ArKaos VJ 中文说明书






dmx 双语例:
lighting communication standard protocols, dmx agreement, i can read, we had better look at how.

software description: about arkaos vj dmx, create and control live visual performances with this software based visual synthesizer.
arkaos vj dmx 这是一个基于软件的运行在一台普通计算机或者mac上的可视化合成器。

reebok's basketball products make use of dmx in its i-pak for
通常的 reebok 篮球鞋采用的是两个气囊的 i-pak 形态。

retrofit of magnetic field breaker control circuit of on-site dmx series.

dmx technologies is a new breed of system architects in asia.

卡西欧XJ HST 投影机说明书

卡西欧XJ HST 投影机说明书
- 外出时,请确认投影机放在不会 让宠物或其他动物能碰到的地
2. 拔下投影机的电源插头。
3. 与您的经销商或卡西欧特约服务中心 联系。
拔下。 被啃坏的电源线会造成短
● 烧弃
● 进风- 排风口
- 切勿以烧弃的方式废弃投影机。 否则有引起爆炸并导致火灾及人 身伤害的危险。
• 切勿使用仍捆绑在一起的电源线。 • 请使用近处易用的电源插座以便能在需
● 拆解及改造
- 受损的电源线有造成火灾及触电 的危险。
! 切勿以任何方式拆解及改造投影 机。本投影机中含有的很多高电 压部件有造成触电及烫伤的危
险。 同时还请注意,因非法拆解
数据投影机 XJ-H1600/XJ-H1650* XJ-ST145*/XJ-ST155*
* 配备USB端口的型号
请务必将所有用户文件妥善保管 以便日后需要时查阅。
• 本用户说明书中介绍的有些型号可能未 在某些地区销售。
版次 :2011年6月 中国印刷
司在美国及其他国家的注册商标或商标。 z HDMI,HDMI徽标及High-Definition Multimedia Interface为HDMI Licensing,LLC公司的
商标或注册商标。 z Apple及 Macintosh 为美国 Apple Inc.公司的注册商标。 z Adobe 及 Reader为 Adobe Systems Incorporated 公司的注册商标。 z XGA 为美国 IBM Corporation 公司的注册商标。 z ArcSoft及 ArcSoft徽标为 ArcSoft, Inc. 公司在美国及其他国家的商标或注册商标。 z 其他公司及产品名称可能为其相关所有者的注册商标或商标。

电脑灯光DMX512控制和视频ArKaos VJ播放同步控制的介绍和使用配接_彩绎灯光_百度空间

电脑灯光DMX512控制和视频ArKaos VJ播放同步控制的介绍和使用配接_彩绎灯光_百度空间
连接流程 电脑灯光控制软件--》USB-DMX512转换器输出--》现场灯光
同时 USB-DMX512转换器输出--》
内 容:插入表情▼ 闪光字
连接流程 调光台信号输出-->USB-DMX512转换器输入-->电脑-->视频软件(软件里外部控制硬件选项中选中art-net)
(3) 电脑灯光控制软件通过USB-DMX512直接控制现场灯光,同时来控制专业视频VJ软件操作
首先我们在windows xp系统里虚拟一个网络回路 虚拟网络连接回路设置ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้看:
现在开始 启动art-net网络客户端软件选好硬件接口
首先windows xp系统初次使用的准备工作
说到网络 一般都会想到是不是要插网线或者使用无线网卡与无线路由器来连接不然的话 你的网络连接那 就会是断开连接的状态 这里采用
art-net网络控制其实不会用到你原有的网卡或是无线网卡 下面的过程虽然较多一点 其实很简单
电脑灯光DMX512控制和视频ArKaos VJ播放同步控制的介绍和使用配接_彩绎灯光_空间 用户名: 密码: 登录 注册
彩绎灯光电脑型DMX512灯光控制 网络智能灯光控制 主页博客相册|个人档案 |好友 |i贴吧 查看文章

远程互动教育录播系统(VJES) 使用手册说明书

远程互动教育录播系统(VJES) 使用手册说明书

远程互动教育录播系统VJES使用手册REV688南京纳加软件股份有限公司版权所有,不得翻印目录一、纳加远程互动教育录播系统(VJES1.1) (1)1.1监视 (1)1.2通道 (1)1.3输出 (9)1.4调音台 (20)1.5导播规则 (21)1.6云教室 (24)1.7云台 (26)1.8字幕 (28)1.9角标 (29)1.10CG (29)1.11切换控制 (31)1.12切换特技 (32)1.13上传 (32)二、桌面采集客户端(VJTeacher) (34)2.1安装 (34)2.2运行 (35)2.3桌面采集 (35)2.4远程控制 (36)2.5手写板 (36)2.6音频设置 (37)2.7开始/停止课件录制 (38)2.8录播机开机/关机 (39)2.9课件信息设置 (39)2.10图像质量设置 (40)三、课件录制 (41)3.1课件格式 (41)3.2本地播放 (41)3.3网络在线播放 (41)3.4课件播放器 (42)3.4.1.界面布局 (42)3.4.2.显示模式 (42)3.4.3.PPT索引 (43)3.4.4.笔记 (43)四、附录 (44)4.1录播操作台NDCP-L使用说明 (44)4.2片头、片尾的制作方式和关联使用说明 (47)4.3ONVIF测试工具及方法 (51)4.4常见问题 (52)一、纳加远程互动教育录播系统(VJES1.1)1.1监视1)显示系统当前时间。











3可動部的說明Movable Parts3-1護木拆卸方式Disassembling The Handguard1234將上護木環固定鈕向上扳起。

Flip up the upper handguard fixing lever.將上護木取出後,即可卸下彈簧。

Remove the upper handguard from the top, then remove the spring.將下護木環固定鈕向上扳起。

Flip up the lower handguard fixing lever.將下護木固定環向前拉,即可卸下下護木。

Push the lower handguard forward to remove.3-2SF1托 操作SF1 Operation 按壓槍托調整壓板即可前後調整拖塊長短。

Press lower button to adjust stock length.將槍托卡榫往內按壓脫離卡榫溝槽,即可往右側折疊槍托。

Press the stock catch button to release it from the catch, and fold the stock to the right side.按壓貼塞塊按鈕即可上下調整貼塞塊高度。

Press the button to adjust height of cheek rest.2134精確射擊調整動作Precision Targeting Adjustment4-1準星調整Front Sight Adjustment4-2選擇射擊模式Shooting Mode Setting※此產品具備『彈簧釋放功能』1.將上機匣蓋打開才可撥至彈簧釋放。


