
跨文化交际练习班别:学号姓名Directions: For each problem in this part, you are presented with one situation with four utterances underneath. Read the description on each situation with the utterances and decide which is/are the appropriate utterance(s) in that situation where communication is done in English.1. On the way home, a student addresses his cousin Li Ming in English:a. “Hello, cousin!”b. “Hello, Li Ming!”2. In the office of the English DepartmentAn English student studying in China is telephoning the secretary of the department.Jack: “Hello, I’d like to speak to Li Ming, please.”Song: a. “I’m Li Ming.”b. “This is me.”c. “Li Ming is speaking.”3. In the students’ dormitoryAndrew: “ Would you like to watch a football match?”Xiao Zhang: a. “I’d love to, but I’m busy at the moment.”b. “I haven’t finished my homework yet.”c. “ Excuse me, but I’m not free.”4. At a friend’s home in England. A Chinese student gives a birthday present to her English friend. Mary: “Thank you. It’s beautiful.”Xiao Zhao: a. “Really? Do you like it?”b. “Don’t mention it. It’s only a small thing.”c. “I’m glad you like it.”5. At a bus stopMan: Excuse me, do you know which bus goes to London Road, please?Woman: Sorry, I’ve no ideas.Man: a. It doesn’t matter.b. Oh.c. Thank you anyway.6. Joyce is talking to her friend, Brenda.Joyce: “Do you mind posting this letter for me on your way home, Brenda?”Brenda:a. You’re welcome.b. I don’t care.c. I don’t mind.d.No, not at all.7. In a factory, Li, the guide, is interpreting for a group of foreign guests. When they have finished visiting one workshop, he would like the group to follow him to the next workshop. He says:a. This way, please.b. Come here!c. Follow me!d. Move on!8. Li had something to tell the manager, Mr Smith. He went to his place, entered the room and said:a. You’re not busy, I hope.b. Got a minute?c. Can I have a word with, Mr Smith.d. I’m terribly sorry to trouble you, Mr.Smith.9. You’re v isiting a new British friend. His house is very beautiful. Do you _______a. tell him how beautiful it is ?b. ask how much it costs?c. ask if he’ll take you round every room?10. You’ve arranged to meet a friend at 2pm. But you missed the train and you know you’ll be at least two hours late. Do you ________a. decide not to meet your friend, and phone him the next day?b. phone him, apologize and tell him you’ll be late?c. decide not to phone, and just arrive late?11. A British friend is having dinner at your house. His plate is empty. You offer him more food and he says no. Do you ___a. keep offering until he says yes?b. just put the food on his plate without asking again?c. offer once more, then give up if he says no?12. You’re at a party and have just been introduced to someone. While you are talking, he mentions that his wife is not at the party. Do you ________a. ask where his wife is?b. change the subject?c. ask if he gets on well with his wife?13. You’re in a railway carriage. A stranger is sitting beside you. It’s very hot and you’d like the window open. Do you ___a. open it without asking the other person?b. ask the other person to open the window?c. ask the other person if you can open the window?14. Mrs. Li has been having lunch with Mrs. Sullivan. Mrs. Li has just explained that she has to leave.a. Do you really have to go, Mrs.Li? Couldn’t you at least stay for another cup of coffee?b. Oh, no, you can’t.c. Oh come on. You’ve got time for one more cup of coffee, surely?d. Well, it’s still early. There’s no hurry.15. You’ve just been asked out to dinner but you don’t want to go with the person who invited you. You might say: a.I don’t think so. I already have plans.b. No, I really don’t enjoy being with you.c. I’m dieting so I mustn’t go out to eat.d. Thanks a lot, but I’m busy tonight.Part II Case Analysis (You are required to state cultural phenomenon in each case)Case 1Xiao LI and Xiao Wang were colleagues. Xiao LI gave a lot of help to Xiao Wang financially and socially. Recently Xiao LI would get married. But he forgot inviting Xiao Wang attend his wedding. Later Xiao Wang got information about Xiao LI’ wedding and sent RMB 500 Yuan to Xiao LI.Question: What cultural phenomenon can be reflected? Why?Case 2 An English guest: Each time a new dish arrived his parents would lean over and load my plate with tasty morsels. As they had taken all the trouble to cook it I just had to polish it off. As soon as my plate was empty they would put more on. Of course, I felt duty-bound to eat that too.A Chinese guest: Can you imagine how many dishes I had? Only one -- a stew with meat and vegetables. The meat was over done and too hard to eat; green vegetables were no longer green. They never put food on your plate but just ask you to help yourself. If you, as a guest, are shy or modest, waiting for the food to be put on your plate, you will remain half-starved.Question: Are there any differences in hospitality between a Chinese and English? What are the reasons?Case 3Li Lan had an American friend Susan. They usually had lunch together and Li Lan often asked Susan for advice on problems she faced adjusting to American society. Susan gave Li Lan a lot of advice and helped her to improve her English. Once Li Lan needed urgently a big sum of money to pay her tuition fee. Since she has no other friends in the States, she turned to Susan for help and promised that she would return the money soon.To Li Lan’s great disappointment, this time Susan didn’t seem happy to lend the money to her. Though Li Lan returned the money as she promised, they didn’t get along well from then on.Question: Why did Li Lan feel unpleasant?Case 4In 1997, a Danish woman from Copenhagen left her 14-month-old baby girl in a stroller outside a Manhattan restaurant while she was inside. Other diners at the restaurant became concerned and called New York City Police. The woman was charged with endangering a child and was jailed for two nights. Her child was placed in foster care. The woman and the Danish consulate explained that leaving children unattended outside cafes is common in Denmark. Pictures were wired to the police showing numerous strollers parked outside cafes while parents were eating inside. Question: What cultural phenomenon can be reflected?Case 5Describing the differences of verbal communication Styles between Chinese people and American people. Take examples to explain it.Case 6Xie Li and Tom have been working on a scientific experiment at a British university for some months. It has not been totally successful. They are discussing the situation in the laboratory.Xie Li: I don’t know where it went wrong!Tom: Don’t feel so bad. Cheer up; you’ve done your job.Xie Li: But our experiment has turned out to be a failure.Tom: Relax for a couple of days. I’ll face the music.Xie Li: Tom, we are not playing children’s games here. This is a scientific experiment.Tom: I’ve never taken the experiment as child’s play and I’m playing the game.Xie Li: You say you’re playing the game! It’s a rather important experiment!Xie Li walks out of the laboratory angrily. Tom is puzzled.Question: What’s the problem in this case?Case 7A young Chinese officer, together with his wife, was meeting an American consultant at an airport. After phatic communication, the consultant complimented him on his wife out of politeness, “Your wife is beautiful!” The officer felt embarrassed and said, “Where! Where!”(哪里!哪里!)“Where! Where!” the consultant was puzzled and had to say,“From head to foot.”Question: What went wrong in the case and Why?。

1.What kinds of things cannot be noticed by a fish in the sea?A) The foodB) The climate and the environmentC) The danger and the natural enemyD) The water正确答案为D2.Human beings also have hardware and software. __________ is to human beings what software is to computer. 人类也有硬件和软件A) CultureB) BodyC) ShapeD) Color正确答案为A3.American scholars Daniel Bates and Fred Plog define culture from intercultural perspective which reflects the role of _________.美国学者丹尼尔·贝茨和弗雷德·普洛格从跨文化的角度定义文化,反映了文化的作用A) perceptionn. 知觉;觉察(力);观念;(农作物的)收获B) communicationC) sensationn. 感觉;直觉;知觉;轰动D) intellectual n. 知识分子;脑力劳动者;有极高智力的人;正确答案为B4.Many of the same proverbs appear throughout the world, because all people, regardless of their culture, share common _______.许多相同的谚语出现在世界各地,因为所有人,不管他们的文化如何,都是共同的A) storiesB) languagesC) experiencesD) arts正确答案为C5.We understand two characteristics of subgroups as ________ label and temporality.我们理解亚群的两个特征为________标签和时间性A) sameB) inferior ad j. 低劣的;下级的,下等的;(位置在)下面的;C) superior 优良的;更高级的;傲慢的;D) deviant 不正常的,异常的;离经叛道的正确答案为D6.__________ refers to one’s sense of belonging to a particular culture or ethnic group. It means one’s sense of the culture to which one belongs.指一个人对某一特定文化或民族的归属感。

