AS053011 DRA(SPS V3)Diameter协议介绍 ISSUE6.00

SPEC19-08 10/15)Outlet: 1-1/4” tube outlet for 1-1/4” slip joint connectionACCESS PANELSHeavy-gauge steel with vandal-resistant screws. Provides access for easy hook-up of all plumbing connections. SUGGESTED SPECIFICATIONSUnit shall include powder-coated finish with vandal-resistant pushbutton actuation, vandal-resistant bubbler with integral hood guard, and contour-formed rounded basin to reduce splash and prevent standing water. Fountain shall comply with ANSI 117:1 and ADA for visual and motion disabilities. The manufacturer shall certify the unit to meet the requirements of NSF/ANSI 61, and the Safe Drinking Water Act.Outdoor TubularModel LK4410FRK is shown.2222 Camden Court Oak Brook, IL In keeping with our policy of continuing product improvement, Elkay reserves the right to change specification without notice. Please visit for the most current version.ModelColor OptionADA CompliantNSF/ANSI 61CertifiedLK4410FRK*(Refer to Finish Color Options)••* Select color option to complete model number. Example: LK4410FRK EVG Beige Black Blue Brown Evergreen GrayOrange Purple Terracotta Red White YellowN o w Av a i l a bl ei n12Co l o r s !Each 4410 FR consists of 2 cartons of the following:• Fountain• Single Freeze-Resistant Valve System - 97243CThis specification describes an Elkay product with design, quality and functional benefits to the user. When making a comparison of other producer’s offerings, be certain these features are not overlooked.FINISH COLOR OPTIONS – Choose color option to complete your model number, add as suffix example: LK4410FRK EVGMatte finish: Evergreen = EVG Gloss finish: Beige = BGE Gray = GRY Terracotta = TER Black = BLK Orange = ORN White = WHT Blue = BLU Purple = PUR Yellow = YLWBrown = BRN Red = REDOPTIONS• Hose Bib (Locking) - LK4471LHB * (Choose color option to complete your model number)• Hose Bib (Non-Locking) - LK4470NLHB* (Choose coloroption to complete your model number)• Direct Bury Kit - 97890CPrinted in the U.S.A.Page 2MODEL LK4410FRK Outdoor TubularFreeze-Resistant FountainOPERATING PRESSURES:Supply water 20 – 105 psi maximumMOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS and PLUMBING INSTRUCTIONSSite and drainage excavation is required for fountain installation. Refer to owner’s manual for site preparation details. Provide solid, well-drained surface to mount pedestal fountain (concrete pad recommended) with adequate support (300 lb. load minimum). (6) 3/8” minimum fasteners (not included) should be attached securely to mounting surface in order to secure fountain, (Refer to rough-in diagram), and be sure to allow an opening for the freeze-resistant valve in the ground as shown in the diagram below). Refer to local codes for any additional requirements.Locate and install plumbing through ground as required. Assemble fountain to prepared site and mounting pad.NOTE: Fountain is not furnished with service valve.Position pedestal over plumbing and secure base to fasteners. Remove access panels and connect supply and water lines. Turn on water supply and check for leaks. Refer to owner’s manual for detailed instructions.Reassemble access panels to pedestal. Trap and service stop not included.2222 Camden Court Oak Brook, IL 。
Eaton 3S550产品说明说明书

Eaton 3S550ASC 3S Eaton, 550 VA, 330 W, entrée 5-15P, Prises : (4) 5-15R,(4) 5-15R surtension uniquementSpécifications généralesASC 3S Eaton3S55074317203462513.2 in3.4 in 5.5 in7.3 lb FCC Partie 15 Classe A Sous-partie BSections 15.107b, 15.109bNOM Homologué cUL UL 1778UL 497A SÉRIE 3, Batteries remplaçables par l’utilisateur.Nom du produit Numéro du catalogue CUP Longueur du produit Hauteur du produit Largeur du produit Poids du produit Conformités Certifications Notes de catalogueGraphique sur la durée d'exécution Remplaçable par l’utilisateur 1Scellé, plomb-acide (4) 5-15R, (4) 5-15R surtension uniquement 0,6102 à 132 Vca 0,1 Hz Hors ligne/en veille5-15P57 à 70 Hz(1) port USB OuiJusqu'à 10 000 pi (3 000 m) sans déclassement < 50 dB à 1 mètre 0 ° à 40 °C (32 ° à 104 °F)De 20 à 93 % sans condensation1 ASC prête à fonctionner, Câble USB, Guide de l’utilisateur Noir 97 %OuiEaton 3S UPS Graphique sur la durée d'exécution Remplacement de batterie Quantité de batteries Type de batterie ReceptacleFacteur de puissance de sortie Plage de tension de sortie Fréq. de sortie TopologieConnexion d'entrée Plage de fréquences d'entrée Communication Interface Ethernet AltitudeNiveau de bruit Plage de température Humidité relativeContenu de l’emballageCouleur EfficacitéProtection contre les surtensions Plans de services étendus Audiovisuel BrochuresÉCHANGE DE DÉPÔT AVANCÉEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. Tous droits réservés. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmedia Eaton 3S UPS brochureEaton 3S technical specificationsEaton load protection guaranteeEaton extended warranty certificateEaton limited warrantyExtended warranty certificateEaton 3S UPS user guideCaractéristiquesGuides de garantieManuels et guides d’utilisationDÉPÔT POUR LARÉPARATION DE CINQ ANS : 3SW5Y-0750UC- Couv. sur les piècesexpédiées pendant cinq ans - Couv. des pièces, des appareils électroniques et des batteries de l’ASC- Expédition le prochain jour ouvrable- Soutien technique。

