




新托福独立口语分类机经汇总一、Person1. 好老师的character1. What do you think is ONE of the most important characteristics that a teacher should have?)1. 说一个你敬佩的人的好性格1. 你最崇拜的人是谁?1. An older people you respect1. 描述你的role mode1. 对你影响最深刻的人。

1. Describe the person who have had positive impact on you1. (Important) characteristic of friends;1. 问好朋友什么最重要?loyalty,honest还是humor1. Who would you love talking with? What do you talk about?1. What qualities should a leader have?1. 遇到困难时,找谁寻求建议,你为何value that person’s advice1. 说说作为team member一个重要的quality1. many students do volunteer work, 问what kind of volunteer do you want to be?2. 人是被电视、报纸、广播上的信息影响得多,还是家人朋友得影响多2. Get advice from family and friends/learning through personal experience, which one do you prefer?2. Do you agree or disagree, the most important influences that young adults have are from their families.2. Family can help young adults a lot(大概是这意思),agree or disagree?2. Do you always make friends who have different interests from you? Why?2. 你是愿意当leader 还是当follower2. Do you agree or disagree with the statement: artists and musicians are useful nowadays 大概这样.二、Money1. Power and money is the definition of success.2. 你是想把多余的一点点钱马上用掉,还是存2.飞来横财,是用来do practical thing还是用来只do leisure thing.第2页 /(共2页)三、Events1. Describe the most important decision that you made in your life.1. 描述一件自己印象深刻的celebration 或者moment1. Describe a social or political event celebrated in your country (culture)1. A popular activity in your country1. 说一个参加过的memorial 活动之类的(有意义难忘的一件事)1.描述一件童年很happy 的event,然后explain why it is memorable1. 讲一个难忘的event,跟你家人和朋友在一起的1. The most memorable and important event of you happened in school1. 印象比较深的celebration,为什么important?1. 描述你最enjoy的一天and why1. 你朋友曾经做过让你开心的事的经验1. Describe a recent experience。



1.Agree or disagree:technology devices distance people far more now than before.2.Do you agree or disagree with the statement that the most important class can't be learned in the classroom?3.People who live in small towns are nicer than those who live in big cities,agree with disagree4.Do you agree with the statement:it is easier for people today to lead a healthy life than people of100years ago.5.Your university plans to open a cafe inside the campus library.Do you think this is a good idea?Explain why or why not?6.Some people like having a wide variety of friends and acquaintances they can spend time with.Others like to spend most of their free time with the same small group of close friends.Which do you prefer?Explain why.7.Which of the following do you think is the most important quality for an employee: performance during the interview or education background?8.Imagine you're provided with two job offers,one travels a lot with more money, one with less business trips and less money.9.Which one do you agree?Children born with talent should be treated in a different way or they should be treated in the same way as average children.10.Some schools decide to expel students from school,if they are caught cheating in the exam.Do you think this is a good idea or not?11.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Employees shouldn’t send personal texts or emails during work hours.12.Agree or disagree:if children do well in school,parents should give them money as rewards?13.Some students prefer to go to universities or colleges in their hometown.Others prefer to go to universities or colleges in new cities or towns.Which do you prefer and why?Include details and examples in your explanation.14.Your professor suddenly cancels the class for today.Would you prefer to go shopping with your friends or prepare for the exam?15.Some people believe it is important for universities to provide funding forstudents'entertainment,such as movies or concerts on campus.Others believe that university money should only be used for academic purposes.Which view do you agree with?Explain why.16.Your school is planning to ban library computers from accessing social media websites.Do you agree or disagree with such a plan?17.Some think robots are useful in the future.Some think robots will never be more useful and smarter than human.Which do you agree?18.Some people prefer to learn from people and events in the pasts.Others prefer to learn from current people and events.Which do you prefer?Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.19.Do you agree or disagree with this statement that we should help our friends only when they ask for help?20.Do you agree or disagree that in the future,people will read fewer books than they do today.21.Some people like to share their thoughts through publications like newspapers and blogs,others prefer to only share them with friends.Which one do you prefer?22.State whether you agree or disagree with the following statement.Then explain your reasons,using specific details in your explanation.People are more likely to enjoy themselves at concerts or films if they go with a group of friends.23.While you are on a vacation,do you prefer to spend more money or less money?24.Your professor is asking you to help with some research on the weekend,but you have planned to go to your sister's birthday party.Which would you choose?Explain why.25.Do you agree or disagree that assignments handed in after the deadline should receive a lower score?26.Some teachers prefer to answer students’questions while they are delivering a lecture.Some teachers prefer to answer their questions when the lecture is over. Which one do you prefer?Why?。

