软件配置管理文档范本一、引言软件配置管理(Software Configuration Management, SCM)是指对软件产品的开发、测试、交付和维护过程中的各种配置项进行有效的控制和管理,以确保软件开发过程的可控性和可追溯性。
二、配置管理计划1. 引言配置管理计划(Configuration Management Plan, CMP)是指对整个软件开发项目进行配置管理的计划,包括配置管理活动的安排、配置项的标识和控制、变更管理等内容。
2. 配置管理活动安排(1) 配置库的建立和维护配置库是存储和管理软件开发项目各个版本、各个配置项的地方。
(2) 配置项标识和控制配置项标识是对每个配置项进行唯一标识,以便于在开发、测试、交付和维护过程中进行溯源和变更管理。
3. 变更管理(1) 变更控制流程变更控制流程包括变更请求的提出、变更评估和变更实施等环节,确保变更能够按照既定的流程进行评审和实施,避免对软件开发过程造成不可预知的影响。
(2) 变更记录变更记录是对变更过程中的各个环节进行记录和追踪,包括变更请求的来源、变更评估结果、变更实施情况等内容。
1. 版本控制工具版本控制工具用于对软件开发过程中的各个版本进行管理,可以进行代码版本的比较、合并和回滚等操作,确保在多人协同开发环境中的代码一致性和可追溯性。
2. 配置项跟踪工具配置项跟踪工具用于对软件开发过程中的各个配置项进行跟踪和溯源,可以追踪某个配置项的修改历史和关联关系,方便进行变更管理和问题定位。
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需求开发流程管理规定1. 目的通过需求开发流程的规定,规范公司软件项目的需求开发和管理活动,提高需求质量,降低开发成本,改进系统质量。
2. 范围适用于公司各软件开发项目及已经通过《用户需求确认书》的项目,如未通过《用户需求确认书》,技术中心暂时无法参与需求立项,评审,分析等流程。
附件一:《用户需求确认书》3. 释义4. 流程图图1:需求开发流程图5. 主要活动需求定义的目的是需求提出人通过收集、调查与分析,获取用户业务需求并定义需求。
5.1.1 标识需求与命名规则为了便于需求文档的统一管理,更好的识别每个项目的需求,需要明确需求文档的命名规则,具体格式为:[需求年月]-[项目类别]-[用途类别]如,201310-TMS项目-运单打印需求;5.1.2 需求分类在需求文档中,一般取二级类别进行标识。
5.1.3 需求优先级需求分析员应确定每个需求的优先级,需求的优先级判定标准如下:时,正确地对需求实现的范围或实现的优先程度做出取舍。
5.1.4 编写《立项需求说明书》在需求收集后,需求受理人应根据需求收集得到的记录与资料,整理编写《立项需求说明书》,其主要内容应该包括但不局限于:●功能介绍:描述需求功能的用途和提出背景;●功能的最终用户(群体)及其特征;●功能的具体需求说明。
以下是一个典型的软件开发流程管理体系的概述:1. 需求收集和分析:与客户沟通,收集和分析软件需求,并制定详细的需求规格说明书。
2. 设计阶段:根据需求规格说明书,进行软件设计,包括系统架构设计、模块设计和界面设计等。
3. 编码和单元测试:根据设计文档,进行编码工作,并对编写的代码进行单元测试,确保代码质量。
4. 综合测试和调试:对编码完成的模块进行综合测试,并进行调试,以确保模块间的整合和功能的正确性。
5. 验收测试和部署:进行用户验收测试,确保软件满足客户需求,并将软件部署到生产环境中。
6. 维护和后续支持:监控软件在生产环境中的运行情况,提供必要的维护和后续支持。
管理实践以下是一些对软件开发流程管理体系的管理实践:- 分阶段管理:将软件开发过程划分为不同的阶段,每个阶段都有明确的目标和交付物,以便监控项目进展和质量。
- 风险管理:识别和评估项目中的各种风险,并采取相应的措施来降低风险对项目的影响。
- 进度控制:设定合理的项目计划,并监控实际进度与计划进度的差距,及时采取措施进行调整。
- 质量保证:制定严格的质量标准和测试计划,确保交付的软件符合质量要求。
- 沟通协调:建立有效的沟通渠道,确保项目团队成员之间的协作和信息流通。
体系优势以下是软件开发流程管理体系的一些优势:- 提高效率:通过明确的流程和有效的管理实践,可以提高软件开发的效率,减少开发周期。
- 降低风险:通过风险评估和风险管理实践,可以降低项目失败和延期的风险。
- 提高质量:通过严格的质量保证措施,可以确保交付的软件符合质量标准。
- 提升组织形象:有一个完善的软件开发流程管理体系可以提升组织在软件开发领域的形象和竞争力。
文件名称Document:【】文件编码 Reference No.: 【】版本Version:【】业务类别 Business Category: 【】◆生效日期Effective Date:【】业务模块 Business Module:【】◆拟制责任人Prepared by: 【】业务小类 Sub Category of Business【】◆文件审核人Reviewer:【】流程责任人Process Owner:【】◆角色 Role:【】◆功能系统 Functional System:【】◆0定义 Definition(对流程中的名词、缩写、特殊用语的解释)1 目的Objective (描述该流程对实现所涉及业务的使命、目标有哪些贡献,主要包括提高准确性,提高时效性和降低运作成本等方面的贡献,可参考下表)2 KPI指标 KPI Index(定义及描述评价该流程上述贡献的指标,可参考下表)3 适用范围Scope (描述流程的起点、终点、所包含的业务及其适用的范围。
可参考4 相关文件Correlative Documents (描述本流程支撑的上层文件、上下游接口文件。
可参考下表)5 输入 Input(描述流程启动及运作过程中所需的信息、其它资源及其提供者。
可参照下表填写)6 输出 Output(描述流程最终所产生的产品、交付件或结果。
可参考下表)7 角色、职责及特殊技能 Roles, Responsibilities and Special Skills(描述流程中各活动执行角色、主要职责及其特殊技能要求。
可参考下表)8 流程图Flow Chart (以二维图、DesignFlow、单据流向图四种流程图表达形式之一描述流程中的活动、执行角色及其相互关系,通常使用二维图)9 流程说明Instructions of Process (按照流程图中活动的顺序,用文字或下面表格简述述各项活动的主要内容,定义活动的执行角色、输入及其来源、输出及其去向。
软件开发项目流程及团队管理规范第一章项目启动 (3)1.1 项目立项 (3)1.1.1 项目需求分析 (3)1.1.2 项目可行性研究 (3)1.1.3 项目立项决策 (3)1.2 项目目标与范围 (3)1.2.1 项目目标 (3)1.2.2 项目范围 (4)1.3 项目团队组建 (4)1.3.1 确定项目团队规模 (4)1.3.2 选择团队成员 (4)1.3.3 分配项目角色与职责 (4)1.3.4 建立团队沟通机制 (4)第二章需求分析 (4)2.1 需求收集 (4)2.2 需求确认 (5)2.3 需求文档编写 (5)第三章设计阶段 (5)3.1 总体设计 (6)3.2 详细设计 (6)3.3 设计文档审核 (6)第四章编码实现 (7)4.1 编码规范 (7)4.1.1 编码规范的重要性 (7)4.1.2 编码规范的制定 (7)4.1.3 编码规范的遵循 (7)4.2 代码审查 (8)4.2.1 代码审查的目的 (8)4.2.2 代码审查的流程 (8)4.2.3 代码审查的技巧 (8)4.3 代码版本管理 (8)4.3.1 代码版本管理的基本概念 (9)4.3.2 常用代码版本管理工具 (9)4.3.3 代码版本管理的最佳实践 (9)第五章测试阶段 (9)5.1 测试计划 (9)5.1.1 测试目标 (9)5.1.2 测试范围 (9)5.1.3 测试策略 (9)5.1.4 测试进度安排 (9)5.1.5 测试风险分析 (10)5.2 测试用例编写 (10)5.2.1 测试用例设计原则 (10)5.2.2 测试用例分类 (10)5.2.3 测试用例编写步骤 (10)5.2.4 测试用例评审 (10)5.3 测试执行与缺陷管理 (10)5.3.1 测试执行 (10)5.3.2 缺陷管理 (10)5.3.3 测试报告 (10)第六章部署与上线 (11)6.1 部署方案设计 (11)6.2 系统部署 (11)6.3 上线审核 (12)第七章项目监控与控制 (12)7.1 项目进度监控 (12)7.2 风险管理 (13)7.3 变更管理 (13)第八章团队管理 (14)8.1 团队沟通与协作 (14)8.2 团队激励与考核 (14)8.3 团队培训与发展 (15)第九章质量管理 (15)9.1 质量策划 (15)9.1.1 确定质量目标 (15)9.1.2 制定质量计划 (15)9.1.3 质量策划流程 (15)9.2 质量控制 (16)9.2.1 原材料控制 (16)9.2.2 生产过程控制 (16)9.2.3 检验和试验 (16)9.2.4 质量数据分析 (16)9.3 质量改进 (16)9.3.1 制定质量改进计划 (16)9.3.2 采用质量改进方法 (16)9.3.3 质量改进实施 (16)9.3.4 质量改进效果评价 (17)第十章项目收尾 (17)10.1 项目总结 (17)10.2 项目绩效评估 (17)10.3 项目交付 (18)第十一章项目文档管理 (18)11.1 文档编写规范 (18)11.2 文档存储与管理 (19)11.3 文档更新与维护 (19)第十二章项目评估与改进 (19)12.1 项目评估 (19)12.1.1 评估目的 (19)12.1.2 评估方法 (20)12.1.3 评估内容 (20)12.2 项目改进计划 (20)12.2.1 改进目标 (20)12.2.2 改进措施 (20)12.3 项目改进实施与监控 (21)12.3.1 实施步骤 (21)12.3.2 监控措施 (21)第一章项目启动项目启动是项目管理中的关键阶段,它为项目的顺利进行奠定了基础。
蓝凌标准产品流程机制管理员手册文档控制/Document Control 文档属性模板修改记录文档修改记录审阅记录分发目录第一章引言............................................... 错误!未定义书签。