1.Request 4.Response
2.Request 3.Response
Copyright © 2010 Huawei Technologies Co。, Ltd。 All rights reserved。
Diameter Proxy代理
Diameter Proxy代理(Proxy Agent):基于域-路由表对Diameter消息进 行路由转发,跟中继代理相似。不同的是,Proxy能够理解消息或非路由 AVP,并依此生成处理策略,例如根据User-Name进行路由或者消息屏蔽 。Proxy代理必须同时支持Diameter基本协议和Diameter应用。
Diameter 节点类型
Diameter客户端通常是实现接入控制的网络边缘设备,负责发起 AAA请求。即初始化一个请求。
Diameter服务器是负责为某个域处理AAA请求的节点,Diameter服 务器必须同时支持Diameter基本协议和Diameter应用。即响应一个 请求。
2. SPS 接口
2.1 SPS参考接口 2.2 Diameter协议介绍 2.3 Diameter协议基本概念 2.4 Diameter消息结构 2.5 Diameter链路管理流程
Copyright © 2011 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2011 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

命令代 码 272 272 258 258
257 257 280 280
282 282 274 274
HUAWEI Confidential
Page 7
第1章 协议概述 第2章 消息结构 第3章 常用命令 第4章 基本流程 第5章 码流解析
HUAWEI Confidential
Page 8
认证、授权和计费一起实现了网络系统对特定用户的网络资源使用情况的 准确记录。这样既在一定程度上有效地保障了合法用户的权益,又能有效 地保障网络系统安全可靠地运行。
HUAWEI Confidential
Page 3
Diameter和Radius两者之间的比较 ➢拥有良好的失败机制,支持失败替代(failover)和失败回溯(faiback); ➢拥有更好的包丢弃处理机制,Diameter协议要求对每个消息进行确认; ➢可以保证数据体的完整性和机密性; ➢支持端到端安全,支持TLS和IPSec; ➢引入了“能力协商”能力
HUAWEI Confidential
Page 6
•Diameter Client :处于网络边缘提供接入控制的设备,比如NAS (network access server)。

Model 12AD0 12AL0 14AD0 15VD0
12AD1 14AD1 12VD0-J1 14VD0-J1
Function 2 SPDT 2 SPDT (lever drive) 4 SPDT 2 SPDT and 4-20 mA position transmitter 2 SPDT 4 SPDT 2 SPDT 4 SPDT
Design Magnetห้องสมุดไป่ตู้c coupling Magnetic coupling Magnetic coupling Magnetic coupling
Magnetic coupling Magnetic coupling Magnetic coupling Magnetic coupling
Price Model $245.00 42AD0
Stainless Mounting Kit 1/4 turn actuator Manual 1/4 turn valves Linear control valves
Price $47.00
79.50 159.00
Mounting kits with drive yoke (see drawing), or slotted lever arm, bracket, fasteners and other stainless steel hardware fit over 2000 popular valves and actuators. A high strength spring tempered stainless steel drive yoke/coupling is tailored to fit securely to a specific valve or actuator stem. There is no slippage or binding. No special alignment fixtures are required due to switch offset design and yoke to stem engagement that makes installation a “snap”. Each kit is specially designed for a particular valve or actuator, making field mounting simple with standard tools. Please specify make and model of valve or actuator on order. Mounting kits can be used interchangeably with all models since external mounting features are identical. Rotary valves utilize direct drive couplings and a slotted lever drive is used with linear valves. Lever drives convert linear motion to rotary. Stainless steel visual indicators are standard for direct drive, automated quarter-turn valve applications.
浙江诚信电子有限公司 Spacial S3D 产品说明书

Galvanised steel for mounting plate Steel for enclosure
Surface finish
Epoxy-polyester powder enclosure
Mar 14, 2019
Colour Standards Product certifications
3 points lock, 3 mm double-bar
Accessibility for operation
Removable parts
Door by hinges Cable gland plate by screws Mounting plate by fixing element
Product weight
IP degree of protection IK degree of protection
Offer Sustainability
Sustainable offer status RoHS (date code: YYWW)
Product environmental profile
Green Premium product Compliant - since 0810 - Schneider Electric declaration of conformity
Schneider Electric declaration of conformity Reference not containing SVHC above the threshold Reference not containing SVHC above the threshold Available

二、术语和定义在本协议中,以下术语和定义适用于所有相关方:1. Diameter节点:指运行Diameter协议的网络设备或服务器。
2. Diameter客户端:指向Diameter服务器发送请求的设备或应用程序。
3. Diameter服务器:指接收和处理Diameter请求的设备或应用程序。
4. Diameter消息:指在Diameter协议中进行通信的信息单元,包括请求和响应。
5. Diameter会话:指一系列相关的Diameter消息,用于完成特定的AAA服务。
6. AVP(属性值对):指Diameter消息中的键值对,用于携带各种协议相关的信息。
7. AAA服务:指认证、授权和计费服务,用于管理网络用户的访问和资源使用。
三、协议格式1. Diameter消息格式Diameter消息由消息头和消息体组成。
2. AVP格式AVP由AVP头和AVP值组成。
四、协议流程1. 连接建立Diameter客户端与Diameter服务器之间建立TCP或SCTP连接,并进行协议版本协商和安全性认证。
2. 请求和响应Diameter客户端向Diameter服务器发送请求消息,请求特定的AAA服务。
SMC SZ3000型号插座式连接器手册说明书