10月24日-10月25日 托福口语机经预测---环球教育

10月24日-10月25日 托福口语机经预测---环球教育
Task 1 ................................................................................................................................................ 2 Task 2 .............................................................................................................................................. 15 Task 3 .............................................................................................................................................. 32 Task 4 .............................................................................................................................................. 38 Task 5 .............................................................................................................................................. 43 Task 6 .............................................................................................................................................. 47



托福口语机经011.你最不喜欢的哪些品质会让你不和一个人做朋友?/你最不喜欢朋友的一个特质是什么?2.三选一,你觉得的地球环境恶劣无法居住之后人类应该生活在哪个地方?(1)surface of the ocean(2)非常冷的地方比如南北极(3)其他星球比如月亮或火星3.三选一,学校要给children开workshops,选哪个好?(1)art craft(2)technology(3)athletic program4.学校让学生自己开一家咖啡店,说一下优缺点5.If you want to choose a roommate, which characristic do you prefer:(1)quietness(2)friendliness(3)cleanliness6.期末给老师教学评价的优缺点7.Teachers often make mistakes. Describe the commonest mistake that teachers often make. Include reasons and examples to support your response.8.Which of the following backgrounds do you think a potential government leader should have?1)military background2)business background3)legal background9.What are the advantages and/or disadvantages of having fast foods in restaurants on the street?10.你觉得以下哪件事更需要勇气:1)提出和朋友不一样的观点2)上课反驳老师3)承认自己的错误11.Your friends visit your country for the first time, what advise you would give (should / should not do)12.社区要组织department 参观,如果是你你会建议去哪个department (没记错的话是这个意思)1)fire department2)police department3)parks and recreaction department13.The school is going to offer some course course for students to cultivate their interests and talents in different fields, which is the most attractive one for you?1)making public speechs2)business3)photograpgy skills14.There is going to have students’TV show. Which do you think is the most interesting one1)Interwiew school leaders2)Students’debate on political and social topics3)Comedy about school life15.There are some school fund rasing events as follow, which one would you like to attend?1)Training in sport teams2)Work behind a popular TV show3)Working for national government office16.购物的时候用可回收纸袋和塑料袋收费,说说这个政策的优点或缺点17.你觉得什么方法能让大一学生了解校园:1)让大二学生做partner2)让新生观光3)设立一个回答问题的center18.你要住房子,在三个因素里选择你最在乎的:1)房子大小2)室友友好3)离商店和饭店近19.create business 你选择什么样20.你的朋友不想骑车了,想要买汽车,同时搞个副业还车贷,你同意与否?21.The most important factors that affect the lasting time of friendship1. Help each other2. Have similar intersts and views on important things3. Trust each other completely22.Talking about the disadvantages of move to a new place to live.23.朋友important event 睡不着,有什么advice24.学校花钱搞一些娱乐设施,三选一1)table sports2)theater3)video games25.你会用什么方式去帮你朋友庆祝她获奖或者其他值得庆祝的事情(181028,和181020很像)26.你的好朋友获得了很大的成就,你会怎么帮她庆祝?(181020)27.和家人一起工作的利弊28.三选一:学校校园报纸要增加一个新的板块,你认为哪个会让学生更有兴趣读:1)film recommendations2)local restaurant reviews3)tips on traveling29.你的朋友错过很多课,要复习考试,要你帮忙,你怎么办?30.If your prodessor cancel the night class, but there is an upcoming test tomorrow. What would you do tonight, go hang out with your friends or prepare for the test?31.Which of the following is most important for recruitment of new employees-Academic background-Work experience-Interview performance32.你朋友想学做饭,给点建议33.If universities are given financial support to develop researches, which one do you think would receive more benefits.1) To predict weather more accurately.2) To clean rivers and ocean.3) To deal with outer space.34.上大学前的pre course 的advantage and disadvantage35.讲述一个经历:你如何处理一件你不熟悉的事情,以及你的心理过程36.父母给孩子钱作为考好的奖励,advantage and disadvantage?37.三选一,以下哪一项最需要资金投入:1)health care2)education system3)space exploration38.video chat的好处或者坏处。

TOEFL iBT机经汇总口语

TOEFL iBT机经汇总口语




1,是你认为重要的一本书2 记不住了3是某组织写了封公开信,认为学校搞一个新sculptur会加学费,会占用绿地。


认为sculpture的钱是donor 出,不是学校通过学生出,另一个是写公开信的人只是不想挪到其他地方玩足球,根本不是为了大家。


听的部分是一个profess or用自己在电脑公司参加一次电脑外部设计改进会的经历来证明文章的观点。


















2020 年10 月31 日托福口语机经预测2020年10月31日托福口语机经预测:预测一:Task 1计划一次旅游,你会去哪里?Task2:In order to run a successful business, a person needs to be friendly and outgoingTask3:文章:学校要来一个节电比赛,看谁用电少,赢者奖励皮萨派对。





