W 10-200 1.6 法兰DN80 LWQ-80□S 15-300 W1 10-300 1.6 法兰W2 15-350 1.6 法兰DN100 LWQ-100□S 20-400 W1 15-400 1.6 法兰W2 20-500 1.6 法兰DN125 LWQ-125□S 20-800 W1 18-800 1.6 法兰W2 20-900 1.6 法兰DN150 LWQ-150□S 50-1000 W1 25-1000 1.6 法兰W2 50-1200 1.6 法兰DN200 LWQ-200□S 150-2000 W 80-2500 1.6 法兰DN250 LWQ-250□S 200-3000 W 150-3500 1.6 法兰DN300 LWQ-300□S 250-4000 W 200-4000 1.6 法兰仪表分类——————————————1.按仪表功能分类LWQ系列气体涡轮流量计可分为3大类,即:□气体涡轮流量传感器/变送器□智能壹体化气体涡轮流量计□智能温压补偿壹体化气体涡轮流量计2.功能说明■气体涡轮流量传感器/变送器该类涡轮流量产品本身不具备现场显示功能,仅将流量信号远传输出。

□燃气计量专用仪表□油气回收系统专用仪表□始动流量低,可达0.5m3/h,适合贸易结算□高精确度,一般可达±1.5%R、±1.0%R□重复性好,短期重复性可达0.05% - 0.2%□温度、压力实时补偿,直接显示标准状态下流量概述——————————————LWQ型气体涡轮流量传感器是吸取了国内外流量仪表先进技术经过优化设计,综合了气体力学、流体力学、电磁学等理论而自行研制开发的新一代高精度、高可靠性的气体精密计量仪表,具有出色的低压和高压计量性能,多种信号输出方式以及对流体扰动的低敏感性,广泛适用于天然气、煤制气、液化气、轻烃气等气体的计量。
产品特点——————————————·优质合金涡轮,具有更高的稳流和耐腐蚀作用·进口优质专用轴承,使用寿命长·计量室与通气室隔绝,保证了仪表的安全性·流量范围宽(Qmax/Qmin≥20:1),重复性好,精度高(可达1.0级),压力损失小,始动流量低,可达0.6m3/h·仪表具有防爆及防护功能,防爆标志为ExdⅡBT6、ExiaⅡCT6,防护等级为IP65技术参数——————————————1.基本参数:表1仪表口径及连接方式25、40、50、80、100、150、200、250采用法兰连接25、40可采用螺纹连接精度等级±1.5%R、±1%R量程比1:10;1:20;1:30仪表材质表体:304不锈钢;叶轮:防腐ABS或优质铝合金;转换器:铸铝被测介质温度(℃)-30℃~+80℃环境条件介质温度:-30℃~+80℃,相对湿度5%~90%,大气压力86~106Kpa输出信号三线制脉冲频率信号,低电平≤0.8V 高电平≥8V供电电源+12VDC 、+24VDC(可选)信号传输线STVPV3×0.3传输距离≤1000mLWQ系列气体涡轮流量计LWQ gas tuibine flow meter信号线接口内螺纹M20×1.5防爆等级ExdIIBT6防护等级IP652.测量范围及工作压力注1:表2中“标准量程”中标示的测量范围为通用测量范围;(即适用于:LWQ-N/A/B/C/D)表2 公称通径型号标准量扩展耐压安装方式DN25 LWQ-25□——W3 0.5-4 4.0 法兰(螺纹)——W4 0.7-7 4.0——W5 1.5-15 4.0S1 3-30 W1 1.5-30 4.0S2 4-40 W2 2-40 4.0DN40 LWQ-40□S1 5-50 W1 2.5-50 4.0 法兰(螺纹)S2 8-80 W2 4-80 4.0DN50 LWQ-50□S1 10-100 W1 5-100 4.0 法兰S2 15-150 W2 8-150 4.0 法兰DN65 LWQ-65□S 15-200 W 10-200 1.6 法兰DN80 LWQ-80□S 15-300 W1 10-300 1.6 法兰W2 15-350 1.6 法兰DN100 LWQ-100□S 20-400 W1 15-400 1.6 法兰W2 20-500 1.6 法兰DN125 LWQ-125□S 20-800 W1 18-800 1.6 法兰W2 20-900 1.6 法兰DN150 LWQ-150□S 50-1000 W1 25-1000 1.6 法兰W2 50-1200 1.6 法兰DN200 LWQ-200□S 150-2000 W 80-2500 1.6 法兰DN250 LWQ-250□S 200-3000 W 150-3500 1.6 法兰DN300 LWQ-300□S 250-4000 W 200-4000 1.6 法兰仪表分类——————————————1.按仪表功能分类LWQ系列气体涡轮流量计可分为3大类,即:□气体涡轮流量传感器/变送器□智能一体化气体涡轮流量计□智能温压补偿一体化气体涡轮流量计2.功能说明■气体涡轮流量传感器/变送器该类涡轮流量产品本身不具备现场显示功能,仅将流量信号远传输出。

(2) 涡轮流量计的介质:涡轮流量计适用于液体介质,但对介质的粘度有要求。

LWGY基本型涡轮番量传感器(LWGYA型涡轮番量变送器)(LWGYB型涡轮番量计)(LWGYC型涡轮番量计)使用说明书目录一、概括02二、 LWGY基本型涡轮番量传感器02三、 LWGYA型涡轮番量变送器07四、 LWGYB型涡轮番量计08五、 LWGYC型涡轮番量计09六、 LWGYD型涡轮番量计09七、维修和常有故障22八、运输、储存22九、开箱注意事项22十、订货须知23一、概括LWGY 系列涡轮番量传感器 (以下简称传感器) 鉴于力矩均衡原理, 属于速度式流量仪表。
传感器与显示仪表配套使用,合用于丈量关闭管道中无腐化,无纤维、颗粒等杂质,粘度-6 2小于 5× 10 m/s 的液体介质。
二、 LWGY 基本型涡轮番量传感器1.工作原理液体介质流经传感器壳体, 因为叶轮的叶片与流向形成特定的角度, 流体的冲力使叶片拥有转动力矩, 战胜摩擦力矩和流体阻力以后叶片旋转, 在力矩均衡后转速稳固,转速与流速成正比,因为叶片有导磁性,它处于信号检测器的磁场中, 旋转的叶片切割磁力线, 周期性的改变着线圈的磁通量, 进而使线圈两头感觉出电脉冲信号。
信号经过放大器的放大整形, 形成有必定幅度的连续的矩形脉冲波, 可传输至显示仪表, 显示出流体的刹时流量或总量。
在必定流量范围内, 脉冲频次 f 与流经传感器的流体的刹时流量 Q 成正比,流量方程为:Q 3600fk式中:f ——脉冲频次 [Hz] ;k——传感器的仪表系数[1/m 3] 或 [1/L] ;Q ——流体的刹时流量 3或 [L/h] ;[m /h] 3600 ——换算系数;每台传感器的仪表系数 k 略有不一样, 这是由制造厂家经过流量装置实流校验得出,打印于合格证书中。
2.基本参数LWGY □LWGYLWGYA类 型LWGYBLWGYC公 称 通径□□ 说 明基本型: 12VDC 供电,脉冲信号输出,高电平≥ 8V 、 低电平≤。

LWQ 系列气体涡轮流量计是吸取了国内外流量仪表先进技术经过优化设计,综合了气体力学、流体力学、电 磁学等理论而自行研制开发的集温度、压力、流量传感器和智能流量积算仪于一体的新一代高精度、高可靠性的 气体精密计量仪表,具有出色的低压和高压计量性能,多种信号输出方式以及对流体扰动的低敏感性,广泛适用
◆ 大气压力:86KPa~106KPa; ◆ 相对湿度:5%~95%
供电电源 外电源 DC12V-24V
(4~20)mA 标准模拟信号线性对应于(0~Qmax)m /h 标准体积流量, 两线制 具有多点精度修正,同时显示瞬时流量和累计流量双排液晶显示, 方法如下: Q XXXX 四位瞬时流量(m /h) 八位累计流量(m )
② 介质压力最高(1.2MPa) 、温度最低(-5℃)时(处于供气低谷) ,应具有最小标况体积流量: 101.325 273.15 5 3 即 Q min = 3000 × × = 213.51 m /h 101.325 + 1200 293.15 或用下列公式进行估算:
Q min = Qbmin 3000 3 = = 214.3 m /h C 14.0
优质合金涡轮,具有更高的稳流和耐腐蚀作用 进口优质专用轴承,使用寿命长 计量室与通气室隔绝,保证了仪表的安全性 可检测被测气体的温度、压力和流量,能进行流量自动跟踪补偿,并显示标准状态下 (Pb=101.325KPa,Tb=293.15K)的气体体积累积量;可实时查询温度压力数值 3 流量范围宽(Qmax/Qmin≥20:1),重复性好,精度高(可达 1.0 级) ,压力损失小,始动流量低,可达 0.6m /h 智能化仪表系数多点非线性修正 内置式压力、温度传感器,安全性能高、结构紧凑、外形美观 仪表具有防爆及防护功能,防爆标志为 ExdⅡBT6、ExiaⅡCT6, 防护等级为 IP65 系统低功耗工作,一节 3.2V10AH 锂电池可连续使用 3 年以上 仪表系数、累计流量值掉电十年不丢

LWGQ Gas turbine flowmeter使用说明书湖北南控仪表科技有限公司(鄂H制00000124号)1.The generalizabilityLWGQ series gas turbine flowmeter is learned the flow meter at home and abroad advanced technology optimized design, the comprehensive gas mechanics, fluid mechanics, electromagnetism theory by itself to set temperature, pressure, flow sensor is developed and in the integration of intelligent flow totalizer.especially for a new generation of high precision, high reliability gas precision measuring instrument, has a good performance of low pressure and high pressure measurement, multiple way signal output and low sensitivity to the fluid disturbance, is widely used in natural gas, coal gas, liquefied gas and light hydrocarbon gas and gas metering.According to the product by the national anti-explosive products quality inspection department GB3836.2000 the explosive gas environment with electrical equipment part 1: general requirements ", GB3836.2-2000 "explosive gas environment with electrical equipment part 2: flameproof" d ", "and GB3836.4-2000" explosive gas environment with electrical equipment part 4: "I" intrinsically safe "standard inspection, explosion-proof marks for Exd ⅡBT6 (flameproof), Exia ⅡCT6 (Ann). Applicable to contain A and B ⅡⅡ, ⅡC T1 ~ T4 explosive gas mixture temperature classes 0 (only this type) 1, 2, area for the dangerous sites.2.Product features⏹High quality alloy turbine, have higher steady flow and corrosion effect⏹Imported high quality bearing, long service life⏹Measuring room from ventilation chamber, guarantee