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高一英语 Unit 5 The Band That Wasn't


本案例是人教版《普通高中课程标准实验教科书· 英语(必修)2》第五单元第二课时Reading 部分。中心话题是音乐。本篇阅读讲述The Monkees乐队的故事,具体介绍乐队的组建、发展、演奏特点和受欢迎程度,有助于学生了解更多音乐知识,培养热爱生活、音乐的美好情感,并在轻松愉快的音乐主题下学习用英语表达喜好,领会乐队对音乐的不懈追求,培养认真做事的好习惯。同时,扩大学生的视野,获取更多知识,扩展词汇量;并通过课文内容学习和相关课堂交际活动,为下一课时的学习做好铺垫。




单词: pretend,passer-by,musician,earn,attach,perform,confident

短语:dreamof,to be honest,attach…to,play jokes on,be/get familiar to/wirh ,break up

B.通过skimming 和scanning 的阅读策略,培养学生的阅读技能,养成良好的阅读习惯。

C.通过careful reading,进一步提高学生捕捉信息,理解信息和利用信息解决问题的能力。

D.通过discussion, 巩固所学知识,并利用所学知识表达问题的能力。


(3)情感目标:培养热爱音乐、热爱生活的美好感情。领会The Monkees乐队对音乐的执著追求,培养认真做事的良好习惯。

3. 教学重点、难点:



4.Teaching Procedures:

Step I Lead in

Use some pictures and questions to lead in the topic.

Step II Fast reading

Task1 . Find the main idea of each paragraph

(1)The main idea of the passage?

A. It is important for a band to play to the passers-by and in clubs.

B. How most bands start and How the Monkees developed.

C. Pretending to sing and copying are the keys to becoming famous for a band.

(2) How does the author introduce the topic of passage?

A. By listing some facts

B. By asking questions

C. By making comparison(比较)

(设计说明:快速阅读后要求学生先找出每段的main idea,但对于一中的好学生来说连线题太简单,所以设置为表格,也是有点难度,就把比较难的1段和4段改造成填空的形式.完成此任务后整篇文章的main idea也就很容易总结出来(对高一学生来说,开始就找整篇文章main idea 有难度,特别是这篇文章。),任务2 的第2题是高考的阅读表达题的题型,和高考接轨也是阅读训练的目标。)

Step III Careful reading

Task 1 Judge the following sentences.(T or F)

(1)To be honest, all people attach great importance to being rich and famous. ( )

(2)Many musicians form a band because they like to write and play their own music.( )

(3).The purpose that the band plays to the passers-by is only to earn some extra money.( )

(4)The TV organizers could only find one musician who could act as well as sing.( )

(5)Some of the actors could not sing well enough ,but they can deal with it by themselves.( )

(6)Because the Monkees became serious about their own work ,they began to play and sing their own songs.( )

Task 2. Read para.2 and answer the questions

(1)Why do most musicians like to be in a band with others?(no more than 10)


(2).Where do the musicians practice their music at first?(no more than 3)


(3).Later they may give performances in pubs or clubs,for which they are paid in cash.(翻译)


Task 3. Listen to para.3&4 and find out some information about the Monkees.

In 1996

The road to the Monkees' success?_______

In the mid-1980s


In about 1970

after a year or so ?______________

became more____________


based loosely on____________



