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Roman republic
1、政治总体情况、政治文化 The Roman Republic begins with the overthrow of Roman Kingdom and ending in 27 BC with the establishment of the Roman Empire.
罗马人使用的文字是拉丁文,它是 由居住在台伯河畔的拉丁姆平原上 的拉丁人创造出来的字母文字。古 典拉丁文有23个字母,其中21个是 从埃特鲁里亚人的文字派生出来的。 中世纪时,字母I分化为I和J,V分 化为UV和W,字母Y和Z原本是希 腊字母被借用来书写希腊外来词, 这样就产生了26个罗马字母。罗马 帝国时期,拉丁语作为官方语言迅 速传播,只有希腊语能勉强与之抗 衡,其他民族语言几乎都被拉丁语 所取代。后来,拉丁语又随着基督 教远播到了世界的各个角落。
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
Roman Kingdom
The Roman Kingdom was the period of the ancient Roman civilization characterized by amonarchical form of government of the city of Rome and its territories.
The chief executive:represents the monarch (首席执政官代表君主)
Regime(政体):democratic republic (民主共和政体)
Citizen conference:represents citizens (公民大会代表平民) The senate:represents the nobility (元老院代表贵族)
Legend:建城传说 The Capitoline Wolf is a bronze sculpture of a she-wolf suckling twin infants, inspired by the legend of the founding of Rome. According to the legend, when Numitor, grandfather of the twins Romulus and Remus, was overthrown by his brother Amulius, the usurper ordered the twins to be cast into the Tiber River. They were rescued by a she-wolf who cared for them until a herdsman, Faustulus, found and raised them. The Capitoline Wolf has been housed since 1471 in the Palazzo dei Conservatori on the Campidoglio (the ancient Capitoline Hill), Rome, Italy.
Roman culture
Roman Kingdom 罗马王政时期 罗马历史回顾 Roman Republic 罗马共和国时期
Roman Empire 罗马帝国时期
Roman culture
1、Latin literature 拉丁文学 2、Law civilization 法律文明 罗马文明成就 3、Architecture 建筑 5、Sculpture 雕塑 6、Painting 绘画 7、Others 其他
Men typically wore a toga, and women a stola. The woman's stola differed in looks from a toga, and was usually brightly coloured. The cloth and the dress distinguished one class of people from the other class. The tunic worn by plebeians, or common people, like shepherds and slaves, was made from coarse and dark material, whereas the tunic worn by patricians was of linen or white wool.A knight or magistrate would wear an augusticlavus, a tunic bearing small purple studs. Senators wore tunics with broad red stripes, called tunica laticlavia. Military tunics were shorter than the ones worn by civilians. Boys, up until the festival ofLiberalia, wore the toga praetexta, which was a toga with a crimson or purple border. The toga virilis, (or toga pura) was worn by men over the age of 16 to signify their citizenship in Rome. The toga picta was worn by triumphant generals and had embroidery of their skill on the battlefield. The toga pulla was worn when in mourning.
Roman Empire
概况: 前60年,克拉苏、凯撒、庞培秘密结盟,共同控制罗 马政局,史称前三头同盟。前53年,克拉苏战死于安 息。前48年,尤利乌斯· 凯撒在内战中击败庞培,被宣 布为终身独裁官,集军政大权于一身。他厉行改革,但 因独裁统治而招致政敌仇视,在前44年3月15日遭以布 鲁图所领导的元老院成员刺杀。 凯撒死后,罗马内战又起。前43年,安东尼、雷必达、 屋大维公开结盟,获得统治国家5年的合法权力 ,史称 后三头同盟。随后屋大维将另外两人打败,于前27年 元老院授与屋大维“奥古斯都”的尊号,建立元首制。 屋大维大权在握成为事实上的皇帝,罗马共和国结束了, 古罗马进入看帝国时代。自“奥古斯都”开创帝国制度 (公元前27年),至君士坦丁十一世时君士坦丁堡被 土耳其人攻陷(1453年)为止,存在将近1500年。
Review 历史回顾: 王政时期 共和时期 帝国时期 西罗马帝国灭亡 东罗马帝国灭亡 1453年 476年
传说公元前754年-753年,古代罗马人罗穆卢斯在台伯河畔建罗马城,开创了 王政时代,先后有7个王。公元前509年或前510年王政时代结束,选举两名执政 官,建立起由罗马贵族掌权的罗马共和国。罗马发动大规模扩张战争,于1世纪 前后扩张成为横跨欧洲、非洲称霸地中海的庞大罗马帝国。到395年,罗马帝国 分裂为东西两部。西罗马帝国亡于476年。而东罗马帝国(即拜占庭帝国)则在 1453年被奥斯曼帝国所灭。
4、Sports and entertainment
The city of Rome had a place called the Campus Martius ("Field of Mars"), which was a sort of drill ground for Roman soldiers. Later, the Campus became Rome's track and field playground. In the campus, the youth assembled to play and exercise, which included jumping, wrestling, boxing and racing. Equestrian sports, throwing, and swimming were also preferred physical activities. In the countryside, pastime included fishing and hunting. Board games played in Rome includeddice (Tesserae or Tali), Roman Chess (Latrunculi), Roman Checkers (Calculi), Tic-tac-toe (Terni Lapilli), and Ludus duodecim scriptorum and Tabula, predecessors of backgammon.[224] There were several other activities to keep people engaged like chariot races, musical and theatrical performances.
Roman clad in a toga
The staple foods were generally consumed around 11 o'clock, and consisted of bread, lettuce, cheese, fruits, nuts, and cold meat left over from the dinner the night before. The Roman poet Horace mentions another Roman favorite, the olive, in reference to his own diet, which he describes as very simple: "As for me, olives, endives, and smooth mallows provide sustenance." The family ate together, sitting on stools around a table. Fingers were used to eat solid foods and spoons were used for soups. Wine was considered the basic drink,[214] consumed at all meals and occasions by all classes and was quite inexpensive.
罗马文化主要成就: Latin literature 拉丁文学
1、罗马文字:拉丁文 字母起源于图画,它的祖先是复杂的埃及象形字。大约6000年前在古埃及的西奈半 岛产生了每个单词有一个图画的象形文字。经过了腓尼基亚的子音字母到希腊的表 音字母,这时的文字是从右向左写的,左右倒转的字母也很多。最后罗马字母继承 了希腊字母的一个变种,并把它拉近到今天的拉丁字母,从这里开始了拉丁字母历 史有现实意义的第一页。
城市标志:母狼雕塑 Capitoline Wolf
总体政治情况、政治文化:王权政体、贵族寡头政治 王政时期“是罗马由氏族制社会向国家政权过渡的 时期,这时期名义上的最高统治者为王,但是也要受公 民大会和元老院的限制! 在王政时代,国王掌握绝对的权力。他是大立法官、 军队的首领、大祭祀长,其权力仅仅受到来自元老院和 公民大会的遏制。元老院就是元老议会,由不同部族首 脑组成。按照宪法和传统习俗,元老院有权通过或否决 国王的任命以及判定国王的立法和诉讼。公民大会由罗 马的全体男性公民构成,按照亲缘关系分成30组;它授 予君主行使权力,而这一点由元老院最后正式批准。