the safety of the instrument⏹Can be detected by measuring the temperature, pressure, and flow of the gas, can flow automatic trackingcompensation, and displays a standard condition (Pb = 101.325 KPa, Tb = 101.325 K) of gas volume cumulant; Can be real-time query temperature and pressure values⏹Wide range of flow rate (Q max/Q min≥20:1), good repeatability, high precision (up to 1.0), small pressure loss,initiating flow rate is low, can reach 0.6m3/h⏹Intelligent instrument coefficient more nonlinear correction⏹Built-in pressure, temperature sensors, high safety performance, compact structure, beautiful shape⏹Instruments with explosion protection and protective functions, marks for Exd ⅡBT6, Exia ⅡCT6, protectiongrade reaches IP65⏹System low power consumption, section 3.2 V10AH lithium batteries can be use more than 3 years in a row⏹Instrument coefficient, the cumulative flow value power lost decade is not lost3. The working principle ofWhen the fluid flows into the flow of time, under the action of air inlet special-purpose integrated rectifier rectifier and accelerate, due to the turbine blades and the direction of flow at an Angle, the turbine rotational torque, after overcoming friction torque and fluid resistance moment, the turbine to spin. Within the scope of a certain flow, turbine rotating angular velocity is proportional to the fluid volume flow. According to the principle of electromagnetic induction, the use of magnetic sensor signal from coaxial rotation during induction out with fluid volume flow is proportional to the pulse signal, the signal after amplification, filtering, plastic with temperature and pressure sensor signal into micro processing unit of intelligent flow totalizer.especially for processing, and the volume of a gas flow rate and total directly display on the LCD screen.4.Technical parameters:4.1 The basic parameters:4.1.1Table 1specifications Nominal diameter(mm)Flow range(m3/h)Pick up traffic(m3/h)Pressure of work(MPa)Type of installationLWGQ-25 25 (1") 2.5-25 0.6 4.0 Flange (thread)LWGQ-40 40(1.5")5-50 0.8 4.0 Flange (thread)LWGQ-50 50(2")10-100 1 4.0 FlangeLWGQ-80 80(3")20-400 2.5 1.6 FlangeLWGQ-100 100(4") 32-650 2.5 1.6 FlangeLWGQ-150 150(6")50-1000 4 1.6 FlangeLWGQ-200 200(8")130-2500 8 1.6 FlangeLWGQ-250 250(10")200-4000 12 1.6 FlangeLWGQ-300 300(12") 320-6500 16 1.6 Flange4.1.2 Level of accuracy: 1.0, of use:◆The environment temperature:-30℃~+60℃;◆The atmospheric pressure:86KPa~106KPa;◆Medium temperature:-30℃~+80℃;◆Relative humidity:5%~95%4.2Electrical performance indicators:Table 2specifications Display and output Power supply LWGQ- N Low voltage pulse level 1 v or less, high level 5 v, or three wire system External power DC12V-24VLWGQ-A (4 ~ 20 mA) standard linear analog signal corresponds to (0 ~ Qmax) m3 / h standardvolume flow, two wire systemExternal power DC24VLWGQ-B With multipoint correction precision, at the same time show the instantaneous flow andcumulative flow double row liquid crystal display (LCD), as follows:Q XXXX Four instantaneous flow rate(m3/h)XXXXXXXX Eight cumulative flow(m3)Note: the total flow rate since 00.000000 counting, automatic expanding display precision,maximum down to 999999.99. Accumulative total flow rate value can be zero, instrumentcoefficient, the cumulative flow value power lost decade is not lost.3.2 V10AH lithium batteriesLWGQ-C In LWGQ - B (the scene display type) on the basis of adding 4-20 madc current output External power DC24VLWGQ-D In LWGQ - B (the scene display type) with temperature and pressure sensors, flow forautomatic compensation correction arithmetic for different condition. Can query, such astemperature, pressure, battery at the same time. Can output high frequency, low frequencyvoltage pulse signal, and 4-20 madc two wire current signal.3.2 V10AH lithium battery orDC24V power supply4.3Model system:Table 3Model Explain LWGQ □□□Meter Type N Basic, pulse outputA Current output typeB The display typeC Display output type (scene shows + current output)D Temperature, pressure compensation typeMeter diameter25 25mm 40 40mm 50 50mm 65 65mm 80 80mm 100 100mm 150 150mm 200 200mm 250 250mm 300 300mmSensor material NBasic material, high quality aluminum alloy. (the highest pressure: 1.0MPa)S Stainless steel material. (high pressure anti-corrosion type)For example, the model is: LWGQ - C - 50 s of the gas turbine flowmeter, said:Meter diameter of 50 mm, display, output way of live shows, output current sensor is made of stainless steel high pressure gas turbine flow meter.5.Overall dimensionsFlow meter appearance is shown in figure 1, the specific sizes are shown in table4Figure 1Note : as shown in figure 1 as temperature pressure compensation type instrument appearance. With all the model instrument sensor part of the machine and high caliber size.Table 4Model Nominaldiameter mm L D H K n d Bolt specification Conventional pressure MPaLWGQ-25 25 150 115 236 85 4 φ14 M12×50 4.0LWGQ-40 40 150 150 266 110 4 φ18 M16×55 LWGQ-50 50 150 165 285 125 4 φ18 M16×60 LWGQ-65 65 240 185 300 145 4 φ18 M16×65 1.6LWGQ-80 80 240 200 319 160 8 φ18 M16×70 LWGQ-100 100 300 220 337 180 8 φ18 M16×80 LWGQ-150 150 450 285 395 240 8 φ22 M20×80LWGQ-200 200 500 340 448 295 12 φ22 M20×90 LWGQ-250 250 500 403 495 355 12 φ26 M24×90 LWGQ-30030050046054841012φ26M24×1006.Selection of flowmeter6.1 When users in the