功能简介......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第二章流程配置........................................... 错误!未定义书签。
通用流程模板设置................................. 错误!未定义书签。
定义流程基本信息................................. 错误!未定义书签。
定义流程节点..................................... 错误!未定义书签。
添加机器人节点(RDB读取写入,修改文档信息) ..错误!未定义书签。
三、软件开发流程管理制度的基本内容1. 需求收集与分析阶段在这一阶段,项目团队与客户进行需求沟通,明确软件的功能需求和性能要求。
2. 设计阶段在设计阶段,根据需求文档,进行软件系统的整体设计和模块设计。
3. 编码与测试阶段根据设计文档,开发人员进行编码工作。
4. 验收与发布阶段在完成开发和测试后,进行用户验收测试,并对软件进行修复和优化。
四、软件开发流程管理制度的要点1. 项目计划管理制定项目计划,明确开发周期和里程碑节点,合理分配资源和任务。
2. 需求管理建立有效的需求管理机制,确保需求的完整性、准确性和一致性。
3. 文档管理建立文档管理规范,确保各个阶段的设计文档、需求文档等文档的准确性和可追溯性。
4. 开发规范制定统一的开发规范,包括编码规范、命名规范、注释规范等。
5. 测试与质量控制建立完善的测试机制,包括单元测试、集成测试和系统测试等。
三、流程管理1.需求分析1.1 项目经理与客户沟通,了解客户需求。
1.2 项目经理将客户需求整理成需求文档,并提交给开发团队进行评审。
1.3 开发团队评审需求文档,提出修改意见。
1.4 项目经理与客户就需求文档进行确认和签署。
2.设计2.1 开发团队根据需求文档编写软件设计文档。
2.2 设计文档经过内部评审,进行修改和完善。
2.3 项目经理与客户就设计文档进行确认和签署。
3.开发3.1 开发团队根据设计文档进行软件开发。
3.2 开发过程中,需按照编码规范进行编程,并严格进行代码审查。
3.3 开发完成后,进行内部测试,确保软件质量。
4.测试4.1 测试团队根据需求文档编写测试用例。
4.2 测试团队执行测试用例,对软件功能、性能、兼容性等进行全面测试。
4.3 发现问题时,需及时向开发团队反馈并追踪问题解决情况。
4.4 确认软件无严重问题后,进行验收测试。
5.上线5.1 上线前需进行预发布测试,确认软件在上线环境中能正常运行。
5.2 软件上线后,需要进行监控和跟踪,发现问题及时处理。
四、制度要求1.文档管理1.1 需求文档、设计文档、测试用例等相关文档需定期备份和归档。
1.2 每份文档均需有明确的起草人、审核人和批准人,并进行版本控制。
2.质量管理2.1 每个开发阶段均需进行文档、代码、测试的质量评审。
2.2 测试团队需制定详细的测试计划和测试报告。
3.进度管理3.1 开发团队需按照项目计划进行开发,确保进度顺利。
3.2 遇到延期情况时,需及时向项目经理汇报并申请延期。
4.问题管理4.1 发现的问题需记录在问题跟踪系统中,并进行分类、优先级调整。
4.2 问题解决后需进行验证,确保问题已经完全解决。
五、责任和义务1.项目经理1.1 负责项目的整体规划、管理和协调。
2.流程概述新产品开发流程包括以下主要步骤:1.产品策划和市场调研2.原型设计和开发3.测试和质量控制4.生产和交付5.市场推广和销售3.详细流程介绍3.1 产品策划和市场调研在这个阶段,团队应该定义产品的目标和愿景,并进行市场调研来确定产品需求。
3.2 原型设计和开发基于产品策划阶段的需求,团队可以开始进行原型设计和开发。
3.3 测试和质量控制测试是确保产品质量的关键步骤。
3.4 生产和交付当产品通过测试阶段后,团队可以准备进行生产和交付。
3.5 市场推广和销售最后一个步骤是市场推广和销售。
OR DR0 DR1 DR5 DR6DR2 DR4Product creation phase Development phase Qualification phaseRamp up phase1.Purpose and Application Field1.1 PurposeThis manual describes how to implement a project for the development of a Global Product Offer: -The product-The accessories-The end to end solutions-The services1.2 Application FieldThis manual applies to all projects carried out in 某for the purpose of defining, designing,constructing and the product basic elements of a commercial proposal. The method described heremust be adapted to each project in line with the constrain specific to the product offer in question. 2.ResponsibilityThe PIM is accompanied by a Project Development Plan (PDP) under the responsibility of the Project Manager and in keeping with the basic procedure; in includes in particular any adaptations/ simplification of the procedure.Project core team responsibility, see 4.33.Reference DocumentNone4.Description4.1Project Life CycleThe life cycle of a project is made up of the following as shown in the attached figure:-Life cycle of a product-Sales cycle of a product offerPost commercialization (After Sales)The implementation of a project is based on compliance with this life cycle, split into phases.Every phase, except the last, finishes with an end- of- phase review called “ a decision review” (DR) representing a formal decision- making process. The final phase, called the “end- of- life”, is initiated by a decision review in which the phase is planned.A “Phase” is characterized by a specific objective and responsibility for the performance of the activitiesrequired for this “phase” to be completed in assigned to a “Project Manager”.DR List DR(*): Depending on the complexity of radio/ digital development, the project team can decide to skip the mock up development phase.4.2Project organization and management4.2.1DefinitionThe PIM is intended to apply to the definition, design, construction and production of thebase elements of our commercial offer (product, accessories, end- to- end solutions e.g.).-Products Managed-Purchased products (developed or manufactured to specifications or document files).-Compatibility with services provider offer, PC or PDA offerThe following general objectives validated at DR1, are the reference for the project.