Task4:Behavioral exposure? 差不多这个让孩子克服恐惧例子:教授儿子刚搬到洛杉矶害怕跟当地孩子交流一天一群孩子在外面玩教授让儿子经过他们的时候say hi 然后那些孩子很友善的回他hi 当他俩买冰淇淋回来的时候夸下那个孩子的自行车然后他们就交流了儿子出去跟孩子们玩了。

Task5:男生本来要和朋友一起去海滩,但是mary 明天要搬家,所以希望他帮忙1 找其他人帮忙,但是可能来不及了2cancel 他的trip ,但是他已经计划很久了,而且天气凉了,没机会了Task6:经济学Scarcity :就是说如果你和顾客说这件衣服不剩多少了,再不买就没有了,他们就会疯买。


例子是:服装店卖夹克衫预测二:Task 1 :Describe the most important decision you had ever made ?Task 2 :Game indoors or game outdoors , which do you prefer ? 。

Task 3 :阅读说要在数学楼里面建一个餐厅,因为学生能够在课间有地方吃饭,而且他们还能够给自己的电脑充电。


首先,学校的食堂离student center 很远,如果在数学楼里建了食堂能够解决这个问题。



2020年托福口语真题独立口语任务task1上午:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: XXX is as effective as taking classes in a classroom。

Use specific examples and details to support your answer.I agree that students learning through videos can be as effective as taking classes in a classroom。

For instance。

online lectures and tutorials can provide students with the same n and knowledge as XXX。

students XXX difficult concepts。

which may not be possible in a classroom setting。


videos cannot replace the benefits of in-person XXX.下午:Library应该是安静让人研究的还是跟同学interact 的?XXX and learning。

While it is important to interact with peers and collaborate on projects。

this can be done in other settings such as group study rooms or outside of the library。

Libraries XXX focus。

which is essential for effective learning.1/5XXX products。




托福TPO31口语Task4阅读文本: Mental Accounting Although they may not realize it, people do not always manage their money in responsible way. In their minds, people tend to divide their money into different categories as if they were putting it into separate mental bank accounts. This tendency is known as mental accounting. People mentally store some money in one account to be saved, while they imagine other money being stored in another account from which money can be taken and freely spent. Mental accounting can lead people to spend more money than they should, which can make it difficult for them to save enough money to achieve their long-term financial goals." 托福TPO31口语Task4听力文本: NarratorNow listen to part of a lecture in a psychology class. ProfessorSo a good example of this is something that happened to me. When I was younger, I had an office job and I worked there every day during the week. And I made a regular salary from that. But also I worked as a waiter at a restaurant each weekend, so I made some money from doing that.Now, around this time, I decided I wanted to buy a house. So every time I got my regular paycheck from my job at the office, I'd save as much of the money from it as I could after I bought the basic stuff I needed. But with the money I made as a waiter that was another story. Somehow I guess that money seemed separate from the money I earned at my regular job. So I used the money I made at the restaurant to go out to dinner, to buy videos or CDs, things I didn't really need.But the thing is, it ended up taking me a really long time to save up all the money I needed to buy the house. And looking back now, I realize I could have bought the house a lot sooner if only I had saved more of the money I made working at the restaurant." " 托福TPO31口语Task4题目: Using the examples from the professor’s lecture, explain the concept of mental accounting. 托福TPO31口语Task4满分范文: Mental accounting is a tendency that people divide their money into different categories in their mind and therefore spend more money than they should have. The professor takes his personal experience. He used to have two jobs. He had an officejob on the weekdays and got regular paycheck from it; also he worked part-time in a restaurant at weekends, which earned him some extra money. He decided to buy a house, so with the regular salary he earned from his office job, he only bought daily necessities and then put aside as much as possible. But with the money earned from the restaurant he wasn't so careful, spending it on dinner and buying unnecessary stuffs like CDs, because through mental accounting, the part-time money was separate from his regular paycheck. As a result, it took him longer time to get enough money for a house than he should have if he didn't spend the restaurant money. (158 words) 以上是给大家整理的托福TPO31口语Task4阅读文本+听力文本+题目+满分范文,希望对你有所帮助!。