selection, should according to the nominal pipe pressure, medium to high pressure, medium temperature, medium composition, flow range and signal output requires reasonable selection of flowmeter type specification.6.2 In order to make the use of the flowmeter performance is the best, the use of the flowmeter flow range should be within the scope of Qmax (20% ~ 20%) is more appropriate.6.3 Meter factory of signal output mode: working condition of the pulse signal output (three-wire system), the standard traffic signal output or RS - 485 communication (IC) output. If you want have other output function, when ordering, please .6.4 Selection of instanceKnown to the actual working pressure of a gas pipeline pressure) (table 0.8 MPa to 1.2 MPa, mediumtemperature range is 5 ℃ ~ + 40 ℃, the throughput of 3000 ~ 8000 nm3 / h (standard of traffic), without taking into consideration under the condition of gas composition, requirement of the specifications of the flowmeter.Analysis: the description given in table 1 flow range for the working condition of flow range, and in this case theflow range is given in the standard condition flow range, therefore, must according to the gas side Mr. Cheng will flow in the conversion of flow condition, and then choose the appropriate diameter. Gas equation is as follows : 2Z gb bb bF C Q =ZZ T P T P Q =Q······ Type in the :Q b —— Standard of flow ,m 3/h ;Q —— Working condition of traffic ,m 3/h ;C * —— Scaling factor. (look-up table, a table is only for type selection reference when conversion)gbz Z Z =F —— Gas compressibility factor, according to China national petroleum corporation SY/T 6143-1996 standard.The data in table b is for reference only, the data according to the true relative density of natural gas Gr = 0.600, nitrogen and carbon dioxide mole fraction were calculated as 0.00, when the medium pressure below 0.5 MPa, Zb/deal in mid-december, = 1.00 estimate. Calculation ::① when the pressure of the medium low temperature (0.8 MPa), high (+ 40 ℃) when (in the gas peak), should have the biggest case volume flow (can not consider the effect of FZ, model selection of the local atmospheric pressure of 101.325 kPa):Namely 965.472=293.1540+273.15×800+101.325101.325×8000=T T ·P P Q =Q b b maxb max m 3/h Estimation of or use the following formula (type, C * as the conversion factor, check appendix table a):960.38=8.338000=C Q =Q bmax max m 3/h ② Medium pressure was highest (1.2 MPa), the lowest temperature (5 ℃) (in gas trough), should have aminimum standard of volume flow :Namely 213.51=293.155273.15×1200+101.325101.325×3000=Q min m 3/hEstimation of or use the following formula : 214.3=14.03000=C Q =Q bmin min m 3/h Selection :learn from the above estimates that want to choose the flowmeter its working flow range is (213.5 ~ 965.472m3 / h), by table 1 check, choose the meter models for LWGQ - 150.According to the gas equation of scaling factor C * valuesTable aC * P T MPa0.01 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65(℃)-20 1.27 1.70 2.30 2.87 3.34 4.02 4.59 5.16 5.73 6.30 6.87 7.44 8.02 8.59 -15 1.25 1.70 2.26 2.82 3.38 3.94 4.50 5.06 5.62 6.18 6.74 7.30 7.86 8.42 -10 1.22 1.66 2.21 2.76 3.31 3.86 4.41 4.96 5.51 6.60 6.61 7.16 7.71 8.26 -5 1.20 1.63 2.17 2.71 3.25 3.79 4.33 4.87 5.41 5.95 6.49 7.03 7.57 8311 0 1.18 1.60 2.13 2.66 3.19 3.72 4.25 4.78 5.31 5.84 6.37 6.90 7.43 7.96 51.16 1.572.09 2.613.13 3.654.17 4.695.21 5.736.25 6.777.29 7.81 10 1.14 1.55 2.06 2.57 3.08 3.59 4.10 4.61 5.12 5.63 6.14 6.66 7.17 7.68 15 1.12 1.52 2.02 2.52 3.03 3.53 4.03 4.53 5.03 5.54 6.04 6.54 7.04 7.54 20 1.10 1.49 1.99 2.48 2.97 3.47 3.96 4.45 4.95 5.44 5.93 6.43 6.92 7.42 25 1.08 1.47 1.95 2.44 2.92 3.41 3.89 4.38 4.86 5.35 5.84 6.32 6.81 7.29 30 1.06 1.44 1.92 2.40 2.88 3.35 3.83 4.31 4.78 5.26 5.74 6.22 6.69 7.17 35 1.05 1.42 1.89 2.36 2.83 3.30 3.77 4.24 4.71 5.18 5.65 6.12 6.58 7.05 40 1.03 1.40 1.86 2.32 2.78 3.25 3.71 4.17 4.63 5.095.566.02 6.48 6.9445 1.01 1.38 1.83 2.29 2.74 3.19 3.65 4.10 4.56 5.01 5.47 5.92 6.38 6.83 50 1.00 1.35 1.80 2.25 2.70 3.15 3.59 4.04 4.49 4.94 5.38 5.83 6.28 6.73C* T P MPa0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 2.00 2.50 3.00 4.00(℃) -20 9.16 9.73 10.3 10.9 11.4 12.0 12.6 14.9 17.2 19.4 24.0 29.7 35.4 46.9 -15 8.98 9.54 10.1 10.7 11.2 11.8 12.3 14.6 16.8 19.1 23.6 29.1 34.8 46.0 -10 8.81 9.36 9.91 10.5 11.0 11.6 12.1 14.3 16.5 18.7 23.1 28.6 34.1 45.1 -5 8.65 9.19 9.72 10.3 10.8 11.3 11.9 14.0 16.2 18.4 22.7 28.1 34.5 44.3 0 8.49 9.20 9.55 10.1 10.6 11.1 11.7 13.8 15.9 18.0 22.3 27.6 32.9 43.4 5 8.33 8.86 9.38 9.90 10.4 10.9 11.5 13.5 15.6 17.7 21.9 27.1 32.3 42.1 10 8.19 8.70 9.21 9.72 10.2 10.7 11.3 13.3 15.3 17.4 21.5 26.6 31.7 41.9 15 8.05 8.55 9.05 9.55 10.1 10.6 11.1 13.1 15.1 17.1 21.1 26.1 31.1 41.2 20 7.91 8.40 8.90 9.39 9.88 10.4 10.9 12.8 14.8 16.8 20.7 25.7 30.6 40.5 25 7.78 8.26 8.75 9.23 9.72 10.2 10.7 12.6 14.6 16.5 20.4 25.2 30.6 39.8 30 7.65 8.12 8.60 9.08 9.56 10.0 10.5 12.4 14.3 16.2 20.1 24.8 30.1 39.1 35 7.52 7.99 8.46 8.93 9.40 9.87 10.3 12.2 14.1 16.0 19.7 24.4 29.6 38.5 40 7.40 7.87 8.33 8.79 9.25 9.71 10.3 12.0 13.9 15.7 19.4 24.0 29.1 37.9 45 7.29 7.47 8.20 8.65 9.11 9.56 10.3 11.8 13.7 15.5 19.1 23.7 28.6 37.3 50 7.17 7.62 8.07 8.52 8.96 9.11 9.86 11.7 13.4 15.2 18.8 23.3 27.8 36.7Note::1.The value in the table to the local atmospheric pressure of 101.325 KPa to calculate;2.Pressure