L: Dimensions: mm
4 135.5 125 106.5 14.5
5 148 137.5 117 15.5 05
6 160.5 150 127.5 16.5
7 173 162.5 138 17.5 07
8 173 162.5 148.5 12.5 08
n: Stations
! Caution To ensure the safest possible operation of this product, please be sure to read thoroughly the
Note 6: The connector entry direction can be changed from top to side by switching the switch mounted to the top of manifold. (It can not stop in midstream.)
Back pressure check valve (*1, *2)
Nil Without


爱德华三坐标测量机技术协议1、设备名称:三坐标测量机2、规格型号:Daisy6863、配置清单:4.2、性能指标:01、测头系统:RENISHAW MH20i手动双旋转可分度测头系统技术参数:TP20测力模块一个测头座分度机构:绕 A轴(水平轴)范围 0°~90°最小步距15°绕B轴(铅垂轴)范围±180°最小步距15°02、测针组:测针(mm):订货号型号材料测球直径长度杆直径有效长度数量(根)验收结果A-5003-0033 PS48R 红宝石测球/碳化钨杆 1 20 0.8 12.5 1A-5000-3603 PS2R 红宝石测球/不锈钢杆 2 20 1.4 14 1A-5000-4160 PS16R 红宝石测球/不锈钢杆 3 20 1.5 17.5 1A-5000-4161 PS17R 红宝石测球/不锈钢杆 4 20 1.5 20 1A-5000-7807 PS8R 红宝石测球/不锈钢杆 2 10 1 6 4A-5000-3604 PS1R 红宝石测球/不锈钢杆 3 10 1.5 7.5 1订货号型号材料直径长度数量(根)M-5000-7634 SE7 不锈钢杆 3 5 1M-5000-3647 SE4 不锈钢杆 3 10 1M-5000-3648 SE5 不锈钢杆 3 20 1M-5000-4162 SE6 不锈钢杆 3 30 1订货号型号材料中心尺寸有效长度数量(个)A-5000-3627 SC2 不锈钢杆7 7.5 1 03:校准器:标准球Φ25及万向球座T504:精度指标:长度计量系统:英国进口精密光栅尺分辨率: 0.5m;测量范围X×Y×Z: 600mm×800mm×600mm示值误差: MPEE≤2.4+L/300m探测误差: MPEP≤2.4m4.3、环境要求(详情见附件《三坐标测量机安装使用环境技术要求自检表》)01、温度:20±2℃ 1℃/h 1℃/m 2℃/24h02、湿度:40%-70%03、电源:220V±10%, 50HZ-60HZ04、气源:≥0.55MPa4.4、控制系统: DCC 控制器是德国MORA Metrology GmbH公司高性价比的运动控制器,能够广泛适用于各种工况的高性能、高可靠性的运动控制解决方案。

7.1 注册状态查询 ...............................................................................................................14 7.1.1 注册/重注册..........................................................................................................14 7.1.2 用户发起的注销...................................................................................................15 7.1.3 S-CSCF 的重选.........................................................................................................16
中国电信 Diameter 协议 -----Cx/Dx 接口规范要求 (征求意见稿 V1.0)
中国电信 Diameter 协议 -----Cx/Dx 接口规范要求
主管院长审核: 科技管理部审核: 技术责任人审核: 项目负责人: 项目组成员: 项目编号:

Series Series O W N E R’S M A N U A LSeriescontentsINTRODUCTION02 PRoDUct DIMensIons 06-07 sAFetY InstRUctIons 02 tecHnIcAL sPecIFIcAtIons 08-09 PRoDUct IDentIFIcAtIon 03 WARRAntY stAteMent 10 stAnDARD AccessoRIes 04 DecLARAtIon oF conFoRMItY 11 InstALLAtIon GUIDeLInes 05IntRoDUctIonDesigned for a wide variety of sound reinforcement applications the Tannoy DVS is an ultra compact loudspeaker system capable of delivering high sound pressure levels with extremely low distortion, resulting in outstanding clarity, definition and detail. A truly universal solution, the DVS offers outstanding durability and resistance to scuffs and knocks. Able to deliver consistent performance under a wide range of adverse conditions the DVS is suited to applications indoors or out. Available in black or white the DVS will effectively blend into most backgrounds. Utilisation of the point source loudspeaker allows the DVS to be mounted on a wall or ceiling in either horizontal or vertical orientations without affecting its performance. A range of hardware options ensures simple and effective installation. Also available with built-in line transformer. For applications requiring extended low frequency enhancement, a range of Tannoy sub-bass systems are available and can be used in conjunction with the DVS.sAFetY InstRUctIons1. Read these instructions.2. Keep these instructions.3. Heed all warnings.4. Follow all instructions.5. The user is responsible for fixing the hardware to the surface to ensure safe operation. The fixings must support the weight of the product – please consult the manual’s specification page for the appropriate weights. Please consult the relevant construction codes in your region for further information on suitable hardware fixing methods.6. Tannoy will not be held accountable for any damage caused by incorrect installation.SeriesPRoDUct IDentIFIcAtIonInPUt connectoRFit rubber grommet to ensure therear of the product is kept sealedstAnDARD AccessoRIesDInKLe seALYoKe BRAcKet(SUPPLIED WITHFIXINGS)SeriesInstALLAtIon GUIDLInes1. Fix the yoke bracket to the surface using asuitable fixing method.2. Feed the speakercable through the rubber grommet then connect the euro-type plug to the wires, observing the correct polarity.3. For connection to the loudspeaker, use pins 1 (+) and 2 (-).Pins 3 (-) and 4 (+) are in parallel for connection to additional speakers ina distributed line.4. Offer the speaker up to the bracket andattach using the thumb screws provided.5. Connect the euro plug then replace the rubber grommet to ensure the speaker is sealed.6. The DVS 4t models are fitted with 30W transformers.THE SPEAKER IS SUPPLIED IN LOW IMPEDANCE MODE.NEVER CONNECT THE SPEAKER TO A 70/100 VOLT AMPLIFIER WHILE IT IS SET FOR LOWIMPEDANCE.7. The DVS 6t and DVS 8t models are fitted with 60W transformers.THE SPEAKER IS SUPPLIED IN LOW IMPEDANCE MODE. NEVER CONNECT THE SPEAKER TO A 70/100VOLT AMPLIFIER WHILE ITIS SET FOR LOW IMPEDANCE.tecHnIcAL sPecIFIcAtIonsDVs 4 DVs 6 DVs 8 PeRFoRMAnceFrequency Response (-3dB) (1)75Hz - 20kHz 80Hz - 20kHz 75Hz - 20kHzFrequency Range (-10dB) (1)60Hz - 30kHz 65Hz - 30kHz 60Hz - 30kHzSystem Sensitivity (1W @1m) (2) 84dB 88dB 90dBDispersion (-6dB) 110 degrees conical 90 degrees conical 80 degrees conical Transducers Coaxial Coaxial CoaxialLow Frequency 100mm (4.00”) mineral 165mm (6.5”) mineral 200mm (8.00”) mineralloaded cone material loaded cone material loaded cone materialHigh Frequency 20mm (0.79) 20mm (0.79) 20mm (0.79)Crossover 3.9kHz - 2nd order LF, 4.3kHz - 2nd order LF, 3.4kHz - 2nd order LF,2nd order HF 2nd order HF 2nd order HFDirectivity (Q) 6.5 averaged 1kHz to 10kHz 10.6 averaged 1kHz to 10kHz 12.3 averaged 1kHz to 10kHz Directivity (DI) 5.3 averaged 1kHz to 10kHz 9.6 averaged 1kHz to 10kHz 10.0 averaged 1kHz to 10kHzRated Maximum SPL (2)100dB (average) 105dB (average) 108dB (average)106dB (peak) 111dB (peak) 114dB (peak)Power HandlingAverage 40W 60W 70WProgramme 80W 120W 140WPeak 160W 240W 280WRecommended Amplifier Power 80W @ 6 Ohms 120W @ 6 Ohms 140W @ 6 OhmsNominal Impedance 6 Ohms 6 Ohms 6 OhmsDistortion 10% Full Power(4.9V) 2nd Harmonic 3rd Harmonic (6.0V) 2nd Harmonic 3rd Harmonic (6.48V) 2nd Harmonic 3rd Harmonic 250Hz 0.738% 0.772% 0.934% 0.316% 1.86% 0.12%1kHz 0.145% 0.234% 0.292% 0.560% 1.17% 0.54%10kHz 0.070% 0.070% 0.740% 0.050% 1.10% 0.04% Distortion 10% Full Power(5.5V) 2nd Harmonic 3rd Harmonic (1.9V) 2nd Harmonic 3rd Harmonic (2.05V) 2nd Harmonic 3rd Harmonic 250Hz 0.320% 0.311% 0.225% 0.326% 1.86% 0.12%1kHz 0.078% 0.174% 0.082% 0.363% 1.17% 0.54%10kHz 0.087% 0.087% 0.147% 0.066% 1.10% 0.04% constRUctIonenclosure ABS ABS ABSGrille Steel, plated and painted Steel, plated and painted Steel, plated and paintedconnectors Euroblock type removable Euroblock type removable Euroblock type removablelocking connector with locking connector with locking connector withscrew terminals with screw terminals with screw terminals with“loop through” facility “loop through” facility “loop through” facility supplied Accessories Yoke Bracket Yoke Bracket Yoke Bracket Dimensions 277.0 x 170.4 x 165.6mm 340.5 x 212.2 x 216.5mm 451.8 x 290.0 x 296.0mm (H x W x D) (10.91” x 6.71” x 6.52”) (13.41” x 8.36” x 8.52”) (17.79” x 11.42” x 11.65”)net Weight 1.8kg (3.96lbs) 3.1kg (6.83lbs) 5.3kg (11.67lbs)Shipped Weight 5.4kg (11.9lbs) 8.6kg (11.9lbs) 14.6kg (32.16lbs)Packed quantity 2 2 2SeriestecHnIcAL sPecIFIcAtIonsDVs 4tDVs 6tDVs 8ttRAnsFoRMeR VeRsIonstransformer setting Rotary switch Rotary switch Rotary switchTransformer Taps 70V30W / 115W / 7.5W / 3.75W / 60W / 30W / 15W / 7.5W 60W / 30W / 15W / 7.5W & low Impedance operation & low Impedance operation & low Impedance operation100V 30W / 7.5W / 15W & 60W / 30W / 15W &60W / 30W / 15W &low Impedance operation low Impedance operation low Impedance operation net Weight 2.3kg (5.07lbs) 4.1kg (9.03lbs) 6.3kg (13.88lbs)Shipped Weight6.2kg (13.66lbs) 10.6kg (23.35lbs) 16.6kg (36.56lbs)Packed quantity222Notes(1) Average over stated bandwidth. Measured at 1 metre on axis in an anechoic chamber (2) Unweighted pink noise input, measured at 1 metre in an anechoic chamberA full range of measurements, performance data, and Ease™ Data can be downloaded from Tannoy operates a policy of continuous research and development. The introduction of new materials or manufacturing methods will always equal orexceed the published specifications, which Tannoy reserves the right to alter without prior notice. Please verify the latest specifications when dealing with critical applications.WARRAntYno maintenance of the DVs loudspeaker is necessary.All of our products have been produced and tested with care and precision to give first-class service.All passive components are guaranteed for a period of five years from the date of purchase from an authorised Tannoy dealer subject to the absence or evidence of misuse, overload, or accidental damage.If at any time during this warranty period the equipment proves to be defective for any reason other than accident, misuse, neglect, unauthorised modification or fair wear and tear, we will repair any such manufacturing defect or, at our option, replace it without charge for labour, parts or return carriage.If you suspect a problem with a Tannoy product then, in the first instance, discuss it with your Tannoy dealer. If you require further assistance then we ask that you deal directly with your local Tannoy distributor. If you cannot locate your distributor please contact Customer Services, Tannoy Ltd at the address given below.Customer Services, Tannoy Ltd., Rosehall Industrial Estate, Coatbridge, Strathclyde ML5 4TF, ScotlandTelephone: 01236 420199 (National)+44 1236 420199 (International)Fax: 01236 428230 (National)+44 1236 428230 (International)E-mail: **************************************Service Info, TC Group AmericasTelephone: (800) 565-2523 (toll free)(519) 745-1158Fax: (519) 745-2364E-mail: ************************Web: Do not sHIP AnY PRoDUct to tAnnoY WItHoUt PReVIoUs AUtHoRIsAtIonPLeAse note: In order to direct you to the appropriate service facility a return authorization and instructions must be issued in advance- do not send any equipment to any Tannoy or TC Group Americas facility without prior authorization or it will be refused. In some cases a local service facility can be recommended.Our policy commits us to incorporating improvements to our products through continuous researchand development. Please confirm current specifications for critical applications with your supplier.DVS OWNER MANUAL_011Series DecLARAtIon oF conFoRMItY The following apparatus is manufactured in China for Tannoy Ltd of Rosehall Industrial Estate, Coatbridge, Scotland, ML5 4TF and conform(s) to the protection requirements of the European Electromagnetic Compatibility Standards and Directives relevant to Domestic Electrical Equipment. The apparatus is designed and constructed such that electromagnetic disturbances generated do not exceed levels allowing radio and telecommunications equipment and other apparatus to operate as intended, and, the apparatus has an adequate level of intrinsic immunity to electromagnetic disturbance to enable operation as specified and intended.Details of the Apparatus:Tannoy Contractor Loudspeaker Model number: DVS Associated technical File:EMCi6Applicable standards: EN 50081-1 Emission EN 50082-1 Immunity signed:Position: Director of Engineering Date:19th Jan. 11012_ DVS OWNER MANUAL Tannoy adopts a policy of continuous improvement and product specification is subject to change.6481 0584 / 1111Tannoy (Direct UK) T: 00 44 (0) 1236 420199 E:********************TCGI (ROW sales) T: 00 45 8742 7000 E:******************************TCGA (Americas sales) T: 00 1 (519) 745 1158 E:*************************Tannoy Middle East T: 00 971 (04) 4401208 E:********************。