2020 年10 月31 日托福口语机经预测2020年10月31日托福口语机经预测:预测一:Task 1计划一次旅游,你会去哪里?Task2:In order to run a successful business, a person needs to be friendly and outgoingTask3:文章:学校要来一个节电比赛,看谁用电少,赢者奖励皮萨派对。





Task4:Behavioral exposure? 差不多这个让孩子克服恐惧例子:教授儿子刚搬到洛杉矶害怕跟当地孩子交流一天一群孩子在外面玩教授让儿子经过他们的时候say hi 然后那些孩子很友善的回他hi 当他俩买冰淇淋回来的时候夸下那个孩子的自行车然后他们就交流了儿子出去跟孩子们玩了。

Task5:男生本来要和朋友一起去海滩,但是mary 明天要搬家,所以希望他帮忙1 找其他人帮忙,但是可能来不及了2cancel 他的trip ,但是他已经计划很久了,而且天气凉了,没机会了Task6:经济学Scarcity :就是说如果你和顾客说这件衣服不剩多少了,再不买就没有了,他们就会疯买。


例子是:服装店卖夹克衫预测二:Task 1 :Describe the most important decision you had ever made ?Task 2 :Game indoors or game outdoors , which do you prefer ? 。

Task 3 :阅读说要在数学楼里面建一个餐厅,因为学生能够在课间有地方吃饭,而且他们还能够给自己的电脑充电。


首先,学校的食堂离student center 很远,如果在数学楼里建了食堂能够解决这个问题。



Describe one way of life in your country that has been changed and why it is beneficialDo you like to prepare for something in the beginning or wait just before the due date?What did you learn in your childhood?Some people like to have a tight schedule while others prefer to have a lot of free time. What about you?Describe a person who always makes you laugh. Explain why the person is funny. Include details and examples in your explanation.Some people prefer to live in a place most of their life. Other people prefer to move to different places. Which do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.Talk about something you wanted to do but never had time to do yet. Describe the details and explain the reason.Do you prefer to do couples of small assignments or one or two big assignments?Among the following three types of books – mystery, science fiction and biography,which do you like the least? Explain why.Do you like to travel alone or with your family members? Explain your answer with details and examples.What kind of activity do you enjoying doing most at school? Explain why you enjoy doing this activity.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Artists (painters, musicians, etc.) are born and not taught.Describe a skill you have that you want to improve. Describe the details of what you will do to improve it.Do you agree or disagree the following statement: Advertising has too much influence on what people buy.What suggestions would you give to a friend who wants to improve his/her score in class?Well, I think there are many ways that h/she can make use of to enhance his/her academic performance. He can join a study group where h/she can ask other group members for clarifying difficult points. I would also advise him to preview what the professor is going to discuss the next day and review what the professor has taught. That way he/she will understand better the teaching content and the knowledge will retain much longer. Also make full use of the office hours, if he/she encounters difficulties, the professor is always glad to offer a helping hand.Some people like to purchase books from a book store while others like to borrow books from the library. Which do you prefer and why?I prefer buying books to borrowing books. True, borrowing books can save you a lot of money and you can get almost any book, even the latest releases if you are willing to wait or join a queue. However, you have to return it on time even if you have not finished it. However, by buying the book, you can read it wherever you want and whenever you want, and once you have read it, you can lend it to friends and family or even give it as a gift. Another strength of owing books is that we can take whatever notes on the margin of the pages of the books.Is it beneficial for students to have computers at school?In my opinion, the computer is an essential tool for students both in their studies and their life. For example, the other day, my English teacher assigned a project. With the help of my computer, I found a lot of useful information and made several neat PPT slides to facilitate my presentation. Through computers, students can complete school assignments or even take online courses. Besides, computers can serve as a medium for students to communicate by sending and receiving E-mails and instant messages. Furthermore, with computers, students can access the internet to find information about news, weather, sports and products, to listen to or watch television, movies or radio, making purchases or even finding jobs. Therefore, the computer is a must for students.Would you keep on expressing your honest opinions, even if you know that they will not be approved by others?I will voice my opinion even when I am aware that others might disagree with it cause it’s my right as an independent individual to communicate how I feel about a particular subject. Disagreement will show my individuality and make others respect me. Someone who just concurs with whatever others say will go nowhere. What’s more, by clearly expressing my own thoughts I can hone my debating and communicative skills as well as critical and logical thinking.Talk about a recent event or celebration you went to. Do you think that everyone who went there had a good time?I recently attended my cousin’s wedding ceremony. My cousin is an engineer who is now living and working in the U.S. It was really a grand occasion. All the relatives including my 90 year old grandpa were present. I guess there must be over a hundred people. We had a magnificent dinner at a restaurant. During the dinner we talked, proposed toasts to each other. There were traditional opera performances to watch. I guess everybody was having a good time except my aunt and uncle. The reason is that my cousin is their only son and after the wedding he’d have to back to the States, therefore my aunt and uncle won’t get to see him very often.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Sixteen-year-old people are not mature enough to drive.In my opinion sixteen-year-olds are way too young to drive without supervision. After all, they are still high school students, they tend be reckless, always looking for fun and excitement. That might lead to accidents. Also, I recently read a news report that suggested that the teen brain — the part that weighs risks, makes judgments and controls impulsive behavior is not developed enough. Therefore, they are generally not ready to face thelife-threatening risks that drivers can encounter behind the wheel.Of the following three professions, which one do you think is the most important for society: primary school teacher, nurse or artist?It is my considered opinion that of the three professions listed, primary school teachers contributed most to society and are therefore the most important. First of all, it is likely that a person may not attend college or even secondary school; however, most people attend primary school to receive basic education, so primary school teachers influence most people’s lives. What’s more, primary school teachers play an important role in developing a child’s intellect and work habits. Primary school is the first time most children are in a strictly educational environment. While pre-kindergarten and kindergarten classes do teach children some basic skills and knowledge, such as shapes and colors, primary school immerses children in the educational environment they will be experiencing until graduation from high school.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People under 18 years old are not mature enough to vote.I think that 18 is a suitable age at which individuals have the necessary capacity to independently decide how to cast a vote. First of all, at 18, most people have finished their high school, which means they are literate and have the reasoning ability, and this is the prerequisite for voting. Secondly, at 18 a person can have his/her driving license. If we allow them to drive, we should also recognize that they are mature enough to vote. Finally, in today’s society 18-year-olds are more mature than ever before and there is no significant gap between an18-year-old’s ability to vote and people who are older. In fact many 40-year-olds are incapable to make informed decisions.What kind of music do you like the least? Give reasons why you do not like this kind of music.Some college students like to spend their time free time studying another course or doing schoolwork. Others like to join a club and enjoy club activities. Which do you think is better and why?One of your friends wants to drop out of college. Do you think it is a good idea or not? Why?Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order to be successful, a person should study in the university.Are the ways you study different from others, and how?Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing computer or video games has a negative influence on teenagers.。