for the tableFz values of gas compressibility factorTable a tFz ℃)P(M P a)-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 250.50 1.0088 1.0083 1.0078 1.0073 1.0069 1.0065 1.0061 1.0058 1.0054 1.00511.00 1.0180 1.0169 1.0159 1.0149 1.0140 1.0132 1.0124 1.0117 1.0110 1.01031.50 1.0276 1.0258 1.0242 1.0227 1.0213 1.0200 1.0188 1.0176 1.0166 1.01562.00 1.0375 1.0351 1.0328 1.0307 1.0287 1.0269 1.0252 1.0237 1.0222 1.02092.50 1.0479 1.0446 1.0416 1.0389 1.0363 1.0340 1.0318 1.0298 1.0280 1.02633.00 1.0587 1.0546 1.0508 1.0473 1.0441 1.0412 1.0385 1.0360 1.0337 1.03163.50 1.0700 1.0649 1.0602 1.0560 1.0521 1.0485 1.0453 1.0423 1.0396 1.03704.00 1.0818 1.0756 1.0699 1.0648 1.0602 1.0506 1.0521 1.0486 1.0454 1.04254.50 1.0941 1.0866 1.0799 1.0739 1.0685 1.0635 1.0591 1.0550 1.0513 1.04795.00 1.1069 1.0980 1.0902 1.0831 1.0768 1.0712 1.0660 1.0614 1.0571 1.05335.50 1.1201 1.1089 1.1006 1.0926 1.0853 1.0789 1.0730 1.0678 1.0630 1.05876.00 1.0339 1.1218 1.1113 1.1021 1.0939 1.0866 1.0800 1.0741 1.0688 1.06406.50 1.0480 1.1342 1.1222 1.1117 1.1025 1.0943 1.0870 1.0805 1.0746 1.06937.00 1.1624 1.1467 1.1332 1.1214 1.1111 1.1020 1.0943 1.0867 1.0803 1.07457.50 1.1770 1.1593 1.1442 1.1311 1.1197 1.1097 1.1008 1.0929 1.0859 1.07968.00 1.1917 1.1719 1.1551 1.1407 1.1282 1.1172 1.1075 1.0990 1.0913 1.08457.Install and use7.1 The installation of the flowmeter • Before installation, the pipe must purge clean to prevent residual iron affect the normal operation of flowmeter. •Before installation, the use of tiny air blows the turbine, the turbine can flexible rotation, no random noise, counter rotating is normal, uninterrupted card lag phenomenon, the flowmeter can be used to install. • Flow meter in the middle of the flange and pipe flanges to add sealing washer.•Meter shall be equipped with filters, temperament is dirty places should be equipped with oil filter, before you place an order, can order to me at the same time, it is strictly prohibited to filter and flowmeter directly connected. • Meter shall be added by the valve before, during, and after installation. • Flange joint pipe Canon place there should be no protrusions.•Flow meter installed, it is strictly prohibited in the import and export directly for welding flange, so as not to burn out flowmeter internal parts. •Meter should be installed in easy maintenance, strong electromagnetic interference and mechanical vibration and thermal radiation effects ; •Flowmeter is unfavorable with frequent interruptions in the flow and strong pulsation flow or pressure pulsation of the occasion ; •Flow meter outdoor installation, should be the upper cover, to prevent rain water immersion and strong sunlight affect the service life of the meter ; •Flow meter can be installed in horizontal or vertical, the fluid flow direction should be consistent with the direction of the logo on the shell, should guarantee the upstream of the flow meter is not less than 10 dn straight pipe, after the table is not less than 5 dn straight pipe. •In order not to affect the normal fluid transportation, it is suggested that according to the figure 2 by-pass pipe installation, must close the by-pass pipe valve when normal use.tFz ℃)P (M P a )30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 0.50 1.00481.0046 1.0043 1.0041 1.0039 1.0036 1.0034 1.0032 1.0031 1.0029 1.00 1.0097 1.0092 1.0087 1.0082 1.0077 1.0073 1.0069 1.0065 1.0061 1.0058 1.50 1.0147 1.0138 1.0130 1.0123 1.0116 1.0109 1.0103 1.0097 1.0091 1.00862.00 1.0197 1.0185 1.0174 1.0164 1.0154 1.0145 1.0137 1.0129 1.0121 1.0114 2.50 1.0247 1.0231 1.0217 1.0204 1.0192 1.0181 1.0170 1.0160 1.0151 1.01423.00 1.0297 1.0278 1.0261 1.0245 1.0230 1.0216 1.0203 1.0191 1.0180 1.0169 3.50 1.0347 1.0325 1.0305 1.0286 1.0268 1.0252 1.0236 1.0222 1.0208 1.01964.00 1.0397 1.0372 1.0348 1.0326 1.0305 1.0286 1.0269 1.0252 1.0236 1.0222 4.50 1.0447 1.0418 1.0391 1.0366 1.0343 1.0321 1.0301 1.0282 1.0264 1.02475.00 1.0497 1.0464 1.0434 1.0405 1.0379 1.0355 1.0332 1.0311 1.0291 1.0272 5.50 1.0547 1.0510 1.0476 1.0444 1.0415 1.0388 1.0363 1.0339 1.0317 1.02976.00 1.0596 1.0555 1.0517 1.0483 1.0450 1.0420 1.0393 1.0367 1.0343 1.0320 6.50 1.0644 1.0599 1.0558 1.0520 1.0485 1.0452 1.0422 1.0394 1.0368 1.03437.00 1.0692 1.0643 1.0598 1.0557 1.0519 1.0483 1.0451 1.0420 1.0392 1.0365 7.50 1.0738 1.0686 1.0637 1.0593 1.0552 1.0514 1.0478 1.0446 1.0415 1.03878.001.07481.07271.06751.06271.05831.05431.05051.04701.04381.0407旁通管线前直管段≥10D N流量计过滤器气流入口后直管段≥5D N 图2 旁通管道安装图•In pipeline construction, should consider to install the expansion pipe or bellows, lest cause serious tension or the flowmeter ;• Should ensure that pipe connected to the flow meter of the entry and exit coaxial, and prevent the washer and weld, into the pipe or you will disrupt the flow profile ;• When external power is adopted, the meter must be reliable grounding, but not with the high voltage system common ground; Pipeline installation or maintenance may, at the time of the ground and flowmeter lap welding system ;• Pipeline installation of sealing pressure testing, flowmeter pressure sensor should be paid attention to are the highest pressure (that is, the maximum pressure of medium) on the calibration certificate, so as not to damage the pressure sensor.7.2 The use of the flowmeter 7.2.1 Matters needing attention •The maximum leakage pressure in low pressure table :≤1.0Mpa ,t emperature pressure compensation type leakage pressure no more than three times the upper limit value of the pressure sensor. High pressure casing according to 1.2 times the rated flow pressure leak detection. •After installation leak test and installation shall comply with the following rules : ① Turn off gas valve and the inlet valve.