ADAM-4117快速入门手册一、ADAM-4117概述ADAM-4117是16位A/D 、8通道的模拟量输入模块,可以采集电压、电流等模拟量输入信号,并且为所有通道都提供了独立的可编程的输入范围。
ADAM-4117支持8路差分信号,还支持MODBUS 协议。
ADAM-4117具有4-20ma 、0-20ma 、±20ma 等电流量程,当您需要测量电流时,不需要外接电阻,只需打开盒盖,按照电路板上的标识来设置跳线即可。
ADAM-4117规格说明AI 模拟量输入●有效分辨率:16位●通道:8路差分,可独立设置量程●高共模电压:200Vdc●通讯协议:ASCII命令,Modbus协议●输入类型:mV,V(支持单双极性),mA●输入量程:0~150mV, 0~500mV, 0~1V, 0~5V, 0~10V, 0~15V,±150 mV, ±500 mV, ±1V, ±5 V, ±10 V, ±15V, 0~20mA,±20 mA, 4~20mA●隔离电压:3000VDC●过压保护:±60V●采样速率:10/100 采样点每秒(通过测试软件设置)●输入内阻:电压20MΩ,电流120Ω●精确度:电压模式:±0.1% or better 电流模式:±0.2% or better●零点漂移:±6μV/℃●跨度漂移:±25 ppm/° C●共模抑制(CMR)@50/60Hz dB min●内置看门狗●内置 TVS/ESD保护●功耗1.2W@24VDC跳线设置:当ADAM-4117测量电流时,需要跳线。
ADAM-4118快速入门手册一、ADAM-4118概述ADAM-4118是16位A/D、8通道的热电偶输入模块,可以采集电压、电流热电偶等模拟量输入信号,它支持多种热电偶类型(Type J, K, T, E, R, S, B),并且将测量到的温度以工程量单位(℃)输出给上位机。
ADAM-4118规格说明AI 模拟量输入● 有效分辨率:16位● 通道:8路差分,可独立设置量程● 高共模电压:200Vdc● 通讯协议:ASCII 命令,Modbus 协议● 输入类型 & 量程范围50mV , ±100mV , ±500mV , ±1V , ±2.5V电流模式 ±20 mA, +4~20 mA● 隔离电压:3000VDC ● 过压保护:±60V● 采样速率:10/100 采样点每秒(通过测试软件设置)● 输入内阻:电压20M Ω,电流120Ω● 精确度:电压模式:±0.1% or better 电流模式& 高速模式:±0.2% or better ● 零点漂移:±6μV /℃● 跨度漂移:±25 ppm/° C● 共模抑制(CMR )@50/60Hz dB min● 内置看门狗● 内置 TVS/ESD 保护● 功耗 1.2W@24VDC跳线设置:ADAM-4118测量电流时需要跳线。
拆开盒盖,可以看到板上有八个跳线,按照下图或电路板标识进行跳线,测电流跳到“I ”端,测量电压保持跳线在“V ”端的出厂设置不变。
1,硬件连线:2,软件设置:软件设置的工具是:ADAM Utility。
(2)设置通道数据:确认侧面开关拨至“Normal”位置,使用上面所述方法搜索到模块,打开该模块设置界面,在“Channel Mode Setting”中选择需要修改的通道“Channel”,改变“Range”,点击Update按钮,完成通道设置。
模块是接10—30V dc.我在这里测试的时候接的是24V DC
1 研华Adam-4017+的有两种模式,Init和Normal。
首先把模块侧面的拨码开关拨到INIT 一边,表明模块在初始化的状态下,可以修改模块的地址,波特率,协议方式,数据结构等参数。
安装Adam/Apax .NET Utility 测试软件。
然后点击---Apply change。
注意:在完成初始化要修改的参数后,把模块断电,然后拨码开关拨到Normal 状态。
2 打开易控,建立工程。
IO通信---串口---模块---研华--- Adam4017. 这个对应的是研华协议。
ICP DAS HRT-711 用户指南说明书
![ICP DAS HRT-711 用户指南说明书](
HRT-711 Quick Start Guide1. IntroductionThe hardware wiring and detailed operation of HRT-711, users can refer to the user manual in the ICP DAS companion CD-ROM(CD:\hart\gateway\HRT-711\manual\HRT-711_usermanual.pdf”).The quick start is used to help users quickly understand HRT-711 how to convert Modbus communication to HART. The below demo will use a HRT-711 module (as HART master), one HART slave device and one PC to make a simple application as below Figure 1. The PC is prepared for the setting and operation of HRT-711.Figure 1: Application example2. Hardware configurationPin Assignment:LED StatusIndicatorsEthernetPin Name GroupDescriptionHART+ HART Positive of HART HART- Negative of HART+VS Power SourceV+ of Power Supply(+10 ~ +30 VDC) GND GND of Power Supply TXD Configuration Transmit Data of RS-232RXD Receive Data of RS-232GND GND of RS-232E1Modbus/TCPEthernet RJ45 connector for Modbus/TCPDIP Switch:If user set the DIP switch in the backplane of HRT-711 to be “Default” position, HRT-711 will run in the default mode.Jumper:Jumper DescriptionJP2Enable/Disable hardware WDT. (Default setting is enable)NOTE: Please do not disable the hardware WDT. JP3For updating firmware. (Default setting is on 1 and 2)NOTE: Please do not switch to 2 and 3 when in normal operation. JP4 The jumper can provide HART bus with 250 Ω (1/4 W) resistor. When the pin 1&2 of JP4 is closed, the resistor will connect to HART bus.When the pin 2&3 of JP4 is closed or JP4 without jumper connected,it will disconnect the resistor from HART bus. By default, the pin1&2 of JP4 is closed.LED Indicator:LEDStatus DescriptionETHBlink Blink every 0.2 second :Receiving Ethernet packet Blink every 3 second :The network function is normal OffEthernet ErrorHARTBlinkBlink every 1 second :The HRT-711 is in the initialing procedure Blink every 0.5 second :The HRT-711 is handling the burst frame sent from HART deviceSolid The HRT-711 is in the normal status Off Firmware is not loaded ERRBlink HART communication error OffHART communication is goodRS-232 connection: Without CA-0910With CA-0910HART network wiring:3. Install HG_Tool Utility[ Install .NET Compact Framework ](1) When executing utility, the .NET Framework 2.0 or above must be installed first. If the .NET Framework 2.0 or above exists in the PC, please omit the step.