中考英语跨文化交际中的语言差异练习题20题答案解析1.In the US, when you are invited to a party, it's polite to arrive _____.A.on timeB.earlyteD.very late答案解析:A。
选项B“early”可能会让主人觉得准备不充分;选项C“late”可能会被认为不礼貌;选项D“very late”更是不恰当。
2.In Japan, when you receive a gift, you should _____.A.open it immediatelyB.open it laterC.never open itD.give it back答案解析:B。
选项A“open it immediately”在日本文化中不太合适;选项C“never open it”太绝对;选项D“give it back”不符合礼仪。
3.In the UK, when you meet someone for the first time, you can start a conversation by talking about _____.A.ageB.weightC.weatherD.income答案解析:C。
4.In China, when you are having a meal with others, it's polite to _____.A.make a lot of noisee chopsticks to point at othersC.put your elbows on the tableD.wait for the elders to start eating first答案解析:D。

高三英语跨文化交际练习题20题1.In the United States, people often eat turkey on _____.A.ChristmasB.ThanksgivingC.EasterD.Halloween答案:B。
选项 A 圣诞节一般吃烤鸡等食物;选项C 复活节有彩蛋、兔子等元素;选项D 万圣节主要是糖果等。
2.Which of the following is not a traditional activity on St. Patrick's Day?A.Wearing green clothesB.ParadesC.Exchanging giftsD.Drinking green beer答案:C。
3.On Halloween, children go from house to house asking for _____.A.candiesB.giftsC.toysD.flowers答案:A。
选项B 礼物一般在圣诞节等节日交换;选项C 玩具不是万圣节主要索要的东西;选项D 花不是万圣节的常见物品。
4.In many Western countries, people decorate Christmas trees with _____.A.flowersB.candlesC.balloonsD.leaves答案:B。
选项 A 花不是主要装饰圣诞树的物品;选项 C 气球一般不用于装饰圣诞树;选项D 树叶也不是圣诞树的常见装饰。
5.Which festival is associated with egg hunts?A.Valentine's DayB.EasterC.Independence DayD.Mother's Day答案:B。

跨文化交际unit 1练习

Unit 1 Intercultural Communication, Culture, Language and CommunicationPart I Blank FillingDirections: Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression.1.Intercultural communication refers to the communication between different cultural__________.nguage is a system of __________ __________ symbols used for human communication.3.Culture has the properties of being __________,__________,__________,__________, and__________.4. The sentence “ a rose by any other name smells just as sweet.” is cited to prove that language is __________.5. In the conversation John: "Morning, Mary!" Mary: “Morning, John!”, the decoder of the communication is __________.Part II T or FDirections:Read the following statements and decide whether they are true or false.1. ____ In a broad sense, culture means the total way of life of a people, including the patterns of belief, customs, objects, institutions, techniques, and language that characterizes the life of the human community.2. ____ The positive feeling we possess at the affective level, including affirmation, self-esteem, comfort, trust, and safety may contribute to successful intercultural communication3. ____ The example of Wild boy of A veyon indicates that human beings lack of cultural communication can not be called real human beings.4. ____ When we compare culture to an iceberg, we say most of components of culture are hidden under the water.5. ____ The word “language”in “Hemingway’s language ”means everything in a language system that makes it different from any other such system6. ____ The example of Eskimo tribes’ word use of snow is to illustrate that Language also exerts its influence on culture.7. ____ That “Tom talks to himself while flourishing his toy gun”belongs to human-machine communication.8. ____ The primary purpose of downward communication is to provide feedback, ask questions or information.9. ____ Enculturation is the process which adopts the changes brought about by another culture and develops an increased similarity between the two cultures.10. ____ If a native speaker of English says to you “That’s a very nice coat you’re wearing.”, you can answer it by saying, “Do you really like it?”Part III Multiple ChoiceDirections:There are 25 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1. The following are all Chinese equivalence to the English word communication except _____.A. 传播C. 交通D. 散发2. Which of the following is not the reason for increased intercultural communication?A. Mobile means of transportB. Easy and convenient communication channelC. Globalization of world economyD. The development of English language3.The following are all features of communication except _____.A. dynamicB. systematicC. vocalD. symbolicPart IV Short Answer Questions. (15%)Directions:Choose three questions from the following five questions and answer them briefly. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET1. What’s the Relationship between language and culture?2. How to understand cultural Iceberg?Key 1: Like an iceberg what we can see about culture is just the tip of the iceberg; the majority of it is intangible, beyond sight. And the part of culture that is visible is only a small part of a much bigger whole. It is said nine-tenth of culture is below the surface.Key 2: (Just as an iceberg which has a visible section above the waterline and a larger invisible section below the waterline, culture has some aspects that are observable and others that can only be suspected and imagined. Also like an iceberg, the part of culture that is visible is only a small part of a much bigger whole. It is said nine-tenth of culture is below the surface.Part V T ranslationDirections:Translate the following sentences into ChineseNothing.Part V Case studies.Directions: S tudy the following cases and answer the questions. Choose two from the three cases.Case 1Here is a story of Litz, a Finnish and her Chinese husband Dick. Dick’s mother comes to USA to visit them. Half a month later Litz asks Dick how long his mother is going to stay with them. Here is the conversation:Litz: Dick, how long is your mum going to stay?Dick: I don’t know. I haven’t asked her.Litz: Why not ask her?Dick: What do you mean by asking her?Litz: I mean what I said. Just ask her how long she’s going to stay.Dick’s mother hears the conversation, and the next day she tells her son that she wants to go back to China.Can you diagnose the problem in the communication?Case 2Did you ever experience misunderstanding in your communication with a foreigner? Or did you read anything about this? Please describe the situation and analyze the reason.Note:Othe exercises are on Page 12-13 in the book《跨文化交际实用教程》(by 胡超)。