- Schedule (decision reviews …)- Quality (FPY, return rate …)- Quantity (Ramp up, production capacity …)- Cost (FCP, budget …)- Product Characteristics (Marketing specifications, orders and deliveries process,…)- Product Warranty (Duration, responsibility,…)- Liabilities- Supply Chain (Rules, orders and deliveries process, …)They are all mentioned in PDP.In case of partners and/ or subcontractors, both will agree.4.2.2Project StructureProjects are organized into phases. Each phase ends with a Decision Review.PhaseEach phase has a specific objective with dedicated activities. It transforms specific inputs intooutputs.Responsibility for the performance of the activities required for a phase to be completed isassigned to the project manager.A decision review is performed at the end of each phase in order to validate the outputs andto acknowledge the transition to the next phase.See: PIM check list:Project Development PlanThe conditions for applying the project performance methodology to a given case are defined in the Project Development Plan drawn up by the project manager for DR1.4.2.3Decision to Create A ProjectThe concept of a project is inseparable form the company’s commitment to invest theresource (human, material and financial) needed to enlarge its range.A project is undertaken following a Decision Review called “Kick off Review” or “OR-Opportunity Review”.The process of defining the project and setting up the project team and the associated budget is a gradual one involving phases of marketing analysis and specification.A budget line is started at the OR.The company’s commitment to carry out a project is made official by a Decision Reviewcalled the “Project Commitment Review” or “DR1”.4.2.4Building The Project TeamThe Project Core Team is appointed (partial or complete):-To prepare the O.R (Opportunity Review).At the O.R, appointment of a partial or complete Project Core Team to prepare and present the DR0.(Including the development of technological bricks, if needed).-The requested resources to prepare the DR0 must be defined and scheduled.At lease, the Project Core Team dedicated to a Project is appointed at the DR0.(*) If needed: Major technological gaps (ex: new reference design, new product concept, new techno: HWD/SWD)According to project requirements, the project team is made up of permanent or assignedmembers, and experts may be co- opted to meet specific needs. If generally comprises:OPM & VPM exist only for WNV brand project. (see Appendix I Project core teamorganization chart).4.2.5Project Scope Change ControlFor DR1 onwards, any change affecting the definition of the product and/ or alterations of characteristics, for whatever reason, are subject to a specific processECR/ECN- Product change management procedure4.2.6Allocation And Consolidation (Resources And Budget)The resources and expenditure prior to DR1 are allocated at the OR, and reviewed at DR0 by the BU director.The final budget allocated to a project is validated at DR1. It must comprise the phases from DR1 to DR5.As regards of the dedicated tooling, commitments are authorized at the Tool Start, apart froma few exceptions (cf section above)This budget has to be consolidated bottom up by the BU director.Within the limits of the budget allocations, the Project Manager is responsible for howresources and expenditure are committed.Budget approval will be released and re-approval periodically and minimum at each Designreview. In case of partners and/or subcontractors, both will agree.4.2.7Scheduling And Progress Follow- upThe general schedule validated at DR1, is the reference schedule for the project. In case ofpartners and/or subcontractors, both will agree.Ongoing consolidation and adjustment of the general schedule take place during the weekly or bi-monthly project progress meetings headed by the Project Manager. All these meetings are recorded and updated action point and risk follow-up lists are drawn up.A formal, concise, relevant progress report to the directors is made on a monthly basis,from DR0 to DR5. The main objective is to report critical/major risks. The presentation contains the following items:- Highlights for the previous month- Projects Risks TOP 5 on global product offer- Other Projects Risks / main problems (if necessary, otherwise in the report)- Q/C/T Project Indicators (Planning, Budget, FPC, Quality)- Main Decisions taken the previous month or to take during the presentation. if necessary- Other indicators (if necessary, otherwise in the report)- Highlights for the current monthA formal progress report is recorded and sent to the management according to the diffusionlist with in particular the synthesis of actions and decisions taken during the review.In addition, every DR will be followed by a debriefing by the project team, for all teamsinvolved in the phases of the project, possibly with the involvement of the directors.Monitoring is also done by ALL members of the team with a weekly or by-monthly progressreport and list of action point.4.3Missions SheetMissions of Product Project Team’s Members4.3.1Project Manager (PJM)The project manager is responsible for achieving the commitments validated at DR1. He actsas arbiter within his team, for optimization for the Q/C/T objectives.These missions:- Manage all the specification (system level) for the product.Drive the core team management (weekly meeting with the basic project team, conflictresolution …).And take authorization of core team members’ perfo rmance evaluation.