我来说说 10月 31日最新托福考试的机经吧,根据回忆写的,大部分还算全。

接下来是 10月 31日托福考试口语机经:
第一题 important day in your life why?
第二题 watch television is not a good way to use time
第三题学校说要开一个 students-run snack shop
1. 提供工作机会学习 business skills
2. 学校的 cafeteria 人多排队长开车去商店费时间
第四题 experience goods指没有用过就不知道好坏的货物
教授的例子是他买教学 DVD 的朋友
那朋友自己知道 DVD 很好但是没人买
第五题 (机经中了
一个女生写的 paper 需要一本书
1.state U有一本但是寄过来要好几天
2. 开车去取但是单程 2小时要翘课
第六题 spruce tree in north Canada and Russia
Avoid injure
1.triangle shape when heavy snow fall down, slide off to the ground instead of break the branch.
2.Dark green colored needle leaves




托福TPO31独立口语Task2题目: Some university students choose to take difficult classes even if they know they might not get a good grade in the class. Other students prefer to take easier classes in which they know they will get a good grade. Which do you prefer? Explain why. 托福TPO31独立口语Task2满分范文: Personally speaking, I prefer to take difficult classes even if I know I might not get a good grade for several reasons. Firstly, taking difficult classes is a challenge that will benefit us in the long run as many skills can be developed through the challenges. For example, I took a literature class when I was still a freshman. At that point, I had a hard time understanding the readings. However, after finishing that class, I developed my communicating skills by frequently asking the professor and my classmates questions, which benefited my through my college. Besides, I can actually learn new things by taking difficult classes. There is no point of taking the same class over and over again. For example, my friend Jenny took two language courses in university and now she can speak four languages fluently. 以上是给大家整理的托福TPO31口语Task2题目+满分范文,希望对你有所帮助!。

托福口语机经范文(part 3)

托福口语机经范文(part 3)