3.槍支使用完並且將彈匣卸下後,朝安 處打3~5發單發清除殘彈後即可進行彈簧釋放。




MASCHINE + 中文操作手册目录1.免责声明 (1)2.前言 (2)3.欢迎使用MASCHINE+ (3)3.1. MASCHINE 文档 (3)3.2. 文档规范 (4)3.3. 重要名词和概念 (4)3.4. 独立运行模式和控制器模式 (6)4.连接MASCHINE+ (8)4.1. 设置示例 (8)4.1.1. 连接有源监听音箱 (8)4.1.2. 连接监听耳机 (9)4.1.3. 连接线路输入设备 (10)4.1.4. 连接动圈话筒 (10)4.2. 连接Wi-Fi (12)4.2.1. 断开Wi-Fi连接 (12)4.2.2. 飞行模式 (12)4.3. 通过Ableton Link同步MASCHINE+ (12)4.3.1. 连接Ableton Link (13)4.3.2. 加入或离开Link会话 (13)4.4. 连接外部MIDI设备 (14)4.4.1. 连接外部MIDI设备 (14)4.4.2. 与外部MIDI时钟同步 (15)4.4.3. 发送MIDI时钟 (15)4.5. 连接踏板 (15)4.6. MASCHINE+和计算机的连接 (16)4.7. 将MASCHINE+作为MIDI设备使用 (16)4.8. 使用多台MASCHINE设备 (16)5.MASCHINE+简介 (18)5.1. 主面板 (18)5.1.1.控制区 (19)5.1.2.编辑区 (20)5.1.3. 演奏区 (21)5.1.4. 编组区 (22)5.1.5. 走带控制区 (23)5.1.6. 打击垫区 (24)5.2. 侧面板 (28)5.3. 背板 (28)6.常用操作 (30)6.1. 四向编码器 (30)6.2. 模式和模式锁定 (30)6.3. 撤销(Undo)和重做(Redo) (32)6.4. 定位一个编组或声音 (32)6.5. 在Master/Group/Sound之间切换 (33)6.6. 通道属性/插件/参数换页的导航操作 (33)6.7. Volume(音量)、Swing(摇摆)和Tempo(拍速)的调节 (34)6.8. 智能触条 (35)6.8.1. 弯音轮模式(Pitch Mode) (36)6.8.2. 调制轮模式(Mo dulation Mode) (36)6.8.3. 音符模式(Notes Mode) (36)6.9. 输入文字 (37)7. M ASCHINE+上手操作 (38)7.1. 使用音色库文件 (38)7.1.1. 下载音色库文件 (38)7.1.2. 产品的更新 (38)7.1.3. 在库中查看已安装的产品 (38)7.2. 使用File(文件)菜单 (39)7.2.1. 传输文件到SD卡 (40)7.2.2. 从SD卡打开文件 (40)7.2.3. 保存工程文件 (41)7.2.4. 保存编组(Group)文件 (41)7.2.5. 保存声音(Sound)文件 (42)7.2.6. 导出音频文件 (42)7.3. Settings(设置)简介 (45)7.3.1. General(通用)设置 (46)7.3.2. Audio(音频)设置 (48)7.3.3. MIDI 设置 (49)7.3.4. System(系统)设置 (51)7.3.5. Library(库)设置 (52)7.3.6. Hardware(硬件)设置 (52)7.3.7. Network(网络)设置 (54)7.3.8. About(关于)设置 (54)8. 使用浏览器 (56)8.1. 浏览库文件 (56)8.2. 通过四向编码器浏览库文件 (57)8.2.1. 选择产品类型、产品、音色库、子音色库 (57)8.3. 访问用户内容(User Content) (59)8.4. 收藏夹筛选器 (60)8.4.1. 将一个项目加入收藏夹 (60)8.4.2. 从收藏夹中移除一个项目 (60)8.5. 快速浏览功能 (61)8.6. 其它浏览工具 (62)8.6.1. 自动载入选定的文件 (62)8.6.2. 乐器预置的预听 (63)8.6.3. 采样的预听 (63)8.6.4. 载入带有Pattern的编组 (63)8.6.5. 载入带有信号路由的编组 (64)9. 管理声音、编组、工程 (65)9.1. 声音(Sounds)、编组(Groups)、Master(母线)简介 (65)9.1.1. 声音(Sound)、编组(Group)和Master (母线) (65)9.1.2. 声音和编组处理的异同点 (66)9.1.3. 选择多个声音或编组 (66)9.2. 管理声音 (69)9.2.1. 载入声音 (69)9.2.2. 声音的预听 (69)9.2.3. 声音插槽的重命名 (69)9.2.4. 更改声音的颜色 (70)9.2.5. 保存声音 (70)9.2.6. 声音的复制和粘贴 (70)9.2.7. 移动声音 (71)9.2.8. 重置声音插槽 (71)9.3. 管理编组 (71)9.3.1. 创建编组 (71)9.3.2. 载入编组 (72)9.3.3. 编组重命名 (72)9.3.4. 更改编组颜色 (73)9.3.5. 保存编组 (73)9.3.6. 编组的复制和粘贴 (73)9.3.7. 移动编组 (74)9.3.8. 删除编组 (74)10.插件的操作 (75)10.1. 插件简介 (75)10.1.1. 插件基础 (75)10.1.2. 插件的载入、移除、替换 (77)10.1.3. 通过声音的第一个插件插槽指定声音角色 (78)10.1.4. 浏览插件插槽 (78)10.2. 插件参数的调节 (80)10.3. 插件插槽的旁通操作 (80)10.4. 旁链(Side-Chain)的使用 (81)10.5. 插件的移动 (81)10.6. 采样器插件 (82)10.6.1. 第1页: Voice Settings / Engine (82)10.6.2. 第2页: Pitch / Envelope (83)10.6.3. 第3页: FX / Filter (85)10.6.4. 第4页: Modulation (86)10.6.5. 第5页: LFO (87)10.6.6. 第6页: Velocity / Modwheel (88)10.7. 使用音频插件 (89)10.7.1. 将Loop载入到音频插件 (92)10.7.2. 使用Loop 模式 (92)10.7.3. 使用Gate 模式 (93)10.8. 使用 Drumsynths (93)10.8.1. Drumsynths ‒常用 处理 (94)10.8.2. Drumsynth中的引擎 (94)10.8.3. 常用参数的组织方式 (94)10.8.4. 共用参数 (95)10.8.5. 力度响应 (95)10.8.6. 音高范围、音高调节和MIDI音符 (96)10.9. 使用 Bass Synth (96)10.9.1. Bass Synth简介 (97)10.9.2. Bass Synth 参数 (97)10.10. 使用NI插件 (98)10.10.1. 使用 VST/AU 插件参数 (99)10.10.2. 使用NI插件预置 (99)10.10.3. 多通道输出插件和多音色插件 (100)11.Patterns的录制 (101)11.1. 设置录制选项 (101)11.1.1. 设置拍速 (102)11.1.2. 设置 Step Grid (102)11.1.3. Pattern长度调节 (103)11.2. 弹奏和编制鼓点 (103)11.2.1. 载入鼓组 (103)11.2.2. 实时录制鼓点节拍 (105)11.2.3. 使用步进模式构建鼓点音序 (107)11.2.4. 加入Swing变化 (108)11.2.5. 应用Groove (108)11.2.6. 阻断音符(Choke)功能 (109)11.3. 创建旋律与和声音 (110)11.3.1. 载入一个乐器 (110)11.3.2. 实时录制旋律与和声音 (111)11.3.3. 使用步进音序器编辑旋律与和声 (111)11.3.4. 选择音阶与和弦 (111)11.3.5. 音阶与和弦参数 (113)11.3.6. 创建琶音 (120)11.3.7. 使用智能触条弹奏音符 (123)11.4. 录制调制内容 (123)11.4.1. 在Step模式下录制调制内容 (124)11.4.2. 哪些参数可以被调制? (124)11.5. 锁定快照功能 (125)11.5.1. 锁定快照 (125)11.5.2. 扩展锁定功能 (125)11.5.3. 快照更新 (126)11.5.4. 快照的调取 (126)11.5.5. 不同快照之间的变换 (126)11.5.6. 快照的删除 (127)12.Patterns和Clips的操作 (128)12.1. Patterns的操作 (129)12.1.1. 删除事件或音符 (129)12.1.2. 在Step模式中快速编辑 (130)12.1.3. 删除编组和声音 (131)12.1.4. Pattern的量化处理 (132)12.1.5. Pattern的加倍处理 (132)12.1.6. 清除Pattern中的事件 (133)12.1.7. 删除Pattern (133)12.1.8. 复制Pattern (133)12.1.9. Pattern的移调 (133)12.1.10. 事件/音符的剪切、复制、粘贴 (133)12.1.11. 为Patterns加入变奏 (134)12.1.12. 声音的复制 (136)12.1.13. 编组的复制 (137)12.2. Clips的操作 (137)12.2.1. 创建一个Clip (137)12.2.2. 删除一个Clip (138)12.2.3. Clip的加倍 (138)12.2.4. Clip的复制 (138)12.2.5. Clip的清除 (138)12.2.6. 调节Clip的长度 (139)12.2.7. 调节Clip的起始位置 (139)12.2.8. Clip的位置移动 (140)12.2.9. 将Scenes作为Clip插入到Arrangement中 (140)13. 音频路由、远程控制及Macro控制 (141)13.1. 使用MIDI控制 (141)13.1.1. 通过Sound(声音)发送MIDI数据 (142)13.2. 音频路由 (143)13.2.1. 发送外部音频信号到声音 (144)13.2.2. 配置声音和编组的主输出 (145)13.2.3. 为声音和编组设置辅助输出 (147)13.2.4. 配置Master和Cue Output (147)13.2.5. 单声道音频输入 (148)13.2.6. 通过MIDI音符来触发声音 (149)13.3. 利用Macro控制创建自定义参数集 (150)13.3.1. Macro 控制简介 (151)14. 混音控制 (152)14.1. 混音模式下的通道导航操作 (152)14.2. 在混音模式中调节通道的电平和声像 (153)14.3. 混音模式中的Mute和Solo操作 (154)14.4. 混音模式下的插件图标 (154)15. 使用效果器 (156)15.1. 效果器列表 (156)15.2. 为声音、编组或Master应用效果器 (157)15.2.1. 添加效果器 (157)15.2.2. 效果器的其它操作 (158)15.2.3. 使用旁链输入 (159)15.3. 为外部音频应用效果器 (160)15.3.1. 第一步: 配置MASCHINE+ 的音频输入端口 (160)15.3.2. 第2步:设置可接收外部输入的声音 (161)15.3.3. 第3步: 载入效果器处理输入信号 (162)15.4. 创建发送式效果器 (163)15.4.1. 第1步: 设置声音或编组为发送式效果器 (163)15.4.2. 第2步: 将音频路由到发送式效果器 (165)15.5. 创建多功能效果器 (166)16. 使用演出效果器 (168)16.1. 演出效果器列表 (168)16.2. 使用演出效果器 (168)16.3. 演出效果器的自动控制 (169)17. 工程的编排 (170)17.1. Ideas视图和Song视图的切换 (170)17.2. 使用Ideas视图 (170)17.2.1. 使用Scene模式 (171)17.2.2. 创建一个新的Scene (171)17.2.3. 为Scene分配、删除Patterns (171)17.2.4. 在Idea视图中删除Pattern (172)17.2.5. 选择一个Scene (172)17.2.6. 删除Scene (173)17.2.7. 复制Scene (173)17.2.8. 选择Scene 库 (173)17.2.9. 创建和删除Scene库 (173)17.2.10. Scene的唯一化 (174)17.2.11. 将Scene添加到Arrangement (174)17.2.12. 为Scene更改颜色 (174)17.3. 使用Song视图 (174)17.3.1. 创建段落 (175)17.3.2. 为段落分配Scene (175)17.3.3. 选择段落 (175)17.3.4. 创建、删除段落库 (176)17.3.5. 选择段落库 (176)17.3.6. 移动段落 (176)17.3.7. 调整段落长度 (177)17.3.8. 复制段落 (177)17.3.9. 删除段落 (178)17.3.10.段落的自动长度模式 (178)17.4. Arrange Grid (179)17.5. Quick Grid (179)18. 采样和采样映射 (180)18.1. 打开采样编辑器 (180)18.2. 录制音频简介 (180)18.2.1. 打击录制页 (180)18.2.2. 指定录音乐源 (181)18.2.3. 选择录音模式 (182)18.2.4. 输入信号的监听 (183)18.2.5. 录音的Arm、Star t、Stop操作 (183)18.2.6. 利用踏板录制音频 (185)18.2.7. 检测您的录音 (185)18.3. 采样的编辑 (187)18.3.1. 使用编辑页 (187)18.3.2. 音频编辑 (188)18.4. 采样切片功能简介 (191)18.4.1. 采样切片 (191)18.4.2. 打开Slice(切片)页 (191)18.4.3. 调整切片设置 (192)18.4.4. 实时切片处理 (194)18.4.5. 删除所有切片 (194)18.4.6. 手动调节切片 (194)18.4.7. 应用切片 (196)18.4.8. 导出单个切片 (197)18.5. 映射采样到键区 (197)18.5.1. 打开键区(Zone)页 (197)18.5.2. 编辑键区 (198)18.5.3. 添加采样到采样映射 (201)19. 技术支持 (202)19.1. 如何获得技术支持 (202)19.2. 用户论坛 (202)20. 术语汇总 (203)免责声明1.免责声明 本文档中的信息如有更改,恕不另行通知,文档中的内容并不代表Native Instruments公司的承诺。