考试题型:1、Ture or False (15×1, 为课后练习题,会有改动)2、Multiple Choice (15×1, 为学过的分散在各个单元的知识点及课后练习中的重要内容)3、Cultural Puzzles (10×2, 阅读案例,选择最佳答案,部分案例是课本上的,其余是课外的)4、Filling in Blanks (10×2, 该题考察的是名词解释,四个选项下面配有两个句子,根据句子内容选择其中一个选项)5、Matching (10×1, 该题考察对跨文化理论的理解,在授课要点中的范围)6、In-Depth Reading (共20分,该题是拓展性阅读,主要考察对跨文化类文章的理解及跨文化知识的应用能力,分为Section A….选择题【5×2】;Section B….问答题【10】。
要求根据对文章的理解和掌握的跨文化知识回答问题,内容不会超出我们讲过的知识范围)选择题:Cultural Understanding of verbal and non-verbal communication1、American parents would ask their children’s opinion in family decision-making because___________.A) American parents like being told by their children what to doB) American children have much power in the familyC) American parents take their children as an equalD) American parents are unable to make decisions themselves2、What is the best expression of the following you can use when you meet an American friend at the airport?A) You must tired B) Did you have a good tripC) It is raining, isn’t it ? D) Thank you for coming3、What is a proper topic when you are talking with an American ?A) the price of an item B) religion C) marital status D) hobbies4、In English speaking countries, people tend to use all the greetings except_______________.A) how are you getting on? B) how are things?C) where have you been? D) how’s life?5、What is a proper response of the following to “Thank you. ” ?A) It is my duty to do so B) It doesn’t matter at allC) I quite understand it D) Don’t mention it6、Where a British friend is sick, you’d better say “__________” to your friend to show your concern.A) Drink plenty of water B) I do hope you’ll be feeling better soonC) put on more clothes D) Take medicine on time7、What is the Chinese equivalent of “reckless disregard for truth ” ?A) 躁动不安B)为非作歹C)实事求是D)信口雌黄8、What is the meaning of “gilding the lily” ?A) Avoiding something to make a good thing even better.B) Spoiling something already fine by attempting to make it betterC) Turning excellence into perfectionD) Putting the lily in a golden frame to make it last longer9、Which of the following expression is considered a verbal taboo in English?A) pass away B) powder one’s nose C) damn it D) go to heaven10、Which of the following is the typical American thought pattern?A) Factual-inductive style B) Axiomatic-deductive styleC) Intutive-affective style D) Associative uniting style11、Which of the following does not have the same function that “副” fulfills in Chinese?A) associate B) deputy C) lieutenant D) underline12、Which of the folling is not one of the social funcitons of compliments?A) greeting people B) starting a conversation C) criticizing people D) overcoming embarrassment13、What is the acceptable addressing of “Tom Smith” in American culture?A) Teacher Smith B) Mr. Tom C)Director Smith D) Professor Smith14、The word “dragon” is a word__________.A) with different associated meanings in Chinese B) without a counterpart in ChineseC) with the some primary meaning in Chinese D) with many more terms in Chinese15、When making an appointment with an American friend, which of the following expressions is the most appropriate one?A) I’m coming to see you this afternoon.B) You must stay at home waiting for me this afternoon.C) Could you come directly to my house this afternoon.D) I was wondering whether I could come round to visit you soemtime.16、Which of the following is not included in kinesics?A) posture B) stance C) body distance D) gesture17、Individualism has the following features except____________.A) strong family ties B)self-reliance C) freedom D) respect for individual rights18、M-time culture has the following features except__________.A) cutting time into bits B) taking dealines seriouslyC) scheduling one thing at a time D) more human-centered19、__________culture are typical P-time cultures.A) Latin American B) Northern American C) Western European D) Northern European20、In American culture, silence may be inerpreted as ___________.A) assertiveness B) thoughtfulness C) enthusiasm D)apathy21、Which culture tends to envelop each other in breath when talking?A) Arabian culture B) American culture C)British culture D) Chinese culture22、Which of the following is not included in chronemics?A) punctuality B) time orientation C) silence D) promptness23、What does the following gesture mean in some Latin American countries?A) money B) OK C) obscenity D) hostility24、Which of the following statement is untrue?A) The American “come here ” gesture could be seen as an insult in most Asian countries.B) In most Asian cultures, a gentle grip and an avoidance of direct eye contact is appropriate.C) Right hand is considered unclean in much of the Middle East and in parts of Indonesia.D) Pointing with the index finger is common in North American and Europe.25、When an American is parking his bicycle and the bicycle accidentally falls over, he feels embarrassed at his awkwardness, and his quite angered and humiliated when Chinese onlookers laugh.A) Don’t take it so seriously. B) It’s nothing.C) You are really clumsy. D) Such things can happen to any of us.。