Task 1Personally, I think it is important for students to have computers.Professors nowadays use e-mail as their main way to send their resources of courses. And Using students’own computers rather than those are public is more convenient. If they don’t have computers, they might have to line up in library for public ones.Moreover, with the help of computers, students are able to search information they need throughout the Internet anytime anywhere. It is more efficient than tradition ways, such as reading books.Task 2I would like to say that people should express ideas honestly even though they are different from others. I have a couple of reasons to support my view.The purpose of talking is to hear different opinion from others. For example, if everyone talks the same, the conversation cannot continue at all and will become boring.Besides, people should point out the wrong idea of others honestly before it become worse. Such as some of our friends hold the view that it is OK to smoke in public places, and you should correct them without any doubt.That’s why I agree with the statement.Task 3From the reading, we got know that the school is planning a cleanup day. Volunteers will be required to clean campus in groups. And after the activity, there will be a social dinner.In this conversation, the man holds a positive view to the university’s plan for the following reasons and is going to join in it.One is that by taking part in the plan, volunteers can not only make campus clean but also become more care about campus environment, such as don’t throw wrapping paper of food around anymore.Also, he points out that the following party is attractive, and many students will join the plan for it.Therefore, he is supportive to this plan.Task 4In the lecture, the professor uses an example to explain the idea in the reading passage.When he was a teacher of an elementary school, a student named Steven sited beside window at classes and often watched birds and trees outside. At the same time, Steven couldn’t concentrate on classes and did badly during tests.Then the professor changed his seat to keep him away from windows. After that Steven was able to focus on the classes and had an improvement of his grade.The professor summarized it as a useful method to protect students from being disturbed and help them focus on what they are doing.Task 5The man’s problem is that he is going to play a stage performance as his homework of theater class which as a part of the total score. But his partner Sara caught a cold and can’t perform.The woman offers 2 possible solutions to solve his problem. One is to explain to his professor and ask for another time to performance. But if it is put off to the next week, there will be another performance at the same time, and it will be hard for him to memorize two storyline.The other is calling his partner to ask her to persist in this performance regardless her sick. Anyway, they will be scored as a group. I prefer the first one because it is hard to perform well when sick, besides, remembering 2 storyline at the same time can improve the man’s ability as well.Task 6The speaker in the lecture is talking about two kinds of social interaction between animals living in groups.The first one is complex social interaction, which has a series of interaction. Such as when one elephant is sick or get hurt, others will take care of it, bringing it food and water, nursing its babies.The second one is simple social interaction. Animals live in a group only for survival and defend themselves against the pradators. There is no strong bond or help behavior between them, such as fish, living together without communication. They can’t even identify friends.。



托福考试十月口语机经汇总中国---北美●中国大陆●10月10日托福口语机经1. Task 1.描述一下你的MODEL人物2. Task 2.小孩应不应该学习draw or paint3. Task 3.关于学校stop serving junk food in dining hall,男生不同意。


学生已经很健康了,学习完以后吃点零食是挺好的,尤其是finishing paper以后,女生说对啊,比如ice,cream什么的(2):就算我们不在学校买也会到校外的store去买,而且更贵,根本就不省钱4. Task 4.动物的利他主义:benefic other animals,but reduce the chance of suivival。

一种生活在加州的动物松鼠,它的主要敌人是mountain lion.尤其是吃母的。

当她发现有危险的时候会发生一种高pitch的calling来警告同伴赶紧逃跑,但是他的calling会引来lion,因此自己很可能被吃掉,她牺牲了自己逃走的机会,但是给同伴留了生路,尤其是family member 在附近的时候5. Task 5.男生要搬新apartment,但是那里面已经有家具了,他的家具没有地方放。



还可以得前,但是他明年搬家了还要用家具6. Task 6.business network:a group of people join in one group, they meet and built up relationship, friendship,they can benefit from eachother's expertise, which means share each other's skill.这有两点:1). 在一个group里的人互相benefit。



2020年10月31日托福阅读真题(新东方版)词汇题:particular=specificaccelerate=speed uplaunch=startelusive=hard to identifymethodically=systematicallymaintenance to=supportdetect=senserelatively=comparativelypersuasive=convincingrespectively=separatelyreciprocal=mutual第一篇:一开始讲美国俄亥俄州有一个叫标准石油(Standard Oil)大型公司。








