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Asked to recite the text, the boy stood up at once. 当被叫起来背诵课文的时候,这个男孩立即站了起来。

Seen from space, the Great Wall looks like a huge dragon. 当从太空看的时候,长城宛若一条巨大的龙。

过去分词短语作时间状语,相当于一个时间状语从句。如:Seen from space,…可以转换为When it is seen from space, …


Inspired by what he said, we are determined to study harder. 在他的话的鼓舞下,我们决心更加努力学习。

Not satisfied with the result, we decided to make the experiment again. 因对结果不满意,我们决定再做这个实验。

过去分词短语作原因状语,相当于一个原因状语从句。如:Not satisfied with the result,…可以转换为Because we were not satisfied with the result, …


Given more time, we are sure to do the work better. 假如多给点时间,我们一定能把工作做得更好。

Heated to one hundred degrees centigrade, water will boil. 如果加热到100°C,水就会沸腾。

过去分词短语作条件状语,相当于一个条件状语从句。如:Heated to one hundred degrees centigrade,…可以转换为If it is heated to one hundred degrees centigrade, …


Told many times, he hasn’t remembered it. 尽管被多次告知,他还是未能记住这事。

过去分词短语作让步状语比较少见。过去分词短语作让步状语,相当于一个让步状语从句。如:Told many times, ...可以转换为Though he has been told many tioms, ..



An old man entered the hall, supported by a girl. 一位老人在一女孩的搀扶下,走进大厅。(方式)

The teacher walked out of the classroom, followed by a group of students. 老师走出教室,后面跟着一群学生。(伴随)

试比较:The teacher walked out of the classroom, following a group of students. 老师跟着一群学生走出了教室。

过去分词短语作方式或伴随状语,可以转换成一个并列句。但就意思来讲,并列句表达不出过去分词所表达的那种含义。如:The teacher walked out of the classroom, followed by a group of students.可以转换为The teacher walked out of the classroom, and he was followed by a group of students.

【注意】有时,为了突出和明确各种状语的含义,可以在过去分词短语之前可以加上相关的从属连词,如:when, once, if, unless, even if, though等。例如:

When completed, the museum will be open to the public next year.

Once heated, the amber can be made into any shape.

Unless invited to speak, you should remain silent at the conference.

Even if invited to the party, I wouldn’t go.




1. Praised for her excellent job, the girl became even more proud.

2. Given more time, William can do the work much better, I suppose.

3. Compared with many other students, Nancy felt that she was indeed fortunate.

4. Covered with a bottle, a burning candle will soon go out.

5. Asked to stop, the excited speaker kept talking at the meeting.

6. Filled with excitement, the children couldn’t fall asleep.

7. Deeply moved by the hero’s speech, the students are determined to study even harder.

8. Mixed with water, Sugar dissolves quickly.

9. Faced with a difficult situation, the worker decided to ask his boss for advice.

10. Confused by his words, she was at a loss what to do.


1. Because she was praised for her excellent job,

2. If he is given more time,

3. When she was compared with many other students,

4. If it is covered with a bottle,

5. Though he was asked to stop,

6. Because they were filled with excitement,

7. As they are deeply moved by the hero’s speech,

8. If it is mixed with water,

9. Because he was faced with a difficult situation, 10. As she was confused by his words,


1. When they were first introfuced to the market, these products enjoyed great success.

2. When he was qusetioned by his teacher why he was late, Tom had to tell a lie.