I. Choose the best answer:1.When someone responds only to the residue of the behavior of anotherperson ,communicationa. is not effective .b. is quite effective .c. also takes place.d. does not occur.2.All cultures or institutions are equally valid or fitting ,according toa. cultural analysis.b. cultural relativism.c. cultural absolutism.d. cultural determinism.3.Intercultural communication as a field of study is interdisciplinary. Closely related to this fieldare the following disciplines excepta. medical studies .b. sociolinguistics.c. cultural anthropology.d. sociology.4.when you have paid a cashier in the US for your shopping, the cashier will most likely saya. Thank youb. Nothing.c. You’re very rich.d. You’ve made a great purchase.5.Can I whisper in your ear? I didn’t have a chance to tell you this morning how lovely you look!A male colleague of an American woman professor walked into the professor’s classroom and“whispered” in her ear when she was just lecturing to her students. This s hows thata. Americans make compliments on women’s appearance far more frequently and freely thanChinese people.b. Chinese speakers make compliments on women’s appearance as frequently and freely asAmericans.c. Americans make compliments on women’s app earance only when the complimented are oflow social status.d. Chinese speakers make compliments on women’s appearance only when the complimentedare of low social status.6.When you want to know whether an American is married or single or divorced, you can askindirectlya. Do you have any children?b. Are you married?c. Have you solved your personal problem?d. Do you have a large family?7.Your written work has really improved, but you still have a bit of a problem with yourspelling.This is criticism by English standards.a. directb. indirectc. weakd. strong8.When an American expresses thanks for a favor you have done him, you shoulda. say It’s my duty.b. say that’s what I should do .c. say It’s a pleasure .d. say That’s the least I can do .9.When an English woman tells you her real age, you can saya. That’s what I guess.b. No, no, you really are much younger than your age.c. That’s impossibled. Oh , dear me !You don’t expect that I believe you .10.By tradition westerners have much stronger sense of privacy than Chinese, because they laygreater emphasis ona. collectivism.b. individualism.c. relativism.d. imperialism.11.When an English tennis champion says well, I’m very keen on tennis,he is employingspeech calleda. irony.b. understatement.c. simile.d. exaggeration.12.This is x x x’s residence. We are not here at this moment. Please leave your name andtelephone number. W e’ll call you back as soon as we can. when you hear this on the phone, you should know that this comes froma. a gentleman’s family.b. an advanced telephone.c. an answering machine.d. a lady’s family.13.The nonverbal elements of the voice is calleda. kinesics.b. oculesics.c. proxemics.d. paralanguage.14.A: When can I come back for my ticket?B: Don’t worry. It is being taken care of.B’s response would be regarded by Americans asa. a polite response.b. a rude remark..c. a little information.d. insufficient information.15.When a newly-arrived American professor has just conducted his first class with Chinesestudents, you, as an administrator, can greet him by sayinga. You must have had a tiring job.b. Are you happy with your class?c. Are Chinese students the same as American students?d. Are they happy with your teaching?16.When you receive a phone call and knows that the person wanted on the phone is notavailable to answer it, you should saya. Does she/he have your name?b. Can I say that she/he is away from here?c. He/She is not available to speak to you.d. He/She is not with me right now.17.If you are asked to dine out, Dutch treat means thata. whoever pays for his own meal.b. You’ll be treated Dutch food.c. You’ll be invited to a Dutch restaurant.d. Whoever invites you will pay for the dinner.18.When an American friend compliments you on what you have, you should not say Do youreally like it, just take it ,becausea. what you have might be offensive to the people from his culture.b. What you have might be so expensive that he dares not take it.c. It could be just a compliment and he might have been a slip of the tongue.d. He might think that you made the offer on the spur of the moment without sincerity.19. The Chinese language is well known for in connecting phrases or sentences without usingmany logic-grammatical connectors.a. hypotactic techniques.b. various techniques.c. covert coherence.d. function words.20. “Han d extended toward person, open palm, palm down, with all fingers crooked in abeckoning motion”-this is normally the way of beckoning someone to come.a. universalb. Americanc. Chinesed. specific21.When an English tennis champion says I think I’m quite good, he is employing the figure of speech called :a. understatement.b. irony.c. similed. exaggeration22.When the training we receive is aimed at cultural self-awareness and other concepts that prepare us to communicate effectively any culture, it is calleda. narrow trainingb. culture-specific trainingc. all-around trainingd. culture-general training23.The turning point came for intercultural communication studies when the International Communication Association established under it the Division of Intercultural Communication ina.1980b.1970c.1990d.196024.I’m very impressed with your figures. A made colleague of an American woman professor said to her when she walked into the restaurant where he was dining. This shows thata. Americans make compliments on women’s appearance far more frequently and freely thanChinese speakers.b. Chinese speakers make compliments on women’s appearance as frequently and freely asAmericans.c. Americans make compliments o women’s appearance only when the complimented are oflow social status.d. Chinese speakers make compliments on women’s appearance only when the complimentedare of low social status.25.In response to You did a great job, you can say___ by American standards.a. Oh well, it had to happen sometimesb. No, no, I didn’t do it very wellc. Well, this is the result of collective labord. I’ll try to do it better next time26.I’m afraid your last essay was not quite up to standard, this is__ criticism by English standards.a. strongb. directc. weakd. indirect27. When you want to know whether an American is marred or single or divorced, you can askindirectlya. Do you have any children?b. Are you married?c. Have you solved your personal problem?d. Is your family with you here in China?28. When an American friend of yours has caught a cold, you can show concern by sayinga. I’m sure you’ll be better soon.b. You should drink more water.c. You should be more careful not catch cold again.d. I hope you’ll be feeling better soon29. Before you present a gift to an American friend, you shoulda. make sure to present it to his wife .b. make sure to keep the price tag onc. tear off its price tagd. tear off its wrapper30. When American friend compliments you on what you have, you should not say “Do you reallylike it? Just take it”, becausea. it could be just a compliment and he might have made a slip of the tongueb. what you have might be so expensive that he dares not take itc. it could be just a compliment and he might not really like it.d. what you have might be offensive to the people from his culture.31.Awareness of how another culture feels the standpoint of the insider can be calleda. empathyb. sympathyc. apathyd. insensibility32. It is believed that the publication of Introduction to Kinesics by marked thebeginning of nonverbal communication studies as a relatively independent field.a. Jespersenb. Birdwhistellc. Potter.d. Pennycook33. The study of the communication of interpersonal space and distance isa. chronemics.b. proxemics.c. haptics.d. oculesics.34. In I’m afraid you’re mistaken, the underlined part can be called from theperspective of interpersonal communication.a. negative words .b. softening words.c. redundant words .d. beautiful words35. When you hear on the phone well, I mustn’t hold you up any longer, you should know that thiscould well be a signal ofa. saying good-byeb. encouraging you to talk more .c. saying I enjoy our conversation ,but you need to go .d. saying I’ll try to be brief with you .36. Church Sale in the United States isa. to sell a churchb. to sell Bibles for very low pricesc. to sell things to church—goers for very low prices.d. to sell things donated by church-goers for very low prices.37. When an American stamps his foot, it usually suggestsa. remorseb. angerc. impatienced. disapproval38. As times passed, the desire of learning the language grew in my heart like a tree, bigger andbigger, so beautiful that I decided to be with her all my life. This kind of languagea. is very impressive by American standards.b. sounds too emotional by American standards.c. sounds too flowery and exaggerated by American standards.d. Is very bad English by American standards?39. When we say that Americans tend to behave this way or that, we don’t mean that everyAmerican will behave in exactly the way in every given situation, because culture isa. an approximationb. tendencyc. an abstractiond. all of the above40. A: (Showing B the sofa) Sit down, please.B: No, no. I’ll sit here. (Moving towards a chair)A: Oh, do sit over here on the sofa.B: No, no. This chair is perfectly all right.From the conversation you can deduce that B is most likelya. an Englishmanb. an Americanc. a Chinesed. a JapaneseII. True or false:1. Intercultural communication occurs whenever a message sender is a member of one culture anda message receiver is of another.2. Intercultural communication studies are as old as recorded history.3. “Give and take” is a principle highly valued in the United Sates.4. Friendship characterizes much of American daily interactions.5. Compared with Chinese Americans make friends easily and leave their friends almost asquickly.6. Chinese writers are not so particular about providing notes or bibliography in writing as English speakers, because the Chinese depend very much on shared cultural knowledge for mutual understanding.7. Sociologists believe that cultural mistakes are far more serious than linguistic mistakes, for the former often incur ill-feeling between speakers of two different cultures.8. Ms. can be used in the United States to address both married and unmarried ladies.9. IC courses are interdisciplinary in nature and therefore should draw materials from many disciplines.10. Cultures do not communicate; people do.11.If you are a guest and are introduced to your host, you do not take the initiative in shakinghands unless he holds out his hand first.12.When you want to learn about an American’s marital status, you can ask ,“Are you married orsingle ”13.By tradition westerners have much stronger sense of privacy than Chinese.14.Americans avoid the talk of the Civil War in their daily conversation.15.When you want to ask a native English-speaker to do you a favor, you should begin withAre you very busy?16.When you want to learn about an American’s political stand, you can ask, “Why did you votefor?”17.For entertaining English speakers, the more banquets or more courses for a banquet, thebetter.18.It is said that the British people hate to trouble others and ,when they need help, will usuallybegin with I don’t really like to ask you, but ….19.You can compliment an American with You look goo d. You ‘ve lost weight.20.Memorial Day is on the last Monday of May.21. In American forms you can often find “optional”following “religion”, because religiousbeliefs are very much a matter of privacy.22. When you are reading a book, you are actually responding to the author’s writing behavior.23. Communication is not irreversible.24. In a broad sense, culture indicates the history and literature of a people.25. Personal comments, implicitly or explicitly, on women’s appearance are more common in theUS than in China.26. Americans are said to be pushing in nature.27. All the Chinese expressions of gratitude do not sound courteous to American speakers.28. Intercultural communication and intracultural communication are both interpersonalcommunication.29. Chinese speakers always tear away price tags before they offer gifts to others.30. Americans are said to work while they work and play while they play.31. P-time is apt to be considered a point rather than a ribbon or a road.32. It is said that Englishmen’s humor sometimes consists of self-deprecation.33. There are basically two approaches to academic or scientific research and, for that matter, tointercultural communication studies; namely, induction and deduction.34. In English –speaking countries you usually first introduce an older person to a younger person, not the other way round.35. The English language is basically a hypotactic language in that it can do without the heavy use of logic-grammatical connectors.36. According to Benjamin Lee Whorf, the background linguistic system of each language is notmerely a reproducing instrument for voicing ideas but rather is itself the program and guide for the individual’s analysis of impressions, for his synthesis of his mental stock in trade. 37. If you are an old person and are introduced to someone younger than you, you do not take theinitiative in shaking hands unless he holds out his hand first.38. In China it’s inappropriate to keep one’s hat on indoors.39. Sometimes an Englishman may offer help merely as a gesture of politeness. In this case, youcan say something like I’d like to have your help, but ….40. Avoiding taboo has much to do with privacy.III. Explain the following terms:1.response2.intentional communication3.acceptance and integration4.linguistic relativity5.dominant culture6.Michigan States University7.culture-general training 8.role prescription9.lexical gap 10.Mr.America11.decoding 12.nondirectded communication13.mental isolation 14.black tie15.connotation 16.linguistic determinism17.individualism 18.cross-cultural communicationmunicative competence 20.China Association for Intercultural CommunicationIV. Elaborate the following topics:1.Do you think that “When in Rome do as Romans do” is the best indication of interculturalcommunication competence?2. Comment on the significance of nonverbal communication studies.3. Illustrate cultural differences in showing concern.4. Illustrate cultural differences in greeting people.。

Unit Two Culture ShockⅠ.Fill in blanksa. In a formal western meal, y ou?re offered a second helping but you havThat was delicious bute already had enough. You should say “______”.I?ve already had plenty, thanks.b. Taboos are words, expressions, etc. that are considered as being _____ _ or ______. unpleasant, disgusting c. ______ is a culture that scores high on individualism. Individual cultured. Social distance refers to the degree of ______ or ______ between two c ultures. similarity, dissimilaritye. Because of their ______, individualistsgive little thought to the ______ of others. But collectivists care very mu ch what others in their groups think and do not like to be the targets of __ ____ and _______. independence, evaluations, scrutiny, criticismⅡ. Key Termsa. culture shockb. collectivist culturec. hospitalityd. politenesse. privacy在一个正式的西餐,你?再提供一次帮助但你已经有足够的。