最后一段说的是股权交易制度的完善能够吸引众多的投资者,举了新泽西的例子,标准石油(Standard Oil)首先获益。













10月25日托福口语机经(新东方版)Task 1A lot of experienced and inexperienced climb mountains every year, which one of the following adjectives would you use to describe this experience? Adventurous, frightening or foolish?Task 2Some people believe technology has brought people closer and others believe that technology actually isolate people, which one do you agree with? Explain why.Task 3The university plans to require all dorms to remain quiet after 10pm due to two reasons. The first reason is because it offers a better environment for students to have a good rest at night. And the second reason is that students wouldn’t have scheduling problems any more and it’s better for the relationship between students. In the conversation, the woman agrees with the plan. In the first reason, she mentions that a lot of students like to study in dorms, or some of them have early morning classes, so it’s important to maintain a quiet environment in dorms. As for the second reason, the woman points out that sometimes students feel uncomfortable asking their roommates to keep it down, and the new policy would solve this problem.Task 4In the lecture, the professor talks about the concept of outcome independence which means people tend to give better comments on those who can offer them help potentially. He offers us an example to illustrate it. Two groups of salesmen were assigned tasks and were told that they would receive a big bonus if they could finish the tasks. Then these two groups salesmen were asked to watch a video, in the videoit’s a man giving a speech. The second group of salesmen were told that this guy would later join their team and help them with the tasks while the first group of salesmen didn’t receive such information. Later when they asked the salesmen to describe the man in the video, the first group of salesmen described him as a good salesman very objectively. And the second group of salesmen described him as lovable, reliable and etc. because they thought they would receive help from this man.Task 5The woman’s problem is that she needs to do a presentation for her class in 10 minutes on the other side of campus but it’s pouring outside. There are two possible solutions for her. The first one is to borrow an umbrella from the man. And the second solution is to just go outside like this. If I were in the woman’s shoes, I’d go for the second solution because this way she will arrive to the class on time, since it’s her presentation, punctuality is extremely important. I personally don’t recommend the other solution because the man has to go upstairs to get his umbrella, it will take too much time and the woman may appear to be rude if she was late for the presentation. That’s why in this case, I think the second solution is a smarter option.Task 6In the lecture, the professor talks about the cooperation among animals. He offers us an example to illustrate it. Usually mothers won’t allow anyone to get close to their cubs. But sometimes mother monkeys would let younger females in the group to help take care of their babies. This happens mainly for two reasons. First of all, this way mother monkeys would have time to do more important things like getting food. Secondly, this also offers the younger females a very good opportunity to learn to take care of baby monkeys, it’s sort of like a training for them, so that they are more likelyto become good mothers themselves in the future.官方网站:教育部考试中心托福报名:托福报名时间托福预测:托福机经预测成绩查询:托福成绩查询托福真题:托福考试真题托福评分:托福评分标准。































1.Agree or disagree:technology devices distance people far more now than before.2.Do you agree or disagree with the statement that the most important class can't be learned in the classroom?3.People who live in small towns are nicer than those who live in big cities,agree with disagree4.Do you agree with the statement:it is easier for people today to lead a healthy life than people of100years ago.5.Your university plans to open a cafe inside the campus library.Do you think this is a good idea?Explain why or why not?6.Some people like having a wide variety of friends and acquaintances they can spend time with.Others like to spend most of their free time with the same small group of close friends.Which do you prefer?Explain why.7.Which of the following do you think is the most important quality for an employee: performance during the interview or education background?8.Imagine you're provided with two job offers,one travels a lot with more money, one with less business trips and less money.9.Which one do you agree?Children born with talent should be treated in a different way or they should be treated in the same way as average children.10.Some schools decide to expel students from school,if they are caught cheating in the exam.Do you think this is a good idea or not?11.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Employees shouldn’t send personal texts or emails during work hours.12.Agree or disagree:if children do well in school,parents should give them money as rewards?13.Some students prefer to go to universities or colleges in their hometown.Others prefer to go to universities or colleges in new cities or towns.Which do you prefer and why?Include details and examples in your explanation.14.Your professor suddenly cancels the class for today.Would you prefer to go shopping with your friends or prepare for the exam?15.Some people believe it is important for universities to provide funding forstudents'entertainment,such as movies or concerts on campus.Others believe that university money should only be used for academic purposes.Which view do you agree with?Explain why.16.Your school is planning to ban library computers from accessing social media websites.Do you agree or disagree with such a plan?17.Some think robots are useful in the future.Some think robots will never be more useful and smarter than human.Which do you agree?18.Some people prefer to learn from people and events in the pasts.Others prefer to learn from current people and events.Which do you prefer?Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.19.Do you agree or disagree with this statement that we should help our friends only when they ask for help?20.Do you agree or disagree that in the future,people will read fewer books than they do today.21.Some people like to share their thoughts through publications like newspapers and blogs,others prefer to only share them with friends.Which one do you prefer?22.State whether you agree or disagree with the following statement.Then explain your reasons,using specific details in your explanation.People are more likely to enjoy themselves at concerts or films if they go with a group of friends.23.While you are on a vacation,do you prefer to spend more money or less money?24.Your professor is asking you to help with some research on the weekend,but you have planned to go to your sister's birthday party.Which would you choose?Explain why.25.Do you agree or disagree that assignments handed in after the deadline should receive a lower score?26.Some teachers prefer to answer students’questions while they are delivering a lecture.Some teachers prefer to answer their questions when the lecture is over. Which one do you prefer?Why?。