- Define and apply the Project Development Plan for the project Q/C/T objectives.- Coordinate the activities relating to the development, industrialization and commercialpreparation of the product offer. (Releases …)- Carry out the project reporting (indicator, e.g.)- Assure that the objectives such as Cost- Time to market ramp up, are consistent with theinitial product P&L…objectives presented at DR1 and adjusted at DR3 (FOPDI).- Coordinate with BU director all the actions defined and follow their implementation in theproject.He has to take care of all aspects which can significantly change the P&L of the product andmake decisions or proposal to the directions when this is relevant.In case of partners and /or subcontractors, the project Manager centralizes all informationflow between the partners and /or subcontractors and 某(included non-conformity,warning, customers’ problem, preventives action…) with the support of the QPM.4.3.2Product Manager (PDM) 产品经理He/she is the representative of the project for the downstream departments – Product &Solutions, Sales & Marketing, Communication, Design, Pack & translation.These missions:- Define of the full product offer, including design, packaging, ergonomic and graphicpresentation choices, customization needs, and shop cost and margin objectives. ElaborateMU, ID card and the Product Functional Specification.- Drive the core team management (weekly meeting with his/her team, conflictresolution , …)it means co-ordination of the activities involved in ergonomic specifications , design,translation, packaging, user manual, commercial launch and market analysis.- Define the messages translation, the user manuals and the product releases.- Ensure that the commercial tools required for the product launch are available.- Realize the product information (pricing strategy) in the Business Plan..- Responsible of the product Q.C.T.4.3.3Technical Project Manager (TPM)The technical project manager is responsible for the technical choices and performances ofthe global product offer within the project, incorporating the Q/C/T criteria. He isresponsible for ensuring consistency in the choices between the hardware, software andmechanical parts.These missions:- Insure of the system specifications integration- Insure of the technical part of the development plan and technical documentation- Technical interface with the production centre / validation / Product and Solutions- Overall technical activities relating to the development /integration (technical co-ordination: hardware, software and mechanical.)4.3.4Industrial Project Manager (IPM)The IPM manages the industrialization of the product for production, industrial validation of the components including multi-source components. The IPM ensures that the technicalsolutions are consistent with the production process and the quantity, scheduling, quality and production cost targets.He is the interface between the Sub-contractor and the Core-team, during the industrialization process and mass production (Incoming inspection, production process, customizationprocess, packaging process, procurement process, service after sales process, sub-contracting production process, overseas production process transfer) and he drives the industrial coreteam management.These missions:- Be responsible for the industrialization plan and industrial objectives for the project, suggest industrial process orientation (new technologies…); advise on industrial choice.- Monitor compliance with production cost targets and taking corrective measures to reduce non-quality costs; be responsible of target presented for DR1 and mentioned into theindustrial plan - in order to reach cost target fixed for DR0.- Write and implement the product/process quality control plan.- Realize pilot runs (from mock-up), analyze production results and apply corrective actionplan to improve quality level.- Build up NPI budget and specific jig and tool budget (jigs and tools for, customization, and packaging).