《跨文化交际》练习题Unit 11.Fill in blanksa. There are here-------- Chinese equivalents to communication in Mainland.交际()交流()沟通()传播()通信()交通()传理()b. There must be ___________conditions for communication to take place.c. There are _______ kinds of communication.d. The two kinds of cross-cultural communication are _______ and ______.e. In any forms of communication, mono-cultural, unilateral and bilateral cross-cultural alike, ______ is the essence.f. You complain to your instructor about your course credits through telephone is a________ example of communication.g. You send an e-mail message to an American friend is an instance of communication but______.h. An Arabic traveler talks to you in Arabic that is Greek to you is an instance of_________.i. The community definition of a social situation is a sort of ______ definition, or ______ interpretation of the situation.j. In cross-cultural communication, private goals are difficult to detect and are likely to cause ______.k. A social situation may receive two definitions. They are____________________ and ______________.l. The verbal message of shrug is a non-verbal signal of_________________.m. The verbal message of thank is a non-verbal signal of________________.n. The goal of Dick’s going to the library is likely to _______________________________________.Ⅱ. Key Termsa. languageb. non-verbal communicationc. cross-cultural communicationd. situational schemae. signalf. cultureg. communicationⅢ. Short Answer1. Give some best and not good instances of communication.2. How to understand a mutual monitoring?3.Types of communication.4.Cultural influencing factors of cross-cultural communication.5.collectivist cultureⅣ. Case studyUse the communication theory to analyze the following case:Xiao Huang meets Evelyn at the airport and says to her: "Long time no see!"1)The source of information is: ______.2)The encoder is: ______.3)The code is: ______.4)The message is: "______!"5)The channel is: ______.6)The medium is: ______.7)The noise is: ______.8)The decoder is: ______.9)The retrieval of information is: ______.Unit TwoⅠ.Fill in blanksa. In a formal western meal, you’re offered a second helping but you have already had enough. You should say “______”. That was delicious but I’ve already had plenty, thanks.b. Taboos are words, expressions, etc. that are considered as being ______ or ______. unpleasant, disgustingc. ______ is a culture that scores high on individualism. Individual cultured. Social distance refers to the degree of ______ or ______ between two cultures. similarity, dissimilaritye. Because of their ______, individualists give little thought to the ______ of others. But collectivists care very much what others in their groups think and do not like to be the targets of ______ and _______. independence, evaluations, scrutiny, criticismⅡ. Key Terma. culture shockb. collectivist culturec. hospitalityd. politenesse. privacyⅢ. Short Answera. What are the five basic themes in individualist culture?b. Why is there a lack of concern at public displays of physical or sexual intimacy?c. What ‘s the difference on tendency for foreigners to treat strangers between Individualism and Col lectivism Theories?Ⅳ. Case study(1) Analyze the case and try to find the misunderstanding between the girl and the westerner.A westerner invited a Chinese girl to have lunch and take a tour around the British Parliament. In fact, the girl didn't have the lunch just because when the westerner asked her "Are you hungry?" The girl answered no. Then they didn't have lunch together.(2) Can you find some differences in hospitality between a Chinese and English? What are the reasons?An English guest: Each time a new dish arrived his parents would lean over and load my plate with tasty morsels. As they had taken all the trouble to cook it I just had to polish it off. As soon as my plate was empty they would put more on. Of course, I felt duty-bound to ear that too.A Chinese guest: Can you imagine how many dishes I had? One one -- a stew with meat and vegetables. The meat was over done and too hard to eat; green vegetables were no longer green. They never put food on your plate but just ask you to help yourself. If you, as a guest, are shy or modest, waiting for the food to be put on your plate, you will remain half-starved.Unit ThreeⅠ. Fill in blanksa. Chinese names consist of ______ name and ______ name, with ______ name put first.b. The term first names, ______ and ______ refer to the same names.c. The ______ given name is usually used by English people. ______ name is commonly used among friends and colleagues.d. The term “Christian names” originates from people’s belief in ______ and the traditional practice of giving babies their names at a special ceremony in church known as a “______”.e. Chinese names can give all sorts of information about a person. They may give clues about where and when the person was born. Or they may tell us something about ______, ______, ______, ______, ______ or even ______.f. Female names are more likely than male names to end in ______ sound, as in Linda, Tracy and Mary. Names given to boys are much more likely to end in a ______, such as occurs in Bob, Dick and Jack.Ⅱ. Short Answera. Try to analyze the components of an English name.b. 在社交活动中使用亲属称谓要遵循哪些准则?What rules should we follow when we use the kin terms when we are at public?c. What are the characteristics in naming Chinese Given Names?d. Why is it hard for us to tell the gender by reading English names?Ⅲ. Essay SectionDo you agree the view that there is some sexist bias in the English language? If agree, please give me an explanation in detail with examples and show us how to solve it. If not, please show me your reasons.And do you think there is some sexist bias in the Chinese language too? How we can solve the problem?Ⅳ. Case studyCategorize the following names into male and female groups.Sarah Christopher Claire Matthew Emma David Laura James Kelly Rebecca Daniel Gemma Andrew Rachel Steven Victoria Mark Paul Katharine MichaelUnit FourⅠ. Fill in blanksa. In Britain, ______ and ______ are common topics. Some taboo questions are considered too ______ or too ______ to talk about when first meeting someone.b. “______” is a commonly used term by Chinese people to address someone who is older than the speaker to show his politeness, respect and closeness. But in America, people like being labeled as “______”.c. To western eyes going Dutch, splitting the bill, implies ______ between friends.d. We Chinese usually say “no” when somebody offer s something, because sometimes an offer is not a ______ offer but a ______ remark.e. Like the Chinese, people in the English-speaking countries also avoid ______ or ______ by using polite expressions when giving refusals.f. An ______ is a spoken or written request for someone's presence or participation.Ⅱ. Short Answera. Two typical situations to send flowers in business and social situations.b. Talking about culture merge with the answers of compliments between a Chinese and English?c. What are the differences on receiving gifts between Chinese and westerner?d. Why do many Chinese people tend to ask about age, martial status, and even salary when first meeting one another?Ⅲ. Essay SectionWhat are the similarities and differences between English invitations and Chinese ones?IV. Write a very formal invitation and a replyUnit FiveⅠ. Fill in blanks1. ______ often occurs when people hurry to a conclusion without investigating thoroughly enough.2. In a traditional Chinese family, the most important relationship in the family is that between ______ and ______.3. The American linguist, Deborah Tannen, wrote a book entitled ______. In this book, she believes women tend to speak and hear a language of ______ and ______, whereas men speak and hear a language of ______ and ______.4. There may be a generation gap between young people and old people due to their different ______ and ______. Ⅱ. Short Answer1. Whose side should the man take in the event of any quarrel between his wife and his mother and why?2. What is expected from the parents towards their children?3. Do men like boasting more than women? Why?4. Are women are inclined to gossips and why?a. What’re the p rinciples of a traditional Chinese family?b. What’s the biggest difference between the Chinese way of child-rearing and the Australian one? Why?c. In cross-cultural communication, why is communication between the two sexes difficult?Ⅲ. Case studyRead the following anecdotes carefully. Decided whether A is a man or a woman, and give your reasons.A andB are married. They are both lawyers. At social gatherings, A is always ready to tell of A's success, dropping names and boasting of cases won. B, however, is reticent about B's success. Sometimes A points out to others B's successes, but this may upset B. B feels that people would not like B if B boasts; B would rather prefer they learn indirectly from others how successful B is. A, on the other hand, feels A must not be shy of singing A's own praises if A is to receive the respect A deserves.Comment: A is most likely to be a .If both A and B want the other to go to the store to get something for themselves, A would say 'Will you please go to the store?', while B would say 'Gee, I really need a few things from the store, but I'm so tired'.Unit SixⅠ. Fill in blanks1. There is language in her eye, her cheek and her__________. Shakespeare2. Glance means_____3. Feast your eyes means ____.4. Lay a finger on somebody means-----.5. The V-sign usually indicates_______________.6.. Usually when we have a ______ talk we look at each other while we speak or listen, no matter what the relationship is.7. When we offer something to someone, we often use both hands to show ______.8.. For the British, the rule for eye contact when passing strangers in the street is that you must avoid ______ at them but at the same time avoid ______ them.9. Intimate distance is ranging from direct contact to about ______ cm, personal distance is ranging from ______ to ______ cm, social distance is ranging from ______ to ______ meters, and public distance is over ______ meters.II. Key Terms1.Non-verbal communication2. proximityⅢ. Short Answer1. What is non-verbal communication?2. What are some purposes of Non-verbal Communication?(P229)3. What’re the functions of non-verbal communication?4. How do you classify Non-verbal Communication?5. Mentioning facial expression, there are six basic emotions. What’re they?Ⅳ. Case studyTry to guess the meaning of the following gestures.1. With the palm out, forefinger and index fingers are pointed upwards and split into the shape of a "V."2. With the palm up, the forefinger wiggled at the person summoned.3. With the palm out, the thumb and forefinger are curled into a circle, while the other fingers are extended upward Unit SevenⅠ. Fill in blanks1. 'Snack' and --------provide an example to show the difference between formal and informal language.2. 'Sodium chloride' is a synonym of ----------- but is less frequently used in daily life.3. The British English term for Apartment is ________________________.4. The close Chinese equivalent for the idiom: lion in the way is_____________________.5. 雷声大雨点小in English is____________________.6. "Raining cats and dogs" means that ______.7. An idiom is a ______ with its own meaning which has to be learned as one unit.8. ______ means the same sound occurring at the beginning of two or more word in succession, and ______ means words or syllables that have or end with the same sound as each other.9. Almost all cultures seem to have certain notions or things that people try to avoid mentioning directly. If people cannot avoid mentioning such notions or things, they often use ______.10. Gas in American English refers to ______ in British English. Tube in British means ______ in American English.Ⅱ. Key Terms1. synonym2. proverb3. slang4. taboo wordsⅢ. Translation1.道高一尺魔高一丈2.临时抱佛脚3.张三李四4.大海捞针5.打退堂鼓6.雷声大雨点小7.落汤鸡8.一丘之貉9.蜻蜓点水10.替罪羊11.the kiss of death12.at sixes and sevens13.the pot calling the kettle black14.a piece of cake15.have a big mouth16.Love me, love my dog.17.carry coals to Newcastle18.sit at somebody’s feet19.link somebody’s boots20.an eye for an eye21.hide one’s light under a bushel22.lion in the way23.cast pearls before swine24.a fly in the ointmentUnit EightⅠ. Fill in blanks1. The English words for 雌雄鸳鸯are ______.2. To be immune to means ______.3. ______is applied to a congregation of animals of one kind, especially sheep or goats herded by human beings.4. The stereotyped impressions on people of ______are 精明(jingming).5. The people of ______are romantic.6. The cardinal principle we should bear in mind in conducting cross-cultural communication is this: _______. ______.7. In communicating with Westerners, the following advice can be helpful. ______, ______.8. Here-and-now communication is confined to the reach of man’s ______ and ______.9. ______ is a machine that sends a copy of a document by telephone.10. ______, ______ and ______ have virtually turned our mother earth into a global village.Ⅱ.Short Answer1. What’re the three extensions of man?2. What’re the main forms of telecomm unications?1. inquiring minds2. intriguing3. take leave of its senses4. immune system5. genetic studies6. global village7. cellular telephone8. stereotype9. Television transmission------There are several ways of sending an image to your television screen. The image may be transmitted via satellite to a satellite dish on your house, or it may be sent as a signal that will be picked up by an aerial on your roof or on the television. It can also be sent through an underground cable directly to your living room.。