② Slightly open vent valve, and then slowly open the inlet valve, make the table start slowly, then slowly open the vent valve, make the reach normal operation state, to prevent sudden start, damage to the core.③ At the time of stopping air, need to close the vent valve, then close the inlet valve, each time you start all should abide by the rules.•Flow meter installed after use, not to touch the bolt, screw, nut fasteners, such as to avoid danger such as leakage, damage.•Flow meter movement (temperament clean) should be once every six months for cleaning maintenance;(temperament is dirtier) should be cleaning maintenance once a month.•If the movement after breakdown maintenance, to be put into use, sealing test should be carried out according to the maximum pressure first. And to the oil in the note number T4 precision instrument movement or transformer oil. 7.2.1 LWGQ(basic) wiring instructions:V + red line, green line for power V -, yellow line as the signal wire, metal wire is shielded wire.7.2.2 LWGQ-A (type) output current: two wire output current;7.2.3LWGQ-B\Ctype gas turbine operating instructions1、Panel displayOn the instantaneous flow, discharge cumulative flow; "Settings" indicating instrument SettingsThe top right corner there is hidden dry reed pipe is used to reset the cumulative flow, the function can be through the parameter configuration2、Parameter tablesymbol name Value range address noteoA 0~9999 100(H) Note 1 passwordParameters of group 1 (password by "code" : menu password)symbol name Value range The default value address note in-d 0~4 3 :0000.0 110(H) Note 2 The instantaneous flow decimal point positionP-d 0~4 4 :00000. 111(H) Note 2 The flow coefficient of the decimal point positionPLuA 60~99999 360 112(H)A number of pulse flow metering unitF-H 0~1 1 113(H) Note 3 The instantaneous flow metering unit of timeFLtr 1~20 1 114(H) Note 4 Digital filtering time constantcHo 0~99999 50 115(H)Small signal thresholdin-A -999.99~999.99 unit:Hz 116(H)Zero valueFi 0.0001~9.9999 1.0000 117(H)Full revised(Not to take effect)c-b 0:oFF∕1:on 0:OFF 118(H) Note 5 Line function to chooseParameters in group 2 (password by "code" : menu password)symbol name value range the default value address note cLr1 0:oFF∕1:on 1 :ON 120(H) Note 8“▼”key manually resetcLr2 0:oFF∕1:on 1 :ON 121(H) Note 8 Dry reed pipe manually resetcodE 0~9999 1111 122(H) Note 1 Menu passwordLov 0~99999999 0 123(H)Initial value(Not to take effect)Group 3 parameters (password by "code" : menu password)symbol name value range address note Line 1 point measurements0~99999 130(H)Line 1 point measurements0~99999 131(H)Line 2 point measurements0~99999 132(H)Line 3 point measurements0~99999 133(H)Line 3 point measurements0~99999 134(H)Line 4 point measurements0~99999 135(H)Line 4point measurements0~99999 136(H)Line 5 point measurements0~99999 137(H)Line 5 point measurements0~99999 138(H)Line 6 point measurements0~99999 139(H)Line 6point measurements0~99999 13A(H)Line 6 point measurements0~99999 13B(H)Line 7 point measurements0~99999 13C(H)Line 7point measurements0~99999 13D(H)Line 8point measurements0~99999 13E(H)Line 8point measurements0~99999 13F(H)Note 1: password is set with level 1 menu password parameters "code" is the same, can enter each parameter Settings; See the back of the instructions detailed setting method.Note 2: 0 ~ 4 sequence corresponds to:0.0000,00.000,000.00,0000.0,00000.Note 3: 0, 1, respectively: l/m ,m3/hNote 4: used to overcome the signal showed fluctuations caused by unstable, the larger the value set, the stronger the effect, but the slower reflect to the change of the input signal.Note 5:0 (OFF) : close polyline correction; 1 (on) : use line correctionNote 6: only when c - b set to on, can enter line correction parameter setNote7: 0 (OFF) : banned manual reset; 1 (on) : allow manual reset3、Parameter Settings:(in-d)――The instantaneous flow decimal point location selectionAccording to the sensor maximum range to choose from(P-d),(PLuA)――According to the maximum range of the sensor, determine the instantaneous flow instrument showsbottom represent flow value, namely a flow measurement units. Again according to the average flow coefficient, to determine a flow unit of measurement of the pulse number.(F-H)――The instantaneous flow metering unit of timeCan respectively by the hour, minute and unit for cumulative rise, cubic meters,mutual collocation,、closelyrelated with, parameter Settings(FLtr)――Digital filtering time constantUsed to overcome the signal showed fluctuations caused by unstable, the larger the value set, the stronger the effect, but the slower reflect to the change of the input signal.