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Execute “Pugachev’s Cobra” 解除仰角抑制(执行“眼镜蛇”机动)
Setting your plane to the takeoff site on the carrier 进入航母起飞位置(舰载机专用)
RWin-Home RWin-End With Alt With Shift Page Up Page Down Key Pad + (Plus) Key Pad - (Minus)
Down Arrow Up Arrow Left Arrow
PROGRAM CONTROL(程序控制) End mission/track 退出任务/录相 Take control in the track 在录相播放时取得飞机控制权
Track edit Replace mode (disable old editing commands) 编辑录相-覆盖模式(取消现存编辑命令)
End recording microphone sound in the track 在录相中结束话筒录音
Record On or Off the place of cursor in the track 在录相中打开/关闭鼠标光标 Begin recording subtitle in the track 在录相中开始记录字幕
Toggle altitude stabilization mode 打开/取消高度固定 Toggle auto-throttle 打开/取消速度固定 Autopilot override Su-25T (press and hold) 自动飞行模式-任意模式 (用于 SU-25T,保持键) Autopilot mode – attitude hold 自动飞行模式-保持高度
Toggle folding wings (Note: Su-33 only) 机翼折叠开关(SU-33 专用键) Dump fuel (in flight) or refuel (ground) (Note: Hold key) 空中释放燃油/机场加油(保持键)
Jettison fuel tanks 抛弃副油箱
Toggle chat window for communication with my side during multiplayer 联网任务时打开对话窗口――向己方玩家发送信息
Recover human plane 重新获得飞机(复活)
Nose up 机首上抬
Nose down 机首下压
Bank left 机身向左侧滚
Esc Ctrl-Q Shift-Backspace Alt-Backspace Ctrl-S Ctrl-0 Shift-0 Alt-0 Ctrl-9 Shift-9 Ctrl-A Alt-A Shift-A
S Alt-J Ctrl-Backspace Print Screen ‘ (quote) Ctrl-M Alt-M Shift-Return
Decrease Throttle in increments 快速减小引擎推力
Increase Throttle smoothly 缓 缓慢减小引擎推力
B Shift-B Ctrl-B Ctrl-E-E-E
E Shift-E
F Shift-F Ctrl-F
Autopilot disengage 取消自动飞行模式
Decrease RWR/SPO sound warnings volume 减小 RWR/SPO 报警音量 Increase RWR/SPO sound warnings volume 增加 RWR/SPO 报警音量 Reset Current Audible Warning 重置语音警报
Toggle Pause/Resume/Launch model time at the mission start. 任务开始/暂停/继续 Jump into selected AI plane cockpit or leave current plane cockpit 进入 AI 飞机座舱或离开当前飞机座舱 Show frame rate 显示即时帧数(FPS) Upload screen shots to ScreenShots folder, numbering them with 0, 1, 2, … 截图(图像文件保存于 ScreenShots 目录下,自动编号命名) Show mission goals window during mission Show scores window during multiplayer mission 单人任务时显示任务目标窗口/联网任务时显示成绩窗口 Toggle chat window for communication with all gamers during multiplayer 联网任务时打开对话窗口――向所有玩家发送信息
Track edit Insert mode (don’t disable old editing commands) 编辑录相-覆盖模式(取消现存编辑命令)
Toggle Sound On or Off 伴音开关
Begin recording microphone sound in the track 在录相中开始话筒录音
H J Alt-~ (Grave) Alt-1 Alt-2 Alt-3 Alt-4 Alt-5
Alt-9 Alt-, (Comma) Alt-. (Period)
Bank right 机身向右侧滚
Trim up 向上配平
Trim down 向下配平
Trim left 向左配平
Trim right 向右配平
Reset trimmers (except AFM planes Su-25, Su-25T) 取消配平(Su-25,Su-25T 等高级飞模机型除外) Rudder left (in flight), left turn (taxi) 左舵(空中),左转(地面)
Rudder right (in flight), right turn (taxi) 右舵(空中),右转(地面)
Autopilot mode – radio-altitude hold 自动飞行模式-保持雷达高度
Autopilot mode – “Route following” mode. Same as “Toggle autopilot” command but without auto-throttle 自动飞行模式-“自动导航”模式,类似于“全自动飞行”但取消速度 自动保持
Wheel brakes (ground) (Note: Hold key) 地面刹车(保持键)
Toggle wingtip smoke 拉烟开关(必须挂载发烟弹)
Toggle refueling boom 空中受油管伸缩开关
HUD color selection 切换 HUD 颜色
Cockpit illumination 座舱照明开关
THROTTLE CONTROL(引擎控制) Engines Start 启动飞机引擎
Engines Stop 关闭飞机引擎
Left engine only 与 ALT 键合用时单独操作左引擎 Right engine only 与 SHIFT 键合用时单独操作右引擎 Increase Throttle in increments 快速增加引擎推力
Trim left rudder 左舵配平
Trim right rudder 右舵配平