Instruction SheetADVANCED CT LASER COLLIMATOR for CASSEGRAIN TELESCOPESThank you for purchasing the state-of-the-art HOTECHAdvanced CT Laser Collimator instrument. This instrumentuses the most advanced laser optical technologies achievingexcellent collimation in a very short distance. Collimation is amethod to align your telescope’s optics. The laser collimatormakes the collimation process more efficient and it canincrease collimation accuracy with the guide of theinstrument. Your telescope is aligned at the factory, butharsh handling during shipping can sometimes misaligncollimation. Some telescopes are not well collimated whenshipped. Misaligned collimation can mean decrease ofoptical efficiency thus introduces poor image contrast,astigmatism, and blurry images. The following describeshow to collimate your Cassegrain style telescope with theaid of the Advanced CT Laser Collimator to optimize theoptical efficiency of your telescope.Please read the entire instruction sheet before using your Advanced CT Laser CollimatorBe aware of the following as you use your Laser Collimator:Only turn ON your laser(s) when you are going to use it. Turn ON your laser(s) with adult supervision for collimating the telescope purpose use only. Do not point the laser(s) directly or indirectly via reflected glass or mirror other than your telescope to anyone’s eye. We will demonstrate the laser collimation on a Schmidt Cassegrain Telescope which applies to collimating all Cassegrain style telescopes in the similar way. All lasers on the collimator are class II (<1mW). For additional information, please visit our website, , or write us at .Collimation Basics You Must Know Before You StartWhat to Adjust:The only user accessible alignment component on a Cassegrain Telescope (includes CT, SCT, RC, Maksutov.) is the secondary mirror alignment screws. Therefore, you only need to adjust the three alignment screws located at the front of the telescope behind the secondary mirror (see illustration below). The limited adjustment makes the collimation simple to adjust but difficult to achieve. For ease of manual adjustment, we recommend replacing the stock alignment screws to a larger thumb screws for easier access and finer feel adjustment.How the Collimator Works:The Advanced CT Laser Collimator samples your entire optical system (primary, secondary mirror, and the eyepiece axial position) with a simulated large aperture flat-wavefront light source generated by three parallel lasers positioned behind the target plate. The target plate provides a clear view of the optics’ alignment condition when the three lasers are reflected back on the target (FIG. 1). It is extremely critical that the lasers must point square (co-aligned) with your primary mirror for an accurate reading. It is just like looking at a distant star and centering the star in the eyepiece FOV during a star test, except the star is about 3 feet in front of your telescope.To ensure accurate aiming, you must use the crosshair laser emitting from the center of the collimator as a guide to the center point on your primary mirror (FIG. 2A), and the reflected crosshair from the telescopes primary mirror to the center point of the target (FIG. 2C). Please expect to spend most of the time on iterating the aiming adjustment. Be patient and consistent, the reward is beyond your imagination.How to Adjust Collimation on Your Scope:You can collimate your telescope at almost any position (e.g. telescope 20 deg. up) as long asboth the collimator and the telescope point square at each other. Once the lasers and yourtelescope are co-aligned, adjust the necessary secondary alignment screws gently to move thethree projecting laser dots to line up on the same track on the target plate.Process Flow Chart:1. Setup collimator distance2. Install reflector in eyepiece3. Aim collimator at telescope (FIG. 2A)4. Aim telescope at collimator (FIG. 2C)5. Adjust secondary to bring the three laser dots on the same trackPackage Content:1 x Premium Soft Carrying Case1 x Advanced CT Laser Collimator1 x SCA Reflector Mirror (1.25” or 2”)1 x 3V, CR123 Lithium Battery1 x Paper Ruler1 x External alignment Tab Strap(in bottom layer)3 x Alignment Tabs (in bottom layer)1 x Users Manual (in cover pocket)1.0. Setting Up the Laser Collimator on the Tripod1.1. Where to setup the telescope and the collimatorStation both the collimator and the telescope on a solid ground (no carpeted, wooden floor, or any other surface that will flex or vibrate). It is required to have both stationed on the same ground floor.1.2. Setup the collimator on the tripoda). Fasten the laser collimator on the recommended fine adjustment stage with the threadknob on the mount to the ¼-20 screw hole at bottom of the rail base.b). Further lock the thread knob with the fly wheel lock.c). Use the standard ¼-20 screw on your tripod to fasten the fine adjustment stage.2.0. Getting Familiar with Your Instrument2.1. Installing the batteryUnthread the battery compartment cap then insert the CR123 lithium battery with the positive side up(tip side up) then close the battery cap.2.2. Switching the laser to the proper modePosition the collimator on a tripod about 4 feet distance from a white wall with the target side facingthe wall. Rotate the rotary knob on the top right corner of the collimator to activate different lasermodes. You will see the projecting laser patterns on the wall activating at various positions.Mode 0: Unit off.Mode 1: Crosshair laser ON.Mode 2: Crosshair laser and three alignment lasers ON.Mode 3: Crosshair laser, three alignment lasers, and target backlight ON for night use.Other modes:DT: Three alignment lasers ON.BL: Backlight ON.1L: Crosshair laser and backlight ON.CL: Three alignment lasers and backlight ON.This is a logic switch. Other modes are for visual preferences that will not affect the collimation process. Please use the recommended mode in each procedure for best result.2.3. Gross pointing adjustmentSwitch the laser to Mode 2, lift the tripod and move the collimator with the tripod at variousdistances from the wall to see how the crosshair expands and reduces in size in reference todifferent distances.2.4. Fine adjustment stage adjustmentPlace the tripod with collimator back on the ground. Find and adjust the corresponding knob onthe stage in the following.Vertical Adjustment:- The large knob, on right, is for quick rough adjustment in the vertical direction. You can loosenthe large knob and level the laser first.- The forward small knob is for fine adjustment in the vertical (up/down) direction. You must lockthe large knob first in order to make the fine adjustment with the forward knob.Horizontal Adjustment:- The left side small knob is for fine adjustment in the horizontal (left/right) direction.3.0. Adapting the SCA Reflector Mirror:3.1. Adapting the SCA Reflector Mirror on your focuserIf the purpose of the night is visual observation, you may adapt the SCA Reflector with the diagonal,on the condition that it does not introduce optical aberrations (center of the field is not shifted if thediagonal rotates in the drawtube). However, if photography or CCD imaging is planned, it is best toadapt the SCA Reflector without the diagonal.For an installation video guide of the SCA mechanism, please review our YouTube videos at/hotechusa under Installing and Uninstalling HOTECH SCA Laser Collimator.4.0. Do You Need the External Alignment Tabs?- It is very critical to have the lasers co-aligned with your primary mirror optical axis for an accurate diagnosis of your telescope. To achieve this, you use the projecting crosshair on the collimator to center point your primary mirror byreferencing the 4 corners on the mirror to the crosshair lines. Then you use the reflected crosshair lines projected on the primary mirror to center point back to the target.- The crosshair lines from the collimator are precisely 90 degrees apart. You will have to find or create the 90 degrees markings on or close proximity to your primary mirror for collimator aiming reference.- It is ideal to edge-mark the 4 corners (90 degrees apart) on the primary mirror or the cell holder if it is accessible. For those scopes that do not have accessible open truss configuration, please refer to the following solutions.4.1. Visible components close to the primary cell – no Alignment Tabs neededMost Meade SCT telescopes have at least 4 visible mounting screws at the base of the telescope 90 degrees apart, protrude into the OTA. Identify the position of these 4 screws by looking from the front of your telescope. You will rely on these screwsas your collimator aiming guide. You will not need the external Alignment Tabs for your telescope if the mounting screws arevisible. Please proceed to step No visible components close to the primary cell – require Alignment TabsIf there are no visible markings or objects in close proximity to the primary mirror that are 90 degreesapart, use the included Alignment Tabs as your alternative external aiming guide.4.3. Setting up the Alignment Tabs4.3.1. Measure and mark the 4-corner distance on your OTAa). Use the included paper strip ruler and wrap it onthe OTA closest to the primary mirror position.b). Mark the position where the paper strip interceptsto a full diameter wrap.c). Remove the paper strip. Line up the start of thestrip with the marked position and fold it twice tofind the ¼ length of your OTA diameter. d). Wrap the paper strip back on your OTA, and use amarker or pencil to mark three consecutivepositions 90 degrees apart on your OTA.ab c d 4.3.2. Installing the Alignment Tabsa). Wrap and tighten the black strap around the OTA next to the 3indexed markers on the OTA.b). Insert the base of three Alignment Tabs at the correspondingpre-marked position.c). Pre-adjust the Alignment Tabs to make it tangent to the OTA.A b c4.3.3. Lining up the Alignment Tabs normal to the OTAIt is important to keep the Alignment Tabs tangent to the OTA at eachmarked position for an accurate aiming reference. Use the crosshairlaser on the collimator to help you achieve this step.a). Position the laser collimator at about the same center height of yourtelescope. Switch to Mode 1 to activate the crosshair laser.b). Aim the crosshair directly at the visual back of your telescope toproject the crosshair on the 4-edge marks. Check the reflection ofthe crosshair laser on the target from the SCA reflector and adjustboth pointing of the collimator and the telescope to bring thereflected crosshair back to the center of the target on the collimator.c). Iterate the process until both the projecting crosshair on yourtelescope is on the 4-edge marks and the reflected crosshair is inthe center of the target.d). Adjust the Alignment Tabs to line up with the crosshair to the end ofthe Alignment Tab. This will ensure the tabs