跨文化交际练习题讨论题1、在你的日常活动中哪些是比较典型的跨文化交际?2、你认为强调个人之间的文化差异有什么利弊?3、我国的地区文化差异是否可以作为跨文化交际研究的重要方面?4、跨文化交际学为什么产生在美国?5、在我国为什么是一批外语教师首先对于跨文化交际学感兴趣?6、跨文化交际学主要和哪些学科有密切的关系?为什么?7、为什么文化会有这么多不同的定义?8、你认为哪几个定义对于你了解文化的内涵有帮助?9、文化具有哪些特点?认识这些特点对我们有什么意义?10、在汉语中“交际”与“传播”的词义有何异同?11、为什么人类不能没有传播?12、传播在人类历史上起了什么作用?13华”在汉语中的文化内涵与b u ll在英语中的文化内涵有何异同?14、在语用规则方面你能否举例说明英语与汉语的某些差异?15、在语篇结构方面除了本章所讲的以外你认为英美人与中美人之间还有什么差异?16、如果比较语言交际和非语言交际,你认为哪个更重要?为什么?17、在非语言交际的各种手段中,你认为哪一种最容易引起误解?18、非语言交际是否一成不变?你能否举出例子说明它的变化?19、为什么在汉语的见面语中有许多是与当时情景相联系的提问?20、为什么在我国文化中如此重视谦虚?在改革开放的二十年中在这方面有无变化?21、为什么我国在许多地方有送重礼的习俗?近年来有无变化?22、中国传统的“五伦”在现代的社会中有什么改变?23、为什么在我国的单位在过去很长一段时间里“无所不包”?有什么益处和缺陷?24、中国人和美国人在对待友谊的态度上有什么异同?试举例说明。

跨文化交际视听说课后练习题含答案第一部分:听力理解听力练习题一:理解口音对话一A: Hi, I’m John. Nice to meet you.B: Hi John, nice to meet you too. My name is Li.A: Oh, where are you from, Li?B: I’m from China.A: Really? I’ve never been there. How do you like living here?B: It’s nice. But sometimes I miss my family and friends back home. 请回答下列问题:1.John是从哪里来的?2.对话中出现了几种文化?答案:1.John没有提到他来自哪里。
对话二A: Hi, can I get a coffee with cream and sugar, please?B: Sure. Here you go.A: Thanks. Oh, by the way, I noticed you have an accent. Where are you from?B: I’m from Ireland. How did you know?A: Oh, it’s the way you pronounced “coffee”. You sd “caw-fee” instead of “coffee”.B: Yeah, that’s the way we say it in Ireland.请回答下列问题:1.A点了什么?2.B来自哪里?3.对话中提到了哪个单词?答案:1.A点了一杯加奶和糖的咖啡。
听力练习题二:理解方言对话一A: Hey y’all, how’s it going?B: Good, how ’bout yourself?A: Can’t compln. What’s up?B: Not much, just hangin’ out.A: Cool, me too. You mind if I join you?B: Not at all.请回答下列问题:1.说话者使用的方言是什么?2.对话中提到了几个短语?答案:1.说话者使用了南方美国方言。