Engage/disengage autopilot. If the autopilot is on then the plane tries to fly along the route in the NAV mode or to take the level position in combat modes. 全自动驾驶(开启后在导航模式中沿导航线飞行,在作战时自动水平)
1.02 1.02 1.02
Right Arrow Ctrl-. (Period) Ctrl-; (Semi-colon) Ctrl-, (Comma) Ctrl-/ (Slash)
Ctrl-T Z X
Ctrl-Z Ctrl-X
Autopilot mode – altitude and roll hold 自动飞行模式-保持高度和翻滚姿态
Autopilot mode – transition to level flight (panic button) 自动飞行模式-从任意飞行姿态转变为水平飞行(强制键)
Autopilot mode – barometric altitude hold 自动飞行模式-保持气压高度
Flaps down to the landing position 襟翼完全开启
Flaps up 襟翼完全收起
Toggle landing gear up/down 起落架升降开关
Toggle landing gear down 放下起落架
Toggle landing gear up 收起起落架
Toggle arrestor hook down/up (Note: Su-33 only) 着舰钩收放开关(Su-33 专用键)
1.1 1.1
1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
Ctrl-C P
Ctrl-P Ctrl-R Alt-R
W T R Ctrl-H L Shift-L
Canopy open/close 座舱盖开关
Release drogue chute 释放减速伞
End recording subtitle in the track 在录相中结束记录字幕
Accelerate simulation speed 加快游戏速度(快镜头)
Decelerate simulation speed 减慢游戏速度(慢镜头)
Reset normal simulation speed 恢复正常游戏速度
1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.02
Alt-V K U
Toggle immortality mode for own plane (doesn't work in network and in protected missions) 无敌模式(联网或加密任务中无效)
Electric power switch On/Off (for Su-25, Su-25T only) 电子设备电源开关(仅用于 Su-25、Su-25T)
Switch on-board lights - Steady/Off For Su-25T - cycle mode on-board lights – Steady/Flash/Off 机身信号灯-打开/关闭 Su-25T 机身信号灯-开启/闪动/关闭
G Shift-G Ctrl-G Alt-G
MECHANICAL SYSTEMS CONTROL(机械系统控制) Toggle airbrake 减速板开关
Airbrake out 打开减速板
Airbrake in 关闭减速板
Eject (Press E three times holding Ctrl down) 弹射跳伞(按住 CTRL 键并同时按三次 E 键) Toggle active jamming (requires ECM pods in loadout) 雷达电子干扰器开关(需挂载 ECM 吊舱) Toggle active IR jamming for Su-25T only 红外电子干扰器开关(Su-25T 专用键) Toggle flaps up/down 襟翼升降开关
Setting your plane to the takeoff site on the carrier 进入航母起飞位置(舰载机专用)
RWin-Home RWin-End With Alt With Shift Page Up Page Down Key Pad + (Plus) Key Pad - (Minus)
Down Arrow Up Arrow Left Arrow
PROGRAM CONTROL(程序控制) End mission/track 退出任务/录相 Take control in the track 在录相播放时取得飞机控制权
Track edit Replace mode (disable old editing commands) 编辑录相-覆盖模式(取消现存编辑命令)
End recording microphone sound in the track 在录相中结束话筒录音
Record On or Off the place of cursor in the track 在录相中打开/关闭鼠标光标 Begin recording subtitle in the track 在录相中开始记录字幕
Toggle altitude stabilization mode 打开/取消高度固定 Toggle auto-throttle 打开/取消速度固定 Autopilot override Su-25T (press and hold) 自动飞行模式-任意模式 (用于 SU-25T,保持键) Autopilot mode – attitude hold 自动飞行模式-保持高度
Toggle folding wings (Note: Su-33 only) 机翼折叠开关(SU-33 专用键) Dump fuel (in flight) or refuel (ground) (Note: Hold key) 空中释放燃油/机场加油(保持键)
Jettison fuel tanks 抛弃副油箱
Toggle chat window for communication with my side during multiplayer 联网任务时打开对话窗口――向己方玩家发送信息
Recover human plane 重新获得飞机(复活)
Nose up 机首上抬
Nose down 机首下压
Bank left 机身向左侧滚
Esc Ctrl-Q Shift-Backspace Alt-Backspace Ctrl-S Ctrl-0 Shift-0 Alt-0 Ctrl-9 Shift-9 Ctrl-A Alt-A Shift-A
S Alt-J Ctrl-Backspace Print Screen ‘ (quote) Ctrl-M Alt-M Shift-Return
Decrease Throttle in increments 快速减小引擎推力
Increase Throttle smoothly 缓 缓慢减小引擎推力
B Shift-B Ctrl-B Ctrl-E-E-E
E Shift-E
F Shift-F Ctrl-F
Autopilot disengage 取消自动飞行模式
Decrease RWR/SPO sound warnings volume 减小 RWR/SPO 报警音量 Increase RWR/SPO sound warnings volume 增加 RWR/SPO 报警音量 Reset Current Audible Warning 重置语音警报