(2) User can download and Install .NET Compact Framework from the below website.◆ Microsoft .Net Framework Version 2.0:/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=0856eacb-4362-4b0d-8edd-aab15c5e04f5&DisplayLang=en◆ Microsoft .Net Framework Version 3.5:/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=333325FD-AE52-4E35-B531-508D977D32A6&displaylang=en[ Install HRT-711 Utility ](1) Users can download the installation file of “HRT-711 Utility ” from the CD- (“CD:\hart\gateway\hrt-711\utilities\”) or ICP DAS web site :“ftp:///pub/cd/fieldbus_cd/hart/gateway/hrt-711/utilities/”(2) Execute the “HRT-711 Utility x.x.x.x.exe ” file to install the utility.(3) After finishing the installation of the HRT-711 Utility, users can run theutility. (refer to the path in the below figure)Windows XP Windows 7&84. Communication testStep 1: Connect PC, HRT-711 and HART slave device according to figure1.Step 2: Swtich the DIP switch to the “Init ” position.Step 3: Turn on the power of the HRT-711.Step 4: Wait for the “HART ” LED indicator to be always on status. If theled always flashes, please check the HART network wiring. It means the HRT-711 can’t connect to the HART slave devices.Step 5: Execute the HRT-711 utility.Step 6: Click “HART to Modbus ”Step 7: Select HRT-711 and ComPort in the communication settings.Step 8: Click “Connect” button.Step 9: Wait for the traffic light changes into “green” light. If the traffic light always keeps in the “yellow” light, it means the PC can’t connectto HRT-711, please check the RS-232 connection.Step 10: Click the “Device Information”icon. Then select the default command or user command and right-click the mouse to choosethe “Basic Operation” option to get the information of thecorresponding HART command.The information of HART command 0Step 11: Close all window to back to the main form in Step 6, and then click the Ethernet to configure network.Step 12: Switch the DIP switch to the “Normal” position then power cycle the module.Step 13: When the Ethernet LED on the RJ-45 is on, click Search Servers to search all ICPDAS devices.Step 14: Double click HRT-711 in the list to assign network parameters.Then click OK to apply new setting when finish configuration.Step 15: Users now can read HART device process variable from Modbus.There are many Modbus/TCP client software to test. (Ex: ModbusUtility) The following figure is an example to read Cmd 3 processvariables.。
:通道:通道差分,通道单端输入范围:毫伏电压输入:和电压输入:和电流输入:(需外接Ω电阻)模块按工程单位的方式给主机数据(,,)跳线设置: .默认设置是六通道差分,两通道单端.的技术说明ADAM-4017 差分通道输入(0 通道~5 通道)二、硬件连线ADAM-4017 单端输入(6 通道,7 通ADAM-4017+ 8 通道模拟量输入模块接线图二线制电流变送器和模拟量输入通道的接线方法变送器的“ ”接供电电源的高电压端,变送器的“”接模块板卡的,接电源对应的低电压端()。
机上就会出现的软件如下图的快速使用1.选中 COM1 或 COM2,点击工具栏快捷键 search:2.弹出“Se arch Ins talled M odules ”窗口,提示扫描模块的范围,允许输入0~255。
RS-485 网络扫描如下图所示3.点击模块,进入测试/配置界面:4.ADAM-4017+还支持Modbus协议,如下所示:(Modbus寄存器支持列表请见说明书)5.终端(Terminal)在 TOOL 菜单,选择 Terminal 功能,弹出一个【Terminal】对话框,用于测试命令。
GPRS信号监测装置调试硬件接线图一、ADAM-4117参数设置1.将ADAM-4117模块右侧开关拨至INIT(配置状态);2.打开调试软件 Utility,选择相应的串口号,右击选择Search,出现对话框(图a),点击Start,直至搜索到模块()后点击Cancel;图a3.点击4117(*),配置并保存相应参数,如图(b)。
点击右上角的“Apply change”保存设置到模块的芯片里。
图b二、宏电H7710 GPRS DTU模块参数设置1.断电,打开调试软件sscom32.exe,选择相应串口号,设置相应参数如图c(修改参数的波特率一直为57600);图c2.按住空格键,通电,直至出现图d现象;图d3.按照帮助指示输入“H”,出现主菜单(图e),输入“C”,再输入密码“1234”,回车,进入DTU配置(C)菜单(图f);图e 图f 图g4.输入“3”,进入“数据服务中心设置(DSC)”菜单(图g),输入“1”,配置“DSC IP地址(公网地址,http//:”,;输入“2”,配置“DSC 域名”;(注:若已配置固态IP地址,则无需配置域名,即配置域名时按回车键即可;若使用动态IP地址,则将IP地址设为0.0.0.0,域名改为相应的域名地址)输入“3”,配置“DSC 通讯端口”,端口号自己定义,但必须与读取时端口号设置一致;输入“4”,配置“DNS IP地址”,,一般设为主站的DNS IP地址;输入“r”,保存设置输入Y或者N。