- Monitor the development or adaptation of production lines (machines, test and repair tools) for the project. (From Incoming Inspection to CCS via Global Operation Department,including subcontracting production and overseas production).- Plan and follow process qualification plan regarding project planning; verify the coherence between process qualification plan and capacity needs according to the FOPDI till DR5.- Establish the production Ramp-up in the start-up phase;- Warranty the component industrial validation.- Warranty technical level of the product regarding project requirement and be in charge ofproducing manufactured and sold product technical level document.- Procure tooling supplies starting with the prototypes/mock-up and then the PTP(Production Tooling Prototype), and the pre-series lots.4.3.5Purchasing Project Manager (PPM)In charge of implementing the purchasing strategy for the project.These missions:- Prepare and manage the purchasing plan.- Oversee the set up of PPQA and the follow-up of its implementation.- Monitor external expenditure for the project (supplies, external tooling), the material costs of the product (BOM cost).- Ensuring that the purchasing strategy is implemented.- Ensuring consistency of supplier capacities (need commitment) with the needs defined inthe plan (DR1, FOPDI).- Represent the project to the Purchasing Department, acting as the interface with projectteam and EMS, through CSA implement procurement, and ensure material delivery on time to meet the ramp up planning.4.3.6Quality Project Manager (QPM)The QPM represents the customer within the project team. He guarantees the Product –Process Qualification in terms of customer representative. He is the single interface of Quality under the Project.These responsibilities:- Project quality strategy definition and deployment.- Guarantee the product qualification in terms of validation of the qualification test, analysis of the tests results, qualification means audit.- Insure the animation of the improvement loop of quality in conception (monitor thecomponents qualification through PLM -Qualicomp Database) and products.- Manage the preventive procedures implementation based on the quality toolsimplementation (functional analyses, FMEA procedure…).- Guarantee that the developments are carried out in accordance with the prescribedmethodologies (PIM, component qualification guide, product qualification guide, any specific methodologies applicable to the competence centers engages in the realization of the project).- Drive all th e internal fields’ tests (alpha & beta …)- Manage the operator’s and customer audits.4.3.7Customer Service Project Manager (CPM)In charge of implementing customer service strategy for the project.The missions:- Take into account the service strategy of level 1, 2 and 3.- Define the maintenance plan and repair strategy; including repair centre creation; tools;sample; spare part and travel schedule.- Define and follow the purchase plan of E- BOM spare pare and Handset BOM for repair centre.- Deployment the training for repair centre.- Define software delivery process for repair centre and finalize the repair document for 3levels’ repair centre.- Test software qualification for service phase. Download the software from MLDC andTeleweb server for qualification.- Equipment and tooling qualification and validation.- Follow up market feedback, report market quality information on time (The first returnbetween DR4 &DR5 and take into account in the product, typical problems analysis).4.3.8Operation Project Manager (OPM)The OPM is responsible to:- Define logistic/ customization strategy with supplier to respect Q/C/T objectives.- Management operation issues; Global material management for material PO, shortage,delivery allocation and excess control after DR4.- Provide global version for forecast, as the interface of sales, OPM will make launch planschedule for DR3.- Production capacity and constraints management; Control planning and ramp up. Ensure logistic interface with supplier and logistic centers.- Consolidate IPM industrial capacity and PPM supplier capacity to have feasibility to project for FOPDI releasing.- Tooling & plastic investment control with PPM & IPM.-- Ensure FOPDI to DR5; Weekly basis/ Monthly basis for the report and alert of demand, production, delivery and inventory.- End of life management.- Global exposure and LTVS tracking and report.