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I. Fill in the blank with an appropriate form of the word given:(10 scores)

1.I suggest that you ______the White Pagoda Mountain this Sunday. (climb)

2.My business ______for the time being by the lack of ready money. (embarrass)

3.I hoped that when we arrived there they ______everything ready. (make)

4.When the vagrant returned home, he was forbidden ______the house. (enter)

5.I can’t make any decision, because I am just an ______in this company. But I can

recommend you to the ______ . (employ)

6.______your instructions and I can understand you. (simple)

7.He could not ______lose his fortune entirely. (afford)

8.The purpose of this action is ______students who take tests for others. (catch)

9.People are often confused by some ______translation. (accurate)

10.______that the President would give us an audience, we made everything ready.


II. Fill in the blanks with the words and expressions given below, changing the form where necessary. (15 scores)

prefe r to positive due to bring out admit

otherwise so that compare with act on mental

owe set forth used to tell from represent

1.To Chinese people Yuanmingyuan Park______a history of foreign invasion.

2.There are four forces______an aircraft as it flies through the air.

3.She became famous almost overnight after formally______by a film producer.

4.All the committee members have______their opinions in a report to the chairman.

5.One should know how to______the good ones ______the bad ones.

6.Out of modesty, he______all his achievements to the help of his leaders and


7.As modern people’s life pressure increases, more and more people have come to realize

the importance of______health.

8.She is quite well in health though she looks very much______.

9.That Hemingway became a writer______his mother’s influence.

10.I am______that the boy I saw yesterday by the river is Jimmy.

11.Anything was_______that dreadful din in the house.

12.The food in England is strange at first but you’ll soon get______it.

13.Nothing more was heard from him_______we began to wonder if he was dead.

14.The tallest buildings in London are small in________those in New York.

15.The murderer_______the crime to the court.

III. Translation: (40 scores)

1. 只有当太阳落山后,沙漠才完全活跃起来.

2. Men are not always made thoughtful by books; but they are generally made thoughtful

by association with men who think.

3. 荣誉应属于每一位员工,他们使公司从一无所有到繁荣昌盛.

4. There are four types of blood, all types are found in every race, and no type is distinct to