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2020年10月31日托福口语机经Task 1What activity do you think can cultivate children's sense of responsibility?I think for children to cultivate their sense of responsibility, nothing's better than giving them them a pet. I've got two reasons. First of all, having a pet makes children realize the importance of taking care of others. Take myself as an example, my parents gave me a puppy as my birthday gift when I turned 8 and it was a big responsbility to me. All of a sudden I had something in my life I had to take care of, my dad helped me make a list of all of the things I needed to do. I had to feed him everyday, gave him a shower every week, and walked him every Saturday morning, I even had to take him to the vet when he was sick. All those things made me realize that none of us were alone in this world and taking care of others is as important as taking care of ourselves. Plus, having a pet makes children realize the importance of persistence. After I got my puppy, I learnt that doing nice things for him for one day was easy, what was not easy was doing the same things for him over and over again, and I managed to do it for nearly 14 years. I guess having a pet finally made me understand that taking care of others is easy, but it's constantly taking care of othersthat really counts.Task 2Do you prefer listening to music or doing nothing when you go from a place to another?I personally prefer listening to music on my way toplaces for two reasons. First of all, music makes my journey much more enjoyable. For instance, I like to pick out songs I listen to according to my mood and the places I'm going to. Like last weekend, I was invited to my cousin's wedding, onthe way to the wedding, I was listening to A Thousand Years, the theme song of the movie Twilight, the music and lyricsare about true and undying love of the characters in themovie so it completely matched the ocassion and I would even say that the music made the wedding even more touching and moving to me. Plus, I simply love listening to music, unfortunately now with the exams and papers going on, I don't get to have a lot of time just for music. So I seize every opportunity to listen to some good songs, nothing seems to be a better chance of enjoying good music than when I travel to places.My ears are fully open just to music and I get to have my own space. It's like the only time of day I can truly appreciate music.Task 3The student suggests that the university should allow students to borrow bikes for free due to two reasons. Thefirst reason is to reduce the amount of traffic. And the second reason is to offer students an opportunity to work out. In the conversation, the man agrees with the suggestion. Inthe first reason, he mentions that the campus is pretty big and a lot of students are driving around campus now, if students got to borrow bikes for free, then more students would choose to ride bikes instead thus reducing the ammountof traffic. As for the second reason, the man points out that most of students don't have time to do exercise, so if theuniversity allowed students to borrow bikes for free, maybe more students would get the opportunity of working out alittle every day.Task 4In the lecture, the professor talks about tolerant ecotype which are the species that can evolve in or adapt to harsh environment. He offers us an example to illustrate it. The companion plant that was planted in an area with metal contamination, it couldn't survive at first, but over time, the plant developed the ability to tolerate this kind of environment and adapted to it. Not only the plant itself, the researchers found out that the seeds of this plant from this metal contaminated area can also grow and survive in the harsh environment. But if you moved a companion plant from a regular environment to this harsh environment, there would be no way they could grow or survive. That's how the professor uses the example of the companion plant to illustrate the concept of tolerant ecotype.Task 5The woman's problem is that one of her roommates moved out and she's supposed to interview the applicants for the room with another of her rommates tonight, but she can't go because she's got a geology group meeting at the same time. There are two possible solutions for her. The first one is to drop out of the meeting and the second one is to go to the meeting and trust her other roommate. If I were in her shoes, I would go for the second solution because her geology group meeting sounds really important, they may talk about things related to exams and stuff, things she would definitely missout on if she simply read some materials herself. After all, a discussion with her peers will cover so much more than printed materials. I personally don't recommend the other solution, because her roommate probably will do a great job without her anyway, it's not worth it to miss out on a great geology group meeting just for this.Task 6In the lecture, the professor talks about the drawbacks of standardization of employees. He offers us two examples to illustrate it. The first drawback of standardization is that it will discourage the creativity of employees. For example, there's a store that sells clothes, they encourage employees to come up with their own jokes to attract customers to purchase their products. But after they started using standardized scripts for all employees, the effect was not very good, since employees couldn't create as they did in the past, the sales declined as well. The second drawback is the additional cost, coming up a whole standardized procedure for employees require time and energy from both the managers and the employees and the company can't expect them to do it for free, so paying the managers and employees to come up with the standardized procedure can be additional cost to the company.。