5.输入“4”进入“用户串口设置”菜单(图h)图h 图i输入“1”,配置波特率(图i),一般采用9600bps,故输入“4”,再输入“r”返回菜单;输入“2”,配置数据位,一般设为8;输入“3”,配置校验位,一般设为无校验位,故输入“1”,再输入“r”返回菜单;输入“4”,配置停止位,一般设为1;输入“r”,返回主菜单。
6.输入“5”,进入“特殊选项设置”菜单(图j)图j输入“6”,配置“通讯协议选择(透明 0/DDP协议 1)”,一般选择透明,故输入“0”;输入“7”,配置“网络连接方式(UDP 0/TCP 1)”,一般采用TCP连接方式,故输入“1”;输入“r”,再输入“r”返回主菜单。
1. 安装好威达IPC模块调试软件。
2. 因为adam7017 模块出厂默认ID 都相同,所以先对其中一个adam7017 模块上电,其他的模块断电(可以将其他模块的电压端子拔出)。
以上就是adam7017 模块说明书。
ADAM-4117测试文档一:搜索,配置模块:用户可以通过光盘或者技术支持网站,安装Adam/Apax .NET Utility测试软件。
首先把模块侧面的拨码开关拨到INIT一边,表明模块在初始化的状态下,可以修改模块的地址,波特率,协议,数据结构等参数,具体的修改过程如下截图:模块实际显示被测值Data area的说明:初始化状态下的校准功能,一般情况下,用户无需自行校准。
Trend Log画图功能,可以把采集到的数据,按照指定的路径和方式保存起来,格式为Excel,命名为WaveScanLog_Adam4117(可以有保存的时间显示)或者HistoryLog_Adam4117说明如下:保存后的表格形式如下:初始化高级设置的界面:块就可以再正常状态下工作了。
2.ASCII(研华协议)命令测试在英文说明书中,有详细的指令说明,如下的指令表:用软件的测试结果如下:3.Burn-out断线检测功能测试ADAM-4117在输入4~20ma信号输入时,有短线检测的功能,当CH0设定输入范围为4~20ma ,即显示Burn,表明断线。
ADAM-4117快速入门手册一、ADAM-4117概述ADAM-4117是16位A/D 、8通道的模拟量输入模块,可以采集电压、电流等模拟量输入信号,并且为所有通道都提供了独立的可编程的输入范围。
ADAM-4117支持8路差分信号,还支持MODBUS 协议。
ADAM-4117具有4-20ma 、0-20ma 、±20ma 等电流量程,当您需要测量电流时,不需要外接电阻,只需打开盒盖,按照电路板上的标识来设置跳线即可。
ADAM-4117规格说明AI 模拟量输入●有效分辨率:16位●通道:8路差分,可独立设置量程●高共模电压:200Vdc●通讯协议:ASCII命令,Modbus协议●输入类型:mV,V(支持单双极性),mA●输入量程:0~150mV, 0~500mV, 0~1V, 0~5V, 0~10V, 0~15V,±150 mV, ±500 mV,±1V, ±5 V, ±10 V, ±15V, 0~20mA,±20 mA, 4~20mA●隔离电压:3000VDC●过压保护:±60V●采样速率:10/100 采样点每秒(通过测试软件设置)●输入内阻:电压20MΩ,电流120Ω●精确度:电压模式:±0.1% or better 电流模式:±0.2% or better●零点漂移:±6μV/℃●跨度漂移:±25 ppm/° C●共模抑制(CMR)@50/60Hz dB min●内置看门狗●内置TVS/ESD保护●功耗1.2W@24VDC跳线设置:当ADAM-4117测量电流时,需要跳线。
ADAM-4117快速入门手册、ADAM-4117概述ADAM-411是16位A/D 、8通道的模拟量输入模块,可以采集电压、电流等 模拟量输入信号,并且为所有通道都提供了独立的可编程的输入范围。
它不仅能够用于恶劣的环境 中,而且还具有更加坚固型的设计。
ADAM-4117支持8路差分信号,还支持 MODBU 协议。
在模块的右侧有一个 白色的拨码开关来设置初始化状态 (INIT*)和正常工作状态的切换。
ADAM-4117 具有4-20ma 0-20ma 土 20ma 等电流量程,当您需要测量电流时,不需要外接 电阻,只需打开盒盖,按照电路板上的标识来设置跳线即可。
ADAM-41170~150mV,0~500mV,0~1V, 0~5V, 0~10V, 0~15V, ± 150 mV, ± 500mV, ± 1V, ± 5 V, ± 10 V, ± 15V, 0~20mA, ± 20 mA, 4~20mA隔离电压:3000VDC规格说明AI 模拟量输入有效分辨率:16位通道:8路差分,可独立设置量程 高共模电压:200Vdc通讯协议:ASCII 命令,Modbus 协议输入类型:mV V (支持单双极性),mA 输入量程过压保护:土60V采样速率:10/100采样点每秒(通过测试软件设置)输入内阻:电压20MQ,电流120Q精确度:电压模式:土% or better 电流模式:土% or better零点漂移:土6yVC跨度漂移:土25 ppm/ ° C共模抑制(CMR @50/60Hz dB min内置看门狗内置TVS/ESD保护功耗@24VDC 跳线设置:当ADAM-4117测量电流时,需要跳线。
将盒盖拆开,可以看到电路板上有八个跳线,按照下图或者按照电路板上的标识进行跳线,测量电流需要将跳线跳到“I”端,测量电压则需要保持跳线在“ V'端的出厂设置不变。
ADAM-4118快速入门手册一、ADAM-4118概述ADAM-4118是16位A/D、8通道的热电偶输入模块,可以采集电压、电流热电偶等模拟量输入信号,它支持多种热电偶类型(Type J, K, T, E, R, S, B),并且将测量到的温度以工程量单位(℃)输出给上位机。
……to be continue……规格说明AI 模拟量输入●有效分辨率:16位●通道:8路差分,可独立设置量程●高共模电压:200Vdc●通讯协议:ASCII命令,Modbus协议●输入类型& 量程范围J 0 ~ 760 ℃K 0 ~ 1370 ℃T -100 ~ 400 ℃E 0 ~ 1000 ℃R 500 ~ 1750 ℃S 500 ~ 1750 ℃B 500 ~ 1800 ℃电压模式50mV, ±100mV, ±500mV, ±1V, ±2.5V电流模式±20 mA, +4~20 mA●隔离电压:3000VDC●过压保护:±60V●采样速率:10/100 采样点每秒(通过测试软件设置)●输入内阻:电压20MΩ,电流120Ω●精确度:电压模式:±0.1% or better 电流模式& 高速模式:±0.2% or better ●零点漂移:±6μV/℃●跨度漂移:±25 ppm/° C●共模抑制(CMR)@50/60Hz dB min●内置看门狗●内置TVS/ESD保护●功耗1.2W@24VDC跳线设置:ADAM-4118测量电流时需要跳线。
Omega 4117 AC Power Controller 产品说明书
![Omega 4117 AC Power Controller 产品说明书](
P-97Rugged Solid State Power ControllersThe Series 4117 AC PowerController is a fully contained power switching device that accepts either a voltage or milliamp current control signal and provides 2-leg, 3-phase switching. The 4117 is also suited for certain single-phase applications.The control signal input can beeither voltage or current. The voltage signal input range of 8 to 48 Vdc provides ON-OFF control. This voltage control signal can be from any other controller providing8 to 48 Vdc. The 4 to 20 mA current signal can be from any OMEGA ®proportional or PID output controller.The 4117 is a zero-crossoverswitching device which means