Handwheel lockable Handwheel stem extension Power tool for emergency operation with square 30 mm or 50 mm
Indication whether manual operation is active/not active via switch (1 change-over contact)
11 : 1 8:1
11 : 1 8:1
11 : 1 8:1
11 : 1 8:1
5.5 : 1 4:1
11 : 1 8:1
11 : 1 8:1
11 : 1 8:1
11 : 1 8:1
11 : 1 8:1
5.5 : 1 4:1
Weight3) approx.
[kg] 19
20 21 22 25 44
SA 07.2 – SA 16.2 AUMA NORM
Technical data Multi-turn actuators for open-close duty with 3-phase AC motors
Output speed rpm
Torque range1)
Number of starts
Indicated flange sizes apply for output drive types A and B1. Refer to dimension sheets for further output drive types.
Indicated weight includes AUMA NORM multi-turn actuator with 3-phase AC motor, electrical connection in standard version, output drive type B1 and handwheel.

1. 消息格式Diameter协议定义了多种类型的消息,包括请求消息、答复消息和错误消息。
消息头包含以下字段:- Version:指定协议的版本号。
- Length:指定整个消息的长度。
- Flags:包含一些标志位,如请求标志位、答复标志位等。
- Command Code:指定消息的类型,如认证请求、授权答复等。
- Application ID:指定应用程序标识符。
- Hop-by-Hop Identifier:用于跟踪消息的唯一标识符。
- End-to-End Identifier:用于跟踪请求和响应的唯一标识符。
每个参数由以下字段组成:- AVP Code:指定属性的类型。
- Vendor ID:指定属性所属的供应商。
- Data Type:指定属性的数据类型。
- Length:指定属性值的长度。
- Value:包含属性的值。
2. 安全性Diameter协议提供了多种安全机制,确保消息的机密性、完整性和可靠性。
其中包括:- 消息加密:使用TLS(传输层安全)协议对消息进行加密,防止信息泄露。
- 消息完整性:使用消息摘要算法对消息进行签名,确保消息在传输过程中不被篡改。
- 认证和授权:使用数字证书对通信双方进行身份验证,并授权访问特定资源。
Sirius 3RP1505-1AQ 3 功能时间延迟传感器说明书