- Project exposure control from lot0/lot1 (CSA/ECN).4.3.9Software Project Manager (SPM)In charge of development of the "applicative embedded software" of the product, heco-ordinates specifications, design, integration of embedded software created for the product by the Software Department and/or by partners or subcontractors, in accordance withtechnical department processes.Participate to the core team (weekly meeting, monthly meeting …)These missions:- Co-ordinate to the software team (weekly meeting, organization, technical problem,resolution…)- Create the software development plan (before DR1: Commitment on a feature list, allocated reso urces, time schedule…)- Implement the SDP (software development plan) within the project (Q.C.T.).- Assure the consistency of the embedded software specifications and developments with the products approved functional and system specifications (marketin g, ergonomics…) including accessories, E2E and performance constant targets are met.- Contribute to the customization process which must be consistent with embedded software that does not include translation and content definition of customizations. Responsible of the customization tools evolution.- Provide the software parameters for customization (hardware parameters are defined by HPM)- Assure the consistency of the delivery for VAL/ HW/ Production (Codes, languages,customizations, technical paramete rs…) according to delivery scope defined.- Software releases until DR5 (Switch off at SR5).- Evolution of CRQ checking of resources availability and schedule impact before acceptance (budget impact).- End of project statement “soft process assessment”.- Manage the project specific internal team training.The resources allocated by the Software Department for these activities are placed under his responsibility.4.3.10Hardware Project Manager (HPM)The Hardware Project Manager is responsible of the design and validation activities carriedout by the Hardware System Department and/or partners or subcontractors.These missions:- Responsible of the Hardware Review process, to ensure HW design Q/C/T can meetproduct requirements.- Responsible of the hardware development and optimization (antenna, acoustics, LCD, radio, digital, ASIC, system integration, PCB aspects) including interface with the accessories- Responsible of the development, realization and optimization of test tools- Participate to mechanical architecture to optimize main subjects (antenna, audio, acoustic,display, shielding, ESD…)- Responsible of the development, optimization and supply of laboratory and customer careproduction test software (Software upgrade took, Cloning tool, STT tool, TeleWeb took, Mini SW, LAD…)- Responsible of the DSP software integration,- Define the PCB layout constraints relying with electric and electromagnetic aspects- Responsible of the system integration of the accessories jointly with the accessories team.- Define the technical parameters relatives on the hardware components and the softwareDSP.- Support to the mass production product ramp up.The resources allocated by the Hardware Department for these activities fall under his authority.4.3.11Mechanical Project Manager (MPM)In charge of developments in the product's mechanical, electromechanical, and interface with accessories the co-ordinates the design and validation activities carried out by the Mechanical Engineering Department and/or partners or subcontractors.These missions:- Drive the core team management with his team (weekly meeting, conflict resolution …)- Responsible of the consistency of the mechanical design with the design definition, theindustrial, hardware, purchasing and marketing constraints, and its conformity toenvironmental requirements- Responsible of the development and validation of tooling for the specific parts includingcustomization.- Express the specific project training needs of his Team.- Insure a reporting to the TPM for the technical meeting and to the PTM for the projectmeeting.- Participate in insuring Insure the product / process realization.The resources allocated by the Mechanical Department for these activities fall within his responsibility4.3.12Validation Project Manager (VPM)In charge of validation strategy.These missions:- Guide the teams in defining the necessary environments, and in establishing test andscenario plans- Implement these plans, obtaining feedback and tracking corrections.- Organize the Problem Reports Analysis Meeting (CEA). PJM / subcontractor isdecision-maker with possibility of delegation.