that ON/OFF switching takes place near the zero-crossover point of the ac cycle. This eliminates any appreciable electrical noise.4117 SeriesߜZero-Crossover Fired ߜThree-Phase, Two-Leg ߜTwo Input Types4 to 20 mA or 8 to 48 Vdc ߜUp to 75 Amps at 480 VModel 4117-20-7$770ShownShown smaller than actual sizeThe 4117 incorporates inverseparallel SCR output devices whichprovide highly reliable, noiseimmune circuitry for longer life and higher loads than can be obtained from triacs.P-98AccessoriesSpecifications GeneralIsolation Input to Output:2500 Vac or 109Ωdc Isolation Input to Base:2500 Vac or 109Ωdc Ambient Temperature:0 to 55°C (30 to 130°F)Line Frequency: 47 to 63 Hz Enclosure:Heavy duty metal frame, voltage isolatedPower Terminals:Convenient high pressure connectors to accept #4 to #12 wire (no lugs required)Weight:13 lb (5.9 kg) (approx.)Current InputControl Signal Input (3 choices):(1) 4 to 20 mA, (2) External Contact Closure (ON/OFF Control), (3) External 10 K Potentiometer (Manual Adjust)Input Impedance:200 ΩTurn ON Signal:4-6 mA dc, typical Full ON Signal:18 to 20 mA dc, typicalCycle Time:1 second nominal Line Voltage Compensation:Automatic, over range of 40 to 100% of power (can be disabled)Indications:Red LED indicates load power "ON"Power Limit Adjustment:0 to 100%, internalpotentiometer, for testing or limit protectionVoltage InputControl Signal Range:8 to 48 Vdc Minimum Turn ON Voltage: 8 VdcTurn OFF Voltage:2 Vdc Input Current at 32 Vdc:20 mA max Reverse Voltage: up to 48 Vdc Input Isolation Voltage:2500 VRugged Solid State Power Controllerscontroller mounted vertically in still air.CANADA Laval(Quebec) 1-800-TC-OMEGA UNITED KINGDOM www. Manchester, England0800-488-488GERMANY, Germany************FRANCE, France088-466-342BENELUX Amstelveen, NL 0800-099-33-44UNITED STATES 1-800-TC-OMEGA Stamford, CT.CZECH REPUBLIC Karviná, Czech Republic596-311-899TemperatureCalibrators, Connectors, General Test and MeasurementInstruments, Glass Bulb Thermometers, Handheld Instruments for Temperature Measurement, Ice Point References,Indicating Labels, Crayons, Cements and Lacquers, Infrared Temperature Measurement Instruments, Recorders Relative Humidity Measurement Instruments, RTD Probes, Elements and Assemblies, Temperature & Process Meters, Timers and Counters, Temperature and Process Controllers and Power Switching Devices, Thermistor Elements, Probes andAssemblies,Thermocouples Thermowells and Head and Well Assemblies, Transmitters, WirePressure, Strain and ForceDisplacement Transducers, Dynamic Measurement Force Sensors, Instrumentation for Pressure and Strain Measurements, Load Cells, Pressure Gauges, PressureReference Section, Pressure Switches, Pressure Transducers, Proximity Transducers, Regulators,Strain Gages, Torque Transducers, ValvespH and ConductivityConductivity Instrumentation, Dissolved OxygenInstrumentation, Environmental Instrumentation, pH Electrodes and Instruments, Water and Soil Analysis InstrumentationHeatersBand Heaters, Cartridge Heaters, Circulation Heaters, Comfort Heaters, Controllers, Meters and SwitchingDevices, Flexible Heaters, General Test and Measurement Instruments, Heater Hook-up Wire, Heating Cable Systems, Immersion Heaters, Process Air and Duct, Heaters, Radiant Heaters, Strip Heaters, Tubular HeatersFlow and LevelAir Velocity Indicators, Doppler Flowmeters, LevelMeasurement, Magnetic Flowmeters, Mass Flowmeters,Pitot Tubes, Pumps, Rotameters, Turbine and Paddle Wheel Flowmeters, Ultrasonic Flowmeters, Valves, Variable Area Flowmeters, Vortex Shedding FlowmetersData AcquisitionAuto-Dialers and Alarm Monitoring Systems, Communication Products and Converters, Data Acquisition and Analysis Software, Data LoggersPlug-in Cards, Signal Conditioners, USB, RS232, RS485 and Parallel Port Data Acquisition Systems, Wireless Transmitters and Receivers。