(cHo)――Small signal threshold, the factory is set to 0If the instantaneous flow rate is less than the threshold value, then press 0 processing(in-A)――Zero value, factory Settings is commonly 0(Fi)――Full revised, factory Settings is 1.0000Through zero with revised correction instrument sampling, (of the input pulse meter rarely use this parameter), in which the parameters of "Fi" not to take effect(Lov)――Initial valueCumulative flow after reset or exceed the limit that the starting value, it is not effective4、8Section line operation functionWhen due to the nonlinear error of flow sensor, measurement accuracy can not meet the requirement of the application, can consider to use the 8 section of line operation function of instrument.Will instrument group 1 parameter in parameter is set to 1,open the function of line operation, 8 period ofline of value by ~ 、 and ~ this 16 parameters setting,Sensor data table usually has two forms, one kind is the instantaneous flow rate and frequency table, can be used directly. Another kind is the instantaneous flow and flow coefficient table, need to flow in the conversion coefficient of frequency, such as the flow coefficient of the 20 m3 / h when 17810 pulses/frequency of 20 x 17810÷3600 = 98.94 Hz~ :Said from low to high frequency values of each point~ :Said with ~ various frequency values corresponding to the instantaneous flow valuesFrequency values of the decimal point position set by parameters of group 1, should pay attention to theinstantaneous flow values measuring unit of time should be consistent with the parameter selection of5、The number of unit impulse SettingsPulse output flow sensor generally provides maximum range and the average flow coefficient, flow and the flow coefficient under different flow rate or the corresponding pulse frequency. Due to the nonlinear sensor has certain, when high precision required, 8 section polyline function available instrument.When using the instrument of 8 section polyline function, has nothing to do with,parameters.8 of general application, do not use the instrument line function, according to the maximum range and the average flow coefficient and parameters.First of all, based on maximum range, determine the instantaneous flow instrument shows bottom represent flow value, namely a flow measurement units. Again according to the average flow rate coefficient, to determine a flow unit of measurement of the pulse number.Example: the flow sensor range from 0.1 to 0.1 m3 / h, flow coefficient for an average of 19932 pulses/m3Instrument the instantaneous flow rate by ☐.☐☐☐m3∕h according to the flow metering unit 1 is 0.001 m3, corresponding to the pulse number is 19932×0.001=19.93≈19.93 Should be set= 00.00, = 19.936、The key that NameExplainThe measured value display window• Liquid crystal display various instrument information The operation key Set the button●• Measurement mode, press enter setup state•Settings, press, according to the code into the correspondingparameter set or return to the measurement stateleft-click◄• Invalid measurement condition• Settings, press into the current state parameter changes • Modify current parameters change state ,Mobile changes Identify buttonMOD• Invalid measurement condition• Set state, the order to choose the other parameters•The current parameter modification conditions, deposited in themodified parameter valueIncrease the button▲• Invalid measurement condition• Current parameter modification condition, increase the type parametervalues or change SettingsReduce the button▼•Measurement condition, the total flow rate reset (related to theparameters)•Current parameter modification condition, reduce the type parameter values or change Settings7、Parameter setup instructions Password method① Press ● key, enter setup status, the line shows②Press ◄ enter a state of parameter modification,in ▲ button 、 ▼ button 、 ◄ button Cooperation will discharge the password value is amended as "level 1 menu password" or "secondary menu password" parameter values ③Press the MOD button, the password set up, right into the corresponding menu groups ★ Password when the power on the instrument will be reset automatically 8、Parameter setting method① Prior to set the parameters according to the above method to set the password, the password is set correctly, the instrument will enter the corresponding menu groups② Press the MOD order select need to set parameters, display parameters on the symbol, discharge shows the current parameter values③ Press ◄ enter a state of parameter modification, flashing for modification④ Move through the ◄ key changes, ▲ button 、 ▲ button 、Increase or decrease in value, the parameter is modified to desired values⑤ Press MOD keys, deposited in the modified parameter values, and go to the next parameter Repeat step ② ~ ⑤,the other parameters can be set up this groupEnter the Settings for 1 minute without key, the instrument will automatically return to the state of measurement and password reset To exit setup:In the condition of setting, press ● key until the return to measuring condition。
智能气体涡轮流量计 使用说明书

智能气体涡轮流量计使用说明书目录一、概述 (1)二、主要特征 (1)三、技术性能 (1)四、选型与安装 (3)五、安装注意事项 (7)注意!●安装使用前,请仔细阅读本说明书理解各项内容,以便能正确的安装、电路连接、运行操作和保养维护等。


流体流经传感器壳体,由于叶轮的叶片与流向有一定的角度,流体的冲力使叶片具有转动力矩,克服摩擦力矩和流体阻力之后叶片旋转,在力矩平衡后转速稳定,在一定的条件下,转速与流速成正比,由于叶片有导磁性,它处于信号检测器(由永久磁钢和线圈组成)的磁场中,旋转的叶片切割磁力线,周期性的改变着线圈的磁通量,从而使线圈两端感应出电 脉冲信号,此信号经过放大器的放大整形,形成有一定幅度的连续的矩形脉冲波,可远传至显示仪表,显示出流体的瞬时流量和累计量。
在一定的流量范围内,脉冲频率f 与流经传感器的流体的瞬时流量Q 成正比,流量方程为:kf Q ⨯=3600 式中:f ——脉冲频率[Hz];k ——传感器的仪表系数[1/m 3],由校验单给出。
若以[1/L]为单位kf Q ⨯=6.3Q——流体的瞬时流量(工作状态下)[m3/h];3600——换算系数。