are pointingnormal/tangent to the OTA. You will rely on these tabs duringcollimation. Switch to Mode 0 to turn off the laser collimator.a &b b &c b & cd d5.0. Positioning the Laser Collimator at the Proper DistanceThe distance between the laser collimator and yourtelescope varies depending on the diameter and focaldistance of your telescope. In general, the longer thedistance away from your telescope, the higher accuracy youwill achieve. And in practice, any distance beyond the focaldistance will be sufficient for your calibration for both visualand practical adjustment purposes. In this procedure, wewill help you identify the best collimating distance for yourtelescope.5.1. Determine the distance between the laser collimator and your telescopea). Position the collimator in front of the scope to about equal length of the OTAwith the target display facing the telescope (photo above).b). Switch the collimator to Mode 1 (crosshair laser only).c). Roughly aim the crosshair toward the telescope.d). Experiment with the proper distance by slightly lifting the tripod, with thecollimator on it, and move the collimator slowly toward and away from thetelescope while keeping the reflected crosshair on the target plate. Don’t worryabout getting the crosshair perfectly concentric in the center of the target at thispoint. You will see how the crosshair contract and expands in size on the targetplate in relation to the distance adjustments.e). Move the collimator to where the crosshair converges to the smallest size. Thisis the back focal point of the primary mirror. Now begin to move the targettowards the telescope until the crosshair expands to the size of the first ring? onthe target.f). Firmly position the tripod at this distance. This will be your collimating distance.6.0. Achieving Co-Alignment on the Collimator and Your TelescopeThis is the critical stage where you must co-align the collimator and your telescope for an accurate reading of your optics alignment. DO NOT use the center of the secondary mirror assembly as your crosshair centering reference because the secondary mirror might not be center positioned on the corrector plate, and the telescope might not be pointing straight at the collimator at this point. You can use it as a quick gross adjustment, but not for final aiming adjustment.6.1.1. For telescopes using the internal screws as the aiming referencea). Check if the crosshair is visible on the internal screws.b). Aim the crosshair emitting from the collimator on your telescope’s 4-corner referencingedges (the internal screws). Us the fine adjustment stage to refine the collimator aiming.c). Go to step 6.2 (next page).6.1.2. For telescopes using the Alignment Tabs as the aiming referencea). Check if the crosshair is visible on the three tabs.b). Point the crosshair as close to the center of the primary mirror, and wave your hand behindthe Alignment Tabs to find the crosshair. If the crosshair is cropped beyond the tip of thestick, move your collimator further away from the telescope until you can see a portion of thecrosshair projecting on the tip of the Alignment Tabs.c). Us the fine adjustment knob to refine the collimator aiming to line up with the threeAlignment Tabs.6.2. Aim your telescope back to the collimatora). Use the telescope’s fine adjustment knob or the motor remote control to aim the reflectedcrosshair from your telescope back to the center of the target. You will need to line up thevertical and horizontal cropped crosshair lines with the cross line on the target plate. When itpoints square, the vertical and horizontal cropped crosshair lines will have symmetry length.6.3. Co-alignment confirmationIterate step 6.0 until both conditions are met. This means both telescope and the collimator are pointing square at each other like looking at a distant star. Lock your telescope and you are ready to diagnose your optics.7.0. How to Read the Diagnostic Result on the CollimatorWith proper aiming in step 6, the collimator can accurately reveal any errors in your optical system by reading the center deviation of the three returning laser dots on the target plate.7.1. Locate the three laser dotsa). Switch to Mode 2 or Mode 3 (three lasers and the crosshair, or Mode 3 with backlight).b). Verify if the crosshair is still center pointed on both the target plate and the Alignment Tabs or screw markers?.c). Locate the three laser dots on the target plate.d). If the three laser dots are visible on the target plate, go to step 8 to collimate your telescope.e). If the three laser dots are not visible or partially visible on the target plate, please continue to the following possiblescenarios.7.2. The SCA Reflector is not properly adapteda). The SCA Reflector represents the axial alignment of your drawtube (eyepiece holder). You must install it correctly (squarein your drawtube) in order to represent the axial position of your eyepiece or CCD camera position. This axial position of your drawtube is directly related to the alignment axis of your entire optical system (telescope). Please refer to step 3 for proper SCA Reflector installation guide.b). If you have verified the correct installation, and still exhibit the same condition, continue to the next step, otherwise go tostep 8.7.3. The SCA Reflector is not positioned at the focal planea). This can happen if you were initially using the diagonal for viewing, thus the focal plane is at the diagonal extensiondistance. After you remove the diagonal for collimation, without any focusing adjustment, it will move the three laser dots out of the target screen. If you do not use the diagonal, continue to the 7.4.b). Adjust the focus to bring at least two laser dots into the full view of the target plate. Adjust the focus in one direction first tosee if any of the laser dots are moving toward the center direction of the target. If the laser(s) is moving or expanding away from the center of the target, reverse the focusing direction to bring at least two laser dots into the full view of the target plate. Go to step 8 to collimate your telescope.7.4. Your telescope is grossly out of alignmentWhen your telescope is grossly out of alignment, the laser dots may be completely out of the target screen. You may start the collimation process to see if you can bring the three laser dots into the target screen. Proceed to step Collimating Your TelescopeThe main objective in this step is to bring the three laser dots on the same track on the target. You will need to constantly check the crosshair laser (step 6) for both telescope and collimator aiming on each iterated adjustment. Here are few simple precautions you need to follow while adjusting the secondary mirror alignment screws located on the back of the secondary mirror assembly or front center of the telescope.a. Never touch the central screw which holds the secondary mirror.b. The three screws must be turned in moderation, no screw being over-tightened or totally unscrewed.c. When a screw is turned, the other two must be tightened. Never keep more than one screw loose.d. Each turn on the screws must be small. Reference the screw adjustment to the displacement of the three laser dots on the target plate to determine your adjustment level.8.1. Collimate your telescopea). Adjust the alignment screws to bring the three reflected laser dots on the same track on the target.b). If you cannot bring all three laser dots into the target view because the dots are too far apart, adjust the focus to merge thethree laser dots at approximate distance between track 4 & 5. c). Check for proper aiming of the collimator and the telescope in step 6.The telescope might shift in position if you put too much pressure during secondary mirror adjustment. You must doublecheck if you have nudged the telescope pointing out of the co-alignment.d). Iterate step 8.1 until both the three laser dots are on the same track on the target and the aiming of both the collimator andtelescope are still co-aligned.9.0. Verifying and Fine Tuning Your Collimation9.1. Star test to verify the adjustmenta). On your first observing session, star test the telescope to verify the adjustments.The Advanced CT Laser Collimator should bring excellent collimation to your telescope. Minor adjustment might berequired due to temperature variation during a long observing session.b). Use the intra-focal and extra-focal technique with a high magnification eyepiece on a magnitude 0 to 1 star to determinethe result. Fine tune the collimation if necessary. Please refer to the Star Collimation manual for detail. You are ready for observing after final touch up. 10.0. Possible Scenarios if the Laser Collimation Does Not Agree with Star Collimation10.1. Both the collimator and the telescope were not co-aligned during adjustmentIt is possible that during collimation (step 8), the co-alignment of the collimator and the telescope were slightly off causing an incorrect diagnosis. It is very critical to ensure both the collimator and the telescope are co-aligned to simulate the light path entering the telescope.Do not adjust the collimation screws. Go to step 6 to verify the co-alignment of the collimator and the telescope and check if three laser dots still fall on the same track. If both conditions are met, your optical system is in good condition meaning they’re all lined up well on the same optical axis. If not, continue to the next step.10.2. The mirror-flop on your primary mirror focusing mechanism is causing the miscollimationDue to machining tolerances on the primary mirror and improper greasing on the baffle, some telescopes exhibit more mirror-flop then others. A slight loose tolerance will cause major axial alignment deviation. The Advanced CT Laser Collimator is sensitive enough to pick up any deviation in step 6. Prior adjusting the secondary alignment screw, observe the shiftingposition of the three laser dots on the target by making two full turns clockwise on the focus knob, then reverse half turn. The shifting of the laser dots during the reverse turn tells how much mirror flop you have on your focusing mechanism.If the displacement is more than 2 tracks spacing distance, we recommend attaching a higher grade focuser on your visual back for focusing adjustment and leave the built-in focus mechanism untouched.10.3. The eyepiece drawtube or the visual back is not square to your primary mirrorWe recommend replacing a new higher grade eyepiece drawtube or a focuser that has tip/tilt adjustment to correct the axial error. E.g. MoonLite CS model, /cgi-bin/dman.cgi?page=productdetail&plugin=dstore.cgi&product=CS . We have found several older SCT scopes having poorly machined eyepiece/drawtube which is not square to the OTA. This may cause serious problem for imagers where the focal plane are also not parallel to the primary.。












