跨文化交际案例case study 6

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Chapter 5 Verbal and Non-verbal Communication

Case 1

Two strangers have been chatting.

A: So you’re been here for a year?

B: Yes. One more year to go, then I’ll go back to china.

A: What will you do back home?

B: It’s hard to know. There’s a lot change at the moment.

A: Yeah.Everything’s changing, everythere. Sometimes it’s difficult to keep up.

B: That’s true. Maybe I’ll…

(A’s mobile phone rings.)

A: Excuse me, I’d better answer this. It’s probably work.

B: Sure. Take your time.



Case 2

One cold winter day in a Chinese city, Wang Lin on his way to the library met an American pro fessor who knew very little about China. After greeting him, Wang said: “It’s rather cold. You’d better put on more clothes.” But the professor didn’t appear happy on hearing this.


Case 3

Li Ping is calling his colleague and friend Tony. Tony lives in the student dormitory. Someone else answers the phone.

Student: Hi, Student Dormitory.

Li: Hello. I’d like to speak to Tony please.

Student: Okay, just a moment. I’ll see if he’s in.

Li: Thanks.

Student: He’s on his way. Won’t be long.

Li: Thanks for your help.

Tony: Hello? Tony is here.

Li: Hello, it’s Li Ping.

Tony: Hi. Is everything okay?

Li: Yes, fine. I wanted to call you to see if you’d like to come over for dinner tonight. I’m cooking a Chinese meal.

Tony: That’s fine. By the way, how is your major essay coming along? Have you finished all the reading?

Li: Almost. I have to finish the reading by next Sunday. Then I can start writing the

essay. What about you?

Tony: Still plowing my way through.

Li: Well maybe we can share some ideas over dinner.

Tony: Good idea.

Li: Well, I’d better go. I’ve got lots to do.

Tony: Okay. I’ll see you tonight at 6. I’ll bring something to drink.

Li: See you then. Bye.

Tony: See you.


Case 4

Liu Huang is calling his friend Steven at his home.

Person: Hello. John is speaking.

Liu: Hello? I’m looking for Steven.

Person: Sorry, there’s no one here called Steven.

Liu: Is that 6577 8868?

Person: No. I think you’ve got the wrong number. This is 6578 8868.

Liu: Oh, I’m sorry.

Person: No problem. Good luck.

Liu: Thanks.


Case 5

Practicing English

One night a Chinese student majoring in English sat on the steps of the foreign students’ residence and talked with two young male foreign students, one German and one American. They did not speak a word to her on their own initiative, but she asked many questions to get a conversation started. Every time they answered her with only one or two words. But she was determined to practice her English so she tried to keep the conversation going.

“How do you spend your weekend?” she asked.

The German boy answered immediately, “Fishing,” and the two boys looked at each other meaningfully.

“Fishing?” She was really confused. “But where do you fish?” she ask ed.

“Fishing has two meaning. One is the literal meaning. The other is just sitting here or walking on the street and waiting for some girls to come up to us.” Then they both burst out laughing.

She was annoyed. She sat there silently and then suddenly stood up and walked away without saying goodbye.

分析:某些英语词汇在英美国家有特殊的含义,如本案列中,“fishing” 一词除钓鱼