……to be continued……规格说明AI 模拟量输入●有效分辨率:16位●通道:8路差分,可独立设置量程●高共模电压:200Vdc●通讯协议:ASCII命令,Modbus协议●输入类型:mV,V(支持单双极性),mA●输入量程:0~150mV, 0~500mV, 0~1V, 0~5V, 0~10V, 0~15V,±150 mV, ±500 mV,±1V, ±5 V, ±10 V, ±15V, 0~20mA,±20 mA, 4~20mA●隔离电压:3000VDC●过压保护:±60V●采样速率:10/100 采样点每秒(通过测试软件设置)●输入内阻:电压20MΩ,电流120Ω●精确度:电压模式:±0.1% or better 电流模式:±0.2% or better●零点漂移:±6μV/℃●跨度漂移:±25 ppm/° C●共模抑制(CMR)@50/60Hz dB min●内置看门狗●内置TVS/ESD保护●功耗1.2W@24VDC跳线设置:当ADAM-4117测量电流时,需要跳线。
ADAM-4017/4017+快速入门手册一、ADAM-4017/4017+的概述ADAM-4017/4017+是16位A/D 8通道的模拟量输入模块,可以采集电压、电流等模拟量输入信号。
各通道可独立设置其输入围,同时在模块右侧使用了一个拨码开关来设置INT* 和正常工作状态的切换,4017+还增加了4~20mA的输入围,测量电流时,不需要外接电阻,只需打开盒盖,设置跳线到△即可。
4017:通道:6通道差分,2通道单端输入围:毫伏电压输入:±150 mV 和±500 mV电压输入:±1 V, ±5 V, 和±10 V电流输入:±20mA (需外接125Ω电阻)模块按工程单位的方式给主机数据(V,Mv,mA)ADAM-4017+跳线设置:1.JP9 和 JP10(默认设置是六通道差分,两通道单端)JP9,JP10 六通道差分,两通道单端八通道差分2.JP1~JP8JP1~JP8 20mA输入围电压输入围映射到通道3.JP13 系统处于正常模式系统处于初始模式ADAM-4017+的技术说明通道数8输入类型mV,V,mA输入围+/-150mV, +/-500mV, +/-1mV, +/-5mV, +/-10mV,+/-20mV, 4~20mA隔离电压3000VDC最高额定电压+/-35V采样速率10个采样点/秒(总的)输入阻抗20MΩ精确度≤+/-0.1%功率 1.2WI/0连接器类型 十针连接器二、 ADAM-4017/4017+硬件连线ADAM-4017 差分通道输入(0通道~5通道)ADAM-4017单端输入(6通道,7通1.ADAM-4017/4017+模块简单控制接线图主机RS-232/ RS-485转换器+ 一10V~30VDC电源DA TA+ DA TA-+Vs GND三、 ADAM-4000 Utility 的使用1.ADAM-4000的应用软件-ADAM Utility 的安装把ADAM4000 随机附带光盘放入计算机的光驱中,出现如下画面:选择ADAM4000 Utility 安装选项,出现如下安装界面:ADAM-4017+ 8通道模拟量输入模块接线图根据后续的软件安装提示,完成ADAM4000 Utility 的安装。
Adam Equipment DUNE Series 权重仪操作手册说明书
![Adam Equipment DUNE Series 权重仪操作手册说明书](
Adam EquipmentDUNE SERIES(P.N. 9384, Revision A, April 2008)1.0 CONTENTS1.0 CONTENTS (3)2.0 INTRODUCTION (3)3.0 SET UP (4)3.1 UNPACKING AND SETTING UP YOUR SCALE (4)3.2 LOCATING AND PROTECTING YOUR SCALE (5)4.0 BASIC OPERATION (6)4.1 TURING ON THE SCALE (6)4.2 ZEROING / TARE (6)4.4 WEIGHING (6)5.0 FUNCTIONS (7)5.1 AUTO POWER OFF (7)6.0 CALIBRATION (7)7.0 TROUBLE SHOOTING (8)7.1 ERROR MESSAGES (8)7.2 REPLACEMENT PARTS AND ACCESSORIES (8)8.0 SPECIFICATIONS (9)9.0 WARRANTY STATEMENT (10)2.0 INTRODUCTIONThank you for purchasing the Dune TM compact scales, Every Dune is equipped with the features you really need: AC adapter, auto‐calibration through the keypad, low‐battery indicator, and overload indicator. With its alternate battery operation, splash‐proof key pad, and sturdy plastic construction throughout, the Dune will deliver accurate readings both indoors and out.3.0 SET UP3.1 UNPACKING AND SETTING UP YOUR SCALE1) Remove the top pan and card board packaging between top pan and machine.2) Connect the power adapter to the socket on the back of the machine.3.2 LOCATING AND PROTECTING YOUR SCALEIn order to keep you scale functioning at its best we suggest that you do the following:Avoid extremes of temperature. Do not place in direct sunlight or near air conditioning vents.Make sure the scale is located on a strong table and free from vibration.Avoid unstable power sources. Do not use near large users of electricity such as welding equipment or large motors. Do not mix batteries and use only the factory approved power adapter supplied with the machine. Do not use batteries and the AC adapter at the same time.Keep free from vibration. Do not place near heavy or vibrating machinery.Avoid high humidity that might cause condensation. Keep away from direct contact with water. Do not spray or immerse the scales in water.Do not place near open windows, air ‐conditioning vents or fans that may cause a draft and unstable readings.Keep the scales clean. Do not stack material on the scale / balance when it is not in use.4.0 BASIC OPERATION4.1 TURING ON THE SCALEPlug in the unit using the AC adapter or use batteries. Do not use battery power and the AC adapter at the same time.1)To turn on press the [on/off] key once and