编号:3201LWGY型涡轮流量传感器使用说明书开封仪表厂2002.12目录1 功能、用途和适用范例围-------------------------------------------------------------------------⑴1.2 功能、用途--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------⑴1.3 适用范围-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------⑴1.4 使用环境条件-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------⑴1.5 工作条件-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------⑴1.6 安全-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------⑴2 产品型式和组成-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------⑴2.1 型式-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------⑵2.2 组成-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------⑵3 结构特征与工作原理-------------------------------------------------------------------------------⑶3.1 结构特征-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------⑶3.2 工作原理-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------⑶3.3 涡轮放大器原理及接线图--------------------------------------------------------------------------⑸4 基本参数与技术性能-------------------------------------------------------------------------------⑼4.1 执行专业标准-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------⑼4.2 基本参数与性能指标--------------------------------------------------------------------------------⑼5 安装、使用和调整----------------------------------------------------------------------------------⑽5.1 安装、管路配置--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------⑽5.2 安装尺寸-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------⑽5.3 安装、使用条件--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------⑿5.4 使用和调整--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------⒀6 维修和常见故障排除-------------------------------------------------------------------------------⒁7 运输、贮存-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------⒁8 开箱及检查-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------⒂9 附注----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------⒂10 订货须知----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------⒂LWGY型涡轮流量传感器1 功能、用途和适用范围1.1 特点:本产品基于力矩平衡原理,属于速度式流量仪表。

注:1、法兰连接尺寸按JB/T 81-1994或JB/T 79-1994。
4、外形尺寸及安装4.1外形尺寸1、公称通径DN15~25(公称压力PN6.3Mpa 见图2,表3)2.公称通径DN40~80,在公称压力PN1.6Mpa和PN2.5Mpa时,法兰连接尺寸DN100~200中,带括号者为公称压力PN2.5Mpa的法兰尺寸。

在一定的流量范围内,脉冲频率f 与流经传感器的流体的瞬时流量Q 成正比,流量方程为:kf Q ⨯=3600 式中:f ——脉冲频率[Hz];k ——传感器的仪表系数[1/m 3],由校验单给出。
若以[1/L]为单位kfQ ⨯=6.3 Q ——流体的瞬时流量(工作状态下)[m 3/h]; 3600——换算系数。
每台传感器的仪表系数由制造厂填写在检定证书中,k 值设入配套的显示仪表中,便可显示出瞬时流量和累积总量。
1.公称通径:(4~200)mm 基本参数见表一;2.介质温度:(-20~80)℃;分体型(-20~120)℃;3.环境温度:(-20~55)℃;4.准 确 度:±0.2%、±0.5%、±1%;5.检出器信号传输线制:三线制电压脉冲(三芯屏蔽电缆);6.供电电源:电压:12V ±0.144V, 电流:≤10mA ;7.输出电压幅值:高电平≥8V ,低电平≤0.8V ;8.传输距离:传感器至显示仪表的距离可达1000m ;9.现场显示型供电电源:3.6V (锂电池供电,可连续使用3年以上); 10.显示方式:现场液晶显示瞬时流量和累计流量;11.现场显示带信号输出供电电源:24V ;4~20mA 两线制电流输出;传感器的安装方式根据规格不同,采用螺纹或法兰连接,安装方式见图一、图二、图三、图四、图五;安装尺寸见表二。

LWGY涡轮流量计使用说明书 电话:021-51696800 传真:021-63294342 http://www.fanyangjidian.com
LWGY涡轮流量计使用说明书 电话:021-51696800 传真:021-63294342 http://www.fanyangjidian.com
LWGY涡轮流量计使用说明书 电话:021-51696800 传真:021-63294342 http://www.fanyangjidian.com
LWGY涡轮流量计使用说明书 电话:021-51696800 传真:021-63294342 http://www.fanyangjidian.com
Shanghai Fan Yang Mechanical and Electrical Co.,Ltd
LWGY涡轮流量计使用说明书 电话:021-51696800 传真:021-63294342 http://www.fanyangjidian.com
LWGY涡轮流量计使用说明书 电话:021-51696800 传真:021-63294342 http://www.fanyangjidian.com
LWGY涡轮流量计使用说明书 电话:021-51696800 传真:021-63294342 http://www.fanyangjidian.com
LWGY涡轮流量计使用说明书 电话:021-51696800 传真:021-63294342 http://www.fanyangjidian.com
LWGY涡轮流量计使用说明书 电话:021-51696800 传真:021-63294342 http://www.fanyangjidian.com

2.产品特点⏹优质铝合金涡轮,具有更高的稳流和耐腐蚀作用⏹专用轴承,使用寿命长⏹计量室与通气室隔绝,保证了仪表的安全性⏹可检测被测气体的温度、压力和流量,能进行流量自动跟踪补偿,并显示标准状态下(P b=101.325KPa,T b=293.15K)的气体体积累积量;可实时查询温度压力数值⏹流量范围宽(Q max/Q min≥20:1),重复性好,精度高(可达1.0级),压力损失小,始动流量低,可达0.6m3/h⏹智能化仪表系数多点非线性修正⏹内置式压力、温度传感器,安全性能高、结构紧凑、外形美观⏹仪表具有防爆及防护功能,防爆标志为ExdⅡBT6、ExiaⅡCT6,防护等级为IP65⏹系统低功耗工作,一节3.2V10AH锂电池可连续使用3年以上⏹仪表系数、累计流量值掉电十年不丢3. 工作原理当流体流入流量计时,在进气口专用一体化整流器的作用下得到整流并加速,由于涡轮叶片与流体流向成一定角度,此时涡轮产生转动力矩,在克服摩擦力矩和流体阻力矩后,涡轮开始旋转。
LWGQ 气体涡轮流量计使用说明书

CX CX--TFM TFM--LWQ LWQ 气 体 涡 轮 流 量 计使用使用说明书说明书目录1、概述1.1搬运时应注意的事项1.2存放应注意的事项1.3选择安装地点应注意的事项1.4限制使用无线电收发机应注意的事项1.5防爆型仪表安装注意事项2、技术性能2.1气体涡轮流量传感器的技术性能2.2LRT-I现场显示表(锂电池供电)的技术性能2.3LRT-Ⅱ现场显示表(外供电)的技术性能2.4LRT-Ⅲ现场显示表(外供电)的技术性能3、结构与工作原理3.1气体涡轮流量传感器的基本结构3.2工作原理4、外形尺寸及安装4.1外形尺寸4.2安装5、接线5.1放大器及现场显示表的接线5.2应用举例6、LRT-I和LRT-Ⅱ现场显示表的安装和操作6.1LRT-I、LRT-Ⅱ现场显示表的安装6.2LRT-I、LRT-Ⅱ现场显示表的结构和功能6.3参数设定步骤6.4锂电池更换(仅LRT-I)7、LRT-Ⅲ现场显示表的安装和操作7.1LRT-Ⅲ现场显示表的安装7.2LRT-Ⅲ现场显示表的结构和功能7.3显示段中的内容7.4参数设定步骤7.5报警数字显示模式8、流量传感器的维护9、流量传感器故障及故障排除方法装箱单1、概述本说明书叙述了LWGQ气体涡轮流量计的标准技术规格、型号及其安装、操作和维护。

·优质合金涡轮,具有更高的稳流和耐腐蚀作用 ·进口优质专用轴承,使用寿命长 ·计量室与通气室隔绝,保证了仪表的安全性 ·流量范围宽(Qmax/Qmin≥20:1),重复性好,精度高(可达 1.0 级),压力损失小,始动流量低,可
达 0.6m3/h ·仪表具有防爆及防护功能,防爆标志为 ExdⅡBT6、ExiaⅡCT6, 防护等级为 IP65
内螺纹 M20×1.5 ExdIIBT6 IP65
注 1:表 2 中“标准量程”中标示的测量范围为通用测量范围;(即适用于:LWQ-N/A/B/C/D)
LWQ-A-□型 无现场显示 工况 4-20mA
一体化智能仪表,采用双排液晶现场显示,具有机构紧凑、读数直观 清晰、可靠性高、不受外界电源干扰、抗雷击、成本低等明显优点。
显示方式 同时显示工作状态下的瞬时流量、总累积流量
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基本误差 2.5%
1.5~7.5 6~42
公称压力 最大压力损失
1 6.3
-20~+120℃ -20~+60℃ ≤95%
表 2-2 MLWGQ 型气体涡轮流量传感器型号和规格代号表
【例】 LWGQ-50AIC2/EX/NT 其涵义是:涡轮式流量计,通径 DN50,精度 1.0%,4~20mA 模拟输出,额定工作压力小于 1.6Mpa,有防爆要求,常温。 输出:
脉冲:普通放大器 LWF-T; 防爆放大器 FHX-11A 模拟输出 4~20mA:普通型 LWA-11; 防爆型 BHX-11C
5、接线 5.1 放大器及现场显示表的接线 5.2 应用举例
6、流量传感器的维护 7、流量传感器故障及故障排除方法 装箱单
1、 概述
本说明书叙述了 LWGQ 气体涡轮流量计的标准技术规格、型号及其安装、操作和维护。请在使用前阅读本手册。但在手册中没有 叙述用户的不同特点,也未对每一次的技术规格、结构或部件的修改作订正,因为有些修改不会对仪器的功能和操作有影响。
P....................... I....................... T....................... M....................... C.......................