Toggle Pause/Resume/Launch model time at the mission start. 任务开始/暂停/继续 Jump into selected AI plane cockpit or leave current plane cockpit 进入 AI 飞机座舱或离开当前飞机座舱 Show frame rate 显示即时帧数(FPS) Upload screen shots to ScreenShots folder, numbering them with 0, 1, 2, … 截图(图像文件保存于 ScreenShots 目录下,自动编号命名) Show mission goals window during mission Show scores window during multiplayer mission 单人任务时显示任务目标窗口/联网任务时显示成绩窗口 Toggle chat window for communication with all gamers during multiplayer 联网任务时打开对话窗口――向所有玩家发送信息
Track edit Insert mode (don’t disable old editing commands) 编辑录相-覆盖模式(取消现存编辑命令)
Toggle Sound On or Off 伴音开关
Begin recording microphone sound in the track 在录相中开始话筒录音
H J Alt-~ (Grave) Alt-1 Alt-2 Alt-3 Alt-4 Alt-5
Alt-9 Alt-, (Comma) Alt-. (Period)
Bank right 机身向右侧滚
Trim up 向上配平
Trim down 向下配平
Trim left 向左配平
Trim right 向右配平
Reset trimmers (except AFM planes Su-25, Su-25T) 取消配平(Su-25,Su-25T 等高级飞模机型除外) Rudder left (in flight), left turn (taxi) 左舵(空中),左转(地面)
Rudder right (in flight), right turn (taxi) 右舵(空中),右转(地面)
Autopilot mode – radio-altitude hold 自动飞行模式-保持雷达高度
Autopilot mode – “Route following” mode. Same as “Toggle autopilot” command but without auto-throttle 自动飞行模式-“自动导航”模式,类似于“全自动飞行”但取消速度 自动保持
Wheel brakes (ground) (Note: Hold key) 地面刹车(保持键)
Toggle wingtip smoke 拉烟开关(必须挂载发烟弹)
Toggle refueling boom 空中受油管伸缩开关
HUD color selection 切换 HUD 颜色
Cockpit illumination 座舱照明开关
THROTTLE CONTROL(引擎控制) Engines Start 启动飞机引擎
Engines Stop 关闭飞机引擎
Left engine only 与 ALT 键合用时单独操作左引擎 Right engine only 与 SHIFT 键合用时单独操作右引擎 Increase Throttle in increments 快速增加引擎推力
Trim left rudder 左舵配平
Trim right rudder 右舵配平
Engage/disengage autopilot. If the autopilot is on then the plane tries to fly along the route in the NAV mode or to take the level position in combat modes. 全自动驾驶(开启后在导航模式中沿导航线飞行,在作战时自动水平)
1.02 1.02 1.02
Right Arrow Ctrl-. (Period) Ctrl-; (Semi-colon) Ctrl-, (Comma) Ctrl-/ (Slash)
Ctrl-T Z X
Ctrl-Z Ctrl-X
Autopilot mode – altitude and roll hold 自动飞行模式-保持高度和翻滚姿态
Autopilot mode – transition to level flight (panic button) 自动飞行模式-从任意飞行姿态转变为水平飞行(强制键)
Autopilot mode – barometric altitude hold 自动飞行模式-保持气压高度
Flaps down to the landing position 襟翼完全开启
Flaps up 襟翼完全收起
Toggle landing gear up/down 起落架升降开关
Toggle landing gear down 放下起落架
Toggle landing gear up 收起起落架
Toggle arrestor hook down/up (Note: Su-33 only) 着舰钩收放开关(Su-33 专用键)
1.1 1.1
1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
Ctrl-C P
Ctrl-P Ctrl-R Alt-R
W T R Ctrl-H L Shift-L
Canopy open/close 座舱盖开关
Release drogue chute 释放减速伞
End recording subtitle in the track 在录相中结束记录字幕
Accelerate simulation speed 加快游戏速度(快镜头)
Decelerate simulation speed 减慢游戏速度(慢镜头)
Reset normal simulation speed 恢复正常游戏速度
1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.02
Alt-V K U
Toggle immortality mode for own plane (doesn't work in network and in protected missions) 无敌模式(联网或加密任务中无效)
Electric power switch On/Off (for Su-25, Su-25T only) 电子设备电源开关(仅用于 Su-25、Su-25T)
Switch on-board lights - Steady/Off For Su-25T - cycle mode on-board lights – Steady/Flash/Off 机身信号灯-打开/关闭 Su-25T 机身信号灯-开启/闪动/关闭
G Shift-G Ctrl-G Alt-G
MECHANICAL SYSTEMS CONTROL(机械系统控制) Toggle airbrake 减速板开关
Airbrake out 打开减速板
Airbrake in 关闭减速板
Eject (Press E three times holding Ctrl down) 弹射跳伞(按住 CTRL 键并同时按三次 E 键) Toggle active jamming (requires ECM pods in loadout) 雷达电子干扰器开关(需挂载 ECM 吊舱) Toggle active IR jamming for Su-25T only 红外电子干扰器开关(Su-25T 专用键) Toggle flaps up/down 襟翼升降开关