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Acme Cryogenics VJP 技术手册说明书

Acme Cryogenics VJP 技术手册说明书

P A R T O F O PWDELIVERING | WHAT’S NEXT|*******************Phone +49 6462 9147 10INTRODUCTIONAcme Cryogenics’ engineering staff designs each Vacuum Jacketed Piping system to meet users’ safety, flow and other application requirements.Our manufacturing team builds Vacuum Jacketed Piping using trained personnel and certified welders. Our technicians are highly trained in vacuum technology, insulation surveys and on-site modifications.Acme Cryogenics is headquartered in Allentown, PA with additional VJP production facilities in Ball Ground, GA and Lonsdale, MN.We have over 25 years of combined experience in the cryogenic piping industry. Our commitment to quality has made Acme Cryogenics the preferred Vacuum JacketedPiping supplier of major gas producers, liquid distributors and cryogenic equipment users worldwide.Copyright © 2022Acme Cryogenics DELIVERING| WHAT’S NEXT 3ABOUT VACUUM JACKETED PIPEAcme Cryogenics uses stainless steel pipe in the manufacturing of its Vacuum Jacketed Pipe. Vacuum Jacketed Pipe contains an inner line for the transfer of cryogenic liquids and an outer vacuum jacket. The vacuum annular space consists of a multi-layered insulation with an extremely low vacuum level of 9 microns or less. Vacuum Jacketed Pipe is 50 times more effective than conventional foam insulated copper in preventing heat leak to the inner line, and our vacuum lasts for more than 10 years in the field.Acme Cryogenics builds its Vacuum Jacketed Pipe to ASME B3 l .3 Code for Process Piping. With our extensive quality control and the use of a helium mass spectrometer test for every welded joint, Acme Cryogenics’ VJP systems enjoy a long field life.Acme Cryogenics prefers the use of inner line expansion joints. With the use of stainless steel inner line expansion joints, the pipe supports for our Vacuum Jacketed Pipe neednot compensate for the thermal expansion of the inner line (3.86 in/100 ft forLN2).DELIVERING | WHAT’S NEXT|*******************Phone +49 6462 9147 10For lengths of jacketed pipe over 40 feet in length, it is necessary to divide the pipe into individual spool sections.Acme Cryogenics offers two options: a bayonet joint or a field joint coupling. A bayonet is a mechanical joint used for lines that can be dismantled and assembled easily while maintaining a low heat leak at the joint. These close tolerance bayonets consist of a male bayonet that couples with the female bayonet such that no liquid will flow past the seal, and the silicon O-ring finishes the seal. The flanges are held in place by a quick release V-band clamp.For another type of connection, Acme Cryogenics offers a vacuum insulated field joint coupling. This joint begins with a welded coupling between the spools, then is wrapped with our super-insulation and evacuated to our standard vacuum level. The assemblyconsists of an outer sleeve that is field welded to collars attached to the VJ Pipe spools on either side.Copyright © 2022Acme Cryogenics DELIVERING| WHAT’S NEXT 5SIZE GUIDEAcme Cryogenics manufactures Vacuum Jacketed Pipe to satisfy our customers’specifications and specific needs. Acme Cryogenics designs and fabricates both rigid and flexible VJ Pipe for liquid nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, liquefied natural gas, carbon dioxide, argon, and helium. Inner pipe sizes range from 1/2” to 8” and larger for rigid pipe, and 1/2” to 6” for flexible.When determining the configuration for your piping layout, remember the constraints imposed by shipping 7.5’ x 7.5’ x 40’ (2.3m x 2.3m x 10.4m) and installation. One mustconsider these factors when designing spool lengths for|******************* Phone +49 6462 9147 10Acme Cryogenics SystemsDesign Checklist1. Determine basic routing of the nitrogen system, such as bulk tank location, equipmentlocation, and piping elevation.2. Provide an isometric sketch to clarify piping configuration.Acme Cryogenics will then provide isometric Auto-cad drawings with dimensions for your verification. Acme Cryogenics can provide any assistance needed in determining layout or dimensions.3. Size the pipe and components based on current flow rates, while Providing for anyfuture expansion. Consult Acme Cryogenics for assistance.4. Identify liquid demands to help Acme Cryogenics determine the components neededto maximize your piping system’s efficiency.5. Highlight any installation points of interest, such as wall penetrations, close quarters,existing fixtures, drop ceilings, etc.6. Determine any installation restrictions for length with regards to access for pipe andassembly.Copyright © 2022Acme Cryogenics DELIVERING| WHAT’S NEXT 7Design LayoutSample|******************* Phone +49 6462 9147 10Typical Attributes For Your Vacuum Jacketed System z Bayonet couplings for ease of installation.z Field welded couplings for lower heat leak and material costsz 1” to 2” headers for main or high usage branch runs 1/2” drops to equipment z Vacuum jacketed in-line valves for branch isolation during shutdown or repair z DV-6R for monitoring vacuum level of VJ Pipez Internal gas traps prevent frosting of standing end connections when not in use z System relief valve for line safety (if located indoors, it must be piped to exterior)z Acme Cryogenics Electronic or Mechanical Keep-Colds maintain cold temperatures at the main header and use pointsz Capped bayonet or field joint coupling for future expansionz Extended stem cryogenic control valves (usually end use conditions) z Vacuum Jacketed Flexible Pipe for use with vibrating equipment or minimizing alignment problemsCopyright © 2022Acme Cryogenics DELIVERING| WHAT’S NEXT 9Vacuum InsulationAcme Cryogenics uses alternating layers of fiberglass paper and metal foil wrappedaround the inner line, and getting material to maintain long term vacuum integrity. Vacuum integrity is assured by the use of a helium leak detection sensitivity of 10-9 cc/sec on all welds. The vacuum is sealed at 9 microns or less.With the use of non-conductive spacers for the inner line, the Vacuum Jacketed Pipe effectively discourages conduction, convection, and radiation heat transfer. The effectiveness of Acme Cryogenics’ VJ piping is dramatic in comparison to otherconventional insulation.Vacuum Insulation ComparisonDELIVERING | WHAT’S NEXT|******************* Phone +49 6462 9147 10 Cost Savings Calculations for VJ Pipe vs. Foam Insulated Pipe The following example is for 200 feet of 1”x 3” Acme Cryogenics VJ pipe comparedwith foam insulated 1” pipe.Operating parameters of 24 hrs/day and365 days /yr are used to indicate a systemwith a Keep-Cold unit installed.Example of 1” x 3” pipe VJ pipe size: 1” x 3”Service: Liquid NitrogenJoint type: Acme Cryogenics BayonetFormulas: Heat loss/hr = (heat loss/hr/ft of pipe x pipelength) + (heat loss/joint/hr x number ofjoints)$/yr = (heat loss/hr x $/lb x hrs/day x days/yr) / heat vaporization Notes:1. These calculations are to be used to demonstrate the relative efficiency of VJ vs. foamed copper, not to predict actual system losses. Actual system losses include any number of variables not represented by these calculations.2. These calculations do not include cool down losses.3. The cost per lb. of the liquid may vary considerably, consult your gas supplier for your cost. ($0.04/lb = $0.29/100 SCF of nitrogen gas)ExampleCopyright © 2022 Acme CryogenicsDELIVERING| WHAT’S NEXT 11Bayonet ConnectionsA bayonet is a mechanical connection between two sections of Vacuum Jacketed Pipe that eliminates the need for any welded connections. The bayonet is a low heat leak device with telescoping male and female components. Due to a close tolerance design, Acme Cryogenics’ “low profile” bayonets utilize a metal to metal in-line seal with asilicon O-ring placed between the flanges. These combine to make a reliable heavy duty cryogenic seal between the two VJP sections, and simultane o usly preserves the low heat leak of the system. your cost. ($0.04/lb = $0.29/100 SCF of nitrogen gas)Installation Guide1. Place pipe supports every 1 0 feet (3 m) and every change of direction.2. Place pipe on supports before engaging bayonets.3. Check alignment and slope of piping. The slope should be up in the direction of flowand 1” (25mm) up for every 50 feet ( 15.2 m) in length.4. Inspect the male bayonet nose end. It must be clean and free of burrs or damage.5. Wipe bayonet couplings and O-ring with a lint-free cloth.6. Lightly coat the silicon O-ring with a thin film of the supplied lubricant, and place in thegroove on the male bayonet.7. Coat the machined nose of the male bayonet with a thin film of the supplied lubricantto prevent galling during installation.8. Engage the male and female bayonets ( do not twist) and tighten the V-band to aloose fit. If resistance is felt, re-check alignment and re-engage.9. Continue installing adjacent sections until all are engaged and in place.10. Fine tune support heights to provide a smooth sloping pipe back to the tank.11. When all is in place, tighten V-bands to a snug fit.12. F inally, visually inspect entiresystem looking for stress risers and sufficient pipe supports. 13. Bayonets that are cold (havebeen in service) must be warmed to close to room temperature before disengag i ng. To do this, the VJ pipemust be drained and allowed to warm up approximately 24 hours before attempting.DELIVERING | WHAT’S|*******************Phone +49 6462 9147 10Field Joint CouplingsField joint couplings are vacuum insulated field welded connections between two sections of Vacuum Jacketed Pipe. They have a long heat leak transition between the outer jacket and the inner pipeline to reduce the heat input into the system. After the weld is made, the joint is insulated and a coupling is moved into place over the section. The coupling is then field welded to the collars on the ends of the two piping spools. This coupling is then evacuated to a low vacuum to insure a low heat leak. This type of system is usually installed by Acme Cryogenics’ field crew.Field Joint Assembly ProcedureEquipmentGTAW welding equipment and ASME qualified welder (with qualified procedure) to make a fillet weld on SA-312 Type 304 Stainless Steel pipeField Joint insulation kit (supplied with VJP section by Acme Cryogenics)z Multi-layered insulation (paper and foil prewrap)z Molecular sieve packages zPDOField Joint assembly kit (supplied with VJP section by Acme Cryogenics)z Field joint coupling with pump-out port z Socket weld coupling Vacuum Pump Evacuation FixtureAluminum Tape or Copper Wire bayonetsCopyright © 2022 Acme CryogenicsDELIVERING| WHAT’S NEXT 13Assembly ProcedureA. Before welding the VJ Pipe sections together, slide the outer coupling over the end of one section.B. Move the two sections together engaging the inner line weld socket.C. Weld at the weld socket with an approved ASME procedure.D. Appropriately inspect weld to insure a leak proof seal.E. Slide the next VJ Pipe section into place and repeat the steps A to D.F. If pressure testing is specified, do so now.G. Clean and dry the joint area. All parts exposed to vacuum must be clean, free of any oils or solvents, and dry.H. Insulate the field joints in the following manner.z Attach the sieve packages to the inner pipe ( copper wire or aluminum tape). The proper amount of sieve is provided with each kit for each pipe size.z Puncture each package with a number of small holes (20).z Wrap the insulation pre-wrap over the inner line. The insulation should be wrapped around the inner line, overlapping itself half way.z Secure the insulation loosely with copper wire or aluminum tape.z Secure the Hydrogen getter packet to the outside of insulation with copper wire.I. Attach field joint coupling.z Slide the coupling over the insulation so that it is centered over the non-insulated area.z Weld the coupling to the collarsattached to the outer jacket on each side of thez joint using an approved ASME procedure.J. Attach the vacuum pump operator to the pump-out port, and then evacuate the field joint coupling below 15 microns.DELIVERING | WHAT’S|*******************Phone +49 6462 9147 10Assembly Procedure DiagramCopyright © 2022 Acme CryogenicsDELIVERING| WHAT’S NEXT 15Liquid Nitrogen Distribution System SpecificationsSCOPEThe liquid nitrogen storage tank and the Vacuum Jacketed Piping are part of the liquid nitrogen supply system that is designed to store and provide low pressure liquid nitrogen to cryogenic equipment. The piping system is designed to be modular in construction so that it can easily be expanded inside a facility.CRYOGENIC MATERIALSThe equipment that is provided is manufactured for use with extremely low temperatures -320°F (-196° C). Any material coming in contact with liquid nitrogen must be eitherstainless steel, brass, bronze, copper, aluminum, Teflon™, or Kel-F. Any material coming in contact only with cold vapors must be appropriate for extremely low temperatures.RELATED CODES & STANDARDSThe equipment that is provided under this specification should be manufactured to the appropriate codes and specification, including but not limited to the following:1. Bulk Storage Tanks- ASME Section 8, Division I-unfired pressure vessel. The liquid storage vessel must comply with the latest addendum.2. Vacuum Jacketed Pipe- ANSI Section B31.3 Process|*******************Phone +49 6462 9147 10Vacuum Jacketed Piping (VJP) SystemThe Vacuum Jacketed Piping (VJP) system is designed for the efficient transfer ofliquid nitrogen at pressures up to a standard 150 psi (10.34 bar) or greater. The normal operating pressure and the flow requirements are determined by the liquid nitrogen storage tank, and the equipment requirements.z Acme Cryogenics is available for consultation on the appropriate sizing of the VJP system.z The VJP system is made up of individual components. These components include VJP sections, cryogenic valves, fittings, and Electronic or Mechanical Keep-Cold assemblies.z Acme Cryogenics VJP is a double walled construction that has an inner pipe for the transfer of liquid nitrogen and an outer pipe to support and retain the vacuum insulation. The inner and outer pipe is constructed with a 300 series stainless steel. z The insulation is a low vacuum with multiple layers of paper and foil (super insulation) applied in such a way as to reflect back radiant heat. Molecular sieves and getters are used with the insulation system to maintain low vacuum levels over a minimum of 10 years.z Thermal contraction of Acme Cryogenics VJP system is accommodated by the inner pipe, so the outer jacket of the pipe system does not require special roller hangers. z The Vacuum Jacketed Pipe sections are designed and built with a factory sealed vacuum and super insulated system. The sections may be connected together with either a mechanical bayonet coupling, or a welded field joint coupling.z An optional thermocouple vacuum gauge and bellow seal isolation valve is used to determine the vacuum level of each section in the field.z Each section will be labeled with a Acme Cryogenics decal giving the name, related drawing number, and the section Number of the pipe.z The VJP system meets the required codes and specifications or cryogenic piping, specifically ANSI B31 .3.Copyright © 2022 Acme CryogenicsDELIVERING| WHAT’S NEXT 17ELECTRONIC KEEP-COLDThe Electronic Keep-Cold uses a sensor activated vent valve to maintain liquid in the VJ line and vent the excess gas created by normal heat leak. The Electronic Keep-Cold helps provide liquid on demand to your application.MECHANICAL KEEP-COLDThe Mechanical Keep-Cold is a float activated device used to maintain liquid in the VJ line and vent the excess gas created by normal heat leak. The Mechanical Keep-Cold helpsprovide liquid on demand to your application.DELIVERING | WHAT’S|*******************Phone +49 6462 9147 10RELIEF VALVERelief Valves are required to protect the line in the event an isolation valve is shut with liquid in the line. All reliefs should be less than or equal to 150 psi or 10.34 Bar (unless otherwise specified).VACUUM JACKETED FLEXFor ease of installation or to accommodate the equipment involved, Vacuum Jacketed Flexible Pipe is available upon request.VACUUM JACKETED VALVESVacuum Jacketed Valves are used as in-line control valves. They allow the luxury ofmaintaining the high insulation valve and preventing frost up.Copyright © 2022 Acme CryogenicsDELIVERING| WHAT’S NEXT 19WarrantyVacuum Jacketed PipeAcme Cryogenics, the manufacturer of Vacuum Jacketed Pipe, warrants to the purchaser of the Vacuum Jacketed Pipe that the product shall be free from defects in material and workmanship which result in breakdown or failure under normal use for a period of one ( 1) year from the date of shipment to the original purchaser. Acme Cryogenics also warrants all component plumbing parts for ninety (90) days or manufacturer’swarranty if the equipment is used and maintained in a proper manner. Any warranty contained herein shall not apply to any Vacuum Jacketed Pipe which has been repaired or altered outside the manufacturer’s facilities or in any way so as to affect its stability or reliability, or which has been subject to misuse, negligence, or accident.Manufacturer’s liability under this warranty shall be limited to the lesser of the repair,replacement, or refund of the purchase price paid by the original purchaser, of equipment that proves to be defective, provided that the original purchaser:A. Gives manufacturer written notice within (10) days of discovery of such defect.B. Immediately upon discovery of a claimed defect discontinues all use of suchequipment.C. Returns such equipment freight prepaid to the manufacturer.Manufacturer shall not be liable for any defects caused by the effects of normal wear and tear, erosion, corrosion, fire, or explosion, and shall not be liable for any special, indirect, or consequential damages incurred by the purchaser as a result of anyclaimed defect. As a further pre-condition to any manufacturer liability hereunder,purchaser shall return said purportedly defective equipment, freight prepaid, to the plant of the manufacturer. Acme Cryogenics specifically makes no warrantiesor guarantees, expressed or implied, including but not limited to purpose or use, other than those specified herein. No warranties shall be implied under the uniform commercial code other than warranty of the title.P A R T O F O P Contact to RegO******************* Phone +49 6462 9147 10。