- Co-ordinate the different certificates/approvals, labels and test reports applicable to theglobal product offer- Co-ordinate the running field (countries/operators) interoperability tests.- Co-ordinate and/or participate to spec reviews, contract reviews, test plan reviews ofdevelopment depart. (Ergo, off-the-shelf accessories, e2e applications).- Responsible for the validation project, from the planning stage through to the decision tolaunch the product on the market. This entails:•Originate the project by drafting the validation project plan,•Control the entire project and reporting on progress to the program manager,•Ensure that validation constraints are incorporated into software development plans,•Motivate team assigned to the project,- Within the framework of field returns:•Participate in the TEAM,•Monitor technical support (worldwide),•Provide technical support for customer application engineers and marketing.The resources allocated by the Validation Department for these activities fall within his/herauthority.4.4Decision Review/ PrinciplesSupervisionPlanning, convoking and carrying out a decision review is defined in the decision matrix for each Design Review.The convoking responsible will ensure the presence of the decision-maker or a duly designated representative at the DR.During the DR, the following issues will be dealt with:-Review of critical points-Inventory (∆ budget / ∆ specifications / ∆ planning if needed)-Major risks – Proposals for actions-Points to be settled / decisions expected-Main steps to follow, where management will have to intervene.-Opinion of the Project Team about the DR (accept, refuse etc.)Decision MatrixAcceptance, refusal or postponement of a decision review is the result of a group decision made by the Project Team, representative of 某management and representative of the customer based on the analysis of the identified risks (D). If no mutual decision can be reached during the DR, the decision is made by the management (E). The result of decision review and related information should be shared with key persons and key department (I).For each project, the detailed mangers name list of decision matrix has to be defined before OR. It’s mandatory input for OR. PLM and PJM take responsibility to track and get confirmation from manager level and project level.- (see Appendix II sample for decision matrix (WNV brand & 某brand).All the managers can delegate a person to participate at a Decision Review. This delegation should be formal somehow (e-mail…) and this has to be included at the DR presence sheet.Decision to Pass the ReviewPossible action plan but no major problem, no major discrepancy between the PIM and the status of the DR. No Q/C/T impact s (no end-user risk, no P&L risk, no DR4 impact).Normal follow-up of the project’s progressThe project, product or process involves a major problem, which does not affect the product offer but creates serious problems for performance (possible end-user risk), costs (P&L impact) or time frames (DR4 impact), or there is a large deviation between the PIM and the status of the DR.An action plan with a precise timing must be defined and another review will be carried out when the problem is resolved or an acceptable alternative solution is found. The plan will be confirmed during the new review.Another simple case for the postponement of the DR is that it has taken place too early compared to the report of the progress of the project, tasks or events affecting the DRDevelopments will follow in the usual manner.There is a critical problem with the project, product or process that adversely affects the product offer.An action plan must be defined to change the product requirements or objectives. A new review will be then carried out.The follow-up of all or part of the developments will be explicitly decided upon by the management.4.5Principle of Scoring RisksAll along the project’s life span and particularly at the time of the decision review, the project team assesses the risks of the product and manufacturing processes and the risks of the project itself.An estimate of product and process risks is carried out based on the following 3 criteria: -Severity,-Frequency,-Detection RPN = S x F x D The risk is then identified by its RPN (Risk Priority Number). Based on factors concerning theproduct itself and the manufacturing process, an RPN – P (product) or a RPN– M (manufacturing) will be evaluated.For project risks, including the risks linked to the difficulties of developing the