SIRIUS timing relay IP20 any
-40 … +85
-25 … +60
-40 … +85
15 … 70
2 kV network connection / 1 kV control connection
2 kV
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1 kV
4 kV contact discharge / 8 kV air discharge
10 V/m
K none finger-safe
Yes Yes No
Yes Yes Yes No
No No No
0.05 … 100
50 … 60
Connections/ terminals: Design of the electrical connection
• for auxiliary and control current circuit
General Product Approval
Shipping Approval
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subject to modifications © Copyright Siemens AG 2014

ASAHI/AMERICA•***********************•Tel:800-343-3618•781-321-5409•Fax:800-426-7058Rev 2211DSpecificationsMotor Type: Reversing, brushless DC Sizes: S20 for 1/2” – 2” ball valves S50 for 2-1/2” – 3” ball valves S110 for 4” ball valves Torque: 177 in-lbs to 973 in-lbsVoltage: 95 VAC to 265 VAC multi-voltage Amp Draw: 0.18 Amp for S20 0.24 Amp for S50 0.84 Amp for S110Max Ambient Temp:150° F• Compact: Perfect for OEM and skidmanufacturers•• OLED Screen: Displays input command, positionstatus, alert conditions• Push Buttons: Used to calibrate/adjust end positions,local controls • Multi-voltage: 95 VAC to 265 VAC or 24 VAC/VDC • Motor: Reversing, brushless DC motor• Gear Train: Permanently lubricated steel gears• Corrosion Resistant Enclosure: NEMA 4X PC/PETenclosure with stainless steel trim • ISO mounting configuration• Electrical Connection: NEMA 4X cable gland with two-meter cable• Position Indication: Highly visible beacon positionindicator• LED Alarm Indication: RED closed, GREEN open, BLUEfault• Manual Override: Manually cycle valve via electrolessnickel-plated hex key• Selectable Control Signal: User can select 4-20 mA,0-20 mA, 0-10 VDC, 2-10 VDC, or 1-5 VDC (size 20 is specifically a current control signal or a voltage control signal)• Reverse Acting: User can select standard operationor reverse acting• Selectable Fail Position: If control signal is lost, theunit can be calibrated to fail as is, fail open, or fail close • Transmitter: Current or voltage transmitter (matchingthe control signal) is standard equipment• Alarm Contacts: Dry Contact rated 0.1 Amp @ 250VAC, 0.5 Amp @ 30 VDC for alarm status (over torque, as an example)• Space Heater: Internally wired to limit condensation • CE Compliant: All actuators are CE labeled andcompliant• 75% Duty Cycle: Extended duty cycle is ideal for highcycling/modulating applications• Output Torque: Series 19 electric actuators have anoutput torque range from 177 in-lbs to 973 in-lbs• QR Code: Links to user manual; includes wiringschematic• Simple Wiring: Wiring technique is the same for allvoltage units• Local Controls: Used with OLED and push buttons, auser can locally open or close units via passwordStandard Features (1/2” – 4”)Dimensions (inch)Weight (lbs)Amp draw is considered locked rotor *Cycle times are approximateDuty cycle shown for ambient temp (73° F)Engineering DataASAHI/AMERICA•***********************•Tel:800-343-3618•781-321-5409•Fax:800-426-7058Rev 2211DAll Series 19 SAV smart modulating electric actuators shall have a brushless DC motor that accepts multiple voltages, permanently lubricated steel gears, NEMA 4X PC/PET enclosure with stainless steel trim, visual beacon indication, ISO 5211 valve mounting platform, manual override, and be CE compliant. Standard features shall include a heater, transmitter, field selection of various control signals, field selection of fail position (upon loss of command signal), one set of dry contacts for alarm reporting, LED indicator for alarm conditions, an OLED screen with push buttons, local controls, and a QR code that links to its user manual and wiring schematic.Sample SpecificationWiring Diagrams。
Renesas Electronics RTKA223011DR0040BU 高压渐压调节器示板说明