CASIO XJ-450数据投影机 用户说明书

CASIO XJ-450数据投影机 用户说明书

● 切勿用手触摸灯泡的玻璃。 否则会损坏灯泡及缩短其使用寿命。
● 灯泡为消耗品。 灯泡的平均寿命为约2000小时。 2000小时后, 提醒您需要更换灯泡的信 息会出现。 但请注意, 个别灯泡的特性或灯泡的使用条件有使灯泡在提醒信息出现之前 便开始变暗或失效的可能。
● 灯泡能保证从购买之日起使用90天或使用500小时, 以先到的为准。
本投影机是由精密部件组成。 不遵守下述须知有导致无法正确保存数据以及发生故障的危 险。 ●切勿在下述地方使用或存放投影机。 否则有造成投影机发生故障或损坏的危险。
• 容易产生静电的地方。 • 温度极端的地方。 • 湿度过高的地方。 • 温度会突然变化的地方。 • 灰尘多的地方。 • 摇晃的、 倾斜的或不稳定的地方。 • 有被打湿危险的地方。
● 破碎的灯泡 切勿试图自行更换已破碎的灯泡。 本 投影机使用内部气压高的水银灯泡作 为光源。 万一灯泡破碎, 必须与您的 经销商或卡西欧特约服务中心联系委 托更换。 自行更换已破碎的灯泡有因 玻璃碎片或散出的水银气体导致人身 伤害的危险。
● 继续使用已超过其寿命的灯泡会使其破裂的危险增加。 更换信息出 现后应尽快更换灯泡。
在操作正确的情况下, 若画面显示异 常、 没有声音产生、 或出现任何其他 异常现象, 则请立即停止使用投影 机。 继续使用有造成火灾及触电的危 险。 立即执行下述操作 :
1. 关闭投影机的电源。 2. 拔下投影机的电源插头。 3. 与您的经销商或卡西欧特约服务
● 电源线 电源线使用不当有造成火灾及触电的 危险。 必须遵守下列注意事项。 • 必须使用输出电压与投影机的额 定电压一致的交流电源。 • 不可在电源插座上插入过多的设 备使其超载。

AMVision 艾斯迈科技 视觉检测系统 中文操作手册 ( 软件版本2.1)

AMVision 艾斯迈科技 视觉检测系统 中文操作手册  ( 软件版本2.1)

艾斯迈科技视觉检测系统中文操作手册 ( 软件版本2.1)目录1 说明 (4)2 设备用途目的 (5)2.1 概说 (5)2.2 检测方式说明 (6)3 系统光学组件的安装 (7)4 软件程序说明 (9)4.1 检测工作 (9)4.2 影像文档窗口 (10)4.3 档案目录 (文件菜单) 114.3.1 新的检测工作 (12)4.3.2 开启检测工作 (13)4.3.3 储存检测工作 (14)4.3.4 另存检测工作 (节省检查任务作为) (14)4.3.5 开启影像数据库 (打开数据库)。