release. All of the segments onthe display will light up, then the display shows zero >0<2)The scale is ready to be use.3)To turn the scale off after use press the [on/off] key again. There is an autopower‐off function that will automatically turn the unit off after 4 min of inactivity or no change in the weight reading.4.2 ZEROING / TAREYou can press the [Tare] key to set a new zero point and show the zero reading if the weight reading is less than 4% of the total of the maximum capacity of the scale. This may be necessary if the weight is not reading zero with nothing on the platform. The zero indicators will light up: >0<.If you are using a container to weigh then you can place this on the platform and press the [Tare] key, providing the container weight is more than 4% of the maximum capacity of the scale, the display will show zero and tare indicator will light up. You can then weigh your object in the container. Taring weight subtracts from the total scale capacity.Note: When the container is removed a negative value will be shown. If the scale was tared just before removing the container, this value is the gross weight of the container plus all products which were removed.4.4 WEIGHINGTo determine the weight of a sample, first tare an empty container (if used), then place the sample in the container. The display will show the weight and the unit of weight currently in use.5.0 FUNCTIONS5.1 AUTO POWER OFFThe auto power off helps conserve power when using on battery or the AC adapter, the machine will automatically turn off after 4 min of inactive use or no change in the displayed weight.6.0 CALIBRATIONBefore calibrating the Dune series it is best to turn on the unit for about 1 min to let the components warm up.1)Press [on/off] key to turn the power on, if it is not already.2)Press and hold the [Unit] key, until “CAL” is displayed3)Remove any weight from the pan.4)Press the [Unit] key, the display will flash “CAL” them will show the cal massrequired. If the cal mass is not displayed then the machine is not stable or is not within a zero range. Turn off the unit and try zeroing the display before trying another calibration.5)Place the appropriate calibration mass on the scale:Model Calibration MassDCT 201 200gDCT 2000 2000gDCT 5000 5000g6)After the stable reading the display will show “PASS” then revert to theweighing mode. If the calibration does not pass the display will show “FAIL”and shut off.7) The calibration is now finished. If the calibration is correct, the display willshow the weight value.NOTE: If the calibration fails retry, if it still fails then there may be damage to the mechanics or an issue with the power. If you do not follow the procedures in a timely manner the machine will automatically switch off and the calibration will not be accepted.7.0 TROUBLE SHOOTING7.1 ERROR MESSAGESIf an error message is shown, repeat the step that caused the message. If the error message is still shown then contact your dealer for support.ERROR CODE DESCRIPTION POSSIBLE CAUSESO-Ld Overload Remove weight from the pan. Makesure the machine is reading zerobefore weighing. Do not over loadthe pan. If the problem recurscalibrate. Possible damage to themechanics.OUt2 Out of Zero reading Make sure the pan is fitted correctly.Make sure nothing is touching thepan when turning on the unit.Calibrate the machine. Possibledamage to the mechanics.UnSt Unstable Make sure the balance is on a flatsurface and away from vibration.Possible damage to the mechanics. LO or Low Battery indicator Change the batteries or use on thepower adapter.ErrE E‐Prom error Software error turn off and restart.Contact Adam Equipment or yourdealer for further assistance.No Power when turning on Change the batteries or use on thepower adapter.7.2 REPLACEMENT