product or process, the following 3 criteria will be evaluated:-“Severity”: severity in terms of cost, quality, time to market, development or planning for the project / product / process / if the risk is actualized-“Frequency”: probability that the risk impacts the project or slows the project down (confidence level)-“Detection”: date when risk is elimin ated compared to the critical path of the project, i.e. how much time will remain for finding a solution when the critical risk is removed or confirmedbefore impact on the critical path and thus on the DR4.A sum-up of the main project risks will be presented at each DR (as well as the product and processrisks, if necessary), with proposals for actions to secure the problem.-Eliminate the definite risk (e.g. carrying out an alternative solution).-Transfer the risk (e.g. time frame cost).-Decrease the probability or impact of the risk.-Accept the risk.In addition, the dates when the risk will be removed will be specified, and the action plan could include specific action to speed up the elimination of the risk. Any risk not involving specific action will be considered a tolerated risk.Link between RPN and risk level:RPN>=300 : Critical risk100<RPN<300 : Major riskRPN=<100 : Minor risk4.6Project Document PlanAll the project documents are deposited in a documentation database like PLM.What sort of documents?All documents needed to pass a DR.。
研发项目流程管理制度范本1. 引言本文档旨在为研发部门制定一套科学、规范的项目流程管理制度,以确保研发项目的高效推进和顺利完成。
2. 项目启动阶段2.1 项目启动会议在项目启动阶段,项目经理应召集相关团队成员召开项目启动会议。
2.2 项目立项报告项目立项报告是项目启动阶段的重要文档,其中应包含以下内容:•项目背景和目标•项目的商业价值和市场需求•项目的预期成果和交付物•项目的风险和风险控制措施•项目的资源需求和计划•项目的时间表和里程碑•项目的组织结构和人员分工项目立项报告应经过相关部门的审批,以确保项目的合理性和可行性。
3. 项目执行阶段3.1 项目计划和任务分配在项目执行阶段,项目经理根据项目计划,将项目工作分解为具体的任务,并将任务分配给相应的团队成员。
3.2 项目进度监控和跟踪项目经理应定期对项目进度进行监控和跟踪,及时发现项目进展中的问题和风险,以便采取相应的措施进行调整和优化。
3.3 项目沟通和协调项目经理应确保项目团队成员之间的有效沟通和良好协调,以便推动项目的顺利进行。
4. 项目收尾阶段4.1 项目总结报告在项目收尾阶段,项目经理应召开项目总结会议,对项目的整体情况进行总结和评估。
项目总结报告应包含以下内容:•项目目标和交付物的实现情况•项目存在的问题和经验教训•项目团队的表现和奖惩措施•对项目流程和制度的改进建议4.2 项目归档和知识管理项目经理应对项目相关的文档、数据和资料进行归档和管理,以方便后续查询和利用。
软件开发流程管理制度IT公司最新版软件开发流程管理制度IT 公司最新版为加强对定制软件开发工作管理,缩短开发周期,提高软件开发质量,降低开发成本,提高定开发效率和效益,特制定软件开发流程管理制度。
5、软件实现:软件功能说明、源代码说明或者注释6、产品测试:测试报告7、产品发布:产品说明书、使用手册8产品维护:问题反馈记录9、项目总结:提交客户方的项目总结和公司项目汇报的PPT 软件过程成果表:根据公司目前的开发过程主要分为分析、开发、测试三个阶段。
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(流程管理)流程开发配置文档bps流程开发安装配置文档1开发工具安装1.1基于MyEclipse5.5的安装本步骤以说明以MyEclipse为基础进行BPS开发环境安装为基础,说明于MyEclipse 上如何配置BPS环境。
1.1.1总体步骤说明基于MyEclipse的安装分为以下几步进行:1.MyEclipse5.5安装,2.BPS插件安装1.1.2My Eclipse5.5安装参见MyEclipse5.5安装说明,没有特别说明。
2.方法2:将bpstools、bpsbiztools、emf、gef、WTP-1.5.1解压缩到任意位置,于Eclipse安装目录下的links文件夹当中建立如下3个link文件:a)bpstools.link文件内容为:path=bpstool文件夹的绝对路径或者相对于My Eclipse5.5安装目录的路径b)bpsbiztools.link安装bpsbiztools之后,能够针对业务资源进行开发;文件内容为:path=bpsbiztools文件夹的绝对路径或者相对于My Eclipse5.5安装目录的路径c)emf.link文件内容为:path=emf文件夹的绝对路径或者相对于My Eclipse5.5安装目录的路径d)gef.link文件内容为:path=gef文件夹的绝对路径或者相对于My Eclipse5.5安装目录的路径e)wtp.link文件内容是:path=wtp文件夹的绝对路径或者相对于My Eclipse5.5安装目录的路径;该组件为选件,安装后能够方便的开发Web项目1.2基于BPS的安装1.2.1总体说明本步骤说明于以BPS为基础进行开发环境安装的步骤,即于先安装BPS的基础上引入MyEclipse开发环境以适合更多的开发场景。
(1) 于下拉列表框中选择数据库类型,如“Oracle9i/10g”。
(2) 输入数据库的关联配置信息。
图1-10配置Oracle9类型数据库(3) 选择是否“初始化数据库”(5) 单击【下壹步】按钮。
15.验证安装(1) 创建如下快捷菜单,如图1-14所示。
图1-14快捷菜单(3) 通过“开始→程序→PrimetonBPS6.1→启动BPSServer”启动BPSServer,查见控制台是否有异常。
通过“开始→程序→PrimetonBPS6.1→BPSStudio6.1”启动BPSStudio,BPSStudio 中已成功集成Myeclipse插件,如图1-16所示。
2、hibernate是于使用SSH框架时必要的生成工具,能大大提高开发效率3、Tomcat:方便服务测试环境的启动配置等2.1.2插件安装目录有俩种不同形式的安装方法,于插件放置时就有俩个不同的位置:svn、hibernate和tomcat插件放置位置:1、基于MyEclipse:安装目录<install_path>\MyEclipse5.5.1GA\eclipse\myplugin文件夹2、基于BPS安装:<install_path>\BPS\ide\eclipse\pluginsLinks文件放置位置1、基于MyEclipse:安装目录<install_path>\MyEclipse5.5.1GA\eclipse\links文件夹2、基于BPS安装:<install_path>\BPS\ide\eclipse\links Links文件内容:path=<%path%>eclipse/myplugin/tomcatpath=<%path%>eclipse/myplugin/svnpath=<%path%>eclipse/myplugin/hibernate于D:\ProgramFiles\MyEclipse5.5.1GA\eclipse\links文件夹下放入三个文件,记得修改文件内容是自己本机插件的路径。
第壹种:1、打开Myeclipse,于工具栏中选择help--->softwareupdates--->findandinstall,进入之后如图所示:2、选择searchfornewfeaturestoinstall,点击next进入下壹步:3、点击“newremotesite”按钮,于弹出的对话框中输入name:svn,url:/update_1.4.x点击ok,关闭对话框,且点击finish按钮,myeclipse自动下载插件安装程序,如下图所示:4、下载完插件之后,进入安装画面,如图:选择所要安装的svn插件内容,这里不勾选第二个选项subclipseintegrations,点击下壹步:选择“Iacceptthetermsinthelicenseagreements”且点击next,进入下壹步:5、直接点击finish即可,进入下壹步:开始安装svn插件,进度条如上图所示,安装完成之后,重启myeclipse,这个时候myeclipse 的视图中,就出现了“svnrepositoryexploring”视图:6、选择这个视图进入,于左边空白区域,单击右键--->new--->repositorylocation,进入如下画面:于对话框中输入https://,点击finish按钮,出现如下界面。