144.3.6 开启影像来源 (打开图像源) (15)4.3.7 储存影像来源 (保留图像源) 164.3.8 另存影像 (救图像作为)。

164.3.9 开启参考影像 (救球参考图像)。

164.3.10 关闭参考影像 (关闭参考图像)。

174.3.11 输入密码 (登录)。

174.3.12 跳出密码 (注销)。

174.3.13 变更密码 (改变密码)。

174.3.14 新增用户 (增加新用户)。

184.3.15 移除用户 (罢免用户) 194.3.16 跳出 (退场门) 204.4 生产目录 (生产菜单) (21)4.4.1 开始 (开始) (21)4.4.2 停止 (停止) (21)4.4.3 模拟 (模拟)。

214.4.4 最后检测结果 (上次结果)。

214.5 统计资料 (统计)。

224.4.1 显示统计数据 (显示统计)。

224.4.2 复归统计资料 (调节统计)。

231 說明 (介紹)本中文操作說明書主要說明艾斯邁科技公司SI (Surface Inspection)材料表面檢測系統及MI (Mark Inspection) 印字檢測系統的各項功能及參數設定,並配合大量的圖片,希望能使得使用者能方便而快速的清楚各參數的定義及正確的操作。




日本NIKON FORESTRY550激光测距/高仪 使用说明书——为了得到最佳性能和最长的使用寿命,使用前请仔细阅读此说明【生产商】◆日本尼康【主要特点】◆ 利用红外激光进行简单、快速的距离量测,并以数字形式显示◆从仪器至目标的可量测距离:10--500m(Forestry550),好的反射目标可测得更远【量测模式】有5种目标模式加一种扫描模式可适用于各种情况。

只要按Mode 键即可在仪器的视场中选择模式。

模式 Act 直线距离测量 十字光丝直接瞄准被测物体,按发射键即可,在液晶显示屏上读取数据模式 Hor 水平距离测量 十字光丝瞄准被测物体,仪器内置的倾斜补偿器会进行自动角度补偿,计算离被测物体的水平距离模式 Hgt 高度测量单点定高, 目镜内部十字光丝直接瞄准被测物体的最高点,适合测量悬空物体的相对高度;如:高架线缆模式 Ang 角度测量 十字光丝直接瞄准被测物体模式 Hgt (Hgt+Hgt2)目镜内部十字光丝直接瞄准被测物体高点,再测低点,两步测量完成后,仪器显示高度差。

模式键 单位切换 米/码 电源键/发射键物镜及激光发射器 激光接收器电池安装处CR2锂电池 照准器调节±5dpt显示屏【技术指标】规格Forestry550放大率6 X有效孔径21 mm视场6.0°瞳孔 2.5 mm眼调节10.1 mm距离显示在LCD视场中显示数字量测精度± 0.5m量测范围10-500 m照准器调节±5dpt电源CR2锂电池(DC3V)电源自动关闭功能(8秒后)尺寸(L×W×H)130×69×45mm重量195g(包括电池)仪器准备:拧下仪器底部螺钮——》打开电池后盖——》装入CR2电池(注意)极性——》旋上电池后盖。




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ArKaos S.A.公司2008。


目录1引言1.1安装ArKaos GrandVJ - 电脑............................................ ..........................1.2安装ArKaos GrandVJ - MAC ............................................ .. (5)1.3注册ArKaos GrandVJ .............................................. .. (5)1.4注册过程............................................... .. (6)1.4.1激活代码............................................. (6)1.4.2串行重点............................................. ..................................................演示2介绍的软件............................................. (8)2.1基础2.22.3术语3接口步行通过............................................. . (10)3.1浏览器面板............................................... (11)3.2主预览............................................... .. (11)3.33.4参数面板............................................... (12)3.5层预览(混频器模式).......................................................................................... ........................123.6工具3.7帮助框4使用应用程序.............................................. (14)4.1应用模式............................................... (14)4.1.1合成器模式............................................. . (14)4.1.2混频器模式............................................. . (14)4.2控制器映射............................................... .. (15)55.1管理细胞............................................... .. (16)5.1.1基础5.1.2触发测绘细胞........................................... .. (16)5.1.3细胞参数............................................. . (17)5.1.4晶胞参数映射............................................ (20)5.1.5细胞复制/粘贴........................................... (20)银行控制............................................. . (21)5.2.2银行业务............................................. .. (21)5.3层(混频器模式)............................................ (22)5.3.1层预览............................................. . (22)5.3.2层参数............................................. (22)5.3.3层控制............................................. . (23)5.4测绘名单.............................................. (24)6,“首选项”对话框.............................................. . (25)6.1显示6.2的MIDI6.3表演................................................ (26)6.4输出6.56.67性能及安装注意事项 (28)7.1电影压缩............................................... . (28)7.2宽屏及多屏幕演示............................................. .. (29)7.3简介7.4定义7.4.2案例研究............................................. .. (30)7.4.3显示器设置宽屏幕“或”多屏幕投影 (31)支持,信息和联系方式............................................ .. (39)8.1解决方案8.1.1用户讨论论坛............................................ .. (39)8.1.2知识库文章............................................. (39)8.1.3故障单系统............................................ .. (39)8.1.4分销商和分销商............................................ .. (39)9笔记1引言欢迎ArKaos GrandVJ。



VJ系列中文菜单执行初始步进打印(2) Init.Adj.Change菜单(3) Confirm Print菜单(5) Micro Adj.Change菜单设置步进微调更改5. Pre Heater设置预加热温度设置介质打印前预加热并隔离打印机局部温度5. Platen Heater设置打印过程中加热的温度设置打印过程中加热的温度,使墨水变热,同时提高打印质量。 After Heater设置打印完成后烘干的温度设置打印完成后烘干的温度,烘干所打印的图片。 StandbyHeating菜单设置待机状态时,每个加热部分的保持加热(空闲时间加热) Vacuum Fan菜单设置吸纸风扇的操作5.1.2 Effect菜单设置打印效果菜单5.1.3 Flushing菜单设置打印中的闪喷操作5.1.3.1 Flushing return count菜单设置当闪喷方式被设置为“On Media”时,喷头回到原点的闪喷墨栈闪喷的频率(闪喷计数)5.1.4 Side Margin菜单5.1.5 Media Initial菜单设置当介质初始化时,介质的宽度和边缘被检测的方式5.1.6 Media Width/MediaWidth菜单当介质初始化设置为不检测介质时,设置从右边5mm到左边的距离(1)Media Width菜单当介质初始化完成介质检测时,显示被检测到的介质宽度5.1.7Origin菜单设置打印时的开始打印位置(原点)当需要在打印过的介质的页边距空白处再次打印时,设置此项5.1.8 Prev.Stick菜单防止打印过程中出现粘连现象5.1.9CR Movement菜单5.1.10 Overwrite菜单设置重复打印计数5.1.11Overwrite Wait菜单设置重复打印等待时间5.1.12Slant Check菜单5.1.13 Auto Cleaning菜单设置这台机器自动清洗的间隔时间5.1.14 Ink Status菜单5.1.15 Roll Length菜单设置卷筒介质长度5.1.15.1 Roll Length菜单5.1.16 Head Wash菜单5.1.17CR Maintenance菜单5.1.18 Initialization菜单5.1.19 Life Times菜单显示各部件的运行寿命5.1.20IPAddress菜单设置打印机的IP地址5.1.21Subnet Mask菜单5.1.22 Gateway菜单5.2 TestPrint菜单5.3Adjust Print菜单5.4 Cleaning菜单5.5 Selection菜单设置“Setup”的内容在打印机的正常使用情况下,你可以隐藏你不想改变设置值的设置菜单中的设置项。



elevision Engineering端,实现程序TCP/UDP (3) TimeCode 时间码控制方式TimeCode 时间码指纵向绝对时间码。


根据SMPTE 使用的时间码标准,其格式是:小时秒:帧或 hours:minutes:seconds:frames。

SMPTE 层传输采用差分串行传输,常见有SMPTE259M。


具体方法是,程序接收来自系统的钟源,通过XLR 音频接口或实现控制大屏。

(4)OSC 协议控制方式OSC (open sound control)和MIDI 类似,可以被广泛定义,在一定的规则下把信息通过网络从一个设备传输到另一个设备。

通常OSC 信息都是通过UDP 设备只要与发送设备在同一个网络中,并且监听同一个端口,就能收到OSC 目的是为了在音乐交互演出中,使各个乐器传输信1.系统架构如图1,摄像跟踪系统有机械传感、红外线无线传感和光学图像识别传感等方式。

经过数据编码和信号分发,由控制服务器一方面去控制AR 渲染服务器图形信号运行,一方面去控制视频媒体服务器素材播放进程,达到摄像机前景、AR 虚拟场景和大屏背景同步作业。



(1)Art-Net 协议控制方式Art-Net 是一种基于TCP/IP 协议栈的以太网协议。

Art-Net 为灯光行业主流协议,目的在于使用标准的网络技术允许在广域内传递大量DMX512(灯光控制)数据。

几乎所有主流的大屏播放软件都接受Art-Net 协议控制与触发。

通过Art-Net 程序控制主要有两种不同方式:一种是直接调用Art-Net 开源库,1elevision Engineering。







如果您对本产品有任何建议,请与以下地址联系:地址:邮编:传真:电话:第一部分ArkCG使用手册第一章系统概述1.1 ArkCG适用于windows NT,2000,XP1.2 开放式True Type二次曲线字库新系统采用Windows NT 标准的True Type 字库,由于开放性设计,用户才有可能自行选择字库,彻底解决了繁体字、少数民族字体的使用问题。

