
Lesson 2:At the sports shop
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Lesson 3:Let's try!
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Lesson 4:Did you have fun?
Lesson 7:Always have breakfast!
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Lesson 8:Always brush your teeth!
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2020冀教版六年级英语下册电子课 本课件【全册】
2020冀教版六年级英语下册电子课 本课件【全册】
Unit 2:Good to you!
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2020冀教版六年级英语下册电子课 本课件【全册】
Lesson 5:A basketball game
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Lesson 6:A famous football player
2020冀教版六年级英语下册电子 课本课件【全册】目录
0002页 0032页 0071页 0121页 0188页 0218页 0233页 0279页 0306页 0350页 0411页 0436页 0455页 0471页 0497页 0524页 0542页
课文目录与封面 Lesson 1:Ping-pong and basketball Lesson 3:Let's try! Lesson 5:A basketball game Review:Again,please! Lesson 7:Always have breakfast! Lesson 9:Eat more vegetables and fruit! Lesson 11:Work hard! Review:Again,please! Lesson 13:Summer is coming! Lesson 15:Jenny's summer holiday Lesson 17:Danny's summer holiday Review:Again,please! Lesson 19:Buying gifts Lesson 21:A party for Li Ming Lesson 23:Good-bye! Review:Again,please!

• Why will Danny learn to fly?
Because he will fly to China and play with Li Ming.
I can fish. I am fishing.
Let’s do it.
will will Will not
Read and answer.
• What did Danny do last summer?
He learn to swim and fish.
• Will Danny swim in the sea?
No, he will not.
• Will Danny visit his family?
will will
Let’s do it.
What will you do in different time or places?
What will you do in different time or places? Will your friends do the same things?
This evening At the park This summer holiday
In the forest …
I will…
My friend will… My friend will…
If you were Danny, what else will you do with Li Ming in China? Write and share your plan with your teacher and friends.
冀教版 六年级下册
Lesson 17 Danny’s Summer Holiday
冀教版六年级下册英语课件Unit 2 Good health to you Lesson 9课件PPT(完美版)

Danny, how I don’t like vegetables
often do you eat
very much. I eat otato and tomatoes about twice week.
Three times a week! ���
How often do you eat
doctor away!������
How often do you eat …?
I often eat …?
2. Let’s do it!
Talk and write.
What do you like to eat? What's your favourite food?
How often do you eat vegetables?
1.这么难的题你能回答得很完整,真是了不起! 2.这节课你发言了好几次,看得出来你是个善于思考的好孩子。 3.你的想法很有创意,看来你是认真思考了。 4.你真爱动脑筋,这么难的题你都能解决! 5.你好厉害!敢于对课本提出疑问,你的勇气令人羡慕! 6.通过你的发言,老师觉得你不仅认真听,而且积极动脑思考了,继续加油! 7.你预习得可真全面,自主学习的能力很强,课下把你的学习方法介绍给同学们好不好? 8.你的进步可真大,老师为你感到高兴! 9.你虽然没有完整地回答这个问题,但你能大胆发言就是好样的! 10.老师真想在下节课看到你更出色的表现! 11.你们不仅说得好,而且乐于听取别人的意见,其他人应该向你们学习。 12.听你们的朗读是一种享受,你们不但读出了声,而且读出了情,我很感谢你们。 13.你太棒了!不随波逐流,能从相反的角度思考问题。你怎么会想到这一点的? 14.咱们班的小歌手今天回答问题的声音怎么这么小呢?同学们还想多听听你那清脆的声音呢!再大声回答一遍问题好吗? 15.虽然课文中有许多你不认识的字,但你一直努力把课文读完,你是个有毅力的孩子。有了这种毅力,还有什么事情能难倒你呢? 16.请你来谈谈这个问题。我从你的眼中看出来,你的心中一定是有了与其他同学不一样的看法。勇敢地站起来说一说吧! 17.你们是老师心目中最棒的孩子,现在老师需要你们的帮助! 18.这个问题你处理得太棒了,连老师也自愧不如,继续努力,你一定会更出色! 19.你真了不起,竟能想出如此独特的方法,很有新意,大家用掌声鼓励他。 20.你真是一个知识渊博的孩子,懂得比老师还多,老师都有些羡慕了,继续努力啊! 21.你的语言组织得这么好,可见你的语言表达能力非常强。 22.你是个爱动脑、会提问的好孩子,掌声送给你。 23.你真行!一次比一次有进步!
冀教版 英语六年级下册 Unit1 Lesson6 教学课件PPT小学公开课

Unit1Sports Lesson6A Famous Football Player冀教版 英语 六年级 下册What sport is it?Football.What is this game?FIFA World Cup .Let's sayDo you like football?Yes, I do. / No, I don't.Do you know any football players? Robin van Persie、 Lionel Messi......PeleStory timeMany years ago, there was a boy from a verypoor family. He liked to play football verymuch. But his parents couldn’t buy him afootball. The boy used boxes andbottles as his footballs.let's readMany years ago … …a bottle瓶子The boy played football with a bottle.The boy used boxes and bottles as his footballs.( 用 ) (作为 )1 .Why did the boy use boxes and bottles as his footballs?Because he liked to play football very much, but his parents couldn’t buy him a football.2.Why couldn't his parents buy him a football?Because he was from a very poor family.默读时, 同学们要边读 边思考,寻找问题的答 案,并按要求划出下划线。

