Respect the Old and Love the Young

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中国家庭一向尊老爱幼。在大家庭里(extended family),老一辈人的意见受到尊重,小一辈的人得到全家人的爱护。而随着改革开放和经济的发展,人口众多的大家庭开始分解,出现了越来越多的核心家庭(nuclear family)。在城市里,不和家里老人一起住的年轻夫妇给老人生活费,并常去探望,帮他们干些家务活。在农村,尽管相当多的大家庭已经解体了,许多结了婚的儿子和他的家人还是和父母住在同一个院子里,这样父母、子女可以互相帮助。

Chinese family always respect the old and love the young. In extended families, older member's opinion was respected, and the youngest members are loved and taken good care of by all. With the development of reform and opening up and economic development, a large number of large families began to break down, appear more and more nuclear family. In the city, young couples who do not live with the elder have cost the living for the elder, often go to visit them, and help them do some housework. In the countryside, although quite a number of large families have disintegrated, the son still living in the same courtyard with their parents who have married, so that parents and children can help each other.