True Type 字由于其二次曲线描述,对于大字和小字均有很好的还原算法,确保字型达到最高水平,比以往采用的直线矢量字库和点阵字库具有明显的优势。

1.3 国际水准字幕边缘抗混叠采用了全新的字幕边缘抗混叠算法,使字幕的影边,字的边缘造型达到了前所未有的效果。

1.4 基于图元的交互技术能够被独立移动、缩放、形变的字幕或图形谓之图元。


1.5 模板字幕提供了多种编辑、播出组合,模板是其中一种。







  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
这个窗口可以让用户预览视像与效果合成后的输出视频。如果预览窗口关 闭,可点击菜单栏“ArKaos”->“Show Preview”重新打开。
第五部分是P a t c h ( 配 置 ) 窗 口 。 在ArKaos VJ 3.5.1版本里面,有三种触发模式: M I D I 键 盘 触 发 模 式 ,如下图:
出。 5) 点击“Stop” 按钮就可以停止录制。 播放“现场”演出的方法: 播放方法有两种: 方 法 一:在列表中选择想要播放的演出,点击“播放”按钮,弹出对话窗口点 击“Play”按钮开始播放,点击“Stop”按钮停止播放。如下图所示:
方 法 二 :使用Patch窗口右下角的快捷播放按钮播放。如下图所示: 先点击右边的“上”“下”按钮选择演出,再点击左边的“播放”按钮开始播放。
MIDI键盘触发模式 1. 把视像和效果分配到MIDI键盘
在MIDI键盘触发模式下,ArKaos VJ是将所需的视像和效果分配到键盘的白 键和黑键上的。每个MIDI键盘按键都分为两部分:按键上方分配给效果,按键下 方分配给视像。如下图所示:
分配方法十分简单,只需用鼠标把视像和效果分别拖曳到MIDI键盘的按键 上就可以了。如下图所示:
第二部分是V i s u a l s ( 视 像 ) 窗 口 。如下图:
这个窗口包括4种不同的视像类型:第一种是静止图片;第二种是电影;第 三种是视频流;第四种是Flash文字。如果视像窗口关闭,可点击菜单栏“Synth” ->“Visuals…”重新打开。
第三部分是E f f e c t s ( 效 果 ) 窗 口 。如下图:
2. 播放一个视像效果层
触发被分配了视像和效果的MIDI按键就能播放视频。按下MIDI键盘的按键, 视频就会播放。如下图所示:
MIDI键盘触发模式的其它操作:编辑视像和效果、清除按键上的视像或效 果、同时运行层的最大数目的设置和触发全屏模式,都和电脑键盘触发模式的操 作一样。这里就不作重复介绍了。
ArKaos VJ具有普通模式和HW(硬件)模式。普通模式是只要电脑带有VGA 信号输出的显示卡就可以使用的模式;HW(硬件)模式则是需要电脑的显示卡带 有GPU图形加速芯片,进行图形运算的硬件加速模式。如今的中高端的显示卡基 本都具有GPU,也就是可以使用HW(硬件)模式。ArKaos VJ在运行普通模式和HW (硬件)模式时,界面显示会有所不同。如下图所示: 普通模式:
是“记录”按钮; 是“播放”按钮; 是“处理”按钮。
录制“现场”演出的方法: 1) 点击“记录”按钮,弹出“Event Recorder”设置窗口:
2) 点击“Edit…”按钮可以修改名称 3) 假如演出需要音频,可以点击“Select…”按钮输入音频 4) 点击“Record” 按钮开始录制,这时用户可以开始触发视频,录制一段演
3. 编辑视像和效果 ArKaos VJ允许用户编辑每一个视像效果层的属性。每一个视像效果层属性
1) 编辑视像属性 双击电脑键盘按键左边的视像图标,打开视像属性对话窗口。如下图所示:
以下是这个对话窗口的参数内容: Horizontal pos ition——水平位置,可设左、中、右或任意水平位
(亮度)、Chrominance(色度)、Alpha from Source(Alpha源)模式。 当蒙版设定选择亮度/色度时,可以再设置亮度/色度的带宽、平滑度、 滤波器的类型。 Copy Mode——复制模式。里面包括Source Copy(源复件)、Transparent
(透明)、Addition(加法)、Subtraction(减法)、Multiplication(乘 法)、Minimum(最小)、Maximum(最大)模式,一般我们如果需要输出 多个层的时候,就可以选择不同的复制模式来进行图层的叠加。 Movie Speed——电影速度控制模式 Movie Loop——电影循环模式 如果输出的视像是Flash文字,那么就可以在下面的“Flash Text”修改文 字内容。例如我们把文字改为:Hello。如下图所示:
2) 点击 按钮 3) 弹出一个对话窗口,指定一个视像文件后点击“打开”,这时视像的图标就
删除视像有两种方法: 方法一:在Visuals窗口中选择需要删除的图像,点击 即可删除。 方 法 二 :在Visuals窗口中选择需要删除的图像,点击菜单栏“Edit”->“Clear” 即可删除。
在电脑键盘触发模式下,ArKaos VJ是将所需的视像和效果分配到按键上的。 每个电脑键盘按键都分为两部分:按键左边分配给视像,按键右边分配给效果。 如下图所示:
分配方法十分简单,只需用鼠标把视像和效果分别拖曳到电脑键盘的按键 上就可以了。如下图所示:
2. 播放一个视像效果层 触发被分配了视像和效果的按键就能播放视频。按下键盘按键,视频就会
处理“现场”演出的方法: 1) 选择需要处理的演出 2) 点击“处理”按钮,弹出一个对话框,如下图所示:
3) ArKaos VJ有苹果QuickTime和微软Windows Media两种处理方式,选择其中 一种。
4) 弹出对话窗口,点击“Make”,修改文件名,选择保存路径,点击“保存”, ArKaos VJ就会自动把我们的现场演出转成MOV或WMV格式的视频。如下图所 示:
使用“Import…”命令:(如下图) 1) 点击菜单栏“File”->“Import…”弹出以下对话框:
2) 点击选择输入视频或图片 3) 弹出一个对话窗口,指定一个视像文件后点击“打开”,这时视像的图标就
会自动添加到Visuals的窗口里面。 使用“Import”按钮:(如下 图) 1) 在Visuals窗口里面选择想要添加视像的类型
这种模式是通过MIDI键盘来触发视频的。这个窗口模拟的是一个MIDI的键 盘。 电 脑 键 盘 触 发 模 式 ,如下图:
这种模式是通过电脑键盘来触发视频的。这个窗口模拟的是一个电脑的键 盘。 D M X 触 发 模 式 ,如下图:
效果属性窗口的内容会根据所选的效果不同而各异,用户可以根据自己的 需要修改里面的内容。 4. 清除按键上的视像或效果
清除按键上的视像或效果有三种方法: 方 法 一 :用鼠标点击按键上需要清除的视像或效果的图标,再点击菜单栏“Edit” ->“Clear”即可清除。 方 法 二 :用鼠标点击按键上需要清除的视像或效果的图标,再点击菜单栏“Edit” ->“Cut”即可清除。不过所清除的视像或效果会放置在剪贴板中用于之后的粘 贴操作。 方 法 三 :用鼠标点击按键上需要清除的视像或效果,再使用快捷键“Ctrl+ Delete”即可清除。
这个就是ArKaos VJ的控制界面。它包括五部分:
第一部分是S y n t h ( 合 成 ) 窗 口 。如下图:
这个窗口显示出Patch(配接)的名称,并可以让你选择其它的Patch(MIDI 模式和电脑键盘模式都包含128个Patch)。另外这个窗口还包括两个快捷按钮: 全屏显示按钮和自动演出按钮。
ArKaos VJ 3.5.1快速入门
ArKaos VJ是一款可以通过MIDI设备、电脑键盘或电脑灯控台控制的视频软 件。它可以提供比其它硬件媒体服务器更高的灵活性,只需一台经济型电脑就能 播放出高质量的视频画面。ArKaos VJ支持所有普通的电影格式、图像和Flash 动画格式,并支持摄像机实时视频流。同时,它内置了超过60种用户自定义效果 和40种预先下载的FreeFrame效果。只需简单调用一些视像和效果,就能建立出 色的视频演出。
假如你在Visuals窗口里面输入了大量的视像,然而要记住所有这些视像的 内容不是一件容易的事情,那么你可以直接双击图标就能对视像进行预览,这个 过程并不会真正去触发它。如下图所示:
第二章 ArKaos VJ的电脑键盘和MIDI键盘控制
电脑键盘触发模式 1. 把视像和效果分配到电脑键盘
松开按键视频就会取消播放。如果想循环播放视频,可使用快捷键“Shift +需要触发的按键”或打开视像属性窗口点击“Latch”。如下图显示:
如果想全屏播放,可以点击 键。
ArKaos VJ最多可同时运行50层。用户可点击菜单栏“Synth”->“Layers…” 修改同时运行视像效果层的最大数目。如下图所示:
这个窗口里面包含了68种内置效果,另外还支持额外的FreeFrame效果(内 置 40 个 FreeFrame 效 果 )。 如 果 效 果 窗 口 关 闭 , 可 点 击 菜 单 栏 “ Synth ” -> “Effects…”重新打开。
第四部分是P r e v i e w ( 预 览 ) 窗 口 。如下图:
三、使用Event Recorder
Event Recorder(事件记录器)允许用户直接在ArKaos VJ里面录制演出。 这段演出既可以直接保存在Synth里面,又可以转换成.MOV、.WMV格式的视频输 出。点击菜单栏“ArKaos”的下拉菜单“Event Recorder”,打开事件记录器。 如下图所示:
点击菜单栏“Edit”->“Preferences”->“ArKaos Engine…”,可以选
ArKaos VJ可支持.MOV、.AVI、.SWF、.WMV、.MPG、.MPEG、.ASF格式的视 频输入以及.BMP、.JPG、.JPEG、.PCT、.PICT格式的图片输入。输入视像的方法 有三种: 使用鼠标拖曳的方法:(如下图) 1) 打开保存视像的文件夹 2) 选择要输入的视像 3) 用鼠标拖曳到Visuals的窗口