±1.0%(1:10) 脉冲输出 4~20mA 输出 现场瞬时/累积流量指示(LRT-Ⅰ,电池供电) 脉冲/4~20mA 输出和现场瞬时/累积显示(LRT-Ⅱ) 自动温压补偿,脉冲/4~20mA 输出和现场显示
基本误差 1%
基本误差 1.5%
8.4~84 16.8~168
34~340 51~510 98~980 170~1700 230~2300 400~4000
8.4~160 16.8~336
34~680 51~1020 98~1960 170~2550 230~3450 400~6000
PN1.6MPa PN2.5Mpa PN4.0Mpa PN6.3Mpa* PN16Mpa* PN25Mpa* PN40Mpa*
防爆等级 Ex ib Ⅰ(脉冲,模拟)
或 Ex dⅡ BT4(LRT-1)
注:1、法兰连接尺寸按 JB/T 81-1994 或 JB/T 79-1994。
C1.................. C2.................. C3.................. C4.................. C5.................. C6.................. C7..................
显示温度、压力、瞬时流量(标况、工况)、累计流量(标况、工况) 输出:
脉冲 4~20mA 模拟 记忆功能:断电时,所有数据仍保留 记录功能(可选):可追溯 1 年内的历史记录(时间、流量、温度和压力) 误差修正:自动温度压力补偿运算,分段修正 通信(可选):RS485 外壳类别:IP65,防水,防尘 防爆等级:Ex dⅡBT4 重量:1.8kg
LWGQ 型气体涡轮流量计是一种精密流量测量仪表,与相应的流量积算仪表、现场显示表等配套可用于测量液体的流量和总量。 它被广泛用于石油、化工、冶金、科研等领域的计量、控制系统。尤其适用于天然气、干煤气、压缩空气等的测量。
1.1 搬运时应注意的事项 为防止受到损坏,流量计在搬运到用户使用地点之前请使用原包装。
说明 涡轮流量仪表 传感器
2、 技术性能
2.1 气体涡轮流量传感器的技术性能 气体涡轮流量传感器的公称通径、流量范围、流体温度、公称压力、环境温度、相对湿度、最大压力损失见表 2-1.型号、规格代
码表见表 2-2 表 2-1
型号 规格
LWGQ-15 LWGQ-25 LWGQ-40 LWGQ-50 LWGQ-80 LWGQ-100 LWGQ-150 LWGQ-200 LWGQ-250 LWGQ-300
流量%、瞬时流量、累计流量有 6 种组合显示方式 输出:脉冲或 4~20mA 记忆功能:断电时,所有数据仍保留 误差修正:分段修正 外壳防护:IP65,防水,防尘 防爆等级:Ex dⅡBT4 重量:1.8kg 2.4 LRT-Ⅲ现场显示表(外供电)的技术性能 精确度:
瞬时流量:读数的 0.5% 累计流量:读数的 0.1% 环境温度:-20~60℃ 介质温度:-20~120℃ *根据防爆温度组别决定介质温度 环境湿度:相对湿度 5~100%(不允许有结露现象) 放大器外壳组件的材料:ZL104 铝合金材料 电源:+24V DC±4.8V DC 显示:3 行 LCD 及工程单位显示
流量%、瞬时流量、累计流量有 6 种组合显示方式 输出:无输出 记忆功能:断电时,所有数据仍保留 误差修正:分段修正 外壳防护:IP65,防水,防尘 防爆等级:Ex dⅡBT4 重量:1.5kg 2.3 LRT-Ⅱ现场显示表(锂电池供电)的技术性能 精确度:
瞬时流量:读数的 0.5% 累计流量:读数的 0.1% 环境温度:-20~60℃ 介质温度:-20~120℃ *根据防爆温度组别决定介质温度 环境湿度:相对湿度 5~100%(不允许有结露现象) 外壳组件的材料:ZL104 铸铝合金 电源:+24VDC 显示:6 位 LCD 及工程单位显示
-15................................. -25................................. -40................................. -50................................. -80................................. -100................................ -150................................ -200................................ -250................................ -300................................
15mm(管螺纹 G1″) 25mm(管螺纹 G11/4″) 40mm(法兰型) 50mm(法兰型) 80mm(法兰型) 100mm(法兰型) 150mm(法兰型) 200mm(法兰型) 250mm(法兰型) 300mm(法兰型)
A........................... ±2.5%(DN15,25)
2、 技术性能 2.1 气体涡轮流量传感器的技术性能 2.2 LRT-I 现场显示表(锂电池供电)的技术性能 2.3 LRT-Ⅱ现场显示表(外供电)的技术性能 2.4 LRT-Ⅲ现场显示表(外供电)的技术性能
3、结构与工作原理 3.1 气体涡轮流量传感器的基本结构 3.2 工作原理
4、外形尺寸及安装 4.1 外形尺寸 4.2 安装
防爆等级:Ex ib Ⅰ(脉冲,模拟)或 Ex dⅡ BT4(LRT-1,LRT-Ⅱ,LRT-Ⅲ) 2.2 LRT-I 现场显示表(锂电池供电)的技术性能
精确度: 瞬时流量:读数的 0.5% 累计流量:读数的 0.1%
环境温度:-20~60℃ 介质温度:-20~120℃
*根据防爆温度组别决定介质温度 环境湿度:相对湿度 5~100%(不允许有结露现象) 外壳组件的材料:ZL104 铸铝合金 电源:3.6V 锂电池(1 年更换电池) 显示:6 位 LCD 及工程单位显示
4.1 外形尺寸 a)、公称通径 DN15、25 的气体涡轮流量传感器(公称压力 PN6.3MPa 见图 4-1,表 4-1)
表 4-1
公称通径 DN(mm) 15 25
安 装 使 用 说 明 书