PARTS AND ACCESSORIESIf you need to order any spare parts and accessories, contact your supplier or Adam Equipment. A partial list of the more common items follows:Part Number Description9402 AC adapter(Country Dependent)9401 Plastic pan8.0 SPECIFICATIONSModel # DCT‐201 DCT‐2000 DCT‐5000 Maximum Capacity 200g 2000g 5000gReadability 0.1g 1g 2gRepeatability (Std Dev) 0.1g 1g 2gLinearity ± 0.2g 2g 4gUnits of Measure g / oz g / lb /ozStabilisation Time 2 secondsOperating Temperature0ºC to 40ºC 32ºF to 104ºFPower Supply 12VAC @ 150mA adapter or 6x AA batteries Calibration Push button calibration using external mass Calibration Mass 200g 2000g 5000g Display 5 digit LCD display 15mm high Balance Housing ABS PlasticPan Size 145 x 145mm5.8” x 5.8”Overall Dimensions (w x d x h) 145 x 210 x 40mm 5.8" x 8.3" x 1.6"Gross Weight 1kg, 2.2lbFeatures Low battery, Stable and Zero indications9.0 WARRANTY STATEMENTAdam Equipment offers Limited Warranty (Parts and Labour) for the components failed due to defects in materials or workmanship. Warranty starts from the date of delivery.During the warranty period, should any repairs be necessary, the customer must inform the supplier or Adam Equipment. The company or its authorised Technician reserves the right to repair or replace any components at its own discretion. Any shipping costs involved in sending the faulty units to a service centre is the customers responsibility.The warranty will cease to operate if the equipment is not returned in the original packaging and with correct documentation for a claim to be processed. All claims are at the sole discretion of Adam Equipment.This warranty does not cover equipment where defects or poor performance is due to misuse, accidental damage, exposure to radioactive or corrosive materials, negligence, faulty installation, unauthorised modifications or attempted repair or failure to observe the requirements and recommendations as given in this User Manual.Repairs carried out under the warranty does not extend the warranty period. Components removed during the warranty repairs become the company property.The statutory right of the purchaser is not affected by this warranty. The terms of this warranty is governed by the English Law. For complete details on Warranty Information, see the terms and conditions of sale available on our web‐site.Manufacturer’s Declaration of ConformityThis product has been manufactured in accordance with theharmonised European standards, following the provisions of thebelow stated directives:Electro Magnetic Compatibility Directive 2004/108/ENLow Voltage Directive 73/23/EECAdam Equipment Co. Ltd.Bond Avenue, Denbigh EastMilton Keynes, MK1 1SWUnited KingdomFCC COMPLIANCEThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. The equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.Shielded interconnect cables must be employed with this equipment to insure compliance with the pertinent RF emission limits governing this device.Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Adam Equipment could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.WEEE COMPLIANCEAny Electrical or Electronic Equipment (EEE) component or assembly of parts intended to be incorporated into EEE devices as defined by European Directive 2002/95/EEC must be recycled or disposed using techniques that do not introduce hazardous substances harmful to our health or the environment as listed in Directive 2002/95/EC or amending legislation. Battery disposal in Landfill Sites is more regulated since July 2002 by regulation 9 of the Landfill (England and Wales) Regulations 2002 and Hazardous Waste Regulations 2005.ADAM EQUIPMENT is an ISO 9001:2000 certified global company with more than 35 years experience in the production and sale of electronic weighing equipment.For a complete listing of all Adam scales and balances visit our website at:© Copyright by Adam Equipment Co. Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reprinted or translated in any form or by any means without the prior permission of Adam Equipment.Adam Equipment reserves the right to make changes to the technology, features, specifications and design of the equipment without notice.All information contained within this publication is to the best of our knowledge timely, complete and accurate when issued. However, we are not responsible for misinterpretations which may result from the reading of this material.The latest version of this publication can be found on our Website.Head Office:Adam Equipment Co. Ltd.Bond Avenue,Milton Keynes,MK1 1 SWTel: +44 (0)1908 274545FaX: +44 (0)1908 641339**********************.ukFor regional office worldwide visit 。
1.巧用机车信号载频自动切换功能解决邻线干扰问题 [J], 刘连峰
2.ADAM-4117/4118自动滤波功能成功解决干扰问题/华北工控特种计算机闪耀08中国消费电子展 [J],
3.关于卫星C频段滤波器解决5G基站干扰问题的研究 [J], 秦恒;潘宇
4.关于卫星C频段滤波器解决5G基站干扰问题的研究 [J], 秦恒;潘宇
5.ADAM-4117/4118自动滤波功能成功解决干扰问题 [J],
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……to be continued……规格说明AI 模拟量输入⚫有效分辨率:16位⚫通道:8路差分,可独立设置量程⚫高共模电压:200Vdc⚫通讯协议:ASCII命令,Modbus协议⚫输入类型:mV,V(支持单双极性),mA⚫输入量程:0~150mV, 0~500mV, 0~1V, 0~5V, 0~10V, 0~15V,±150 mV, ±500 mV, ±1V, ±5 V, ±10 V, ±15V, 0~20mA,±20 mA, 4~20mA⚫隔离电压:3000VDC⚫过压保护:±60V⚫采样速率:10/100 采样点每秒(通过测试软件设置)⚫输入内阻:电压20MΩ,电流120Ω⚫精确度:电压模式:±0.1% or better 电流模式:±0.2% or better⚫零点漂移:±6μV/℃⚫跨度漂移:±25 ppm/° C⚫共模抑制(CMR)@50/60Hz dB min⚫内置看门狗⚫内置TVS/ESD保护⚫功耗跳线设置:当ADAM-4117测量电流时,需要跳线。
三、测试软件(Utility)的使用ADAM-4117适用ADAM-4000-5000 Utility(old)或ADAM .Net Utility(new). 下面以ADAM .Net Utility为例,演示ADAM-4117的安装、配置和测试过程。
1. Utility的安装将ADAM-4117盒子里附带的小光盘放入计算机的光驱中,取消自动播放,使用右键打开,先按照如下路径安装Microsoft DotNet framework,即下图中的dotnetfx.exe。
安装完Microsoft .net fx之后,再安装测试软件Advantech Utility:注意:如果PC是Win XXXX/XP操作系统,需要运行的是Win 32下的安装文件安装完成之后,可以通过如下路径打开Adam .net Utility:如果希望使用年代比较久一些的ADAM-4000-5000 Utility,也可以通过光盘上的如下路径安装这个测试软件:2. Adam .net Utility的快速使用Step 1选择连接到ADAM-4117的com口,点击上面的放大镜图标search:注意:如果使用串口扩展卡,扩展出来的com口序号较大(例如com5),可能需要您点击Utility上面Setup菜单中的refresh按钮来显示所有的com口一般情况下,鼠标点击到com1时,右侧setting中的参数无需改变,除非您确认您已经修改了ADAM-4520以及ADAM-4117的串口通讯参数(例如波特率、数据位等)Step 2一般情况下,无需更改弹出窗口的Starting address,直接点击Start即可。
这项参数的含义是从哪个RS-485地址开始搜索,一直搜索到Address 255为止。
Step 3搜索到模块后,可以点击Cancel按钮取消搜索,点击左侧菜单中的模块名称进入模块配置页面。
在上面的Utility画面中,可以配置RS-485 地址(Address)、波特率(Baudrate)、通讯协议(Procotol)等。
修改完毕后,点击右上角的“Apply change”保存设置到模块的芯片里。
3. ADAM-4117的MODBUS协议ADAM-4117支持MODBUS RTU协议,在模块初始化状态的情况下,可以在Utility下通过“Protocol”项的下拉菜单将协议更改为“Modbus”。
4. ADAM-4117 的ASCII协议将ADAM-4117的拨码开关拨到Normal状态后上电,用鼠标点一下ADAM-4117所在的com口,再点一下上面的黄色闪电图标,打开Terminal 工具。
注意:在ADAM Utility中,已经默认在ASCII命令后面增加回车,所以看不出来需要使用回车。
5. 校准(警告:非必要无需自行校准!)ADAM-4117出厂时已经经过校准,所以一般情况下,用户无需自行校准。
校准过程如下:Step1:将模块右侧的拨码开关拨到INIT状态Step2:点击Zero calibration按钮,会弹出一个对话框提示“请提供0.0mV的电压到模块的CH0通道”。
如果您没有接入标准信号源,不小心误点了Zero calibration按钮,请点击弹出窗口右上角的红叉,退出校准过程。
务必不要在没有外接0.0mV信号的情况下点击“Apply”按钮!!!!!注意:如果您使用的不是+/-10V的量程,需要您在CH0输入的信号可能不是0mV,请您按照弹出对话框的提示来输入实际信号!Step3:点击Span calibration按钮,会弹出一个对话框提示“请提供10.0V的电压到模块的CH0通道”。
如果您没有接入标准信号源,不小心误点了Zero calibration按钮,请点击弹出窗口右上角的红叉,退出校准过程。
当使用Modbus协议时,通过串口发出的命令就是Modbus命令,具体可以参考Modbus RTU的标准协议内容,由于是公开的通用协议,在此不再赘述。
如果使用 XXXX/XXXX对Modbus进行编程,可以参考下面Step3的例程。
Step1 使用Utility上的Terminal功能测试(参见上面3.4小节中的内容),确认ADAM-4117配置正确,可以接收ASCII命令。
如果使用Visual Studio6.0编程,请参考Step2的内容;如果使用Visual Studio200/XXXX,请参考Step3.Step2 (使用VS6.0编程)参考ADAM-4100系列英文手册18页-23页的内容,有VB 6.0编程的讲解。
需要在发送每个命令之后增加延时,当收到回复或者判断Timeout之后再发送下一个命令Step3 (使用VSXXXX/XXXX编程)安装光盘里的ADAM .Net class library,安装之后可以在C盘的如下路径找到VB和VC#的例程:C:\Program Files\Advantech\ Class Library\VSXXXX\Samples\Win32对于ADAM-4117模块,使用ASCII协议时,可以参考Adam4017P_18P或Comporttest例程;使用Modbus协议时,可以参考ModbusRTU例程。