跨文化交际选择题考试题型:1、Ture or False (15×1, 为课后练习题,会有改动)2、Multiple Choice (15×1, 为学过的分散在各个单元的知识点及课后练习中的重要内容)3、Cultural Puzzles (10×2, 阅读案例,选择最佳答案,部分案例是课本上的,其余是课外的)4、Filling in Blanks (10×2, 该题考察的是名词解释,四个选项下面配有两个句子,根据句子内容选择其中一个选项)5、Matching (10×1, 该题考察对跨文化理论的理解,在授课要点中的范围)6、In-Depth Reading (共20分,该题是拓展性阅读,主要考察对跨文化类文章的理解及跨文化知识的应用能力,分为Section A….选择题【5×2】;Section B….问答题【10】。
要求根据对文章的理解和掌握的跨文化知识回答问题,内容不会超出我们讲过的知识范围)选择题:Cultural Understanding of verbal and non-verbal communication1、American parents would ask their children’s opinion in family decision-makingbecause___________.A) American parents like being told by their children what to doB) American children have much power in the familyC) American parents take their children as an equalD) American parents are unable to make decisions themselves2、What is the best expression of the following you can use when you meet an American friend at the airportA) You must tired B) Did you have a good tripC) It is raining, isn’t it D) Thank you for coming3、What is a proper topic when you are talking with an AmericanA) the price of an item B) religion C) marital status D) hobbies4、 In English speaking countries, people tend to use all the greetings except_______________.A) how are you getting on B) how are thingsC) where have you been D) how’s life5、What is a proper response of the following to “Thank you. ”A) It is my duty to do so B) It doesn’t matter at allC) I quite understand it D) Don’t mention it6、Where a British friend is sick, you’d better say “__________” to your friend to show your concern.A) Drink plenty of water B) I do hope you’ll be feeling better soonC) put on more clothes D) Take medicine on time7、What is the Chinese equivalent of “reckless disregard for truth ”A) 躁动不安 B)为非作歹 C)实事求是 D)信口雌黄8、What is the meaning of “gilding the lily”A) Avoiding something to make a good thing even better.B) Spoiling something already fine by attempting to make it betterC) Turning excellence into perfectionD) Putting the lily in a golden frame to make it last longer9、Which of the following expression is considered a verbal taboo in EnglishA) pass away B) powder one’s nose C) damn it D) go to heaven210、Which of the following is the typical American thought patternA) Factual-inductive style B) Axiomatic-deductive styleC) Intutive-affective style D) Associative uniting style11、Which of the following does not have the same function that “副” fulfills in ChineseA) associate B) deputy C) lieutenant D) underline12、Which of the folling is not one of the social funcitons of complimentsA) greeting people B) starting a conversation C) criticizing people D) overcoming embarrassment13、What is the acceptable addressing of “Tom Smith” in American cultureA) Teacher Smith B) Mr. Tom C)Director Smith D) Professor Smith14、The word “dragon” is a word__________.A) with different associated meanings in Chinese B) without a counterpart in ChineseC) with the some primary meaning in Chinese D) with many more terms in Chinese15、When making an appointment with an American friend, which of the following expressions is the most appropriate oneA) I’m coming to see you this afternoon.B) You must stay at home waiting for me this afternoon.C) Could you come directly to my house this afternoon.D) I was wondering whether I could come round to visit you soemtime.16、Which of the following is not included in kinesicsA) posture B) stance C) body distance D) gesture17、Individualism has the following features except____________.A) strong family ties B)self-reliance C) freedom D) respect for individual rights18、M-time culture has the following features except__________.A) cutting time into bits B) taking dealines seriouslyC) scheduling one thing at a time D) more human-centered19、__________culture are typical P-time cultures.A) Latin American B) Northern American C) Western European D) Northern European20、In American culture, silence may be inerpreted as ___________.A) assertiveness B) thoughtfulness C) enthusiasm D)apathy21、Which culture tends to envelop each other in breath when talkingA) Arabian culture B) American culture C)British culture D) Chinese culture22、Which of the following is not included in chronemicsA) punctuality B) time orientation C) silence D) promptness23、What does the following gesture mean in some Latin American countriesA) money B) OK C) obscenity D) hostility24、Which of the following statement is untrueA) The American “come here ” gesture could be seen as an insult in most Asian countries.B) In most Asian cultures, a gentle grip and an avoidance of direct eye contact is appropriate.C) Right hand is considered unclean in much of the Middle East and in parts of Indonesia.D) Pointing with the index finger is common in North American and Europe.325、When an American is parking his bicycle and the bicycle accidentally falls over, he feels embarrassed at his awkwardness, and his quite angered and humiliated when Chinese onlookers laugh.A) Don’t take it so seriously. B) It’s nothing.C) You are really clumsy. D) Such things can happen to any of us.4。

一切不使用语言进行的交际活动统称之为非语言交际(Nonverbal communication),手势即属于非语言交际。
(中山大学2011年研)【答案】错误【解析】英语国家的人在太阳穴处用食指划一圆圈表示太古怪了(too queer)。

练习题Unit 1 练习题1.What is culture? How does it affect communication?2.Can you give some examples of cultural differences betweenChina and your country?3.Why is it important to be aware of cultural differences incommunication?4.What are the advantages of studying cross-culturalcommunication?5.What are the challenges of cross-cultural communication?答案1.Culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, customs,behaviors, attitudes, and artifacts that characterize a group orsociety. Culture can affect communication in many ways, such asthrough differences in language, nonverbal cues, social norms, and power structures.2.答案根据不同国家而异。

二、案例分析与写作请根据以下材料,按照“发现问题—分析问题--解决问题”的思路,写一篇1500 字以上的案例分析,要求观点明确、材料充实、结构严谨、条理清楚、语言规范、卷面整洁。