Lesson 2:At the sports shop
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Lesson 3:Let's try!
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冀教版六年级英语下册电子课本 课件【全册】目录
0002页 0071页 0107页 0128页 0175页 0211页 0237页 0271页 0314页 0342页 0360页 0378页 0406页 0460页 0499页 0530页 0571页
课文目录与封面 Lesson 1:Ping-pong and basketball Lesson 3:Let's try! Lesson 5:A basketball game Review:Again,please! Lesson 7:Always have breakfast! Lesson 9:Eat more vegetables and fruit! Lesson 11:Work hard! Review:Again,please! Lesson 13:Summer is coming! Lesson 15:Jenny's summer holiday Lesson 17:Danny's summer holiday Review:Again,please! Lesson 19:Buying gifts Lesson 21:A party for Li Ming Lesson 23:Good-bye! Review:Again,please!
Байду номын сангаас
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Unit 1:Sports

I always wear a Tshirt, shorts and runners to play basketball.
Do you have any runners?
Do you have a T-shirt?
You need one to play basketball.
Who is he?
What is he doing?
He is playing basketball. What does he like to do?
What do you like to do?
I like to _pl_ay__b_ad_m_i_n_to_n
What do you like to do?
Fill in the blanks.
A: Would you like t_o_ learn _to_ play
B: Yes, I would.
A: Do you have a_n_y_ runners?
B: I don't think _s_o, but we can b_u__y
Let's go to the _li_v_in_g__ro__o_m to w__a_tc_h__T_V_.
Let's go to the _s_to_r_e_ to _b_u_y_c_l_o_th_e_s_.
Let's go to the _g_y_m__to _p_l_a_y ping-pong.
What sport is this? I want to learn.
Can you teach me?
What sport is this?

Course evaluation and feedback
Multiple-choice questions
A set of multiple-choice questions is designed to test students' understanding and application of knowledge.
English Learning Platforms
Assessment Tools
Collaboration Tools
Interactive Whiteboard
Laptop and Tablet Devices
Audio EquipmentUnit 1:This unit focuses on family and friends, introducing words and phrases related to these topics, as well as sentence structures for describing people and their relationships.

Unit 1:Sports
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Lesson 1:Ping-pong and basketball
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Lesson 2:At the sports shop
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Lesson 3:Let's try!
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2020最新冀教版六年级英语下册 电子课本课件【全册】目录
Hale Waihona Puke 0002页 0068页 0089页 0134页 0188页 0234页 0265页 0267页 0325页 0345页 0371页 0410页 0466页 0501页 0526页 0528页 0564页
Unit 1:Sports Lesson 2:At the sports shop Lesson 4:Did you have fun? Lesson 6:A famous football player Unit 2:Good health to you! Lesson 8:Always brush your teeth! Lesson 10:Exercise Lesson 12:Hellen Keller Unit 3:What will you do this summer? Lesson 14:Tomorrow we will play Lesson 16:Li Ming's summer holiday Lesson 18:Three kites in the sky Unit 4:Li Ming comes home Lesson 20:Looking at photos Lesson 22:Surprise! Lesson 24:Danny's surprise cake Vocabulary

_T_h_re_e _ times a week. 16
Ride a bike, ride a bike, Riding is exercise. Walk to school,walk to school Walking is exercise. Play ping-pong,play basketball. Playing sports is exercise.
That's an hour and a half a week. 那是一周一个半小时。 I play basketball twice a week. That's two hours of exercise a week. 我一周打两次篮球。那是一周两个小时的锻炼。 How man minutes do I exercise a week? 我一周锻炼多少分钟? I exercise _______ minutes a week? I'm healthy and strong. How abort you?
②How many minutes does Danny exercise? 丹尼锻炼多少分钟?
1 How often do you exercise, Danny? 你多久锻炼一次丹尼? I walk to school in the morning, and I walk home aften school. 我早上步行去学校,我放学后步行回家。

sport /spɔːt / n. 运动【四会】 例句: What’s your favourite sport?
你最喜欢的运动是什么? 短语: play sports 做运动 形近词记忆法: short adj. 短的;矮的
=My favourite sport is basketball. 我最喜欢篮球。
知识点 2 — What sports do you play, Li Ming? 你做什么运动,李明?
—I play football and ping-pong. 我踢足球、打乒乓球。
用法: 问句用来询问对方做什么运动。
典例 单项选择。 The students are playing ____C____. A. a football B.footballs C. football
football /'fʊtbɔːl / n. 足球 【四会】 例句: I like to play football. 我喜欢踢足球。 短语: play football踢足球 加法记忆法: foot(脚) + ball(球) =football
a T-shirt to play ping-pong. Jenny: Okay. Let’s go shopping.
知识点 3 Can you teach me to play ping-pong? 你能教我打乒乓球吗?
询问对方能否教自己做某事 句型结构: Can you teach me to+动词原形+其他? 例句: Can you teach me to draw a picture?
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最新冀教版六年级英语下册课件【 全册】Biblioteka Unit 1:Sports
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Lesson 1:Ping-pong and basketball
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Lesson 2:At the sports shop
最新冀教版六年级英语下册课件 【全册】目录
0002页 0032页 0068页 0117页 0164页 0226页 0263页 0330页 0359页 0423页 0496页 0514页 0542页 0576页 0615页 0649页 0694页
课文目录与封面 Lesson 1:Ping-pong and basketball Lesson 3:Let's try! Lesson 5:A basketball game Review:Again,please! Lesson 7:Always have breakfast! Lesson 9:Eat more vegetables and fruit! Lesson 11:Work hard! Review:Again,please! Lesson 13:Summer is coming! Lesson 15:Jenny's summer holiday Lesson 17:Danny's summer holiday Review:Again,please! Lesson 19:Buying gifts Lesson 21:A party for Li Ming Lesson 23:Good-bye! Review:Again,please!