User ManualRTKA223011DR0040BUDemonstration BoardThe RTKA223011DR0040BU demonstration board is a high voltage buck converter that demonstrates a low-cost high performance non-isolated AC/DC conversion from a universal input of 85V AC ~ 265V AC to a 24V output with output current up to 200mA.The board has built-in overcurrent, short-circuit, input brownout, and over-temperature protections.RTKA223011DR0040BU comes with a RAA223011 in TSOT23-5 package.Key Features▪Universal input▪Standby power less than 13mW▪No audible noise▪Low cost external componentsSpecificationsThis board is optimized for the following operating conditions:▪Input voltage: 85V AC ~ 265V AC▪Output voltage: 24V DC▪Output current: 200mA max (at 230V AC or higher)▪Efficiency: >74% at 100% load; 82% at 50% load▪No-load power: 11.3mW at 120V AC; 12.4mW at 230V AC▪Load regulation: -2.3%, load range 10% to 100%▪Operating temperature: -45°C ~ 70°C▪Board dimension: 29mm x 52mmOrdering InformationPart Number DescriptionRTKA223011DR0040BU RAA223011 TSOT23-5 demonstration boardRelated LiteratureFor a full list of related documents, visit our website:▪RAA223011 device page1.Circuit DescriptionThe RTKA223011DR0040BU is a buck regulator implemented with a high-side float-switching topology, withswitching frequency up to 30kHz. Its input has D1, D5, D6, and D7 operating as a full-bridge rectifier. FR is a 1W fusible resistor providing input overcurrent protection and inrush current limiting.C1, L1, and C2 consists of the input filter that provides the energy buffer after rectification and reduces conducted EMI noises to the input. L2, D2, and C OUT are the buck converter components. RFB1, RFB2, CFB2, and CFB1 provide the output feedback signal to the IC. D4 and R2 provide V CC biasing current after startup, to increase the efficiency. They can be optional for low-cost, low-power applications. C VCC is the IC supply capacitor.1.1Recommended Equipment▪AC power supply capable of generating AC voltage from 85V AC to 265V AC at 60Hz/50Hz, with at least 100mA output current capability. ▪Load resistor box with adjustable value of 120Ω and up, or an electronics load that can emulate a resistor load or current load up to 200mA. ▪Multi-meters to measure the output voltage and current. ▪Power meter to measure the AC input power.1.2Quick Start Guide1.Program the AC power supply with a voltage between 85V AC and 265VAC at the corresponding frequency of60Hz or 50Hz. 2.While the AC power supply is off, connect the output cables of the AC power supply to the L and N terminal ofthe RTKA223011DR0040BU. An optional power meter can be added in between AC power supply output and the input of the board.3.Connect the load to the output terminals VOUT and GND.4.Connect a voltage meter to VOUT and GND and connect a current meter between board outputs and the load.5.Turn on AC power supply.Figure 1.RTKA223011DR0040BU Connection Diagram2.Board Design2.1PCB Layout GuidelinesFor detailed PCB guidelines, see the RAA223011 datasheet.2.2RTKA223011DR0040BU Evaluation BoardFigure2.RTKA223011DR0040BU Evaluation Board (Top)Figure3.RTKA223011DR0040BU Evaluation Board (Bottom)RTKA223011DR0040BU User ManualRTKA223011DR0040BU Circuit SchematicFigure 4.RTKA223011DR0040BU SchematicJ1U2J4J32.4Bill of MaterialsQty Ref Des Description Manufacturer Part NumberGeneric Diode, 1kV, 1A, DO41Various1N4007 5D1, D3,D5-D71COUT CAP ALUM 330µF 20% 35V RADIAL Rubycon35ZLH330MEFCT810X12.5 1FR Miniature Metal Film Resistor, 10Ω, 1W, Wirewound Yageo FKN1WSJR-52-10R 2C1, C2CAP ALUM 4.7µF 20% 400V RADIAL Kemet ESG475M400AH2AA 0CVCC Do Not Populate1CVCCA Multilayer Cap, 1µF, 50V, 10%, 0603Murata Generic1CFB2Multilayer Cap, 820PF, 50V, 10%, 0603Generic Various2C3, CFB1Multilayer Cap, 0.1µF, 50V, 10%, 0603Generic Various1C4Multilayer Cap, 0.47µF, 50V, 10%, 0603Generic Various1RFB2Thick Film Chip Resistor, 102k, 1/16W, 1%, 0603Generic Various1R1Thick Film Chip Resistor, 137k, 1/16W, 1%, 0603Generic Various1RFB1Thick Film Chip Resistor, 887k, 1/10W, 1%, 0603Generic Various1D41A 600V Fast Rectifier Diode, DO214Fairchild ES1J1D2Ultrafast Power Rectifier, 600V, 2A, SMB OnMURS160T3Semicondutor1U2700V, Off-line Regulator, TSOT23-5Renesas RAA2230114GNP#JA0 0U1Do Not Populate1R2Thick Film Chip Resistor, 120k, 1/16W, 1%, 0603Generic VariousBourns RLB0608-102KL 1L1RLB Series Radial Lead Inductor, 1mH, 10%,100MA, Type21L2Power Inductor, 1.5mH, 10%, 0.45A, SMD Bourns SDR1006-152KL2.5Board LayoutTo download our design files, visit our website.Figure5.Top Layer[1]Figure6.Bottom Layer1.RTKA223011DR0040BU and RTKA223011DR0030BU share the same PCB3.Typical Performance CurvesV in = 85V AC ~ 265V AC, V OUT = 24V, I OUT = 200mA (maximum), T A = +25°CLoad Current (mA)4.Revision HistoryRevision Date Description1.0Feb 11, 2021Initial releaseCorporate HeadquartersTOYOSU FORESIA, 3-2-24 Toyosu,Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0061, Japan Contact InformationFor further information on a product, technology, the most up-to-date version of a document, or your nearest sales office, please visit:/contact/TrademarksRenesas and the Renesas logo are trademarks of Renesas Electronics Corporation. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.IMPORTANT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMERRENESAS ELECTRONICS CORPORATION AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES (“RENESAS”) PROVIDES TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND RELIABILITY DATA (INCLUDING DATASHEETS), DESIGN RESOURCES (INCLUDINGREFERENCE DESIGNS), APPLICATION OR OTHER DESIGN ADVICE, WEB TOOLS, SAFETY INFORMATION, AND OTHER RESOURCES “AS IS” AND WITH ALL FAULTS, AND DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS.These resources are intended for developers skilled in the art designing with Renesas products. You are solely responsible for (1) selecting the appropriate products for your application, (2) designing, validating, and testing your application, and (3) ensuring your application meets applicable standards, and any other safety, security, or other requirements. These resources are subject to change without notice. Renesas grants you permission to use these resources only for development of an application that uses Renesas products. Other reproduction or use of these resources is strictly prohibited. No license is granted to any other Renesas intellectual property or to any third party intellectual property. Renesas disclaims responsibility for, and you will fully indemnify Renesas and its representatives against, any claims,damages, costs, losses, or liabilities arising out of your use of these resources. Renesas' products are provided only subject to Renesas' Terms and Conditions of Sale or other applicable terms agreed to in writing. No use of any Renesas resources expands or otherwise alters any applicable warranties or warranty disclaimers for these products.(Rev.1.0 Mar 2020)。
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Base Format.
DiameterIdentity value is used to uniquely identify a Diameter node for purposes of duplicate connection and routing loop detection. The contents of the string MUST be the FQDN of the Diameter node. same host, each Diameter If multiple Diameter nodes run on the
Integer32 Integer64 Unsigned32 Unsigned64 Float32 Float64 Grouped The Data field is specified as a sequence of AVPs. Each of these AVPs follows - in the order in which they are specified - including their headers and padding. The AVP Length field is set to 8 (12 if the 'V' bit is enabled) plus the total length of all included AVPs, including their headers and padding. Thus the AVP length field of an AVP of type Grouped is always a multiple of 4.
node MUST be assigned a unique DiameterIdentity. If a Diameter picked at startup, and used as the only
DRA(SPS V3) Diameter 协议介绍
Copyright © 2011 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
Diameter Base Protocol - (RFC 3588) Stream Control Transmission Protocol-(RFC 2960)
(8) RADIUS支持漫游困难,不适合大规模部署。 ……
Copyright © 2011 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
Diameter基本协议:为各种认证、授权和计费业务提供了安全 、可靠、易于扩展的框架。
SIP 应用
Diameter Application Diameter Stack TLS
Mቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱP 应用
EAP 应用
IP (IPSec)
Copyright © 2010 Huawei Technologies Co。, Ltd。 All rights reserved。
Copyright © 2010 Huawei Technologies Co。, Ltd。 All rights reserved。 Page 9
角色——Proxy / Translation Agent
Proxy Agent是Diameter应用层的角色
能够基于路由规则转发消息包 能够基于特殊的代理功能需求去修改消息包的内容 提供了协议转换的功能 保证了传统AAA协议和新协议的互通
Copyright © 2011 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
在移动通信系统中,用户要访问网络资源,首先要进行用户的入 网认证(Authentication ),这样用户才能访问网络资源。鉴别的过程就 是验证用户身份的合法性;鉴别完成后,才能对用户访问网络资源进行 授权(Authorization),并对用户访问网络资源进行计费管理 (Accounting) 。 认证、授权和计费一起实现了网络系统对特定用户的网络资源使用 情况的准确记录。这样既在一定程度上有效地保障了合法用户的权益, 又能有效地保障网络系统安全可靠地运行。
Translation Agent是Diameter应用层的角色
Copyright © 2010 Huawei Technologies Co。, Ltd。 All rights reserved。 Page 10
命令定义规范- ABNF
< Update-Location-Request> ::= < Session-Id > < Diameter Header: 316, REQ, PXY, 16777251 > /* Required AVP fixed */ [ Vendor-Specific-Application-Id ] { Auth-Session-State } } { Origin-Host /* Required AVP, Occurrence: 1 */
(1) 可靠的传输机制。RADIUS运行在UDP协议上,并且没有定义重传机制,而Diameter运行在可靠的传输协议TCP、
(2) Failover。RADIUS协议没有定义,厂家实现各不相同,而Diameter标准有定义。 (3) Diameter支持服务器始发的重授权可以随时根据业务需要进行重授权。 (4) Diameter支持能力协商, RADIUS不知道对方能力如何。 (5) RADIUS仅仅在应用层上定义了一定的安全机制,但没有涉及到数据的机密性。Diameter要求必须支持IPsec以保证数 据的机密性和完整性,TLS可选。 (6) RADIUS没有明确的Agent概念,Diameter明确要求有代理Agent功能。 (7) 支持同步的大量用户的接入请求。随着网络规模的不断扩大,AAA 服务器需要同时处理的用户请求的数量不断增加, 这就要求网络接入服务器能够保存大量等待认证结果的用户的接入信息,而RADIUS 的255个同步请求,因为其Identifier 只有一个字节,diameter为四个字节。
为用户发起Authentication, Authorization和Accounting 业务请求的设备称为Diameter Client。 接收并响应Authentication, Authorization和Accounting
业务请求的设备被称为Diameter Server。
Client和Server是应用层的逻辑概念,如S6a接口中MME是 Client,HSS是Server 。在Diameter基础协议对等协议
Copyright © 2010 Huawei Technologies Co。, Ltd。 All rights reserved。
Address Time UTF8String DiameterIdentity
The DiameterIdentity format is derived from the OctetString AVP
Copyright © 2010 Huawei Technologies Co。, Ltd。 All rights reserved。
OctetString The data contains arbitrary data of variable length. Unless otherwise noted, the AVP Length field MUST be set to at least 8 (12 if the 'V' bit is enabled). AVP Values of this type that are not a multiple of four-octets in length is followed by the necessary padding so that the next AVP (if any) will start on a 32-bit boundary.
(Peer-To-Peer protocol),没有Client和Server的概念。
这里不要和发起请求消息的设备搞混了,如HSS可以发起 Cancel-Location-Request (CLR) 请求。
Copyright © 2010 Huawei Technologies Co。, Ltd。 All rights reserved。 Page 7
角色——Relay Agent
不会更改消息体 减轻了client和server的配臵压力
Copyright © 2010 Huawei Technologies Co。, Ltd。 All rights reserved。 Page 8
角色——Redirect Agent
Diameter Translation Agent
至少充当上述角色之一的含义是:一个Peer可能同时充当上述多 种角色。