判断题T 1 As a phenomenon, intercultural communication has existed for thousands of years. However, as a discipline, its history is only about fifty years. 作为一种现象,跨文化传播已经存在了数千年。
F 2 Intercultural Communication as a discipline first started in Europe. 跨文化交际是欧洲第一门学科F 3 Culture is a static entity 静态的实体 while communication is a dynamic process. 文化是一个静态的实体而沟通是一个动态的过程T 4 Culture can be seen as shared knowledge ,what people need to know in order to act appropriately in a given 约定的特定的 culture. 文化可以被看作是一种共享的知识,人们需要知道的是在一个特定的文化中扮演适当的行为T 5 Although cultural stereotype has its limitations (over-generalization),it still contributes to a perso n’s cultural cognition.认识、认知文化刻板印象虽有其局限性,但仍有助于人的文化认知。
T 6 In intercultural communication, we should separate one’s individual character from cultural generalization. 在跨文化交际中,我们要把自己的个性和文化的泛化分开。
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《跨文化交际》练习题Unit 11.Fill in blanksa. There are here-------- Chinese equivalents to communication in Mainland.交际()交流()沟通()传播()通信()交通()传理()b. There must be ___________conditions for communication to take place.c. There are _______ kinds of communication.d. The two kinds of cross-cultural communication are _______ and ______.e. In any forms of communication, mono-cultural, unilateral and bilateral cross-cultural alike, ______ is the essence.f. You complain to your instructor about your course credits through telephone is a________ example of communication.g. You send an e-mail message to an American friend is an instance of communication but______.h. An Arabic traveler talks to you in Arabic that is Greek to you is an instance of_________.i. The community definition of a social situation is a sort of ______ definition, or ______ interpretation of the situation.j. In cross-cultural communication, private goals are difficult to detect and are likely to cause ______.k. A social situation may receive two definitions. They are____________________ and ______________.l. The verbal message of shrug is a non-verbal signal of_________________.m. The verbal message of thank is a non-verbal signal of________________.n. The goal of Dick’s going to the library is likely to _______________________________________.Ⅱ. Key Termsa. languageb. non-verbal communicationc. cross-cultural communicationd. situational schemae. signalf. cultureg. communicationⅢ. Short Answer1. Give some best and not good instances of communication.2. How to understand a mutual monitoring?3.Types of communication.4.Cultural influencing factors of cross-cultural communication.5.collectivist cultureⅣ. Case studyUse the communication theory to analyze the following case:Xiao Huang meets Evelyn at the airport and says to her: "Long time no see!"1)The source of information is: ______.2)The encoder is: ______.3)The code is: ______.4)The message is: "______!"5)The channel is: ______.6)The medium is: ______.7)The noise is: ______.8)The decoder is: ______.9)The retrieval of information is: ______.Unit TwoⅠ.Fill in blanksa. In a formal western meal, you’re offered a second helping but you have already had enough. You should say “______”. That was delicious but I’ve already had plenty, thanks.b. Taboos are words, expressions, etc. that are considered as being ______ or ______. unpleasant, disgustingc. ______ is a culture that scores high on individualism. Individual cultured. Social distance refers to the degree of ______ or ______ between two cultures. similarity, dissimilaritye. Because of their ______, individualists give little thought to the ______ of others. But collectivists care very much what others in their groups think and do not like to be the targets of ______ and _______. independence, evaluations, scrutiny, criticismⅡ. Key Terma. culture shockb. collectivist culturec. hospitalityd. politenesse. privacyⅢ. Short Answera. What are the five basic themes in individualist culture?b. Why is there a lack of concern at public displays of physical or sexual intimacy?c. What ‘s the difference on tendency for foreigners to treat strangers between Individualism and Col lectivism Theories?Ⅳ. Case study(1) Analyze the case and try to find the misunderstanding between the girl and the westerner.A westerner invited a Chinese girl to have lunch and take a tour around the British Parliament. In fact, the girl didn't have the lunch just because when the westerner asked her "Are you hungry?" The girl answered no. Then they didn't have lunch together.(2) Can you find some differences in hospitality between a Chinese and English? What are the reasons?An English guest: Each time a new dish arrived his parents would lean over and load my plate with tasty morsels. As they had taken all the trouble to cook it I just had to polish it off. As soon as my plate was empty they would put more on. Of course, I felt duty-bound to ear that too.A Chinese guest: Can you imagine how many dishes I had? One one -- a stew with meat and vegetables. The meat was over done and too hard to eat; green vegetables were no longer green. They never put food on your plate but just ask you to help yourself. If you, as a guest, are shy or modest, waiting for the food to be put on your plate, you will remain half-starved.Unit ThreeⅠ. Fill in blanksa. Chinese names consist of ______ name and ______ name, with ______ name put first.b. The term first names, ______ and ______ refer to the same names.c. The ______ given name is usually used by English people. ______ name is commonly used among friends and colleagues.d. The term “Christian names” originates from people’s belief in ______ and the traditional practice of giving babies their names at a special ceremony in church known as a “______”.e. Chinese names can give all sorts of information about a person. They may give clues about where and when the person was born. Or they may tell us something about ______, ______, ______, ______, ______ or even ______.f. Female names are more likely than male names to end in ______ sound, as in Linda, Tracy and Mary. Names given to boys are much more likely to end in a ______, such as occurs in Bob, Dick and Jack.Ⅱ. Short Answera. Try to analyze the components of an English name.b. 在社交活动中使用亲属称谓要遵循哪些准则?What rules should we follow when we use the kin terms when we are at public?c. What are the characteristics in naming Chinese Given Names?d. Why is it hard for us to tell the gender by reading English names?Ⅲ. Essay SectionDo you agree the view that there is some sexist bias in the English language? If agree, please give me an explanation in detail with examples and show us how to solve it. If not, please show me your reasons.And do you think there is some sexist bias in the Chinese language too? How we can solve the problem?Ⅳ. Case studyCategorize the following names into male and female groups.Sarah Christopher Claire Matthew Emma David Laura James Kelly Rebecca Daniel Gemma Andrew Rachel Steven Victoria Mark Paul Katharine MichaelUnit FourⅠ. Fill in blanksa. In Britain, ______ and ______ are common topics. Some taboo questions are considered too ______ or too ______ to talk about when first meeting someone.b. “______” is a commonly used term by Chinese people to address someone who is older than the speaker to show his politeness, respect and closeness. But in America, people like being labeled as “______”.c. To western eyes going Dutch, splitting the bill, implies ______ between friends.d. We Chinese usually say “no” when somebody offer s something, because sometimes an offer is not a ______ offer but a ______ remark.e. Like the Chinese, people in the English-speaking countries also avoid ______ or ______ by using polite expressions when giving refusals.f. An ______ is a spoken or written request for someone's presence or participation.Ⅱ. Short Answera. Two typical situations to send flowers in business and social situations.b. Talking about culture merge with the answers of compliments between a Chinese and English?c. What are the differences on receiving gifts between Chinese and westerner?d. Why do many Chinese people tend to ask about age, martial status, and even salary when first meeting one another?Ⅲ. Essay SectionWhat are the similarities and differences between English invitations and Chinese ones?IV. Write a very formal invitation and a replyUnit FiveⅠ. Fill in blanks1. ______ often occurs when people hurry to a conclusion without investigating thoroughly enough.2. In a traditional Chinese family, the most important relationship in the family is that between ______ and ______.3. The American linguist, Deborah Tannen, wrote a book entitled ______. In this book, she believes women tend to speak and hear a language of ______ and ______, whereas men speak and hear a language of ______ and ______.4. There may be a generation gap between young people and old people due to their different ______ and ______. Ⅱ. Short Answer1. Whose side should the man take in the event of any quarrel between his wife and his mother and why?2. What is expected from the parents towards their children?3. Do men like boasting more than women? Why?4. Are women are inclined to gossips and why?a. What’re the p rinciples of a traditional Chinese family?b. What’s the biggest difference between the Chinese way of child-rearing and the Australian one? Why?c. In cross-cultural communication, why is communication between the two sexes difficult?Ⅲ. Case studyRead the following anecdotes carefully. Decided whether A is a man or a woman, and give your reasons.A andB are married. They are both lawyers. At social gatherings, A is always ready to tell of A's success, dropping names and boasting of cases won. B, however, is reticent about B's success. Sometimes A points out to others B's successes, but this may upset B. B feels that people would not like B if B boasts; B would rather prefer they learn indirectly from others how successful B is. A, on the other hand, feels A must not be shy of singing A's own praises if A is to receive the respect A deserves.Comment: A is most likely to be a .If both A and B want the other to go to the store to get something for themselves, A would say 'Will you please go to the store?', while B would say 'Gee, I really need a few things from the store, but I'm so tired'.Unit SixⅠ. Fill in blanks1. There is language in her eye, her cheek and her__________. Shakespeare2. Glance means_____3. Feast your eyes means ____.4. Lay a finger on somebody means-----.5. The V-sign usually indicates_______________.6.. Usually when we have a ______ talk we look at each other while we speak or listen, no matter what the relationship is.7. When we offer something to someone, we often use both hands to show ______.8.. For the British, the rule for eye contact when passing strangers in the street is that you must avoid ______ at them but at the same time avoid ______ them.9. Intimate distance is ranging from direct contact to about ______ cm, personal distance is ranging from ______ to ______ cm, social distance is ranging from ______ to ______ meters, and public distance is over ______ meters.II. Key Terms1.Non-verbal communication2. proximityⅢ. Short Answer1. What is non-verbal communication?2. What are some purposes of Non-verbal Communication?(P229)3. What’re the functions of non-verbal communication?4. How do you classify Non-verbal Communication?5. Mentioning facial expression, there are six basic emotions. What’re they?Ⅳ. Case studyTry to guess the meaning of the following gestures.1. With the palm out, forefinger and index fingers are pointed upwards and split into the shape of a "V."2. With the palm up, the forefinger wiggled at the person summoned.3. With the palm out, the thumb and forefinger are curled into a circle, while the other fingers are extended upward Unit SevenⅠ. Fill in blanks1. 'Snack' and --------provide an example to show the difference between formal and informal language.2. 'Sodium chloride' is a synonym of ----------- but is less frequently used in daily life.3. The British English term for Apartment is ________________________.4. The close Chinese equivalent for the idiom: lion in the way is_____________________.5. 雷声大雨点小in English is____________________.6. "Raining cats and dogs" means that ______.7. An idiom is a ______ with its own meaning which has to be learned as one unit.8. ______ means the same sound occurring at the beginning of two or more word in succession, and ______ means words or syllables that have or end with the same sound as each other.9. Almost all cultures seem to have certain notions or things that people try to avoid mentioning directly. If people cannot avoid mentioning such notions or things, they often use ______.10. Gas in American English refers to ______ in British English. Tube in British means ______ in American English.Ⅱ. Key Terms1. synonym2. proverb3. slang4. taboo wordsⅢ. Translation1.道高一尺魔高一丈2.临时抱佛脚3.张三李四4.大海捞针5.打退堂鼓6.雷声大雨点小7.落汤鸡8.一丘之貉9.蜻蜓点水10.替罪羊11.the kiss of death12.at sixes and sevens13.the pot calling the kettle black14.a piece of cake15.have a big mouth16.Love me, love my dog.17.carry coals to Newcastle18.sit at somebody’s feet19.link somebody’s boots20.an eye for an eye21.hide one’s light under a bushel22.lion in the way23.cast pearls before swine24.a fly in the ointmentUnit EightⅠ. Fill in blanks1. The English words for 雌雄鸳鸯are ______.2. To be immune to means ______.3. ______is applied to a congregation of animals of one kind, especially sheep or goats herded by human beings.4. The stereotyped impressions on people of ______are 精明(jingming).5. The people of ______are romantic.6. The cardinal principle we should bear in mind in conducting cross-cultural communication is this: _______. ______.7. In communicating with Westerners, the following advice can be helpful. ______, ______.8. Here-and-now communication is confined to the reach of man’s ______ and ______.9. ______ is a machine that sends a copy of a document by telephone.10. ______, ______ and ______ have virtually turned our mother earth into a global village.Ⅱ.Short Answer1. What’re the three extensions of man?2. What’re the main forms of telecomm unications?1. inquiring minds2. intriguing3. take leave of its senses4. immune system5. genetic studies6. global village7. cellular telephone8. stereotype9. Television transmission------There are several ways of sending an image to your television screen. The image may be transmitted via satellite to a satellite dish on your house, or it may be sent as a signal that will be picked up by an aerial on your roof or on the television. It can also be sent through an underground cable directly to your living room.。